obsessive compulsive & related disorders for ncmhce study

Review of DSM5 Mental Disorders for NCMHCE Study

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Review of DSM5 Mental Disorders for NCMHCE Study

1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders2. Body Dysmorphic Disorder3. Hoarding Disorder4. Hair-Pulling (Trichotillomania) Disorder5. Skin-Picking (Excoriation) Disorder6. Substance/Medication-Induced OCD 7. OCD Due to Another Medical Condition

Diagnosis I1. Having obsessions and compulsions (or rarely, only one) Must have one of two symptoms for each obsession or compulsion1. ObsessionsRecurrent, intrusive thoughts, feelings and sensations2. CompulsionsConscious, standardized patterns of behavior, including mental actsCounting, checking, avoidingUsed to cope with anxiety

2. DysfunctionalTakes more than an hour dailyCauses distress

Diagnosis IICo-morbidity:Anxiety & Panic DisordersBipolar DisorderSchizophrenia Schizoaffective DisorderSomatoform DisordersLearning DisordersEating Disorders

Rule OutsPTSD

S1. Find Out S2. Assess & ReferYBOCS Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale OCI-R Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory Revised Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, of the Symptom Checklist 90OCBQ Obsessive-Compulsive Beliefs Questionnaire

S4. Treatments to Use 1. MedicationFor moderate to severe casesSelected SSRIs anti-depressants, like Flouoxetine, Luvoxamine

2. TherapiesExposure Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) and Ritual Prevention—most effectiveCognitive Behavioral Therapy, for thinkingACT Acceptance Commitment Therapy needs researchBT-STEPS software

Diagnosis 11. Preoccupation with one more perceived body defectsMore than 1 hour daily2. Often with repetitive behaviors to conceal the defectAvoiding mirrorsExcessive surgeryExcessive exercise or grooming

Diagnosis IIContributing factorsGenetic predispositionNeurobiology such as malfunctioning of serotoninPersonality traitsLife experiences

Rule OutsEating DisordersOCDSocial Anxiety Disorder

ComorbidityAnxiety DisordersBipolarDepression Substance AbuseSuicidality

S1. Find Out?

S2. Assess & ReferTests for Eating Disorders and Social Anxiety Disorder?Tests for OCD?

S4. Treatments to Use1. TherapiesCognitive Behavior Therapy

Individual and group Education and relaxation

with images Self reinforcement

Cognitive TherapyReflective Therapy

Recalling body image during growth

2. MedicationSelected SSRI anti-depressants