number playing cards (w. numerals, words, and quantities)

zero zero one one two two three three four 0 1 1 3 3 4 •• •• ••• ••• •••

Upload: domanmom

Post on 18-Nov-2014




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I have used these math playing cards with my son for years. I made them after I discovered how much he loved and was learning from regular playing cards.This set comes with two of each number from zero to one hundred. There are also two each of the "action cards": plus, minus, times, divided by, equals, does not equal, greater than, less than, algebra (the letter "y"), square root, and wild card (a star). The cards are based on the Doman-style math teaching of quantities first, numerals later. Each card has the benefit of having the QUANTITY (the actual number), the NUMERAL, and then the NUMBER WORD.After I printed these out I color-coded them by coloring a border on each of the cards. I made numbers ending in 0 red, ending in 1 orange, 2 yellow, 3 gold, 4 light green, 5 dark green, 6 light blue, 7 dark blue, 8 purple, and 9 pink. This not only made them a little more fun and easy to use, but also emphasized the base-ten nature of our number system.Enjoy and happy learning!


Page 1: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

zero zero one

one two two

three three four

0 0 1

1 2 2

3 3 4

• •• ••

••• ••• ••••

Page 2: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

four five five

six six seven

seven eight eight

4 5 5

6 6 7

7 8 8


••••• ••••• •••••

•••• •••••

• • ••

••••••• •••••••• ••••••••

Page 3: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

nine nine ten

ten eleven eleven

twelve twelve thirteen

9 9 10

10 11 11

12 12 13

••••••••• •••••••••

Page 4: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

thirteen fourteen fourteen

fifteen fifteen sixteen

sixteen seventeen seventeen

13 14 14

15 15 16

16 17 17

Page 5: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

eighteen eighteen nineteen

nineteen twenty twenty

twenty one twenty one twenty two

18 18 19

19 20 20

21 21 22

Page 6: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

twenty two twenty three

twenty three

twenty four twenty four twenty five

twenty five twenty six twenty six

22 23 23

24 24 25

25 26 26

Page 7: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

twenty seven

twenty seven

twenty eight

twenty eight

twenty nine twenty nine

thirty thirty thirty one

27 27 28

28 29 29

30 30 31

Page 8: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

thirty one thirty two thirty two

thirty three thirty three thirty four

thirty four thirty five thirty five

31 32 32

33 33 34

34 35 35

Page 9: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

thirty six thirty six thirty seven

thirty seven thirty eight thirty eight

thirty nine thirty nine forty

36 36 37

37 38 38

39 39 40

Page 10: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

forty forty one forty one

forty two forty two forty three

forty three forty four forty four

40 41 41

42 42 43

43 44 44

Page 11: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

forty five forty five forty six

forty six forty seven forty seven

forty eight forty eight forty nine

45 45 46

46 47 47

48 48 49

Page 12: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

forty nine fifty fifty

fifty one fifty one fifty two

fifty two fifty three fifty three

49 50 50

51 51 52

52 53 53

Page 13: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

fifty four fifty four fifty five

fifty five fifty six fifty six

fifty seven fifty seven fifty eight

54 54 55

55 56 56

57 57 58

Page 14: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

fifty eight fifty nine fifty nine

sixty sixty sixty one

sixty one sixty two sixty two

58 59 59

60 60 61

61 62 62

Page 15: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)


sixty three sixty three sixty four

sixty four sixty five sixty five

sixty six sixty six sixty seven

63 63 64

64 65 65

66 66 67

Page 16: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

sixty seven sixty eight sixty eight

sixty nine sixty nine seventy

seventy seventy one seventy one

67 68 68

69 69 70

70 71 71

Page 17: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

seventy two seventy two seventy three

seventy three

seventy four seventy four

seventy five seventy five seventy six

72 72 73

73 74 74

75 75 76

Page 18: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

seventy six seventy seven

seventy seven

seventy eight

seventy eight

seventy nine

seventy nine

eighty eighty

76 77 77

78 78 79

79 80 80

Page 19: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

eighty one eighty one eighty two

eighty two eighty three eighty three

eighty four eighty four eighty five

81 81 82

82 83 83

84 84 85

Page 20: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

eighty five eighty six eighty six

eighty seven

eighty seven

eighty eight

eighty eight eighty nine eighty nine

85 86 86

87 87 88

88 89 89

Page 21: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

ninety ninety ninety one

ninety one ninety two ninety two

ninety three ninety three ninety four

90 90 91

91 92 92

93 93 94

Page 22: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

ninety four ninety five ninety five

ninety six ninety six ninety seven

ninety seven

ninety eight ninety eight

94 95 95

96 96 97

97 98 98

Page 23: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

ninety nine ninety nine one hundred

one hundred

plus plus

minus minus multiplied by

99 99 100


Page 24: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

multiplied by

divided by divided by

equals equals does not equal

does not equal greater than

greater than

Page 25: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)

less than less than algebra

algebra square root square root


√ √wild card wild card

Page 26: Number Playing Cards (w. Numerals, Words, And Quantities)