october 2007 tidings newsletter, temple ohabei shalom

Tidings Tidings Temple Ohabei Shalom Temple Ohabei Shalom—New England’s First Reform Congregation New England’s First Reform Congregation At Shabbat services on Friday, November 2, our community will install Randall Schloss as our new cantor. In this ceremony, we will officially welcome Cantor Schloss as a permanent member of the Temple Ohabei Shalom clergy. Many rabbis and cantors feel a bit uncomfortable with the term “installation.” It makes us feel like appliances. And, indeed, the concept of an installation is one that has come into the Jewish world from our secular and Christian neighbors. In Eastern Europe, there was no special ceremony. A cantor would be presented with a ktav chazzanut, a Cantorial contract signed by all the leaders of the community. Yet, even if the roots of installation are not deeply Jewish, there is a reason this ceremony has caught hold with synagogues today. It is appropriate to mark with ritual the arrival at this Temple of a new cantor, and to see how we can help him fulfill his various roles; how we can all sign his virtual ktav chazzanut. A cantor is called by various terms in Jewish tradition. He is known as chazzan, a term which literally means “overseer.” It comes from the Hebrew word meaning “vision.” Cantor Schloss has a vision for this congregation, and it behooves us to work with him, to add our own vision to his, to further our community. A cantor is also known as shaliakh tzibbur, the representative of the community. Although, as Cantor Schloss explains elsewhere in these pages, some of the technical requirements that this title entails have changed over time, the ultimate validity of the title remains. A cantor must listen to and stand for what is best in his community. Sometimes, that will mean that he will have to push the community to stand for what it can be at its best, not what it wants to be at the moment. On those occasions, especially, it is important for the community to give him its most serious attention. Cantors, like a rabbis, are also referred to as klei kodesh, holy vessels. Our cantor’s work is not only with this community, with the community of Jews and the larger world community – his work is with God. This congregation can help him by supporting him not only in his actions with this synagogue, but in his spiritual quest. This, in turn, will help him support you in yours. I am pleased and honored to welcome Cantor Schloss as a colleague. I hope that you will join us on November 2 to welcome him, officially, as your Cantor. What’s Inside: Cantor’s Message President’s Message New Service Time and To- rah Study Israel Action Social Action Worship Social Groups Sisterhood Brotherhood Ansin Religious School News Shabbat Mishpatim Torah Panarama Lifelong Learning Scholarships Simchat Torah October Funds Yizkor Elohim October Calendar INVITATION TO AN INSTALLATION October 2007 Tishrei/H eshvan 5768 Welcome to our New Members Adam Asarch and Olivia DeFeterici Deborah Brief Jeffrey Carlson Saul & Doris Feldman Annette Goubeaus Jeff Grossman James & Janet Nahirny David Pearlman Jack & Karen Rizika Robert and Danielle Rizika Anthony & Mary Schlaff Jeffrey and Amy Shaman

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Page 1: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

TidingsTidings Temple Ohabei Shalom Temple Ohabei Shalom——New England’s First Reform CongregationNew England’s First Reform Congregation

At Shabbat services on Friday, November 2, our community will install Randall Schloss as our new cantor. In this ceremony, we will officially welcome Cantor Schloss as a permanent member of the Temple Ohabei Shalom clergy. Many rabbis and cantors feel a bit uncomfortable with the term “installation.” It makes us feel like appliances. And, indeed, the concept of an installation is one that has come into the Jewish world from our secular and Christian neighbors. In Eastern Europe, there was no special ceremony. A cantor would be presented with a ktav chazzanut, a Cantorial contract signed by all the leaders of the community. Yet, even if the roots of installation are not deeply Jewish, there is a reason this ceremony has caught hold with synagogues today. It is appropriate to mark with ritual the arrival at this Temple of a new cantor, and to see how we can help him fulfill his various roles; how we can all sign his virtual ktav chazzanut. A cantor is called by various terms in Jewish tradition. He is known as chazzan, a term which literally means “overseer.” It comes from the Hebrew word meaning “vision.” Cantor Schloss has a vision for this congregation, and it behooves us to work with him, to add our own vision to his, to further our community. A cantor is also known as shaliakh tzibbur, the representative of the community. Although, as Cantor Schloss explains elsewhere in

these pages, some of the technical requirements that this title entails have changed over time, the ultimate validity of the title remains. A cantor must listen to and stand for what is best in his community. Sometimes, that will mean that he will have to push the community to stand for what it can be at its best, not what it wants to be at the moment. On those occasions, especially, it is important for the community to give him its most serious attention. Cantors, like a rabbis, are also referred to as klei kodesh, holy vessels. Our cantor’s work is not only with this community, with the community of Jews and the larger world community – his work is with God. This congregation can help him by supporting him not only in his actions with this synagogue, but in his spiritual quest. This, in turn, will help him support you in yours. I am pleased and honored to welcome Cantor Schloss as a colleague. I hope that you will join us on November 2 to welcome him, officially, as your Cantor.

What’s Inside: Cantor’s Message President’s Message New Service Time and To-rah Study Israel Action Social Action Worship Social Groups • Sisterhood • Brotherhood Ansin Religious School News • Shabbat Mishpatim • Torah Panarama • Lifelong Learning

Scholarships Simchat Torah October Funds Yizkor Elohim October Calendar

INVITATION TO AN INSTALLATION October 2007 Tishrei/Heshvan 5768

Welcome to our New Members Adam Asarch and Olivia DeFeterici Deborah Brief Jeffrey Carlson Saul & Doris Feldman Annette Goubeaus Jeff Grossman James & Janet Nahirny David Pearlman Jack & Karen Rizika Robert and Danielle Rizika Anthony & Mary Schlaff Jeffrey and Amy Shaman

Page 2: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

One of the most memorable pieces of High Holiday liturgy is Sh’ma Koleinu. Not only do we pray fervently over matters of life and death, but we preface these prayers with statements such as Sh’ma Koleinu. If we are to earnestly examine our own shortcomings, confess our sins and pray for renewal in the year to come, we plead that God will hear these prayers: Sh’ma Koleinu. Hear our voice, Adonai our God; have compassion on us, and with that compassion accept our prayer. Historically, it was the Cantor’s duty to speak, or sing, on behalf of the community. It might seem strange that an individual would say, “Hear our voice,” but this is the traditional role of the Cantor. Through beautiful music and a higher level of vocal expression, the Cantor’s voice might be better suited to reaching the ears of God. However this is not always the case in modern Judaism. The Cantor ought to be able to express what an individual member of the community

Sh’ma Koleinu: Hear Our Voice. Cantor Randall Schloss


In Pirkei Avot, “Chapters of Our Ancestors,” Shammai teaches, “Make your study of Torah a fixed duty.” What he means is that we should study the Torah at regular periods. Here at Temple Ohabei Shalom, we have been listening to Shammai. We have decided to set a time for Torah study so that you know, week in and week out, that it will be there waiting for you, if you would like to pursue it.

We now hold Torah study each Saturday morning at 9:00, each and every week, at least through the end of June. Please come join us !

October Special Birthdays

Carol Glauberman-Rock Robert C. Horlick Lawrence D. Kritzman Carole Siegel Elissa Yanover Evelyn Bazer Charles Landay Nadav Hazan Arnold Greenfield Elizabeth Greenspan Robert Siegal Elizabeth Barron Denise Miller Green Kathy Spiegelman David Nager Daniel Deykin Adrienne Shishko

Special Anniversaries John Hadley & Anne Shapiro Laura Moskowitz & Robin Shore Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Slater David Landay & Naomi Litvin Mr. & Mrs. David Nadelman

can not, but the opposite is also true. The Cantor can not express what the community can express themselves. In the modern synagogue, and certainly in our synagogue, the voice of the Cantor and the voices of our community both have equally important roles to play. But the task raising our voices does not end with the final shofar blast on Yom Kippur. My task continues into the weeks and months to come and yours does as well. In all of our worship, it is of the utmost importance that the congregation not see themselves as an “audience.” There are times when Cantor or choir will be singing and hopefully engaging the congregation in active prayer. But there are also times when we need to hear literally all of our voices. Please sing! Another way to ensure that God and the community hear our voice is by joining one of our choirs. You may have heard the sweet voices of our children as Mahkelah enriched our services for Kol Nidrei. Or if you attended S’likhot, you heard our beautiful adult choir, sixteen voices strong. While making beautiful music is a top priority for me, to do so with the voices of our community is especially meaningful. Both of these groups will participate in worship services and other events throughout the year. Whether you join one of our choirs, sing aloud in the congregation, or express your own thoughts and prayers through the music that you hear, I pray Sh’ma Koleinu: Hear our voice.

Special Thanks to: Ellen Mosner Marilyn Goldstein Edward and Marjorie Kahn

For assisting with the Open House on Sept. 7 and S’likhot reception on Sept. 8.


Please note the new Saturday morning Shabbat Service time: 10:30 a.m.

Page 3: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

A congregant recently spoke with me about a feeling of being somewhat disconnected from our synagogue. I felt particularly well-suited to address the issue because, believe it or not, it was not too long ago that I had also felt a bit disconnected from our community. When we discussed the various options of involvement a bit, it soon became apparent that there were areas of activity at TOS that the congregant had not explored. The conversation was a positive one, and concluded with a connection that I helped foster and a commitment on the part of the congregant to check out some of the many activities that we offer here.

What struck me is that, while many of us are involved, there are many who have not become involved. For some, that is just fine. For others, there is a wish to become better connected. If you fall into the latter category, I think that I can help. First of all, we welcome involvement of our congregants in every aspect of synagogue life. And if we do not offer what you are looking for, we would be happy to discuss what you may be missing and see if it is something that we can address. Second, please take the time to look through the many offerings that we have. For some, our services are what attracts people most. For others, it is the school and its activities. We are proud to have an abundance of adult education opportunities, social action initiatives, community connections, brotherhood and sisterhood programs involving social opportunities and an assortment of other options. In short, there is something for just about everybody. And if you have something that you would like to see offered, but isn’t, please let us know.

Some of the responsibility for making opportunities for connection is ours, and some of it is yours. We are trying to make the connections within our community easier and stronger. Our congregants are some of the nicest people that I have ever met and gotten to know. Take the opportunity to get to know more of your fellow congregants and I’m sure that you will find this to be true.

President’s Message

Leonard M. Davidson

Sisterhood Crafts Fair Sun, Nov. 4th, 11 am–3 pm

Lissner Hall Unique hand-crafted gifts for Hanukah or everyday…

Books African art Jewelry Soaps Note cards Mezzuzot

and much more

Plus fresh baked goods...

Tables for crafters are still available— contact Julie Boris:

[email protected] or (617) 566-0748 Thanks to our greeters!

Shelley Schwartz Stan Keizer Betsy Gould Spencer Gould Evie Bazer George Bazer Margie Kahn Ed Kahn Judy Halpert Be a greeter! Call Stan Keizer to help out...

Israel Action

Please plan to join us for a special Town Hall Meeting,

October 15th at 7:15 p.m, Temple Ohabei Shalom Sanctuary

featuring Israeli Ambassador

Sallai Meridor.

Dessert reception to follow

Sponsored by the Jewish Community Relations Council

Page 4: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom


ly W



Monday—Thursday 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Friday :00 a.m. Saturday 6:00 p.m. Sundays & Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

Temple Ohabei Shalom is the area’s only Reform synagogue providing daily prayer for those in need of solace or a quiet moment of introspection. Each Daily Worship leader commits to one 20-minute weekly service. To become a leader, please call Executive Director, Dianne Newman at 617-277-6610.

Help Set the Table— the Family Table, that is...

Family Table is a community response to the ris-ing number of Jewish families with children in the Greater Boston area who simply cannot afford the basic necessities of life. As a partner in this en-deavor, Temple Ohabei Shalom is responsible for providing 80 cans of tuna fish and 80 bottles of shampoo (Suave, White Rain or VO5 suggested) per month.

October is Family Table Month at Temple Ohabei Shalom! Please bring tuna or shampoo every time you come to the synagogue!

DRIVE for Family Table!

Dedicate just one Sunday morning to delivering our tuna and shampoo to the project’s collection center in Waltham.

Spend a little time. Make a big difference!

Please contact Rabbi Alpert [email protected], Dottie Berman [email protected] or

Social Action Chair Joe Kriesberg [email protected] to offer your services or to discuss your ideas about Social Action.

IKKARIM: An Adult Learning Journey for

Parents of Young Jewish Chi ldren

Thursday mornings Fa l l 2007 – Spr ing 2008 October 11, 18, 25; November 1, 8, 15, 29;

December 6, 13, 20;January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31; February 7, 14, 28; March 6, 13.

Morning class offers free childcare

An exciting program exploring Jewish values for parents of children newborn to age five! We will meet weekly, engaging the mind and heart, to explore ancient

texts and modern themes through interactive discussions.

This class will focus on text study and an exploration of the self, family, community, and the larger world .

Subsidized tuition: $250 Through the generosity of CJP donors, more than

50% of the tuition for this program has been subsidized.

To register, contact Elana at (617) 457-8586 or [email protected], Website: www.cjp.org/ikkarim

Temple Ohabei Shalom in conjunction with:

Page 5: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Social Groups

Sisterhood News The morning of Sunday, September 16th was a presentation of the best of our beloved Ohabei Shalom. Our clergy, staff, and dedicated congregants expounded with pride about their committees and our synagogue. Our Sisterhood was a very visable part of this beautiful human kaleidoscope, as we visited with long-time devoted members while acquiring very welcome new members. We were thrilled to have the Polly Epstein Gift Shop open, thanks to the amazing efforts this summer of Amy Hozid and Marylin Klickstein. We are most grateful to both of these ladies! On Wednesday, Oct. 17th at 6:00 p.m., the Sisterhood is having dinner at Rubin’s Kosher Deli at 500 Harvard St. in Brookline. Everyone will pay for her own meal. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to relax with great food and good friends. R.S.V.P to Zita Samuels by Oct.10 : [email protected] or (617) 277-3653. We are delighted to announce our Sisterhood Crafts Fair on Sunday, Nov. 4th, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in Lissner Hall. Our starting time was purposely chosen so Ansin School parents could conveniently plan to stop by before or after they pick up their children from Sunday school, as well as for those adults attending Sunday temple activities. Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity! Artists will display the following hand-made products: books, African art, abstract designs, jewelry, soaps, note cards, mezzuzot, baked goods, and many other hand-crafted items. Our Sisterhood Crafts Fair will provide you with many options of lovely, unique Hanukah & Birthday gifts. Tables are still available for craftsmen/women at the bargain price of $25, so please spread the word! If interested in having a table, contact Julie Boris: [email protected] or (617) 566-0748. Last Spring Sisterhood started a Mahjong group under the able tutelage of Diane Rosen. Anyone interested in learning to play and joining the fun should contact Diane: [email protected] or (617) 566-5382. SISTERHOOD looks forward to seeing many of you at these exciting Fall events! L’Shalom, Your Sisterhood

Temple Ohabei Shalom Brotherhood welcomes and affords men the opportunity to enhance their relationships with our Synagogue, Judaism and other Jewish men. Complimentary first year membership is offered to all new members of Brotherhood.

Meetings are held monthly at 6:30 pm with a Kosher dinner, followed by a program, film, or speaker in a welcoming environment.

Brotherhood News From Co-Presidents Jonathan Atkins and Ben Adler The TOS Brotherhood was delighted to see and to greet so many of our new and returning members throughout the High Holy Days at the Temple.

The annual Brotherhood Installation of Officers ceremony will take place on Tuesday, October 16, 2007, at 6:30 PM, in the Chapel, following the Daily Worship Service. A reception honoring the newly installed Brotherhood Officers will follow immediately, downstairs, in the newly refurbished Lissner Hall. Officers of the national Brotherhood organization, Men of Reform Judaism (formally National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods), will honor our Brotherhood by traveling to Brookline to officiate at the Installation ceremony.

The Officers and Board of the TOS Brotherhood for 2007-2008, are as follows:

Co-Presidents Jonathan Atkins & Ben Adler VP-Programs Howard Koor VP-Membership Barry Lyons Treasurer Ed Kahn Co-Secretaries Jeremy Robin & Louis Goldman Past Presidents Spencer Gould & Robert Pierson Inspiration Chair Dr. Hubert Caplan Hospitality Chairs Craig Greenwald & David Alpert

The entire Ohabei Shalom family is invited to attend the Installation Festivities.

Please Note: Reservations are required to attend this event, and MUST be received no later than October 10, 2007, by contacting Craig Greenwald, at 617-738-8316. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS can be made for this event.

Once again, we remind members that when shopping at the Butcherie in Brookline, to please have your cash register receipts stamped, and either bring them with you to TOS, or mail them to the Ohabei Shalom Brotherhood.

Thank you all!

Page 6: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Jeremy Leibovitch Son of Jill and

Richard Leibovitch

Torah Panorama: Find Your Place in the Scroll

Sixth and seventh grade families are invited to join us on Sunday, September 30 for a special program of learning and creativity centered on your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah Torah portion. Gain a greater understanding of the text and work with other families to create a special Torah Panorama for Ohabei Shalom’s celebration of Simkhat Torah. This mandatory program replaces regular Religious School classes on that day.

Mazel Tov to our B’Nei


Ari Coopersmith & Ezra Coopersmith Sons of Robert Coopersmith & Amy Tishelman

From the Desk of Shari Churwin Education Director

Introducing… Shabbat Mishpacha: Family Friday Nights

Join us each month for a family-friendly Friday evening service. Whether a class Shabbat, holiday or special guest, these evenings are a great way to feel a part of the community. Many of our family-friendly Shabbat services are followed by a community-wide dinner. Watch for reservation information for each of these events. Our first Shabbat Mishpacha is October 19, 6:00 PM See page 23 in your Family Handbook for additional upcoming family services.

Important October Dates for ARS… No School—please mark your calendars! Sunday & Monday10/7 & 10/8 (Columbus Day Weekend) Family Education Programs MOSTY Family Ed & Meet the Teachers (Grades 3 & 4) Sunday, October 14 9:15 am – 12:15 pm Why Did Noah Choose the Dove? Parents and students together will explore the story of Noah and the Ark. This program will include an opportunity for parents to meet this year’s Grade 3 & 4 teachers. TOSTY Family Ed & Meet the Teachers (Grades 1 & 2) Sunday, October 21 9:15 am – 12:15 pm My Hebrew Name Whether we’re named after a deceased family member or a figure from the Torah, we carry with us some of the “essence” of our ancestors, by virtue of our names. During this program, we’ll study the family and biblical origins of our Hebrew names, as a way of strengthening our conne3ctions to past generations. Children who don’t yet have a Hebrew name are especially welcome – this morning is an optimal time to choose one! This program will in-clude an opportunity for parents to meet this year’s Grade 1 & 2 teachers. Grade 6 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Havurah & Meet the Teachers Sunday, October 28 9:15 am The first of four important, informative Bar/Bat Mitzvah preparation workshops with our clergy and educators. Grade 5 B’nei Mitzvah Date Meeting Sunday, October 28 9:15 am

Ansin Religious School News



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Page 7: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Please join us in worship on

Erev Simkhat Torah Wednesday, October 3 at 7:00 pm

as together we celebrate the Consecration of our Kindergarten & new students as they

celebrate the beginning of their Jewish Education & honor our Grade 3 students

as they are called to the bimah to receive their first study Torah from ARS

6:15 pm photographs for consecrants

Youth Group Event! BOSTY (Grades 5 & 6)

Tuesday, October 2

During school

Ansin Religious School News

Wish List Trying to think of a way to give back to the ARS? How about donating any of the following items to our facility? • Used desktop computer for the Gopen Family Library • Gently used furniture for the new OSTY Lounge:

Couches/Loveseats TV Beanbag chairs DVD


The purpose of Fund for Lifelong Learning’s Schol-arship Program is to promote participation by Temple Oha-bei Shalom membership and staff of all ages in programs that foster Jewish education and involvement through financial awards from the funds established for such purposes. This summer several ARS students & graduates received both merit and financial need scholarships to attended summer programs in Israel. Here is some of what they had to say about their experiences:

“I enjoyed visiting the Western Wall and feeling the most Jewish I’ve ever felt in my entire life. When I saw every-thing in Hebrew and saw hundreds of Jewish people all around me when walking in the streets of Tel Aviv and Jeru-salem, it truly felt like it was like a home away from home. I would do it all over again if I could. Thank you for helping me have the greatest time of my life.”

“Thank you all very much for allowing me to experi-ence Israel. Very few people are fortunate enough to be able to visit such a historic and religiously significant place as Is-rael, so I am extremely thankful for being given the chance. Although we had to return home a little early, due to the conflict with Lebanon, this trip was easily the most amazing trip of my life. There is no way to fully describe not only the amazing things our group did during our time in Israel, but also what they have meant to me as a Jewish teenager living in 21st century America. This trip opened my eyes to many

different things and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

“There are an infinite number of amazing things I learned and experienced during my trip to Israel. I have re-turned home more knowledgeable about the Middle East, having seen and experienced Israel first hand, and most im-portantly with a better understanding and a new found love for the history of my religion. Since returning from Israel all I have been able to think about is when I can go back again.”

“When we had been in Haifa about a week and the first rockets hit there, we left the city late at night and went to Jerusalem. I was pretty scared when we found out what had happened, but then I realized that the Israelis in my group have to live with things like this happening all the time. That doesn’t make what happens any less sad or scary, but Israelis just take it as a fact that bad things happen in Israel. They call home to make sure everything is okay, and then go on living their lives. I truly saw this when we got to Jerusalem at three in the morning. When we got off the bus, all of the Israelis started singing a song about Jerusalem at the top of their lungs. A few hours later, we were standing at the Kotel, the Western Wall, a place where Jews from all over the world have been coming for thousands of years. I saw this as a sign of hope - that even though bad things happen in Israel, this place will always be here for Jews.”


OSTY News (grades 9-12) Contratulations to this year’s OSTY Executive Board • Co-Presidents: Mariah Shore & Sarah Slotnick • VP of Programming: Max Grossman • VP of Religion and Culture: Hannah Rimm • VP of Membership & Communication: Amelia Cochin • VP of Social Action: Bekah Benjamin-Pollak • Co-Grade 9 Reps: Sarah Plovnick & Miriam Seldin-Stein • Grade 12 Rep: Ezra Plançon

Page 8: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

October Funds General Fund Donor Wishing A Speedy Recovery To Helen Sawyer Natalie Sawyer

In Honor Of Shirley Spero David Sparr Edward & Jacqueline Weintraub Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Wedding Anniversary Alan & Janice Rubenstein Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Wedding Anniversary Alan & Ellen Weintraub Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Wedding Anniversary Phyllis Sisson Rabbi Emily Lipof Matilda Rosen Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Wedding Anniversary Steven Langberg & Susan Rosen Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Wedding Anniversary

In Memory Of Shirley Spero Sylvia Soloman Solar Frances Sherman Liebman Dianne Newman Frances Sherman Liebman Samuel, Sayward & Baler LLC Adelle Robinson Arthur & Doris Zich Adelle Robinson Marvin & Rosamond Colburn Adelle Robinson Leo & Mary Rice Adelle Robinson Betsy & Spencer Gould Adelle Robinson Keving & Suzanne Sayward Adelle Robinson Arthur & Doris Zich Frances Liebman Gertrude Goldberg Frances Sherman Liebman Adria Sandler Frances Sherman Liebman Estelle Katz Frances Sherman Liebman Ita N. Wiener Frances Sherman Liebman Harold S. Ansin Frances Sherman Liebman Phoebe Langenthal Frances Sherman Liebman Barry & Muriel Follick Our Loved Ones Sadie Snyder Frances Sherman Liebman Marcia Lee Steere Frances Sherman Liebman Ann C. Simon Frances Sherman Liebman Ethel Russman Frances Sherman Liebman

Fund for Life Long Learning Donor In Memory Of Joe Beck & Zita Samuels Frances Sherman Liebman Michael & Shari Churwin Frances Sherman Liebman

Minyan Fund Donor In Memory Of Richard & Roslyn Wennett Natalie Wennett Aileen B. Cabitt Roger James Cabitt Willard S. Kahn Dorothy Kahn Ita Wiener Mark Keller Esther Gorfine Abraham Pasarevsky Lois Platt Marsha Weiss Martin Weiss Marsha Weiss William Price Thelma Alpert Price Albert Gersh Jane Gersh Stuart P. Kimball Samuel P. Kimball Raymond Mannos Paul Mannos Robert & Jodi Silton Saul Silton Judith Palefsky Robert Rideman Pauline A. Rhodes Frank I. Rhodes Louis Goldman Justin D. Goldman Elinor Goldman Justin D. Goldman Bernice Wyzanski William Wyzanski Edwin Lewis Ida Lewis Shepard Lewis Corinne Gilbert George Ellis Selma Gordon M. Paul Gordon Gloria Epstein Michael Epstein

Dan & Eva Deykin Shifra DeykinSonny & Jacquelyn Saslaw Sylvia Glick Harold & Sylvia Koritz Max Levenson Anne S. Fries Harry Shaffer Carol Ann Friedman Ida Brodsky Harold & Sylvia Koritz Sarah Gregloit Harold & Sylvia Koritz Adelle Robinson Shirley Spero Molly Sheiman Alan & Pamela Lipsitz Clara Balkan Osa Kamp Berta Von Bargen Osa Kamp Heidi Kamp Nathan R. Levine Lila Shapiro Eric & Phyllis Dana Charles Dana Stanley & Adele Brown Ethel Shapiro Bernard & Marjorie Birnbaum Sydney Birnbaum Judith A. Halper Beatrice E. Halper Galina Friedman Yanina Aronis Carol Ann Friedman Sam Finkelstein Myron L. Wasserman Sarah Z. Wasserman Elaine Cohen Robert Ruthfield Lois R. W. Nathan Louis Nathan, M.D. Morris Waldman Rene Bonner Oranburg William Oranburg Robert S. Rosengard Rayna Hazan Robert S. Rosengard Helen Rosengard Myles & Lois Lopatin Shimer Aronson

Pulpit Flowers Fund Donor In Memory Of George Rabinowitz Esta W. Rabinowitz Susan Liberman and David Andrew Rogovin

Anna Lasner Liberman

George & Evelyn Bazer Frances Sherman Liebman Judith A. Halper Beatrice E. Halper Lily Dresner & Esther Strachman Rachel Dresner

Janice Olins Piano Fund Donor Dr. Robert A. Olins & Irma W. Olins Nancy J. Olins Estate of Janice P. Olins Andrew M. Olins Donor In Honor Of Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen

Cantor Schloss

Cantor’s Discretionary Fund Donor In Honor Of Spencer & Betsy Gould Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Anniversary Margie & Ed Kahn Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s

25th Anniversary Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen

Cantor Schloss

Donor In Appreciation Of George & Evie Bazer A Beautiful Shabbat Service

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Donor In Memory Of Lillian Zabarsky Frank Zabarsky Jane Greenhood Bernard Greenhood Martin Plovnick & Milly Krakow Florence Plovnick Frank & Sandra Sider Florence Plovnick

Donor In Honor Of Lois S. Platt Andrew Alpert’s Bar Mitzvah Cathy & Richard Freedberg Mike Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s 25th

Anniversary Ellen & Ciro Alfaro Abigail’s Naming

Page 9: October 2007 Tidings Newsletter, Temple Ohabei Shalom

Yizkor Elohim - May God Remember

October 1-6 (19-24 Tishri) Armin Adrian * Adolph Aronson Edward B. Bernhardt * Goodwin Bloomberg Goodwin Bloomberg Rachael Bornstein Louis Burkhardt Simon K. Cohen Fredric Ellis Cohn Moses Dubinsky Moses Dubinsky Amelia Fishel Aurelia M. Fuchs Irving Glickman * Ruth S. Goldenberg Samuel Goldenberg Louis Gordon Nathaniel Gordon Harris Gorfinkle * David Gould * Arnold Grandberg Ida Halperin Richard A. Harris * Cornelius K. Helpern * Thelma Himmel David M. Horblit * Fannie Hurwitz Samuel Hurwitz * Sol Kahn Pauline B. Kotzen * Deborah Kravitz Barbara Anitra Macey * Elise Marmorek Daniel A. Myerberg * Elsie Nachinoff Fritze M. Nelson Rachel Nelson * Joe Officer Hyman Portnoy Mann Prager Alice Rogers * Cantor Alfred Rosbash Annette H. Rosen * Frank Rosoff * Esther Salomon * Barnett N. Samuels * Etta Sheinwald Louis I. Silverman * Mina Esther Simons Kenneth Sisson * Phillip Stahl Jacob Uhr * Jacob P. Wachtel * Anna Weiss *

Esther Park Woolf Margaret Wyner October 7-13 (25 Tishri-1 Hesh-van) Samuel Berger Wolf Berk James Berns * Rose M. Broomfield * Belle Burke Annie Caro Robert W. Cobe * Hyman DuKaten Annie Dunn Lauren Michelle Edwards Eugene Eisenberg Aaron Fialkow Celia Foster Herbert P. Freedman * Evelyn Galer Sadie E. Ginsburg Hope Goldstein Jennie Gordon Morris Greenhood * Alfred Halpern Levy Herman Godfrey M. Hyams Frances Cohen Jacobs * Ernest Kahn Goldie Karmelin * Leonard S. Koffman Frances Koller Joseph M. Koufman * Joseph M. Kritzer Erich Lebach Hiram J. Levi Isador Levine Richard M. Levine * Milton Lewenberg Maria Lopez John D. Marks Bertram Nachman Jacob Nathan * Max Olansky * Isadore Albert Peake Philip Prager Jennie Raphael Pauline Raphael Sophia Raphael Florence M. Rhodes * Jesse A. Rubin * Joseph Rubin Abbott M. Ruby * Morris I. Scolnick Anne Carmen Segal *

Rebecca Hyman Seidler * Isadore Slotnick * Esther Solomon * Leopold Stern * Morris Strecker Benjamin A. Trustman * Meg Vanderwal Elaine Walker Ida Weilheimer Rona J. Winer Gertrude Valentine Wyner Harry D. Zabarsky October 14-20 (2-8 Heshvan) Herman Albertson * Rose Barber Philip Berler * Celia S. Berlin * Florence Blinn Sandra Rowe Block * Esther Brecher Albert Bretman Joseph M. Cobe * Joseph Cochin Claire Green Cohen Pauline A. Dobkin * Karen Koritz Estock Richard Faber Joseph Falkson * Kalman Finer * Regina L. Fleisher * Etta Freedman * Philmore Gilbert * Ida Esther Glotzer * Evelyn Gold Evelyn Goldberg Belle Hacker Samuel Halper * Nathan P. Harris * Samuel Heiderman * Ruth Pearl Hiller Harold C. Kagan * Mary Kalisky * Samuel Klain Elsa Leeser Harriet P. Levine * Jacob H. Levine * Isidor Linsky Matilda B. Linsky * Solon Lopatin Isaac Madow Thomas C. Martin Elliot Minkin Rachel Mordecai * Lena Barnet Nathan *

Samuel Pardo * Benjamin Pearl * Samuel Peckerman * Freida F. Raphael * Harry Schertzer Bessie R. Schwartz * Gilbert Shmikler Kalman Shpekton Archie H. Silver Selig Simons * Edward Sisson * Bessie Slosberg * Freda Small Esther Eppie Smith * Yoseph Subary Ann Sweet * George Taylor Ruth Tirk * Daniel Todres Julia M. Trustman * Pessie Trustman * Jacob Wolf * Nathan Yarrin October 21-27 (9-15 Heshvan) Newton D. Anthony * Simon Barnard Fannie Bickwid Jacob Bickwid Evelyn A. Bleich Abraham Bloom Beatrice R. Levine Brezniak * Ida Brooks * Nathan Cohen Morris Diamond Shmul Dukach Louis B. Fox * Marilyn Francer Idah Gelber Jerry Glauber * Betty Goldberg May Goldforb Selma Herberta Goldman * Gertrude Gordon Naomi Gordon Phyllis S. Greene Elaine Frank Halpern Katie Bertha Harris Richard A. Haskell * Paul Hoffman * Bertha Jackson Samuel Katz Myrtle Klain Abraham Kurinsky Eleanor Robbie Laskey *

Adelle Altman Robinson—mother of Charles Robinson Frances Sherman Lieberman—mother of Dottie Berman

Those listed below are recorded in our Book of Remembrance, Windows or on Memorial Plaques. An asterisk indicates that the plaque will be illuminated during the week of yahrzeit.

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Yahrzeits, continued Sarah Lass Benjamin H. Lazarus Lester Levin Rae Levine Hannah Levy Sarah Lowenberg * Abraham M. Lubell * Pauline B. Lubell * Pauline Mann Vera Marshall October 21-27 (9-15 Heshvan), cont. David Melnick David Miller Aaron Jacob Oppenheim Clara Papp * Jessie Paris Hasia Resnik Lillian Rice Nathan Rosen * Aaron Rosenstein Sadie A. Ross Goldye Schwartz * Evelyn Seletsky * Harold I. Shulman * Joseph Silin Minna Simpson * Mary Slater Leonard Smokler * Lena Anthony Wax

Minnie Weiner John Willis * Bernard M. Wollenberg George Woron Dorothy R. Zakon * October 28-31 (16-21 Heshvan) Ruth Birnbach S. Rachel Dangel * Ida Darish * Morris Diamond Albert A. Ginzberg * Israel Gordon * Joseph M. Gordon Jeanette Hannah Gunsenhiser * Stephen M. Hootstein Pauline Kachelnik Abraham Katz Bernice Kaufman Samuel H. Knopf * Hyman S. Levy * Irving A. Levy Selma K. Lewenberg * Joseph Lipof Harry Lipson * David Morningstar * Judith Mulman Jonathan A. Odence * Sarah Ring William B. Sedlis *

Funds, continued Gopen Family LibraryDonor In Honor of The Mogavero Family Shari Churwin & Jeff Wexler The Mogavero Family Kim Singer The Mogavero Family Hannah & Emily’s B’not Mitzvah The Alfaro Family Shari Churwin The Alfaro Family Jeff Wexler Stephen Beggs Jason Kriger & Lauren Thirer Wexler Amanda Beggs Josh Skolnick & Liza White Calli & Joshua Bilchik Rebecca Payne, Josh Skolnick & Liza White Mindy Berman Jeff Wexler & Lauren Thirer Wexler Alan Fine The Ansin Religious School

Donor In Memory of Betsy & Spence Gould Seymour Koritz Betsy & Spence Gould Paul Katz Herbert & Hanna Zeiger Bernard Bloom

S’lihot Fund Donor In Memory Of Arnold & Doris Sgan Sidney & Janet Small Adult Education Fund Donor In Honor Of Joseph Beck & Zita Samuels Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s 25th

Wedding Anniversary Fredric Schneider & Marcia Talmage Schneider Michael Weintraub & Diane Rosen’s 25th Wedding Anniversary

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October Shabbat and Yom Tov Celebrations & Events Mon 1 6:00 pm ARS: High School Tues 2 3:30 pm ARS: Grades 3-7 Wed 3 Office Closes at 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Erev Simhat Torah Service Thurs 4 Simhat Torah, Office Closed 10:30 am Simhat Torah Service, Yizkor Fri 5 8:00 pm Shabbat Rishon Sat 6 9:00 am Torah Study with Rabbi Alpert 10:30 am Shabbat Service, Bar Mitzvah of Jeremy Leibovitch Sun 7 2:53 pm ARS: NO SCHOOL Mon 8 Columbus Day (Observed) - Office Closed ARS: NO SCHOOL Tues 9 3:30 pm ARS: Grades 3-7 Thu 11 9:30 am Ikkarim 7:00 pm Synagogue Community Committee Meeting 7:00 pm School Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Me'ah Fri 12 7:00 pm Erev Shabbat Services Sat 13 9:00 am Torah Study with Rabbi Alpert 10:30 am Shabbat worship, Chapel Sun 14 9:15 am ARS: Grades K-7 9:15 am MOSTY Family Ed (Grades 3 & 4) Mon 15 6:00 pm ARS: High School 7:15 pm JCRC Town Meeting with Israeli Ambassador

Tues 16 3:30 pm ARS: Grades 3-7 6:30 pm Brotherhood Installation - Chapel 7:00 pm Brotherhood Dinner/Reception Wed 17 6:00 pm Sisterhood Meeting at Rubin's Deli. Thu 18 9:30 am Ikkarim 7:30 pm Me'ah Fri 19 6:00 pm Shabbat Mishpacha Sat 20 9:00 am Torah Study with Rabbi Alpert 10:30 amShabbat worship, Chapel Sun 21 9:15 am ARS: Grades K-7 9:15 am TOSTY Family Ed (Grades 1 & 2) Mon 22 6:00 pm ARS: High School Tues 23 3:30 pm ARS: Grades 3-7 Thu 25 9:30 am Ikkarim 7:30 pm Me'ah Fri 26 6:00 pm Erev Shabbat Service Sat 27 9:00 am Torah Study with Rabbi Alpert Sun 28 9:15 am ARS: Grades K-7 9:15 am BOSTY Family Ed & (Grades 5 + 6) 11:00 amGrade 5 B'nei Mitzvah Dates Meeting (Parents only) 9:30 am Adult Hebrew Class I Mon 29 6:00 pm ARS: High School Tues 30 3:30 pm ARS: Grades 3-7 6:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting

Thomas M. Alpert Rabbi Randall Schloss Cantor Emily Gopen Lipof Rabbi Emerita Leonard Davidson President Dianne Newman Executive Director Shari A. Churwin Education Director Kate Mikesh Director of Informal Education Amanda Singer Education Programs Coordinator Karen Landman Executive Assistant to the Clergy Alan Shepro Office Manager / Bookkeeper Kim Singer B’nei Mitzvah Educator David Sparr Music Director

Tidings is a monthly publication of Temple Ohabei Shalom 1187 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446

(617)277-6610 www.ohabei.org