nurturing our marriages

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  • 8/6/2019 Nurturing Our Marriages


    Nurturing Our Marriages

    Glimpses from

    OFNC Couples Weekend11th -13th February 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Nurturing Our Marriages



    Malachi 2:15-16

    Didnt the LORD make you one with your wife?

    In body and spirit you are his.And what does he want?Godly children from your union. So guard your heart;remain loyal to the wife of your youth.

    For I hate divorce! says the LORD, the God of Israel. Todivorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty, saysthe LORD of Heavens Armies.

    So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife.

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    To leave ALL and to CLEAVE to one; hence

    Two shall become ONE to create

    A Ground for Raising Godly Offspring

    Some basic principles of marriage are contained in

    1 Corinthians 7:1-9.

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    Doctrine of Marriage

    Ephesians 5:22-33

    God gives different Instructions to both gendersbecause we are wired differently

    They must therefore function according to design

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    Foundational Laws of Marriage

    Genesis 2:24, 25 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they

    become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

    Law of Priority A man shall leave his father and mother.

    Law of Pursuit Man shall leave and shall be joined.

    Law of Process They shall become...(everything a


    Law of Possession - They shall become one flesh.

    Law of Purity They were both naked.

    Law of Prosperity They shall not be ashamed

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    Marriage is a lifetime pursuit. The price of humanity isP-A-I-D by pursuit.





    Do something to nurture your marriage every weekend(e.g. go on a date).

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    Dwelling with Understanding (1)

    Love the Woman (1 Peter 3:7) Proverbs 24:3

    Knowledge provides the resources to build our lives.

    Understanding identifies how to use these resources

    Wisdom puts knowledge and understanding together foreffectiveness.

    Wisdom is the rightful application of knowledge.

    Ephesians 5: 22-32

    Theology, doctrine and principles of marriage summarised Proverbs 10:13

    Lack of understanding leads to many painful experiencesin life

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    Dwelling with Understanding (1; contd.)Understanding the Woman (Eph.5:22-33)

    1. A woman has an intense desire to feel loved. More than what you think

    She must FEEL Loved

    She must feel you love her more than anyone or anything or

    She will compete with that perceived object of your affection

    2. A woman does not assume that your love is permanent

    They therefore need it said regularly

    So keep saying I love you

    Husbands commanded several times to love their wives

    Holy Spirit does not assume either, hence the emphasis and

    repeated commands

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    3. A woman needs to feel secure.

    Therefore need for emotional/financial security

    She wants to be sure that youll always be there I love you is to meet the need for emotional Security

    Be careful what you say; careless words breed insecurity(Num14:28)

    Reassure her when complains of tired of the relationship

    4. A woman wants the man in particularmore than anythingelse. Vs.25gave himself; himself several times

    She wants your time not your money, gifts and otherpossessions.

    Women dont need their space when upset; they needtheir husbands

    Get your priorities right

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    5. Because its about the man, the woman is always preparing herself forthe man.

    She is keen to please the man

    Everything she does is how to please the man He is therefore her mirror; his body language matters

    What she sees thru your mirror matters

    Compliment her; take her to the shop to buy her dresses

    Tell her how good she looks The more you tell her shes beautiful, the more youll see it

    6. Women connect by talking.

    By listening to what she wants to say, you connect

    Let her talk; Enjoy what she has to say

    When she questions your information, shes not questioning theauthenticity but seeking for you to expound your information

    Men assume women can fill in the spaces; they usually cant

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    Dwelling with Understanding (2)

    Respect the Man (1 Peter 3:1-6) (Eph 5:22-24;33b)

    Let the wife see that she respects her husband

    Respect is equivalent to love for a Man

    Success and achievement matters to a man. A man is driven by the need for significance, success

    and achievement.

    Keywords in the text: Submit; Head; Subject = Authority

    Head Authority is derived from this word

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    Submit as to The Lord

    Husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head

    Submission is difficult for the flesh

    God demands sacrificial life in marriages

    Place of marriage is place of death We die to ourselves

    How is Husband head? Just as = Exactly the same

    way Christ is the head

    Especially difficult when the woman thinks shes

    wiser/smarter than the man

    Let the wife see that she respects her husband

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    Christ (Head of the man)

    Man (Head of the woman, submitted to Christ, giveshimself for the woman, loves the woman)

    Woman (Subject to Man, submitted to him, respects mans


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    Understanding the man

    1. Generally most men will prefer Respect to love A man feels loved when he is respected.

    This principle applies to male children too!

    2. Anger is an easy barometer to know when a man feelsdisrespected.

    He would either give a verbal loud expression or

    Withdraw completely and not say anything He is then incapable of showing love because he is angry

    on the inside

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    3. Unconditional Respect for the man vs. Unconditional love for thewoman

    It is equally a command, therefore he does not have to earn it

    Whether wise or foolish; rich or poor; intelligent or not isimmaterial

    c/f; 1 Peter ...even if the partner does not believe in God. Godhas a way of using our conduct to minister to the other person

    4. To respect therefore is a Deliberate Choice

    He does not need to earn it, contrary to natural ways andexpectations

    Similar to the command love your enemies unnatural!

    5. Most women will naturally want to respect but dont know what

    respect is to a man

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    2. Men are angry whenever you dismiss their opinion

    Their opinions are often respected at work

    They would wonder what is wrong with my wife that

    she will not listen to me at home?

    He is celebrated outside the home. How come not at


    A man is happy when his opinion is respected.

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    3. In communication your conduct is louder than yourvoice.

    1 Peter wives be submissive...they without the conduct...

    Its not your argument/voice but your conduct that willchange a man

    Watch what you say, how , where and when you say it

    Prov. 13 the wise woman builds her home...

    Prov. 151-2...a gentle word turns away anger...; thetongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly

    Your body language speaks volumes

    Watch your words. Words are seeds.

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    5. Dont challenge or correct a Man in Public

    Dont mistreat or tease him in public

    Especially NOT in an extended family setting

    A man wants to show hes in charge

    Challenging his abilities = pronouncing hisinadequacy

    He does not need to hear that he missed the way

    even when it is obvious; hes already flogged himself Men need to explore and in the course may miss the


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    Benefits of Dwelling Together in


    1. Power of Agreement

    2. Two are better than one

    3. Nothing can hinder our prayers

    4. Well bejoint heirs unto the grace of life

    one signatory will not be honoured in heaven; must beboth

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    Grace of Life (1 Peter 3:7)

    1. Took us thru all sorts of tribulations

    2. Makes us different from our siblings/colleagues

    3. Charts the path for our children in life4. Seen on Abraham, Jacob and eventually Levi four

    generations later

    5. Makes men want to favour us in places6. Comes upon a familyin times of distress and scarcity

    e.g. during inflation/financial crisis

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    7. Sees us thru the turbulence of life.

    The synergistic effects of us coming together cannotbe quantified

    8. The grace is amplified once we are Marriedand are aChild of God

    The providential power/abundance of God in our livescannot be quantified

    We need to celebrate our differences Grace that she has that I dont have but when we

    come together, it multiplies

    Unites our hearts together

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    Threats to Marriage -Affairs

    Four broad types Frustration affairs typically a result of unhappiness.

    Platonic affairs emotional, no sexual involvement

    Supplementary affairs to supplement what is goingon at home.

    Exit affairs The marriage is finished.

    The greatest threat to the marriage bond is arelationship with one spouse with a member of the

    opposite sex.

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    Making our Marriages Affair-proof

    1. Communication keep lines open

    Create opportunities

    Call family meetings/make appointments regularly

    2. Give each otherAttention

    3. Cover your Spouse with Prayers

    4. Look after Yourself

    5. Do not nag