nutrition and dementia

15-04-2013 Simone Ouwendijk, diëtist Westerhout - De Zorgcirkel 1 Nutrition and dementia In Dutch demented nursing home residents

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Nutrition and dementia. In Dutch demented nursing home residents. Westerhout - Platanenhof. 8 persons per living room 4 living rooms on 1 floor Open kitchen Breakfast and lunch Preparation of warm meals. Advantages. Smell – appetite – more intake People have an own choice (QOL) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Nutrition and dementia

15-04-2013Simone Ouwendijk, diëtist Westerhout - De Zorgcirkel 1

Nutrition and dementia

In Dutch demented

nursing home residents

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Westerhout - Platanenhof

8 persons per living room

4 living rooms on 1 floor

Open kitchen

Breakfast and lunch

Preparation of warm meals

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Smell – appetite – more intake People have an own choice (QOL) Part of daily activity Rest during the meals Involvement staff and family Consistency of meals can be adjusted Nutritional values can be adjusted

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Cooking skills and inventiveness

Menu or variation can be difficult

Hygiene is a point of particular interest

Not every one is able to assist

Order and presence of ingredients.

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Support of menu- choice.

Cooking lessons. (or lessons

given by a cook)

Giving information about

nutritional value

Explanation/advice about diets.

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Nutrition value: extra calories Take full fat milk 95 kcal – a glass

When: half-full: 70 kcal Butter through the food: ± 60 kcal When low-fat margarine: ± 35-40 kcal Whipping cream through the food 10 ml = 35 kcal.

More cheese or meat on the bread = ↑protein, ↑calories. Making sop in the pan / toast/ scrambled eggs e.g.

Diet product as powder through e.g. potato-stamp

with carbohydrates or with protein/ fat/ carbohydrates

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The cozyness of lying the table Visual image and smell is reduced: Color: tablecloth <=> dishes – white/cream

no placemats Glas bottle with drink

no cardboard See other resident eat and drink => copy Say what the food is Rest = no other things

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Sreening of malnutrition

SNAQ-rc = Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire for Residential Care

Nursing homes: 25% malnourished 40% risk of malnutrition

Early identification

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Plan of action

Green: no malnutrition – no cure

Orange: mild malnutrition: 3x a day a snack

Red: severe malnutrition: Consult a dietitian – dietary advice

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Cooperation of different disciplines

Commitment to resident

Responsible healthcare – part of

Quality framework responsible healthcare

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Better for resident

Commitment/responsibility caretakers

Cooperation of different disciplines