nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


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Page 1: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and
Page 2: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and

Nutrient-Diffusing Substrate Method

Capabilities in Impacted Streams with

Regard to Light and Substrate Type

A thesis submitted to the

Graduate School

Of the University of Cincinnati

In partial fulfillment of the

Requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

In the Department of Biomedical, Chemical, and Environmental Engineering

Of the College of Engineering and Applied Science


Samantha J. Smith

B.A. University of Cincinnati

June 2007

Committee Members:

Makram Suidan, PhD (Chair)

Christopher T. Nietch, PhD

Lilit Yeghiazarian, PhD

Page 3: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and



Nutrient-diffusing substrates (NDS) consist of porous material enriched with soluble compounds,

typically nutrients, used to observe the impacts on stream periphyton in situ. This study intended to

evaluate the potential for NDS to test nutrient-specific effects in impacted streams undergoing TMDL

development. A new sampler was designed and tested against a typical sampler in a stream mesocosm.

Inadequate diffusion and premature depletion, respectively, were observed. The new sampler design

was used with substrates of different pore sizes, which were tested for differences in nutrient loss and

assessed for periphyton growth dynamics using a handheld fluorometer. While the larger pore size

substrates stabilized at significantly lower nutrient delivery rates, all appeared to adequately enrich

colonizing periphyton throughout a 21-day deployment. However, periphyton colonized faster on the

larger pore size substrates, which was attributed to higher surface roughness rather than nutrient

delivery rate. The potential importance of these differences was tested using the new sampler design

and two substrate types – porous crucible covers (PCC) and fine fritted glass discs (FGD) – in stream

mesocosms. Field N:P ratio conditions of impacted streams were mimicked, with a low N:P (4.4 ± 0.85

inorganic N:P, consisting of a 421.6 ± 47.1 µg-N/L and 216.2 ± 32.5 µg-P/L, background) and high N:P

(49.25 ± 13.7, 1855.9 ± 136.7 µg-N/L, 90.7 ± 28.5 µg-P/L) treatment, achieved by metering stock NaNO3

or NaH2PO4 solutions continuously to a diluted natural river water supply to approximate a reference

condition for the streams in question. A light treatment was added (low 74.0 ± 3.8 µmol m-2s-1 and high

270.4 ± 28.2 µmol m-2s-1, incident PAR) for a 3-factor experiment. Periphyton growth dynamics were

assessed every other day, and chlorophyll-a, AFDM, and dissolved oxygen metabolism responses were

measured post-deployment. From these measurements, 22 periphyton response metrics were

calculated. These were tested for a response to NDS nutrient-specific enrichment in the expected

direction, based on the assumption that the experimental conditions were, in fact, nutrient-limiting.

Although more expected responses to the NDS-enriched nutrient were observed on PCC (23% N, 32% P)

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than FGD (5% N, 27% P), overall, strong interactions with light availability presently preclude a definitive

answer to the relative importance of substrate type used in NDS studies. It is possible that nutrient

limitation was not actually present in the mesocosms, likely due to high background P. Despite the

improvements made to the NDS deployment method, it needs further study to be applicable. Notably,

the results suggest that increasing replication may help, but the strong interactions with light and the

typically elevated nutrient contents of impacted streams may prove difficult to overcome for attaining a

reliable and standard NDS approach to confirm expected nutrient-specific stress.

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I have many people to thank for their support during this research:

Dr. Christopher Nietch for serving as my advisor, and for his guidance and patience throughout the

development and completion of this project;

Dr. Makram Suidan for serving as my faculty advisor, and Dr. Lilit Yeghiazarian for serving on my


The staff of the U.S. EPA Experimental Stream Facility – especially Donald Brown, Dr. Balaji

Ramakrishnan, Benjamin Smith, and Elisha Bryan for their assistance with the mesocosms and sampling,

and Maria Maurer, William Wright, and Susanna DeCelles for their assistance in the laboratory;

Pegasus Technical Services, Inc., and my manager Dr. Raghuraman Venkatapathy, for generously

granting me the flexibility to devote such time to this project;

And my colleagues and friends at the U.S. EPA, for their helpful advice and feedback.

I would also like to thank the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (NRMRL/WSWRD/WQMB) for

funding this research.

Special thanks to my loving husband, Logan, and my parents, for their endless encouragement and


I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all of you.

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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Nutrient Enrichment & Environmental Consequences ................................................................. 1

1.2. Total Maximum Daily Loads in Lotic Systems ............................................................................... 1

1.3. Periphyton ..................................................................................................................................... 3

1.4. N:P Ratios and Nutrient Limitation ............................................................................................... 5

1.5. Light-nutrient interactions ............................................................................................................ 6

1.6. Nutrient-Diffusing Substrates & Application ................................................................................ 7

NDS SAMPLER DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ 10

2.1. Initial field test ............................................................................................................................ 11

2.2. Initial modifications of NDS sampler design ............................................................................... 12

2.3. First mesocosm substrate test .................................................................................................... 14

2.4. Further modifications of NDS sampler design ............................................................................ 16

2.5. Second mesocosm substrate test ............................................................................................... 17

PURPOSE OF STUDY ............................................................................................................................ 23

MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................................................ 23

4.1. NDS sampler construction .......................................................................................................... 23

4.2. Experimental site ........................................................................................................................ 25

4.2.1. Light treatments .................................................................................................................. 26

4.2.2. N:P ratio treatments ........................................................................................................... 28

4.3. Experimental design .................................................................................................................... 31

4.4. NDS deployment ......................................................................................................................... 32

4.5. NDS retrieval ............................................................................................................................... 33

4.6. Sample analysis ........................................................................................................................... 34

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4.6.1. Periphyton sample processing ............................................................................................ 34

4.6.2. Dissolved oxygen metabolism ............................................................................................. 35

4.6.3. Ash-free dry mass ............................................................................................................... 38

4.6.4. Chlorophyll-a ....................................................................................................................... 39

4.6.5. Benthotorch ........................................................................................................................ 39

4.6.6. Mesocosm nutrients ........................................................................................................... 43

4.6.7. Diffusion rate ...................................................................................................................... 43

4.6.8. Water quality sensors ......................................................................................................... 46

4.6.9. Light sensors ....................................................................................................................... 46

4.7. Statistical analysis ....................................................................................................................... 47

RESULTS............................................................................................................................................... 48

5.1. Mesocosm conditions ................................................................................................................. 48

5.2. Main treatment effects ............................................................................................................... 52

5.3. Nutrient enrichment effects ....................................................................................................... 57

5.4. Diffusion rate effects................................................................................................................... 59

DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................................... 62

6.1. Light effects ................................................................................................................................. 63

6.2. N:P ratio effects .......................................................................................................................... 64

6.3. Substrate effects ......................................................................................................................... 65

6.4. Deployment method effects ....................................................................................................... 67

6.5. Benthotorch assessment ............................................................................................................ 69

6.6. Implications for NDS application................................................................................................. 71

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 72

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Figure 1. Initial field test at Heiserman stream (Milford, OH) .................................................................... 12

Figure 2. Diffusion from PCC vs. ceramic discs. .......................................................................................... 15

Figure 3. NDS sampler deployment during diffusion study. ....................................................................... 18

Figure 4. Incubation test diffusion results from second mesocosm test. .................................................. 19

Figure 5. Agar analysis diffusion results from second mesocosm test. ...................................................... 21

Figure 6. Benthotorch results from second mesocosm test. ...................................................................... 22

Figure 7. NDS sampler construction for nutrient limitation study. ............................................................ 25

Figure 8. Full view of light treatments for nutrient limitation study. ......................................................... 27

Figure 9. Light treatment isolation in nutrient limitation study. ................................................................ 27

Figure 10. Mesocosm flow and dosing schematic. ..................................................................................... 30

Figure 11. Chemical dosing tanks. .............................................................................................................. 31

Figure 12. Gravel baskets within mesocosm channels. .............................................................................. 33

Figure 13. Periphyton processing on tile substrates. ................................................................................. 35

Figure 14. Sonde setup for DO metabolism measurements. ..................................................................... 37

Figure 15. Explanation of grofit parameters. .............................................................................................. 41

Figure 16. Example growth curves fit with R grofit package, individual replicates .................................... 42

Figure 17. Example growth curves fit with R grofit package, all replicates of a single treatment. ............ 42

Figure 18. Incubation test for nutrient diffusion rate assessment. ............................................................ 45

Figure 19. Water quality parameters during nutrient limitation study. ..................................................... 49

Figure 20. Mesocosm nutrients during nutrient limitation study. ............................................................. 51

Figure 21. Nutrient limitation study control results by light level, N:P ratio, and substrate type. ............ 54

Figure 22. Nutrient limitation study growth parameter results by light level and substrate type. ........... 55

Figure 23. Mean incubation test diffusion rates vs. diatom concentrations for all treatments. ............... 60

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Figure 24. Incubation test results from nutrient limitation study by light level and N:P ratio. ................. 61

Figure 25. Agar analysis diffusion rates from nutrient limitation study. .................................................... 62

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Table 1. Incubation test, day 16 and day 21 diffusion rates by substrate and nutrient type. ................... 20

Table 2. Nutrient concentrations and N:P ratios observed in EFLMR watershed. ..................................... 28

Table 3. Experimental design for nutrient limitation study........................................................................ 32

Table 4. Mean values of water quality parameters during nutrient limitation study. ............................... 50

Table 5. Nutrient concentrations and flow rates during nutrient limitation study. ................................... 51

Table 6. Nutrient Limitation Study 3-factor ANOVA on control substrates. .............................................. 53

Table 7. Nutrient enrichment effects by N:P ratio and substrate type. ..................................................... 57

Table 8. Significant light interactions with N:P ratio. ................................................................................. 58

Table 9. Types of responses observed in light x N:P ratio interactions. ..................................................... 59

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µ mu, maximum growth rate (Benthotorch grofit parameter)

λ lambda, lag phase (Benthotorch grofit parameter)

A maximum concentration (Benthotorch grofit parameter)

AFDM ash-free dry mass

AIC Akaike Information Criterion

ANOVA analysis of variance

Chl-a chlorophyll-a

CR community respiration

Cyano cyanobacteria

DIN dissolved inorganic nitrogen

DO dissolved oxygen

DRP dissolved reactive phosphorus

ES ecological stoichiometry

FGD fritted glass disc

GLM general linearized model

GPP gross primary production

N:P nitrogen:phosphorus ratio

NCM net community metabolism

NDS nutrient-diffusing substrate

PAR photosynthetically-active radiation

PCC porous crucible cover

TDI total daily irradiance

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1.1. Nutrient Enrichment & Environmental Consequences

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has named nutrient enrichment among the leading

causes of stream impairment since the 1980’s (Miltner 2010), and nutrients in aquatic ecosystems are

increasingly found to be of anthropogenic origins (Elshorbagy et al. 2005, Iwanyshyn et al. 2008).

Common sources include wastewater and septic system inputs and runoff from agricultural and urban

areas. Nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus, are responsible for nourishing the inhabitants of

aquatic ecosystems, but the excess of these nutrients also has many negative consequences (Elshorbagy

et al. 2005). Nutrient enrichment is known to cause eutrophication of lakes, reservoirs, and other lentic

water bodies fed by streams – producing nuisance algal growth in both the water column and attached

to substrates. Public awareness of this occurrence is often limited to the detrimental impacts on

aesthetics and recreational uses of water bodies, but the impairments extend beyond these relatively

superficial observations. The growth-decay cycles of algae and the respiration of associated bacteria

lead to an increased consumption of dissolved oxygen, which can deplete the supplies necessary to

sustain other forms of aquatic life, such as fish and macroinvertebrates, ultimately leading to hypoxia of

receiving waters. Extended periods of nutrient enrichment are also responsible for food web

disruptions and decreases in species diversity (Liess and Kahlert 2007, Ferragut and de Campos Bicudo

2010). Due to the negative impacts of excess nutrients in surface waters, it is necessary to identify when

they are the source of impairment in order to support regulation.

1.2. Total Maximum Daily Loads in Lotic Systems

Watershed management has three general objectives: rehabilitation, protection, and

enhancement of watershed resources (Elshorbagy et al. 2005). The implementation of the federal Clean

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Water Act (CWA) in 1972 dramatically improved water quality in the United States and the ability to

assess and attain these watershed management goals (Keller and Cavallaro 2008). A federally

maintained database known as the CWA Section 303(d) list includes information on the nation’s

impaired water bodies and their sources of impairment, including nutrients (Keller and Cavallaro 2008).

The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program, contained within the CWA Section 303(d), was

originally established to define waste load allocations to point source polluters (Kang et al. 2006).

Today, USEPA’s guidelines define a TMDL as “the sum of allowable pollutant loads from point and

nonpoint sources, added to the natural background” of a receiving water for the maintenance or

improvement of its overall health (Kang et al. 2006, Iwanyshyn et al. 2008). Permits are acquired from

the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as discharge limits. This approach to

water quality management has been adopted by many states for water quality management, and states

are now required to develop TMDLs for any water bodies whose engineering controls are insufficient for

meeting designated uses under USEPA Water Quality Planning and Management Regulations (40 CFR

Part 130) (Elshorbagy et al. 2005).

Although it has been in existence since the CWA’s initiation, the TMDL program is only recently

gaining momentum (Elshorbagy et al. 2005). While the program has successfully regulated point source

pollutants for decades, nonpoint source pollutants, e.g. nutrients in runoff, are becoming increasingly

important to control (Elshorbagy et al. 2005). Although this is a step in the right direction for effective

water quality management, many challenges still await those responsible for developing functional

TMDLs (Elshorbagy et al. 2005, Keller and Cavallaro 2008). USEPA has provided only limited guidance to

states, and does not specify which parameters must be assessed (Keller and Cavallaro 2008). This is

problematic, since many states are performing field studies to develop nutrient criteria empirically

(Miltner 2010), and the resulting variations among states have led to difficulties in attaining the nation’s

water quality objectives (Keller and Cavallaro 2008). The use of bioindicators in stream assessments

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may help to alleviate this concern, since these metrics could account for specific ecological conditions

within a region while providing similar endpoints for comparison nationwide. Periphytic algae has been

shown to be particularly useful as a bioindicator (Miltner 2010, Mulholland and Webster 2010), and

research regarding its responses to nutrient enrichment would further support its use in TMDL


1.3. Periphyton

Periphyton is a very important constituent of freshwater systems. It is a symbiotic community

of algae, bacteria and other microbes, and fungi, living within a matrix of excreted exopolymeric

substances. This matrix and its inhabitants form a biofilm attached to benthic substrates of streams and

have been found to contribute significantly to many energy- and nutrient-cycling processes (Battin et al.

2003, Ács et al. 2007). The algal component of periphyton is known to be the dominant primary

producer in streams (Ács et al. 2007, Godwin et al. 2009) and to fulfill a key role in the food web as a link

between consumers and dissolved nutrients (Godwin et al. 2009, Hill et al. 2010). Battin et al. (2003)

referred to periphyton biofilms as “living zones of transient storage”, describing their architectural

advantages for efficient retention and uptake of nutrients and the impact this might have downstream

through longitudinal linkages. Algae had long been assumed the major constituent of periphyton, but

this has recently been disproven (Frost et al. 2005, Danger et al. 2008). Nevertheless, researchers

continue to confirm the significance of algae within the biofilm regarding nutrient uptake and storage

and its impact on overall stream processing (Mulholland et al. 1995, Dodds et al. 2004, Hillebrand et al.

2004, Frost et al. 2005, Danger et al. 2008, Hillebrand et al. 2008, Godwin et al. 2009, Small et al. 2009,

Hill et al. 2010, Schade et al. 2011).

Algal periphyton has many suitable characteristics for studying stream nutrient interactions

(Liess and Kahlert 2007), but there are still many obstacles to understanding even its relatively simple

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functions within a stream (Lambert et al. 2008). Recent studies have focused on periphyton’s responses

to nutrient supply. Schade et al. (2005) described three main mechanisms of response: physiology,

morphology, and behavior. Ferragut and de Campos Bicudo (2010) referred to these mechanisms as

“adaptive strategies” and found that nutrient enrichment correlated with increased algal size, more

firmly-attached growth, and decreased species diversity. Overall, these observations show that under

excess nutrients, mass transfer will no longer limit algal growth and formerly less-competitive forms are

able to dominate (Ferragut and de Campos Bicudo 2010). Other studies have described the effects of

nutrient enrichment on the nutritional quality of periphyton (Qin et al. 2007, Danger et al. 2008,

Hillebrand et al. 2008, Elser et al. 2009). Algal cells can store excess nutrients in internal vacuoles for

“luxury consumption” when in short supply (Hall et al. 2005). This sequestration results in a mismatch

between the elemental ratios in the periphyton’s biomass and that of the water column. The ability of

algae to alter their chemistry in such a way is known as “stoichiometric plasticity” and can negatively

impact its nutritional quality for consumers (Hillebrand et al. 2004, Hall et al. 2005, Hillebrand et al.

2008, Godwin et al. 2009, Schade et al. 2011). Because these changes in periphyton stoichiometry in

response to nutrient supply ultimately affect higher trophic levels, further research is needed on the

subject of nutrient enrichment and the resulting periphytic responses in streams.

Although phytoplankton has long been studied to assess the health and nutrient status of lentic

systems, warning signs observed in these species may come too late for regulation to have a reversible

effect (Lambert et al. 2008). Periphyton, on the other hand, is much more closely-linked to land-derived

inputs and can respond to nutrients before they are diluted in open water (Lambert et al. 2008). Dodds

et al. (2004) described a nutrient “saturation point” that could indicate a level at which the ecosystem is

no longer capable of processing nutrient inputs effectively and therefore is functionally impaired.

Incorporating observations such as these into future TMDL development could improve the predictive

value of models, decrease time and effort involved in monitoring programs, allow greater comparability

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among regions, and give first-response indication of nutrient impacts compared to the current approach

(Dodds et al. 2004, Elshorbagy et al. 2005, Lambert et al. 2008). For these reasons, the study of

periphyton response to nutrient enrichment is a prudent effort.

1.4. N:P Ratios and Nutrient Limitation

In 2002, Sterner and Elser published the definitive work on an emerging field: “ecological

stoichiometry” (Martinez del Rio 2003). In this book, the authors describe the concept of studying the

ratios of key elements (namely C, N, and P) throughout ecosystems to explore the relationships among

its inhabitants. Of particular interest in the application of ecological stoichiometry (ES) is the ability to

predict nutrient limitation of organisms by measuring the nutrient ratios in surface waters. The well-

known Redfield ratios for C:N:P (106:16:1) were developed for marine phytoplankton in 1967, but more

recent studies have begun to focus on freshwater pelagic and benthic systems (Hillebrand et al. 2004,

Frost et al. 2007, Danger et al. 2008). Although ES typically focuses on C-based ratios (Frost et al. 2005),

it is also important that N:P ratios are studied specifically with regard to stream periphyton (Hillebrand

and Sommer 1999). Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most frequently limiting nutrients in aquatic

systems (Hall et al. 2005) and are also the key drivers of primary production in lotic systems (Irvine and

Jackson 2006). ES defines N-limitation at low N:P ratio, and P-limitation at high N:P ratio. Hillebrand

and Sommer (1999) observed optimal ratios for benthic microalgae at 119:17:1 in laboratory

experiments, but O’Brien and Wehr (2010) found that stream periphyton response to stoichiometry

dramatically deviated from these levels in the natural environment. Irvine and Jackson (2006), however,

found that only about half of the variability they witnessed in periphyton responses could be attributed

to N and P in their field experiments. It is therefore apparent that nutrients alone are not fully

responsible for the periphyton responses observed.

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1.5. Light-nutrient interactions

Periphyton responses to nutrient enrichment have typically been difficult to predict due to the

various other factors within the system – biotic and abiotic – that contribute to these responses

(Scrimgeour and Chambers 1997). Researchers have found several potential interactions in periphyton

nutrient enrichment studies, e.g. heterotrophic content in periphyton, light, herbivory, flow, temporal

effects, land use, and spatial effects. Of considerable import is the effect of light. Light, in fact, is a

quantifiable resource that is limited in similar ways to nutrients – it is inhibited by mass transfer and has

a known saturation point of approximately 100 μmol photons m-2 s-1 (Hill et al. 2011). Although the

independent effects of light and nutrients on periphyton have been studied extensively, less is known

about their combined effects (Hill et al. 2011).

Some researchers have found that light and nutrients can be co-limiting to periphyton, in that

the availability of one resource impacts the utilization of the other (Taulbee et al. 2005, Hill et al. 2011).

Taulbee et al. (2005), for example, found an increasing response to nitrogen enrichment with increasing

light availability in an N-limited stream reach. Hill et al. (2009; 2011) also observed synergy between

light and phosphorus in their experimental streams. Johnson et al. (2009) reported greater magnitude

of nutrient limitation under increased light availability in a large study across ecoregions. These

examples demonstrate how organisms are limited by more than one type of resource, and that growth

is essentially limited by that which is most scarce (Taulbee et al. 2005).

“Photoinhibition” is one mechanism which may impact periphyton responses to light, and refers

to decreased photosynthesis under exposure to high irradiance (Han et al. 2000). This reaction occurs

within hours of high light exposure and damages the electron transport chain in photosystem II (Han et

al. 2000). Since light is limited via mass transfer, photoinhibition is more likely to impact smaller-celled

organisms with greater surface area:volume ratios, and therefore more efficient uptake of photons (Hill

et al. 2011). This effect could be exacerbated by nutrients; Hill et al. (2011) explain that nitrogen, in

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particular, allows for greater efficiency of photon capture by photosynthetic pigments. Photoinhibition

is more likely to occur at high altitudes, in response to sudden increases in irradiance, or exposure to

high irradiances during early periphyton development (Taulbee et al. 2005). Taulbee et al. (2005) gave

photoinhibition as the possible reason for the lack of response or decreased response to phosphorus

enrichment with increasing light levels in a sub-alpine stream. Hill et al. (2009) reported photoinhibition

in experimental streams, where lower algal biovolume was observed in response to low phosphorus

concentration at the highest light intensity. The effect of photoinhibition is not expected to be observed

in sub-saturating light conditions (< 100 µmol m-2 s-1) and is reported relatively infrequently in streams

(Taulbee et al. 2005), but this mechanism could be partially responsible for light-nutrient interactions in

periphyton studies.

These divergent and intense impacts of light on periphyton underscore the need for thorough

examination of both light and nutrients, since they may be more impactful together than independently

(Taulbee et al. 2005). Considering the effects of light and other compounding factors on periphyton, it is

clear that results from nutrient limitation studies should be assessed for possible interactions. In order

to better understand the effect of nutrient enrichment of surface waters on periphyton, these

interactions must be evaluated or controlled. Some of these factors, such as light, are impossible to

exclude, but efforts to disentangle the effects of these interactions could afford researchers insight into

the core effects of nutrients alone.

1.6. Nutrient-Diffusing Substrates & Application

Studies to assess stream periphyton responses to nutrients generally must employ some form of

artificial enrichment. Nutrient enrichment studies have been performed in streams for decades and

have evolved significantly since their introduction (Mulholland and Webster 2010). Historically, in situ

methods for the direct observation of nutrient impacts consisted of whole-stream enrichment or flow-

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through systems (Corkum 1996). Nutrient diffusing substrates (NDS) emerged in the mid-1980’s as an

alternative method for artificial enrichment, and have many benefits over whole-stream enrichment

methods – particularly costs savings, decreased time required, and less incidental impacts on other

stream components (Capps et al. 2011). In NDS studies, the source of enrichment is the substrate itself

(Fairchild and Lowe 1984, Mulholland and Webster 2010). The substrates utilized are typically porous

materials that are either affixed atop reservoirs containing nutrients, or are infused with nutrients

themselves. The nutrients are then able to diffuse through the substrate into the boundary layer and

become available for uptake by periphyton at its surface (Corkum 1996). This is particularly

advantageous in the study of benthic communities such as periphyton, since the nutrients can be

available for consumption before becoming diluted in the water column. Due to these benefits and the

usefulness of periphyton as a bioindicator, NDS methods may be well-suited for the assessment of

streams during future TMDL development.

Artificial substrates are an essential component of NDS design, since they must be conducive to

colonization by periphyton and the attachment surface must be porous to allow for the passage of

nutrients. Benefits to using artificial substrates include the simplification of surface area measurement

and consistency of the colonization surface (Bergey and Getty 2006). Previously, researchers have used

a wide variety of materials as substrates in NDS studies: clay pots (Scrimgeour and Chambers 1997,

Capps et al. 2011), clay saucers on bricks (Godwin et al. 2009), porous crucible covers (Tank et al. 2006,

Capps et al. 2011), plankton nets (Sanches et al. 2011), Nitex polyester mesh (Busse et al. 2006),

cellulose sponges (Johnson et al. 2009), fritted glass discs (Johnson et al. 2009, Hoellein et al. 2010),

pressed silica discs (Irvine and Jackson 2006), wood veneers (Tank and Dodds 2003), and glass fiber

filters (Tank and Dodds 2003). The substrates previously employed by other researchers, however, all

suffer from distinct disadvantages. Clay pots protrude too far from the sampler surface – potentially

being sheared off or cracked during high flows, or not remaining submerged during low flows

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(Scrimgeour and Chambers 1997). Some researchers also claim that clay can bias nutrient limitation

results because it contains metal cations that bind P, but others have found that this interaction is not

significant (Capps et al. 2011). Glass fiber filters are cheap and convenient, but they are subject to

destruction by grazers and provide no control over the nutrient release rate, which is then completely

dependent upon the nutrient medium (Capps et al. 2011). Porous crucible covers, are only available in

one small size, can trap sediment when secured by a cap, cannot be easily reused, and must be

purchased in bulk (see “2.1 Initial field test”). Cellulose sponges and wood veneers act as organic carbon

sources for heterotrophs and would therefore increase C availability to periphyton; while this is a

desirable attribute in studies isolating heterotroph activity, here it would interfere with the ability to

distinguish the effects of N and P alone. For these reasons, it was prudent to pursue other artificial

substrates for this study.

A notable challenge in designing NDS arrays is determining the release rate of nutrients from the

substrate. Release rate tests are extremely important, not only for knowledge of the availability of

nutrients to periphyton, but also as a potential measure for comparison among experiments (Rugenski

et al. 2008, Capps et al. 2011). Many – perhaps the majority of – NDS publications do not even mention

diffusion rate testing. Failure to assess release rates appropriately could cause unfortunate losses in

experimental data; for example: Godwin et al. (2009) decided to exclude P-enrichment from their NDS

study due to insufficient release of P from substrates, likely caused by too-low initial P concentration

(0.05M). Presently there is no standardized method for nutrient release rate determination, nor for the

sampler design itself; this makes inter-experimental comparison of diffusion rates difficult since the

numerous variations in samplers and test methods yield equally diverse results. Nutrient diffusion is

most often tested by submerging enriched substrates in a known volume of water in a sealed container,

and then sampling the water periodically throughout the incubation period. Previous methods for

testing release rates enlisted either deionized or stream water (which may or may not be replaced), no

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flow or simulated flow (via shakers or magnetic stirrers), and differing sampling frequencies and

incubation times (Capps et al. 2011). Capps et al. (2011) emphasized the need for standardization of

release rate tests in NDS studies in response to these profound differences.

The length of NDS sampler deployment is another variable among NDS studies. The ideal

deployment period for a study is a function of nutrient release rate determined through bench tests

(Corkum 1996) and site-specific knowledge of periphyton accrual (Sanches et al. 2011). Past NDS studies

have incubated samplers at stream sites for periods ranging from 2 to 8 weeks, with a typical length of

14-21 days (Corkum 1996). If nutrient release rates peak early and decline significantly after a relatively

short period of time, it is counterproductive to allow the samplers to remain in the stream, i.e. in the

absence of the intended enrichment effect. Conversely, if periphyton is spontaneously scoured from the

substrates due to storm flows, it may be necessary to allow a longer incubation period for the biomass

to recover. Overall, it is expected that the ideal deployment period will change from study to study, but

diffusion rate and periphyton status are both necessary considerations.

While NDS methods are widely-used, there is still much to consider due to variation in the

sampler design and application. Substrate type, site conditions (e.g. light and background nutrients),

diffusion rate, and deployment period can all potentially affect the usefulness of experimental data.

Capps et al (2011) investigated three commonly-applied NDS methods and found major discrepancies in

the results among the different sampler types. In light of this, it would benefit the field if researchers

could develop a standardized NDS method and provide guidelines for its application; this would also

further support the potential for NDS use during TMDL development.


The substrate is the primary element of the NDS design and impacts many of the desired

attributes of the NDS sampler – namely durability, cost, and ability to reuse. Multiple substrates were

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explored prior to inclusion the in NDS nutrient limitation study, including: porous crucible covers,

ceramic discs, and fritted glass discs. These substrates have all been used in published NDS studies, in

some form, and have their own distinct benefits and drawbacks.

2.1. Initial field test

An initial test deployment of NDS samplers employed a typical porous crucible cover (PCC; Cat.

#528-042, LECO Corp., St. Joseph, MI) and snap-lid cup design, introduced by Tank et al. (2006) (Figure

1). The general purpose of this test was to assess this widely-used method for potential use in NDS

studies in the East Fork Little Miami River (EFLMR) watershed. Enrichment treatments for N (0.5 M

NaNO3), P (0.5 M KH2PO4), N+P (0.5 M NaNO3 and 0.5 M KH2PO4), and control (no added nutrient) were

prepared in 2% agar and dispensed into 2-oz. plastic cups with hinged, snap-on lids. Samplers were

deployed in Heiserman Stream, a headwater of the EFLMR near the US EPA Experimental Stream Facility

(Milford, OH). This test shed light on several distinct disadvantages of the use of PCC as a substrate.

First, it has a relatively small surface area for periphyton to colonize – only 6.15 cm2. Second, the discs

are fairly fragile and many arrive chipped or broken and are unsuitable for use. Also, it is difficult to

scrape periphyton from the substrate surface without inadvertently removing particles of the substrate

itself, which can lead to analytical issues and data inaccuracy. This problem leads some researchers to

utilize an entire substrate for analysis rather than first removing the periphyton from its surface, as in

the Tank et al. (2006) method, causing a need for higher replication of samplers since each substrate is

sacrificed for an individual analyte.

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Figure 1. Initial field test at Heiserman stream (Milford, OH)

Using Tank et al. (2006) NDS method. Sedimentation is visible on substrate surface, and several samplers were dislodged by flow and debris.

The most notable drawback to this design, however, was the issue of sedimentation on the

substrate surface, which occurred shortly after deployment. The PCC discs are quite coarse and the

pores are large enough that sediment particles visibly adhered to the surface. This was exacerbated by

the sampler design, in which a hole was drilled through the lid of the cup to expose the substrate

surface while keeping it secured beneath the rim. The thickness of the lid itself created a depression,

forming a trap for sediment to deposit. Sedimentation was observed to inhibit periphyton colonization

relative to the surrounding natural substrates. Due to this issue, it was practical to explore a modified

NDS design employing a different substrate and another method for mounting it within the sampler.

2.2. Initial modifications of NDS sampler design

An alternative NDS sampler design proposed the use of Mason jars with canning lids as a

substitute agar reservoir. Canning lids were an attractive feature, since the flat lid could be removed

and the ring used to secure a substrate at the mouth of the jar. The canning ring would then be

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essentially flush with the surface of the underlying substrate, thereby minimizing the opportunity for a

sediment trap. A regular size Mason jar can accommodate a 2.25” substrate at its mouth with a securely

closed canning ring. The smallest jar volume available with a canning lid is 4 fluid ounces (~120 mL).

This volume is approximately twice what is used in the Tank el al (2006) method, but the additional

volume was justified by the expected increase in diffusion due to the greater surface area.

In order to utilize Mason jars as an agar reservoir, a new substrate was needed with the

appropriate diameter. Fritted glass discs large enough to fit the jar mouth were prohibitively expensive,

so ceramic discs were sought as an alternative. Clay-based substrates have been shown to have more

stable nutrient release rates than glass fiber filters (Capps, Booth et al. 2011). They also have the

benefit of being reusable, but with caution as the diffusion rate may change if they are re-combusted

(Scrimgeour and Chambers 1997). Some researchers claim that clay can bias nutrient limitation results

because it contains metal cations that bind P, but others have found that this interaction is not

significant (Capps, Booth et al. 2011).

After unsuccessful attempts to find a suitable commercial product, a procedure was developed

to create custom ceramic discs manually from moist clay, which is readily available in standardized

formulations through ceramic studios and art supply stores. The clay (Standard Ceramics #104) was

shaped into a 2.25”-diameter x 0.25”-thick disc by rolling out with a wooden dowel using 0.25” square

dowels as guides, and cutting apart with a 2.25” circular cookie cutter. The clay discs, once shaped,

were slowly air-dried over 2-3 days to prevent warping, then bisque-fired to maturation in an electric

muffle furnace. The maximum firing temperature was be kept between 900-1000C to ensure cohesion

of particles, yet prevent vitrification (i.e. quartz inversion), which would seal pores and impede inter-

surface flow (Jordan, Montero et al. 2008). During firing, the clay particles sinter together to form

ceramic material, which retains its shape when submerged in water. The dimensions of these discs

provide a relatively large surface area for nutrient diffusion and periphyton colonization (Capps, Booth

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et al. 2011), are approximately the same thickness as the bottom of clay pots used in other studies, and

after firing, the discs fit snugly into the mouth of a 4-ounce mason jar beneath a canning ring

Since this ceramic disc and Mason jar NDS sampler included several modifications in its design,

and due to the inherent complexity of the field environment, it was deemed necessary to test the new

design under more controlled conditions prior to stream deployment.

2.3. First mesocosm substrate test

In this first test, the modified NDS sampler design was compared to the Tank et al (2006)

sampler design to observe differences in nutrient release rates between the two sampler types and,

therefore, demonstrate how their physical properties can impact the results of an NDS study. The test

was conducted in a stainless steel mesocosm flume at the US EPA Experimental Stream Facility (Milford,

OH; see “4.2 Experimental site”). The water source for the mesocosm was the East Fork River, and the

channel was re-circulated to reduce sediment inputs and fluctuations in background water quality. The

samplers were randomized within the mesocosm channel, and were submerged to allow 1-2” of water

flowing over the surface of the substrate. The diffusion rate for each sampler type was estimated by

agar analysis using a modified method of that described in Corkum (1996). Entire samplers of each type

were removed in triplicate at time 0, hour 3, hour 6, hour 12, and daily until day 14. The agar in each

sampler was then analyzed for remaining nutrients (see “4.6.7 Diffusion rate”). The nutrient mass

remaining in the agar was subtracted from the known initial mass, then converted to the percent that

had been diffused at each time point.

The results from this test are depicted in Figure 2. The percent diffused for each nutrient was

plotted by time, then fit with an exponential rise to maximum regression using SigmaPlot (Systat

Software, Inc.). Nitrogen was shown to diffuse rapidly from PCC, and samplers were approximately 90%

depleted by the end of the test. Some PCC samplers were shown to be effectively depleted by day 10.

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Phosphorus diffused steadily from PCC samplers and had approximately 60% of the original mass

remaining at the end of 14 days. The PCC method also had high variation among samplers in both N and

P, as shown by the plots. Ceramic discs were not observed to diffuse either nitrogen or phosphorus

appreciably; nitrogen diffused less than 10% during the experiment, and phosphorus none at all.

Figure 2. Diffusion from PCC vs. ceramic discs.

Percent of original mass of nutrient diffused from agar at each time point. Data series were fit with regression of exponential rise to maximum.

This first test showed two undesirable extremes. First, the porous crucible covers allowed

nitrogen to diffuse too quickly, and the agar was effectively depleted before the end of the experiment.

Second, the ceramic discs did not allow nutrients to pass freely enough and diffusion was undetectable

over the course of 14 days. Therefore, neither method was considered appropriate, in its current

format, for use in this study.

PCC discs apparently either did not provide adequate restriction on the flux of nutrients from

the agar into the surface water, or did not have sufficient volume of agar. If agar reservoirs of

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insufficient volume are used, as is probable in this case, nutrients can become depleted in a shorter

amount of time than is intended for the length of the study. Furthermore, the PCC results were highly

variable among samplers and these differences in diffusion rate could potentially translate to higher

variability of biological responses in an NDS study.

Ceramic discs did not allow nutrients to pass freely enough and diffusion was undetectable over

the course of 14 days. It is apparent that the conditions during firing allowed vitrification to occur within

the discs, sealing the pores and preventing the necessary inter-surface flow. Therefore, future testing

would be required to determine the appropriate conditions to achieve a solid, yet porous, ceramic disc

for use in NDS applications.

2.4. Further modifications of NDS sampler design

Based on the observations from the first mesocosm test, neither NDS design was deemed

suitable for immediate use in field studies. Further modifications were necessary to achieve an NDS

design with the desired attributes. Although the ceramic discs were disregarded as potential substrates,

the Mason jars were still considered an attractive option for an agar reservoir. Since it was difficult to

obtain an affordable substrate to fit the entire mouth of the jar, a method for mounting substrates

within the flat lid was developed. A hole was made in the flat lid using a hydraulic punch, yielding a

diameter only slightly larger than the intended substrate (see “4.1 NDS sampler construction”). This

substrate-mounting method provided for the use of practically any substrate smaller than the diameter

of the jar.

In the first mesocosm test, it was concluded that a larger volume of agar would be required in

order for PCC discs to be used in an NDS sampler. With the substrate-lid assembly method, PCCs were

able to be mounted atop a Mason jar, and a 4 oz. jar provided twice the volume of the snap-lid cups

used in the Tank et al (2006) method. The larger volume was expected to allow PCC samplers to provide

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nutrients for a longer duration. Furthermore, sealing the agar reservoir was anticipated to help

decrease the variability of diffusion rate among samplers. The concerns over the durability and

reusability of the PCC discs still remained, however. For this reason, fritted glass discs were re-visited as

a potential substrate option.

A fritted glass disc (FGD; Chemglass Life Sciences, Vineland, NJ) is manufactured from glass

particles that have been fused together under high heat to form a solid, yet porous, medium. They were

originally excluded from use in the study due to the high cost of a 2.25” diameter disc needed to fit the

mouth of a Mason jar, but the substrate-lid assembly design allowed for the use of smaller discs at a

more attainable cost. FGDs still cost vastly more than PCCs – $10 each vs. $211 per 1000 – but they

have several advantages that researchers may consider worth the expense. It is useful that these discs

are typically used in filtration applications, since they have known porosity and pore size. They are

available in many different diameters, thicknesses, and pore sizes, and can also be ordered with custom

specifications. Since the discs are made entirely of glass, they are essentially non-reactive and will not

bind nutrients, as is the concern with ceramic. Despite being made from glass, however, they are also

much more durable than PCCs. The substrate can easily be scraped to remove periphyton without

causing damage to the surface, and the disc remains in a suitable condition for reuse in future studies.

Overall, FGDs were deemed the most attractive choice for a substrate.

2.5. Second mesocosm substrate test

The second substrate test utilized the updated sampler design – Mason jars with substrate-lid

assemblies – to compare PCCs to FGDs. The fritted glass discs selected were 40 mm in diameter, which

was small enough to be cost-effective and still provided a large surface area (12.56 cm2) for colonization

relative to that of the PCC (6.15 cm2). The results of this test were used to determine the optimal pore

size for the substrate and the ideal length of the deployment to be used in the main NDS study.

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This test included five treatments – four enriched substrates and a control – with five replicates

each. The substrates included for comparison were: [1] PCC, [2] coarse FGD (40-60 µm), [3] fine FGD (4-

5.5 µm), and [4] fine FGD + filter. While the pore size of PCC is not reported by the manufacturer, it is

visibly larger than that of the coarse FGD. In the “fine FGD + filter” treatment, a glass fiber filter was

added between the substrate and the agar. Enriched samplers for this test were prepared with 0.5 M of

both nitrate (NaNO3) and phosphate (NaH2PO4). Control samplers contained unenriched agar and were

assembled with only one substrate type (fine FGD) in order to maintain a balanced experimental design.

This was justified in that the main contribution of nutrients from the controls in the incubation test

would be contamination from the sampler surface, which would be essentially the same for all substrate

types. All samplers were deployed in a mesocosm receiving East Form River water, and were

randomized within arrays of gravel baskets (Figure 3).

Figure 3. NDS sampler deployment during diffusion study.

(Left) Mesocosm channels with NDS samplers deployed. (Right) A closer view of a fine FGD and coarse FGD deployed within gravel baskets.

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Diffusion rates were determined via the incubation test method and agar analysis to

demonstrate each sampler type’s ability to provide nutrient enrichment over a deployment period of at

least 14 days (see “4.6.7 Diffusion rate”). The incubation test (Figure 4) results showed extremely high

diffusion of both nitrate and phosphate initially, which dropped off significantly around 2 days after

deployment. Substrates behaved similarly between the two nutrients, and diffusion progressed from

fastest to slowest as: fine FGD + filter, fine FGD, PCC, and coarse FGD. This trend was maintained over

the course of the experiment.

Figure 4. Incubation test diffusion results from second mesocosm test.

N- and P-diffusion rates by substrate type as observed during incubation testing at each sampling event.

Table 1 gives the incubation test diffusion rates from days 16 and 21. These results show that

although diffusion rates differ greatly among the treatments, each was still able to provide nutrient

enrichment throughout the entire deployment. This is likely due to the increased agar volume in the

Mason jar compared to the snap-lid cups. This may also have been improved by the substrate-lid

assembly method completely sealing the agar reservoir and preventing direct interaction between the

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surface water and the agar; all nutrient flux, therefore, occurred exclusively through the substrate itself.

The modifications in sampler design also contributed to much lower variation among sample replicates.

In the agar analysis diffusion rates from the first mesocosm substrate test, PCC replicates had 32.13%

and 48.56% CV for TN and TP, respectively. PCC replicates in the second mesocosm test, however,

showed much lower variation – with 7.85% and 10.23% CV for TN and TP, respectively.

Table 1. Incubation test, day 16 and day 21 diffusion rates by substrate and nutrient type.

Diffusion rates (µg cm-2 h-1) of nitrate and phosphate during incubation testing on days 16 and 21.

Substrate type Day 16 Day 21


PCC 41.69 75.12 23.97 34.11

Coarse FGD 14.42 15.01 12.61 13.11

Fine FGD 105.61 184.03 76.52 117.55

Fine FGD + filter 89.25 144.51 65.61 112.81

The agar analysis results (Figure 5), on the other hand, showed that both nitrate and phosphate

diffusion progressed from fastest to slowest as: PCC, coarse FGD, fine FGD, and fine FGD + filter. These

results may have led to the erroneous conclusion that PCC substrates provided the greatest amount of

nutrient throughout the experiment, but the incubation test results showed this to be incorrect. It is

likely that the rates from the agar analysis were biased by the massive initial losses – as observed via the

incubation test results – since they were calculated as averages over the course of the test from discrete

results post-deployment. Therefore, it appears that the agar analysis does not provide an adequate

measure of the amount of nutrients supplied by the samplers, since it does not distinguish between the

initial losses and what is actually available to periphyton for the duration of the experiment.

It is also worth noting that the trend observed in the agar analysis results is in order of

decreasing pore size. This could indicate that greater initial losses may be expected in substrates with

larger pore sizes. The combined interpretation of results from the agar analysis and the incubation test

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could, therefore, mean that PCC and coarse FGD substrates lose much more nutrient in the first few

days, resulting in significantly less remaining nutrients by day 2. This would explain why they would

have exhibited lower daily rates for the remainder of the experiment.

Figure 5. Agar analysis diffusion results from second mesocosm test.

Mean N- and P- diffusion rates by substrate type as calculated from remaining nutrients in agar at the end of deployment.

Benthotorch readings were taken to measure periphyton growth (see “4.6.5 Benthotorch”), and

Figure 6 depicts the cyanobacteria and diatom concentrations by substrate type over the course of this

test. In both cyanobacteria and diatoms, the concentrations progressed from highest to lowest as: PCC,

coarse FGD, fine FGD, and fine FGD + filter. This trend was maintained throughout the test. The curves

also show a difference in colonization rate; growth was observed on PCC and coarse FGD substrates

within the first few days, but the fine FGD treatments did not begin to show growth until after day 10.

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Figure 6. Benthotorch results from second mesocosm test.

Cyanobacteria and diatom concentrations by substrate type at each sampling event.

Since the Benthotorch results showed the same pattern as the agar analysis diffusion results, it

could have been construed that increased diffusion rates yielded increased algal concentrations;

however, the incubation test diffusion results revealed that the real-time rates differed greatly from the

calculated mean rates that were determined through the agar analysis. These real-time diffusion rates

show an almost opposite trend to that observed in the Benthotorch results. Since this implies that

diffusion rate and algal concentrations are inversely related, one could speculate that colonization of the

substrate inhibited the diffusion of nutrients from the agar into the surface water. A more probable

explanation is that the diffusion rate and colonization rate were independently affected by the pore size.

A larger pore size allows for greater initial diffusion, after which the rate slows when it may become

limited by the flux through the agar itself. A larger pore size also creates a rougher surface, which allows

for faster colonization of substrates, and therefore higher accumulated biomass.

The results of this experiment imply that any of the substrate options would be potentially

suitable for future NDS studies, since all were shown to diffuse and colonize appropriately despite the

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differences in magnitude. Fine FGDs and PCCs substrates were selected for inclusion in the NDS nutrient

limitation study since they were both shown to be functional, yet have very different qualities.


This study was intended to evaluate the potential for using nutrient diffusing substrates for the

assessment of streams during TMDL development. A nutrient limitation test was conducted in

mesocosm conditions, using two different NDS substrates and two light levels to observe periphyton

responses to nutrient enrichment under imposed N- and P-limitation. The mesocosm surface water was

artificially enriched to achieve the N- and P- limiting conditions and to mimic naturally-occurring N:P

ratios and realistic absolute concentrations. Substrate type and light level were included as factors to

investigate their direct effects on periphyton, and to determine if NDS samplers were capable of

identifying nutrient limitation under the different treatment combinations. Overall, this study aimed to

provide researchers insight into the usefulness and limitations of NDS samplers under various

environmental conditions.


4.1. NDS sampler construction

Samplers were constructed using both porous crucible covers (PCCs) and fine fritted glass discs (FGDs) as

substrates. Regular mouth, 4-ounce, glass Mason jars with canning lids were used as agar reservoirs.

Substrate-lid assemblies were produced to mount the substrate to the lid of the Mason jar. A hydraulic

punch was used to produce a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the substrate (28mm for PCC,

40mm for FGD) in the flat lid of each Mason jar. The substrate was laid flat on the work surface within

the hole in the lid and temporarily held in place with a piece of tape. The lid and substrate were then

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turned tape-side down, and a thin bead of silicone caulk was applied to the underside of the void

between the lid and the substrate. After the caulk had cured, the lid was turned right-side up, the tape

was removed, and another bead of caulk was applied to the same void space on the top of the lid.

When the second layer of caulk had cured, the substrate-lid assembly was inspected to ensure that no

gaps or excess caulk were present.

For the nutrient enrichment treatments, 1-L solutions of 0.5 M NO3- (from NaNO3, for N

treatment), 0.5 M PO43- (from NaH2PO4, for P treatment), and 0.5 M each of NO3

- and PO43- (for N+P

treatment) were prepared in volumetric flasks using deionized water. Un-enriched deionized water was

used for the control treatment. Each solution was transferred to a 2-L Erlenmeyer flask with 20 g

granular agar and a stir bar, sealed with aluminum foil, and weighed. The mixture was stirred

continuously and heated to boiling on a magnetic stirrer. When the solution was clear and all agar was

dissolved, the flask was weighed again and water was added to account for any losses due to

evaporation. While hot, the agar solution was poured into the jars designated for its nutrient

enrichment type until a high meniscus formed above the lip of the jar. When the agar had cooled

enough for its surface to become flush with the mouth of the jar, the substrate-lid assemblies were

placed on the jars designated for each type, the canning rings were secured, and the samplers were

inverted onto clean trays to finish cooling (Figure 7). The inversion of the jars was intended to promote

full contact between the agar and the substrate without air gaps. When the agar was fully solidified,

each sampler was rinsed in deionized water to remove any excess agar and the tops were covered with

aluminum foil to prevent evaporation. The assembled NDS samplers were stored refrigerated at 4° C

and deployed within 24 hours.

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Figure 7. NDS sampler construction for nutrient limitation study.

All mason jars are labelled with identifying information with enamel paint marker. (Top) Substrate lids are placed atop jars when agar has cooled slightly. (Bottom) Canning rings secure the lids, and the samplers are inverted to promote full contact between agar and substrate.

4.2. Experimental site

The study was conducted in May 2014 in the US EPA Experimental Stream Facility in Milford,

OH. This facility allows for experimentation at the mesocosm scale, incorporating elements of both the

field and the laboratory, through the use of artificial stream channels. These stream channels, or

mesocosms, have several advantages over field sites. Field conditions are naturally capricious, which

can lead to difficulties interpreting results, especially during method development. Mesocosms, on the

other hand, offer some level of control and can be fed by river water, RO water, and chemical dosing

tanks in desired proportions. Each flume is separated into two mesocosms, allowing for different water

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conditions within a single channel. Since the mesocosms are indoors, experiments can be conducted

year-round. These benefits made the facility an ideal location for this study.

Each channel (two mesocosms) had an approximate water capacity of 50 gallons in the

experimental setup and a total discharge of 6 gpm. Mesocosms were recirculated at a rate of 15-20

gpm to maintain near-bed velocities of approximately 20-26 cm/s and a residence time of 8.5 minutes.

This flow regime was intended to provide sufficient mixing to eliminate dead-zone storage while still

maintaining realistic residence times as observed in low-order stream reaches. The recirculation of the

mesocosms allowed for reduced sediment inputs and fluctuations in background water quality, and

reduced chemical additions necessary for dosing. Furthermore, the mesocosms were adjusted to full

recirculation during storm events to exclude elevated levels of suspended sediment from the East Fork


Since the channels were set-up immediately prior to the experiment and the deployment period

was short, macroinvertebrate colonization and grazing were expected to be minimal. Therefore,

herbivory was not considered to be a limiting factor on periphyton biomass.

4.2.1. Light treatments

Light level was incorporated as a factor to observe its effects on periphyton and the results of

the NDS nutrient enrichment. This study included one low light and one high light treatment, and one

full channel was dedicated to each light level (Figure 8). The treatments followed a 13.5 hour light cycle

each day and were expected to approximate shaded and open-canopy conditions, respectively. Full

spectrum grow lights were employed in both treatments. The low light treatment employed 1000 W

Sylvania metal halides installed in the ceiling of the stream facility high bay. The high light treatment

added 1000 W Agrosun (Hydrofarm, Inc.) metal halides in pendant fixtures approximately 4 feet above

the channel. A blackout curtain between the channels isolated the two treatments (Figure 9).

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Figure 8. Full view of light treatments for nutrient limitation study.

Low light (top) and high-light (bottom) treatment mesocosms. The high light treatment used additional lighting installed above the mesocosm channel. The low light treatment used only the lighting installed in the high bay area.

Figure 9. Light treatment isolation in nutrient limitation study.

A blackout curtain was used between the mesocosms to isolate low-light and high-light treatments.

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4.2.2. N:P ratio treatments

Based on the ubiquitous Redfield ratios, N-limitation is reportedly likely to occur at molar N:P

ratios < 10, and P-limitation at > 20 (Death et al. 2007). Background N:P ratios of the surface water were

manipulated to simulate N- and P- limiting conditions in the mesocosms, and to reflect the naturally-

occurring ratios and concentrations observed in the EFLMR watershed (Table 2). One treatment of each

nutrient-limiting condition was included in this experiment, and will be referred to as “low N:P” (N-

limiting) and “high N:P” (P-limiting).

Table 2. Nutrient concentrations and N:P ratios observed in EFLMR watershed.

Mean concentrations during March-May at 46 field sites in the EFLMR watershed monitored by US EPA.

# Site ID Nitrate-Nitrite

(µg-N/L) Ammonia (µg-N/L)

DRP (µg-P/L)

N:P Ratio (molar)

Limitation Type

1 143 345 8 34 23 P - Limited

2 506 2308 100 83 64.2 P - Limited

3 890 462 58 218 5.3 N - Limited

4 AVR 273 45 32 22 P - Limited

5 CEC 399 15 19 48.2 P - Limited

6 CLC 368 111 110 9.6 N - Limited

7 CWL 177 62 88 6 N - Limited

8 DAM 750 57 87 20.5 P - Limited

9 DWT 870 23 91 21.7 P - Limited

10 EFB 1252 174 170 18.6 Balanced

11 EFC 1323 48 148 20.5 P - Limited

12 EFG 1436 123 130 26.6 P - Limited

13 EFK 901 41 103 20.3 P - Limited

14 EFM 1351 95 128 25 P - Limited

15 EFY 1420 116 142 24 P - Limited

16 ELI 1120 88 135 19.8 Balanced

17 EUW 1074 93 122 21.2 P - Limited

18 FMR 288 75 79 10.2 Balanced

19 FVC 223 43 275 2.1 N - Limited

20 FVM 766 362 438 5.7 N - Limited

21 GRR 849 164 102 22 P - Limited

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# Site ID Nitrate-Nitrite

(µg-N/L) Ammonia (µg-N/L)

DRP (µg-P/L)

N:P Ratio (molar)

Limitation Type

22 GRS 1291 152 115 27.8 P - Limited

23 GRT 742 155 70 28.4 P - Limited

24 HLR 262 32 40 16.3 Balanced

25 HST 474 22 40 27.5 P - Limited

26 HWR 811 199 248 9 N - Limited

27 KRT 415 219 148 9.5 N - Limited

28 LRC 296 16 27 25.6 P - Limited

29 LRN 78 23 48 4.7 N - Limited

30 NLT 252 23 43 14.2 Balanced

31 NWT 813 168 196 11.1 Balanced

32 OWT 432 67 181 6.1 N - Limited

33 P04 2295 38 57 90.6 P - Limited

34 S14 1460 128 128 27.5 P - Limited

35 S15 2645 112 95 64.3 P - Limited

36 S50 1065 74 269 9.4 N - Limited

37 S51 746 108 145 13 Balanced

38 SAR 129 20 18 18.3 Balanced

39 SHA 422 66 68 15.9 Balanced

40 SHC 623 60 47 32.2 P - Limited

41 SHR 185 19 22 20.5 P - Limited

42 SLT 292 48 25 30.1 P - Limited

43 STC 405 39 70 14 Balanced

44 TBS 31 16 27 3.9 N - Limited

45 UHL 727 66 44 39.9 P - Limited

46 USR 439 18 19 53.3 P - Limited

Mean: 672 65 88 18.5

Maximum: 2645 362 438 90.6

Minimum: 31 8 18 2.1

Type P - Limited N - Limited Balanced

Occurrences 25 11 10

% 54.35 23.91 21.74

The target concentrations of the non-limiting nutrients were 100 µg-P/L and 1100 µg-N/L, for

the low N:P and high N:P treatments, respectively. These concentrations were based on the

recommended management levels for TP and DIN reported by Miltner (2010). At the time of the

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experiment, the nutrient concentrations in the East Fork River were 428 ± 70 µg-N/L and 52 ± 14 µg-P/L

for DIN and DRP, respectively, with an average molar N:P ratio of 18.3. To achieve the desired ratios

without exceeding the realistic target concentrations, all channels were fed by a 50:50 mix of East Fork

River water and reverse-osmosis water. The resulting reduction in background concentrations also

decreased the mass of chemicals necessary to achieve the enrichments.

The mesocosm flow diagram and dosing schematic is depicted in Figure 10, and a chemical

dosing tank setup is shown in Figure 11. For the high N:P ratio, or P-limiting, treatment, it was necessary

to elevate NO3- in the source water. The chemical dosing tanks were prepared with 971 mg/L NaNO3

and were dosed into the high N:P ratio mesocosms at 0.1 L/min, with a flow rate of 3 gal/min each. For

the low N:P ratio, or N-limiting, treatment, it was necessary to elevate PO43-- in the source water. The

chemical dosing tanks were prepared with 70 mg/L NaH2PO4 anhydrous and were dosed into the low

N:P ratio mesocosms at 0.1 L/min, with a flow rate of 3 gal/min each.

Figure 10. Mesocosm flow and dosing schematic.

Direction of flow is indicated with arrows. The river water and reverse osmosis water is delivered in 50:50 ratio to the head tank, which is mixed prior to being split between the two channel. Concentrated nutrients are delivered from the dosing tanks into the recirculation lines from each channel.

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Figure 11. Chemical dosing tanks.

Used to amend mesocosm surface water in low N:P and high N:P ratio treatments. (Top) View of tank setup (dosing pump obscured by lid). (Bottom) View of mixer within tank.

4.3. Experimental design

This experiment employed two complete blocks of a 3-factor design to determine the effects of

light, N:P ratio, substrate type, and nutrient enrichment via NDS methods on periphyton responses. The

design included 3 factors – N:P ratio, substrate type, and NDS type –blocked within a 4th factor, light. All

resulting treatment combinations are summarized in Table 3. Four replicates of each treatment

combination were included in the study. This study therefore included a total of 128 samplers – with 64

samplers of each light level, N:P ratio, and substrate type, and 32 samplers of each NDS type. One full

mesocosm was dedicated to each of the two light treatments. The two channels within each mesocosm

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were dosed separately for low N:P and high N:P ratio treatments. Samplers of all substrate types and

NDS types were randomized within each channel.

Table 3. Experimental design for nutrient limitation study.

Individual treatment combinations representing a 3-factor design (N:P ratio, substrate type, NDS type) within two treatment blocks (light). Treatment types are represented by the following numeric codes: light: 0 = low, 1 = high; N:P ratio: 0 = low, 1 = high; substrate type: 0 = PCC, 1 = fine FGD; NDS type: 0 = control, 1 = N, 2 = P, 3 = N+P.

4.4. NDS deployment

Gravel baskets were installed in 2 x 12 arrays in each mesocosm channel (Figure 12). The

mesocosms were fed with East Fork River water for 3 days prior to deployment to begin establishing

periphyton colonization on the gravel. Dosing began 2 days prior to deployment. An incubation test

was performed prior to the initial deployment and at intervals throughout the experiment (see “4.6.7

Diffusion rate”). NDS samplers were then deployed in randomized locations within the gravel basket

arrays, as in the second mesocosm test (Figure 3). Ceramic tiles were also deployed within the arrays, 4

per channel, for an additional unenriched control substrate. The channel depth allowed approximately

1-2” of surface water to flow over the surface of the substrates. Benthotorch readings were taken

Light N:P Ratio Substrate Type 0 1 2 3

0 0 0 0000 0001 0002 0003

0 0 1 0010 0011 0012 0013

0 1 0 0100 0101 0102 0103

0 1 1 0110 0111 0112 0113

1 0 0 1000 1001 1002 1003

1 0 1 1010 1011 1012 1013

1 1 0 1100 1101 1102 1103

1 1 1 1110 1111 1112 1113

NDS type

Page 45: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


directly after deployment and every other day for the remainder of the experiment (see “4.6.5


Figure 12. Gravel baskets within mesocosm channels.

Red outline indicates one gravel basket.

4.5. NDS retrieval

Due to the amount of time required for collection and sample processing, it was not possible to

collect all NDS samplers in a single day; therefore, the high light treatment samplers were retrieved on

day 18 and the low light samplers on day 19. Upon retrieval, the substrate-lid assembly was removed

from each NDS sampler, aluminum foil was placed over the exposed agar, and the canning ring was

replaced to seal it against moisture loss. The sealed jars of agar were then stored in the refrigerator

prior to processing and analysis (see “4.6.7 Diffusion rate”). The substrate-lid assemblies were manually

cleaned to remove excess biomass from the area of the lids surrounding the substrate, i.e. not on the

Page 46: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


substrate itself. Each lid was each gently rinsed in the channel, then placed individually in a small tub of

stream water from its relevant treatment for subsequent periphyton processing.

4.6. Sample analysis

All sample processing and analyses were performed following standardized methods and quality

assurance standards from U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Standard Operating Procedures (ORD-

NRMRL-WSWRD-WQMB) unless otherwise noted.

4.6.1. Periphyton sample processing

The periphyton processing procedure followed the US EPA standard operation procedure ESF-

SOP-021 with the exception of modified homogenization and tile sub-sampling, as described.

Periphyton was removed from each NDS surface using a toothbrush or razor blade, if needed, and rinsed

into a graduated beaker. Periphyton was subsampled from tiles using a PVC tube fitted with a rubber

gasket to isolate a known surface area (12.56 cm2), and a drill-mounted brush was used to scour the

periphyton from within the isolated area (Figure 13). Each sample was diluted to 140 mL to provide

sufficient volume for subsequent analyses without over-dilution. Since this volume was too small to

accommodate an immersion blender, a milk frother (IKEA, USA) – a small, battery-operated, vibrating

wire whisk – was employed instead to obtain homogeneous periphyton slurries.

Page 47: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 13. Periphyton processing on tile substrates.

(Left) Drill with bristle brush attachment. (Right) Removal of periphyton using drill-mounted brush, with known surface area isolated by PVC ring.

4.6.2. Dissolved oxygen metabolism

Dissolved oxygen (DO) metabolism measurements allow for the differentiation between

autotrophic and heterotrophic responses. The method for determining the DO metabolism in the

samples was adapted from Johnson et al (2009) and provides values for net community metabolism

(NCM), community respiration (CR), and gross primary production (GPP). For this analysis, two YSI 600-

OMS V2 sondes with ROX optical DO sensors were used (YSI Environmental, Yellow Springs, OH).

The initial DO concentration was measured on each periphyton slurry (see “4.6.1 Periphyton

sample processing”) on two different YSI sondes (to be used for subsequent “light” and “dark” readings).

The periphyton slurry of each sample was then divided into two 60-mL graduated syringes – one for

“light” incubation and one for “dark” – and the volume of each was recorded. These syringes were

evacuated of air and sealed with rubber plugs. The “light” syringes were submerged in the upstream

section of the relevant mesocosm channel, with the body of the syringe unobscured so that the light

Page 48: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


was available to the periphyton in the slurry. The “dark” syringes were placed in foil bags to exclude

light before they were placed in the tail tank section of the relevant mesocosm channel. Syringes from

both treatments were allowed to incubate at least one hour. The syringes remained submerged in the

channel throughout the incubation to ensure consistent temperature among samples.

The final DO concentration was measured on the periphyton slurries after incubation, with a

“light” and “dark” reading for each sample. To minimize the flux of DO into or out of the sample during

DO measurements, a flow-cell was fitted over the DO sensor. This measurement setup is shown in

Figure 14. Flow-cells were constructed from a 1.5” PVC elbow, clear acrylic sheeting, and two stopcocks.

The lower stopcock was opened to allow the periphyton slurry to be injected into the flow-cell from the

syringe, while the upper stopcock was opened to allow air to escape from the chamber. A small

magnetic stir bar fit between the probe face and the bottom of the flow-cell chamber, and the assembly

was secured atop a magnetic stirrer to mix the sample as it was being measured. The flow-cell was

flushed with deionized water between readings.

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Figure 14. Sonde setup for DO metabolism measurements.

(Left) Sonde with attached handheld unit and flow-cell assembly, with sample injected into flow-cell using a syringe. (Right) View of stir bar inside chamber, and outlet valve in flow-cell assembly.

All DO measurements were corrected for drift in the readings since the time of calibration. The

drift correction factor (mg/L·min) was calculated as the [DO value of the calibration check (mg/L) – DO

value at calibration (mg/L)] / difference in time between the two readings (min). The time difference

between each sample reading and the time of calibration was then calculated. The drift-corrected DO

value for each reading was obtained by subtracting the [drift correction factor (mg/L·min) * time

difference for the sample (min)] from the originally reported DO value (mg/L).

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The NCM and CR values (µg O2/h) were determined as [final DO (mg O2/L) – initial DO (mg O2/L)] /

[(time out of stream – time place in stream) * 24 h * 1000 µg/mg]. NCM was calculated from the drift-

corrected readings of the light-incubated samples; CR was calculated from the drift-corrected readings

of the dark-incubated samples. GPP was calculated as NCM – CR. The “initial” values used in the

calculations were taken from the same sonde that was used to obtain the “final” readings. The NCM,

CR, and GPP were reported with values normalized for surface area of the substrate (µgO2/h·cm2) and

AFDM (µgO2/mgAFDM). GPP was also reported for normalization of chlorophyll-a (µgO2/µgChla).

4.6.3. Ash-free dry mass

Ash-free dry mass (AFDM) is a measurement of organic matter in a sample and was used, along

with chlorophyll-a, to determine the biomass present on each substrate. The procedure followed the US

EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-017. Samples were initially prepared using the periphyton

slurry described above (see “4.6.1 Periphyton sample processing”) and were processed immediately

after they had been measured for dissolved oxygen. A known volume of sample was applied to a pre-

combusted, pre-weighed glass fiber filter (Whatman, GF-C) on a vacuum assembly using a graduated

syringe. Filters were placed in a drying oven at 105° C for 24 hours, cooled, and weighed. The samples

were then placed in a muffle furnace at 550° C for 2 hours, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed again.

The dry weight (g) was calculated as [weight after drying (g)] – [tare weight (g)]. The ash weight

(g) was calculated as [weight after muffle furnace (g)] – [tare weight (g)]. The subsample multiplier is

the [subsample volume (mL)] / [total slurry volume (mL)], where the total slurry volume for all samples

was 140 mL (see “4.6.1 Periphyton sample processing”). From these values, AFDM (mg/cm2) was

calculated as: ([dry weight (g)] – [ash weight (g)]) / [surface area (cm2)] * (1 g / 1000 mg) * [subsample


Page 51: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


4.6.4. Chlorophyll-a

Chlorophyll-a is a pigment in primary producers used in photosynthesis, and was used as a

measurement of algal biomass on the substrates. The analytical procedure followed US EPA standard

operating procedure ESF-SOP-018, which is based upon EPA Method 445.0. Because algal pigments,

including chlorophyll-a, are photo-sensitive, light exposure of the sample was limited throughout the

processing and analysis processes. Samples were initially prepared using the periphyton slurry

described above (see “4.6.1 Periphyton sample processing”) and were processed immediately after they

had been measured for dissolved oxygen. A known volume of each sample was applied to a glass fiber

filter (Whatman, GF-C) on a vacuum assembly using a graduated syringe. Chlorophyll-a was then

extracted from the filters using 90% acetone and analyzed on a Unicam Spectrophotometer 520.

The chlorophyll-a concentration of the extract was calculated using Jeffrey and Humphrey's

Trichromatic Equations. The corrected absorbance value was obtained by subtracting the value at 750

nm from the result at each of the other wavelengths. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in the extract

was calculated from these corrected absorbance values as follows: 11.85 * (Abs 664) - 1.54 * (Abs 647) -

0.08 * (Abs 630) = mg/L in extract. The whole-water concentration of chlorophyll-a in the slurry was

then calculated as the [concentration in the extract * extract volume (L) * dilution factor] / [sample

volume (L) * cell length (cm)]. This result was then converted from mg/L to µg/L. The final

concentration of chlorophyll-a on the substrate (µg/cm2) was calculated as the slurry concentration

(µg/L) * slurry volume (L) * [1/surface area (cm2)].

4.6.5. Benthotorch

The Benthotorch (bbe Moldaenke GmbH, Germany) is a handheld fluorometer for field

measurement of benthic chlorophyll. This instrument differentiates among classes of algae based on

their specific fluorescence excitation spectra, and determines the concentrations of cyanobacteria,

Page 52: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


green algae, and diatoms within the sampled area. Benthotorch measurements were taken on each

NDS sampler and tile controls on days 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 of the experiment. Readings

were also taken from randomly selected tiles at the head of each channel on each of these days and on

day 21.

The Benthotorch reports the concentrations of cyanobacteria, diatoms, and total algal biomass

at the time of measurement. By taking readings at time points throughout the experiment, it was

possible to observe the growth dynamics of periphyton. Growth curves were fit to the data using R

software’s “grofit” package (Kahm et al. 2010). Grofit applies parametric models and a model-free

spline to data to obtain growth parameters. The parametric models applied were logistic, Gompertz,

modified Gompertz, and Richards. The best fit of these models was selected by AIC value. The spline fit

method was used when parametric models were unable to produce reliable results or resulted in errors.

Both methods – models and spline – produced values for the parameters A, mu (µ), lambda (λ), and

integral. The parameter A is the maximum concentration, µ is the maximum growth rate, λ is the length

of the lag phase, and integral is the total accrual throughout the experiment. These parameters are

depicted in Figure 15.

Page 53: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 15. Explanation of grofit parameters.

The parameter A describes the maximum concentration, µ the maximum growth rate, λ the length of the lag phase, and integral the total accrual. The parameters are fit using either the best-fit model or a model-free spline. This example is cyanobacteria growth on an individual sampler, and the Gompertz model was used.

Benthotorch data was run through the grofit function in two ways – first as independent

samplers, then as all samplers of a particular treatment type combined. The results are shown in Figure

16 and Figure 17. Data from the independent samplers was chosen for use in this study in order to

preserve replication for analysis, since the replicates were shown to behave similarly within each






Page 54: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 16. Example growth curves fit with R grofit package, individual replicates

Data depicted is from diatoms on PCC with N enrichment, in high N:P ratio and high light.

Figure 17. Example growth curves fit with R grofit package, all replicates of a single treatment.

Data depicted is from diatoms on PCC with N enrichment, in high N:P ratio and high light.

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4.6.6. Mesocosm nutrients

Surface water from each channel was grab-sampled daily at the influent, head of channel, and

effluent points. These samples were analyzed for ammonia (NH4+), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP),

nitrate-nitrite (NO2-3), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) on a Lachat Quikchem 8500 series 2

flow-injection colorimeter. Samples were frozen immediately upon collection and sample analysis was

completed within 7 days. Nutrient analyte holding times are established as 28 days for frozen samples.

The NH4+ analysis followed the US EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-027, which is

based upon EPA method 350.1 and Lachat Quikchem Method 10-107-06-1-G.

The DRP analysis followed the US EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-029, which is

based upon EPA method 365.1 and Lachat Quikchem method 10-115-01-1-V.

The NO2-3 analysis followed US EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-026, which is based

upon EPA method 353.2 and Lachat Quikchem method 10-107-04-1-C.

The TN analysis followed US EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-028, which is based

upon EPA method 353.2 and Lachat Quikchem method 10-107-04-1-J.

The TP analysis followed US EPA standard operating procedure ESF-SOP-030, which is based

upon EPA methods 365.1 and 365.3 and Lachat Quikchem method 10-115-01-1-F.

4.6.7. Diffusion rate

The rate of diffusion of N and P from NDS samplers was estimated in two ways: periodic

incubation tests and analysis of nutrients remaining in the agar post-experiment. While neither method

is intended to reflect the true level of nutrients available to the periphyton at the substrate surface, the

results were used to make comparisons between substrate types and among treatment conditions on a

relative basis.

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Incubation test diffusion method

The incubation test protocol was based on the method described by Capps et al (2011) for

assessing nutrient diffusion. Additional replicates from each substrate type (PCC, fine disc) were

included in the study for dedicated use in this test. These samplers were enriched with both N and P

and were assembled and deployed identically to those used in the remainder of the experiment.

Incubation tests were performed prior to initial deployment on day 0, and on days 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16.

On these days, each substrate was removed from the mesocosm and placed in a dedicated plastic tub

filled with 500mL of water from the mesocosm channel of its relevant treatment. The jar was sealed to

prevent changes in volume due to evaporation during incubation. As a control, a jar of source water

from each treatment was included in the incubation. Samplers were allowed to incubate for 1 hour,

undisturbed (Figure 18). After incubation, each sampler was removed from the jar and re-deployed in

its original mesocosm position. Each incubation tub was mixed on a magnetic stirrer for at least 30

seconds, then subsampled with a 5mL pipette while continuing to mix. Samples were frozen upon

dispensing and were subsequently analyzed for dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and nitrate-nitrite

(NO2-3) using the methods described for mesocosm nutrients (see “4.6.6 Mesocosm nutrients”).

Nutrient concentrations of the control samples for each treatment were subtracted from the

associated incubation test sample results. Diffusion rates were reported as µg/cm2·h to account for

differences in diffusive surface area between PCCs (6.15 cm2) and fine discs (12.56 cm2).

Page 57: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 18. Incubation test for nutrient diffusion rate assessment.

From day 2 of diffusion study. Samplers are sealed in tubs individually with deionized water for 1 hour.

Agar analysis diffusion method

A secondary method for assessing nutrient release was employed by analyzing the remaining

nutrients in the agar post-deployment, adapted from the method described in Corkum (1996). Instead

of sub-sampling the agar throughout deployment, however, the entire agar slug was analyzed post-

deployment to obtain the final values. The jars of agar from the NDS samplers were retained upon

retrieval (see “4.5 NDS retrieval”) and stored in the refrigerator at 4° C. The first two replicates of each

treatment combination were processed according to the following protocol for the determination of

remaining nutrients. The agar was removed from the jar, placed into a tared glass beaker, weighed to

the nearest 0.1 g, and the weight was recorded as the total agar weight (g). The beaker was then sealed

with aluminum foil and placed into an oven at 110-130° C to re-liquefy the agar. Once liquefied, the

temperature was reduced to 100° C to prevent the agar from burning while awaiting processing. One

beaker at a time was removed from the oven, stirred on a magnetic stirrer, and sub-sampled with a

pipette for TN and TP analysis in triplicate. Weight was used for samples instead of volume since the

agar was being dispensed hot and the temperature and was expected to vary from sample to sample.

The sub-samples were dispensed into tared glass test tubes, weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g, and the

Page 58: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


weight was recorded as the sub-sample weight (g). Samples that had been enriched with the nutrient to

be analyzed were pipetted to ~0.1 g, whereas samples that had not been enriched with that nutrient

were pipetted to ~1.0 g. After samples were dispensed, 5 mL Milli-Q water was added to each test tube

prior to digestion for TN and TP (see “4.6.6 Mesocosm nutrients”).

The resulting concentrations were multiplied by the total dilution factor to obtain the corrected

values (µg N or P/L). The concentration of nutrients in the agar (µg N or P/g agar) was calculated from

the peak concentration (µg/L) * (1 L / 1000 mL) * digestion volume (mL) * (1/subsample weight (g)). The

total mass of nutrient remaining in the agar (µg N or P) was determined by the agar concentration (µg N

or P/g agar) * mass of the agar (g). The initial mass of nutrients in the agar prior to deployment (µg N or

P) was calculated as the enriched agar concentration (0.5 mol N or P/L) * molar mass (g N or P/mol) *

mass of the agar (g) * 106 µg/g * 1 L/1000mL. The nutrients diffused from each sampler during the

experiment (µg/sampler) was calculated as the [initial mass of nutrient (µg N or P)] – [the remaining

mass of nutrient (µg N or P)]. The final value for nutrient diffusion rate for each sampler (µg/cm2·d) was

calculated as nutrients diffused (µg/sampler) * (1/surface area (cm2)) * (1/deployment length (d)).

4.6.8. Water quality sensors

Water quality sensors were installed in the tail tanks of each mesocosm channel. Data were

continuously logged throughout the experiment for temperature, turbidity, pH, conductivity, dissolved

oxygen, and discharge.

4.6.9. Light sensors

Photosynthetically-Active Radiation (PAR) was measured using LI-COR quantum sensors (LI-COR,

Inc., Lincoln, NE) in the low-light mesocosm, the high-light mesocosm, and outdoors. Instantaneous PAR

values (µmol m-2 s-1) were converted to total daily irradiance (TDI; mol m-2 d-1) by accounting for the time

Page 59: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


interval between readings (* 60 s/min * 5 min/interval), taking the sum of all values each day, and

converting from µmoles to moles (* 10-6). The mean TDI values for the low light and high light

treatments were then converted to percentages of the mean TDI outdoors.

4.7. Statistical analysis

The data analysis for this study was generated using SAS software, Version 9.2 of the SAS System

for Windows 7. Copyright © 2012 SAS Institute Inc. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or

service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.

The general procedure for data analysis was to first perform Box Cox power transformations

using the SAS software’s Transreg procedure to determine the optimal lambda parameters for the

variables. The homoscedasticity of the transformed data was then verified using the Univariate

procedure. Data were then evaluated with the ANOVA analyses described below.

To evaluate the direct effects of experimental conditions (i.e. light, N:P ratio, and substrate type)

on periphyton, a 3-factor ANOVA was performed using the SAS software’s GLM procedure with Scheffe

analysis for multiple comparisons using control treatments only.

For the identification of nutrient limitation using NDS methods, a 2-factor ANOVA (light and NDS

enrichment type) analyses were performed for each substrate and N:P ratio combination. The SAS

software’s GLM procedure with Dunnett analysis was used to detect increased responses to enrichment

of the limiting nutrient compared to that of the control.

To observe the impact of light on the NDS method’s ability to detect nutrient limitation, a 2-

factor ANOVA (light and N:P ratio) was performed separately by substrate type and N- and P-enrichment

NDS types. This analysis employed the SAS software’s GLM procedure with Scheffe analysis for multiple


Page 60: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Diffusion rate analyses were performed on both incubation test data and remaining agar

nutrients data. To observe the impact of substrate type on diffusion rate, a 3-factor ANOVA (light level,

N:P ratio, and substrate type) was performed separately for each type of NDS enrichment (N and P).

These analyses were performed using the SAS software’s GLM procedure with Scheffe analysis for

multiple comparisons.


5.1. Mesocosm conditions

The light conditions in this study yielded mean TDI values of 3.48 mol m-2 d-1 in the low light

treatment and 13.14 mol m-2 d-1 in the high light treatment, which were 13% and 50% of the outdoor TDI

(26.36 mol m-2 d-1), respectively. The mean PAR values were 74.0 ± 3.8 µmol m-2s-1 in the low light

treatment and 270.4 ± 28.2 µmol m-2s-1 in the high light treatment.

The sensors installed in the channels reported that temperature, turbidity, pH, conductivity, and

dissolved oxygen did not differ greatly among the channels, but all were subject to disruptions (Figure

19). In general, these disruptions caused an increase turbidity and dissolved oxygen, and a decrease in

conductivity, pH, and temperature. The disturbances were attributed to both storms and sampler

deployment. Storms occurred on days 0-1 and 17-18 and required the channels to be 100% recirculated

during this time to exclude sediment inputs from the East Fork River influent. A small storm also

occurred on day 14, but the channels only required recirculation for a few hours. Furthermore, the

initial deployment of the samplers in the gravel baskets would have contributed to the large disturbance

at the beginning of the experiment. Periodic removal and replacement of diffusion test samplers would

have likewise created small disturbances on days 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 (see “4.6.7 Diffusion rate”). One

notable trend is the increase in water temperature over the course of the experiment, which reflected

Page 61: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


the warming outdoor temperatures. Mean values for the water quality parameters are reported in

Table 4.

Figure 19. Water quality parameters during nutrient limitation study.

Water quality data from sensors installed in the tail tank of each channel. Reference lines indicate recirculation periods due to storm disruptions on days 0, 1, 14, 17, and 18.

Page 62: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Table 4. Mean values of water quality parameters during nutrient limitation study.

Mean and standard deviations for each mesocosm channel, labeled by treatment.

Parameter High Light Low N:P

High Light High N:P

Low Light Low N:P

Low Light High N:P

Conductivity (µS/cm) 180.1 ± 49.7 191.8 ± 55.0 187.0 ± 70.3 199.2 ± 49.1

DO (mg/L) 9.9 ± 0.9 10.1 ± 0.9 9.7 ± 1.4 9.6 ± 0.5

pH 7.9 ± 0.6 7.7 ± 0.4 7.6 ± 1.0 7.6 ± 0.3

Temp. (C) 17.4 ± 3.5 17.8 ± 3.6 16.8 ± 3.8 17.5 ± 2.8

Turbidity (NTU) 7.2 ± 10.4 19.7 ± 52.8 4.8 ± 21.8 11.4 ± 4.8

The manipulation of the nutrient concentrations in the mesocosms produced two N:P ratio

treatments: low (4.4 ± 0.85) and high (49.25 ± 13.7). These values were calculated from the molar ratios

of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (NO2-3- and NH4

+) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (PO43-) in the surface

water. The low N:P ratio treatment had mean concentrations of 421.6 ± 47.1 µg-N/L DIN and 216.2 ±

32.5 µg-P/L DRP. The high N:P ratio treatment had mean concentrations of 1855.9 ± 136.7 µg-N/L DIN

and 90.7 ± 28.5 µg-P/L DRP. A summary of all nutrient concentrations and flow observed during the

experiment is given by treatment type in Table 5. The concentrations in both treatments were higher

than the target levels. This was attributed to the accumulation of nutrients contributed by the NDS

samplers from recirculation of the channels, which was especially pronounced during storm events (fully

recirculated). The excess N was not shown to significantly impact the intended treatment levels. The

excess P, however, was observed to negatively affect the desired N:P ratio treatments, so on day 5 of

the experiment, replicates of P-enriched samplers (P, N+P, and diffusion test treatments) were removed

in hopes of mitigating this effect. The impact of these P-enriched samplers is clear in Figure 20 as the

difference between the effluent of the high N:P treatment (not enriched with P) and the unenriched

influent. The flow of the RO water in the influent was also increased from 3.0 gpm to 3.5 gpm on day 5

in order to further dilute the river water influent (3.0 gpm) prior to dosing, for a total of 6.5 gpm.

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Table 5. Nutrient concentrations and flow rates during nutrient limitation study.

Mean and standard deviations for each mesocosm channel, labeled by treatment.

Parameter High Light Low N:P

High Light High N:P

Low Light Low N:P

Low Light High N:P

Ammonia (µg-N/L) 8.9 ± 3.7 8.2 ± 3.2 9.9 ± 3.7 9.3 ± 3.5

DRP (µg-P/L) 222.1 ± 32.5 83.0 ± 31.4 210.3 ± 32.4 98.4 ± 25.6

Nitrate-nitrite (µg-N/L) 386.2 ± 43.4 1747.9 ± 76.7 438.3 ± 50.3 1946.4 ± 197.2

Total Nitrogen (µg-N/L) 634.2 ± 64.5 1992.1 ± 117.7 679.9 ± 38.5 2331.4 ± 267.6

Total Phosphorus (µg-P/L) 215.0 ± 26.6 78.8 ± 28.4 201.6 ± 27.8 90.2 ± 25.1

DIN (µg-N/L) 395.1 ± 43.8 1756.1 ± 77.0 448.2 ± 50.4 1955.7 ± 196.3

DIN:DRP molar ratio 4.0 ± 0.7 52.2 ± 16.5 4.8 ± 1.0 46.3 ± 10.9

River water flow (gpm) 3.00 ± 0.0 3.00 ± 0.0

RO water flow (gpm) 3.37 ± 0.2 3.37 ± 0.2

Total flow (gpm) 6.37 ± 0.2 6.37 0.2

Figure 20. Mesocosm nutrients during nutrient limitation study.

Daily nutrient concentrations in each dosing treatment. Truncated to exclude storm disruptions on days 0, 1, 17, and 18.

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5.2. Main treatment effects

To investigate the effects of light, N:P ratio, and substrate type on periphyton responses, the

results from controls (unenriched PCC, fine FGD, tiles, and rocks) were assessed via a 3-factor ANOVA

(see “4.7 Statistical analysis”). Significant results (p < 0.05) are summarized in Table 6. All analytes

produced significant models, and all three factors were observed to have significant effects on

periphyton responses. These results were convoluted by interactions among factors, which were

significant on all light and N:P ratio effects, and all but 2 of the substrate type effects – including a

significant 3-factor interaction (light x N:P ratio x substrate type) in 4 of the analytes. The effects of

these experimental factors on several response variables are depicted in Figure 21 and Figure 22.

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Table 6. Nutrient Limitation Study 3-factor ANOVA on control substrates.

Analysis of nutrient limitation study experimental effects on control substrates, including tiles and rocks. Results from 3-way ANOVA via SAS software’s GLM procedure with Scheffe adjustment for multiple comparisons. Significant p-values (<0.05) are reported. All data was analyzed via Box Cox, transformed with SAS software’s Transreg procedure for normalization of coefficients, and assessed for normality with Univariate procedure prior to analysis. (LL = light level, NPr = N:P ratio, Subs = substrate, * = interaction)

Analyte Model LL NPr Subs LL*NPr LL*Subs NPr*Subs LL*NPr*Subs

AFDM (mg/cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0029

Cyano A (µg/cm2) 0.0003 <0.0001 0.001

Cyano Conc. (µg/cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0293 <0.0001

Cyano Integral (µg/cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0076 0.0386

Cyano Lambda (d) <0.0001 0.0286 <0.0001 0.0345

Cyano Mu (µg/cm2·d) 0.0056 0.0009 0.0195

Diatom A (µg/cm2) 0.0428 0.0217 0.0021

Diatom Conc. (µg/cm2) 0.0013 <0.0001

Diatom Integral (µg/cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0002

Diatom Lambda (d) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0315

Diatom Mu (µg/cm2·d) <0.0001 0.0082 <0.0001 0.0053 <0.0001

Total Conc. (µg/cm2) 0.0017 <0.0001

CR (µgO2/h·mgAFDM) <0.0001 0.0017 0.0003 0.0001 0.0203

CR (µgO2/h·cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0003 <0.0001 <0.0001

Chl-a (µg/cm2) <0.0001 0.0012 <0.0001 <0.0001

GPP (µgO2/h·mgAFDM) <0.0001 0.0006 0.0043 <0.0001 0.0375 0.0001

GPP (µgO2/h·µgChla) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0449 0.0293 0.0143

GPP (µgO2/h·cm2) <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0075 0.0001 <0.0001 0.0113 0.0013

Total Significant: 18 8 6 13 8 12 2 4

Total Significant Without Interactions:

0 0 2

Page 66: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 21. Nutrient limitation study control results by light level, N:P ratio, and substrate type.

Depiction of control substrate responses for select biological variables in the NDS nutrient limitation study. Data are untransformed means and standard errors. Effects with the same letter are not significantly different. Significant light and/or N:P ratio effects are classified with upper case letters. Substrate effects were observed in all variables except chlorophyll-a and were accompanied with significant interactions. In the absence of a significant substrate by N:P ratio interaction, classifications are only given for the high N:P means.

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Figure 22. Nutrient limitation study growth parameter results by light level and substrate type.

Depiction of control substrate responses for periphyton growth parameters in the NDS nutrient limitation study. Data are untransformed means and standard errors. Effects with the same letter are not significantly different. Significant light effects are classified with upper case letters. N:P ratio differences were largely insignificant and therefore not depicted separately. Significant substrate effects were observed in all variables and were accompanied by significant interactions.

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Light significantly affected several response variables (8 of the 18), but always showed

significant interaction with another factor. Interactions occurred with both N:P ratio and substrate type,

and in all variables except one (diatom lambda). Of the 8 significant responses to light observed in this

study, high light and low light treatments each produced the greater response on 4 analytes. Notably,

the high light treatment showed greater results for GPP and cyanobacteria concentration (interactions

present), whereas low light elicited greater responses from diatoms (A, µ).

N:P ratio also had a significant effect on several response variables (6 out of 18). Of these 6

significant responses, however, all included an interaction with light. Most frequently, responses

tended to be stronger in high light / high N:P ratio and in low light / low N:P ratio, although the latter

was not significant. CR and GPP both exhibited this trend. In chlorophyll-a, all light/N:P ratio treatment

combinations showed similar results except high light / low N:P ratio, which was lower. Periphyton

growth parameters were also affected by the light-N:P ratio interactions. Cyanobacteria saw an increase

in λ (longer lag phase) under high light compared to low light, and diatoms saw a decrease in µ (slower

growth rate); however, N:P ratio treatments were not assessed separately this data.

Substrate type produced significantly different responses in 13 of the 18 variables, but results

were subject to interactions with both light and N:P ratio. Of these significant responses, PCC discs

produced the greater response in 9 analytes, and fine FGD in 2 analytes. The most compelling

differences were observed in the Benthotorch analytes, which showed that PCCs colonized almost

immediately (low λ) but fine FGDs grew rapidly (high µ) once colonization began. PCCs also showed

greater responses on AFDM, CR, and GPP. Tile responses were typically similar to or lower than fine

FGDs, with the exceptions of GPP and CR normalized by AFDM (tile > fine FGD). Benthotorch

measurements on rocks were included on some experimental days, and these results were significantly

different from artificial substrates in cyanobacteria concentration (lower), diatom concentration

(higher), and total concentration (higher).

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5.3. Nutrient enrichment effects

To detect nutrient limitation from the NDS method, a 2-factor ANOVA model was used to test

for the effects of NDS enrichment relative to control responses for each substrate and N:P ratio

condition (see “4.7 Statistical analysis”). Responses on NDS enriched with the “limiting” nutrient (i.e. N

in low N:P ratio, P in high N:P ratio) were expected to be stronger than those observed on control

substrates. These “expected” responses for the 22 response variables were tallied for each substrate

type and N:P ratio and are summarized in Table 7. Overall, both substrates positively detected nutrient

limitation in very few of the variables tested, and the responses were seldom significant. Chlorophyll-a,

a commonly used variable in NDS methods, only significantly identified N-limitation on PCC discs; it was

unable to significantly detect P-limitation on either substrate type. Fine FGD chlorophyll-a responses

were in the direction expected, but only in high light. AFDM, another popular metric, did not

significantly indicate either type of nutrient limitation; however, non-significant responses were

observed for P-limitation on both PCC and fine FGD (high light only). A paired t-test of expected

responses on PCC and fine FGD, however, did not show the two substrates to be significantly different

from one another. Therefore, despite the many differences observed between PCC and fine FGD in the

ANOVA tests, the t-test implies that one is not more capable than the other at producing the expected

response to enrichment in NDS methods.

Table 7. Nutrient enrichment effects by N:P ratio and substrate type.

Summary of results from 2-factor ANOVA for NDS enrichment effect versus control by N:P ratio and substrate type for 22 variables. Enrichment with the limiting nutrient was expected to induce a greater response. Tallies of the number of significant expected responses were reported, as well as the total (including not significant responses).

Low N:P Ratio Expected: N > Control High N:P Ratio Expected: P > Control


Significant responses 3 0 Significant responses 3 5

Sig. % of variables 14% 0% Sig. % of variables 14% 23%

Total responses 5 1 Total responses 7 6

Total % of variables 23% 5% Total % of variables 32% 27%

Page 70: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


To assess the impact of light on the ability to detect nutrient limitation in this study, a 2-factor

ANOVA tested for interactions between light and N:P ratio within each substrate and enrichment type

combination. Table 8 shows which analytes were affected by a significant light-N:P ratio interaction. N-

enriched fine fritted glass discs were most often affected, with 9 out of 22 variables showing a

significant interaction.

Table 8. Significant light interactions with N:P ratio.

Significant light * N:P ratio interactions from 2-factor ANOVA by NDS enrichment type and substrate type. A total of 22 variables were tested, and p-values from those with significant light * N:P ratio interactions are reported. Cases where an interaction was present but not significant is denoted by “ns”.

Analyte PCC + N Fine FGD + N PCC + P Fine FGD + P

AFDM (mg/cm2) 0.0206 <0.0001 0.0222

Cyano Lambda (d) ns

Diatom A (µg/cm2) ns

Diatom Conc. (µg/cm2) 0.0053

Diatom Integral (µg/cm2) 0.026

Total Conc. (µg/cm2) 0.0083

CR (µgO2/h·cm2) 0.0343 0.0026

Chl-a (µg/cm2) 0.0002 0.0001

GPP (µgO2/h·mgAFDM) 0.0034

GPP (µgO2/h·µgChla) 0.01 0.0484 0.0019

GPP (µgO2/h·cm2) ns ns 0.0001

NCM (µgO2/h·mgAFDM) 0.0079 0.0109

P:R ratio 0.0018 0.0009

Total Significant: 2 9 4 4

Table 9 depicts the types of light-N:P ratio interactions observed. The number of occurrences

when each light x N:P ratio combination resulted in the stronger response was tallied by substrate and

NDS enrichment type. There were more significant responses to high N:P ratio in high light, whereas

there were more significant responses to low N:P ratio in low light. This interaction occurred regardless

of the substrate or NDS enrichment type.

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Table 9. Types of responses observed in light x N:P ratio interactions.

Results of light x N:P ratio interactions, by NDS enrichment type and substrate. Counts are given for the number of significant and total (including non-significant) expected responses for each light and N:P ratio combination. N-enrichment was expected to produce greater responses in low N:P ratio, and P-enrichment in high N:P ratio. Responses most commonly occurred in High Light/High N:P and Low Light/Low N:P treatments (indicated in blue), regardless of substrate or NDS enrichment type.

N-enrichment Expected: Low N:P ratio P-enrichment Expected: High N:P ratio

PCC Fine PCC Fine

High Light High N:P > Low N:P

2 3 Significant High Light High N:P > Low N:P

0 1 Significant

4 8 Total 4 2 Total

Low Light High N:P > Low N:P

0 1 Significant Low Light High N:P > Low N:P

0 0 Significant

1 3 Total 0 1 Total

High Light Low N:P > High N:P

0 0 Significant High Light Low N:P > High N:P

0 1 Significant

0 1 Total 0 2 Total

Low Light Low N:P > High N:P

0 2 Significant Low Light Low N:P > High N:P

1 2 Significant

2 8 Total 4 2 Total

5.4. Diffusion rate effects

The overall diffusion rates (all treatments) obtained from the incubation test are depicted in

Figure 23, and were plotted against the diatom concentrations for comparison. This figure confirms that

the samplers were able to provide enrichment throughout the length of the experiment and did not

show an obvious change in response to diatom colonization. It also shows that on average, PCCs

diffused nitrate faster whereas fine FGDs diffused phosphate faster. As in the previous experiment (see

“2.5 Second mesocosm substrate test”), the diffusion rates were extremely high initially, then stabilized

around day 2 and tapered off slowly over the remainder of the deployment. The mean day 16 diffusion

rates were 83.5 µg-N/cm2·h and 57.8 µg-P/cm2·h for fine FGDs, and 112.5 µg-N/cm2·h and 52.1 µg-

P/cm2·h for PCCs.

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Figure 23. Mean incubation test diffusion rates vs. diatom concentrations for all treatments.

The incubation test results are segregated by light level and N:P ratio treatments in Figure 24.

Diffusion was generally higher in high N:P ratio than low N:P ratio for both nitrate and phosphate. All

treatments exhibited some degree of interaction between factors. Nitrate diffused faster from PCCs in

the high N:P treatment, but diffused faster from fine FGDs in the low N:P treatment. Samplers generally

diffused faster in low light than high light, but an interaction was observed with substrate type. For both

nitrate and phosphate diffusion, fine FGDs diffused faster in high light, whereas PCCs diffused faster in

low light.

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Figure 24. Incubation test results from nutrient limitation study by light level and N:P ratio.

As in the previous study (see “2.5 Second mesocosm substrate test”), the agar analysis method

shows contradictory diffusion rate results from the incubation test method (Figure 25). PCCs were

always observed to have much higher diffusion rates than fine FGDs. Furthermore, the low N:P

treatments tended to have higher diffusion than the high N:P treatments. The only notable difference

between light levels was greater diffusion from PCC under low light and low N:P ratio. Fine FGDs appear

to have more consistent diffusion than PCCs across treatment conditions for both nitrate and


Page 74: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Figure 25. Agar analysis diffusion rates from nutrient limitation study.


The intention of this study was to evaluate the ability of nutrient-diffusing substrates to assess

streams during TMDL development. NDS methods have been widely used to assess nutrient limitation

in streams, but their performance and applicability need consideration. Experimental conditions at field

sites, e.g. light availability and background nutrients, challenge the capability of NDS as a method in

identifying nutrient limitation when it is present. Furthermore, due to the absence of a standardized

NDS method, the many different sampler designs currently employed in research may prevent

comparison among studies. This study was, therefore, executed in a controlled mesocosm setting to

allow for greater scrutiny of the behavior of NDS under various experimental conditions, particularly

regarding light and substrate effects.

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6.1. Light effects

The irradiances for both light treatments were much weaker than anticipated. According to Hill

et al. (2011), light is known to be “growth-saturating” at 100 µmol m-2 s-1; this PAR value is slightly higher

than the low light condition used in this study (74.0 ± 3.8 µmol m-2s-1). Therefore, it is possible that

some light limitation may have been present. The high light treatment – at 50% of outdoor sunlight –

also fell short of the intended conditions in that it does not approximate open-canopy conditions;

unshaded stream sites are therefore likely to produce stronger responses to light than were observed in

this study. Despite the lower than expected irradiances, the two light levels were still observed to be

sufficiently different from one another to elicit distinct responses from periphyton in low light and high

light. Variables such as GPP and cyanobacteria concentration elicited greater responses in the high light

treatment, whereas diatom parameters gave greater responses in the low light treatment. The diatoms

present in this system likely preferred lower light intensities, as optimal light conditions are known to

vary from species to species (Werner 1977). Since algal communities will vary among field sites,

researchers may encounter more or less of these differential responses to light based on the species

assemblage at a particular site.

The responses to light, however, were subject to strong interactions with other factors –

particularly with N:P ratio. An inverse relationship between light and nutrients was observed in several

analytes, and manifested itself in one of two ways: (1) high light produced an increased response

compared to low light, but only in the high N:P treatment (CR, p < 0.0001; GPP, n.s.; AFDM, n.s.); or (2)

high light did not produce an increased response compared to low light, but the low N:P ratio treatment

decreased under high light (Chl-a, p < 0.0001). These trends were observed in the control treatments

and were maintained despite enrichment with either N or P. If light and nutrients had been co-limited,

one could expect that the response to nutrients would have increased with an increase in light (Taulbee

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et al. 2005, Hill et al. 2009, Johnson et al. 2009, Hill et al. 2011). This may be the case with nitrogen,

since it shows similar responses under low light, yet increases under high light. Phosphorus, on the

other hand, seems to have an antagonistic relationship with light – particularly in the lower observed

chlorophyll-a response under high light versus low light. Photoinhibition would have provided a

convenient explanation, but it is probably unlikely due to the low irradiances and high nutrients in this

study. Taulbee et al. (2005) only observed photoinhibition of algal biovolume at the lowest SRP

concentration (5 µg-P/L) and highest irradiances (~400 µmol m-2 s-1). Overall, these results have poor

implications for the usefulness of NDS methods in impacted streams, since the light x N:P ratio

interaction effectively obscures the responses to nutrient enrichment.

NDS methods are mainly used in pristine, low-nutrient streams, where co-limitation seems to be

common and relatively easy to identify. It is possible that the type of light-phosphorus interaction

observed in this study only becomes significant with elevated nutrient concentrations. Regardless of

site conditions, light is increasingly shown to have a profound impact on results and should therefore be

included as a factor in assessments of periphyton responses to nutrients. Accordingly, it is

recommended to measure light in NDS studies, and to deploy NDS arrays in reaches with light levels

representative of the stream being assessed. It would also be prudent to include algal speciation to

provide support for causality of responses.

6.2. N:P ratio effects

Although the target nutrient levels were exceeded in the respective treatments, the resulting

concentrations were still considered to be representative of the conditions observed in the EFLMR

watershed (Table 2), and the resulting ratios adhered to the prescribed ranges. The altered N:P ratios in

the mesocosm surface water were intended to impose N- and P-limiting conditions in their respective

treatments. Both high N:P and low N:P ratios should theoretically have been limiting to periphyton, and

Page 77: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


therefore have produced similar responses in the absence of enrichment. Many significant differences,

however, were observed in the controls between the two treatments in this study. Of the variables that

exhibited these differences, though, each also showed a significant interaction with light. This makes it

difficult to determine if the experiment actually achieved limiting conditions, since the observed

differences were not simply in response to nutrients alone. Although the N:P ratios obtained did align

with the predictive thresholds, and the concentrations in the “limiting” treatment fall below the State

recommended thresholds, the absolute concentrations may have been sufficiently high to make the

ratios themselves irrelevant.

6.3. Substrate effects

In this study, substrate had a greater impact on periphyton than either light or N:P ratio, and

was the only factor to produce any significant responses without interactions. Porous crucible covers

generally elicited stronger responses than fine fritted glass discs, and this was particularly true with

regard to colonization rate (low λ). Because colonization began almost immediately, PCCs had more

time than fine FGDs to accumulate biomass during the experiment – resulting in significantly higher

values for A and concentration in cyanobacteria, and integral in both cyanobacteria and diatoms. As

mentioned in the discussion of the second mesocosm substrate test (see “2.5”), the different

colonization rates between PCCs and fine FGDs are likely due to substrate roughness. PCCs provide a

much rougher surface, which could allow for easier adhesion of periphyton.

Despite the drastic differences between substrate types, neither was found to be better able to

detect nutrient limitation using the NDS method. Although PCC more often produced the expected

response, the differences between substrates was not found to be significant. Under this study’s

controlled experimental conditions and among many response variables, neither substrate reliably

identified nutrient limitation in the treatment in which it was intended. Chlorophyll-a and AFDM are the

Page 78: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


most common metrics in NDS studies, and between the two variables the only significant expected

response was by chlorophyll-a for N-limitation on PCCs. This study utilized many more variables than

typical NDS assessments, and nutrient limitation was still not well-identified. This could simply mean

that the experimental conditions were not actually limiting, as previously mentioned. It could also mean

that interacting factors had such conspicuous effects on the responses that they masked the effects of

the NDS enrichments. Furthermore, both PCC and fine FGD substrates showed the expected responses

to enrichment, but the results were not significant. This implies that the treatments may have been

more successful with higher replication. This would be even more important for a field study, in which

environmental conditions would likely introduce additional variation. If the expected responses

observed in this test had been significant, then based on the results given in Table 7, it could have been

determined that PCCs outperformed fine FGDs as an NDS substrate. The significant differences between

substrates – and the potential differences in their ability to identify nutrient limitation – underscore the

need for a standardized NDS method, since substrate type is the most variable aspect of an NDS design.

NDS methods were investigated for use in stream assessments in part to improve comparability among

states’ assessments, so the development of a standard method is imperative if NDS are to serve in this


While measurements on rocks (i.e. gravel) in the mesocosms were included as an afterthought,

it would have been beneficial to incorporate them fully into the study to better observe the differences

in responses between the artificial substrates and a natural substrate. Benthotorch measurements

showed that rocks had significantly higher final diatom concentrations than PCCs, fine FGDs, and tiles

(Figure 21). It is unclear whether this difference in magnitude would translate into a difference of

behavior in response to enrichment. Future research could investigate if NDS studies show the same

trends in periphyton responses that would be observed on natural substrates under enriched


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6.4. Deployment method effects

The initial field test using the Tank et al. (2006) NDS method revealed the need for modifications

to the sampler design, since sedimentation was observed to interfere with periphyton colonization (see

“2.1 Initial field test”). A proposed alternative design employed a ceramic disc as the substrate, secured

atop a Mason jar with a canning ring (see “2.2 Initial modifications of NDS sampler design”). This design

minimized the depression created between the lid and the substrate surface, thereby eliminating the

“trap” for sediment to collect. While the modifications were expected to improve periphyton

colonization, the sampler’s effectiveness as a diffusing substrate was unknown. Therefore, it was

prudent to assess differences in diffusion rate between the two sampler designs.

Diffusion rate assessments became a central theme in this study after the first mesocosm

substrate test exposed how drastically the NDS sampler design can affect nutrient release (see “2.3 First

mesocosm substrate test”). Not only did the ceramic discs not diffuse nutrients at all, but the PCC

samplers diffused nitrate too quickly. Had the initial designs for PCC and ceramic samplers been used in

field studies prior to testing, the data from the study would probably have been unusable. This

underscores the need to assess diffusion rates in NDS studies, especially prior to using new designs.

The issues regarding diffusion rate were solved with further modifications to the sampler design

(see “2.4”), which incorporated an improved substrate mounting method and increased sampler

volume. The new sampler design also drastically reduced variation in diffusion rate among replicates.

The second mesocosm substrate test (see “2.5”) confirmed that the modified NDS sampler design

enabled all substrate types to provide nutrient enrichment over the entire deployment period and were

able to colonize periphyton. Both diffusion rate and algal concentrations were surmised to have been

impacted by substrate type, however. It was speculated that larger pore size creates a rougher surface,

which allow faster colonization by periphyton. An increase in pore size also appeared to correlate with a

Page 80: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


greater initial release of nutrients into the surface water, followed by subsequently lower hourly

diffusion rates for the remainder of the deployment. It was unclear whether there was a relationship

between biomass on the substrate and diffusion through the substrate, or if the two were only

connected by the effects of pore size.

The second mesocosm test also revealed that the two diffusion rate methods employed –

incubation testing and agar analysis – gave very different, yet complementary, information. The

incubation test periodically assessed the instantaneous diffusion rates to observe differences among

treatments throughout the experiment. The agar analysis demonstrated that there was little variation

among replicates with the improved sampler design, and also provided the cumulative mass of nutrient

released during the experiment. While both methods proved useful in observing the diffusion dynamics

in this study, it is important to note that the results are not directly comparable. The massive initial

release of nutrients from the samplers, as observed in the incubation test method results, appeared to

bias the mean rates obtained from the agar analysis method. The incubation test, therefore, showed

that the diffusion rates from the agar analysis did not accurately reflect how nutrients were being

supplied throughout the deployment. Agar analysis is still a viable method for assessing diffusion rate

when using multiple sampling events, as in the first mesocosm substrate test (see “2.3”), rather than

calculating mean rates from a single analysis post-deployment. This is an important observation, since

diffusion rate methods in the literature were observed to be highly variable among studies and some

may be inadequate for verifying the functionality of the sampler.

The incubation test diffusion rate assessments in the nutrient limitation study showed that both

substrates – PCCs and fine FGDs – successfully provided enrichment throughout the experiment, but

that diffusion rate was impacted by the experimental conditions (Figure 24). The results showed that

diffusion rate was also subject to interactions among factors, much like periphyton responses. While

there was not a clear link between diffusion rate and periphyton responses in the previous test (see “2.5

Page 81: Nutrient-diffusing substrate method capabilities in impacted streams with regard to light and


Second mesocosm substrate test”), the two exhibited several of the same patterns in this experiment.

Samplers generally diffused faster in low light; diatom responses were also stronger in the low light

treatment, and cyanobacteria colonized faster (lower λ; Figure 22). High N:P ratio showed greater

diffusion rate than low N:P ratio; periphyton variables were generally higher under high N:P ratio or

showed depressed responses to low N:P ratio, especially under high light (Figure 21). Fine FGDs diffused

faster in high light, whereas PCCs diffused faster in low light – this same pattern was significant in

cyanobacteria A and diatom A responses (Figure 22). The similar patterns of response suggest a

potential link between diffusion rate and biomass on the substrates. Since these observations seem to

imply a direct relationship, it may mean that periphyton was actively up-taking nutrients from the

substrates during this experiment, rather than relying on passive diffusion. One could speculate that

this exacerbates differences among treatment conditions in that increasing biomass could result in

increasing nutrient availability, rather than nutrients remaining equally available among treatments

throughout the experiment. This effect, if it indeed exists, may not significantly complicate NDS studies

compared to the effects of light, nutrient conditions, and substrate type.

6.5. Benthotorch assessment

Because Benthotorch measurements may not have previously been incorporated in nutrient-

diffusing substrate studies, it seems prudent to include an assessment of its usefulness in this

experiment. One distinctive benefit to the Benthotorch is that it allows for measurement of algal

concentrations without sacrificing biomass. This creates the opportunity to take several readings

throughout an experiment, as was done in this study, and thereby produce growth curves from the data.

This data can be analyzed for growth parameters such as mu (growth rate), lambda (lag phase), and A

(total accrual). These parameters give researchers insight into the growth dynamics of the periphyton,

rather than relying only on the typical, discrete, biomass-related analyses, such as AFDM and

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chlorophyll-a. In fact, the Benthotorch results aided in the identification of several trends in this study

which were not apparent in more typical variables.

The Benthotorch technology is not without its limitations, however. One disappointment was

the exclusion of green algae as an analyte due to the inability of the Benthotorch to detect it among

more dominant algal species. The presence of green algae was frequently reported in the first days of

the study, but then became undetectable as diatom colonization increased. In many cases, a significant

amount of green algae was clearly visible on the substrates, but the Benthotorch would consistently

report zero.

Another shortcoming of the Benthotorch pertains its under-exaggeration of concentrations.

Upon comparing chlorophyll-a results to those of cyanobacteria and diatoms (Figure 21), it became

apparent that the Benthotorch was unable to detect the majority of the biomass on the substrate. This

is thought to stem from the fact that it relies on surface reflectance for its measurements, and therefore

any biomass below the surface layer are unable to be detected. This leads the algal concentrations by

the Benthotorch to be biased low compared to sacrificial methods, such as chlorophyll-a.

Lastly, Benthotorch use is simple and fairly quick (approx. 45 seconds per reading), but the user

must exercise caution while making measurements. The sponge-like cup fitted to the end of the

detector is meant to isolate the periphyton from light, which would interfere with the results. Normal

use tends to leave visible marks on colonized areas, however, so it is advisable to use substrates with a

smaller diameter than the Benthotorch tip in order to prevent disruption. Furthermore, periphyton

produces an especially slippery surface, making it easy for this device to slide across the substrate and

inadvertently remove critical biomass. Care must therefore be taken in the placement of the

Benthotorch, and in stabilizing it during measurement.

Overall, the Benthotorch provides useful insight into periphyton growth dynamics. Researchers

should be aware of its limitations, however, specifically concerning accuracy of concentrations and

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detection of green algae. The Benthotorch may therefore be best employed as a supplement to other

biomass measurements and algal identification.

6.6. Implications for NDS application

The State of Ohio is currently determining the sources of impairments at sites assessed

throughout the East Fork Little Miami River watershed, which will subsequently be regulated under

TMDLs. Of the 88 sites assessed in 2012, the State reported that 52% were biologically impaired (State

of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 2014). While organic enrichment and low dissolved oxygen

were the most frequent causes reported, nutrient enrichment was also highly indicated. An apparent

uptake of nitrogen and steadily elevated phosphorus levels were presumed to indicate nitrogen as the

limiting nutrient in this system. Being able to identify which nutrient in excess – nitrogen or phosphorus

– produces the greater response in primary producers is important for stream impact assessment. It

was hoped that NDS methods could be used at EFLMR sites to aid in identifying nutrient limitation

where it is present; in this way, NDS methods would provide support for regulation of the limiting

nutrient. Therefore, the main question this study aimed to answer was: “Can NDS methods be used for

the assessment of impacted streams during TMDL development?” Overall, the results did not strongly

support the usefulness of NDS methods in this capacity. In this study, the observed interaction between

light and N:P ratio tended to obscure periphyton’s response to further enrichment. Increased

replication may have provided the experimental power necessary to identify nutrient limitation – even

in the impacted conditions of this study – but the results were still confounded by interactions among

treatment factors.

Since NDS methods could be expected to give more straightforward results in streams that have

not yet been impacted by nutrient enrichment, it may be most useful to apply them in the assessment

of reference stream reaches within the potentially impacted watershed. This approach would be

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analogous to a positive control in a laboratory study. Based on the results from this study, the

recommended NDS sampler design should employ PCC discs mounted in a substrate-lid assembly (see

“2.4 Further modifications of NDS sampler design”) atop a mason jar. To improve experimental power,

at least 5 replicates should be included per treatment (control, N, P, and N+P). Based on periphyton

growth dynamics, samplers may be retrieved as soon as 14 days after deployment in order to avoid

impending storm flows. Deployment should last no longer than 21 days, however, to ensure adequate

enrichment from the NDS treatments. Light levels should be monitored throughout the experiment, and

deployment sites should include light levels representative of the stream being assessed. Researchers

may also want to consider speciation of the periphyton community, since different algal species are

known to have varying responses to light in particular. To disentangle the effects of light and nutrients,

future studies could determine at what concentrations and irradiances significant interactions – either

synergistic or antagonistic – can be expected. This could inform that sites below certain thresholds may

benefit from NDS assessment.


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