o01) exsultet unto lucifer

Pray Lucifer Comes into Your Heart / Mind Lucifer: The Origin of the Word When we hear the word lucifer, what do we think of? Thanks to Milton’s Paradise Lost, we usually think of the name the Sawtawn bore previous to his fall from the throne of YHWH. The word lucifer appears in the Authorized Version, the King James, although virtually every translation since has removed it. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Yeshah- YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12 But where did the word lucifer come from? Is it in the Hebrew manuscripts? Where the King James says Lucifer, son of the morning, the Hebrew is heilel ben shakhar. Heilel is a shining thing or something that shows off brightness. Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all caps where translated) are as follows: O that I could be as I was in the months now gone, in the days when Ail watched over me, when He caused His lamp TO SHINE upon my head, and by His light I walked through darkness. Yobe [Job] 29:2-3 Its snorting THROWS OUT FLASHES of light; its eyes are like the red glow of dawn. Yobe [Job] 41:18 Ben means son of and can mean direct descent from a person or relation to something. For instance, the ben of Yisra-Ail[Israel] would mean the sons or people that are the nation of Yisra-Ail[Israel]. Shakhar means morning, early, day, dawn, rising light 1 . Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all caps where translated) are as follows: Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the red glow of DAWN. Yobe [Job] 41:18 So we labored in the work, with half holding spears, from the rising of THE MORNING till the stars appeared. Nekhem- YaHu[Nehemiah] 4:21 Taken together, the Hebrew phrase in Yeshah- YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12 means the shining/brightness born of the morning/dawn. What is that shining brightness? It could be the rays of the sun but it could also be the day star or morning star, Venus, which is how some translations render it. Notice that there is nothing like the word lucifer in the Hebrew. In the Greek translation known as the Septuagint, heilel is rendered eosphorus. So even in the Greek, there’s nothing like the word. How then did lucifer get into the Bible? The word is actually Latin. It comes from the words lux (light/fire) and ferre(to bear/to bring) and when put together means bearer of light or bringer of fire. Lucifer is also one of the Latin names for the morning star, Venus. As it turns out, so is the Greek word Eosphorus. At length as the Morning Star/Eosphorus was beginning to herald the light which saffron-mantled Dawn was soon to suffuse over the sea, the flames fell and the fire began to die. Homer, The Iliad, Book 23 And after these Erigenia bare the star Eosphorus, and the gleaming stars with which heaven is crowned. Hesiod, Theogony

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Page 1: o01) Exsultet Unto Lucifer

Pray Lucifer Comes into Your Heart / MindLucifer: The Origin of the Word

When we hear the word lucifer, what do we think of? Thanks to Milton’s Paradise Lost, we usually think of the

name the Sawtawn bore previous to his fall from the throne of YHWH. The word lucifer appears in the

Authorized Version, the King James, although virtually every translation since has removed it.

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the

ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12

But where did the word lucifer come from? Is it in the Hebrew manuscripts? Where the King James

says Lucifer, son of the morning, the Hebrew is heilel ben shakhar. Heilel is a shining thing or something that

shows off brightness. Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all caps where translated) are as


O that I could be as I was in the months now gone, in the days when Ail watched over me, when

He caused His lamp TO SHINE upon my head, and by His light I walked through darkness.

Yobe [Job] 29:2-3

Its snorting THROWS OUT FLASHES of light; its eyes are like the red glow of dawn.

Yobe [Job] 41:18

Ben means son of and can mean direct descent from a person or relation to something. For instance,

the ben of Yisra-Ail[Israel] would mean the sons or people that are the nation of Yisra-Ail[Israel].

Shakhar means morning, early, day, dawn, rising light 1. Some other Biblical uses of the word (shown in all

caps where translated) are as follows:

Its snorting throws out flashes of light; its eyes are like the red glow of DAWN.

Yobe [Job] 41:18

So we labored in the work, with half holding spears, from the rising of THE MORNING till the

stars appeared.

Nekhem-YaHu[Nehemiah] 4:21

Taken together, the Hebrew phrase in Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12 means the shining/brightness born of the

morning/dawn. What is that shining brightness? It could be the rays of the sun but it could also be the day

star or morning star, Venus, which is how some translations render it.

Notice that there is nothing like the word lucifer in the Hebrew. In the Greek translation known as the

Septuagint, heilel is rendered eosphorus. So even in the Greek, there’s nothing like the word.

How then did lucifer get into the Bible? The word is actually Latin. It comes from the words lux (light/fire)

and ferre(to bear/to bring) and when put together means bearer of light or bringer of fire. Lucifer is also one

of the Latin names for the morning star, Venus. As it turns out, so is the Greek word Eosphorus.

At length as the Morning Star/Eosphorus was beginning to herald the light which saffron-mantled

Dawn was soon to suffuse over the sea, the flames fell and the fire began to die.

Homer, The Iliad, Book 23

And after these Erigenia bare the star Eosphorus, and the gleaming stars with which heaven is


Hesiod, Theogony

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When Jerome translated the biblical manuscripts in his Latin Vulgate, he believed the shining born of the

dawn in Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] spoke of the morning star and so replaced the Hebrew and Greek meaning with

the Latin name of the planet. If we were to do the same with our modern day translations, we would

write how you have fallen from heaven, O Venus, son of the morning.

Jerome actually used the word lucifer in several places in his translation. The following are a few examples of

its occurrence as taken from the Clementine Vulgate. Lucifer appears embolden.

Et quasi meridianus fulgor consurget tibi ad vesperam; et cum te consumptum putaveris, orieris

ut lucifer.

Yobe[Job] 11:17

Quomodo cecidisti de cælo, lucifer, qui mane oriebaris ? corruisti in terram, qui vulnerabas


Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12

Et habemus firmiorem propheticum sermonem : cui benefacitis attendentes quasi lucernæ

lucenti in caliginoso donec dies elucescat, et lucifer oriatur in cordibus vestries

2 Kepha[2 Peter] 1:19

Notice that lucifer is used in 2 Kepha[2 Peter] 1:19 in Jerome’s Vulgate just as it is used in Yeshah-YaHu

[Isaiah] 14:12 to replace the Hebrew heilel. Here is the English:

Moreover, we possess the prophetic word as an altogether reliable thing. You do well if you pay

attention to this as you would to a light shining in a murky place, until the day dawns and the

morning star rises in your hearts.

2 Kepha[2 Peter] 1:19

The morning star rising in the hearts of YHWH’s people is a direct reference to Bemidbar[Numbers] 24:17 2

and describes the coming of The Anointed One. The Greek word for morning star in 2 Peter 1:19 is

eosphoros. If you recall, this is the same word used by the writers of the Septuagint to translate heilel in

Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12 and is the name of the planet Venus in Greek. If lucifer is a correct rendering in

Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:12, then it is correct in 2 Kepha[2 Peter] 1:19 also (just as Jerome translates it).

And so we have the first place where Scripture calls Yehoshuah Lucifer. But that is not the only place.

And to the one who conquers and who continues in My deeds until the end…I will give him the

morning star.

Revelation 2:26a, 28b

I, Yehoshuah, have sent My Messenger to testify to you about these things for the Assemblies.

I am the root and the descendant of Dahweed[David], the bright morning star!

Revelation 22:16

A word for the morning star in Latin, as we have seen, is lucifer. So according to Yehoshuah’s own words, not

only will those who follow Him receive lucifer, but lucifer is a descriptive term for Yehoshuah Himself. There is

even more reason to believe that lucifer is an appropriate translation in Revelation 22:16 because the Greek

in that verse is orthrinos aster, which is a Greek epithet for Venus 3.

So in conclusion, Lucifer is another name for Venus, Eosphorus, and Heilel. It describes the second planet,

the morning star. While Yehoshuah is metaphorically likened to it in 2 Kepha[2 Peter] and Revelation, King

Nebuchadnezzar receives this honor in Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14. Sawtawn was never given this distinction.

1Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Hebrew concordance number 7837.

2an early Messianic prophecy: A star shall shine forth out of Jacob and a scepter will rise out of Israel.

3Strong, James, The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1990, Greek concordance number 3720.

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Yeshah-YaHu[Isaiah] 14:1-23 is a passage largely concerned with the plight of Babylon, and its king is referred to as "morning star, son of the dawn". This is because the Babylonian king was considered to be of eloheemly status and of symbolic divine parentage (Bel and Ishtar, associated with the planet Venus). While this information is available to scholars today via translated Babylonian cuneiform text taken from clay tablets, it was not as readily available at the time of the Latin translation of the Bible. Thus, early Christian tradition interpreted the passage as a reference to the moment Sawtawn was thrown from Heaven. Lucifer became another name for Sawtawn and has remained so in many Christian circles due to Christian dogma and popular tradition.

The word “lucifer” appears 3 times in the Latin Vulgate, and never does it refer to Sawtawn/the Devil!

Catholics Pray to Lucifer: see - ExsultetFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exsultet#History / http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Exsultet

Deacon singing the Exsultet

The Exsultet (spelled in pre-1920 editions of the Roman Missal as Exultet) or Easter Proclamation, in Latin Praeconium Paschale, is the hymn of praise sung, ideally by the deacon, before the paschal candle during the Easter Vigil in the Roman Rite of Mass. In the absence of a deacon, it may be sung by a priest, or by a cantor. It is sung after a procession with the Paschal Candle before the beginning of he Liturgy of the Word. It is also used in Anglican and various Lutheran Churches, as well as other Western Christian denominations.

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Roman Catholic English and Latin Text: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exsultet#Roman_Catholic_English_and_Latin_Text

The full authorized English text is given below, together with the Latin original (from the Missale Romanum of

1970) upon which it is based.

Rejoice, heavenly powers! Sing, choirs of angels!Exult, all creation around God's throne!Jesus Christ, our King, is risen!Sound the trumpet of salvation!

Rejoice, O earth, in shining splendor,radiant in the brightness of your King!Christ has conquered! Glory fills you!Darkness vanishes for ever!

Rejoice, O Mother Church! Exult in glory!The risen Savior shines upon you!Let this place resound with joy,echoing the mighty song of all God's people!

My dearest friends,standing with me in this holy light,join me in asking God for mercy,

that he may give his unworthy ministergrace to sing his Easter praises.

Deacon: The Lord be with you.People: And with your spirit.Deacon: Lift up your hearts.People: We lift them up to the Lord.Deacon: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.People: It is right and just.

It is truly rightthat with full hearts and minds and voiceswe should praise the unseen God, the all-powerful Father,and his only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

For Christ has ransomed us with his blood,and paid for us the price of Adam's sin to our eternal Father!

This is our passover feast,when Christ, the true Lamb, is slain,

Exsúltet iam angélica turba cælórum:exsúltent divína mystéria:et pro tanti Regis victória tuba ínsonet salutáris.

Gáudeat et tellus, tantis irradiáta fulgóribus:et ætérni Regis splendóre illustráta,tótius orbis se séntiat amisísse calíginem.

Lætétur et mater Ecclésia,tanti lúminis adornáta fulgóribus:et magnis populórum vócibus hæc aula resúltet.

[Quaprópter astántes vos, fratres caríssimi,ad tam miram huius sancti lúminis claritátem,una mecum, quæso,Dei omnipoténtis misericórdiam invocáte.Ut, qui me non meis méritisintra Levitárum númerum dignátus est aggregáre,lúminis sui claritátem infúndens,cérei huius laudem implére perfíciat.]

[V/ Dóminus vobíscum.R/ Et cum spíritu tuo.]V/ Sursum corda.R/ Habémus ad Dóminum.V/ Grátias agámus Dómino Deo nostro.R/ Dignum et iustum est.

Vere dignum et iustum est,invisíbilem Deum Patrem omnipoténtemFiliúmque eius unigénitum,Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum,toto cordis ac mentis afféctu et vocis ministério personáre.

Qui pro nobis ætérno Patri Adæ débitum solvit,et véteris piáculi cautiónem pio cruóre detérsit.

Hæc sunt enim festa paschália,in quibus verus ille Agnus occíditur,cuius sánguine postes fidélium consecrántur.

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whose blood consecrates the homes of all believers.

This is the nightwhen first you saved our fathers:you freed the people of Israel from their slaveryand led them dry-shod through the sea.

This is the nightwhen the pillar of fire destroyed the darkness of sin!

This is the nightwhen Christians everywhere,washed clean of sin and freed from all defilement,are restored to grace and grow together in holiness.

This is the nightwhen Jesus Christ broke the chains of deathand rose triumphant from the grave.

What good would life have been to us,had Christ not come as our Redeemer?Father, how wonderful your care for us!How boundless your merciful love!To ransom a slave you gave away your Son.

O happy fault,O necessary sin of Adam,which gained for us so great a Redeemer!

Most blessed of all nights,chosen by God to see Christ rising from the dead!

Of this night scripture says:"The night will be as clear as day:it will become my light, my joy."

The power of this holy night dispels all evil,washes guilt away, restores lost innocence,brings mourners joy;it casts out hatred, brings us peace,and humbles earthly pride.

Night truly blessed when heaven is wedded to earth

Hæc nox est,in qua primum patres nostros, fílios Israeledúctos de Ægypto,Mare Rubrum sicco vestígio transíre fecísti.

Hæc ígitur nox est,quæ peccatórum ténebras colúmnæ illuminatióne purgávit.

Hæc nox est,quæ hódie per univérsum mundum in Christo credéntes,a vítiis sæculi et calígine peccatórum segregátos,reddit grátiæ, sóciat sanctitáti.

Hæc nox est,in qua, destrúctis vínculis mortis,Christus ab ínferis victor ascéndit.

Nihil enim nobis nasci prófuit,nisi rédimi profuísset.O mira circa nos tuæ pietátis dignátio!O inæstimábilis diléctio caritátis:ut servum redímeres, Fílium tradidísti!

O certe necessárium Adæ peccátum,quod Christi morte delétum est!O felix culpa,quæ talem ac tantum méruit habére Redemptórem!

O vere beáta nox,quæ sola méruit scire tempus et horam,in qua Christus ab ínferis resurréxit!

Hæc nox est, de qua scriptum est:Et nox sicut dies illuminábitur:et nox illuminátio mea in delíciis meis.

Huius ígitur sanctificátio noctis fugat scélera, culpas lavat:et reddit innocéntiam lapsiset mæstis lætítiam.Fugat ódia, concórdiam paratet curvat impéria.

O vere beáta nox,in qua terrénis cæléstia, humánis divína iungúntur!

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and man is reconciled with God!

Therefore, heavenly Father,in the joy of this night,receive our evening sacrifice of praise,your Church's solemn offering.

Accept this Easter candle,a flame divided but undimmed,a pillar of fire that glows to the honor of God.

(For it is fed by the melting wax,which the mother bee brought forthto make this precious candle.)

Let it mingle with the lights of heavenand continue bravely burningto dispel the darkness of this night!

May the Morning Star which never setsfind this flame still burning:Christ, that Morning Star,who came back from the dead,and shed his peaceful light on all mankind,your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.Amen.

In huius ígitur noctis grátia, súscipe, sancte Pater,laudis huius sacrifícium vespertínum,quod tibi in hac cérei oblatióne solémni,per ministrórum manusde opéribus apum, sacrosáncta reddit Ecclésia.

Sed iam colúmnæ huius præcónia nóvimus,quam in honórem Dei rútilans ignis accéndit.Qui, lícet sit divísus in partes,mutuáti tamen lúminis detrimenta non novit.

Alitur enim liquántibus ceris,quas in substántiam pretiósæ huius lámpadisapis mater edúxit.

Orámus ergo te, Dómine,ut céreus iste in honórem tui nóminis consecrátus,ad noctis huius calíginem destruéndam,indefíciens persevéret.Et in odórem suavitátis accéptus,supérnis lumináribus misceátur.

Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat:ille, inquam, lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.Christus Fílius tuus,qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit,et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.

R/ Amen.

Will You Pray Unto Lucifer, in the Name of Yehoshuah?
