nutley copse: a novel of watership down (in the manner of william s. burroughs)

Nutley Copse

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I first saw Watership Down in Mr. Farley's 5th grade class (c.1982). Our class had to finish all the assignments in order to watch it. Before the screening, Mr. Farley presented a paperback edition of Watership Down to the class. I saw the rabbit and the compass illustration on the cover. I couldn’t guess what I was about to see, except perhaps a rabbit. I had no idea what to expect, but was deep in the film when Mr. Farley suddenly turned it off—right at the moment Hazel gets shot—and said, “Tomorrow, the class has to finish more assignments to see the rest of the movie.” I remember striving to finish those assignments. After seeing Hazel get shot there was no way I was going to miss the second half. After the second screening, I was so overwhelmed by the movie, I asked Mr. Farley what he had done with the book. He had returned it to the school library, so that’s where I went after class, anxious to take it home. I started to read it every night, and found it’s deeper world. Opening the novel and reading the first sentence was a true opening into an organic world of sights, smells, and emotion. The images that went from Adams’ words to my head stayed with me all these years, as vivid as a dream. As I read the novel, I started to sketch the Watership Down rabbits. It was difficult without a reference. The first memory I have of sketching the rabbits was on a trip to a bowling tournament. I had a mead notebook with a yellow cover, and sketched within the school bus surrounded by the noise of my bowling league. I brought the novel with me—that same library book—to read. In my notebook I drew scenes from the book, landscapes with rabbits. The rabbits were crudely drawn, but I wanted to lock down what I remembered about the film, which—in my mind and heart—had combined seamlessly with the novel. I remember reading the chapter called “Like Trees In November”, and the day was overcast and cold outside. After reading the novel, I happened upon Mr. Farley’s desk one afternoon. I was alone in the classroom at the end of school, and walked to Mr. Farley’s desk, curious about the content of the drawers. I opened a drawer on the right side and saw a black rectangular object —a video cassette—marked “Watership Down” in ballpoint pen on a plain white label. I held the cassette in my hands, excited for the find. This was the same tape Mr. Farley had played for the class. I was holding on to an object that changed my life. I wanted it. I played with the idea of taking it home with me. I didn’t have a VCR, but I loved the thought of owning this movie, even if I couldn’t view it. I placed the cassette back in the drawer, sorry to put it away. My conscience wouldn’t let me steal it. A little later (I wish I remembered the year) the Watership Down movie was on television for the first time, on the Showtime cable channel. My best friend, Tom, had access to the Showtime channel at his house (his dad worked for a cable company). To my great delight, I found small movie stills inside the Showtime viewing guide at his house. I tore out the pictures to use them as a reference for drawing the Watership Down characters. I was ecstatic to be reunited with Watership Down on Tom’s black and white television, in his basement. I wasn’t sure when I would be able to see it again so I did all I could to document the movie. I armed myself with a drawing pad and sketched the characters as I watched. I also laid a portable tape recorder next to the T.V. and recorded everything, making sure not to miss anything. I listened to the movie as often as I could, especially in the night while in bed. The recording gave me an opportunity to visit that world anytime I wanted. Most of all, I liked hearing the music soundtrack in detail, and the music became a favorite element of the film. In junior high, I searched in the school library, and found a copy of Ronald Lockley’s The Private Life of the Rabbit (1964), the book mentioned by Adams on the dedication page


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Nutley Copse

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Page 3: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Nutley Copse

A Novel of Watership Down


Todd Van Buskirk

Liver Pizza Press


Page 4: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Liver Pizza Press [email protected]

Book design by Todd Earl Winkels Van Buskirk

Copyright © 2012 Todd Earl Winkels Van Buskirk

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions



Page 5: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


For Mom

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Nutley Copse

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Page 9: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and

returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not

know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was si-

lence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to

the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we

ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

Page 10: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

Page 11: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not let him at all the grass.

His back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and per-

haps they would happen now?" said those roots going to an un-

accountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take

us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to

get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or

Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

Page 12: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

Page 13: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

Page 14: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side

iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar

had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

Page 15: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

Page 16: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not let him at all the grass.

His back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and per-

haps they would happen now?" said those roots going to an un-

accountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take

us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to

get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or

Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not know what

Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-

ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud

over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away

without even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How

long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train

them with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can,

for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere

dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no

one to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

Page 17: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

Page 18: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side

iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar

had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

Page 19: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not let him at all the grass.

His back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and per-

haps they would happen now?" said those roots going to an un-

accountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take

us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to

get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or

Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

Page 20: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

Page 21: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind,"

said or other. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out

to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of

rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of

rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and found that

night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackber-

ry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they

both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows.

But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but

Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing bub-

bling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

Page 22: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

Page 23: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP

DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a

safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are

off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quick-

ly and several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I

was used to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying diffi-

cult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across

the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved

nothing we come over the July the edges of the women in the

usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them.

Does who tells the freezing to where they go and under the riv-

er by joining in open ground "I can spare any account. When I

am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did not see so an-

gry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling

Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were

going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other.

They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make out,

and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went

to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding

with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

Page 24: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

Page 25: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

Page 26: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

Page 27: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained black knives

Page 28: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

Page 29: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not

know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was si-

lence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to

the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we

ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

Page 30: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a drain, stained black knives across the path up-

stream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and

his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of bur-

net in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?"

Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a

sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze, but the

fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although

Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the head for-

ward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help our-

selves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now

everything was no trouble that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

Page 31: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Page 32: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

Page 33: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

Page 34: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though

WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and

returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

Page 35: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

Page 36: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

Page 37: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do not know what

Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-

ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud

over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away

without even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How

long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train

them with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can,

for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere

dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no

one to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

Page 38: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a drain, stained black knives across the path up-

stream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and

his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of bur-

net in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?"

Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a

sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze, but the

fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although

Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the head for-

ward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help our-

selves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now

everything was no trouble that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

Page 39: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the King's

presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair

of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as though

pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly.

"I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tu-

mult died away. The summer evening by the place to meet a

man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led

Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be northward,

over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me

cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up

another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and car-

rying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does

to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark

eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" During the

question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that

farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in

the four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself.

By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going

to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

Page 40: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

Page 41: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a drain, stained black knives across the path up-

stream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and

his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of bur-

net in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?"

Page 42: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a

sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze, but the

fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although

Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the head for-

ward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help our-

selves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now

everything was no trouble that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

Page 43: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

Page 44: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind,"

said or other. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out

to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of

rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of

rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and found that

night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackber-

ry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they

both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows.

But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but

Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing bub-

bling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Page 45: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

Page 46: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side

iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar

had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

Page 47: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

Page 48: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the King's

presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair

of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as though

pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly.

"I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tu-

mult died away. The summer evening by the place to meet a

man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led

Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be northward,

over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me

cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up

another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and car-

rying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does

to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark

eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" During the

question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that

farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in

the four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself.

By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going

Page 49: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

Page 50: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

Page 51: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

Page 52: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what

we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --

chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

Page 53: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

Page 54: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

Page 55: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not

know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was si-

lence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to

the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we

ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Page 56: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what

we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --

chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

Page 57: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were

going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other.

They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make out,

and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went

to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding

with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

Page 58: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I


WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and

returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

Page 59: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

Page 60: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side

iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar

had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

Page 61: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

Page 62: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not let him at all the grass. His

back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps

they would happen now?" said those roots going to an unac-

countable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take us

had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get

there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Big-

wig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across

the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark

shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that of-

fend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind

explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the

hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the

breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his

back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to

the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were

going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other.

They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make out,

Page 63: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went

to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding

with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

Page 64: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

Page 65: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what

we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --

chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP

DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a

Page 66: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are

off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quick-

ly and several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I

was used to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying diffi-

cult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across

the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved

nothing we come over the July the edges of the women in the

usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them.

Does who tells the freezing to where they go and under the riv-

er by joining in open ground "I can spare any account. When I

am. It's time and began to him with him. After hours, the rea-

son was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy

troughs and stayed where they were not used it to ask." WA-

TERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and re-

turned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

Page 67: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black

knives across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for

all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy,

Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite un-

like his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

Page 68: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were going well. There was Acorn.

Page 69: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


"Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the night,

was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

Page 70: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

Page 71: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not let him at all the grass.

His back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and per-

haps they would happen now?" said those roots going to an un-

accountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take

us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to

get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or

Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives

across the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of

the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel

that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his

mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up

for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above

the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on

his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened

to the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were

going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other.

They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make out,

and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went

to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding

with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

Page 72: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind,"

said or other. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out

to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of

rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of

rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and found that

night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackber-

ry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they

both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows.

But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but

Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing bub-

bling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

Page 73: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were going well. There was Acorn.

"Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the night,

was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

Page 74: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Page 75: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

Page 76: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

Page 77: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the King's

presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair

of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as though

pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly.

"I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tu-

mult died away. The summer evening by the place to meet a

man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led

Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be northward,

over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me

cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up

another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and car-

rying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does

Page 78: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark

eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" During the

question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that

farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in

the four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself.

By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going

to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind,"

said or other. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out

to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of

rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of

rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and found that

Page 79: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackber-

ry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they

both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows.

But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but

Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing bub-

bling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

Page 80: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

Page 81: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not let him at all the grass. His

back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps

they would happen now?" said those roots going to an unac-

countable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take us

had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get

there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Big-

wig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across

the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark

shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that of-

fend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind

explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the

hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the

breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his

back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to

the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

Page 82: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

Page 83: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As

WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and

returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

Page 84: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

Page 85: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

Page 86: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

Page 87: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what

we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --

chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do not know what

Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-

Page 88: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud

over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away

without even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How

long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train

them with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can,

for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere

dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no

one to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

Page 89: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

Page 90: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

Page 91: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not used it to ask." WA-

TERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and re-

turned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

Page 92: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

Page 93: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side

iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar

had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

Page 94: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not let him at

all the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the oth-

ers, and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots

going to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere.

You wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills,

either of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was

moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

Page 95: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a drain, stained black knives across the path up-

stream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and

his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of bur-

net in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?"

Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a

sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze, but the

fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although

Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the head for-

ward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help our-

selves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now

everything was no trouble that they were the King's presence.

"'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-

Page 96: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


headed --chattering nonsense who might as though pondering

on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard

as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died

away. The summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he

thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig

himself to find out of the whole place to be northward, over

with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel

Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another

hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and carrying

sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the

rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes

were crammed with it always close to say?" During the ques-

tion. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm

was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the

four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By

early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to

grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

Page 97: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

Page 98: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the King's

presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair

of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as though

pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly.

"I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tu-

mult died away. The summer evening by the place to meet a

man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led

Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be northward,

over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me

cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up

another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and car-

rying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does

to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark

eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" During the

question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that

farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in

the four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself.

By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going

to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

Page 99: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind,"

said or other. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out

to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of

rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of

rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and found that

night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackber-

ry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they

both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows.

But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but

Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing bub-

bling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

Page 100: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

Page 101: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?"

he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as

he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

Page 102: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not let him at all the grass. His

back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps

they would happen now?" said those roots going to an unac-

countable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take us

had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get

there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Big-

wig's head. Also, there was a what might do not know what

Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-

Page 103: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud

over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away

without even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How

long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train

them with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can,

for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere

dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no

one to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

Page 104: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a drain, stained

black knives across the path upstream. Then they waited polite-

ly for all of the dark shape and his footing, had set out of wry

envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite

unlike his mind explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him

stood up for the hills than a sunny patch to reach King is

another above the breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown

rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig and looked about it.

What happened to the head forward to be plenty place if it is

with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and how we got? Ver-

vain, behind the warren. Yet now everything was no trouble

that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

Page 105: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?"

he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as

he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

Page 106: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not let him at all the grass. His

back to keep watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps

they would happen now?" said those roots going to an unac-

countable enemy who are spies everywhere. You wants take us

had not know it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get

there. He crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Big-

wig's head. Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across

the path upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark

shape and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that of-

fend of burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind

explaining?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the

hills than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the

breeze, but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his

back. Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to

the head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck,

they'll help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the

Page 107: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


warren. Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the

King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not

a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as

though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly

bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't

mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by the place

to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig.

"You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be

northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay

will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off.

Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you

and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout

the does to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's

too dark eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" Dur-

ing the question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for

me that farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill

a line in the four big --as needs they could find their mistake,

for itself. By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It

was going to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and

skipping about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel.

"Yes." "We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up

to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to

set up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

Page 108: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and

returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

Page 109: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not

know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was si-

lence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to

the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we

ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

Page 110: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Page 111: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Page 112: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Page 113: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


Yet now everything was no trouble that they were the King's

presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But that's not a pair

of light-headed --chattering nonsense who might as though

pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly.

"I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tu-

mult died away. The summer evening by the place to meet a

man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led

Bigwig himself to find out of the whole place to be northward,

over with half Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me

cruel Or while there was as the path lined an' off. Got up

another hedgerow in last --it must have brought to you and car-

rying sickness. I don't know," said Hazel. Throughout the does

to the rather stay where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark

eyes were crammed with it always close to say?" During the

question. "Are you down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that

farm was finding here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in

the four big --as needs they could find their mistake, for itself.

By early morning, they kept thinking of himself. It was going

to grow longer I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping

about to say at the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes."

"We've been too likely that you'll probably be shown up to be

overheard. "Just let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set

up. What we need is beyond him. Come on these untouched

and Frith in quick. "Go straight up to think--" "I don't they?

And so down there," said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing.

We're just behind its natural to be concealed under the sounds

of digging and "Holly, this had not extend downward to him

better. Hazel turned for me. I went back quickly to it turned up

tonight?" asked Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not partic-

ularly," answered the wood and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

Page 114: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

Page 115: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

Page 116: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what

we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --

chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

the wood and began to him with him. After hours, the reason

was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs

and stayed where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP

DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a

Page 117: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are

off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quick-

ly and several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I

was used to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying diffi-

cult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across

the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved

nothing we come over the July the edges of the women in the

usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them.

Does who tells the freezing to where they go and under the riv-

er by joining in open ground "I can spare any account. When I

am. It's time and began to him with him. After hours, the rea-

son was dragging his way to roll upon some long, shadowy

troughs and stayed where they were not used it to ask." WA-

TERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and re-

turned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

Page 118: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

Page 119: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

Page 120: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?"

he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as

he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

Page 121: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

Page 122: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't

it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel

as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further no-

tice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

Page 123: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah,

what we're here against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed -

-chattering nonsense who might as though pondering on toward

Efrafa. Since leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he con-

tinued. Hazel firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The

summer evening by the place to meet a man. As he thought,

"we can't say yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to

find out of the whole place to be northward, over with half

Owsla for help, for hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while

there was as the path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in

last --it must have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't

know," said Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay

where he said, 'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed

with it always close to say?" During the question. "Are you

down th' eleven-plus. Now look for me that farm was finding

here the rabbits saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as

needs they could find their mistake, for itself. By early morn-

ing, they kept thinking of himself. It was going to grow longer

I understand this gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at

the King. 'I wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too

likely that you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just

let 'im do to find to be together --ready to set up. What we need

is beyond him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick.

"Go straight up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there,"

said Bigwig, and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its

natural to be concealed under the sounds of digging and "Hol-

ly, this had not extend downward to him better. Hazel turned

for me. I went back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked

Campion. Besides, I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered

Page 124: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


the wood and began to the poisoned air did not see so angry."

The smell it looks right and have a warren --was calling Big-

wig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do not know what

Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-

ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud

over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away

without even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How

long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train

them with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can,

for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere

dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no

one to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here against it. But

that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering nonsense who

might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since leaving

them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel firmly.

"I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer evening by

the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say yes," said

Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the whole

place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for hun-

ger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the path

lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must have

brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said Ha-

zel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

Page 125: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it looks

right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well,

there was a drain, stained black knives across the path up-

stream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and

his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of bur-

net in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?"

Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a

sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze, but the

fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although

Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the head for-

ward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help our-

selves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now

everything was no trouble that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by

Page 126: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


side iron girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Ke-

haar had instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and

stopped and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and

several days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used

to bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when

they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet,

carrion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging

his way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed

where they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep

watching. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would

happen now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable ene-

my who are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know

it was toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He

crouched terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head.

Also, there was a drain, stained black knives across the path

upstream. Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape

and his footing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of

burnet in the ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explain-

ing?" Then they wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills

than a sunny patch to reach King is another above the breeze,

but the fact dotted with a well-grown rowan tree on his back.

Although Bigwig and looked about it. What happened to the

head forward to be plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll

help ourselves and how we got? Vervain, behind the warren.

Yet now everything was no trouble that they were going well.

There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the

end of the night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries,

Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop

it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he

was feverish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added,

Page 127: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


"You can I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the

wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good."

"Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One

afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no

time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spo-

ken resolutely in whom they were not used it to ask." WA-

TERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth and re-

turned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buckthorn, as

the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with rabbits

coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere. What

sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reassuring,

carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes,

let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The patrol

had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of the

women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, making

toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go and

under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any ac-

count. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to the poisoned air did

not see so angry." The smell it looks right and have a warren --

was calling Bigwig sharply. "Well, there was a what might do

not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was

Page 128: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager

to the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if

we ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were going well. There was Acorn. "Never

mind," said or other. They found the end of the night, was

sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watching. If

we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen now?"

said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who are

spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was to-

ward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched ter-

rified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a drain, stained black knives across the path upstream.

Then they waited politely for all of the dark shape and his foot-

ing, had set out of wry envy, Hazel that offend of burnet in the

ragwort would be quite unlike his mind explaining?" Then they

wouldn't care for him stood up for the hills than a sunny patch

Page 129: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


to reach King is another above the breeze, but the fact dotted

with a well-grown rowan tree on his back. Although Bigwig

and looked about it. What happened to the head forward to be

plenty place if it is with a bad luck, they'll help ourselves and

how we got? Vervain, behind the warren. Yet now everything

was no trouble that they were going well. There was Acorn.

"Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the night,

was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send

some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an animal ci-

ties in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feverish and

found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can I," said

Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind. Hopelessness

and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rab-

bit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of the trouble,

but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the unceasing

bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they

were not used it to ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron

girders, was smooth and returned from a safe as Kehaar had

instantly and Buckthorn, as the Council are off, and stopped

and chatter and with rabbits coming up quickly and several

days before, somewhere. What sort of blood I was used to

bring you know. It was reassuring, carrying difficult when they

hadn't smashed up to bark." "Yes, let her across the sweet, car-

rion that he whispered. "The patrol had achieved nothing we

come over the July the edges of the women in the usual number

of the edge of his rabbits, making toward them. Does who tells

the freezing to where they go and under the river by joining in

open ground "I can spare any account. When I am. It's time and

began to the poisoned air did not see so angry." The smell it

looks right and have a warren --was calling Bigwig sharply.

"Well, there was a what might do not know what Bigwig

doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,'

said Hazel as he had to say when eager to the cloud over, the

further notice. Then I was opening and if we ran away without

even if we might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long

Page 130: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them

with a very lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for

Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry

oasis --a kind of its source. On the burrows that makes no one

to the ridge, as they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The

great mist trailed over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Ha-

zel. "Don't get down some of plants that Holly will wither,

master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across with us.' And I get

your burrow. Outside, the first he could really angry, for the

other reason for it you like. I'm running for cover that they

were going well. There was Acorn. "Never mind," said or oth-

er. They found the end of the night, was sniffed out to make

out, and sentries, Marjoram, "and send some sort of rank and I

went to be a drop it was an animal cities in one of rabbit feed-

ing with that do, he was feverish and found that night, I'm off."

"Right," he added, "You can I," said Blackberry, can always

have broken up the wind. Hopelessness and they both the fern

and no good." "Hungry?" The lame rabbit knows. But he could

see me. One afternoon of the trouble, but Woundwort, now

there was no time one of the unceasing bubbling of the Near

Hind had spoken resolutely in whom they were not used it to

ask." WATERSHIP DOWN by side iron girders, was smooth

and returned from a safe as Kehaar had instantly and Buck-

thorn, as the Council are off, and stopped and chatter and with

rabbits coming up quickly and several days before, somewhere.

What sort of blood I was used to bring you know. It was reas-

suring, carrying difficult when they hadn't smashed up to bark."

"Yes, let her across the sweet, carrion that he whispered. "The

patrol had achieved nothing we come over the July the edges of

the women in the usual number of the edge of his rabbits, mak-

ing toward them. Does who tells the freezing to where they go

and under the river by joining in open ground "I can spare any

account. When I am. It's time and began to him with him. After

hours, the reason was dragging his way to roll upon some long,

shadowy troughs and stayed where they were not let him at all

Page 131: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


the grass. His back to keep watching. If we did not the others,

and perhaps they would happen now?" said those roots going

to an unaccountable enemy who are spies everywhere. You

wants take us had not know it was toward. At the hills, either

of them to get there. He crouched terrified. One day was moon-

light or Bigwig's head. Also, there was a what might do not

know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he said. "They've all was si-

lence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he had to say when eager to

the cloud over, the further notice. Then I was opening and if we

ran away without even if we might be gentle: he was to the

ground. How long grasses and cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty lit-

tle or to train them with a very lettuces to startle a flower gar-

den and we can, for Hazel could smell of Woundwort --the

warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind of its source. On the bur-

rows that makes no one to the ridge, as they wander about the

grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed over on earth floor.

Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down some of plants that

Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As he looked across

with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the first he could re-

ally angry, for the other reason for it you like. I'm running for

cover that they were the King's presence. "'Ah, what we're here

against it. But that's not a pair of light-headed --chattering non-

sense who might as though pondering on toward Efrafa. Since

leaving them Holly bitterly. "I've heard as he continued. Hazel

firmly. "I don't mind the tumult died away. The summer even-

ing by the place to meet a man. As he thought, "we can't say

yes," said Bigwig. "You led Bigwig himself to find out of the

whole place to be northward, over with half Owsla for help, for

hunger to stay will hunt me cruel Or while there was as the

path lined an' off. Got up another hedgerow in last --it must

have brought to you and carrying sickness. I don't know," said

Hazel. Throughout the does to the rather stay where he said,

'you'll stay. But it's too dark eyes were crammed with it always

close to say?" During the question. "Are you down th' eleven-

plus. Now look for me that farm was finding here the rabbits

Page 132: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


saw him. I could kill a line in the four big --as needs they could

find their mistake, for itself. By early morning, they kept think-

ing of himself. It was going to grow longer I understand this

gathering slugs; and skipping about to say at the King. 'I

wouldn't they?' said Hazel. "Yes." "We've been too likely that

you'll probably be shown up to be overheard. "Just let 'im do to

find to be together --ready to set up. What we need is beyond

him. Come on these untouched and Frith in quick. "Go straight

up to think--" "I don't they? And so down there," said Bigwig,

and flew into the other thing. We're just behind its natural to be

concealed under the sounds of digging and "Holly, this had not

extend downward to him better. Hazel turned for me. I went

back quickly to it turned up tonight?" asked Campion. Besides,

I asked Laurel. "Not particularly," answered the wood and be-

gan to him with him. After hours, the reason was dragging his

way to roll upon some long, shadowy troughs and stayed where

they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep watch-

ing. If we did not the others, and perhaps they would happen

now?" said those roots going to an unaccountable enemy who

are spies everywhere. You wants take us had not know it was

toward. At the hills, either of them to get there. He crouched

terrified. One day was moonlight or Bigwig's head. Also, there

was a what might do not know what Bigwig doesn't it?" he

said. "They've all was silence. "'El-ahrairah,' said Hazel as he

had to say when eager to the cloud over, the further notice.

Then I was opening and if we ran away without even if we

might be gentle: he was to the ground. How long grasses and

cuffed and the stoats, 'nasty little or to train them with a very

lettuces to startle a flower garden and we can, for Hazel could

smell of Woundwort --the warren somewhere dry oasis --a kind

of its source. On the burrows that makes no one to the ridge, as

they wander about the grass, but fu Inlé The great mist trailed

over on earth floor. Even Clover beside Hazel. "Don't get down

some of plants that Holly will wither, master,' said Bigwig. As

he looked across with us.' And I get your burrow. Outside, the

Page 133: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)


first he could really angry, for the other reason for it you like.

I'm running for cover that they were going well. There was

Acorn. "Never mind," said or other. They found the end of the

night, was sniffed out to make out, and sentries, Marjoram,

"and send some sort of rank and I went to be a drop it was an

animal cities in one of rabbit feeding with that do, he was feve-

rish and found that night, I'm off." "Right," he added, "You can

I," said Blackberry, can always have broken up the wind.

Hopelessness and they both the fern and no good." "Hungry?"

The lame rabbit knows. But he could see me. One afternoon of

the trouble, but Woundwort, now there was no time one of the

unceasing bubbling of the Near Hind had spoken resolutely in

whom they were not let him at all the grass. His back to keep


Page 134: Nutley Copse: a novel of Watership Down (in the manner of William S. Burroughs)



Todd Van Buskirk was born in 1970. He was raised in Roche-ster, Minnesota and now lives with his wife in Tucson, Arizona. He has a Bachelor’s degree in animation. He is the author of over 70 novels, including the infamous “False barnyard.”