oak level baptist churchthis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity,...

Oak Level Baptist Church 7720 Oak Level Road Bassett, VA 2055 (276) 629-7973 [email protected] www.OakLevelBaptist.org Volume 33 June/July 2012 Spiritual Pygmies As you read this article, most certainly sitting in a climate controlled environment enjoying all of the conveniences afforded you in this wealthy, and most often materialistic culture, I invite you to think deeply on what follows. Somewhere in this world of seven billion souls, during these very moments, a follower of Jesus Christ is being physically brutalized by a group of people who want no part of our Lord or His teaching. Many of these believers will die at the hands of their attackers. For the past hour or more a lone bare-foot messenger has been walking hardened dirt trails deep into secluded mountains in order to share God's indescribable love with a village or community that has never heard the whole story. Some of the villagers, in fact, have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this distant traveler, because they had only heard enough of the story to keep them sitting on the edges of their seats. In yet another part of the world, a missionary sits at the breakfast table with his wife and three children. The electricity is off again, and they've not had a working phone for weeks. The water in the gravity-fed rooftop tank is getting low. They spend time praying for one another and the many tasks that lie ahead, and they take strength in the fact that there is no doubt that they are held in the center of God's hand obediently experiencing His perfect will. At this same instant, beneath the old and majestic arms of a ceibo tree, a group of about 250 gather to hear a pastor teach from the book of John. It is mid-afternoon, and just outside the protective shield of leaves the sun is beating down at an incredible 108 degrees. This church has been meeting outdoors for about two years, and during the rainy season they have to rethink arrangements so they make it through the brief summer downpours. They are praying for the day when they will have an adobe structure with a tin roof that will give a bit more permanence to the meeting schedule. The downpours will still challenge them, but now only because of the deafening rain beating on the tin. On a remote arid hillside an angry mob led by their local religious leaders has just finished bringing a small church building to the ground with their heavy clubs and rocks. They had warned the evangelicals before to stop preaching Jesus and to leave the area "or else". Just steps away the pastor and one of his leaders lie in a pool of their own blood. They will never again meet with their congregation, because they've now joined the swelling ranks of modern day Christian martyrs who have died for the privilege to name Jesus Christ Lord and Savior. Elsewhere a brother has just crawled into his hammock following an extremely long and physically draining day. Through the aches and tiredness he gives thanks to God for his safety as he was able to testify to the power of Christ. In the heat of the night, under the veil of his mosquito net, he will drift off to sleep in anticipation of tomorrow's new adventure. And while all of this happens around the world, as we breathe gently and take ease in our abundance, a quick inventory of our situation reveals that for the most part we are producing another generation of spiritual pygmies in the United States of America. Now if we were supposed to be of small spiritual stature, this would be no problem, but God's purpose for us is that we grow to be mighty men and women of God, even giants of faith. With massive monuments to our religious pursuits and billions upon billions of dollars invested in external decorations and creature comforts that cater to our personal desires, we must admit that we have it extremely easy. We'll not wonder about where to gather with the brethren this next week, nor lose a moment's rest worrying about or facing persecution of biblical proportions. Our greatest struggles will likely come when we are offended by brother so-and-so who criticized the way we set the thermostat or failed to return all of the stainless steel kitchenware to its proper place. Instead of dealing with climate, impassable roads, flooding rivers, extreme poverty, and bandits waiting to attack, too many of us will come up with newer and better reasons to rationalize our failure to share Jesus in our beautifully landscaped communities among a people group just as spiritually lost as the tribe or clan 8,000 miles from here. “SHARING THE JOURNEY”

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Page 1: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently

Oak Level

Baptist Church 7720 Oak Level Road Bassett, VA 2055 (276) 629-7973 [email protected] www.OakLevelBaptist.org

Volume 33 June/July 2012

Spiritual Pygmies

As you read this article, most certainly sitting in a climate controlled environment enjoying all of the conveniences afforded you in this wealthy, and most often materialistic culture, I invite you to think deeply on what follows.

Somewhere in this world of seven billion souls, during these very moments, a follower of Jesus Christ is being physically

brutalized by a group of people who want no part of our Lord or His teaching. Many of these believers will die at the

hands of their attackers.

For the past hour or more a lone bare-foot messenger has been walking hardened dirt trails deep into secluded mountains

in order to share God's indescribable love with a village or community that has never heard the whole story. Some of the villagers, in fact, have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of this distant traveler, because they had only heard enough of

the story to keep them sitting on the edges of their seats.

In yet another part of the world, a missionary sits at the breakfast table with his wife and three children. The electricity is

off again, and they've not had a working phone for weeks. The water in the gravity-fed rooftop tank is getting low. They spend time praying for one another and the many tasks that lie ahead, and they take strength in the fact that there is no

doubt that they are held in the center of God's hand obediently experiencing His perfect will.

At this same instant, beneath the old and majestic arms of a ceibo tree, a group of about 250 gather to hear a pastor teach

from the book of John. It is mid-afternoon, and just outside the protective shield of leaves the sun is beating down at an

incredible 108 degrees. This church has been meeting outdoors for about two years, and during the rainy season they have to rethink arrangements so they make it through the brief summer downpours. They are praying for the day when they

will have an adobe structure with a tin roof that will give a bit more permanence to the meeting schedule. The downpours

will still challenge them, but now only because of the deafening rain beating on the tin.

On a remote arid hillside an angry mob led by their local religious leaders has just finished bringing a small church building to the ground with their heavy clubs and rocks. They had warned the evangelicals before to stop preaching Jesus

and to leave the area "or else". Just steps away the pastor and one of his leaders lie in a pool of their own blood. They will

never again meet with their congregation, because they've now joined the swelling ranks of modern day Christian martyrs

who have died for the privilege to name Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

Elsewhere a brother has just crawled into his hammock following an extremely long and physically draining day. Through the aches and tiredness he gives thanks to God for his safety as he was able to testify to the power of Christ. In the heat of

the night, under the veil of his mosquito net, he will drift off to sleep in anticipation of tomorrow's new adventure.

And while all of this happens around the world, as we breathe gently and take ease in our abundance, a quick inventory of

our situation reveals that for the most part we are producing another generation of spiritual pygmies in the United States of America. Now if we were supposed to be of small spiritual stature, this would be no problem, but God's purpose for us

is that we grow to be mighty men and women of God, even giants of faith.

With massive monuments to our religious pursuits and billions upon billions of dollars invested in external decorations

and creature comforts that cater to our personal desires, we must admit that we have it extremely easy. We'll not wonder

about where to gather with the brethren this next week, nor lose a moment's rest worrying about or facing persecution of biblical proportions.

Our greatest struggles will likely come when we are offended by brother so-and-so who criticized the way we set the

thermostat or failed to return all of the stainless steel kitchenware to its proper place. Instead of dealing with climate,

impassable roads, flooding rivers, extreme poverty, and bandits waiting to attack, too many of us will come up with newer and better reasons to rationalize our failure to share Jesus in our beautifully landscaped communities among a people

group just as spiritually lost as the tribe or clan 8,000 miles from here.


Page 2: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently

Saturday, June 23

8:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

For all Children ages 4 and up

Under 4 must have an adult with them

Bible Stories, Crafts, Activities

Learn Life Applications

To Register call Peggy Morris at

540-489-8577 or the Church Office at

629-7973. (Office hours are 9:00-1:00, Monday –


In contrast to a people who sit on logs and spend hours in the dust and heat for the blessed privilege to worship God,

fellowship with the brethren, and learn new and exciting truths from God's Word, we will draw angry battle lines in the sand, invent lies about other Christians, and rarely read (much less study) the Bible to see what God is saying in a

personal and intimate way. As long as we can look busy and stay moderately active inside our buildings it matters very

little what we do or say on the outside.

This will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many

acquaintances will repeat even more frequently that well-known refrain, "I don't need church, because I'm just as good as

they are." Shamefully it's not their goodness being called into question but rather our badness. They don't need church,

because we are as bad as they are.

This is not rocket science. Many people do not recognize our Christian faith or seek out Jesus for the simple reason that

we do not love as we should. Jesus said clearly in John 13, "This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you

have love for one another." If the lost are not coming to Christ we must accept the responsibility in great part, because we

do not love one another. Who wants to be part of a body that fails to patiently love the very members of the church or is

just as dysfunctional and ill-behaved as the family or group of which they are already a part?

2 Timothy 2 instructs the diligent believer, "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same

commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." This is an oft quoted verse designed to encourage and motivate us to the great task of teaching godly principles and truth. Unfortunately, the concept may be applied in a

destructive way. We are raising countless numbers of spiritual pygmies in our congregations, because the negative and

harmful things we see and hear are being passed on to other less faithful members, "who shall be able to teach others

also." Instead of a beautiful design always being applied for holy purposes, there are far too many in our churches

teaching and learning wrong attitudes and behavior. This ugly cycle is repeated from one generation to another resulting

in spiritually impoverished churches with more and more of our children electing to no longer associate with church. In

this sense we are losing the battle on two fronts, decay within and disinterest without.

God is our only sure hope. Until we strike out on a disciplined journey with the Lord, moving beyond the pablum, soft lazy chairs, and selfish comforts our affluence brings, we will not know personally what it means to "attain to the unity of

faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the extent of the full stature of Christ, so that we may no

longer be infants, tossed by waves and swept along by every wind of teaching arising from human trickery, from their

cunning in the interests of deceitful scheming. Rather, living the truth in love, we should grow in every way into him who

is the head, Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, with the proper

functioning of each part, brings about the body's growth and builds itself up in love." (Ephesians 4:13-16)

Lord of Heaven and Earth, impress us heavily with the imperative to "grow in every way."

Rev. Steve Manuel

Page 3: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently

July Birthdays July 2 Tracey M. Foley July 3 Brenda Ferguson Lena Gardner July 5 David Turner July 7 Verna Shelor July 9 Violet Frith Sharon M. Hall Della Chapman July 10 Billy Young July 17 Jesse Cannaday July 18 Brandi Barrett July 21 Imogene McMillan July 22 Betty R. Martin Edna W. Amos July 24 Jean Swain July 26 Donna France David Keen July 27 Sherri Mason July 28 Scott Judson July 29 Betty Jo Foley July 31 Mike Weaver

June Birthdays June 1 John R. Copeland Susan M. Medley Louise Vipperman Beverly W. Keaton June 2 Penny Martin Andrew Thomas June 3 Lauren Monday June 4 Michael Turner June 5 Lisa Slate Ackerman June 6 Ben Workinger June 7 Linda Poore June 8 Peggy J. Ramsey June 9 Judy Nester June 11 Tammy Lynn Reel June 12 Connie Hale June 18 Jeffrey Ferguson June 19 Brittany Hausley June 21 Barbara Cannaday June 23 Kenneth Keen, Jr. June 24 Alice S. Brown June 27 Daisy Barnes Lois T. Ferguson June 28 Mattie Robertson June 29 Garry Barrow


Oak Level Baptist Church offers DVD’s

of the weekly Sunday Worship Service, free of

charge to shut-ins or anyone who would like to receive one.

Please call Sue Young at the Church Office at 276-629-7973

to get on our mailing list. Office hours are Monday thru

Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.


The date of our 75th anniversary will be Sunday, September 23, 2012. The speaker for that

Sunday will be Rev. L. Grant Carter, who served

as pastor at Oak Level from 1980-1988, Also, the

Anniversary Committee needs items pertaining to

the history of the church. If you have pictures,

old bulletins, or other history bits and pieces,

please bring them to the church so they can be

scanned and used for our 75th anniversary. For

more information, see Donna Winebarger or Martha

Meeks or call the Church Office at 629-7973.


Fund Name

General Fund Goldie Brogan

Mary Draper

Shirley K. Young

Children’s Fund Charlie Ramsey

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Tony & Jenna

Ratliff on the birth of their

daughter, Ava Ratliff, who was born

Tuesday, May 8, 2012. She weighed 7 lbs. 5

oz. Her proud grandparents are Alvin & Vivian Ratliff,

and great-grandparents are Wilbern & Martha Sue

Meeks. Ava has a brother, AJ Ratliff.



Blue Ridge Manor, P.O. Box 4904, Martinsville, VA 24112 Alice Martin – Room 205 Estelle Frith – Room 106 Blue Ridge Rehab, P.O. Box 4904.Martinsville, VA 24112 *Glen Young – Room 262 Fork Mountain Rest Home, 2925 Fork Mtn. Rd. Rocky Mt, 24151 Golden Stone Howard Hodges *Lillian Forbes Angela Mason

Hanson Home 162 Krontz Dr. Bassett, VA 24055 *Betty Sue Sparks

Harmony Hall P.O. Box 1614, Bassett, VA 24055 Louise Turner Betty Pagans

Trinity Mission Health & Rehab, 300 Hatcher St. Rocky Mt. VA 24151 Ida Turner

Page 4: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently

Christian sympathy extended to Clarence Pierce, Jonathan

Pierce, and Joseph Pierce on the death of Clarence’s father

and Joe and Jon’s grandfather, Ervin Pierce, who passed away

Saturday, April 14, 2012.

Christian sympathy extended to Mary Davis, of the Henry

County Baptist Association on the death of her brother-in-law,

Delmar Davis, who passed away, Tuesday, April 17, 2012.

Christian sympathy extended to the Rev. Bonnylee Witt and

her family and friends on the death of her father, Mr. Carl

Witt, who passed away on April 17, 2012.

Christian sympathy extended to the family and friends of our

church member, Goldie Peters Brogan, who passed away

Wednesday, April 18, 2012.

TTTTHANK YOUHANK YOUHANK YOUHANK YOU I would like to thank everyone for all the cards, the gifts, the

phone calls, and all the “Happy Birthday” wishes that were sent

my way on my birthday. Everyone is so thoughtful and I

appreciate your kindness so much. Sue Young

We want to thank Oak Level Baptist Church and Steve Manuel

for the wonderful Memorial Service for our mother, Mary

Draper, and also for the meal after the service. We are very

appreciative of the kindness and concern that was shown to us.

Thank you again so much. The Mary Draper Family

The church wants to thank the Hostess Team and the ones who

prepared the food, set up tables, and helped with the clean up

for the Draper Memorial Service and the Rick Dellinger

Sunday Service. It took a lot of work, and it is very much


Thank you to everyone who brought gifts and trinkets for the

youth to go shopping for Mother’s Day presents. The youth

had a great time shopping and their mother’s received some

nice gifts. Peggy Morris

We would like to thank the WMU of Oak Level Baptist Church

for the generous contribution towards the work of Serving His Children. We enjoyed our visit at your church and thank you

for the opportunity to tell about Serving His Children. Lauri Bach

Thank you for letting us use your church for our wedding. The

sanctuary is beautiful and getting married in such a setting

made the wedding even more special. Also, a special thank you

to Jesse Cannaday who graciously agreed to oversee the sound

system for our wedding. Kevin & Crystal Boyd


Congratulations to Holly Thompson who graduated

from Franklin County High School. She will be

attending Roanoke College. She is the daughter of

Diona & Russell Thompson and is a member of Oak

Level Baptist Church.

Congratulations to Bradley C. Turner who graduated

from Patrick County High School. He will be

attending Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

University. Bradley is the son of Mitcheal and

Shelly Turner and grandson of Betty Jo Foley.

Congratulations to Brianna N. Rouse who graduated

from Randolph Early College High School in North

Carolina. Brianna will be attending Ferrum

College/UNC Wilmington. She is the daughter of

Karen and Greg Rouse and the granddaughter of

Jesse and Barbara Cannaday.

Congratulations to Taylor Shea Biggs, who

graduated from Bassett High School Saturday,

June 2, 2012. Taylor is planning to attend Patrick

Henry Community College. She is the daughter of

Dean & Jane Arrington and Steven Biggs. She is

the granddaughter of Benny & Sue Young, Gary &

Susie Ramsey, and Dianne Arrington.


Oak Level Baptist Church awarded five

scholarships from the Jones Educational Fund.

The five recipients are:

■ Andrew L. Hodges, son of Lannie & Lisa Hodges

and grandson of Homer & Mary Hodges.

■ Brittany Haulsey, daughter of Bobby Haulsey

■ Brianna N. Rouse, daughter of Karen & Greg

Rouse and granddaughter of Jesse & Barbara


■ Holly Thompson, daughter of Diona & Russell


■ Bradley C. Turner, son of Mitcheal and Shelby

Turner and grandson of Betty Jo Foley.

With SympathyWith SympathyWith SympathyWith Sympathy

Page 5: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently


Exploitation of Natural Resources for personal gain is

the abuse of natural resources that jeopardizes the

health and well-being of human lives, and leads to the

lack of available resources such as clear water and

clear air.

This is a miss ional issue because the misuse and abuse

of natural resources for personal gain often means a

disregard for the earth and for human lives. As

Christians our lives must not create a burden for

others. Instead we should be an advocate for those

who suffer due to irresponsible decisions regarding

the use of natural resources.


1. Dumping trash and pollutants in a lake or river

2. Strip mining which causes land erosion and


3 Excessive and wasteful water consumption.

4. Contamination of air.

5. Deforestation of jungles and forest.


■ Pray for those who engage in irresponsible

practices which endanger a community leaving people

jobless, lowering living standards, and endangering

citizens’ health; for awareness of where you can

improve conservations of natural resources.

■ Educate yourself about how natural resources are

misused and abused.


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OLBC 2012 GOAL - $3,000.00

TOTAL TO DATE: $1530.00

June/July 2012 Calendar June 07- PTS Meeting – 6:15 p.m. Sharing where our mission dollars go..The WMU will share how

our mission dollars support ministries through the CBF Global Missions; Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV); Alma Hunt Offering; and Henry Co Baptist Association (HCBA). Please come out to hear what you

are doing when you give! June 26 – WMU Meeting – 7:00 p.m. July 23 – WMU Meeting – 7:00 p.m.

Page 6: Oak Level Baptist ChurchThis will fuel our descent into lower mediocrity and spiritual immaturity, and our children, grandchildren, and many acquaintances will repeat even more frequently