nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt718911p78f/data/0152.pdf7 r 7 volume xxxi. loujsville journal idumal...

7 r 7 VOLUME XXXI. LOUJSVILLE JOURNAL IDUMAl 0?Iv3 BCILWX6, CSEKK STKEET, fHily. by mail, ui .rtrtiwrtln t tbe etty...lo on CM'itry fUiij. . . M. 8 00 " t 00 In Huh ' ,IT,Bt-- g wPy ; SflwVtwicfl by d.H 4a 're&tiroa tetien at oar ru?rZZlfV. TUB LOUIS VTLLB Kf'UULAU ADVERTISERS. -e mare, t htntW wkly, Pr annum $40 00 - -- timeiu enrcelv, per annum.. fl 00 ' . S tlIQi'3 ft0 do loo 00 TY iuar, Uie nboe ti at i"rva!l for first in- - candidate, . ,w weok fcr each name. raS"y WlVerli-O- rar yisrtwljr, 'all other in ad- - U a,i 'fMntorl: ndrti-ement- aberffV AM comjui-fioner- nirriWnn, thnatrioaL then, or ;idH.v aii tirv, mi m.MitiP. hrth Advei fire rraW. nUi prtc Ur.rs and rach l.ke. i. 1 a- - iwwmnpirVi. 7 inwrtrd in - J'mmunicaiiono will W. 1- .- "1 ni.'. l d the rn.l ..'7. n urn) I'.'V psmI. L ' ' "J:t" fnciiiri'd a nvw advei tian.hiT.f r,! ?rd mtma,r,f r.r JW; cn tinned, mt r fr i - . ' Adrtia-mm- tf kept 0 ih' 'r 1, , AnrsKTiMNtiRATny "nlT ' 1" cr int..- - Vtwrifi6.-j5achq- par (Cvhcontinu-ui- .. " y l Written nnttce nii' M v" V I - f;1 rprr.ip'urt:it of v' ST" R' Rod ptop ot.irwl' Ar'r ati-- r D'!d K:tb "flr'J' will b dipron-i- r ,llt PrVIf:l un'it't" t ha, oir will miy ciiarpe nno yy,,r at tin yn,my rafee. MEDICAL. MANHOOD 7r (TftlP l.nc F3.ir i mSIS'' AND RADUrAL (rtf-mi- V,srfc,w, II'S:'' ,r.d in voluntary Krai. rWi'v ,ul Wentai and P'jycal Jii- - Pt UO.i. J (!T;i.vTwTKijT M n -f- l Author o( 1he"G;orn ho(rA:c. I..IT ,r' rHn',wued an';- - iu thi admirable own eicptri'joce thit ,p; Ih oll'Vtually 'moved withunt . ... iio,! iCinfl and w ithout cai!,?eroii mir- - - J,,,mt, iKn. e, r,irru!ieiit I'niKn.or cordiaia. )'""inK 'jus a uio-- h.- . " . ' 11 ""'- - '' "a a'o en. c- - '"l'J-- u him-- - If rA.' t '1 1 ttlUUtftJ fHTi w "r;Al ' 837 ""- - rot tM on the re KLINK, (I Qi ly Bowery. New York, Poet Hoi 4 5ft 'I,. X- - :r! 51 finclanaU Veaera! HospStal( FMtabKNbed In tho year 1 S3, FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE PI3KA.g nfl dodor the control of tTv0 of the moat emilfi"t Ah ' IM'NAPAKTr frnm London and F arls tal, :nd f'T t'.i Hoepi- - nei,al H.wril, I)r. E. H. Reynold " Ne rk. 'niifiwtbomyoffiwinthe city i-- marient cure o; ITiva.P flMno stained without h of ns ni rhauqnofai-t.- . uyor Uonorriia-- cured otird in 7. t V W i""avg. otricture I To f r ji)!-- . ir, It rfaiarv tr8 Clir(,d 3 dv, Scord- - lj'r,FlV :;n"s1 1 to 3 week?". Skin dieeaaee lvjf.; y vi'ror restored in 1 r n AU of a rrivte treated with 0'i'paraJWr j 11CreaB, male or fumale. i Apsrt"'' grr-.- work on private dltnee, the r ,lIie to hP1,ith, ix al to ail, male and fe- - ,ie ftn(j y0liri siiouH rfaiTthie book. It will V ien tnose who gro;." ia dirkucw. Price 25 cent, br mail. tr. Bonr.parte's Prerentire never ho nor r -- vr wi'.i tail married ird-.i- too f AtU to bar chil-'r-- except r tlielinrnrj ot'li;.. honldbeiu pew-wio- tui" mventioa. 1'ilre i ict! to Ir. Isoniipsirt's Frrn.ph t..nt M;ia 3afel It is v enfrt; f id never fftiU- to piv satislaction. It ia thi 'lv safe and e.ire prvnrive asaintt preeimncy and 1'eeaae. 1 Iia price of th F:.ucli Pa'f nt Male Safe in i the ".uglboue, 4 per hal fdorcn, er doEeu. Sent f"Mam IiOzIer Fmmlo ?Tor,thly Pfils are a fafe tm.-- h;.ble reridy for ?nrpi'exina8 and all female dio-- Lad !" r lion In'nct u?? thorn during pregnancy, they will proauo rritjcr.rrint; gl per box tra fine H;") stint to any addreeu by mail. Ir. b. A P.. ?.r! the men they are ackowlodwd to be thechaiipion and and king v, nTal di?oa-i:- , and the onlv iKffon who receive )fonhly R. from tlip ol.) world; tnevhave been from an cr.rly a:i of vont'j to witnen the va-- n xi? di.;aw whirh nitnkind., and to watch toe voeresn. through a Ions career of p fofewional tndv, in ephrrw cf life, ficui tl:.- humble abode of rWerry t.tiH mansion of fn-- vallln , at ,d having ascertained a doubt the va?t rint; f humauitv, tiiey to pylcc the p"r.ir:tivG svatem aa their surty, end to rii-- ir r bole attention to the itlpvietion of Vhe uieasea of thtj important function?. No letters win be answered unlc Jley contain a lnc or a ivAe e'jtmj'. Call, cr addrc-j.'- j f o. 1W Sycamore eire t, bt i;i.'tQ imd Sixth, ear iffle. Cincinnati, O. Ofricc boars, S A M. to 9 P. tlo lor4pdly No. Fourth U., next dor-- to M"sart Mall, i Ar;pAfTriii:R am mipouter of I MILITARY GOODS of everv d, ri ition, S'A'OU'.S, BLT;, BANKR T AdSiOLS, S'l'A'l'B O'JAitlt and r. S. BUTi'ONS, Ac. All order promptly filled and at chort notice, arJ4 dtf ISTe v Arrival of MILLINERY GOODS! tBTT? JUST ot REUFJVLD BY PXPRFS3 ENGMSfT STRAW Ml.Hl a p.;julkvari llT?. BbAL'l'lFLL rLlvve:'.3, HIliHON.H, ., . 1 am flctciT'!n d ti pft; cheap for rapb, and rirtbTTB will nnd it to ; heir advantfee to u,-- m' a cil, 1:1.3. JTC. J. EiiYAWT, alft 314 Komth . het. M:rlret nd Tcfferon, Hf) HMANK3 VO. liavo W. A. GAIT. HK.MT:! with tacir firm, and rui rhed the etaud ef SMITH 5 OM1.R, on eout'.i side ot'Market ?hv:t, h"iow Flod, trey wilt conrjuct tiie WFIOLK- - LK and HTAil, OV.- H:v;kY and PR U)U.:K Conri'-crp- with thvir houxe they Irneagood WAGON-YAKi- wib accomTnodationi far t'orfl!'. w;i!m:, and vtlclcs aud wuuid be glf.d to et! th'iir old l'rtendi. 'j . hHA N IC ;, U. T. noun, Tnly 13, df W. A. A1 LBRAITR. Ml if Ai;M.- - J tox-- " a"cortd fqi:arU, puit, and cuore and tor saIo lew by WM. GAY. i I APLK MOLA S3d-.Jn- xt; nmived 2 bbl? prj m i'l Molaaer ui etore Ktd ale ' l,0i 0 bbis prime Plantation, tn mperior cooperage; In ptore and ior eale hy wl H. T. NF7TCOMR & PRO. ;t--- 7 TKAS-Al- arr and desirabfc assott-- f ; Hi meut ot choice Bhck and Grten Tsjae on hand E!" aud lor pal cheap for ca-- W""1" iS. J. T. LANIIAM CO., mlH Importer;' of 'IVbx, Av.. Third ?t. 1RIN'l h Turkey rwd Prints; 2ii do Richmond new style Print"; P.ecelved and for sale by JAMES LOW CO., TPS! 9'W -- r.d Jin w..st id. Rixtb id.. IAVA COt KKt--lj- o matB choice old Java in itore fur aale by mn Rwsov. Tonn ro I inj b'it FLne F'o-ir- ; 9.,'i brl- - !;.. 1 Ettia Flour; In ?tore and ior raio bv ANT-'- PUCHANAN A CO., ' p2? Ccmer 3econd and Wariiimrt'jc sta. 'ANi'Li s iiams, Btdea, and bhuldera In store and for aai by TI1RPTTT ft SOW. JAVA OOKFI5H1 lt"J mate Hue old received pr rail aed for uale by mri BAWaON. TODD, ft CO WHITE rioii in half bble for sa!o by HlUl,ITT h BOW i 15 ru?k; Meira "Wiue; Iu do J'ott do; 4!t' bbl; Malaga do; In rtore aad ior eals ty m 7 MAU?IHAM, H ALBERT CO. J;lIEEriNGS i'j cades in 4 E booting t; IU rto 4 b.f v:htQ 6 (Jo 1:M do do; Just received and for sale b7 JAMES LOW ft CO., m9 nfl and JHi t nido Piyrh t OKT CKUSHiID SUGARS- - li) b!l? Bs'.rimore A - B Soft Crushed Sugai's inf- retivcj and for dal by m21 ANL'W 111 A OU. KKINV.D tU R5-- j hbh Circle A New Ycra 1 t t.'ruihed in store ana ior ea.e iy ml J VM. CAV. AI PA iA'.Uu'a chiilr-- iron F:-- 2 l'rool In etore and for sale at U.e m.u Lii".ctiiii:rl8 prlu'-- bi- ll. Vv' Hf l.KNAP A CO. rfOKFEK Ml bacs prime Rio C?ffv'fl jut received per Kteainer Jobu Kame aud for biu hy TO'JS Wf. GAY. WP1R1T3, WINES, dtc French Braudy, Scotch O VhisKy, Holland's Rna, licubon Wbis-kt?- Port, Shiry, Sav.t'Tno, rjnd Cat:r.vba Wi".e for tale. We aro boIu amenta id Louisville for Luc He Ilonttlelio Champagne. T. 4 CO., rAi porti'ia cf Tta?, tc. Third ttt. tjUGAR Si'J bbls Loveri:i,;'! Cnwlip.d, Powdered, and Granulated iu etcre anrl tor falo "ny Al.LLN. kOOKl & HAD EN. P.AIN BACTr- 1.- 5,ow 2 bushel Tor Pitt; Vx Jo do do--- (Jo Mi:!: JQet received and tor rr..- by oT.O. F. HOWARD & CO., n A?ent tor T.'cnn.rtur?. RIO COt t iKK'U bAfa Rio CofTce iandinr Bt ariier Faai-- y Bui.it and E. li. and for nv jjiji :(!'m MOODY RICE au capita received per m uihoat and for File bv ALLVS. fliOOKX. & HADt;N. """" rAI9IN- 3- I,t:don lper I'i'.i do k. r It G";, Vf, MOUIJl, 34Tlrflt. THE 'Mfl.'M,: mL.UJJJii MEDICAL. , - West. l Springs, Ind, THTfl etM'.3hraent ha bwm vpry mucli improve 1 V. ill be opeu to visitors on the lith t .T'lr: (V i proiuiee my old friende that 1 wili do that I c;n to make them comt'crth. .ifl watrra hnve (mvpd tufmpclvra bf u?fir.ii to a rruat many of the arl'lrted, and tlL-- e .'uat try thpm will rarely be diii- - poit A., U C. R. K. orlice forOrlfanp, and the buss will rU for yon in the nior;iing and talte yoi to the cnre, then to Orleana, thea by hack to the Spiiug for Tea. faro tliroutli $3 5o. TKRMS OF ROARPi Prdny v $1 "fl IVr wk . 6 no Four week 1 00 rhildrcn and Snrvaate halt prlco. llon'i'a jir week . S 00 5JPrtr further patticularB, innuire of J. I. Lemon, Jaiues Hudd, J. II. Schrot , and ieo. Wclby. Direct all fniinnnuic-itioj- to West Kadou Springs. iPlurtJm I)K. .1 A. LANK. TheEarly Physical Degeneracy ' 2 or AMERICAN PEOPLE. v A $rV.l on the CanseB of Early Physical at of American People; tho Cause of Nerv-on- s Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus. - TF"Thii work Is of a hi;h nigral tone, written In chftcte yet thrilling IauKaf;, and apfK-al- dirwtlyto the moral C"vcio'iiPM of am Pa.rbnth and Gttar-w- i anb expwnally, detailing ecientific and reliable aide and ti tfttiucntibr cuib. j It will be ient by mail on receipt of (w lucent ttmr rF"PnmTfi and GrAtmiAN&l fail not to eend and Obtafh t.hw hook. - (VYoruG MtnI fall not to send and (ret this book. tvLADira! yoa, too, should at ones secure a copy of thu book. A Word of Slomn Conecieotiona Advice to tli.3e who will Reflect. A e'asxof malaiM prevail to a fearful eTtmt in com- munity dooming at least 1oo,ikm youth n7 both eexee to ao early (crave. Th"fp diseases aro very imderxtood. Thir extnial or fympowa .re Nervous IV bility, Pk'Iaxation, and Marai'mud or wa.'tinc and conouniptHn of the tifnp. of tli whole body; shortned of breati'ine or hur- - rie.l ou areiidiiiK a hill or a niht of etairs, front pHoitntionof the Hp ia, and eon? T hroat; chasinR of t hand and I,imb3; aversion to pociety nnd to rn''i)en8 or etudv: dimne of losrt of MemciT; dizzinoris or the Head: Neuralgic Pain? in various parte of the bodv; Pains in the Hack or Limbs; Lmnhajjp, yfpeMia, or Indigestion: irregulari- ty of the BoTeU; deranged eectiong of the KilneTi arid otnor plnds of the body, ax Ijencourbaa or Fletir Albup, 4.; likewise Kpilepty, Hyateria, and Nerrmw Spa-- Now, in n'nety-nin- o vm out of every one fcnnu'red all tbi divder, and a ho?t of others not named, a? tonwmption of tlie Lungs, and the most aud wliy torra of of the Spinal AVrfvx, knowa aa Tab? and Taken ininentcil ca. have their and rJnn in dineapiw of PtlniA Vic m. Hence ht? want t)T puccearf on tho part of old achool practice in 'reai only. Dr. Andrew RVone, Physician to the Troy Lung and rT lr'ltution, le now engaged in treating this cla r 'rtnltsru maladies with th" moit acton ihiuff me- res . Vho treatment adopted by the Inatittitiou i? new; it te bajd upon ecWititic principle, with new diccov-eve- d roipjiee. without minerals or poison. The taciii-ti- e rf aire are such that patiente can be cured at their horips, in any part of the countrv, from accurate lf tion of their case, by letter, and have the medicines nt them by mail or exprew. Printed kiterrogatoriea Will be torward. d ou application. aiCoujiinin'.in, Catarrh, and dixeaxes ot rne inroat oured as well at the Aom of vat tent at at the Inetitu- - ion Sv iwiHine the Cold MedicxU-- Inhaling B'tlvrnte inh iler. and amiile direct .ous for their nae, and corresv nan. r- i'aticnta applying for inttrrtxrattyrie or advice BP'tL'T enclose return Ft amp! tovwet attention. tVThc attendinji phsiciaa will be found at the In-- s itution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to f P. ftL of each diy. 3uu;Uye iu the forenoon. Addreu DR. ANDR15W 8TONT!, Pnyiriaii to the Troy Lnnc and Hygienic Institution and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, and Lung, Tilth itreet, Troy, N. Y. TO FSDxAIiEa. BTKS. DOCTRESS STONE, The Matron or the Institution, Who le throughly read and ported in the pathology of the many afflictive and prostrating maladie of more modern origin, will exclmfive attention to this cla-i- of dif aes peculiar to her eex. tSfThe Ascending Douche, a most impor- tant fiT'oentive tor ffmai.!, eeut by e xpreps lor 5. Female can consult Mrs. Dcctrcpn Stone confidently by Utter or pereonlly. Add re? IditS. N. O. srONE. M. D Mntron to the Institution, oct7 deodtv Tbot, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS. 3S. 30S FOR GOOD MATTRESSES, UPHOLSTICRY WORK, an WINDOW-SnADE- OF SUPERIOR STYLE, OO TO MARC ELL US 4 LKNTSCH'S, JSTFCIiSON 8TRZXT, WORTH SID1, Between Third and Fonrth. r"AWN!NG COOPS of every rtvle and quality. H"AVNi.NixS made and put up to ordur. rVDontn forget No. :J0S.A GEORGK T. SUAW DICK PORTKR. ROUND THE CORNER' M .4 SALOON iD RESTAURANT, Corner Sixth Street and Court Place., OPPOSITE TOE CITY COURT ROOMS, Louisville, Ky- - BHAV7 5s rCHTSR, Propriotor. at all honre of the dav and nieht. Our Lar- - MKAI,S gr.pplit'd witth r"i?h. Meat-- Poultry, Game, and Oyster, the tiect in 'he market. In our Sloon are to y; found impo:ted Winee, Liquor, and Cigars of the CJioiceat Brain',- -. Sole asentr" in KenhirVy for J. J. BandVp celebrated CMcaen Kiid Milwankie X, X X, and XXX Pal-- Cream aud rftock AIph; wholesale, in barrels and halt barrela, or by the brittle. Call k'KOUNO THE CORNER." nl2 hfiHf Brandies & Crawford, GilAZl'I r.Z3ALEB3, njW removed to t)io new Warehouse od the comoi o Main and First vtreeti. We wil' pay th hirhect marlcet prlw for all kindu of Ornin, delivered at our store or at any gxd vhipping poi nt on the O o river. W drf RRAVDE78 CRAVrFORD. OF ALL Tiili;!."? con?tantly on hand and fm sale oy IAVld A Aeute for the Majnrfacturere. LontPVTLi, ftept. J, MrTHa. nvis A Smii, Af;"Uta of Oriental Powder Co., Iviui'viMa: fVfnflWe have bfi ii'lnp yonr Bla?tln)t Powder and we take pleasure In stat up 1 ;at we find it equal if not fuperioi to any Powd'T tfc.it w e have ever used. AHTill'R (JAMPBELT. Superintendent for Smith & Smyeer. I oor.'liiMy ronoir in the above and cheerfully rerom-mea- d it to th- - public. J. D. SMITH. I connidor the above Powder inperior to anv we have ever been aMo to obtain. Ii. F03KIT, We tvbo pleasure in recommend! nc your Indian OHen-ta- l Rilie powder ejpiu.1 if not pupn.i ior to auy wo have ever used, i' biuc very rip&nly nnd ptrong. This we laeart atttJ a thorough trial. Rrpcctfullv vonr?, GEORGE W. WOMACK, J. ri'.V LAWRENCE, S. P. PROWPKK, It A. K NT, ASTER, ZACITARY Ij. TAYIjOR. ftCtf A BURNi. SK EXTRA NAVY ItKVOLVKR for wle at o m9 C. ORMoBYd. 8i2 Main ?t. CAVALRY QATOTLBTB! CAVALRT GAU?JTLETS! TZ have now on band a larj-- af?ortmnt ot Gaunt- - let? euHable for Cavalry aud other Military aud forl low nt bPKOL'LB & M AN I K V I LL K S, Coiner and Main ste., mil 1'n.ltT Natirtii"! Hotel. UNION1 TTNION UNIGM UNION. VIOTB PAT'KK AND ENVKLOP3, eronelliehed with lS the Stare and Stripes. Price of Kuvelopa, 3 per 1,!H0 or $1 per IW; Note Paper, 4 60 per reftiu or eta I'er iniire at F. MADDI!NS BOOK9TORK, i:i7 S21 Third street. r3amrie" pent on receipt of 10 eta la money or pt am pp. CHEAP! CXX2AX". cheap: CHEAP! F O C AS II I J. M. AUM:TKONV On Main ptroet, opposite the National, le now offering his elegant etcck of W UN'S 4 BOYS' CLOTHING, Exclusively for each. At prcat'y reduced prices. MBN'S SUITS; BOYS' SUITS; CHILDREN'S SUITS. 17USH Xkhr White FI?h; a: Vi hh!s Trout: Jut receivt-- per Railroad and for eale hy OAKHNKR CO. S. 8. MARK. Q-- F. DOWNS. TBH DAY JJECEIVKD Orr indies. Lawn a, and Jacooett; ari printed Tilliante; Checked Cbaliit?; French and Enfrli.'h Chiutz and Csneces; Bonnet and Belt Ribbons; And a general stock of Dmet-ti- and Staple Gods. CiiJ MARK 4 DOWN 3, 413 Main bL JXTra FAMILY FLOUIt bble celebrated Saow F'nui in str-- and foi sab' by ml W. A. H BCKKIIAUHT. 4I7Markpt, W UNURIhS Tubi, Knc'-ftt- s Churns, Brooms, Mits, Rickets. Mopa, c In store and for sa'ehv Irrvil HlHBTTr A SON. fcJ t'GAR - 1,'X'U hhdrt fair to prime in tor and for sale lv rtnTl H. D. N rK are daily rrciivinn American prime, to which we iuvit the attoction of d alerefor ca?h only, as wa can and v.i'l 'v them cheaper than any Western house, aud cr.n atlord to do it. iu2K JAVFS LOW ft CO. "RIEL BEEF Ad excellent quality of sugar-cure- d Ui ied Betf foi: sale by HTRRTTT A flOl. CORDAGE j reli Ccttcn Rope, issorted sizes; 2'M C"Uj Munilla Go, do aj; 6t) do Jute d'1, da I'Rj dozes Htiop Bedcords; 1 kj do Cotton do; 10 do Mriiiili do; kti do for sale by i GaRDNTR & CO. WUGAR-S- 3 bhds prime lauding from stealer Baltic tor and sale by m7 RAWSON. TODD. & CO. CANDLES --A full ParaMine.Wax, Spena,Star, Ofludih in stnre and for slt by md W. it H. RGKKHAKDT. 4T Murket, st. Wtn.5KY-- W bhlt i and ft raw eld Bourbon fit etifiM(en(. RU'l tcr aais b? - W, ii. fH!AKDT, il LOUISVIJL II UI,iirotffTfrTrffYUl.JJ ,Uiu.Mi 4 i)nW MEDICAL. 3Z XX. . XX Ii.L ' O Louisville MEDICAL INFIRMARY, CONDUCTED ONTTTT' PLAN O" TUB 1109PITAL DR8 VRNRmiiSB, PARI 3, W riTwiRi5 thope aiiict"! h any x V tone ot rrivate ipe"j cu receive prolnrt lyeatm&nt without rik or exposure, vr.: Syphilia, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Strictures, Ulcers, Tumors, Cancers, Secondary and ConntUn-tiona- l Srphilie, Hyeasesof the Kid- neys, etc. By this svttE- - It I? firoved that the vuerial cooi'laint entirely unrfur Control of mpntcini fx Is a omnion cold or silple fever: ftnd, while insufficient persons are daily sending away Unur patients in hopoleAJiii'SB. and Kivin tnem up only from their own iucomp teucy, comidr'te and permanent cures are coustantly beiug effected at this Tntir . lUrPvl MEN. TAE ARTICULAR NOTTCK. Or. H. dfV'S much of his time to the treatment of M"sC caused hy a wcret h.ibit hich rniuH both Dody and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual for either busin" or eoeietv. The sad effect of there early habits, or the exce of riper years, are to weaken and debilitate the constitution, dtroy the physical and mental powers, diminish and the natural and exhaust tho vital energies of manhood; the rteaptires of life are marred, the obct of marriape existence it?elf rendered a term of unceas- ing misery and regret. Such pernona, especially thono contemplating marriage, should no time in making Immediate application, as Dr. , by his new treatment. Is euahled to insure a spt'edv and porrnanont cure. DR. HALL'S AMERICAN PERIODICAL PILLS.-- No article of modictue intended for the exclusive use of females has ever yet been introduced that ha arive.n auch universal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills. They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc- tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy. Price, per m:iU. $1 and one potagt stamp. Patients living at a distance can be cured at home by sending a description of their dLseaae and inclosing a stamp. Mnirlnement to any addrow. is"(nicp No. llrt J"ffer?on sttvet, between First and Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. dtf L. HALL, M. P. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY, Chartered by the Legislature of Ky. For (be f ure of all PrlTate Diseases. A MEDICAL nrOHT, ContMnina THIRTY Jim Flat and ArrvraWnpi of the Anatomy and Pkys-'o- !f fV Stveiial 0i a ftiaU of BaUK and IHeease, PRICE ONLY TRN CI5NT8. WSent free of postage to all parte of tho Unioi.4r ON A NW METHOD of treat- ing Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Stric- tures, Ole-- i, Sexual Debility, Female Diseases, and all afTectione of the reproductive of both sexes, the infirmities of youth and maturity arising from the secret follies of both :k--. 8C tea, w 1 n a mil rr"an e on mm iSELF-ABl'S- AND SEMINAL WEAKNESS, its oplorablo eon-- V.v i ,i n, sequences upon 'tie mina ana Njjir J'$& body, pointing out tho author's; V''fS' XisS- pian 0( treatment, the only ra tional and Kicenscful m"dn of cure, as ah own by the re- port of caes treatJ. A truEhful advutr to the married and those contemplating niaxrifttfe who eutertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent to anv address in a rrjvled wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF- TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR. Those stliicted with any of the above diseases before placing them:-e!ve- under the treament of any ens, horild fir?t read Ihis invaluable book. Iffl'he Cineultin? Surgeon may he consulted daily from y A. M. to y P. M., on nil diseases of which Hie shove work treatf; nnd patient" at a distance, bv sending a stHtenifiit of their syiniitoiii., can have medicine sMit to any part of the country tr f oin dama'.ro or detec- tion. For particular! send for our Blank (. hart, a lict of our terms, A.c. All promptly puswered, and communiciitions counidertd ci'iijjilenfinl. DR. DE WEBS' FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR, a sale and certain remedy for Irrepulan ties, Ac, aud is the only reliable "preventive of preg- nancy." Cattion. Thexe pills thould not be taken during PltKUNANnv, a.- tney are surw t produce Mkjackiaur. Pi icf 1 bos, end mav he acnt hy mail. CiTGALES'S HEAD DISPENSARY is the only of it" kind iu th United SfHtr-- that ha- - bevu recnguizt'd bv judicial authority. Cliarttr prp tital, hi(- AU Filth street, between Market and Jefferson, west aide. All letters for Boots or Medicines should be directed to DR. GALEN'S flSrFNSAEi , mavWdlvAwoow Irf-- Tutsvilie. K7. "7ZTpeHaving been etablihfd iu tor the lat 15 yars, aud v i"? h?d a lare Practice in the treat- - v&s&arma' tnent of the following diseases: Scrolula, Cancer. Piles Sore Eyes, Syphilis, Fistula, and to remove the horrible conse'inences of Onanism, or h:is given him proof to sustain any state- ment of the hifdiet character such men aa Dr. W. L. Breckinridge, Judgra J. R. Underwood, Loving, John- son, Capt. W. S. D. Megawati. tonrv.l I had Fistula and was cured by Dr. Prlco, without the knite or ligature, iu seventeen days. JOSEPH YOCCK. HABrtlH on., KY. I bad a negro maa with Fistula, and he was cured by Dr. Price in three weeks. WIL BARD. GOTxxwia, rLL.1 I had FIstuta for fiiceeu vears, mith six openings, and was cured by Dr. Price in three weekj . RILY WILLIAMS. I am a healthy and happy man, having boon cured from the hon.d effects of Ouanidru. A. CITIZEN. Oflre on Market, between Sixth aud Seventh rts. Addreoi, eucioding a postage itamp, Louisville, Ky. Da. la onoxs's FRrVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. 26u Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs. IVPRIOE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.J tSfient free of postage to all parts of the Union. ON the In firm It lee of youth and maturity, disclosing the of '111 sexes of all aw, causing debility, nervous- ness, depreaeion of spirits, palpi- tation of the heert, suicidal ini- - paginations, involnntary bliwb- L i vj" 'j'"'-- j ui'imivr mi'iiii'ry, i.uuKfo-- I I ijtioQ, aud lassitude, fiu., ootniirio- - i,'r 'i !' 1 ''" "J'Ug iiu paged, and iiludti atd Svv- - v,-- f i' i'hirty enmaviiK". It in a tnit XvV i,ivjtji-!- a.Ivtr to the marrii-- ?u d v " Ci j''tho;'s coiituprlftt'ng uiairiaf who entertain -- ecrt dmih- -o tie ir plivi'",.l conoi'ion, and who aie con?ci?u3 haeardd the health, happiness, find privileges to which every human beiug u entitU-d- With Cout'. ious of a Bom ding School Mie, a Colore Student, and a Young Mairied Lauy, full of romance and thrilling intercut. Young men who are troubled w!h weakness, general- ly cn'"ed bv a bad habit in youth, the enVctj of which are dizziness, pain, furgeti'iiineea, sometimes a ringiug iu th'' ear?, wetit eyes, of the back and lower extremities, confusion f id aa, loss of memory, with melftncnolr, mav bt cured b- the author's NEW PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We have for the greater part of the, pnjt yenr, devoted our time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI- TALS, availing ourselves of the kuowbuKO aud re- searches ot the most skilled PhyHiciaus aud Snraeons in Europo :ind on the Continent such men aa CiVIALE. LENMIBE, RICORD, BRECHETKU;, ACT ON, aud CURLINGS, of the French aud English hoepifcils. Our tour extended through France, Italy, Germany, Hol- land, England, Irt'l.ind, Scotland, and Wales, visiting in our route the principal hospitals in Paris, Iondon, Home, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, IVrlic, c, A'c. Wo have lwn amply repaid by the additions! knowledge we hvn a in the treatment of variomt di.ees to w Inch we have direcV-- our et tent ion. TiiOfR who plsre themselves under our care will now ha the full bnerit of the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIES which we are enabied to introduce into our practice, and t hi: public may rf at sired of tli same zeal, aiiduil y, SECRECY, and attention hoiup psid to their cases, which has so sucwsfniiy distinciiistu'd u heretofore as a Phvician in our FECUL1AH department o; profes- sional prHctic. MIkiups ilh full directions smt to any part ot thn nanei their eymtoras by letter. correspondence etristly coiif.'lentinl. l?"Dr. L.'e Oihoe is still located a? established: nndor the name of 1;K. LA CROIX. 7fTo itwure pafetv to all Mterp simply addres "THE LA CUOJX MEDICAL IN&t 1TUTE." s4 d&wEf No. llaidKii Lane, Albany, N. Y. No. nil loiirth 8t., bet, IHarUet not! .Icfferaoo, AND JOBBER OF EVERY MANUFACTURER Fino Diamond Mount- ings and all the new style? of Fine Haiv work Ornaments exfcutd in the most en)"! ior stvl.ot the host material. All work warranted. Price roasonablc. Old ?old taken lufixcharge. inn" dly EHT7GS, C2IBIVITCALS, &c ?I am now NEW GO' DS, just pnr and would most respfttully k a rail all those wishing to purchase frtph Drugs, t 'A Ct emicils, and Sp:cea. Itavealso in" store a large and complete stock ot Virgiuia, Mi!,jonri, s.r.d Kentucky Manulaciuu-- Tobacco, and will offer indticeiTiHnts te those to p.irchaee tor cash or prompt der.lfrs on time. m4 EDWARD WII,DPR. K14 Mainst. I? LOUK-1- m bbls A Ne. 1 Etra Floor; bolf tine do: In store and receiving daily and for sale by AND'W BUCHANAN CO., m9 Con it Seeond and WnnbiiiBton st. CIGARS! CIGAllS! OF DIRECT IMPORTATION FROM HAVANA, comprising a lot of the very be?t brands, such a& BREVAS INTIMIDAD; LONDRE3 INTIMIDAD; CONCHAS WASHINGTON; CONCHAS LUCERO; REGALIA WASHINGTON; REGALIA LUCERO; REGALIA LOS ANDE3; LONDRES DIaTRACTION, Ac Always en bond aud for sole at wholesale and retail br SBWD, PSYNADO,. m4 No. 316 Main at, imder the Louisville Hotel. NATIVE WINES-- 36 cases Mo. Sparkling Catawba; 25 do tine Still do: la store and for sale in Quantities to snit purcha- - sersby Lm35j J. P. THOMPSON, 7H Founh et. Woodon Ware, Brooms, Cordage, &c. FULL aaeortment. of Buckets, Tubs, Churns, d A aud Cedar Cans, Butter and Sur Buck ts. Wooden Bowls and Trays, Wa-h-- jardu, Clothes' Pins (tl kinds). Rolling Pins, Potato Mat tiers, Sieves Measures, Mops. Demijohns, Harvtst Ke.. Well Buck et, (il kindd). Barrel Covers, Wruppin;; Pa-p- r and Pap' r Baes, Children's tlarriagee, Ce rtarCheats, Trot Lines aud Staging, Seiue Twine and Iirh Lines; KUx, and Vottou Twines; Manilla, Himp. aod fk)tton liop Brooms-Wisp- and Hearth Brooms. Black- ing, Scrub, and Dusting Brushes; Faucets, Lemon Suueeaers, Percmeion Caps, iic: in store and for sale at low mitts bv ORRIN ftAWSON, Main st.. h- - twn 'ft'inl nd V h. SUGARS 30) bbl Crushed. Granulated TJEl'INED S; ft Crushed Sncars in :rtore aud tor sale by AND'W BUCHANAN A CO. WUNDRIE3Y O l.nou bls Flcnr; Sj': bbls Anrii-n- : 3.f bls Potatoes: Ru bow Onions: 2oo hags Buckwheat Flcui; In store and for uaie by .TOHN PTVTWR ft CO. Chairs. LARGE aesortmsut ot HIR8 in store and for A sale by HUGH BREST A CO., jti Soeond at.. bween M.ii and Hi"er. IAM'.LY HAMS of various brands, su ed, aud couatry-curc- on hand and fcr sale retail aud w holt tale by an .1. SMITH SPEED. Main st. OFFEK too bags prime Rto landing from Bu, J. Adams and for tale by COOD & MOODY. 6" hhdi fully fair aDd prime landiug from SUGAR Grey Eagle and for sale by fS7 RAWSON. TODD. A CO. carfku Kica received per railroad and for sale R GARDNER & CO. tf OLASSKS lWt bb'.a PI antation landing froa 11 etcamer VVoodlbrd and for tula by RAWSUN, TODD, & CO. riiCE 19 tiercea prime Rice received permailboat li audforsaieby COOD MOODY. AND WHITEK1SH MACKEREL i. 2. uu i Mw:Jtiv. 1U utjhlj WlMterts! In U.iti ft yd for sale t iv: .. . . LOUISVILLE, HI . ! wl .d.nU i l HTTP I W. I-- J . (SUCCESSOR TO R. ft W. IL STOKKSi, IMPORTEE A.3STD DEALER IN" COACH AND SaddlcrF WarcFione, No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth, Louis ville, IXy. KWMetehants and Matiurnr.tnrrrs would find it to ther intnrest to examine my stock bofore making thMrpnr; ehaeos, aud orders from a distance will be attended to as If made in person. 3 tfwwrJrgpnwtf MISCELLANEOUS. CASH ! O ASH! Great Sacrifice of LACE3, EMBROIDERIES, FANCY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS. LINEN CAM- BRIC, JACONETaud SWISS EDGINGS and INSERT INOS, JACONET, SWISS, and LACE FLOUNCINGS, and iu short our entire stock, comprising tho most beau- tiful designs and styles. Will be Sacrificed for Cash. The ladies will do well to call at once aud secure the greatest and most dorirale BARGAINS of thfseason. 11 Kit II A ICT .V CANNON, ni7 335 Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall. aOOBS. WB have on hand a good stock of DRY GOODS, to we invite tho attention of the trade. Terms OA8H ON IlfLIVERV. JAMES LOW A CO., m7 ft1 anrl Jl" wwt id Sirrh st. Wlien you ko to NEW YORK, drive direct to the SMITHSONIAN HOUSE, BROADWAY, CORNER OF HOUSTON STREET. ON TnE EUROPEAN PLAN. Good (CONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderate charge?. Siiifle rooms iVi cents, "scents, and ler dnv. Double room and parlor? 5ii to Meal1" as ordered This Hotel ha sll the appointments of the bet IRtel", a mo't ceutial locatioa, and is boated throughout by steam, ml dHni SAMUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor. 0UISTEAD & OTOXXOR fSr.ccessors to Joe. RrmiO, PflYTONA OAJjyJZlCs COAL, And Sole Agents foi the 1Z ii tci. o x o y Coal. ORDERS for any of the above Coals respectfully soli promptly fillod at the lowest markit prices. Constantly on hand a larf-- snpplvof Hie "PEYTON A CAN NFL" sod "PEACOCK" POMEKOY COALS, which for kitcheu, parlor, or chamher use have nostu peri or. Offices No. 304 Third street, between Market and Jef- ferson, at Robb'i old stand; and at No. southwest comer Brook and Market streets. JeiW dtf EINZEN, ROSEN.Sl CO. Market Street, North sido, between Sixth and Seventh, LOUISVILLE, KY. lways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS at reasonable prices. sep'X dly ivmLT mm hots For Sale. Cash paid for Karley AT TUB KENTUCKY MILT HOUSE, MOUTH SIDE MARKET STREET, Between Sixth and 3oveth. jan32dtf JOHN ENGELN rr CO. jjnr goods BLACK AND FANCY BROADCLOTHS, FANCY AND SILK MIXED CASSIMERES, SILK AND MARSEILLES TESTINGS, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, And a most roroplte assortment of every artlci apper- taining to Men's War, to which we call the attention of cash and prompt buyers. J. VON BORKIES Ac CO., m30 Cloth House, No. 434 Main st. 1"; AND r. w--- Jin a CUTLERY. 3 J2 North efde iInln st., between 3d and 4th daily large additions to our stock of RECEIVING consisting nf Anvils, Vires, Locks, Hinges. Screw, bolt,-- . Scales, Planes, Saws, CofTee Mill-- , Mat.r, WoipJilk. l'xejfi- Rjiil Tool. For sale low bv IjvSsi OiLLlS OKjfSRT. coizv : SACKS OF SHELLED NORTHERN CORN 1PA in otore and for ale hy 217 Third st., bttwoen Main and Market. GH BRENT A CO. have removed to west e de of HI S- eonil fitrflft, between Main anil the River. jo New Tork Heaper. N hand NEW YORK BKAPKRS In store and for sale by MUCH BRENT ft CO , Second between Mi' sn1 Uiver. Wheat Pani. LA R. E ?npp'y of WEE AT FANS in store and for A sale cheiPb" IIEOH BRENT A JO., st... betwe-- n Ma'n aud River. KIBSITT & SOW, rnOLF3ALE AND RET A I L GROCERY, FLOUR, ? and TEA STORE, No. Market tree between .t,,! ,nfl Tllir.). Lrt.ii-viil- f. Kv. j Union Rosettes! Union Flag Pins! I HAVE tf'i" day received another assortment lmoii Ko'ette and Ciac Pine. (Hffereut stiles. Pricei" from 10 to 35 r ut. Ev-r- Lnion uian should hav one. For sale at If, MAD DEN'S BOOKSTORE, niS't 'i'liirrt stiwt. Juu bagi Rio Coffee for sale by il OARONER A t'O pANDLliS AND SOAP v "i) boxes Star Candles; I mi do MoJd do: do common bar Soap; liil do fJennan do; bt) do Toilet do: '1 do Castile do; fftr ssle by m C A STL KM Art, Ml'RRKLL. A CO. PRINTS Hamilton P'itIo Flints; do d;i fa.Ty do; 25 do new stfle Sfraeue's r!o: do do do Prints; rio Ho do Sprinc Dress Goods; Just received and for sale ky JAMES LOW A CO., m and ilu wnst side Sixth st. SPRING WHEAT 2uo hushels pure Canada for sale fUSl PITKIN. WIAKI), & CO. TELLA StlAWLS-l- W Stella Shawls received and O for sale by .MMKS LOW A CO , fll 9" and Jin wp-.- ' ide Sixth st. nOES 300 dozen American Hoes, assorted izei , for Inw hv U' ou (ftp V. 11AR DWAHK ANPv-?- r CliTLKKY, bet. Third t Fourth. feSrt36 WE have on hand and daily rereivlpK n laree to nr stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY, which will bo sold at low ticurt-- for cah or short time. I C O RMS BY. AND CROSSCUT SAWS MILL Mill aud Crosscut Saws; Rowland's M'il and tlrosccut S.iwe Spar & Jackeou's Mill and Cropscut Saws; Diston's 4 On baud and for sale low by C. ORMSBY. NAILS 5CJ kegs Shoenbergers' Nails on hand and for. low bv C. ORMSBY. GRINDSTONE'S Founderies, Macbine-Sbop- and find a large assortment of Stone at C. OKMSBY'S. nOEJ 2;t) dozen Planters' Hoes for sale bv C. ORMSBY. I OCRS AND HINGES 200 dozen Locks, asserted; Eou do Hinges, " for sate by C. ORMSBY. W CREWS low gross gimlet pointed Screws for sale by ImW C ORMSBY. CPADES AND SHOVELS k7 5o dozen Ames' Shovels and Spades: 50 do Rowlana's for sale low by C. ORMSBY. 50 dozen Axes, dlfterent brands, for sale by AXES C. ORMSBY. A X HANDLES 100 dozeu Ax Handled for sale by JSl C. ORMSBY SCYTHES dozen Grass Scyhes: do Giiia for sale by C. ORMSBY. 4 MES'S SHOVELS AND SPADES 6u dozen Ames's Shovels; In rto An Si.Ades! for sale low hv (5 C. ORMSPY. mEELB ARROWS - f Railroad Barrows; 5o Side board do; On hand and mr m low hv C ORMPBY. ICE Iu tierces prime Rice received by maUbc and foi sale by COOD & MOODY. FINED SCGARS-- X 60 Baltimore B Soft Crushed; 2.S do do Powdered; Landing from mailboat aud for sale by f2l RAWSON, TODD, A CO. CRUSHED SCO AR 5 bbls Baltimore B Soft SOFT received and for eale hy RAWSON, TODD, A CO. WL'GAR 3S3 hhds good fair and prime received per u tf amboi.: E. U Fairchild nod Atlantic and for N. D. NEWCOMB A BRO. rOFFt KJ baes Rio lua pockets Java; for sale by fJ3 ;ASTLEMAN. M"URRELL, A CO. fci ALMON lo bhia, M hblc, and tia, iu store and fo tile by W. A H. BLTtKHARDT, 417 Market st Cash for Wool, will pay cash tor wool. niOS. H. HUNT A CO. COTTON ROPE; YAltNH and RATTING; wa.re: brooms: CHOHJH :IGaU au4 KMoKINQ T0HACC0. A hrdt) In! of far.Ji U) c'ora nd ici mle Ir WVl Kt WH.;KB, TT BAIL'S JOURNAL i KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, STOKES, SADDLERY HAKDWARE, '1 TTlHjffif; MISCELLANEOUS. of STATIONERY and JEWELRY at prices has than can be purchased eDewhere. Call or address stamp enclosed; J. L, BAILEY, No. 164 (urt Stie'-t- . Bton. Mspp. rrmr'0 m ilUX 3 C9UZ.SU&& L. S. B. do CRETY....(E. RABY, Agent), ' 3iS iren street, ndolnlnR (ho Jonrnnl Offle i jro suit purenssers a line artortuient Bordeaux; Poniard; Bordeani- - De Medoc; Frontirrcau; Lunel St. Edtephe. Volney. Kau-d- e rte-de Moeelle, Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, and CordIials?,)C" mar-Idl- BOOTS ill SHOES REDUCED FRICEsT THE snbscriber having a laree stock of Latlles' and Winter Boot?, Shoes, and Gaiter? on hsiid. all of own manufacture, offers at greatly reduced prices for cafh. Gent's in want of fine Calf Winter Borts can b' ac- commodated at the very low price of $7 poi pa. , for cadi only. Also, a lot of Men's aud Boyi Kip and tbirh Boots at co- -t for cash. D. MARHAL dfidtf Main, below Third tr;(4. f ELIAS HOW, jr., an 4 S.n.ROrER'S I3 A T E T , TnR MOST RECENT IMPROVED Shuttle SswingMachinc FOR ALL KTDS OF WORK. PRK'H 7R. Warrantod tho Dost in the Market: Fine flnif hed, stronq and durable; wheel feed j. great power: exceediuKly eimpte in no wlro about it; all its part-- are most admirally aid jugonionn-l- y arranged; cannot possibly get nut of order, because evcrythmq Is permanently adjitt-ted- none so easily and operand, and sews the moet beautiful stitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tai- lors and all who have teen it pronounce it the best. Ma- chine ever sent to this vtcinitw All are cordially in- vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Agent, n'-- illy 21 2 Fourth ,'trvt. To Millers, Produce Merchants, and Grain Dealers, TITF, snbsrriber offers htsservices to tbo Prodne in Louisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain and Country Produce. Having had long experience at the business, be feels assured that he can givesatiafactko to all ho may employ him. He will act as sr-n- for the purpose of bavin Grain and Produce in the enmities of Franklin, Woodiord, Scott, Favette, and adjoiniup counties. t'" R' fers to Gov. C. S. Morehead aod Colonel A, G. Hodges, Frankfort; Drs. W. 8. Gano and D. R. Camp- bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES, Georgetown, Kv. J. G. JACK, K. W. JACK, Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La. JACK & BROTHER, WXiclcsalc Grocers, PROVISION i COMMISSION KEECHAXTS, No. 518 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth. I,OriSVIT,LE. KY. WVGAR, COFFEE, AND MOLASSES KJ h) hhds prirae N. O. Suear; loo hag? prime Rio Coffee: lito b'le Crushed, Pod.'red aud Giannlated Sogar; l' O do Plantation Molasses; ttfi Jthbls do do; bbls Golden Simp; 30 ketrs Goldou Sirup; In store aud for sale by JACK A BROTHER, 618 Main it. MANUFACTURED Missouri Tobacco; 80(1 do O. Ellis do do; &0 do Swinney do do; ko do Va. and Ky. do, various brands; n store and for sale by JACK A BROTHER, 618 Main it JEANS AND LINSEYS loo bales NeRro Jeans and (best brand?) in store and for sale by JACK A BROTHER, 5 1 Main it. T7"ANAWHA 8 A LT 8,000 bbla Kanawha Salt, best IV qualtity, in store and for ?ale bv JACK A BROTHER, 518 Mainst. SUNDRIES O 4U half chests Gunpowder Ta; 10 do do B ack do; 60 dozen Shaker Bro--- ; 75 do fancy wire tied do; 1k) do Painted buckets; 35 nste do Tube 75 dozen Zinc 60 coiis Cotton Rope, all sizes 30 do Hpp'P do, do; loo boxes Star Candles; 45 do Star, h; 7o do Ko-i- n Soap; 3o do Palm do; 0 do German Soap; &u bags Cotton Yarn, allnatnben; 3(i do Carpet Chain; loO bales Bartins; SO do Caudle-Wfc- 35 do Wrapping Twine; 15 baps Spice: 15 do Pbpper; loO mate Cinnamon; 3 ca.'es Madras and Manilla Indigo; 2 cants Madder; 10 bbla Atiiru; 5 do Sulphur; Pe cn-- citl0 3oda 1 Ci.'e Nutm-T"- 300,m.o G. D. and S. B. Caps: 75 Matches; 17i do Mafon'tj large and small Blacking; 2'J boxe- - Caudr; 4" bbl i iider V'tn- - cai ; Kto kece Naili, ft'soitcd numbers; On band and for sale hv 11137 dtc JACK A BROTHER. 61 Main st SPROULB & M1XDEVILLB, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine CLOTHING AMD Furnishing Goods FOR CASH ONLY, Southeast corner Main and jfonrth ntn jl LOUISVILLE, KY. FlagnndTcntDepot. We are making to order aod on band FLAGS AND TENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Which we are selling at vory low price. 1ST ARSBAZiL fie DICKINSON, Jl 217 Fourth st., between Main and Market. CHEAP FOR CASH! MILLLXERYGOODS Clioap for Cash ! Intondins to msk a change 10 uij bueinPts, I will fell my remaining stock of BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FANCY GOODS, Ac, For CASH ONLY, and at very low rates. All persons knowing thrmselvcs ind Med to me are respectfully invited to call and settle their accounts. m22 Mrs. Iff. J. BRYANT. CANVASED HAMS AND Mack'in, and Oregon llama; 3,000 choice country Sides; For sale tor cieh by in HIBBITT A SON. pllOI'E FAMILY FLOUR loo bbls Extra aud V D)ouble Extra Flour for eale for carh by H1HBITT SON. CHOICB FINE TEAS FB 0 cheftf superior Green tnd Black Teas; t j): 6 caddies: A nice article for familie?; for sale by H1KB1 IT A SON. Hardee's Tactics. HARr EE'S TACTICf, ilbwtrated with Johnson's cf Sharp's Carbine and Colt's Revolvtr. This work contains all that ie neces-ar- y for the Soldier to learn, and is unanimously recommenoed above any other work of Ihe kind. Complete in one volume. Price 35 cents. Copies sent pr mail on the receipt of M cents in mouey or stamps. Address 14 K. MADDEN. 321 Third st. C CODFISH J A s Codfish; 3 boxes do; For sale low to close consignment. GARDNRR A CO. HO! FOR THE SOUTH! and NOTE PAPER embellished with INVELOPS Confederacy. Price ol Envelo ps $0 per 1,WW; Note Paper, $4 5(i per ream at F. MADDEN'S Bookstore, a 27 Sill Third st ("Samples sent by mall on receipt of 10 cents In monev or stamps. IjVANCY SOAP 150 boxes Fancy Soap of various Just received and for nale low bv ORRIN RAWSON, aio ai8 Main st.. between Third and Fourth. COUNTRY HOLLOW-WAR- 5) tuns light country such as Skillet,Oveus, English Pots, Sew Pots, Sugar Kettles, and Dog Irons, on band ana for sale to the trade at. low prices by a4 WALLACE, LITnGOW. A CO. SOUTHERN RANGE- S- We keep constantly on hand of these celebrated Raugen, and are pre- - rared to put them up at notice. For hotel or they are unsurpassed. For wile by al WALLACE. LITIlGOW. ft CO COTTON YARN ae&orted numbers; 30 do Carpet Chain: fc' bales Cotton Twine; 50 do Caud!e-Wick- ; I'JO do No. 1 Battiitg: fo r?.le by m!5 CASTLEMAN, MURHELL DRIED FRUIT A choice article poeled aud unpeeled Dried Apples, and French and German Prunes in atore and for sale by Jio W. A li. BL'RKIIARDT, 417 Market it. PERCUSSION CAPS 3;h)j'(h) G. D.V for sale by J. SMITH SPEED. Main rt. LOVEKING'S REFINED SUGARS-ii- -o bsleCnished, and Granulated received and for eale by RAWSON. TODD, & CO IR' P- - Oi bb;s Baltimore Golden Sirup; "2j no ,ao do do; Just received and for sale by alH r.ATtrtNER CO. UroODKN WA Tub, Keeler. Hueketa, nomi, lii vlhiirii-i- , L'lothu( -- PinW ash. Board-- , Btiwlg. ie. fa!e iff HiRitiTT & tK?Ni JUNE 21, 1861. II, .d.Li.JJlUi.l i.iiu'.i' n n"JI- ''1J LOUISVILLE JOURNAL Gex. Joe Lane's KfiCErnoN in Oreoon. A private letter just received from Oregon gives the following account of Gen. Lane's reception in Oregon: "Mr. Joseph Lane met with a very cool reception in thU part of the world on his return from the States. At San Tranclsco he made an attempt to Ppeak, bat was hooted down by the crowd, who told bim he would tind a rope ready to receive him in Oregon for his treason to De- mocracy and the Union, and advised him to re- turn to hia native North Carolina. When he reached Tortland, one of his fi tends altemptod to obtain a cannon with which to celebrate his arri- val, but could procure none for such a purpose. He did not slop in S:ilenif but pushed cn to a small village three mile,3 from there. There the d sons of America hoisted tho true Hit;, having upon it thirty-fou- r star?, and fired thirty-fou- r puns for the Union, loaded heavy with powder and copies of Lane's speeches. He was politely permitted to lotk after hia own ba(;-ga- This is the wa' in which he will be treated all over the State, with the exception, perhaps, of four or five counties." The Town or Romnev. In war limes the most obscure places are suddaLly brought out be- fore the public eye and assume great importance. Romnoy, Va., which Is reported to h,ave been captured from tho Confederates on Wednesday by the Indiana troops sent from Cumberland, is a village on the great Northwestern Virginia turnpike from Winch srer to Pdikeribiir, on the Ohio river, a highway running almost parallel to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. The village is about thirty-liv- e to fort miles wet of Winches- ter. OUi JronsUUs. The veteran United States frigate Constitution is now at Newport, Rhode Lland. in use by the Naval Aradcmy, acd under the command of Captain liters. She was luilt in 171'b', ar.d, great as has be-- the advance in naval architecture siuco then, ho is considered by many old sailors the best model in the navy. Her tonnage Is 1,G00. Her trophies are carefuliy preserved on board, arms and Hags taken in various nc'ion, among them the nt.ign of the KnglUh ship (Juorriere, won in the most famous sea fight of our i3The Rev. F.zta Stilea F.ly, an eminent di- vine of the Presbyterian church, died in Phila- delphia on Monday, in the 7j:h year cf t.h age. lie had not performed ministerial du'ies for ten year?, on acconnt of paralysis, but bis Collateral Bible or Key to the Holy Scriptures is an enduring monument of his research and ability. Inventions U&t ai.lv the Result or Kkcm-sit- v Inventions, whether for purposes of war or peace, are usually the result of some necessit'. Few destructive weapons of warfare are invented during pe.ice. On this subject the Scientific Amorican remark?: Times of war havo gencnl'y been times of great mental activity; fruiiful in novel ideas and inventions. During the llerce intellectual fer- ment that hit rod teed and accompanied the tirat French Rtvoiution, more impoviant invent !on were made by the French than that nit ion had produced in centuries. It was then that thoso two pnper manufac urers the brothers Montgol-6e- r invented balloons, by which, for the first time, the poudorcus bodies of men were lifted up into the air at Hive the clouds. In 17y4 Barrere made his report in favor 01' Chuppe's plan for transmitting ideas rapidly to a great distance by moan" of pwts with arms upon them, to be placed in diflorent positions to express various signs. Though the populace of Paris pulled down the tirt apparatus that was erected, supec'ing that it was a device of the "aristo- crats" to convey intelligence to the euemy, the tough inventor pertvered, and the telegraph took its place among human atT.drs. It was a member of the National Assembly, (he benevo- lent Dr. Guillotin, who contrived the plan for beheading criminals instantaneously, in order to save them from the sufferings attendant upon the ordinary nudes of execution. In his speech, advocating the adoption of his plan, he remarked, "Ve will cut eff your heads, iMessieurs, withoul burling you in the leat," which caused a general laugh; the members lift'e thinking that nearly all of tbeir head) would in fact be sheared off by the doctor's sliding knife. To Guillotin's lasting grief his own name was given to the bloody implement, with which it must be associated through all subsequent time. It was during this same period of and active thought that wa? perfected that admirable sys- tem of weights and measures, the adcpiion of which in this couutry we have long advocated; a reform that we hope to see accompli;-he- befure the conclusion of the present war. Periods of war in other nations have not been less marked by fecundity iu inventions thn those of France. !he twenty years in which England was fighting again&t the French revolution pro- duced more inventions in England than tweutv centuries had before. The activity of mind which resulted fiom the furious contests of the Italian republics of the middle ages, not only gave t'ie world th barometer, the pendulum, and telescope, but it also discovered the Western hemisphere, and demonstrated the real movements of the silar svstem. Going further back in history, we lind that man- ot tha inven'ior.s which came from the fertilo intelluct of Arcbiratdes rolafd to the pro- duction or the improvement of military engines. It however, to be tli-i- the inven- tion requiting from tho in'el!rutu.'.l activity which generally accomp-tnie- a p'tiod of war are not c a.ii.iod at all to implements, but are found in every department of and art. The great war which has bceu i iauguratid in our midst w;ll doubtless produce many wonderful de- velopments, and it will bo very interesting to ob- serve whether among these will be a greater de- gree of activity on the part of inventors even than l hit which has marked our past perir.d of peace. Attai k ok Flleth t PoN Lano Batteries. An attack by water upon a land battery has rare- ly succeeded; never, indeed, when the land bat- teries have been properly manned and effectually used. The following are instances-- : In 1 712, a large French squadron attacked the small ar.d dilapidated fortification at Cagliari, and were defeated. In 171M, twoF.ngli:h ships, with lUtjguns, were repelled by one gun in barbette and a garrison of 30 men, at a little village in the bay of Martel-l- o, in the inland of Corsica. In 17l7, Nelson's whole rlet was repelled by the few guns in the batten' of Santa Cruz, in Tenneriffe, In 1708, the French flotilla of b'l brigs and gun- boats and 7,000 men, was repelled by an English redoubt on the island of Marcoa, wi:h iloO men and 1 4 guns. ln 103, the English garrison of Diamond Rock, near Port Uval Buy, with 100 men and lo guns, repelled a French squadron of two 71 gun ships, a frigate, and a brig. In Jh08, a French land battery nf 3 guns, near Fort Trinidad, drove off an English 74 gun ship and a bomb vessel. ln 1814, Fort Frcdorick. upon the Sohe'dt, with onehowi'zor, successfully reefed the attack of a French 80 gun ship. In 1776, Fort Moultrie, with ot.ly "J gun?, re- pelled the British Ihet of 270 gu;:s. ln IS 1 4, a barbette battery of cne 1 pounder ard twolM pounder cuns, at Monington, repelled a R.itUh t!i?et of 1 i guns. In a battery the puns are tired from an immo- vable phi form, and can b accurately aimed. The eart h or stono wall is impenetrable and The men are protected. In a vessel the guns ard men are concentrated, and hence much exposed. The guns are tired from an oscillating deck in consequence of the motion of the water, and hence lose their range. The sides are but frail bulwark', whose splinters are more than shot, while her rudder or rigging may be damaged so as to render htr unmanageable. Trials oy Rii lkd Arms Rilled Cannon at Providence. The Providence (R. I.) Journal of Thursday says: We have obtained from Mr. W. S. Haines the ranges of the fhot which were tired on Monday from the rifled cannon of the marine battery. The pieces were on the bank at the Mark Rock shore, and were pointed eo as to allow the range of the balls to be exactly measured. Two shots were tired point blank, and ranged, respectively, 1,830 feet and l,ti40. The difference in range was owing to the different kinds of powder used. Coarse powder was ined ths lirst lime, a new article manufactured by Col. A. G. Hazird, En- field, Conn., and just introduced. It is much coarser than anv heretofore manufactured, not beintr granulated r usual, but sufferei to remain in lumps varviug in from a pea to and ounce musket ball. The second time powder of the common kind was used, and did not prove equal to the course, the ball falling short J'.'O feet, i his experiment would seem to indicate that coarse powder possesses the most power over a projectile. Other shots were lired at different elevation?. At one degree a ramze of 2,tlU0 feet was obtained; at two degreis, 4,3' 1(3; at three, 4 OuO; at four, 4.480; at live, 0,500; at six, 5, WO; at seven, b' 00O. The last but one fell short, owing to an undercharge of powder. Shells were also thrown into the water to tost their exph.siveness. Sme ten were thrown and not one missed. They exploded the instant they struck the water, and in a few seconds after the fra ;ments could be seen falling into the water for considerable distance around. The quantity of powder used was the regulation charge, a poucd and a quarter. ( me shell was bred at the great- est elevation of the gun. Its range was more thau two miles. It exploded as readily as the others, and was heard disiincilv. A range was taken at a distant object to see if tho shell varied to the right or left. It exactly in the line of sight, proving that the ritled gun, as constructed by Gen. James, carries its miseiles with moot re- markable accuracy. CtT Wbi&ky was something of a prize in old war times, as may be inferred from the following copy of a document before us, via: The Commissary will issue one quart of whisky to Mr. McCune, he haviog made the best sbol, and one pint to Mr. Roane, he having made tfae shot of Cuird No. 2. WM. TISDALE, First Lieut., Officer of Guard No. 2. Camp Meis, Aug. lytb, 1813. Liberia Pkcolvts. TL-- Boston Atlas of Saturday says: The barque Justice Stcry, Captain Webber, from Monrovia, brought a full cargo of the pro- - ducts of Africa. On r outward passage, Mr. Leo L. Lloyd, a native African, known to many of our citizens, went as a passenger, carrying goods which he ob'a'ntd upon credit of Boston merchants, bbe brought buck to a firm in th'"s cit', for Mr- Floyd, twenty tons 0( camwood, tweivii thoua-iii- pound of sugiir, and one ' guliofi? if Sirup, wLn b;Ml VVjt'Vi NUMBER "l80." Manures Their Action. D. M. Snr gent, of Warner, N. H., in a communication to the Journal of Agriculture) on the action of manures, makes some statements that are worthy of note: Ammonia, I think, beyond a doubt, is el sorbed from the atmosphere by the leaves. Eill a flower pot with sand and plant a Feed corn if you plearr; It will germinate, and grow very slow, look yellow and stunted, perhaps din in a little time if nothing is done for it. But take a phiol of spirits of ammonin, insert it in the piind with the mouth up and the cork loose enough for a small portion to escape, and the plant will soon turn dark green that peculiar preen that farmers like so well to see. Hide the light and it will soon turn yellow, and fi nally, nearly white. Exclude the air and ad- mit the light, it cannot grow. T?ke a wet spot of earth, ao wet that corn will hardly germinate ; prcpire it as vou would to plant corn, drop in nothing but gypsum, and that in only part of the holes so prepared; cover them all up, and smooth with the hoe a tou would in plauting corn, and after a time I can toll every wheic the gypsum is buried, and can toll if it were dropped in a bunch or scattered, bv the fact th.it something white will collect on the surface, e;or responding with the plaster below. But if you put in corn, the white powder will not be there; it will be absorbed by the growing plant. 'What this white substance is, I do not pretend to know, but I think, beyond the possibility of a doubt, that it is extracted from th atmos- phere. Mow the question arises, what part of the plant absorbs this white substance; is it the roots or lea vet? I believe it to be the growing blade, predisposed thereto by the action of the escaping ammonia from the earth or the ma- nure applied; and here comes in the effect of light mixing and perfectly combining with the ainmoniiH'al and other gases afloat in the air acd absorbed by the leaves, and with those healthy green juicca which give color to the plant, and which are absolutely necessary for a full development of the plant. I have come to the conclusion that light is matter; therefore has a body. It is absolutely impossible to grow plants without it, but if it docs not cornbiue with and form a part of the plant we could grow thi:m without it. Again, light is absorbed by everything with which it comes in contact. If it is not so, what becomes of it when the sun is gone? Therefore it is absorbed by plants, and as it has a body it must their volume. Again, ammonia in its relative Btate, plants to nbsorb light, heat, air, and all other gases that are necessary for their per- fect development, while it adds to tho bulk eif the plant, by its own matter; therefore, ma- nures that contain it should be so applied as to have the moit direct influence upon the plant out of the ground, while juices will descend and act upon the soils and roots. But if we bury the manure so deep that nothing can es- cape to act upon the plant out of the soil, our crops roust be small and our manure wasted, and our labor profitless. Iq the above, there m contained the sub- stance of a fair demonstrable theory of the reasons for the benefits accruing from the top dressing of grass lands. Ed The Italian' Bke. Dr. Kirtland, of Cleve- land, writes to Mr. Parsons, of Flushing, K. Y., concerning the Italian bees: In your last letter tou expressed a wish to hear from me the result of my experience with the Italian bees, &c. 1. Their disposition to labor far excels that of the common kind. FVom the earliest dawn of day to the arrival of evening they are in- variably passing in and out of the hive: and rarely suspend their work for winds, heat, or moderate showers, at times when not a soli- tary individual of th3 common bee kind is to be seen. Two hours each day their labors are extended beyond the working time of the last named kind. 2. Power of endurance, and especially of resisting the impression of cold, they possess in a marked degree. Since the buckwheat, and asters have flowered, tho nights have been remarkably cold in this vicinity. This low temperature han, in a great measure, suspended the (ft')rts of the common bees, and they have been eating their previously accumn-Ute- d stores. Xot so with the Italians; they have been steadily accumulating honey and and rapidly multiplying their num- bers. They seem to be peculiarly adapted to resist tho chilly atmosphere and high winds which predominate in autumn on the shores of Lake Erie. 3. Prolificness they equally excel in. Both my full and half blooded stoek have become numerous and strong in numbers as well as in stores, at this late season of the year, when the common kinds have ceased increasing, and have become nearly passive. 4. Their individual strength is greater; and this is well illustrated In their prompt manner of chasing to a great distance, with a prompt manner, any robber that chances to approach their hive. Their beauty of coloring and graceful form render them an objoct of interest to persons of taste. My colonics are daily watched and ad- mired by many visitors. r. Of their moral character 1 cannot speak favorr.b'y. If robbery ot colo- nics is going on, these yellow jackets are sure to be on hand. So far as my experience has gone with them, 1 (ind every statemicnt in regard to their supe- riority sustained. They wiil no doubt prove a valuable acquisition to localities of high alti- tude, nnd will be peculiarly adapted to the climate of Washington territory, Oregon, aDd the mountainous regions of California. Bi;i; Items A swarm just hived should never be placed at the side of a strong colony that has not yet swarmed, because, if the weather on the next ensuing days be tine, the bees of the old stock will issue in great num- bers, about noon, and disport in front of their hive. The bees of the swarm not having yet become well accustomed to their new location will, on their return, be attracted by the busy, joyful hum of their neighbors, and tempted to join them. A loss of bees from this cause, at a time when no brood is maturing in its hive, is- a very serious injury to a young swarm. In the district of Altmark, in the province of Brandenburg, the hives in common use arc made of straw, with the entrance for the bees placed invariably about three inches from the top. It is three inches long and half an inch high. Bjcs are said to winter extremely well in these hives. To secure early and strong u warms, as the cbicf elements of success, the beekeepers there feed their colonics moderately, every evening, with diluted honey. They commence this feeding early in the season, and continue it till the fruit tres bgin to bloom, and then use undiluted honey till the blosionis dr.p. Lven strong and healthy colonics may I12 attacked by robbing-bee- s and overpowered, if the hives are fo placed as to be exposed to the direct rays of the un on a hot day, and bees from another apiary have to fly over them on their way to and return from a locust or linden groe, or buckwheat field, or an or- chard, when either of these is in blossom. lie. Journal, Crab and common Cider aud Wine CIDKR--Ha!lou- V lor ea!e by a J. SMITH 8PKED, Main et. SUGAR 46 hhds on co n si n merit and fo 1)KIMlfi IftHl .1. SMITH HPK.K.a Mtn PICKI.K8 AND CATCHUPS Kn?!if CHOIOK Pickles, Cfttchiipe, Sauces, Prceervei Olle, Gelatine, Chocolate, Cocoa, arc., iust revived u for nl by Tftrtl HIHBITT A SON. Cin WIKE, Nob. 6 to lb, best quality J)JJJ lacuuep'd, for sale bv WALLACE, LITHGOW. A HAMS A choice lot sugar-cure- d Hinis MACKLIN llAcoDjuut received in store and for iftle hy m'Jfi W ft TT HT'RICHARTVr. M MrVt S5 boxes of fine quality in rtore and CHEESK rml-- 1 H1BMTT A SON. MOLASSES W packaces, barrels aud halves, Baltic and tor?a)r by fl ALLEN, MOORE, & HADEN. -- OOFFEE baga prime Kio receive per mailboat aud for (sale by OOOO A MOODY. T1IO COFFEE 100 briRB rtrictly prime Kio received 11 bv the Mason ta and for e&le by (H CUOD MOODY. (ARAFFINE CANDLES A supply of this superio caudle received aud for sale by HIBPTTT PON SUGAR S hlids prime received per eteamer and Peytona and tor al by fH RAWSON, TOOD. A CO. SUGAR 73 hhds prime Sugar landing from for sale by fi ronn a moody. HAY 3"0 bales prime Timothy and HungarianGraM sale by f!5 J. A. PENTOS. 134 Fourth rt. 71" hhde fair and bod received per Faircuild SUGAR and for sale low by fh H. D. NEW COMB A BRO. t;UGAR 379 hhds good aud prioie received per Diana aud for ale by flR If. T). NEWCOMB A BHO. 4JUGAR 135 hhds fair find strictly prim Susar re chived pr E. H. Fairchild aud rer tapie ana 10 COOD A M(ODY. " LOVER SEED- - 4U bbla Clover-Seed- ; 'JS ha-- do: Just received and for sale by JNO. F. HOWARD A CO., f4 Main, betwoen Third and Fointhst. COFFEE pockets prime old Java received JAVA aud for sale by W" SMITH'S KENNETT A LE, in bbl and MbMe; C1 MARSHALL'S KENTUCKY CREAM CHEEiiE. A lt of each just received and for sale by m NOCK, WICKS, A CO. TO FLOW-raAKER- S. havo in etore STEEL WINGS a d WE of the mort improved patter-- , for ale lowbv ill W. H. BELKNAP " CO. New Books New Books, MARIE, or the of the Miatiseippi, liy Jack Briic.i. Price iu ctutu. THEKEiSE, or the Privatcemuan'a Daughter, By Henry S. Williams. Price J5 cents. ATLANTIC MONTHLY tor March. Price 3 ceutl. Ac r MADUEVS. djl Third street. Apeut for eadifc'N Dime PubliHou, nud French' Miiioi n. til tVita'ti t?ru)o. h tr KAttU'.K tUaR-ittf- t t.ilw In More nnd frrW hf & i""l'" 'n '"VT'T'T", JTI11ST FRftSII B0T SHELL C2ABS op this 8F.ASON Jut rerfired b. EvpresB p.t fie ST. CHARLES KE3TAUPANT, J19 tAb Fifth rtreet. 3 Seconal Importation ! Dress Goods at Auction Prices. PLMN AND LMnBOIDRKD MOZAMBIQUE: PLAIN ANTt KMP'.tOIDESMID PKOCHE V; OUSTED GlIKNADINE i; RICH PKINTrjD OR ? AND. POPLIN3 ND FOPI.i: ETTIM; FRENCH ,ro FUtjC'ii LACK MA5.TLr.3 AND POINTS; 1O0 DOZEN LACE llVTV-.- i AND OArXTLPTg: GLOVES AND IIOSICKY; H" PEN'S MOURrVi.G (i'jOlKI. BOY3 WEAR AN DO'.tEHTIC3: LINEN SHKKriNGS AND SHIRIING5?: A lar-r- lot of 5, 7, and : FLOUNCED ORGANDY, JAC- ONET, AND BERiiGE ROUES at th jst of itnDortfvtica. .117 ib 304 Fourth rt bet. Market and Jefferson. PROW.-- I FRENCH FELT HATS, var7HRLt i- at auu tiie, ju-- t v-- at PKA'niER A SMITH'S, J13 j&h 4j: n t. PEARL I SOFT HAT3 of a superior lUC-i- 'J till ' 't- - - Mf PRA'lHER A SMITH'S, Vnin t. PI A ,K EE.,' H 'i"S All ii'irtliiies coustjiut- - rv 'hf-.r- , hp r RATH Eli A SMTTH. BKO N AND BLACK HTlFF BRIM UaTF, IT! !iijpi-- i ti j jl1 ar F RATHER A SMITH'S, t'r- - ih 4?t V.in BOY 3" M inKN'S hTKW HATS at i RATHER & SMITH'S, DKE. HATS cf rnr own manufacture lor 31(1 tf.r rx i nt PilATHKK A SMITH'S, Main ft. L3T We ;ir-- m i ct 11-- and beftnMOil ? htck 'f ffUKif? wear, in and fc.'tt Il.ii.:! tti) Strav-'- , afl ol tiie lurvxt stvUit and h- wualitip. A. CRAJG. i:h Cornpr M'in a d F'urtli t. SOFT EATO. A piivrt c1!. red Frc;ii-i- H.Mr Pel, th finest 9 Hrt In town, and t'.ip m.- -t hffi11Mf.1l in chr.t.o. ia t ji found or.ly at lH ih A. f 'ftATG'f BftE8B HATS, In Silk hlack F.n t l t;a.'im-r- r.nd Mack and dr:b Bcavi r. cf the Ifitt-x- t aud net approved -- 1 stvl'-f- , ready f.r ouriilt thij . Ju iAh A. CRAIG. TTTESK Cup, f.r Hdlwi vinitnp the Nothmjt rrt'ttieror more conveuieut can be worn. To ho luund at JJb A. CRAIG'S. Walker's IGxclianiro THIRD ST., MAIN & MARKET. FROG- - IjHSO-S- . First of tho Season. JUST rrrr-vr- a f.'i kt of FItOG LEGS, SPRING 'KEN'S, SNIPK, PLoVEit. Hi I ar.d MAI. LA RD DLCKS, IVf O.MAC tiiAP, SALMON, HAiS, Stc. Parties aud faniiliet with eveii'thing in oar line at the shortest uolice. JOHN CAVETN CO., a3 j&b Third et., bcLvkeco Maiu and Market. N P. Tnft d a Urjre rhipmpnt r,f LCiNDON DOCK PR AND V, OLD OTARU, hue WADERASaud SUKKklK.s. L ABIES, ATTENTION ! ISTBAV OOOT3S AT TtlB Clioap Liaoo Store, 3 FOi'P.TH STREET (OLD NO. IM). JUST VECEIVED KY EXPi'.E33-J'FAN- jS' I A! ' E AlV; Pi K K CUEf'E COLLARS; LINEN SET .1? ffJ rt.:: MARSEILLES FE''.H at n cts: DO COLLSK."; at 10 ct LINEN COLLAKS at l'l rtc; Ac CHARLES E. RAUf "HFUgS. j7 ib ;t .4 Frt'frh ft. (Md N". M. C, RA3IISEY, Removed Itn. 31S Fourth Mml, oppo?; T ripp k Cray's . YrHrUR be if ata'u ren-i- to v ait cu hi - with Watchos. Clock", Jewelry, Silverware, 'Jablo Cutlery, Tido fipectaclcs, Cc. tSTheupcr ibnn ever otrcred.jerl REPAIRICx IS 10VERY DEPARTMENT I take thU occdo:i to return my thank? to tlij who no nobi? a?sif'tfjd in raviur my enod? trrm the tire th it 't'ii n;1 (rem 111 v li jt:ii:d ou Main ?ti"ct. mlSj4;! M. C. RAMSEY. GREAT REDUCTION! IPJ PHICHS ! Engravings, Lithographs, Gilt Fpieips, Looknig-Glassf- s, Walking Canes. A floe assert Dnl, aud CHEAPER THAN EVER. Wo. i i? litRrUet vrrord nnd Thlrrt arid r. W". nun Prvn'on ki.. At HUM & KNOFEL'8 al'i Ilook-tr.r- Clams Oysters in the Shell ST. GHARLES RESTAURANT, FIFTH 6TKEET, BETWEEN MAIN ANT) MARKET. 4&- OVMTFUS A NO t'l.AIH Jl'WT SHII.I. by Espiva. chickens, vnoa I r;M,sor.in FlH, toiii tinuiy on baud; AH of wbicN will b prvfd at mi or pent tr m.y part of the cify Id mpt-rio- r ttin. m3 bij C C. RUEFER. N. B DAY ALE snj fr ssl" in all nt the ST. CHAKLES. New Kooka Wow Bootes. CF THE UNITED M'.TUEKLANDS, bj nIPTOKY .1 NOTES ON SCUIPT!"KJ by JoM.IonPs. 9i 51. THE HHJLE AND THE CLASSICS, by Hit. opMoade. '3 50. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN METHODIST PUL- PIT, bv V. R Snni-ii- D. D. iJ. MACALLAY'S HI3IOKY OF ENGLAND. Vol. 6. WOKSMKN AND THEIR DIFFICULTIES, by Mr Hai lev. 6'C. SOLDiEKS AND SAILORS' TEXT BOOK, by Rev. J. K. Macduff, D D. 2tir. QODEY'S LADi'S BOOK tor Miy. Ju-- t received by A. DAVIDSON, il7 jiib 2J5 Tliird ft,, new Market. COAL! COAL! nAHTTOKi) CXT COAL! COAL! Of tbe best quality and at the Iowc?t piieee, for ta' CiirTTENDrIN fS G V,rf?- itid-- . of Thiid T.r, IA fv-- Vlsin nnd M"e. GOLD I'OR PAPEE. BEST AKT) CUKAPKST VOGT & JILIMK. rSannfactaror!, - -- Third it. KepoetfuIly ofTfr for Ineppetien and sale a larf and aplbiidid .vi:ortmcat of of puieri7r T.Torkm.u?hfp a- -! 'taLiaub!e eivles, Dk moiiil, Coral, Carbtinc!, Pearl. article: rev.L ood, t"iU( and and evryfliir.e beloniug tt our lii.s, cf European impii, New Yorit Ishrics aaf our otn make. ElavfnK bre-- teitmrt-- by conl poors toCLOSF. OUT and pell at any r.te rather th-- rtura g"od&, aud, ow Ini to tbe bi 'l t:njr. di elroui to LET NO CASH C'STCVKR GO on the pcore of prirs Invite o.'.r friendf aud t.h to call ana I'TtaiiMns our stck, aud res ta?vurer fiibllc aato aod wUhe wi!I r.nd rhf.ll bp?ratioed at VtKiT fi KLINUL!?, Jn. -- 4 Third trt BED, WHITE, & BLUE, Plain Silks & other Materials, ma MAKIVO FLAGS OF KVESY DES1 EI?TICT, in store ind for sa'.e low by C. 33TJr-A.Xi- L z CO., JaM vppoiit Dank of Kentucky, cxe prtfjiri to have any eised FLAGS mad to oidr at tbort notice. C. & CO., Just Received. 1 fi 1 A. DAViPWOH, AUCTION SALES. . ffCWBT . R irCfftT ArrrnNpvus antcommi?--to- and syi . ;it(. , r' We ara n pI1 time" ri-A- to to ha al E,.Uit tt r.r Uov-h-- l hiirnUur'.;..on Otitis i.'.l'.xlory IS. ir2j CHRISTMAS & K'm lEMVnaiFT Ff.ETCl'Klt A- - RITJYNKTT MAIM STREET, BET. FOURTH AND FIFfn INVITE attention W),r!r Uri: F.r ct nt rt)ntof Ooodo, niiiUhlefor HOLIDAY 1k'""t at rnces lownr thn before, cousi-ri- i. of Loadon end fnva luinrf&ch-'-- af't'-- AX fii;p?t nuslity 1 ai- -I rot ,8F ,(il.d ;" nf ca: DiAiiiori'l, (,tL and : Kiiijfe ot our own niaimf-ictn- and the mo it . p t. jtfl, Kfj:y iJ-- ' in ete tnd half tt,, oi Co: a!, c-- v" (tp-o- , Ac . &c -- at in'tW rjd n4 ot tne richest g 'A I " Chains; Gold CuatvMna, Key,, wSiK V Jm RILVFR-WAP.V- V,n' T..re.-nf- . il.r. nin5 Cake, a,v' hJri yrf ;. i Cr-a- Sot. Klover '. Ac, -., n ih hir-- t fv'U Siir-plare- d V ?re of eve-- 7 riip.i oi tuui.1 at very prirev ktci;kr dlft Ah USEFUL A3 WILL A3 5SASES?il ' WM. KKm3 RICK'S. Mr rtr ?f WATfTTP,fT. JfiVH'Mtv, f.ILVER nn;J PLATED WiP.B VTff ne"jr rooro cnvvloV thai; at n, 2. i on aa fnir r..-- can ho (r"r :,- d iiit ;t- - i A a..--- , 1 AN V NKW THljti:V v;a ' Sftw H. TV. DUHULAGX J. BSCH'AAmT G3EVE, BUlIRLAfiE, & CO.. WHOLESALE lor $mimm M annfacturei AMD DEAJJStS IK Cabiaet-Maker- g' Kateri U, Groeu ptrset, bcirrcon Cb,y and Pholhy I.OLLHVIIJ.K, KV. VINK- S- :jR bbl? SautPrne Wirf; 76caea do do; 4n do Rhine; d ; 6U di Chanifaeie: ca.ke Madei r.nd 3hprrv V,'inor 2'J do Fort Winn- tor Bte by ANTUONY ZA NONE A fiOV. J'O Eiith ii?.rut, b!.-- w Mriu Freeh Blue Lick Water IN store and for file by HI GH F'tENT CO.. J6 Second et., u ilun and RICE bv 5 tierces prime Hire on coujinmnt and frr jl4 AND'W R"C7f ANAN A CO. IJIO OFFKE ? E;o Cotle lamllnf; find irr XL sale by ANIVW BUCHANAN & CO., Corner rf cmid i.d Wi.Hti!f". CRUSHED 8UGAU-B- .r, bbl-- . ferd--r- Cuih-.- per waiU'iat nrd tor raie bv JU AMl'V- hi CllAN-- iLARET WINE- - caaka Bordeaux Wine: li di r Cl ret Wna for fsr itj- - : cjea CKrut Wine: do do do, choicf; Iu ptore and fcr ealf br ANTHONA' ANONE A 3','.;.. 10 Finii t., .Vi .i i. WL'GAR S hhd prirae N. O. 8'"r rnr O Lou -- villa via LrTiidviHe r.nd il..;l'oid and tril 'tr filfM f.jR'Ki- H - i BANK NuTEs W iMKD bv IOLIfLANA AND'W BUCHANAN tt t:0 . J10 Corner Second and n Ae. 5 tiercea piituo Rico in Ft re nnd fur ak' br 1 i'n AND'W HI ia N ' SUNDRIES O Frn-;- Brandie", Gin, Ri'iu, ic; 9'U"diurB iU ra'e ts Rtisiue 4illi jikdA ij, and wby- - h;jr Olie Oil, Macaroiii WrnjiccLi, ac ; In store aud for sale hv ANTHONY ZANOE S' Jto Fifth hcw 1 E FINED SUGARS VI bh 1" t'nidiHd. Grmr'nt' 1, C ajd S it Cru-h- d Pn r. in ptof.' Li';' ior al by Plo AND'W HtiCHAN'AN 1:0. AS TOR OIL 10 bhla mow' No. 1 Cutor Oil store and for sale by AND'W r.rciuMw CI) 6 tiercea vrii;!'1 K'c hut t f':v & a.iJ if. AND'W BUCHANAN A l J., ?Ttind (..id V." Vi'iENin i Butter Kucket. 9iC, r( DOZEN K'Utwr Uutket., 6 ni. UJ ii-- do do. t5 do bras bumd Fill?: 41 do io fjvt--!- . C.1,J.; o'i 0 lion do do do? TogfthtT with a rood BJHfirtn' Ut rf Wuoil a.d Wi'trr-Wi- d, Cordage, Brooni?, tc- -; i" rf" " s.'"t n" "at1 by ORRIN KAWSOIi, itS Mrtn bofo-p- 'I'bi-- ,' . lOLAariErf- - 1J 5u bbls ft. Jamre Sup Xolaces; 5 bhl prime rt hoib i do; lilt) hhU prime Plantation do; In store and for sale by H4 AND'W BUCH ATSA N CO KERKL -- 2itt wholu anl bait this N03. 1, ani m-y- Mackerel iu gtnu and ior sin l.v ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO . V4 Corner and . OIC- E- M t do do: Frch In at; received dtrect f- oi an.1 tor mIo b tjl") j itDNr'R & CO. DEI GOODS. TV 4:13 ISIain eU tl3 Have now In store a full and e:mf lete etork of STAPLE ASD DOMESTIC G0?S Of tlia beet fdbrics, euch as TABLE LINENS- - BED II ENF; SHIRTING LINENS T0WEL1NG.H: FRUIT CLOTHS: FINE DIMITIES MARSEILLES SPREAD3: SHIFTING COTT': 03NABURG3, COLOR KD AND WHITE: FULL STOCK OF WHITE GOOS: MOURNING GOOD-- OY ALL KIND3. The-- Good were all botiRt t frr chpH t th? ebb ol the mai ket, and are ur-- ' offered at ?uch niici as must vloase all pmti'js. Call aud exajiiuj Eiock ei4 uriwe at m-- MARK ft DOWNS, f Brums and Fifes. - ftv ati.l .ir it. a.kI in Cia 'TV ' thn.ll be uat.led to eiif ;!-- , cbc.if A' fVJt" rheiw;. It p very b",-- I.KI s :mi ?VCS"hT FIFES, from Em Eti n fctorin-- . and ex.i:itin before iiurcbaeintr V.T.I. Mi'C A Iir.LL. 810 West, leffaniou st., bet. TliiidsnH uitb. jNIARK & DOWN'S. r 1 1 HE extreme trublf of the t!,? os ti 1 ann Mince lo our trieodi and ciatoiTiPr th-i- n:u-- t cbaee our pvteoi of biLui-- 'e t'j a C 3 ii STANDARD, and will offer ell o.ir Fancy Dress Goods, of vhMi we bave a sood etof k at GREAiLY DUCED PRICKS. riAFiX & EOT7NS, 13 41 I'Uui Ptroet. rLOO vC. A SMALL lot just received and inr eale be H. FERGU&ON & jJON. niHl Fifth "tTPot,. on" r north of MiirUf. SUNDRIES 7 iv) bipa Cottf o Y tra, ar'orted comb-'n- : I'M bales No. 1 Ba'ting; 60 do Extra do: 75 do No. a do; 60 bags wh t CaiJet Cbafn; do colored rto do: ll do Candie-Wic- 6o do Wrapping do; for sale b a3 GARDNER A CO. lINK BRANDY, WHISKY, &c- - a io dczrn rale Coeuac Brandy; Iu do old Bourbon county Wbisk?, 6 do old Apple Hraidy; do Wnitnoy's Ch'b House ItUk 6 do old Jamaica Knm- - m7 J. p. THOMPSON"?. T$ Poarti -- t SCOTCH ALE 112 df-- Wm. Youncrr A t brand iuet rwCttived and for sale hv tnl P THOMPSON. WUNDRIES yj 6 bbls Apple Brandj-- ; 6'J bbte Domeftir do; 1"U bbls imt. B. Whisky: l'JO bbla Rfctiti-f- do; 4U K and T'ip?8 fine French Branfly, Id Btor and for sale bv nb .1, MONF. 9. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS, K are now in receipt of large porti .u cf o:ir Spnne supply t rANCY and STAPHS SZxY embraciug forae few new thiiie in DRE?5 GOor.S .'.rd LACES, PARASOLS and SUN SH ADES, ORG DIES, LAWNS and JACONEIS, UOiilEKV, OLOV 3 aud UNDERWEAR. . al MARK A DOWNS. 41? MM ICE 16 cadka rice received ant for a'p.by ion. A 'o. CHILDREN'S Cabs, CARRIAGES Gica, and Chaise; 75 Willow Caba, plain and bronzed; AL?o Wheels and linai-iif- JiiPt received at the WooJca Vjiv jj.' T?-- and for eale low by ORMN KA aH 33t Main st... between 'iiuidjaitfi r IO COFFEE- - 40ii bags good to piime Uio 0ff- It la .tore and for n DUCI1ASAN & CO. CASKS SHEET ZINC, superior artiN fzr 50 ale by T .T.mnw o. MANTLES AND GE-E- IRON HARBLE1ZRD kept coMtfcntl on hand and . r wia low by WAM.M'K. T.rrnn.ow. r.o. f 10 COFFEE 40C baes rood to utrictty pnao IV rTH.iiatoreaud for f hy avivW BUCHANAN CO-- . and Waphicrtou ts nil Corner Second bas prime Clovfci-So- Just CLOVER-SEED-7- 5 aud ix r HOWARD A CO., n3t) Main, ktweca Tbird aod gts. I' IO COF FEE-5- 1.0 bat-- gooo Uir aud prime Rio Cof t fee iu store and for .ab- prrfTANAV ro. I 'ENTUCKK LAKD-- ao TUy J rl I OLASSES 100 bbt- - choice PKotton iv ll 1 tha Auiocrat tud Py tou aud iortJ ( . IAt:KKKKL 2 iu whole aud hlf Ml tin ' I i. 1 UiKlit;reJ in u7 ( r

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Post on 30-Apr-2018




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fHily. by mail, ui .rtrtiwrtlnt tbe etty...lo onCM'itry fUiij. . . M. 8 00

"t 00

In Huh ' ,IT,Bt-- g wPy ;

SflwVtwicfl by d.H 4a 're&tiroa tetien at oar


-e mare, thtntW wkly, Pr annum $40 00- -- timeiu enrcelv, per annum.. fl 00

' . S tlIQi'3 ft0 do loo 00TY iuar, Uie nboeti at i"rva!l for first in- -

candidate, . ,w weok fcr each name.raS"y WlVerli-O- rar yisrtwljr, 'all other in ad- -

U a,i 'fMntorl: ndrti-ement- aberffVAM comjui-fioner- nirriWnn, thnatrioaLthen, or ;idH.v aii tirv, mi m.MitiP. hrthAdvei fire rraW.nUi prtc Ur.rs and rach l.ke.

i. 1 a- - iwwmnpirVi. 7 inwrtrd in -

J'mmunicaiiono will W. 1- .- "1 ni.'.l d the rn.l ..'7.

n urn) I'.'V psmI. L' ' "J:t"fnciiiri'd a nvw advei tian.hiT.f

r,! ?rd mtma,r,f r.r JW;cn tinned, mt r fr i - . 'Adrtia-mm- tf kept 0 ih' 'r 1, ,

AnrsKTiMNtiRATny "nlT '1" cr int..- - Vtwrifi6.-j5achq- par

(Cvhcontinu-ui- .. " y lWritten nnttce nii' M v" V I

- f;1rprr.ip'urt:it of v' ST" R' Rod ptop

ot.irwl' Ar'r ati-- r

D'!d K:tb "flr'J' will b dipron-i- r,llt PrVIf:l un'it't" t ha, oir will miy ciiarpe

nno yy,,r at tin yn,my rafee.


MANHOOD7r (TftlP l.nc F3.ir

i mSIS'' AND RADUrAL(rtf-mi- V,srfc,w,II'S:'' ,r.d in voluntary Krai.

rWi'v ,ul Wentai and P'jycal Jii- -

Pt UO.i. J (!T;i.vTwTKijT M n-f- l

Author o( 1he"G;orn ho(rA:c.I..IT ,r' rHn',wued an';- - iu thi admirable

own eicptri'joce thit,p; Ih oll'Vtually'moved withunt

. ...iio,! iCinfl and w ithout cai!,?eroii mir- -- J,,,mt, iKn. e, r,irru!ieiit I'niKn.or cordiaia.)'""inK 'jus a uio--

h.- . " . ' 11 ""'- - '' "a a'o en. c- -

'"l'J-- u him-- - If rA.'

t '1 1 ttlUUtftJ

fHTiw "r;Al ' 837 ""- - rot tM on the reKLINK,

(IQi ly Bowery. New York, Poet Hoi 4 5ft

'I,. X--

:r! 51

finclanaU Veaera! HospStal(FMtabKNbed In tho year 1 S3,

FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE PI3KA.gnfl dodor the control of tTv0 of the moat emilfi"t Ah

' IM'NAPAKTr frnm London and F arlstal, :nd f'T t'.i Hoepi- -

nei,al H.wril, I)r. E. H. Reynold "Nerk. 'niifiwtbomyoffiwinthe city i--

marient cure o; ITiva.P flMno stained withouth ofns ni rhauqnofai-t.- .uyor Uonorriia-- curedotird in 7. t V W i""avg. otrictureI To

f r ji)!-- . ir, It rfaiarv tr8 Clir(,d 3 dv, Scord- -

lj'r,FlV :;n"s1 1 to 3 week?". Skin dieeaaeelvjf.; y vi'ror restored in 1r n AU of a rrivte treated with0'i'paraJWr j 11CreaB, male or fumale.

i Apsrt"'' grr-.- work on private dltnee, ther ,lIie to hP1,ith, ix al to ail, male and fe--,ie ftn(j y0liri siiouH rfaiTthie book. It will

V ien tnose who gro;." ia dirkucw. Price 25 cent,br mail.

tr. Bonr.parte's Prerentire never ho norr -- vr wi'.i tail married ird-.i- too f AtU to bar chil-'r--

except r tlielinrnrj ot'li;.. honldbeiu pew-wio-tui" mventioa. 1'ilre i ict! toIr. Isoniipsirt's Frrn.ph t..nt M;ia 3afel It is v

enfrt; f id never fftiU- to piv satislaction. It ia thi'lv safe and e.ire prvnrive asaintt preeimncy and

1'eeaae. 1 Iia price of th F:.ucli Pa'f nt Male Safe ini the ".uglboue, 4 per hal fdorcn, er doEeu. Sent

f"Mam IiOzIer Fmmlo ?Tor,thly Pfils are a fafetm.-- h;.ble reridy for ?nrpi'exina8 and all female dio--

Lad !" r lion In'nct u?? thorn during pregnancy,they will proauo rritjcr.rrint; gl per boxtra fine H;") stint to any addreeu by mail.Ir. b. A P.. ?.r! the men they are

ackowlodwd to be thechaiipion and and kingv, nTal di?oa-i:- , and the onlv iKffon who receive)fonhly R. from tlip ol.) world; tnevhave beenfrom an cr.rly a:i of vont'j to witnen the va-- n

xi? di.;aw whirh nitnkind., and to watch toevoeresn. through a Ions career of p fofewional tndv, in

ephrrw cf life, ficui tl:.- humble abode of rWerryt.tiH mansion of fn-- vallln , at ,d having ascertained

a doubt the va?t rint; f humauitv, tiieyto pylcc the p"r.ir:tivG svatem aa theirsurty, end to rii-- ir r bole attention to theitlpvietion of Vhe uieasea of thtj important function?.

No letters win be answered unlc Jley contain alnc or a ivAe e'jtmj'.

Call, cr addrc-j.'-j f

o. 1W Sycamore eire t, bt i;i.'tQ imd Sixth, ear iffle.Cincinnati, O.

Ofricc boars, S A M. to 9 P. tlo lor4pdly

No. Fourth U., next dor-- to M"sart Mall,

i Ar;pAfTriii:R am mipouter ofI MILITARY GOODS of everv d, ri ition,S'A'OU'.S, BLT;, BANKR

T AdSiOLS, S'l'A'l'B O'JAitlt and r. S. BUTi'ONS,Ac. All order promptly filled and at chort notice,

arJ4 dtf




ENGMSfT STRAWMl.Hl a p.;julkvari llT?.

BbAL'l'lFLL rLlvve:'.3,HIliHON.H, ., .

1 am flctciT'!n d ti pft; cheap for rapb, and rirtbTTBwill nnd it to ; heir advantfee to u,-- m' a cil,

1:1.3. JTC. J. EiiYAWT,alft 314 Komth . het. M:rlret nd Tcfferon,

Hf) HMANK3 VO. liavo W. A. GAIT.HK.MT:! with tacir firm, and rui rhed the etaud

ef SMITH 5 OM1.R, on eout'.i side ot'Market ?hv:t,h"iow Flod, trey wilt conrjuct tiie WFIOLK- -

LK and HTAil, OV.- H:v;kY and PR U)U.:KConri'-crp- with thvir houxe they Irneagood

WAGON-YAKi- wib accomTnodationi fart'orfl!'. w;i!m:, and vtlclcs aud wuuid be glf.dto et! th'iir old l'rtendi. 'j . hHA N IC ;,

U. T. noun,Tnly 13, df W. A. A1 LBRAITR.

Ml if Ai;M.- - J tox-- " a"cortd fqi:arU, puit, andcuore and tor saIo lew by

WM. GAY.i I APLK MOLA S3d-.Jn- xt; nmived 2 bbl? prj mi'l Molaaer ui etore Ktd ale '

l,0i 0 bbis prime Plantation, tn mperior cooperage;

In ptore and ior eale hywl H. T. NF7TCOMR & PRO.

;t--- 7 TKAS-Al- arr and desirabfc assott-- f; Hi meut ot choice Bhck and Grten Tsjae on handE!" aud lor pal cheap for ca--

W""1" iS. J. T. LANIIAM CO.,mlH Importer;' of 'IVbx, Av.. Third ?t.

1RIN'l hTurkey rwd Prints;

2ii do Richmond new style Print";P.ecelved and for sale by

JAMES LOW CO.,TPS! 9'W -- r.d Jin w..st id. Rixtb id..

IAVA COt KKt--lj- o matB choice old Java in itorefur aale by

mn Rwsov. Tonn ro

I inj b'it FLne F'o-ir- ;

9.,'i brl- - !;.. 1 Ettia Flour;In ?tore and ior raio bv

ANT-'- PUCHANAN A CO.,' p2? Ccmer 3econd and Wariiimrt'jc sta.

'ANi'Li s iiams, Btdea, and bhuldera Instore and for aai by


JAVA OOKFI5H1 lt"J mate Hue old received pr railaed for uale by

mri BAWaON. TODD, ft CO

WHITE rioii in half bble for sa!o byHlUl,ITT h BOW

i 15 ru?k; Meira "Wiue;Iu do J'ott do;4!t' bbl; Malaga do;

In rtore aad ior eals tym 7 MAU?IHAM, H ALBERT CO.

J;lIEEriNGSi'j cades in 4 E booting t;IU rto 4 b.f v:htQ6 (Jo 1:M do do;

Just received and for sale b7JAMES LOW ft CO.,

m9 nfl and JHi t nido Piyrh tOKT CKUSHiID SUGARS- - li) b!l? Bs'.rimore A

- B Soft Crushed Sugai's inf- retivcj and for dal bym21 ANL'W 111 A OU.

KKINV.D tU R5-- j hbh Circle A New Ycra1 t t.'ruihed in store ana ior ea.e iyml J VM. CAV.

A I PA iA'.Uu'a chiilr-- iron F:-- 2 l'rool

In etore and for sale at U.e m.u Lii".ctiiii:rl8 prlu'-- bi-ll.Vv' Hf l.KNAP A CO.

rfOKFEK Ml bacs prime Rio C?ffv'fl jut received perKteainer Jobu Kame aud for biu hy


WP1R1T3, WINES, dtc French Braudy, ScotchO VhisKy, Holland's Rna, licubon Wbis-kt?-

Port, Shiry, Sav.t'Tno, rjnd Cat:r.vba Wi".e for tale.We aro boIu amenta id Louisville for Luc He IlonttlelioChampagne. T. 4 CO.,

rAi porti'ia cf Tta?, tc. Third ttt.

tjUGAR Si'J bbls Loveri:i,;'! Cnwlip.d, Powdered, andGranulated iu etcre anrl tor falo "ny


P.AIN BACTr- 1.-5,ow 2 bushel Tor Pitt;

Vx Jo do do---

(Jo Mi:!:JQet received and tor rr..- by

oT.O. F. HOWARD & CO.,n A?ent tor T.'cnn.rtur?.RIO COt t iKK'U bAfa Rio CofTce iandinr

Bt ariier Faai-- y Bui.it and E. li.and for nv jjiji :(!'m MOODY

RICE au capita received per m uihoat and for File bvALLVS. fliOOKX. & HADt;N.


rAI9IN- 3-I,t:don lper

I'i'.i do k.r It G";, Vf, MOUIJl, 34Tlrflt.

THE'Mfl.'M,: mL.UJJJii


West. l Springs, Ind,THTfl etM'.3hraent ha bwm vpry mucli improve

1 V. ill be opeu to visitors on the lith t .T'lr:(V i proiuiee my old friende that 1 wili do that Ic;n to make them comt'crth. .ifl watrra hnve(mvpd tufmpclvra bf u?fir.ii to a rruat many of thearl'lrted, and tlL-- e .'uat try thpm will rarely be diii- -

poitA., U C. R. K. orlice forOrlfanp, and the buss will

rU for yon in the nior;iing and talte yoi to the cnre,then to Orleana, thea by hack to the Spiiug for Tea.faro tliroutli $3 5o.

TKRMS OF ROARPiPrdny v $1 "fl

IVr wk . 6 noFour week 1 00rhildrcn and Snrvaate halt prlco.llon'i'a jir week . S 00

5JPrtr further patticularB, innuire of J. I. Lemon,Jaiues Hudd, J. II. Schrot , and ieo. Wclby. Directall fniinnnuic-itioj- to West Kadou Springs.

iPlurtJm I)K. .1 A. LANK.

TheEarly Physical Degeneracy' 2 or


A $rV.l on the CanseB of Early Physical at

of American People; tho Cause of Nerv-on- s

Debility, Consumption, and Marasmus.- TF"Thii work Is of a hi;h nigral tone, written Inchftcte yet thrilling IauKaf;, and apfK-al- dirwtlytothe moral C"vcio'iiPM of am Pa.rbnth and Gttar-w- i

anb expwnally, detailing ecientific and reliable aideand ti tfttiucntibr cuib. j

It will be ient by mail on receipt of (w lucent ttmrrF"PnmTfi and GrAtmiAN&l fail not to eend and

Obtafh t.hw hook.

- (VYoruG MtnI fall not to send and (ret this book.tvLADira! yoa, too, should at ones secure a copy of

thu book.

A Word of Slomn Conecieotiona Adviceto tli.3e who will Reflect.

A e'asxof malaiM prevail to a fearful eTtmt in com-munity dooming at least 1oo,ikm youth n7 both eexee

to ao early (crave. Th"fp diseases aro veryimderxtood. Thir extnial or

fympowa .re Nervous IV bility, Pk'Iaxation, andMarai'mud or wa.'tinc and conouniptHn of the

tifnp. of tli whole body; shortned of breati'ine or hur- -rie.l ou areiidiiiK a hill or a niht of etairs,front pHoitntionof the Hp ia, andeon? T hroat; chasinR of t hand and I,imb3; aversionto pociety nnd to rn''i)en8 or etudv: dimne of

losrt of MemciT; dizzinoris or the Head: NeuralgicPain? in various parte of the bodv; Pains in the Hack orLimbs; Lmnhajjp, yfpeMia, or Indigestion: irregulari-ty of the BoTeU; deranged eectiong of the KilneTiarid otnor plnds of the body, ax Ijencourbaa or FletirAlbup, 4.; likewise Kpilepty, Hyateria, and NerrmwSpa--

Now, in n'nety-nin- o vm out of every one fcnnu'red alltbi divder, and a ho?t of others notnamed, a? tonwmption of tlie Lungs, and the most

aud wliy torra of of the SpinalAVrfvx, knowa aa Tab? and Taken ininentcilca. have their and rJnn in dineapiw of PtlniA Vicm. Hence ht? want t)T puccearf on tho part of old achoolpractice in 'reai only.

Dr. Andrew RVone, Physician to the Troy Lung andrT lr'ltution, le now engaged in treating thiscla r 'rtnltsru maladies with th" moit acton ihiuff me-res . Vho treatment adopted by the Inatittitiou i? new;it te bajd upon ecWititic principle, with new diccov-eve- d

roipjiee. without minerals or poison. The taciii-ti- e

rf aire are such that patiente can be cured at theirhorips, in any part of the countrv, from accurate lf

tion of their case, by letter, and have the medicinesnt them by mail or exprew. Printed kiterrogatoriea

Will be torward. d ou application.aiCoujiinin'.in, Catarrh, and dixeaxes ot rne inroat

oured as well at the Aom of vat tent at at the Inetitu- -ion Sv iwiHine the Cold MedicxU-- Inhaling B'tlvrnte

inh iler. and amiile direct .ous for their nae,and corresv nan.

r- i'aticnta applying for inttrrtxrattyrie or adviceBP'tL'T enclose return Ft amp! tovwet attention.

tVThc attendinji phsiciaa will be found at the In-- s

itution for consultation, from 9 A. M. to f P. ftL of eachdiy. 3uu;Uye iu the forenoon.

Addreu DR. ANDR15W 8TONT!,Pnyiriaii to the Troy Lnnc and Hygienic Institution

and Physician for diseases of the Heart, Throat, andLung, Tilth itreet, Troy, N. Y.


The Matron or the Institution,Who le throughly read and ported in the pathology ofthe many afflictive and prostrating maladie of moremodern origin, will exclmfive attention to thiscla-i- of dif aes peculiar to her eex.

tSfThe Ascending Douche, a most impor-tant fiT'oentive tor ffmai.!, eeut by e xpreps lor 5.

Female can consult Mrs. Dcctrcpn Stone confidentlyby Utter or pereonlly. Add re?

IditS. N. O. srONE. M. DMntron to the Institution,

oct7 deodtv Tbot, N. Y.







Between Third and Fonrth.

r"AWN!NG COOPS of every rtvle and quality.H"AVNi.NixS made and put up to ordur.

rVDontn forget No. :J0S.A




Corner Sixth Street and Court Place.,OPPOSITE TOE CITY COURT ROOMS,

Louisville, Ky- -

BHAV7 5s rCHTSR, Propriotor.

at all honre of the dav and nieht. Our Lar- -MKAI,S gr.pplit'd witth r"i?h. Meat-- Poultry, Game,and Oyster, the tiect in 'he market. In our Sloon areto y; found impo:ted Winee, Liquor, and Cigars of theCJioiceat Brain',- -.

Sole asentr" in KenhirVy for J. J. BandVp celebratedCMcaen Kiid Milwankie X, X X, and XXX Pal-- Creamaud rftock AIph; wholesale, in barrels and halt barrela,or by the brittle.

Call k'KOUNO THE CORNER." nl2 hfiHf

Brandies & Crawford,GilAZl'I r.Z3ALEB3,

njW removed to t)io new Warehouse od thecomoi o Main and First vtreeti.

We wil' pay th hirhect marlcet prlw for all kindu ofOrnin, delivered at our store or at any gxd vhippingpoi nt on the O o river.


OF ALL Tiili;!."? con?tantly on hand and fm sale oyIAVld A Aeute for the Majnrfacturere.

LontPVTLi, ftept. J,MrTHa. nvis A Smii, Af;"Uta of Oriental Powder

Co., Iviui'viMa:fVfnflWe have bfi ii'lnp yonr Bla?tln)t Powder and

we take pleasure In stat up 1 ;at we find it equal if notfuperioi to any Powd'T tfc.it w e have ever used.

AHTill'R (JAMPBELT.Superintendent for Smith & Smyeer.

I oor.'liiMy ronoir in the above and cheerfully rerom-mea- d

it to th- - public. J. D. SMITH.I connidor the above Powder inperior to anv we have

ever been aMo to obtain. Ii. F03KIT,We tvbo pleasure in recommend! nc your Indian OHen-ta-l

Rilie powder ejpiu.1 if not pupn.i ior to auy wo haveever used, i' biuc very rip&nly nnd ptrong. This welaeart atttJ a thorough trial. Rrpcctfullv vonr?,


ftCtf A BURNi.

SK EXTRA NAVY ItKVOLVKR for wle ato m9 C. ORMoBYd. 8i2 Main ?t.


TZ have now on band a larj-- af?ortmnt ot Gaunt- -let? euHable for Cavalry aud other Militaryaud forl low nt

bPKOL'LB & M A N I K V I L L K S ,Coiner and Main ste.,

mil 1'n.ltT Natirtii"! Hotel.

UNION1 TTNION UNIGM UNION.VIOTB PAT'KK AND ENVKLOP3, eronelliehed withlS the Stare and Stripes. Price of Kuvelopa, 3 per1,!H0 or $1 per IW; Note Paper, 4 60 per reftiu or etaI'er iniire at

F. MADDI!NS BOOK9TORK,i:i7 S21 Third street.

r3amrie" pent on receipt of 10 eta la money orpt am pp.



J. M. AUM:TKONVOn Main ptroet, opposite the National,

le now offering his elegant etcck ofW UN'S 4 BOYS' CLOTHING,

Exclusively for each.At prcat'y reduced prices.



17USH Xkhr White FI?h;a: Vi hh!s Trout:

Jut receivt-- per Railroad and for eale hyOAKHNKR CO.

S. 8. MARK. Q- - F. DOWNS.

TBH DAYJJECEIVKDOrr indies. Lawn a, and Jacooett;

ari printed Tilliante;Checked Cbaliit?;French and Enfrli.'h Chiutz and Csneces;Bonnet and Belt Ribbons;

And a general stock of Dmet-ti- and Staple Gods.CiiJ MARK 4 DOWN 3, 413 Main bL

JXTra FAMILY FLOUIt bble celebrated SaowF'nui in str-- and foi sab' by

ml W. A. H BCKKIIAUHT. 4I7Markpt,

W UNURIhS Tubi, Knc'-ftt- s Churns,Brooms, Mits, Rickets. Mopa, c In store and for

sa'ehv Irrvil HlHBTTr A SON.

fcJ t'GAR - 1,'X'U hhdrt fair to prime in tor and for salelv rtnTl H. D. N

rK are daily rrciivinn American prime, to which weiuvit the attoction of d alerefor ca?h only, as wa

can and v.i'l 'v them cheaper than any Western house,aud cr.n atlord to do it.


"RIEL BEEF Ad excellent quality of sugar-cure- d

Ui ied Betf foi: sale byHTRRTTT A flOl.

CORDAGEj reli Ccttcn Rope, issorted sizes;

2'M C"Uj Munilla Go, do aj;6t) do Jute d'1, da

I'Rj dozes Htiop Bedcords;1 kj do Cotton do;10 do Mriiiili do;kti do for sale byi GaRDNTR & CO.

WUGAR-S- 3 bhds prime lauding from stealer Baltictor and sale by


CANDLES --A full ParaMine.Wax, Spena,Star,Ofludih in stnre and for slt by

md W. it H. RGKKHAKDT. 4T Murket, st.

Wtn.5KY-- W bhlt i and ft raw eld Bourbonfit etifiM(en(. RU'l tcr aais b?

- W, ii. fH!AKDT, il

LOUISVIJLII UI,iirotffTfrTrffYUl.JJ ,Uiu.Mi 4 i)nW




W riTwiRi5 thope aiiict"! h anyx V tone ot rrivate ipe"j cu receive

prolnrt lyeatm&nt without rik orexposure, vr.: Syphilia, Gonorrhea,Gleet, Strictures, Ulcers, Tumors,Cancers, Secondary and ConntUn-tiona- l

Srphilie, Hyeasesof the Kid-neys, etc. By this svttE- - It I?

firoved that the vuerial cooi'laintentirely unrfur Control of

mpntcini fx Is a omnion cold orsilple fever: ftnd, while insufficientpersons are daily sending away Unurpatients in hopoleAJiii'SB. and Kivin

tnem up only from their own iucomp teucy, comidr'teand permanent cures are coustantly beiug effected atthis Tntir

. lUrPvl MEN. TAE ARTICULAR NOTTCK.Or. H. dfV'S much of his time to the treatment ofM"sC caused hy a wcret h.ibit hich rniuH bothDody and mind, unfitting the unfortunate individual foreither busin" or eoeietv. The sad effect of there earlyhabits, or the exce of riper years, are to weaken anddebilitate the constitution, dtroy the physical andmental powers, diminish and the natural

and exhaust tho vital energies of manhood; therteaptires of life are marred, the obct of marriape

existence it?elf rendered a term of unceas-ing misery and regret. Such pernona, especially thonocontemplating marriage, should no time in makingImmediate application, as Dr. , by his new treatment.Is euahled to insure a spt'edv and porrnanont cure.


article of modictue intended for the exclusive use offemales has ever yet been introduced that ha arive.n auchuniversal satisfaction as the American Periodical Pills.They can be relied on in all cases of Menstrual Obstruc-tions, Irregularities, Ac, as a sure and safe remedy.Price, per m:iU. $1 and one potagt stamp.

Patients living at a distance can be cured at home bysending a description of their dLseaae and inclosing astamp.

Mnirlnement to any addrow.is"(nicp No. llrt J"ffer?on sttvet, between First and

Second. Office open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M.dtf L. HALL, M. P.

GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY,Chartered by the Legislature of Ky.

For (be f ure of all PrlTate Diseases.

A MEDICAL nrOHT,ContMnina THIRTY Jim Flat and ArrvraWnpi of

the Anatomy and Pkys-'o- !f fV Stveiial0i a ftiaU of BaUK and IHeease,


WSent free of postage to all parte of tho Unioi.4rON A NW METHOD of treat-ing Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Stric-tures, Ole-- i, Sexual Debility,

Female Diseases, and allafTectione of the reproductive

of both sexes, the infirmitiesof youth and maturity arisingfrom the secret follies of both

:k--. 8C tea, w 1 n a mil rr"an e onmm iSELF-ABl'S- AND SEMINALWEAKNESS, its oplorablo eon--

V.v i ,i n, sequences upon 'tie mina anaNjjir J'$& body, pointing out tho author's;

V''fS' XisS- pian 0( treatment, the only rational and Kicenscful m"dn of cure, as ah own by the re-

port of caes treatJ. A truEhful advutr to the marriedand those contemplating niaxrifttfe who eutertain doubtsof their physical condition. Sent to anv address in arrjvled wrapper on the receipt of TEN CENTS or FIF-TEEN COPIES FOR ONE DOLLAR.

Those stliicted with any of the above diseases beforeplacing them:-e!ve- under the treament of any ens,horild fir?t read Ihis invaluable book.

Iffl'he Cineultin? Surgeon may he consulted daily fromy A. M. to y P. M., on nil diseases of which Hie shovework treatf; nnd patient" at a distance, bv sending astHtenifiit of their syiniitoiii., can have medicine sMitto any part of the country tr f oin dama'.ro or detec-tion. For particular! send for our Blank (. hart,

a lict of our terms, A.c. Allpromptly puswered, and communiciitions counidertdci'iijjilenfinl.

DR. DE WEBS' FEMALE MONTHLY REGULATOR,a sale and certain remedy for Irrepulanties, Ac, aud is the only reliable "preventive of preg-nancy."

Cattion. Thexe pills thould not be taken duringPltKUNANnv, a.- tney are surw t produce Mkjackiaur.Pi icf 1 bos, end mav he acnt hy mail.

CiTGALES'S HEAD DISPENSARY is the onlyof it" kind iu th United SfHtr-- that ha- - bevu

recnguizt'd bv judicial authority. Cliarttr prp tital,hi(- AU Filth street, between Market and Jefferson,

west aide.All letters for Boots or Medicines should be directed

to DR. GALEN'S flSrFNSAEi ,mavWdlvAwoow Irf-- Tutsvilie. K7.

"7ZTpeHaving been etablihfd iutor the lat 15 yars, aud

v i"? h?d a lare Practice in the treat- -v&s&arma' tnent of the following diseases:Scrolula, Cancer. Piles Sore Eyes, Syphilis, Fistula, andto remove the horrible conse'inences of Onanism, or

h:is given him proof to sustain any state-ment of the hifdiet character such men aa Dr. W. L.Breckinridge, Judgra J. R. Underwood, Loving, John-son, Capt. W. S. D. Megawati.

tonrv.lI had Fistula and was cured by Dr. Prlco, without the

knite or ligature, iu seventeen days.JOSEPH YOCCK.

HABrtlH on., KY.I bad a negro maa with Fistula, and he was cured by

Dr. Price in three weeks. WIL BARD.GOTxxwia, rLL.1

I had FIstuta for fiiceeu vears, mith six openings, andwas cured by Dr. Price in three weekj .

RILY WILLIAMS.I am a healthy and happy man, having boon cured

from the hon.d effects of Ouanidru. A. CITIZEN.Oflre on Market, between Sixth aud Seventh rts.Addreoi, eucioding a postage itamp, Louisville, Ky.


PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE.26u Pages and 180 Fine Plain and Colored Lithographs.

IVPRIOE ONLY TWENTY-FIV- CENTS.JtSfient free of postage to all parts of the Union.

ON the In firm It lee of youthand maturity, disclosing the

of '111 sexes of allaw, causing debility, nervous-ness, depreaeion of spirits, palpi-tation of the heert, suicidal ini- -

paginations, involnntary bliwb-

L i vj" 'j'"'-- j ui'imivr mi'iiii'ry, i.uuKfo--II ijtioQ, aud lassitude, fiu., ootniirio- -

i,'r 'i !' 1 ''" "J'Ug iiu paged, and iiludti atdSvv- - v,-- f i' i'hirty enmaviiK". It in a tnitXvV i,ivjtji-!- a.Ivtr to the marrii-- ?u d

v " Ci j''tho;'s coiituprlftt'ng uiairiafwho entertain --ecrt dmih- - o tie ir plivi'",.l conoi'ion,and who aie con?ci?u3 haeardd the health,happiness, find privileges to which every human beiugu entitU-d- With Cout'. ious of a Bom ding School Mie,a Colore Student, and a Young Mairied Lauy, full ofromance and thrilling intercut.

Young men who are troubled w!h weakness, general-ly cn'"ed bv a bad habit in youth, the enVctj of whichare dizziness, pain, furgeti'iiineea, sometimes a ringiugiu th'' ear?, wetit eyes, of the back and lowerextremities, confusion f id aa, loss of memory, withmelftncnolr, mav bt cured b- the author's NEW PARISAND LONDON TREATMENT.

We have for the greater part of the, pnjt yenr, devotedour time in VISITING THE EUROPEAN HOSPI-TALS, availing ourselves of the kuowbuKO aud re-searches ot the most skilled PhyHiciaus aud Snraeons inEuropo :ind on the Continent such men aa CiVIALE.LENMIBE, RICORD, BRECHETKU;, ACT ON, audCURLINGS, of the French aud English hoepifcils. Ourtour extended through France, Italy, Germany, Hol-land, England, Irt'l.ind, Scotland, and Wales, visitingin our route the principal hospitals in Paris, Iondon,Home, Venice, Vienna, Dresden, IVrlic, c, A'c. Wohave lwn amply repaid by the additions! knowledge wehvn a in the treatment of variomt di.ees tow Inch we have direcV-- our et tent ion. TiiOfR who plsrethemselves under our care will now ha the full bneritof the many NEW AND EFFICIENT REMEDIESwhich we are enabied to introduce into our practice, andt hi: public may rf at sired of tli same zeal, aiiduil y,SECRECY, and attention hoiup psid to their cases,which has so sucwsfniiy distinciiistu'd u heretofore asa Phvician in our FECUL1AH department o; profes-sional prHctic.

MIkiups ilh full directions smt to any part ot thnnanei

their eymtoras by letter. correspondenceetristly coiif.'lentinl.

l?"Dr. L.'e Oihoe is still located a? established: nndorthe name of 1;K. LA CROIX.

7fTo itwure pafetv to all Mterp simply addres"THE LA CUOJX MEDICAL IN&t 1TUTE."

s4 d&wEf No. llaidKii Lane, Albany, N. Y.

No. nil loiirth 8t., bet, IHarUet not! .Icfferaoo,AND JOBBER OF EVERYMANUFACTURER Fino Diamond Mount-

ings and all the new style? of Fine Haiv work Ornamentsexfcutd in the most en)"! ior stvl.ot the host material.All work warranted. Price roasonablc. Old ?old takenlufixcharge. inn" dly

EHT7GS, C2IBIVITCALS, &c?I am now NEW GO' DS, just pnr

and would most respfttully k a railall those wishing to purchase frtph Drugs,

t 'A Ct emicils, and Sp:cea. Itavealsoin" store a large and complete stock ot Virgiuia,Mi!,jonri, s.r.d Kentucky Manulaciuu-- Tobacco, andwill offer indticeiTiHnts te those to p.irchaee torcash or prompt der.lfrs on time.

m4 EDWARD WII,DPR. K14 Mainst.

I? LOUK-1- mbbls A Ne. 1 Etra Floor;bolf tine do:

In store and receiving daily and for sale byAND'W BUCHANAN CO.,

m9 Con it Seeond and WnnbiiiBton st.


comprising a lot of the very be?t brands, such a&


Always en bond aud for sole at wholesale and retail br

SBWD, PSYNADO,.m4 No. 316 Main at, imder the Louisville Hotel.

NATIVE WINES-- 36cases Mo. Sparkling Catawba;

25 do tine Still do:la store and for sale in Quantities to snit purcha--

sersby Lm35j J. P. THOMPSON, 7H Founh et.

Woodon Ware, Brooms, Cordage, &c.FULL aaeortment. of Buckets, Tubs, Churns, dA aud Cedar Cans, Butter and Sur Buck ts.

Wooden Bowls and Trays, Wa-h-- jardu, Clothes' Pins(tl kinds). Rolling Pins, Potato Mat tiers, SievesMeasures, Mops. Demijohns, Harvtst Ke.. Well Bucket, (il kindd). Barrel Covers, Wruppin;; Pa-p-r

and Pap' r Baes, Children's tlarriagee, Ce rtarCheats,Trot Lines aud Staging, Seiue Twine and Iirh Lines;KUx, and Vottou Twines; Manilla, Himp. aodfk)tton liop Brooms-Wisp- and Hearth Brooms. Black-ing, Scrub, and Dusting Brushes; Faucets, LemonSuueeaers, Percmeion Caps, iic: in store and for sale atlow mitts bv ORRIN ftAWSON,

Main st.. h- - twn 'ft'inl nd V h.

SUGARS 30) bbl Crushed. GranulatedTJEl'INED S; ft Crushed Sncars in :rtore aud tor saleby AND'W BUCHANAN A CO.

WUNDRIE3YO l.nou bls Flcnr;

Sj': bbls Anrii-n- :

3.f bls Potatoes:Ru bow Onions:

2oo hags Buckwheat Flcui;In store and for uaie by


Chairs.LARGE aesortmsut ot HIR8 in store and forA sale by HUGH BREST A CO.,

jti Soeond at.. bween M.ii and Hi"er.

IAM'.LY HAMS of various brands, sued, aud couatry-curc- on hand and fcr sale

retail aud w holt tale byan .1. SMITH SPEED. Main st.

OFFEK too bags prime Rto landing from Bu, J.Adams and for tale by


6" hhdi fully fair aDd prime landiug fromSUGAR Grey Eagle and for sale byfS7 RAWSON. TODD. A CO.

carfku Kica received per railroad and for saleR GARDNER & CO.

tf OLASSKS lWt bb'.a PI antation landing froa11 etcamer VVoodlbrd and for tula by


riiCE 19 tiercea prime Rice received permailboatli audforsaieby


AND WHITEK1SHMACKEREL i. 2. uu i Mw:Jtiv.1U utjhlj WlMterts!

In U.iti ft yd for sale tiv: .. . .

LOUISVILLE,HI . ! wl .d.nU i l HTTP



SaddlcrF WarcFione,

No. 435 Main St., between Fifth and Sixth,Louisville, IXy.

KWMetehants and Matiurnr.tnrrrs would find it to ther intnrest to examine my stock bofore making thMrpnr;ehaeos, aud orders from a distance will be attended to as If made in person. 3 tfwwrJrgpnwtf





and iu short our entire stock, comprising tho most beau-

tiful designs and styles.

Will be Sacrificed for Cash.The ladies will do well to call at once aud secure the

greatest and most dorirale BARGAINS of thfseason.11 Kit II A ICT .V CANNON,

ni7 335 Fourth st., opposite Mozart Hall.

aOOBS.WB have on hand a good stock of DRY GOODS, to

we invite tho attention of the trade. TermsOA8H ON IlfLIVERV.

JAMES LOW A CO.,m7 ft1 anrl Jl" wwt id Sirrh st.

Wlien you ko to NEW YORK, drive direct to the


ON TnE EUROPEAN PLAN. Good(CONDUCTED prompt attendance, and moderatecharge?. Siiifle rooms iVi cents, "scents, and lerdnv. Double room and parlor? 5ii to Meal1" asordered This Hotel ha sll the appointments of thebet IRtel", a mo't ceutial locatioa, and is boatedthroughout by steam,

ml dHni SAMUEL E. MEAD, Proprietor.

0UISTEAD & OTOXXORfSr.ccessors to Joe. RrmiO,

PflYTONA OAJjyJZlCs COAL,And Sole Agents foi the

1Z i itci. ox oy Coal.ORDERS for any of the above Coals respectfully soli

promptly fillod at the lowest markitprices.

Constantly on hand a larf-- snpplvof Hie "PEYTON A

CAN NFL" sod "PEACOCK" POMEKOY COALS,which for kitcheu, parlor, or chamher use have nostuperi or.

Offices No. 304 Third street, between Market and Jef-ferson, at Robb'i old stand; and at No. southwestcomer Brook and Market streets. JeiW dtf


Market Street,North sido, between Sixth and Seventh,

LOUISVILLE, KY.lways on hand a complete assortment of PIANOS

at reasonable prices. sep'X dly

ivmLT mm hotsFor Sale.

Cash paid for KarleyAT TUB


Between Sixth and 3oveth.

jan32dtf JOHN ENGELN rr CO.





And a most roroplte assortment of every artlci apper-taining to Men's War, to which we call the attentionof cash and prompt buyers.


m30 Cloth House, No. 434 Main st.

1"; ANDr. w--- Jin a

CUTLERY.3 J2 North efde iInln st., between 3d and 4th

daily large additions to our stock ofRECEIVING consisting nf Anvils, Vires, Locks,Hinges. Screw, bolt,-- . Scales, Planes, Saws, CofTeeMill-- , Mat.r, WoipJilk. l'xejfi- RjiilTool. For sale low bv IjvSsi OiLLlS OKjfSRT.

coizv :SACKS OF SHELLED NORTHERN CORN1PA in otore and for ale hy

217 Third st., bttwoen Main and Market.

GH BRENT A CO. have removed to west e de ofHI S- eonil fitrflft, between Main anil the River. jo

New Tork Heaper.N hand NEW YORK BKAPKRS In store and forsale by MUCH BRENT ft CO ,

Second between Mi' sn1 Uiver.

Wheat Pani.LA R. E ?npp'y of WEE AT FANS in store and forA sale cheiPb" IIEOH BRENT A JO.,

st... betwe-- n Ma'n aud River.


? and TEA STORE, No. Market tree between.t,,! ,nfl Tllir.). Lrt.ii-viil- f. Kv. j

Union Rosettes! Union Flag Pins!

I HAVE tf'i" day received another assortmentlmoii Ko'ette and Ciac Pine. (Hffereut stiles.

Pricei" from 10 to 35 r ut. Ev-r- Lnion uian shouldhav one. For sale at

If, MAD DEN'S BOOKSTORE,niS't 'i'liirrt stiwt.

Juu bagi Rio Coffee for sale byil OARONER A t'O

pANDLliS AND SOAPv "i) boxes Star Candles;I mi do MoJd do:

do common bar Soap;liil do fJennan do;bt) do Toilet do:

'1 do Castile do; fftr ssle bym C A STL KM Art, Ml'RRKLL. A CO.

PRINTS Hamilton P'itIo Flints;do d;i fa.Ty do;

25 do new stfle Sfraeue's r!o:do do do Prints;rio Ho do Sprinc Dress Goods;

Just received and for sale kyJAMES LOW A CO.,

m and ilu wnst side Sixth st.

SPRING WHEAT 2uo hushels pure Canada for salefUSl PITKIN. WIAKI), & CO.

TELLA StlAWLS-l- W Stella Shawls received andO for sale by .MMKS LOW A CO ,

fll 9" and Jin wp-.- ' ide Sixth st.

nOES 300 dozen American Hoes, assorted izei , forInw hv U' ou (ftp V.


bet. Third t Fourth. feSrt36

WE have on hand and daily rereivlpK n lareeto nr stock of HARDWARE and CUTLERY,

which will bo sold at low ticurt-- for cah or shorttime. I C O RMS BY.

AND CROSSCUT SAWSMILL Mill aud Crosscut Saws;Rowland's M'il and tlrosccut S.iweSpar & Jackeou's Mill and Cropscut Saws;Diston's 4

On baud and for sale low by C. ORMSBY.

NAILS 5CJ kegs Shoenbergers' Nails on hand and for.low bv C. ORMSBY.

GRINDSTONE'S Founderies, Macbine-Sbop- andfind a large assortment of Stone at


nOEJ 2;t) dozen Planters' Hoes for sale bvC. ORMSBY.

I OCRS AND HINGES200 dozen Locks, asserted;Eou do Hinges, " for sate by


W CREWS low gross gimlet pointed Screws for saleby ImW C ORMSBY.

CPADES AND SHOVELSk7 5o dozen Ames' Shovels and Spades:

50 do Rowlana's for sale low byC. ORMSBY.

50 dozen Axes, dlfterent brands, for sale byAXES C. ORMSBY.

A X HANDLES 100 dozeu Ax Handled for sale byJSl C. ORMSBY

SCYTHESdozen Grass Scyhes:

do Giiia for sale byC. ORMSBY.

4 MES'S SHOVELS AND SPADES6u dozen Ames's Shovels;In rto An Si.Ades! for sale low hv


mEELB ARROWS -f Railroad Barrows;

5o Side board do;On hand and mr m low hv C ORMPBY.

ICE Iu tierces prime Rice received by maUbcand foi sale by


FINED SCGARS-- X60 Baltimore B Soft Crushed;2.S do do Powdered;

Landing from mailboat aud for sale byf2l RAWSON, TODD, A CO.

CRUSHED SCO AR 5 bbls Baltimore B SoftSOFT received and for eale hyRAWSON, TODD, A CO.

WL'GAR 3S3 hhds good fair and prime received peru tf amboi.: E. U Fairchild nod Atlantic and forN. D. NEWCOMB A BRO.

rOFFtKJ baes Rio

lua pockets Java; for sale byfJ3 ;ASTLEMAN. M"URRELL, A CO.

fci ALMON lo bhia, M hblc, and tia, iu store and fotile by

W. A H. BLTtKHARDT, 417 Market st

Cash for Wool,will pay cash tor wool.


COTTON ROPE; YAltNH and RATTING;wa.re: brooms:

CHOHJH :IGaU au4 KMoKINQ T0HACC0.A hrdt) In! of far.Ji U) c'ora nd ici mle Ir

WVl Kt WH.;KB,




'1 TTlHjffif;


of STATIONERY and JEWELRY at priceshas than can be purchased eDewhere. Call or

address stamp enclosed; J. L, BAILEY, No. 164 (urtStie'-t- . Bton. Mspp. rrmr'0 m

ilUX 3 C9UZ.SU&&L. S. B. do CRETY....(E. RABY, Agent), '

3iS iren street, ndolnlnR (ho Jonrnnl Offle

i jro suit purenssers a line artortuient

Bordeaux; Poniard; Bordeani- -

De Medoc; Frontirrcau; LunelSt. Edtephe. Volney. Kau-d- e rte-de

Moeelle, Vin de Tokay, Armagnac, and CordIials?,)C"mar-Idl-


REDUCED FRICEsTTHE snbscriber having a laree stock of Latlles' and

Winter Boot?, Shoes, and Gaiter? on hsiid.all of own manufacture, offers at greatly reducedprices for cafh.

Gent's in want of fine Calf Winter Borts can b' ac-commodated at the very low price of $7 poi pa. , forcadi only.

Also, a lot of Men's aud Boyi Kip and tbirh Boots atco- -t for cash. D. MARHAL

dfidtf Main, below Third tr;(4.

f ELIAS HOW, jr., an 4 S.n.ROrER'SI3 A T E T ,


Shuttle SswingMachincFOR ALL KTDS OF WORK. PRK'H 7R.

Warrantod tho Dost in the Market:Fine flnif hed, stronq and durable; wheel feed j. greatpower: exceediuKly eimpte in no wlroabout it; all its part-- are most admirally aid jugonionn-l- y

arranged; cannot possibly get nut of order, becauseevcrythmq Is permanently adjitt-ted- none so easily

and operand, and sews the moet beautifulstitch ever beheld, precisely alike on both sides. Tai-lors and all who have teen it pronounce it the best. Ma-chine ever sent to this vtcinitw All are cordially in-vited to examine it. T. JOHNSTON, Agent,

n'-- illy 21 2 Fourth ,'trvt.

To Millers, Produce Merchants, andGrain Dealers,

TITF, snbsrriber offers htsservices to tbo Prodnein Louisville for purchasing all kinds of Grain

and Country Produce. Having had long experience atthe business, be feels assured that he can givesatiafactkoto all ho may employ him.

He will act as sr-n- for the purpose of bavin Grainand Produce in the enmities of Franklin, Woodiord,Scott, Favette, and adjoiniup counties.t'" R' fers to Gov. C. S. Morehead aod Colonel A, G.Hodges, Frankfort; Drs. W. 8. Gano and D. R. Camp-bell, Georgetown. Address WILLIS HODGES,

Georgetown, Kv.

J. G. JACK, K. W. JACK,Louisville, Ky. New Orleans, La.



No. 518 north side Main st., between Third and Fourth.

I,OriSVIT,LE. KY.WVGAR, COFFEE, AND MOLASSESKJ h) hhds prirae N. O. Suear;

loo hag? prime Rio Coffee:lito b'le Crushed, Pod.'red aud Giannlated Sogar;l' O do Plantation Molasses;ttfi Jthbls do do;

bbls Golden Simp;30 ketrs Goldou Sirup;

In store aud for sale byJACK A BROTHER, 618 Main it.

MANUFACTUREDMissouri Tobacco;80(1 do O. Ellis do do;

&0 do Swinney do do;ko do Va. and Ky. do, various brands;

n store and for sale byJACK A BROTHER, 618 Main it

JEANS AND LINSEYS loo bales NeRro Jeans and(best brand?) in store and for sale by

JACK A BROTHER, 5 1 Main it.

T7"ANAWHA 8 A LT 8,000 bbla Kanawha Salt, bestIV qualtity, in store and for ?ale bv

JACK A BROTHER, 518 Mainst.SUNDRIESO 4U half chests Gunpowder Ta;

10 do do B ack do;60 dozen Shaker Bro--- ;75 do fancy wire tied do;

1k) do Painted buckets;35 nste do Tube75 dozen Zinc60 coiis Cotton Rope, all sizes30 do Hpp'P do, do;

loo boxes Star Candles;45 do Star, h;7o do Ko-i- n Soap;3o do Palm do;

0 do German Soap;&u bags Cotton Yarn, allnatnben;3(i do Carpet Chain;

loO bales Bartins;SO do Caudle-Wfc-

35 do Wrapping Twine;15 baps Spice:15 do Pbpper;

loO mate Cinnamon;3 ca.'es Madras and Manilla Indigo;2 cants Madder;

10 bbla Atiiru;5 do Sulphur;

Pe cn-- citl0 3oda1 Ci.'e Nutm-T"-

300,m.o G. D. and S. B. Caps:75 Matches;

17i do Mafon'tj large and small Blacking;2'J boxe- - Caudr;4" bbl i iider V'tn- - cai ;

Kto kece Naili, ft'soitcd numbers;On band and for sale hv

11137 dtc JACK A BROTHER. 61 Main st

SPROULB & M1XDEVILLB,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fine


Furnishing GoodsFOR CASH ONLY,

Southeast corner Main and jfonrth ntnjl LOUISVILLE, KY.

FlagnndTcntDepot.We are making to order aod on band


Which we are selling at vory low price.

1ST ARSBAZiL fie DICKINSON,Jl 217 Fourth st., between Main and Market.



Intondins to msk a change 10 uij bueinPts, I will fellmy remaining stock ofBONNETS,


FANCY GOODS, Ac,For CASH ONLY, and at very low rates.

All persons knowing thrmselvcs ind Med to me arerespectfully invited to call and settle their accounts.

m22 Mrs. Iff. J. BRYANT.

CANVASED HAMS ANDMack'in, and Oregon llama;

3,000 choice country Sides;For sale tor cieh by


pllOI'E FAMILY FLOUR loo bbls Extra audV D)ouble Extra Flour for eale for carh by


CHOICB FINE TEASFB 0 cheftf superior Green tnd Black Teas;

t j): 6 caddies:A nice article for familie?; for sale by


Hardee's Tactics.HARr EE'S TACTICf, ilbwtrated with Johnson's

cf Sharp's Carbine and Colt's Revolvtr.This work contains all that ie neces-ar- y for the Soldierto learn, and is unanimously recommenoed above anyother work of Ihe kind. Complete in one volume.Price 35 cents. Copies sent pr mail on the receipt of Mcents in mouey or stamps. Address

14 K. MADDEN. 321 Third st.

CCODFISHJ A s Codfish;

3 boxes do;For sale low to close consignment.


HO! FOR THE SOUTH!and NOTE PAPER embellished withINVELOPS Confederacy. Price ol Envelo ps

$0 per 1,WW; Note Paper, $4 5(i per ream atF. MADDEN'S Bookstore,

a 27 Sill Third st("Samples sent by mall on receipt of 10 cents In

monev or stamps.

IjVANCY SOAP 150 boxes Fancy Soap of variousJust received and for nale low bv

ORRIN RAWSON,aio ai8 Main st.. between Third and Fourth.

COUNTRYHOLLOW-WAR- 5) tuns light country

such as Skillet,Oveus, English Pots,Sew Pots, Sugar Kettles, and Dog Irons, on band anafor sale to the trade at. low prices by


SOUTHERN RANGE- S- We keep constantly on handof these celebrated Raugen, and are pre- -

rared to put them up at notice. For hotel orthey are unsurpassed. For wile by


COTTON YARNae&orted numbers;

30 do Carpet Chain:fc' bales Cotton Twine;50 do Caud!e-Wick- ;

I'JO do No. 1 Battiitg: fo r?.le bym!5 CASTLEMAN, MURHELL

DRIED FRUIT A choice article poeled aud unpeeledDried Apples, and French and German

Prunes in atore and for sale byJio W. A li. BL'RKIIARDT, 417 Market it.

PERCUSSION CAPS 3;h)j'(h) G. D.V for sale byJ. SMITH SPEED. Main rt.

LOVEKING'S REFINED SUGARS-ii- -o bsleCnished,and Granulated received and for eale by


IR' P- -O i bb;s Baltimore Golden Sirup;"2j no ,ao do do;

Just received and for sale byalH r.ATtrtNER CO.

UroODKN WA Tub, Keeler. Hueketa, nomi,lii vlhiirii-i- , L'lothu( -- PinW ash.

Board-- , Btiwlg. ie. fa!e iffHiRitiTT & tK?Ni

JUNE 21, 1861.II, .d.Li.JJlUi.l i.iiu'.i' n n"JI- ''1J

LOUISVILLE JOURNALGex. Joe Lane's KfiCErnoN in Oreoon. A

private letter just received from Oregon givesthe following account of Gen. Lane's reception inOregon: "Mr. Joseph Lane met with a very cool

reception in thU part of the world on his returnfrom the States. At San Tranclsco he made anattempt to Ppeak, bat was hooted down by thecrowd, who told bim he would tind a rope readyto receive him in Oregon for his treason to De-

mocracy and the Union, and advised him to re-

turn to hia native North Carolina. When hereached Tortland, one of his fi tends altemptod toobtain a cannon with which to celebrate his arri-

val, but could procure none for such a purpose.He did not slop in S:ilenif but pushed cn to a

small village three mile,3 from there. There thed sons of America hoisted tho true

Hit;, having upon it thirty-fou- r star?, and fired

thirty-fou- r puns for the Union, loaded heavywith powder and copies of Lane's speeches. Hewas politely permitted to lotk after hia own ba(;-ga-

This is the wa' in which he will be treatedall over the State, with the exception, perhaps,of four or five counties."

The Town or Romnev. In war limes themost obscure places are suddaLly brought out be-

fore the public eye and assume great importance.Romnoy, Va., which Is reported to h,ave been

captured from tho Confederates on Wednesdayby the Indiana troops sent from Cumberland, is

a village on the great Northwestern Virginiaturnpike from Winch srer to Pdikeribiir, on theOhio river, a highway running almost parallel tothe Baltimore and Ohio railroad. The village is

about thirty-liv- e to fort miles wet of Winches-


OUi JronsUUs. The veteran United Statesfrigate Constitution is now at Newport, RhodeLland. in use by the Naval Aradcmy, acd underthe command of Captain liters. She was luiltin 171'b', ar.d, great as has be-- the advance innaval architecture siuco then, ho is consideredby many old sailors the best model in the navy.Her tonnage Is 1,G00. Her trophies arecarefuliy preserved on board, arms and Hags

taken in various nc'ion, among them the nt.ignof the KnglUh ship (Juorriere, won in the mostfamous sea fight of our

i3The Rev. F.zta Stilea F.ly, an eminent di-

vine of the Presbyterian church, died in Phila-

delphia on Monday, in the 7j:h year cf t.h age.lie had not performed ministerial du'ies for tenyear?, on acconnt of paralysis, but bis CollateralBible or Key to the Holy Scriptures is an enduringmonument of his research and ability.

Inventions U&t ai.lv the Result or Kkcm-sit- v

Inventions, whether for purposes of waror peace, are usually the result of some necessit'.Few destructive weapons of warfare are inventedduring pe.ice. On this subject the ScientificAmorican remark?:

Times of war havo gencnl'y been times ofgreat mental activity; fruiiful in novel ideas andinventions. During the llerce intellectual fer-

ment that hit rod teed and accompanied the tiratFrench Rtvoiution, more impoviant invent !onwere made by the French than that nit ion hadproduced in centuries. It was then that thosotwo pnper manufac urers the brothers Montgol-6e- r

invented balloons, by which, for the firsttime, the poudorcus bodies of men were lifted upinto the air at Hive the clouds.

In 17y4 Barrere made his report in favor 01'

Chuppe's plan for transmitting ideas rapidly to agreat distance by moan" of pwts with arms uponthem, to be placed in diflorent positions to expressvarious signs. Though the populace of Parispulled down the tirt apparatus that was erected,supec'ing that it was a device of the "aristo-crats" to convey intelligence to the euemy, thetough inventor pertvered, and the telegraphtook its place among human atT.drs. It was amember of the National Assembly, (he benevo-lent Dr. Guillotin, who contrived the plan forbeheading criminals instantaneously, in order tosave them from the sufferings attendant upon theordinary nudes of execution.

In his speech, advocating the adoption of hisplan, he remarked, "Ve will cut eff your heads,iMessieurs, withoul burling you in the leat,"which caused a general laugh; the members lift'ethinking that nearly all of tbeir head) would infact be sheared off by the doctor's sliding knife.To Guillotin's lasting grief his own name wasgiven to the bloody implement, with which itmust be associated through all subsequent time.It was during this same period of and activethought that wa? perfected that admirable sys-tem of weights and measures, the adcpiion ofwhich in this couutry we have long advocated; areform that we hope to see accompli;-he- befurethe conclusion of the present war.

Periods of war in other nations have not beenless marked by fecundity iu inventions thn thoseof France. !he twenty years in which Englandwas fighting again&t the French revolution pro-duced more inventions in England than tweutvcenturies had before. The activity of mind whichresulted fiom the furious contests of the Italianrepublics of the middle ages, not only gave t'ieworld th barometer, the pendulum, and telescope,but it also discovered the Western hemisphere,and demonstrated the real movements of the silarsvstem. Going further back in history, we lindthat man- ot tha inven'ior.s which came from thefertilo intelluct of Arcbiratdes rolafd to the pro-duction or the improvement of military engines.

It however, to be tli-i- the inven-tion requiting from tho in'el!rutu.'.l activitywhich generally accomp-tnie- a p'tiod of war arenot c a.ii.iod at all to implements, but arefound in every department of and art.The great war which has bceu i iauguratid in ourmidst w;ll doubtless produce many wonderful de-

velopments, and it will bo very interesting to ob-

serve whether among these will be a greater de-

gree of activity on the part of inventors eventhan l hit which has marked our past perir.d ofpeace.

Attai k ok Flleth t PoN Lano Batteries.An attack by water upon a land battery has rare-

ly succeeded; never, indeed, when the land bat-

teries have been properly manned and effectuallyused. The following are instances-- :

In 1 712, a large French squadron attacked thesmall ar.d dilapidated fortification at Cagliari,and were defeated.

In 171M, twoF.ngli:h ships, with lUtjguns, wererepelled by one gun in barbette and a garrison of30 men, at a little village in the bay of Martel-l- o,

in the inland of Corsica.In 17l7, Nelson's whole rlet was repelled by

the few guns in the batten' of Santa Cruz, inTenneriffe,

In 1708, the French flotilla of b'l brigs and gun-boats and 7,000 men, was repelled by an Englishredoubt on the island of Marcoa, wi:h iloO menand 1 4 guns.

ln 103, the English garrison of Diamond Rock,near Port Uval Buy, with 100 men and lo guns,repelled a French squadron of two 71 gun ships,a frigate, and a brig.

In Jh08, a French land battery nf 3 guns, nearFort Trinidad, drove off an English 74 gun shipand a bomb vessel.

ln 1814, Fort Frcdorick. upon the Sohe'dt, withonehowi'zor, successfully reefed the attack ofa French 80 gun ship.

In 1776, Fort Moultrie, with ot.ly "J gun?, re-

pelled the British Ihet of 270 gu;:s.ln IS 1 4, a barbette battery of cne 1 pounder ard

twolM pounder cuns, at Monington, repelled aR.itUh t!i?et of 1 i guns.

In a battery the puns are tired from an immo-vable phi form, and can b accurately aimed.The eart h or stono wall is impenetrable and

The men are protected.In a vessel the guns ard men are concentrated,

and hence much exposed. The guns are tiredfrom an oscillating deck in consequence of themotion of the water, and hence lose their range.The sides are but frail bulwark', whose splintersare more than shot, while her rudderor rigging may be damaged so as to render htrunmanageable.

Trials oy Rii lkd Arms Rilled Cannon atProvidence. The Providence (R. I.) Journal of

Thursday says:We have obtained from Mr. W. S. Haines the

ranges of the fhot which were tired on Mondayfrom the rifled cannon of the marine battery.The pieces were on the bank at the Mark Rockshore, and were pointed eo as to allow the rangeof the balls to be exactly measured. Two shotswere tired point blank, and ranged, respectively,1,830 feet and l,ti40. The difference in rangewas owing to the different kinds of powder used.Coarse powder was ined ths lirst lime, a newarticle manufactured by Col. A. G. Hazird, En-

field, Conn., and just introduced. It is muchcoarser than anv heretofore manufactured, notbeintr granulated r usual, but sufferei to remainin lumps varviug in from a pea to and ouncemusket ball. The second time powder of thecommon kind was used, and did not prove equalto the course, the ball falling short J'.'O feet, i hisexperiment would seem to indicate that coarsepowder possesses the most power over a projectile.

Other shots were lired at different elevation?.At one degree a ramze of 2,tlU0 feet was obtained;at two degreis, 4,3' 1(3; at three, 4 OuO; at four,4.480; at live, 0,500; at six, 5, WO; at seven,b' 00O. The last but one fell short, owing to anundercharge of powder.

Shells were also thrown into the water to tosttheir exph.siveness. Sme ten were thrown andnot one missed. They exploded the instant theystruck the water, and in a few seconds after thefra ;ments could be seen falling into the water forconsiderable distance around. The quantity ofpowder used was the regulation charge, a poucdand a quarter. ( me shell was bred at the great-est elevation of the gun. Its range was morethau two miles. It exploded as readily as theothers, and was heard disiincilv. A range wastaken at a distant object to see if tho shell variedto the right or left. It exactly in the line ofsight, proving that the ritled gun, as constructedby Gen. James, carries its miseiles with moot re-markable accuracy.

CtT Wbi&ky was something of a prize in oldwar times, as may be inferred from the followingcopy of a document before us, via:

The Commissary will issue one quart of whiskyto Mr. McCune, he haviog made the best sbol,and one pint to Mr. Roane, he having made tfae

shot of Cuird No. 2.WM. TISDALE,

First Lieut., Officer of Guard No. 2.Camp Meis, Aug. lytb, 1813.

Liberia Pkcolvts. TL-- Boston Atlas of

Saturday says:The barque Justice Stcry, Captain Webber,

from Monrovia, brought a full cargo of the pro- -ducts of Africa. On r outward passage, Mr.Leo L. Lloyd, a native African, known to manyof our citizens, went as a passenger, carryinggoods which he ob'a'ntd upon credit of Bostonmerchants, bbe brought buck to a firm in th'"scit', for Mr- Floyd, twenty tons 0( camwood,tweivii thoua-iii- pound of sugiir, and one '

guliofi? if Sirup, wLn b;Ml VVjt'Vi

NUMBER "l80."

Manures Their Action. D. M. Snrgent, of Warner, N. H., in a communication

to the Journal of Agriculture) on the action of

manures, makes some statements that are

worthy of note:

Ammonia, I think, beyond a doubt, is elsorbed from the atmosphere by the leaves. Eilla flower pot with sand and plant a Feed corn ifyou plearr; It will germinate, and grow veryslow, look yellow and stunted, perhaps din ina little time if nothing is done for it. Buttake a phiol of spirits of ammonin, insert it inthe piind with the mouth up and the cork looseenough for a small portion to escape, and theplant will soon turn dark green that peculiarpreen that farmers like so well to see. Hidethe light and it will soon turn yellow, and fi

nally, nearly white. Exclude the air and ad-

mit the light, it cannot grow.T?ke a wet spot of earth, ao wet that corn

will hardly germinate ; prcpire it as vou wouldto plant corn, drop in nothing but gypsum,and that in only part of the holes so prepared;cover them all up, and smooth with the hoe atou would in plauting corn, and after a timeI can toll every wheic the gypsum isburied, and can toll if it were dropped in abunch or scattered, bv the fact th.it somethingwhite will collect on the surface, e;or respondingwith the plaster below. But if you put incorn, the white powder will not be there; itwill be absorbed by the growing plant. 'Whatthis white substance is, I do not pretend toknow, but I think, beyond the possibility of adoubt, that it is extracted from th atmos-phere. Mow the question arises, what part ofthe plant absorbs this white substance; is it theroots or lea vet? I believe it to be the growingblade, predisposed thereto by the action of theescaping ammonia from the earth or the ma-nure applied; and here comes in the effect oflight mixing and perfectly combining with theainmoniiH'al and other gases afloat in the airacd absorbed by the leaves, and with thosehealthy green juicca which give color to theplant, and which are absolutely necessary fora full development of the plant.

I have come to the conclusion that light ismatter; therefore has a body. It is absolutelyimpossible to grow plants without it, but if itdocs not cornbiue with and form a part of theplant we could grow thi:m without it.

Again, light is absorbed by everything withwhich it comes in contact. If it is not so,what becomes of it when the sun is gone?Therefore it is absorbed by plants, and as ithas a body it must their volume.

Again, ammonia in its relative Btate,plants to nbsorb light, heat, air, and

all other gases that are necessary for their per-fect development, while it adds to tho bulk eifthe plant, by its own matter; therefore, ma-nures that contain it should be so applied as tohave the moit direct influence upon the plantout of the ground, while juices will descendand act upon the soils and roots. But if webury the manure so deep that nothing can es-

cape to act upon the plant out of the soil, ourcrops roust be small and our manure wasted,and our labor profitless.

Iq the above, there m contained the sub-stance of a fair demonstrable theory of thereasons for the benefits accruing from the topdressing of grass lands. Ed

The Italian' Bke. Dr. Kirtland, of Cleve-

land, writes to Mr. Parsons, of Flushing, K.Y., concerning the Italian bees:

In your last letter tou expressed a wish tohear from me the result of my experience withthe Italian bees, &c.

1. Their disposition to labor far excels thatof the common kind. FVom the earliest dawnof day to the arrival of evening they are in-

variably passing in and out of the hive: andrarely suspend their work for winds, heat, ormoderate showers, at times when not a soli-tary individual of th3 common bee kind is tobe seen. Two hours each day their labors areextended beyond the working time of the lastnamed kind.

2. Power of endurance, and especially ofresisting the impression of cold, they possess ina marked degree. Since the buckwheat,

and asters have flowered, tho nightshave been remarkably cold in this vicinity.This low temperature han, in a great measure,suspended the (ft')rts of the common bees, andthey have been eating their previously accumn-Ute- d

stores. Xot so with the Italians; theyhave been steadily accumulating honey and

and rapidly multiplying their num-bers. They seem to be peculiarly adapted toresist tho chilly atmosphere and high windswhich predominate in autumn on the shores ofLake Erie.

3. Prolificness they equally excel in. Bothmy full and half blooded stoek have becomenumerous and strong in numbers as well as instores, at this late season of the year, whenthe common kinds have ceased increasing, andhave become nearly passive.

4. Their individual strength is greater; andthis is well illustrated In their prompt mannerof chasing to a great distance, with a promptmanner, any robber that chances to approachtheir hive.

Their beauty of coloring and graceful formrender them an objoct of interest to persons oftaste. My colonics are daily watched and ad-

mired by many visitors.r. Of their moral character 1 cannot

speak favorr.b'y. If robbery ot colo-nics is going on, these yellow jackets are sureto be on hand.

So far as my experience has gone with them,1 (ind every statemicnt in regard to their supe-riority sustained. They wiil no doubt prove avaluable acquisition to localities of high alti-

tude, nnd will be peculiarly adapted to theclimate of Washington territory, Oregon, aDdthe mountainous regions of California.

Bi;i; Items A swarm just hived shouldnever be placed at the side of a strong colonythat has not yet swarmed, because, if theweather on the next ensuing days be tine, thebees of the old stock will issue in great num-

bers, about noon, and disport in front of theirhive. The bees of the swarm not having yetbecome well accustomed to their new locationwill, on their return, be attracted by the busy,joyful hum of their neighbors, and tempted tojoin them. A loss of bees from this cause, ata time when no brood is maturing in itshive, is- a very serious injury to a youngswarm.

In the district of Altmark, in the provinceof Brandenburg, the hives in common use arcmade of straw, with the entrance for the beesplaced invariably about three inches from thetop. It is three inches long and half an inchhigh. Bjcs are said to winter extremely wellin these hives.

To secure early and strong u warms, as thecbicf elements of success, the beekeepers therefeed their colonics moderately, every evening,with diluted honey. They commence thisfeeding early in the season, and continue it tillthe fruit tres bgin to bloom, and then useundiluted honey till the blosionis dr.p.

Lven strong and healthy colonics may I12

attacked by robbing-bee- s and overpowered,if the hives are fo placed as to be exposed tothe direct rays of the un on a hot day, andbees from another apiary have to fly over themon their way to and return from a locust orlinden groe, or buckwheat field, or an or-

chard, when either of these is in blossom.lie. Journal,

Crab and common Cider aud WineCIDKR--Ha!lou- V

lor ea!e bya J. SMITH 8PKED, Main et.

SUGAR 46 hhds on co n si n merit and fo1)KIMlfiIftHl .1. SMITH HPK.K.a Mtn

PICKI.K8 AND CATCHUPS Kn?!ifCHOIOK Pickles, Cfttchiipe, Sauces, PrceerveiOlle, Gelatine, Chocolate, Cocoa, arc., iust revived ufor nl by Tftrtl HIHBITT A SON.

Cin WIKE, Nob. 6 to lb, best qualityJ)JJJ lacuuep'd, for sale bv


HAMS A choice lot sugar-cure- d HinisMACKLIN llAcoDjuut received in store and foriftle hy

m'Jfi W ft TT HT'RICHARTVr. M MrVtS5 boxes of fine quality in rtore andCHEESK rml-- 1 H1BMTT A SON.

MOLASSES W packaces, barrels aud halves,Baltic and tor?a)r by


--OOFFEE baga prime Kio receive per mailboataud for (sale by


T1IO COFFEE 100 briRB rtrictly prime Kio received11 bv the Mason ta and for e&le by


(ARAFFINE CANDLES A supply of this superiocaudle received aud for sale by


SUGAR S hlids prime received per eteamerand Peytona and tor al by


SUGAR 73 hhds prime Sugar landing fromfor sale by

fi ronn a moody.

HAY 3"0 bales prime Timothy and HungarianGraMsale by

f!5 J. A. PENTOS. 134 Fourth rt.

71" hhde fair and bod received per FaircuildSUGAR and for sale low byfh H. D. NEW COMB A BRO.

t;UGAR 379 hhds good aud prioie received per Dianaaud for ale by


4JUGAR 135 hhds fair find strictly prim Susar rechived pr E. H. Fairchild aud rer tapie ana 10


" LOVER SEED- -4U bbla Clover-Seed- ;'JS ha-- do:

Just received and for sale byJNO. F. HOWARD A CO.,

f4 Main, betwoen Third and Fointhst.COFFEE pockets prime old Java received

JAVA aud for sale by

W" SMITH'S KENNETT A LE, in bbl and MbMe;C1 MARSHALL'S KENTUCKY CREAM CHEEiiE.A lt of each just received and for sale by



havo in etore STEEL WINGS a dWE of the mort improved patter-- , for alelowbv ill W. H. BELKNAP " CO.

New Books New Books,MARIE, or the of the Miatiseippi, liy Jack

Briic.i. Price iu ctutu.THEKEiSE, or the Privatcemuan'a Daughter, By

Henry S. Williams. Price J5 cents.ATLANTIC MONTHLY tor March. Price 3 ceutl.

Ac r MADUEVS. djl Third street.Apeut for eadifc'N Dime PubliHou, nud French'

Miiioi n. til tVita'ti t?ru)o. h tr

KAttU'.K tUaR-ittf- t t.ilw In More nnd frrW hf&

i""l'" 'n '"VT'T'T",


op this 8F.ASON

Jut rerfired b. EvpresB p.t fieST. CHARLES KE3TAUPANT,

J19 tAb Fifth rtreet.

3Seconal Importation !



ONET, AND BERiiGE ROUES at thjst of itnDortfvtica.

.117 ib 304 Fourth rt bet. Market and Jefferson.

PROW.-- I FRENCH FELT HATS, var7HRLti- at auu tiie, ju-- t v-- at

PKA'niER A SMITH'S,J13 j&h 4j: n t.

PEARL I SOFT HAT3 of a superiorlUC-i- 'J till ' 't- - - Mf


PI A ,K EE.,' H 'i"S All ii'irtliiies coustjiut- -

rv 'hf-.r- , hprRATH Eli A SMTTH.


t'r-- ih 4?t V.in


DKE. HATS cf rnr own manufacture lor31(1 tf.r rx i nt


L3TWe ;ir-- m i ct 11-- and beftnMOil

? htck 'f ffUKif? wear, in

and fc.'tt Il.ii.:! tti) Strav-'- , afl ol tiie lurvxt stvUitand h- wualitip. A. CRAJG.

i:h Cornpr M'in a d F'urtli t.SOFT EATO.

A piivrt c1!. red Frc;ii-i- H.Mr Pel, th finest9 Hrt In town, and t'.ip m.- -t hffi11Mf.1l in chr.t.o. ia

t ji found or.ly atlH ih A. f 'ftATG'f

BftE8B HATS,In Silk hlack F.n t l t;a.'im-r- r.nd Mack anddr:b Bcavi r. cf the Ifitt-x- t aud net approved

--1 stvl'-f- , ready f.r ouriilt thij .

Ju iAh A. CRAIG.

TTTESK Cup, f.r Hdlwi vinitnp theNothmjt rrt'ttieror more conveuieut can

be worn. To ho luund atJJb A. CRAIG'S.

Walker's IGxclianiroTHIRD ST., MAIN & MARKET.


First of tho Season.JUST rrrr-vr- a f.'i kt of FItOG LEGS, SPRING


Parties aud faniiliet with eveii'thing in oarline at the shortest uolice.

JOHN CAVETN CO.,a3 j&b Third et., bcLvkeco Maiu and Market.N P. Tnft d a Urjre rhipmpnt r,f LCiNDON




Clioap Liaoo Store,3 FOi'P.TH STREET (OLD NO. IM).


Pi K K CUEf'E COLLARS;LINEN SET .1? ffJ rt.::MARSEILLES FE''.H at n cts:

DO COLLSK."; at 10 ctLINEN COLLAKS at l'l rtc; Ac

CHARLES E. RAUf "HFUgS.j7 ib ;t .4 Frt'frh ft. (Md N".


Removed Itn. 31S Fourth Mml,oppo?; T ripp k Cray's

. YrHrUR be if ata'u ren-i- to v ait cu hi - with

Watchos. Clock", Jewelry, Silverware,'Jablo Cutlery, Tido fipectaclcs, Cc.

tSTheupcr ibnn ever otrcred.jerlREPAIRICx IS 10VERY DEPARTMENT

I take thU occdo:i to return my thank? to tlijwho no nobi? a?sif'tfjd in raviur my enod? trrm the tireth it 't'ii n;1 (rem 111 v li jt:ii:d ou Main ?ti"ct.

mlSj4;! M. C. RAMSEY.



Gilt Fpieips,Looknig-Glassf- s,

Walking Canes.A floe assert Dnl, aud CHEAPER THAN EVER.

Wo. i i? litRrUet vrrord nnd Thlrrtarid r. W". nun Prvn'on ki..

At HUM & KNOFEL'8al'i Ilook-tr.r-

Clams Oysters in the Shell



OVMTFUS A NO t'l.AIH Jl'WTSHII.I. by Espiva.chickens, vnoa I r;M,sor.inFlH, toiii tinuiy on baud;

AH of wbicN will b prvfd at mi or pent trm.y part of the cify Id mpt-rio- r ttin.

m3 bij C C. RUEFER.N. B DAY ALE snj fr ssl" in all

nt the ST. CHAKLES.




PIT, bv V. R Snni-ii- D. D. iJ.MACALLAY'S HI3IOKY OF ENGLAND. Vol. 6.


SOLDiEKS AND SAILORS' TEXT BOOK, by Rev.J. K. Macduff, D D. 2tir.

QODEY'S LADi'S BOOK tor Miy.Ju-- t received by A. DAVIDSON,il7 jiib 2J5 Tliird ft,, new Market.



COAL! COAL!Of tbe best quality and at the Iowc?t piieee, for ta'

CiirTTENDrIN fS GV,rf?- itid-- . of Thiid T.r,

IA fv-- Vlsin nnd M"e.


VOGT & JILIMK.rSannfactaror!, - - - Third it.

KepoetfuIly ofTfr for Ineppetien and sale a larfand aplbiidid .vi:ortmcat of

of puieri7r T.Torkm.u?hfp a- -! 'taLiaub!e eivles, Dkmoiiil, Coral, Carbtinc!, Pearl. article: rev.L

ood, t"iU( and and evryfliir.e beloniug ttour lii.s, cf European impii, New Yorit Ishrics aafour otn make.

ElavfnK bre-- teitmrt-- by conl poors toCLOSF. OUTand pell at any r.te rather th-- rtura g"od&, aud, owIni to tbe bi 'l t:njr. di elroui to

LET NO CASH C'STCVKR GOon the pcore of prirs Invite o.'.r friendf aud t.h

to call ana I'TtaiiMns our stck, aud res ta?vurerfiibllc aato aod wUhe wi!I r.nd rhf.ll bp?ratioedat VtKiT fi KLINUL!?,

Jn. -- 4 Third trtBED, WHITE, & BLUE,

Plain Silks & other Materials,ma MAKIVO

FLAGS OF KVESY DES1 EI?TICT,in store ind for sa'.e low by

C. 33TJr-A.Xi- L z CO.,JaM vppoiit Dank of Kentucky,

cxe prtfjiri to have any eised FLAGS mad

to oidr at tbort notice.

C. & CO.,

Just Received.1fi 1 A. DAViPWOH,


ArrrnNpvus antcommi?--to-and syi . ;it(. ,

r' We ara n pI1 time" ri-A- to to haal E,.Uit tt r.r Uov-h-- lhiirnUur'.;..on Otitis i.'.l'.xlory IS. ir2j


MAIM STREET, BET. FOURTH AND FIFfnINVITE attention W),r!r Uri: F.r ct ntrt)ntof Ooodo, niiiUhlefor HOLIDAY 1k'""tat rnces lownr thn before, cousi-ri- i.of Loadon end fnva luinrf&ch-'-- af't'-- AXfii;p?t nuslity 1ai- -I rot ,8F ,(il.d;" nf ca: DiAiiiori'l, (,tL and :

Kiiijfe ot our own niaimf-ictn- and the mo it . pt. jtfl, Kfj:y iJ-- 'in ete tnd half tt,, oi Co: a!, c-- v"(tp-o- , Ac . &c -- at in'tW rjd n4ot tne richest g 'A I "Chains; Gold CuatvMna, Key,, wSiKV Jm RILVFR-WAP.V-

V,n' T..re.-nf- . il.r.nin5 Cake, a,v' hJri yrf ;. i

Cr-a- Sot. Klover '. Ac, -., n ih hir-- t fv'USiir-plare- d V ?re of eve-- 7 riip.i oi tuui.1at very prirev

ktci;krdlft Ah


WM. KKm3 RICK'S.Mr rtr ?f



VTff ne"jr rooro cnvvloV thai; at n, 2. i

on aa fnir r..-- can ho (r"r :,- d iiit ;t- - i Aa..--- , 1 A N V NKW THljti:V v;a '



WHOLESALElor $mimmM annfacturei


Cabiaet-Maker- g' Kateri U,Groeu ptrset, bcirrcon Cb,y and Pholhy


VINK- S-:jR bbl? SautPrne Wirf;76caea do do;4n do Rhine; d ;6U di Chanifaeie:

ca.ke Madei r.nd 3hprrv V,'inor2'J do Fort Winn- tor Bte by

ANTUONY Z A NONE A fiOV.J'O Eiith ii?.rut, b!.--w Mriu

Freeh Blue Lick WaterIN store and for file by

HI GH F'tENT CO..J6 Second et., u ilun and

RICE bv5 tierces prime Hire on coujinmnt and frr

jl4 AND'W R"C7f ANAN A CO.

IJIO OFFKE ? E;o Cotle lamllnf; find irrXL sale by ANIVW BUCHANAN & CO.,

Corner rf cmid i.d Wi.Hti!f".

CRUSHED 8UGAU-B- .r, bbl-- . ferd--r- Cuih-.-per waiU'iat nrd tor raie bv

JU AMl'V- hi CllAN--

iLARET WINE- -caaka Bordeaux Wine:

li di r Cl ret Wna for fsr itj- -:

cjea CKrut Wine:do do do, choicf;

Iu ptore and fcr ealf brANTHONA' ANONE A 3','.;..

10 Finii t., .Vi .i i.

WL'GAR S hhd prirae N. O. 8'"r rnrO Lou --villa via LrTiidviHe r.nd il..;l'oidand tril 'tr filfM f.jR'Ki- H - i

BANK NuTEs W iMKD bvIOLIfLANA AND'W BUCHANAN tt t:0 .J10 Corner Second and n Ae.

5 tiercea piituo Rico in Ft re nnd fur ak' br1 i'n AND'W HI i a N '

SUNDRIESO Frn-;- Brandie", Gin, Ri'iu, ic;

9'U"diurB iU ra'e tsRtisiue 4illi jikdA ij, and wby- - h;jrOlie Oil, Macaroiii WrnjiccLi, ac ;

In store aud for sale hvANTHONY ZANOE S'

Jto Fifth hcw1 E FINED SUGARS VI bh 1" t'nidiHd. Grmr'nt' 1,

C ajd S it Cru-h- d Pn r. in ptof.' Li';' ior alby Plo AND'W HtiCHAN'AN 1:0.

AS TOR OIL 10 bhla mow' No. 1 Cutor Oilstore and for sale by

AND'W r.rciuMw CI)

6 tiercea vrii;!'1 K'c hut t f':v & a.iJ if.AND'W BUCHANAN A l J.,

?Ttind (..id V." Vi'iENin iButter Kucket. 9iC,

r( DOZEN K'Utwr Uutket., 6 ni.UJ ii-- do do.t5 do bras bumd Fill?:41 do io fjvt--!-. C.1,J.;o'i 0 lion do do do?

TogfthtT with a rood BJHfirtn' Ut rf Wuoil a.d Wi'trr-Wi-

d, Cordage, Brooni?, tc--; i" rf" " s.'"t n" "at1 byORRIN KAWSOIi,

itS Mrtn bofo-p- 'I'bi-- ,' .

lOLAariErf- -

1J 5u bbls ft. Jamre Sup Xolaces;5 bhl prime rt hoib i do;

lilt) hhU prime Plantation do;In store and for sale by


KERKL -- 2itt wholu anl bait this N03. 1, anim-y-Mackerel iu gtnu and ior sin l.v

ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO .V4 Corner and .


M t do do:Frch In at; received dtrect f- oian.1 tor mIo b tjl") j itDNr'R & CO.


4:13 ISIain eU tl3Have now In store a full and e:mf lete etork of

STAPLE ASD DOMESTIC G0?SOf tlia beet fdbrics, euch as


The-- Good were all botiRt t frr chpH t th?ebb ol the mai ket, and are ur-- ' offered at ?uch niici asmust vloase all pmti'js. Call aud exajiiuj Eiock ei4uriwe at

m-- MARK ft DOWNS, f

Brums and Fifes.- ftv ati.l .ir it. a.kI in Cia

'TV' thn.ll be uat.led to eiif ;!--, cbc.if

A' fVJt" rheiw;. It p very b",-- I.KI s :mi?VCS"hT FIFES, from Em Eti n fctorin-- .

and ex.i:itin before iiurcbaeintrV.T.I. Mi'C A Iir.LL.

810 West, leffaniou st., bet. TliiidsnH uitb.

jNIARK & DOWN'S.r 1 1 H E extreme trublf of the t!,? os ti

1 ann Mince lo our trieodi and ciatoiTiPr th-i-

n:u-- t cbaee our pvteoi of biLui-- 'e t'j a C 3 iiSTANDARD, and will offer ell o.ir

Fancy Dress Goods,of vhMi we bave a sood etof k at GREAiLYDUCED PRICKS.

riAFiX & EOT7NS,13 41 I'Uui Ptroet.

rLOO vC.

A SMALL lot just received and inr eale beH. FERGU&ON & jJON.

niHl Fifth "tTPot,. on" r north of MiirUf.

SUNDRIES7 iv) bipa Cottf o Y tra, ar'orted comb-'n- :

I'M bales No. 1 Ba'ting;60 do Extra do:75 do No. a do;60 bags wh t CaiJet Cbafn;

do colored rto do:ll do Candie-Wic-

6o do Wrapping do; for sale ba3 GARDNER A CO.

lINK BRANDY, WHISKY, &c- -a io dczrn rale Coeuac Brandy;

Iu do old Bourbon county Wbisk?,6 do old Apple Hraidy;

do Wnitnoy's Ch'b House ItUk6 do old Jamaica Knm- -

m7 J. p. THOMPSON"?. T$ Poarti --t

SCOTCH ALE 112 df-- Wm. Youncrr A tbrand iuet rwCttived and for sale hv


WUNDRIESyj 6 bbls Apple Brandj-- ;

6'J bbte Domeftir do;1"U bbls imt. B. Whisky:l'JO bbla Rfctiti-f- do;

4U K and T'ip?8 fine French Branfly,Id Btor and for sale bv nb .1, MONF.

9. S. MARK. G. F. DOWNS,K are now in receipt of large porti .u cf o:irSpnne supply t

rANCY and STAPHS SZxYembraciug forae few new thiiie in DRE?5 GOor.S .'.rdLACES, PARASOLS and SUN SH ADES, ORGDIES, LAWNS and JACONEIS, UOiilEKV, OLOV 3



ICE 16 cadka rice received ant for a'p.byion. A 'o.


Gica, and Chaise;75 Willow Caba, plain and bronzed;AL?o Wheels and linai-iif-

JiiPt received at the WooJca Vjiv jj.' T?--and for eale low by ORMN KA

aH 33t Main st... between 'iiuidjaitfir IO COFFEE- - 40ii bags good to piime Uio 0ff-It la .tore and for n DUCI1ASAN & CO.

CASKS SHEET ZINC, superior artiN fzr50 ale by T .T.mnw o.

MANTLES AND GE-E-IRONHARBLE1ZRD kept coMtfcntl on hand and . r

wia low byWAM.M'K. T.rrnn.ow. r.o.

f 10 COFFEE 40C baes rood to utrictty pnaoIV rTH.iiatoreaud for f hy


and Waphicrtou tsnil Corner Second

bas prime Clovfci-So- JustCLOVER-SEED-7-


aud ix r HOWARD A CO.,

n3t) Main, ktweca Tbird aod gts.

I' IO COF FEE-5- 1.0 bat-- gooo Uir aud prime Rio Cof

t fee iu store and for .ab- prrfTANAV ro.


I OLASSES 100 bbt- - choice PKotton iv

ll 1 tha Auiocrat tud Py tou aud iortJ (.

IAt:KKKKL 2 iu whole aud hlf Ml tin 'I i. 1 UiKlit;reJ in


