obama's worst nsa scandal: why the capo gringo cut his own throat

Obama’s Worst NSA Scandal: Why the Capo Gringo Cut His Own Throat By John Nagel

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A true, gripping and vivid account of one man's struggle against a corrupt president and his administration who will stop at nothing, including the use of real life psychotronic WMD "mind control" devices, to keep a deadly secret. The CIA, NSA and DOD conspire to incite an alleged Mafia kingpin to suicide, pursuing him throughout Latin America and using Remote Neural Monitoring and Synthetic Telepathy to torture an innocent American. Although it deals with concepts reminiscent of science fiction, it has the ring of truth, being grounded in personal experience, hard-nosed research into government mind control programs and what are known as "targeted individuals." "This piece features thrilling and mind- blowing real life espionage as the national intelligence structure pursues an innocent individual, in the same vein as heroes Edward Snowdon, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning. The following is an excerpt from a soon-to-be published book


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Obama’s Worst NSA Scandal: Why the Capo Gringo

Cut His Own ThroatBy John Nagel

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Obama’s Worst NSA Scandal: Why the “Capo Gringo” Cut His Own Throat

Copyright © 2013 John M. Nagel

All Rights Reserved

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The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book

Obama’s Worst NSA Scandal: Why the “Capo Gringo” Cut His Own Throat

By John Nagel

Chapter 1

A Public Suicide

An alleged “Capo of the Mexican Mafia” slashed his own throat late in 2012 in front of a photographer outside of a mass media outlet in Costa Rica, attempting public suicide in protest of “mind control” torture by clandestine agencies of the U.S. government due to his knowledge of the Obama administration’s links to organized crime.

I am that person.

My name is John Nagel, and until 2012, I lived as a “Gringo” in Mexico City for 18 years.

An Orwellian Deprivation of Civil Rights…An Election Connection?

Now, I have become what is known as a “Targeted Individual” in Obamaspeak, and in recent months I have come to see myself a dissident of the U.S., the country where I was born and love – but without the publicity of my brave comrades in dissent, Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.

This is because the rights I refer to, enshrined in the Bill of Rights -- or the first ten amendments to the Constitution which ostensibly has governed our nation since 1789 -- have been denied me by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the Defense Department and/or other secret U.S. intelligence agencies since September 2012 – starting just prior to and perhaps skewing the results of the 2012 election -- due to the damaging information I came to possess while I was living in Mexico City about the White House.

At a cost of tens of millions of dollars to US taxpayers, the rights that have been deprived me by the US intelligence structure include, among others: 1) protection from unreasonable search and seizure, in that I have been “mind tapped” using well-documented “silent sound spectrum spread” microwave or UHF torture technology1, and 2) protection from cruel and unusual punishment, in that I am tortured by Obama agents on an ongoing basis using that technology.

1 http://www.raven1.net/silsound.htm

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These occurrences have taken place amidst the greatest turmoil ever seen in U.S. and global intelligence agencies, thanks to seemingly unlimited NSA spying on U.S. and foreign citizens and leaders.

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz has said that US secret services are “out of control”, and the U.S. has, with the knowledge of the Commander in Chief Barack Obama, engaged in spying on a massive level, including against allies Italy, France, Germany, Brazil, Spain and Mexico, largely in collusion with Great Britain.2

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The Start of a Strange Rumor

My involvement in all of this came about because, in May of 2012, a strange rumor began to circulate in my neighborhood that I was “Capo" of a Mexican Mafia, although this was untrue and I was never contacted nor had involvement with organized crime, and I am a relatively poor, hardworking and honest person.

In fact, I had led a citizen complaint against prostitution in my neighborhood, in spite of death threats, in an effort to improve my community, and last year was enrolled in an Emergency Medical Technician Course at the Red Cross.

So, in short, I paid no attention to the Capo rumor, since it had no effect on my life and I had nothing at all to do with the matter.

I don’t take on any job without an interview and a contract, and there was none in this case.

And after receiving some dirty looks at Starbucks from staffers from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, I even called the Drug Enforcement Agency to offer my assistance and explain that I had nothing to do with this bizarre rumor.

Does Obama have ties to the Godfather?

Nevertheless, several months later, in September of 2012, I was contacted by an apparently mob-related banker who mentioned a connection with Barak Obama.

I never learned the banker’s name, but he remarked that the United States had invested heavily in me because I helped to calm the violence in Mexico.

I didn’t think anything more of the matter, and nor did I realize that I had a real problem until 24 hours later, when my cellphone service was cut off and duty officers at the U.S. embassy discussed kidnapping me.

2 http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-revelations-uk-reaction-832/

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I’ve never had anything to do with organized crime and I never received money from that banker, who was very tall, about 6’6" or more, slender, with grey hair and a hawk nose.

But later I heard rumors that the banker was the “Godfather” and expected that I participate in some way in a financial transaction, which never occurred because the banker never showed at a meeting he set with me.

Threatened and Harassed By CIA, NSA and DOD

The point of the story is this:

Since that day, I have been constantly threatened and tortured, including using top secret mind control technologies such as Silent Sound Spectrum Spread and Remote Neural Monitoring, by psychological operations (psy-ops) operatives of clandestine agencies of the Government of the United States, who have identified themselves as being with the CIA, the NSA and the DOD.3

Not only was I was threatened with kidnapping in front of the United States embassy in front of Mexican police witnesses; I was also threatened with murder on three occasions by CIA agents in the Mexico City airport (the Mexican government will have video), since I was trying to leave Mexico due to my fears of possessing information damaging to the United States government (Obama’s ties to the mob banker).

Since leaving Mexico over one year ago, I have continued to receive multiple threats of kidnapping, torture, murder and what is referred to as being put on “medical leave” -- being injected with medication to alter my mental processes by agents of the CIA, to leave me hospitalized for life in an insane asylum.

The CIA has also threatened to make my death appear to be a suicide, and said that “programs would be run” on my brain using advanced mind control technology, known as "computerized telepathy” or "synthetic telepathy” to damage my mental processes and render me hospitalized, unable to challenge the administration.

Phrases I would have previously attributed to the tinfoil hat set, such as “Remote Neural Monitoring”, “Electronic Brain Link”, and top secret agencies such as HAARP and Echelon, are now part of my everyday vocabulary.

I have also been threatened constantly with torture, kidnapping and hospitalization of my daughter, an 11-year old US and Mexican citizen, and her mother, who continue to reside in Mexico, and agents claiming to be from the CIA, NSA and DOD have said that they would torture my family for the rest of their lives, or make their deaths appear to be suicides.

3 http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech12.htm

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I have received threats that clandestine agencies are going to ruin my business, blocking communication and blocking traffic to my Internet sites, as well as hacking my email and bank accounts.

There have also been threats that I and my entire family, including family that I have in the Philippines, would be murdered by the CIA or its contractors.

Legitimate Businessman

I should point out that I am a businessman who developed Conexionejecutiva.com and Mexidiom.com, a directory of Mexican companies and a translation company, respectively, and I have been photographed with senior government officials, including former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo and José Ángel Gurria, current secretary of the Organization for Economic Development.4

I have all the tax records paid by my business, and like I said, I have nothing to do with organized crime.

I have worked in ambulances of the Mexican Red Cross, and I have saved the lives of Mexican people, risking my own life to do so.

I wrote more than 1,500 articles on the economy, regulations on international trade, labor affairs, and the environment for The Bureau of National Affairs (BNA), a Washington publishing house which is now a service of Bloomberg News.

I went to the University of Southern California’s Center for International Journalism, where I was granted a fellowship in International Journalism, which is how I came to Mexico in 1994.

I graduated from The University of North Carolina, where I have a B.A. in Latin American studies.

I went to the Lawrenceville School, a highly prestigious prep school in the US, attended by the famous Boesky brothers, for example.

I also attended the Browning School in New York City, along with students like John Zacarro, son of Geraldine Ferraro, ex-candidate for Vice President of the United States and whose husband’s finances were an issue in the 1988 campaign, and Andy Zuccotti, son of John Zuccotti, the man for whom Zuccotti Park is named, where the Occupy Wall Street protests began.

I was confirmed at the Saint James Church in New York City, and my Sunday school teachers included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel laureate who at that time, in the early 1980’s, was a visiting minister at the church.

A Public Suicide in Legitimate Protest

4 https://www.facebook.com/john.nagel.94

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The torture by the CIA, NSA and DOD was such that, after 16 weeks, I made the quite difficult decision to take my life publically in protest of the damaging actions against an innocent family by the Obama Gestapo.

My idea was to kill myself in front of a mass media outlet, using a knife to cut my throat outside of the La Nacion Newspaper in Costa Rica (which has dramatic, gruesome photos and video footage).

My attempted suicide, reminiscent in my mind of the self-emollition of Buddhist monks who protest China’s occupation of Tibet, was interrupted.5

I begged my rescuers to let me die and remove pressure from my wounds.

I wanted to die because of the deep psychological and emotional damage inflicted through ongoing torture by psychological operations professionals using mind control technology against me.

I can still feel the pop of skin as the box cutter pierced my neck, and as I hacked at my blood vessels seeking an artery, with my torturers egging me on in the background.

I was able to cut my jugular vein, but I was rescued by the excellent police, firemen and paramedics of Costa Rica and by the Costa Rican Red Cross.

As my wounds healed, I spent two weeks in a San Jose sanitarium.

Can't Win Against the CIA and the USA

I made my public suicide attempt, and am speaking out about it now because, at that time and until today, I had understood that I could not win against the power of the government of the United States, the CIA, NSA, DOD and other unknown or secret agencies which have extra-legally persecuted me.

My intent in telling this story now is to make readers aware that there is likely corruption in the Obama administration and its clandestine agencies, which have taken extremely damaging actions against my innocent person, separating me from my beloved family, threatening my life and threatening to convict me of invented crimes, a la Julian Assange or Edward Snowden.

I had lost hope of being able to survive this situation, since through the CIA and NSA, the Obama administration has insisted that it will never leave me in peace because of the secret that I have about the banker possibly being a Mafia Godfather, as the rumors say.

And the Obama Gestapo has also violated the protections of the United States Constitution, such as the right to due process under the law, protections against

5 https://www.savetibet.org/resources/fact-sheets/self-immolations-by-tibetans/

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unreasonable search and seizure, and against cruel and unusual punishment, among other constitutional violations.

Many Mexicans in the neighborhoods of Cuauhtémoc, Col Juárez, Condesa of the DF and others have knowledge of this situation, and I fear for the lives of my loved ones, who are under constant threat.

I am publishing this protest because it is of vital importance for the values of the United States, human rights, human dignity and legality that this information be dissimulated and the people of the world become aware of the unlawful reach of America’s clandestine agencies.

Threats to Defame Me

I want to point out that these agencies have threatened to defame me in ways that include planting drugs in my house, and saying that I am a criminal, insane, or that I have taken drugs such as cocaine to explain this protest action.

It should be noted that my blood test was clean when tested at Hospital Mexico in San Jose, Costa Rica, where I underwent emergency surgery on my neck and received upwards of 40 stitches.

The CIA has said that it will invent criminal charges against me, such as conspiracy or having ties to organized crime which I do not have.

They have told me that I am going to be accused of crimes that I have not committed, such as murder or rape using DNA collected from my house, and others, and they have claimed to have made a falsified letter in my hand threatening the President of the United States.

They have told me that they will kill me for writing this letter, or members of my family, and that they are going to “strangle me” financially, ruining my businesses.

They have told me that I will be placed on a U.S. “terror list”, that I will be unable to travel by air, that my company is on such a list, that my daughter’s innocent would be put on a terror list, as well as my mother. This is in spite of the fact that we have nothing to do with terrorism and are a normal and peaceful family.

It is because of all of the above that I took the drastic action of a public suicide attempt as a legitimate protest against the Obama administration and is actions against me and my family.

I was on the path to death.

How did I get on this path?

Echoes of Snowden, Assange

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Astonishingly, my punishment for stumbling across the damaging information that the Obama administration has organized crime ties has been the use of psychogenic weaponry against me, fueled by technologies like well-known top secret mind control projects such as HAARP, Echelon and supercomputers which allow the CIA and NSA to hear all of our conversations, view all of our movements, and store them forever at massive data complexes like the surveillance center at Fort Meade in Virginia.

And the NSA is building more, as has been so recently in the news with persecution of American Hero Snowden and the collection of “metadata” of U.S. callers at a 1,000,000 square foot facility in Utah.

But does anyone really believe that it is just the metadata, and not the content of our conversations that is routinely stored, filtered, sifted through, classified and listened to if deemed necessary? If so, those are the people I really feel sorry for.

We are finding out still more from whistleblower Snowden, but to me it is painfully clear that the full content of everything we say is recorded, even when we are “offline”, using the live microphones in our cellphones and computers, among other means, such as satellite tracking, real-time access to our entire life records, facial recognition and wireless cameras, with real time concordances of contacts and other instrumentations such as remote neural monitoring (mind reading, using the minute electrical currents given off by the human body and picked up by the NSA's high gain EEGs), and all filtered through the NSA´s algorithms. Think of the television show Person of Interest, just 10 times worse.

This includes the diabolic psychogenic weaponry which has been used against me these last 12 months.

This microwave auditory technology uses secret patents originally developed by the Air Force in 1992 and is used by focusing on the specific brain pattern of its victim, using satellite, Wi-Fi, cellular towers and other sources of spectrum radiation.

It sounds like science fiction or the plot to the modern-day Manchurian Candidate, but psychogenic weapons -- or weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) whose purpose is to directly affect the human brain -- have been the U.S. government´s main tool for depriving me of my fundamental rights, both as a human being and citizen of the United States of America.

And Barack Obama uses such WMD against an innocent citizen, even as he threatens Syria with military strikes for the same crime.

I suggest you Google “Silent Sound Spectrum Spread” technology to learn how the government has developed patents and “synthetic telepathy” mind control machines which are able to implant and receive thoughts of human beings

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wirelessly, enable "remote viewing” by psy-ops teams, which are usually military-trained and then contracted out by the Defense Department, NSA or the CIA, or are part of the agencies themselves.6

The government holds dozens of these patents, heavily redacted for secrecy purposes, and there is every evidence that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and other dark government agencies have invested billions of dollars in mind control technology.

During the 1950s through the 1970s, there were thousands of innocent victims of a CIA mind control program known as MKUltra, which resulted in numerous lawsuits and settlements due to the CIA carrying out experiments without the knowledge and consent of the victims.

According to Wikipedia, MKUltra was “the code name of a U.S. government covert research operation experimenting in the behavioral engineering of humans (mind control) through the CIA’s Scientific Intelligence Division. The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, was reduced in scope in 1964, further curtailed in 1967 and officially halted in 1973. The program engaged in many illegal activities, in particular it used unwitting U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects…MKUltra involved the use of methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensormicrowave or UHF torture and deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as various forms of torture…The revelations about the CIA and the Army prompted a number of subjects or their survivors to file lawsuits against the government for conducting experiments without informed consent…Several plaintiffs received compensation through court order, out-of-court settlement, or acts of Congress.”7

Even according Washington Post acknowledges that “mind control” technology exists. In the 2007 article “Mind Games” the Post says, “An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender." In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects." 8

6 http://www.raven1.net/silsoun2.htm7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra8 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_3.html

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The television show 60 Minutes in 2009 featured a show on Mind Reading which explicitly and prophetically shows the stunning advances of mind control technology.9

CIA Torture Victim a Mayflower Descendent

As a legal technicality, my US torturers use offshore bases or claim that, since I am a US citizen abroad, the Constitution no longer applies to me.

But as it happens, this victim of mind control torture recently discovered that he is a Mayflower descendant, offspring of those 102 passengers who huddled together and risked all for their beliefs and values in a perilous two-month voyage to escape tyranny and land in Plymouth in 1620.

Most died in the first harsh Winter.

One hundred and seventy years later, the Constitution and its Bill of Rights were created by the founding fathers.

Because of my heritage, I consider it to be my duty and honor to challenge the tyranny of the Obama administration in this matter, and I am unwilling be intimidated by the threats of death, torture and arrest made by Obama´s secret agents against me and my family, as well as the threats to defame me in any number of ways if I disclose this information.

The CIA, NSA and DOD have denied me of virtual every individual liberty guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

I allude to the right to due process, the right to speedy trail, the right to be free of unreasonable search and seizure, the right to petition my government. I especially note the right to be free of cruel and unusual punishment, in that my “mind rape” by the administration has been severely disconcerting and taken the form of 24-7 torture by sadistic and psychopathic US psy-ops agents, who eventually incited me to attempt suicide.10

To what extent has the tyranny of the Obama administration run amok?

Now that I survived my suicide attempts (there were three others which were less successful) I remain a “targeted individual”, one of a new kind of government prisoner whose mind is invaded on a routine basis by psychogenic weapons of the NSA, CIA and DOD, or other more sinister agencies that we don´t even know about, who deem them to be dissidents.

Check it out on the Internet.

9 http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=5119805n10 http://www.raven1.net/silsoun2.htm

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Targeted individuals are those seen as a threat to the Obama government, and lose their freedom not necessarily through imprisonment, but rather are taken as mental prisoners of the administration without trial or sentencing, able to be tortured at will by psy-ops officers making use of the ultimate secret weapon of mass destruction – the psychogenic weapon which wirelessly communicates through “synthetic telepathy,” leaving no proof, no evidence of the horrific damage electronic gangstalking can do to the psyche.

My internet comments are deleted as the NSA abridges my right to free speech and follows my every electronic movement.

My computers are destroyed upon going online.

A brutal "mind tap" which includes license to torture has been imposed on me with no written warrant, and in any case, any court in the land would consider such a thing to be a clear invasion of the fundamental protection against illegal search and seizure as embodied in the 4th amendment to the Constitution.

And, the torture to which I am subject to 24/7 is, on its face, cruel and usual punishment, which is also covered explicitly by the eighth amendment to the Bill of Rights.

I recently wrote 600 letters to the Mexican Congress and embassies in Mexico to inform them of what I consider to be the Obama administration´s unlawful activity in this matter (my businesses are in Mexico and I became a targeted individual while in Mexico). I also filed a complaint in a Mexico City police station against the threats made against me by the CIA.

Nevertheless, after more than 12 months, the torture continues, and psy-ops officers threaten to "prosecute me for everything I have ever done for the rest of my short life,” though I have lead an honorable and honest life, standing up for American ideals in my thoughts and actions, and in any case any information garnered through unreasonable search and seizure or torture would be inadmissible.

Meanwhile, I am persecuted by the Obama NSA Gestapo´s real-life “thought police”, solely because I am an innocent civilian with knowledge of possibly damaging information about the Presidency.

Unwittingly, the Obama administration’s persecution has vaulted me into a class with global dissidents such as Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and other persons who have displayed greatness by being willing to die for their belief in freedom or standing up for others.

For now, I am fighting my battle against the mind control efforts of the Obama Administration using the Internet, depending on readers like you become aware

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and outraged by this new additional attack on our civil liberties, and writing this book to expose the corruption and wrongdoing of the Administration.

I am also preparing, pro se, or on my own behalf, an exhaustive lawsuit to be filed in federal court for the tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress against me by the chief executive and his national intelligence structure.

I´m just waiting to see what the Obama administration will do to me next.

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Chapter 2

Mind Control – The Invisible Threat