o'brien & kinkel, inc. -...

1 CELEBRATING his 20th year in producing adventure films John Jay, ski-photographers, will pre- sent his newest color film. "Moun- tain Magic," Sunday Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Fox Lane School. Mount Kisco. POLICE BEATER JAILED MOUNT VERNON Matthew Baker, forty, of 130 S. 9th A \ c , was jailed for seven months on Tuesday for disorderly conduct and assaulting Patrolman Thomas Drohan. Louise McNeil, twenty- eight, of the samp address, a bar- maid, Wc .s fined S300 on the same charges. Drohan was hit by a cue stick by Baker when the police- man was called to break up a street brawi. The woman crabbed the policeman from behind. RUG! DRAPI SLIPCOVERS Ski Film Tickets Now Available BEDFORD - John Jay. world-famous ski photographer, will return for the third year to the Fox Lnne School on Sunday. Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. to narrate his latest feature length color film, "Mountain Magic '* Mr. Ja\, who is celebrating his twentieth year in the movie busi- ness. :s pictured hero on locat- ion" in the Swiss Alps The proceeds of the performance will again go the American Field Service International Scholarship Fund This organization brings ovpr loflO high-school aged' students from all corners of the world to study in the United States e\ery \ear as well as sending their American Counterparts to live abroad. Tickets at Stores Children and students will be ldmitted at half-price. Tickets for the Dec. 13 performance are now on sale at the following stores: Armonk Pharmacy: Bedford Pharmacv. Max's Variety Center, Bedford Hills; Harry P Hoblin, .nc Bronwille; Chappaqua Wine & Liquors: Outdoor Traders, Green- wich. Conn: Weinstcm'* Pharm- acv. Katonah. Mount Kisco , harmacv: Coi ners Shop, Scott's Corners: and Westchester Sporting Goods, White Plains. We are experts in preserving the beauty of your finest rugs, drapes and slipcovers. Relax while We assume the burdens of your cleaning! Pride CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS formerly UNITED CLEANERS of MAIN ST. NOW LOCATED AT: 148 BEDFORD ROAD MT. KISCO, N.Y. MO 6-4246 Lions Club Slates Party KATONAH Ralph Lent will head the com- mittee arranging for the Dec. 5 dessert card party, being sponsor- ed by the Katonah Lions Club in Memorial House, Katonah at 8 p m. Mr Lent will be assisted bv Eli Antonecchia, Davidson De Camp and Russell Saindon. There will be a prize for each table and all types of table games will be played. Patterson Heads NYC Hospital Fund BEDFORD— Ellmore C. Patterson, of Chest- nut Ridge Rd., senior vice presi- dent of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York has been named a group chairman in the Hospital Trustees Division of the United Hospital Fund's 80th an- nual campaign. Eben W. Pyne, chairman of the Hospital Trustees Division announced Mr. Patter- son's appointment today. Mr. Pyne is president of the First Na- tional City Trust Company. Mr. Patterson will lead 175 vol- unteers from nine hospitals in the gaining of his Group's quota of the >verall campaign goal df $3,- 000,000. Money collected in the campaign will be used to help the Fund's 82 member voluntary non- profit hospitals care for the needy sick. Mr. Patterson is treasurer of Memorial Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases and of Sloan Ket- tering Institute. He is a director of the Great American Insurance Company and of International Nic- kel Co. of Canada, Ltd. He is a trustee of the Harvey School and the Northern Westchester Hospital. HP* J HP lides, lopic Of Audubon Screen Tour BEDFORD Robert C. Hermes will present "Between the Tides" m the Fox Lane School Auditorium on Satur- day. Dec. 5 at 8:30 p.m. for the Bedford Audubon Society. This is a color motion picture of that small part of the world where the sea and the land meet in an ever varied drama which is as constant as the tides them selves. Creatures who live in this changing environment, the wading <-hore birds, the strange crabs, the colorful fish and the mysterious teeming inhabitants of the tidal pools have been photographed by one of the finest of our natural history lecturers. Mr. Hermes has won prizes in international competition for his photography. His still pictures have appeared in National Geographic, Life. Collier's and other maga- zines. His lectures have taken him from Newfoundland to British Co- lumbia and from Hawaii to Ber- muda anc> the Caribbean. "Between the Tides' 'is the sec- ond of the Audubon Screen Tour senes presented by the Bedford Audubon Society. Single lecture tickets will be obtainable at the door for those who do not have a subscription. The public is urged to take advantage of this oppor- tunity to see a picture of great beauty and interest. ELLMORE C. PATTERSON North Westchester Times, New Castle Tribune, Mount Kisco, N.Y. December 3, .1959. 3. Aida Bound Becomes Bride Of James Keena Page Jr. MOUNT KISCO In St. Mark's Church, Saturday, Miss Aida Bound became the bride of James Keena Page Jr. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Marcus B. Hall who was as- sisted by the Rev. J o h n C. Har- per of St. Matthews Church, Bed- ford and the Rev. Harold Thelin of Grace Church, Nyack, N. Y. A reception followed the cere- mony at the Bedford Golf and Ten- nis Club. The parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fiske Bound of Bedford, and Mrs. Thomas Ku- nath of Mount Kisco and Mr. James K. Page of Bedford. Mr. Bound escorted his daugh- ter who Wore a traditional wedding gown of ivory silk satin, long sleeves and a bouffant skirt terminating in a cathedral train. Her veil of imported lace over silk illusion was fashioned in man- tilla style. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and phaelio- nopsis. Miss Alva Bound was her sis- er's maid of honor Bamaby Rudge VI, an attrac- tion at the National Zoo in Wash- ington, is believed to be the first striped hyena cub to be born in a zoo. FRANCES COSTANZO Frances Costanzo Is Betrothed to Robert Herridge PLEASANTVILLE— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costanzo of 172 Marble Ave., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Frances Costanzo to Seaman Robert V. Herridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Herridge of Bed- ford Rd.. Armonk. Miss Costanzo, a graduate of Pleasantv.'lle High School, is em- ployed as a secretary by the IBM Corporation in White Plains. Mr. Herridge, also a Pleasant- ville High School graduate, is cur- rently serving in the U.S. Coast STEEL FOR GARAGE OSS1NING Enough structural steel has finally been delivered to complete the new municipal ga- rage on Water St. and a two month delay has been ended with the re- sumption of work. The building is expected to be enclosed by Dec. 20 if the weather continues favor- able, according to Village Engineer Victor Kordi. BEDFORD— (Editor's note: Nancy North- rup, a student in the sixth grade in the Bedford Elementary School tells of a recent trip to the Metropolitan Museum. The Students of her class made the trip to New York with their teacher, Mrs. Anita Fairbanks to view the things they have been studying.) Bedford Village News OANS MONEY-SAVING I RATES | INSURANCE PAYMENTS MAY BE INCLUDED IN FINANCING MOUNT KISCO FAMILY DINNER Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Haynes entertained 20 guests to a family dinner Saturday night. The group Jicludes Mrs. Haynes' mother Mrs. Helena Knapp and her sis- er, Miss Helena Knapp of Bed- ford; another sister, Mrs. Henry Van Ameronden, Mr. Ameronden and their son, Philip, Mr. and Mrs. John Gorgas and sons, Dav- id and James of Hollis, L. I. Mrs. Gorgas is also Mrs. Haynes' sis- ter. Others present were Dr. A. Banaresh of Terhan, Iran, who is taking courses at Bellevue Hospi- tal in New York, and Mary and James Lee of Formosa, students at Fox Lane School. Present also were their daughter Miss Martha Haynes, a student nurse at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York and four other children, Sarah, Hannah, Timothy and Louise Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Coolidgc entertained 16 guests to a dinner party Saturday night. For Thanks giving dinner they had members of their family as guests, including Anthony Milnes, Bayard Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nelson Ander- son and David Milnes. Also pres- ent was R'aoul Batencourt. 40 Westchester offices for your Automobile Loan BUILD WITH CONFIDENCE w We have been building since 1898. Our fixed contract price includes everything. Custom features to suit your family's needs. O'BRIEN & KINKEL, Inc. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS MAPLE AYE. MOunt Kisco 6-5171 dale, and granddaughter of M r and Mrs. Raymond Coward of BecJ- ford. was baptized Sunday in St Matthew's Church. An aunt, Mrs Syril S. Damon of Honolulu, for whom the child is named was a godmother with Mrs. Hilary Bar rett-Brown of New Canaan. The godfather was Henry Clay Alex- ander of Katonah. A reception at the grandparents' home "Jane Acres," Cantitoe Rd. followed the christening. Three area men are among the 94 Yale University students from New York to be named 1 to the Dean's List for outstanding aca demic achievement during the 1958-59 college year. To qualify for the list, a student must maintain a grade average in the top 25 per cent of his class. Students in the top 10 per cent are named to the list as Ranking Scholars. Named are David E. Holbrook, son of Mr and Mrs. John Holbrook of Mat' thews Mill Rd . Bedford, a mem- ber of the debating team and touch football team; Edward F. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kel ly of Katonah, and James S. Cook -on of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook of Mount Kisco. Many area residents are serving on the committee arranging a tes- .lmonial dinner to be given in hon- or of Miss Jane Todd of Tarry- town on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at the Astor Hotel in New York, sponsored by the New York State Republican Committee for the 22 years Miss Todd has served as their vice chairman. Among them are, Mrs. R. Stewart Kilborne Jr. of Katonah; Miss Sybil A. Hussar, Mrs. Charles D. Grable, Mrs. Robert D. Burbank and Mrs. James Caruso of North Castle; Mrs. Frederick Muhl and Mrs. Ar- thur B. Layton of Pound Ridge, and Miss Alice B. Hinkle of Som- ers. Mr. and Mrs John Wavrishuk, Mr and Mrs. Eugene Wavrishuk of Bedford, and Mr. and Mrs Wil- liam J. McLaughlin of Mount Kis- co were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wavrishuk of So. Beechwood Rd., Bedford Hills. Deborah Coward daughter of M r and Mrs. Hugh Coward of Scars- Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Russell, their daughter Carol and son Hil- ary Jr. of Pea Pond Rd. were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs Russell's parents, Mr. and Mrs John B. Foster of Mount Kisco. Mr. and Mrs. William Trela were guests of their daughter, Mrs. William Sarsen and Mr. Sar sen of Mount Kisco on Thanks- giving Day. Mrs. Roger S. Coolidge has pur- chased 1 the former Anita Kincaid THICK* CREAMY LUSCIOUS MILK BUTTER EGGS ICE CREAM HofdmiRkk MILK &CREA Tel. MOunt Kisco 6-6034 The other attendants were the Misses Virginia Bound, sister of the bride, Kathleen Page and Reid Kunath, sisters of the groom, Mary B. /Fowlkes, Mary DeWitt Bleecker and Nancy Holmes. James K, Page, father of the groom was best man. Serving as ushers were Charles Root Bound and John Fiske Bound*, brothers of the bride, Charles M. Perksin Jr., brother of the groom, Spyros Root, cousin of the bride, John S. Allen Jr., and J. Yorke Peeler Jr. The bridesmaids wore ballerina dresses in American Beauty vel- veteen with a fitted bodice and portrait neckline. The two sisters of the bride wore gowns matching in fabric in African Violet. They carried yellow sweetheart roses. The bride, an alumna of The Chapin School an<3 Bradford Junior College is working with Life Maga- zine. Mr. Page graduated from the Gunnery, attended Hailebury and ISC in Hertford, England, and is an alumnus of Princeton Univers- ity, 1958. He received his Masters Degree from New York Univers ity and is employed at Doubleday & Company, Inc. After a wedding trip the couple will reside at 505 East 82nd St New York City. MRS. JAMES K. PAGE JR —Photo by Bachrach B.V. Student Reports Visit To Metropolitan Museum We took our trip to the Metro- politan Museum in New York be- cause we wanted to see the things we had studied. In the Museum they showed, on a table, an open pyramic with a false entrance and a secret one. Nearby was the Rosetta Stone which enabled man to read hiero- glyphics by translating Greek. Also in that room was the Hypostyle Temple of Karnak. It was decorat- ed with dull red, green, and gold. The model was about four feet high. In the original, the columns are 70 feet in the air. The Greek exhibits in the Chil- dren's Museum include a model Old Court House Gift Shop. Mrs Coolidge who operated in the Bib and Tucker in Mount Kisco has named her new business "Tea and Treasurers." The shop will be open every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m from now until Christmas, and on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Tea and coffee will be served every day. IN SCOTLAND— Miss Mary Louise Moore is spending her junior year at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. As a student of Mount Holyoke College, she is studying under the college's plan to' encourage inter- national education, by allowing credit for junior year spent at an approved institution abroad She is one of 23 members of the class of 1961 who are currently studying in Germany, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Miss Moore is a graduate of Master's School in Dobbs Ferry. She is majoring in English, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Moore, Rock Gate Farm Road. She is planning to go skiing in the Aus- trian Alps during her Christmas holiday, with a classmate in clo- lege. BIRTHDAY SUPRISE Mrs. William Mount of Pound Ridge Rd. was surprised a t a p a r ty Friday to mark her seventy- fifth birthday. The event was held in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bateman E. Lewis, Croton Falls. Members of the family present included the celebrant's grandson Barry Bate man and her daughter, Miss Bon- nie Mount who was home from Northfield School for Girls for the holiday. Mrs. Mount, a broker, has been in the real estate business in Bedford for over 25 years. She left Monday for Sarasota, Fla. to join her husband for the winter months. Before going south, Mr. Mount was associated for many years with the Park Garage and Clim Garage in Mount Kisco. Miss Patricia Grispo, daughter of Mr. anc Mrs. Edward Grispo (Turn to Page 7, Please) of the Acropolis as it is now and was then. Mrs. Fairbanks, our teacher, showed us especially, the Erectheum and the Parthenon. Next to it is a large model of the Parthenon. They had it colored red and blue. We could see all the statues of the Gods and God- desses. The statue of Athena was inside. They also had a replica of Olympia, the city which started the Olympic Games. A model of Delphi showed the oracles. There were statues of The Discus Throw- er by Myron, and one of Zeus. See Roman Exhibit In the Roman exhibit there was a sculpture of Augustus Caesar, a model of the Arch of Constan- tine, and a piece from it. There was also an exhibit of the Roman Forum. Then we went upstairs to the Egyptian Wing where they had a model of her temple and also a sphinx ojf h e r . They had the famous head of Nefertiti. There were life size sta- tues «of Kings and their wives. There were many sarcophagi with mummies in them. The mummies were wrapped in linen which had been dipped in resin. Some of the mummies were covered with wood- in masks and others with paper; each made to look like the per- son. These were called death masks. In another room there were gold rings, bracelets, necklaces and other jewels. Amulets were good luck charms. We saw some of al- abaster, which Egypt is famous for. One had the Eye of Horus. The Egyptian women graided their hair with gold. A scarab w a s a kind of nameplate that they wore around their necks and used a s a signature too. Among the pottery were eyecups, a shallow bowl on a stemmed base, with an eye on each side. Egyptians made red paint from henna plants. From papyrus they made paper, rope and sandals. They had a sacred bird, which they always put on their crowns. They even had some mechanical toys Upstairs was also a room of old instruments, including the auto harp. Going down the hall we passed mosaics of people and animals which were made of tile. We had lunch in a beautful cafe teria which had a pool in the middle of it. Statues in the pool represent music. After lunch we went to see the "Cellini Cup". Its base begins with a turtle, then a dragon with a wom- shell, then a dragon with a worn an's face. This is the original and is made of pure gold. Greek Vases What ever the oc- casion . . . nothing expresses your sen- timent quite so well as a floral bouquet! 423 King Street CHAPPAQUA CE 8-4473 Floor Covering SPECIALISTS, EVC. 42 E. Main Street MOunt Kisco 6-6166 104 E. Post Road Wffite Plains 9-1140 JjF&k YOU DONT NEED MAGIC TO Beautiful Floors Choose from our wide selection of Wall-to-Wall Carpeting or individual rugs for every room. Also Inlaid and Linoleum Floor coverim Free Estimates FLOOR and WALL TILES RUBBER VINYL > PLASTIC ASPHALT We Install Formica Let us replace youi old linoleum count- er tops with glisten- ing, new, life jasting Formica. Free /Estimates There were two whole rooms of Greek vases and in one room they showed on a wall what the vases looked like and the names. There were about 30 kinds. Two of the vases were the Neck Amphora and the Amphora. We also looked at sculpture of the "Thinker" and Hand of God" by Rodin. The Etruscan armor was made of bronze. Their chariots were made of bronze too. Rembrandt was a famous paint- er, whose paintings were always lighted from the left. Renoir was noted for his family paintings. Rosa Bonheur is noted for her horse paintings, "The Horse Fair". Van Gogh painted these paintings: 1. Restaurant Rispal Asnieries; 2. Potato Peeler; 3. Sunflowers; 4. Cypresses; 5. L'Arlesienne; 6. Portrait of the Artist. Arms and Armor The last room we went to showed the arms and armor of various pe- riods. Some were on horseback with the horses armored also. Then we went to the cars and* started on our trip home. By Nancy Northrup Mutual Fund Plan for GROWTH Send this ad with your name and address for our suggestions on a $1,000—or more— Mutual Fund Plan for GROWTH. MUTUAL FUND DEPT. HAYDEN, STONE & CO. Members New York Stock Exchange White Plains Office 55 Church Street WHite Plains 9-2300 SHETLL KISS YOU THANKS FOR YOUR LOVELY GIFT OF STOCKINGS A truly feminine gift so handsomely wrapped for giving. And won't she be pleased when she sees the loveliest sheers of all inside—a gift every fashionable lady wants—Phoenix costume-keyed nylons in seamless or full fashioned. STYLES: SEAMLESS Regular and Mesh Styles WITH SEAMS Luxury Sheers Service Sheer SJ35 $|35 and $-j 65 SJ35 Also Service Weights, Lisles Kantruns and Stretch Top. 127 KATONAH AVE. KATONAH, N.Y. CEntral 2-3510

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C E L E B R A T I N G his 20th y e a r in produc ing adven tu r e films John J a y , sk i -photographers , will pre­sen t h i s newest color film. "Moun­ta in M a g i c , " Sunday Dec. 12 at 6 p .m . a t the Fox Lane School. Mount Kisco.

P O L I C E B E A T E R J A I L E D M O U N T VERNON — Matthew

B a k e r , forty, of 130 S. 9th A \ c , w a s ja i led for seven months on T u e s d a y for d isorder ly conduct and assau l t ing P a t r o l m a n T h o m a s D r o h a n . Louise McNeil, twenty-eight , of the s a m p address , a bar­m a i d , Wc.s fined S300 on the s a m e c h a r g e s . Drohan w a s hit by a cue s t ick by B a k e r when the police­m a n w a s cal led to b reak up a s t r ee t b rawi . The woman c r abbed t h e po l iceman from behind.


Ski Film Tickets Now Available B E D F O R D -

John J a y . w o r l d - f a m o u s ski photographer , will r e tu rn for the third y e a r to the Fox Lnne School on Sunday. Dec. 13 at 6 p .m . to n a r r a t e his la tes t feature length color film, "Mounta in Magic '* Mr. J a \ , who is ce lebra t ing his twentieth y e a r in the movie busi­ness. :s pictured hero on locat­ion" in the Swiss Alps

The proceeds of the per formance will again go the Amer ican Field Service In terna t ional Scholarship Fund This organizat ion brings

ovpr loflO high-school aged' s tudents from all corners of the world to study in the United S ta tes e \ e r y \ e a r as well a s sending their Amer ican Counte rpar t s to live abroad . Tickets at Stores

Children and s tudents will be ldmit ted at half-price. Tickets for the Dec. 13 pe r fo rmance a r e now on sale at the following s to res : Armonk P h a r m a c y : Bedford P h a r m a c v . Max ' s Var ie ty Center, Bedford Hills; H a r r y P Hoblin, .nc B r o n w i l l e ; Chappaqua Wine & Liquors : Outdoor T r a d e r s , Green­wich. Conn: Weinstcm'* P h a r m ­acv. Ka tonah . Mount Kisco , h a r m a c v : Coi ners Shop, Scot t ' s Corners : and Westches te r Sport ing Goods, White P la ins .

W e are


in preserving

the beauty

of your

finest rugs,

drapes and


Relax while

W e assume

the burdens

of your


Pride CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS formerly U N I T E D C L E A N E R S of M A I N ST.


Lions Club Slates Party KATONAH —

Ralph Lent will head t he com­mi t t ee a r r a n g i n g for the Dec . 5 des se r t c a r d pa r ty , be ing sponsor­ed by the Ka tonah Lions Club in Memor ia l House, Ka tonah a t 8 p m.

Mr Lent will be ass is ted bv E l i Antonecchia, Davidson De C a m p and Russel l Saindon. There will be a prize for each table and all types of t ab le g a m e s will be played.

Patterson Heads NYC Hospital Fund B E D F O R D —

E l l m o r e C. P a t t e r s o n , of Chest­nut Ridge Rd. , senior v ice presi­den t of the Morgan G u a r a n t y Trus t Company of New York h a s been n a m e d a group c h a i r m a n in the Hospital T rus t ee s Division of the United Hospital F u n d ' s 80th an­nua l c ampa ign . E b e n W. P y n e , c h a i r m a n of the Hospi ta l T rus t ees Division announced Mr . P a t t e r ­son 's appo in tment today. Mr. P y n e is pres ident of the F i r s t Na­tional City Trus t Company .

Mr. P a t t e r s o n will lead 175 vol­un tee r s from nine hospitals in the ga in ing of his Group ' s q u o t a of the >verall c a m p a i g n goal df $3,-000,000. Money collected in the c a m p a i g n will be used to help the F u n d ' s 82 m e m b e r vo lun ta ry non­profit hospi ta ls c a r e for t he needy sick.

Mr. P a t t e r s o n is t r e a s u r e r of Memor ia l Cen te r for Cance r and Allied Diseases and of Sloan Ket­te r ing Inst i tute . He is a di rector of the Grea t A m e r i c a n I n s u r a n c e Company and of In te rna t iona l Nic­kel Co. of Canada , Ltd. He is a t rus tee of the H a r v e y School and the Nor thern Wes tches te r Hospital .

HP* J HP •

lides, lopic Of Audubon Screen Tour B E D F O R D —

Rober t C. H e r m e s will present "Be tween the T i d e s " m the Fox Lane School Audi tor ium on Satur­day . Dec . 5 a t 8:30 p . m . for the Bedford Audubon Society.

This is a color motion p ic ture of that sma l l par t of the world where the sea and the l and m e e t in an eve r var ied d r a m a which is as cons tan t a s the t ides t h e m selves. C rea tu re s who live in this changing env i ronment , the wading <-hore b i rds , the s t r a n g e c rabs , the colorful fish and the mys te r ious teeming inhabi tants of the t idal pools have been photographed by one of the finest of ou r na tu r a l history l ec tu re r s .

Mr. H e r m e s h a s won pr izes in internat ional compet i t ion for his photography. His still p ic tures have appeared in Nat ional Geographic , Life. Coll ier 's and other m a g a ­zines. His l ec tu res have t aken h im from Newfoundland to Bri t ish Co­lumbia and from Hawai i to Ber­m u d a anc> the Car ibbean .

"Be tween the Tides ' ' is the sec­ond of the Audubon Screen Tour s e n e s p resen ted by the Bedford Audubon Society. Single l ec ture t ickets will be ob ta inab le a t the door for those who do not h a v e a subscript ion. The publ ic is u rged to t ake a d v a n t a g e of this oppor­tunity to see a p ic tu re of g r e a t beau ty and interes t .


North Westchester Times, New Castle Tribune, Mount Kisco, N.Y. December 3, .1959. 3.

Aida Bound Becomes Bride Of James Keena Page Jr. MOUNT KISCO —

I n St. M a r k ' s Church , Sa tu rday , Miss Aida Bound b e c a m e the b r ide of J a m e s K e e n a P a g e J r . T h e c e r e m o n y w a s pe r fo rmed b y t h e Rev . M a r c u s B . Hall who w a s as ­sisted by t he Rev . J o h n C. H a r ­pe r of St. Ma t thews Church , Bed­ford a n d the R e v . Haro ld Thel in of G r a c e Church, Nyack , N. Y. A recept ion followed the ce re ­m o n y a t the Bedford Golf and Ten­n is Club.

The p a r e n t s of t he couple a r e Mr . and Mrs . Char le s F i s k e Bound of Bedford, and Mrs . T h o m a s Ku-na th of Mount Kisco and M r . J a m e s K. P a g e of Bedford.

Mr. Bound escor ted his daugh­t e r who Wore a t radi t ional wedding gown of ivory silk • sa t in , long s leeves and a bouffant skir t t e rmina t ing in a ca thed ra l t r a in . He r veil of impor ted l ace ove r silk illusion w a s fashioned in m a n ­tilla s ty le . She ca r r i ed a bouquet of lilies of the val ley and phaelio-nopsis .

Miss Alva Bound w a s h e r s is-e r ' s m a i d of honor

B a m a b y R u d g e VI , an a t t r a c ­tion a t t he Nat ional Zoo in Wash­ington, is bel ieved to be t he first s t r iped hyena cub to b e born in a zoo.


Frances Costanzo Is Betrothed to Robert Herridge PLEASANTVILLE—

Mr . and M r s . F r a n k Costanzo of 172 Marb le Ave., h a v e announced the e n g a g e m e n t of their daugh te r , Miss F r a n c e s Costanzo to S e a m a n Rober t V. Her r idge , son of Mr. and Mrs . Victor Her r idge of Bed­ford Rd. . Armonk.

Miss Costanzo, a g r a d u a t e of Pleasantv. ' l le High School, is em­ployed a s a s e c r e t a r y by the IBM Corporat ion in White P la ins .

Mr. Her r idge , a lso a P leasan t -ville High School g r a d u a t e , is cur­rent ly se rv ing in the U.S. Coast

S T E E L FOR GARAGE OSS1NING — Enough s t ruc tura l

steel h a s finally been del ivered to comple te the new municipal ga­r a g e on W a t e r St. and a two month delay h a s been ended with the re­sumpt ion of work. The building is expected to be enclosed by Dec . 20 if the w e a t h e r cont inues favor­able, accord ing to Village Eng inee r Victor Kordi .

B E D F O R D — (Ed i to r ' s no te : N a n c y Nor th-

r u p , a s tudent in the s ix th g r a d e in the Bedford E l e m e n t a r y School tel ls of a r ecen t t r ip to the Metropol i tan Museum. The Students of h e r c lass m a d e the t r ip to New York with the i r t eacher , Mrs . Ani ta F a i r b a n k s to v iew the th ings they h a v e been s tudying.)

Bedford Village News







Dr . a n d M r s . L e o n a r d H a y n e s en te r t a ined 20 gues t s t o a family d inner S a t u r d a y night . The group Jicludes Mrs . H a y n e s ' m o t h e r Mrs . He lena K n a p p a n d h e r s is-er , Miss Helena K n a p p of Bed­

ford; ano the r s is ter , M r s . H e n r y Van Ameronden , Mr. Ameronden and the i r son, Phil ip, Mr. and Mrs . J o h n G o r g a s and sons, Dav­id and J a m e s of Hollis, L . I . Mrs . Gorgas is also M r s . H a y n e s ' sis­ter . Others p resen t w e r e Dr . A. B a n a r e s h of Te rhan , I r an , who is taking courses at Bel levue Hospi­tal in New York , and M a r y and J a m e s L e e of F o r m o s a , s tuden t s a t F o x L a n e School. P r e s e n t a l so w e r e the i r d a u g h t e r Miss M a r t h a Haynes, a s tudent nu r se a t t he P r e s b y t e r i a n Hospital in New York and four o ther chi ldren, Sa r ah , Hannah , T i m o t h y and Louise Haynes .

Mr. and Mrs . Roge r S. Coolidgc en te r ta ined 16 gues t s to a d inner p a r t y Sa tu rday night . F o r T h a n k s g iving d inner they h a d m e m b e r s of the i r family a s gues t s , including Anthony Milnes, B a y a r d Coolidge, Mr . a n d Mrs . W. Nelson Ander­son and David Milnes. Also pres ­ent w a s R'aoul Ba tencour t .

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dale , a n d g r a n d d a u g h t e r of M r a n d M r s . R a y m o n d Coward of BecJ-ford. w a s bapt ized Sunday in St M a t t h e w ' s Church. An aunt , M r s Syril S. D a m o n of Honolulu, for whom the child i s n a m e d w a s a godmothe r with M r s . Hi la ry B a r re t t -Brown of New Canaan . T h e godfather w a s H e n r y Clay Alex­a n d e r of Ka tonah . A recept ion a t the g r a n d p a r e n t s ' home " J a n e A c r e s , " Cant i toe R d . followed the chr is tening.

T h r e e a r e a m e n a r e a m o n g the 94 Yale Univers i ty s tuden t s f rom New York to be named 1 to the D e a n ' s Lis t for ou t s tand ing a c a d e m i c ach ievemen t dur ing the 1958-59 college y e a r . To qualify for the list, a s tudent m u s t m a i n t a i n a g r a d e a v e r a g e in the top 25 pe r cent of h is c lass . S tudents in the top 10 p e r cen t a r e n a m e d to the list a s R a n k i n g Scholars . N a m e d a r e David E . Holbrook, son of Mr and Mrs . John Holbrook of Mat ' thews Mill Rd . Bedford, a m e m ­b e r of the deba t ing t e a m and touch football t e a m ; E d w a r d F . Kelly, son of Mr. and M r s . John H. Kel ly of Katonah , and J a m e s S. Cook -on of Mr. and Mrs . John Cook of Mount Kisco.

Many a r e a r e s iden t s a r e se rv ing on t he c o m m i t t e e a r r a n g i n g a tes -. lmonial d inner to be given in hon­or of Miss J a n e Todd of T a r r y -town on Wednesday , Dec . 9 a t t he Astor Hotel in New York, sponsored by the New York Sta te Republ ican C o m m i t t e e for the 22 y e a r s Miss Todd h a s se rved a s the i r v ice c h a i r m a n . Among them a r e , M r s . R . S tewar t Ki lborne J r . of Ka tonah ; Miss Sybil A. Hussa r , Mrs . Char les D. Grab le , Mrs . R o b e r t D . B u r b a n k and Mrs . J a m e s Caruso of Nor th Cas t le ; M r s . F r e d e r i c k Muhl a n d M r s . Ar­thu r B . Layton of Pound Ridge , and Miss Alice B . Hinkle of Som-ers .

Mr. and Mrs J o h n Wavr ishuk, Mr and Mrs . E u g e n e Wavr i shuk of Bedford, and Mr . and M r s Wil­l iam J . McLaughl in of Mount Kis­co were Thanksgiving dinner gues ts of Mr. and Mrs . George Wavr i shuk of So. Beechwood Rd. , Bedford Hills.

Deborah Coward d a u g h t e r of Mr and M r s . Hugh Coward of Scars-

Mr . and M r s . Hi la ry Russel l , their d a u g h t e r Carol and son Hil­a r y J r . of P e a Pond R d . w e r e Thanksgiving d inner gues ts of Mrs Russe l l ' s pa ren t s , Mr . and M r s J o h n B. F o s t e r of Mount Kisco.

Mr . and M r s . Wil l iam T r e l a were gues t s of t he i r daugh te r , Mrs . Will iam Sa r sen and M r . S a r sen of Mount Kisco on Thanks ­giving Day .

Mrs . R o g e r S. Coolidge h a s pur­chased 1 the f o r m e r Ani ta Kincaid




HofdmiRkk M I L K & C R E A

Tel. MOunt Kisco 6-6034

T h e o the r a t t endan t s w e r e t he Misses Virginia Bound, s i s t e r of the br ide , Ka th leen P a g e a n d Reid Kuna th , s i s te rs of t he groom, M a r y B . /Fowlkes, M a r y DeWitt B leecker a n d N a n c y Holmes .

J a m e s K, P a g e , fa ther of the g room w a s bes t m a n . Serv ing a s u s h e r s w e r e Char les Root Bound and John F i s k e Bound*, b ro the r s of t he br ide , Char les M. Pe rks in J r . , b ro the r of the g room, Spyros Root , cousin of the br ide , John S. Allen J r . , and J . Yorke P e e l e r J r .

The b r i d e s m a i d s w o r e ba l l e r ina d r e s s e s in Amer ican Beau ty vel­ve teen with a fitted bodice a n d por t ra i t neckl ine . The two s i s te rs of the br ide wore gowns m a t c h i n g in fabr ic in African Violet. They c a r r i e d yellow swee thea r t r o se s .

T h e br ide , a n a l u m n a of T h e Chapin School an<3 Bradford J u n i o r College is working with Life Maga­zine.

Mr . P a g e g r adua t ed f rom the Gunnery , a t tended Hai lebury and ISC in Hert ford, Eng land , and is an a lumnus of Pr ince ton Univers­ity, 1958. H e rece ived his M a s t e r s D e g r e e from New York Unive r s i ty and is employed a t Doubleday & Company , I nc .

After a wedding t r i p t he couple will r e s ide a t 505 E a s t 82nd St New York City.

M R S . J A M E S K. P A G E J R —Photo b y B a c h r a c h

B.V. Student Reports Visit To Metropolitan Museum

We took ou r t r ip t o t h e Met ro­poli tan M u s e u m in N e w York be­c a u s e w e w a n t e d to see t h e th ings we had studied.

In the M u s e u m they showed, on a t ab le , an open py ramic wi th a false e n t r a n c e and a sec re t one. N e a r b y w a s t he R o s e t t a Stone which enabled m a n to r e a d hiero­glyphics by t r ans l a t i ng Greek . Also in t ha t room w a s the Hypostyle Temple of K a r n a k . I t w a s decora t ­ed with dull red , g reen , a n d gold. The model w a s about four feet high. In the original , the co lumns a r e 70 feet in t he a i r .

The Greek exhibi ts in t he Chil­d r e n ' s M u s e u m include a mode l

Old Court House Gift Shop. M r s Coolidge who ope ra t ed in t he Bib and T u c k e r in Mount Kisco h a s n a m e d h e r new bus iness " T e a and T r e a s u r e r s . " The shop will be open eve ry d a y from 9 a .m. to 9 p .m from now until Ch r i s tmas , and on Sundays from 10 a .m. to 4 p . m T e a and coffee will be se rved eve ry day .

IN SCOTLAND— Miss M a r y Louise Moore i s

spending h e r junior y e a r a t t h e Univers i ty of E d i n b u r g h , Scot land. As a s tuden t of Mount Holyoke College, she is s tudying u n d e r the col lege 's p lan t o ' encou rage inter­nat ional educat ion , b y allowing credi t for junior y e a r spent a t an approved inst i tut ion a b r o a d She is one of 23 m e m b e r s of the c las s of 1961 who a r e cu r r en t ly s tudying in G e r m a n y , Spain, F r a n c e , Switzer land, I ta ly , and the United Kingdom. Miss Moore i s a g r a d u a t e of M a s t e r ' s School in Dobbs F e r r y . She is ma jo r ing in Engl ish, and is t h e d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs . R i c h a r d C. Moore, Rock G a t e F a r m Road . She is planning to go skiing in t he Aus­t r ian Alps dur ing h e r C h r i s t m a s holiday, with a c l a s s m a t e in clo-lege.

BIRTHDAY S U P R I S E Mrs . Wil l iam Mount of P o u n d

Ridge Rd. w a s surpr i sed a t a p a r ty F r i d a y to m a r k h e r seventy-fifth b i r thday . The event w a s held in the home of h e r son-in-law a n d daugh te r , Mr. and M r s . B a t e m a n E . Lewis, Croton F a l l s . M e m b e r s of the family p resen t included the ce l eb ran t ' s g r andson B a r r y B a t e m a n and he r daugh te r , Miss Bon­nie Mount who w a s h o m e f rom Northfield School for Gi r l s for the holiday. M r s . Mount , a b roke r , h a s been in the r e a l e s t a t e bus iness in Bedford for ove r 25 y e a r s . She left Monday for Sa ra so t a , F l a . to join h e r husband for t h e win te r mon ths . Before going south, Mr. Mount w a s assoc ia ted for m a n y y e a r s with the P a r k G a r a g e and Clim G a r a g e in Mount Kisco.

Miss P a t r i c i a Grispo, d a u g h t e r of Mr . a n c M r s . E d w a r d Gr ispo

(Turn t o P a g e 7, P l e a s e )

of t he Acropolis a s it is now and w a s then . M r s . F a i r b a n k s , our t eache r , showed u s especial ly , the E r e c t h e u m and the P a r t h e n o n . Next to i t i s a l a r g e mode l of the P a r t h e n o n . They had i t colored red and blue. We could see all the s t a tues of t he Gods a n d God­desses . The s t a tue of Athena w a s inside. They a lso had a rep l ica of Olympia , the ci ty which s t a r t ed the Olympic G a m e s . A mode l of Delphi showed the o rac les . The re w e r e s t a tues of The Discus Throw­er by Myron, and one of Zeus . See R o m a n Exh ib i t

In t h e R o m a n exhibit the re w a s a scu lp tu re of Augus tus Caesa r , a mode l of t he Arch of Constan-t ine, a n d a p iece f rom i t . The re w a s a l so an exhibi t of t he R o m a n F o r u m .

Then w e w e n t u p s t a i r s t o t he Egyp t i an Wing w h e r e they h a d a model of h e r t e m p l e and also a sphinx ojf he r .

They had the famous head of Nefert i t i . T h e r e w e r e life size s ta ­tues «of Kings a n d the i r wives . T h e r e w e r e m a n y sa rcophag i with m u m m i e s in t h e m . The m u m m i e s w e r e w r a p p e d in l inen which had been d ipped in res in . Some of the m u m m i e s w e r e covered wi th wood-in m a s k s a n d o thers with pape r ; each m a d e to look like t he per­son. These w e r e called dea th m a s k s .

In ano the r room the re w e r e gold r ings , b race le t s , neck laces and o the r j ewels . A m u l e t s w e r e good luck c h a r m s . We s a w s o m e of al­a b a s t e r , which E g y p t i s f amous for. One h a d the E y e of Horus . T h e E g y p t i a n w o m e n g r a i d e d t h e i r h a i r wi th gold. A s c a r a b w a s a k ind of n a m e p l a t e t h a t t h e y w o r e a round t h e i r n e c k s and used a s a s igna tu re too. A m o n g t h e po t t e ry w e r e eyecups , a shallow bowl on a s t e m m e d b a s e , wi th a n e y e on e a c h s ide. E g y p t i a n s m a d e r e d pa in t f rom henna p lan t s . F r o m p a p y r u s they m a d e p a p e r , rope and sanda l s . They h a d a s a c r e d bird , which they a lways put on the i r c rowns . They even h a d some m e c h a n i c a l toys

U p s t a i r s w a s also a room of old ins t rumen t s , including the auto h a r p .

Going down t h e hal l w e passed mosa ic s of people and an ima l s which w e r e m a d e of tile.

We h a d lunch in a beautful cafe t e r i a which had a pool in the middle of it. S ta tues in t he pool r ep re sen t mus i c .

After lunch we went to see the "Cell ini C u p " . I t s b a s e begins with a tu r t le , then a d ragon wi th a wom-shell , then a d r a g o n with a worn a n ' s face. This is the or iginal and is m a d e of p u r e gold. Greek Vases

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The re w e r e two whole rooms of Greek v a s e s a n d in one room they showed on a wal l wha t the vases looked like and the n a m e s . The re w e r e about 30 kinds. Two of the vases w e r e the Neck Amphora and t h e A m p h o r a . We also looked a t s cu lp tu re of the " T h i n k e r " and

Hand of G o d " b y Rodin. The E t r u s c a n a r m o r w a s m a d e

of bronze . Thei r char io ts were m a d e of bronze too.

R e m b r a n d t w a s a famous paint­er , whose pa in t ings w e r e a lways l ighted from the left. Renoir w a s

noted for his family pa in t ings . Rosa Bonheur is noted for h e r horse paint ings , " T h e Horse F a i r " . Van Gogh painted t h e s e pa in t ings : 1. R e s t a u r a n t Rispa l Asnier ies ; 2 . Po ta to Pee le r ; 3. Sunflowers; 4. Cypresses ; 5. L 'Ar les ienne; 6. P o r t r a i t of the Artist . A r m s a n d A r m o r

The last room we went to showed the a r m s and a r m o r of va r ious pe­r iods. Some were on hor seback with the horses a r m o r e d a lso .

Then w e went to the c a r s and* s t a r t ed on our t r i p h o m e .

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