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Teamwork And Group By: Kishan Ravji Chintan Pooja

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Teamwork And Group






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Group : Meaning, Importance, Formation, Types.

Models of Group Development Factors affecting effectiveness of Group. Advantages and Disadvantages of Group. Team : Meaning, Importance. Difference between Team and Group Team : Types, Team Role, measures of

improving effectiveness of team. Process and team based design of


Contents :

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Group :Two or more individual interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives.

Work Group :A group that interacts primarily to

share information and to make decisions to help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility.

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Formal Groups : Officially formed groups Accomplish complex, independent

tasks that are beyond the capabilities of individuals

Create new ideas Co-ordinate interdepartmental

efforts Solve complex problems

requiring varied information and perceptives.

Implement action plans. Socialize and train newcomers.

Importance of Group

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Informal Groups : Unofficially formed Filling in gaps in manager’s

abilities Solving work problems Better co-ordination Channel of communication Restraint on managers Better relations Norms of behavior Satisfied workforce Developing future


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Task Accomplishment

Problem Solving


Socio-Psychological Factors

Formation of Group :

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Formal groups:A designed work group

defined by an organization's structure

Types of Group :

Informal group:A group that is neither

formally structured nor organizationally determined; such a group appears in response to the need for social contact.

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Command group :A group composed of

the individuals who report directly to a given manager.

Task group :People working

together to complete a job task.

Interest group :People working together to

attain a specific objective with which each is concerned

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Five stage Group Development Model : Developed by Tuckman and Jenson

Models of Group Development :

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Forming : Characterized by

great deal of uncertainty about the group’s Purpose , Structure and leadership.

Members “test the waters” to determine what type of behaviors are acceptable.

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Storming : One of intragroup

conflict. Members have

accepted the existence of the group, but there is resistance to constraints that a group imposes on individuality.

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Norming : Close relationships

develop and the group demonstrates cohesiveness.

There is now a strong sense of group identity and comparison.

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Performing : The structure at this

point is fully functional and accepted.

Group energy has moved from getting to know and understand each other to performing the task at hand.

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Adjouring : the group prepares

for its disbandment.

High task performance is no longer the group’s top priority.

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Temporary groups with deadlines does not follow 5 stage model instead they have their own unique Sequencing of actions:

An Alternative Model for Groups with Deadlines:

1. First Meeting – to set group’s direction.

2. Period of Inertia – become locked into fixed course of action.

3. End of 1st Phrase – Transition takes place, which occurs exactly when the group has used up half its time allotted time.

4. Transition – initiates major changes.

5. 2nd phrase of inertia – follows the transition.

6. Group’s last meeting–final burst of activity to finish its work

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The Punctual Equilibrium Model:




Phase 1

Phase 2



A (A+B)/2






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Factors affecting effectiveness of group :

External Factors

Performance and Satisfaction

Group task

Group processes

Group structure

Group member resources

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External Factors Group Members’

Resources : Abilities of members Personality characteristics

Group structure : Formal leadership Roles Norms Status Size Social loafing Composition

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Group Processes Group Tasks Performance and Satisfaction

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Pooling of knowledge and information

Satisfaction and commitment

Personnel development

More risk taking

Advantages of Working in Group :

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Time consuming and costly

Individual domination

Problem of responsibility

Group think

Disadvantages of working in group :

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Team :“A team is the small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.”

-Katzenbach and Douglas Smith

Work Team :A group whose individual efforts result in performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs.

Definitions :

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Improved employee motivation

Positive synergy Satisfaction of social

needs Commitment to team goal Improved organizational

communication Benefit of expanded job

training Organizational flexibility

Importance of Team

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Think about 10 people riding a bus…

Difference between Group and Team

All in one place Heading in the same

direction At the same time At the same speed Under the direction of one

leader Are they a Team???Are they a Team???

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In Reality…the 10 people riding a bus…

All in one place Heading in the same

direction At the same time At the same speed Under the direction of one

leader No, they are a Group.No, they are a Group.

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A Group is not a TeamA Group is not a Team

Dynamics Of Group


Rush to accomplish




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Think about a Football Team riding a bus…

All players get on and off the bus at the same time Clear mission Interrelated goals Clear goals and responsibilities Strategies with contingency plans Motivating and pumping each other up along the ride

Are they a Team???Are they a Team???

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After the game…a football team riding a bus…

Celebrating their success Lessons learned

They a TeamThey a Team

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Dynamics Of a Team

Work for common goal


Mutual Respect





But a Team is a Group But a Team is a Group

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Work Groups

Work Teams





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Types of teams :

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Problem solving Teams:They are typically composed of 5 to 12

employees of the same department who meet for few hours each week to discuss the ways of improving quality, efficiency, and the work environment.

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Self-managed work teams :A formal group of employees that operates without a manager and is responsible for a complete work process or segment that delivers a product or service to an external or internal customer.

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Cross Functional Teams:A team composed of employees from about the

same hierarchical level but form different work areas in an organization who are brought together to accomplish a particular task.

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Virtual Teams:Team that uses computer technology

to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal.

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Key Roles of Team :

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Action Oriented: Shapers (SH) Implementer (IPM) : Completer – Finishers (CF) :

People oriented : Coordinator (CO) Team Worker (TW) Resource investigator (RI)

Team Roles (by Belbin):

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Thought Oriented : Plant (PL) Monitor-

Evaluator (ME) Specialist (SP)

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Action oriented role

1 Shaper Challenges the team to improve

2 Implementer Puts idea into action

3 Completer finisher Ensures thorough, timelt completion

People oriented roles

4 coordinator Acts as a chairperson

5 Team work Encourages cooperation

6 Resource investigator

Explores outside opportunities

Thought oriented roles

7 Plant Presents new ideas and approaches

8 Monitor- Evaluator Analyzes the options

9 Specialist Provides specialized knowledge

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Measures for improving effectiveness of team :

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The organization form which is mostly addressing he alignment between structure and processes is commonly referred to as Process based Organization.

It varies from traditional organization in following ways: They design end to end business processes

rather than tasks. They measure and manager process level

results instead of departmental efficiency. They think in terms of customer goals instead

of localized functional goals.

Process Based design of Organization :

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Features : Processes drive

structure Work adds value Teams are fundamental Customers define

performance Teams are rewarded

for performance Teams are tightly

linked to suppliers and customers

Team members are well informed and trained

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Advantages : Focuses resources on

customer satisfaction. Improves speed and

efficiency, often dramatically. Adapts to environmental

change rapidly. Reduce boundaries between

departments. Increase ability to see total

work flow. Enhances employee

involvement. Lowers cost because of less

overhead structure.

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Disadvantages : Can threaten middle

manager and staff specialist

Requires changes in command and control mindsets.

Duplicates scarce resources

Require new skills and knowledge to manage literal relationships and teams.

May take longer to make decisions in teams Can be ineffective if wrong processes are


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In the team based structure the entire organization is made of work groups or team that perform the organization’s work

Employee’s empowerment is crucial because there is no line of managerial authority from top to bottom.

In big organizations the team complement a functional or divisional organization.

Team Based design of Organization:

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Easy integration Better management, more

control Greater productivity

Advantages :

Disadvantage :

Significant overheads

Arising conflicts

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Group and team in details Difference between Team and Group Models of Group Factors affecting Group Effectiveness of Team Team Role Process and Tam Based Organizational


Wrap Up :

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Organizational Behavior – Person edition.

MBA handbook – Thakur publication


Sources :

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