ocr gcse (9-1) j205 economics specification · 2 ocr 2016 gcse (9–1) in economics. 1. 1a. why...

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Page 1: OCR GCSE (9-1) J205 Economics Specification · 2 OCR 2016 GCSE (9–1) in Economics. 1. 1a. Why choose an OCR qualification? Choose OCR and you’ve got the reassurance that you’re


GCSE (9-1)Specification

ECONOMICSJ205For first assessment in 2019

GCSE (9-1) Economics

Version 1.1 (April 2018)

Page 2: OCR GCSE (9-1) J205 Economics Specification · 2 OCR 2016 GCSE (9–1) in Economics. 1. 1a. Why choose an OCR qualification? Choose OCR and you’ve got the reassurance that you’re

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1 Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Economics? 21a. WhychooseanOCRqualification? 21b. WhychooseOCR’sGCSE(9–1)inEconomics? 31c. Whatarethekeyfeaturesofthisspecification? 41d. What is new in OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics 41e. HowdoIfindoutmoreinformation? 5

2 Thespecificationoverview 62a. OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics (J205) 62b. Content of GCSE (9–1) in Economics (J205) 72c. ContentofJ205/01–IntroductiontoEconomics 82c. ContentofJ205/02–NationalandInternationalEconomics 112d. Prior knowledge, learning and progression 14

3 Assessment of GCSE (9–1) in Economics 153a. Forms of assessment 153b. Assessmentobjectives(AO) 153c. Command words 163d. AOweightingsinOCRGCSE(9–1)Economics 163e. Assessmentavailability 163f. Retakingthequalification 173g. Assessment of extended response 173h. Synopticassessment 173i. Calculatingqualificationresults 17

4 Administration:whatyouneedtoknow 184a. Pre-assessment 184b. Specialconsideration 184c. External assessment arrangements 194d. Resultsandcertificates 194e. Results 204f. Post-resultsservices 204g. Malpractice 20

5 Appendices 215a. Overlapwithotherqualifications 215b. Accessibility 215c. Quantitativeskillsrequirement 215d. Assessmentofquantitativeskills 22

Summary of updates 23

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics


1a. WhychooseanOCRqualification?

ChooseOCRandyou’vegotthereassurancethatyou’re working with one of the UK’s leading exam boards. Our new OCR GCSE (9–1) in Economics course hasbeendevelopedinconsultationwithteachers,employersandhighereducationinstitutionstoprovidelearnerswithaqualificationthat’srelevanttothem and meets their needs.

We’re part of the Cambridge Assessment Group, Europe’s largest assessment agency and a departmentoftheUniversityofCambridge.Cambridge Assessment plays a leading role in developinganddeliveringassessmentsthroughouttheworld,operatinginover150countries.

Weworkwitharangeofeducationproviders,including schools, colleges, workplaces and other institutionsinboththepublicandprivatesectors.Over13,000centreschooseourALevels,GCSEsandvocationalqualificationsincludingCambridgeNationalsandCambridgeTechnicals.


Webelieveindevelopingspecificationsthathelpyoubring the subject to life and inspire your students to achievemore.


thedeliveryofthecoursetosuityourneeds.Weaimto encourage students to become responsible for theirownlearning,confidentindiscussingideas,innovativeandengaged.


• Awiderangeofhigh-qualitycreativeresources,including:• DeliveryGuides• TransitionGuides• TopicExplorationPacks• LessonElements• …and much more.

• AccesstoSubjectAdvisorstosupportyouthroughthetransitionandthroughoutthelifetimeofthespecification

• CPD/Trainingforteacherstointroducethequalificationsandprepareyouforfirstteaching

• ActiveResults–ourfreeresultsanalysisservicetohelpyoureviewtheperformanceofindividuallearnersorwholeschools.


1 Why choose an OCR GCSE (9–1) in Economics?

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1b. Why choose OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics?

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics has been designed tobeanengagingandrelevantspecificationfortoday’s learners.

Economics is about people and their economic choices.Thiscourseenableslearnerstoappreciatewe are all part of the economy and that economics relatestoeveryaspectofourlives–fromthedecisionsofindividualsorfamiliestothestructurescreatedbygovernmentsandproducers.Itwilldeveloplearners’understandingofhoweconomicissuesaffectchoicesaboutresourcesandmarketsandviceversa.

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics equips learners with theskillsandconfidencetoexplorehowconsumers,producersandgovernmentsinteractinmarketsnationallyandinternationally.Itprovidesawell-roundedintroductiontothissubjectandanexcellentfoundationforadvancedstudyinEconomics.

Bylearninghowtoexplainandevaluateeconomicproblemsandpossiblesolutions,learnerswillacquireawayofthinkingaseconomistsanddevelopalogicalapproach to thinking and reasoning.

By learning how to use economic data from a range of sources, such as tables, charts and graphs, learners will acquire the skills to make informed judgements and to communicate in a clear and concise way.

Learnerswillbenefitfromthesetransferrableskills in their further study and employment.

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics will enable learners tobecomebetter-informedandmoreresponsiblecitizens,consumersandproducers,byallowingthemtodevelopanawarenessfortheimportanceoftheeconomicdimensiontoourlives.Thiswillallowthemtobecomemoreconfidentintheeconomicchoicesrelatingtotheirlifeandwork.

Ourspecificationhasbeendesignedinconjunctionwithawiderangeofteacherstoensureaninclusivespecificationhasbeencreatedtoallowalllearnerstoachievetheirpotential.Wehavelookedcloselyatcreatingassessmentswhichstemfromteachingandlearning and the study of Economics, ensuring that the focus is on what is best for the learners.


OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics will encourage learnersto:

• understandhowmarketsoperateandthe roles of consumers, producers or workers within markets

• understandhowtheeconomyworksnationallyandgloballyandtheleversemployedbygovernmentstoreachdesiredsocialandeconomicobjectives

• activelyengageinthestudyofEconomics todevelopaseffective,self-motivatedstudents,andascritical,reflectivethinkers withenquiringminds,abletodistinguishbetween fact and opinion

• understandandapplytheireconomicknowledgeandskillstoinvestigatecurrent


• buildeconomicarguments,makinginformedjudgements by using economic concepts and quantitativeevidencethroughtheuse,applicationandinterpretationofdata

• understandtheperspectivesofdifferenteconomic agents, including consumers, producersandgovernmentinrelationtoeconomicactivity

• readeconomicarticlestoappreciatehowleading economists approach economic problems

• considermoral,ethicalandsustainability issues that arise as a result of the impact of economicactivity.

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics


1c. Whatarethekeyfeaturesofthisspecification?

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics has two mandatory components. In each component there is a degree of flexibilityinhowstudyisundertaken.

Learnerswilldevelopasoundunderstandingof themaineconomicconceptsandappreciationforhoweconomicissuesaffectourlives.ThiscourseappealstolearnersstudyingEconomicsforthefirsttimeandaimstodevelopanenthusiasmthatwillencourage them to progress to further study in Economics.

Weprovideteacherswithcomprehensiveteachingand learning resources to support the planning anddeliveryofthisspecificationfromdayoneincluding:

• DeliveryGuidesofferingadviceandguidanceforteachersincludinghowtodelivertheoryinapracticalsetting,approachestoassessmentand choosing texts appropriate for the component

• PlanningGuidesofferinginformationonkeyaspects of the course to support curriculum planning

• QualificationFactSheetsandPracticeQuestionsofferingsummarisedinformationonkey themes suitable for teachers, learners and parents

• CPD:www.cpdhub.ocr.org.uk.

1d. WhatisnewinOCR’sGCSE(9–1)inEconomics

ThissectionisintendedforteachersusingOCR’sGCSE(9–1)inEconomics.Ithighlightsthedifferencesbetween the current OCR GCSE Economics (J320) and


What stays the same? What’schanging?

• Thisisanexternallyassessedqualification

• AllocationofthethreeAssessmentObjectivesremainsverysimilar(legacy34.7%34.7%30.7%,new35.0%,35.0%,30.0%)

• Assessmentisattheendofthecourse

• Contentandstructurearefamiliaralthoughupdated and streamlined

• Keytopicareashavestayedthesame

• ComprehensiveandengagingintroductiontoEconomics.

• Theassessmentconsistsoftwoexams, 90 minutes each

• Thereisnolongeranypre-releasestimulusmaterial

• Explicitapplicationandassessmentofquantitativeskills(minimumof10%ofoverallmarks)atthelevelofKeyStage3Maths

• BothquestionpapershaveasectionwithMultipleChoiceQuestions

• Contentstreamlinedtoallowformoreapplicationtoreallifeexamples.

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1e. HowdoIfindoutmoreinformation?




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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

2a. OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics (J205)

All learners must take components 01 and 02 to be awarded the OCR GCSE (9–1) in Economics.

ContentOverview AssessmentOverview

• IntroductiontoEconomics

• Theroleofmarketsandmoney




1 hour 30 minute writtenpaper

50%of totalGCSE(9–1)

• Economicobjectivesandtheroleofgovernment

• Internationaltradeandtheglobal economy





1 hour 30 minute writtenpaper

50%of totalGCSE(9–1)


2 Thespecificationoverview

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2b. Content of GCSE (9–1) in Economics (J205)

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics encourages learners tothinkaseconomistsanddeveloptheappropriaterangeofanalytical,criticalandreasoningskillstoachievethisobjective.

Thisqualificationwillteachlearnerstoexplain,analyseandevaluatetheroleofmarketsandthegovernmentwithinamarketeconomy.Theywilllearnabout the basic market models and are encouraged to deepen their understanding of the economic conceptsstudiedbyapplyingthesetorelevantcurrentandhistoricaleconomicissues.Thisshouldincludereadingarticleswitheconomicdata,graphicalrepresentationsordiscussionsofeconomicproblems.


and interpret data as well as understand its possible limitations.


Component 01 introduces learners to the main economic agents, the basic economic problem and the role of markets, including the labour market and theimportanceofthefinancialsector.

Component 02 focusses on the main economic objectives,suchaseconomicgrowth,lowunemployment,fairdistributionofincomeandpricestability,andotherrolesofgovernment.Otheraspectsaretheimportanceofinternationaltradeandtheimpactofglobalisation.



• ‘explain’ refers to the ability to demonstrate knowledgeandunderstanding:

• bystatingadefinition,explainingaconceptorgivinganexample

• and/or to apply knowledge and understanding to a context

• ‘analyse’encompassestheabilityto‘explain’,and refers to the ability to present logical chains of reasoning

• ‘evaluate’encompassestheabilityto‘explain’and to ’analyse’ and refers to the ability to weigh up both sides of the argument, or to comparealternatives,andtocometoasupported judgement

• ‘draw’ refers to the ability to construct and label a diagram appropriately as outlined in Appendix5dofthisspecification

• ‘calculate’ refers to the ability to apply quantitativeskillsasoutlinedinAppendix5dofthisspecification.

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

2c. ContentofJ205/01–IntroductiontoEconomics

Thiscomponentintroduceslearnerstothefundamental economic terms and concepts. Learnerswillapplythesetoinvestigateandexplainhow markets work in contemporary and historical economic contexts.

Theywillstudythedifferentrolesandperspectives of the main economic agents (consumers, producers andthegovernment)andhowtheyinteractintheeconomy.

Learnerswilldeveloptheabilitytouseand interpretquantitativedatatojustifyeconomicdecisions.

Theywilllearntoappreciatethatalleconomicchoiceshavecostsandbenefits.Thiswillencouragethem to consider moral, ethical and sustainability issues that arise as a result of the impact of economicactivityinarangeofnationaland global contexts.

Pleasenote:All terms in bold are key terms learners should be familiar with and learners should be able to explain their meaning.FortheuseandmeaningofcommandwordspleaseseeSection2b.


Topic Learners should be able to

1.1 Main economic groups and factors of production

• explaintheroleofthemaineconomicgroups:consumers, producers and the government, including their interdependence

• explainthefactorsofproduction:land,labour,capitalandenterprise,including how they might be combined


• explainwhatismeantbyscarceresources and unlimitedwants

• explaintheeconomicproblem,includingthequestionsofhowresourcesshouldbeallocated,what,forwhomandhowgoodsandservicesshouldbeproduced

• explainwhatismeantbyopportunitycost

• evaluatethecostsandbenefitsofeconomic choices, including the impact on economic,social and environmental sustainability.

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Topic Learners should be able to


• explainwhatismeantbyamarket

• explainthefeaturesoftheprimary, secondary and tertiary sectors, including the differencebetweentheproductionofgoods and services

• explainthedifferencebetweenfactor and product markets, including their interdependence

• evaluatethecostsandbenefitsofspecialisation and exchange in markets including for producers, workers, regions and countries

2.2 Demand • explainwhatismeantbydemand

• drawandexplainademand curveusingdata,includingindividualandmarketdemand

• drawshiftsof,andmovementsalong,thedemandcurve

• analysethecausesandconsequencesforconsumersandproducers,ofshiftsof,andmovementsalong,thedemandcurve

• explainprice elasticity of demand

• drawdemandcurvesofdifferentelasticity

• evaluatetheimportanceofpriceelasticityofdemandforconsumersandproducers

2.3 Supply • explainwhatismeantbysupply

• drawandexplainasupply curveusingdata,includingindividualandmarketsupply

• drawshiftsof,andmovementsalong,thesupplycurve

• analysethecausesandconsequencesforconsumersandproducers,ofshiftsof,andmovementsalong,thesupplycurve

• explainprice elasticityof supply

• drawsupplycurvesofdifferentelasticity

• evaluatetheimportanceofpriceelasticityofsupplyforconsumersandproducers

2.4 Price • explainpriceasareflectionofworthanditsroleindetermininganefficientdistributionofresources

• explainwhatismeantbyequilibriumprice and quantity

• drawandanalysetheinteractionofdemandandsupply

• explaintheroleofmarketsinthedetermination of price and the allocation of resources

• analysehowthemarketforcesofdemandandsupplyaffectequilibrium price and quantity

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

Topic Learners should be able to

2.5Competition • explaincompetition between producers in a marketeconomy, including the reasons why producers compete

• analysehowcompetitionaffectsprice

• evaluatetheeconomicimpactofcompetitiononproducersandconsumers

• explainthemeaningofmonopoly and oligopolyandhowtheydifferfromcompetitivemarkets

2.6Production • explaintheroleofproducers,includingindividuals,firmsandthegovernment

• evaluatetheimportanceofproduction and productivity for the economy

• calculateandexplaintotal cost, average cost, totalrevenue, averagerevenue, profitandloss

• evaluatetheimportanceofcost, revenue, profit and loss for producers, including howcostsandrevenuesaffectprofitandsupply

• explainwhatismeantbyeconomies of scale


• explaintheroleandoperationofthelabour market,includingtheinteractionbetween workers and employers

• analysethedeterminationofwagesthroughsupplyanddemand,includingfactorsaffectingthesupplyanddemandoflabour

• explainandcalculategross and net pay,includingdeductionsthroughincome tax, nationalinsurance and pensioncontributions

2.8Theroleofmoney and financialmarkets

• explaintheroleofmoney as a mediumofexchange

• explaintheroleofthefinancial sectorfortheeconomy,includingfinancialinstitutionssuchasbanks, buildingsocieties and insurance companies

• evaluatetheimportanceofthefinancialsectorforconsumers,producersandgovernment

• analysehowdifferentinterestratesaffectthelevelsofsaving, borrowing and investment

• calculatetheeffectonsavingsandborrowingsofchangesintherateofinterest.

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2c. ContentofJ205/02–NationalandInternationalEconomics


Learnerswillinvestigatetheeffectsofeconomicpoliciesonmarkets.Theywilluseandinterpretquantitativeevidence,suchasunemploymentfigures,in contemporary and historical economic contexts.


Learnersareencouragedtoconsidermoral,ethicaland sustainability issues that arise as a result of the impactofeconomicactivityinarangeofnationalandglobal contexts.

Pleasenote:All terms in bold are key terms learners should be familiar with and learners should be able to explain their meaning.FortheuseandmeaningofcommandwordspleaseseeSection2b.


Topic Learners should be able to

3.1 Economic growth

• explainwhatismeantbyeconomicgrowth

• calculateandexplainhoweconomicgrowthismeasuredwithreferencetoGrossDomesticProduct (GDP) and GDPpercapita

• analyserecentandhistoricalGDPdata

• analysethedeterminantsofeconomicgrowth,includinginvestment,changesintechnology,sizeofworkforce,educationandtraining,availabilityofnaturalresourcesandgovernmentpolicies

• evaluatethecostsandbenefitsofeconomicgrowth,includingtheimpactoneconomic,socialandenvironmentalsustainability


• explainwhatismeantbyemployment and unemployment

• explainhowunemploymentismeasuredusingtheClaimantCount

• calculatetheunemploymentrate

• analyserecentandhistoricalunemploymentfigures

• explainthetypesofunemployment, including cyclical, frictional, seasonal and structural unemployment

• evaluatethecausesandconsequencesofunemploymentforindividuals,regionsandthegovernment

3.3Fairdistributionof income

• explainwhatismeantbythedistributionofincome,includingdifferenttypesofincomeandthedifferencebetweenincome and wealth

• calculateincomeandwealth

• evaluatethecausesofdifferencesinthedistributionofincomeandwealthandthe consequences for an economy

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

Topic Learners should be able to

3.4 Price stability • explainwhatismeantbypricestability and inflation,includingthedifferencebetween real and nominalvalues

• explainhowinflationismeasuredusingtheConsumerPriceIndex(CPI)

• calculatetheeffectofinflationonprices

• analyserecentandhistoricalinflationfigures

• evaluatethecausesofinflationandtheconsequencesforconsumers,producers,saversandthegovernment

3.5 Fiscal policy • explainpurposesofgovernmentspending and sources ofgovernmentrevenue, including directtaxesandindirecttaxes

• explainwhatismeantbyabalanced governmentbudget, budget surplus and budget deficit

• explainwhatismeantbyfiscalpolicyand how it canbeusedtoachieveeconomicobjectives

• calculateandanalysehowtaxesandgovernmentspendingcanaffectmarketsaswellastheoveralleconomy

• evaluatethecosts,includingopportunitycost,andthebenefitsoffiscalpolicyontheeconomytoachieveeconomicobjectives

• evaluateeconomicconsequencesofmeasurestoredistributeincomeandwealth, including progressivetaxes

3.6Monetarypolicy • explainwhatismeantbymonetarypolicyand how it canbeusedtoachieveeconomicobjectives

• analysehowmonetarypolicycanaffectgrowth,employmentandpricestability

• evaluatetheeffectsofmonetarypolicyonconsumerspending,borrowing,savingandinvestment

3.7 Supply side policies

• explainwhatismeantbysupplysidepolicyandhowitcanbeusedtoachieveeconomicobjectives

• evaluatethecosts,includingopportunitycost,andthebenefitsofsupplysidepolicies for the economy


• explainwhatismeantbypositive and negativeexternalities

• explaingovernmentpoliciestocorrectpositiveandnegativeexternalities,including taxation and subsidies,stateprovision, legislation and regulation and information provision

• evaluatetheuseandimpactofgovernmentpoliciestocorrectpositiveandnegativeexternalities

• evaluatethecosts,includingopportunitycost,andthebenefitsofgovernmentpoliciestocorrectpositiveandnegativeexternalities.

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Topic Learners should be able to

4.1 Importance of internationaltrade

• explainwhycountriesimportandexportgoodsandservicesandthebenefitsof this for consumers and producers

• explainfreetradeagreements including the EuropeanUnion

4.2 Balance of payments

• explainthebalanceofpaymentsoncurrentaccount

• explainthemeaningofabalanced currentaccount, a currentaccountsurplus and currentaccountdeficit

• calculatedeficitsandsurpluses

• analyserecentandhistoricaldataonexportsandimports

• evaluatetheimportanceofthebalanceofpaymentsoncurrentaccounttotheUK economy

• evaluatethecausesofsurplusesanddeficitsofthebalanceofpaymentsoncurrent account

4.3 Exchange rates • drawandanalysehowexchangeratesaredeterminedthroughtheinteractionof supply and demand

• calculatecurrencyconversion

• analyserecentandhistoricalexchangeratedata

• evaluatetheeffectofchangesintheexchangerateonconsumersandproducers

4.4Globalisation • explainglobalisation,includingitsdrivingfactors

• explainhowdevelopment is measured, including GDP per capita, life expectancy,accesstohealthcare,technologyandeducation

• evaluatethecostsandbenefitsofglobalisationtoproducers,workersandconsumers in developed countries, including the impact on economic, social andenvironmentalsustainability

• evaluatethecostsandbenefitsofglobalisationtoproducers,workersandconsumers in lessdevelopedcountries, including the impact on economic, socialandenvironmentalsustainability.

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2d. Priorknowledge,learningandprogression

No prior knowledge of Economics is required.








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3a. Formsofassessment

OCR’s GCSE (9–1) in Economics is a fully linear course and consists of two mandatory components. Each componentisexternallyassessedusingaquestionpaper.


Eachquestionpaperhas20multiplechoicequestionsin part A.

PartBconsistsofthreequestions,eachwithashortcase study and related short and medium response questionsaswellastheopportunityforextendedresponse.



Thetimeallowedforeachquestionpaperis1hourand 30 minutes.

3 Assessment of GCSE (9–1) in Economics

3b. Assessmentobjectives(AO)

TherearethreeAssessmentObjectivesinOCRGCSE(9–1)inEconomics.Thesearedetailedinthe table below:


AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic concepts and issues

AO2 Applyknowledgeandunderstandingofeconomicconceptsandissuestoavarietyofcontexts

AO3 Analyseandevaluateeconomicevidenceandissuestodemonstrateunderstandingofeconomicbehaviour,makejudgementsanddrawconclusions

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

3c. Commandwords


AssessmentObjective Commandwords


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of economic concepts and issues







Apply knowledge and understanding of economic conceptsandissuestoavarietyofcontexts


Analyseandevaluateeconomicevidenceandissuesto demonstrate understanding of economic




3d. AOweightingsinOCRGCSE(9–1)Economics




IntroductiontoEconomics(J205/01) 17.5% 17.5% 15%

NationalandInternationalEconomics(J205/02) 17.5% 17.5% 15%

Total 35% 35% 30%

3e. Assessmentavailability

Therewillbeoneexaminationseriesavailableeachyear in May/June to alllearners.

All examined components must be taken in the same examinationseriesattheendofthecourse.


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3f. Retakingthequalification

Learnerscanretakethequalificationasmanytimesasthey wish.

Theymustretakeallcomponentsofthequalificationif they wish to do this.

3g. Assessmentofextendedresponse

Theassessmentmaterialsforthisqualificationprovidelearnerswiththeopportunitytodemonstratetheirabilitytoconstructanddevelopasustainedandcoherent line of reasoning.

Marks for extended responses are integrated into the marksallocatedforthelevel.

Thequalityofextendedresponsewillbeassessedinquestions21(d)(iii),22(d)(iii)and23(d)(iii)ineachcomponent.Thesequestionswillbemarkedwithanasterisk (*).

3h. Synopticassessment


OCR’sGCSE(9–1)inEconomicsinvolvesthedrawingtogether of knowledge, skills and understanding between the subject content of Component 01 andthatofComponent02.Thisequipslearners withaholisticunderstandingofthesubjectwhich


Synopticassessmentisfoundineachofthe6-markquestionsinSectionB(21(c),21(d)(iii),22(c), 22 (d)(iii), 23 (c) and 23 (d)(iii)) in each of the two components.Thiswillenablelearnerstodrawupontheir knowledge and understanding from the full rangeofcontentfromthespecification.

3i. Calculatingqualificationresults

Alearner’soverallqualificationgradeforGCSE(9–1)in Economics will be calculated by adding together theirmarksfromthetwocomponentstakentogivetheir total weighted mark.


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GCSE (9–1) in Economics



OCR’s Admin overviewisavailableontheOCRwebsiteat http://www.ocr.org.uk/administration

4 Administration:whatyouneedtoknow

4a. Pre-assessment


Estimatedentriesareyourbestprojectionofthenumber of learners who will be entered for a qualificationinaparticularseries.Estimatedentries

shouldbesubmittedtoOCRbythespecifieddeadline.Theyarefreeanddonotcommityourcentre in any way.


FinalentriesprovideOCRwithdetaileddataforeachlearner, showing each assessment to be taken. It is essentialthatyouusethecorrectentrycode,consideringtherelevantentryrules.

FinalentriesmustbesubmittedtoOCRbythepublished deadlines or late entry fees will apply.

All learners taking a GCSE (9–1) in Economics must be entered for J205.


Title Component code

Componenttitle Assessment type

J205 Economics 01 IntroductiontoEconomics External Assessment

02 NationalandInternationalEconomics External Assessment

4b. Specialconsideration

Specialconsiderationisapost-assessmentadjustmenttomarksorgradestoreflecttemporaryinjury,illnessorotherindispositionatthetimetheassessment was taken.

DetailedinformationabouteligibilityforspecialconsiderationcanbefoundintheJCQpublication A guide to the special consideration process.

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4c. Externalassessmentarrangements

RegulationsgoverningexaminationarrangementsarecontainedintheJCQpublicationInstructions for conducting examinations.

Learnersarepermittedtouseascientificorgraphicalcalculator for both components. Calculators are subject to the rules in the document Instructions for Conducting Examinations published annually by JCQ (www.jcq.org.uk).



providetheHeadofCentreAnnualDeclarationwillresult in your centre status being suspended and couldleadtothewithdrawalofourapprovalforyouto operate as a centre.

4d. Resultsandcertificates


GCSE(9–1)qualificationsaregradedonthescale:9–1,where9isthehighest.Learnerswhofail to reach the minimum standard of 1 will be




Aprivatecandidateissomeonewhopursuesacourseofstudyindependentlybuttakesanexaminationorassessmentatanapprovedexaminationcentre.Aprivatecandidatemaybeapart-timestudent,someone taking a distance learning course, or someonebeingtutoredprivately.Theymustbebasedin the UK.

PrivatecandidatesneedtocontactOCRapprovedcentres to establish whether they are prepared to hostthemasaprivatecandidate.Thecentremaycharge for this facility and OCR recommends that the arrangement is made early in the course.


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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

4f. Post-resultsservices


• Enquiriesaboutresults – If you are not happy with the outcome of a learner’s results, centres may submit an enquiry about results

• Missingandincompleteresults–Thisserviceshouldbeusedifanindividualsubjectresult

for a learner is missing, or the learner has been omittedentirelyfromtheresultssupplied

• Accesstoscripts – Centres can request access to marked scripts.

4g. Malpractice

Anybreachoftheregulationsfortheconduct ofexaminationsandnon-examassessment mayconstitutemalpractice(whichincludesmaladministration)andmustbereportedto OCR as soon as it is detected.

DetailedinformationonmalpracticecanbefoundinthecurrentJCQpublicationSuspected Malpractice in Examinations and Assessments.

4e. Results

Results are released to centres and learners for informationandtoallowanyqueriestoberesolvedbeforecertificatesareissued.


• thegradeforthequalification

• therawmarkforeachcomponent

• thetotalweightedmarkforthequalification.


• rawmarkgradeboundariesforeachcomponent

• weightedmarkgradeboundariesforthequalification.



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5a. Overlapwithotherqualifications

ThereissomeoverlapbetweenthecontentofthisspecificationandthatforOCR’sASandALevelinEconomics to allow for progression.


5 Appendices

5b. Accessibility

Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements allowlearnerswithspecialeducationalneeds,disabilitiesortemporaryinjuriestoaccesstheassessment and show what they know and can do, without changing the demands of the assessment.

Applicationsfortheseshouldbemadebeforetheexaminationseries.Detailedinformationabouteligibility for access arrangements can be found in the

JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments.


5c. Quantitativeskillsrequirement

Thelistbelowstatestherangeandextentofquantitativeskillsappropriatetothesubjectcontentof GCSE (9–1) in Economics.

Drawing on the knowledge and understanding as outlinedinsection2(c),learnersarerequiredtoapplytheseskillstorelevanteconomiccontexts.


1. calculationofpercentagesandpercentagechanges,includinginterestonsavings

2. calculationofaverages,includingcost

3. calculationoftotals,includingrevenue,costsandprofit

4. calculationofincome,includinggrossandnetpay


5. constructionofgraphsfromdata,includingsupplyanddemandcurves


6. interpretationanduseofinformationfromgraphsandcharts

7. interpretationanduseofeconomicdata,suchasunemploymentfigures,exportsandimports.

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

5d. Assessmentofquantitativeskills

Atleast10%ofthetotalGCSEmarksrewardtheuseofquantitativeskillsatalevelofdemandwhichisnotlower than that which is expected of learners at Key Stage 3.

Questionsandtasksrewardingtheuseof quantitativeskillsassessthoseskillswithinthe

context of other areas of the subject content, andnotinisolation.


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Date Version Section Titleofsection Change

April2018 1.1 4d Resultandcertificates Amendtocertificationtitling

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GCSE (9–1) in Economics

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¨ Bookmark ocr.org.uk/gcseeconomics for all the latest resources,information and news on GCSE (9-1) Economics

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For staff training purposes and as part of our quality assurance programme your call may be recorded or monitored. ©OCR 2018 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England. Registered office 1 Hills Road, Cambridge CB1 2EU. Registered company number 3484466. OCR is an exempt charity.



Download high-quality, exciting and innovative GCSE (9-1) Economics resources from ocr.org.uk/gcseeconomics

Resources and support for our GCSE (9-1) Economics qualifications, developed through collaboration between our Economics Subject Advisors, teachers and other subject experts, are available from our website. You can also contact our Economics Subject Advisors who can give you specialist advice, guidance and support.

Contact the team at: 01223 553998 [email protected] @OCR_BusEcon

To stay up to date with all the relevant news about our qualifications, register for email updates at ocr.org.uk/updates

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