
UNIT NUTRITION AND FOOD Nutrition (nutrición): It is the collection of all the process that allow organisms to use and transform food to keep them alives. Es el conjunto de procesos que permite a los organismos utilizar y transformar los nutrientes para mantenerse vivos. Feeding , (alimentación): It is the process in which the food is obtained from the outside. Es el proceso por el cual se obtienen dichos nutrientes del medio externo. BIOMOLECULES Food give us the nutrients we need. This nutrients are basically the biomolecules that build our organism. They are: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, water and mineral salts. Los alimentos contienen los nutrientes que necesitamos. Estos nutrientes son, básicamente, las biomoléculas que constituyen nuestro organismo y se denominan principios inmediatos. Son los glúcidos, los lípidos, las proteínas, las vitaminas, el agua y las sales minerales.

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Post on 07-May-2015




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Page 1: Nutrition


Nutrition (nutrición): It is the collection of all the process that allow organisms to use and transform food to keep them alives.

Es el conjunto de procesos que permite a los organismos utilizar y transformar los nutrientes para mantenerse vivos.

Feeding , (alimentación): It is the process in which the food is obtained from the outside.

Es el proceso por el cual se obtienen dichos nutrientes del medio externo.

BIOMOLECULESFood give us the nutrients we need. This nutrients are basically the biomolecules that build our organism.They are: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, water and mineral salts.

Los alimentos contienen los nutrientes que necesitamos. Estos nutrientes son, básicamente, las biomoléculas que constituyen nuestro organismo y se denominan principios inmediatos.Son los glúcidos, los lípidos, las proteínas, las vitaminas, el agua y las sales minerales.

Page 2: Nutrition

Carbohydrates = sacharides (glúcidos):

-They are made up of molecules called monosacharides.

** Bread, cereals, legums, potatoes and pasta are rich in carbohidrates.

Lipids (lípidos):

This is a huge group of very diverse sustances

Saturated fats Insaturated fats

Celular membrane lipids

Lipids with regulatory functions

Solubility Not soluble in water

Not soluble in water

Not soluble in water

Not soluble in water

Properties Very energeticSolid(animal)

Very energeticLiquid, oils(vegetal)


Examples We can find it in peperoni, sausages...

Olive oil Waxes Vitamines and hormones

** Olive oil, butter, pork meat and eggs are rich in lipids.

Proteins (proteínas)

-They are macromolecules (large biomolecules), with very complex structures, made up of chains of smaller molecules called amino acids (20 differents).

Functions ExamplesThey give structure to the cells Collagen in the skin

They transport biomolecules around the body


They regulate chemical rections Enzymes

They protect the body from bacteria and microorganism


**Meat, fish, eggs, mik and legumes are rich in proteins.

Page 3: Nutrition

Vitamins (vitaminas)

-They are essential (but in small amounts) to stay healthy and grow.**Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins.

Mineral salts (sales minerales)

-Inorganic biomolecules, they are not exclusive for living beings.

Functions Examples

They form the solid structure of human livings

Skeleton, tooth

They allow the transmission of nervous impulses

Involved in chemical reactions

**We can find them disolved in water and in aliments.

Water (agua) -Inorganic biomolecules, they are not exclusive for living beings.-Water is the most abundant biomolecule in living beings.-It makes up about 63% of our body.-It is the solvent of most of the biomolecules.-Metablic reactions occur in water.-It regulates body temperature.


Energy foods Body-building foods

Energy foods Body-regulating foods

Rich in carbohidrates

Rich in proteins Rich in fats Rich in vitamins and minerals



Oil ButterPork meat


Page 4: Nutrition

Diet (dieta): Our diet is made up of the things we eat and drink.

Healthy diet (dieta saludable):

A diet that consists of a balanced intake of foods which helps maintain or improve overall health. A Mediterranean diet is an example of a healthy diet.

Mediterranean diet (dieta mediterránea):

Activities1- How many times do you eat on a day?2- Do you have breakfast everyday?3- What did you have yesterday for lunch?4- What did you have yesterday for dinner?5- How often do you eat sweets in a week?6- How many pieces of fruit and vegetables do you eat in a day?7- Do you think you have a healthy diet?8- Write one day healthy diet for young people as you (still growing).

Page 5: Nutrition

9- Complete the tables bellow:

-Milk, bread, fish, sausages, olive oil, orange juice, eggs, pasta, rice, hamburguer, ham, jam, yogurt, bicuits, chocolates, coffe, beer, cheese, carrots, oranges.

The origin of the food

Animals Vegetables

Tipes of foods and their nutrients

Energy foods

Body-building foods

Energy foods Body-regulating foods

Rich in carbohidrates

Rich in proteins Rich in fats Rich in vitamins and minerals

10- In your daily diet do you eat foods from all the groups (Carbohidrates, proteins,fats, vitamins and minerals)?

11- If in the question 7 you answered yes, do you still think you have a healthy diet? Why?