nutrition and dietitics

Escala, Stephanie Joy A. BSN-2, NB NUT10 12/05/15 Concept of Wellness 1. Emotional Wellness - Have a positive attitude, high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize and share a wide range of feelings with others in a constructive way. 2. Intellectual Wellness - Be open to new ideas, be creative, think critically, and seek out new challenges 3. Occupational Wellness

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Escala, Stephanie Joy A. BSN-2, NBNUT10 12/05/15

Concept of Wellness

1. Emotional Wellness- Have a positive attitude, high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize and share a wide range of feelings with others in a constructive way.

2. Intellectual Wellness - Be open to new ideas, be creative, think critically, and seek out new challenges 3. Occupational Wellness - Seek to have a career that is interesting, enjoyable, and meaningful and that contributes to the larger society. 4. Physical Wellness

- Take care of your body for optimal health and functioning 5. Social Wellness

- Build relationships with others, deal with conflict appropriately, and connect to a positive social network

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6. Spiritual Wellness- Find meaning in life events, demonstrate individual purpose, and live a life that

reflects your values and beliefs. 7. Environmental Wellness

- Be aware of the interactions between the environment community and yourself and behave in ways that care for each of these responsibly. 8. Financial Wellness

- Live within your means and learn to manage your finances for the short and long term 9. Mental Wellness

- The individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community

Lifestyle Practices that Promote Health

1. Maintain your ideal body weight-  Cancers of the uterus, gallbladder, kidney, stomach, breast, and colon have been associated with obesity.

2. Stop Smoking

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- If you smoke, stopping smoking is often the single most effective thing that you can do to reduce your risk of future illness.