o. w. savannahhardee. a....playi'd ihf whole deck, wbkb aeaurad to ptuair ll'** mtlllfwhal "w'tii....

' f-'UM^ TTMVBIII I I III , ^ fail tosee me rjiefore you buy Guns, Shells, Stoves, Heaters, Pumps, Locks, Hinges. And anything else in the Hardware Line. Your friend, H. L. CARH fcc NEW YEAR'S «< AT * BLUE RIDGE + *+ + ++ •» "S AJTBETWO ZB&SB PKKMll MS 11AYK BKKN PAID IX THH (I PRARIXQ of New V.*t'«." nn i ihf Kmdlnn. "1 ilwftfi mil to mind tbli .lm*«i4 y*r di< blowotY «v boja (ffvc youni dtctor cbap who CBUM op to Blue R dgf fart at UM II camu waa 11 lv« it to » ' I - ! ' T s.l.t that though IIM oaja of Ita* ,; '' -' vn< f#w in Ibf tand, i- the ' while it did but then «;i« n<> camp on t., }• . Ac ) n»f fi in T't-- 1 - UM i: Orandc thai coflld fnralah a* much fun In a w.vk *s Iniuplred In BIw BWIP rj iwpntj l\ 11 bow* "Mm lbt "i"»n dldnl n-"l IM uiMl cl:i« 1i war, n ' M } "' ' ''" *;'>' * H (hlmrhood, whh b tl - HM Iitfi Pills Uaiui— th* TORPID LIVER, trcaictbcB tbc liaaatiTa argaaa rcpilatr Ibc bnwvu, AOd «r« un \S 1 l-UIMOl S MEDICINE, ID uluU dl.H*U Ih. t >HMI IR wkfel, rccofnlMd. as lb«> potlMf Tssiuuar rv-fcrUas la Waspa IS. i)Wi from raises niflly TateNo Substitute.-—— «I«.«I» | H ,,».«.». HE—SHE AND THE !MP By A. C. HOWSEY OF NEWARK. ». J.. VOVK ItM.H'Y HAS 1. Loan Value. 2. Gash Value. 8. Paiil up Insurance. 1. blended insurance thai works automatically, 5. Is Son forfeitable. 6. Will lie re instated if arrears In- i>ai.l within on month while are living, or within three yean after lapse. ii| satisfactory c. Wen of tnauarabililv anil payment of arrears wiih interest. Aafter second year —7. Ho Restrictions, s. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second Mid cl e* succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year lie paid They may lie used—1. To redoce l'remiums. or •J. To Increase the Insurance, ,ir 3. To make policy payable as an eudowiimciit dating the lifeiim of insured. J. LSUGC, A^t Greenville. N P. Three Times : the Value of Any Other. tine Third Easier, One Third Faster A Age"'* wanted in all *'al unoccupied territory. -<? Wheeler** Wilson Mfg Co. Atlanta, tin S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N. C. UNIQUl PROPOSALS. SOME RATHER CURIOUS METHODS OF POPPING THE QUESTION Ar.ilaa nn .M.I. t of Mtrrlasr With at »a...t«ait-li.dlilMC a Lows- LeMtrr milt * WSieHitll-nfe«orki >-d I mriahtira Pi ! Inlu ke>r«trr. M n Anoif t>;tkl«'j. tlif champion i.il^' iiboi. »«* pnicticlBg in a LoodofJ •akOOURg icallcry one tluy. Bring :it the regulation t-arili*<>arii taifjt. 1 " wbwi atraugpr bapponed along and [dcklng up u ipirv rifle, flred ;«>.> abotti thereat tl;.- vrbole aprllinc out ii»» following un-*»agc. "Will fOU iiitirrv im;" Hit' Utly «.i* naturnllv MOMWhat * irj: Mtd; but, not t«» ha outdoaa, i-ho j replied after Inllar taabloa vrlth her own mateh rifle, "Certainly not " FUXM 1 * •I ..mint J ''K r . :. nwrk arelug i Uoj- .-rr.ii .in 1U up Goes up or \ down According to the Publici- ty you give your busi- ness. Keep it to yoursel and it goes down. Keep it before the public and it climbs up. Never tried it' Well, II'I time tried it and lei the people kn you want tin columns trade. Tlii- advertising I 1HM T.Hi I ptcullar i- reouirfc «*iug .'» Ii "- but! the noM llkel) looking gtatvyard couatdrriug t^.' pupulatitm. :i> > »'> wo«M And lu all tbc Blema H M HM gaota aa pojiulatad the gra*»'.v.ird traa iuo»tl> .i Ht.i> mill heoltbj lol up iw ami Ineluolri >f the QWiueni "f Ibeb? deniM "That'i «ii>'< ii»' ''0»* wna R| i '• "I fjf V. hi i ||l|l .. . .-...;. "Long l*in ri'iuurkiHl u> nw that tli»* i... » .* bun «igbl i«' uwhe <>" ., i ,-i until iln> dot** could ir .. . .-.,:, |pivi i. : .T l<'*:.il n au> du«l Ibej u i^bl l.nie. . ju.! t.f kind ot » * t."i' ror ib* t s.i Li ' i . " ' :• 0 iraib : i km (or be »..- uu et . | .. : n t than ,l.i"f ind wT* i "'•i il : oblig •apvclall] obllgii i. !" " bi . rvai bed ,, .,. lutlfiil •• : ' avtt i."' late dealer t t!i»- ;'.ir. . . . . ; -. s dealer bad died •wounds for*! l*ot' ar Ired > . p Mid IIS ll* - W Uglll W »fUtl don n In the va ' w nn ihej wi r»' ail ab iki - ' in y wii ii I '' "d Ini ji.rt a in i :i Of the aluikiv*' f«t I '• lo linn . ou and |w« liim m ranch for i Hi la igbi I nbi n we prAptiafd tii - niitl wild II «on il lw tin l, ; ,!,-., -i be knew ilip party aa bad the | I fa I •Ti. : *, propnard thai thereafter, my part) >.-(.-""- ihr l»oc ""il arriie, the enlil party a , (f,. in »httuld i led n;-'*i for a fco to i»- paid IO Hoc A.. |i„. !.. y* ,. '. fd 10 Ihnt, .illtl WO ta -,_it -.i workwl up o..r t'.i-' pr«wpe« t that ; , dlaagrei'inent rratilfrd Ibal tery night, in whh'h a ftVlla-Kargo ahotglMI nanaeuger Vhm all th*« latin partaout of a fnt'Ud «Itti n t»-n gaugv durh gun, \. i: ii h <iif mi me, for purpomca of -tag* i.iUjgg-*, araa of a aawed off rbnrarter. i ii.- pnrtj aa »raa abol wa» moatly iui«.*iiii: U'i« ooii iiia. hlpa aod bia . beat, lho rentiilu* lielng «rty iwivtblrda, '-"t we jot fully neni for l*oc Jual Ibc aatne unw ih Tj / A ML) auto of the cnaa be «t»d na b. waan'l M H IX I I l | FT , an nodertakar ba couldn't be of any itirn «rg toid I .r-1 nod OaTgred htm the- caaaad, irhlcfa ««• i iHthhi'I tli«' i-ar. lit' >f tne Dtw rule pile of lb* d* i a eurtfl utb Lvon'iln't tak« it, iisf.l regularly and iteraistenUy, rt *ill rnaki* I iislnesa grow Ar.- you saiis H«d with v.'iii' buali -•-' ll' nut, ad- v.-rii-.Mt, and yon will l>- sanslieil with ili.- iHtnrnn ^ u iv il! Hnd )"-..- l>lr iiiiHi-'-fH.I in wl :\t y-'ii a iy if you talk t- '!P in ilir*' lull H REFLECT0RI5: Push your business ther- mometer up by advertising >>*r\Hi i" §. 81, iiohalts. CAROLINA SL VIRGINIA Telephone Company, Henderson N. C. Whitlemie aiul reinil «ln-ei iii.l Knrniture Kealer. »'iu<h paid fol llnlw, Rur, Cotton Heed, Oil Bur reu, Turkejra, V«K, ate. H<-I ste-nln, Haltremw, Oak .Suit,. Ra by (Wriagen, Go <'art», Parlm -nllB, Tallies, LoOUft*. Siifi", P Uirillard and Oail ft Ax" HuaA, I. *J*J HighLlhTbtawoo.Ke] WeaiChe- j g~JW ruuM. Henry «eori;e fnrar. C»ii |J gjg; Bprtap HJM Kr» Brm, I'hv (olluwini loll iai "III I" in elTect Oil and after HM Int. 1903, HlUlWl In chant, and cor reclioii! From Greenville to ned OhcCfMa, I'HU-lim, Apple* Pine A'lplee, Hyrup, Jell), Mi!I<.,«. Cb*p»l Hill f du^.., (..IT..-. Meat. M.,.,1, J gg(g l,y», M»K»- '"»i •«*••. '"I.IJ „„„„ ItMonBeri Meal and Hull", Oai -1 io. nnrh»m ,leii .Seed.., (•maMI, Applea, Nul«. | tl. «o6*j f..ndi», Dried Applai, Pcu-hea, 'J »»*alin*Wi « #, _..... I*..: ^ i'l.,u.l lfl l'. _ ! l l.-i -I'uri: 40 MM*. MufvlmdCilylB 611,^4. NMIIVIIIU H 30 6bl£>. N'l-wpurt 10 MI2U. Oif'ird It Mi/7 Ptjrn".iith 30 Una. iuiri k 'ii tn itt *J1>. H.«niikeK.i|iiils40 N).10 llocky M.'iiiii Ji no H 3t. S.-..lli.n.l Nrtk 30 l id. (hrtnaliero riniien, Ollrieilt", liaiHiiiri, .iluw I M (VMvon nil t'ln.ia Ware. Tin and » node* j is. Hamilton Wan, Cakw MM Orackart, »w« M n»»iti lien, (IMBH, B»»l llnttri. N.w kcyal tawtoi MaaWaaa, "<•> •>' ... i.me other (OOtla i;n»ii!lly. I'h.-an lt« '- In me. 17. Baodanoa \" Hlsh Pi.." In. Ki lion 20 Mill, ton to S.MSohnltz .TJ St'lma 33. Smittiiit'i'l H. Soring llupe 36 T*rU)ro m. Wale t , '"'e»» Ul « 404H - O. li'KI'IIJiiN, Oan Hr.;t PrH--«fto ft i- M- IT in hrn| "' . RM thaui .: u . J . . .'- lu | not evas a MUiple f"r aiaay, aud Ihf ii;«ai)p.>lntinrtit uf lb* 1"'J» wag *»! 10 aoa, aapaalaiij the ib -tgnu miasangir, trhoae uatanuoai had tion. booof to h!» hear) ami gin it «- A fan daya bafnra Haw V.-ir- that tha edlfof ah.»w»d ui a putea in a Suit Kraneiara paper, whlob traa a kind of i>» »i nottot. >iiting that our >'••' """ tfoing Io l'« mamod to a latly in tluit clt] 1 tiat a^M Qg think Ing, M ltd Wi thought harder than gTgf th« LftM triii ua thai ba "ni g.. o i*aitf "ii New Yaar'a day to Uka up bla practice in Ban rron.-lt.o. We held « luavtlng ami dlacuwad tha atate of affaire, laving a pretty good Idea "f how th>- laud lay BuariclaUy wiTh Doc, bacauae bla money wai «>n flepoatt a-itb tha esprcag agent and ha araa chairman '»f our n eetlng "Well, ai Hi it meeting wa laid out a plan that worked aa tllch aa a dla inoii'i drill 'MI lba day i*f<»re New Yaar'a Hi.' win wnt for I'V ling IMU. who toW turn In* afcl rU-uiimta ffll working again Uka a forty stamp quartz in til. 1'oc pragciibed, and when Hiii J.-.;..-.! what wua ihe ante Uoc raid it would ba «& mil aaM ba'd baud it to htm when ba bid him cood l-y at Ihe Blage nflke m-tl day. Then I apnl for Uoc and Mb) thai old bullet wound in my leg waa -MI atrikr agalo, look my preacrlpuon and prowand io (my neat da* "I diuii ppoaa any doctor in lb* 1 world ever 'I aa huay a flay •<>• oan dm thai li aaemed nk-- every man In tump waa alck, There wim trouldi aiMiiit notm becnuae tha hoya run out of mi unit or dtaoaaea, hut 1 WPhl Up IO I »« ' nrtlft* Mild COpM Ollt ioi ..r nai •- from one -r lit-* booka, ami then wo kept lldnga bnomtng Ptuni' of iht' younger boya gol -luck 011 the uamaa -f itckneaaee i dealt out to them tt» makf a rhnif* from mid playi'd ihf whole deck, wbkb aeaurad to ptuAir ll'** MtlllfWhal "W'tii. the ii'ii day we mat and mar^hfi ground io tbo itaga about aiariing Um*-. and tuern wag DOC look ot u i "if worried, but ii«- looked a loi man aurm •"-I icLeu be aaw nil hi* patlenta «• taUhd 1 •w. ggea btm a leodol gad an vu fgtope, "Did you aak Wgdl Wag in llio cnvfl ope? I gkaraoiaraber the O<M thiiinre, but It t'iii»u*:li .1 -r K.OQ0 la h-aee him Heal clour after h.- bad paid hie gftpanaai down to the bay." New lark Juurwak fills Is prolvibly uulinio a* an offer i'f marriage, but it is fact thai a •.::i^ matron living In ;i south 1 iloa rnburb baa hi her poaaeaaloii .it This ,: '.•:( njiomcBl -owral rifle written love l«"orv Tha lad) in queatlon waa formerly in atteadanl gi .1 iboot nn gaiter) la , , . rMin popular i I ice ol i i i«u - irl - on, alna Io beebwed forcvcrl which > Joe n Weeti lnn< i wa) awl her \ sweetbean that waa and bueband lhal - n-l *.i drop In of an t". " | to ii He became en < M"-rt after awhile that he could place Ihe abota where be liked to within T fraction of an inch, and he frequentl) uoed ins *'*.]{ when no Incnnvenlcni onlookera ftcre around In too mauncr ' ' rtted Necdleea t-> aay that aa goon as in- had Anlaheil the little perforated aquarea of eartiidtc paper were carefully re- moved and itfoaerved by ber for whom done Ihe mcaangea ao ciirloualy writ- i.-n thereon were intended. rue moai farfamed feature . Ihe Itenutlfnl Voaemile lalley. In Callfor nbi, is the Bridal *• :i rail U dtaiimda (r-mi the plateau, nearly 5.000 fed above, i:» :• single ribbon of aOvcrj water IIOIIKHI lun Inoual) ngalnal the ihirk vertical fa.t> of the precipice IVrhapa li waa Ita romantic namg h HICC -'l lu I'hnrles Kvolyn. a young aud wealthy Kon Kranclacan io •:... ihe f.'lii: _• atreamlel In nn alto i. i rasblun Anyhon In >\'<'.' I . ml dollars lu roi atrm t- . : nl t 1 - iOlU.il t the rlitT. Jusl tvhcrvibe water goihern Harlf logcthcf Mr Ua Onal terrifle b-ap Into the abyaa i.-i .w. a --it t.f vcrtb »H : « r ^.: h w rk< ) so smoothly ..t i -> perfccil) tlial ll c. ii bo low red and ralard geveral tlroea in the ^.' nf ,i single minute. Tbeu when i - ['•; Ufa were complete bebronghl to tbc valley from tier far eaatcrn homo ihe young lady to j wb ni ii.- -> la engaged and by alter nalriy raising ami lowei ng ihe alulc* gnlea above for longer »* iborter inter igln, na the case lalsbt lw. he ennged ii,.. caacndi to lell bar in ipurti and .'.is. correapondlng to the dota and daabca of the Morse alphabet, of the I love be fa re bii Whether tti.- ladj ex nciiy a; pn '.il of I bla blaxonlng abroad ..f aba I sfamld have been a meaaage sacred t-> b»r ryea alone s nol record- c-l. tint Bbe i ii at nil eveutg, the » . prcme aatlsfaciwn of reflecting that •ho U the alj woman la the world to whom a love letter line been tndu.d by a ban i seed wtVrfaH Love lettera anelled out in flreworka are of courw common. Due aucb «nt ieu gtoft in partli olor-d globea t>f flame grid addreasi-d bj a Magyar noble io bla iffloiMtd hrlde t: llerriuannaiadl Ishald i" have coal I s "" in g Bin-M** gnrdi :i a lovelorn but Ivishful gwuin towed In luuetnrd and craaaa marrhiga propoanl to thedaugb tor of hia nell d«K)r uelgbhor. and the fair one. not to l* outdone, answered. "Yea," In radJaba*. They were mar I rted without delay, and IK»HI the pro poaal and the nnswer were gcrvefl and eaten at the wedding breakfaat. After all. however, it li doubtful whether the modern loter baa. 0B the whole, progressed very far In the mat- ter of Inventing DOveltiaa, either In marriage propaoau <»r lo»e lettera. Nearly 4.000 yean ugo a propoaal for the hand of an Egyptian prlneeaa was Inscribed elaborately on a block of solid atone and can be aeen to thla day by any one curious In aucb mat tera In ftie Hrltish museum. Macbares. n old time king of Colchis, wooed his wife by lending her present! of young md beautiful eh Id slaves each of whom had BOBM tender and loTlng meaaage lattooad on the skin of the back, wblla, coming down to more recent times, it Is recorded of the Prince de Coatl that be sent to a eer tain great lady a propOHl lutUtad **n I golden plaque, ggqullltely engraved, the letters of the WOrdl of the epistle l>elng formed of llhimOOda, rubles and emeralds set lu Hie metal Thg tady'a answer waa, however. ID the negative whereupon the prince re- qoaated thai ahe would at least do hint the honor of accepting * ring co» talu!ni* a miniature of himself To thta ihe gaaentod, bul etiolated that Ho went t.i breakfaat folly ra^eparofl ami determined ba apeak aboal it. When half through the BWWL he com- promised with himself he would Juet hint. Yet the .-veiling came With 0. bia laundry and the landlady, and the hint «3« net yet gtrea Mr- llalstead Wftg the lamllady. or the mother of two, the reUet of three." a the cheerful Idiot lu the liallroom epttomlaed her "He waa only a nmn ter yaaaoer." Ihe lamllady scornfully reuiarketl N-fore she ilrvd him. Mrs BahMead ind watched the old man ill day In her mind he had been coiifttnctl and reeonHrued Into n po» alble fourth In the "alee ran" class. arboreby tb* ahoold change her name -ami inter wear crane For three month* at on. time she had flnttrrbkgl around the heart heeauie "f aa air of enibarrasament aboul him when he looked at her Finally he tobl her about aome mice that had Invaded hla eJoaet, In i»*r eyea ll was pvldgptlyj Only a hasty c\CUSc when Ins courage failed him The ..:.! champ." aa "he palled bin, j had recently aaaaoied mourning and ramalned i" bis room all day These twothlnga urged Mrs llabrtead to ea> courage him to apeak his mind, argu- ing quite accurately thai aoooe one had died and be had inherlicd St. gbe phimp. d heraelf In a .hair aft or laying tin* laundry no the bed Qrlndy ahe waited Mr Peters waa rejoiced m her Hn gerlog The lean old man paced the floor. Favoring i r at every torn with a look , of indectatov,. Mrs. H.i'.-iea.l." be lienan !i«*ltat Ingly- he ->• nwd it I* tnlkh ^ to lba mnebuda on it;- rarpel I l«»re beat - wanted apeak toyoti aliout" lie Uuahcti. ei.w.tl hit* lbin Una alMtlimtely und conllnned Ida w '' '- Irrwnlotely. ••Waa there ever anch an old f'-'i* the K.hl to herself under rover of her apron her face had n haldiof perepir Uig under i ental presaure kbaul'" . she -in. rled In far sin sitheet tone. Her Buppleav mnl lollcl « '- in* aheil •Tea, about" ll - heart forsook bim . W. II, I giwea another i me will do. Mr- Halatead." Ue ml down, imp, bllng In the glare thai she threw at Hie back "f bia laiild bend the orange bios ! i aomi were drooidng droo|dng and go-1 ! ">a 1 -Now. Mr Peters.' 1 sin Oied. "hadn't you lietter gel it off your mind once and for all? I kaow'd yon wanted it» aay aomethlDg**- oh. Ihe coy ways «.f fortyflvc years and 1*0 pounds "and and couldn't Jeal get the hang of It-how to say it. I mean" ||er words were very grateful to him perhaps yon are right: only l thought it intahl be considered -er- pcceniric er li ill« aenlle" "I'd like to gee an] one say go, wr." •he brlOtfad, like tl pnreuptlie, or unly a landlady ran They would not stay I" ""- bouse and any tt. We- ildes. l think every -every loV-ehy- Iv TnthcT egpects It." "Ob. indeed! Well. I am aure still.; it is MTV gratifying very, rery." said the old man "Vw the newspapen gay there are :i"«» of them to ehonsje j from l>'< you think you could get a nice, pretty one for me*-" She was bewildered, but not entirely nonplnaed, From experience she knew Hie aid man hud a habit of •peaking "adjacent thoughts* 1 aloud •Vou Won't nillid the elublren''* en- deavoring to bring blm round to the tnalB 'hanee and at th. same time as certain lba future status of her two little darlings. "Why, bless you. BO." he etelalmed. "1 lore children always have er goad oOea Now that 1 feel tlnnnclnlly nlde to rare f"r one, 1 want IO Indulge myself li has been the dream of my life.' The old man was talking to himself. "1 have lived a loneaome life. 1 never had a nobby, Uke other men. except this" Then he turned to her. "1 prefer a boy, nol too old-two or three years. I trust, would ba old enough; also, while ] think of It. I will pay vou lot any trouble lie may cause you." Mr Peters draw forth his wo' let His face was full of ii tremulous eicitem.ni This afternooo be actually yearned for ber or Mr*. Halatead or any wom- an to soothe the youngster He aat there wondering If ahe knew anything about children He hesitated Robbie begau to take lu nir for another out- tuirm I'et em ilarted Into Ihf hall ittd knocked timidly at her door. A few minutes later the child was sobbing on her hranat, i-ourlng out hla tale of Wua to Indistinguishable sylla- ble*, while the gall let III IVtera walkttl the floor. e> Inn the Imp ap- prehensively. Miss Rofdaaoa held the child tenderly. nbsr,rl>eU In her office The foahtff father waa entirely out of the picture The little woman loved Children dearly. Sydrior & Hundley, Richmond, Va. The Oreatest Stock of Fine and Medium OLD DOMINION LINV Ik* Furniture in the South. Correspondence Solicited. Richmond, Va. Mr Patera read the letter and hMYed a sigh of relief it was from his niece and contained an Invitation to make hla borne with her. He hid never aeen lux niece unlil the executor nf the estate introduced tier at a meeting Of the heirs Mrs Hulstead came In person to make his bed. The Btgna displayed at the breaking! mala had actually made h'T blush aud the l>oanlers atare. Such looks' Bach smiles! "Mrs llaletead." he began briskly. Her portly form nil In-iit with tuck- ing lu the chains. "I a in thinking of making a change In my life - a great chsnge" ll, ;. .; ! for ciicourugc- meut. "Yes," sweetly. -Now you see- n.tbble nud this woman nest door- Uhm Bonhnsna she —1 anppoaed women bare hein great ways with ehlldrcTi " WarcIou.N gath ared "ii ihe «id.iw s race And I"- "Not Miss BoblnaouV' ctcJolmad the landlady "Blew me yea!" He sooked at her tn aatonlahmenl "Well. I declarer Oat of the door she flounced, with bh->d In her eve. "Now. what is the Butter with her?" be asked himself. lUbbUg his glasses and peering down Ihe hall. "'What at range creatures women arc'" Ho had Intended idling her that from \ the way Robbie tr»ok to the spinster it , .* o seemed best to provide female care for I blm In the p. r*on of his nbve. •Papa.'* colled Hobble The old man .Cotton BU^IIIK und H i VKB ssr* hTXCX Steamer B. L. Myera leara Washington daily, except Sunday. al 6 a. tu for Greenville, leaver t i< em iiie daily, except Sunday, at 12 m. for Waahiowtoo. Connecting at Washlnfton wllh Steamerafor Norfolk, Baltimore, ; Philadelphia, New York Booton, Aurora, South Creek, Belbavan, Swan Quarter, Ocruroke aud lor all poii t* for ihe Waat with rail- roads at Norfolk. I Shippers abould order freight by <the Old Dominion 8. 8. Co. froaa New York; Clyde Line from Phihv —as- 'dedphia; Bay Line and Cbeaapeaka |S. S. Co. from Baltimore. Mer- 7W=7H=7I3 E. Broad Streei f !v 4 hrt " t *' and Mxnen ' Um frora ! KIIHUIII. .1. J.t'HKKltY, Aft., rirwnvillr. N. C. ,1 K. l,KMOINK,|l>lvii.innBupl. WMahintrtnu, N. 0 I. —HUB IN— (lltKKNVIl.l.K ATLANTIC COAST UNE. aBBDVLB AUUC8T (th, WW No. llailv KtflOPt Nu. llv Sunday .*.!) 7:30 u in l,v Klnsuin Ar I:M p m 11V Mn a III •• 0raaa*Un " .'i:47 |i ni If 1 !• :<V. . m I'arumli' .',:tr; ii in ll Al Inum . in » Bobnod " llg p n lit 11 ;IM a in Ar IVnilor I.v Jli'l |l lu 1IJI u in Welilon " 1-JS p m S. 0. IsOO |i in Ar Norfolk In •J:im a ni li:44 |i III ArPKwahura l.v " ltti.|iiiii.nd " -:t: a m 1 ~M> p in «:il', a m 11 HI p in " Waablagton " 4:311 a Di 7:16 a m " New York " tt:i*i |i m li,* iilwu^fi started The lK>y hud kicked tbc cov- cra from his cot Mr. Patrn looked gravely down at blm. «e boy grinned hack, tossed his fat legs and chuckled. "You you llttln Imp." commented Petera, with a smile, "do you know!" a a a a a a HU Blaea went out of the room with her nose held high in atr He shook hla list with latent rage at her vanish- ing form The idea! Send the boy back because, forsooth, she didn't like children! The mil tilt tl -ound of sobs came to bis ears from Ulas Robtnaon'a room. He fell the hush of "the great Idea " "I Mrs Halatead ordered me-to move!" the aplnater aanlalned tearful ly when ihe Rnawered his knock. "It - liana s«> like like h"ine" Than be managed to g>*t out "the great Idea " She? Oh well for love -of the b..y yea. -tin tiiitiil PTeab Roodfl kept oOOfltoDlly OD LV | Ult . ky |f 0UB | hitiid. Country prodDM iKiti^t and Ar C^aaiM gold. A trial will convince you. O. W. HARDEE. FLORIDA. 15 \K..\~ pill F.thoftrr'a I.llllf lllnnarr. i "Public speakers often make curious ' mistake-." said an observant man. 1 "and 1 have had occasion t" note some I rather singular things In this respect . Home time age I attended i religious ; meeting In in ool of the way ectiou . of the country, and Ihe verv flrst thing ; UM speaker said ion me to thinking. i He wai I short, stocky fellow, with a rasping voice, and w.i* as wdenin look- ing aa if be had licen going to Ihe guil- lotine Htm i- Ihe Aral thing be had |o say I want to say a few words be- fore auyliig what I wont lu aay.' 1 could not refrain from Uui:hliu: nt the bad break of the fellow, and nil the good tbluga ne said after that bad no. affect "ii in. ii u.i- waated ninmuiil thm. so far as i was concerned, This g.»es to show \tlvit n little mistake will aouietliiies du for a man Ibally 1 be Here tin- exborter wai as much put out by the bull at I was amused, for his talk waa not n*. smooth as It might have been." New Orleans Times Dem- ocrat n.iiiiiiii--. Voice iin the hnuae< Beaale, what Is keeping you out there on the porch so long? Pessle 1 am looking for the comet. mamma. Voice Vou'!' take your death of cold, Beaale Sot ut all. mamma. I'm—I'm well wrapped, t'hicago Tribune. a. CORE!, —DIA.LSB IN mi P M IP —AOENKKAL LINK (IF— HORSES III Also ii n i<e Line of Hardware. COME TO SEE MB. _ J. B. CORKY. Augusta Charleston Savannah Jacksonville Tampa Thtimasville Montgomery *:£"> a m 1:1" a m S:3J a m l:U a m lOrOD p m 10..V pin 11:1') pm :i:«Mi a m *:'X0 a m 1:M a ni 1040 a m fi:3n p m ! ii.in.ii; Sleeping and Dining ''ars on Noa. Hit and 2.1 to Tampa and Jack- sonville, Kla. ll at. BataahKnf, W. J. CaUD, Asst. Trafhe Mgr. Oan. I'ass. Agt. T. If. KuiutsoN, T. M. Wilmington, N. V. ©IRETT^RY. CHURCHES Bxprurr.—Barvio*. VVatf Hun day, morning aud evening. Pray- ar-meeting Wedneailay evenluf Rev. J. N. Booth, pwdor. Sunday ohool 9::i0 a. m. M. A. Allan •uperiutendent. METnoDiirr.—HervlceaeveryHue lay, morning and evening. Prayei meet! ng Wedneaday evening. Rev. H. M. Eure, paalor.Sunday nhool 9:30 a. in. L. H. Pender, euperio tendent PRDBTTEBIAN.—Hervloee thin Sunday, niorning»ml evening. Bun daywLoollOa.nl. li. II. PiokUn •uoerintendent. Ill ^ TlTTTI/ttl . nr\ ! BPWOOML.—Rev. W. B. Oo», Ml K WHlt I 1 A K IllMinlatar. Morning aod evening ll.l\. »1 111 VI 1.11\ IV : pr , ver witn ttrmoa tTBry lM DEALEBIN— and 3rd Sunday. Lay earvloat i every 2nd and 4th 3unda:*> ! Sunday school 9:4.1 ». m., W. B. Brown, euperiutendent. Litauy every Wedneaday 10 a. m. CiiniHTiAS -Preschlug aeoond, ; and fonrtb Suuday in each month i Player meeting Wedneaday night. ! Rev. D. W. Davis, pastor. 3nn- | day echool .1:00 P. M., W. R. Par er, euperintendent. OATHOUP.—So regular aervjre i ill. hvard a Ml ..in "t i...i hiiM.v it when i lull -mil n new. : imiiu i.i-1 ilia I the r- '. 1,1 he ,'. .tltute if Jewel- The tlnj l- rtrnll n ia word ngly —\ la a » mphrun of gi»W but to cover the pn nt a ii.- diamond, rut verv IIm rted i- a glass ll.e lady ; i'' |ewel where upon Hie p In .! [| ground to |H>W- der. which fie ii-.. 1 to drj the Ink of tin- note li tvr.il. to her on the sub- Ject.-I."ti'l in Til Hits. Thrtr t.» II In hi. One of ii.em went over nud wkhl pered to lba atraager who had raana iu Bad taken a sent: •I beg your pardon, bat 'Ms is a gathering of working women met to protest aynlnst"- "I nm a traveling preacher's wife." aid the Btranger Ami tliet iiin<1e*licr the p" "iilelit of the raeetlng Chicago rrlbona. ilr- Hal-t«ad thill A* Ihe I- hope* Hut sb the old mnu pla gaper lipping mi-—'I b.r with 'Phase gei blm t rAormw, |>onr little chap' I suppose | they f,-.,i them on liread am) r/ater Demusi he hungry." Kor, if the truth U> known. Ihe old man had In his early I youth been an Item of public expense awing to Ihe bibulous bablfi of his male progenitor A forlorn hope presented Itself to her "Why. Mr Petera, why don't you get innrrled and" Her misleaty wool.i not allow ber to proceed. "p.: i And he scratched bla bald I -I 't sly, then meditatively Pre*. Hi he gazed ai her attentively "I don't know | -never thought of ir H Fin flntlered with the quiet agttatlou of her weight, age ami eiratrtence "llein: Well. I'll It WOB*t make any auTerence. ill try the boy flrst." ll .\ i- n month later. He sat with bla kncea wMc spread ami his eltmus I. .tn,- no ihelt boay knob- HIS heels were booked In the rung of his chair. bud his < arewom old face rested III thu tt Dlluia of his upturuetl hands. In from JJ of bin* on another . fislr. waa tne yoongstiT. Hobble, crying. •What is the matter With him— now:" the old mini asked himself WSjarlly Tha '-hlld yelled. The foa ter father cktwed his eara with his wrinkled binds and Imped. In a de- spairing faabton, Hail Mis. Ilalstead would come to the react* Then be dreaded her look of diHupprouil at lbs mess around Ibc child Toys of every ilescnplh>u pictures ami picture books, his WatCh, fancy >"'tlle stop per*, olmilt everything niH nailisl -waa there. Still tke Imp cried. Mamma*. Mamma! Vobble wants mammal" Yell! Yell! Y-e-IT The little spin-let dres-maker who I llvitl In the hall room PJISHIH! the door just na Hobble aebkrred A M.Oeen AS. it I. Lady Your pnrtner has fainted, I | hear. How did that hiippeu? ' Officer It la nolle simple. I danced lu " ' with her Hint' times In •uecessloii. The r ' great happlUOM was loo mucli of a train for her Inrves. I am now tok- ! Ing my departure lest I should do any further damage.- From theiicrman. Qenoral Whichard, N. C. The Stock coiuplclr In every de par'inent mnl prices aa low aa Ihe lowest. Highest market priotf paid for omul ry produce. LOUtlBI tr\*nr Lawkf. There la liii-k I" odd ininitier.. Tucr, la doul.le lock in two odd nuiiitnm. | BaggiDg, Tn» n FrMaj is lbt »i*tii day ol th. waefc Hii the iiu.iiii.- nf three, wbleh it Dot "lll> nil mid ininilnT. I'll! line which proverbially Doaaeawi n ebRrna. Thara. i fore Frl.lny la n doubly charmingly lucky day. HOBII.U AoittUatr. A. F. ft A. M—Oreeuvllle Lodge. No. 'JM, inectn firat and third Monday evening. B. Wil- liams W. M., J. M. Reuai, Sec. K. ol P.—Tar River Lodge, No. ».'!. inert every Wedneaday evening. W. H. Hail, 0. C.jT. M. HOOK- er. K. of R. and S. I. O. O. 1-. i 'iivcnmit Lodge, No. 17. meets every Ttiewla) CorrcapoiulKiK-e ami sliipiuenUi evening. W. 8. Atkins, N. Q., icited. O. !>• Overtou. He--. B. A.— 2eb Vance Council, JTo. WHEN' YOU IVAST 1696, meets every Tburauay even- ing. W. B. Wilson, Secretary, J. nTAiii.ii.HKD IN 1S86.J I. W. PERRY k CO. Norfolk, Va. Cotton Kail.ns und baudlera ol Dry Good*, tin-erics. Oonfwtlooa, 8 ^ ruMtl i H ; R^ eLt . •»0.,«Oto A . 0 . A.-Kgyp Mrs. L. Ii. WHITE, The Roull-I* Bl»le. Krank was IgarBlDI to ride a home, gnd one day aometKidy asketl blm If It bounced blm very hard when the horse was trotting "Oh, no." he answered "I don't bounce very hard. 1 stay up nearly all the ilmc."-Llttle Chronicle llrttria*>a*> a*ra«»rl>a. The dally talk of the HchrldeanB haa a ahrewd plrAuraaojaaoaaa "i-*t tha loon V laiurtiliig home,' they say. Thai I*. "Ik' careful of whatever you have borrowed." If a person were tu bu me| coldly on going to a friend's house, be would aay: "The shore is the same, but the shell- flsh Is not the Mime." The impossible Is denoted by "black- berries lu nildwiuter and sea gulll* eggs In uutuuin." "Better thin kneading than to ba empty." That Is, "Half s loaf Is better Hum ao I—»i " The Sl.i-tra.irr I mill) The late blr Moses MonteOore, tha "grand old man" of the Jews, the nmd-ja to0kB Cotton, Grain and Provia- ern Moaea bringing thousands and tena 0M p r | V ala> Wire* to New York, Hlack .Tuck, », C. Nice line cf poods DO hgntt, PHpag tow Lountry protiuce luught for cash or iu i i. i: .- - for goods. J.C.LANIER, 1.1 All.U IN American and Italian Marble OKI liMMLI.I , N. C. Wire aod Iron I'.oc. «ol«. Kirat-Cliia, work and urloe, rca«mable dad pi i |'C, inl o-i appra 11, n. I Norfolk, Va. Cotton Ktivere ami Broken iu ty Into the laud of peace aud really he bad his reward, rounding I out Ids century lu flue stupe, hla aplr- Itual eye not dimmed nor hla natural brilliant ; •trcngtb abated—was once taunted promptly oblaln V 8 sii'l rorrtga I lui \ Tleeoomo rees. "So." said Mr. Bllgglna; >.- at i ' .- ph<loaaphera. M W| J oiV" - | I n al i pblloanphtr is i man el< r ' hi be eujuys haul lu^k "— Washuigioii si;ir. Chef d'.emre »if yells. She skipped by in a bxareu manner hurriedly luserted the key In her d.ior nud vnnlsbed. Petera aud •he had uever c\ebauged w w.»riL ii'though b" had oeeafdea bis rof-iii I«"( year* ai.l -he had IH.II IU Ins a year taafura. He was preya-j over 2.00"' years, alamt Stw years before «lib being a deacendaut uf the murder- er* of Christ. Ue said nothing at the time, but callud ou bis accuaere next day with a chart of hla pedigree, •bow- ing that the home of his forbcara, He a>nd model, sketch r>r „„, hum „ea„, bad ^ajp-jjjl EKf^^Ag PATENTS Tor some reason or ether wa aftea roii_l tin some man or other has "dm- DI . suddenly." It would lie re ma-*, hi to read of one who oiaup ramred sradually.-Hartrliigtuii TUnea. I dhi-d upiinst her iu iho-»- tally daya because sh» ran a s-'W.nif maihlue | •ouieiimeb at ulght. The eauae bad ceased to exist, but the prejudice still clung m him. alth ugh he neier pro- tested . ,*atmt her. Hhe on her part had grown to regara him aa a gruff old ', aat aha atwaol Christ was boru.—New York 1'roaa. .' '..t'f Inv-i-Liii n lor frraboot, - wrlls kotiti -ACV. ry tune I go on a vacation I awtar I'll never take another. Topp-Why don't you stick toll? Nodd- Because ersry time I stay ai home I vow I'll never do It Brooklyn Wlc. . GASNOWI Tppu*,tTr u '. HATIMT nriitt WASHINCTON O C "I A. O. A.—Kgyptian Couucil, Nu. 8, meet every liiat and third Thnraday night in Odd Fello.a Hall. J. Z. Gardner, Worthy heif; D. S. Smith .Sec. I O. H.—Uracnvilla Couclave No. 540, meal, every aeooud and fouith Monday ulgfal iu Odd Fel- lows Hall. W. B. Wiloou Archou D. S. Smith Sec. COUNTY OFFICERS. Clerk Superior Court, 1). C. Moore. Sheriff, O. W. Harrington. Register of Dead,, R. William,. Treasurer, J. B. Cherry. Coroner, V. O'H. Laughing- houae. Surveyor, J. D. Cox. Commissioners, J. J. Klks, W. W. B. Hm ne. J. R. Harnhill. J. W. Page aud J. Spier. Board me.li every first Monday. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor, H. W. Whedlwe, Treanarer, H. L. Oarr. Clerk, J. O.Tyaon. Tax Collector, 0. 1>. Bonutiee. Police, J. T. Smith chief, W. H. McGowan aod S. I. Dudley. Aldermen, D. 8. Spain, L. 0. Arthur, Charles Coob, B. F. Pat- rick, E. B. Fickleu, R. L. Can, W. K Parker ami B. F. Tyaon. Board uieeta every firat Thuraday night. The trouble with these obaery; log people!* they are Inhlc to talc about their ouamationa. You Write a personal letter to.-v.iv member of I lie btat I nun lies in Pitt County when you advertise in ...THE... Eastern Reflector Published Twice a Week. THE EASTERN REFLECTOR D. J. WHKSHftRD.EDITOR ftlJD 0.V!|r VOL. XXII. THUTH IR PJBPBilBQGI ' PBS YKftF, IR ftDVftrjSE. GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N C, FRIDAY, |.\NTARY 9, lytXl. N(). 3. REFLECTOR PRINT,NO HOUSE Manufacturing Stationers Commercial Printers , School Books, , Office Supplies, Etc. GREENVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. To Keep You Warm 0*MWtta I" l»"p >'"" »':irm while you walk, ride or tinv.-l. The nctive man's medium weignta. The walking inan'H short emits. The conservative man's medium lenglils. ^., , Tbe fashionable man'B long costa The gootl friend on cold nlghlsand stormy days—ulsters. Ail si rts of good nvciTiiuts. It's easy to match our price*; but.you can't match our overcoats and pricea at the same time—try it. WiltorC FRANK WILSON, The King Clothier I'-t^V^-w^i -- Our Raleigh Letter - Notes from Ihe Stale Capital <$&—'-^^>w >~ •%'^- HAI.KII.II, N. C, Jan. ."., IWKl. Aa tboe lines mo written the ( *- ,' ..I AHaeiiil.lv is about Io con roue, and lutarcal nenlers in ibis event. Time leading propoailious that »ill atlrael uiorh attention ami become botly contesfsd njaea- lions are, reapeelleelj', Ihe el.s- lion of a C. B. Senator, Ihe "child lnlkir" bill (designed Io regulate also Hie number uf hours out Ion mill. in.it Other in.mm..cl in ii>K es- labHahmonut may operate pei da ,> and Ihe bill i" eliminate whl.key db-tlllerle, from Ihe enun- try distncisii tiniiiL' Ihem M In- ooruorated lowna exclusively, where 111.-> i nn IH* Cntudillltlj till- del police Mipini.-i mnl here's walking aheatl" f.u I ha conteataiils on both i»i,lee of Ihe two latter pMOnsillons, as well us those iil.-iitili.il « iih the iM-togoim] Senatorial contest. Uvenuan, t'nn, Watson and Cralg have had •hendi|iiarler»" npi-iied here for aome time, aud Ibis week u liuuiliei nl new and addilloiiul "liarkera" fu>thefitkir> say) have arrived t" talk up Ihe merits of Ihcir respective candl dales, including the above named ind the other four—and tiny are already in lull cry chasii ^ Ihe sus- cepllble aud vnliieialde law-amk i-i. Borne are predlcliog a loun cnulist.aud probably a 'lead lock, in the caucus, and in that evenl a nimble peneilpusher has I nalufl ing aome of the "great dailies" ol the N'mili with Improlskbleolorfes, One of Ihe latest of these is the "probability" ol ihe eleellou "f ex Seuator Mall. W. l<an«oin—thi Washington Letter Special ufjespoutl?'';-- Cerrtil i" <fe Nation. tt \- .;•-. !- I).C, Jan II I|p | | - . |d |ir..ti-lall..n- .hicli have gn isl Senator H<*r'a ii.ii iiu-i I '•' * furnish uuiple evi- dence ol iIn- uiiwilliiigiieH- of .'mi -. M lo carry Into eCcel, In .1 am u'li iu-laiii-i'. an. ul Ihe ii'i-ciiuilnei.- dallons of the presldenl m ivjanl The tuturrol Mcdicin,. TbiUUaj A. Kdis.11.. peaking fill the moment as s scientlllc saei line who can look al an unsightly blaok lump of coal (I. -. II he ba- lieen able In gel .me Mliee Hie strike] ami leelu it Ireaiendoa, electrical posaibilitieis say»: " Medicine ii played ool. Kvery new di-eoveiy of bacl.iia ahowsni II mine convincing!, lhal »• ha la-en wrung ami Hull .1 miti- ' tons nf Mult" we hi" laken CM useless, The doet. will give no in.siir - l.ul *• instruii bis i-ati ii ii rei.l Ihe human fra , . .anil in'n the control of Ihe Irusis >'• the cause and preventtui of il - 11 had t'.s terms "i Mr ,.,.,.,- [Ion .'lc public lhai Thai is Ihe sort ol elm we llki llepi. aii Jenklim chalrmai 1.. hear. "A million Ion. ol ihe "i tin '• Inry Committee, luudi aluirwa have taken «..-n-i n- ' public a ataten icb he > That Is the slum But wlml will J dared Ihnt the lr«»'s hail I,,.. c ni Ihe pale Iicineiimi j i" fear and Ihe people 1 h when this iiiillt-iiiui.i ;>•( Iiciillb is giin by Ihe passage of Ibeb upon us! Whal will lice f which was merel. H"- old idea ll an who gels a dollar u Isitlle lehabilitulcl I « phraxsilogy. for oceans of potions I Whal sill The ll.mr bill provide, fol Ibc Hi.- rabbet do then, poor Hunt' publicity -• rnriiewll) wdv.mle.1 an we alTonl lo gel mnillh) al Isejbj Iheprtsidei 111ml f.irbid», imdei ex|H?nse ofgrcal 1.11-11,.- enter-'penally of•», I ' " ; prises which have licen 1 iiu.iiii than a year's imprisonment, n up..n our di-ca-cilii.-f Let us lailh, c hi mil I ' •' have a cure here, li 1- s-h trade. Hie selling ol » ; mm . ..1 We Interest Parents ap.d I the Co-operation7 I am 1 -.-mil. gionliig, lhal a i- 1' ... .1.1. . 1 in 1,11 very he- •liitieiili i|ueslion IIHH In a —i^:.e-l -ne. The linn! UIIHWCI i"iln- i|iie.liou will aidve man) other dillieull iilimsllonal problem. Is fort .1- bslay. As bard of prae aa il nut) seem, iln-ie are. however, auuie sugges 11.ni-. which are sppireotly pial i"iil. that I a i-n in aubniit. It 1^ ai niii'i- e. neni 1 double uuealinu av.ignc.1 me I - Inn nu.-aii-.w.i. I'., uiilial parents li like tinkering wbli the tariff; ' much like emlangcring ilic pmswi 11 y nl the country by regulalliigthi iiu-i-. We miisl go slow. IIIIII 1I0 al all in gel health -> —Charlotte Observer They Arc Nut Leaden. It is iruly surprising how people call lllaw lie tii.-ei... thcii shell like a clan I |u| obliviiiustii tin ..> in a—a;. wuil 11 fair 10.11 l.ei price C"i Ihe purpmr nl dentroylog 11 eniipeiii"! and Ihe i.wiierHhip by one corpoiuiioii ..i Hi., stock in nihi'i rorporaihuis. There 1- iiuuTi inlcrcsl in tin IHililiciil circle* In Ihe pri-uli nl'* 1 iliaul titrl.t 111 lieliali'.'i m I*..-1 t,i.-: 1,— lu a -n'lilii 111 ity . .1 l.ia-li II-I.I I- al li i.ii.g any h H a , a hit,' ;'••;-" 11 in liargi ol IHsdoniee. Ii -1111- lhal Mm 111 M 1 .-x 1. i- pp lintci ; luteiesl In Ihe schools, » ill sl Ihe same nine secure tbeii 111-opera- lloo, whatever «Ui m ike Ihem d.i righ' thinking alaiul Ih wlm 'Is an<; nail Inn, « ill also m.iki' Ihem , . , II- in 1 inn ..I'IH-I 1! and iiipiau'l «il them. M\ .. unlion ;-. thai they inusl Ih, in., 10 t.'il lhal II 1- rigid l"r il,, ai l-i do II. Thin till II-I and ip|H*rulion >.ill lie liiii.ii'-l unlil linn eon. ii'iinii ha- '11 en - 'I I here arc 1 uiotlve. that ioiii,-li Ihe educutoi ihe key lo the ...In ...n nl Iii- prulrii 111; M.duty, 2nd, ibili). mil.— he 1- able i" ell.-eliia ly llnl -1.1 1 .—lull, argue iiu-i two isiiiils iii |ian .'-. then ..' Is 11 nn it,1 ly r has 11 milsl. r in.i ih night, . tn hm die In H. FOR BALE BY BAKER & HART in addition to the best stoves in the world we carry everything you may expect to find in a hard ware store, RUBBERBESTOS Packing for Steam and Water Pipes is decidedly the best thing of the kind we have ever handled. Call and examine it. Thu u iu. A nttmlser of our exchanges have recently entered new volumes, anioug theiu our most highly es teemed visitors the Henderson Hold Leaf and the (Ireentille liAH.Y BKPUOIOB. They l»>lh have doue and aie still doing a great work lor their commuutlcs, and are iditcd by two of llio boat, cleverest aud gatWpopular—if they Hie not the lieal looking-men in tbe fraternity. Iu Ihe language of old Rip, "May the.i both live long aud prosper." Fianklin TUMK MI H11 S«v«nt«enth Ytal Mr. R. Greane dropped day to pay his subscription loTun RKFi.Ki-r.111. and remarked that il was the sevciilcenHi >eai he had paid fur the paper, lie i^ a yopng mail yet, ami ibt-. record shows him lo be "tie .ifTiiK KKKI K.-MU'S constant iriends. Wa hope he will be with .is seventeen veins more, and longer. fleeting upon the fuel lhal lien. I Ransom is nut oul) imt seeking a re-entruuce Into active polities, bul ; is a "way down east" man, and hardly elligible ihi- yiai for dec |„ the -H-naic. It' ilu- Legislalure should do ihe improbable thing of "throwing -iciion lo the wind" ami decide lu seleel an eastern man. it would lie in.ue likely, in my opinion, to .. t (lover Aycoek 1 who is not a candidate 1 than Gen. Han sain. Hut I lie iii.liiiiii.uis, even iu thu event of a protracted contest, 1- thai 11 will do neither. Tin- iiianiig.i ii "i 'he Slate prison have made Ibeb report 10 iheOoveruor, for tnto^ubutlon to Ibe Legislature, aud is the most satisfactory one 1 any years. There la a iliBereucelutheatnuuuts paid oul for "expendlturea" b) Hie Fusion Haj- ti.'iidall regime! and Ihe preseal sdmiuislration f.u I the same lenglh nl Hint ,lwoyoaiS| I 1,1 mail) tSW,SW. Inning Ibe |iic-«nil Mann Ai niiglnii ailmilils Hailoii ihe ex|K"iises i"i the lasl jtwoyiara were WHU.UOO, while 'duringtbc 'at) adminiatrailon ol 1*0 years previous the exiwows aggregated SI60,WHI. 1'he '"g saving right here tells tl"' lale, Ihe pcnitciiliaiy is linn 001 old) out of debt, nol owi'ig a dollai lo inn . I'll! has actual., tut icd (after paying all expense- Tin JUS during Ihe last two yens, li ' la a source of regret, however, lhal three.'t the lasl men .if the dn.c 1,oalc unw retire—Messrs. O'Bei ry, Brown and Travis ihe I'n-i named for husluees reasons sud Ihe two latlet inc.—auh. both being elected lo I he present Legislature l.IIW X AM. about them. One would suppu an ad so remarkable would icqim much shrew duos ami long pi.iitii imt even n superficial exumiuatii ni these crusim-euii - " ,a.-i lhal the) arc nl on 0M111.11 aducati andluckiug ihv simplest 'hecit Mi KI !l. . ' I it S i> I.III.II .'t ll rudiments of oouitray 01 nuliieae*. MIII, of these ,bell tribe, by "• men unknown, manage lo get b I" l.usiuess. Ihe. haw a |,,-..,ti ii ing eye ami readil) kuos a east,. nier with nioni) 1 Ihe man thai calls on Ihem in a lui-iiii— capueil) other than to spend mone) willi limn. To the former the -mil i- throw 11 widel) open and Ihe lit) annual all palaver; In in.- I.ll.'i he snaps himself into his shell will a li.uk. ••Caul see you " "T'.s lill-N," "llnn'l want lo see ) III" II - by l'.c-iilciit ll." 1 Is II r,ip|M,luteil by President '. •. sin- receull) resigneil Is.llllsluell stale thai -In' III ; I-,' |l>. I , 1 c- by a 1 /.,-'. ll" lire tl.'tel ! il while |'.istiiiiiHtei Mi ell I' 1- 1 in iei.'l 'I al il,. |s.si ll. . :e ,.."..-iie.l ami re- 11, HI. -,. unlil Ihe .-III..'.,- all' sill 1 , . ni 1 -. piini-l cl mnl mi'ck ' - mil I,, be served b) the negn « Win.I" be chin-, - 1.1 ll.-slglKltl - A'.rcud) ihe iitlentiou of Ihe d,.i crats is tin ng lo the possi- hibiii - i.l Hull. I.'.M.I. 11- ilni ibe lepublii 11 - nre ill ."1 lo cl act ,IH) legislation 11.in1ir.il IH Ibe I nu-:- .n.l lhal ihe people arc mil) growing more iiigenl 111 he sympiitb) i nil-led. I'll" " l-i- le.nlie ml siibjecl 111 ih.- ii. 11 be 111 ,-' '1 ill 111 i-ii-iliii na) First, I should I it) it til motive, lhai to ih, 11 1 liiblien, 1- 11 |mrei ;.,!,- .. I||,ir,ll Otl ^ 11 . ' ' A religions or moral iiieculi vc i, 1 in- strongest that move" an e 11 I" 'I 11 .1 ll" il.'l pel 1 . . ih, •, I ,i.,ii- inn. iclinii January Clcan-Up Sale. During the month of January we iulend 10 give ihe house!eeiwrs an opportunity lo replnniah their luble- w.ii'-. (in ihe lable iii th.- canter of our slore \nii will find a lot of odd picea of China and Glaaaware, Wo propose to let yon have this AT COST, us we wish to 'Jei clear of th.-* hi pieces. Those goodl will In- -old fni .ash only at these prices, so he aure to bring;your 1 kel book In this lol you will And " "" " ' " " 1 Saucers. How s. Tumblers, : -- *••• "''• lot is limited, l.ui sule will eoa- tinueus long aa stock lasts, w e iu. s .. -am.- l.u-iii. -s .iih mil stn.k of Fruits, Nuts Can- dies. A-. . I'iii'si mixed inns IS els per pound, French candy thai sells frsm 98 lo 8ncts will be sold '. 1 _' ,!-. Plain cnniliss ? els pur pound, Apples, inc.-on,-. Inrts do*. This special -ale will comraenoe .Ian Isl, I mnl Be on time to gather In aome. of these bargains. There has 1 n a lot of new goodi added 1 11 in j stock since the holiday trade, and n it now complete In this line. Nn matter how sard you are io suit. w>-can suit you ii you want good wl »»i I, Wo uarrj a large atook of top grade elegant i'uniiinre to please the moil genteel, refined lusl.'S. We li.-.' Fall Bttits odd Bedsteads, Itureaus, Chairs. Tables, Lnung.-s. Couches, Hall Raeka, Bide- lioai I-. While l-'.ii:,m.-l.-.l Iron lleda, Ac fto, Cha| ; '1 hands aie iln- bine of the little lots ex istoncs and some limes "f older folks. Wintry wind ruise havoc with lender skin. Ill II" Im aii iclig Falrbank's Glycerine Tar Soap Flisl cleanse* tin .km of all Impiirltlea, Ho a heal, and soothe* and keeps ll soft and velvety. We have other soaps, loo, from Ca-liiiiere l'.'n.|iict to Ihe cheapest lhai is good im use 01 . „„. nth-, I Ish remaik.tl.i.i ''..n ..1 -n,l. legislation, ll.ej argue remiudoneora.mulleursnappii.il ' 1 "" 1 " I '"' at you, Pollteuvss, 1 ke I t>. ' ' •'""• ' 1. .I . oiidition "i life, is al uucn mail, siib-eivienl I" 11 II.-IIIIII.IIH. I'o plan and ... 1 atlh 111 .' l«i ,,- a., alupllsUl I, al « *•*• 1.,., ,,. - iln- pml.lein ,,1 He li ,11 I i uevei I"-.. ;n" " lb, masses in eilu al 11 11 'I 'I" eiinoniil ..li.in-, until Ihe religious or moral claim foi 11 hits IKI upon iln ii I earls, follow tug ' close Upon H Ilgiolls m lllolal' iiwcnlive. - lhai ol theo aiiniiig from B»M . il 1 Ui - Kvcr) worthy parent, Imwevei fniill) li 1 in-..-: 1 ilc-11.- iln vei) IH-,1 t of t l>i- wot il in his child. It oliglil I" be ens) t' 1 Ini stock 111 al 'lungs vou ni" p. .... ...... ileiuirtnienls la well assorted and euinprltes the very Wi-blng "ar many customers 11 prosperoui and hap- '"" .' ' "'i'""-'-. J.B.CHERRY&C0. Greenville's Great Department Store. is the heal policy, no inutlei « ho the caller Is or whal his liuai is. So long as he 1- civil, he le selves go,Hi in inl. fealmeut.— t'loihiei and I'uiiii-lier. nt) f, rellcl in l'.'"l. 11 a -nun :• 1II) -Irmig 111 ui licnls Hi, .icm.i. i.ita lickel. Three . .nn, - are now hi 11 u' gel erally di- ,., -id in III Is com erli.ui, .ImLe Parker of N- » ^• ii.. •" '• ' reldiy iug ihem ibe value, front .. liuanciul stuiid|siii I. Take, lor example, Hie greal painter, Milltl, »!"• Is >oung M,n t'huged With Hurdtr. Klualou, .Ian. I.—A telegraphic request from WllllamatoB offieiah cents, paid lort) cents more 1 haii brush and same color" Cpon , this canvaSi . ..,!..- "Ill - : I'll 11. ."i— •- tin a yard "i runvaa for twenty ,„ ,),,. 0 fflctala here to arrest R. L. Gardner, for seduction aud mur- der, created quite a Mutation here 01 ll.-lp the I'.I.I.... Are y»u helping 1 111 p these datsl Ih. yon e.ei have 11 III,mil. bilk with I'll" 11 "'HI Hi' work, letting h 111 '• ! ,, . .1 III,' ii.lcn-lc.l ill Uiul I" 1- ,!.lli^» Iin \..n !i-i. 11 altei li.il. ' ho scimi'isl A 1 great eueouiagi m ' , ; hei I ml you know lhal II lit! 1 ciinitiiullog praise helps 1 l»ta uiii.ht There an- i-buiih nieuiln who lei Ihe whole .-ear paw « Ille 011I gi.ing 1 Ini, pu-11 Il.'l a Hills mm .Im li., nm ,1 .! huii n niui 1. Paiku. . 1 , mini,, s -' Hen . 1 - i.i- faith lo A|IO im.Ill have f New Vork Ih' •I 1 :i hen 11 1 itelheworld" fhc At.... "Thesch l.»h - ,-,,..." B'"" 1 '"" "' - - """' : - !««> een s;his ua... , , . gate tl. 'I law uialeit .aluc "i ..iiipui. .la- l.ul .i.-iii' a I' 1 , ' um 1 lie I and h.i Ihoiisands ,,: 1 hi, race. When once Ihr he.11 im- !"•• 1 ''"" lurched I19 Ihe n.1.1 incen iv« | I ni lig- duel..- ' •' '•'"> to desire lo i-nlei ll ce. you cents a day. Kadi biiii,l.ow 101 id ha.e - neiir'.t aceoiaptish. I " '<• "'" '' la««.'l draiuoge, '" - « th a ' I ' '> '" ,,._ ,. .,. . ii'.a-c I . , Uloil "I'h the spread his brain nil> morning. Oaidnel Isatravel 111^ udeotnau wUlely known iu ca-tein Carolina, and made Kin- stun his headquarters. He icpre- s,ii- Jeffreys A Bhelton, of Hich- mond Va A gentleman here sow linrduer in Richmond on Sunday last at Murphy's Hotel, and was I Hiui he would leave that evening loi lleauuiniit Texas. Tbe particulars are meagn but it I. learned thai (iaiilncr's alleged I . ill.- •- lu*- j 1 ttl 11.01, " " ; -'" : '- ihe 11u.11.1in : '"' I " ; "'' I"' xu 1 hi I la ' II) 1.nil join cones 1 it n| ._ 1 In is vtcliui was a young waaaa prom , ,. ,, »,,nii live dollar* a day, and the|luently connected al Willlamaton .. ,1 h kill pi.use III ... anil lllcli. ; , new leaf .mil lei > know .nu are alive frutlbeeiing niemlwi lead in inch read) lo 1 an. lino' K\| 1, lll| . in .u in |,..-i"i Hill. nig. ml nol op -11 O, ..n.l , dene. of the .,, in i'..i". Mi. > ' Let The New Court I'ndo The Blunder The News ami Ubeeivei is I" la >nx Plheattl tiupe. Borne nine during Snndav ulgbl -i\ prisoners, all uegrues, ide ihcii escape fi in..i-li il. |H I, ,.t the Seaal. that In- » ill l" , In I Mi Ulllv) had .In,,." tiiaied ,1 na I serve I ins He -ml lhal Mi .11- la-en "regulai " . lie h el Ibe ci.ii ;.. generally aud , ,1 I . du ., ,1. II - in... iptl) assume the 11 iii,-, 1 ..... 11 . pi.iblrli III ngl ten, Hm' I hi for tin ....: w to 1 Hi, r lack mail' lal wcallh I. he. "», 1- Iheii go.nl lesson ahj , , 1 iipuai'd 1- limitless, i"i ami that ber death oecurred ou , .. nrinih piodnciiig cnpaeilt kec,i- |be 31st of December, and waa dtw ,, 1 ,,.,,, Aitb inlellig Ofeourae to the effects of medicine alleged i„. nm vi -: .., nliuj weallli la Ihe i„ nave heen supplied by tiarduer. ,,. east valuable ot all, built isliettet Uardnoris about o feel « tuches . ;i ., io interest ihem lhal way, thuu not 1 high, of "lender build end wei^rmt ,1 all. about 1 10 pouuda, He i" cleanly All iicoi'lclikc prosperil) and -ha. , has laughing blue ryes ,.., igi mi people ba.ee.cr. in aim Is ol pleasing c"iiuleimute.— all the world's history, beet a |Cb*rlotle Observer. ln> are able I , ulliire. . .sson thctu j prosperous people. Igninancc M||| wmh n r DM(0 "...blem. kol wealth is uevei was ami uever will he agoou I «b) Iheyjfarmei Success and prosperilj Ool. John Cunningham, of Can- are 10 knowing how, No riehicss niogham, pi Ideal "f the Ninth The beard of iMermea of QaMe- lH.ro have 'iiciciscd Ihe price ol remmnwiHlatlons for liquor HeeoM rroin tMisi to SSOO ami h.u> eaaeted nn ordinance prohibiting Ua sale within certain limits inside Ihe city. The prohibitionists ba.e considered Hits action asindicalii g public seiitliarul In their favor and they will make renewed efforts to get so Session ou the question eft piohibiliou daring the mouth Ofl Juuu. We are uol done with life as we live it A man will reap the same lhal he MWe, and he biuiscli sh.i I be Hie reaper, ll Is a mutter ol the greatest Importance that each .me HOWS only that tthich is g>»"l if he would have ajnyoua hur.c.i - (irecuslmro Itets-rd. the ."I" .1 Ji' 1 congratulated apon the aland il Isl aud are ai huge. The negroes Inking in regard lo the taxation -i werei lne.1 togethei Inaeellaud ihe judge'" salary The opinion ni s,,ine naj lilcil nil llic kwk to of ibe Homey General deserves] ibe door They Iheu eul hole Inhed unieil a. an ollliagcoil- ihinngh the buck wall aud blunder aud i, eel ealeulsted Ui by makingaropaof ablanket lu Wii'icn 00110I) t»" men have held the 0B0C of clerk of Ihr eourl fni g] Mais, tluc who died lu tsi,;; had held tbe ..nice 16 yean gad his successor has held it aimu Iheu. 1 i. j..y lo think the best can ul buuiaiikiud. .'".<-.• I lire ll. "s," '.'K 1 H) perm neni resoliiiion is',,1'eliinale, ao spimtaoeousproduct- Carolina Tobaneo Orowera Asso- itu 11, Iheie 1- an iveium, ul Mill, no fatllliles of com elation, waa here this morning re- lunhcllh) agi ile.ci) great nine.-, no storeaol gold 01 dla .turning from a visit to frankllB, ,, ration thatmusi be checked ii mond, garnered In Ihe treasure Warren and other counties east M tbfp M.'Is accomplished, chamliers of 11 srtli can covet meet tobacco growers. He says he ecu worbll) prosperily upoaaa nndi farmers greatly disluiT*d nnedueateil people. Uver the decline 111 the price of li,,. ,,„,„,- ami the children lolsumo and that theie li a grow- inu-i he largel) won In a band ing disposition io curtail ihe coiuUii. Aa often aa you can, see baeeocrop for another year and the pareuts and diaruas with Ihem I practice divemili'-ation of crops each chllds progress In aehool, and. Inslead. He hopes to put •pesuteil above every thing else, tbe child's n. ihe field next week to visit pre- great needs aud posalMHtiea. cinct meetings of farmers. He The evangelical preacher and'ibinks this the liest say to get at poator must lie educated and feel I the iiidivi.lual grower (ireeus- lii.il a 1... 11 "I I In guapal he ha- In boru Telegram. preach, 1- Ibe gospel of better schools and universal education. When Ihc-e ibiug- sluill happen, dcm.'ilain- liadershlp aud will collinnii' '• -'* inllcli lespect III lhal position lbs Be will become Hi. 1 v,. li; h|«,iho.'.l tallies, when eoiu- IncvilablecuudlduteM Ihe party. |i ,. ll .„ ; .p,,,!,,.,. »,n impreea the gns.1 work upou tbe heurbj of ihe liihermen n,ve Luik ,. ,.,,- ,.| |*siple aie good and mc Maiiteo, M. C, Jan.'2. Upecial essnrj i" propel 1) hue Ihe way iii,. ii-hrimcii of I'.n. count) loi Ihe army of leachen in enter '" '•'""•'" '- - ' 7? 7' '?:''.'''':;:;'",,;,:,, ul ,,, vd «pertant* n n..i Ho,igi..i". I -" MJ epeedy add hoi,.,, to judges who adnptrd ^,hen»eve.^over the ortlei . 1 ^^ ^ ^ orafnrau.ru to pay tax on hi. lug.o.h, wall when •*» •* ^,, ., ;lil , ,!„„„,.,.,,,„„„.„ stand by Ihe Income Iheu there Is neither law'over, Sheriff Harrlnglonhas msde « «""»" 1 , ,i.i, i„. 1 ,v ,, 1 1 ,-ba for ihe ptovetlaiallure wheu suddenly Ihe Biesidesof Ihe people. " ' >""'"" """ ul1 '" r.". Ti .It B-n came In such HI", daw ol every teaehe! In be»J'«>«" M W r '"* •""" I'""';'"' V ii'1 ' »M I . -ll ihe 1 - aud become ^jSLVZii" d" s^tT^A'raK* ' "arg ^ . ,s fhere niiiii II.ISHI- in ' ' ' , .stable I •"" aashetl ashore Ihr) 11 ij Is del 1 Ihem tbe •• - » -.-- •:"• UMhc new ,'... . nmh. .Ins U-, effort, to ".or, «'• , ,„.,,„. , „,,„,„ ,„, , „„,„„,,,.„„. ,„„.r,sail> f KIHo, ll.os. the live,)'«,able blunder. Tins ideaol a ...ivtleged ,|„. ,,,1 e.s Sometime* g. 1 o I > , ,„ , ;,,,,.,.„ „,,,,„ ,„„„,,„.,!„ .,.M,,1 In Ih. ltd Hand Ihe pr-pnly In rear of ihe lh.nul. ,h... 1, ,.„. countr, is agalnetinnyway. theyplcked up. lives . 1 whoare educated, p»o,,j tnauaged 1 equipped 1 ding, rhe purehaee ...duds- ! Ihi.uorrulic InatitaHona and la Krai 1.1.1. Deal. Mr. 11 B, Hiinih bus piirebased a I foreign looarhtwaaad eonatllu- High Oratle JOB PRINTIM .tiiin.-Clialham Citireu. '-'»"* "ere. Bend u- you. Ot#.r. Phi, run onl) lasted aboal twenty-1 with Ihe " icducaled, four hours. Mau) uta) !*• iraeh.d by show (Chools will Bud managers and 11 ,r "I rip through llic block •qutpaient, neh as thoy ueed. I ih.r.l to Fourth stiwU.

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  • ' f-'UM^ TTMVBIII


    I I ■■■■ III

    , ^ fail tosee me rjiefore you buy

    Guns, Shells, Stoves, Heaters, Pumps,

    Locks, Hinges. And anything else in the Hardware Line.

    Your friend,

    H. L. CARH


    NEW YEAR'S «< AT ►*♦ 

    BLUE RIDGE + ♦*+♦+♦♦♦++♦♦•»




    PRARIXQ of New V.*t'«." nn i ihf Kmdlnn. "1 ilwftfi mil to mind tbli .lm*«i4 y*r di< blowotY «v boja (ffvc ■ youni dtctor cbap who CBUM

    op to Blue R dgf fart at UM II camu waa 11 • lv« it to » ■■■•' I ■■ -!'T s.l.t that though IIM oaja of Ita* ,; ''■-'■ vn< f#w in Ibf tand, i- the ' ■ while it did but then «;i« n camp on t., }• . Ac ■) n»f fi in T't--1 - UM i: • Orandc thai coflld fnralah a* much fun In a w.vk *s Iniuplred In BIw BWIP ■ ■ rj iwpntj l\ 11 bow*

    "Mm lbt "i"»n dldnl n-"l IM uiMl cl:i« 1i war, n ' M }■"' '■   ''" *;'>'■ *

    H (hlmrhood, whh b tl - ■ HM

    Iitfi Pills ■Uaiui— th* TORPID LIVER, ■trcaictbcB tbc liaaatiTa argaaa rcpilatr Ibc bnwvu, AOd «r« un

    \S 1 l-UIMOl S MEDICINE, ID uluU dl.H*U Ih. t >HMI IR wkfel, rccofnlMd. as lb«> potlMf Tssiuuar rv-fcrUas la Waspa IS. i)Wi from ■■ raises niflly

    TateNo Substitute.-——

    «I«.«I» | H ,,».«.».


    By A. C. HOWSEY

    OF NEWARK. ». J.. VOVK ItM.H'Y HAS 1. Loan Value. 2. Gash Value. 8. Paiil up Insurance. 1. blended insurance thai works automatically, 5. Is Son forfeitable. 6. Will lie re instated if arrears In- i>ai.l within on month while

    are living, or within three yean after lapse. ii| satisfactory c. Wen of tnauarabililv anil payment of arrears wiih interest.

    Aafter second year —7. Ho Restrictions, s. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second Mid cl e*

    succeeding year, provided the premium for the current year lie paid They may lie used—1. To redoce l'remiums. or •J. To Increase the Insurance, ,ir 3. To make policy payable as an eudowiimciit dating the lifeiim

    of insured.

    J. LSUGC, A^t Greenville. N P.

    Three Times : the Value of

    Any Other. tine Third Easier,

    One Third Faster

    A Age"'* wanted in all

    *'al unoccupied territory.


  • T s^ —.

    ■ r


    ludiauolabe instructed tbe posl I'br Ne..li ri*> man who, lining

    master |iiMil lit il«* the oflirv topi ■ wife in the usual say. there niul have Ihe mail luteiuleit .trui-l u|ioii the |>la.i of lalll.i.c

    I) I. WHICilA.ltD.Ei.iToaAsuO.ssii; for that town sent to another towu Iniuaelf offal -'.'• ««■•>- » cha***, rl . 25 wile, tlislaut, though there may carr> '•'» I1"""- '"" " '""' of

    fcltttttlSfB81?,—* W« other town, uearer. IM. IM five «t«-r. who h.,v, gtl

    ! did not. beck the people of India- (Baata draw, the lucky auabei

    uola in theii •leteriuinaimu, but llic aton-ainl wife banter »ill be they set t" work to establish a iu a .lil.-niina. And rep..rt r»TI

    private ofliee for the di.tributiou lie is very uneasy over the -it

    ofuiailcollecl.il bj I tueaseuger nation and .|tiakca with lear mat

    whom Ihev lead to the other town ■ dunk) damsel ma) win out deel.ire ~~~^~^~~^~~


    FBIDAY, JASl'.HSY. I, 1«13


    One of the moat important sub

    jeets wbieh should engage the at- aftei the!i mail. The tentiou of Hie Legislature In the n,.,! they will nol accci.t iln-I.C>:I eera»tliiaupNorih Male government are the ODC*

    up...i whom the present cystru

    Impose* the heaviest obligations.

    I in- Uaatonia bride who in tbe

    llepol at i'liatl,.ttt' removed lii'i

    ■hot. liecaltselbcy squeaked and hull her eorne, and sal in Inr

    woman ar pott nutter. The tei

    nnuatioii of the affair will lie

    watched with interest. BoOMvelt

    may run up ag.um.1 • nag when «'

    he undertakes to rough rid. OVtl

    (Ire withal ol the people of the

    South. He would not have cat


    mi.l eeriainly had an

    Inking thing, eaa). sud ...i

    a li. fol Ihe -nlek

    IIIJ; passengers



    to DOl

    thei wan

    " I waa given up 10 die with quick conaumption. 1 then begin to u»e Avcr's Cherry Pectoral. I improved it once and am now in parted k*akh."- Ctta.. E. Hart- man, Cit>hito»n, N.Y.

    It's too risky, playing with your cough.

    The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Bc- gin early with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough.

    rim .III- : Ik . Ifc . II All MH

    Winterville Department. NEWSY HAPPENINGS AND BUSINESS

    NOTES. Roystcr's Fertilizers WlSTKllVIIXK, N. C. Jau. 7. lire Her. P. A. G. Thomas will

    leeture before the Winterville .luni..r Older of Auiciicau.Mivlisn- res next Tuesday night, Jau. 121 h. The public are cordially invited. Those who have heard liiru ar*| atiMou-lo hear hiui agaiu and1

    thoaewbo hare never beard him will miMan excellent opportunity ii thei fall to hear film this line.

    Mr- f. A Kan \ Co. have sold their millinery emporium to Mrs. Battle It: ill and Miss lj.ll.ei Halt and cheerfully tecommend ttacut TOWS I'KOPKKTY 1H SA1.K. 10 Iharlr iiuiiieruu* fiieuds, feeiiogj lu ,„.,„,.,,(„ asm*..Ilb,'Superior -irieih.il anv patronage extended Court ol |1tt county, »**> _*'■ 


    Norfolk, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Columbia, S.C.

    i certsln apt-rial proceeding Us n In them a ill not only be highly ap- ,„.,„,,„„. ,.,„,I!..,I. sainucl M. Weolel .,..„.. «... versusOlive II. Daniel and

    \\ New Oilcans newspaper* aie ex preaaiag mueb indignation over 0thei elite

    Ihe .Suffolk * Carolina inilroad. the .tenon of Ihe president iu oleav (he gin tug the poatoffiee at Indianola, meeting win reeeutl)

    KlM. lheSlales. a leading paper

    does nol iM'lieve in mluciog "onl-

    ine Indian..la

    ■toffloe iueiiletll »e do nor '-' it lo oe wise loi either the

    ojieiatiug between BdeotoUi N. C

    and Suflolk, Va.. has reeeutly de- clared a dividend of 100 per eent.

    lloea auyoue suppose (hat (lib and says in part: properly is taxed aeonlini; to its "In discii-sin;

    jusl valued Uiiaiiywonderth.it P»'»

    people with a ruo.Ieraic amouu -j—jg^,^ South, or their news .. u.u iiuiei ineir eon- , „ .. , , - • * ' papets to nnnee worus. 1 re-Men

    M-ieuoe for not givlug Ibeir full U(Kk„.ve|,, ln ..Ksiinu the port office value for laxation. when they note at Indianola. has •ttapended the (hat already rich and powerful law lor Ihe deliberate purpoae ol be.otnes editor, eorpoiatious are waxing fat wiih- offending and loiulttug tbe white Motoriuccei

    i . ^.„ .- .u« peopl** of the South, and out 'Tendering unto ' aesar the ' thing! which are t'aesai's."

    is getting in line with

    m an effort to nippies ml!-. An eutbuaieslic

    hei.l there

    lodhKUBIIhe a.lvi-alnlily of up

    plying i" the legislature for no*ei

    Iu Mtablieb. a diapenean

    An Evening vf Pleaiurc ■ , tor tfa Ih '■  loi

    t lue "t the UI»*I delightful taa-tal vei la of the aeaton Iu Greenville

    was the reception given lo Ihe So - s..in i ll,.ok Club b> Mi and Mrs II. A. While, at their new hoineou Uecemuer, thetbirtcentb, iiiueteen hundn .1 and two

    pending, •ialed. but even ellort will he and others yeraua Oil

    matle to give nllafaelian and M>lv | MONOA V, ii'iim \i:v 2ND, IWO, the latest -tybs will be kept and u.(or(, ,|„. ,.„„rt |„,U... door la Green- ■old at price* to please everyone, v ill.-, sell at public sale to the l-'s''";*1

    ... ,,., l.iih U-r-l..r ,-a-li. III.' toliosnis: rial (live them a call aad yon will be ,..,.,,, ,|luated In tbe town ol Ureeu- Ihoretban pleaand. Mrs. Brlltvllle.to.wlt;

    . I 1, A .•"•ftaiii lion-, nun l.'t on tin has minli experience ana nan tat- ,.,,,.„,.,. ,,| ynmi audlHu aireeia,known lafylhemuol fastidi..u». Ik- Mire aa On "Kinaaul lot."

    ... 1, A house and lot on Greene alreel I,, ser In i .atesl good-. adjoining the lota ol W. U. Wllaon,

    ti. A. Kiltrell left for the north-, A. M. Perklna anil Ada M chcriv. i. Ami two other lots -uuateil in tl.ut

    .L.keis yesterday where he

    ■ ue rwekj Mourn Motor baa been pnrrhnard b) tbe Rot kj Mount PoblbvbiDg ('•• . who «ii:

    change the paper from a we klj to a temi- ieddy. .1 II Herlierl

    «',• «i-h Tbe

    tottfm hundred and two. '",' "'"K•'," >,'""";,> "°"e, "I,-«...in. town of ^•""'S

    ., . '.. ,, mil i>iiirh.iu> HiitilhiT mi loud of( III»N1.\ known as >*iniu.-w u « ,,,""" l.-'ltu Mil till- or.-.i-imi lie ir- iMliniraint' ttm o.* uf W . < . Him >.

    ,,,,.,„,.,, .„,!„. „,,-• „, uhl, boree* lor the Winlerville l.tvery KnnWardand^Hher* ""■" ' ' "" ,, ,",, ; Co. Mr. Kiltrell ha-had consul- This the 2nd day of January. 1 ■ ;

    njoyable fealurt he bnllduj • \l.KX 1„ BLOW.


    tally to pander to lire negro vote ..r the northern pivotal elate*.

    Another iuntauce of unjuat tax- -'Be baaawomed the role of u .ii ton is loiiud uithesaie of prop- czarforth* sole purpose of cliocb ertj where a note ami mortgage log the preeidential Domination In are given lo payment. The holder l«M, and it is well thai the South

    . ... ii . should proclaim it- knowleilce ul ol ti:e note ami mot lt;ai!e .inisl .1-1 r , his motives and alto to uupies*

    i hem .« solvent cretin, while the upo„ ln Koblpa, lUvrawd. no-

    HIIIIOHI ti,,. ,, hereb] glvfii i«> all perwmi In- tU'lait'il ti* tin-t'-mic t hei

    *;,r» per week t"i th*> lni^th of hei

    life. Chartea Broadway Knuaa

    hail alwaya bean t*> the world an

    honorable man. .Iii»t, benevolent,

    without reproach, hie lite hat been

    a bleaatog to bundiada. ■lay a ihftdow t'louiU hi» fail re Down, ami another idol ihowi its

    ff«?t of clay.

    ucQUired s»uburl»i will make nuite .m luorcaae to ihe uumbei -k' popu- lation. ^^^^^^^__

    liu1 Htm. i»a»iti I't'i'n »i ■*•" once uior*' praucca forward and Jooke louglugl) White Rouiewanl

    -iinihtl lauip» twiukliuKcuuilleauiadc the acene

    room i nrbupa tbe prettlpal, Ihe mini achemehriugpink and jrreu.

    Mittftv i.itiu- Blow and Nina Jainca added iniii'h to tin' enjoy- ment off! neanlon by I heir de- lightful inn- V

    IVuttablj ihf moat Intereatlng i- tut waacuitin|ia wikc contain

    _ m|» ihe fatal heart. Duly mem- Rrallv. the peultentiar) appear* ,,-;- .„ ih«- i-lub were nllo»ad tin

    Vft to- toi^-liowiunalulaiKTtoitMH'.lii. privilege of leattng their fate. Mis- LUzie Jonee proved heraell

    tin- content, HIUI it What'aooyoar mlndtodofoi „,,,,„,.,,, ,„ |N. Deil on Vapid*!

    n»- of

    Kxtr. on tin w. ii HUPP.

    state of .Mary Noble*,

    uuleaa ihey are Jual trying to f>«>l

    When the leglalatnre meet* thiugn elae niaj Iw forgotteu the tiutc neiug.

    Oldest Tomb in the County,

    Venator A. L. Blow has foraom- lime beeu gathering data for a history ot I'itt t-ountv. In hm recent reaearebai he found what is DA doubt tbe oldest tomb in the county* It ii» on H grave about twomllea lielow Oreeuvllle, u the

    AlCIUt.N 8AI.K l)¥ TKAM, I'AITI.K.PHOVESDEB, *c. on Wedneaday* Januarj 11th. i -'•.

    i >i -n »..M «•. »,-.»,it.. .•().. ,,•> ihf Avon farm, in tlHYtMl lowiuhlp, ft lot n| hor*ei and mules, [anulng hnplemenu, t'orn iirni toiltlfi'. I eaniaee ami - 1.,,-ji.-. -. Leial brad of .-title and ho»r-. and « lot ••i houiehold htrnl- ture. Ternin »>' Male. rash.

    WAl.TLli II. tilUMKS.

    SOTIt i:.



    .,1 rlir

    Pii-iili-nt K.i II for 111** "llllj

    Imrilsi in s..tni


    • u.I



    let :■• tlrlii

    g the i ri.-'.

    ,■ .in.

    II the Legislature ol Nertn i ir

    oluia wliirlr in,'els \v ednestlaj

    ailjutmis withnut niaklDg laws

    looking to 'lie -iipi-H •■ liquor evil, ii aill, ...

    of man) peoplt sine ol I In- best lU-'iuui

    tinicrit ..I ihe state. That the-.■ I

    HI srblske) i" an svil, at I i trlai •

    nit:, outrageous out h .- lung .in"

    lieen ailiuiiieil tiv all ahiulalm In hate the nest luleresls I Hie state

    at heart. Qreeuvllle is sorely Itesei hj

    this gross, ilegraillng traffic ami

    struggling iinilet Ihe liiliileu l .1.

    v\r voultl help oni sis .1 rules ami

    towns lo liniit sgalust It. The

    verj an is polluted l-\ Ihe i.ml.

    naiiaeoui brealh of tbe i:tn nulls. M.,|„'(.t|V,. riie sieiieh pintles from the .1 s ,.,|U,| ,,,

    uevell has settled

    whiles' oxer tbe Carolina, In ap-


    I...1 rlaga-ia, Prlmt

    iu .li,'.I MoiaUv.


    sui-eessflll ii supposed lo list,

    ill,'• lllli i|i|>ii,i.ni„i

    S.itu'i- lahereb) given that I «ill milk,- application More Ibe Board ..r

    rib side of Ibe river near Ihe Cnuntv Conuntaslonera, si their meet, ing on nral alondai In January, latfl. foe lit-enses t.» retell liquor at Cobb's ilore, in lii-axii-Okin township.

    V. a, slit KI.AMI. iiiis Nov. 3Mb, l»w!.

    wish I., egpresa their in Ihe tollowiog toast.

    i\ I

    negro liuin as col* Ibe ins at Charleston, iu trust.

    • protests of the white


    is eslieU its ii.rin ion .WII the hours of I . ..• ::(..ii„ Ills .'.... ! •


    j..,■:•;.• ugalust -in', appoi uncut. N'ow the nest thing tie sill i,rub- ,ii.U .1.. will I e lo I-,-i.lli.ue lire

    i.eu .'.s.iin V"it'll .II the Vl'ileou

    huatnhlee Te.lil> n pursuing the right r.iill-e lu in.ike the |.e.i|»le of

    the s.u.li loan tbe res| Htl ihey

    ha I for hun

    i'eil.I) has swallowed tbeCrunt

    And ..tt ws wii: remember her, \:.,i right ufi .' all lo t It w,

    i his uaaslns .■' Ilweaibsr'a ebn « " : neU'enl mrli i d uml two,

    nii.tilh of Parsei'sereck autt only a shiiil ilisianre fmni Ihe river hank. Sunk in tin- middle of tbe slab la u square of dark siaie stoo«vhieb routains the following Inscription: li.'Hti.iii a distant!* »,. but iligbll)

    tear lie brlaga his lerrora as bs draws

    ilml*,' II,'ui l-'i ..in still, I, j.alsc.'s ur must bs guile To ..-I" nlgnn-d In the T '- alone Wt-. ihen's Ibe mun who lul.nrs i>,

    Ills nasssgi saf»'. and l.is i...|.ti..i.

    Mh> Hut one Kul« 'or North Carolina and Another for New York.

    [-hanks ti ' ■• li Ti ...u i

    ..• ..... iinil mnl >

    lli> _'lll. loui • San s.nu'i. rura. H ) app)

    Be nineteen hnndred and ihr,,-.

    lire I'n-nleiit is having a greal The guests prCSCOl were Mr. ai.tl deal of Imiilile willi Ins negro Urn, .1. L. Lnile. Ur. and Mis. '' i.ilieeholileis and oflkeasekers in c. O'H. Langblngbonas, Mr. and ihe South. We do not wonder. Mrs tieorge ll.nliey. Ur.and Mrs. He would haee still more Ironble'j A Kicks, Mr. and Mn H, I. at lire N'..rth II he were lo eitend Ken.nil. Mr. ami Sirs. K. li

    hie tioveri'Uieui raiwiia hurean his poliejr lolbal Mellon. Heh.n ,i s, Mr. ami lira J. ft VFbite, . ii in it, 1--U..I ..i. the ".Hi. |iiares iltslareil. ipaaklug if ibe flooth. Mr. and Mis. Will James, Mrs. II ne mil.... UIIII.III III ihe lulled that be will appoint negroes t.. .1 r.i.i,. Mrs. c. 0. t .., ,

    nfliee wherever they prevail in Norfolk, Mis ,1. li. Cheny, llaj- suirleieiii i.uuii.ers lo warrant it. «,..«! Dull with Miss Lonlse and provided they arenfgis.il eh.ir l.iih,., Will Hooker with inter and approved oompetenrj MI- Mluiile skinner. Dr. Carr i

    Mi- .Linn' Floiirnoy, James with Miss Baeile ,

    N'ortb '',"•'^H, 'tegro volers in Peuus-! Cain, k, i. M. H.siker wnh Miss vani.i, noire Ihan tU.Olio in Ohio, Lillian I'miiy. II Janet with nii.ie il.an jo.i"!i in New .1,'isey - Mis. \,hi \\'.„ii,i,, J,,,- JarvU with baa II evet oornred lo any ptesl. Mi-., I.I//,- Joues, Jubn Citiier

    inanhorHl. breaking heart., ruining «,.» p(.r eenl. of .he ,.„|, in Ibis a,.,,, ,. appoint a colored I -clor nib Miss Mar, Moye, Will IV, hoiuoa ami i-nrslug the world. It state. Ihe ginners eslimalitig I hut ufthepnrl nf Pblladelpbia, nr a kins a lib Mi-- BophlM Jams, la a uiotisler which we harlmr by M,!183 bales will lie ginned .if the (-"lured li.iied Siatcsdislrirl judge Ih,.,, Skii.i.ei With Mlal Kinii.t gW within reach of ourselves, our |||||L> cmn after lire. laih. in New ,lei»ej I Why have one llig-.. Andrew Moor* will Mi-s

    rule for Ninth Carolina anil an Maud Niv.ui, t laienie Junes with ul her fur New Yoikl Why. in Miss Berate Jatvie, Argall Vick loi, iilleretiliate Ihe ajgm*l irntn wiih Mini Kay Buerd, J. ft Chen) Ihe wniies; w hy segregate Ihe ne Jr. with Mi-a Mabel MiMurrui.

    oin In

    ■    . i:. n. . .. il i f. sj.i JohnK|N*lr,

    ..' .i M,.I . ItaUi user, |i . .'„n. April, lTi-1

    .1.1 at "I. '"'" li .,i > ,,i i.ur readers know nf

    : . .diet i.Mi.:. thin iin-one iu I'm IJ liu. Iii II i I'mi; would lie

    .. i ., Iieut ii •■HI I hem.

    PEItSONAL i-Hi>l'i:uiY SAI.K,

    tm'l'ii.siiiij. liiv. :snii, ui tin-John Pris'lur I'.H.V. i miles uorili ol Green- ville, I will sell ui pul.lie auction to il, highest bidder, several head ol i,a arts, wsaona, farming utensils, (...ol. i. pens, aeveral Log. ami cattle, Ac. Ti i in- ol sal.' cash,


    all p. I'm .on ..uested


    i 41-' III'

    WJiatP Dry Q-ooda, Dress Goods, Shoes Hats, Shirts, Pants, Hardware Tinwnrfi ANI> A NLMliK" OK °rifBK THING


    Come lo see me for your next Barrel of Flour or Pork. Yours to please-

    las. B. White.

    '.I »l In t:u IliU'i'i I 'iiill|'.|i.) .11' i I

    . iinit- forward anil m-tllc : ,M ,'om ofiHilhvilon.

    I |»W .UPS A MIIIU.

    NORTH I'AROUNA, I lo Superior! ourt I'itt I'ounly. i llrfort'thi-Clerk. I

    I,, .i. i'hii|iiii;iu. admlalftratoi" of Ja-| L-OII llrook*.

    VM. KiM-mvrUnwka, Willimn llrookt, tiu-

    llUnd. ('■therlna Uroaawll, Jaou DnxTvll Will.-. Hruok*, Murti, l(roi>k», i nun' il Mi K«. Ilai') Smlili, Mm'iiiH Nrookai libtonl iinioks, Kn.l iii-.M.U-. I>vla Frlanle, sutanUBwIclnst John Kloaauli Jaoe Klntaul. The ti.f. iniiim- abort1 named will

    uki i.nii.'i ilml au trviioa mllllwl

    Mayor's Court.

    tdlo* in(j iiii' have

    ... . . , , ... \nU„w lms|.„n .t.niiirt'ii.vd in I.M- Mi- J«* »j■mioi Bfcretar) lla> iappeal lu behalf il»>rlor,

    rt, \\ I».I\IMU>. niiiiorwOterlni 1 rrn iu, lliied f.' andcoate, *i 15.

    II 1 Hooker, barkeeper ellow< ing minor to t*ui«T barrooM, flaee. tj aid eoate,Ml45.

    HiMiiN Hfiuli'i-uu, riding mi

    tu 11 MIII«1I plow -I laud in S»ifl I ntk Towruhtp. PHt ci'iiuly. N. P., whtfh »iii OWIHHI bs Ihe lut«' Jaeob m ^^ it ii.i i me »»f in-, death. The »ald defendant* will further laku no- ti.- 1 he) ihe; ai- required ui ap|»ar II !.„. ii..- iderkSuperior eourl "i »ald .iiiuiij 1.1 the eourl II»UM' lu Ureeq> .'.iieootlu ntbda,. ofDmvmlfr, !»«, .nut in >HI 1 or demur m il"* petition la

    ...tii. netltlonrrwlllappl) lull,.. 1 tun foe the rellel dewaoa In

    UOW aiiiuiuiii'e.l I hit Hie .!■ at aald oompUlnt. i'liu N\iv |5th, IBM

    l». < SIOORRi i lerk Superior t*o«rt

    I*. J. t lisnmmi " J J. Batterthwalte

    AMOt'KT AM. Fur 17 d»> 1* u» 1' -'nrfiii mile, in

    ... i; dftyi IT il«yt ....l.dan ....11 day.

    iwiei) it. 1.. DA vie: im. ..-'.-. M*M .-■led 0 4c 2J.»^

    LAM) BALK,

    i>lu'il fiiitei lb.iu P mile* an Imut ufnMDJ idbei oouutrleei Imverinl- :ini In a reekle*e tuauner, fined *i (ereilmoeh. Whether the report Hodroaie. e.Mi.%. beoulbenilei I, Lenw, the

    preM'tii euiidllinii ol (IIIII^N in ItoUUiauia CttnOOl last ImleriuiliU

    1909 erop afler Dee. children and our aaUdren'e 1 ihlld ieu. Il u- the in-ctiiii^ mu of

    • r'fiivUic ami (be

    whole human r»ee.

    We haven't unieh sympathy for f the the Vlr|iolan who applied lo the

    elerk ol i«mii I»»I the reiiire »i the glWHf more than thefaliueu 01 Prank SklUDtf with Mi«a .>'*iv ___ Ueeoee fee vbleh he bad paid i«»r the red-bettdad men, ur ih* crip Jaiaea, Ben .1 a vith Mlai

    Ihe poHtulbee siinatiou »t ludla- the ri^bt to marry a ily yOOSg -'**■'** The.uelnall> all men aie Charlotte Keiinell, Hi. 1>. L. uolOaMlei., !i cauelog no llttleid.m. u»... ..f...r ui.., it» ireaaad eq«aj, Aj ;| mi,tter of James, J l>. Uardeo vtlh Mlea little, iluiue, whu, after borrovtog lilt

    Mv virtue of a deeree of the Bupt- nur » uml of Put i-Munly in im* »|HV- iiil nroeaadlng cuiiilidT. II. William,. adinlnUtratur of w. H. Smith » Sarah A. Smith, H * . Willtaiu-. ami other*,, the underalgned admlnUtrator will *el| forcaah, on Monday, Febuar) _'i,, . in v.. before Ihe court houM door in Greenville, an undlrlded oaa*hall luicrcii iu the follovlai deaorlbed piece or parcel ot land: That i-am-1 of land in Bethel townahlp adjoining Ibe lanil-. t.t II. W. .lame-., Sidney A. Urilev, Shade llriley, Rllej Jaoklni unit K, A. BrHton, ami in-iuir ihf land u|..in which W, s. Smiili lived ai Ihe

    l'i';i Uetiiek, aatault, Hoed »- Kodol does for the Itotsaehtbal lime of hladeath. rontalnlnafU aerea, wlneli 11 i. unable to do for Iteelf. "' even alien but rlightly diwidennl or oeti loaded.

    II. 1'. Hooker, aaaault. lined t; ani eotti, *io.i:>. 1, „ impoeilblc long to realel a

    Charlce BraxtoOi drauh ami votld-eeutlaieot! aud snch n wntl iiiM.nieily, limd one pem.v and lueut already eilaU lu their behalf. eawU.w3l.7S. -Ooluaibla State.

    1'.. RuberaoDi tlruuk uml die- ,,r„.,u. iiui.i 11 and oosli, IS -•». » SdMllllc DIKOHIJ.

    ami eosta, *."i -'.1.

    Knilol suii|ilit-s|

    sit ir. A iif^m wiiiii.in baa lit-en

    |aal*aaatn Iher* i',n sota* years, soil the people of lex Iowa grow 11 i' : in-.l ..f 'In- ,s.k suck .H-non

    ss lu .aunt- ht-r I„ s.-n.i iu tif i les-

    iKualinu, au the story K'*s. This it..ii-,-il ih.- ir* iifl'ri'siilstil Ii «ae velt, whu si, in- In In. Minli 1,., 1 •,

    sum i.f *7 ir..tn lu-r rmiit-cf, tenlg- i.ift. the aegroeiejaln murp tiin'i ,'i|iialll>, lor Ihev insist ii|„,n I ,-■ 

    l-.il anil marrit-il utiiillier man. lag art apart, aad thej lleataoil . Aoyoue who it an .iuxi..us in M ucrtalu ahare ul the patmuage, >. I Ihe w.ulil know thai he has baafl lsr.iii-e ihiy aN n.iii|it'tiir, Inn haniiwi Hie ftoaei linger dotu'l hwattta laajr ■*• atflOM tlsserve nun h svtll|>Uthy.

    Her, li. I'. It.ttikin.iif Nashville, siltisrt Tenn., eiliiur of the I'.urigii niisMun

    pabllratlooi tif I In- 1're.i.jieiui. I 1, 1.. h, S,.111 Ir. li, I in Se ml, K>.

    Ihe naliiral iiiites ol iltijeslloii nn.l (toe. the work »f the sttttuHt-b, re lievea the nervous tension, wh le ilie inllaiiietl inn-, le- el that orgin .i;e ul .ivveil In lest »..,! I

    Ill.ltS'l III til,' WilluSSllOWIT. rin, i),s-. at, mat.

    T. 11. WILLIAMS,

    I'. 0. JAMIS. stliirui'. Alllllinislt ul.,

    ilei. li

    I ..in.' I!:...i. I'harlrs Ukluner, Jr., with Mis. Hint Jin..... t .ui and l.rorir* \t otalsrU

    NtHta -ound Own.r 111 jn Hour i Huodaj He hail ln-eii li.iv- Rodol dlfeata What |D* eat toil lheie will toOB bat rhaBf* Il

    he little tttai It Hoadsy *t U*> •■"' >» lalaaOMens, vistiin.iheun- |e .le. the slum in« iudeb nth, ltd Mood. Jtio. 1- Wootaa, tni lu n. are ret)iiestnl lo setlle at

    iiuts?. Hy so 'loiiiR yon will save

    5'oitlei I., [.iiiiisu ihe jaiupie olinilUMl,

    . il..

    I svi.oiu.— naamu*.iuu i"o8t.

    '' * press. I nai Is au . i i U .i.li.'in i ,.

    , i.11 MaTUMni I'.IJS,

    i, n ■   rlittifh of this place, whi'ic i In III.IIV warn Irieuils—T..r


    TIIK. Ut:i i Kt-Kiu will eadeavor to bs better than ever this y«- ir mil sin ii I.I lie read in evety ho- c lu l*m ouuuly.

    us trouhk- anil yourself tost, K. QsUuMI, 0, III ".K Kit.

    rtupi aX), nsrj.

    Total, s»':.*t> SHOrN I AU..IVV Lit Jtwai 04MH0MI

    I-',.i- II ,la.. ... ram. . J S2.uo... I,i v Kor 1 day Bscm'tiuu. lA 1."- .. 2.01) For MS mil, ■ tinvi'1,',1 u> U: .. IJ! «

    Total. t5T I. AMOt'NT AI.UIVVKII W. II. IJ1TI.S:

    lor i; day. a. com, (e Itoo. . in ns Kor s ,l»;, .,, ,-„III'IIIII.;|» IJ ■. . .IS.Ot tor KM mill'' tr.v.leil Q a. KM

    Total, iv. «i AUOI-N'T ASUISI |M J, iliru .-

    for II .lays a< emu. 9 M.«*... Cl'. M Kor 3 »>. sa .-.m,'mm (mSM... I,M r'ur 710 inllsilrar.lsdOtt-.... U.M

    T,,tal, |7,,>y* AMT. ALLOWIO J. J. S.TTBHTUWAITB: For II ilaj. aa .oni. OM.M, . .sJt'O* For "day. as .-ntn'luui (A 12.oo.. I.o* Fur till miles tr.vel.,1 (Ittt io.lo

    Total, IM.to Total sun.mil allowed Hoard, IMS.U


    I.T. It. Moors, F.i-iiOVIo (lark ol tln> llo.nl of I'liiumisatuueri for l I'onnt.T aforesaid, do esrtln Ihsl ii,. foreiioiii),' li s I'orreet atsafrserit, aa doth ..i i'.-si of record iu inj ulfles-

    Thli mn, day of Koressbsr, l»o2' T- It. MOOItK,

    Clerk Board lonuura. (or I'itt l...

    8TKAY TAKEN UP. A Mat k yearllaj bas been with HIT

    .lock ilucv Ihe Ural of May. last. Th'a jesrliug la marked with two .lit* ID rliihtearsnd •WMlaw fork la left. Tip. of horns ti-hlte snd .ouiu white In lull. Owner is notified lo call for sum.' um! p.v ti].. ns.-s incurred.

    AllllAM JUIIKHON, At tl.e Marion Johnson ,' ., > 3 miles

    Ironi Urevuvtl'>, ooTib alMh dj ftA\

    I En

    Arc the Best. I




    If Itwre U a CftOtt MARK margin ol-Una M|TI ii is u» reanbid >u •hat ymi iiwf Tnr Kaaraaa KoiaarToa for tubacripiiiMi, and wt rtqut«i joa to •ettta u parly in potial ble. \\ ■ uewl wlmi IOU owr IM and b»ipc >uu will not kwp va wailiDic fwr il.

    ThU MttM U (ur iboH wbo find tbe ,,a> eveoluj; croa* mark OD their peg-*.

    portunl event of a inan'i* life hni JohuMtyit itV all H intr-iiikf. Tlic.v nil den? ii llwufh.—UeiKlereou Gold l*eaf.

    Trmpcrancr Lrgislalion PrupxiMd. am kind a

    Tl K8DAY. JAM'AlIVti, lW0;i.

    E. I., iit.wani ratoroed lo n,.- r.c'1 toilay.

    W. W*. PerkiuH returiuil Mou

    PERSONAL NOTES Brief Mention of People net

    With In the .Social World

    MONDAY. JAN1AKY .'.. |1

    C. B. Kiatkfl ihle etorulng r..r New York.

    B. W.Moaeleyreluriinl Moml.ij cM-iiMij: from Betbel.

    .1. R. Norman left lliih morning for a tri|) ou the road.

    Mim olive Daniel arrived SCoo- ilay f.t MM,: fiom Uinin.

    Miw* Maiuii Gallovai ratoroed toHi'hiKil at l.itlelon today.

    fctigaea Mary end Kile Leaajlejf aie vieiUngl Mrs. Bd. I'orbea.

    W. J. Niihnla «ent to Raleigh today.

    i hai in- Bkioner retaroed t«« New Yoik today.

    \v. K. Parker tteol i '•'diM.ii-.. The distinction i- HarriiiRlon, of Ayden, -peel today made in re-peel in population her*- jiuaioly to pi eve ut ibeevaaloa nt

    Ool. aad Mrs. Harry skinner ,ll«' ■•>» l»y ilie Incorporation [ot of Ha>seU »an '''r ''''M morn'llK f"1 Waahlogtonjaaloonor distillery nettlefneota.

    *''*>• i J. Local Option eiectionaiu in- W H. Hail. .Ir., went to Ayden «'"rl»"raled (own- ul more Uiau 100

    Monday evening and relumed this illbabitaut« at anv lime upoo *M nioruinn. |da,\s nol lee and Upou pel it ion of

    Mleilfottee AbraniH, of Roekf 0De lWrd "' ""' inai'fleo votere Mount, It visiting her sister, Mrs. ■ provided electloua shall not lake

    to school sehult/.. [place ofteoer than oaee lo two Mrs. Weaver and son. of RockyIyaaie.

    Jesse Barriogtoi. bai returned Mount, who have been vleitlojrl lo such elecUona thequeatloo ol lroiua visit to Witwn. Mrs. A. A. For tiers leturued borne ealomis .n problldtiou, or aalooua

    Mr. and Mm W. A. Wet left Utda>- or «li-pet,sary. or ilt^pensiiv ol this uioruiug for Norfolk W. K. Patrick has moved hi> prohibition, nny lie suhmlttel as

    Miw Betlle Hooker bas been '»•»* family here from A>den and petltlooers tu.iv unties!; only one quite aick AN eevaral dare. ia«nptaeooeol tbe Moye bull Jinga lllMil(Mil, .,„ vWvU„Ut howwer.

    ncai the depot. , ' ., „ . H. L.Tienii lefl thU nioining .c. „ _ J

    3- ProhlOitlonoltuelmportatiou for Oak Kidge lo attend avLool. •*"M AaDle May K.aniey, of of Hqoon> by any meao* Into pro-

    Henderaou, who has been visiting hj|(i(wl OTdUppnftary ^rritory.

    Charles Skiuner mouth today.

    B. la Howard, lu towu today.

    V: A. Baker went Saturday evening.

    W. Ii. Cox cumeovt •'ton this mornine.

    T. J. Moore returned to Chapel Hill today.

    weut lu Ply-

    to Ayden

    from Kin

    nature, W BMIKV

    Kaieigh, N. «'.. .1 ■      ' IWII The ISseatls ■• ' ■ o ... N

    ii BroOsghton, A. .1 MeKe waj, J. . Atkinson, T. K. Iway. I < Blair, J. O.Oatae, J. W. Bwlley, and IJ. K. Xniio KS. rapreeaotiug the N". C. Coiifeieuce, and M. 1.. Kenler, repre^entini: tbe Baptist State Convention.


    And Leaves rlor»e and Buggy in the Kivcr.

    hToodaj afternoon Mr. W. B. W ilsmi sen! a eolored iuat< to Iii- home to wash his boggy< The negro bitched up Mr. iTilaon'a horse to the bnggf and wcut lo the river to wash the buggy theie. He drove out Moto the river, and ibe stream beingawoolen the horse was soon in deeji water. Thia fitgbteued the animal and toioade several pluogea OOl fiullier from (to ahore. By this time the negro HUH) lie: i li -'iietied. and jump- iagovai the beak ul the boggy swam ashore, leaving tbe boree tu j take rare of himself.

    Nol being aide to swim out « i Ihe buggy, Ihe bone and wool drifting down ■■' • | they sirtiek the eur. - I *i ;:oii;^' some distance tin ■ huug around some logs H ihe horse last in deep water. The hoiae WOBid have HOOD drov. !icd ■ bad not two other eolored men, Who weie on tbe shore, gone out in a iio.it and cut tbe animal loose Iiotn the bujigy and led hiiu tiack to l H'.d. The buggy vai reiovered lat< i.


    l>. l>. Overtoa rataraed balur- Mn* A. H. Taft, left thii mornlug urday evening froiu Henderson. for Washington.

    Mis. Mary Lou Tucker relumed K.H. Fleming has moved his Suturriuy evening from Danville, family to town and will occupy his

    «-«__•■       A*. , , new building on Evans street Mht Um sbeppt.r.1 refined fc ,if ,„, «i.ail(.I . Saturday evening Iroui a visit to Wilson. Mi. and Mrs. II. I.. Poonell and

    W.K. Bmcb has moved io the chlldrea.ol Wilmington.who have ■tore iceeotly Vacated by J. U. Corey.

    B.C. While left thi* morning Senator A. 1. Blow and Bepre for Baltimore to take a baaluese aentalive H. T. King lefl Monday counse.

    4 After July l. 1008, all appli- cants for liecuae to sell ur n*auufac- ture lti|ur Ihe six inonllis ending the evil that inllo-i.- long alUlOlloo * tack of eroup »ur little girl was It is remarkable that fastened itself upon them,

    the auiouut for December WU Ihe KspCClal alteutiou is directed to

    Durham. Mr. aiidiMts. K. ('. Matthews re

    turned Salurduy evening Kichmond.

    Saturday evening this morning.

    ami reluriu-il

    of Faimville. are visiting Mrs. ^ Charles Cobb.

    Misses May (ialloway and Min- nie Cox returned, to school at Littleton today.

    Dr. Major Fleming relumed to Philadelphia today to resume bis i.inl.ial studieo.

    smallest ol anv monlh in Ihe


    J. C. Cooper, of Wilw down 8aturd>iy evening turned this uioiuiug.

    i'aul K. Uulluw, ciindulaie reading clerk ol ihe Senate, thin mornlug tor ItUtleigu.

    name ml

    for UU


    Greenville N. C.

    Dear Sir: I'm lei hmise. Beck, so much; all llic I ween.

    Just so with (Mini Di and // ne is ii i ported » boi I > Mauls Ihe neck; Ibe

    W. J. Thigoeiiwent to Kinstou some enVi la gotal enough for ihem. Hit urday eVeulug to see his j;iii But Devoe eisls lea*, uol More. and returned this morning. ,j,..,. between. Lent! and oil II

    The Greenville Banking ft Truat between! it is the oM-la.-hion Co, have distribute*! veiy piellj paint. But zinc has mine in, calendars for the new year. /,,„. uaigheus while lead. Devos QUUm Annie Kerrell, of UliotOU, l-*->nl and Zinc is the paint, tame in Satuiday evening lo take Mr. John N. Deiitl. Fair chaise af a school near Greenville. jft y writes

    Miss Mini.to Bagwell, ofKolelgh. Mr Charles llnllcuue. k, of » who has beeu visiting her uncle, place, painted bis bouae Di v\ H. Bagwell, retiiinui home iri|ts ago wiih IMVIH l«ewl ami ' ""

    l,,M '' l,Ml y /me; his father pa I Hied al II •I,/ ,!''" '

    Misses Jaule Brown, Mai> tilgg*, sanieiime wiih bai and oil. T Myra Moom and tilsuu KUIIK'S ,my the eon's bnuao lookaae well as ibeir wnrk anlew in

    tbe day it was painted, vblle the ooutraeyt Tb bemue, I lather's house has all chalked oil

    Mi» Katie Mooie, of Waahiug- UU(| needs painting very badly.

    paragraph four. Thai calls for tin- rccognlUon oo tbe perl of ihe QeneraJ cVnembl} thai ihe people of Korth Carolina ere moral people, The saloons now exist not with tin

    much; *'" '*^},, f ',"- lM"l,!- "f he. C.iiolin'a, but soli l\ IK'CIII

    ■Ihiniis have pieveuted the

    ne Lead |,,,"",nl ,■,, Bllllc frnlll atvli'l

    |M. .»;,. In. nis. \\ v in ■•;• * ■   - ■ . si I

    ueiaeen, '••i' "H. K-eij i «• ^ UiUii in ihe S:.ih ;- ,'..\ - (■ .t inis

    i- line Ii is bill UM- i.nbl ■ MI

    II li lion thai Ihe | III lie l 1*0 ol I hi

    people he ■••wardetl ;inu that Ihe i iilninde nf the majorii) >>•■ rCCMgl l/til. Is il unre.i-*o|i:ible !■ 

    pnMiinc thai He salooiiH should

    H l biMipeiie.: niile-sii u»efpie*sl)

    Voted I'V Ihe inajoi|l> to open

    Hi inf lit ll uioie reasonable lo

    pnauiuu that the peopl.-..i N'oilh

    lire Ihe saloon- \< c

    InoQs, HNthe sonicis i f

    . 1, '.i.mt.ei ol ci ime I- uo on H;| ti vole lo (he

    unconscious from strangulutioi saya A. I.. spattoid. postmaster,! Chesiei. Mich., and a dose of One Minnie < oUgh «'uie was adminis- tered and repeatod often, it re duced iheswellingaud intlamatuui'l iui ihe mncuous ami shortly the child was restiug easy and spei di y itf.iici il 11 pure* t"'.»Ugh". Cold*,

    t \orlh e eon-

    I.i; -ipn... and .11 Hn.Ml t Luugln iibli-H. OiieMinuieCoi

    inoral Cure Impels in Ibe Ihioal . e|i. -i ami e inbb"- the '■' -J.- lo c

    \ ,.'l

    I II.I I| II.


    , , ill 1,1 I I I III.

    ! . . . . 1... Ii.i l:



    nii-i . 11 >

    I i in j, it l: ■  II II... It.'i Hi's Little Karl) H -•'••.

    II ll'llll t< ' i.i". r. .'..., -. I.I i • i:.rlj I't ill,' In - .,.. ll~ III III. Ill I II Ii sii ii in (I) i ■, -,,;, ,i, i

    ,..,■ . . Hil ui.... i r- fit li ri,,, | ,. |,i-i | i, ... .1 IIIMI , M

    ma.i,ul , iiilici Inn li- .1 ., I, Wimtrii

    iclu: II. .1

    Unlay. lo M-boul ui Balelgli C il.it- t I

    llll'IM'l' III lilt' t'llllllll'll'l Ut' lllC

    people wbo linlils thai tbe) lavm ton, spent Satnrtluy here wiih Xht firtbtrtayt lit will ptlol Wltb *«I«>M sWll that saloons DiDtt exltl

    Life's i.iiitr.lii's

    I.. Ireail upon Hi tragedies.

    i II..i


    relatives aud lefl ou Ihe evening train foi New Bern.

    Misses Julia Horton, of IVash- antl Ulivln Lamli, of llenilerson, who have lieen ■pending a lew ilaya here lefl lltia iiuiiiniir; l.n Italeiiili lo aiuuil Mbuul,

    Tbe little folks ultlieT. J. Jut vis t'l.,i|iii'i llauKbters of the Coufeil t'l.iri, gave a nice play iu the "i" i.i house Salurtlay uight. '1'liey all perforitrBtl tlrelr parts well.

    Devoe next lime. Yours truly,

    F, \V. 1IKVOK& t'tr , Mew V.nk

    I', s. II. I.. Carr sells nnr paint,

    Nt.iu ■!•:.

    bj ii. u i i.r .inn.

    II, virtue of an niiU'i II.ml r. Moore, fieri Dt the But. rl ..f I'm ii.iiiitvi.il tin. T.I. daj usi-y, IIKI:I. In a certain RJSM'ISI pro- conilnff, wherein II. T. Ilurphj m„l

    Iwile. 1','inii,' Min|,|i> in,' |.liniiiifTs Mi-:- < i., in And. : ■. i li;.- i ii r and W. J, Tripp I. detendsnf, I mil

    .• p., -in. ,i, ..in, lilt: BlIFI KCToll on Monday, tin IWh day nlJaauari, to learn typ, Ming. Tht. ■*.» tt&ffi^iSXK three yonog ladlM now iu our blghwt bidder for ea»h live (ollowlng s«' prinllug room and were Ibid theui real property m>wll t»ne parrel ol excellent einployw. laml l.»mi; ami hcini; in i ontenlnea

    ItownsalPj I'm con ni\. adjoin Ing tlw W. F. irsnliug lefl this moru-:lauil« of .1 l;. Mel*«whoii, fleiir)

    for marloi... -hero be will ™$g«>& J-JJ 'g , -* M'bls tin- Ill ■     llfj I . In, '

    lag niake In- Inline ami engage in Hie] piaiioe of la.. Greenvillt regrei. | to lose bun lull uiKltei. linn gieal . success iu lb. "Queen ell)".

    Mr. .lohn'D. f.arilen came up Irom llreenvlile lo spend Christ- i.ia- with hla mother In lltimleraou. Hla friends havo lieen espeetlng to have invasion to congratulate him upon thai mutt interesting and im I

    *'. f II 1,'HIMI LVillllutsaliiliet

    until llrey have liet'ti voted otil. On* does nol ask a good man If be loves viiiiiri'. UN character Is answer. One who believe. In thei lienpleof N.M'II Carolina will say Hi. people ilis.ii.' H a il..-, .h ami lie Mill mil ask Ibe |it'.i pie to prove Ibis, bai will bid the saimui iiii'n dliprove ii This >- lust what paragraph foui calls for. li is fair; ii is rtprasentillve, il I.I rraannalilej li is only ajiisl ree'g- i.Hi..n ul llir palleiice ul tut' ia! li.ii','. of North Carollinii it pre-

    la then with th. opportunity

    Uml Ihey have long watted for lu their name we ash for this recognition and thia opporlunits i.» \ ludleate Iheniselv. - am! Iho .■ vi ii" i, ■peel 11..-in

    .l.i.iii reed m MJ •'


    A Year!! '.

    »! Big Store enjoyed a splendid trade

    the past year, and occasion is taken here to re-

    turn thanks to every one who has favored us

    with his patronage.

    You will find the Big Stock chock-o-block

    with good things for the new year and it will be

    our aim at all times to do the best for our cus-

    tomers. We wish all a happy and prosperous

    new year.


    The liit Store On MV lle,*N. C.



    ivt notice ili.it giind lone a' mj grtal mill "ti

    and I'lnl.i.v ol .."-ii week havluu i ihey wish ire rii|lt. -nil I" Lu -

    This i inH wiH Tuesday 1'elK.iiis

    ground ouly orr these lla.VS, us Ibe null "ill not lie run on other days,

    I'. A. WAYNE, f.nvllle. X. I'.

    — » I " "" .—»- ———^—

    0r. R. 1.. (:*;in. Dentist.




    N. C.

    Headache ?

    Malarial Ever have il? Know all about it? Want to get rid of it? Take Ayer's Malaria snd Ague Cure, d&t *!&&&

    '■i ' ' as*.i . . , i , I,,

    Food doesn't digest welli Appetite poor? Bowel: constipated.- lonBue eoitttl It's your liver I A\ r's I are liver pills; they cure d>. pepsia, biliousness.

    25,. All drutffl.L


    The Refleci or Printing House is talking to YOU—

    nd us your orders for Printing of any dasctiption

    «■ K——.r=s~j BUCKINGHAM'S DYE»r..'iT«Vr. | Largest Print Shop in Pitt County.


  • aaaaaaa*

    t i V iv -


    Continues to miKe Miraculous Cures MAD THIS LETTER:

    AiHOIT A MIRACLE. DlLLOt. 8. C, AUf W'S !•>

    ftafrtianar.^In Baaaumbar, 18a» I too* rbeumal.ua in a wry bad la i * -or. 1 la » WmU >ft«T tke «>aaa*r •tart- Ihidw B;I«* u|* mj **.-... and «o to aaa. 1( coallotaad to (row >orw until raj "tmn and haiid* *rra taadlj Urawu. M aitefe M that 1 would not UM tbcm. Ht >■- -■■ — ■ -- !i- - Ullt,i *** tea* wuolrd ajr alaa. I **a# aa k»:pl«ai aa a taw-* tof naarty Ww«v ni.-uina. Ta- BIIKW of air artaa and last aarr hart and •hrlvclrd up 1 auflV. *>n Jaattt aupiai o»ar waa tr—lafl hj all llffrrau! phyou-taia. in Wet oil. Iii.K.nami ■ttavioB.but oeaa of tfcaa oauld do >>•< an? ■>««. uoUl l>r J P. Eaina.of iMUon. MM to aM aW. aUtoM aaa to trv r»ur " KBarkACina " Ha*ot ■« our i«oui*> of la* laadictn* aaa I baffan to taaa it and In-furf la* flrat U.ttla WM uat>L for it. i aa" ■aasowaaad It to ataara •taca and ti baa cured M Will aaifartbar, that I bcaan to waih mabout a>i rtaya atti»r I baaan to tab.*-

    - - oea*," with UM aid of cmi.ii- ; inabout tar**- ni nth. after 1 U-gar l Caultl walkaaa-ood aaauytxV.*. and "eat back W work again

    Vary truly, JAMBU WILKKS

    mmrnu totaJu

    All Drucgim. or trot exprrv prepiiti «n receipt o: $i DO HBa«k«l Co.. - - Balilmorc, .Id.

    •::. I I

    | ai —pay W«Bt,atafaaafWSlMi •*** ME Don't fail to see me before you buy

    Guns, Shells, Stoves Heaters^ Pumps,

    Locks, Hinges. And anything else in the Hardware Line.

    Your friend,

    LM H. L. CARR fc- affafftatVaaaaaatt^^


    in KM in mm wi OK NEWARK. K. J., iOl'R POLICY HAS

    1 Loan Value, J Otwh Value. .'t Paul up Iimuraiu'e. I Exu-nded ItiBinuin-e that »».rk-* auioruitifally, r». Id Non f< >rfeif atile, '1. Will tie re iui-uifd if urreirc W rwi.l w.ihinou month fftlileyuu

    arc living, or within thrw \rnrr< after lapSa, up-m lataafiMJtOTj *vi«lein* of -iiau.ir.i1'■   M ami pa.Miieut of airears with luienwt.

    Aafter MDDAUl year—7. No KeAtrution*. B. ImtniteblaMe. Dividends are payable at the rtfiriur.inn of the neood and i f ean> Third Eaafrr,

    O: >■ Third rVb-r.

    J» Agents wantpd in all Ml umxrui'ied inriiory.

    JT Wheeler* Wilson M(g Co.

    Atlanta, (iu

    S. T. WHITE, Greenville, N C.

    RHTaHMtftlKD iftTB.

    S. M. Sehaltz. wlwteaaie and ratal) 'ton or an*'

    Purniturc l)e:ilcr f'a-li paUl ftn Hides, Fur. C'«t» m H#*I1. tn Hm re1.*, Tnrkeya, fc>■>•*, Mnat^Hki*, t.y, \\.,-u Kcd, Unttinnn, Oil, I'.iHaM S'.'l Meal and Hull-. ihf ( Itrk of tea HnptTl'ir ''oiirt of I'itt county, OH «i,.. I7lh day of 1».-. n,,'..,. [MS, no- *i*"f i* Mian* ^'ivfn to ftll |MT' pli-ad inl.gr ofthfll ■aeviar/i AH |trr^i.n'« IIHI'-II'MI l ■.»!') .«•.-'•: wilt initkf* Myraent to UM'

    TM-. thf AHh flar i»f Daoanbnr. IMO. JHHSE CANNON,

    *■■'>!'- :• ri,ni'i■•.*r-.i•

    "Lou iffa when mt-n were weak ind anlm.iis wore hlg and atrons a cnlel tt tho ro

    "Af:« vralfclnf :iti daj lb nan a deer and aaol m It unl iti< arrow waa tnm^i aalde and irtmndeil i nmnntaln !lnn. whi.ii «.. a|a afwr the life

    "He ran aimoai eahaaattal, and when be f«-lt til* atrenirtli RltlnR waj h fell to the RToaod, ralltug on act quickly. «o he aeratened in- fool and •prinkM hla I.|O.K1 orer ti" atao

    "Now. yon tn"«t know that no anl- «nal will en of Inn bear »r |a*tfl of hla bloo-l Bo when tbe linn rnebed the man be atoallod the itlocal and nienei ■way hut na he did ao « ftajt arraoal tin i.i, o of ihe muii lo.i\lhu th nmrka i-f bin CWWa mi UM blom! -tm grrnl fm-c.

    ■•aVhi-n the man found Unit ho waH uninjured he WHH ao thinkful thni lin left the hhxKl to dry on hla face and BOter waaaed it at all, hut lefl it untH It !"•■■: off.

    "Whero the rtewa of u» HOB atraptl It off taata were murk* Hint turned brown In (he -ii- and whrrr laa blood atayad OB It «n- liRhter Now all tn^n paint their fticrg thnt way With blood and gernne It off In itreata when Uwy liuoi or |0 to war."


    [C.'i'Ticril. Dm, b- J « II .mngten 1

    Haw | id v H iioa ii I'll bta lack. 1 ula of the right kmd were. g BcamtH and the Km-nnilaar » • oi nipptnai (he

    nl WAK not i< eaoaot i. p iklorluc inthahir. i> iud n ■   b ■      pal aa R B> -(,.■ Mf ■'! * ■ ■■■:( n* ■ 

    r,.,i- which no* Mm keyo ■ i p rrita of

    I ;: i »:»at ■     ■ " . ra wll Kntn had p't the HMjl

    Big bund »a» i - a ■- -. - .■ . . ■■»■_,! to follow Hi. liau ot letli if. t^en • lien :h >j wi ra

    mil l" atwidkl Due - ■' U • um I I all (Ntliil Ii U'kUtarda i'1... - ia i i aw when aeoaiHl tha

    .1 atrict ai'hool in aoutav ,. • ■. .i :':■■ t - !■:■ luted ;. dark

    « iHaptta wophed .nit

    Mil .: -'.n as lie atrod K the • : - n nerinaj in hlnwcH ahowt id *ern ' "i ('"'ikv He bad

    t hi. , , I,*I... material 11, toonee, and

    ..,..,... -ii mted with ... abed -hi'-- widen ... i ■ ■■ | a . . eenl ■ >: a • .i" «#>' * : v;-i,;i ' ' ' ' bad \wv, rdnl UauntR *

    ry. At the laal • bnuwr the ha< her bad am yiojrtj irhea ihe dtHiffaioi talked il r« I » :. . H naue upon Mm She had I . iprO 4ia;eh aba won - T uamnted rabbit afoot ad i,..] I* ated ujton tbe na«wnMhed naUfl ■r*a ;

    Sow tli it Hnauiaan »«. - - tin hat thnmrhtv wew lateh lo ■      "^ u Ill 1 ' ■- :

    r of ■ „■■  id ite .:■■'.. wr?

    titiu He di■■ a ■ II pi'ca 'Talk linrd I ■■ mutli red

    I lie I : pnuiler of lau< k»i . "QueenaJ I I ife l«> d rabbil'a fo. i and I , . ■   .

    Tib Ireatle ^^.l^ - - u t:.f ;v.;-lii of lib "; ■ 

    \, .. .... i mul ami a li ii ai» a of UJC rail over which weri ruablas Uie arbeela of Iho Tannon Hall," Ml a abirer throiuii e\i ry a* i ie of Ids body. He yelled rureea. and the ralla sare back a mucklnc aouud lie felt the dull | .:.-: -! wrui In* -- In bla ;irm-».

    -Tw.-iii: fwl of water Ulow." moaned llaonlgan, "and l caa't »wim! I .,. hi . i di ia injarlf lip, even if the train wi aii't here. Well. »-< lonj. every body. Here la the end "f lanea Ran nlgao, l-rn n aeenk artbrt. died a bum."

    IK* dronaii. The .-uid wateracloacd al-out tbe form of the knight Of tba rood. Ttien a moment of aib-m e. god Jnmeg Danobju awoka lia UwofJM be was aitUng "" downy i iiabhaia and around him wn< poured i eooHD| and a crystal Bond. Haanlsan aat holt uprisl't i;' the dark mml «-f the Hock- ing river bottom, and at tout hint fl iWfld two Pit «r iho lawny th***, ybioud were iho lark depth*, .if ibo Mreani

    Prom the lot lire a few feel ahead on tba in rile on then i ine a el.o.\. r ..f flvrj n dulea Tbe n-h box «n« open In tbe glow of tbe 'all- lm: nnrtlclea Uannlgan aaw •■ cr«> ob- jeet Booting on the lido bofore tmu. He pirkeil l( up and ploecd .1 r. wr.i.t- ly in lb< uppei i ■■« :-i ■ r ■ •*< nl

    inns w \I.M:I; II IIIK \UTON


    I*, one w here health ahnutbda. W lib Impure blond three cawnnt he v'"-"' health. With a diAoroVned U\ t U there cannot be HIMHJ blond.

    Tutt's Pills revivify thetorpid LIVI.K and restnre H* natural action.

    A healthy LIVER mcana pure bhn.d ajar* Pure blood mean- health Health BMMal happiness,

    lake no SubMltutc. All liruRfcista.

    jj Bridepom's Ears .. ial l

    In HH- onod ..id dayw when vw Tork wa« • lUed Sow v • rdaia U r lived lb Bowling Ph Pvtcho ■- iJerrM ten ii i, arhowe

    innehi woo Ihe appk - -' kanaka waa -1 awl her

    II . . : .ii i.lit.- That be

    -u. HUH : ied nin.'h

    . r tl i* and bad very little !>• n the ok o of i httataaad

    i. K . E ere la 1M for ..... n ■' ; ■    Rj •;..' Ton

    i ■   . el ilk inj wh ra ren l'i ■'■ ;■   -•! Si ^ \.rk The l«« tflw « i ■ mapra ,n

    - .to.- day ... !'. rk Wr*ih ; .■-irtnor

    ,. ...,,. neugjb m be ma--

    The Departure of Si

    - . . 1 • ■  ■ . -

    ■  • ■  la . • ' - . - . ■  1 - •■  ' ■  - : ■ 

    M ; out a. ill. I"

    king ,r- Which w*r*

    • • , ■' n bta ■Mar

    -i. rceood . i« da with

    aha; 1 ■ " " ■    I ' hi] aal I, Aimeha if What do

    .... . i .;... .. ■. • .. . : B * n art b) maro'lna . _r • . I« in> OaUffbbn *

    E *H ■! Y ; ■ I * * B

    .,; • - ■ TlW II " !

    I', . ■- ». rv ■ abavl It,

    i:. . : r • ■■    ■ ii " ■•■.: the matter, thmigb ;..: ib.. i trtdd n.'t And "i

    11 « " ' » I it waa no. deformltj that irtoihled her o: thai id I I »B - I" r »''■"" l,e

    ■v >thing llowerer, br naM no atteatwai lo >':»

    f. UK •■•:.;■_-. i... I»» lib • I '■ ' auJ :* waa im nged lartween blm and T-.. !• down i«* !. it r • 0 lob. ■ 

    : " ■'

    f - ' .

    : ■ 

    (thi > "ereol

    Cfl :■ 

    1 ■. .'-• ' T

    mr^ *iawng.

    Rlre atutlliiK for roust chicken or tur- key is ponaldorad preforoble to tiw nan* al bnadcniaiba To prepare It brown one chopped Onion ID n tableipiainful of baiter and mix with it four eopfola of cold tallied rlee and one rupful of hfoadcrnaiba itmt bave boon inoartened In one rujiful of milk. Kmscn tilth wage, pnraley "r ofber IWlMtl herha. :ia dantroA Add hair n pannd of omaage meat or finely chopped aalt |M»rk -ind aall and pepper to taste.

    I'rabablr Tria, Wgliaith—I wonder whnt uinkea old

    Gotroz .in ^ HO -1. .:■ .,.;. Monroi- ilia pride, my boy. WaUab-Why. hnw'g tlatT Monroe -lira afraid hla ruatomiro

    will uilatnke him for oue of hlaclcrka— CUlcago Nawa.

    AW KIWI on Mala.

    "In a general wa) I approve of ralna," wild tba gmmp) peroon when he reached home nfter a dromblng.

    . "They arc n line tUlbg rcben Ibcy i"ome decenlly and In »,-ui"l orderM-an be placed lug onbreUa where it would

    | drip on the parlor carpel hul 1 want I to JM on record riylit now" removing

    hla s.K'ity new bat und -a;i;r.itod coat— "an declaring 1 am o|»poaed to tbeae

    j ralna that beRin on tin day before yeo- lerday and keep coming*'- (ailng at hla eight dollar bWUaWO, whii li romrnbled dlabraua. "It wouldn't he MI had." ha renamed eg be took big aboee off and let tbe water run out. "if it rained atralght down, hut when It rulue alg- sag und up and Crooewlea and eataeor nera It'a time |o protoat A dod gaatod day like Ulla boa DO right to ho on tba calendar" and »o on until he got to bod, Kirhaiige.

    TA'aaa't l.»«Ltnu For Thai Raa. HuperlnteudiDt of tbe Itallruud Com-

    pany—So you Want n Job aa flreman, eh?

    Applicant-Yea. air. Superintendent I'll have to ngk yon

    a few ipiestiona. How fur la It to tho north |K»|eV

    Appllcnot~ih «W

    :•>.. fi* the |iun"b*e of beiug Rvory pretaarattoii «»f auaoo wedding the parbw aweeg

    .. j ■ ugj ; iu i id kitchen .■..BW» *....!i M* »*Wt In the I«M yeara he ua* wllb ll- ho put in HUH*- bantha of bm that n ihe gaardhoaae l inn- dirTi-iciii ...urt» marttal *.it on ;>im and Boutetkvd bitii t*> nrtaoa km tor aoroe reawon the PudHggai wtwr „i araya ro\..kiii A bundoed different tunes in- waa ilareatcnt'd with bokag

    .....■■ , i real wo* nev- er rurrkd Inba eseeathwi He waa ex- eaunod by the anrjievow am! t. - AM rharge reeoii mended, bin he beat them nt UM gan ■ lie wna ^. ■ into the ea reny*a r«untrj ovllli ibe hope that bo would be raptored hat be alwaya aqueaked thriMagli He waa Real artth ih. loam--.-- with ihe hop, thai UM DHUO0 woul.l end Ma . aroor u ith llioir

    hoofa in" not a f«t eior reached Mm JP'J fight.and nglil weatbnt bewunM ; : pu) ci lei- Horti e thor*! two yeara be wrer di iie-l a alaglr lime or had fl afMdO M bla hand lie nov.r atood aonlry lor on boar, and if be re main.) « pa k.I It WOO be. ails.- be pred rood to

    When s. bad been defying tbe CnH rd states for two l"tti yeara, be b> came dawoaragod, Tlw kvad waa be- coming tis' hen\y for Mm Pbere o m ■Aaa rnaaora to 'i t •'''•• t tnol the neat .inui martial nmrid land Mm at tho l'ry Tortugaa ' he hod bfengbl Bbont, and lie wont Whether IH> went norm L,.»f Rnuth or weat no man kuowa lo lb** do* «» bu wuj uevir heard of aflu thai nlgnl

    U IJI'AP.

    A Tlnia n| IVrll. I'tfi lam | Iv - . i IVLOO New

    ffear'a day la •ofVI) met >■ hli • 'n Veaj u bj a aaddeulng a mil

    , »ersn11 | rim ».i ol. I d< i. i mean thai , Clarote '■ und I «lwa i liarv a MerbJ

    quarrel Mighoeiiii liii|iro*eiucDti In iiuli .it... i■'.- . undue!

    A KLEPTOMANIAC lOrlgaaaq

    'Ton profca* t" love aw Aceonllng p> poor idea of have, I prranrane ynaj da, Any kind nf hoe will do before mar Hope, but n mum u- a atroag devn foil that will eUttd the fanlta and COantea of a Bfe portarr."

    "You win never rJnoo a fnoai ken |n.rniei,.ua ' eae la bear with."

    ■Vou don't knana m> fault-" "If yon poaai'*** till Ifcore arc in ttie

    illCtmnary. 1 .-hall allll lore ynn al waya.'

    "There ore fault* thai com.' from a pbyatcaJ dateel, Owe may bave a poo alou for gambling for dnuk. for a noaajher of liren. nay one of which ia racited t'j en ahnonaal brain eandi tion snpo.M nfior nmrrlngie ynn should tiud BM anfferlng from aotne thhaj like tin*"

    "I -iiuuii ea all tn in) powfe to pre tool rOB from the OOOM'ipMnCO* of yonr di'UCk'iicj "

    1 trn-d (a bring tier t» a aVcwhrn. hut l eonM Mot. and 1 wao ahttged lo leave her without either a i"c«" "i .. ' So " 1 did not oanht that ahc -uftor.d from aonio eaeh raoaa' aa Bho bad n.cn- BenaJ Ih mgh i ke* a i "aa not drink and 1 dhl not I lm»e it to bo gambling She bad named Ihcee aa lllustratloii-

    \\> were in t:-e aaua< auaaaaer hotel on u beantlfnl lake it ana toward the end of the noaoOB, and no ui"*i «f the gue-i-. had been Unve for tt\e or M\ vck- ue gprro all :n-|uainied ujio aftemnnn uc were li-i-nuc in mmnc In Ibe parlor when Ihe i.mdlr' NHaeed and anatuuneed thai "f the gotot* bad Mrt i ilaaldc ;■ wel Tin norrenla bad laeew -iiiiii.-i and aoth ir.g found Uouhl erery giwaM eon wni to the ..doc pio,.--- rtie qnea non wea pel lo a *oio ind ran led


    "Iho duora w. ie l ■ kod and la*B . d HI \\ in), it waa g-ti.g Ml on ih- R ii I Uved and itrt^l thai ahraovor tlw

    ra came iws i bet aWe naorod A fid t had t»vii -.ireh.-l -h*

    od atOOd I--- do mo 1 felt her

    Sydnor & Hondley. Richmond, Va.

    The Greatest Stock ot Fine and Medium

    Furniture in the 5outh.

    Correspondence Solivited.

    7te=7H=713 E. Broad Street,

    Richmond, Va.



    To ■gaanMgatWaa, Contain New VtOl ■■' B .emeu.. bta 1 -..ri cold ami giln Put „n aoma i lolhi « ■    - .. • ai- b*r*j Ton h ' 1.1 half • nough i ■ weai Tli . ii. > g.r ■ . h. eogal la . I*ar, Th* world a your ciya.M Si « faarl

    > m. .go Tilbona

    Blnrb an liana Bradda tloh.g to make nnj ROW rea

    Ollll'otia tllla Volir BpikM? Bplkafl Sen .ao -■ I -hauld aay not.

    |*n a->i I lut "f eld onea I've never oaed. by io*e|

    it ii la tier to rpare Ibt rod and K|M>II the child than epoD the child by ualug the IfMl lou uiiicli.- 4'ble.igo NfWa.

    Wroaanpoi nrraii hraag. break

    No nnt ' - waraa of iha ■«■ Only ih* i. -..:..c. . a

    Tbgi UM fooliah maO« ah, ma' -H .- Kiaar

    Aa i.i.i.a aa "■■. - "How iil-.i.I thime BOPd f.iailullolU

    you uikde the Umt or the year';" "Ob, tha «re -tfJl good.'-rjgitttt Bet

    i IVEK »¥r. k'lei rttooiiHi R \, Myrro lra»f

    W n-hin lent dail>, eanv1 Sunday, alba, in lag lirot-nvdh-, leavea Ornei vilhr d.itl\, roaaMd Sunday, al IL* in lor vt Hshingrmi.

    l«miieaHiug al V\ •ahiagioi a Ith Stcaimer* for Norfolk. Hatliuioro, I'biladclp-bia. New York Kiwton, Aurora, South < i*:(*". p in hi'iaiom " noiowod " OtS p m iron ami Ar IVnder l.» J.Xi p ni llakieml" Weldun " 3 l.'i p n» I flo p rr Ar Norfolk (aV|M> • "•

    b 44 p ra *-:.>■   v:, . f .. M" a Bl ' Ifi p m " Kichmon.r " B:iC a in II ki|im " w »■                " 4:J0 a m «;|& in" New York " 9.i"> j- m


    arareku nu BJ i I anon M>an bei away eaene ; hand H|raln«t mlm I ahr |da*o*i wdthin it a ouiaU law i In n she OHM loi ... in Hi. b*1 I eowld IMM tell which

    All waa dear t- nw nnw The fault abe would ii..! name waa alerdomaate.

    It u.oiid he iiiip>-.tido i. iiroertbe my em..' MU When I t. It |wr i».i->lng the is'l. 4. i ■ ■: i a* if I had U-en bitten by a rattlevnake hevrrtlielewa for her '.ike i t.s.i. ti and concealed it. When she handed b.-r ;.pi«.,i I had ,.-.(! .■■■.! the attiuilbm «hw ygja not a ihof f..i mini aht .-'«;.• >«■■ m- ppe waa RnpoHrd be do ao HAM think of a

    i a ilefoet in hla iniinm>iuy kmtw- mri bha nwiW iw aee U|NH1 boewagf,

    i named, looked

    J. -. DEI, I DKAI.KK IS

    m | IIS 1 -xgy-

    -A (iKNKHAL LINK 1>F—

    m ■ Hi AlM.auirr I.in*ofH»rdw«r».

    OOaJg T»» SKK UK.

    j. R. ooacr.

    M .'1 l.r H.vk* Mount 10.37 pin J Oi |» m Ar itilaoybio mm pm

    Augukba >i' e m k'horlaobm 6 1" a m II IS pm

    " Savannah %'M a in S:(k» a m .»'■»•■   e» t 1:12 p m • S" a m Tampa |0»aj pm *:ld a u

    " Thnmaaviilo |fl:.Vani MunlatOaatr* fl M l ni

    man ;n Peptlllg Ml i wito. aah •"'« up'Hi lug that at an* Ualde to biing diag bim. their cluldnn: out through a wlUdoW ale! -In-ok .on hoitive|r Mi soul waa wedded to tbia woman, and i aadfergaj the mine aa If abe were abready mj wife.

    Some one notched mv shoulder, and I lurneil. she wa* looking up nt roe, her eyea iuh »f ifgUlude and love. Thoeonieh aaa ended Ihoaoura a erg open, aad the gwrati oeru louviiig the room, The Jewel bad not UCOa found

    "''ouie." alie auiid. "f.-r n walk." Mechanically I Mlowcd her Ie the

    I margin of the lake She atepped into : one ..f the cedar rowboata there, and il a«tfi-re*l after her. ahe taking ibe j tiller. I Ibo vera, \ pulled »wnr from Ibe shore, and ab* -IiaTcl Ulp ho..

    |gero*a Ihe lake toward a point whore a bed of raabeo brow htgber than a muii- 1 1 I felt sure that abowouM Inba on. b) cuiie coneeeled a|ad whew she could rrpooooaa ihi aioion MWO| Was ii a proclivity of klipli>maui:i" otdte LavHW. ihb a an «Blatea thai i- aabna. il

    Ik. hcarMaai l«vaH uihc tea

    'ticall. lntlWI l«- S O.ciin. aatCyraa R Wataaa, »nh aa

    ipelvrptlt'l" ad cant ag.' '"' •**•! I This loaka like I. i> ha] I "

    ..! \ aatla,


    Otarawta to k^*i' you aara while vou »:ilk. ridr or tnivel.

    The nctice ollti's ni ■ (I i 't i» welghU.

    The walkinp man'* short eoata The ci.iiserviitive man's medium

    lcngliis. The (ssliionable ■aa'alotia coats

    ThMtuotl i.ietid .... .....I nights and stormy davs-llst. ra. la Minor fuadorexooata. Ifaeaaj t.. match ....r

    ,,rices, hnt von OaB'l match o«.r overcoat* and prices at

    the same time- try it.




    1>, favoritism t.«ai ... li 1 ! ' ilellill.l- .'I UV • < ■ I - '■"

    n„. i„... . ..:..i- ..i Ike

    S.irtti < am it a 1..1 road have •!.■• 1 H-Ual -' no BOB" . »

    .. 1 nl .i. |n : 1 1 :

    ,. ., Mall hi « l:. - in « ill

    •I, ||vi 1 Ik* nialhot ia M apoathrnn ..-i « nfll

    .1 Ihe hull i> 1 ' ■•

    Grecnakora ami Ik* M 1

    ilonn .ni the rapttal wltfc

    . ..• B|l


    vi 1

    .. tl.

    .•I the ^senate. Ml. M ni pli} I

    v..nu.- lawjci.ageathMMM aad a ,.,

    .li mucrat. ami we ar* sun- n.

    ll.il. .. ni.tv. To; and

    f 1 ial*. counts. 7 1 H

    Banator .1 M. lauati "I rayrtte

    ville. alllaapfMl IM Baa. laal

    Ovcltnan for the I Blted St.iV-

    senate Seiiaior Uiabkas BtroDK pmhilniioii .S.IIV leii.-ns aii.I it 1-

    expretcd that he will take an

    lliceslecin in winch In- l- add. ., ■ • 1 nl .

    .1- .1 rethrtion

    llroolieeoillily l-«ellle|.li-ei .. I

    in ibe legislature by Boa. Krt 1 (.111. Mi 111 1.1 Iroad In ighl

    ■eived a "dun fol lili.nev'' lllilll Ihe newspaper men Mill bin the tVnrslmrg. Sol « rod

    Hi. Inn,...- was touched We had Wridon Steam Compau) has , what s.llilial evpen.i." la-en ii.cipmal.-d with W . I.Iou as

    ..tha Baptist minlstei recently headqiiaMcrs rhecapitalM.a-k is While tbare renmt uwliod.i HO.ntKl with powei ca.c to

    ,,„l wall for lulls llu last majoiil) TIIHJ.I Ih* eom|M ) ■ - 1 will not pay until tliev^ 1 riglu lo oneiale sleamt.sii - 1 v.-.l n bill. In lo* in .ml ni'"- Ik* aaterw .f North e ■ .. \ 1 nearly eveiyom wait* iinlll 11 lull glnia. tin and ihcChc-u

    I. le.'elve.l. We I Wish ll Deakc BilJ

    were ollierwiwe. 11.1- la-iug s,», lulls inu-i lie -11.i

    unl I'll"! II111-I la--"111 "III 01

    limits w ill ii.-1 1 Ilcclcd. and

    . I... .mil wi I hillua . ..'

    . . ' Its .11" ' --' lUl '"

    , , — lllli 1 ,.| K.c.nilei

    Jaiuary Clean-Up Sale. nii.t.ihof Jaaaar* »a intend to give th*

    ■•unity to replenish the r table- ,1. 1., -ail,• in the center of our store you

    will lin. 1 .1 in' of ."I.I I 1. "s of China and Qiissware

    \\ , 1 I 1 - . 1*1 you have tkla AT COST, as «»

    avial • net dear of these old pieces, laoaa g.nvla

    i foi .:i-li only at laws, prices. N 6*. sure to

    ,.,:„•. bo k lu this lot you viill nod

    |" -. IHahes Ciii-.m.l Saaceia, I'ows. Tuuiblera,

    1..1 .-.. ,\ - ot is Halted, l-ttt «ale will cou-

    . ... : .■. aa*i ■- Woarafolasja. do tka -nu." lii-tii--- • l'i. ..ni stock of Kiuits. Nuia. Caa-

    - ,'.. r,n.-t inix.ii mil* It cl* per pound,

    1 sells fi-ui U to aSota will be .old

    1 -.- .•- Plain candies ?eti per pound. Applaa,

    This -I-. 1.1I sale will aoaWMMa

    Jan 1st. 1 ''-' It, 0:1 lime to gather in sonic of these

    , ns. Then baa neon a loi of new goods added

    ,. 1; 1 -• k since the holiday trade, and ll

    ., « , .,-.,.... N, matter how hard

    ,„u are to suit, »•■ -. suit yon ll you want good W 1 , ni 1 v a large stock of lop grade

    nt I irnituie to please the most genteel, rattaad

    . . . -\ Suits . li! Bedsteads. Hureaua,

    ,:.;., ,,|J( i,n.--. Com lies. Hal! Backs, Bida-

    .. Whit'-Knaineled li -n IWda, Ac. 4c.

    1 1... rd l.j .- 1 • t II i-nie of the little tots eJ-

    i-l,.,... A:, I - in.- limes of older folks. Wintry

    wind raise havoc won lender skin.

    The i.uinii bought im 1}

    merchant and paid surelj •>!• • n.viiieii wllhoiil any]

    urging wi..;,.. 1. A bill was c>

    i.leiice lliat Im-t tn al an end. Hul Ihia -lav has pa-i.l Ml 1

    im-t eaeh .dhei 1- mneh .1- ever. Hut iHlH have a ill. IWlt -

    licams' and are more nu. —ov.

    They an-not * sign "'' ili-'in-'. 1 inn 1.1 iin* need In 1 olleci aiimi 1- i'ln. a-nrld "- fii'tei «!

    lUOIie. nill-l ll •'» I i-'.-l: pi'-li- ale -1.111I and ei.llielloli- Illllsl 1"

    pi.ilnpl lo sav,- inteie-l and dl-

    i-ounl. A in in wrote a new-papel m in

    in lln-iitv last seek Ikal Ii" » i-

    eigbty. year* of ■•-> ■>■ .1 had 1 evet

    Falrbank's Glycerine Tar Soap I 11- -. ,.it,-.- in. akin ol all impiiriiies,

    then lu.ii- n il -."'llu- and keeps 11 s..tt and

    velvety. Wekaveotfcet soap., too, from

    Cashmere II i.ini to ike efeaapnat that h



    Oar stock iu all departUM4.I* is verl Msurted aad couiprisos the eery

    yon ins.I W I-IIIU.I ■ n- inniv cii-ionicrsapnaqwrouaaad bap- i, \. . \..,.. ... in ...i ;- I., please,

    J.B. CHERRY &C0. Greenville's Great Department Store.


    light the Trait.

    jc.u ami a ball 11" wa- a lii.ii-lnu

    1st by trade ami pal Ike maehlq en in the lam Allicinailc ut | , .

    rh> Gkal Tobacco Hrg.nu.lion harmed to I'lMunuth .taring lh« «»r. rnej"

    smokestack ol ii" klbemarle i- at

    Ibe museum. Thus yea' bj year Hi. ranks ol the men who wore the I-I.IV -low thinner, ami II wilt

    mil la main year, before the. ar*

    il reunited undei Ike Ureat

    t'.inmai >i. i.



    I he l.lli -' inn Ill

    , i Itisloiy" in llu Wale i um

    at liilcigh i- :i I ill do. whn ii is

    |i I iqqi ■ ■■■>■   elk. h III " i'

    in g i in i - •■ "" | tinieii ns m \ 11li t'ai diiiii v ; i in i is

    . - icii.g i-n I I fi i in I in ,e are v.. |MI iheis ... d *i iv es In |he v.. >ii II. |ullI ..I ill" Nule.

    ,,i ,i hvi , ...II in- uie mil ll, i In.in.in - i.i anil

    ml 1 I leinie i

    Up III -il n - I-.I

    20% REDUCTION At B Fleishman & Bros.

    We are overstocked with Kull and Winter goods, mid In

    order to close llieni out to make room for new spiing goods have put the knif.- to prices ami will give SO per cut. He.lnc tion on all these goods. There are bargains hi the prices «•

    are offering ami it will pay you to buy now. Our stork was bought low. and this reduction makes m.r

    prices far Wow what you will have aiiolli.r opportunity to

    buy for. Comn early und gel the betiellt of this great reditclion.

    All winter goods must he disposed of quickly.

    B. FLEISHMAN & BRO., Phoenix Buldlng, Oreenvllle. N. C.

    There i» a feeling al Raleigh Ibal

    something moal l»- duue In regard

    in Ihe liquor question by Ihe i

    legislature. Wa halloee ikal tbe trend ofaentlaieni iud opinion is Inward dlspensaius. and one

    gentleman waa heard lo icier lo the town of Selma as nu example

    nt ihe practical advaotage "f" ll1" pen-in). rMlma is an orderly.

    business like town. Ine Irom Ihe

    .i prominent reanltsof win-kiv

    Thiiiuglilv \i.iui.-il

    We .ue glad i" here II It»* -

    1, would nali/." mil. ihe!»'Bath are ll gkl. n-ns .1 ,.v„.,,i ,., which th. ri-puii.n-.,-., ubjrcl..f celebrating the •■■onih have disappeared ttom Ihe scene, anniveisary itleinenl ..

    one must mingle with Ihe demo. Worth Cam lua'a rtr.l io»n. and

    .nine churls a-the. galhei at ateps will be lak arlj i - Ual.-ign. Not a republican voice year lo .all * ma» n Hngol the

    la heanl: gone, all g ale the c.-i/e. - ..I lien, ..only lo up

    mice, thai used lo !«• heard I Ihe ue.ea*an I .-. >••

    wrannting f"i the flesh pots, ll adlei fund., aeatmlallae Hie lrfg theghost.of nolillcall) decea-eU Isla ■ eh nicer, and place

    republicamt «'" P "' -;"'''"' "" ■'" ' •Waiulir. wream and groan j celebration, llhaaaMnn -"

    imli.l ii ih" mallei aa. properly .brolighl lolhi attentii m ft'o i:n —

    jau appi..piiaii ighl be ->. nred '" ' fmm lhal laaly, ami Hon. .1. II. Small midCland Kilehin will la? \ meeltng ha

    : !•

    liv in. I

    - I I"

    I'll" ll

    I...1.1 in.

    shl.kl > IIII-II.I- fill > li ni ,. i n Ins.tl logi ml I" . use i II , -, , , "ll II-1" -II" I IS -

    nu. ni ihe in ... '. ha

    Dei ri" i Micb,, January 7.— I'l.iminriit Deli ml capitalists and

    men well known in the cigar and

    tobacco business have nearly com- pleted plans fur the organisation

    1.1 a 11,000,000 Independent Cigar

    Tint a light upon the liquor »l« Company to coui.lele with the

    uieul lu the ni.v i- iinmliH.nl no Iruat. J. H. Hrowu, who was head

    .,,, doulii iiom iin- trend of, of the firm of Brown Botbei* of

    affairs during Ihe pasl !»•• weeka. IMrotl when lhat coureru sold out \ ,-.. i.-i.-n.-.- ni iw. i.i. ..I more to Ibe truat laal spiing, is credited

    pi i-nii-ili/i I..11 in Ihe with having WaglBWNd tha deal y i \.:.I.I ii. ii i and lhe> nnd Ihe entire amount of the eapi-

    ,.i,,,l i,, pm iticiiiselrea In Ial stock has alieady Iwen sub-

    im ...in Ihe w-rk of the Ann- scribed,

    I.lquoi l.".i.:iii- ..I Hie stale The' ■- pm | Is In educate public aentt- ' Mi. and Mis. JnO. Slift, No. 180

    mini along lemperance lines, anil Sheffield avenue, Chicago, en th*


    liillul qiiesti

    legislation un ti"- parontaoftwtna. Otieiwinwaslairu

    'Bound il" mansion. ■ thi ii owu," n in t been observed loan} ex-

    I,,,i ii ihe question i- asked •wlnie do Ihe lad-ioliie ml" one

    invariably Ihlnks of a lone bui-i

    said, withbedraggle.1 leathenand

    drooplnn beak, perched upon the

    Hub ol a dead plmJ "" "way out

    Ine. decided I., al lOtHO p. m. on the last day ol

    hold Kliolhei i. i.i" ii tin--anie HHI-J ami along after luidnlght, aa

    i,, v I'riduy night lu i«-i f.-.-t i)0nr or so after the birth o'iiioS. 1 pl.m- i.•! a ma ellngol ihe ihe sei-oud child was bom.

    " i inters ol Wiluiinglon lo be held in The birthday of one i. Itcacmber

    Ihi V ll t A ll.ll linla.v ulght, 31, inoj, and that of la* other

    '-.' Jan. HHb, i" be uhliasseti bj IM January 1. ISM. II,HI,", hni I hey ha. e pawcl an nurjohn A.Oates, Jr ,of Fayette

    ville, ami l»r. McKelway, of C-hat Some Iwiicvolcut people ar*

    I., i, Wilmington Star. [alwaya finding good chance* for the Southern negro to emigrat* to some plai-eor other. Whether th*

    il nil "I


    , pridiihulnv Ihe . in.i street. I'w.

    in. hive Uii-ii closed, ll„.i will have lolw cl.»ad on ro thi ■* who are skeptical as

    ,, HI September, wl he hi Iheao-called milnck) number -. . », -i i.—. IS" B may lm stated lhal Ihlshoc-

    , , , il..o appears in 1903 and all the

    iliiiikiug. and at the-ametime the in an old In n straw Belli. Xo pn.iits from the di«ponsnrv are tear* and mi flowers, If yon pteaae,

    n.e.1 for the supnarl of » Bn* p.. t. U. tn u .«.

    graded «chi»il. Thine is no d.uilil

    that the people an going lo d*. fkPwan:7a»iftn nf mand relief of aom ii. and II Urbanization Ol the legislator* solves Ibe problem, even for a few yeats, it will gu

    .lowii in baton a.iiie nhwat piece of statesmanship wc have had lor

    several sessions.

    lidi I In- iulu.ei-1

    •llleiiieiil of ISIUI .'ii-ln l«

    gei i-i.il lull real In Ihe entire Irj M ashiugton M.—ei .:■ i

    '" ' '""' '". iigui.-s added amount I" 1:1. In th* '"■"'I1""' ' ,th. of February, March and " "'"'"" '" N,.ve.„i..-,..l." thirteenth will be

    '•IK'" '"' ""' '""'"- Bantalng ^ _ •,-„,.,,,„„„ ilural-

    I'he lln

    f 11., i n i/. i - nl' x> ll ,\ "lllllllll -

    negro is the licet thiug (or Ib*

    s.,11111 or noi. il !• yet lo be proved lliat Ihe South Isn't tbe best place

    Inr the negro --tirecii.buio T*le-

    gtaa. .

    iiiiiliilinent a—.1, ,.l

    purpose "i iini-e

    I.i ei eel a


    III IS.I-.

    unlucks '■will

    The senate anil house mil nt i !

    in. Wednesday, ami orgaulsei

    a Cniiti'ili'iaii Hull ll is Ih

    Two tm-.t Vihtrm. ||n|*r*al*il III the move loerec

    Ihe fin/, ns oi the stale are III u>. iniiueni hereto tin mm .

    len-led ill two greal seheiues- the ...lilier- who Tolllulcered from

    onion laud, the "Hi" walei: tin- c.niitii- in.-iitlniicl n WBI Ihe between Ihe states, and to relnter hlacoffin on Dcoembei l», ttW.

    lonal allliel-.lol Ih nnn."! ihe ««*« > - a,,, he-a.s he IIWIMI

    ,.,„kn,nl intend water -a. „., ao! that gallant son of old W.BOOnud prayed for hB Ila to 11 ..,,i,, I ie spiiris until lie could pav till" ih uuuli Hie s.iuuds iiml I lice il. lla'ilav.'leneral .luniiis Daniel. I , .

    rwaaaaaaaai «.'.• of far more who lost hla life In the battle ntHr."««!" "" ■ ""'">' l0 "",-

    An Illinois man i. seeking di-

    ■Win hea luokj orl voice on the ground that his third Charlotte New*, wife hypnotised him before war.

    j rlage. If he did not know tbe as

    Wa Ml,,,. "nl.„e.l, who ,,,,. m-H". >■>-•..■ lime he•» ready for

    a...-,,, I mil., fro. » „. I'n..s„cd I» "unl "'»' hedaerta .11 the

    thp legislature "Ill"*l>1'""""1"1 '" ine LK^iMdiure. MI(( lh(, A.pp«taehBln Nan.

    AHK F I! |i atlenli-ii to details in our Job Depart ment ia shown in lh« high class of work we nie tnrning out. We huve the beat equipped office and do a olaaa of priming hardly equalled in law motion. If you are particular as to the quality of your printing, we want your work. We give you the best.



    Nu mistake will "ie made lu

    .cleclinn of a I'ullcd Slate, an to suei'ii'd Pritiiniiil, for nl gentlemen who aspire to this honor

    are men of great aliillty, iiiiqnes

    ■ limed integrity and faithful de- mocracy. It is pribap* safe M

    i„. with the following officers, Si's I I I

    l*n side. I Pro Tempo!"

    lor .1. A. Brown, oiUulnmbw. Chief Clerk.—J. A. Maxwell,


    than sine Importance Hon. J. [Bpottaylvanla oouil house. II small is iii.- leader In th* light going on in Congreafoi th* Inland water way.- Waehlugtou M in

    He owns three horses and a planta-

    tion ami is pr»N|a>i'i>ii..—Isiulabiirg

    lues. Mr, .'no. t>. Swam, nu iniu.,ii-

    ni the Soldier- llnine al Kalcigh died of pandytlB Tuesday uuirn-i Hear ataoteo a few days ago a iug. Mi Swain was lu Ihceislieth , man M .cars' old, whose wife hod

    Th* girl who thinks too much of year ..I Ins age and had only lieoiijbcou dead but two weeks, married

    Ir.iulile she appeals to bar* gl**a

    him • Philadelphia Inquirer. _

    Mrs. Carrie Nation haa .luaed nrgotial ions for a large residence

    al Kansas City, Kansae, to ha aata

    as a home for drunkard*' wl»*a. The money to establlab th* boa* ^

    was raised by atra Nation on

    recent trip to th* Kaat.

    Heading Clink. T..I. Murph., he.sellwill.,..tgelanyl.odycl.ct.... an inmate ol Ihe Home alH.nl a (« girl of M.