objectives swbat explain how the electoral college works to elect our president swbat analyze the...


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Page 1: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College
Page 2: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College


• SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President

• SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Page 3: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Federalists Anti-Federalists

•Against the Bill of Rights•Strong national gov’t

•Supporters of the Bill of Rights•Small national gov’t•Strong state govts•Individual rights

Page 4: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Modern Issue #1

• Should the Federal Government have expanded powers during a crisis to protect Americans?

• Does the Constitution allow for this?

Page 5: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

What is this picture from?

Page 6: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Modern Debate #1

• The 2001 USA Patriot Act: • Legislation passed by Congress to expand the

federal government’s power to combat terrorism.

Gives the federal government more implied powers.

– Power to access banking information, library, internet, phone and other personal records.

– Power to use wiretapping devices to listen in on conversations.

Page 7: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Modern Issue #2

• Is the method we use to elect our president outdated?

• Should we abandon the electoral college and use the popular vote instead?

Page 8: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

How we elect the president (Article II):

Electoral College: This body is used to elect the President & Vice President

Each state gets: the # of representatives + (plus)

the # of Senators for their Electoral Vote

13 NC representatives + 2 NC Senators = 15 EC

Winner Takes All: Whichever candidate wins the most popular votes in that state will receive ALL the electoral votes for the state (Except in Maine & Nebraska)

• There are a total of 538 electoral votes

• You must win 270 electoral votes to win •If there is a 269 to 269 vote tie the House decides the President and the Senate decides the VP (12th Amendment)

Page 9: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Electoral CollegeWhy did the framers of the Constitution decide to

create the Electoral College?

1. Federalism: The Anti-Federalists wanted to make sure the states still had power in the federal governement. The Electoral College is designed so that even small states can influence the outcome of an election.

Example: President Obama had to campaign in big states like Ohio and Florida, but he also had to

campaign in NH which only has 4 electoral votes so that he would have at least 270 total on election day.

Page 10: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

2. Fear of a direct popular vote: The Federalists feared that a direct popular vote would be too much power in the hands of the people. They wanted electors to be able to make a thoughtful decision about who should be president.

Today Electors vote the way the people in their state wantthem to.

Page 12: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

2008 Election Prediction

Blue = Democrats 210

Red = Republicans 221

Toss-up = 123 votes

Page 13: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Final 2008 Election ResultsObama: 365 Electoral VotesMcCain: 173 Electoral Votes

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Winner takes all is unfair.

Since all states have 2 Senators and at least 1 House of Rep. that unfairly gives the states with small populations too much influence.

Example: In Wyoming there are 170,000 people represented byeach electoral vote. In California 670,000 people are representedby each electoral vote.

But then if small states didn’t have at least 3 electoral votes no candidate would ever pay attention to that state.


Do you think it is fair that 1 electoral vote can represent700,000 people in one state and then only 200,000 people inanother state?

Criticisms of the Electoral College:

Page 15: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Basic Principle of American Government:

Majority Rule and Minority Rights

The majority (greatest # of people) will decide how the rest of the population shall live, but the minority still gets all the basic freedoms promised in the Constitution.

Page 16: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Majority Rule Minority Rights

What does “Majority Rule and Minority Rights” mean?

Example: How many of you like Rap or Hip Hop music?

If you don’t like Rap what type of music do you like?

Do the minority still have a right to listen to any type of music they want even though it is not the majority music?

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Electoral Map

Page 18: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College
Page 19: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

Objective 2.07• Which of the following has

undercut the constitutional principle of popular sovereignty in recent years?a.Controversy over states’

rightsb.Judicial activismc.Decline in presidential vetoesd.Low voter turnout

Page 20: Objectives SWBAT explain how the Electoral College works to elect our President SWBAT analyze the modern problems with the Electoral College

• A candidate must win which of the following to be elected president?a.A majority in Congressb.A majority of the

popular votec.A majority of the

electoral voted.The popular vote in


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• Opponents of the PATRIOT Act would most likely argue that it violates which part of the U.S. Constitution?a.Protection against

unreasonable searchesb.Guarantee of a republican

form of governmentc.Freedom of speechd.Right to bear arms