nulkaba ews · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. we have planned our...

Dear Parents and Carers, Most of the students have now returned to school and are settling back into routines. It was a rough few weeks for some of our students, especially our Kindergarten students. Our Project Launches were wonderful and I can see some wonderful things happening in the classrooms. Reports home will be different but we are still endeavouring to have them out in the same time frame. They should be sent home by Friday, 26 June 2020. They will look different. We have been given permission to hold face to face interviews as long as we stick to health guidelines and social distancing. These will be held in Week 10 and you should have received information about how to book an interview this week. There will be some guidelines also sent home to explain how we have to run these interviews under current restrictions. Please contact the school if you are having difficulties. Good news - Nearly at Nulkaba can commence in Term 3. We are now currently looking at enrolments and organising for letters to be sent home with information for you about when and where it will be held. It's very exciting. Our numbers are a bit lower than in previous years so if you know of anyone with a child to begin in 2021 please make sure they approach the school and give us some details. Last Friday I sent home the information provided by the DoE in regards to what is on and what is not and what can start in Term 3. From my discussions via ZOOM State Council last week, I think more things will be added after Week 3 Term 3 once they see what impact there has been on cases after the Holiday break. The biggest thing still is restrictions for parents and large groups of students. Social Distancing is not compulsory for students but it is for adults so we need to maintain those health procedures. Thanks to all parents for their support during this time re drop offs and pickups. I know this is hard but we are all trying to do what’s best for our students while following the DoE guidelines. I am just a bit concerned that there are more people hanging around in the morning than should be onsite. Please remember that morning is “Kiss and Drop”. Please keep social distancing between you and other parents and you and other children. Also in regards to this - the KISS and DROP parking zone is exactly that. You cannot park there in the afternoon and wait for your child. There is a time frame and you will be booked. The same applies in the morning. Please respect other people who need to use this same space. It is exactly what it says - Kiss and Drop. The Ranger is ruthless and you will get booked. I have heard of cases where people have been booked because they had to wait too long to get into the space and were therefore booked for illegally parking. Our car park should be open soon. We are just awaiting the extra fencing we asked for so it is secure and can stop students running through there. We will have it open in the morning and afternoons for use by parents. From recess until after play break, it will be closed so that it can be used by students for different games. Students are not permitted to walk through there before and after school. There is an alternate gate next to the gate which leads to the carpark. Your support with this will be much appreciated. We are still working on trying to have an overnight Year 6 excursion and some sporting GALA days for our students. All PSSA sport has been cancelled for the year. We will look at holding school based Cross Country and Athletics when we can. We are pushing forward with our Tri-annual Whole School Performances. We are hoping we will be able to host the performances. N ULKABA N EWS Nulkaba Public School 5 O’Connors Road NULKABA NSW 2325 Phone: 4990 1805 Email: [email protected] Web: Issue 160: 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Friday, 19 June 2020

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Page 1: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Dear Parents and Carers,

Most of the students have now returned to school and are settling back into routines. It was a rough few weeks for some of our students, especially our Kindergarten students. Our Project Launches were wonderful and I can see some wonderful things happening in the classrooms. Reports home will be different but we are still endeavouring to have them out in the same time frame. They should be sent home by Friday, 26 June 2020. They will look different. We have been given permission to hold face to face interviews as long as we stick to health guidelines and social distancing. These will be held in Week 10 and you should have received information about how to book an interview this week. There will be some guidelines also sent home to explain how we have to run these interviews under current restrictions. Please contact the school if you are having difficulties. Good news - Nearly at Nulkaba can commence in Term 3. We are now currently looking at enrolments and organising for letters to be sent home with information for you about when and where it will be held. It's very exciting. Our numbers are a bit lower than in previous years so if you know of anyone with a child to begin in 2021 please make sure they approach the school and give us some details. Last Friday I sent home the information provided by the DoE in regards to what is on and what is not and what can start in Term 3. From my discussions via ZOOM State Council last week, I think more things will be added after Week 3 Term 3 once they see what impact there has been on cases after the Holiday break. The biggest thing still is restrictions for parents and large groups of students. Social Distancing is not compulsory for students but it is for adults so we need to maintain those health procedures. Thanks to all parents for their support during this time re drop offs and pickups. I know this is hard but we are all trying to do what’s best for our students while following the DoE guidelines. I am just a bit concerned that there are more people hanging around in the morning than should be onsite. Please remember that morning is “Kiss and Drop”. Please keep social distancing between you and other parents and you and other children. Also in regards to this - the KISS and DROP parking zone is exactly that. You cannot park there in the afternoon and wait for your child. There is a time frame and you will be booked. The same applies in the morning. Please respect other people who need to use this same space. It is exactly what it says - Kiss and Drop. The Ranger is ruthless and you will get booked. I have heard of cases where people have been booked because they had to wait too long to get into the space and were therefore booked for illegally parking. Our car park should be open soon. We are just awaiting the extra fencing we asked for so it is secure and can stop students running through there. We will have it open in the morning and afternoons for use by parents. From recess until after play break, it will be closed so that it can be used by students for different games. Students are not permitted to walk through there before and after school. There is an alternate gate next to the gate which leads to the carpark. Your support with this will be much appreciated. We are still working on trying to have an overnight Year 6 excursion and some sporting GALA days for our students. All PSSA sport has been cancelled for the year. We will look at holding school based Cross Country and Athletics when we can. We are pushing forward with our Tri-annual Whole School Performances. We are hoping we will be able to host the performances.

NULKABA NEWS Nulkaba Public School 5 O’Connors Road NULKABA NSW 2325

Phone: 4990 1805

Email: [email protected] Web:

Issue 160: 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Friday, 19 June 2020

Page 2: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 2 Friday, 19 June 2020

I think we are slowly returning to some form of normal and hopefully if everyone does the right thing we will be able to continue to move forward to easing more restrictions. Please remember if you are coming on site for any other reason than normal drop off and pick up you must go to the office.

Have a wonderful fortnight. This Term is flying by.

Coming Events - 2020 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


ek 9

22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun


k 1

0 29 Jun 30 Jun 1 Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul

Stage 1 Parent Teacher Interview

Early Stage 1 Parent Teacher Interview

Stage 2 Parent Teacher Interview

Stage 3 Parent Teacher Interview

Last Day of Term 2



k 1 20 Jul 21 Jul 22 Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul

Staff Development Day

Students Return for Term 3

T3 W


2 27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul

For more information, please visit our website:

Canteen Roster - 2020 Week 9 = Roster B Week 10 = Roster C T3 Week 1 = Roster B T3 Week 2 = Roster C

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


k 9

22 Jun 23 Jun 24 Jun 25 Jun 26 Jun

Helen Campbell

Help Needed

Amie Scott

Help Needed

Danielle Codd

Sally Hare

Closed Lynda Hirst

Sue Hirst


k 1


29 Jun 30 Jun 1 Jul 2 Jul 3 Jul Help Needed Megghan Findley

Kathryn MacDonald

Melissa Carlisle

Ashlee Dodds

Closed Sophie Day

Lauren Goodwin

T3 W


1 20 Jul 21 Jul 22 Jul 23 Jul 24 Jul Helen Campbell

Help Needed

Amie Scott

Help Needed

Danielle Codd

Sally Hare

Closed Lynda Hirst

Sue Hirst

T3 W


2 27 Jul 28 Jul 29 Jul 30 Jul 31 Jul Help Needed Megghan Findley

Kathryn MacDonald

Melissa Carlisle

Ashlee Dodds

Closed Sophie Day

Lauren Goodwin

If you can help to fill our current vacancies, please contact Rebecca on 0435 011 319

Page 3: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 3 Friday, 19 June 2020

Class K/E1 What a shaky start to the term, juggling working and learning from home, or small groups at school. It’s not the way we normally kick off the term but we are bouncing back and I thank all of the parents and grandparents who helped support learning from home through this chaotic and crazy time. Your love and care for your little people made it a less stressful time and I am happy to have them all back. Kindergarten have learnt all of the Jolly Phonic sounds and are learning how to blend them together in our reading and writing. Some of the students are being very creative in their writing which is fantastic. Kindergarten are learning how to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops while Year One are adding more details and creativity. The more we lock in our sight words the better our reading and writing will be.

This term saw the first day of winter where we made some exceptional beanies to keep us warm. Our new project “Once upon a time at Nulkaba” launch was a great success, we looked amazing all dressed up in our fairy tale costumes. The STEM activities were a hit - we got to make spider webs, marble runs and other amazing experiments and creations. Of cause Miss Ebony added glitter. We have some upcoming class plays which will be a cute way to wrap up the Fairy Tale aspect of our project and prepare us for our school production. We will have an intern next term which brings with it a fresh, new perspective into our lessons while she learns the practical aspects of teaching and daily routines. I am sure she will love K/1E as much as I do.

News from the Classroom

Page 4: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 4 Friday, 19 June 2020

Class 1B As part of the Infants Fairy Tales Project, Stage One has been studying lots of different Fractured Fairy Tales. This week students in 1B have been looking at the story of the Three Little Pigs, but have you ever heard the other side of the story? Well, here in 1B, we have read a strange story that the Big, Bad Wolf is telling. He maintains that he is innocent! That he was framed! The Big, Bad Wolf tells a story of being at home one day, making his dear old Grandma a cake and running out of sugar. Now, on this particular day, he wasn't feeling well and when he went to each of the Little Piggies Houses (who he says were actually very rude!), all that happened was that he sneezed and their houses fell down. Not wanting to leave a perfectly good dinner just sitting there, he ate the first two pigs up! Whose story would you believe?

News from the Classroom (continued)

Page 5: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 5 Friday, 19 June 2020

Class 3B

News from the Classroom (continued)

Page 6: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 6 Friday, 19 June 2020

Class 5/6P It has certainly been an unusual term for everyone at school. With half of our term seeing most students learning from home and then thankfully we all returned in Week 5. 5/6P were superstars when doing their online learning. Every day all students were logging on and using Seesaw to complete set tasks. We held our Zoom conference meetings several times a week, with over 90% of students involved in each meeting. I couldn't be prouder of the effort everyone put in and the learning that took place during this time.

In Week 6, we held our project launch with Stage 3 for our new topic - War... What is it Good for? The day involved students rotating among classes and completing activities such learning about Hiroshima and Sadako, making origami paper cranes, Army style boot camp and online trivia. It was a fun and wonderful way to introduce the class to the project.

We have began our project by looking at the main causes of war and World War 1. Students have been collaborating, researching and presenting on the battles.

With Mrs Anderson, we have been focusing on film making. Students are learning all the skills necessary to produce a short film, such as videography, sound, editing and script writing. All valuable skills in 21st Century learning.

Our Year 6 girls were part of a ‘Girl Talk’, it resulted in a lot of wonderful discussion and support for our girls.

We are fast heading to the end of Term 2, and are hoping school is back to ‘normal’ next term where we can once again resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney.

Next term will also be production term. If anyone is available to assist with costume or prop making, your help next term will be greatly appreciated. - Mrs Petrysen

News from the Classroom (continued)

Page 7: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 7 Friday, 19 June 2020

Premier’s Reading Challenge Latest We now have 91 students who have completed the 2020 Premier’s Reading Challenge, and this includes two more of our younger classes who have finished their Challenge reading. Congratulations to KF and 1PW – terrific effort everyone! In KF, great reading to Jett B, Grace D, Scarlett H, John H, Alice L, Annabella M, Will M, Archer N, Joseph O, Jax R, Beau S, Mikah S, Hallie S, Devina S, Maddison T, Lachlan W, Rex W and Angel W. In 1PW – great reading to Emelia A, Cooper A, Olivia B, Braxton B, Callen B, Indiana D, Sam E, Sabian G, Ellouise G, Charlie H, Evander H, Emily H, Sophie I, Harrison K, Dusty M, Dylan M, Ziggy P, Zaine P, Zoe R, Lachlan R, Chad S, Jett T, Mackenzie W, Eli Z and Hudson D. Also, congratulations to Indi D of 3/4N and Emily S of 3/4N – well done girls! The Challenge finishes at the end of August, so there is still plenty of time to complete it, especially for those students who are eligible for the Gold or Platinum level certificates.

Overdue Library Items It has certainly been an odd time in recent months with the borrowing of library items – many students had items borrowed before the COVID shutdown and it seems that in all the uncertainty and bewildering events and restrictions, many books have been overlooked for return. Students in Years 3 to 6 can easily check the titles they have on loan by logging into the Student Portal and then opening Oliver Library. Via Seesaw, Mrs Morris will also be reminding those students who have overdue books that the books need to be returned. Official notices will be sent home at a later date if needed. It is important that books are returned on time so that

other students are also able to borrow them.

School Library News

Page 8: NULKABA EWS · resume with activities such as sport, debating and excursions. We have planned our Year 6 camp to Canberra and a full day excursion for Year 5 to Sydney. Next term

Nulkaba News - 2020 Term 2 Week 8 Page 8 Friday, 19 June 2020