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TAKING IN THE SITESOn the Bro’d A sentence-by-sentence retelling of Jack Kerouac’s On the Road… in bro speak. ‘The only bros for me are the awesome ones, the ones who are mad to chug, mad to party, mad to bone, mad to get hammered, desirous of all the chicks at Buffalo Wild Wings, the ones who never turn down a Bud Light Lime, but chug, chug, chug like fucking awesome players exploding like spiders across an Ed Hardy shirt and in the middle you see the silver skull pop and everybody goes “Awww!”’ So bad, it’s good. onthebrod.com.

I Write Like A statistical analysis tool that claims to be able to tell you which famous author you write like. Most noted for comparing Mel Gibson’s rants to the writings of Margaret Atwood. In other words, mostly good for a laugh. iwl.me.

And, of course, don’t forget to check us out online. Like Obrigado magazine on Facebook or follow @ObrigadoMag

on Twitter.

FILL UP you can now get your vida fix at kirstenbosch gardens, durban north and cape town’s absa building. ola!

GLOVE BOX ESSENTIALSMap? Check. Driver’s licence? Check. Entire outfit? Huh? Introducing local designer Tarina Myburgh’s Dress In A Jar – a cute concept for an even cuter look. Made from boldly patterned viscose and cotton, each dress

combines comfort and style for those lazy summer days. And being cleverly packaged into reusable Consol Glass jars means that they’re perfect for keeping in your car for fashion emergencies.Dress In a Jar delivers across South Africa and retails for R200. For more

info, email [email protected] or check out www.facebook.com/DressInAJar.Wanna win one? To stand a chance, SMS the words obrigado/dress, followed by your full name, phone number and the name of your closest vida to 34509 by 1 December 2012.

PUMA PARTY CENTRALAfter the launch of Joburg’s #PumaDigsEgoli PUMA store in Braamfontein in August, Puma is now bringing the Puma Social Club back to the city of gold – and not for just a weekend this time. Every Friday night from 5 October 2012 to 22 March 2013, Puma will pay homage to ‘After Hours Athletes’ behind the mosaic wall at 81 De Korte Street, Braamies. The live line-up for October includes Vampire 9000, Tidal Waves, Desmond and the Tutus, Shortstraw and The Frown. To be part of the action, simply register at www.pumasocialjozi.com and your name will be put on a list at the door –or pay R20 when you arrive on the night.










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twenty six

Ever wondered

how much planning

goes into those wild

party moments at

the Red Bull Studio

Live Stage? Roger

Young finds out.

stage right

he Red Bull Studio Live Stage is fast becoming the electronic staple at every important festival in South Africa and is set to start featuring at many more. It’s a massive undertaking – getting the logistics right, customising the stage to the different environments, and getting everything and everyone to work like some sort of smooth machine. On any given Red Bull Studio Live weekend, there are approximately 35 acts booked, resulting in at least 70 flights and, for this year’s Oppikoppi for example, a whopping 20 400 kilometers driven to and from the airport

by support staff over five days.From the inflatable peanut of Rocking the Daisies to

the rough terrain of Oppi, the stage takes 10 technicians and 10 support staff about two days to set up, and to pack down. The gear fills five trucks. Sound and lighting technicians work 20-hour days over the festival period maintaining – and pushing to their max – the 58 LED panels, eight strobes, 24 moving heads, 16 scanners, 24 LEDforce and seven LED PAR cans (not even the roadblock on the way home has this many flashing lights); the multiple smoke machines; as well as the 34 speaker cabs, each capable of a massive 139db of sound. Did I say each? The bass at the Red Bull Studio Live Stage can go as low as 30hz to 97khz. It takes just over two kilometres of cable to string the whole bunch together.

From stage open at eleven am, when there are roughly 100 people already on the dancefloor, to the peak hours where it packs out to about 3 000 people, the technicians change over gear, practically every hour, ranging from CDJ’s to laptops, synths to pads and moogs. At last year’s Oppikoppi, Sibot won the prize for having the most light and sound gear plugged in at one time. This year, the honour at Rocking the Daisies goes to Goldfish, who

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twenty seven

Ever wondered

how much planning

goes into those wild

party moments at

the Red Bull Studio

Live Stage? Roger

Young finds out.

incidentally, also had the biggest support staff of any South African act this year.

But it’s not all number crunching. Putting this lot together also comes with dealing with all kinds of left-field requests and logistical curve balls. Duncan Ringrose of sSHADOWORKSs, who is the artists and booking manager for Red Bull Studio Live, had to deal with the service delivery riots in Cape Town this year which meant his artists were unable to get to the airport on time for flights. In the midst of all this, while on his cell from Oppikoppi, which isn’t exactly known for the best reception, changing flights, re-routing drivers, and shifting set times, a certain artist arrived drunk and made a scene with the organisers, which had to be nipped in the bud.

But for Ringrose, it all paid off when ‘Diplo’s set popped the lid off the crowd like one massive bottle of bubbly. It took us seven months of negotiation and planning to just get that one 90-minute set to happen.’

Red Bull Studio Live Stage manager (and DJ Richard the Third) Richard Rumney says his weirdest and most stressful moment at Oppi was keeping everyone out of the backstage area before, during and after Diplo’s set. ‘The backstage at the Red Bull Studio Live Stage at Oppi is always a mad, debaucherous ruckus because there’s free booze and Red Bull and most DJs will misbehave given the smallest opportunity. It was already in chaos by the Saturday afternoon, several hours before Diplo had to perform, and we were super stressed that he, and his management, would be too taken aback by the drunken, hollering, backstage masses, so we had to ask everyone to leave. It wasn’t as if Diplo requested an unmessy backstage – we just didn’t want to take the chance of him being thrown by an apocalyptic artist area, and it was really difficult to keep everyone who had backstage passes out. It was a really weird experience standing around like a bouncer stopping DJs and artists, many of whom are my friends, and all of whom had backstage armbands, from coming in. They were totally surprised, and often also quite confused because of their somewhat inebriated state. It was kak, but also very weird.’

What’s the strangest thing that Red Bull Studio Live has ever had to organise for an artist? ‘There’s always a list – this year it was a Last Action Hero DVD, a seventies vintage Playboy and a life-sized edible statue of Major Lazer. Unfortunately they were unable to deliver on the statue,’ says Ringrose.

And the one recurring headache of the Red Bull Studio Live Stage? ‘Removing Andrew Winer from backstage,’ jokes Ringrose. ‘No matter where we are in South Africa, that guy manages to get in. He’s everywhere.’IIM







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thirty two

ALEX, 30, SELF-EMPLOYEDIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? I’d repeat the trip I did last year, going up the east coast. There are beautiful towns that I don’t usually get to see, full of character.Which padkos essentials would you take? Biltong and a chocolate bar or two.Does your car have a name? No, it’s a functional vehicle. I haven’t got to the stage where we’re in a serious relationship.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Pulp’s ‘Disco 2000’ or Fun’s ‘We Are Young’. They’re easy-going, lively songs that always lighten the mood.

JENNA, 27, JUNIOR MANAGERIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Namibia. I’ve heard it’s really nice.Which padkos essentials would you take? Nuts, dried fruit and water.Does your car have a name? No, it doesn’t. I’ve just never thought to name her.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Any of Flo Rida’s music. It’s fun.Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? No, it’s not safe to hitchhike.Ask for directions or brave it alone? Brave it alone. I’m stubborn.

NEMAHJA, 27, ENTREPRENEURIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? New York to LA. It’s the most famous road trip, with so many things to experience.Which padkos essentials would you take? Biltong, coffee and chocolate.Does your car have a name? No. Why, must it have a name? It’s a car.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Way’.Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? No, it’s dangerous!Ask for directions or brave it alone? Ask for directions. It’s easier, even though it doesn’t work out 90 percent of the time.

RADESH, 34, ARCHITECTURAL TECHNICIANIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Through Africa. I’d like to see where we live. Which padkos essentials would you take? I’d go to the Bo-Kaap and take a mix of stuff from all the shops there. Does your car have a name? My old car was called Slick Rick. It was a crappy Golf and my girlfriend would complain whenever I picked her up in it. She called it that jokingly, and it just stuck. Ask for directions or brave it alone? At this age, I ask for directions.

one for the road chats: nicole mccain snaps: greg maxwell

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chats: nicole mccain snaps: greg maxwell

KEVIN, 28, SELF-EMPLOYEDIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Italy. It’s such a passionate place, and they have great coffee.Which padkos essentials would you take? You don’t need padkos in Italy – there’s food everywhere!Does your car have a name? No, I haven’t bought her yet. But when I get a Porsche, it’ll have a name.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Gangster raps songs.

MIKE, 33, REAL ESTATE AGENTIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? The Eastern Cape – to Somerset East to visit my mom.Which padkos essentials would you take? I generally stop along the route to eat, so maybe just a few sweets to keep me awake.Does your car have a name? I’ve never really named this one. I just haven’t come up with a name fitting for it.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? It depends on what CD I have in the car, but usually Queen or Linkin Park.

JONNY, 30, BARRISTAIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? King William’s Town in the Eastern Cape. It’s such a nice place – it has everything.Which padkos essentials would you take? Something with meat and veg. I’d have to take a whole meal – I get hungry.Does your car have a name? I don’t have a car, but if I did, I’d name it JJ – after my son, Jonny Jnr.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? House music.Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? Yes, from Stellenbosch to Khayalitsha.

KARL, 40, BUSINESS NETWORKING AND PERSONAL BRAND COACHIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? To the Kruger National Park for the openness and to get in touch with nature.Which padkos essentials would you take? I’m a health fanatic, so I’d take some fruit, yoghurt and juice.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? ‘The Greatest Love Of All’ by Whitney Houston. It’s got meaning – if you love yourself, you can love others. GARETH, 26, CLIENT SERVICES

If you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? The Transkei. I love the landscape there. The rural nature of the place is awesome. It’s uncivilised, which I like. Which padkos essentials would you take? Biltong is a must, and those enerjelly gummy bears. Does your car have a name? It doesn’t have a name. I’ve thought about naming it, but I haven’t settled on one yet. What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Every song!

thirty three

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NIKOLA, 25, GRAPHIC DESIGNERIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? New Zealand. I’ve never been, but I like what it looks like.Which padkos essentials would you take? A big chorizo sausage and Super Cs. Does your car have a name? No, I wouldn’t name a car. I rent them and don’t want to get attached.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? ‘I Will Survive’ by Gloria Gaynor. I have no idea why.Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? No, I’ve never had the need to.

ZUKILE, 33, BARRISTA If you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Oudtshoorn. I’ve never visited that side before, but I’d like to go somewhere with peace and quiet. Which padkos essentials would you take? I like to eat a lot of food, so I’d have to take a lot of snacks. What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Soul music, especially anything by Freddie Jackson. Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? Yes. I used to run in the mornings, and there were times when I would get tired and have to ask for a lift home.

HILDA-MARI, 25, COPYWRITERIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Swaziland. There’s a Bushfire festival I want to go to.Which padkos essentials would you take? Nuts, trail mix and gummy bears.Does your car have a name? Max. My second name is Maxine, and we call it Max because it’s a part of me.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? ‘Seven Devils’ by Florence and the Machine. I really belt that one out!Have you ever hitchhiked anywhere? Yes, from Knysna to Buffalo Bay, when I was still in school.Ask for directions or brave it alone? Ask for directions.

MARK, 26, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTIf you could take a road trip anywhere, where would you go and why? Route 66 in the USA. My uncle and I have always spoken about renting one of those old American convertibles to do it in.Which padkos essentials would you take? Koeksisters and biltong.Does your car have a name? The Princess. It’s a soccer-mom, hand-me-down car and my friends named it that as a joke.What song do you sing along to at the top of your lungs when you’re on the road? Adele’s ‘Set Fire to the Rain’. I’m not even ashamed about it.

thirty fourlo


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