ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1908-03-17 [p...

r THE OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY MARCH 17 1908 j fer OGALA OCCURRENCES 0 Odd Fellows meet tonight Masons meet Thursday evening t Additional local on eighth rage John Y Williamson of Memphis is at the Ocala House Oysters in all styles served on three I minutes notice at the Elks Cafe Mr George H Ford will go to Jack- sonville tonight on business Cometo the Ocafa News Co and see the latest novelty Ocala in a sea ahell Dr Spooner of Stanton was in town today Mr W J Crosby came in yesterday from Palatkn FOR SALE CHEAP A good ward- robe ¬ Apply to Mrs Spellman This office will appreciate the loan p a February t Strand Magazine- Col RF Rogers of Lynne was in town today Mr John W Pelot returned to Jacksonville today Mallory Liddon left for Crystal River this afternoon on business- Mr D E Massey of Atlanra is a guest of the Ocala House Mr J D Pope of Wildwood is a guest of the Ocala House The city council will meet tonight in regular session It k Have you seen me new visible Fay holes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents The recital by Miss Madge Simms I pupijs will take place at the armory tonight Admission 25 cents R Cl Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I ach 750 per dozen- If you take health and accident in surance with M D Wilson your ben- t eficlary will be insured on same policy Mrs George L Taylor is home from- a JeliShtfui visit to friends on the East Coast Best Frost now a citizen ofSavan nah is visiting his mother and sisters fin Ocala t Mr Marcus Frank will return Fri day from his purchasing trip to New York City Mr and Mrs J C Bryan and daugh- ter r of Philadelphia are guests of the Ocala House s Mrs Nannie Priest of Morriston is In thecity to locate She is hunting a- rouse to buy Miss McGahagin of Lake Weir and I Mr Ballard of Cornell were visitors- to the city today- L i J Knight the hardware man is out at Berlin for a few days on busi- ness and pleasure bent Mrs JJ Williams and children who came up yesterday from Homo sassa left today for Umatilla to Visit 4 friends George Stein as clever a chap ts I ever handled a grip is getting to look like the genuine article of hayseed since he combined farming and truck growing with his other accomplish- ments ¬ W M Laurie a prosperous mer- chant ¬ 1If of Floral City was in town to ¬ day Capt W T NICER one of the Ocala and Homosassa short run has gone to Tampa to attend the meeting of the Shriners- W D Graham of the Graham Ab- stract ¬ Co spent Monday at Conner on land matters BERLIN ELECTRICAL I i THEATER v lY ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY W I Program for this Evening- AN I ARTFUL HUSBAND- THE BOOKWORM- s DRAMA OF RIVERIA Open Promptly at 33O P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents H M WOOD PROP I 1 Wallace Building Opposite Methodist Church t r JUST RECEIVED Neuicbatel Pineapple Sweitzer I Brick Limburger Brie and i Camembert Cheese in tin II Shredded Codfish Boneless Her ¬ ring Shrimp Clams and Deviled Crabs Three pound cans Tomato Soup 10 cents a can Salt Mackerel No ls and 2s These are a few specialties- and remember we have a full line of Groceries to select trom and you will find prices and quality right TEAPOT GROCERYS- ELLING VEHICLES Messrs Knight Lang sold a handsome buggy and harness today to Mr L D Perry of Pine a beautiful Morning Wagon leather upholstered- and basket seat for a Shetland pony- to Mr D A Clark for his daughter- and shipped three heavy turpentine wagons to the Dutton Phosphate Co- at Rock Springs yesterday LYCEUM TICKETS ON SALE Tickets for the LaDellFoxConcert Co at the armory Thursday night are now on sale at the Ocala News Gos store A PORCH SCREEN- Is an article of comfort these warm days You need one and can find j it at Mclver MacKays They are imported and pretty designs in green yellow and drab As soon as you see them you will feel like buying one Come and look at them The visitors to the Berlin Theater last evening were tickled half to death over the misfortunes of a young man I who went through a series of trial marriages and the sleuthlike man ¬ euvers of a policeman trailing the pur loiner of his boots The evolutions of I the fairies from the cocoon was very beautiful Go this evening and see the adventures of an artful husband and how a bookworm bumped the bumps I Burt Pearson came up from the Phosphate mines at Holder yesterday- to see his brother who is slowly re ¬ covering from the severe injuries re ¬ ceived several weeks ago by a derrick beam falling on him Mr Thompson the Philadelphia commission man came in from Martin this afternoon where he had been buying lettuce from Waldo Martin FOR SALE The best paying mov ¬ ing picture theater in the South For information address Box 85 Ybor City Tampa Fla Mr Robert Stripling representing the Florida Life Insurance Co re ¬ turned from a trip to McIntosh this afternoon Marshal W C Bull received a tele- gram from his daughter Mrs J C Jernigan nee Miss Jennie Bull of Pretoria Ga announcing the pleasant news of a son born to her yesterday morning Mother and child are doing well Mr J S Pearson the golf exPert will leave tonight for his summer I home in the east Mr H H Whitworth who has been- ill I with grip was able to be out yes- terday ¬ Mr Marshal Mrs Whit I worths uncle continues critically ill I Mr Chas W Hunter of the gas I company states that on tomorrow af ¬ ternoon and every afternoon thereaf- ter ¬ on week days until further nth e the gas company will demonstrate the I beauty economy and convenience of cooking with gas on gas stoves and ranges at the Central National Bank building where they have a supply of different styles stoves and ranges The gas company has also offered the ladies of Grace Episcopal church the free use of the stoves and gas to lo their Fridays baking during lent ELECTRICAL WORK- If you are contemplating having electrical wcrk done of any kind elec ¬ tric lights put in call bells or any wiring in the electrical line be sure to get my estimate before placing the order No job is too large for me to do and none too small to receive my best and careful attention I carry- a full line of electrical supplies in stock Respectfully Walter Tucker Mid M Fishel is in New York buy ¬ ling spring goods i I 1 1- JrL i < 7 THE BANDS CONCERT- The Metropolitan Band is very buy pmcticing for the splendid concert the boys will give at the armory during the first week in April After this big undertaking is off their hands the band will begin to give its popular openair conceris from the band stand- A GOOD THING TAKE IT IN I The ont < rtaiilin nt to be given by the LaDellFox Concert Co at the ar- mory ¬ Thursday night is going to be one of the very host of the many good things furnished to our people by the Alkahest Lyceum Bureau Miss Marietta LaDelPhns the repu- tation ¬ of being a reader who is dif ¬ ferent Her work is unlike that of other lyceum readers Her comedy is infectious her childwork inimitable- All her numbers are written especially- for her George Fox and Miss Crawford aro more than support for Miss LaDel They are artists in their respective- lines Mr Fox was featured at the age of six as a child wonder on the piano His work on the violin places him the greatest violinist in all Can ¬ ada He has been called The Genius- of the Violin Miss Crawford has a beautiful rich high soprano voice flexible and of a delightful Quality- She has a remarkable range of three octaves reaching F above high Miss English the accompanist- leaves nothing to be wished for in this strong company FIVE DOLLARSFOR INFORMATION- I will pay 5 for the name of the persons who took seven white and three blue Dutch hyacinths from my lot in Greenwood cemetery said flow ¬ ers being taken between March 10th and 11th and March 14th and 15th- C R Tydings OCALA ATHLETIC CLUB- All the members and others inter ¬ ested in the organization of an ath ¬ letic association are requested to meet- at II the courthouse tonight at 8 oclock for the purpose of affecting an organi ¬ I zation Sixtynine persons have al ¬ I ready signified their willingness to I become members and it is believed that the membership can easily be run I up to one hundred It is something- very much needed and appeals to the encouragement of everyone- ST PATRICKS DAY This is St Patricks Day and quite- a good many shamrocks were display- ed ¬ in the button holes of the coats of the descendants of Ireland and their friends f ADDING ANOTHER STORY The artificial stone building being erected by the Woodmar Sand Stone- Co for Mr Lanier Robertson opposite McIver MacKay will be one of the handsomest buildings in town when it is completed as well as one of the best built and most substantial Mr Robertson has now decided to make the building two instead ol one story high and the contractors are pro ¬ ceeding accordingly i I I CAN LIVE ON CANDY Chocolate Creams and Peanuts I 1 Would Keep You Alive says Prof Olsen I Prof John C Olsen Ph D I United States Food and Drug In- spection ¬ I Chemist in his lecture on Pure Foods and their Prepara- tion ¬ among other things said It was shown that twothirds of- a pound of peanuts and twothirds- of a pound of chocolate creams I I contain sufficient nourishment to I feed an adult 24 hours A diet of this kind would not be expensive l compared foods with the cost of other WE HAVE IT I Eat I I I i II Peanut ChocolateF- or Health StrengthF- OR SALE BY T TROXLER i rrt- t Jti White Goods and EmbroideryBea- utiful 71 while materials of every weave and quality suitable for making spring and summer wearables are show in almost endless variety here Our prices are impossible to duplicate I I i 4 i PERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5lc FRENCH LA WNS 48 inuh per yard 35c to 125 LINEN LAWN 36 inch per yard 35c toSL35 SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth up 1 to 25c on sale at per yard 15c j ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in Itl great variety ot patterns at reduced prices V EDGING AND INSERTION woith up to 20c yardlie V EDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide and Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 35c yardtk LAWN AND SWISS WAISTS Nw style 119 to 751 LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 259 10511 I r f RHEINAUER COMPANY < mv J I + W A KNIGHT i LOUIS L LANC f I i 4 Knight Lang r v CARRY A FULL LINE OF Farm wagons one and twohorse heavy turpentine- and X i lumber wagons carriages and buggies of all > styles saddles and harness for all purposes lap r robes whips collars and pads in all sizes A com- plete ¬ line of all the odd parts of harness harness oils etc Our stock is the largest and most com- plete ¬ in the country It is the best goods from the best known factories and everything that we send 1 11 out is both and the fully guaranteed by us manu- facturers ¬ We buy all our vehicles in car lots and get the lowest price and lowest freight rates and 1- i are prepared to save you money on any purchase I Call on or write us Respectf ll- yIKNIGHT f LAN 7 rrs North Side of Square OCALA FLORIDA I r 1 SPECIAL DINNERS- The dinners at the Elks Cafe for 50 cents are the best in the city The roses round the courthouse are looking fine and are beginning to bloom freely Our courthouse and grounds are the prettiest in the state Everyone who sees them is enthus ¬ iastic especially over the beautiful grounds What an improvement over a year and a half ago Mrs B Goldman was called to Sa ¬ vannah on account of the sickness of one of her children who accompanied Mr Goldman Capt Alfred Martin of Shirley SJ I C is in Ocala on a visit to his broth- er ¬ Col Jno M Martin The captain is a large property owner in the Brick I City I Charley Williams one of the clerical force in the hardware department of i Mclver MacKays store is on the I I sick list I I The genial Hat Barnett of Martel was in town today with a select as sortment of sidebreakers for which he found ready listeners- The following parties composed a pleasant fishing party to Sharps ferry today Dr and Mrs Blalock the lat ters mother Mr and Mrs Hampton- Mr and Mrs Kirkland and Mr achry They were anticipating a day of rZeal delight Mr John T Lewis returned this af- ternoon ¬ from his trip to the Manatee section where he inspected the con- vict ¬ camp- sWANTED50 men wanted to chop wood at Cornell Fla Also ten teams Apply to Northern Southern Com- pany ¬ Cornell Fla or to M J Roess Ocala Fla Gt OLD RAGS WANTED The Star office wants old rags I must clean cotton rags but any color will do OLD PAPERS FOR SALt Old newspapers for sale tied up in bundles Apply at Star office I I f jIt > 1 1 M FIS Hnli VUJQN1SWl i I STIITREWUU- Wtr w M FISHELt SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE i 1 This office has for sale a complete scholarship in the Thomasville Ga 4V Business College We will let some i i deserving young man or woman have the scholarship on most advantageous- terms It is good for a complete t course in penmanship bookkeeping or shorthand and typewriting Write the Star or call at this office is you are interesteV 1 1 I MEN WANTED- Two t 1- N teamsters three log choppers and two mill hands wanted at the sawmill of W J Lohrig at Dallas FlaT w 1 WANTS POSITION- An 8 l experienced man in the mercan- tile i business and general stores and rya eommissarys wants a position as man r- ager j for jn commissary or country r store Can give best of references uz to reliability and competency ApjJly i at this office h fi I KIIETM- liih I it- Uak i Oi I f- t I ar- rrc4d4 a Jajlf tiP11 fr ti r

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Odd Fellows meet tonight

Masons meet Thursday eveningt

Additional local on eighth rage

John Y Williamson of Memphis isat the Ocala House

Oysters in all styles served on three I

minutes notice at the Elks Cafe

Mr George H Ford will go to Jack-sonville tonight on business

Cometo the Ocafa News Co and seethe latest novelty Ocala in a seaahell

Dr Spooner of Stanton was in towntoday

Mr W J Crosby came in yesterdayfrom Palatkn

FOR SALE CHEAP A good ward-robe


Apply to Mrs Spellman

This office will appreciate the loanp a Februaryt

Strand Magazine-

Col RF Rogers of Lynne was intown today

Mr John W Pelot returned toJacksonville today

Mallory Liddon left for CrystalRiver this afternoon on business-

Mr D E Massey of Atlanra is aguest of the Ocala House

Mr J D Pope of Wildwood is aguest of the Ocala House

The city council will meet tonightin regular session

It k Have you seen me new visible Fayholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

The recital by Miss Madge SimmsI

pupijs will take place at the armorytonight Admission 25 cents

R Cl Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I

ach 750 per dozen-

If you take health and accident insurance with M D Wilson your ben-

t eficlary will be insured on same policy

Mrs George L Taylor is home from-a JeliShtfui visit to friends on theEast Coast

Best Frost now a citizen ofSavannah is visiting his mother and sisters

fin Ocala t

Mr Marcus Frank will return Friday from his purchasing trip to NewYork City

Mr and Mrs J C Bryan and daugh-terr of Philadelphia are guests of theOcala House


Mrs Nannie Priest of Morriston isIn thecity to locate She is hunting a-

rouse to buy

Miss McGahagin of Lake Weir and I

Mr Ballard of Cornell were visitors-to the city today-


J Knight the hardware man isout at Berlin for a few days on busi-ness and pleasure bent

Mrs J J Williams and childrenwho came up yesterday from Homosassa left today for Umatilla to Visit



George Stein as clever a chap tsIever handled a grip is getting to looklike the genuine article of hayseedsince he combined farming and truckgrowing with his other accomplish-ments


W M Laurie a prosperous mer-


1If of Floral City was in town to ¬


Capt W T NICER one of the Ocalaand Homosassa short run has goneto Tampa to attend the meeting of theShriners-

W D Graham of the Graham Ab-


Co spent Monday at Conner onland matters





Program for this Evening-





Open Promptly at 33O P MAdmission 10 Cents

Children 5 Cents


1 Wallace Building Opposite MethodistChurch




Neuicbatel Pineapple Sweitzer I

Brick Limburger Brie and i

Camembert Cheese in tinII

Shredded Codfish Boneless Her¬

ring Shrimp Clams andDeviled Crabs

Three pound cans Tomato Soup10 cents a can

Salt Mackerel No ls and 2s

These are a few specialties-and remember we have afull line of Groceries toselect trom and you willfind prices and quality right



Messrs Knight Lang sold ahandsome buggy and harness today toMr L D Perry of Pine a beautifulMorning Wagon leather upholstered-

and basket seat for a Shetland pony-to Mr D A Clark for his daughter-and shipped three heavy turpentinewagons to the Dutton Phosphate Co-

at Rock Springs yesterday


Tickets for the LaDellFoxConcertCo at the armory Thursday night arenow on sale at the Ocala News Gosstore

A PORCH SCREEN-Is an article of comfort these warmdays You need one and can find j

it at Mclver MacKays They areimported and pretty designs in greenyellow and drab As soon as you seethem you will feel like buying oneCome and look at them

The visitors to the Berlin Theaterlast evening were tickled half to deathover the misfortunes of a young man I

who went through a series of trialmarriages and the sleuthlike man ¬

euvers of a policeman trailing the purloiner of his boots The evolutions of I

the fairies from the cocoon was verybeautiful Go this evening and see theadventures of an artful husband andhow a bookworm bumped the bumps

I Burt Pearson came up from thePhosphate mines at Holder yesterday-to see his brother who is slowly re¬

covering from the severe injuries re¬

ceived several weeks ago by a derrickbeam falling on him

Mr Thompson the Philadelphiacommission man came in from Martinthis afternoon where he had beenbuying lettuce from Waldo Martin

FOR SALE The best paying mov ¬

ing picture theater in the South Forinformation address Box 85 Ybor CityTampa Fla

Mr Robert Stripling representingthe Florida Life Insurance Co re ¬

turned from a trip to McIntosh thisafternoon

Marshal W C Bull received a tele-gram from his daughter Mrs J CJernigan nee Miss Jennie Bull ofPretoria Ga announcing the pleasantnews of a son born to her yesterdaymorning Mother and child are doingwell

Mr J S Pearson the golf exPertwill leave tonight for his summer

I home in the east

Mr H H Whitworth who has been-ill


with grip was able to be out yes-terday


Mr Marshal Mrs WhitI

worths uncle continues critically illI

Mr Chas W Hunter of the gas I

company states that on tomorrow af¬

ternoon and every afternoon thereaf-ter


on week days until further nth ethe gas company will demonstrate the I

beauty economy and convenience ofcooking with gas on gas stoves andranges at the Central National Bankbuilding where they have a supply ofdifferent styles stoves and rangesThe gas company has also offered theladies of Grace Episcopal church thefree use of the stoves and gas to lotheir Fridays baking during lent


If you are contemplating havingelectrical wcrk done of any kind elec ¬

tric lights put in call bells or anywiring in the electrical line be sure toget my estimate before placing theorder No job is too large for me todo and none too small to receive mybest and careful attention I carry-a full line of electrical supplies instock Respectfully

Walter Tucker

Mid M Fishel is in New York buy ¬

ling spring goods


I1 1-JrLi




The Metropolitan Band is very buypmcticing for the splendid concert theboys will give at the armory duringthe first week in April After this bigundertaking is off their hands theband will begin to give its popularopenair conceris from the bandstand-


The ont < rtaiilin nt to be given bythe LaDellFox Concert Co at the ar-mory


Thursday night is going to beone of the very host of the many goodthings furnished to our people by theAlkahest Lyceum Bureau

Miss Marietta LaDelPhns the repu-tation


of being a reader who is dif ¬

ferent Her work is unlike that ofother lyceum readers Her comedy isinfectious her childwork inimitable-All her numbers are written especially-for her

George Fox and Miss Crawford aromore than support for Miss LaDelThey are artists in their respective-lines Mr Fox was featured at theage of six as a child wonder on thepiano His work on the violin placeshim the greatest violinist in all Can ¬

ada He has been called The Genius-of the Violin Miss Crawford has abeautiful rich high soprano voiceflexible and of a delightful Quality-She has a remarkable range of threeoctaves reaching F above high

Miss English the accompanist-leaves nothing to be wished for in thisstrong company


I will pay 5 for the name of thepersons who took seven white andthree blue Dutch hyacinths from mylot in Greenwood cemetery said flow ¬

ers being taken between March 10thand 11th and March 14th and 15th-

C R Tydings


All the members and others inter ¬

ested in the organization of an ath ¬

letic association are requested to meet-at


the courthouse tonight at 8 oclockfor the purpose of affecting an organi ¬


zation Sixtynine persons have al ¬I

ready signified their willingness toI

become members and it is believedthat the membership can easily be run I

up to one hundred It is something-very much needed and appeals to theencouragement of everyone-


This is St Patricks Day and quite-a good many shamrocks were display-ed


in the button holes of the coats ofthe descendants of Ireland and theirfriends


The artificial stone building beingerected by the Woodmar Sand Stone-Co for Mr Lanier Robertson oppositeMcIver MacKay will be one of thehandsomest buildings in town when itis completed as well as one of thebest built and most substantial MrRobertson has now decided to makethe building two instead ol one storyhigh and the contractors are pro ¬

ceeding accordingly iI



Chocolate Creams and PeanutsI


Would Keep You Alive says

Prof Olsen

I Prof John C Olsen Ph D

I United States Food and Drug In-



I Chemist in his lecture onPure Foods and their Prepara-



among other things saidIt was shown that twothirds of-

a pound of peanuts and twothirds-of a pound of chocolate creams


I contain sufficient nourishment toI feed an adult 24 hours A diet ofthis kind would not be expensive l


with the cost of other




I i II


or Health StrengthF-




rrt-t Jti

White Goods and EmbroideryBea-


while materials of every weave and qualitysuitable for making spring and summer wearables are showin almost endless variety here Our prices are impossibleto duplicate


i4 i

PERSIAN LAWNS at per yard 15c to 5lc

FRENCH LA WNS 48 inuh per yard 35c to 125LINEN LAWN 36 inch per yard 35c toSL35

SPECIAL Dimities Check Lawns and Madras worth up 1

to 25c on sale at per yard 15c j

ST GALL SWISSES All our new imported Swisses in Itlgreat variety ot patterns at reduced pricesV

EDGING AND INSERTION woith up to 20c yardlie V

EDGING AND INSERTION up to 9 inches wide and

Corset Cover Embroidery values up to 35c yardtkLAWN AND SWISS WAISTS Nw style 119 to 751LACE WAISTS Ecru Cream and White 259 10511

I r f



I +



Knight Lang rv


Farm wagons one and twohorse heavy turpentine-and


lumber wagons carriages and buggies of all >

styles saddles and harness for all purposes lap r

robes whips collars and pads in all sizes A com-


line of all the odd parts of harness harnessoils etc Our stock is the largest and most com-


in the country It is the best goods from thebest known factories and everything that we send 1 11out is both and thefully guaranteed by us manu-facturers


We buy all our vehicles in car lots andget the lowest price and lowest freight rates and 1-


are prepared to save you money on any purchaseI

Call on or write us Respectf ll-


LAN 7rrs

North Side of Square OCALA FLORIDAI




The dinners at the Elks Cafe for 50

cents are the best in the city

The roses round the courthouse arelooking fine and are beginning tobloom freely Our courthouse andgrounds are the prettiest in the stateEveryone who sees them is enthus ¬

iastic especially over the beautifulgrounds What an improvement overa year and a half ago

Mrs B Goldman was called to Sa¬

vannah on account of the sickness ofone of her children who accompaniedMr Goldman

Capt Alfred Martin of Shirley SJI C is in Ocala on a visit to his broth-er


Col Jno M Martin The captainis a large property owner in the Brick

I City

ICharley Williams one of the clerical

force in the hardware department ofi Mclver MacKays store is on the I

I sick list I


The genial Hat Barnett of Martelwas in town today with a select assortment of sidebreakers for whichhe found ready listeners-

The following parties composed apleasant fishing party to Sharps ferrytoday Dr and Mrs Blalock the latters mother Mr and Mrs Hampton-Mr and Mrs Kirkland and Mrachry They were anticipating a dayof rZeal delight

Mr John T Lewis returned this af-


from his trip to the Manateesection where he inspected the con-



sWANTED50 men wanted to chopwood at Cornell Fla Also ten teamsApply to Northern Southern Com-pany


Cornell Fla or to M J RoessOcala Fla Gt

OLD RAGS WANTEDThe Star office wants old rags


must clean cotton rags but any colorwill do

OLD PAPERS FOR SALtOld newspapers for sale tied up in

bundles Apply at Star office

II f jIt > 1



i I





This office has for sale a completescholarship in the Thomasville Ga 4V

Business College We will let some iideserving young man or woman havethe scholarship on most advantageous-terms It is good for a complete tcourse in penmanship bookkeeping orshorthand and typewriting Writethe Star or call at this office is youare interesteV

1 1I



Nteamsters three log choppers

and two mill hands wanted at thesawmill of W J Lohrig at Dallas FlaTw 1




experienced man in the mercan-tile

ibusiness and general stores and rya

eommissarys wants a position as man r-


for jn commissary or countryr

store Can give best of references uzto reliability and competency ApjJly iat this office



I it-


OiI f-


ar-rrc4d4 a Jajlf tiP11 fr ti r