nutrition · 2015-08-26 · you...

1 Nutrition Plan: Anti-Inflammatory Detox Diet – Week One Created by: Brenda Morales, DTR Degreed Nutritionist & Health Coach Reviewed by: Cynthia Thaik, M.D. Board Certified Cardiologist

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Page 1: Nutrition · 2015-08-26 · you need to reset your body’s neurotransmitters and hormones. We are trying to fight


Nutrition Plan:

Anti-Inflammatory Detox Diet

– Week One

Created by:

Brenda Morales, DTR Degreed Nutritionist & Health Coach

Reviewed by: Cynthia Thaik, M.D.

Board Certified Cardiologist

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Week One Detox

Disclaimer: The data on this document is provided for informational purposes only, it is not tailored to the needs of your specific situation and is not meant to be used, nor should it be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. This information is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or qualified health professional, who should always be consulted before beginning any new diet or other health program. Brenda Morales is not responsible for any adverse effects or reactions arising from the use or application of the information contained herein. Copyright © 2014 by Brenda Morales All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying or other electronic methods.

Our clean eating challenge kicks off this week; this means removing unnatural,

processed and highly reactive and allergenic foods from your diet and replacing them

with whole foods.

What you should expect?

This week you will give your body a rest by reducing the load of toxins in your liver. As

you cleanse and detoxify your body you may experience a range of symptoms.

Everyone’s body is different and it also depends on your current dietary patterns, but

initial side effects of detoxification include: headaches, dizziness, fatigue, lack of

energy, irritability, a bad taste in the mouth, acne and/or rapid weight loss.

If you are dramatically altering your daily food regime, the first few days on the detox

diet may be a little bit of a shock to your body, below are some suggestions on what to

do if you experience any common detoxifying symptoms during the first few days.

Listen to your body, make sure you are not skipping any meals (follow the daily meal

protocol and remember that this is not a starvation diet), stay hydrated, and for the first

few days try to take it easy (if you’re currently used to exercising try to take light and

perhaps cut back on the intensity and/or duration only do what your body can handle

and if you’re not used to exercising start light exercise once you feel ready to do so).

Stay motivated and positive, I promise it will get easier and you will soon start feeling

better, lighter, and more energetic.

What we expect from you…

We believe that as humans we all have an innate desire to improve ourselves and to be

the best version of ourselves that we can be. Making positive lifestyle changes not only

benefits you, but also your loved ones as well. When you are living in optimal health,

you are stronger and happier and this radiance inspires others to be around you and

take responsibility for their own health as well.

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My Goals My Short Term Goals:

My Long Term Goals:

Steps I will take to get there:

This is YOUR chance to take action and regain your health back. Are you ready to kick

off a new nutrition and lifestyle regimen?

We know and understand that change is hard; there is no doubt about that. But your

desire to be healthy is what counts and we want you enjoy this process (every step you

take in the right direction will make a big difference). Here are some tips and tools that

we would like for you to follow so you get real results and change your lifestyle for the


1. Set goals. This is your time to make healthy lifestyle changes and live your best

life possible! Now is the time to set your goals, create healthy habits, and make

your dreams a reality. Complete the goal-setting template below.

2. Keep a positive attitude. You can always set yourself up for success with a

positive attitude. Be happy, be grateful, be mindful, and keep a positive outlook.

This week instead of focusing on what you need to avoid and the lifestyles

change you need to make, instead be thankful for the abundance of healthy

choices you have every day. When you focus on good thoughts you attract magic

and real results appear into your life.

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Week One- Kick sugar to the curb

3. Dedication. Stick to the program! Losing weight, changing your diet and your

lifestyle habits takes time and will not happen overnight. Don’t get discouraged

and stay dedicated.

4. Be open: Don’t be afraid to try new thing, new foods, and new ways of thinking.

Try the recipes provided or feel free to have fun and experiment following the

guidelines of the program.

5. Make your health a habit. This is a lifestyle change. Habits take approximately

21 days to form, which is why we’ve designed a 21 day program. During the next

21 days take action and do what we’re telling you do, follow the program, and

commit to it.

Week one is about quitting sugar. But, let’s be clear, sugar isn’t really the problem, it’s

the amount of sugar we’re consuming today and the refined sugars in our diet. Studies

show that in the past 150 years our sugar intake has drastically increased. Today the

average American adult consumes close to 150 pounds of sugar a year!

For decades, we’ve blamed fat for making us fat. But as newer studies emerge we’ve

learned that SUGAR in all its form creates our obesity epidemic and most of the world’s

chronic diseases.

Are you addicted to sugar?

Do you panic if there’s nothing sweet in the house? Do you start off with just a bite and

end up eating the whole thing?

There are many reasons for sugar cravings. First of all, sweets raise our blood sugar,

which provides us with a quick energy boost. They also deliver serotonin to the brain,

which makes us happy. Therefore, it is not surprising that the average American tends

to consume over 22 teaspoons of sugar a day!

Sugar is just as addictive as cocaine. If you’re addicted, it is not your fault. Being a

sugar addict is a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel

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on sugar and lead to uncontrolled overeating. The more you eat, the more you want

because the energy boost and happy feeling it provides is only short-lived, and followed

by a crash. When you experience the sugar crash that’s when you crave another sugar

boost, and the cycle of sugar dependence continues.

What happens in the body when excess sugar is consumed?

Excess sugar is stored in the liver as glycogen. Your liver is the storage space that

holds glycogen in the form of energy for the body to use during exercise, between

meals, overnight, or while fasting. However, like all storage units, your liver has limited

space. Therefore, someone who constantly overeats excess carbohydrates will fill up all

the storage space in the liver. Once your liver is full of glycogen, excess glucose is

converted into fatty acids, which then enter the bloodstream and get stored in your


How sugar impacts your overall health:

1. Sugar makes you moody and sluggish. When our blood sugar gets low, so does

our energy and mood; some people might even get a little shaky and lightheaded.

Then you start looking for more sugar, which creates a “sugar roller coaster.”

2. Excess sugar is stored as fat. When insulin is released, it signals the body to

store excess calories as fat – so sugar promotes the storage of fat in the

body and hence, weight gain.

3. Sugar causes us to age more quickly! Sugar promotes advanced glycation end-

products (AGEs), which damage the collagen and elastin in our skin, causing the

skin to look saggy and more wrinkled.

4. Sugar impacts our immune system. When we eat something sweet, our

pancreas releases insulin to reduce the elevated blood sugar and deliver it to the

cells. Insulin inhibits the release of human growth hormone, which depresses the

immune system, making us less equipped to fight off infections and viruses.

5. Studies show sugar also increases the risk of many diseases, including heart

disease, diabetes, and cancer.

It’s time for a sugar detox!

We have good news; you can break your addictive sugar cycle in only 21 days! Cutting

sugar out of your diet works. Trials have shown that people who have cut out sugar

have lost weight, eliminated cravings, and learned a healthy new way of eating. During

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our program you will cut out sugar without feeling deprived, our focus will be on

consuming delicious, whole, fresh foods that will help you gain back your health and


How to break free from your sugar addiction!

1. Commit. Go cold turkey! Sugar addicts need to avoid sugar altogether because

you need to reset your body’s neurotransmitters and hormones. We are trying to

fight powerful biochemical mechanisms created by sugar addiction, therefore you

must commit to cutting out sugar completely for at least for the first week (but

cutting it out for the entire 21 days would be more beneficial!)

2. Drink more water. Sometimes your sweet cravings are actually a sign of

dehydration. We often mistake our thirst for hunger, leading to cravings and desire

for food, when we really just need to hydrate. Also, water helps keep you feeling full

and flushes excess sugar out of the body, thus reducing the sugar cravings. Plus, it

can help you lose weight as well.

3. Power up with protein. Protein, especially at breakfast, provides the key to

balancing blood sugar and insulin and reducing cravings. With every meal aim to

incorporate protein, try nuts, seeds, fish, chicken, or turkey.

4. Go high carb (but the right ones). It seems that almost every traditional

American meal and snacks contain either grains, sugar or both, whether it is

cereals or bagels for breakfast; pasta, rice, or breads at lunch or dinner; or granola

bars and candies for other times of the day. All carbohydrates are broken down to

sugar in the body, creating the same sugar cycle. Instead eat more green leafy

vegetables that will help keep you satiated for hours. You can eat as many

vegetables as you want, just make sure to avoid potatoes, sweet potatoes, and

corn. Also, get creative and try new things, for example use spaghetti squash to

prepare grain-free spaghetti, or Portobello mushroom caps for individual grain-free


5. Avoid artificial sweeteners. These are all very toxic and have been linked to

cancer in animal studies. Also, because artificial sweeteners are so much sweeter

than sugar, they tend to make you crave more sugar and carbohydrates.

6. Give up wheat. Modern wheat is no longer real wheat; it is now the transformed

product of genetic manipulation and hybridization. Wheat today has chemicals

added in the refining process such as preservatives and chemical oxidizing agents

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making it more acidic. Here’s the downside: Two slices of whole wheat bread

now raise your blood sugar more than two tablespoons of table sugar!

Gluten is the sticky protein wheat that holds bread together and makes it rise.

Gluten is a large molecule, which is very abrasive to the lining of the gastrointestinal

(GI) tract and it’s very hard for humans to digest it, causing inflammation. Every

time you consume foods with gluten such as flour, oats, barley or rye, you’re

increasing the risk of damaging the lining of your GI tract. The more gluten you eat,

the greater the risk for developing food sensitivities, brain fog, depression (gluten

can cause a leaky gut and disrupt your ability to absorb certain vital nutrients like B

vitamins, iron, vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and zinc which are essential for mood

and brain health), and other health problems.

To receive the benefit from eating a gluten-free diet, you want to remove gluten and

ADD in more plant-based foods. Enjoy gluten-free grains like quinoa, amaranth,

brown rice, buckwheat, sweet potato and pumpkin. Avoid eating too much gluten-

free foods like gluten-free cookies, cakes and breads (because they are still

processed, and just because it is gluten-free it doesn’t mean healthy). Vegetables,

fruits, beans, nuts and seeds are all gluten free – stick with those.

7. Boost your healthy fat intake. Good fats make you full, help to modulate cravings,

and stabilize blood sugar. Along with protein, have good fats at every meal and

snack including foods like nuts, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and avocados.

8. Prepare! Don’t let yourself get into a food emergency. Pack snacks and plan your

meals ahead of time.

9. Separate emotions from food. Avoid eating when you’re stressed or feeling down.

10. Experiment with spices. Many spices will add sweetness and/or flavor to your

food without the addition of sugar. Try cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves.

11. Increase physical activity. Being active actually helps balance your blood sugar

levels. Plus it will keep you feeling happier and more energized.

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12. Get more sleep, rest and relaxation. When you’re tired, the first foods you tend to

reach for are carbohydrates that are loaded with sugar. The more relaxed and well-

rested you are the less you’ll crave sugar to energize you.

Bottom line: Sugar is in everything (all processed foods) and it’s really bad for you.

Therefore, this week our focus is on eliminating sugar.

1. Clean out your pantry. You’ll want to ditch all sugar, no more white/brown/raw

sugar, cereals, protein/energy bars, baked goods, crackers, dips, sauces, yogurt,


2. Avoid processed foods. A long time ago we ate real food! But today science and

technology has changed our meals. “The chronic diseases that now kill most of us

can be traced directly to the industrialization of our food; the rise in highly processed

foods and refined grains; the use of chemicals to raise plants and animals in huge

monocultures; the superabundance of cheap calories of sugar and fat produced by

modern agriculture… These changes have given us the western diet that we take for

granted: lots of processed foods” says Michael Pollan in his book In Defense of


The truth is that real foods and fake processed foods will always be different – no

matter what the package advertises! For example, your body knows how to break

down and digest a fresh whole tomato and knows it’s better than corn syrup and/or

red dye #49 ketchup. Don’t fall for the nonsense “healthy labels” on packaging of

processed food products and all ridiculous advertising, it’s all marketing!

3. Read food labels. Read every single ingredient list and watch out for all hidden

sugar names. If you can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t eat it (quinoa pronounced –

kee-no-wah – is excluded from this rule). This should not be a challenge since you

should avoid any foods that come in a box, package, can, or that have a label. Stick

with real, whole, fresh food!

Week One Food Rules

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4. Top natural high sugar foods to avoid for now:

Fruit Juice – Whether it’s freshly squeezed or from a carton it still

contains several teaspoons of sugar.

Dried fruit

“Health bars” – Stay away from all processed snack bars, even if they

claim all-natural

5. Make substitutions. Swap out refined sources of sugar, for NATURAL ones.

Honey, coconut sugar, raw cocoa powder, pure vanilla extract, stevia, fresh dates,

and fresh fruit are all natural and acceptable sources. These foods are not loaded

with chemicals and contain high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

6. Be prepared & organized. Plan your meals, particularly your lunches, so you are

not forced to eat out or choose unhealthy, sugary choices. And always have fresh

fruit for mid-morning snack or nuts handy for afternoon snack when you get hungry

in between meals.

7. Eat more veggies. The best thing you can do to improve your overall health is to fill

your diet with whole, unrefined plant foods. Natural plant-based foods provide all the

essential nutrients needed for a well-balanced and healthy diet.

It’s preferably to eat fresh vegetables. However, frozen vegetables are the next

best choice. Canned vegetables should be avoided as they contain preservatives

or chemicals and are high in sodium.

Eat more raw than cooked vegetables. Raw vegetables contain the most

vitamins, enzymes and nutrients, so eat plenty of salads and raw veggies every

day. When cooking vegetables, try to avoid charring or over-boiling them

because heat will destroy some nutrients.

8. Limit animal protein. You may choose to keep some animal protein in your diet for

taste, social, or any other reasons, but there is no nutritional reason to do so. Eating

too much animal protein will make the body acidic, and will require a lot of energy to

efficiently digest the complex protein chains. Digesting animal protein also creates

all sorts of by-products in the body, like purines, uric acid, and ammonia by-

products. These toxins are absorbed in the bloodstream through the colon and

circulate all around the body.

For our detox program you do not need to become vegetarian or vegan, you don’t

have to give it up animal protein completely as long as you make better choices:

Buy organic, hormone-free lean proteins, preferably from a local farm or


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Select lean animal proteins – chicken breast, turkey, wild-caught fish, and

organic eggs (optional).

Avoid red meats.

Avoid cold cuts and canned meats.

Avoid shellfish, which is particularly high in heavy metals.

Choose fish that may be lower in heavy metals and toxins: wild Alaskan

salmon, mahi-mahi, tilapia, trout, sea bass, haddock, halibut, and whitefish.

During the first 2 days of the detox you will avoid animal products altogether so you can

give your body and digestive system a complete rest and so that you can see how easy

it can be to follow a plant-based diet. After the first few days, you decide if you wish to

continue eating vegan, although you don’t have to. If you do want to continue following

a vegan diet then make substitutions and follow the animal-free recipes provided in your

meal plan. If you decide not to continue a full plant-based diet, that’s fine too but at least

aim to consume animal protein only once a day at most and eventually, your goal

should be to limit the consumption of animal protein to two to three times per week at


9. Most importantly – be sure to drink lots of water!

Foods to include Foods to avoid

Fruits & Vegetables

All fresh natural fruits (focus on more local and organic berries or frozen berries)

All fresh raw, steamed, sautéed, juiced, or roasted vegetables


White potatoes

Canned fruit packed in syrup

Canned veggies

Grains & Similar

Brown Rice

Gluten-free oats (Bob’s Red Mill)

Optional: Gluten-free tortillas, wraps, and breads (Food for Life or Rudis gluten-free bakery)




Refined flours (white breads, white pasta, baked goods)

Gluten containing grains (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut, and some oatmeal)

Week One Approved Food List

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Nuts & Seeds Raw almonds, cashews, walnuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds

Nut butters

Peanuts & Peanut butter

Soy nuts

Meats, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs

Wild caught fish: Tilapia, Mahi-Mahi, Trout, Wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, Halibut, Stripped Sea Bass, Haddock

Clean eating – organic and free-range, hormone-free chicken and turkey

Organic eggs (optional)

Eggs (if you wish to eliminate all highly allergenic foods)


Raw Fish


Red Meats

Cold cuts

Canned Meats

Legumes All legumes including peas and lentils

Soy beans and other soy products (including tofu, however vegans only you wish you may use organic tofu or tempeh but limited amounts)

Dairy Milk Substitutes such as rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, or any other kind of nut milk

Coconut yogurt

Almond milk-based yogurt

Goat cheese (optional)

All dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream)

Fats Healthy fats: avocado, coconut oil, nuts & seeds, olive oil, or ghee (clarified butter), and flaxseed

Margarine & Shortening


Trans fats and hydrogenated oils


Saturated fats

Fried Foods

Drinks Purified water

Organic Herbal Tea

Organic Green Tea

Hot Lemon Water

Sweetened Beverages



High Sugar or artificially flavored juices

Colas, Soda pop, Diet sodas, Energy Drinks

Spices and Sauces


All spices including sea salt, pepper,


Soy Sauce

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cinnamon, cumin, dill, garlic, ginger, carob, oregano, parsley, rosemary, tarragon, thyme or turmeric

BBQ Sauce

Table or kosher salt

Other Condiments

Sweeteners & Other


Pure vanilla extract

Raw cacao

Coconut sugar

Use sparingly: 100% maple syrup, raw honey, and agave nectar (optional)

Artificial flavors, colors, preservatives (MSG)

High fructose corn syrup

Sugar of all kinds, including sugars that are in seemingly healthy foods like yogurt and granola

Every single morning is like having a fresh start to a healthy

new YOU! Your morning sets the tone for your body’s

energy and digestive processes, as well as mentally how

you will feel for the rest of the day. Therefore, it is very

important for you to firmly restructure your morning routine.

Start your day right!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it

sets the tone for your entire day. After an approximate eight

hour fast (while sleeping) your body needs vital nutrients and energy to start the day.

Eating the right breakfast will also prevent your body from afternoon sugar cravings and

from feeling sluggish by stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Now, what is the right breakfast? You may have heard in the past that eating a hearty

breakfast starts your day off right. This popular rumor led millions of people to sit down

in the mornings and enjoy pancakes, cereal, waffles, egg omelets, egg sandwiches,

bagels, giant muffins with coffee, or some other heavy breakfast. The reason why you

don’t want to eat this way for breakfast is because it causes digestive backup first thing

in the morning and is one of the worst ways to start off your day! Plus, if you eat an

unhealthy breakfast, you will crave and eat bad foods all day long.

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A big breakfast slows digestion and weighs the body down for the rest of the day, so

your energy suffers as a result. Digestion takes a great deal on your body’s energy, so if

you eat a large breakfast then all your body’s energy will be used towards digestion.

Overnight when your body is at rest it’s working on cleansing and repairing your cells,

so if you wake up and start cramming the wrong foods in your body right away then you

interrupt your body’s cleaning process creating a big mess of digestive garbage that

can never be cleaned out!

On the other hand, nowadays with our busy lifestyle many people tend to skip breakfast

altogether, which is not good either. When you wake up in the morning you should eat

breakfast within one hour of waking. Studies show that skipping breakfast can put you

at greater risk of being overweight. Also, a recent study released August 2013 by the

journal Circulation says that skipping breakfast may increase your chances of a heart

attack. Harvard researchers found that older men who regularly skip breakfast had a 27

percent higher risk of heart attack when compared to those who ate a morning meal.

Experts say that people who skip breakfast are more likely to eat larger and unhealthier

meals later in the day, which can spike sugar levels and perhaps lead to clogged

arteries. Eating the right foods in the morning energizes the body and reduces cravings

throughout the day.

Follow this plan for the next 3 weeks, giving up heavy breakfasts or not eating breakfast

at all and judge for yourself how you feel. Note your increased energy levels and how

much better you will feel overall. The first week you start with only green smoothies for

breakfast (to help promote weight loss, cleanse the body, and enhance detoxification).

Good luck!

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Your New Daily Meal Protocol

The goal of this detox is to feel like you’re living clean, not like you’re on a diet. Focus

on what you can eat as opposed to what you should avoid. Listen to your body’s

messages of satiety so that you don’t overeat. Also, allow yourself to eat snacks

throughout the day (aim for 5-6 small meals throughout the day) to regulate your blood

sugar and to ensure that you don’t go too hungry that you fall into your old bad habits.

Wake Up Start your morning with a glass of fresh water (8-12 ounces). Your body becomes dehydrated through the night, so drink a full glass of water just to get your metabolism moving (adding 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar to your morning water may aid in digestion, weight loss, and detoxification).

Breakfast (within an hour from waking up)

8-12 ounces of warm water with lemon juice (you may add a little stevia if you need for sweetness). Since your body is already detoxifying in the mornings, the lemon adds to this effect by stimulating the liver and cleanse the body of toxins. Lemons are also high in antioxidants and Vitamin C, which gives your body a quick immunity boost.

Breakfast option (see options below) Week 1 we focus on light & healthy green smoothies for breakfast.

You may also feel free to enjoy a cup of caffeine-free, organic, herbal tea either sweetened with stevia or black.

Mid-Morning Water

Snack (if needed, see options below)

Lunch 8-12 ounces of water

Lunch option (see options below)

Mid-Afternoon Water

Snack (if needed, see options below)

Dinner 8-12 ounces of water

Dinner option (see options below)

2-3 Hours Before Bedtime


Snack (if needed, see options below)

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Week 1 Detox Meal Plan

Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Meatless Monday

“Peach & Banana Green Smoothie”

“Romaine Lettuce & Garbanzo Bean Salad”

“Quinoa and Avocado Salad”

Tues. “Avocado & Mango Green Smoothie”

Leftovers: “Quinoa and Avocado Salad”

“Simple 3-Bean Salad”

Wed. “Banana Berry Super Smoothie”

“Raw Taco Wraps” “Macadamia Chicken Salad”

Thurs. Make your own green smoothie!

Leftovers: “Macadamia Chicken Salad”

“Chicken with Sautéed Escarole”

Fri. “Kale Machine” Leftovers: “Chicken with Sautéed


“Black Bean Salad Topped with Guacamole”

Sat. “Berry Protein Smoothie”

“Spinach and Walnut Salad”

Baked wild-caught salmon (seasoned with

sea salt and pepper after marinating with

lemon juice, tamari, and grated ginger) served

with brown rice and steamed broccoli

Sun. “Apple Pie Detox Superfood Shake”

“Asparagus and Leek Soup”

Coconut Cilantro Grilled Chicken (Start by

blending light coconut milk, lime juice, sea salt, and handful of cilantro until smooth. Pour this marinade over chicken, cover, and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or

overnight. Discard marinade before

cooking, and grill the chicken.) Serve with

grilled asparagus and green salad.

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Week 1 Snacks

Add fiber – particular in snacks, it will add to the feeling of fullness and bridge the gap between meals.

Snacks and mini meals throughout the day are a great way to keep energy levels high. Studies have shown that eating between meals may be a sign of overall healthier habits. During week 1 aim to have natural approved sugars only before the afternoon and keep your afternoons and evening sugar-free.

Mid-morning Snacks Afternoon / Evening Snack

Apple with almond butter or cashew butter

Green Smoothies

Frozen Grapes

Protein Smoothies


Nuts and Seeds

Fresh fruits and veggies

Fresh fruit and nuts

Celery or Carrot Sticks

Broccoli Florets

Brussels sprouts and carrots

Banana and almond butter

Brown rice cakes

Coconut or Almond yogurt with berries or chia seeds

Homemade Trail Mix (recipe below)


Nuts and Seeds

Fresh Veggies

Baby Carrots

Veggies with 2 tbsp. hummus (either store-bought or use recipe below)

Raw Sunflower Seeds or Pumpkin Seeds

Coconut or Almond yogurt with chia seeds

Brown rice cakes with almond butter or cashew butter (optional)

Two slices of white-meat turkey (turkey is loaded with sleep-inducing tryptophan, it’s low-fat, and is a high-quality protein)

Recipes below

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Week 1 Recipes

Breakfast Recipes: No more heavy breakfasts or skipping breakfast! Make time

to eat a healthy breakfast every morning, select from one of the recipes below: Peach & Banana Green Smoothie Makes 16-20 oz. Ingredients:

½ frozen banana

1 cup frozen peaches

1-2 ice cubes

¾ cup almond milk (or any nut milk you prefer)

2 large leaves of kale

2 tbsp. hemp protein

1 pitted date or 2 drops of stevia (optional, added for sweetness)

Dash of cinnamon (optional) Directions: Prep and wash all produce. Blend, serve, and enjoy.

Make Your Own Green Smoothie Ingredients:

1 bunch leafy green vegetables of your choice (aim for at least 50-70% of total

ingredients to be greens)

Fruit of choice (added for sweetness, such as berries) OR 1 Bananas and/or ½ -1

avocado (as desired to make a creamy smoothie)

Choose a base: Water (for weight loss) or unsweetened nut milk/coconut milk/rice

milk or coconut water

1-2 ice cubes (because green smoothies taste better cold)

Add a boost if you wish: Raw maca (provides an energy boost and has a desert-y

flavor that works well with smoothies), Raw Cacao (high in antioxidants), Chia

Seeds (provides protein, omega-3s, fiber, and several vitamins), Hemp seeds

(packed with protein and omega-3s), Flaxseeds (rich in fiber and omega-3s),

Optional: Ginger, lemon, parsley, cinnamon, or stevia to taste

Quick tip: Have a light green smoothie as your first meal of the day. Starting your day with a

healthy breakfast at an appropriate time can help jumpstart your metabolism and will help keep

you from overeating later in the day. A balanced green smoothie meal every morning will also

help keep your blood sugar levels balanced, regulating your metabolism and supporting a

leaner, healthier you. Plus they are so easy to prepare and options are endless!

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Directions: Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy.

Banana-Berry Super Smoothie Ingredients:

2 cups spinach

1 small banana

½ cup of frozen mixed berries (or fresh berries)

¼ cup raw nuts or raw seeds (my favorite is flax seeds or almonds)

1-2 cups of water Directions: Blend and enjoy! Avocado & Mango Green Smoothie Ingredients:

1 cup spinach

½ small banana

1 cup water

½ avocado Directions: Blend and enjoy!

Berry Protein Smoothie Serves one Ingredients:

1 cup mixed berries

3 tbsp. hemp protein powder

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

½ packet stevia

5 ice cubes Directions: Simply blend all ingredients on high and enjoy! Kale Machine Serves one Ingredients:

2 cups water

1 small banana

1 cup mixed berries of your choice

½ small avocado

2 cups chopped fresh kale Directions: Blend all ingredients on high and enjoy!

Apple Pie Detox Superfood Shake Serves one Ingredients:

1 organic apple, unpeeled

¼ tsp ground ginger

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¼ tsp cinnamon

¼ cup hemp seeds

1 tbsp chia seeds

½ cup spinach

½ cup unsweetened almond milk

¼ cup apple cider

½ cup ice Directions: Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

Other Breakfast Options:

1. You may eat fresh fruit bowl (find the amount that works for you by enjoying your

meal slowly). Eating only fruit in the morning enables you to eat one purely raw

and healthy meal with only 20-30 minutes transit time in the stomach. Fresh fruit

delivers energy to the body without wasting digestive energy. The morning is an

ideal time to consume the fruits you want.

2. Protein Drinks. Protein helps keep you full and satisfied; adding your own choice

of protein powder to a smoothie is a great way to make sure you are getting

adequate amounts of protein in your meal.

However, some protein powders can be highly processed and oftentimes are

heated to the point that the protein is denatured, which makes it nearly impossible

for the body to recognize and use. Protein powders are often filled with

preservatives, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), allergens like fairy (whey

protein isolate) and soy, and other synthetic toxins like aspartame, saccharin, and

artificial flavors.

My go-to plant protein of choice is hemp protein, which are the cleanest

complete protein available on the market today. Hemp seeds are considered a

whole food, so there are no preservatives, artificial flavors or toxins. They’re an

amazing source of fiber omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, helping to keep you

fueled, regular, and healthy.

Quick tip: Are you concerned about fruit and sugar? There has been a lot of confusion about fruit

lately as people have adopted “low carb” diets. It’s true that fruit contains high amounts of

natural sugars, but it is in the form that your body can easily digest and turn into energy. Eating

fruit is entirely different than eating foods containing high fructose corn syrup. Fruit contains high

amounts of antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. It also digests cleanly and quickly, contains no fat,

and is extremely alkaline. If enjoyed following proper food combinations, fruit will be a weight

loss aid as well.

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All natural hemp seeds out of the shell, also known as hemp hearts, are one of

the world’s most nutritious seeds made up of 33% protein. Approximately 3

tablespoons of hemp seeds will load you up with 14 grams of protein! Mix hemp

seeds in smoothies, oatmeal, soups, salads, and veggies. They have a wonderful

nutty taste similar to pine nuts.

Try Nutiva Hemp Protein Powder. Other great proteins products on the market:

Sun Warrior Protein Powder (plain or vanilla), and Garden of Life Raw Protein.

Besides hemp protein, other sources of vegan protein include: Brown rice

protein- Many vegans rely on this allergen-free, gentle, and high-quality protein

powder for their workout and recovery smoothies. Pea protein – easy on the

stomach and almost completely digestible, makes it the perfect pure protein

choice for sensitive individuals and children.

You can also always try adding some extra nut or seed butter to your smoothies

to boost the protein content- cashew butter, almond butter, and sunflower butter

work nicely.

Bonus Recipe: Power Hemp Protein Smoothie Makes 24 oz.

2 cups unsweentened almond milk or water, or use a 50/50 combination

¼ cup hemp protein powder

1-2 tbsp. chia seeds

Liquid stevia to sweeten

½ tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. vanilla extract Directions: 1. Add almond milk and/or water to blender first, then the other ingredients. 2. Blend until smooth and enjoy.

Snack Recipes:

Smashed Avocado Dip Ingredients:

1 avocado, smashed

Juice of ½ a lemon

½ red onion, diced

4 cherry tomatoes, diced

Handful of chopped parsley Directions: Combine all ingredients and smash together to form a chunky green dip. Pair with carrot sticks, celery sticks, or sesame and sunflower seed crackers.

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Fresh Pea Hummus Usually, hummus is made from chickpeas, but this version uses green peas, which are packed with healthy carbohydrates and fiber. Ingredients:

1 cup peas

4 tbsp. chopped walnuts

2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

4 garlic cloves, minced

½ tsp. sea salt

½ tsp. pepper Directions: Combine peas, walnuts, lemon juice, garlic, sea salt, and pepper in a blender or food processor; process until smooth. Creamy Hemp Hummus This creamy dip goes well with crackers and/or raw veggies. The addition of hemp seeds provides a great source of protein, essential fatty acids, iron, and chlorophyll. Ingredients:

½ cup uncooked garbanzo bean (freshly sprouted or canned)

2 tbsp tahini

4 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp hemp or flax oil

1 tsp garlic powder

1/3 cup lemon juice

½ tsp sea salt Directions: Blend until smooth and creamy. Transfer to a bowl and serve. Will keep for about 1 week in the refrigerator. Avocado “Sour Cream” This creamy dip goes well with crackers and/or raw veggies. The addition of hemp seeds provides a great source of protein, essential fatty acids, iron, and chlorophyll. Ingredients:

2/3 cup raw cashews

2/3 cup water

1 large avocado (preferably Hass variety), pitted and peeled

2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

½ tsp sea salt Directions:

1. Use a blender to process the cashews and water together into a smooth cream. 2. Add the avocado, lime juice, and sea salt, and then blend again to form a whip.

Refrigerate until ready to use. Will keep refrigerated for several days in a sealed container.

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Blueberry and Avocado Salad Makes 2 servings Ingredients:

3 cups blueberries

1 medium avocado, peeled and cut into 1-inch squares

3 tbsp. fresh lime juice

½ tsp. powdered stevia or about 10-12 drops liquid stevia Directions: Add the blueberries and avocado to a mixing bowl. Whisk together the lime juice and stevia, and pour over the fruit. Gently toss together, being careful not to mash the avocado pieces. Homemade Trail Mix: Mix together pistachios, almonds, and hemp seeds, which are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, iron, potassium, and calcium.

Lunch & Dinner Recipes:

Quinoa and Avocado Salad Makes 4 servings Ingredients:

½ cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed thoroughly and drained

1 cup water

2 roma tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped

½ cup shredded fresh spinach

1/3 cup finely chopped red onion (1 small)

2 tbsp. lemon juice

2 tbsp. olive oil

½ tsp. sea salt

2 ripe avocados, halved, seeded, peeled, and sliced Directions:

1. In a 1-1/2- quart saucepan combine quinoa and water. Bring to boil and then reduce heat. Simmer, covered, about 15 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.

2. Transfer quinoa to a medium bowl. Add tomato, spinach, and onion; stir to combine. In a small bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oil, and sea salt. Add to quinoa mixture and toss together.

3. Place spinach leaves on 4 salad plates. Arrange avocado slices on spinach leaves. Spoon quinoa mixture over avocado slices.

Simple 3-Bean Salad Ingredients:

1 15-oz can organic chickpeas/garbanzo beans

1 15-oz can organic red beans

1 15-oz can organic black beans

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1/2 small yellow onion, chopped

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp sea salt

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/4c olive oil

1/3c balsamic vinegar Directions: Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl, stirring thoroughly to evenly distribute spices. Let sit in refrigerator for 30 minutes to 1 hour and enjoy! Black Bean Salad Topped with Guacamole

Black Bean Salad:

Mix all ingredients together. 1 15-oz can organic black beans drained

½ small onion finely chopped

½ cup fresh chopped cilantro

½ cup diced tomato

A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

Squeeze of ½ a lemon

Pepper to taste Guacamole:

2 avocados

½ cup fresh cilantro

1 clove garlic

4-5 cherry tomatoes

Squeeze of ½ a lemon

Sea Salt to taste Guacamole Directions: Cut the avocados in half and remove pit. Scoop out flesh with a spoon and place in a food processor. Add fresh cilantro, garlic, and cherry tomatoes. Blend until all ingredients are pureed in the food processor. Squeeze in a lemon juice and season with sea salt to taste. Macadamia Chicken Salad Recipe makes large quantities (4-5 servings) to utilize for future meals or snacks.

5 Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breasts, baked or grilled

1 cup organic dried cherries

½ cup scallions, diced Macadamia Nut Dressing:

1 cup macadamia nuts

2 garlic cloves

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½ tsp. sea salt

2/3 cup olive oil Directions: Add macadamia nuts, garlic cloves and sea salt to a blender, blend until nuts and garlic are finely chopped. Slowly add all of the olive oil and continue to blend until the sauce is completely smooth and velvety. Shred chicken breasts (or chop into cubes), place in a large bowl. Add macadamia nut dressing; toss to combine (Recommend to adding about half of the dressing, then taste to see if the salad is moist enough for your tastes). Add dried cherries and scallions, toss to combine. Add more dressing if desired. Romaine Lettuce and Garbanzo Bean Salad

10 leafs romaine lettuce, chopped

1 bunch parsley

4 scallions, chopped

2 medium tomatoes diced

1 cucumber diced

½ cup quinoa

1 cup garbanzo beans

¼ cup lemon juice

¼ cup olive oil

Sea Salt to taste Directions:

1. In a saucepan, bring one cup of water with one tablespoon of oil to a boil. Drop in quinoa and cook for a couple of minutes.

2. Turn off the heat and set aside to cool at room temperature. Squeeze any excess water from the quinoa and place in a salad bowl.

3. Toss vegetables with beans and quinoa. 4. Whisk the oil with lemon juice and sea salt. Drizzle over the vegetables, toss and


Spinach and Walnut Salad Ingredients:

5 cups fresh baby spinach

1 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped

½ cup dried cranberries

¼ cup crumbled goat cheese (optional)

3 tbsp. olive oil

2 tbsp. lemon juice

White meat chicken (optional) Directions:

1. Toss the spinach with walnuts and cranberries. 2. Drizzle olive oil and lemon juice over the salad and toss gently.

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3. Sprinkle goat cheese and chicken on top of salad (optional). Raw Taco Wraps Recipe Credit: Beauty Detox Recipes Yields 6-8 wraps

2 cups walnuts

1 tablespoon cumin

½ tablespoon coriander

1 tsp. chili powder

Pinch of cayenne pepper (or more, if you like a kick!)

2 tablespoons low-sodium tamari

Collard greens, washed with stems trimmed about 2 inches from bottom of leaf

Salsa Directions:

1. Put the walnuts in a food processor with the blade in place, and process until chunky. Scrape the ground nuts into a bowl and mix in the cumin, coriander, chili powder and cayenne. Add the tamari and mix again.

2. Place collard greens with the dark edge facing down on your cutting board. Trim off the stem and up about 2 inches into the leaf. Place about ¼ to 1/3 cup of the nutmeat mixture in the middle of the leaf. Top with some salsa.

3. To assemble, roll up burrito-style. Fold one of the long ends in, and then both the end pieces, and then the other long way, tucking firmly. Place with the folded edge down on your cutting board, and slice firmly into two pieces on the diagonal.

Asparagus and Leek Soup Recipe Credit: Beauty Detox Recipes Yields about 7 cups Ingredients:

1 tablespoon plus 3.5 cups low-sodium vegetable broth, divided

3 small or 2 medium garlic cloves, minced

1 ½ cups chopped yellow onion

3 cups chopped leeks, both white and green parts

1 cup chopped celery

1 bunch asparagus, trimmed of tough ends and cut into 1-inch pieces

Sea salt to taste

Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Chopped parsley, as a garnish Directions:

1. Heat 1 tbs. vegetable broth in a large cooking pot over medium heat, and sauté the garlic, onions, and leeks. Add the celery and the asparagus, and cook for about 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly.

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2. Add the rest of the vegetable broth and bring to boil, then immediately reduce heat, partially cover and allow simmering for about 25-30 minutes. Stir occasionally.

3. Let the soup cool, transfer to a blender and blend in batches until it’s the desired smoothness.

4. Add the soup back to the pot, and bring to simmer. Adjust seasoning to taste. 5. Spoon into bowls, garnish with fresh parsley and enjoy.

Chicken with Sautéed Escarole Serves 4 Ingredients:

3/4 lb boneless, skinless free-range organic chicken breasts, cut into small chunks

olive oil

1/2 onion

6 garlic cloves, chopped

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 can chickpeas (Eden Organic), drained and rinsed

2 medium tomatoes diced

Splash red or white wine vinegar

Sea salt and vinegar to taste

1 large or 2 small bunches curly endive or escarole, cleaned and torn into small pieces


1. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add olive oil, chicken and onion to pan and cook until chicken begins to brown.

2. Turn down the heat and add oregano, the chickpeas, and tomatoes. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

3. Stir in wine vinegar, and let cook 5 minutes more. Season with sea salt and pepper and then serve. 4. In another skillet, heat a little olive oil. When warm, add escarole and garlic, season with salt and pepper, and cook until wilted. You may need to cover the escarole for it to wilt properly.

Keep a food journal!

Writing down what you eat makes it very hard to fool yourself.

Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthier

diet to improve your overall health, keeping a food diary can

truly help you out. Weight-loss studies show that the more

days a person keeps a careful and honest food record, the

more weight the person can lose. Here’s why keeping a food

diary is so important:

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1. It’s an eye-opener – Keeping a food diary will show you exactly what you eat

and how much. In fact, some people will be shocked to see how many calories

they consume a day.

2. Weight loss – Your food diary can help you lose weight, by seeing what you eat every day you can begin to cut back on certain foods and/or beverages that provide empty calories.

3. Accountability – Writing everything down may make you think twice before

giving in to temptation.

4. Portion control – When individuals are asked to keep a food diary, they often

must start measuring out all their food for the most accurate assessment. This

helps individuals gain a better understanding of their portion sizes.

5. Helps connect food choices with stress and emotions. Writing down what

you eat can help you assess how stress may be controlling your food choices.

It’s a good strategy to record the time of day, location, and emotions surrounding

your food choices. Knowing and becoming aware of your triggers will help you

avoid the stress eating pitfalls and led to better choices.

6. Further motivation to reach your goals!

Just remember to be honest. Be specific and track everything. Make sure to record the

time of day and emotions surrounding your food choices. YOU are in control of what

you put in your mouth.

Final Note: These changes may seem overwhelming at first, but remember that this is

NOT an all-or-nothing program. Instead, begin to understand what it is you want to

achieve and why it is important to you, then believe in yourself. Take it one step at a

time in making changes that will last for a lifetime. Learn to nourish your body from the

inside out, change the way you see foods, and eat clean and sensibly.

You deserve to be healthy.

The time to take charge of your health and well-being is now!