ny b13 nyc doc request fdr- jul-oct 03- nyc responses 042

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  • 8/14/2019 NY B13 NYC Doc Request Fdr- Jul-Oct 03- NYC Responses 042


    T H E C I T Y O F N EW Y O R KM I C H A E L A. CARDOZO LAW DEPARTMENT GARYp. SHAFFERCorporation Counse l 100CHURCH phone: 212-676-2740

    NE W YORK, NY 10007 fax: [email protected]. go v

    July 25, 2003


    Daniel M arcus, Esq.John Farmer, Esq.The National Comm ission on Terrorist A ttacks Upon the United States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007Re: Document Request No. 1 - City ofNewYork

    Gentlemen,It w as a pleasure speaking w ith both of you recently regarding the Com mission'swork and we are eager to assist in providing the Commission with materials that may assist it inthe critical endeavor w ith w hich it is charged. In response to the Com mission's Docum entRequest No. 1, w e are today providing you w ith various m aterials, described further below, fromthe New York City Police Department. We will continue to provide additional materials fromthe Police Department and the other agencies (Fire, Health and OEM) from which you areseeking documents, as they become av ailable. To the extent w e have concerns about providingparticular items, w e w ill contact you so such issues can be discussed.

    SPECIFIC REQUESTS AND RESPONSESA. New York C ity Police Department1. All records, plans or other documents setting forth or discussing New York City PoliceDepartment ("NYPD") standard operating procedures, duties, protocols and policies inconnection with response plans to catastrophes, disasters, terrorist attacks of any naturean d fires or other crises in skyscrapers which were in p l a ce on September 10, 2001,including, but not limited to, patrol guides, disorder control guidelines, training manuals,

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    citywide security assessment plans, emergency recall plans and guidelines, SOPs, andprecinct disaster plans.Response: Provided w ith this letter are the following:a. 1 st Precinct Security Assessment Plan and 1st Precinct Unusual DisorderPlan (Which contain procedures specific to the World Trade Center).b. Interim Order 12-3/28/01 - "Revision of Patrol Guide Procedure 213-02"'Command Post Operations'."c. Interim Order 13-3/28/02 - "Command Post Duties an d Responsibilities."d. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-02 - "Emergency Incidents."e. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-03 - "Rapid Mob ilization."f. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-04 - "Mobilization Readiness Levels."g. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-05 - "Duties at Unusual Disorder."h. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-07 - "Unusual D isorder Maps."i. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-08 - "Unusual Disorder Plan- FormulatingPlan."j. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-09 - "Unusual Disorder Kits."k. Patrol Guide Procedure 213-10 - "Emergency Mobilization of Off-DutyPersonnel."1. Administrative Guide Procedure 316-15 - "Detail Roster/AssignmentSheet."m. Instructor Guide fo r FEMA US&R Structural Collapse TechnicianTraining.n. Student Handouts:FEM A US&R R esponse System- Technical Search Specialist

    Training M anual- Structural Engineering Systems- Search & Recon TeamFEMA US&R Response System- Technical Search SpecialistTraining M anual- Search Operations- Other Search T echnologiesFEMA US&R Response System- Technical Search SpecialistTraining Manual- Physical SearchFEMA US&R Response System- Technical Search SpecialistTraining M anual - Proposed M arking SystemFEMA US&R Response System- Rescue Specialist Training

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    Manual-Rescue Support Operations- Search CapabilitiesFEMA NATION AL US&R Response System- StructuralCollapse Technician- Shoring ConstructionEm ergency Building Shoringo. Docum ent -Technical Incident Managem ent- Structural Collapse Rescue.p. Document - Confined Space and Structural Rope Rescue.q. Document - Trench Rescue.r. Document - Section 105-6- Aviation Manua l- "High -Rise Emergencies."s. Docum ent- Instructor Guide- Em ergency Service Unit- "HelicopterOperations."t. Document - "High Rise Fire Rappel Kit"- Information re: rappel kits andprotocol for helicopter operations at high-rise fires created by the FDNY an dutilized by emergency specialists in the NYPD.u. Unusual Occurrence Report dated February 26, 1993 re: bombing at theWorld Trade Center.v. Citywide Security Assessment Plan - April 1998.

    2. The following documents, records or raw data pe rtaining to NYPD's response to the terroristattacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 (the "9/11 Attacks"); (i) radiocommunication tapes and transcripts for NYPD communications on September 11, 2001,(ii) operational logs for September 11, 2001 through September 20, 2001 (this ten dayperiod is referred to as "9/11-9/20"), (iii) dispatch records for 9/11-9/20, (iv) internal an dexternal video footage of the NYPD's response from 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, an d(v) staffing an d unit location charts fo r 9/11-9/20, including, but not limited to , NYPD"SWAMP site maps."Response: The following items are provided with this letter in response to theabove request:a. Eight radio communications tapes identified by the time periods listed on thetapes, all of which are from September 11 , 2001: 1) 8:40-9:27:10; 2) 8:45-9:30;3) 8:46:53-9:33; 4) 9:29-10:15; 5) 9:32-10:18:565; 6) 10:14-11:00; 7) 10:12:30-11:59:40; 8) 10:18-11:59:40.b. 1) Fourteen NYPD 1 st Division dispatch tapes 0845 hours -1910 hours.2) Fourteen NYPD Special Operations Division dispatch tapes 0846 hours -1900 hours.3) Fifteen NYPD Citywide dispatch tapes 0845 hours -1915 hours.

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    c. One video tape labeled "OMAP 09-11-01."d. A box containing 45 videotapes of internal an d external video footage recordedby m embers of the Technical Assistance Response U nit of the New Y ork PoliceDepartment, at Ground Zero, from September 11, 2001 to September 20, 2001.e. One Zip drive wh ich contains 1) a map of NYPD Comm and Posts, 2) a map ofCommand Posts Rapid Mobilization of Personnel, and 3) a schematic diagramwhich includes M issing MOS and MOS accounted for.

    3. Records of all interviews conducted in connection w ith any report (including any after-actionfinal report), study, evaluation, critique, summary or review of the NYPD's responsefrom 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, as follows; (i) where transcripts of such interviewsexist, please provide the transcripts; (ii) if no transcript exists, please provide an ymemoranda of interview, notes, or other mem orialization of the interviews; and (iii) if notranscripts or other documentation exists, please provide the recordings of the interviews.Response: We are unaware at this time of any interview records of the typesrequested.

    4. All NYPD internal after-action reports, summaries, studies, evaluations, critiques or reviews,including, but not limited to, McKinsey & Company's "Improving NYPD EmergencyPreparedness and Response" Study, as well as all records and materials used to producesuch internal after-action reports, summ aries, evaluations, critiques, or reviews.Response: Provided with this letter is a copy of the M ckinsey & Com pany Report"Improving NY PD Em ergency Preparedness and Response."

    5. All incident reports, after-action "task force" transcripts and final reports, summaries,evaluations, reviews, critiques, "WTC Briefings" and studies of the NYPD's responsefrom 9/11-9/20 as to the 9/11 A ttacks, conducted either internally by the NYPD or by anyexternal entity.Response: Provided with this letter is a CD entitled "WTC Presentation," whichcontains audio recordings an d video footage from 9/11, and a Power Pointpresentation containing photograph s and text regarding the NY PD and other Cityagencies' response to the Attacks.

    Efforts to evaluate these requests and seek responsive materials are continuing andipplemental responses will be supplied.u

    Very/truly yours,

    / Gary ShafferAssistant Corporation Counsel

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    TH E CITY O F N E W Y O R KMICHAEL A. CARDOZO LAW DEPARTMENT GARYp.SHAFFERCorporation Counse l 100 CHURCH phone: 212-676-2740

    NE W YORK, NY 10007 fax: [email protected]

    August 11,2003


    John Farmer, Esq.The National Co mmission on Terrorist A ttacks Upo n the Un ited States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007Re: Document Request No. 1 - City ofNew York

    Dear M r. Farmer,Under separate cover today we are providing additional materials from the Police andFire departmen ts and hope by week's end to provide further Fire Department documents. As w ediscussed last week, the City is continuing to locate and review materials in response to theCo mm ission's docume nt request and as agreed, w e w ill turn materials over o n a rolling basis.I look forward to our meeting this Thursday to discuss both what the Commission

    believes could assist it in its analysis and the City's needs regarding the best ways to properlyprotect its citizens from possible future incidents.

    Ver/truly yours ,

    Gary ShafferAssistant Corporation Coufise

  • 8/14/2019 NY B13 NYC Doc Request Fdr- Jul-Oct 03- NYC Responses 042


    T H E C IT Y O F N E W Y O R KMICHAEL A. CARDOZO LAW DEPARTMENT GARY P. SHAFFERCorporation Counse l 10 0 CHURCH phone: 212-676-2740

    NE W YORK, NY 10007 fax: [email protected]

    August 11,2003


    Daniel Marcus, Esq.John Farmer, Esq.The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007Re: Document Request No. 1 - City ofNewYork

    Gentlemen,In response to the Com miss ion's Docum ent Request No. 1, we are todayproviding y ou with various m aterials, described further below, from the New York City PoliceDepartment and the New Y ork City Fire Departm ent. We will continue to provide additionalmaterials as they become available.

    SPECIFIC REQUESTS AND RESPONSESA. New Y ork City Police Department

    1. The following documents, records or raw data pertaining to NYPD's response to the terroristattacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 (the "9/11 Attacks"); (i) radiocommunication tapes and transcripts for NYPD communications on September 11, 2001,(ii) operational logs for September 11, 2001 through September 20, 2001 (this ten dayperiod is referred to as "9/11-9/20"), (iii) dispatch records for 9/11-9/20, (iv) internal andexternal video footage of the NYPD's response from 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, and(v ) staffing and unit location charts fo r 9/11-9/20, including, but not limited to , NYPD"SWAMP site maps."

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    Response: The following items are provided with this letter in response to theabove request:a. Seven videotapes labeled as follows:1. W TC Event 9-11-01, Sgt. Frank Strommer (Ret)/ Director TonyLopresti (WTC-01 S, Day)2. WTC-03-0 (9/13/01, 1600x0400)3. Aftermath W TC Attack, Day 3 - AM Rescue Workers RemovingDebris PO Scott Nicholson & Retired PO John Mullins, (9/13/01-WTC02-S)4. Aftermath W TC Attack, Day 5-AM (9/15/01, WTC-04-D)5. W TC Aftermath 9-5-01, PO S cott Nicholson/ Retired PO John

    Mullins6. WTC 9-18-01 (B-Roll)7. W TC Footage site B-roll, 9-18/19/20, Ret. Sgt. StrommerB. The New York City Fire Department and EMS2. All records, plans or other documents setting forth or discussing New York City FireDepartment's an d EMS' (together the "FDNY") Standard Operating Procedures, duties,protocols and policies in connection with response plans to catastrophes, disasters,terrorist attacks of any nature and fires or other crises in skyscrapers which were in placeon September 10, 2001, including, but not limited to , SOPs, training manuals, emergencyrecall plans and g uidance, and related m aterials.

    Response: The followin g items are provided w ith this letter in response to theabove request:1. Firefighting Procedures- High-Rise Office Buildings2. Training Bulletin- Elevator Operations3. A ir Support Plan-High Rise Fires

    Efforts to evaluate the Commission's requests and seek responsive materials arecontinuing an d supplemental responses will be supplied.

    Very'Snily yours,

    Gary ShafferAssistant Corporation Counsel

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    T H E C I T Y O F N E W Y O R KMIC HAE L A. CARDOZO LAWDEPARTMENT G A R Y P.SHAFFERCorporation Counse l 100 CHURCH phone: 212-676-2740

    N EW YORK, NY 10007 & * ' 212-788-0367gshaf [email protected] .gov

    August 20, 2003


    Danie l Marcus, Esq.John Farmer, Esq.The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007

    Re: Document Request No. 1 - City ofNew YorkGentlemen,

    In response to the Commission's Document Request No. 1, w e are todayproviding you with a CD, with i ts contents described further below, of documents provided bythe New York City Fire Department. W e w ill continue to provide additional materials as theybecome ava i lable. To the extent w e have concerns about providing particular items, w e w illcontact you so such issues can be discussed.SPECIFIC REQUESTS AND RESPONSES

    B. The New York City Fire De partment and EMS6. All records, plans or other documents sett ing forth or discussing N ew York City FireDepartment's and EMS' (together the "FDNY") Standard Operating Procedures, duties, protocolsand policies in connection with response plans to catastrophes, disasters, terrorist attacks of anynature and fires or other crises in skyscrapers which were in p lace on September 10, 2001,including, but not limited to, SOPs, t raining manuals, emergency recall plans and guidance, andrelated materials.

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    Response: The following items are provided on the enclosed CD in response tothe above request:1. Example of Member Injury Report.2. Safety Bulletin 7: CD-72 (Member Injury Report) an d CD-73 (MemberExposure Report) Preparation an d Disposition Instructions.3. Fire Record C ode Keys (2 entries).4. Mem orandum of Understanding betw een the Port Autho rity of New Yo rk andNew Jersey and the New York City Fire Departm ent.5. Fire S afety Plans for World Trade Center Tow ers One, Two and Seven.6. W orld Trade Center Towers One and Two Fire Safety Report.7. Fire Com munications Report an d Radio Code S ignals (2 entries).

    7. The following docum ents, records or raw data pertaining to FDNY's response to the 9/11Attacks: (i) radio communication tapes and transcripts for FDNY communications on September11 , 2001, (ii) operational logs for 9/11-9/20, (iii) dispatch records for 9/11-9/20, (iv) internal andexternal video footage of the FDNY's response from 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, and (v)staffing and unit location charts for 9/11-9/20, including, but not limited to, FD NY Phoenix UnitGeographic Information Systems data.Response: The following items are provided on the CD in response to the aboverequest:1. World Trade Center September 11, 2001 Incident Summaries (2 entries).2. Staffing an d unit location charts fo r 9/11.

    Efforts to evaluate these requests and seek responsive materials are continuing andsupplemental responses will be supplied.

    Very truly y ours,

    }ary ShafferAssistant Corporation Counsel

  • 8/14/2019 NY B13 NYC Doc Request Fdr- Jul-Oct 03- NYC Responses 042


    MICHAEL A. CARDOZOCorporation Counsel


    100 CHURCHNEW YORK, NY 10007

    GARY P. SHAFFERphone: 212-676-2740fax: [email protected]. go v

    August 26, 2003


    Daniel Marcus, Esq.John Farmer, Esq.The National Commission on Terrorist A ttacks Up on the United States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007Re: Document R equest No. 1 - City ofNewYork

    Gentlemen,In response to the Commission's Document Request No. 1, we are todayproviding you with several New York City Fire Department videotapes, with their contentsdescribed further below. We will continue to provide additional materials as they becomeavailable. To the extent we have concerns about providing particular items, we will contact youso such issues can be discussed.


    B. The New York C ity Fire Department and EMS

    7. The following documents, records or raw data pertaining to FDNY's response to the 9/11Attacks: (i) radio communication tapes and transcripts for FDNY communications on September11, 2001, (ii) operational logs for 9/11-9/20, (iii) dispatch records for 9/11-9/20, (iv) internal andexternal video footage of the FDNY's response from 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, and (v)

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    staffing and unit location charts for 9/11-9/20, including, but not limited to, FDNY Phoenix UnitGeographic Information Systems data .

    Response: The followin g are FDNY videotapes in response to the above request:1 Tape #1 1)9/11/01 -A/V Unit, 2) 9/11/01 - A/V Unit, 3)9/11/01 - A/V Unit,4) 9/11/01 - Fire Marshall POV (Hooper Street), 5) 9/12/01 Ground ZeroProgress (2 parts).2 Tape #2- 1) 9/12/01 - Ground Zero Progress II, 2) 9/13/01 - Ground ZeroProgress, 3)9/14/01 - President Bush Visit I, 4)9/14/01 - President Bush Visit II,5) 9/26/01 GZ Progress/Anal, 6) 9/26/01 GZ Progress/Groun d (2 parts ).3 Tape #3 1)9/26 &9/27/01 - Ground Zero Progress, 2) 9/27/01 - Ground ZeroProgress 3)9/28/01 - Ground Zero Progress, 4) 9/28/01 - Ground Zero Progress,5) 9/30/01 - Ground Zero Progress, 6)10/02/01 - Ground Zero Progress (2parts).4 Tape #4' 1) 10/03/01 Ground Zero Progress, 2) 10/03/01 President BushFirehouse Visit, 3) 10/04/01 Ground Zero Progress I, 4) 10/04/01 Ground ZeroProgress II, 5) 10/07/01 Ground Zero Ceremony I (2 parts).5 Ta pe #5: 1) 10/07/01 Ground Zero Ceremony II, 2) 10/07/01 Ground ZeroCeremony III, 3) 10/22 and 10/23/01 GZ Progress- Body Removed, 4) 11/12/01Ground Z ero Progress I, 5) 11/12/01 Ground Zero Progress II, 6) 4/02/02 GroundZero Progress (2 parts).6. Tape # 6: 1) 4/09/02 Body Recovery/Ladder 2, 2) 5/16/02 Fresh Kills/ WTCArea, 3) 5/28/02 Ground Zero Last Girder Removal (2 parts ).7. Tape # 7: 1) 5/30/02 Ground Zero Closing Ceremony, 2) 6/4/02 Ground ZeroProgress & Tour (3 parts).

    Efforts to evaluate these requests and seek responsive materials are continuing andsupplemental responses will be supplied.

    Very truly yours,

    //6ary Shaffer 1 ' //Assistant Corporation Counsel

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    NEW YORK, NY 10007 fax: [email protected]

    October 7, 2003


    Daniel Marcus, Esq.John Farmer, Esq.The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States26 Federal PlazaSuite 13-100New York, NY 10007Re: Document Request No. 1 - City ofNewYork

    Gentlemen,In response to the Commission 's Document Request No. 1, we are todayproviding you with docum ents, with their contents described further below, provided by the NewYork City Office of Emergency Management. W e will continue to provide additional materialsas they become available. To the extent w e have concerns about providing particular items, w ewill contact you so such issues can be discussed.


    C. Office of Emergency Management Request

    14 . A ll after-action reports, summaries, evaluations, reviews, critiques an d studies of theOEM's response from 9/11-9/20 to the 9/11 Attacks, conducted either internally byOEM or by any external entity.

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    Response: The following are Office of Emergency Management SituationReports in response to the above request:1. OEM Situation Reports

    9/18/01 report prepared at 6:00 A.M. 9/18/01 report prepared at 5:52 P.M. 9119/01 report prepared at 6:16 A.M. 9/19/01 report prepared at 5:49 P.M. 9/20/01 report prepared at 5:55 A.M. 9/20/01 report prepared at 12:52 P.M.

    Efforts to evaluate these requests and seek responsive materials are continuing andsupplemental responses will be supplied.

    Very/fpuly yours,

    'Gary Shaf fe r" )Assistant Corporation C ounsel