ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-01-21 [p...

< r 1- s < I 1ly r m 1 Wl > 7 rl J T EIGHT OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JANUARY 21 1907 i y I FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE E WILL CURE YOU i of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine Take it at once Do I not risk having Brights Dis- ease ¬ or Diabetes There is t nothing gained by delay a l SOc and 9100 Bottle < REVIJ c I Pr A r X M KD BY ALL DEALERS t 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE a hf 4 ai TRADE MARKS ° DESIGNS tit COPYRIGHTS ° C Anyoce enninjt nukotrh and description jnr- fttlckly Mcerbitn our opmmn i r invention ts probably putcmnhlo Coniiiminr- Uon trlctljr confidential HANDBOOK on IlUf- nt f f free Olrlent aironry for s r curing patori < Patents taken through Muim i i o rcctl < r- lahlotke without cbnrire iu the A Scientific JlmtriCai o A Iwndfonreir llhiirtrntpQ weekly Lamest air h nUUion of any prlentldr journal Torn fJ a eat four montbe tL by nowedw4hr 4 MNNs- nch t Cd11 r Hew York Oft e GTS f df cvAII Mum Y1 D < < FOUNDA dark blue overcoat on 3k South Third street Monday Owner A 1 can have same by proving property and paying for this ad Apply to W tvA Moorhead Ocala R7 FOR SALE CHEAP One 3horse power coal oil boiler and engine also one complete rig for i cutting firewood Cause for selling I am unable to use them J H Me- Clymonds M 0 I J v STRANGE DISHES 4 Lions Flesh Tigers Meat and Baked Elephants Foot i Lions flesh is salt to furnish a very good meal Tiger meat is not so pala- table l > for it is tough and sinewy In Fads nevertheless it is esteemed be- cause ¬ there Is a superstition that it im- parts ¬ to the eater some or the strength and cunning that characterizes the an- imal ¬ = This notion Is not of course > l held by the followers of Brahma and Buddha whose religion forbids the I J eating of flesh I There appears to be considerable dif- ference of opinion among authorities L on the subject as to the merits of ele- phants ¬ flesh as an article of diet By 1 some it is considered a dainty but A there is the authority of at least one European against It Stanley said that he frequently tasted elephants flesh and that it was more like soft leather rt and glue than anything else with which he could compare It Another explorer however declares that he- I cannot imagine how an animal so tooarse and heavy as the elephant could k 1 produce such delicate and tender flesh f All authorities agree In commending- the elephants foot Even Stanley ad mltted that baked elephants foot was c a dish fit for a king It is the greatest f ri delicacy that can be given to a Kaffi- rHSt Louis Republic l f fr Sincerity y In life sincerity is the sure touch etons of character The good and val- uable ¬ 4 J man Is ho who strives to realize day by day his own sincere concep- tions ¬ of true manhood Thousands are struggling to exhibit what some one f else admires to read the popular ty standard tb t be or appear to be re Mspectable and honorable but few make aim tox live thoroughly up to lthcir own Individual convictions of- f what Is right and good Cariflit well sayjft1 At all turns a nan who wi do faithfully needs to- t r believe firnity If he have to ask at CTeiyturn the worlds suffrage If he c cannot dispense with the worlds sut- rragend make his own suffrage serve i is a poor eye servant and the work committed to him will be inisdone- V i g r < A Historic Golfer The following entries Jn the accounts cot James Graham marquis of Mout- ttese when he was a student at the ° b ILverslty of St Andrews are quite iu aalstafan vein p N N Item for two gore halls lOsh 4t > 4 Item my Lord taking sue drink hi tJ Jbone Garns before be went out and r I after be came from the golfe 45sh 4rt Item to the boy who carried my Lords clubs to the field 38- hfl With every allowance for change of tariff the most completely refreshed rl ifttta of modern gold dwindle Into w atwtemlousneM l tbafane drink f Lo don Athenaeum f t t Large assortment of CUT GLASS ia 4 at PotoftlceDrucstore rfJ- 1 ° z x- AM v < ln j 1 t i I1 IhW f c OfYo MIDWINTER FAIR With CfremonJes of the most elab- orate ¬ nature the great Klorida Mid- Winter International Exposition of Jacksonville Fla will bt opened to the public Saturday January Lfth 1OS The building is now full of very fine exhibits The grounds have been plac- ed ¬ in firstclass order Thirtyfive foot hoard wants have be m laid all- over thru grounds All lighting ap- paratus has been placed and when the big cannon tires the salute of 21 on the above date the visitors will find everything in firstclass shape In order that everything might be in readiness the management postponed the opening from the lf th of January I to tho 2ri th 1 The governor of the state the gover- nor ¬ of Georgia several congressmen- the mayor of Jacksonville and other prominent people will be present and deliver addresses on the above date President Roosevelt will send a tei ogruphic message of congratulation on the successful opening and this will be received on a special wire in the building The exposition will he open daily after the opening day from 10 a in until 11 p m and the low admission- of 2f cents will be charged The exhibits are extensive compre- hensive ¬ and costly The products and j resources of Florida will be shown in j large space In addition there will be- a number of national exhibits includ ¬ ing Japanese displays Swiss govern ¬ ment display etc The building in which these exhibits will be houses is known as the Palace of Industry and costs a considerable amount of mon- ey ¬ It is built with a staff front light- ed ¬ with acetylene bass and electricity hand the interior will be decorated with bunting flags Florida moss and palms A special feature of the opening two J weeks will be the marvellous Beachey airships with its magnificent flights land competitive racing A number of other free acts and attractions have been engaged for tjie opening also The railroads have granted a rate of one firstclass fare plus 25 cents for the round trip with three days limit and this will bring people from all over the state to the exposition- WILL CONTINUE BUSINESS The Florida Electrical Plumbing Company has decided to continue their business in Ocala and will be pleased to bid on all work in their line Per ¬ sons entrusting busness to this com ¬ pany will be assured of prompt ser ¬ vice good work and reasonable prices Office at the Ocala Music Cos store SHADY Our little town of Shady did not get very much excited over the wet or dry election We seem to take things as they come Mr Jones our merchant has treated- his store building to a coat of white ¬ wash which is quite an improvement- We are sorry to say that our school term of six months will close next week when Miss Liddon will return to her home in Ocala She will be very i much missed in our social circles t I Several children in the neighborhood are suffering from the whooping s cough I Mr and Mrs John Smith will enter ¬ I tain their friends with a dance Friday I evening I Mr John Knoblock of Martin was a pleasant visitor here Sunday- Mr and Mrs John Goin and children- and Mr and Mrs Jim Goin attended I the temperance rally in Ocala last Saturday- Mr F C Barnes is supplying L i I Horne Co with some of his fine hay I Mr J H Martin of Ocala was here surveying land for Mr W H Douglas last Thursday Shady was well represented at the I Culpepper meetings Sunday Mrs A R Douglas spent a few days I last week with relatives in Ocala j Mr Leon Simpson returned last Sat- urday to his home at Weirsdale after ja weeks stay with his sister here j Mr James Freeman enjoyed a visit from his relatives of Belleview Sun- day ¬ I Our farmers have finished planting- oats and most of them are turning i their hands towards preparing corn land Charles I Chamberlains Cough Remedy a Safe I Mediine for Children In buying a cough medicine for chil ¬ dren never be afraid to bty Chamber ¬ lains Cough Remedy There is no danger from it and relief is always- sure to follow It It intended espe ¬ cially for coughs colds croup and whooping cough and there is no better medicine in the world for these dis ¬ eases It is not only a certain cure for croup but when given as soon as the croupy cought appears will prevent the I attack Whooping cough is not dan- gerous ¬ when this remedy is given as I diected It contains no opium or other harmful drugs and may be giv ¬ en as confidently to a baby as to an adUlt For sale by all druggists Dont fail to see our big line of Ocala post cards in colors Ocala Fleas Co i y J 1 L j A J > i1Y j HE SAW THE SIGN Cause of the Smashup as Told by the J Old Darky Driver The old darky was suing the railroad company for damages The than con ¬ tended that not being warned by whis- tle or engine hell he had started to drive his rig across the companys track when a shunted box car of said company crashed Into his outfit caus- ing ¬ the death of the horse loss of the wagon tad minor injuries to himself After the prosecution had eo < el its side of the case the companys lawyer called the old darks to the stand and went at him Mr Lamson he began your riu i was struck by the box car in full day Ugh was it not I I fink dar was sonic clouds ovahesid suh auswered the caviling witness Never mind the clouds And only- a J few days before this accident the I railroad company had put a new sign- at that crossing i Dar was a sign dar yaws suh Arid didnt that sign say Stop i Look Listen l- H Now dar am de whole accusation ub de trouble declared the darky with animation If dat Stop sign hadnt caught dis chiles eye Jos s Ah war square on dat track dar would ¬ nta been no smashup Bohemian THE DEADLY UNDERTOW- What to Do Vhen Caught In the Treacherous Currents Those deadly undertows which so often prove fatal to swimmers are pro- duced ¬ by tides and coast currents The former only carry out at ebb tide the latter usually zigzag along the shore If you are a robust swimmer sate a professor of the art you can gen- erally ¬ overcome them by quick alert strokes If however you do not at once succeed dont persevere for this is one of the exceptions to the rule about perseverance Stop fighting be ¬ fore exhaustion comes and go with the tide or current By resting a short time floating or swimming leisurely you will have time to take your bear Ings and either make another attempt- or call for assistance Sometimes you will find the under ¬ tow runs parallel to the shore You may then let yourself be carried along with the certainty that before long It will twist inshore when a short spurt will bring you to safety Cassells Journal One Way to Judge- Do you know said the head waiter- at a fashionable restaurant that an experienced waiter can usually tell whether a diner is wealthy or not by the way he handles his meal check If a man carelessly pitches out his money for the waiter to pay the bill without looking over his check we know the chances are that he isnt wealthy He is indulging inn luxury and fears he might he ridiculed if he examined- the check On the other hand the man who has plenty of money ex ¬ amines his check closely as a rule If he finds an item which he thinks is wrong he tells the waiter about it It was probably Just such care as that that made him rich Is he laughed at Yell I gr ss not In fact the wait ¬ ers admire him for his carefulness and the result is they are doubly particular about how he is charged New York Press Shakespeare and His Plays The ShakespeareBacon controversy Is right where it began many years ago The man front Stratford is still in possession though there are many learned men who seriously question his rights It has not been proved that Bacon wrote the plays or that Shake- speare ¬ did not write them One thing the controversy has done however has immeasurably heightened the mys- tery ¬ of the fact If it is a fact that the play were written by the historical Shakespeare Between the Shakespeare- we know in history and the man who wrote Lear IIamle and Mac ¬ beth there would seem to be an un bridged distance New York Ameri ¬ can The Way of New York- In New York you buy your theater tickets from a speculator for two prices and after the show you bribe- a waiter to bring you food for which you pay the Jolly innkeeper two and opehalf prices after which you may- be hauled home by a rheumatic horse- if you pay the driver once for hauling- you home and once for not getting down from his perch and booting you out of the hansomLouisville Courier Journal The Man With Tact Casual Caller to one next himI- was introduced to that squint eyed red haired woman over there as Mrs Somebody or other Dont you think the man was an Idiot that married her Next One meeklyI cant Just say Im the manBaltimore American- No Genus Blobbs Would you consider him a genius SlobbsNo Blobbs Why hes always trying to borrow money Slobbe Yes but he doesnt get it Philadel- phia ¬ Record rJ oii M 4 Too Lazy to Lock IST- T I I T I t- GI l r Gentleman on the Fence Willie Willie yer boots alight He on the Ground Which one Once a Week Before the Wedding i r J IJjJ- tr l R I L7 She Would you die for me HeNow look here are we sup ¬ posed to be planning a cheap novel or a weddingNew York Mail Dicky Dumpling Thinks Its Time He Went Into Long Trousers r r r Brow ning s Wit on the Links s I rt J ° a- Yr I w + 4b L The Golfer How far is It to the next hole boy First CaddieAboot a drive an a put sir The golfer after great preparations- drives his ball only a few inches First Caddie to second caddie Hey Jock Hes taen his put first Sketch Not So Rash After All V tI r i- f I I I I I rid r- Are c n II you sure the mine is going to park Well the manager said he would cut off his right arm It It didnt But that doesnt count for much be- cause ¬ the manager has a wooden arm New York Mail J w i Jfti7Y < y COLORED PEOPLES DEPARTMENT o s S w J M Deas Reporter- ASSESSMENT t I NOTICE- AI persons having real estate or per ¬ sonal property in the city of Ocala will please returned the same for assessment as required by law on or before the first day of February 1908 1 H C Sistrunk Tax Assessor for the City of Ocala January 20 190S NOTICE Thirty days from date or rs rear therafter as practicable the town council will receive bits for all of the unfinished sidewalks on Oklawaha av ¬ enue Fort King avenue Fox Line Ray street Watula street Tuscawil la street Watula street Magnolia street Main street South street Ex- position ¬ a street and any other street mentioned in cement sidewalk ordi ¬ nance Specifications on file in town clerks office Said council reserves the right to reject any or all bids Ocala Fla Oct 9 190- 7J D Robertson Attest President City Council II C Sis trunk City Clerk- n the Circuit Court of the JlfJh Judi- cial ¬ Circuit of Florida In and for Ma ¬ rion CountyIn Chancery- The Passumpsic Savings Bank a Cor- poration ¬ Under the Laws of the State- of Vermont Complainant vs Mrs 13 B Brockington DefendantOrder for Constructive Service- It is ordered that the defendant here- in ¬ named towit Mrs E B Brocking- ton be and she is hereby required to appear to the bill of complaint in this ° ause on or before r Monday the 3rd day of February 1908- It is futher ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the 1 Ocala Star a newspaper published in said county and state This 4th day of December 1907- S T Sistrunk Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla By H B Foy Jr D C tlocker Duval- Complainants Solicitor FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS- I am keeping a full stock of fresh and salt water fish and oysters which I re ¬ ceive daily and guarantee to be fresh and good v I also carry a complete line I of fresh meats beef pork sausage t etc and country produce and respect ¬ fully ask a share of your patronage- and guarantee satisfaction EMPORIUM MEAT MARKET- L Casminski p prietor ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO Creditors In re Estate of John Kins ler Deceased Notice is hereby given to all creditors legatees distributees and all other persons having claims or demands I against the estate of John Kinsler de ¬ ceased to present the same to the un ¬ dersigned administrator within one year from this date Geo Giles- As Administrator Estate of John Kinsler Dated Ocala Fla Dec 21st 1907 4 FISH AND OYSTER I am now receiving dally fresh sup- plies ¬ cf fish and oysters I will take care of your orders and give you the best I also carry a nice stock of pork and beef choke meats at living prices Give me a share of your business I E Tompkins the last stall on the right City Market Notice ot Application for Leave to Sell Minors Lanu Notice is hereby given that on the llth day cf February A D 1908 I I will apply to Honorable Joseph Bell County Judge in and for Marion I County State of Florida at his office- in Ocala in said County for an order authorizing me as Guardian of the minor heirs of the estate of Talulah- J I Groover deceased to sell at private sale the following property belonging- to said estate towit Southeast quar ¬ ter of section 12 Township 13 south- of Range 19 east said lands belong ¬ ing to the estate of the said Talulah JJ Groover deceased to be sold for I the best interest of said minor heirs This 11th day of January 1908 Oscar Groover Guardian I THE MEANEST MAN IN TCNN Is the one who always wears a frown- is cross and disagreeable and is short and sharp in his answers Nine cases out of ten its not the poor fellows fault its his liver and digestion that make him feel so miserable he cant help being disagreeable Are you in danger of getting into the condition Then start at once taking Ballards Herbine for your liverthe safe sure and reliable vegetable regulator Sold- I by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore No man should continue paying rent when he can buy a lot on as easy term as Mr Woodrow is offering In Oak- ridge addition t f- l It j t o

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    <I 1ly r m1 Wl > 7 rl J T





    of any case of Kidney 01Bladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medicine Take it at once Do


    not risk having Brights Dis-ease


    or Diabetes There ist nothing gained by delaya


    SOc and 9100 Bottle<REVIJ c IPr Ar







    Anyoce enninjt nukotrh and description jnr-fttlckly Mcerbitn our opmmn i

    r invention ts probably putcmnhlo Coniiiminr-Uon trlctljr confidential HANDBOOK on IlUf-

    ntf f free Olrlent aironry for s rcuring patori for it is tough and sinewy In

    Fads nevertheless it is esteemed be-cause


    there Is a superstition that it im-parts


    to the eater some or the strengthand cunning that characterizes the an-imal


    = This notion Is not of course>l held by the followers of Brahma and

    Buddha whose religion forbids the IJ eating of flesh I

    There appears to be considerable dif-ference of opinion among authorities

    L on the subject as to the merits of ele-phants


    flesh as an article of diet By1 some it is considered a dainty but

    A there is the authority of at least oneEuropean against It Stanley said thathe frequently tasted elephants fleshand that it was more like soft leather

    rt and glue than anything else withwhich he could compare It Anotherexplorer however declares that he-


    cannot imagine how an animal sotooarse and heavy as the elephant couldk 1 produce such delicate and tender fleshf All authorities agree In commending-

    the elephants foot Even Stanley admltted that baked elephants foot wasc a dish fit for a king It is the greatest

    f ri delicacy that can be given to a Kaffi-rHSt LouisRepublic


    fr Sincerityy In life sincerity is the sure touch

    etons of character The good and val-uable


    4 J man Is ho who strives to realizeday by day his own sincere concep-tions


    of true manhood Thousands arestruggling to exhibit what some one

    f else admires to read the popularty standard tb t be or appear to be reMspectable and honorable but few make

    aim tox live thoroughly up tolthcir own Individual convictions of-

    f what Is right and goodCariflit well sayjft1 At all turns a

    nan who wi do faithfully needs to-tr believe firnity If he have to ask atCTeiyturn the worlds suffrage If he

    c cannot dispense with the worlds sut-rragend make his own suffrage serve

    i is a poor eye servant and the workcommitted to him will be inisdone-


    ig r< A Historic Golfer

    The following entries Jn the accountscot James Graham marquis of Mout-

    ttese when he was a student at the°b ILverslty of St Andrews are quite iuaalstafan vein

    p N N Item for two gore halls lOsh4t

    > 4Item my Lord taking sue drink hi

    tJ Jbone Garns before be went out andr Iafter be came from the golfe 45sh 4rt

    Item to the boy who carried myLords clubs to the field 38-

    hfl With every allowance for change oftariff the most completely refreshed

    rl ifttta of modern gold dwindle Intow atwtemlousneM l tbafane drinkf Lo don Athenaeumf

    tt Large assortment of CUT GLASSia 4 at PotoftlceDrucstore


    ° zx-

    AMv< lnj1

    t i I1 IhWf c OfYo


    With CfremonJes of the most elab-orate


    nature the great Klorida Mid-Winter International Exposition ofJacksonville Fla will bt opened to thepublic Saturday January Lfth 1OSThe building is now full of very fine

    exhibits The grounds have been plac-ed


    in firstclass order Thirtyfivefoot hoard wants have bem laid all-over thru grounds All lighting ap-paratus has been placed and when thebig cannon tires the salute of 21 onthe above date the visitors will findeverything in firstclass shape Inorder that everything might be inreadiness the management postponedthe opening from the lf th of January

    I to tho 2ri th1The governor of the state the gover-


    of Georgia several congressmen-the mayor of Jacksonville and otherprominent people will be present anddeliver addresses on the above date

    President Roosevelt will send a teiogruphic message of congratulation onthe successful opening and this willbe received on a special wire in thebuilding

    The exposition will he open dailyafter the opening day from 10 a inuntil 11 p m and the low admission-of 2f cents will be charged

    The exhibits are extensive compre-hensive


    and costly The products andj resources of Florida will be shown inj large space In addition there will be-a number of national exhibits includ ¬ing Japanese displays Swiss govern ¬ment display etc The building inwhich these exhibits will be houses isknown as the Palace of Industry andcosts a considerable amount of mon-ey


    It is built with a staff front light-ed


    with acetylene bass and electricityhand the interior will be decorated withbunting flags Florida moss and palms

    A special feature of the opening twoJ weeks will be the marvellous Beacheyairships with its magnificent flights

    land competitive racing A number ofother free acts and attractions havebeen engaged for tjie opening also

    The railroads have granted a rateof one firstclass fare plus 25 centsfor the round trip with three dayslimit and this will bring people fromall over the state to the exposition-


    The Florida Electrical PlumbingCompany has decided to continue theirbusiness in Ocala and will be pleasedto bid on all work in their line Per¬sons entrusting busness to this com ¬pany will be assured of prompt ser ¬vice good work and reasonableprices Office at the Ocala Music Cosstore


    Our little town of Shady did not getvery much excited over the wet or dryelection We seem to take things asthey come

    Mr Jones our merchant has treated-his store building to a coat of white ¬wash which is quite an improvement-

    We are sorry to say that our schoolterm of six months will close nextweek when Miss Liddon will return toher home in Ocala She will be very

    i much missed in our social circlestI Several children in the neighborhoodare suffering from the whooping

    s coughI Mr and Mrs John Smith will enter ¬I tain their friends with a dance FridayI eveningI Mr John Knoblock of Martin wasa pleasant visitor here Sunday-

    Mr and Mrs John Goin and children-and Mr and Mrs Jim Goin attended


    the temperance rally in Ocala lastSaturday-

    Mr F C Barnes is supplying L iI Horne Co with some of his fine hay

    IMr J H Martin of Ocala was here

    surveying land for Mr W H Douglaslast Thursday

    Shady was well represented at theI Culpepper meetings Sunday

    Mrs A R Douglas spent a few daysI last week with relatives in Ocalaj Mr Leon Simpson returned last Sat-urday to his home at Weirsdale after

    ja weeks stay with his sister herej Mr James Freeman enjoyed a visitfrom his relatives of Belleview Sun-day



    Our farmers have finished planting-oats and most of them are turning

    i their hands towards preparing cornland Charles

    I Chamberlains Cough Remedy a SafeI Mediine for Children

    In buying a cough medicine for chil ¬dren never be afraid to bty Chamber¬lains Cough Remedy There is nodanger from it and relief is always-sure to follow It It intended espe ¬cially for coughs colds croup andwhooping cough and there is no bettermedicine in the world for these dis ¬eases It is not only a certain cure forcroup but when given as soon as thecroupy cought appears will prevent the

    I attack Whooping cough is not dan-gerous


    when this remedy is given asI

    diected It contains no opium orother harmful drugs and may be giv ¬en as confidently to a baby as to anadUlt For sale by all druggists

    Dont fail to see our big line of Ocalapost cards in colors Ocala Fleas Co

    i y J1 L j A J> i1Y


    Cause of the Smashup as Told by theJ Old Darky Driver

    The old darky was suing the railroadcompany for damages The than con ¬tended that not being warned by whis-tle or engine hell he had started todrive his rig across the companystrack when a shunted box car of saidcompany crashed Into his outfit caus-ing


    the death of the horse loss of thewagon tad minor injuries to himselfAfter the prosecution had eo