objects and classes - astronverkout/oomethod.pdf1 objects and classes fall 2001 jeffrey t. edgell...

1 Objects and Classes Fall 2001 Jeffrey T. Edgell Objects and Classes n An object is central to OO design n Objects tend to be so general that they may be hard to define n A class represents the template for creating an object n An object is made of 3 basic elements: n State (current data values) n Operations (what it can do) n Identity (object name which remains static) Class n A collection or grouping of objects n Objects derived from the same class n Support common operations n Have the same possible states n A class must define n Allowable operations n Possible states

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Page 1: Objects and Classes - ASTRONverkout/OOMethod.pdf1 Objects and Classes Fall 2001 Jeffrey T. Edgell Objects and Classes nAn object is central to OO design nObjects tend to be so general


Objects and Classes

Fall 2001Jeffrey T. Edgell

Objects and Classes

n An object is centralto OO design

n Objects tend to beso general that theymay be hard todefine

n A class representsthe template forcreating an object

n An object is made of3 basic elements:n State (current data


n Operations (what itcan do)

n Identity (object namewhich remains static)


n A collection orgrouping of objects

n Objects derivedfrom the same classn Support common


n Have the samepossible states

n A class must definen Allowable operations

n Possible states

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Class Example (book)

n Mailboxn Every mailbox

regardless of it’s usewill support the sametype of operationsn Add a mail messagen List all stored

messagesn Delete a messagen Retrieve a messagen Purge the mailboxn Etc.

n The state of the mailboxconforms to the definedbehaviorn Messages are stored by

timen Messages can be stored

for 30 daysn Messages will not

exceed 30 seconds

n No more than 10messages allowed

Classes and Objects

n Any object thatadheres to thedescription of aclass is an instanceof that class

n Example:n Voice mailbox

n E-mailbox

n Etc.



n Operationsn Define input devices

n Get input

n Display information

n Adjust size

n Adjust color

n Etc.

n State definitionn Allowable colors

n Allowable inputdevices

n Allowable sizes

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n Optical targetingsystems

n Operationsn Accept target

n Verify target

n Abort target

n Refine target

n State definitionn No target within 100

miles of civilianpopulation

n Military targets only

n System override bytarget establisheronly


n Automatic pilot

n Operationsn Accept coordinatesn Accept speedn Monitorn Change coordinates

n Change speedn Alert pilotn Watch for trafficn Etc.

n State definitionn Acceptable


n Acceptableairspeeds

n Divert course ofaircraft if traffic iswithin 1 mile

Inheritance Revisited

n One of the mostpowerful aspects is tobuild off the similaritiesbetween identifiedclasses

n We see that mostsystems there existsubclasses that are arefined version of amore general class(super class)

n Some slight changes inthe operations and dataexists

n An inherited class iscalled a subclass orderived class

n The parent is known asa super class, baseclass, or parent class

n For a language to beOO it must posses thisfeature

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Building Software Using OOConceptsn In the software

process we seemany possiblelifecycles

n Most all lifecyclesposses the followingphases:n Analysis

n Designn implementation

n Various lifecycles:n Waterfall

n Spiral



n ExtremeProgramming

n Code and fix

n Dimensional


n We start with ageneralized problemthat we attempt to refine

n A lot of documentationis produced to supportand verify findings

n A requirement or specis typically producedthat will act as acontract

n The spec should be:n Complete and

unambiguousn Contain functional and

non-functional detailn Should not self contradictn Must be reviewed and

verified by allstakeholders

n Can be used to verify thesystem once constructed

n Explain the whats andnot the hows


n We must now pullclasses from thedomain

n There are manymethods to do thisn CRC

n The goal is to crisplydefine classes andrelationships whileminimizing the basiccomplexity

n Design is typicallydecomposed intotwo parts:n High-level

n Detailed

n During design wemay utilizeprototypes

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n Moving the design toreality

n In large systems,adherence to interfacedesign is critical

n During implementationwe often use sub-phasesn Unit testn System testn Integration test

n In traditionalapproaches, theintegration and systemtest is often completedas a “big bang”

n The OO approachemphasizes gradualand steady growthwhich reducesregression efforts andthus cost andcomplexity

Specifics of OO Design

n Look for classes andoperations first

n The first task is to breakthe problem intoclasses

n Once classes areidentified, theoperations of thoseclasses must beestablished

n The first search is forthe nouns in theproblem domain

n Once the basic classesare identified, lessobvious classes will beeasier to discover

OO Design Process

n Grady Boochdefines a simpleprocess that we canuse:n Identify the classes

n Identify thefunctionality of theclasses

n Identify therelationships amongall classes

n Booch is defininggoals and not steps(paradigm)

n The process isiterative as newthoughts will evolvewith the introductionof new classes

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OO Design Process

n The final result ofthe design will ben A list of classesn Their operationsn Their relationships

n The interface mustbe well thought outand defines

n The class hierarchieswill be defined

n Relationshipsamong classes isoften expressedthrough graphicalnotation

n Design is critical(the last step prior tocoding)

The Class Interface

n Classes are always builtso they may beaccessed in one way

n Data can only beaccessed or changedthrough the interface

n There is norequirements for anyobject to have aninternal understandingof another object

n Example:n Add a message to

the mailbox

n Mailbox(message)

n Set_temperature(temp)

Identifying ClassRelationshipsn Three basic

relationships canexist among classesn Association (uses)

n Aggregation(containment)

n Inheritance(specialization)

n A class is said to useanother class if itmanipulates items ofthe other class in anyway

n Example:n Object airplane initializes

object autopilotn Object user created a

mail message

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Identifying ClassRelationshipsn If a class can execute

all activities withoutknowledge or use ofanother class, it doesnot use that class

n It is important to keepthe uses relationshipminimized to reducecoupling

n The fewer classes wehave concerned aboutthe actions of anotherclass the less impacthere is with change

n If an object from oneclass contains an objectfrom another class wehave an aggregationrelationshipn Example

n Mailbox object containsmessage objects

n A class object containsstudent objects

n The aggregationrelationship is alsoknown as the “has-a”relationship

Identifying ClassRelationshipsn With aggregation it

is often useful tounderstand thecardinality of therelationshipn 1:m

n 1:1

n m:m

n Mailbox has 1greeting

n Mailbox contains nmessages

n Plane has oneautopilot

n Class has nstudents

Identifying ClassRelationshipsn Inheritance is often

identified as the “is-a” relationship

n Inheritance is moredifficult to identifythan the aggregationrelationship

n A Maxima is aNissan is a car

n A 747 is a jet is acommercial aircraftis aircraft

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Traditional Design Approach

n Task-orientedbottom-up or top-down approach

n Typically acombination of thetwo approaches areused

n We look for verbs toidentify procedures

n 2 drawbacks exist withthis approachn Procedures are designed

to be small and solvenontrivial problems

n Procedures do not hideor protect data

n Classes are larger innature and hideinformation

Design Hints

n Do not use a classto describe a singleobject

n It should be our goalto use a class tocollect objects of acommon set ofoperations

n We should makeclasses broadenough to capturemany objects

n Classes should benarrow enough to bemeaningful

Object Oriented Design

Fall 2001Jeffrey T. Edgell

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The CRC Method

n A very useful tool inidentifying classes,their operations, andrelationships toother classes

n Allows for tryingvarious designs

n Provides a simpletechnique to validateand modify design

n Typically use 3’’x5”index cards

n 1 card for eachclass

Why cards are good

n The space is limitedthus reducing what canbe put into a singleclass

n The cards can beshuffled andreorganized easily tocontemplated differentdesigns

n Easy to modify anddiscard

n Durable and portable

The CRC Process

n Make a single card foreach identified class

n List the operations onthe left side of the card

n List collaboratingclasses on the right ofthe card

n List data fields on theback

Class Name

Operations Collaborators

n It is easy and efficient touse the card to role playand walk throughvarious sequences tosolve a task

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Tips for using CRC Cards

n It is a good idea to keepthe cards close togethern The visual aspect allows

us to visualizerelationships

n The cards are dynamicand we often change ortear them up

n It is unlikely that yourfirst several attempts atarranging and assigningresponsibilities will besomewhat incorrect

n The process is iterativen Getting started

n Identify several objectsand associatedoperations

n Allow each person toassume the role of anobject

n Perform walk throughs ofvarious tasks

n One person shouldanalyze the walk throughcritically

n The analyst role shouldbe rotated

Tips for using CRC Cards

n Any modifications orsuggestions shouldbe openly discussed

n Once all non-trivialactions can beperformed withconcurrence by thegroup, you havereached a basicdesign

n This method canwork with a singledesigner, although itis challenging withonly a singleperspective

Tips for using CRC Cards

n We should becareful at this pointnot to addoperations justbecause they canbe performed

n Do what is neededand what makessense (KISS)

n No implementationdetails should beplaced on a card

n However, the designis strengthened ifone can provemultipleimplementations canbe performed for asingle design

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Class categories

n It is impossible toidentify all of thepossible categoriesand uses of classes

n However, there aresome commoncategories that mostfall into (designpatterns)

n Tangible itemsn Things easily identifiable

in the problem domain(nouns)

n System interfaces anddevicesn We typically find these

after identifying thetangible classes

n These capture systemresources and theinteraction of the systemn Display window, input

reader, output file, etc.

Class categories

n Agentsn Sometimes it is useful to

convert an operation of aclass to an agent class

n It has characteristicsaround the action itcarries out

n Often we use agents todecuple operations froma class

n Events and transactionsn Typically used to retain

information from the pastn The last mouse position,

the last set ofcoordinates for a plane,the last keystroke

n Also used to deal withscheduled eventsn Customer arrival class

that specifies whenwhere, and what kind ofcustomer

n An event scheduler forsimulations

Class categories

n User Rolesn Used to establish

different users withdifferent roles andpermissions of a system

n Systemsn Typically the control

harness for the entiresystem

n Used to initiate andterminate the system

n Containersn Used to retain

information for thegeneral application

n Examples:n Mailbox (holds

messages)n Invoice (holds orders)

n Address book (holdsaddresses)

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Class categories

n Foundation classesn These are typically

generic fundamentalclasses

n At the beginning weshould assume they exist

n Examplen Date, stack, rectangle

n They encapsulate datatypes with well definedproperties and actions

n These classes are thehighest focus for reuse

n Collaborationpatternsn Grouping classes to

achieve a goal

n Examplen Container and iteratorn Model and view

Recognizing classrelationshipsn Associationn Easiest to identify

n Any class thatcollaborates withanother class isassociated

n CRC cards will tell usthis

n Aggregationn “has-a”

n If an object of oneclass contains or isthe sole manager ofobjects generated ofanother class

Recognizing classrelationshipsn Inheritance

n “is a”n If a class has every data

type and operation ofanother class and more

n Sometimes inheritance ishard because the baseclass has not beenidentified

n Base class identificationis critical