ocean grove voice 2 may 2012

News desk and Advertising 5255 3233 OCEAN GROVE’S NUMBER ONE NEWSPAPER FREE FORTNIGHTLY May 2-15, 2012 Break in and graffiti wave stuns Grove Family loses all in home blaze CRIME SPREE OCEAN Grove and Barwon Heads firefighters arrive on the scene of a devastating blaze in Fraser Crescent. PICTURE: ALAN BARBER A WAVE of burglaries and graffiti attacks has come as a shock to Ocean Grove’s relatively crime free way of life. In the last week Ocean Grove’s 7th Wave, Ocean Grove Quality Meats and Bolzano’s restaurant have all been broken into and cash grabbed, while vandals have daubed graffiti on the amenity block on Main Beach and Ocean Grove Football Club. Bolzano’s owner Hamish Hames had to close the restaurant for a night because of the attack. He said he received a call early in the morning letting him know that it appeared he had been robbed. “Roy next door at the Chinese restaurant came in and saw that the front door was open and things were everywhere,” he said. “The the locks were jimmied off the front door, the till was damaged when it was pried open and cash was stolen.” Hamish said that the loss of business that night was the most frustrating part of it all. “We had 40 bookings and unfortunately we were unable to open because of this,” he said. Continued page 3 Annabelle Nunan of 7th Wave with the till wrecked by burglars ANZAC IN GROVE AN Ocean Grove family has lost everything in a blaze that swept through their home on Saturday morning. Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads firefighters were quickly on the scene and brought the blaze under control in minutes but not before fire and smoke extensively damaged the home, leaving a family - just weeks away from a new baby - homeless. Appeal and story page 5.

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Page 1: Ocean Grove Voice 2 May 2012

News desk and Advertising 5255 3233


Break in and graffiti wave stuns Grove

Family loses all in home blaze


OCEAN Grove and Barwon Heads firefighters arrive on the scene of a devastating blaze in Fraser Crescent. PICTURE: ALAN BARBER

A WAVE of burglaries and graffiti attacks has come as a shock to Ocean Grove’s relatively crime free way of life.

In the last week Ocean Grove’s 7th Wave, Ocean Grove Quality Meats and Bolzano’s restaurant have all been broken into and cash grabbed, while vandals have daubed graffiti on the amenity block on Main Beach and Ocean Grove Football Club.

Bolzano’s owner Hamish Hames had to close the restaurant for a night because of the attack.

He said he received a call early in the morning

letting him know that it appeared he had been robbed.

“Roy next door at the Chinese restaurant came in and saw that the front door was open and things were everywhere,” he said.

“The the locks were jimmied off the front door, the till was damaged when it was pried open and cash was stolen.”

Hamish said that the loss of business that night was the most frustrating part of it all.

“We had 40 bookings and unfortunately we were unable to open because of this,” he said.

Continued page 3

Annabelle Nunan of 7th Wave with the till wrecked by burglars


AN Ocean Grove family has lost everything in a blaze that swept through their home on Saturday morning.

Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads firefighters were quickly on the scene and brought the blaze under control in minutes but not before

fire and smoke extensively damaged the home, leaving a family - just weeks away from a new baby - homeless. Appeal and story page 5.

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A DIVER was dragged from the water unconscious after he is believed to have taken a bad gulp of air and fallen overboard.

The 32-year-old from Lara was about to dive near the HMAS Canberra wreck when the accident happened in the morning on April 20.

When he fell overboard he also took in water.

He was pulled back into the boat by fellow divers who administered CPR in the craft while it headed for shore at Ocean Grove’s Main Beach.

Paramedics were already on the headland car park waiting when they arrived and surfers and beachgoers joined the divers in ferrying the man up the boat ramp to the waiting ambulance.

The man was taken to Geelong Hospital for treatment and was kept in for observation.

Leading Senior Constable Byron Blower of Bellarine Police said the situation had been “very serious”.

Off duty paramedics

and police also helped in the rescue.

Witnesses said that the man was already looking better by the time he reached the ambulance.

grove news

Enjoy a market experience, in the warm

In step with the worldMORE than 20 women - and one man - took part in a walk from the Dunes to Barwon Heads on Sunday. The walk, organised by CWA Ocean Grove Nightlights, was staged globally to promote good health and awareness of women’s issues in developing countries. Walkers prepare to take part in the Women Walk the World event, from Ocean Grove to Barwon Heads.

THE Indoor Winter Community Market returns to Ocean Grove this Sunday.

From this week onwards the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove will run the market at the Bellarine Aquatic and Sports Centre on Shell Road. Starting at 9am and running until 2pm, there will be stalls full of produce, crafts and other exciting goodies. Early bookings for sites has been brisk, with many regular market stall holders being quick to grab the advantage of showing their products in a warm and inviting atmosphere. Parking is free. Entry is by gold coin donation in aid of local community causes. For site bookings please phone 0401 606 036.

Diver resuscitated

Beachgoers joined divers to ferry the man up to the ambulance, and right the man was resuscitated as the boat headed to the beach.

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grove news

quick news

Plan to guard viewsOCEAN Grove is included in a City of Greater Geelong Council move to protect views.The council will seek the Minister of Planning’s approval to adopt Amendment C245 following a review of submissions received during public exhibition of the amendment between 27 October and 12 December last year. Council’s Planning portfolio holder Cr Rod Macdonald said the aim of the amendment was to ensure planning controls remained in areas of the municipality where significant views existed.“The principle behind Amendment C245 is to give residents who reside in areas where significant views exist certainty that dwellings over 7.5 metres in height cannot be constructed without a formal planning permit process,” said Cr Macdonald. “Many suburbs in Greater Geelong offer significant views and the general character of the residential development in these areas is based on the principle of view sharing,” said Cr Macdonald.Cr Macdonald said that Design and Development Overlay 14 had previously existed as an interim control.s retain Design and Development Overlay 14 in areas that have identified views including parts of Ocean Grove as well as a other other Bellarine towns.

Picnic surveyTHE organsiers of Ocean Grove’s recent Community Showcase Picnic want to make the next even bigger and better, so they’ve launched an online survey to see what locals think. The brief survey can be found on the Community Enterprise website www.oceangrovece.org and takes just a couple of minutes to complete. Your ideas and contributions may well be included in the next event.

Car rolls in Wallington

Crime wave stuns Grove

Jim’s could help tackle crime

Continued from page 1.Luke Riley owner of 7th Wave

said he was surprised only cash was taken.

“I had my laptop right next to the till and that was left. They also didn’t touch the safe or take any alcohol. They just pried open the till and took cash,” he said.

Luke said the activation of the alarm may have deterred the burglar or burglars.

“I think they were in a hurry to get out once the alarm had gone as there were gold coins all over the floor next to the till. They’d also dropped and just left change by the back door,” he said. “The Police saw the light flashing out the front

and came to investigate but by that stage they had gone.”

Colin Smith from Ocean Grove Quality Meats said that he arrived to a wide open back door.

“They took a couple of donation tins on the counter, the footy clubs and the surf life saving tin,” he said.

“They destroyed the fridge door and took all the loose change.”

Sergeant Mick Knight of Bellarine Police said that Crime Desk had attended the scene where fingerprints and photos were taken.

“It will be referred to the Geelong tasking unit who are currently investigating burglaries across the Bellarine and Geelong region,” he said.

Anyone with any information is encouraged to call crime stoppers on 1800 333 000.

A CAR rolled onto its roof after a two vehicle accident on Saturday morning. No one is believed to have been seriously hurt in the incident that happened outside the Elkhorn Roadhouse in Wallington Road at about 9.30am.

STACEY Moore of Book Grove was devastated recently after discovering the donation box from the Grove’s counter had been stolen.Stacey who collects money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation a group responsible for providing Indigenous communities with new books said it was unbelievable.“We ask for a donation if somebody has anything gift wrapped or receives a bag,” she said. “Every three months we count it up and it’s normally around $70- $75 dollars and then we match that.”Stacey realised it was missing after a customer made a purchase.“A lady asked for a bag and I said certainly if you would like to make a donation and when I went to point to the little wooden box I noticed it was gone,” she said. “We work really hard to help them and we’re also really proud, it’s really sad.”Consequently on Friday for the first time Stacey brought her bike chain to work.

Stacey Moore with her bike out the front of her store.Ocean Grove Quality Meats butcher Colin Smith had his door smashed in,

and 7th Wave’s Annabelle Nunan with the damaged and raided till.


A JOINT initiative between Jim’s franchises, Crime stoppers and Police may see Ocean Grove trailers driving around with Crime Stopper details on them.

Greg Puzzolo the National Franchise Coordinator for Jim’s mowing said a recent trial on the Mornington Peninsula had proven a success.

The ideas ist that the Jim’s teams

often work when the client isn’t home. They also travel a lot throughout the community and see a lot of things; effectively they could be another set of eyes and ears helping keep the community safe.

The organisers say that in smaller coastal communities like Ocean Grove it helps keep the neighbourhoods safer.

David Hark a local Bellarine Jim’s

franchisee said the initiative could work.

“I think that it’s a good initiative. There are 3 or 4 minimum Jim’s franchises just in Ocean Grove alone,” he said. “As a bunch of intermingled acting billboards we are covering quiet a wide area. The presence would be massive I’ve got 120 clients alone.”

Greg said that the initiative taps into the community spirit.

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grove news

OCEAN Grove and Barwon Heads firefighters were quickly on the scene of a major house fire on the corner of Mermaid Avenue and Fraser Crescent on Saturday.

No one was in the house at the time but vigilant neighbours were able to rescue a pet terrier that had been inside.

The fire couldn’t have come at a worse time for the family which had only recently moved into the rented house.

The family, Debbie Freeman and her partner and her two daughters Jessica, 19, and Renea, 17, were excitedly expecting the birth of a grandchild. Jessica is heavily

pregnant. Debbie had just unpacked treasured family baby clothes, all of which are likely to have been ruined.

Jessica was treated by paramedics on the scene and went into early labour. She was discharged from the hospital after staff stopped the labour. She was still too distressed to talk on Sunday, but her heartbroken mum Debbie explained that the fire had left them homeless and with nothing.

“My daughter is 31 weeks pregnant and all the baby stuff has been burnt and damaged,” said Debbie. “Jessica went into labour last night. They’ve stopped it but she’s got to take

it easy. “We’re just devastated.

(We’ve) got nothing. It’s hard to comprehend it all. We just moved in two weeks ago and I had just finally pulled out all my antiques from my nan and all the baby stuff and made it look really nice for her. We’ve lost it. I’m more upset with the baby stuff than anything.

“At least there wasn’t anybody in the house and we’re all safe and Jess’s home from hospital. We’ll just take it day by day.”

Debbie said they were grateful for the actions of neighbours who saved the pet terrier Jed and to the emergency services for their

care. “The fire brigade and the ambulance were great, and some neighbours across the road gave us some blankets and toothpaste. It’s just been overwhelming.”

Fire crews worked hard to contain the fire and also looked after the family when they arrived to find the harrowing scene. Incident controller Morrie Barry said: “It had the potential to wipe the place out. It was quite a good save even though some areas were badly smoke damaged.”

The family is staying with Debbie’s son close by.

The fire is believed to have started in the kitchen.

Fire wrecks new home

IT’s tough enough preparing house and home for your first child as it is. But losing everything just weeks before the due date has devastated one local family. Already Ocean Grove Uniting Church Outreach and Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club have pulled out the stops and will help the family with emergency clothing, furniture and provisions. These gifts won’t replace what they have lost, including heirlooms. And they will need more over the coming weeks. But it will help. If there are businesses or individuals out there that can assist these guys get back on their feet, please contact the Voice on 5255 3233 or via email and we will put you in touch with them.

Ocean Grove Voice

Rally to help family get back on its feet

Firefighters were quick to halt the fire, as well as caring for the devastated family.

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your voiceBE HEARD: Reader letters should be concise and no more than 250 words. Occassionally longer letters will be published at the discretion of the Editor. Letters should be typed or in neat handwriting. Writers should include their full name, address and business and after hours phone numbers for confirmation. Letters may be edited for length, clarity or for legal reasons and must be received by Friday close of business.

Write to: [email protected] NEWSPAPER

The VoiceOcean Grove Voice is published as a busi-ness in Ocean Grove, Victoria. ABN: 84 015 758 697. The editor Alan Barber accepts responsibility for editorial content.

Your views matter to the Ocean Grove Voice.

If you are unhappy about anything you read in this newspaper either email: news@ocean grovevoice.com or write to PO Box 54 Ocean Grove, Victoria, 3226.

NEWS AND [email protected] STORIES: (03) 5255 3233 0400 721185FAX (03) 5255 3233POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 54 Ocean Grove, 3226

[email protected]: (03) 5255 3233FAX (03) 5255 3255www.oceangrovevoice.com

Graffiti blind to beach culture

State view - Lisa Neville MP

Dear EditorTo the person or people

who graffittied the ammenities block at the Ocean Grove beach. This beach is used by many people and for different reasons: joggers, walkers, dog walkers, swimmers, surfers, readers, coffee drinkers, exercisers, and many more.

As you can see, a variety

of people all with one thing in common… a love of their beach. I invite you to come down to the beach one morning and see for yourself, you don’t have to make yourself known, just have a look and try to understand why so many people are upset by your actions.

John CriganOcean Grove

Shell Road Reserve The Shell Road project in Ocean Grove has the support of the Federal Government and the City of Greater Geelong and in late April I reminded the Minister for Sport and Recreation in Parliament that this project requires state government funding to enable the project to get under way.

The current facilities for netball, football and soccer are totally inadequate and desperately need to be upgraded. These clubs do a great job and for them to grow and develop, they need to have appropriate facilities for playing and training.

I am disappointed that despite the Labor Government’s pre-election commitment of $5 million for this project which would have seen the commencement of the project, the current state government has still not made a funding commitment.ANZAC DayAs the Member for Bellarine, I acknowledge the service and sacrifice

made by so many Bellarine residents in service to this nation and also acknowledge the supporting role and the sacrifices made by the families of our service men and women.

This year, I attended the dawn service at Queenscliff, followed by the Portarlington & St Leonards service. A wreath was laid on my behalf at the cenotaph at Ocean Grove.

It is pleasing to see so many people attend their local ANZAC services to honour and pay their respects to our former and current service men and women and acknowledge the role these men and women have played and continue to play in the way of life we enjoy in Australia today.War history fundingI am pleased to see the Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads RSL sub-branch will receive $5,000 under the state government’s Restoring Community War Memorial grants program. Our local war memorials are an integral

part of our communities and it is important for all Australians these memorials to our service men and women are well maintained today and into the future. Vichealth active club grantsCongratulations to the Disabled Surfers Association Victoria Branch for their successful application for $2,500 under the VicHealth Active Club grants program. The Disabled Surfers Association based in Ocean Grove are amongst a number of Bellarine funding recipients and I am delighted their hard work and commitment to providing access to the surf to people with a disability has been acknowledged and that this funding will assist them to continue to provide this great community program.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact my office if there are any issues I may be able to assist you with.

Hon Lisa Neville MPMember for Bellarine

5248 3462

Dear EditorThank you to the motorists who stopped at the school crossing on Shell Road during the holidays to enable myself and grandchildren aged 6, 10 & 12 (all of us on bikes) to walk safely across this very busy road with constant traffic.

We'd waited for a while but It's difficult to cross when there's a lot of

traffic in both directions and no traffic island to allow for a safer crossing.

Ocean Grove is a great place for kids to cycle with many courts, quiet roads and bike paths and we need to encourage this. We did what we called a 'playground ride' and it's amazing how many we do have in our town. The grandchildren enjoyed four playgrounds

on our 7km ride east of Tuckfield St and north of Shell Road and that's only some of them.

Thank you again from a grateful nan to the patient motorists in both directions who stopped for us at an unmanned crossing when they didn't have to.

Maria NeyenhuisOcean Grove

'On Ya Bike'

Thank you

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grove news

quick news

Have a hit for charityWALLINGNTON’s Cathy Freeman Foundation fundraiser Heidi Wane is hoping local golfers will get involved in a fundraiser being organised by the Queenscliff club on May 19.The charity golf day will raise money to help long distance runners, Ben Watts and Sarah Bredebusch, compete in the Australian Outback Marathon at Uluru in July, naming the Cathy Freeman Foundation as the recipient of their fundraising. Players with a registered handicap are eligible for the competition, as are social golfers. All players must book by phoning the club on 5258 4344 by Wednesday May 16.

Grover first ashore on new cruise

Cellphone snapper

Comic book workshop

A perfect example that the best camera is the one on you. Kevin Downley snapped this beaut’ of a river sunset on his phone.

AN Ocean Grove woman was the first cruise passenger to step foot on the undiscovered paradise of Mare in the Loyalty Islands.P&O Cruises made its maiden call at the exotic new destination on April 15 with Ocean Grove resident Nicole Edwards becoming the first passenger to arrive by tender boat on the island. A special jetty constructed in Mare’s Tadine Harbour allowed the cruise ship to access the tropical island for the first time.

RENOWNED artist Bernard Caleo recently delighted students during wordage, a two day literary event held at the Ocean Grove library, writes Jessica Grace.

Students from Our Lady Star of the Sea and Bellarine Secondary College took part in an interactive workshop where they explored graphic novels and created their own comics.

Bernard said that it was a great day and the students

were wonderful to work with.

“All the students that I worked with were so enthusiastic and willing to have a go at making a page of comics, a task that takes a massive amount of energy and concentration,” he said.

“I believe in comics as a form of communication and kids have a natural ability with comics. If you give them the tools it gives them the freedom to express their own ideas in

comic form.”Teacher Ms. Kerryn

Sells from Our Lady Star of the Sea agreed and said it’s wonderful for the kids especially because it’s the international year of reading.

Bernard said that Ocean Grove is a beautiful place and he was happy to be back where he previously enjoyed family holidays.

“It was there I discovered the beauty of walking along a beach in the windy cold.”

Heidi Wane is pictured with long distance runners Sarah Bredebusch and Ben Watts.

Comic book artist Bernard Caleo

with school students at Ocean Grove Library last


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community wins

What goes around, comes around

OCEAN Grove Community Enterprise (OGCE) has announced another big grant allocation, handing out almost $19,000 in grants for local projects.

Ten community groups and organisations will share in the funding for a wide range of projects, from play equipment through to football jumpers.

The grants were presented at the recent Ocean Grove Community

Showcase, held on Sunday April 15 in the Ocean Grove Park.

Organised by Ocean Grove Community Enterprise and the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove, the showcase involved around 40 local groups as well as fun activities for all the family.

OGCE chair Jon Mamonski presented the grants to successful applications. Groups to receive funding included:

OGCE raises money through dividends provided by the Bendigo Bank and its partners, and is one of several enterprises in the region. The enterprise has handed out more than $77,000 for around 40 local projects since it was formed in 2008.

OGCE allocates grants for community projects twice a year. Visit www.oceangrovece.org to download the application form.

Bellarine Community Health “Going Places”Community Bus $3,000.

Ocean Grove Collendina Cobras Junior Football Club Football Jumpers $1,500.

Disabled Surfer’s Association Aqua Ducks/Banners $1,000 and Ocean Grove Primary School Outdoor learning area/classroom $2,500.

Ocean Grove Community Association. Marketing for group purchasing of gas and electricity $1,200.

Surfside Primary School Prep playground redevelopment $2,500.

Uniting Church Ocean Grove playgroup shade structure $2,000.

Ocean Grove Community Garden,water sub-meter $3,000.

Ocean Grove Memorial Recreation Reserve Defibrillator $1,500.

Ocean Grove Stamp Club Stamp catalogues $450.

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THE Warrawee retire-ment development continues to fall into disrepair, nearly six years after construction stopped, writes Jessica Grace.

The heavily damaged Bonnyvale Road project has remained dormant since construction ceased in December 2006.

The properties interior and exteriors are covered in graffiti and hundreds of holes riddle the caved and kicked in plaster.

Furniture pushed and piled together then set alight crowds the back rooms and broken doors serve as home- made skating ramps.

A neighbor who lives directly opposite the development said the entire situation is ridiculous.

“It’s a nightmare. We came down in 2003 and it was in the works then,” she said.

“My neighbour she wrote to the council but they’re not interested as it’s a court issue

“It just attracts the worst crowd of people.”

Ocean Grove Fire Brigade secretary Cindy Harrison-Roberts said they had been called out to the site about three times.

“Maybe once a year, it’s definitely an eye-sore and a spot where vandals can and

have got in,” she said.“If the wrong person

gets in it could pose a threat because the grass is overgrown and the lack of maintenance and the fact no one is around is a hazard.”

“It wouldn’t take a lot for a fire to spread throughout the whole complex due to the overgrown grass,” she said.

City of Greater Geelong Manager for Health and Local Laws Steve Sodomaco said the Warrawee Retirement Village site had been fenced off.

“Because it’s a private building site council has

limited powers and can only intervene if the site poses a risk to public safety,” he said.

He said Council had issued fire prevention notices for the site in the

past and that Council officers continue to monitor the site on a regular basis.

The development has been subject of an ongoing legal dispute.

grove news

Village in risky limbo

VOICE ON HOLIDAY: the Barrot family has just returned from two weeks holiday in South Australia. Sarah and Lauren are pictured with the Voice.

Reclaim your work tools

BELLARINE Police are searching for the owners of recovered tools believed to be proceeds of crime. If you have any information regarding these tools or you believe the property may be yours please call the Ocean Grove Police on 5256 2698.

Warrawee retirement village remains dormant.

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anzac day - dawn service

Despite the weather, Ocean Grovers still came out in droves for the Dawn Service on ANZAC Day. No matter how hard the rain lashed the service, speakers did their duty without a fault, while holding onto to sodden scripts. Afterwards, those attending were rewarded with a free Rotary breakfast and hot drink at the Neighbourhood Centre.

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anzac day - parade

HOWLING winds and lashing rain did not deter Ocean Grover’s as they gathered around for the dawn ANZAC service.

John Dickinson President of the Ocean Grove RSL said he was surprised at the number of people happy to brave miserable conditions.

“We were just amazed. We were very surprised that so many had turned up especially for the dawn service, it was truly just amazing,” he said.

John said an abundance of young people amongst the crowd highlighted the increased interest and participation in the younger generation.

“I don’t know if it’s because the schools are doing a bit more education, I know Bellarine Secondary College watched a couple of videos of Edward “Weary” Dunlop and the Burma rail way,” he said. “But I think Australia itself seems to be noticing more the ANZAC and the history.”

Jenny McMahon who brought her 11-year-old daughter out despite the weather said it’s important for her to have a sense of what was sacrificed for them.

“I think it’s important for her to appreciate the freedom we have because of those sacrifices and I think the bad weather gives another sense of what it was like for the soldiers,” she said.

John said this year for the first time Geelong RSL pipers were present for the dawn service and the Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove marches.

“We have stuck to the traditional times in years past so we were unable to have the pipers. This year though we adjusted the times and we got the whole band. It was phenomenal,” he said.

After the service the Ocean

Grove Rotary club provided tea coffee and egg and bacon rolls for the wet and weary crowd.

John Calnin Coordinator for the dawn breakfast said the Rotary had been behind the dawn service now for several years.

“It’s good fun. We all like to respect the diggers, we started this about 6-7 years ago to add to the service,” he said.

Amongst the crowd was veteran Don Dow who said ANZAC day was important as it represents part of our history.

“Both my Father and I served in WWI and WWII and today we remember our fallen and all those who participated in the war, its part of our heritage,” he said.

John said the day will continue to get stronger come rain hail or shine.

“We don’t cancel on the dawn service and we don’t cancel on the Anzac march it’s a tradition and that’s that,” he said.


Grove doesn’t forget

Charlie, Tanya and Mick Danne pay their respects.

Rotary and Lions members were among those to lay wreaths at the ANZAC ceremony, while the occasion attracted all ages, below left Bill Huggins who has just celebrated his 90th birthday.

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Neighbourhood House Week 7-11 MayThe 7th-11th of May is Neighbourhood House Week, where we celebrate the wonderful work we do within our Neighbourhood Centre. To celebrate what OGNC offers to the community and to showcase OGNC’s program we will be holding “Bring a Friend For Free” classes (Excludes Nationally Recognised Training). Students will have the opportunity to invite a friend to come along and try out the class for free!


Young Adults 12-17 Year Olds

Drop In/Youth GroupFriday from 20th April 6pm to 9pmDuring school termCost: $5.00 per week in house activities, external excursions approx. $15.00

Term 2 Drop In Intinery 4th May – In HouseChill & jewellery Making

11th May – ExcursionFooty Hawks v Melb

18th May – In HouseChill & wii singstar comp

25th May - No Drop inDEB Ball

1st June – In HouseBoxing & Self defence

8th June – ExcursionMovies

15th June – In HouseStreet Dance Workshop

22nd June – ExcursionBasketball Supercats

29th June – In HouseEnd of term breakup

NEW! art’sKoolTuesday 4pm from 24th AprilCourse Fee: $192.00 8x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $177.00


Glee Club – Singing and DancingWednesday 4.30pm from 2nd MayCourse Fee: $92.00 8x1 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $77.00

Yoga Dance (5-10 year olds)Thursday 4.30pm from 3rd MayFee: $92.00 8x1 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $77.00

Kids art’sKoolMonday 4pm from 23rd April (Grades 4-6)Wednesday 4pm from 2nd May (Grades 4 – 6)

Thursday 4pm from 26th April (Grades 1 – 3)Course Fee: $192.00 8x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $177.00


NEW! Playgroup (0-5 year olds)Tuesday 9.30am from 17th April orFriday 9.30am from 20th April orTuesday 1.30pm from 17th April Course Fee: $45.00 per child, for one day per week, $60.00 per child for two days per week. OGNC Discount Card Fee: $30.00 per child

3 Year Old PlaygroupTuesday 11.15am from 17th AprilCourse Fee: $55.00 9x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $40.00


Certificate III in Aged Care (CHC30208) and Home and Community Care (CHC30308)Expressions of interest are now being taken for the evening course commencing July 2012.

Certificate III in Childrens ServicesThis course will be running again in Term 3.This course will run approx. 19 weeks x 12 ½ hours (plus 80 hours of placement) on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9am to 3.00pm

Certificate III in Business AdministrationThis course will run for approx.19 weeks x 12 hours on Monday and Fridays, 9am - 3pm starting in term 3.

Expressions of InterestThe Ocean Grove Neighbourhood Centre also offer the following courses. Register your interest by ringing the centre.• Certificate II and III in Information Technology

• Certificate II and III in Hospitality

• Certificate II and III in Retail

• Certificate II in Business Administration

• Certificate III in Education Support

Workplace First Aid Level 2This nationally accredited certificate is valid for 3 years.Friday 9am on 4th and 11th May orSaturday 16th and 23rd JuneCourse Fee: $105.00 (funded) or $160.00 (Unfunded) OGNC Discount Card Fee: $90.00 (funded) or $150.00 (unfunded)

Workplace First Aid Level II UpdateFriday 9am on 4th May orSaturday 9am on 16th June Course Fee: $105.00 (funded) or $160.00 (Unfunded) OGNC Discount Card Fee: $90.00 (funded) or $150.00 (unfunded)

CPR UpdateFriday 9am on 4th May orSaturday 9am on 16th June Course Fee: $75.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $60.00

Anaphylaxis and Epi-Pen Training Monday 7pm on 14th May Course Fee: $80.00 1x2½ hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $65.00

Emergency Asthma ManagementMonday 7pm on 21st MayCourse Fee: $80.00 1x2½ hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $65.00

Basic Food Safety (Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures)Saturday 9am on 19th MayCourse Fee: $100.00 1x7 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $85.00(funded) RTO: Ocean Grove NeighbourhoodCentre Inc.

Responsible Service of Alcohol CertificateMonday 6pm on 7th May orMonday 6pm on 4th June Course Fee: $65.00 1x4 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $50.00


Computers for Absolute BeginnersTuesday 9.30am from 29th MayCourse Fee: $75.00 4x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $60.00

Computer Drop InThursday 3pm from 19th April (by appoint only)Fee: Gold Coin per session 11x2 hour sessions

Introduction to PhotoshopMonday 7pm from 21st MayCourse Fee: $95.00 4x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $80.00

NEW! SkypeThursday 7pm on 28th JuneCourse Fee: $40.00 1x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $25.00

NEW! Beginning Excel Tuesday 7pm from 8th MayCourse Fee: $89.00 4x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee:


NEW! Intermediate ExcelTuesday 7pm from 5th JuneCourse Fee: $89.00 4x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $74.00

eBay ReviewThursday 7pm on 21st June Course Fee: $40.00 1x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $25.00


Heart Foundation Walking Group Tuesday 9am from 17th AprilFee: Free 11x1 hour sessions

GOLF CLINIC Thursday 12noon on 17th MayCourse Fee: $50.00 1x1½ hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $35.00

NEW! Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage Wednesdays 1.00, 1.45, 2.30 or 3.15pm from 18th April (fortnightly)Course Fee: $50.00 per 30 min sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $35.00

Core Strength ClassTuesday 9.00am from 17th AprilCourse Fee: $10.00 per week OGNC Discount Card Fee: $7.00 per week

Tummy, Hips & Thighs CircuitThursday 9.00am from 19th AprilCourse Fee: $10.00 per week OGNC Discount Card Fee: $7.00 per week

Gentle, Low Impact ExerciseMonday 11.15am from 16th AprilCourse Fee: $10.00 per week OGNC Discount Card Fee: $7.00 per week

“Mood” Support GroupThursday 10am from 19th AprilCourse Fee: $3.50 per weekOGNC Discount Card Fee: $2.00 per week

Blood Group Diet for Health and WellbeingWednesday 1pm on 9th May orThursday 7pm on 10th MayCourse Fee: $43.00 1x2 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $28.00

Common Toxic Chemicals Making You SickWednesday 1pm on 23rd May orThursday 7pm on 24th MayCourse Fee: $43.00 1x2 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $28.00

Focus on Organics for Health and WellbeingWednesday 1pm on 6th June orThursday 7pm on 7th JuneCourse Fee: $43.00 1x2 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $28.00

Vegetarian Cooking for Health and WellbeingFriday 12noon on 22nd June Course Fee: $43.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $33.00

Heavenly FacialsWednesday 1pm on 20th June or Thursday 7pm on 21st JuneCourse Fee: $45.00 1x2 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $33.00

NEW! Breast Cancer Support GroupSaturday 10am from 28th April(Meeting 4th Saturday of every month) Course Fee: $5 per week OGNC Discount Card Fee: $2 per weekFacilitator: Margery Boyce


NEW! Make a Scarf the Wet Felting WaySaturday 10am on 19th MayCourse Fee: $58.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $43.00

Mixed Media / Acrylic PaintingThursday 1pm from 3rd MayCourse Fee: $165.00 6x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $150.00

NEW! Drawing / IllustrationWednesday 1pm from 2nd MayCourse Fee: $165.00 6x2 hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $150.00

Scrapbooking WorkshopsSaturday 1pm on 2nd June and / orSaturday 1pm on 30th JuneCourse Fee: $25 for each 1x4 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $10 for each

UFOs (Unfinished Objects)Monday 9.30am from 16th AprilCourse Fee: $3.50 per week 10x2½ hourDiscount Fee: $2.50 per week


NEW! Declutter Your Way to a New LifeSaturday 10am on 26th MayCourse Fee: $45.00 1x2 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $30.00

Social Morning TeaThe first Tuesday of every month at 10am starting on 1st of May.

Fee: $2.00OGNC Discount Card Fee: $1.00

NEW! Beangala VoicesDo you love to sing? Come along once a month & enjoy finding your own voice. Learn to sing acapella & harmony whilst relaxing & having fun exploring the voice as an instrument. Saturday 1.30pm on 28th April Course Fee: $27.00 per 1½ hour sessions OGNC Discount Card Fee: $12.00

NEW! Maths for Supportive ParentsThursday 7.15pm from 10th MayCourse Fee: $55.00 2x2hour sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $40.00

Book ClubThis group meets every fourth Monday of every month at 7.30pm, starting back on Monday 23rd April. New members welcome!

MahjongMonday 1.30pm from 16th AprilCourse Fee: $3.50 per week x 10 sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $2.00 per week

ScrabbleMonday 1pm from 16th April Course Fee: $3.50 per week x 8 sessionsOGNC Discount Card Fee: $2.00 per week

U3A Geelong Inc (University of the Third Age)Reading Shakespeare Thursday 1.30pm (fortnightly) from 26th AprilTutor: Kay Schapper (All enquiries to U3A on 5244 5114)Visitors welcome!

Chess GroupTuesday’s 7pmCourse Fee: $3.50 per session 11x2 hours OGNC Discount Card Fee: $2.00 per session


NEW! Mouth Watering MacaroonsMonday 6.30pm on 28th May Course Fee: $69.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $54.00

Secrets of Chocolate MakingMonday 6.30pm on 18th June Course Fee: $69.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $54.00

Vegetarian Cooking for Health and WellbeingFriday 12noon on 22nd June Course Fee: $45.00 1x3 hour sessionOGNC Discount Card Fee: $33.00

Ocean Grove Neighbourhood Centre91 THE PARADE OCEAN GROVE PHONE: 5255 4294 WEB PAGE http://oceangrovenc.com

Office open hours – Monday to Thursday 9am to 7pm and Friday 9am to 5pm

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College holds cross country

Students take part in zoo research

CHRISTIAN College Bellarine and Christian College Highton. Junior School and Middle Schools took part in their annual cross county last month. The cross country took place at Drysdale Recreation Ground on Friday April 20. Burrows won the Junior School Cross Country, and Penman won the Middle School Cross Country. One of the initiatives is that Paul Briguet, Bellarine Campus Sports Coordianator, has introduced a 0-5k run from years 7-9, which has encouraged students to get off the couch and start running.

ENVIRONMENTAL science students from Bellarine Christian College have been selected to breed Lord Howe Island Stick Insects.

Believed to have been extinct for more than 80 years, the Drysdale campus is helping Melbourne Zoon by hatching and managing a special Phasmid colony.

The Lord Howe Island Stick Insect was rediscoverd on an island 23km from Lord Howe Island in 2001.

Students are monitoring daily temperature fluctuations and humidity in the specially built enclosure for the Drysdale

colony of the critically endangered Lord Howe Island Stick Insect.

‘Adam and Eve’ were brought back to Australia and Melbourne Zoon has since successfully bred generations of the insect.

Christian College students had to submit a case to gain the opportunity to be part of the school breeding program. They hope to raise the juvenile stick insects to adulthood and will supply Melbourne Zoo with their findings.

Last week the Year 8 Environmental Studies class received an exciting update from the Zoo, about possible hatchings this coming week. Students monitor the container of Lord Howe Island Stick Insect eggs.

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Even though most of us should spoil our mums everyday of the year the Voice has found some truly special gift ideas this Mother’s day.The newest hairdressers in Barwon Heads, Hair at the Heads has opened its doors with fantastic specials. Treat your Mum to one of their heavenly hot towel treatments, a cut and a blow wave all whilst relaxing in one of their fantastic heated massage chairs. With gift vouchers and loyalty cards available this is a perfect opportunity to give some me time. Daisy and the Duke is a delightfully eclectic store with a wonderful quirky and assorted range.Featuring diverse fashion, up cycled furniture, homemade goods which all embody an eco friendly philosophy this is a must stop for Mum. To find something which says, “thanks and love you” call into Daisy and the Duke today and enjoy their complimentary gift wrapping and card to accompany your one of a kind present.bookgrove has a beautiful collection of books on France and Paris for the keen Francophile in store this

Mother’s day. Beautiful books on interior design and decorating and a great selection of fiction perfect for all those beautiful wives and Mothers in your life.Let bookgrove help find a story perfect for Mum to lose herself in.She Sells has something for everyone including scarves, jewellery, soy wax candles, aroma reeds, handbags and plenty more.With their massive Mother’s day specials call in and see what they have on offer.For a truly memorable gift Pattison Jewellers can help capture your baby’s and children’s fingerprints in pure sterling silver jewellery. Each piece is unique and handmade in Ian Patterson’s jewellery workshop by appointment and gift vouchers are also available. And finally spoil your Mum for a day or night out and take her to the Portarlington Golf Club for either their special Mother’s day lunch or dinner.The delicious two course meal is inclusive of a free drink to help your Mum relax and enjoy the attention you have lavished on her.

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bygone grove


POPULAR Ocean Grove sportsperson Wasyl Melnyk has been remembered as a great character.

Melnyk, a talented footballer, cricketer and badminton player, lost his battle with kidney failure last month, aged 67.

Melnyk, who passed away on April 14, was expected to celebrate his 68th birthday on May 5.

Melnyk played football at Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove and was also a gifted cricketer in his days at Ocean Grove Cricket

Club mainly playing as a strapping fast bowler and late order hitting batsman.

Well-known Ocean Grove local Steven ‘Chooka’ Piec, who played football at Barwon Heads, paid tribute to his mate Wasyl.

“He was a real character - he was very well liked,” Chooka said.

Only days before his death, Melnyk was pictured with the Geelong 2011 Premiership cup.

Wasyl was a loving husband, father and grandfather.

Legends of early clubTributes to a great Grove character

ONE of Ocean Grove Football Club’s founding players Ken Hose says a lot has changed in the last 50 years since he began at the Grubbers as a junior.

Hose, 62, played in the Grubbers inaugural year in 1963 in Ocean Grove’s Under 15’s team.

Ken’s father Frank Hose, who played 14 VFL games with Geelong in 1945, and local Jack Skinner are credited as the two co-founders behind the Ocean Grove Football Club.

This year marks Ocean Grove Football Club’s 50th anniversary, with a reunion to be held at the Grubbers’ home match against Torquay on Saturday June 9.

Frank, who became a life member of the Bellarine Football Club, died aged 71 in 1992.

After forming the Grubbers’ Under 15’s team, Frank is somewhat of a local legend of the wider Geelong football region after successful playing stints at Newtown and Chilwell and later captain coaching Barwon Heads.

Son Ken and father Frank decided to join Ocean Grove after Barwon Heads were stacked with too many junior numbers.

“There has been a lot changes back in those days we started off in the backs of utes and Jack

Skinner’s truck and my father’s truck to get to games,” said Hose.

“This ground (at Ocean Grove) was built in the early days in 1963 on a swamp.

“There are always new faces at the club, there is a lot of good old faces who supported the club over the years who live locally.”

Back then, Ken said he and his father were amazed with the growth of Ocean Grove, then a tiny-sized Bellarine Peninsula coastal town.

Frank, who worked as a house removalist, lived in Ocean Grove

all of his life.“When he (Ken) first came

to Ocean Grove, there were 26 families in Ocean Grove, so he has seen the place grow,” Hose said.

“And being the removalist and the carrier (he was) we saw the place grow and helped people move in.

“Usually on a Saturday we did removalist jobs.”

Ken, who now lives in Murgheboluc near Bannockburn grew up in Powell Street in Ocean Grove as a youngster.

While he may live on the other

side of Geelong, Ken still attends at least one or two home games at Ocean Grove a year.

He plans to attend the club’s reunion next month.

“One or two games I come down for if I’m down this way a year, I catch up with mainly the old boys and the past players,” Hose said.

For more enquiries about the club’s 50th anniversary celebrations next month, contact Ocean Grove Football Club president Geoff Cunningham on 0425 721 793.

Ken Hose and his family go back to the start of Ocean Grove Football Club.


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Grove gets set to go ContinentalCONTINENTAL Robert Susz is coming to Ocean Grove. The vocalist, harmonica player and songwriter is performing at the Piping Hot Chicken Shop on Saturday May 12. Rob, who was born in Budapest, Hungary and emigrated to Sydney, played in a number of bands, including the Dynamic Hepnotics (1979-1987). That soul band toured extensively around Australia and had a national hit with Rob’s composition “Soul Kind Of Feeling” which also won the Gold APRA award for 1985. He was also in The Mighty Reapers (1987-2000) plus rare reunion shows

when all the members are in the same town!). They were a funky blues and soul combo that recorded a series of critically acclaimed albums for the Rufus label.Rob is now a member of the Continental Blues Party, another down home, funky, blues and soul combo that debuted album “On The Soul Side” nationally distributed by Vitamin Records. His visit to the Chicken Shop will be as Continental Robert’s live shows. Whichever guise he comes in, the promise is that Robert will be singing and blowing his harp with all his heart and soul.

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Muso Corner

Huib de Bruijn is one of the most fascinating peeps in the OG music scene. Huib plays bass in Skabang, is a technical wiz, and has worked with some of the planets greatest bands. Huib began his career as a sound engineer in the early 90s, and has worked with everyone from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Bruce Springsteen and even the royal wedding of the Dutch Prince in 2002. Huib also designs and works on theme parks in Europe. Next month he is off to Italy to work on an AC/DC inspired rollercoaster. What a ride he is on !How did you first get started in the music scene? Back in Holland a lot of townships have a local youth corner where we would hang out and play music. I wanted to play in a band but for some reason I always ended up behind a mixing desk. What countries have you played in? The bands I have played in only played local so far. So the Netherlands and Australia I would say. What instruments do you play, and how many do you own? Play bass and own 2 of them. My pride and joy is my 4 string “Musicman Stingray” (Set up by Edwin van Huik) and I have an acoustic bass for at the camp fire. Play a little bit of guitar as well. What have been some of the biggest shows you have worked on? Done shows with Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, Robbie Williams, U2, but also was responsible for the audio at a royal wedding. I can tell you at the end of the day it is just

work. Drop some names for us, who have you worked for over the years? I worked mostly with the crew of the above, but yeah seen a lot of acts over the years. Highlight was backstage with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Flea pointing at one of our trucks saying “Who the F**k is Toon Hermans” (A dutch comedian) thinking it was the headline act for the day. Coming over in 2006 to a new country and being invited to the Robbie Williams gig in Melbourne by the crew because they had such a good time in Amsterdam (1 year earlier) was pretty good for the ego. You have a great knack for the technical side of the biz, are you more into sound or lighting? Audio definitely. We can do without the lighting but if it sounds crap....but I do both and Video as well. Skabang are getting a great following, you guys look like you have a heap of fun onstage. Yeah the best band I ever played in :-) really enjoy playing with them. Fun was an important factor for us. The band has 7 members but 5 of them grew up overseas with Ska music being a big part of their youth. Ska is all about fun. What was the first concert you saw? Must be one of the bigger Dutch acts. First big production I worked on was “Gloria Estefan” around 1992 What was the best ever concert you saw? Hard to pick but I still remember standing on the side of stage when Faithless played their iconic song “God is a DJ” and 60K people jumped

up and down causing a 2.2 Earthquake. Goose bumps lasted several minutes. How long have you been part of the OG scene? Started in 2006 with gigs in the Chicken Shop. Great place to see some quality music. Have been playing with SkaBang for 2 years now. Do you have a fave local act? Hard to name one, but I think Phil (aka FILL). I admire his work. Recorded 4 albums (played all instruments himself) and keeps feeding us his great video clips on youtube. With “Woodstock 3751” as my favourite. He is someone who should be in your next column. Just ask him one question and ..... If you could put on a show in the OG, with money no object, who would play and where would it be? I believe that a good concert/festival should be an experience. I have done the Womad festival for years and every time I go home from that festival I have a great feeling no matter who played (although they have an impressive line-up). So rather than paying for one big name I would like to have a good time. Finally, will you have a look at my busted Strauss guitar amp ? Yeah happy to have a crack at it :-) just drop it in. Have coffee ready :-) Get more info on Huib at www.khtec.com.au and at www.bellarineaudio.com.au

Mobbsy can be heard weekdays on 93.9 BayFM 4-8pm. He can also be spotted falling off his boogie board at Mainies most days.

Mobbs meets Huib de Bruijn


WE are all guilty of expecting things for free. It’s hard not to fall into that trap, especially since everything (was) free on the net until recently. Now suppliers, like some newspapers, want money for things we previously took for granted. But there is a strong point here about people and products being valued for their effort, skills and ideas. What is it about musicians, artists and photographers that makes the rest of the world think that it is perfectly acceptable to ask them to do things for nothing all the time? As former Dr Who Colin Baker writes in the UK, the latest evidence of the disdain that the business and political sectors have for ‘creatives’ is that the Olympic organisers are asking musicians involved in the whole circus that is, and will surround, the Summer Olympics to give their services for free. He writes: “They go even further and offer that familiar ultimate insult of suggesting that they do it ‘for the publicity and exposure’. If the musicians and bands concerned are good enough to perform at this major world event then surely they should be treated no differently to all the companies, consultants and suppliers of goods who apparently wouldn’t do their thing ‘for the publicity and exposure’. Asking for volunteers to help in minor marshalling and competitor shepherding activities is one thing – these are principally people like students and the retired who are being asked to do something basic and

other than their normal jobs, requiring minimal training. Asking professionals who already are operating in a notoriously insecure industry to subsidise the nation’s flagship event in addition to their contribution via the tax system is frankly shameful. The costs for the project are already spiralling, as is evident from the fact that the security budget alone has risen from an initial £86M to £284m, The Guardian has reported. I won’t name the company providing the security for the Games, as they presumably don’t need the publicity and exposure but are, unsurprisingly, doing it for the money. Even the athletes who, we must believe, are principally competing for the honour of representing their countries and their sports, even they have financial assistance in these post Corinthian Spirit days of the amateur. But the performers that keep the crowds entertained before, between and after the athletic and sporting activities are uniquely (apparently) expected to forgo the right to charge for their work. But then I am constantly being asked for free tickets for shows I am in and get blank stares when I ask them to come and ply their trade free for me. How they imagine theatres keep open and pay their performers I cannot guess. Try asking a chef to cook a meal for you for nothing, or an estate agent to forgo his commission.”From Look Who’s Talking by former Dr Who Colin Baker and reproduced with the permission of the Bucks Free Press in England.

Value our artists

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MondaysOcean Grove Bridge Club, 1pm, Marcus Hill Hall, Bellarine Highway end of Banks Road. Also Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm. Phone Marg 5256 2550.Bellarine Table Tennis Club, 7-9pm. (juniors/seniors) at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone 5255 1641.Ocean Grove & District Men’s Shed, 9am to 3pm, 17 Smithton Grove. Phone Ernie 0421 703 368. Jujitsu, 6.30pm – juniors; 7.30pm – adults, Surfside Centre, Phone Steve 0438 019 991.First Monday of every monthBellarine Fly Fishing Association, 7.30pm, Bellarine Secondary College.Phone 0409 545 929. Legacy Laurel Group of Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads, May meeting 1pm for a Danny Bloom Fashion Show at St Peter’s Church Hall, Draper St. Members please bring a plate, visitors welcome $3. Details 5256 1863. Ocean Grove Ladies Probus, 10am, Ocean Grove Golf Club. Phone Thelma 5255 1806.Third Monday of every monthOcean Grove RSL, 2.30pm, Club Grove. Committee meets at 1.30pm, The Terrace. Ocean Grove Garden Club, 1.30pm, Uniting Church Hall, Eggleston Street.Phone June 5255 1399Fourth Monday of every monthCombined Probus Club of Ocean Grove, 10.30am, Club Grove. Friendship is our theme.Phone Denis Pugh 5255 5566 TuesdaysBellarine Table Tennis Club, 10am to noon (adults only) at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone John 5256 2489 or Chris 5256 1996.Bellarine T.O.W.N., 6pm, Uniting Church Hall, Eggleston Street. Phone Glenda 5255 5463.Rotary Club of Ocean Grove, 6pm, Club Grove. Phone 0457 315 900.Barwon Heads Chorale 7.30pm at the Anglican Church Barwon Heads. All abilities welcome to come along for a sing and a laugh. Phone Jo 5254 2670.First Tuesday of every monthOcean Grove Men’s Probus, 10am to noon, Ocean Grove Hotel, Collendina. Guest speakers, make friends. Visitors welcome. Phone Terry 5255 5587.First and Third Tuesday of every monthOcean Grove Barwon Heads Lions Club, 7pm, Moorfield Park, Grubb Road. New Lions most welcome. Phone 0418 524 873.

WednesdaysOcean Grove & District Men’s Shed, 9am to 1pm, 17 Smithton Grove. Phone Ernie 0421 703 368. Jujitsu, 6.30pm – juniors; 7.30pm – adults, Surfside Centre, Phone Steve 0438 019 991.First Wednesday of every monthBellarine Business Women. From 7pm, Moorfield Park, Grubb Rd. [email protected] or 0412 199 467Second Wednesday of every monthParkinson’s Self Help Support Group, 1.30pm, Grove Centre (next to library), Presidents Avenue. Phone Pam 5255 5152Third Wednesday of every monthOcean Grove on Barwon Probus Club, 9.45am, St Peter’s Church Hall. Fourth Wednesday of every monthOcean Grove Angling Club, 7.30pm, Minerva Close sporting oval club house.Phone Jason 0418 737 808 Last Wednesday of every monthCancer Support Group, 10am, Community Health Centre.Fourth Wednesday of every monthOcean Grove Stamp Club, 10am, Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace.Phone Dianne 5255 1372.Thursdays Bellarine Table Tennis Club, 10am to noon at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove. Phone John 5256 2489 or Chris 5256 1996.First Thursday of every monthOcean Grove Nightlights CWA, 7.30pm, Senior Citizens Hall. Visitors welcome. Phone Faye 5255 4430.Fourth Friday of every monthOcean Grove 4 Villages Mixed Probus Club, 10.30am, Club Grove. Meet new friends, visitors welcome, no waiting list for membership. Phone 5256 1671.Saturdays Bellarine Table Tennis Club, 3-5pm, Memorial Hall, 123 The AvenuePhone John 5256 2489 or Chris 5256 1996. Coasters Social group. Social events for people of working age. Dining out, movies, trivia, bands/trivia nights. www.groupspaces.com/coasters-social-group or phone 0411 952 598.

Clubs meet

music/live events• Piping Hot Chicken ShopMay 4, 8pm Scion Pirates.May 6, afternoon session Youth Fundraiser for Oceangrove SoundshellMay 12, 8pm Continental RobertMay 18, 8pm Sweet Delores and Bree-arne Chamley• Ocean Grove Bowling Club – Club Grove. 18 The Terrace, phone 5255 1540- Sundays in Leleans Bistro. Live music and wine & cheese tastings. 3-5pm.• Barwon Heads Hotel. Phone 5254 2201.— Wednesdays 7pm: Trivia in the BakBar.— Thursdays: Live accoustic music in the BakBar. — Fridays 10pm: DJ in the BakBar. May 6th Open Mic for Youth U/18 with Jill Meehan first Sunday of the month Barwon Heads Bistro. All young performers welcome/ soloists/ dancers/ bands. Phone 0431 606 476 to get on the program. • Potato Shed, 41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Phone: 5251 1998Desperate Housewives Bollywood theme

18th May 7.30pm Lisa Warwick Ph: 03 52 511998• Queenscliff- Point Lonsdale Uniting Church. Crn Hesse & Stokes streets, Queenscliff. http://www.unitingqueenscliff.org.au • Barwon Heads Film Society. Barwon Heads Community Hall, Hitchcock Avenue, Barwon Heads. Last Thursday of the month, February to November. Film starts 7.45pm. Phone 5254 1139Next film: Beginners USA made film 2010 running time 105mins

food/wine• Leura Park Estate – Sensational wines and food available. Live music every Sunday 12.30 to 4.30pm. 1400 Portarlington Road, Drysdale, phone 5253 3180.• McGlashan’s Wallington Estate – New release wines, gourmet platters and classic car display, open weekends and public holidays 11am to 5pm. 225 Swan Bay Road, Wallington. Phone 5250 5760

markets &fairs• Sunday May 6 - Ocean Grove Community Market. 9am to 1pm. Bellarine Sports and Aquatic Centre.• Thursday May 24

The Wave Ocean Grove Baptist Church ‘The Biggest Morning Tea” The Wave, Cnr Wallington Rd and Lake Avenue, Ocean Grove at 10am until 12 noon Includes silent auctions, fashion parade, entertainment, competitions and morning tea (This year’s theme is tea by the sea) • Sunday 13th May – Point Lonsdale Market. 9am to 2pm. Point Lonsdale Primary School.*Saturday 19th May- Bellarine Community Farmers’ Market. 9am to 1pm. Ocean Grove Park, Presidents Avenue.• Sunday May 20th– Drysdale Community Market. 9.30am to 1.30pm. Drysdale Recreation Reserve. • Sunday May 20th-Queenscliff Farmers’ Market- 9am to 1pm. Queenscliff Harbour, QueenscliffMay 27th– Queenscliff Community Market. 9am to 2pm. Lower Princess Park, Queenscliff. May 27th– Portarlington Community Market. 9am to 2pm, Parkes Hall, Newcombe Street, Portarlington• Saturday May 26th– Barwon Heads Market. 9am to 1pm, Barwon Heads Community Hall, Hitchcock Avenue.

reading & writingOcean Grove Library – corner Presidents Avenue and The Avenue. --- Babytime- Nursery Verses. Every Thursday, 11am.— Preschool Storytime. Every Friday, 10.30am— Chatterbooks junior book club for kids aged 7-12. Last Wednesday of the month 4-5pm. Next date April 18 www.geelonglibraries.vic.gov.au

family fun• Ocean Grove Toy Library. Borrow a range of toys for children aged six months to six years, open to all families on the Bellarine. Saturdays 10-11am Tuesdays 7.30- 8.30pm at 19 Tareeda Way, Ocean Grove.

get active • Ocean Grove Calisthenics. Classes incorporating dance, song, ballet and gymnastics with strength and creativity. Ocean Grove Recreation Hall, 123 The Avenue. Phone 0438 055 679. • Functional Exercises to Music for Older Adults. Mondays 9.15am – Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace. Wednesdays 9:30am – Uniting Church Hall, Eggleston Street. Phone 5255 1335.• Ocean Grove Scottish Country

Dance: Tuesdays 7.45-10pm. Marcus Hill Hall, corner Banks Road and Bellarine Highway. Phone 5251 3393.• Line Dancing: Wednesdays 1-3pm and Mondays 7-8.30pm. Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace. Phone 0413 690 597.• Life Activities Club Geelong Inc weekly Tea Dance every Thursday afternoon 2:30-4.30pm Belmont Pavilion, Barrabool Road, Belmont. $5, all welcome. Enquiries 5251 3529.* Yoga and dance with Tara Lynch. Classes for all ages and abilities. Phone 0435 481 920

classes & exhibtions• Check out the Ocean Grove Neighbourhood Centre for its term one program with a range of courses, classes and fun activities. Phone 5255 4294.• Making Waves acoustic music and poetry afternoons with Jill Meehan in Drysdale Hotel Bistro the Fourth Sunday of the month Next date Sun 27th May $5 donation entry, BYO instruments and voices. Phone 0431 606 476Have your event included in What’s On phone: 5255 3233 or email: [email protected]

what’s ON

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IT was a beautiful clear morning this morning, and I had half an hour up my sleeve, so I thought I would pay a visit to the Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

As I got out of my car in the car park I looked up and saw a sight I had been hoping to see for years- a male Golden Whistler in the tree next to the car park. I didn’t have time to set my camera up, as it was moving quickly from tree to tree. I just grabbed the camera and started snapping, hoping for the best. I managed to chase the Golden Whistler around for about 5 minutes before it completely disappeared from view. As expected my images were pretty ordinary- but I loved seeing it never-the-less, and I was also lucky to hear a brief song too (as The Golden Whistler has the reputation of having one of Australia’s best songs- this one should be on ‘The Voice’ it was that good)!

There are some beautiful birds in the Nature Reserve at the moment, and it is well worth a visit. I saw a Whistling Kite today on the West Track, but once again didn’t manage to get close enough to it for a clear image- most frustrating!

The adult male Golden

Whistler is bright yellow on the underside, olive-green on the back and wings, and black on the head, with a bright yellow collar. The throat is white, separated from the yellow chest by a broad black band. The bill and legs are black.

Female Golden Whistlers are grey above, with a pale olive tinge, and paler grey below. They are not nearly as pretty as the males. Females have a dark brown bill and grey-brown legs.

Both males and females have a red-brown eye.

The Golden Whistler is found from northern Queensland, around coastal

eastern and southern Australia, including Tasmania, to the middle of Western Australia.

The Golden Whistler is also found in other Pacific countries such as Indonesia, Fiji, and New Guinea.

The Golden Whistler can be found in almost any wooded habitat but prefers the denser woodland areas. Occasionally it can be seen in parks and orchards. The birds eat insects and berries.

The Golden Whistler belongs to the Family Pachycephalidae, which literally means ‘thick-head’ (I can relate to that), so named because of the large

necks and heads!Next time I see this

beautiful bird I hope that it gives me time to adjust my camera settings, it poses on a low branch for several minutes, and it sings to me again!

The next meeting of Birdlife Bellarine will be held at the Neighbourhood House in Ocean Grove on the 7th of May, at 7.30pm. On Wednesday the 9th of May there is an outing to Forest Road planned. If you are interested in any activities, please contact Miles Charlesworth on 0438531782.

By Jennifer Carr


The Department of Health has lifted the advisory warning people to avoid direct contact with blue-green algae affected water in Lake Connewarre and the lower Barwon River estuary.Department of Sustainability and Environment Incident Controller Brad Mahoney said test results show that the toxins caused by the recent blue-green algal bloom have declined to levels that will no longer affect human health.“Consecutive low readings and the absence of greenish colour, scum or suspended material in the water tell us that the bloom has broken down and is washing away downstream,” he said.“There is still some algal material present but at very low levels that are below recreational alert levels which allow recreational use.Mr Mahoney said the signs in place warning people to avoid contact with the affected water will be removed

A Golden Wistler at Ocean Grove Nature Reserve.

A golden moment Algae alert lifted

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What should I look for when buying a property?

“Buyer Beware” These are the critical words when purchasing a property. Beware of


Before purchasing a property you should read a Section 32 State-ment [Information document provided by the Vendor] before making any offer. To simply describe this document, it sets out the ownership details, provides a copy of the Land Title, details of restrictions, planning and building information. This is when you must become AWARE!

Have a good look around the property. Check the land measure-ments coincide with the copy title. Ask questions: Do I get the water tank? Does the dishwasher stay? Does the fixed Plazma TV and surround sound stay? What about the water feature? Does the pergola have a permit? Will the pile of bricks and rubble be removed? What about the old caravan in the backyard? Will the tenant be gone by settlement?

Too late to ask these questions after the Contracts are exchanged and your cooling off period has expired. It is highly recommended you have your Conveyancer or Legal Representative read the Contract and Section 32 Statement before signing but they will rely on your inspection of the property to assist them with providing you with the right advice.

The Trak Arcade, Level 1,73 The Terrace, Ocean GroveT 5255 5556 M 0417 599957


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grove sport


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‘Urgent works’ needed at reserveA LEADING local soccer identity fears numbers at Surfside Waves will continue to decline, if lighting and facilities upgrades are not completed at Shell Road anytime soon.

While works have commenced on a lighting upgrade at Shell Road, Surfside Waves is still awaiting further news on the expansion of the club’s inadequate undersized changerooms.

Surfside Waves Vice-president, Ian Waugh, said ‘urgent works’ needed to be carried out if the club is to retain some of its most promising juniors.

He said Waves players were still being forced to train in the dark after 5pm on weeknights and the current lighting accounts for less than 20 per cent of the ground’s coverage.

“The latest we have heard back from the (City of Greater Geelong) council is mid-to-late July before the lights are installed, which is great from the council, we’re rapt, but it has been just too long in the delay,” Waugh said.

Beangala Ward member Jan Farrell, who

represents the Ocean Grove area, said the council is still committed to the project.

Cr Farrell told the Voice works on the lighting upgrade would be finalised in July.

“Absolutely the Council is still committed to the project at Shell Road,” Cr Farrell said last week.

“It is the public’s money.“The project is rolling

out with the lights being installed.”

Farrell said both the Council and Federal Governments supported the Ocean Grove Sporting Infrastructure Plan at Shell Road, but the change in State Government power with Liberals taking control meant they were unwilling to commit the necessary funds towards the project.

MEANWHILE Waugh said participant numbers at Surfside Waves had already dropped by 10 to 15 per cent in recent years, including in 2012, where the Waves kicked

off their season last month.

Waugh, who works in the Sports and Recreation field, said overall senior and junior player numbers were down to 125 compared with 145 last year and 160 registered players in 2010.

He admitted those juniors who have left Surfside Waves had joined nearby clubs Surf Coast

and Barwon because of more adequate facilities.

“Those players, especially juniors who want to advance their soccer will gravitate to those clubs that have the facilities that will enable them to do that,” Waugh said.

“At (those clubs) those programs are probably a bit higher standard that we can offer because they

can train properly, they have access to change rooms.”

A meeting with the Shell Road Project Reference Group will take place this month with representatives from the Soccer, Football, Cricket and Netball clubs set to discuss the issue of upgrading lights and facilities.

Ian Waugh, vice-president of Surfside Waves Soccer Club, and the existing lights.

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Group buying for cheaper electricity and gas in GroveHow can you save serious money on your power bills? – how about $300 or more per year?

THE Ocean Grove Community Association and Barwon Heads Association supported by the Ocean Grove Voice and Ocean Grove Community Enterprise are pleased to advise that bulk purchase of electricity and gas via Power Group Purchasing (on behalf of the consumers - residential and business) in the Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove areas is underway.

To date over 240 households have registered their interest.

Through acting as a single buying group the project will allow consumers to secure a better deal from power providers. Energy retailers will be invited to bid for local business with their best package in terms or service and price.

Previous similar bulk purchasing arrangements (Portarlington) have resulted in savings of up to $300 per annum or more.

The Ocean Grove Community Enterprise and

the Ocean Grove Voice are getting right behind this project to save money for our community households.

You can register your interest via the website www.powergrouppurchasing.com and then click on the green button, where you can then register under Barwon Heads or Ocean Grove.

In June Power Group Purchasing will introduce the successful energy supplier to the community and provide an opportunity for further registration.

We encourage you to now join all those who have already registered the aim is for 500 households. The more people that register - the more the savings.

Please note by registering now you do not have to actually commit until tenders close.

In the future such community initiatives will lead to other potential bulk purchasing such as solar energy, phone carriers and fuel etc.


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voice surfing

Big kahuna of a turnout

The SOUL Longboard club recently held its April comp and had 70 competitors on the day.

This was made up of 56 open and age group surfers as well as 15 super groms for the kids go surfing day.

The club tries to hold a few events for the kids each year and with the weather forecast being so good for the weekend it was an ideal day for them.

Surfers were greeted with a 25 degree day and light North Westerly winds, so it was all

looking good for a full day of competition.

Surfing was held on an outgoing tide at “Boings” with the low tide banks throwing down some small but clean fun waves.

With so many competitors there was no time wasted between heats and the swap over of judges and scorecards was constant all day. First heat was in the water at 7.50 and last heat was at about 5.15.

President Brian Tucker said “that he was very happy with the turn

out for the day and was wrapped to see at least 4 new members and about 15 kids come and have a surf on an almost perfect day. I don’t think there would be another Longboard club in Australia that would have this many turn up for a club comp.”

Next club comp is May 19. Meet at Ocean Grove Main Beach 7am.

Keep an eye on the web site for more details as well as on Facebook.www.soullongboardclub.com.au. Brownie.

Andy Smith. Pictures: ANDREW BROWN

Chris Meier.

Myles Fletcher.

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THE four boys in the photo are all members of the Under 12’s Bellarine Storm basketball team. They are part of a very successful team who are competing in the VJBL on Friday nights. They remain undefeated in the Victorian Junior League One Division.

Tom Ness (far left) and Hamish Goodier (far right) were also asked to be part of the Under 14 team at their

recent Junior Victorian Championships, where the Bellarine Storm team made it to the semi finals in their division.

The other two boys are Charlie McEvoy, Mike

Mortimer. All of these boys also

play local footy for the Under 12’s Ocean Grove Collendina Cobras and the Drysdale Hawks team. These two teams competed

against each other on Saturday and the boys were really excited to be playing against each other. They took the second photo straight after the game (that Drysdale won) and

proceeded to head to the BBQ stand at the Cobras oval to eat sausages together and chat about the game. Teammates with each other for basketball and in opposing teams for footy.

voice sport

Bellarine Bears Baseball

Multi-talented kids try all sport codes

WEEK ONEA Grade: After a hard fought game, Ballarat was just too good for Bellarine, running out eventual winners 9-3. For Wayne Visser, his hard work just wasn’t paying off at the start, throwing 3 innings and having 6 hits for 5 runs. Tyson O’Keefe slowed the Brewers down for a couple of innings and Brad McKentish, who worked hard both catching and pitching, ended out the game. Batting wise, hits from McKentish, Visser, Lyndon Hockey, Chris Barker and Matt Osbourn just weren’t enough to get the team over the line. The fielding by the Bears is what needs to be improved and then we will see a dominant force in the league.

A Reserve: After a slow start at bat, Bellarine’s A Reserve team won the first game of the season by just two runs. Pitching by David Crotty and fielding by Alex Hockey kept Ballarat to a low score. With his first ball in his first at-bat for the A Reserves, an amazing 3 base hit by 15 year-old Andrew Riddett saw Bellarine ignite with passion and hit 2 runs in the next innings. Pitching by Tom Harrington and Jackson Phillips from Ballarat made the Bears work hard for the runs, but in the end it was Alex Hockey, Luke Sarah, Matt Price and Andrew Riddett who put Bellarine over the line. C Grade: In a win for the C grade team, Cheyne McLean starred with the bat and

on the mound. Consistent pitching by both Cheyne and Peter Hockey, together with catchers Jason Love and Paul Cameron, showed that Bellarine is going to be

a force to be reckoned with this season. After a good batting innings by Ballarat, Bellarine had a scare, but after strong batting in 7th innings with runs from 6

players, including the only female on the team Jess Riddett, we were able to run away with a win of 8 runs.

By Christina Cameron

Bellarine Bears A grade side.

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waves soccer

UndefeatedWaves play each other for fun

Seniors roll Coast

THE so far undefeated Surfside Waves girls under 13 side was forced to play a practice match on Saturday when their opposition was unavoidably unable to attend their planned fixture. That didn’t stop the girls and a sprinkling of under 17s who were off due to a bye from having a fun but competitive game in the autumn sunshine.

GOALS from Staffan and Nick Hargreaves sealed victory for Surfsdide Waves men against Surf Coast in a tight fixture on Sunday. The visitors put one past the Grove side but good defending helped earn another three valuable points to the blues.

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ACCOMMODATIONBarwon Grove Holiday Rentals 0412 102145Bells By The Beach Holiday House 0403 221737 Big 4 Bellarine Holiday Park 5251 5744Portarlington Beach Motel 5259 3801

AGED CARESeaviews Manor 5256 2866TLC Aged Care 5250 1188

ANTENNASAble Antenna Service 5253 1680 Lonsdale Antennas 0410 580 255Point Lonsdale Television 0411 490430

ARCHITECTSCollier and Reid Architects 5255 1811de Atelier Architects 5255 3378

ART GALLERIESAsiz Art Gallery & Studio 0402 317531

AUDIO EQUIPMENT & REPAIRSBellarine Audio 5256 3732

AUTOMOTIVEAndersons Auto Care 5255 3884 Bellarine Auto Services 5253 1644Drysdale Smash Repairs 5251 2322Gardiner Automotive 5255 5380Ocean Grove Automotive (RACV) 5255 1050Parts 4 Automotive 5256 3210Peninsula Collision Repairs 5256 3240Sheen Panel Service 5256 3183

BABY AND CHILDGeelong Nannies 0439 971487Let Em Loose 5256 3200Sandi’s Spot 5255 2943

BANKSANZ 5255 5760 Bendigo Bank 5255 4866NAB 5255 0700Westpac 5255 0377

BEAUTY SALONSBeauty by Sarah 0439 306157Dream Spa & Beauty Studio 5255 3111Hydrate Beauty 0411 240 564Mermaids Unisex Beauty Salon 5255 5844Salon Grove 0408 172062The Smooth Spot 0431 196007

BINS, SKIPS, WASTE REMOVALArmstrong Creek Skip Bins 0406 569251

BOWLING CLUBSClub Grove 5255 1540

BRICKLAYINGGlenn Skipper Bricklaying 0438 442519

BRIDAL WEAR DESIGNERIsabella Design 5255 2034

BUILDING DESIGNERSLe Maistre 5255 1309Michael Higgins Building Design 5255 3355

BUILDERS & NEW HOMESBeechmore Building Solutions 5250 4638Coastyle Building Solutions 0418 332081Duncan Pascoe Builders 0417 524143Geelong Homes 5222 5522Heyward Constructions 0412 121906Hotondo Homes 5255 3556Howard Hughes Builder 0418 320967Taragin Homes 5258 1225

BUTCHERSOcean Grove Quality Butchers 5255 1471Pretty’s Prime Cuts 5256 2720

CAKE DECORATORSWedding & Special Occasions Cakes 5255 5947

CARPENTRY/MAINTENANCEBellarine Landscapes & Carpentry 0432 805432Dream Maker Constructions 0409 700229Moore Carpentry & Bld Maint 0411 061556

CARPET CLEANINGCarpet Cleaners Geelong 0414 408528Graham Coates Carpet Cleaning Service 0408 526997Stanley Steamer Carpet Cleaners 0428 520525

CARPET SUPPLIED/LAYING/REPAIRSKim Brasier’s Carpet Services 0418 376820

CATERING Bar Deli on the Run 5255 1832Bellarine Catering 5256 2657

CHIMNEY SWEEPS A1 Chimney Sweep 0426 897479

CLEANING SERVICES Bellarine Cleaning & Provisioning 0402 607262Bizzy Barker 0414 583708Mazza’s Way-to-Clean 0418 429 438Mojo’s Cleaning Services 0432 505692

COMMUNITY GROUPSVinnies 5256 2050

COMPUTER SALES & REPAIRSBITS IT Services 0411 416 384SeeCureIT Onsite Repairs 0413 967 051Shah’s Computer World/Fahim 0401 560 763

CONCRETINGCreecys Concreting 0414 525392

CONVEYANCINGSargeants Conveyancing 5221 7411Surfside Conveyancing 5255 5556Vines Conveyancing 5255 4480

DELICATESSENThe Olive Pit 5255 1511

DEMOLITIONMelbourne Demolitions VIC 0422 564 878

DENTISTSDr Alastair McCallum 5255 2584Ocean Grove Dental Clinic 5255 5282

DISABILITY EQUIPMENTGeelong Wheelchairs 5244 0844Scoot Mobility Scooters 0427 313771

DRESSMAKINGAlterations and Repairs 5256 1633

ELECTRICIANSBrendon Brice Electrical 0416 165855Craig Stevens Electrical Contractor 0412 518400I&S Ransom Electrical 0418 336670Modern Spark 0419 888277Oaten Electrical 0402 637781

ENGINEERINGLaker Engineering 5258 1777Ocean Grove Engineering 5255 5922

ENGRAVINGIan Pattison Jewellers 5255 2019

ENTERTAINMENT/MUSICHaze Music Booking Agents www.hazemusic.com.au

FENCINGBellarine Timber & Fencing 0413 580990Jim’s Fencing 131 546Just Paling Fences 0407 694422Know A Fence 0409 222112Portarlington Fencing 0416 206696

FINANCIAL SERVICESCoastal Business Services 0418 188847Core Financial Planning 5255 9555Lighthouse Business Services 0407 835256 Roche Accounting 5256 2764WHK Accountants 5255 5077

FLOORINGDrysdale Carpet Court 5253 1855Tile Boutique 5255 2212Sand-It Floor Sanding & Polishing 0409 359667

FLORISTSBeachside Blooms 5255 3030Divine Boutique - Queenscliff 5258 4170

FUNERAL DIRECTORSBellarine Memories 5255 5500Tuckers Funeral & Bereavement Service 5221 4788

GARAGESGreater Geelong Garages 0414 607453Grove Roller Doors 0438 231799

GARDEN & HOME MAINTENANCEBellarine Black Diamond Garden Service 0429 990850Blooming Branches 0411 181027Creecy’s Excavating 0414 525392Hey Mr Mowing Man 0420 205 572Lasty’s Property Maintenance & Renovations 0409 955768Ruby’s Mowing Ocean Grove 0419 583154

GLAZIERSFrenchy’s Coastal Glazing 0448 541221

GOLF CLUBS13th Beach Public Driving range 5254 2622Lonsdale Golf Club 5258 1955Ocean Grove Golf Club 5256 2795Portarlington Golf Club 5259 2492Smith Attrill Golf Academy 5254 2622

HAIR DRESSERSBoo Hairdressing 5259 3356Coastal Cutz 5255 3360Ivy Hair Creations Hair on Harbour 5258 4764Ocean Rouge 5255 3955Salon Moshka 5255 4443Salon Sojourn 5255 3779Salon Utopia 5256 2282Take Two Design in Hair 5258 3451

HEALTH & FITNESSContours 5255 3475Jikishin Ju-jitsu Ocean Grove 0438 019991Ocean View Health Club 5255 2572Step into Life 0403 896104Total Martial Arts 0422 534821

HEALTH & WELLBEING13th Beach Osteopathy 5254 2668A Touch of Class Remedial Massage 5255 5137Bellarine Podiatry 5256 2019Bellarine Remedial & Sports Massage 0417 331694Epic Health Medical Clinic 5256 2500Geelong Physiotherapy Ocean Grove 5255 5755Just Being Centre for Self 0405 134 223 OG Chinese Medicine 0432 961910OG Remedial Massage Centre 5255 3358Ocean View Massage 0414 893719Seaside Serenity 0403 956900The Weight Works - Weight Loss 5250 1015Waurn Ponds Hearing Clinic 5245 7940

HIREOcean Grove Hire 5255 1344

HOME LOANSSmartline Mortgage Brokers 0418 384104

HOMEWARES & GIFTSMoss Grotto Homewares 5254 2277The Red Pidgeon 5254 1840

HOTELSBarwon Heads Hotel 5254 2201Drysdale Hotel 5251 2301

INTERNET CAFESPiping Hot Chicken Shop 5255 1566

IRONING SERVICESGreen Steam 0434 489724Sunrise Ironing 0424 051735

JEWELLERSCleo Fine Jewellery 5256 3990Ian Pattison Jewellers 5255 2019

JOINERYComplete Joinery Services 5255 4548

LANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONST’NCMS Landscaping, Design & Construction 0419483395Elite House and Garden 0407 605460Lindsay Marriott Landscape & Construction 0417 349176Nathan Hovey Landscaping & Maintenance 0411 571482Ocean Grove Garden Centre & Landscaping 5255 4392Outdoor Vision Landscaping 0418 329 765

LAWYERSVines Lawyers 5255 4411Coulter Roache Lawyers 5254 1877

LEADLIGHTS & REPAIRSCarl Davies Leadlights & Repairs 5258 3193

MUSIC LESSONSOcean Grove Music School 5256 1056

MENSWEARMaleline Mensland 5255 2264

NURSERIESMcOuats Nursery 5255 1684

OFFICE SUPPLIESPress Here 5255 2663

OPTOMETRISTSGreg Sly Optometrist 5256 1295Ocean Eyes Optometrists 5255 5655

PAINTERSSteven Flynn Painting Services 0411 126291Todd Day Painting & Decorating 0405 560 389Wallington Painting Services 0438 019991

PETSLa Petterie Dog Grooming & Accessories 5258 5441Peninsula Boarding Kennels 5250 1974Surfcoast Dog Grooming 5255 1336

PHOTOGRAPHERSBarefoot Media Photography 0400 721185

PICTURE FRAMERSHLB Frames 3/1570 Bellarine Hwy, Wall 5250 3711

PLANTATION SHUTTERSGB Plantation Shutters 0400 595 738

PLASTERERSBeaton Bros 5255 1236Bells Interior Lining 5256 3260Precision Plastering 0410 659469

PLUMBINGAnnandale Plumbing 0408 037686Bellarine Peninsula Plumbing 0418 521352Hugh McLaren Plumbing 0402 769973JCA Plumbing Services 0448 782974Ocean Grove Plumbing 0430 443700Sinnott Plumbing & Gasfitting 0409 505346Smidys Plumbing Services 0449 196601

PLUMBING (continued)W H Plumbing and Gas 0430 112102

PRINTERSPaxton Press 5255 1548Press Here 5255 2663

REAL ESTATE Bellarine Property 5254 3100Fletchers Real Estate 5258 2833Hayden Real Estate 5255 1000Kerleys Coastal Real Estate 5256 2255Knight Frank 5223 8333RT Edgar 5255 4099

RESTAURANTS/CAFESAnahata Indian Restaurant 5255 3808At The Heads 5254 1277Bar Deli 5255 1832Beachhouse 5254 3376Cafe Maritana 5254 1188Elkhorn Roadhouse 5250 6056Ocean Grove Hotel and Bistro 5255 1122Ocean Grove Pizza and Pasta 5255 3040The Dunes 5256 1944The Groove 5256 3094The Mex 5255 1959The Purple Duck 5250 1199

RETAILBellarine Furniture & Beds R Us 5255 2288Coastal Lighting 5255 5555Joker Shoppe 5253 4734Kairos in Grove 5255 3688Knock Knock Homewares 5255 3370Montanas Fashion & Accessories 5259 1422The Last Piece 5221 5991

ROOFINGAll Gutters 0418 990 213Coastal Roofing 5255 2732Quik Flash Roofing 0417 357769

SECURITY & LOCKSMITHSSectrol Security 0409 943671Sylont Watching Service 0419 529623Turn Key Locksmiths 0457 244855

SHADES, TENTS, ANNEXES Canvas & Vinyl Solutions 0458 026028Ezy Shades Australia P/L 0407 861778

SHOE SHOPSMudge’s Shoes 5255 1257

SIGNAGESigns t’ Go 5221 9732

SPORTS RETAILSports Fanatics 5255 1105Trampolines Oz 1300 851691

SURFSHOPSMurfs Longboards Surf Shop 5255 5525

SURFBOARD REPAIRSCruise Control 0409 542 060

SURVEYORST G Freeman & Assoc 0428 379378

TAKEAWAYOcean Grove Pizza & Pasta 5255 4874Ocean Grove Sushi & Noodle Bar 5255 3759Ocean View Fish N Chips 5256 1082Rolling Pin Pies & Cakes 5256 1517Subway 5255 3077Tradies Take-Away 5255 5099Trident Fish Bar 5256 2099

TATOOISTSCoastline Tattoo 5255 5550

TAXI SERVICESPeninsula Taxis 132211

TRAVEL AGENTSHarvey World Travel 5256 1888Jetset Travel - Ocean Grove 5255 5252 Ocean Grove Travel Pty Ltd 5255 4422

TREE SERVICESBellarine Peninsula Tree Services 0414 305845Tree Cycling 0458 641127

TYRES Surfside Tyre Centre 5255 5611

WEBSITESWebsite Concepts 5256 1948Wonderful Websites 0447 353033

WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHERSBarefoot Media Photography 0400 721185

WINDOW CLEANERSExcel Window Cleaning 0431 939814WINDOW TINTINGTintmaster 5221 8877

WINERIESLeura Park Estate 5253 3180McGlashans Wallington Estate 5250 5760

The Voice Business Directory 5255 [email protected]

To advertise call 5255 3233 or email [email protected]

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junior footy

Ocean Grove under 16s

Cobras u14 (3) at Leopold

Ocean Grove Cobras u14 (3) took on a tough Leopold (2) side at their ground on Saturday. It proved a good run out for the young players as the grading continues ahead of the season proper. Cobra’s goalkicker was Dave Birmingham with best player performances from Cody Richardson, Kyle Lock, Harley Milne, James Butteriss and William Blackman. Pictures: LINDSAY KELLEY

OCEAN Grove Under 16 (1) side had a good first up win in very hot conditions against North Shore 10.11.71 to 6.8.44. James Stirling and Rob Procter gave first use of the football to a dominant

midfield led by Che Durran and Christian West.

We had dangerous ground level forwards at the drop of the ball, with Jack Benjamin, Isaac Wilkins and Nat Gravener all kicking two goals.

Luke Bastiaan, James Peers, Ben Potter and Rob Procter all chipped in with a goal apiece.

Hamish Hoober, Jacob

Nicholson and Ben Potter all had excellent debuts in the red and white and will be valuable acquisitions to our club in 2012.

In their second game against Newtown the firsts led at every change only for Newtown to kick 4 goals to 1 in the last quarter to run over the top of us 6.5.41 to 3.6.24.

In wet, slippery conditions the footy was hotly contested and Rob Procter, Ned Holland,

Christian West and Matt Caldow led the way with their attack on the football. Up forward Curtly Balshaw and Jed Evans were giving us a physical presence, Down

back Hamish Hoober, Nick Murphy and Jack

Ness all performed well.Goal Kickers – Ben

Potter, Jed Evans and Ned Holland all kicked a goal.

The Under 16 (2) side gave coach Shane Bailey a winning trip to his old stomping ground by prevailing 10.6.66 to 3.4.22 against East Geelong.

Our defence was excellent with Mitch Lindkvist, Sam Pfeiffer, Tom Beasley and Ned Thorley all providing good rebound off half back. The longer the game went on the better our midfield of Patrick Nagle,

Will Gant, Cameron Drake and Zac Ramsey became, providing our forwards with a steady supply of ball. Everybody contributed over the full four quarters in a very encouraging display.

Goal Kickers – Campbell Revie and Jed Evans both kicked 2 goals, with Riley Hollmer, Curtly Balshaw, Tom Beasley, Cameron Drake, Will Gant and Daniel McManus all kicked a goal apiece.

The seconds kept on their winning ways with a comfortable win over Bell Park (2) 6.10.46 to 4.4.28.

A dominant midfield led by Patrick Nagle,

Will Gant, James Peers and Cameron Drake gave good service to everleading key forwards in Harry Walker and Daniel McManus. John

Bjornenak, Adam Milich and Mark Benness fed off the crumbs around the forward line. Down

back Anthony Wilkens, Jake Taylor and Mitch Lindkvist stook firm. Everyone contributed by

playing their role in a pleasing team performance over four quarters.

Goal Kickers – Daniel McManus 2, Harry Walker, John Bjornenak, Patrick Nagle and Anthony Wilkens 1 each.

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junior netball

OCEAN Grove Netball Rounds 3 & 4: JuniorsThe Ocean Grove juniors have had a great time of it and didn’t drop a game across the board over rounds 3 and 4 against Geelong Amateur and Newcomb. The junior ranks have three sides undefeated at this stage of the season. The under 17-1’s look set for a great season under coach Brook Davis who has quickly got the girls combining well together. Grace Caldow and Kelsey Ollis have shown great leadership in a very even, flexible team. The under 15-2’s are

purring along nicely at the top of the ladder. Jesse Sutton’s pre-season in the surf appears to be paying dividends as she dominates in the goal ring while Matilda Doyle continues to improve and give her all for the team. The under 13-2’s are yet to be really challenged – not surprising as most of the girls are capable of being in the under 13-1 side. Isabelle Jones and Emma Mullaly have been amongst the team’s most consistent performers thus far. The future looks bright for Ocean Grove netball.

Grade Grove v Ammos Ocean Grove bestu/19 28 11 Alyse O’Keefe, Eden Bolton, Keely Boswellu/17-1 33 8 Molly Evans, Kyla Beasley, Isabel Wilkinsu/17-2 30 9 Bianca O’Callaghan, Lauren Barberu/15-1 39 16 Meg Badrock, Bridget Taylor, Maddy Goodgeru/15-2 54 5 Jesse Sutton, Greta Gant, Maddie Moroneyu/13-1 40 8 Isabel Hackett, Molly Winter, Claudia Britu/13-2 35 1 Emily Bambrook, Isabelle Jonesu/11 24 3 Team effort

Round 4 resultsGrade Grove Newcomb Ocean Grove bestu/19 36 23 Jess Morris, Siobhan Baker, Lauren Ollisu/17-2 32 7 Alice Digby, Amy Gibbsu/15-2 43 2 Keely Babb, Elizabeth Lowe, Matilda Doyleu/13-1 30 12 Emily Moroney, Claudia Brittu/13-2 25 5 Emma Mullaly, Ashlee Duhamelu/11 26 1 Team effort

Junior Scoreboard

Ocean Grove under 13 divsion 2 at Newcomb.

Young Grove netballers win two straight across all divisions

Grove under 19s against Newcomb.

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grove netball

OCEAN Grove Netball Rounds 3 & 4: SeniorsA-GradeThe Ocean Grove A-grade netball team have turned their season around and now have a 2 wins/2 loss record after two great victories in a row. Round 3: Ocean Grove 51 defeated Geelong Amateur 29.The A-Grade girls opened their winning account for the season with a hard-working win against Geelong Amateur in round 3. Coach Megan Blake-Uren said every player in the red and white colours gave

their all and the result was a fitting reward for their efforts. The hard work across the court created many opportunities for the shooters Tina Birch and Zanna Woods who had their radars on target. Krystal Boswell was superb in Wing Defence, while Paula Birch and Lauren Ollis vigorously defended their patch for four quarters. Round 4: Ocean Grove 55 defeated Newcomb 47With two wins in a row, Ocean Grove came out on top again in a tough contest against Newcomb. Krystal Boswell showed her class again and put in another

Best on Court performance from Wing Defence. Jaimie George and Grace Caldow kept control of the game through the centre while Lauren Ollis was again rock solid in the last line of defence. Tina and Zanna continued their good goal shooting form from the previous round to keep their team in front. Coach Megan was ecstatic with the consistent four quarters played by all players who kept their composure and stuck to the game plan when challenged by Newcomb.B-Grade

Round 3: Geelong Amateur 28 defeated Ocean Grove 24.It was another competitive performance from the B-Grade ladies but they just failed to get the job done. Luci Ross kept the Grubbers in the game with a solid four quarter effort through the centre while Kelly McIntosh had a fantastic game in defence rebounding everything in sight. Round 4: Ocean Grove 44 defeated Newcomb 27Victory! The B-graders were finally rewarded and notched their first win of the season against

Newcomb. Jess Morris was unstoppable in the goal ring and Emma Doolan controlled the back half of the court. The girls are starting to gel and the new game plan and coaching methods are starting to pay dividends. The players now believe that they can match any other team in the competition.C & D GradesThe C & D grade teams are continuing to put in spirited efforts but can’t quite find the necessary consistency over four quarters to chalk up a win. If the endeavour continues, a win won’t be far away for both teams.

A’s find their stride

The hardwork is paying off for Grove’s A grade.

Ocean Grove B grade line up against Newcomb, and in action below.

A grade action. Pictures: LINDSAY KELLEY

Round 3Grade Grove Ammos Ocean Grove bestC 18 49 Britt Long, Caily Nash, Christie ClarkD 19 30 Jen Van Ingen, Stephanie McGrath, Jodie Boland

Round 4Grade Grove Newcomb Ocean Grove bestC 13 27 Bec Kenny, Emma Mooney, Christie ClarkD 17 36 Alysha Milnes, Caily Nash, Georgia Ellis

Page 38: Ocean Grove Voice 2 May 2012

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grove footy

Grove hold off Ammos

Dogs beat Dons in first ex-Grove meet

THE Grubbers withstood a last quarter fight-back against Geelong Amateur to defeat last season’s Grand Finalists by 15 points in their Round three clash at Ocean Grove.

Final scores were Ocean Grove 11.19.85 defeated Geelong Amateur 9.16.70.

Ocean Grove who led at all the quarter-by-quarter breaks, set up the win with a six-goal opening first term blitz despite the Ammos kicking 4.9 compared to Ocean Grove’s 0.1 in

the final term. “We had the game well and truly

won at three-quarter time, we were sore after a hard and physical game against Modewarre the week before,” Ocean Grove coach Cameron McGregor said after the match.

“It started to take its toll on us in the last quarter, you get disappointed you don’t finish the game off but at the end of the day you take a one-point win or a 15-point win over (Geelong Amateur).”

The loss for the Ammos meant they had slipped to their third consecutive loss for the season, while the Grubbers remained unbeaten after three rounds.

Grubber gun midfielder Ben Ricardo had the ball on a string collecting 30 possessions, while sharpshooter Daniel Maloney booted four goals for the home side.

Defender Kane Reardon and key tall Harrison Foott also played impressive games.

THERE was more than just the four points at stake during the Round 4 AFL clash between Melbourne and the Western Bulldogs on April 22, Ocean Grove Football Club pride was on the line, writes Mark Heenan.The game was a match-up between two Ocean Grove four-time premiership winning coaches, Bulldogs coach Brendan McCartney, who coached the Grubbers to four flags from 1995 to 1998, and his predecessor Mark Neeld, who coached Ocean Grove to four premierships from 2000 to 2003, is now the Demons coach. For the record McCartney’s Western Bulldogs defeated Melbourne by 21 points as the 52-year-old claimed his first victory as a senior AFL coach.Both teams went into the match winless. The Grove connection did not stop there. Bulldogs youngster Ayce Cordy and his Melbourne opponent Clint Bartram are products of the Ocean Grove Football Club, and also played.

Action from Grove’s 30.14.194 to 0.2.2. win at Newcomb.

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grove footy

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MEANWHILE earlier Ocean Grove reserves grade compiled their best performance to date in 2012, obliterating Newcomb by 192 points. Final scores were Ocean Grove 30.14.194 to Newcomb 0.2.2. Playing co-coach Kane Montgomery had a day to remember booting seven goals, while Scott Grant, who kicked six majors, and teammate Shaun Britt kicked five goals. The Reserves’ grade remain 2-2 after four rounds.

Twos boot 194

OCEAN Grove coach Cameron McGregor admits his side needs improvement ahead of Saturday’s Battle of the Bridge match against Barwon Heads, despite a flawless start to 2012.

Along with 2011 premier Queenscliff and Torquay, the Grubbers, who compiled a 120-point demolition over bottom-placed Newcomb on Saturday at Grinter Reserve, remain the only undefeated teams after four rounds of the BFL.

The Grubbers won 24.20.164 to the Power’s 6.8.44, Ocean Grove saved their best until the end in a nine-goal final quarter-blitz.

It was not all one way traffic for the visitors, Newcomb competed well in patches and booted the opening the goal of the match and kicked two unanswered goals to open

the second half. While McGregor

admitted his team experimented with a different game plan after the match, he said the Grubbers will need to be at their best against the BFL’s elite teams.

“We are winning without playing great football, from my point of view we have got a fair bit of room for improvement,” McGregor said.

“We are obviously trying to work on our stoppages, we played a completely different game plan just to try something, we don’t want our side to be a one-trick pony team.

“I think it is more about our mental attitude, we have got to make sure that is up every week rather than anything else.”

McGregor praised Grubber James McTaggart, who was at his silky best mopping up the ball at ease across the midfield, while key forward Daniel Maloney booted five goals and Louie Holmer continued his bright start to 2012 kicking three goals.

Liam Rock was a pivotal smaller marking target up forward, also booting three majors.

The Grubbers were without some of their key players including co-captain Pete Corredig (shoulder), fellow big man Michael Stewart, Ryan Baker and Travis Gavin, who are in line for a return against Barwon Heads this Saturday.

McGregor spoke highly of some of the club’s best young talent including Tom Lundberg, who made his senior debut and played in the ruck in the absence of Stewart and Corredig.

Under-18 listed player Andy Higgins, who kicked four goals, was amongst his side’s best against the Power and has played a crucial role through the midfield in recent weeks, while youngster Jack Rawlings provided plenty of avenues to goal.

“Tommy Lundberg deserved his recognition for the hard work he has played in the first three games in the seconds and got in the best in those games, he did a good hard

pre-season,” he said. “Young kids like Andy

Higgins were very good and Jack Rawlings was good in patches and put good blocks on and just did the little things.” MEANTIME, McGregor said Barwon Heads will have a massive point to prove on their home turf on Saturday, after the Seagulls suffered a 106-point loss at the hands

of Torquay last Saturday at Spring Creek Reserve.

The Seagulls remain 1-3 after four rounds.

“Very much they (Barwon Heads) will want to take us down,” he said.

“There is nothing better for Barwon Heads to try and get up and knock off Ocean Grove – we have got to be on our game.”

The Grubbers senior match against the Seagulls starts at 2:10pm at Howard Hammer Oval in Barwon Heads.

FINAL SCORES Ocean grove 24.20.164 defeated Newcomb 6.8.44 Ocean Grove Goal Kickers: D Maloney 5, A Higgins 4, L Hollmer 3, L Rock 3, S. Jack 3, B. Backwell 2, R O’Callaghan, J Rawlings, S. Fankhauser , B. Ricardo. Best Players: J McTaggart, A Higgins, L. Rock, J Rawlings, T. Foott.

Grove ready for Heads

Grove seniors in action at Newcomb. Pictures: LINDSAY KELLEY.

Page 40: Ocean Grove Voice 2 May 2012

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GROVE’S senior football and netball sides have made a dream start to the new season. In footy, the sidekjs has a 100 per cent record with recent wins over Ammos and Newcomb, while the women have found their stride with back to back wins in the last fortnight. This week Grove travel to Barwon Heads for the Battle of the Bridge. Football and netball reports pages 36-39. Pictures: LINDSAY KELLEY