obo-nichols'family, at littk*...

fJ.jts^S^» &&&?» J*+& >* «• , ?& T;r -.-'' S^*SSSSSk. ^B^SS* '<*".vW^ %SSF *.*a»*«>.^ -K- > VOL. I. GOUVERNEUR, \ . V., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1888. 'v NO. 43. ItoOTTaro on the ioe at Svlvia Lake Xcb. 30th. OBO-NICHOLS'family, at Littk* Bow, are aJBictad with diphtheria. OUR OGOENSBURG DEPARTMENT Mia* BXXTUA DAY, of Hermon, who ha* b^en very ill for a long time we are glad to know is improving ••• p THK article entitled "A view of j plhc * Tue * i » y <*v*ning. Education in New York" is from the t " fn l TharMl * y or Frid ^ pen of M. A. Hildreth Esq of Ant- werp. It will amply repay a careful reading. K a w . l*irli4Mt up About thm Maple City TWOndfiukmni Dej>*ru»eot of UM> NORTB «4 rofd s*„ Ogdri^biinc, K. V. Partis wfch- lAr U* transactfarofliaoMirita u* In tin- eft), can do no throo#h ^*n <»ocvrajrswii PTBLJ&IUJSU to. R. E. Waterman will be hi New York the coining week in attendant Carr Bro* at hia father* wedding: which rake* To He will r ')<>.. MASSE N A »Oai the MlMt-LA Li; The spring term of s* menced Monday, March iy John Stone, of Louisville, Ketone: oot a iargt* quantity Ho baa sold tberu RICHVILLE •tu Manh i.j, 168*. T h e mem: M . K iable M.K*iaJ of the *»ea- hon was the one held h**t this winter of Aultavillc name of our villag' h^i" }**eU of Jog* to the ing hia annual visit to hi* M>ns here la>t autumn, wa* dangerously iJl at } the residence of his M-^D, Nt*wt*JI T j Clark, of Hrrmoii. John <\ (lark w v ^ veom? at iarrived with ^ i Mr. Isaac HuJker under the auspice* t i_ 10 ioftWCrc»«circi- ^ ..-..I—• i ^ *• hu> btx*n changed twhv, it wan once citlJtx] Jef- - v fer»on. then AmehciL4 ajjd ind ^«*r- V t ;j , lht . KVOnd time ^ Mas«.'na. Kennon, 8pratt and Houghton were father'* remain?* en ^,. . . .15 train to-day, which, afU-r ^ « w ^ r ^i K' , v T Pr °" b ~ f ^^^ a ^ th ^ hoo^ of (Than. R iKT.STS 4 « >* the r r , n a r k ^ ' ^»«^«1 to the cemetery band of Peak Brother^ who dm Kv . A . ^^ ^ _ . . " ^x^^i^w^i *v. » % v , °> A "wv r-oncf^ur*^ of HVDipathiijni* I tinyolahed them»-el%i^ by their »u|>er- . f r ^ nt j H ; ioratyle of melody. Thi.'* ColUvtor Danielu KX-SUPKBVWOR E a ABiLUt of Pariahville, has rented the residence of Mr* Boswell on Main St. in this Tillage and will take possession about April 1st. — Courricr & Freeman. THE sympathy of bis friends will go out to Mr.*Chas. H. Burdick. of Norwich, Chenango county, N Y., in the Ion of his 18-year-old son. Char les E., which occured on the 7th inst. Mr. Chaa H. Burdick is the genial and courteous representatireJ|of J. & F. B. Garrett's paper warehouse, of Syracuse, and is. well known to the newspaper men of Ontral and NortbenKew York. Tb^>y unite in extending sympathy to the bereaved parents. 0 „ ^ —_ SOUTH COLTOH. | in Ttica during the j>a«t week attend I In^j to the opium «*a.«o which wa* ( brou-ht c»n Tuesday l?0th inKt. The new cathedral bell* were eonse- eratiMl at a ^errvice held for that pur [xxse We<lnesday evening. Bishop ! lDK ' w b o wa ^ W PP°^1 to have a ran W<Klham« preached a sermon on the I ^ >r axld wa * pronounced incurable by Masxrna i> t o have a kindergarten hehool Mr>. F W Clark > Ui W the teacher ^aite a pxxi number of achoiarK hiiv^ already been .-^vuivd. Mr. P Mathews, of Louisvill*. Laiui ' L'befrof lx*]l*t" tiorj last Sunday to u laixe morning eoncreCT Rome dot^ton*, was a boil )- gettHiir better. Jt peakeuliar" han^d ' fmmU f werr ^ P P ^ y introduce*! by W ; **^ L. Heodrick chief peaker" whose! melodionj voict* was blended with the | others in their in^p^ringchoruM^ mak-: ing harmonious diMx>rd. Solo<* were giTsn by Frank Brintol. M M. Brooks j and William Walker Peak, all of whom were recehred with the wildest ap ; pladse while the Peaked twin^(Chaj*. William* and W. P Hendnvk»ec»vered them^elvew with glory by warbling "Old Lang Syne.*' Thev were so The lumber camps are nearly **11 broken up and the place is full of the "red stockings. * Some of their faces correspond quite well, especially those who came by way of 8t, Regis Falls; only four out of fifty escaped without a scratch, and, wo are glad to say, they are the only one* who are resi- dents of this place. Lew Snell and wife, who went into the woods early last fall, are expected out this week; also Mrs. Paul who went with them. Mrs. A. Snell has been visiting their camp the part two weeks. I E!bridge Young, who ha* had quite S severe attack of pneumonia* is "about the house now. & : The firm of F. F. Flint A Co hare aid out to W. J. Horton, wbo will ptotinoe the mercantile business. ^' A donation will be held at W. C. Bowen's next Tuesday night for the benefit of Rev Mr. Hall, pastor of the M. E. church. Mrs. J. C. Irish, at the time of this writing* fell down and broke her arm. The Good Templars are preparing a drama entitled "Little Brown Jug M ETA. —- •«••• .. . . MASSENA CENTRE. Gov. Hill ha* Mgned the bill ^j>pro pnating $328,700 for the Sr i^iwreiu * asylum. The commissioners now have $430,000 with which to begin the trork Thi* U ing the week of prayer. ;hc W. C. T. U. have held a *er.e* of prayer meetmgv The m e e t i n g Mc»n day evening wa.« largely attended The recent thaw has about terminat- ed the c u r l i n g >*easou. The Street Car Co., had a large forrv I thi- vicinity of men at work breaking the ice on f Ford street Thursday, in order to ; enable them to run the ear*. The new steam heating apparatus on the O. & L. C. division ib proving a decidedly pacev**ful improvement. The law allow* railway Co'* until May 1, t o abolish the stoves in their cars. Most of the regular train* on the O & L. C have t*»en provided for. One of our boy* appeared in *Ma5- cot*" Monday evening, attired in worm- ian "*$ clothing The public wen* not $!ow to "catch on" and the lady was glad to escape through th^ back way and change her gender Chateaugay expects to have;uK>ther heartily encored they were obliged to railroad The one talked of now i* to respond giving an extract from that nin from Yalleyfield, north, poadbly Sublime Oratorio Felina The Black t o c o n t i n u e t<> the iron rt*^ion. south | Cat kicked out the White Cats eye." of Chateaugay In addition to this program Prof. G. T. i^inney. insurance agent of"] P*y»*3*nd J. H. Doane gave a nuw- Taylon-ille, 111., fohneriy of Mansena, j b e r o f i«»tnimental duets (clarionet will return to hi* home in the west the i **** «>nJ*?t) w h i c h were much en tirst of April, having spent nearlv M 0 ^ 6 * 1 ' Mr Walker and his family thrrv months in visiting friend> in j l o o k e d weJI *o the comfort of all pre- sent; the warm sugar was the best of the season and liberally served and the affair altogether a complete suc- cess. (We unintentionally omitted the above item from "CatoV* last week's letter, trm»t it will lose none of its interest by the delay.—ED.) In regard to the excitement over the i*uiali-pox epidemic exaggerated re- | ports of which have reached our neigh- ' boring villages, we will nay that we ; have no disposition to *upprv«*> any of I the fact*. There is a single ea*e w ith- j in our borders and thus far only one. We trust that all n<*evNsary precau- j tion* have been taken by our efficient ) board of health to prevent further fspreudofthe disease and unles* our letters are quarrantened, any. farther developments will be truthfully re- ported by CATO Washington very much pleax-d with iHigan. w. ret^Tf*! IU» CHASES MJLL6. Some of the citizen? of our village have pmorn vengenc«e on ugly dogs and persons who own s-uch will take warning and keep them safely at home where they belong. Then* are several such about town that would be better dead than aiive. I. X. Crowley, died March 19, ISN?, aged 7b. Mr. Crowley came to Mas- sena at the age of 16 years from Yer- j inont, and has Mnc< resided in Mas- sena. Funeral on Thursday March 2C. at 10 a. m. Mr. Crowley leave* a wife and three children. Congressman AX Parker has in tro jduceda bill for an appropriation of With the exception of too much eoki weather and too little hay every- thing is all right at the Centre * Report says that we are to lose two of our best girlx. A railroad man and a tinsmith, to be the lueky finders. The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held jn the Presbyterian church. April 15 Mr. A. S. Durston, State Secretary Hall and J. B. Brooks will be present and addres> the meet- log. The ranks of the 35th are rapidly tilling. Capt. Holland is determined to have a fall company the coming year, and from all appearance he will succeed. There are now two recruit squads drilling very* succesfuily. The company will have a grand fall dra* review on the evening of their reeep tion, April 3. The marksmen's badges will then be presented by » state officer. BRASHER f ALLS. Hi March '2:. 1V*> Thifr is a good time for j*«opW to mind their own business R. M. Hill i& taking an inventory this week f'hauneey Buck is a«si*t- ing him A. B. Rolfe and family are p re p a r We notice Ira Goodridge has *%ew ; in* to travel with a first "lass show J #8000, to be used on the Grass Rivnr at Maswena; this Is rather modest. Why was it not made $80,000? that would be more like business. It seems at the same time a bill was introduced to ap- propriate $50,000 on the harbor at Ogdensburg, and like amount** fori other places. The report submitted by the presi- dent and trustees at the village elec- tion Tuesday, was as follows: Money received, tax #793,14; poll tax $212; li«en*e $3*34; other souroes $500; total $1,540.43. Money disbursed, street Com. $791.66; o*her disbursements j $645.12; in treasures hands $103.70; I total $1,540.4* G. B. Bridges moved that the report be accepted, the motion waj* seconded and carried unanimously. 'At the caucus called Monday even- ing for the purpose*"^ nominating officer* for ilassena village the follow- ing name.- wt-re chosen: President^ W. H. Pad lock; trustees. W. G. Snaith, I>. Hamilton. K. M. Smith; treasurer, jG. K. Britton: collector. Chas. GranL j Junction March 33, 1S8*. Maurice W I>altom of Hertnon, paid Richviilea flying visit last week. Mrs. Mary Newell and daughter Lola leave to day for Fairfield, X. Y., where Mrs >*. has secured an excel- lent position and where Miss Lulu will have superior educational advantages. Our schools are all closed and Princi- pal Payne is enjoying a visit at his home in Coldbrook, >*. Y. Mrs. Andrew Oaks returned to her home in Watertown, Friday last, after a pleasant visit to her father Wm. Lacbine and other Richville friends. W. E. Carpenter has just received a ( car load of Cbespeak steel nails, which | lie can recommend to builders and for the sale of which he ha« secured the j sdte agency here. Miss Man* Walker returned to Syra- cuse on Moqday to resume her po- sition in the dress-making establish- ment in that city where *he has been so long employed. O. J. Bos worth and family, of Ant- werp, have been visiting his father Albert Bos worth, for a few days and Fred S. Bos worth arrived home Tues- day for a brief stay. Mr. Bo*worth J senior has been very low but s**ems to be improving slowly and his friends hope for the best Frwl E. Gardner j* in Brasher for a few days and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mix are "rusticating* for a week at Dekalb j recent J v March 'JO. 188* Allow a lover of progrr«s push and vim to congratulate the citizen* of Massena and vicinity on the appear anoe of the first number of their new, newsy and spicy paper. The Massena RXPRS8S. Of course the Massena people will sustain and subscribe for it freely. Our pleasantly located village, at the end lines of Waddington and Louisville and corner of Madrid, on the Grass river, i> not retrograding, neither Is there any ••boom/' bat is progressive and improving, and the! outlook is good. The prospect of a junction here at no late day, of the continued Montreal L Massena rail* road, to Ogdensburg. via Louisville, Chases Mills and Waddington. and the Ottawa & New Y'ork railroad, via Goose Neck Island, to Norwood, would bring the latter road directly through this village. And so we wait, and work and hope, instead of going west to blow up with the country. We have a fine church, a hotel, two well filled stores, that of J. D. Moni han on the Louisville side of the street and Barnett & Alexander on the Waddington side; the latter is a new firm and starts oat with flatter- ing prospects and showing a fine stock of goods; two blacksmith shops, a milliner and dressmaking shop, a wheelwright, paint and cabinet shop, a butcher shop, a grist or provender and feed mill, a saw and shingle mill, etc., and a tannery property, idle on account of settlement or the estate. This latter property might be put to good use as a tannery or for other manufacturing purposes as it has a good water power. We also have a first class creamery, Jacob Piper, pro- prietor and manufacturer. It is gen- erally understood that C. A. Clark, of Raymondville. will buy the milk here this season. A pleasant marriage occurred here that of Mr Lvman Hears IROSSJE March :i. 1WS& The recent thaw remind** us tha>'- our winter sports are near to a close. The toboggan sJide on the furnac« hill seems to have he«eri saxily negleef ed of late. Miss Kate I^eary, who w»»nt on the excursion to Washington, ha.* re turned boiu« her "trip " Miss Minnie say, is very ill Among the gu<*»t9 in town we notice Miss Mary Woodruff, of Gouverneur. and Miss Bell Divinie, of Ogdensburg The walking match of The 37th inst resulted in fAvor of Ned Walsh, of Hammond Mi** Kat«* Phalen, who ha* been ii. Ogdensburg for the pa>* ft w months, ha* returned home j Wm. I divine and bnde have take-; up their abode on Parish street. They occupy the house lately vacated by Lev Beer^ and family Wo wL«h them a long and happy life. Our village school opcn> Monday. March 36, Miss Ella Robb, teacher. The many friends of T. 8. BurdsU, formerly of this place, will be pained to learn of his death, of consumption The sad event occurred at Greenville, 8. C, the !0th inst. G R. The letters remaining uncalled for at the Rossie post office are JaiBes 9 Russell, S. H. LenneJl. Mrs Wm. £t. Dennis. Nelson Evans. *•%* >. i»T. - lean exercising his trotters, and when Uncle orin Partridge gets out here company this aeason D. W. Curtis of Svraeuse in with hi* trotter*, we may expect to I town on business last Thursday have lively times and considerable fun. j Fr*<l Gardner, of Richville. wa> in Geo. F. Kinney starts for his home! town the greater part of fast week i j the guest of Mrs. St. I>ennis. the in Taylorville. III., about April 1. The Ladies' Mission Circle met at! ^rs. Emma Oat is. of l*p;^r .!a> Mr*. F A. Donobues on March ?tb. ; Y-. bas been visiting relative* h«n The meeting was one of the most sue- < ps>t month et*6fal ones of the season. j The concert given by the pupil* of I—Maswna has six known places where' the Consent last 8aturiay evenrng [^^hbke>^-U sokl ft«d ^tilf -there ^trelwicr a grain! sucx^e^ xneven,* jxirticu •ore applications for license*. The j lar. The program wa.s nicely ar tillage has a population of aJ>out one ranged and well carried oat. Jt con thousand. j sisted of declamations, recitations and Mr. INUIC Newton Crowky. another vocal and instrumental um*ic~ Rev. of Massena % s oldest citizeus. pa«ed j Father Deveiin, of Keesville, added away Monday. ( verT mu^b to the vocsJ part of the E .W. Kinney is to sell a lot of. concert; having a very fine voice and j -cfcoiee dair> cow* at the residence of ! being well up in the popular airs of a | moving mto it *e IMX* Daniel Steams Thny are to \ St. Patrick- celebration, his songs *^sokf at auction April 4 The oancus was quite largely attended I which »-bows that our eitiren.- take a . lively interest i:: tin u»-lfarr*of the 1 community. About 7*5 vo;<s uere east on the }«\ ballot. Th- result of the election Tnesdav wa«» the eh(oc<'of the to Misti Kate Manihon. Ross A. GII.LK RossiB, March *). 1H». To tb« NcrUi«rB Tritas*: As the correspondent of Brasher Falls does not seem to understand the di^erence between Hacku* or itossie. and Backus of Russell, let inesay for their information that the Backus of Russell was in Romaic on the 19th of this month and says he is in the field for the nomination of Sheriff, and Rossie will take a back sout and look on. I write this in all fairness to Mr Backus of Russell Yours kindly, GEO. BAcarot .... _ .•^ # .' EDWARDS. March 22, 1888. It is a long time since I wrote for your paper, but will try* and be mom punctual in the future. Plenty of rain and wind. We had a horse trot on theses at Trout lake, March 14. There w i s a purse of $85 raised on a side between the Mitchell mare, of Hermon, and A) Payne's stallion, of Edwards. Payne took the first two heats at his leisurr while the Mitchell mare ran the last half mils under the whip. . John McKee has rented a port of J. A. Fordhazn's blacksmith shop, where he will always be found at his post, ready to do all kinds of black smithing with neatness and dispatch in a workmanlike manner. J. A. Ford ham will work in the same shop at repairing wagons and will do all kinds of woodwork on them at short notice on most reasonable terms; also repair gon locks in fine shape G. H. C .' j above named officers, and the number j of vol*-* ea*t tt*. 'There v.a> very jit tie cutting *hich would go to show that | in general the peopie were we]l <*ti*- ! fied with the nominations HAILESBORO March £?. 1^" -The Haile farm hax bnwn K»ld to the Baxter Bros, for $5,000 H W. John son, of Little York, has renvd the house belonging to the funn ar d i> RACKET -RIVER Marrb 21. 1 / Beulien Hitchcock, of Cornwall, is •oping for a few day* witn his broth- *.J. H. Uitebeock rrMii« EJixa Chase rave a party *o the ^*iug folks last Friday evening, and •**» games, mu^c and a splendid •••Pper. all departed for tbeirboaae* I Mm. p. A. Haver>tock has gone to *°t«iam to visit ber daughter. ; Tnemn Smith has made arr^ig^ •*•** to sstop with Cha> ••rrv be ha> be*-n for +zc •. w- M McKetne ha» ^o->c * ~fc ^o attend the pr. .v.ng **£n Will. Much ani^-t^ ^s» iVmitv over the cuct"*t There is to be a sugar festival **' > were well received by the audience. ' D. Rich's hotel this Friday evening | The house was pa^keil to overflowing, for the benefit of the ladies' soviet> land the n-c-ipt* satisfactory To the* ^ ^f Cline. of Baymondvihe. is ^ managers The popularity of Rev. t ^ e new m i|ler who takes the place of j Father Nyhan in getting up # the*e en- j w m . Deans in C. A Clark's cri< mill u*rT.iinment« ha« gained for him a jf f Deans goes to Sac Franci*-o. CaJ.. reputation of being a verv «uccp«wfar to take a petition in a mill there Mrs. Dr. J. H. Clark and daughter* The wedding of Miss Nina Stearns, Chloe. of Ogdenfrhur?. spent Sunday! of this place, and Mr. Bottolph. of in town, the truest* of Mrs s B ^far (l^tsdam. is announced to take place eel Is. f a t the !;ome of the bride. Thursday, Misses Jennie and May Smith are ' March ?2 S at X o'clock p m. A large visiting friends in Adams and other [number of guests are invited. points in Jefferson county j The farm house of Levi Stearns was Mrx. MaxTuuipowsky and daughter consumed by fire ia*t Friday night at Martha returned from Baltimore on | ten r/cJock. None of the contents, Saturday. Mrs. T. was weii sxtlrted i^Wrtr t?pToftge<I to-"Tiw "son.Silas F. with the -coinforts furnished by the J ****»«'*• w ^^ saved excepting one managers of the" Washington excur- chair The insurance was with Per- son. | rigo & Peck's agency, at Potsdam. Mrs. Geo. C. Lloyd, of Jacksonville. ! (>ur prt»ent esteemed pastor has but III.. is visiting her mother. Mrs. Celin- j t w o tnore Sundays here this Confer- da Martin. Her many home friends! eDoe )'**&. -The ia*t sermon will t>e i are glad to welcome her. j preached on Raster Sunday. It is* The friends of Rev G. Cross made t boped that he wiii l>e returnefl an ' him a pleasant social visit last Thurs- j other—his^ thmi—year. | da v evening. Twentv-flve dollars was i Theresas been rjuiu? an epidemic] th*' amount donated." [ or run of severe cokls here, cauaixig operation in the Pr«sbyt*rian churdt March d0, 1&& The district school will bold a liter- ary entertainment in Rushton hall, Wednesday^and ^hursdsjr Wejainga. March 28 and » , consisting of farces, dialogues, pantomine, tableaux, reelta tion*> etc. An admission of 10 cents will be charged each evening. The proceeds to purchase school appliances All are invited. ---•<••• hfAMMOND The pipe organ March sr. l*m. is now ready for The residence of C past Gg: <"o t:- L. t financial ;iari>h manager All"** Ciaudic Iy»we!l. of M.-Jon«* iff town tliis week L ¥ ShiiU*n£pT i* ho»n^ f ,j r .» 1 [dav» .The Lanir> /*M- t- *'*f» nzTzm t j w*«ek at t.hP**'?i-«t>urv Apr:!^! Th*- doni,-> -•-iai in :hr- H'ul T i , *'av » »'-n:i:^ ^ > r^t w. U : [ im <-'» ..:.: -f :: • r/..r: T - : -•-•* ..u:-.f :r.- •j .:•-.' '\SLIVJ*Z- :h:- [Everyone wishes W:?I an abatir.n'*e * fc of snecess. i Mr anti Mr* Fn-d KiJbo-jn. «»f •*" C-openhagf-n. sr^ent a few day* in } t<*wr. la^t werk. vi^itmr Mr z>z>d M*v ^ S !• Rich 3ur* <T**- Drake i*•*;;.' *.!-».: vis - ::- in, cry Af» m- 1 fin - *. J n r - .— ratH" J < r»a:« t -^ c.a A.:.-*- 1CK * TW ills of t T ) ootevi znez* *** being contacted m N*-w \ W tho«^ who would sbv* 1 m the ^ estates tn:is br^urht ini»j litir*- ^ Tnat of the grr-at rnerchart ^ T. Stewart and the rr a: 6*xzo J^ Sacauei J. THdec. It * ^ ^ ^ pnAabie that the wishes zi in rsjeard to their props- ,.-u *as* *"*•* '*-co ,c « *.' .rv- r,» k a" 1' cr.rt- r.thianrr- sr'*-.. chr--r*; :f w- J^absthwi .i< carar i*rr"f:2JL c * |i ** °' »Pr^ : : dK^^se ar.5*r-g tro^n Jnpar tak£ Ayer and KoodL :h* c/|tj «r^ i> J jsx the ^J a'l f r > % X-JL-. V.^r./ ~: -:>! *r+.- w.r- of sul I «,-y c^vap-r *. c-y *z. . TC C< bc*t»r iT*J *~ ' S Lre, ot Cs-nt'-a w I'aireTisiis: dLxirzi Ssaday. Apr". : 1 w ai I. tr.» *y w^* crowded with fnends of the Bap- ti< mission band on Thursday even mg and all were well pleased with the program present^L The ladies of the band take thi* opportunity to returii thanks to Mr. ar. 1 Mrs. VanSlyke '>r opening tbtsir door* and contributing so geperouslT to the sneeess of the entertatement: also to those who as listed in the literary program Osrpcsjmtloo election Tuesday ei- cMmd a good deal of interest The s:nfe being over th* ejection of tnx*- preach^] an T-—* and collector For pre*:dent. era!. \ Ooi A. God an! was aga.'n the unani- :soa" cbo»ce of his townsmen, and '** -^ajmrer. Joseph Gvor?* wh- u, f^rhUiIly h*k« the funds for tr.e pt^- >.-ar ri* aur.Jr. r.-riected Fvr*r-i- :--s » the *r»l.-'?w"n«: rote v ^ ra.*^ Ii V irwesfialL 4\ John L S»+t t 3* J h 'fficrto*--'- .;- I*arr3ao Mason i."* jjr Ki»i»L*.: w.-.> : b ^ oojy or**» wJ.»o c r; )*i i*r> ( i. - - _ v***** i e J ec t ^d. F* #r <*> I - l^c<rrr t":er. -r'* iJ*^ a tie; Geor^r- R ' Hr t r . &:>j : A X~Caj each ryr^ir inr an ^ ^ i , U-LTL^T if ro<e*_ t ha# P Cixa* f-r *r* many yaar* a re-.J^nt of it:* T.3are &»*d at hm boss* m Jiif^ovL 5. Y, oo MOD- ; day. Mmmb if He imi been is fail ) tag hssiish far the past VanS]vk«.i ! * w **' mJ ***»«* wi moch suffering: f Thf% ** k ol ~* Are Z* ] 0™proving but time and muKtanl plasters ha ve | >'° *>* w ™M>* <rf pneumonia arp re I placed the nimjority on the side of irn• j P c ^^ <i provement < V>R BRIER HILL March 21. IHV William Tiltcfi: one of our oldest residents died Saturday morning lie wa« vf-rj well known and hurhiy r^s- peeted in this community, and was a charter w>einbeT of the F;rxt CangTe- gattionaJ c h a r h her*- Rev Mr WRV The winter terLi of the Hammond ?r*kd<*tl «^bool closes on Friday. March | 23 The school has tu*l a larre at- »tendance daring thi« winter Ail will of one week I enjoy a -hort vacation or one The ^y>r : t zxe tertn wiii open April 2 Mr* < <y>Y*er of Theresa is visiting her *>n V A Cooper, of Hatumond Mr W T Stiles and Jame* Fa^ch r.ey nj^-rt an eirviier.t t;n>c r.n thf- ex^ars.on : » Wa>hiri*r*<#n. Wc under a:> If w*rrn<»rj at the uii- *t.\nd ur. f ^.! pa r > f rttiu I> j »•}**< r 11 r h' !afs#r wa« Rev arid Mr> \W\ m,r» Vi^::^l tr a larg^ <*urj>r on the i r A'. i *;:*: \ > r. u j . ng u .: -. t;. e la R *- h r^t. a p^er.'.fui *-*pp : > <*f t'rr ?*o: "' *?<r* a r .*. i of thi.* life. v v nch :;iey I v ic>r- \iz % .;i T;e N er.. 03 ed r.ftc^ 4 * .V-Jr "i^j" I^.v-'- Mr* R. -»k \r :'.* f ' j ^ r i : ^rvi*..-% * co i J : -* ~* I .i*• v:"*:• •*•-, 1 %". ,C •" V r - - ^ 1T vr.mewhat iniat ^*it'.- wife but he ler. >** ff ;t. report* r;,e* " n- -.»- c•*n xi"r* on exec:lent -# » ^ inter--; - M'"w>r 'who xjfon Th I'nion iec:.-r* r- t^ieirr* nj » ' v ir»-%f*peaj'irjj' " U A S:^u:. b;** t*pf*«i *j.^»r b^#ts and s> s~ a iirtVe fynsp. txxz :r^ snow leorsc r*rh*r spoiled the «weet Dr. Sesse hsc amoved to Morrirft/ywi) Toong ct saorinsjr into by fata*. a 1 r> c -*; "v.i: Pre*t> • * or. R Malbj- t . — 3 Idr -ws ths^ ; r; j :..< -. * r •pub.^r-r, riub of ths? ^ zs* ^r Tzc*iAT f Timing April a. 1>: b^r* t- A gooi t^rn oQt jv, , p rr ~ p r DCS pal of the Castas* xLittr»z. tfi^c^A, su*&* Wcsle^ SeHeek. csf :L> r»iace a *?<<**. T'JZI M * Abbte ZoZtr h Norwood to races hsi T P.-efcooL ..f^ipCi <& &:&** r- rA 2*"* » m. * $ 1 ' r~ "jS •'JG' V 4/ W~ *• i" *ii "rA" 2* u, ..•»••

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Page 1: OBO-NICHOLS'family, at Littk* Bow,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070442/1888-03-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · hon was the one held h**t this winter of Aultavillc name of our villag' h^i"


&&&?» J*+&

>* «• , ?& T;r -.-'' S^*SSSSSk. ^B^SS* ' < * " . v W ^ %SSF

* . * a » * « > . ^ -K- >



NO. 43 . ItoOTTaro on the ioe at Svlvia Lake

Xcb. 30th.

OBO-NICHOLS'family, at Littk* Bow, are aJBictad with diphtheria.


Mia* BXXTUA DAY, of Hermon, who ha* b^en very ill for a long time we are glad to know is improving

• • • — p

THK article entitled "A view of j plhc* T u e * i » y <*v*ning. Education in New York" is from the t " f n

lT h a r M l * y o r F r i d ^

pen of M. A. Hildreth Esq of Ant­werp. It will amply repay a careful reading.

Kaw. l*irli4Mt up About thm Maple City

TWOndfiukmni Dej>*ru»eot of UM> NORTB

«4 rofd s*„ Ogdri^biinc, K. V. Part is wfch-lAr U* transact farofliaoM irita u* In tin- eft), can do no throo#h ^*n

<»ocvrajrswii PTBLJ&IUJSU t o . R. E. Waterman will be hi New

York the coining week in a t t e n d a n t Carr Bro* at hia father* wedding: which rake* To

He will r



» O a i t h e MlMt-LA L i ;

The spring term of s* menced Monday, March iy

John Stone, of Louisville, Ketone: oot a iargt* quantity

Ho baa sold tberu



M a n h i.j, 168*. The mem: M.K iable M.K*iaJ of the *»ea-

hon was the one held h**t

this winter of Aultavillc

name of our villag'

h^i" }**eU

of Jog* to the

ing hia annual visit to hi* M>ns here la>t autumn, wa* dangerously iJl at } the residence of his M- D, Nt*wt*JI T

j Clark, of Hrrmoii. John <\ ( lark w v ^ „ veom? a t i a r r i v e d w i t h ^

i Mr. Isaac HuJker under the auspice* t i _ 1 0 io f tWCrc»«c irc i - ^ . . - . . I—• i ^ *•

hu> btx*n changed twhv, it wan once citlJtx] Jef-

-v • fer»on. then AmehciL4 ajjd i n d ^ « * r - V t;j , l h t . K V O n d t i m e ^ Mas«.'na.

Kennon, 8pratt and Houghton were

father'* remain?* en ^,. . . .15 train to-day, which, afU-r

^ « w ^ r ^ i K' , v T P r ° " b ~ f ^ ^ ^ a^ t h ^ h o o ^ of (Than. R i K T . S T S 4 « >* t h e r r , n a r k ^ ' ^ » « ^ « 1 to the cemetery band of Peak Brother^ who dm Kv. A . ^^ ^ _ . . " ^x^^i^w^i *v. » % v , °> A "wv r-oncf ur*^ of HVDipathiijni*

I tinyolahed them»-el%i^ by their »u|>er- . f r ^ n t j H

; ioratyle of melody. Thi.'*

ColUvtor Danielu

KX-SUPKBVWOR E a ABiLUt of Pariahville, has rented the residence of Mr* Boswell on Main St. in this Tillage and will take possession about April 1st. — Courricr & Freeman.

THE sympathy of bis friends will go out to Mr.*Chas. H. Burdick. of Norwich, Chenango county, N Y., in the Ion of his 18-year-old son. Char les E., which occured on the 7th inst. Mr. Chaa H. Burdick is the genial and courteous representatireJ|of J. & F. B. Garrett's paper warehouse, of Syracuse, and is. well known to the newspaper men of Ontral and NortbenKew York. Tb >y unite in extending sympathy to the bereaved parents.

0 „ ^ —_ SOUTH COLTOH.

| in Ttica during the j>a«t week attend I In j to the opium «*a.«o which wa* ( brou-ht c»n Tuesday l?0th inKt.

The new cathedral bell* were eonse-eratiMl at a ^errvice held for that pur [xxse We<lnesday evening. Bishop ! l D K ' w b o w a ^ W P P ° ^ 1 to have a ran W<Klham« preached a sermon on the I > r a x l d w a * pronounced incurable by

Masxrna i> to have a kindergarten hehool Mr>. F W Clark > Ui W the teacher ^ai te a pxxi number of achoiarK hiiv^ already been .-^vuivd.

Mr. P Mathews, of Louisvill*. Laiui

' L'befrof lx*]l*t" tiorj last Sunday

to u laixe morning

eoncreCT Rome dot^ton*, was a boil

)- gettHiir better. Jt

peakeuliar" h a n ^ d ' fmmUf werr ^ P P ^ y introduce*! by W ;

**^ L. Heodrick chief peaker" whose! melodionj voict* was blended with the | others in their in^p^ringchoruM^ mak-: ing harmonious diMx>rd. Solo<* were giTsn by Frank Brintol. M M. Brooks j and William Walker Peak, all of whom were recehred with the wildest ap ; pladse while the Peaked twin^(Chaj*. William* and W. P Hendnvk»ec»vered them^elvew with glory by warbling "Old Lang Syne.*' Thev were so

The lumber camps are nearly **11 broken up and the place is full of the "red stockings. * Some of their faces correspond quite well, especially those who came by way of 8t , Regis Falls; only four out of fifty escaped without a scratch, and, wo are glad to say, they are the only one* who are resi­dents of this place.

Lew Snell and wife, who went into the woods early last fall, are expected out this week; also Mrs. Paul who went with them. Mrs. A. Snell has been visiting their camp the part two weeks. I

E!bridge Young, who ha* had quite S severe attack of pneumonia* is "about the house now.

&: The firm of F. F. Flint A Co hare aid out to W. J. Horton, wbo will

p to t inoe the mercantile business. ^ ' A donation will be held at W. C.

Bowen's next Tuesday night for the benefit of Rev Mr. Hall, pastor of the M. E. church.

Mrs. J. C. Irish, at the time of this writing* fell down and broke her arm.

The Good Templars are preparing a drama entitled "Little Brown J u g M

E T A . —- — • « • • • . . . .


Gov. Hill ha* Mgned the bill ^j>pro pnat ing $328,700 for the Sr i^iwreiu * asylum. The commissioners now have $430,000 with which to begin the trork

Thi* U ing the week of prayer. ;hc W. C. T. U. have held a *er.e* of prayer meetmgv The meeting Mc»n day evening wa.« largely attended

The recent thaw has about terminat­ed the curling >*easou.

The Street Car Co., had a large forrv I thi- vicinity of men at work breaking the ice on f

Ford street Thursday, in order t o ;

enable them to run the ear*. The new steam heating apparatus

on the O. & L. C. division ib proving a decidedly pacev**ful improvement. The law allow* railway Co'* until May 1, to abolish the stoves in their cars. Most of the regular train* on the O & L. C have t*»en provided for.

One of our boy* appeared in *Ma5-cot*" Monday evening, attired in worm­

ian "*$ c lothing The public wen* not $!ow to "catch on" and the lady was glad to escape through th^ back way and change her gender

Chateaugay expects to have;uK>ther heartily encored they were obliged to railroad The one talked of now i* to • respond giving an extract from that nin from Yalleyfield, north, poadbly Subl ime Oratorio Felina T h e Black to continue t<> the iron rt*^ion. south | Cat kicked out the White Cats eye." of Chateaugay In addition to this program Prof.

G. T. i^inney. insurance agent of"] P*y»*3*nd J. H. Doane gave a nuw-Taylon-ille, 111., fohneriy of Mansena, j b e r o f i«»tnimental duets (clarionet will return to hi* home in the west the i **** «>nJ*?t) which were much en tirst of April, having spent nearlv M0^6*1' M r Walker and his family thrrv months in visiting friend> in j l o o k e d w e J I *o the comfort of all pre­

sent; the warm sugar was the best of the season and liberally served and the affair altogether a complete suc­cess.

(We unintentionally omitted the above item from "CatoV* last week's letter, trm»t it will lose none of its interest by the de lay .—ED.)

In regard to the excitement over the i*uiali-pox epidemic exaggerated re-| ports of which have reached our neigh-' boring villages, we will nay that we ; have no disposition to *upprv«*> any of I the fact*. There is a single ea*e w ith-j in our borders and thus far only one.

We trust that all n<*evNsary precau-j tion* have been taken by our efficient ) board of health to prevent further f spreudof the disease and unles* our

letters are quarrantened, a n y . farther developments will be truthfully re­ported by CATO

Washington very much pleax-d with

iHigan. w. ret Tf*! IU»


Some of the citizen? of our village have pmorn vengenc«e on ugly dogs and persons who own s-uch will take warning and keep them safely at home where they belong. Then* are several such about town that would be better dead than aiive.

I. X. Crowley, died March 19, ISN?, aged 7b. Mr. Crowley came to Mas-sena at the age of 16 years from Yer-

j inont, and has Mnc< resided in Mas-sena. Funeral on Thursday March 2C. at 10 a. m. Mr. Crowley leave* a wife and three children.

Congressman A X Parker has in tro jduceda bill for an appropriation of

With the exception of too much eoki weather and too little hay every­thing is all right at the Centre

* Report says that we are to lose two of our best girlx. A railroad man and a tinsmith, to be the lueky finders.

The annual meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be held jn the Presbyterian church. April 15 Mr. A. S. Durston, State Secretary Hall and J. B. Brooks will be present and addres> the meet-log.

The ranks of the 35th are rapidly tilling. Capt. Holland is determined to have a fall company the coming year, and from all appearance he will succeed. There are now two recruit squads drilling very* succesfuily. The company will have a grand fall d r a * review on the evening of their reeep tion, April 3. The marksmen's badges will then be presented by » state officer.


March '2:. 1V*> Thifr is a good time for j*«opW to

mind their own business R. M. Hill i& taking an inventory

this week f'hauneey Buck is a«si*t-ing him

A. B. Rolfe and family are p re par We notice Ira Goodridge has *%ew ; in* to travel with a first "lass show

J #8000, to be used on the Grass Rivnr at Maswena; this Is rather modest. Why was it not made $80,000? that would be more like business. It seems at the same time a bill was introduced to ap­propriate $50,000 on the harbor at Ogdensburg, and like amount** fori other places.

The report submitted by the presi­dent and trustees at the village elec­tion Tuesday, was as follows: Money received, tax #793,14; poll tax $212; li«en*e $3*34; other souroes $500; total $1,540.43. Money disbursed, street Com. $791.66; o*her disbursements

j $645.12; in treasures hands $103.70; I total $1,540.4* G. B. Bridges moved

that the report be accepted, the motion waj* seconded and carried unanimously.

'At the caucus called Monday even­ing for the purpose*"^ nominating officer* for ilassena village the follow­ing name.- wt-re chosen: President^ W. H. Pad lock; trustees. W. G. Snaith, I>. Hamilton. K. M. Smith; treasurer,

jG. K. Britton: collector. Chas. GranL j Junction

March 33, 1S8*. Maurice W I>altom of Hertnon,

paid Richviilea flying visit last week. Mrs. Mary Newell and daughter

Lola leave to day for Fairfield, X. Y., where Mrs >*. has secured an excel­lent position and where Miss Lulu will have superior educational advantages.

Our schools are all closed and Princi­pal Payne is enjoying a visit at his home in Coldbrook, >*. Y.

Mrs. Andrew Oaks returned to her home in Watertown, Friday last, after a pleasant visit to her father Wm. Lacbine and other Richville friends.

W. E. Carpenter has just received a ( car load of Cbespeak steel nails, which | lie can recommend to builders and for

the sale of which he ha« secured the j sdte agency here.

Miss Man* Walker returned to Syra­cuse on Moqday to resume her po­sition in the dress-making establish­ment in that city where *he has been so long employed.

O. J. Bos worth and family, of Ant­werp, have been visiting his father Albert Bos worth, for a few days and Fred S. Bos worth arrived home Tues­day for a brief stay. Mr. Bo*worth J senior has been very low but s**ems to be improving slowly and his friends hope for the best

Frwl E. Gardner j * in Brasher for a few days and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mix are "rusticating* for a week at Dekalb j recent J v

March 'JO. 188* Allow a lover of progrr«s push and

vim to congratulate the citizen* of Massena and vicinity on the appear anoe of the first number of their new, newsy and spicy paper. The Massena RXPRS8S. Of course the Massena people will sustain and subscribe for it freely.

Our pleasantly located village, at the end lines of Waddington and Louisville and corner of Madrid, on the Grass river, i> not retrograding, neither Is there any ••boom/' bat is progressive and improving, and t h e ! outlook is good. The prospect of a junction here at no late day, of the continued Montreal L Massena rail* road, to Ogdensburg. via Louisville, Chases Mills and Waddington. and the Ottawa & New Y'ork railroad, via Goose Neck Island, to Norwood, would bring the latter road directly through this village. And so we wait, and work and hope, instead of going west to blow up with the country. We have a fine church, a hotel, two well filled stores, that of J. D. Moni han on the Louisville side of the street and Barnett & Alexander on the Waddington side; the latter is a new firm and starts oat with flatter­ing prospects and showing a fine stock of goods; two blacksmith shops, a milliner and dressmaking shop, a wheelwright, paint and cabinet shop, a butcher shop, a grist or provender and feed mill, a saw and shingle mill, etc., and a tannery property, idle on account of settlement or the estate. This latter property might be put to good use as a tannery or for other manufacturing purposes as it has a good water power. We also have a first class creamery, Jacob Piper, pro­prietor and manufacturer. I t is gen­erally understood that C. A. Clark, of Raymondville. will buy the milk here this season.

A pleasant marriage occurred here that of Mr Lvman Hears


March :i. 1WS&

The recent thaw remind** us tha>'-our winter sports are near to a close.

The toboggan sJide on the furnac« hill seems to have he«eri saxily negleef ed of late.

Miss Kate I^eary, who w»»nt on the excursion to Washington, ha.* re turned boiu« her "trip "

Miss Minnie say, is very ill

Among the gu<*»t9 in town we notice Miss Mary Woodruff, of Gouverneur. and Miss Bell Divinie, of Ogdensburg

The walking match of The 37th inst resulted in fAvor of Ned Walsh, of Hammond

Mi** Kat«* Phalen, who ha* been ii. Ogdensburg for the pa>* ft w months, ha* returned home

j Wm. I divine and bnde have take-; up their abode on Parish street. They occupy the house lately vacated by Lev Beer^ and family Wo wL«h them a long and happy life.

Our village school opcn> Monday. March 36, Miss Ella Robb, teacher.

The many friends of T. 8. BurdsU, formerly of this place, will be pained to learn of his death, of consumption The sad event occurred at Greenville, 8. C , the !0th inst. G R.

The letters remaining uncalled for at the Rossie post office are JaiBes 9 Russell, S. H. LenneJl. Mrs Wm. £t. Dennis. Nelson Evans. *•%*

>. i»T. -

lean exercising his trotters, and when Uncle or in Partridge gets out here

company this aeason D. W. Curtis of Svraeuse in

with hi* trotter*, we may expect to I town on business last Thursday have lively times and considerable fun. j Fr*<l Gardner, of Richville. wa> in

Geo. F. Kinney starts for his home! town the greater part of fast week i j the guest of Mrs. St. I>ennis.

t h e

in Taylorville. III., about April 1. The Ladies' Mission Circle met a t ! ^rs . Emma Oat is. of l*p;^r .!a>

Mr*. F A. Donobues on March ?tb. ; Y-. bas been visiting relative* h«n The meeting was one of the most sue- < ps>t month et*6fal ones of the season. j The concert given by the pupil* of

I—Maswna has six known places where' the Consent last 8 a t u r i a y evenrng [^^hbke>^-U sokl ft«d ^tilf -there ^trelwicr a grain! sucx^e^ xneven,* jxirticu

•ore applications for license*. The j lar. The program wa.s nicely ar tillage has a population of aJ>out one ranged and well carried oat. Jt con thousand. j sisted of declamations, recitations and

Mr. INUIC Newton Crowky. another vocal and instrumental um*ic~ Rev. of Massena%s oldest citizeus. p a « e d j Father Deveiin, of Keesville, added away Monday. ( v e r T mu^b to the vocsJ part of the

E .W. Kinney is to sell a lot of. concert; having a very fine voice and j -cfcoiee dair> cow* at the residence of ! being well up in the popular airs of a | moving mto it * e IMX* Daniel S teams Thny are to \ St. Patr ick- celebration, his songs *^sokf at auction April 4

• The oancus was quite largely attended I which »-bows that our eitiren.- take a . lively interest i:: tin u»-lfarr*of the 1 community. About 7*5 vo;<s uere east on the }«\ ballot. Th- result of the election Tnesdav wa«» the eh(oc<'of the

to Misti Kate Manihon.

R o s s A. GII .LK

RossiB, March *). 1H». To tb« NcrUi«rB Tritas*:

As the correspondent of Brasher Falls does not seem to understand the di^erence between Hacku* or itossie. and Backus of Russell, let inesay for their information that the Backus of Russell was in Romaic on the 19th of this month and says he is in the field for the nomination of Sheriff, and Rossie will take a back sout and look on. I write this in all fairness to Mr Backus of Russell Yours kindly,

G E O . BAcarot .... _ . • ^ # . ' —


March 22, 1888. It is a long time since I wrote for

your paper, but will try* and be mom punctual in the future.

Plenty of rain and wind. We had a horse trot on t h e s e s a t

Trout lake, March 14. There w i s a purse of $85 raised on a side between the Mitchell mare, of Hermon, and A) Payne's stallion, of Edwards. Payne took the first two heats at his leisurr while the Mitchell mare ran the last half mils under the whip. .

J o h n McKee has rented a port of J. A. Fordhazn's blacksmith shop, where he will always be found a t his post, ready to do all kinds of black smithing with neatness and dispatch in a workmanlike manner. J. A. Ford ham will work in the same shop at repairing wagons and will do all kinds of woodwork on them at short notice on most reasonable terms; also repair gon locks in fine shape G. H. C

.' j above named officers, and the number j of vol*-* ea*t tt*. 'There v.a> very jit tie

cutting *hich would go to show that | in general the peopie were we]l <*ti*-! fied with the nominations


March £?. 1^" -The Haile farm hax bnwn K»ld to the

Baxter Bros, for $5,000 H W. John son, of Little York, has renvd the house belonging to the funn ar d i>


Marrb 21. 1 / Beulien Hitchcock, of Cornwall, is •oping for a few day* witn his broth-* . J . H. Uitebeock rrMii« EJixa Chase rave a party *o the ^*iug folks last Friday evening, and •**» games, mu^c and a splendid •••Pper. all departed for tbeirboaae* I Mm. p. A . Haver>tock has gone to *°t«iam to visit ber daughter. ; Tnemn Smith has made arr^ig^ •*•** to sstop with Cha> ••rrv be ha> be*-n for +zc

•. w- M McKetne ha» ^o->c * ~ f c o attend the pr. .v.ng **£n Will. Much ani^-t^ ^s» iVmitv over the cuct"*t

There is to be a sugar festival **' > were well received by the audience. ' D. Rich's hotel this Friday evening

| The house was pa^keil to overflowing, for the benefit of the ladies' soviet> land the n-c-ipt* satisfactory To the* ^ f Cline. of Baymondvihe. is ^ managers The popularity of Rev. t ^ e new m i | l er who takes the place of j Father Nyhan in getting up#the*e en- j w m . Deans in C. A Clark's cri< mill

u*rT.iinment« ha« gained for him a jf f Deans goes to Sac Franci*-o. CaJ.. reputation of being a verv «uccp«wfar to take a petition in a mill there

Mrs. Dr. J. H. Clark and daughter* The wedding of Miss Nina Stearns, Chloe. of Ogdenfrhur?. spent Sunday! of this place, and Mr. Bottolph. of in town, the truest* of Mrs s B ^far ( l^tsdam. is announced to take place eel Is. f

a t the !;ome of the bride. Thursday, Misses Jennie and May Smith are ' March ?2S at X o'clock p m. A large

visiting friends in Adams and other [number of guests are invited. points in Jefferson county j The farm house of Levi Stearns was

Mrx. MaxTuuipowsky and daughter consumed by fire ia*t Friday night at Martha returned from Baltimore on | ten r/cJock. None of the contents, Saturday. Mrs. T. was weii sxtlrted i^Wrtr t?pToftge<I to-"Tiw "son.Silas F. with the -coinforts furnished by the J ****»«'*• w ^ ^ saved excepting one managers of the" Washington excur- chair The insurance was with Per­son . | rigo & Peck's agency, at Potsdam.

Mrs. Geo. C. Lloyd, of Jacksonville. ! ( > u r prt»ent esteemed pastor has but III.. is visiting her mother. Mrs. Celin- j t w o tnore Sundays here this Confer-da Martin. Her many home f r i e n d s ! e D o e )'**&. -The ia*t sermon will t>e i are glad to welcome her. j preached on Raster Sunday. It is*

The friends of Rev G. Cross made t boped that he wiii l>e returnefl an ' him a pleasant social visit last Thurs- j other—his^ thmi—year. | da v evening. Twentv-flve dollars was i T h e r e s a s been rjuiu? an epidemic] th*' amount donated." [ or run of severe cokls here, cauaixig operation in the Pr«sbyt*rian churdt

March d0, 1&& The district school will bold a liter­

ary entertainment in Rushton hall, Wednesday^and ^hursdsjr Wejainga. March 28 and » , consisting of farces, dialogues, pantomine, tableaux, reelta tion*> etc. An admission of 10 cents will be charged each evening. The proceeds to purchase school appliances All are invited.

— - - - • < • • •


The pipe organ March sr. l*m.

is now ready for

The residence of C


G g :


t:-L. t

financial ;iari>h manager All"** Ciaudic Iy»we!l. of M.-Jon«*

iff town tliis week L ¥ ShiiU*n£pT i* ho»n^ f,jr .» 1

[dav» .The Lanir> / * M - t- *'*f» nzTzm t

j w*«ek at t.hP**'?i-«t>urv

Apr:!^! Th*- doni,-> -•-iai in :hr- H'ul T i

, *'av » »'-n:i:^ ^ > r^t w. U : [ im<-'» . .:.: -f :: • r/..r:

T - : -•-•* ..u:-.f :r.-•j .:•-.' '\SLIVJ*Z- :h:-

[Everyone wishes W:?I an abatir.n'*e *fc of snecess.

i Mr anti Mr* Fn-d KiJbo-jn. «»f •*" C-openhagf-n. sr^ent a few day* in

} t<*wr. la^t werk. vi^itmr Mr z>z>d M*v ^ S !• Rich

3ur* <T**- D r a k e i*•*;;.' * . ! -» . : vis-::-

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TW ills of t T ) ootevi znez* *** being contacted m N*-w \ W tho«^ who would sbv*1 m the ^ estates tn:is br^urht ini»j litir*-^ Tnat of the grr-at rnerchart ^ T. Stewart and the r r a: 6*xzo J ^ Sacauei J. THdec. I t * ^ ^ ^ pnAabie that the wi shes zi

in rsjeard to their props-



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S Lre, ot Cs-nt'-a w I'aireTisiis: dLxirzi

Ssaday. Apr".

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w^* crowded with fnends of the Bap-ti< mission band on Thursday even mg and all were well pleased with the program present^L The ladies of the band take thi* opportunity to returii thanks to Mr. ar. 1 Mrs. VanSlyke '>r opening tbtsir door* and contributing so geperouslT to the sneeess of the entertatement: also to those who as listed in the literary program

Osrpcsjmtloo election Tuesday ei-cMmd a good deal of interest The s:nfe being over th* ejection of tnx*- preach^] an T-—* and collector For pre*:dent. era!.

\ Ooi A. God an! was aga.'n the unani-:soa" cbo»ce of his townsmen, and '** -^ajmrer. Joseph Gvor?* wh- u , f^rhUiIly h*k« the funds for tr.e pt^->.-ar r i * aur.Jr. r.-riected Fvr*r-i-:--s » the *r»l.-'?w"n«: rote v ^ ra.* Ii V irwesfialL 4\ John L S»+tt 3* J h 'fficrto*--'- .;- I*arr3ao Mason i."* jjr Ki»i»L*.: w.-.> :b^ oojy or**» wJ.»o c r; )*i i*r> (i. - - _ v***** i e J ec t d. F* #r <*> I -l^c<rrr t":er. -r'* iJ*^ a tie; Geor^r- R

' Hr tr . &:>j : A X~Caj each ryr^ir inr an ^ ^ i , U-LTL^T if ro<e*_

t ha# P Cixa* f-r *r* many yaar* a re-.J^nt of it:* T.3are &»*d at hm boss* m J i i f ^ o v L 5 . Y , o o MOD-

; day. Mmmb i f He imi been i s fail ) tag hssiish far the past

VanS]vk«.i!*w**'mJ * * * » « * wi moch suffering: f Thf% **k ol~* A r e Z*]0™proving but time and muKtanl plasters ha ve | >'° *>*w

™M>* <rf pneumonia arp re I placed the nimjority on the side of irn• j P c^^< i

• provement < V>R


March 21. I H V William Tiltcfi: one of our oldest

residents died Saturday morning l i e wa« vf-rj well known and hurhiy r^s-peeted in this community, and was a charter w>einbeT of the F;rxt CangTe-gattionaJ char h her*- Rev Mr WRV

The winter terLi of the Hammond j» ?r*kd<*tl «^bool closes on Friday. March | 23 The school has tu*l a larre at-»tendance daring thi« winter Ail will

of one week I enjoy a -hort vacation or one The ^y>r:

tzxe tertn wiii open April 2 Mr* < <y>Y*er of Theresa is visiting

her *>n V A Cooper, of Hatumond Mr W T Stiles and Jame* Fa^ch

r.ey nj^-rt an eirviier.t t;n>c r.n thf-ex^ars.on : » Wa>hiri*r*<#n. Wc under

a:> If w*rrn<»rj at the u i i - *t.\nd ur. f^.!

p a r > f rttiu I> j»•}**< r 11 r

h' !afs#r wa«

Rev arid Mr> \W\ m,r» Vi^::^l t r a larg^ <*urj>r on the i rA'. i *;:*: \ > r. u j . ng u .: -. t;. e la R * - h r^t. a p^er.'.fui *-*pp:> <*f t'rr ?*o: "' *?<r* a r .*. i • of thi.* life. v vnch :;iey Ivic>r- \iz%.;i T;e N er.. 03 ed r.ftc^ 4* .V-Jr "i^j" I .v-'-

Mr* R. -»k \r :'.* f ' j ^ r i : ^rvi*..-% * co i J : -* ~* I . i*• v:"*:• •*•-, 1 %".

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vr.mewhat iniat ^*it'.- wife but he ler. >** ff ;t.

report* r;,e*

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on exec: lent -# » ^ i n t e r - - ; -

M'"w>r 'who xjfon Th I'nion iec:.-r* r-

t^ieirr* nj » ' v ir»-%f*peaj'irjj' " U A S : ^ u : . b;** t*pf*«i h» *j.^»r

b^#ts and s> s~ a iirtVe fynsp. txxz :r^ snow leorsc r*rh*r spoiled the «weet

Dr. Sesse hsc amoved to Morrirft/ywi) Toong ct saorinsjr into

by fata*. a


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Pre*t> • * or.

R Malbj-t . — 3 Idr -ws ths^

; r; j :..< -. * r •pub.^r-r, riub of ths? ^ zs* ^r Tzc*iAT f Timing April a. 1>: b^r* t- A goo i t^rn oQt

jv, , p r r ~ p r DCS pal of the Castas* xLittr»z. tfi^c^A, su*&* Wcsle^ SeHeek. csf :L> r»iace a *?<<**. T'JZI

M * Abbte ZoZtr h Norwood to races hsi

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