ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-09-24 [p...

Xi <a n < < Y V i f > n J r r 1 Jii > fr r 1 05 f I f cry t OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY iEPTCMteft 34 AM q- a < q 4 J f 1 x c t r EVENING STAR f L Co L 8ittittter Mrf R It Carrel FAtten aai PaWIIMrL l C L lITTINGCfl UiW It It CARROLL MaMar- The tragedy tbat overtook Clyde > Akin at Blue Sink a raoatli ago has stirred the days of loaff ago in the tailed ef A Weathers when he was a kidnand with hh companions f attempted to navigate the blue and mysterious waters of Blue Sink Knowlag the depth of the sink and its treacherous undercurrent boys cut dowa a tree which stood near Its i tasks Into the sink thinking they would navigate its waters But short- ly ¬ after the tree struck the waters of the sink It gradually snak and dis ¬ appeared from sight forever With this warning the boys did not have a great time in the waters of Blue Sink The Impre loa now prevails that the body of Clyde Akin win nev ¬ er be recovered Dr J C Boozer evideatly sleeps with one eye open 90 that nothing that will aid the farmer will mis his observation The latest discovery a Mlfsealmg canaBd oft of the Tirtdi lest thug for fanner to can their syrup In yet discovered Mr Shock ley of Lowell brought a can to the Commercial Dank the other day and those interested can see It Mr Shocklcy Is very desirious to have all the farmers who wish to put their syrup up In halfgallon cans to ex ¬ amine the can as be withes to order- a corliad of them Take a look at it It Is the simplest kind of thing and 1 does away with solder and sealing wax Yon can can syrup as fast as 4 you can run the liquid into the can and slap a lid on IL- i 41 Dr Camp of Atlanta who located at tLake Weir said yesterday that he had canned 2009 cans t of tomatoes and that finer stock was never put up If he cant sell them they are a very valuable asset and the family can eat k them Just think If every family In f Floridawho had tile opportunity to do J the same what a saving in their groc I erybUr John Dewey is contemplating a visit- to Orlando As much as be has trav- eled ¬ a over Florida he has never been tin Oraado and thinks from all he has heard or It that It Isa good place to Visit There he Is right Orlando la one of the thriving towns and show places In Florida and last year It en- tertained ¬ four thousand tourists and thiayears crop is to be considerably larger There is a reason for all this jit Is largely due to the advertising R that town has carried on Mayor Jordan of Jacksonville and ft JttaJjth officer of that city are aft ¬ er the dairymen of that town of ho have been supplying the population- with milk Among other things the tin can must go and the stone jar will take Its place Sao Martin the senior member of the firm of Martin Cam proprie ¬ tors of the Ocala Seed Store has re- turned ¬ r from his summer outing at Hen elJonvJlJe and Ashevllle N C feeling like a twoyearold Sam had the time of his life climbing the moun- tain ¬ peaks drinking the sweetest and coolest water on earth and throw+ ng shy glances at the fair maids he met In his wanderings Allen Rogers good roads builder of Jacksonville passed through Ocala to- day ¬ f pn his way to Center HIII Ho was accompanied by Messrs Feck and i I Rogers of Kentucky who are going to Sumter county to inspect a lot of land and may conclude to transfer their citizenship from Kentucky to Florida Mr and Mrs Allen Rogers spent the i sumnMr In Kentucky and had a glor- ious ¬ time LevI L Marsh the stock man of the big scrub across the Oklawaha came in today Mr Marsh has a royal pre- serve ¬ to his use and bad been quite successful raising hogs and whew be- ets << a boat load he loads them on a schooner and transports them to the I metropolis of the state where he al- ways ¬ s finds a ready sale for them 4uMr Clifford Anderson who for several years has been a faithful em ¬ ploye of the Buttgenbach Phosphate- Co at Holder has severed his con- nection ¬ with that firm and has allied himself with the Ocala Lumber and Supply Co of this city The Star wishes Mr Anderson abundant sue ceM In his new business I Wilbur Smith Is having the time of his life among friends In New Hamp ¬ shire Next week he will go to In- diana and visit among his fathers relatives and join his sister Miss GenevIeve and after spending several a days they will return home M W Hi BWIB B MM 0 M dale the merchant of Belle view was a visitor In town yesterday- He said he could not see why people who own property In Florida and pay- i taxes on same many of them spend- ing ¬ the winter here should be called on to take out a 110 license to fish and hunt when thousands of people in the state who simply register and many of them not contributing one cent In paying taxes can hunt and I fish with Impunity without paying a cent A little thought on this subject twill show rank partiality and dis- crimination How few have ever thought of the question In the light suggested by Mr Gale Mr Gale says there are quite a number of winter visitors In Bellevlew property owners and tax payers who if they attempt 1 to fish and hunt without paying the no extra arc subject to a 50 fine 4 Dr Camp of West Lake Weir la town yesterday He said he deem Y it ed that section the fittest portion of the tate and Lake Weir the gem of E lakes He Is delighted with his new home and said It the world really knew of the attractions of the lake h there wouldnt be a vacant foot of land around Its shining shores He sold people told him he could not grow anything on the land butlr A they could see his corn and field of r velvet beans shoulder high they would retract The doctor is delight ¬ ed and will have his aged brother 75 years olds of Atlanta to spend the S t1rr J with phn- L 4 Mr C J Rant the Welrsdale mer- chant 5 was In town yesterday He- r fc said the prwntee of a big2 orange crop the largest Jn the history of that sec- t tlon will be harvested this season 4 t > sad If the prices are at all fair the growers Jtare will have money to rr lipraY He reports trade good i 1 i of 1P meet Monday evening > t coo I I y4 Yi 1 G > it 7 t1- i b ui t THE LIELEAST RESISTANCE The check account puts system into your business It lessens business friction by affording convenience and safety for all transactions Men could run swiftly if It were not for the fore of gravity and the re- sistance of the atmosphere Every means to overcome these counteract- ing ¬ forces enables man to Increase his speed Just so In the business world every method that saves time Insures ac- curacy ¬ and gives safety is bailed with enthusiasm The check account will do all of these things for your business- and more You cannot afford to go on in bus These and daily waste your efforts to overcome resisting forces v hen the check account puts these advantages- at your command- It I will be no experiment fc a you to employ the check account Others have tried it and learned they could not get on hall so well without Jt Be sure not to lower y credit by overdrawing your accou N THE MUNROE E CHAM1LISS ANK Ocala Fla NOTICE TO PRIMARY PUPILS The pupils of the jOcala Primary School consisting of the first second and third grades will assemble at the school building on Monday morning September 27th at 830 oclock Any child who will be six years of age by January 1 1910 is allowed by the board of public instruction to enter the beginners department at the be ¬ ginning of the school year Nellie C Stevens Principal Primary School SCHOOL OPENS NEXT MONDAY- The Ocala High School will open on the 27th of September All pupils who are entitled to an examination- will please come prepared to take ex- aminations ¬ on Monday the 27th There will be a meeting of the high school teachers on Saturday after ¬ noon September 25th at 330 at the high schoo building J H Workman Principal r HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE For sale cheap for cash the black mare formerly owned by Major Izlar sixmonths old colt and rubbertired buggy Write to or call on C L An ¬ derson care Ocala Lumber Supply Company SUITS TO ORDER- Mr B H Sanders has opened an office at 35 South Main street where he Is prepared to shot a very fine line of samples and take orders for suits that are bound to fit and will give ex ¬ cellent values Gime him a calL FOR RENT OCTOER 1 The residence now occupied by Mrs James Pyles will be for rent Oct 1st corner Watula and South Fourth streets Apply to H C Jones- TO q BE HAPPY- you must havepod health You cant have good your liver Is not doing its d yafow but sure poison- ing Is going on all the time under such circumstances Ballnrds Herblne makes a tfrfeclty healthy liver keeps th s and bowels right and acts ks r irfc for the entire sys- tem ¬ SoluUyall druggists NOTICE- I have sold to Mr F W Ditto my lire Insurance business He will col ¬ lect all amounts due me for Insurance- I thank those who patronized me in this line and trust you will continue your patronage with Mr Ditto Signed Robert Sinclair WARNING- Do not be perstfaded into taking anything but Foles Honey and Tar for chronic coug W bronchitis hay stops the cough hnc eals the lungs fever asthma ami4mig trouble as it Sold by all druggists ESTRAY NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have- In my pasture south of Ocala on Or ¬ ange avenue one red steer about 3 years old Broke Into the premises about July 1st 1909 Owner can have the steer by proving property and by paying expenses of his keep and this I advertisement F W Ditto Ocala Fla Sept 21 1909 IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought Id lose my leg writes- J A Swenson Watertown Wls Ten years of eczeina that 15 doctors could not cure haat last laid me up Then Bucklens ATnKa ave cured it sound and well fallible for skin eruptions eczema salrrMjum bolls fever sores burns scalds cuts and piles 25c at all druggists HOUND DOG STRAYED Strayed from my stable at Dunnel- lon one very largo hound dog will weigh between 55 and 60 pounds black and tan colored has small lump- on nose and blue speckled spot in breast had on heavy collar left sta ¬ ble Monday night Send information or return dog and receive liberal re ¬ ward N H Boswell Dunnellon Fla HIPPITY HOP Are you Just barely getting around by the aid of crutches a cane Un ¬ j less you have lost a limb or have a deformity 9 trouble is rheuma ¬ tism lumbaAsnfaJn stiff joints or nature use Ballards Snow LlnimerW andXn no time you can throwaway yoxlrcmtche3 and be as well as anyone Price 25c 50c and Jl Sold by all druggists SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how large or how small or how tine the work desired may be I have the material brushes and knowledge to paint and do ir right Houses painted inside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P O Box 135 or leave word- at the Star office K W Fillyaw Ocala Fla tf Dr Abernethy the great English physician said Watch your kidneys When they are alfScted life is In dan ¬ ger Foley I dD H Remedy makes healthy kldne s WrYficts urinary Ir ¬ regularities aritLJ flIS up the whole system Sold by all druggists A RAIN OFSHOT Last night queer things happened- to the group In front of the fire sta- tion ¬ Various topics were being dis ¬ cussed when all of a sudden a small shot struck the chief on his nose- Then an assistant was hit in the eye others pattered on the cheeks of the rank and file which set tongues wag- ging and minds speculating on the mysterious rain of shot The group left their seats and made sky line ob- servations ¬ They strolled over to the cage in the zoo when tiny shot drop ¬ ping on its tin roof created a sound more mysterious than ever A report was about to be sent to the weather department at Washington about a downpour of shot in this city when a missle plunked the eye of another ob- server ¬ who noted that the shot came from the hand of Roy Galloway which let the cat out of the bag It seems that Roy who was one of the group had filled his mouth with shot and with a dimunltive blow pipe had been distributing shot from right to left but unseen by those who were hit The secret was out and the laugh fol- lowed ¬ ATTENTION MASONS AH Masons are earnestly and cor ¬ dially invited to te present with us and participate in the ceremonies of the laying of the cornerstone of our new Temple Theater by officers of the grand lodge on Thursday Sept 30th at 3 p m and also to meet with- us the same evening to witness ex ¬ emplification of work by officers of the grand lodge Please notice date Thursday Sept 30th at 3 p m Ocala Fla MarionDunn Lodge No 19 F A M OVATION TO THE EXPLORER- Dr Cook the Guest of Honor at a Big Banquet in New York New YorK Sept 24 Cheered by a thousand men and women as he en ¬ tered the banquet hall on the arm of Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley retired Dr Frederick A Cook told his story last night before the most bril- liant ¬ audience that he has addressed since he left the court at Denmark The banquet was given by the Arc ¬ tic Club of America of which Dr Cook is a member in recognition of his last polar venture which culmi nated in his announcement that he had reached the north pole While there was no official representative- from either state or nation the as ¬ semblage was cosmopolitan and en ¬ thusiastic Crowded in the great ball room of the WaldorfAstoria they toasted the explorer and listened at ¬ tentively to his recital In the form of an afterdinner address Among those at the tables were ex ¬ plorers some of whom know the dan ¬ gers and suffering of the Arctic zone almost as well as Dr CookMeri of science were there too but the ad ¬ dress was not technical Commander Pearys name he did not mention except at the end of his speech when he said There Is glory enough for all CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking the p bllc through the columns of your paper for the liberal patronage that has been extended us through- the past season in our business as we have not been able to deliver cars as the entire country as a whole bought more cars than the Buick factory could produce We are just in receipt of letters giving- us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬ duct assuring us of the fact that there will be no question in the fu- ture ¬ that we will be cared for Our 1910 models will be ready for de ¬ livery the first of November and we have the assurance that If we should need 100 cars we can deliver the same Our models 10 and 17 will be continued but the horse ¬ power wilT be increased 20 per cent We will also have a model known- as No 18 practically the same as our No 17 only slightly a smaller car and will sell for about 1400 complete and we think this model will hold the rest of them for quite- a while We will also have a 600- a runabout 2cylinder opposed motor in front under the board cone clutch in fly wheel selective type transmission and double chain drive 30x3 12 tires and we want- to say to the publIc that so far as pulling through sand Is concerned- this car has no equal Thanking our friends for past favors we are Very respectfully OCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS- Per J H Spencer KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER A merciless murderer Is appendicitis with many tns Dr Kings New Life Pill kilk it by prevention They gently 5tWnuate stomach liver and bowels pr ting that clogging that invites v ppe cllls curing con ¬ stipation blllouSfiess chills malaria headache and indigestion 25c at all druggists REPUBLICAN TICKET IN NEW YORK CITY New York City Sept 24The re ¬ publican city contention has nominal ¬ ed Otto T Bannard president of the New York Trust Co for mayor for comptroller William A Prendergast and John Purdy for president of the board of aldermen A NARROW ESCAPE Edgar N Bayllss a merchant of Roblnsonvllle DelXwrhte About two years ago I WAS thin and sick and all Ufe Urrfeand if I did not have consusfntw t was near to it I commenc d jM Folcys Honey and Tar and flsSt Jp t11 my cough and now I am eHTTrely well and have gained twentyeight pounds all due to good results from taking Foleys Honey and Tar Sold by all drug gists HAIR WORK DONE All kinds of hair work done Satis ¬ faction guaranteed Harriet Hill 212 North Magnolia str- eetCASTOR IA For Innts and Children Ik KM You Han Always Bought Beats the- Signature Q of FIRE WOOD FRE WOOD- We have a large swppy if lire wood both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAR delivered cash Call at factory or PHONE 170 Ceo GILES CO w c u WORK 0 Some Glad Day By Katharine Lente Stevenson TuneOld Black Joe All round the world the ribbon white- is twined All round the world the glorious light has shined All round the world our cause has right of way Well raise the anthem swell of vlc trySome glad day- CHORUS Its coming its coming The morn for which we pray Well take this state for prohibition- Some glad day All round the world where sounds the note of woe There In Gods strength our ribbon white shaM gfr Emblem of peace of puritys bright- ray Twill bind our sinstained earth to heaven Some glad dayCho All round the world hosannas yet shall ring All lands and climes the Saviors praises shall sing No jarring note shall mar that rap turous lay Twill rise from all the sinsaved na ¬ tions Some glad dayCho- By Permission- S Sunday School Temperance Program- As next Sunday Sept 2ith Is the day set apart by the International Lesson Committee as Temperance Sunday we suggest that the follow- ing catechism be used in every Sun- day ¬ school In Marion county in con ¬ nection with the lesson What does the Bible say of intox ¬ icating liquor- It biteth like a serpent Why is liquor like the bite of a ser- pent ¬ It contains poison called alcohol which will cause death What does a person usually become who learns to like alcoholic liquors and drinks them every day- A drunkard What light does the Bible throw on the path of the drunkard No drunkard can Inherit the king ¬ dom of God What is the combined amount spent for all the public schools all the churcnes In the United States and all the churches In foreign fields Four hundred and eightyone mill- ion ¬ dollars- Is that as much as it spent for liq ¬ uor each year in the United States No Nearly three times as much Is spent for liquor The drink bill Is more than the value of all the wheat corn and oats more than all the beef and pork and mutton more than atl the church papers magazines and school- books Is whisky a good thing that so much Is spent for It No it Is a very bad thing Does drinking liquor make men better No it makes them worse It causes them to mistreat their wives and abuse their children Does drinking make them richer No it makes them poor and causes their families to suffer Why do so many large business es- tablishments ¬ refuse to employ men who drink liquor Because men who are under the In ¬ fluence of liquor are unsafe in their business dealings Why do life Insurance companies refuse to insure the lives of habitual drinkers Because they are dangerous risks They are liable toddle at any time Cannot something be said in favor of the liquor traffic Not one thing- It is not as bad as the yellow fever- is it Yes it kills more every year than the yellow fever the smallpox and the earthquake all put together What part of all Insanity cases are attributed to liquor Onehalf What part of all crimes Threefourths- How many murdered wives each year caused by drink Three thousand How many suicides each year does liquor cause Five thousand How many murders Seven thousand How many orphans- One hundred thousand How many die drunkards every year One hundred thousand How many boys take their places One hundred thousand How many boys become drunkards every hour Twelve boys become drunkards ev ¬ ery hour Whose fault is it that men are per ¬ mitted to sell liquor and cause so much sin suffering and crime- It is the fault of the men who vote- to allow It to be sold Do men vote to allow such a dread- ful ¬ thing Yes slrdnse to say some men vote- to allow it Is it possible to put a stop to this great wrong Yes whenever a majority vote against license liquor cannot be sold If a man votes to allow liquor to be sold does he not make himself to blame for the murders all the Insan- ity ¬ and all the crimes and all the suf ¬ fering caused by liquor VeSt for by his vote he becomes a party to all those wrongs- Is the sentiment against liquor growing in Florida Yes the vote against saloons grows stronger each election How many dry counties are there In Florida Thirtysix How many wet counties In Florida Eleven For what end are we now working Statewide prohibition What temperance organizations are there in Florida The AntiSaloon League for the men the Womans Christian Tem ¬ perance Union for the women the Ys for younger women and the Loyal Temperance Legion for boys and girls Have you either of these societies- in neighborhood- If not organize today- A BURGLAR IN TOWN is name is bad cough He doesnt care for any S WOT silver but he will steal your hftilth away If he appears in your houe area him at once with Ballards Hrehrfi 1 JSyrup It may mean consumption t you dont A cure for all cougHs cofi s and chest trou bles Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottle Sold by all druggists c Owing to the iush W et rare a31fl l i I f w h lug iirour < > big f 4k 1 r- f o 7 3j1- Ii 5 V < < > > ift jI STOCK REDUCTION SALEi f h- our buyer Mr Marcus Frank- Wednesday j f- t could not leave He ° will positively leave Saturday f tC night arriving in the great itYJt Monday l V ti1 r Tk Remember this has been one 6i V i J the most successful sales we have < f < ever held Theres a reason it is t i r 1- f i i that the peQp know we mean f j what we say in our advertised t r men t s > c J i < I l < r I 7 r T A Big Array of Values ae1- Now 5 f l 1 I on Hand < > J- f c r- I t 4 J > I t tr J t- L 11 r 1 f- J j 1 4- b ° r WHERE YOU WELL BE TREATED RIGHT F J OCALA x FL O R S DA I 1 j ST JOSEPHS ACADEMYLOR- ETTO < tt Near Mandarin FLORIDA < Boarding School for Boys Conduct ed by the Sisters of St Joseph Young Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel ¬ lectual Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall nnd Recreation Roona Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO- RSt Josephs Academy LOretto Florida I BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN- Have J Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the Very Latest Methods- We I r jt have just received one of the famous Ideal Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which does the work perfectly If you will favor ns witb your patronage we guarantee give you back the Mower in better condition than the day yon bought- it y It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced ¬ workman with a file or an emery wheel v JiJ << = Next time your Mower needs sh- b < J H < > i bring it in or notify us and we will 7 t o < s 7 make it cut so nicely it will sui s r f = V 1 1 XN MARION BA KDWARE O f > t > l- i y > I tf7- if r + t T

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-09-24 [p ].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03280/00463.pdf · OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY iEPTCMteft 34 AM q-a < q 4 J f 1 x c t

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f L Co L 8ittittter Mrf R It CarrelFAtten aai PaWIIMrL



The tragedy tbat overtook Clyde> Akin at Blue Sink a raoatli ago has

stirred the days of loaff ago in thetailed ef A Weathers when he

was a kidnand with hh companionsfattempted to navigate the blue and

mysterious waters of Blue SinkKnowlag the depth of the sink and itstreacherous undercurrent boys cutdowa a tree which stood near Its

itasks Into the sink thinking theywould navigate its waters But short-ly


after the tree struck the waters ofthe sink It gradually snak and dis ¬

appeared from sight forever Withthis warning the boys did not have agreat time in the waters of BlueSink The Impre loa now prevailsthat the body of Clyde Akin win nev ¬

er be recovered

Dr J C Boozer evideatly sleepswith one eye open 90 that nothingthat will aid the farmer will mis hisobservation The latest discovery aMlfsealmg canaBd oft of the Tirtdilest thug for fanner to can theirsyrup In yet discovered Mr Shockley of Lowell brought a can to theCommercial Dank the other day andthose interested can see It MrShocklcy Is very desirious to have allthe farmers who wish to put theirsyrup up In halfgallon cans to ex ¬

amine the can as be withes to order-a corliad of them Take a look at itIt Is the simplest kind of thing and

1 does away with solder and sealingwax Yon can can syrup as fast as

4 you can run the liquid into the canand slap a lid on IL-


41 Dr Camp of Atlanta who located attLake Weir said yesterday that he hadcanned 2009 cans t of tomatoes andthat finer stock was never put up Ifhe cant sell them they are a veryvaluable asset and the family can eat

k them Just think If every family Inf Floridawho had tile opportunity to doJ the same what a saving in their grocI erybUr

John Dewey is contemplating a visit-to Orlando As much as be has trav-eled


a over Florida he has never beentin Oraado and thinks from all he has

heard or It that It Isa good place toVisit There he Is right Orlando laone of the thriving towns and showplaces In Florida and last year It en-


four thousand tourists andthiayears crop is to be considerablylarger There is a reason for all thisjit Is largely due to the advertising

R that town has carried on

Mayor Jordan of Jacksonville andft JttaJjth officer of that city are aft ¬

er the dairymen of that town of hohave been supplying the population-with milk Among other things thetin can must go and the stone jar willtake Its place

Sao Martin the senior member ofthe firm of Martin Cam proprie ¬

tors of the Ocala Seed Store has re-turned


r from his summer outing atHen elJonvJlJe and Ashevllle N Cfeeling like a twoyearold Sam hadthe time of his life climbing the moun-tain


peaks drinking the sweetest andcoolest water on earth and throw+ ngshy glances at the fair maids he metIn his wanderings

Allen Rogers good roads builder ofJacksonville passed through Ocala to-


f pn his way to Center HIII Howas accompanied by Messrs Feck and

i I Rogers of Kentucky who are going toSumter county to inspect a lot of landand may conclude to transfer theircitizenship from Kentucky to FloridaMr and Mrs Allen Rogers spent the

i sumnMr In Kentucky and had a glor-ious



LevI L Marsh the stock man of thebig scrub across the Oklawaha camein today Mr Marsh has a royal pre-serve


to his use and bad been quitesuccessful raising hogs and whew be-

ets<< a boat load he loads them on aschooner and transports them to the

I metropolis of the state where he al-ways


s finds a ready sale for them

4uMr Clifford Anderson who forseveral years has been a faithful em ¬

ploye of the Buttgenbach Phosphate-Co at Holder has severed his con-nection


with that firm and has alliedhimself with the Ocala Lumber andSupply Co of this city The Starwishes Mr Anderson abundant sueceM In his new business

I Wilbur Smith Is having the time ofhis life among friends In New Hamp ¬

shire Next week he will go to In-

diana and visit among his fathersrelatives and join his sister MissGenevIeve and after spending several

a days they will return homeM W Hi BWIB B MM

0 M dale the merchant of Belleview was a visitor In town yesterday-He said he could not see why peoplewho own property In Florida and pay-

i taxes on same many of them spend-ing


the winter here should be calledon to take out a 110 license to fishand hunt when thousands of peoplein the state who simply register andmany of them not contributing onecent In paying taxes can hunt and

I fish with Impunity without paying acent A little thought on this subject

twill show rank partiality and dis-crimination How few have everthought of the question In the lightsuggested by Mr Gale Mr Gale saysthere are quite a number of wintervisitors In Bellevlew property ownersand tax payers who if they attempt

1 to fish and hunt without paying theno extra arc subject to a 50 fine

4 Dr Camp of West Lake Weirla town yesterday He said he deem

Y it ed that section the fittest portion ofthe tate and Lake Weir the gem of

E lakes He Is delighted with his newhome and said It the world reallyknew of the attractions of the lake

h there wouldnt be a vacant foot ofland around Its shining shores Hesold people told him he could notgrow anything on the land butlr

A they could see his corn and field ofr velvet beans shoulder high they

would retract The doctor is delight ¬

ed and will have his aged brother 75years olds of Atlanta to spend the

S t1rrJwith phn-

L4 Mr C J Rant the Welrsdale mer-

chant5 was In town yesterday He-r

fc said the prwntee of a big2 orange cropthe largest Jn the history of that sec-

t tlon will be harvested this season4 t > sad If the prices are at all fair the

growers Jtare will have money torr lipraY He reports trade good

i1 i of 1P meet Monday evening

> t coo


y4 Yi1


i t 7t1-

i b ui t



The check account puts system intoyour business It lessens businessfriction by affording convenience andsafety for all transactions

Men could run swiftly if It were notfor the fore of gravity and the re-

sistance of the atmosphere Everymeans to overcome these counteract-ing


forces enables man to Increase hisspeed

Just so In the business world everymethod that saves time Insures ac-curacy


and gives safety is bailed withenthusiasm The check account willdo all of these things for your business-and more

You cannot afford to go on in busThese and daily waste your efforts toovercome resisting forces v hen thecheck account puts these advantages-at your command-


will be no experiment fca you toemploy the check account Othershave tried it and learned they couldnot get on hall so well without Jt

Be sure not to lower y credit byoverdrawing your accou N


Ocala Fla


The pupils of the jOcala PrimarySchool consisting of the first secondand third grades will assemble at theschool building on Monday morningSeptember 27th at 830 oclock Anychild who will be six years of age byJanuary 1 1910 is allowed by theboard of public instruction to enterthe beginners department at the be ¬

ginning of the school yearNellie C Stevens

Principal Primary School


The Ocala High School will openon the 27th of September All pupilswho are entitled to an examination-will please come prepared to take ex-


on Monday the 27thThere will be a meeting of the high

school teachers on Saturday after ¬

noon September 25th at 330 at thehigh schoo building


For sale cheap for cash the blackmare formerly owned by Major Izlarsixmonths old colt and rubbertiredbuggy Write to or call on C L An ¬

derson care Ocala Lumber SupplyCompany


Mr B H Sanders has opened anoffice at 35 South Main street wherehe Is prepared to shot a very fine lineof samples and take orders for suitsthat are bound to fit and will give ex¬

cellent values Gime him a calL


The residence now occupied by MrsJames Pyles will be for rent Oct 1stcorner Watula and South Fourthstreets Apply to H C Jones-



BE HAPPY-you must havepod health You canthave good your liver Is notdoing its d yafow but sure poison-ing Is going on all the time under suchcircumstances Ballnrds Herblnemakes a tfrfeclty healthy liverkeeps th s and bowels rightand acts ks r irfc for the entire sys-


SoluUyall druggists


I have sold to Mr F W Ditto mylire Insurance business He will col ¬

lect all amounts due me for Insurance-I thank those who patronized me inthis line and trust you will continueyour patronage with Mr Ditto

Signed Robert Sinclair


Do not be perstfaded into takinganything but Foles Honey and Tarfor chronic coug W bronchitis haystops the cough hnc eals the lungsfever asthma ami4mig trouble as itSold by all druggists

ESTRAY NOTICENotice is hereby given that I have-

In my pasture south of Ocala on Or ¬

ange avenue one red steer about 3years old Broke Into the premisesabout July 1st 1909 Owner can havethe steer by proving property and bypaying expenses of his keep and this I

advertisement F W DittoOcala Fla Sept 21 1909

IT SAVED HIS LEGAll thought Id lose my leg writes-

J A Swenson Watertown Wls Tenyears of eczeina that 15 doctors couldnot cure haat last laid me up ThenBucklens ATnKa ave cured it soundand well fallible for skin eruptionseczema salrrMjum bolls fever soresburns scalds cuts and piles 25c atall druggists

HOUND DOG STRAYEDStrayed from my stable at Dunnel-

lon one very largo hound dog willweigh between 55 and 60 poundsblack and tan colored has small lump-on nose and blue speckled spot inbreast had on heavy collar left sta¬

ble Monday night Send informationor return dog and receive liberal re¬

ward N H Boswell Dunnellon Fla

HIPPITY HOPAre you Just barely getting around

by the aid of crutches a cane Un ¬j

less you have lost a limb or have adeformity 9 trouble is rheuma ¬

tism lumbaAsnfaJn stiff joints ornature use Ballards

Snow LlnimerW andXn no time you canthrowaway yoxlrcmtche3 and be aswell as anyone Price 25c 50c and JlSold by all druggists

SKILLED PAINTING-I am prepared to take any Job of

painting no matter how large or howsmall or how tine the work desiredmay be I have the material brushesand knowledge to paint and do irright Houses painted inside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P O Box 135 or leave word-at the Star office K W FillyawOcala Fla tf

Dr Abernethy the great Englishphysician said Watch your kidneysWhen they are alfScted life is In dan ¬

ger Foley I dD H Remedy makeshealthy kldne s WrYficts urinary Ir¬

regularities aritLJ flIS up the wholesystem Sold by all druggists


Last night queer things happened-to the group In front of the fire sta-tion


Various topics were being dis ¬

cussed when all of a sudden a smallshot struck the chief on his nose-Then an assistant was hit in the eyeothers pattered on the cheeks of therank and file which set tongues wag-ging and minds speculating on themysterious rain of shot The groupleft their seats and made sky line ob-


They strolled over to thecage in the zoo when tiny shot drop¬

ping on its tin roof created a soundmore mysterious than ever A reportwas about to be sent to the weatherdepartment at Washington about adownpour of shot in this city when amissle plunked the eye of another ob-


who noted that the shot camefrom the hand of Roy Galloway whichlet the cat out of the bag It seemsthat Roy who was one of the grouphad filled his mouth with shot andwith a dimunltive blow pipe had beendistributing shot from right to leftbut unseen by those who were hitThe secret was out and the laugh fol-



AH Masons are earnestly and cor ¬

dially invited to te present with usand participate in the ceremonies ofthe laying of the cornerstone of ournew Temple Theater by officers ofthe grand lodge on Thursday Sept30th at 3 p m and also to meet with-us the same evening to witness ex ¬

emplification of work by officers ofthe grand lodge Please notice dateThursday Sept 30th at 3 p m OcalaFlaMarionDunn Lodge No 19 F A M


Dr Cook the Guest of Honor at a Big

Banquet in New York

New YorK Sept 24 Cheered by athousand men and women as he en ¬

tered the banquet hall on the arm ofRear Admiral Winfield Scott Schleyretired Dr Frederick A Cook told hisstory last night before the most bril-liant


audience that he has addressedsince he left the court at Denmark

The banquet was given by the Arc ¬

tic Club of America of which DrCook is a member in recognition ofhis last polar venture which culminated in his announcement that hehad reached the north pole Whilethere was no official representative-from either state or nation the as ¬

semblage was cosmopolitan and en ¬

thusiastic Crowded in the great ballroom of the WaldorfAstoria theytoasted the explorer and listened at ¬

tentively to his recital In the form ofan afterdinner address

Among those at the tables were ex ¬

plorers some of whom know the dan ¬

gers and suffering of the Arctic zonealmost as well as Dr CookMeri ofscience were there too but the ad ¬

dress was not technicalCommander Pearys name he did not

mention except at the end of hisspeech when he said

There Is glory enough for all


We take this method of thankingthe p bllc through the columns ofyour paper for the liberal patronagethat has been extended us through-the past season in our business aswe have not been able to delivercars as the entire country as awhole bought more cars than theBuick factory could produce Weare just in receipt of letters giving-us a slight inkling of our 1910 pro ¬

duct assuring us of the fact thatthere will be no question in the fu-


that we will be cared for Our1910 models will be ready for de¬

livery the first of November andwe have the assurance that If weshould need 100 cars we can deliverthe same Our models 10 and 17will be continued but the horse ¬

power wilT be increased 20 per centWe will also have a model known-as No 18 practically the same asour No 17 only slightly a smallercar and will sell for about 1400complete and we think this modelwill hold the rest of them for quite-a while We will also have a 600-a runabout 2cylinder opposedmotor in front under the boardcone clutch in fly wheel selectivetype transmission and double chaindrive 30x3 12 tires and we want-to say to the publIc that so far aspulling through sand Is concerned-this car has no equal Thanking ourfriends for past favors we are

Very respectfullyOCALA GAS ENGINE WORKS-

Per J H Spencer


A merciless murderer Is appendicitiswith many tns Dr KingsNew Life Pill kilk it by preventionThey gently 5tWnuate stomach liverand bowels pr ting that cloggingthat invites v ppe cllls curing con ¬

stipation blllouSfiess chills malariaheadache and indigestion 25c at alldruggists


New York City Sept 24The re¬

publican city contention has nominal ¬

ed Otto T Bannard president of theNew York Trust Co for mayor forcomptroller William A Prendergastand John Purdy for president of theboard of aldermen

A NARROW ESCAPEEdgar N Bayllss a merchant of

Roblnsonvllle DelXwrhte About twoyears ago I WAS thin and sick and

all Ufe Urrfeand if I did nothave consusfntw t was near to itI commenc d jM Folcys Honey andTar and flsSt Jp t11 my cough andnow I am eHTTrely well and havegained twentyeight pounds all due togood results from taking FoleysHoney and Tar Sold by all druggists

HAIR WORK DONEAll kinds of hair work done Satis ¬

faction guaranteed Harriet Hill 212North Magnolia str-

eetCASTOR IAFor Innts and Children

Ik KM You Han Always Bought

Beats the-



FIRE WOOD FRE WOOD-We have a large swppy if lire wood

both pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLARdelivered cash Call at factory orPHONE 170 Ceo GILES CO

w c u WORK0

Some Glad Day

By Katharine Lente StevensonTuneOld Black Joe

All round the world the ribbon white-is twined

All round the world the glorious lighthas shined

All round the world our cause hasright of way

Well raise the anthem swell of vlc

trySome glad day-


Its coming its comingThe morn for which we pray

Well take this state for prohibition-Some glad day

All round the world where sounds thenote of woe

There In Gods strength our ribbonwhite shaM gfr

Emblem of peace of puritys bright-ray

Twill bind our sinstained earth toheaven

Some glad dayChoAll round the world hosannas yet

shall ringAll lands and climes the Saviors

praises shall singNo jarring note shall mar that rap

turous layTwill rise from all the sinsaved na ¬

tionsSome glad dayCho-

By Permission-S

Sunday School Temperance Program-As next Sunday Sept 2ith Is the

day set apart by the InternationalLesson Committee as TemperanceSunday we suggest that the follow-ing catechism be used in every Sun-day


school In Marion county in con ¬

nection with the lessonWhat does the Bible say of intox ¬

icating liquor-It biteth like a serpent

Why is liquor like the bite of a ser-pent


It contains poison called alcoholwhich will cause death

What does a person usually becomewho learns to like alcoholic liquorsand drinks them every day-

A drunkardWhat light does the Bible throw on

the path of the drunkardNo drunkard can Inherit the king¬

dom of GodWhat is the combined amount spent

for all the public schools all thechurcnes In the United States and allthe churches In foreign fields

Four hundred and eightyone mill-ion


dollars-Is that as much as it spent for liq ¬

uor each year in the United StatesNo Nearly three times as much Is

spent for liquor The drink bill Is morethan the value of all the wheat cornand oats more than all the beef andpork and mutton more than atl thechurch papers magazines and school-books

Is whisky a good thing that somuch Is spent for It

No it Is a very bad thingDoes drinking liquor make men

betterNo it makes them worse It causes

them to mistreat their wives andabuse their children

Does drinking make them richerNo it makes them poor and causes

their families to sufferWhy do so many large business es-


refuse to employ menwho drink liquor

Because men who are under the In ¬

fluence of liquor are unsafe in theirbusiness dealings

Why do life Insurance companiesrefuse to insure the lives of habitualdrinkers

Because they are dangerous risksThey are liable toddle at any time

Cannot something be said in favorof the liquor traffic

Not one thing-It is not as bad as the yellow fever-

is itYes it kills more every year than

the yellow fever the smallpox and theearthquake all put together

What part of all Insanity cases areattributed to liquor

OnehalfWhat part of all crimesThreefourths-How many murdered wives each

year caused by drinkThree thousandHow many suicides each year does

liquor causeFive thousandHow many murdersSeven thousandHow many orphans-One hundred thousandHow many die drunkards every

yearOne hundred thousandHow many boys take their placesOne hundred thousandHow many boys become drunkards

every hourTwelve boys become drunkards ev ¬

ery hourWhose fault is it that men are per¬

mitted to sell liquor and cause somuch sin suffering and crime-

It is the fault of the men who vote-to allow It to be sold

Do men vote to allow such a dread-ful


thingYes slrdnse to say some men vote-

to allow itIs it possible to put a stop to this

great wrongYes whenever a majority vote

against license liquor cannot be soldIf a man votes to allow liquor to be

sold does he not make himself toblame for the murders all the Insan-ity


and all the crimes and all the suf¬

fering caused by liquorVeSt for by his vote he becomes a

party to all those wrongs-Is the sentiment against liquor

growing in FloridaYes the vote against saloons

grows stronger each electionHow many dry counties are there In

FloridaThirtysixHow many wet counties In FloridaElevenFor what end are we now workingStatewide prohibitionWhat temperance organizations are

there in FloridaThe AntiSaloon League for the

men the Womans Christian Tem ¬

perance Union for the women theYs for younger women and the

Loyal Temperance Legion for boysand girls

Have you either of these societies-in neighborhood-

If not organize today-

A BURGLAR IN TOWNis name is bad cough He doesnt

care for any S WOT silver but he willsteal your hftilth away If he appearsin your houe area him at once withBallards Hrehrfi 1 JSyrup It maymean consumption t you dont A curefor all cougHs cofi s and chest troubles Price 25c 50c and 1 per bottleSold by all druggists


Owing to the iush Wet rare a31fll

i I


hlug iirour <>big f 4k 1 r-


7 3j1-Ii

5 V < <

>> ift jI



our buyer Mr Marcus Frank-Wednesday

j f-t

could not leave He °

will positively leave Saturdayf tC

night arriving in the great itYJtMonday l

V ti1 r


Remember this has been one 6i V

i J

the most successful sales we have <



ever held Theres a reason it is ti r 1-

f i i

that the peQp know we meanf


what we say in our advertisedtr

ments > c


i< Il< r

I 7 r T

A Big Array of Values ae1-


5 fl1


on Hand <>


fc r-


t 4 J



t tr Jt-

L 11 r1 f-


j 1











< ttNear Mandarin FLORIDA <

Boarding School for Boys Conduct ed by the Sisters of St Joseph YoungBoys from 8 to 14 years Received Carefully Trained along Physical Intel¬

lectual Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent SwimmingPool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall nndRecreation Roona

Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIO-

RSt Josephs Academy LOretto FloridaI




Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by the VeryLatest Methods-




have just received one of the famous IdealLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially builtfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which

does the work perfectly If you will favor ns witb

your patronage we guarantee give you back theMower in better condition than the day yon bought-


It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by inexpe-



workman with a file or an emery wheel v


< <

= Next time your Mower needs sh-

b< J

H< > i bring it in or notify us and we will

7 t o

< s 7 make it cut so nicely it will sui sr f =

V 1

1 XN


> t> l-



> I



+ t T