occupational health and safety interactive quiz during the presentation, click your mouse button to...


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Occupational Health and Safety

Interactive Quiz

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My health and safety in Saskatchewan workplaces is

protected by:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act


How many young workers (15-24 years) are injured each year in



500 1,000

Click on the correct box to select your answer.



When are young workers (15-24 years) most likely to be

injured at work?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

During the first 3 months


Young workers are more likely

to injure their:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

All of these


As a worker, I have the following rights for safety

in the workplace:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

All of these

Workers have three rights in the workplace: the right to know, the right to participate, and the right to refuse work they believe is

unusually dangerous to themselves or others.


We use a lot of chemicals in the job I just started. As a new worker, I have

the right to be informed of:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

All of these

I have the right to be informed of:• the hazards in my workplace,• how to deal with them, • the PPE that will help protect me from

injury, and• WHMIS


This WHMIS symbol on a label means the materials in the

container are:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


WHMIS protects workers by requiring that containers be labeled with warning symbols

to show the type of hazard they are to workers (poisonous, flammable, corrosive).

These labels help workers decide how to protect themselves when they handle the



If I’m worried about equipment that doesn’t work properly at my

workplace, I should start by reporting it to:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

AnswerMy supervisor

It is recommended you start by talking to your supervisor. However, if your

supervisor is not helping, you can also talk to the Occupational Health Committee or Representative in your workplace. If your committee or representative cannot help, you may contact the Occupational Health

and Safety Division.

An Occupational Health Committee is responsible for:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


All of these

An Occupational Health and Safety Committee handles workers’ concerns, inspects the workplace, investigates

incidents and investigates when a worker refuses to do work they believe is unusually


As part of your job, you’re asked to climb a 20-foot ladder that has two broken

rungs near the top. You are afraid you’ll fall. What can you do?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

Tell the supervisor you think the ladder is unsafe and ask for one

in good repair

You have the right to participate in identifying and controlling the hazards in your workplace. You also have the right to refuse work you believe to be unusually



I’ve been asked to take the night shift at the convenience store where I work. I’m really

nervous about working alone. What can I do?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

Ask for training on ways to ensure my safety when working alone

You have the right to know about the hazards that exist in your workplace and how to deal

with them.


A new worker, who is the youngest in the workplace, keeps asking for information about how to do his job

correctly. Every time he asks, his co-workers say things like:

“I guess a little kid like you wouldn’t know how to do this.” This upsets him.

Is this harassment?

Yes No

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


Harassment means any objectionable comment, conduct or display by a person that

is directed at a worker and is made on the basis of a number of factors including age.


Which workplaces must have procedures and policies for

protecting their workers from violence?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

All of these

Violence policies are required in workplaces that are regarded as having a greater risk than average to their workers. This would

include workplaces such as restaurants open after 11:00 p.m., all night convenience

stores, lounges and bars.


Can I be fired for asking questions about how to do my

job safely or for reporting unsafe working conditions?

Yes No

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


You have the right to know how to do your job safely. This means getting

information about the hazards in your workplace as well as helping to identify

and control the hazards in your workplace.

You walk into a room where a co-worker is being teased about his accent. You remember a joke you know about the nationality of the worker and tell it. Which one of

your responsibilities for health and safety have you failed to carry out?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


To not start or become involved in harassment

Under The Occupational Health and Safety Act, a worker has the responsibility to not start or participate in the harassment of

another worker.

You see co-workers doing a job in a way that could cause an injury to

themselves or others. What do you do?

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

Inform the workers that what they are doing is unsafe

Every worker is responsible to take reasonable care to protect the health and

safety of all workers in the workplace.


PPE stands for:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

Personal Protective


PPE includes gloves, hardhats, safety boots, and safety glasses.


You are a glasscutter. Your employer has given you a pair of

safety gloves and told you to wear them. You find them uncomfortable.

Do you have to wear them? Yes No

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


It is your responsibility to cooperate with your employer by wearing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required on

the job.


An employer has the following responsibilities for health and safety

in the workplace:

Click on the correct box to select your answer.

All of these

Among other things, an employer has the responsibility to provide safe equipment

and work procedures, adequate supervision to ensure workers' safety, first aid and

other emergency arrangements.


All new workers must be oriented to the hazards that exist in the

workplace and how to control them:

True False

Click on the correct box to select your answer.


Employers have the responsibility to make sure workers are trained, before they start work, in all matters that are necessary to protect their health and safety, including

what hazards exist in the workplace.


The End

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