obliquity variability of a potentially habitable early venus · 2016-08-24 · research articles...

Research Articles Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus Jason W. Barnes, 1 Billy Quarles, 2,3 Jack J. Lissauer, 2 John Chambers, 4 and Matthew M. Hedman 1 Abstract Venus currently rotates slowly, with its spin controlled by solid-body and atmospheric thermal tides. However, conditions may have been far different 4 billion years ago, when the Sun was fainter and most of the carbon within Venus could have been in solid form, implying a low-mass atmosphere. We investigate how the obliquity would have varied for a hypothetical rapidly rotating Early Venus. The obliquity variation structure of an ensemble of hypothetical Early Venuses is simpler than that Earth would have if it lacked its large moon (Lissauer et al., 2012), having just one primary chaotic regime at high prograde obliquities. We note an unexpected long-term variability of up to 7° for retrograde Venuses. Low-obliquity Venuses show very low total obliquity variability over billion-year timescales—comparable to that of the real Moon-influenced Earth. Key Words: Planets and satellites—Venus. Astrobiology 16, 487–499. 1. Introduction T he obliquity C—defined as the angle between a plan- et’s rotational angular momentum and its orbital angular momentum—is a fundamental dynamical property of a pla- net. A planet’s obliquity influences its climate and potential habitability. Varying orbital inclinations and precession of the orbit’s ascending node can alter obliquity, as can torques exerted upon a planet’s equatorial bulge by other planets. Earth exhibits a relatively stable and benign long-term cli- mate because our planet’s obliquity varies only of order *3°. As a point of comparison, the obliquity of Mars varies over a very large range: *0–60° (Laskar et al., 1993, 2004; Touma and Wisdom, 1993). Changes in obliquity drive changes in planetary climate. In the case where those obliquity changes are rapid and/or large, the resulting climate shifts can be commensurately severe (see, e.g., Armstrong et al., 2004). Earth’s present climate resides at a tipping point between glaciated and non- glaciated states, and the small *3° changes in our obliquity from Milankovic ´ cycles drive glaciation and deglaciation of northern Europe, Siberia, and North America (Milankovic ´, 1998). These glacial/interglacial cycles reduce biodiversity in periodically glaciated Arctic regions (e.g., Hawkins and Porter, 2003; Arau ´jo et al., 2008; Hortal et al., 2011). The resulting insolation shifts jolt climatic patterns worldwide, causing species in affected regions to migrate, adapt, or be rendered extinct. Perhaps paradoxically, large-amplitude obliquity varia- tions can also act to favor a planet’s overall habitability. Low values of obliquity can initiate polar glaciations that can, in the right conditions, expand equatorward to en- velop an entire planet like the ill-fated ice-planet Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back (Lucas, 1980). Indeed, our own planet has experienced so-called Snowball Earth states multiple times in its history (Hoffman et al., 1998). Al- though high obliquity drives severe seasonal variations, the annual average flux at each surface point is more uniform on a high-obliquity world than the equivalent low-obliquity one. Hence high obliquity can act to stave off snowball states (Spiegl et al., 2015), and extreme obliquity variations may act to expand the outer edge of the habitable zone (Armstrong et al., 2014) by preventing permanent snowball states. Thus knowledge of a planet’s obliquity variations may be critical to the evaluation of whether or not that planet pro- vides a long-term habitable environment. A planet’s siblings affect its obliquity evolution primarily via nodal precession of the planet’s orbit. Obliquity variations become chaotic when the precession period of the planet’s rotational axis (26,000 years for Earth) becomes commensurate with the nodal precession period of the planet’s orbit (*100,000 years for Earth). Secular resonances, those that only involve orbit- averaged parameters as opposed to mean-motion resonances for which the orbital periods are near-commensurate, typically cluster together in the Solar System such that if you are near 1 Department of Physics, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Researcher ID: B-1284-2009. 2 Space Science and Astrobiology Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. 3 Department of Physics and Physical Science, The University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, Nebraska. 4 Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC. ASTROBIOLOGY Volume 16, Number 7, 2016 ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. DOI: 10.1089/ast.2015.1427 487

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Page 1: Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus · 2016-08-24 · Research Articles Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus Jason W. Barnes,1 Billy

Research Articles

Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus

Jason W. Barnes,1 Billy Quarles,2,3 Jack J. Lissauer,2 John Chambers,4 and Matthew M. Hedman1


Venus currently rotates slowly, with its spin controlled by solid-body and atmospheric thermal tides. However,conditions may have been far different 4 billion years ago, when the Sun was fainter and most of the carbonwithin Venus could have been in solid form, implying a low-mass atmosphere. We investigate how theobliquity would have varied for a hypothetical rapidly rotating Early Venus. The obliquity variation structure ofan ensemble of hypothetical Early Venuses is simpler than that Earth would have if it lacked its large moon(Lissauer et al., 2012), having just one primary chaotic regime at high prograde obliquities. We note anunexpected long-term variability of up to –7� for retrograde Venuses. Low-obliquity Venuses show very lowtotal obliquity variability over billion-year timescales—comparable to that of the real Moon-influenced Earth.Key Words: Planets and satellites—Venus. Astrobiology 16, 487–499.

1. Introduction

The obliquity C—defined as the angle between a plan-et’s rotational angular momentum and its orbital angular

momentum—is a fundamental dynamical property of a pla-net. A planet’s obliquity influences its climate and potentialhabitability. Varying orbital inclinations and precession ofthe orbit’s ascending node can alter obliquity, as can torquesexerted upon a planet’s equatorial bulge by other planets.Earth exhibits a relatively stable and benign long-term cli-mate because our planet’s obliquity varies only of order *3�.As a point of comparison, the obliquity of Mars varies over avery large range: *0–60� (Laskar et al., 1993, 2004; Toumaand Wisdom, 1993).

Changes in obliquity drive changes in planetary climate.In the case where those obliquity changes are rapid and/orlarge, the resulting climate shifts can be commensuratelysevere (see, e.g., Armstrong et al., 2004). Earth’s presentclimate resides at a tipping point between glaciated and non-glaciated states, and the small *3� changes in our obliquityfrom Milankovic cycles drive glaciation and deglaciation ofnorthern Europe, Siberia, and North America (Milankovic,1998). These glacial/interglacial cycles reduce biodiversityin periodically glaciated Arctic regions (e.g., Hawkins andPorter, 2003; Araujo et al., 2008; Hortal et al., 2011). Theresulting insolation shifts jolt climatic patterns worldwide,causing species in affected regions to migrate, adapt, or berendered extinct.

Perhaps paradoxically, large-amplitude obliquity varia-tions can also act to favor a planet’s overall habitability.Low values of obliquity can initiate polar glaciations thatcan, in the right conditions, expand equatorward to en-velop an entire planet like the ill-fated ice-planet Hoth inThe Empire Strikes Back (Lucas, 1980). Indeed, our ownplanet has experienced so-called Snowball Earth statesmultiple times in its history (Hoffman et al., 1998). Al-though high obliquity drives severe seasonal variations,the annual average flux at each surface point is moreuniform on a high-obliquity world than the equivalentlow-obliquity one. Hence high obliquity can act to staveoff snowball states (Spiegl et al., 2015), and extremeobliquity variations may act to expand the outer edge ofthe habitable zone (Armstrong et al., 2014) by preventingpermanent snowball states.

Thus knowledge of a planet’s obliquity variations may becritical to the evaluation of whether or not that planet pro-vides a long-term habitable environment. A planet’s siblingsaffect its obliquity evolution primarily via nodal precessionof the planet’s orbit. Obliquity variations become chaoticwhen the precession period of the planet’s rotational axis(26,000 years for Earth) becomes commensurate with thenodal precession period of the planet’s orbit (*100,000 yearsfor Earth). Secular resonances, those that only involve orbit-averaged parameters as opposed to mean-motion resonancesfor which the orbital periods are near-commensurate, typicallycluster together in the Solar System such that if you are near

1Department of Physics, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. Researcher ID: B-1284-2009.2Space Science and Astrobiology Division, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.3Department of Physics and Physical Science, The University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, Nebraska.4Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, DC.

ASTROBIOLOGYVolume 16, Number 7, 2016ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.DOI: 10.1089/ast.2015.1427


Page 2: Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus · 2016-08-24 · Research Articles Obliquity Variability of a Potentially Habitable Early Venus Jason W. Barnes,1 Billy

one secular period, then you are likely near others as well.And those clusters of secular resonances act to drive chaosthat increases the range of a planet’s obliquity variations.

The gravitational influence of Earth’s Moon speeds theprecession of our rotation axis and stabilizes our obliquity.Without this influence, Earth’s rotation axis precession wouldhave a period of *100,000 years, close enough to commen-surability as to drive large and chaotic obliquity variability(Laskar et al., 1993). Though our previous work (Lissaueret al., 2012) showed that such variations would not be aslarge as those of Mars, the difference between commensu-rate precessions and noncommensurate precessions is stark.

Atobe and Ida (2007) investigated the obliquity evolutionof potentially habitable extrasolar planets with large moons,following on work by Atobe et al. (2004) showing thegeneralized influence of nearby giant planets on terrestrialplanet obliquity in general. Brasser et al. (2014) studied theobliquity variations for the specific super-Earth HD 40307 g.

To expand the general understanding of potentially hab-itable worlds’ obliquity variations, we use the only planetarysystem that we know well enough to render our calculationsaccurate: our own. In this paper, we analyze the obliquityvariations of a hypothetical Early Venus as an analogue forpotentially habitable exoplanets.

Venus was likely in the Sun’s habitable zone 4.5 Gyr ago,when the Sun was only 70% its present luminosity (Sack-mann et al., 1993). Such an Early Venus could well havehad a low-mass atmosphere (with most of the planet’s car-bon residing within rocks), and tides would not yet havesubstantially damped its spin rate (Heller et al., 2011). Infact, Abe et al. (2011) suggest that the real Venus may havebeen habitable as recently as 1 Gyr ago, provided that itsinitial water content was small [as might result from impact-driven desiccation, as per Kurosawa (2015), or because theplanet is located well interior to the ice line].

In this work we numerically explore the obliquity varia-tions of Early Venus with a parameter grid study that in-corporates a wide variety of rotation rates and obliquities.Note that this work is not intended to study Venus’ actualhistorical obliquity state, information about which has beendestroyed by its present tidal equilibrium (Correia andLaskar, 2003; Correia et al., 2003). Instead, we use Venuswith a wide range of assigned rotation rates and initialobliquities as an analogue for habitable exoplanets and toexplore what types of obliquity behavior were possible for apotentially habitable Early Venus. Our methods build onthose of Lissauer et al. (2012) and are described in Section2. We provide qualitative and quantitative descriptions ofthe drives of obliquity variations and chaos in Section 3.Results of our simulations are presented in Section 4, and weconclude in Section 5. Readers interested primarily in theresults might consider jumping to Section 4, while those alsointerested in the physics of why obliquity varies can addSection 3.

2. Methodology

2.1. Approach

We track the evolution of obliquity for the hypotheticalVenus computationally, using a modified version of the mixed-variable sympletic (MVS) integration algorithm within themercury package developed by Chambers (1999). The

modified algorithm smercury (for spin-tracking mercury)explicitly calculates both orbital forcing for the eight-planetSolar System and spin torques on one particular planet in thesystem from the Sun and sibling planets following Toumaand Wisdom (1994). Our explicit numerical integrationsrepresent an approach distinct from the frequency-mappingtreatment employed by Laskar et al. (1993). See Lissaueret al. (2012) for a complete mathematical description ofour computational technique.

The smercury algorithm treats the putative Venus asan axisymmetric body. In so doing, we neglect both gravi-tational and atmospheric tides. Tidal influence criticallydrives the present-day rotation state of real Venus (Correiaand Laskar, 2001). We are interested in an early stage ofdynamical evolution, however, where the tidal effects do notdominate. Therefore, we consider only solar and interplan-etary torques on the rotational bulge. The simultaneousconsideration of tidal and dynamical effects is outside thescope of the present work.

In the case of differing rotation periods, we incorpo-rate the planet’s dynamical oblateness and its effects onthe planet’s gravitational field. These effects manifest as theplanet’s gravitational coefficient J2, values for which wedetermine from the Darwin-Radau relation, following Ap-pendix A of Lissauer et al. (2012). Additionally, as in Lis-sauer et al. (2012), we employ ‘‘ghost planets’’ to increasethe efficiency of our calculations—essentially we calculateplanetary orbits just one time, while assuming a variety ofdifferent hypothetical Venuses for which we calculate justthe obliquity variations. We neglect (the very small effectsof) general relativity and stellar J2.

2.2. Initial conditions

We select orbital initial conditions with respect to theJ2000 epoch where the Earth-Moon barycenter resides co-planar with the ecliptic. Li and Batygin (2014b) and Brasserand Walsh (2011) investigated how obliquity variations areaffected by alternate early Solar System architectures, spe-cifically the Nice model (Morbidelli et al., 2007). As an in-vestigation of the long-term characteristic obliquity behavior,however, we instead elect to integrate the present Solar Sys-tem orbits, which are known to much higher accuracy.

Lissauer et al. (2012) showed that chaotic variations inobliquity for a Moonless Earth can manifest from slightlydifferent initial orbits. We thus remove this effect by us-ing a common orbital solution for all our simulations. Weassume the density of our hypothetical Venus to be thesame as the real Venus, 5.204 g/cm3. However, we assumea moment of inertia coefficient to be the same as that forthe real Earth (0.3296108; Ahrens, 1995) given that a trulyhabitable Venus would likely have a different internal struc-ture than the real one. We do not vary the moment of inertiawith rotation period.

We consider a range of rotation periods of between 4 and36 h. The short end is set by the rotation speed at which theplanet would be near breakup, where our Darwin-Radau andaxisymmetric assumptions break down. The longer limitrepresents a value 50% longer than Earth’s rotation, whichitself has been tidally slowed over the past 4.5 Gyr. In theepoch of Solar System history that we consider, Earth’s ownday was significantly shorter than it is today.


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Along with various rotation rates, we also consider initialobliquity values C that range from 0� to 180�. Planets withobliquity between 90� and 180� rotate retrograde to theirorbital motions. Obliquity alone does not completely deter-mine the orientation of a planet’s spin axis in space (unlessC= 0� or C= 180�). Therefore, for each obliquity we alsoconsider various initial axis azimuths, u, which correspond tothe direction that the spin pole points.

In order to generate the proper initial spin states, we de-fine the angles of obliquity and azimuth. Lissauer et al.(2012) used a similar approach; however, that previousstudy was for the Earth-Moon barycenter with zero initialinclination relative to the ecliptic plane. In contrast, thedefinition of spin direction for any other planet requires twoadditional rotations that include that planet’s inclination,i, and its ascending node, O, both relative to the J2000ecliptic. Thus the general rotation matrices R1 and R2 can beused to define the desired obliquity, C, and azimuth, u:

R1 cð Þ¼1 0 0

0 cos c �sin c

0 sin c cos c



and R2 bð Þ¼cos b sin b 0

�sin b cos b 0

0 0 1




The azimuthal angles, u and O, undergo rotations via R2

with b = u or b =O, where the altitudinal angles are rotatedusing R1 with g =C and g = i.

3. Obliquity Evolution

A planet’s obliquity, C, is defined as the magnitude of theangular distance between the direction of the angular mo-mentum vector for a planet’s spin and that for its orbit.Therefore obliquity can change if either of those two vec-tors change direction: (1) the rotational angular momentumvector or (2) the orbital angular momentum vector. Let usconsider each in turn.

3.1. Rotational angular momentum

Torques on a planet’s rotational bulge from the Sun pri-marily drive changes in the direction of that planet’s rota-

tional axis. Because the star must always be located withinthe plane of the planet’s orbit, however, these changescannot directly alter the planet’s obliquity C. Instead, thestellar torque induces the planetary rotation axis to precessaround the orbit normal, constantly changing the axis azi-muth but leaving the obliquity C unchanged. This effect iscalled the precession of the equinoxes. It is why the date ofthe equinox slowly creeps forward over time and why Po-laris has not always been near Earth’s north pole (see, e.g.,Karttunen, 2007).

The rate of axial precession depends on the planet’s dy-namical oblateness gravitational coefficient J2, the mass anddistance from the Sun, and the planet’s moment of inertia.The rate also depends weakly on the obliquity itself;therefore precession rates are typically given in terms of theprecession constant a, where

_u¼ a cos Cð Þ (2)

In Table 1, we show the values of Venus’ zonal harmonic(J2) and precession constant (a) for both the present studyand previous work for a range of rotation periods. Ourvalues strongly resemble those of Correia et al. (2003) butdiffer substantially from those used by Laskar and Robutel(1993)1. Figure 1 graphically represents the equatorial ra-dius, J2, and precession constant a for our hypothetical EarlyVenuses as a function of their rotation period.

In general, axial precession for Venus occurs about twiceas fast as axial precession for an equivalent planet at 1 AU.Because the Sun’s gravity drives axial precession, the factthat Venus’ semimajor axis is nearly


AU explains thefactor of 2 faster axial precession. Functionally, for obliq-uity variations, the Sun speeds Venus’ axial precession in asimilar manner that the Moon speeds Earth’s.

An expectation might be that Early Venus’ obliquityvariations should more closely resemble that of real-lifeEarth with the Moon than that of the moonless Earth fromLissauer et al. (2012). Circumstances that act to slow Venus’

Table 1. Values for the Zonal Harmonic (J2) and ‘‘Precession’’ Constant (a) Determined

from the Rotation Period for the Models Presented in Laskar and Robutel (1993),Correia et al. (2003), and Lissauer et al. (2012)

Rotationperiod (h)

LR93a CLS03 Lissauer et al. (2012)

J2 a ("/yr) J2 a ("/yr) J2 a ("/yr)

4 1.405422e-02 99.94621 4.694002e-02 334.75028 4.692702e-02 334.634368 3.504570e-03 49.84532 1.036030e-02 147.76787 1.034730e-02 147.5722212 1.555255e-03 33.18048 4.526853e-03 96.84904 4.513853e-03 96.5642216 8.739020e-04 24.85893 2.536138e-03 72.34533 2.523138e-03 71.9695020 5.588364e-04 19.87076 1.623182e-03 57.87820 1.610182e-03 57.4106724 3.878196e-04 16.54781 1.129453e-03 48.32779 1.116453e-03 47.7682330 2.480000e-04 13.22734 7.266291e-04 38.86438 7.136291e-04 38.1664236 1.721063e-04 11.01537 5.082374e-04 32.62021 4.952374e-04 31.78363

1Laskar and Robutel (1993) provide a formalism to derive thevalue of a but do not indicate a precise determination of theequatorial flattening C�A


� �. In order to determine the appropriate

starting values, we produce a power law fit using their Fig. 5b. Fromthis power law, the initial values of a (and hence J2) are reduced bya factor of *3.


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axial precession from that of the precession constant—such as asmaller rotational bulge or a higher obliquity—could act tobring the axial precession rate into near-commensurability withprecession rates of the orbital ascending node, leading tochaotic obliquity evolution.

3.2. Orbital angular momentum

In a single-planet system, neglecting tidal effects andthose of stellar oblateness, a planet’s rotational axis wouldmerrily precess around in azimuth at a constant rate, but itsobliquity C would never change because the orbital planewould remain fixed. Thus an important mechanism for al-tering planetary obliquity involves the evolution of the orbit.Because obliquity is the relative angle between the rotationaxis and the orbit normal, either changes in the direction thatthe axis points in space or changes in the direction of theorbit normal can each alter obliquity (see, for instance,Armstrong et al., 2014, Fig. 1).

We illustrate the evolution of the orbital planes of bothVenus and Earth from an analytical, secular calculation inFig. 2. Figure 2 shows the variations in direction of the orbitalangular momentum vectors over 500,000 years. The motionsare of similar magnitude. Because Earth and Venus havesimilar masses and because they each provide the primaryinfluence on the orbital evolution of the other (e.g., Murrayand Dermott, 2000), their orbital precessions are qualitativelysimilar. Interestingly, Mercury drives the second most im-portant influence on both Venus and Earth owing to its high

orbital inclination relative to both the ecliptic (the plane ofEarth’s orbit) and the invariable plane (the plane of the netangular momentum of the entire Solar System).

The orbital variations of Venus and Earth involve somechanges in the orbital inclination of the two planets, rep-resented by the distance of the lines in Fig. 2 from theorigin. The primary effect, though, is counterclockwisenear-circular changes that correspond to the precession ofthe orbit through space. We call that effect nodal precession,as it drives monotonic increases in the element known as theorbit’s ascending node, the angle at which the planet comesup through the reference plane from below.

We show the effective period of the nodal precession ofthe orbits of Venus and Earth in Fig. 3. Although the pre-cession rate changes as the orbital inclinations of eachplanet vary, the long-term average precession rate for bothplanets is in the vicinity of *70,000 years.

3.3. Spin chaos

Through the integration of a secular solution and fre-quency analysis, Laskar and Robutel (1993) and Laskar(1996) showed that chaos can be induced when the axial(spin) precessional frequencies are commensurate with thesecular eigenmodes of the Solar System (the drivers of nodalprecession). Specifically, when the spin precession fre-quency crosses the eigenmodes associated with secularfrequencies s1–s8 (0–26"/yr) that are associated with or-bital variations of the planets (including nodal precession),

FIG. 1. Illustration of how the derived starting values for the equatorial radius due to rotation (Req), zonal harmonic (J2),and ‘‘precession’’ constant (a) vary in response to the initial rotation period from 4 to 48 h using the formalism given byLissauer et al. (2012). Curves are provided considering each of the terrestrial planets [Mercury, Venus, Moonless Earth(a single planet with the mass of the Moon added to that of Earth), and Mars].


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chaotic obliquity evolution can result. As a result of thisinteraction, the obliquity of our hypothetical Venus can varysubstantially. Weaker secular frequency eigenmodes canproduce additional chaotic zones, albeit smaller in ampli-tude and potentially with a longer timescale to develop (e.g.,Li and Batygin, 2014a).

Figure 4a illustrates the chaotic zones as a function ofinitial obliquity C0 for a hypothetical Venus with a 20 hrotation period. The y axis represents the actual averageaxial (spin) precession rate _u in arcseconds per year. Posi-tive rates here correspond to clockwise precession as viewedfrom above the orbit normal; negative rates correspond tocounterclockwise precession, as occurs for obliquities C> 90�(retrograde rotation).

In general the curve of precession rates in Fig. 4a variesas a smooth cosine from +a to -a, as expected from Eq. 2.However, between *0"/yr and 26"/yr the obliquity becomeschaotic, ranging freely over this span as a function of timeregardless of where in that region the initial obliquity wouldplace it. For this rotation rate, the primary chaotic obliquityzone ranges from C*60� to C= 90�.

The power spectrum of the orbital angular momentumdirection vector (like that shown in Fig. 2) is shown inFig. 4b. The peaks in this power spectrum labeled s1–s8correspond to known Solar System secular eigenfrequenciesthat result from the eight interacting Solar System planets.The secular eigenfrequencies bracket the 0–26"/yr chaosregion for the 20 h rotation Venus, correlating with the

chaotic zones in Fig. 4a. The areas labeled r1–r4 are clustersof lower-grade retrograde peaks in the frequency powerspectrum that we will discuss further in Section 4.2.3.

We show a similar plot for a 24 h rotation MoonlessEarth in Fig. 5 for comparison. The Moonless Earth plotshows the previously known chaotic regions in _u space,though their correlation with the secular eigenfrequenciesis poorer than the hypothetical 20 h rotation Venus case. Liand Batygin (2014a) showed that while the chaotic rangeof obliquities for a Moonless Earth does indeed extend fromC = 0� up to C*85�, the chaotic behavior is not uniformthroughout that range.

In fact, Li and Batygin (2014a) find two separate and in-dependent major chaotic zones: one from C= 0� to C= 45�and one from C = 65� to C = 85�. While the region betweenthese two major zones is also chaotic, it is only weaklychaotic. That connecting region serves as a narrow ‘‘bridge’’across which it is possible for planets to traverse, thoughonly with substantially reduced probability (Li and Baty-gin, 2014a).

4. Numerical Results

4.1. Coarse grid

We initially explore the obliquity of hypothetical EarlyVenuses by numerically integrating the obliquity variationsforward to +1 Gyr and backward to -1 Gyr over a coarsegrid of rotation rates and initial obliquities. We show asummary of the resulting obliquity variations as a functionof initial obliquity and rotation rate in Figs. 6 and 7. Thedifference between the two figures is the azimuthal direction


FIG. 3. While Fig. 2 shows the direction that the orbitalpoles of Venus and Earth point to, it lacks a timescale. Thisplot provides such a timescale, as it depicts the instanta-neous precession period (i.e., 2p


for both Venus (yellow)and Earth (blue) over a million years. Because Venus andEarth each represent the primary influence on the nodalprecession of the other and because they are of comparablemass, the long-term average precession rates for the two areabout the same at *70,000 years. (Color graphics availableat www.liebertonline.com/ast)

FIG. 2. This plot shows the projected direction in whichVenus’ (yellow) and Earth’s (blue) orbital angular mo-mentum points as it varies over the course of 500,000 yearsfrom the present day. The projection is in p-q space, withp h I sin(O) and q h I cos(O), where O is the longitude ofthe ascending node of the orbit and I is the orbital incli-nation. The indicated motion represents nodal precession,where a planet’s orbit reorients in space like a coin spinningdown on a desktop. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)


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in which the rotation axis initially points, which effectivelycorresponds to where the planet is in its rotation axis pre-cession (i.e., the precession of the equinoxes).

We consider the results in the context of the values for theprecession constant a shown in Fig. 1. A rapid Venus spin periodof 4 h drives a considerably large equatorial bulge (oblatenessand J2), which in turn leads to a high precession constant of 335"/yr. As this value greatly exceeds any of the frequencies of sig-nificant power in the orbital angular momentum direction powerspectrum (Fig. 4b), nearly all the resulting obliquity variationsremain within tight ranges (–*2�, similar to present-day Earthobliquity variability with the Moon) and nonchaotic.

At very high obliquity, however, near-resonant conditionscan occur due to the cos C dependence in Eq. 2 for rotationaxis precession. Hence for initial conditions with C0 = 85�

and C0 = 90� we see moderately variable and chaotic obliq-uity variations, even for this fast 4 h rotation period.

Retrograde rotations for the 4 h rotation period (C > 90�)show very low variability. Similarly small variations wereseen for retrograde Moonless Earths (Lissauer et al., 2012).

Proceeding to slower rotation rates of 8, 12, and 16 h, thelow-obliquity end of the chaotic region drops to C= 75�,C = 70�, and C = 65� respectively for initial axis azimuth ofu0 = 180� in Fig. 7 (with similar results at u0 = 0� in Fig. 6).This downward expansion of the chaotic zone is consistentwith the effects of lower obliquity on precession rate fromEq. 2. As the slower rotation reduces the planet’s J2, it alsodiminishes its precession constant a. Hence a lower obliq-uity value C can result in similar rotation axis precessionrates as the high-obliquity 4 h rotation case.

a b

FIG. 4. Precession frequencies (a) for a hypothetical Venus with a rotation period of 20 h. Panel (a) shows the averageprecession rate _u as a function of initial obliquity C0. Chaotic zones appear for obliquities from 60� to 90� that correlate tothe precession frequencies ranging from 0"/yr to 26"/yr showing correspondence with the main secular orbital frequencies(b) of the Solar System (Laskar and Robutel, 1993; Laskar, 1996). The power shown in the x axis of panel (b) is logarithmic.


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Importantly, the slower rotation rate does not introducenew chaotic regions at lower obliquity but rather slightlyreduces the maximum obliquity at the top of the chaoticzone and substantially reduces the minimum obliquity at thebottom of the zone, leading to a wider zone overall. Hy-pothetical Venuses that start anywhere within the chaoticregion have their obliquities vary across the entire rangefrom the lower limit to near 90� over a billion years.

These same trends continue as we proceed down Figs. 6and 7 to longer rotational periods. From 20 h up through36 h rotation periods, the overall extent of the chaoticzone at high obliquities grows. The upper limit of the pri-mary chaotic region is always above C*85�, but the lowerboundary extends all the way down to below C = 45� for a36 h siderial rotation.

Interestingly, a new, more weakly chaotic region alsoappears at slower rotation rates. At 20, 24, 30, and 36 h,

some smaller initial obliquities C0 below the edge of theprimary chaotic zone show moderately variable obliquities.When the initial obliquity is C0 = 50� in the 24 h rotationcase at u0 = 180� (Fig. 7), for instance, the obliquity variesin the range 45� £C£ 60� over –1 Gyr.

In the 30 and 36 h period cases, this lower-obliquity weaklychaotic zone grows. At 36 h, it includes all the initial obliquitiessmaller than the primary zone, from 0� £C£ 35�. HypotheticalVenuses with initial obliquities inside this weaker zone showincreased obliquity variability at the – *15� level. But with theexception of the C0 = 10�, u0 = 180� case, the total –1 Gyr var-iability does not encompass the entire extent of the weaker chaoszone. These cases only show moderately increased obliquityvariability, similar to that of Moonless Earths, which havebroadly comparable nodal and axial precession rates.

Although rapidly rotating retrograde Early Venuses lackthe large-scale variations found for high prograde obliquities,

a b

FIG. 5. Similar to Fig. 4, here we show the precession frequencies (a) and the power spectrum of the orbital angularmomentum vector (b) for a 24 h rotation Moonless Earth for comparison with our hypothetical Venuses.


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in some simulations their obliquities vary much more thanthose of Earth would have if it lacked a large moonand rotated in the retrograde sense. In the 20 h rotation,u0 = 180� case, for instance (Fig. 7), obliquity variations ofsimilar magnitudes to those in the weakly chaotic low-obliquity regime appear at C0 = 155, C0 = 160, and C0 =165. We did not expect to find chaotic obliquity behavior forretrograde rotations given the high degree of stability foundin retrograde Moonless Earths (Lissauer et al., 2012).

4.2. Closer look at Venus with a 20 h rotation period

4.2.1. Time-series. Focusing on the results for Venuswith a 20 h rotation period, which show unexpected chaosfor some retrograde obliquities, Fig. 8 shows the full –1 Gyrtime histories for the obliquity C of hypothetical Venuseswith initial obliquities C0 spaced out every 20�. The lowinitial obliquity cases C0 = 0�, 20�, and 40� have obliquitiesthat vary within narrow ranges and show no chaotic long-term behavior. Similarly, the C0 = 100� and C0 = 180� caseseach vary uniformly within a tight band with no chaoticbehavior on either the medium- or long-term.

The C0 = 60� and 80� cases are within the primary cha-otic region. These two cases bounce around between three

smaller chaotic subregions (although the C0 = 80� casemanages to find its way out of the chaotic region beyond 550Myr in the past).

The retrograde C0 = 120�, C0 = 140�, and C0 = 160� casesdisplay behavior qualitatively different from any seen in theMoonless Earth case. In these cases, our hypothetical Venus’obliquity varies within a relatively tight –2� band on both short-and medium-term timescales. On longer timescales approach-ing 10–100 Myr, however, the center of that tight band wandersaround in obliquity C space up to –10� (in the C0 = 140� andC0 = 160� cases; the C0 = 120� case is less adventurous).

These odd retrograde cases and the chaotic C0 = 60� andC0 = 80� situation are distinct. In the primary chaotic zone,obliquity varies within a single chaotic subregion while pe-riodically and very rapidly traversing wide chaotic ‘‘bridges’’(Li and Batygin, 2014a) to neighboring chaotic subregions.These transitions between subregions last for only of or-der a single precession period, or *70,000 years for hy-pothetical Early Venus. In contrast, the retrograde rotatorswith C0 = 140� and C0 = 160� continue rapid, short-termvariations on 105-year timescales. But they slowly vary inobliquity on 107-year timescales instead of nearly instan-taneous alteration of their variations into a new regime asin the primary chaotic zone.

FIG. 6. Obliquity variation of a hypothetical young Venus considering for various initial obliquities (C) and rotationperiods (P). We calculate the variations for two different initial azimuths: u0 = 0� is shown here, and u0 = 180� is shown inFig. 7. The colored bars indicate the range of obliquity variation over –1 Myr (green), –100 Myr (red), and –1 Gyr (blue).Obliquities greater than 90� are considered to spin in retrograde, and those less than 90� are prograde relative to the orbitalmotion. The largest variations occur for high prograde initial obliquity, with the larger variations extending to lower initialobliquity for slower rotation. Some initially high prograde obliquities obtain retrograde rotation, but they do so temporarily,with a maximum obliquity of *95�. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)


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FIG. 7. Same as Fig. 6, but for u = 180�. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)

FIG. 8. Variations of hypothetical Venus obliquity 1 Gyr forward and backward for a range of initial obliquities with aninitial 20 h rotation period and initial azimuth of 180�. The initial obliquities are from 0� to 180� for increments of 20� andhave been color-coded to distinguish between overlapping regions. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)


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A glance back at Fig. 4 shows that the unexpected retro-grade long-term variability corresponds to the locations ofweak frequencies in Venus’ orbital variations. However, thepower associated with those peaks is a factor of 106 lowerthan the primary Solar System s eigenfrequencies. Further-more, in the 24 h Moonless Earth case shown in Fig. 5 forcomparison, similar peaks in Earth’s orbital angular mo-mentum direction frequency do not yield correspondingvariability for retrograde rotators. Similarly, not all hypo-thetical Venuses show this behavior; retrograde rotators with4 and 8 h periods show little long-term obliquity variation.

4.2.2. Fine grid in obliquity. To further investigate thisunexpected chaotic obliquity evolution in retrograde rotators,we ran additional obliquity variation integrations at very highresolution in initial obliquity C0. In this section, we analyzethe 20 h rotation period Early Venus specifically because itshows the strongest anomalous retrograde variability. Fig-ure 9 shows our results using a grid of 361 different C0 valuesspaced out every 0.5�. In this portion of the investigation, weelect to integrate out only to –100 Myr to allow for improvedresolution in C0 within our available computing resources.

We show the results of this fine C0 integration in Fig. 9.We also show the analogous plot for Moonless Earths inFig. 10, seeing as Lissauer et al. (2012) did not perform sucha high-resolution grid of simulations.

Similar to the coarser-gridded Lissauer et al. (2012) result,the Moonless Earth shows moderately wide –*10� obliquityvariations from C0 = 0� through C0 = 55� over –100 Myr.

More distinct chaotic subregions then extend up to C0 = 85�.Even when viewed at this high resolution, though, the Moon-less Earth shows no signs of anomalous behavior for retrograderotations [although in retrospect Fig. 10 from Lissauer et al.(2012) may show the incipient onset of such variations at 1Gyr timescales].

The 20 h hypothetical Venus in Fig. 9 shows very tightobliquity ranges from C0 = 0� through C0*55� or so, followedby the single large primary chaotic region from C0 = 60� toC0 = 90� as discussed above. The smaller chaotic subregionsreveal themselves when looking at shorter 1 Myr timescales(green).

Although hypothetical 20 h Venus shows a somewhatsimpler chaotic obliquity variation structure than MoonlessEarth for prograde initial conditions, the opposite is trueonce the planets flip over into retrograde rotation at C0 > 90�.At retrograde obliquities, the Moonless Earth shows mini-mal obliquity variations even over 100 Myr timescales.

Retrograde 20 h Venus, on the other hand, shows broadlystable obliquities but with four modestly more variable re-gions centered around C0 = 100�, C0 = 120�, C0 = 135�, andC0 = 158�. These regions seem to coincide with the low-power peaks in orbital frequency space shown in Fig. 4.However, we do not at present understand why these peaksare important for Venus but not for Moonless Earths, whichshow similar peaks in orbital frequency space.

4.2.3. Fine grid in rotation period. For one last explora-tion of this unexpected retrograde behavior, we do another set



FIG. 9. Maximum, mean, and minimum variations designated by the up triangle, circle, and down triangle, respectively,in (a) the precession constant and (b) the obliquity for a hypothetical Venus with a 20 h rotation period. The points are colorcoded to signify how the parameters change over 1 Myr (green) and 100 Myr (red). The inset in (b) shows potential chaoticzones that appear to be present in small ranges of retrograde obliquity. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)


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FIG. 10. Similar to Fig. 9, here we plot similar maximum, mean, and minimum extents of variation in obliquity C, butthis time for a 24 h rotation period Moonless Earth. This plot verifies the lower-resolution integrations presented in Lissaueret al. (2012) in that, unlike for hypothetical Early Venus, no chaotic obliquity variations are evident in any of the retrogradeMoonless Earth cases. (Color graphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)

FIG. 11. Variations of hypothetical Venus obliquity for an initially Earth-like obliquity (C= 23.45�) for retrograde (toppanel) and prograde (bottom) rotations. The initial rotation periods are varied in 1 min increments from 16 to 36 h. (Colorgraphics available at www.liebertonline.com/ast)


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of integrations at high resolution, but this time in rotation-period space. Starting with C0 = 23.45� and C0 = 180� -23.45�, we show obliquity variations as a function of rotationrate in high resolution in Fig. 11. This plot shows the obliquityvariations for hypothetical Venuses over three timescales: –1Myr (green), –100 Myr (red), and –1 Gyr (blue).

For a retrograde Earth-like obliquity of C0 = 156.55� =180� - 23.45�, three independent wide-variability regions oc-cur at rotation periods Prot of 18.8–21 h, 23.5–28 h, and 31.5–36+ h. These correspond respectively to the r4, r3, and r2retrograde precession frequencies from Fig. 9b. Presumablyanother similar region exists for even longer rotation periodscorresponding to r1.

All told, while unexpected, these chaotic zones at retrograderotations only show modest total variability—14� in the worstcase over 1 Gyr. Understanding their origin is important forevaluating the suggestion of Lissauer et al. (2012) that ‘‘ifinitial planetary rotational axis orientations are isotropic, thenhalf of all moonless extrasolar planets would be retrograderotators, and these planets should experience obliquity stabilitysimilar to that of our own Earth, as stabilized by the presenceof the Moon.’’ While our results show that the most vari-able retrograde hypothetical Venuses are more stable than thestandard Moonless Earths, the same may not be true forretrograde-rotating planets in all planetary systems.

5. Conclusions

We investigate the variations in obliquity that would beexpected for hypothetical rapidly rotating Venus from earlyin Solar System history. These hypothetical Early Venusesallow us to investigate the conditions under which Venus’climate may have been sufficiently stable as to allow forhabitability under a faint young Sun.

Additionally, they also serve as a comparator for po-tentially habitable terrestrial planets in extrasolar sys-tems. While previous work on a moonless Earth effectivelymodeled a single point of comparison, the present workprovides a second comparator from which we can start toimagine a more general result. These intensive, single-planetstudies complement those of generalized systems (Atobe andIda, 2007).

We show that while retrograde-rotating hypothetical Ve-nuses show short- and medium-term obliquity stability, anunusual and not-yet-understood long-term interaction drivesvariability of up to 14� over billion-year timescales.

The very low variability of low-obliquity hypotheticalVenuses over a range of rotation rates provides additionalevidence that massive moons are not necessary to muteobliquity variability on habitable worlds. We show that evenin the Solar System the increased rotational axis precessionrate driven by Venus’ closer proximity to the Sun is sufficientto push Venus into a benign obliquity variability regime. In-deed, Fig. 4 for example indicates that for present-Earth-likeinitial obliquities (C0 = 23.45�), the overall obliquity vari-ability over 100 Myr for Venus with a 20 h rotation period issimilar to that for the real Earth with the Moon.

More rapid rotational axis precession will naturally result onplanets in the habitable zones of lower-mass stars. While thesestars’ gravity is proportionally lower, their disproportionatelyfainter luminosities drive the habitable zone inward from thataround the present-day Sun. Thus, for similar orbital driving

frequencies—that is, a clone of the Solar System, with identi-cal planetary orbit periods around a lower-mass star—stellargravity alone would be sufficient to push a habitable planet’sobliquity variations into a benign regime.

Of course, tides provide a drawback to using stellar prox-imity to speed rotational precession. In any real system, inaddition to the obliquity variations that we describe here,tides will simultaneously act to upright a planet’s rotationaxis and slow its rotation rate. Tidal effects will be even moreimportant on habitable zone planets around lower-mass starsthan they are for Earth and Venus around the Sun.

Hence a potential avenue for future work will be to couplethe adiabatic obliquity variations that we describe here to tidaldissipation over time. Given that the natural variability withinchaotic zones is much more rapid than tidal timescales, wesuspect that the primary effect of tides will be through rota-tional braking. A planet with slowing rotation could traversethrough various obliquity behavior regimes over its lifetime.Such a planet might then potentially have multiple possibleinteresting and chaotic pathways toward tidal locking, asopposed to the simpler slow obliquity reduction that would beexpected in a one-planet system.


The authors acknowledge support from the NASA Exo-biology Program, grant #NNX14AK31G.


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Address correspondence to:Jason W. Barnes

Department of PhysicsUniversity of Idaho875 Perimeter Dr.

Stop 440903Moscow, ID 83844-0903

E-mail: [email protected]

Submitted 28 October 2015Accepted 12 February 2016