oat jost fttir tultrgr tintrg - scholarworks.sjsu.edu

Oat Jost ’taro. 1ppointmenla ,r (la., Tomorrow .20. fttir Tultrgr Tintrg A LIBERAL COLLEGE PUBLICATION STATE COLLEGE TIMES, TIll’IiSDAI. .11’1111. 7, 11132 Student Body Dance 10 be Friday. opt lYlade To San Jose State to Present Dr. Russel Decries jolly California Series of Radio Broadcasts Present Vocational ,. 12 State College:, Sy_stem in Talk FouNDATios To at KQW Starting April 13 s.s THE PRESENT METHODS IS I.:STU:ATE TIIE ARE A WASTE OF SITUATION A. W. S. Turns In $175 Half -Hour Programs First S. B. Dance Will Be from Co -Ed Capers Held Friday Evening roversy Over Colleges WedPesda Evenin - Takes Taxpayer’s Stand To Loan Fund .. In Women’s Gym ,,,,, t, tt1.1.1,:Es ,1.1. t. Kit THE STATE by College Group3 ___ DR. JAMES E. RUSSEL IS , ’111,. Directors of the ‘s ,11 1 DEAN EMERITUS OF ( . ) s. CERNED - I he first (lance of the Siii in : COLUMBIA State Yholent Loan Ftind 1, 1,1,i,ots To coNsis: 01 quarter is to be held Friday ec-: MONEY laen distrisse.1:11 their Makin i.. ,itt,r fight is beillg waged ,,,,,,. tb nii,:i....,,, f...,1,,....4, .4 ’ling ill tile Wolllell.s rOilln,l’ilull’: lii a reveill talk in San :lose, lir. ENTEItTAINNIEN’t .0, M.. difft:1111 factions ill the students for loans. This is the first (lama. presented Janies 1:. Basset dean eiiiiritils, EXI 1.I S11..E1.1’ vb.!’ ,lill Illw itircsti,4"Ii"ll Despite thi fact that ,,,-,1 .1 by Carl Palmer. chairman of sin-, Tcadlels’ Uollegc, r.himbia I’m- in.,,le I,y the (:ariogie 1 I crow, arid lodgcs of Shi. Jo., 1,,,, j Ircs.griral lo fattrilihrho- Ilic i :1- rico! olfrocr, .,...., IC . c. election "l’ilV’ ’xlire’’?1_1"’ \ i"" re - ’Aim, rni ow Aiiviini!,,,ilt ,,, id.. 1,,,,,, I,. th, r,iii.i ir, ne.-1,:,,,) di:, ,,,i,,,,,,,. ,-iiii s,,,, A., SI tie i I te 1 t1 . Q.:111111114 Ille 1111:11 101’ a inort es - t./ lit, 1010, :It tile 11111.1, er ell,- :11’16’:g’ .1 Ile ""ir""."S. "’ I. " ""1111" "n":"Iltit1’. 1’. 1111. 11,111,11: :IS Well :Is 1i.111 .1t1.,11 .11111 I i I I -011 .:1S. quarter. al which he Ili.- ’:;;.1:,’,Ibv:n.1"."’4"in "I v"c"ljul" "- ,.11,11,,r four-year colleges ,;(1.1. the fund is almost .oiliplett- \.,,inth. gemraPv . ..crie, of 1..11’ -‘ i" San J""(.. S’"’"- 1 he Iiir,,,1, y.i,h t thank Mile lialf-lit.ur program, on wed. st.’"ti,......’111.4;t17.N.. Strti"n will’ 34i 1,1 be .stablislied al the Pin- 1 ,.\ i.,,,,.,i. . , In las discussion he assumed 11.1. athlude of the taxpayer, and i-:, , - , and Sall ’Diego. the ..k, vv. s, bu. their ,.,.,..i, r,, ,..,,,I.,,,- ,,iug.,1..rw,,.1, roil :iiid coile,,iitniting 011 tin. hest 1,,,,,,,,,ph,iiim. th,,t it is ii w,iste of "r""se’l ilh int’1-- ’17,-. from the co-ed Capers, Dial , 9 o’clock, will be given ..\-cr sir. and 11re most artistic decor, , money and ialticationaDlof,rait..,isliToiness r 0,. I imersity of Califor- . ame in this morning. They EQW bv Yari"u, .letiarIlliclits a tbals Possilift’ r",’ HI" ’’".’"1"" 11" l’rel"." ""." 1"1. Ai :. ,,, ,,t,tig of tliv Alumni ,..,,d,,,1 1,, urgc !lie ..11.cr campus Ilie San .1.c.c SlaIr College. rIc student ;dr..., coarlorir, k’llial arr.. already overcrroyded and h. 1-r.oh,..il Id 1:alifornia in or,..aitirrliorts h. folow in their , The br,1..,1 ,., ,,,1:. te,ibb. striving to make the 1,,,,ingl, can have in, us.. for their ser- f% th. !:,,itilicrs of that or- footst,ps and 11(11. increasi the thi.,,,,,,,h ow ,. 1.,,,..,,,,,,, ,,I. th,, .1,11.,. the ii......1 successful of Hon viees ..,t,,,,, ,...11ied I() the support ,Stiolent I ....an hinds 1 ...Meg.. ilo (.11..ellwr .f ,ffis- ’‘I’’’Ilg ’Ill’I’ler. .-,,,,Irel Hobert li. Spriall fJf , They als., ri.titti,leil Ilial Ilie ’,,,,,,.,.,.. ;, ,,,,,,i, f ,,,,, 1,, ,I,,,,,, I I,. 6m, will ,I,,,1 I m:30.1.,f Ilie ’Ft.:oilers College of (:(.1iiin- 1 Dr. Itosscl was aldminiell head ro, r:’ , of California in his student, that liae loans out 1..0 ,..;,,,, J,,,,. ,,,, ,.,1,,iiii,, od Fr,,1 and V. ill 1/11,1. Ilt 11I Ille 111.1,1 10"e 1 l’i’t in. 1897’ wilen Ill.’’’. _’;114’.’1’ ...1,-n t the e,tabliloomil a tli,,,,, 1..4, :,, s,,,,,, ,,, ii,,,1,1,, in ii,.,. ,.,4,,,. r 0. i.,i, ,,,_ ,.,i ,,,,,,0.0. 1,:! 1,. ,i. ,,,_ sh"wing an col-ow-nem ol .1,10 SW- . 1.: ,,.:,: le ,11111,1 III, I:: 11: ttellee II) 10:111 111111:1’ 1,111111111N 1:IS ti,,,,. 11,01:. this quarter. 11 \\ ill clost. dents, was the only mon of its 111, ,t.!.. m ett111.1.11. :Is 1.10.11 :11 let elle. kind in existence. Afhr :10 years 1 NVIIII till’ (’-retilloli a two or I liree brief 50- word announce- of distinguished service lic was Iht: II:1 et t1.1 \ meeting 1:, . h. Ass,m1,1yinan NI. S. NI.ek IYIembers of Education 1111:1111. 1,1:11 II:111111111e \VIII Ill: ill- ri portal, New magazine ,..ted ex,1.,1, h. ,111,rtain- succeeded hy his son. lir. Williani Fletcher Russel, who luas cotitin- Ininnt., in the latter part .4 .f !I,. regional rollig. Department Visit S. J. ment "r bi,," "eder.. :the ii,i,"",.- by Enqlish Department tied directing the (It...ditties of the :tumuli students to which the en- 4 Fre.ocr (ounty. spoke in oral program Apro )3, win ... ,,1.1,a .1 Meeker (lest-Tit...I .ro.or.n of California , State Student Teachers presented I.\ 11). Men’s like Club Now on Sale in Co-ep roll:tient had increased. Since his _- _ retirement Dr. James Russel has of the e.,11,4e. itie... H., kind cif edmation interested himself in special stu- ..’, .1, and junior colleges I Inirt,,, the n,,,,i ,,,,,k. ..,1 the: The othcr Iteitt:r:1111,, 1/1 order., Et 1,,,,,,,,t .. on., Eno,h (-lin, dies in the educational field and ..1 ..11 , mid fixing academic Pre,ellt weck. members ,,r the ne’"i’lln^ i’’ ll’’’ i’nt’’I’ve sche’l- o-n,ent Aliielli some students Edu..,0:,,,, dt.i.:,,,..,,, 1,... 1..,, I ide worked out. will lar present - 1 ,,1 by tlo A Capella choir the \ kiting students P1’..’1’., h’".11 Speech Arts departm-itt. the ;Jets’ th. event ,,r the establish - III , 111 S:111. ’let 4,111111e, 1 ilee 1.11-111, 1,1111411 1011,101, 1111’ 11/1- : magazine 111111:111114 ialetry. essays , period in Ilic survey of (:alifornia of 11..,.. colleges it win Ilidicr slate taxes. local Th.., i.o,,,T,, 1,,,, 1,., ,i,,,,,4 1. ge hand. the Orin.; quartet, col- Laid hrt ,t,..h.,, written by ,,.... 1:olleges and Universities which lc-, deleiters and 11. a II o or -1 .,11 I.. support tile institti- sm.. 1,1,,,I1 V. till III NI.:1111 coml. ,- , ’^ : ilill, 11111111101-% of the English (le- ..., ,ira. lo. is making in his capacity as , or n durrti funds fOr pet,- i. Nus,. 1 t,, V,,,. 1,., 1,.,., ,...,,, partment. In spite of the 1.,,,,t . mini a r I) le ..11 mint Hound - tile institutions. . rilion Commission. In colleague -through Ilie progr..iii it is ex -1 pi. d ..11. ..11, oi the San .1,,,, . II t . it. I " ,,,,,,gi, ,,M,,,,i,j,,,,. i , h.,1 II, 1,,,,I i,,,tiiiiti,, will 1 1.1 1110111 Of the material bears a with lir. Henry Suzzalo head of li 1, loaded by lir. 111:111,. ‘,11:1111,. ,I11:1 \11:’, ., III ,. WI VI 11’ lie brought t,. the ait,.ntion r tile very definite tract. of the amateur. ’, the coininissi,M, he is ailempthig .1,, e.,nsists of Samuel C. ne,1,.. ,f,iied th. 1.,,i Ap 0,!,. 11,.. ;net 11,,,t enrollment for a eollege pulilit.ation it con: to outline a suitable plan of high - n. .1, oicellor of the Uni, t- , ii,,,,T. ,,,,,, i ,,,,, ,, t ,, ,it,..1 1., in gemr.,1 and in the surnint.r tains some rather good though , er edia.ation conforming with the ,,f itiMalo, vice .rhairman: . very original materail. more advanced policies. selmol t. .rticillai I,. will Ilitreby . I). It.. II,,tr.... president of , , s( 1 In liis talk here lie toituramilet1 hy fostcrial. I lic onirarneclnents ilnroh; \ .chtihn rahr. mrs. to Iry .v....10 ,Itirmg the program Willard Maas. whose pm.try tlie wt,rk being (Ione in this 1.no ersitv of Nlinnesota ; I. it . s ;sited ii, 1 nib.. k ti: ’-ec’. " " , .v.11 ,,,ricert, e, nts at the college tia, received acclaim before II:Nisei-and, tinder the direction of lir 1, thibbard Judd, director ,, , ,. ,,,,,,,, e, ,.r Fir, .: 1 0 University of CI), ::..,,,’,. _I,,,_, i,"..,..,,,, :,,. :,.,,.’::. .::, and comaamilv events in which contributed three in..nts t the ’Nlac.Quarrie.alongtht. lints he ii(I- 1,. 1.,,th,ain. presithmt., .1i.:.,:::,,,,,, ,,.,:l,:1,,,,::. ,.’h,’,..L"N’in.o.:’.. the ..zencral public might la. in- r,,g,ine. vocates. [tr. Nlat.Quarrie lias long ,, 1, ,tt.1,..t.s CollIcg, Al, .,,, \ I, i. , 41 1 11 i ii. . 1 1 lora slial. .Nreingeinvids for the , recognized the need for industrial 1: ’’, . dill,. nrocessnr a ,,,i ‘. ’"’ ’‘’’’’. v. "" 1/1,1,1’ We. :II, ill ,ii,ii,,. ,,r E. p.’ edueatiim in itislibitions of high- ’, t..lio.g 11 I’11,11 sti 1110/11 1 1 oil: Universit,.. ,. , , 1 su , SN . ,I .11I ’,Wit 1, l,i,lil .,ik , 11. dean or Tea,i.- , ,,,,,.,, ,,,, d ii’d,, ,,,,,,... !,orallti University; , ... , Foreign Supervisor /...ok, president of ,1 Akroii. Student Teachers Must Speaks Next Tuesday Take Sociology Test :o Approved for New Marion \ rl.tras. supervisor i ..f the Ychool for Foreign Born C011ege Degrees H. 1..,,,,...t.., department of the Department of Adult Edu- , hes t,, tete 000, :04:101 that all 4..11,11. Will speak at the first at by tin. si1,. I .111. ail., (I s...iologs lest for inccling of the Globe Trotters of ! 1 Mication of pre -see 0...,1. nt t. o h. rs who did their the quarter on April 13. lier r, .. .... hs in Ihrte majors stildem t. ., Mug the ,eimial six stil.ject will be "Contributions of :hi, st de college w,,, ,,.1, of the \Violet quarter in other Nations to American Life." iec.1 t..1,,,,, t,,, pn.sident A \-. V.hrin. ‘Ohnir.1.0.s, San Joaquin. Miss Adanis 11:111 lwen in this work 11.,!..hoti. The subjects are. aud \ lamed, or the cities of oak-, for the past ten years and is very 1,1$ 1,, I d 1 , I Lind Niodesto, and San Francisco well informed. Everyone is in - 1,,.. previously, the only \kill be gien on ’Thursday. April vited to be present at this meet- Guido; historian. Frank Covello. .. . ’t" Id he earned in educa- 7. at It) a. tn., or Saturday. April , jug. it will start at 12:15 in room Db. Loubowski is the faculty ad - IL al In a. I/1. I 1 of Dm llome-Making building. visor. Ice. been honorell 11 magazine ltrit was published fi.r . w.... presi- of the American Associa- the first time at the beginning of ’I."cr this quarter., no, on snit.. Th:, hon. for Adult Education. . Ills visit in San Jose marked a French Honor Society er learning, hut faces the same obstacles lir. Busse’ Ilnds preen- Elects New Officials km. The type of person who (Continued on Page Three) lot 1 Delta Phi, French honor societ. elected the officers for La Torre Appom. tments the Spring quarter, March 14. at Can Still Be Made the home of Miss Edith Hartz. Monday night, April 4, Frank , "t’lleet 111111t1111101,111 Ve110, outgoing president, installed wrist lie tirade at once. according yes_ Ilimard Nelson, editor a the the new officers as follows: I La ’lorry. ident. Alfred tiorostoriloy; vice ’these appointments were closed president. Leonard Rising; secre- ft.w (1.0 s ago. but were mop- tary, Evelyn C.avalla treasurer, eine,’ to allow for practice !cavil - Vivian Leek; reporter, Pauline ers having their pictures taken. Appointments may be made any time today or tomorrow in the La Torre oilier.

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Page 1: Oat Jost fttir Tultrgr Tintrg - scholarworks.sjsu.edu

Oat Jost ’taro. 1ppointmenla

,r (la., Tomorrow



STATE COLLEGE TIMES, TIll’IiSDAI. .11’1111. 7, 11132

Student Body Dance

10 be Friday.

opt lYlade To San Jose State to Present Dr. Russel Decries jolly California Series of Radio Broadcasts Present Vocational

,. 12

State College:, Sy_stem in Talk FouNDATios To � at KQW Starting April 13 s.�s THE PRESENT METHODS


SITUATION A. W. S. Turns In $175 Half-Hour Programs First S. B. Dance Will Be from Co-Ed Capers Held Friday Evening roversy Over Colleges WedPesda Evenin - Takes Taxpayer’s Stand

To Loan Fund .. In Women’s Gym ,,,,, t, tt1.1.1,:Es ,1.1. t.� Kit THE STATE by College Group3 ___ DR. JAMES E. RUSSEL IS

, ’111,. Directors of the ‘s ,11 1 DEAN EMERITUS OF ( . ) s. CERNED - I he first (lance of the Siii in : COLUMBIA State Yholent Loan Ftind 1, 1,1�,i,ots To coNsis: 01 quarter is to be held Friday e�c-:


la�en distri�sse.1:11 their Makin � i.. ,itt,�r fight is beillg waged ,,,,,,.� tb� nii,:i�....,,, f...,1,,...�.4, .4 ’ling ill tile Wolllell.s rOilln,l’ilull’: lii a reveill talk in San :lose, lir. ENTEItTAINNIEN’t .0, M.. difft�:1�111 factions ill the students for loans. This is the first (lama. presented Janies 1�:. Basset dean eiiii�ritils, EXI 1.I S11..E1.1’

vb.!’ ,lill Illw itircsti,4"Ii"ll Despite thi� fact that ,,�,-,�1 .1 by Carl Palmer. chairman of sin-, Tcadlels’ Uollegc, r.himbia I’m-in.,,le I,y the (:ario�gie 1 I crow, arid lodgcs of Shi. Jo., 1,,,, j Ircs.griral lo fattrilihrho- Ilic i :1- rico! olfrocr, .,....,� IC . c.� election "l’ilV’ ’�xlire’’?1_1"’ \ i"" re -

’Aim, rni� ow Aiiviini��!,,,�ilt ,,, id.. 1,,,,,, I,. th, r,iii.i ir, ne.-1,:,,,) � di:, �,,,i,,,,,,,. ,-iiii s,,,, A.,� SI tie i I te 1 t1 . Q.:111111114 Ille 1111:11 101’ a inort� es -t./ lit, 1010, :It tile 11111.1, er ell,- �

:11’16’:g’ .1 Ile ""ir""."S. "’ I. � " ""1111" "n":"Iltit1’. 1’. 11�11. 11,111,11: :IS Well :Is 1i.111 .1t1.,11 .11111 I i I I -011 .:1S. quarter. al which he Ili.- ’:;;.1:,’,Ibv:n.1"."’4"in "I v"c"ljul" "-,.�11,�11,,�r four-year colleges �,;(1.1. the fund is almost .�oiliplett�-� \.�,,inth. gem�raPv �. ..crie, of

1..11’ -‘ � i" San J""(.. S’"’"- 1 he Iiir,,,1�,� y.i,h t� thank Mile lialf-lit.ur program, on wed. st.’�"ti,......’11�1.4;t17.N.. Strti"n will’ 34i 1,1 be .stablislied al the Pin- 1� ,.\ i.�,,,,.,i.

. , In las discussion he assumed

11.1.� athlude of the taxpayer, and �� i-:, , - , and Sall ’Diego. the ..k, vv. s, bu. their ,.,�.,..i, r�,, �,..,,,I.,,,- ,�,�iug.,1�..rw,�,.1, roil :iiid coile,,iitniting 011 tin. hest 1,,,,,,,,,ph,iiim. th,,t it is ii w,iste of

’ ’ ’ "r""se’l ilh� int’�1-- ’17,-. from the co-ed Capers, Dial , 9 o’clock, will be given ..\-cr sir. and 11re most artistic decor, , money and ialticationaDlof,rait..,isliToiness r 0,. I imersity of Califor- . ame in this morning. They EQW bv Yari"u, .letiarIlliclits a tbals Possilift’ r",’ HI" ’’".’"1""� 11" l’rel"." ""." 1"1. Ai :. ,,, ,,t,tig of tliv Alumni ,..,,d,,�,1 1,, urgc !lie ..11.cr campus Ilie San .1.c.c SlaIr� College. rIc� student ;dr..., coarlorir, k’llial arr.. already overcrroyded and

h. 1-r.oh,..il � Id 1:alifornia in or,..aitirrliorts h. folow in their , The br,��1�..,1 ,., ,,,�1:. te,�ibb. striving to make the �1,,,,ingl, can have in, us.. for their ser-f% th.� !:,,�itilicrs of that or- footst,�ps and 11(�11. increasi� the thi.,,,,,,,h ow ,.� �1.,,,..,,,,,,, ,,I. th,, .1,11.�,. the ii......1 successful of Hon viees� ..,t,,,,, ,...11ied I() the support ,Stiolent I ....an hinds 1 ...Meg.. ilo� (.11..ellwr .f ,ffis- ’‘I’’’Ilg ’Ill’I’ler. .-,�,,,Irel Hobert li. Spriall fJf , They als., ri.titti,leil Ilial Ilie ’,,,,,,.,.,.. ;, ,,�,,,,i, �f ,�,,,, 1,, � ,I,,,,,, I I,. 6m, will ,I,,,1 �I m:30.1.,f Ilie ’Ft.:oilers College of (:(.1iiin-

1 Dr. Itosscl was aldminiell head

ro, r�:’ , of California in his student, that lia�e loans out 1..0 ,..;,,,, J,,,,. ,,,, ,.,�1,,iiii,, �od Fr,�,1 and V. ill 1/11,1. Ilt 11I� Ille 111.1,1 10"e� 1 l’i’t in. 1897’ wil�en Ill.’’’. _’;114’.’1’ ...1,-n t�� the e,tabli�loomil a tli,,,,, 1..4, :�,, s,,,,,, ,,, ii,,�,1,1,, in ii,�.,. ,�.�,�4,,,. �r 0�. i.�,i,� ,,�,_ ,.,�i ,,,,,,�0��.0. 1,:�! 1,�. ,i�. ,,,�_ sh"wing an col-ow-nem ol .1,10 SW-. 1.: ,,�.:,: le ,11111,1 III, I:: 11: ttellee II) 10:111 111111:1’ 1,111111111N ��1:IS� ti,,,,. 11,01:. this quarter. 11 \\ ill clost. dents, was the only mon of its

111, ,t.�!.. m ett111.1.11�. :Is 1.10.11 :11 let elle. kind in existence. Afh�r :10 years 1 NVIIII till’ (’-retilloli a two or

I liree brief 50- word announce- of distinguished service lic was Iht: II:1 et� t1.1 \ meeting 1:, .

h. Ass,m1,1yinan NI. S. NI.�ek IYIembers of Education 1111:1111. 1,1:11 II:111111111e \VIII Ill: ill�- ri portal, New magazine ,..ted ex,�1�.�,�1, h. ,�111,�rtain-

succeeded hy his son. lir. Williani Fletcher Russel, who luas cotitin-

Ininnt., in the latter part .4

’ .�f !I,. regional rolli�g.���� Department Visit S. J. ment "r � bi,," "eder.. :the ii,i,"",.- by Enqlish Department tied directing the (It...ditties of the :tumuli students to which the en-

4 Fre.ocr (�ounty. spoke in

oral program Apro )3, win ...� ,,1.1,a �.1 Meeker (lest-Tit...I .ro.or.n� of California ,

State Student Teachers presented I.\ 11).� Men’s like Club Now on Sale in Co-ep roll:tient had increased. Since his

_- _ retirement Dr. James Russel has

of the e.,11,4e. itie... H., kind cif edmation interested himself in special stu-

..�’, .1, and junior colleges I Inirt,,, the n,,,,i �,,,,,k. ..�,1 the: The othcr Iteitt:r:1111,, 1/1 order., �Et 1,,,,,,,,t .. on., Eno,h (-lin, dies in the educational field and

..1 ..11� , mid fixing academic Pre,ellt weck. members ,,r the ne’"i’lln^ i’’ ll’’’ i’nt’’I’ve sche’l-

o-n,ent �Aliielli some students Edu..,0:,,,, dt.i.�:,,,..,,, 1,..�. 1..�,, I ide worked out. will lar present -

1 � ,�,1 by tlo� A Capella choir the � \ kiting students P1’..’1’., h’�".11 Speech Arts departm-itt. the ;Jets’

th.� event ,,r the establish -� III , 111 S:111. ’let 4,111111e, 1 ilee 1.11-111, 1,1111411 1011,101, 1111’ 11/1- : magazine 111111:111114 ialetry. essays , period in Ilic survey of (:alifornia of 11..�,.. colleges it win

Ilidicr slate taxes. local Th.., i.o,,,T,, 1,,,, 1,.�, ,i,,,,,4 1. ge hand. the Orin.; quartet, col- Laid �h�rt ,t�,..h.,, written by ,�,.... 1:olleges and Universities which

lc-, deleiters and 11. � a II ��o� or-1 .,11 I.. support tile institti- sm.. 1,1,,,I1 V. till III NI.:1111 coml. ,- , ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’^ : ilill, 11111111101-% of the English (le-..., ,ira.

lo. is making in his capacity as

, or n durrti funds fOr pet,- i�. N us,. 1 t,, V,,,. 1,., 1,�.,., ,�...,,, partment. In spite of the 1.,,,,t . mini a r I) le ..11 mint Hound-

tile institutions. . rilion Commission. In colleague -through Ilie progr..iii it is ex -1 pi. d �..11. �..��11, oi the San .1,,,, ’ . II � t . it. I " ,,,,,,gi, ,,M,,,,i,j,,,,.

i� , h.,1 II, 1,,,,I i,,,tiiiiti�,, will 1 1.1 1110111 Of the material bears a with lir. Henry Suzzalo head of

li 1, loaded by lir. 111:111,. ‘,11:1111,. ,I11:1 \11:’, .,� III ,. WI �VI 11’ lie brought t,. the ait,.ntion �r tile very definite tract. of the amateur. ’, the coininissi,M, he is ailempthig

.1,�, e.,nsists of Samuel C. ne�,1,.�. ,f,iied th.� 1.,,i� Ap� �0�,!,. �1�1,.. ;net 11,,,t enrollment for a eollege pulilit.ation it con: to outline a suitable plan of high -

n. .1, oicellor of the Uni�, t- �, ii,,,,T. ,,,,,, i ,,,,, ,, t ,, ,��it,..1 1.,� in gemr.,1 and in the surnint.r tains some rather good though , er edia.ation conforming with the

,,f itiMalo, vice .rhairman: . very original materail. more advanced policies. selmol t. .rticillai I,. will Ilit�reby

. I). It.. II,,tr.... president of , , s( ’ 1 In liis talk here lie t�oituramilet1 hy fostcrial. I lic onirarneclnents

ilnroh; \ .chtihn ��rahr. mrs. to Iry .v....10 ,Itirmg the program ’ Willard Maas. whose pm.try tlie wt,rk being (Ione in this 1.no ersitv of Nlinnesota ; I. �it . s ;sited ii, 1 nib.. k ti: �’-ec’. " " , .v.11 ,,,ricert, e�, nts at the college tia, received acclaim before II:Nisei-and, tinder the direction of lir� 1, thibbard Judd, director ,, , ,.� ,,,,,,,, e,� ,.r Fir, .: 1 0

University of CI), ::..,,,’,. _I,,,_, i,"..,..,,,, :,,. :,.,,.’::. .::, � and comaamilv events in which contributed three in�..nts t� the ’Nlac.Quarrie.alongtht. lint�s he ii(I-

� 1,. 1.,,th,ain. presithmt., .1i.:�.,:::�,,,,,,� ,,.,:l,:1,,,,::. �,.’h,’,..L"N’in.o.:’.. the ..zencral public might la. in-� r,�,g�,ine. vocates. [tr. Nlat.Quarrie lias long

,, �� 1, ,tt.1,..t.s� CollIcg, Al, .,,, \ I, i. , 41 1 11 i ii. . 1 1 lora slial. .Nreingeinvids for the , recognized the need for industrial

1: ’’, � . dill,. nrocessnr a ,,,i ‘. ’"’ ’ �’ �’‘’’’’. v. "" 1/1,1,1’ We. :II, ill ,�ii,ii,,. ,,r E. p.’ edueatiim in itislibitions of high-’, t..�lio.g 11 I’11,11 sti 1110/11� 1 � 1 oil: Universit,.. ,. � , , 1

su , SN . ,I .11�I ’,Wit 1, l,i,lil ��.,ik , 11. dean or Tea,i.- �, ,,,,,.,, ,,,, �d ii’d,, ,,,,,,... !,orallti University; , ... , Foreign Supervisor /...ok, president of ,1 Akroii. Student Teachers Must Speaks Next Tuesday

Take Sociology Test :o Approved for New Marion \ rl.tras. supervisor i

..f the Ychool for Foreign Born

C011ege Degrees H�. 1..,,,,...t..,� department of the Department of Adult Edu-, �hes t,, tete 000, :04:101 that all 4..11,11. Will speak at the first

� at by tin. si�1,. I .111. ail., (I s...�iologs lest for inccling of the Globe Trotters of

! 1 Mication of pre -see� 0...,1. nt t. o h. rs who did their the quarter on April 13. lier

r, .. .... hs in Ihrt�e majors stildem t. ., Mug the ,eimial six stil.ject will be "Contributions of

:hi, �st de college w�,,�, ,,.1, of the \Violet quarter in other Nations to American Life."

iec.1 t�..1,,,,, t,,, pn.sident A \-. V.hrin. ‘Ohnir.1.0.s, San Joaquin. Miss Adanis 11:111 lwen in this work

11.,�!..hoti. The subjects are. aud \ lamed, or the cities of oak-, for the past ten years and is very

1,1$ 1,, I � � d 1 , ’�� I Lind Niodesto, and San Francisco well informed. Everyone is in -

1,�,.. previously, the only \kill be gi�en on ’Thursday. April vited to be present at this meet- Guido; historian. Frank Covello. .. . �

’t" ’ Id he earned in educa- 7. at It) a. tn., or Saturday. April , jug. it will start at 12:15 in room Db. Loubowski is the faculty ad-

IL al In a. I/1. I 1 of Dm llome-Making building. visor.

Ice. been honorell 11 magazine ltrit was published fi.r

. w.... presi-of the American Associa-

the first time at the beginning of ’I."cr this quarter., no, on snit.. Th:, hon. for Adult Education.

. Ills visit in San Jose marked a

French Honor Society er learning, hut faces the same ’ obstacles lir. Busse’ Ilnds preen-

Elects New Officials km. The type of person who (Continued on Page Three)

lot 1 Delta Phi, French honor

societ. elected the officers for La Torre Appom. tments the Spring quarter, March 14. at Can Still Be Made the home of Miss Edith Hartz.

Monday night, April 4, Frank , "t’lleet� 111111t1111101,111�

Ve110, outgoing president, installed wrist lie tirade at once. according yes_ Ilimard Nelson, editor a the the new officers as follows: I

La ’lorry. ident. Alfred tiorostoriloy; vice ’these appointments were closed

president. Leonard Rising; secre-ft.w (1.0 s ago. but were mop-

tary, Evelyn C.avalla treasurer, eine,’ to allow for practice !cavil -Vivian Leek; reporter, Pauline ers having their pictures taken.

Appointments may be made any time today or tomorrow in the La Torre oilier.

Page 2: Oat Jost fttir Tultrgr Tintrg - scholarworks.sjsu.edu

Hale Vagoi, Editor 1 Bitorial Vagr Or ftte Tollrge Oiturs I James Fitiltercd

Nliti,.ging Editor.

Just Among OursPlves Nute--Thso column is persoosi betrero

the president sod lb, college. ()slates see reqsgeard post to read I/ ace fe Nab soy Ulf of th� ossterisd.

You’re most r welcome. an of, you new stie � dents. We base a good many on. hand alrea.IN but we can make rienn rot you. 111St 111

present m.e’re a bit torn up, as you may have no-

ticed. That’s a new science build-ing in the front yard, and a IleW

Well in the back yard. New lawn and playground near the Women’s Gym.

Don’t spend too much tinit. around that science bidding. Iteally educational to spend a lit-tle time there, and you way never I..o.� seats again, but don’t li�N ti� ittak.� pe..1.1.. think

s�,11 ’,ere c111111..Nc.1 e.1111’1) it I under..tand lit.. l’et��rsoit has re-served one of his v imbiws for the fit.�.11IN. (Mess me’:��� all sort �.f human.

1,t� a big qua: ler. Poiat I,

milli and ill say nf recital,. play, item this ambitious series (il’ students.

meek and baseball. 1\1,N leo., to

A Real Boost

The merchants or sate Jose. are showing

their interest in the community and in San

Jose State College by sponsoring series

of broadcasts under the direction of Mr. E.

I’. Buchanan featuring State College artists

from the NIusic and Speech Arts depart-

ments. The programs are to be broadcasted

ovitir each Wednesday evening from

8::10 to o’clock. The entertainment will

be of the highest caliber. and will gi� i� out-

siders a Chattel’ obscrvt. the type of work

that is beiag done at state..

The. action or the merchants in support-

ing a project of this kind shows a truly

I et end iy spirit toward San Jose State. 1:ti-

lure articles in the Times will give details

of the programs intended.

This type of spirit has long been lacking

the relationships tweet) the student,

this college and the town business men.

This project will bring about real good will.

both to the merchants and the students.

Men’s like Chill of the college. the

.1 Capella Choir, 111.. college string guar-

I. and the orchestra will all take part in

1,,,,,,... Menage.

MI11111111111. (The of the greatest causes I

A�mlellsto bditoto


1.01. diSailliSfaCiiOn Willi the system by lioiiii FAittz, 80.64 writ,.

been removed. I:or those coif et. fiends min. t�=t41,ntiL,,,,,,,,., which our co-operative store is run has si.ort. mit,,, ... A.leh’Ir.�

a ,



IlVell all early morning cup to cheer and

encourage them for the eight o’clock class. I’ T’ W’ /4"u""’’’ ’�,,,,...., i e Faculty Ad�loor

11111111, 11111tINt. from sleepy i� es Ilie flint in

the s indnion. a blessing has Init it added to ,1�1:.‘"t,hlt.‘77. ii.i,"i’- I iiii,,,,,.., Jo., State Cellette7"’"’ 11::::i:

those already t.xistent al Sall Jose Stile.

’lli. prim. of the steaming black hey, rig,. 0 N. NP:.::e.ir,..rs,%; r....,, :

Sen 1 ,I by the CO-111p IlaS 1Well VW ill II:111. 4

Did ytal ktIOW illal ;111111/SI IWO ittll11111.11

CLIllti 1,1 t’ttlitl.. 1111. 11:11.St�il li\ Cr Illtl C01.111-

kr of (Ile (1)-01) every day? It will cut

quite a slice from the profits of Ilit t slab

lislinient to serve the students id this price. Lift 1111 Nom I.,

but efficient management him made the 41’1’ r""" I

lower cost possilde. The. se.e,ice. or this ;;;,’,’,’,’,..;’,.1.1.,,I,’,.,’:;"’’,’

store, let the students or the. college is be- 0.11,�� .��t ,,,:,�

’arson:doles ia coating Mort. and iikre valuable.

Incidentally. the cori,t) stilled bitsiness in "’Male 1"4-’’ January. 1921. milli a board list. feet long l’:.�:,.idie�,"11’ill’’’ l’r ’ lIe


by two feet square comprising the entire Ttike f ,’ ,Ii. i7; ,"11 : : : i , ,

COlintl� E. TIIC StOn� II:IS Will:111111’d \N ith lill. 101,1:11:I.ii::..,hu.:1 ni::::: .1 ’ tj ’ ’

millege It) Os present size. We hope lit Ill NV

ll real SI1111, Ill Union building within the "I ’im eI ’IN "I"

next I ew years. with adequate facilities for 11"/.. ’Iwi‘ dn’i ;’ ’II ’

the store. ;is well as ror the relaxation or 1.:,;,::,,.;::," ;.::::,’,� t’

Meet the Prof

do a little stiabing. to, ‘.1.iN as melt n.ite, al..., that

this i, the sc.rson when fan..ies Variations on a Theme Current Coinment Do You Travel ? are lightly turning. I wonder if Shakespeare vas gelling otr an-other .if his modest puns %shot

!dos( of the roli.,,, oi, i,.. old la. rur,,,,....1 io �the petty fon- .4" iii"1,s n.",l, s’,IY,I;.’’’ ,rvel,.31""l) th.��� thentsid,s t.,,,,nait..� ’pee ras, kIlIMS :1111111111: :1 1,1:111, C:11 NV:111

ii.11.1i,111.11" iibjeetion to Illeal, in dere., , i �I about the auditorium dur

v concert�at Let. Mel them rather interesting. .mg :’u,’ ,-,"111.,Mn. I

L’il.t imagine mho, tiler sti ., _,. 10’ iracieo 1111Cfl.S1 111111 1.01111111.111 ,.,,,,.) ,,,,t,o:i i, tt,isio4 , 1,,,iiiii.,,i ii ,.�. 1.,,,,,.,,i c.,,,,,,,, i,, th, t�oli,41..%1 111,0 ti -

talk about ;ill that lime, but it’s nrIcrwards lb:. smile ’1.1,rk feline n.. worse than the radio, I know, was seen gelling more ���.usie An� ft ,�,a., Ix% Tr), 1,, kc,.p tip �our , preehition in the music building.

steilies. if you can. We shall al -1 . . .

’,1�0, Iii.�e a few people to dis-1 The Bel Canto 14aVe Bussian qualify. I suspeet. But we have to’ son$ts in costume at the Commun-do il in pairs.

Just a whisper to the new stu-dents: Don’t join anything with-out looking it up. Don’t pay anY fees to any group without check-ing it with Dean Di:attack or :Mr. !ifinssen. There, I’ve save some "nue t° a well -1’11°w" church m of y�ou some money. town and listen to an organ an.I

Mort. money’s lost on regitra- violin recital by Itiley Smith and lion day than any other day. Frank Triena, respectively. Why? Because that’s the dav vo.ti Biles. Smith goes down in history all have sortie money. Beieve the for saying: "More stuff on this majority of us are honest. Sev- organ than a kitchen sink." , the fact that the administration iiiagnitieent sight. eral amounts have been turned in.

� � � lopposes it strenuously. Secretary \\�itti t, ssit�1,. 4:,s ahead of How it warms one’s heart to see Whenever you see several stu- lot War Hurley expressed his p,ti, lb,. trip wilt he ,ery simple

a wholesomely honest person. 1 (len ts with dazed looks um in opinion that if the Senate passes and ..m. that you will remember astir,. President Hoover many Nears after it is taken; :it Just bound to have long lines1their countenances, parading the the me

on registration (lay. We do truly ’music building’ ’S"nu maY surmise mill probal�IN veto it. Ileast you will remember it if you

try to make it more comfortable.1that there is soon to be a student � � � are an ardent lover or the great

but s.ou Hill coine at six o’clock.. recital�and these same students Which seems to mean that Con- "uhlt"’es� Perhaps it’s a part of college life.’ will be

sacrifict.(1 for art. gress is forcing the administra-

ity House in Palo Alto. and were later the guests of the Harker School for Girls.

� � � Many adventuresome students

braved the cold of the morning I..

W hat a Break! 6an Blnee

tPtatr Tv 1 trgr einit

\Vint the eonting .�lections m-i ake to Hike?

fin.I mans of the programs iin no .1 le ti here’s the trip for 11. ’"I’kli1’, :11,1 ,

radio turning politieal. Itadi. ti ,�,. ia. .1,a, in (ail � a 1.....�,.. one inciiibe.� of

ini, .,,,,. ,�,,.11,,.11, at,i,.,,,ii, ,0�.� ,,,,.�... at a, ,,,,,, ,,,.,.,..,.,.\ i, ,,,,,;40i_ hill) Spaiii.lin.: .it 1 caino..in speeheps are all right. Iiii.iis milli a ;:i�cat .1e..il of en- MIN 11-’ I.’" I"’"

talk at th�� sante time. S...idii CI uz 1�oinitains \sill take a eas and’’’. II"’ ’11

And speaking of imblics Al 1.:::�’..::::fi 01’1,1:i’ 1;’;.’,",’1,.1,,"al., st�lili’.g. titnte,:ts.l. l’’’el..111M1�11:1.1.:;:f1it’d I ’,’ �ind helpful fro .1 �

I . .

Smith seems to lie lhoing a bard est..

thee against l’ealdslin ii�"1,e‘eli� Cars mill Moe t., Ire :11t.illtihIled !fl’irli:.1",r. irr l’

Afet�Is the drubbing he took 1..ur tit u�. huh. t,,,,i a 1.,,iii.d. A .1’��� ;tont/ration .i-

� �.,ut


Iniding Ins mid nit ti Mist a 1

\\ ’11:

l""’ \ ’ it . p

teieli.rfeet and th, 1%.ii I I lat. bin. 1 Sal

.lose sta., �

� .1.1rio�

� � I

yr:11’S 11 SOCII1S :is 1111iU,11 volt fit,. "11’ � %%111i. 111’ � ��� t 11.

s11,11111 lia�e learned his lesson. own. it 1111,1 a t .th thi. �,�� ; 1,, 11.., ,�1111W1.%1�1*. S1111112 ;il’I� 1111111Y ii,;,11,1. 1,,111,Nt. the ,,,tlitst.

thilt . . .

tile N11’1,1111. It takt. ,�u over line look his pl ,� Natime I�� I logs and under I.e..... you’ll sop

his hris’irr. d � -1111.� Ilaa toll �Itehes try-ing to cross, ’ ’ ’

stepped into tin. limelight probalds fall in waist deep, you’ll saith the passing (if the Ibire 1��� putlin4 and grunting, bill at IiN the noose of Itypresentati�es the \AMC 11111C N141111 be looking favoring independence tip at forested hills anit distain ta ten Nears. The passing of the mountains and thanking your bill came as a surprise in view of hick% star% voiere si.eing such a

1 tion’s hand, evidence to be used Hello. tiangt it. Also notice, that before certain in the presidential election next i Don’t miss the rhododendrons

Makes me good and mad to see music finals, violins etcetera (but fall. lin i�,i,lin Irian. i’ark. In aniani-i-those line crashers, however. It’s principally violins) appear from � � � . two sve.�ks they’ll be at their

nowhere, and in the act of being Another step in the cause of height): that’ll be around th. practiced upon by people whom s.�ience is the extracting of smells seventeenth. Especially if you’re

. . .

We may give up trying to avert � � �

the poorest, cheapest American-ism on their part, and a weak-kneed attitude on our part. Good place for some work by the Spar-tan Knights. Wouldn’t make me mad if every line crashes had to North Carolina, has been extract -pay a late registration fee. I vantage of decency and courtesy. ing one new sulphur smell after suppose if we’re willing to let I suspect that the only thing’ another from gasoline in his them do it, we can’t blame them which will teach them is a good,’ i�liemistry laboratory. The sub much for trying. never could smart crack on the jaw. Can’t’ phur in gas causes the bad odor understand the kind of a person- talk to people like that, they given off by that product anti is ality, however, which takes ad- can’t understand you. rated as the world’s worst smell.

nobody would suspect of doing front gasoline. Halnh W. Bost, from the ’,oath y..u’ll be interest -such a dastardly thing as taking assistant professor of organic eil kmes that two great ship -a final on that instrument. leloitnistry at the University of moils id these plants eame from

111.� Blue !tide, Mountains of North

Phone Ballet-42,24

:Mil 1,1111114.1rd 11,

1:tterlo�Il ill 192, I, b�fg Sall .141S1. I 1,11.16

114: 1111111S SIllajt+ I 1;.14 enjoying it V.1111 11

lir. Hazeltine v � � ir’ref enc.(’ ani one t�; � an admirable attr ;r fessoe. "I like 111, l’t iintl smiled a, if II, 11..11 then lie adde.I th it if rrelf wanted to kn..v. vt� his fiirt. ite co-ed looks v � midge his wife. Y(.11 nii ’all him much married ...

l’here’s %martini,. pr.,sie� bye teachers in wilt’ nice person:M. Put

srimething :is 1,1 t a., as lee ture notes.


tulips and pansii _ thtit !: � H� it to

i yi�ar. tha

There are lam, pa-nu

grounds. Baseli.,11 Manx- fine exhibits are being %wings, teeters. rm., i��� supplied

shomai al the present time :it the for the enjoyment ,�1 tip.. snit-park 1111;SC:1111, especially textiles ing the park. If a j�li not and fans. The conservatory is’ desired there are ri doing its spring blossoming, the restaurants close to

Page 3: Oat Jost fttir Tultrgr Tintrg - scholarworks.sjsu.edu




return to the idea llual the created all at once,

torn., in the Rade, wits

gested 1i) l’rof. F:rnst J. (/’,ik lbc Tartu university observa-r,Esthonla. ’,0re,�1. (tank, striking at the

rely-accepted theory of stellar Iztion his speech :at the "ninon of Itie astrol,tu,togra-0.1,,,,j,tolg of llarvaril col-

startleti his o’er, to suggesting the age of univcrse laven grossly

vestinialial. Ile said observed ts inalacsled ’,resent

could hardly have existed ’Joao million years. an vote 111.1 rcpresents an emu--

non in the conception the as. ..f !he universe livid ics rs

Shapley, director

Ilsrs.c.1 oliservalr.i. pr, s. ..1 the confur.a..

, up of alklinglikla. I .... sneakers, s.,id

I 1, .,1 been ,11.1,,, 111,11011s

a.- 11r. Shaple,

f!. ivAs strong stip

f..r i’,. my. of inslant.00,

: 11,!,� ..f

’Ionian Professor Believes That Umverse Dr. C. C. King Isolates the Vitamin Was Created All at Once; Scoffs Idea ot Stellar

Evolution in Speech Before Harvard Students Shuffling of the Which Prevents Scurvy and Mal-nutrition In Humans and Lower Vertebrates

Danung Couples Bel Canto Gives New Program of Folk Songs

Wallflowers Enjoy

PROFESSOR WI IRK OVER Russel Dislikes Idea FIVE YEARS ON WATCH of Vocational Training RESEARCH OF After a fire ,Ne(ir period of in -1,111k songs of Itle,sa.. a. ..r�

(erect by Bei (:ant., I to. a (Continued froni P;ige Ont.) t tenstve resenee.t t tol.tireless ex -Fortunes have been read on a !periment Dr. (.. (.. Pro.fes-Cmumunil) ’’’ All" hands, happiness has been told makes the good mechanic or con- at the l’iliverstli Pitts-recently. The members were at-tired .11 Ole native co:411111es tar Ilussia. anal Ilms presented a pie -tins sign. program as skell as one

nth:int:imams to ’mom. lovers.


11,1( %Ito\ TO


tor t011e ,�,1,11,-rointog ts1�11,6011 N1111 F.111111Y ,j�e orgalls Iiit� Ma’, M.:WY key lo been 1,-11 un-Jones, vice president; Miss llor- totielical. lint if :koti cr. om. of

(411111.1.11, treasuri�r; Miss 111,,,t. luck!, MIL% ior sh..II Ilelen Wiley \’;in Horn. seerelary: it be iinlio-1,N sal on the Nliss romia Vosliall. business silly km. at the last Slate d..o.�.�. manager; Miss Ebla w�ould liaNc ta�on al.h� .1q,

11;sloriml; anal Miss Mildred into the naNsler, of alalo 111, Nlorgotten, reporter. Nib,. Alma I., ...cc natio.. al its 11..1,1.1,1. t’V-1.4.�k Iht� of pra,scal through thas alms.� own -a honed medium.

Light Fantastic

Students Ask College �,�i ’Mt,’ ,-1

,t it’

for Larger Diplomas

by sparkling (les and 14:1 struetion "stiff" is the one who..burgli, announced NIonalaN that he sadness by bitter tears, but !buil at last isolated :mil identified most

will not chimse to gii to school to

sees ,1,1,111,161,11;11r1,s.s.i,t lack tat "111.1 1�1.., 1�.,.,, learn his Irmle utile,: tie

and ’nal-(T(’11, or al aal rale onsbalaral. "f " j"I’ "I the "1’1 at a nutritisui in the tieing rind term of study. Ithiployers today lin lb,.

Prefer per�on.dly trahaed men., For oNer Ilse years, fir. King

Tfiey are Nkcplical of the etallege- ’anal Ins associates lias-e morkesi trained (win. and tin ton of this lirelessy in their search this

vilanlan %%labia has remained so obscure to scientists anal chemists for ‘411 Malty

Illudi�slly, to aerept any praise

x%lialstiever for his startling, Ms-

co,ei y, ling told his (Ines-li,,,iers guile simply (hal he had loe 71,s1 C. and went into

1111g11, .1:111 g,1111C1. l’..1111,111��1101

’..11’,111,1111111 Ilig 1110111/,11

, 1 1 s11.1,11lit .1 -MI 11 1111,01. V1.1/. �,.111,1. , 1 11,11 ..11 ttl 11,111 V.t 1.� 1, .1. ’Pt til :11 1111’ 1 111,1.�1�.S1IN 1, 11, it a 1

’f " nt’ ,111:t1 II I .1 it ,1,11% 1111 II I. t-tt t I II. I Yil;t1, Ili rrrr r dr

1.1,1 t’t I ’,III,’ II f 111, 11, . 1 1 , P I ,!� .1 It 1.

111.111.1 1, .1111111,11 .1 1,1 /II ’tit II /III, 111.tlt 111 t

� I , 11

11.1 G3111r.PS Forego ’’:1 Desserts for University

t i ai the I


Is al

’sod ..f ta tilt’ Pi ,

t,, ’N111.11111

A Valid Syllogism:

State Students go where they’re wanted . .

Times Advertisers want Student Patronage . . .

Therefore, State Students Patronize Times Advertisers!

M.1-.11:flits who advertise in (he Slate College

11, .es slims- their desire to rJacr to student 1, Hr. Students patronizing taws.. adsertisers

rceeive servire and unalitY at law mmes�

r, I ft�,1 II

_ , Smallpox Vaccination

To Be Given April 18 tallIJOX

,niallpox vaccinations will

�,is en to all students who wi,11

it on April Orth and 19th, from

12 to 1 o’clock.

11E.11.111 OFFICE. Women’s mnasiutn. _____

nic., Ira\ ,� wore 1�XlIel’illleerl 111(11

111011 Illey Itt.fore the

!Mild of edia�atioii can lie broad-

ened, and these vocatimitil stu-

dents c.in la. promised jobs, ent-

Floy,,,, j.,,,,,o(..rogniqatit. of

Hip ,...o�k 11,11131,

’1 his does not allee 111, 111,1111 111’� 11,1,s(11 11,11, s� \k

ill " \Ve should slily,. 1., 1,1 01.M.

, 11 tt’l 4�. 111,11’111 of re.lrielite4


11 /1 .11.01 � li,� 1,, r .

Hate Not To Predominate Belgium Collre

1...Ic 11,.,1 �.� .,1.1,1 tl, 11.1

�T MI, 1 N.1


.1, do. !loll 111.11 (III:1111i-

’, � of 111, is,�1.. 1,, lie .’ 1. to�

.1 �,11..11 41111-

,1 .,�1 t I 11.1,1,!

I t

I� t,I 111,

I.. I --...Ph . -1.,..1111,

\ ft, . 1 ’ 1 ol, .1 r.f al.. ! I . t..


It t. I

.1. .1 .1 .1111,


’ ! P.., 111 111r ! 1 I, It Is I,t

1110 tt.I 1 m 1. 1, . lit


1 III ,111t,t 41 I

II lit 1 It 11/11.11111�

1 g 111.1 1,11 \

11/1� 111.1.11 gt.1’s kill’ funds t. d tlie 1, , Talie Examinations 1111111 .111cr I

Practice Teachers To

- W:,(’(’, 11 ,YI-1s (1!�.sen "s th" "r1.11(’-’ Fhildents who dill their practice ac. a � a tla at lime. ’Clay wordina of lad. a la .......aption has been in ’ik- tics: Alameda. Stanishms. San

leaching in the following coun-

t, ,.. f ninnher or Ne,,es and Joaquin. Ntarin. Modesto, Onkland

l" ’111". si"lemse’ and San Francisco, the last six sveeks of the winter quarter. will

Typewriters Misr. you sccia N.’s\ SNIITII CORONA and all the other new portabh,.., compare them carefully and take your choice. Convenient terms. Complete stock slightly used and rebuilt portablts

and large typewrilers of all makes. l’riees from :,:5.911 to

VERY LARGE STOCK TO smEcr FRom Typewriters and Adding Machines

Rente,1 lt,�paired Exchanged

Office Store Equipment Co, EDWIN E. IIUNTEli

71-73 East San Fernando Street San JIM% Calif.

be given the examination on Edu-

cational Sociology nt III o’eloek, either Thursday, April 7111. or Saturday. April Ofh. at 9 o’clock. in rootn I81.

Trojan fraternities are submit-ting the names of three all -cam-pus men whom they think are .,..istanaling in activities. El lbalco iiia�k forty-nine men Juil publish their pictures.



� ..iiiifortible Large Double finoll1S. A -I Boar.l. Home Fri-, ileges. (?:10, $117.50.

l’our inspection cordially 1



Page 4: Oat Jost fttir Tultrgr Tintrg - scholarworks.sjsu.edu


_ -

Fresno Powerful Times Joins News Service

is Decbration by During Olympic SPort SPAY it, p:ssa:

Games The San Jose State basebal

Capt. Don Harder SAN JoSE HAS MEN WHO


Spartans Strong on Track FRESNO SHOULO oo WELL


Captain Don Harder was inter-vieweol by ;I Times reporter re-garding the meet with Fresno Sat-urday afternoon, and made the following statements:

In the Fresno-1’. meet, Fres-no showed a world of ’am 111,111 in the field and track coults. Ay-cording to the dope sheet Fresno

The Slate College Times has only team (there is such a thing) has

lost one gam so fur this

season. Of course, this a deep

dark secret. Even Winehell does

not know it. �

Big Ten records’ ShOW that 1,377

personal fouls were called (luring

the championship race for the

basketball title; an average of 23

per game. The high mark for a

contest was 42 and the 11.1W WW1

was 7. �

liar Wood’s record t�aee by

power boat at a rale of 111.712

miles per hour, has been acrepted

as a world mark. It was formerly

held by Kaye Ikon at a speed of 110.223.

� � �

liaskelliall took a drastic move

’ i I t,11,,, 1,s the fact that it is estimated that

Omar( s t I tit nu should score heavily in the field, as we tire v�eilk in those events. 90 percent of the Aint.rican atli- must be vas"

inaugurating :4 ...lc 11...1 it,. t!!11

AVith 3Iarty. world’s record high tele% will he (1"wn fr"11 the mil- of the court tosvards the scot

Wool To Return in Fall State Tracksters Football Will Meet Fresno

Jack without a doubt the

greatest all around athlete ever to

attend San Jose State, will return

to school in the Fall quarter tifl a%

to play in the mining football

season. This statement was a distinct

surprise to mato students as he

W;IN eXpecluol 1.� With ille

Olyinpie Club for �.\ liont he is

now competing. Wool was hampered with in-

juries most of the last season

\\inch dimmed his performances.

Ile hopes to be in perfect condi-

tion by the time the nest grid-iron season rolls around.

His record of getting on Ithe All�Ameriean football team is

enough to give him a position on the 1932 Spartan smi.01.

Educator Resigns To

at Spartan Fie HARDER AND likACk


Fresno Is Powo INJURIES


JOSE .1 it %,


’This Salordm ..11, strong Fresno St!. h. r tst, will meet the Sm. we,len, confer.... e 1,114-11,4,1, at Snarl:in Field at I . what promises to he test,/ :Hi(’ for the S1,11 .:!.

AA the start (4 ih� ,, � toad to potentitill� 1.� svere ill line to .1. f, � I 11...1* lout now things .1 .1 I

Run for the Senate bright. Manjui...1

juniper, and Wilson, broad jump- vIINilies and the goal within ten seconds of obtain -A.1 11,� tic

!aroused by th.� m 4,.., .1 mos., ,sity authorities in .1, n�...!, Hs!

professors the right I.. 1, political activities. In holes II. ’trough has resigned as a I...Amer! :11 1he l’nivet�sity of Arkansas mull

annoum�ed his candidacy Cori the United States Senate to sue-1 eced Senator Hattie Caraway. I

! Dr. [trough \N., go,ernor .1.4’1:ans.’s from 1916 to 192n. Ile. de.�larell that the right I.. partici-I

er, are almost certain point get- ing possession of the ball. This ters. should cause 1". S. C. a lot of

In the track events, Stal, i3utler Ridiculed for trouble as tho depend on stalling good ellallee of yearning up il,.�

ran help matters considerabls. The track events are going to lw the feature of the day. Plenty of thrills for eNerytille. AhOUI the only thing Me Heed 11OW IS some support from the student Dope we get it."

1 joined a bureau of an all -univer-sity news feature on the Olympic Games. This bureau will furnish the ’limes with news once a week that comes direct ft�oin the center tof activities.

This bureau is being handled in cooperation with ooltier coleges and universities the Uni s ersity of Southern California.

Mr. Wiliam NI. !tenet’s. Sports Technical Director of the Oympic Games, tells us that in all proba-bility this wil he the only occa-sion (luring the lifetimes of per-sons now living that America will act as Olympic host.

The reason that this Xtli Olym-piad should of utmost interest lo the college students of tmlay is

Free Love Classes l" "wir ’’’". score. Stoddard. lirack, and 11...- . . . per are consistent point men and University of Mulligan ee-

l:Imago \ Icticr ;Md.-est./1 to Dr. N.. 11.,11, \lorras tattler, pr, solent of Columbia I iikersits, by the \\Miler’’, .\ usiliars of the Episcopal Church in Chicago, pro-testing an alleged course in free love taught at Colombia. Said the letter in part:

Dean Walters Heads Cincinnati University

Cincinnati last week appointed Dean Itaymond Walters ..f Swarthmore College as president of the University of Cincinnati to sueeeed Dr. Herman Schneider.

Dr. solneider. who accePted the presidency in 1929 with the understanding that the position was to be temporary. retires be-cause of precarious health. ffr. Walters, who has been associated with President Frank Aydelotte for some ten years in building up a system of honors work for which Swarthmore has gained wide recognition, will take his new post September 1.

1,1ined the national collegiate

ing :it S111111".0111 W;iS

elose SeCoO111 W1111 markers.

� � The it,

s�as sesterdas and Ilv Itaggerly

To San Jose for

. Hi. 11 I lp 111 . 1 11111 OS A (all . "When the best elements in all 1bcf.... �, b. ri� i� .�..itk.ti�.. didate or as an elector, "is an1 vat. 111 Ilt,’ ’11,11’ .111 Is...am

. . . .

communities are doing their at. I ’ ’ . ’’. . I. ’ "" I, elemental right of esery Ameri- alui Wool in the 111!! ..�1101

most to preserve the home and ,. , ., can citizen." For an "alleged a victory.

dir -dors I f II 1 1. . � � ’.1 ’

Cincinnati. Ohio.-The board ..f f a christian and churchman, would jurincr S’n.1.1.’’’’

family as the bulwark of civiliza-tion, it seems incredible that You. ,./41ati ittitt.44% that rate �II, ItittiI11111111k tlie constitutional rights of . Marty in the Iii.1, ill��11/. trika

W1141 ole s11,1 ttr"’ "’nu"’ Ill’ unisersity 1,, dogmatically seek MI l’restio’s offish, ! !in In: aoh la

!ligh ’1.11"; 1 its 1...1111� 1/1,1/eolk, I ollic1.11 cooNk- in the broad juin:, 1.,11,,t in Ili

,.. .0

Knight. hurdler: !intiiriglai 1:,s, lin throom.�r; ! !I

lio eligibilits.

1 1 � oo111111 I I lo I oSis S 111S .1 J ! � 1O 1 i I 1 I � � as president of your great univer- :MI IC :1111 1111 11 /Et � a I

S it Pena Sa ell a (.0a rSe t be’ ranks. Silso. pole vaulter; : %het lion." he said. given. lhat it should be required ANaistIIIIII"I’ I’ll"( and us;

able." 11 � � th

i11111 Cht1 lialston, hurdler. These 111,�I v.ere ...e cream of the crop

of all undergraduates is unthink-

’Mrs. Charles Spencer VViiii�,�. ’luring high school competition.

son told the meeting here that the "ere.’ callege "ImPetithIn course was bused on hook by isn’t too much for them.

Professor Ruth Bee(’ of Mount Holyoke College, which, she :((,_ That great horse Phar Lip has

serted, advocated free love, in t�r_ run its last race. Another color -

feet, and belittled the integrity of ful thoroughbred has passed

the christian family as a sound through the sporting light.


When informed of the asser-tions, Dr. Butler in New York de-nied the statements as "an abso-lute invention."

St. Thomas College "it would be intuit more christ-i. i in and more intelligent if theY

Dedicates New Buildmg W011111 first find (out what they are talking about," Dr. Butler said in

St. Paul, Minn.- it,� John reference to the Chicago women’s

Gregory NItirray, Archbishop of St. Paul, last week dedicated a new 8300,000 arts and administra-tion building at the College of St. Thomas.

The following day classes were held for the first time in the new building. which contains 28 class rooms. sufficient to house all rob lege classes excepting the sci� enee and laboratory courses. tIn the first floor are the business and administrative offices and the of-fices of various organizations .

ily mastering resignation we school ourselves to much re-straint.-Itatael Sabatini.

+ + i MEN STIMENTS! i Room and three meals daily, iincluding Sunday. Private li$. ling room and ’,flower.

833 per month. i 1 1 South Eith Street

.i- 4-

organization. He said the Reed book was not even used in the Columbia course in family rela-tions.

We have let the idea of freedom under self-respect go to seed in our collego�s and are turning out too many harffiluoi101. hard-hearted, hard-h(.aded, dumb-bells.

\11,:i White.

t Crawford’s

1 FRESH FRUIT Pl.NCII for your



The track team took one on the I ehin when Cunningham, Knight,’ r-Marquis and Jones, were all given I their notices. It seems that school work always interferes. We hope Cunningham’s ankle gets ,ell

allS how.

T111( Ol�fl

Milk Shakes, Malt

Ballard 1525 33 E. San Antonio

M.ote of Real


Garden City Creamery

7(1E. Santa Clara St.

IAn agreement between th.� Douse and the Senate conferees

loon the proposed constitutional :amendment abolishing the lame Huck session ..f Congress has brim reached. Never before 1111V1.1 atly Douse and Senate been able to agree (on it. I he amendment must be ratified by the stales within SeN’t’ll years to become effective.


Acquis111,-( (-Neel in 11, !�!IN pole vault attending 1.1..�11,. bolster the lean, ,,,,ieratt

�1.,� 1.1.111 S.1:1 111 Seloml stars.

Stale dela 1.!’ !; �11,114ra as Harper and kr!! ’ the di haul, aid,a in ill( I, 41.1

tulle vault. Denahan ’,Iles. and \I Fresm, 11:1‘. 111,


NI�11 hil����

111 IliN

of 1S,111111.1N!,

Instead of � ’ ing das 4111. VI(’ go on gis!

Ian inereased ber of parasto, l’(!nuird Sitar,



Found! .\ meat place fnr tunkr 50 couples. l’erchc(116:1,11

hill in�ar .\ Iwo Hock park.] ir is

asily accessible and yrt alone has

all facilities for a first rah 41 1111.1 j� 1,111.


Air Castle this lelefoluone number . . . For informathon.

11�1.1.11(1) 418J1 or BALLARD 701i
