october 2012 national quality framework assessment & rating overview and authorised officer...

October 2012 National Quality Framework Assessment & rating overview and authorised officer training Podcast Series: 4

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Page 1: October 2012 National Quality Framework Assessment & rating overview and authorised officer training Podcast Series: 4

October 2012

National Quality Framework

Assessment & rating overview and authorised officer training

Podcast Series: 4

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Presentation overview1. Role of the authorised officer2. Ensuring reliability

and consistency3. Authorised

officer training4. Assessment and

rating visit

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Overviewof the role of an authorised officer

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The Department of Education, Training and Employment • The department is the regulatory authority in Queensland• There are almost 100 authorised officers (AOs) including 20

Early Childhood Managers and Team Leaders across the state responsible for:• assessing and rating early childhood education and care

services• monitoring compliance with regulatory standards and

supporting continual quality improvement.

1. AO role overview

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Authorised officer role• Authorised officers have knowledge, expertise, professional values,

integrity and the ability to develop respectful working relationships, which will give them credibility with the services they are assessing and monitoring, the families of the children in those services, and the broader sector. (ACECQA)

• The introduction of national learning frameworks provides common understandings, especially about education and relationships

• Assessment is through • observing practice• discussing practice• sighting of documents.

1. AO role overview

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How has the role of the authorised officerchanged under the NQF?

1. AO role overview

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Reliability/consistencyof the assessment and ratings

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Steps to ensure reliability and consistencyBefore the assessment and rating:• Training and reliability testing

During assessment and rating process:• Quality checking by Early Childhood Manager or Team Leaders

Future measures:• Drift testing• Ongoing training• Nationwide practice principles

2. Reliability / consistency

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External validation Before ratings published• Validation of assessments from June-October across

Australia• Ratings only published when ministers are satisfied process

is valid and reliable • Not published until early 2013

2. Reliability / consistency

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Assigning AOs to servicesRegions determine how visits are scheduled and AOs are assigned• Considering:

• minimising risk of conflict of interest• using available resources effectively

• Goal to achieve consistency in ratings irrespective of who assesses a service

2. Reliability / consistency

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Authorised Officer (AO) training program

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National training program Consistent application of the NQS means that two people trained

to use the NQS should draw the same conclusions• AO training program • Rigorous assessment process• Lead assessors trained by Professor Collette Tayler

(University of Melbourne)• Lead assessors trained AOs • Additional training and assessment to ensure all

AOs are reliable at assessing and rating

3. AO training

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Overview of training topics• Developing a common lens• Planning for a visit• Desktop review• Conducting the assessment and rating visit• Collecting the evidence• The rating process• Finalising the rating • Reviews and re-rating

3. AO training

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Overview of learning modes• Group discussion • Group work • Role-play • Presentations • DVD vignettes• Practice at assessing and rating services

3. AO training

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DVD vignettes• Underpin training

• Early Childhood Australia (ECA) was funded to collect examples of practice at varying quality across range of services and activities

• Practice at assessing and rating services

• Assist participants to see through the NQS lens

3. AO training

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Using a common lens• NQS is the lens that allows unbiased observation

• Common lens not about ‘doing exactly the same thing’ but: applying the standards consistently recognising the context recognising that quality can be achieved in

different ways

3. AO training

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Before, during & after the assessment and rating visit

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Before the visit

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Planning the visit• 12 weeks before* – request Quality Improvement Plan• 6 weeks before* – set date for the visit• Leading up to visit:

Desktop reviewoQuality Improvement PlanoCompliance historyoNCAC history (if applicable)

Plan time management during the visitEvidence planningNegotiate time for discussion with service

(*approximate time frames)

3. AO training

Before the visit

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Conducting the visit

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AOs collect evidence using a combination of these three modes to determine if elements have been met, and when deciding the

ratings to assign to standards and quality areas.

Observe practice

Discuss practice & procedures

Sight policies and procedures

3. AO training

Conducting the visit

Types of evidence

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AOs required to•gather evidence using observe, discuss, sight•write behavioural notes•ask incidental questions•schedule time to gather further information

Visit should •be collaborative in nature•provide many opportunities to demonstrate quality

3. AO training

Conducting the visit

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Collecting evidenceTo ensure evidence collected is fair and valid, AOs are required to: •take detailed notes•be careful not to weight things that happen toward the end of the visit more heavily•ensure time is used efficiently•for sight evidence, use random sampling as there is not sufficient time to read everything

3. Authorised officer training

Conducting the visit

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3. Authorised officer training

Conducting the visit

AOs need to consider: •if there are different levels of service delivery across a service including in different rooms, sessions, residences or venues. •the impact this has on the experiences of each child in the service will inform the final rating.

AOs will…•collect additional information•evaluate the influence on the child •decide the impact on the final rating (acecqa.gov.au)

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The end of the visit

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3. Authorised officer training

At the end of the visit

Making minor adjustmentsRatings shouldn’t be affected by minor matters that can be rectified quickly and easily, and do not seriously impact on a service’s quality or outcomes for children. Adjustments may be made when they:•pose no risk to the safety, health or wellbeing of children•have minimal impact on the quality of the service provided•can be quickly and easily rectified•are not one of numerous other minor matters•may, if rectified, result in the service receiving a higher rating against the standard.

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3. Authorised officer training

At the end of the visit

At the end of the assessment visit, AOs will:

•provide feedback, but not an indication of rating•advise if they require additional information•discuss any minor adjustments required•advise the process going forward

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Finalising the report

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3. Authorised officer training

Finalising the report

The report:•indicates how a service has performed against the NQS at a particular point in time•supports the service to identify areas for continuous improvement •draws on evidence obtained during the desktop review and assessment and rating visitFollowing receipt of the draft report services have the opportunity to provide feedback before the report is finalised.

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Report prepared by AO

Early Childhood Manager/AO review service feedback

Early Childhood Manager/Team Leader reviews report

Report finalised

Visit undertaken and Minor adjustment policy implemented (if applicable)

Draft report sent to service

Service provides feedback (if they choose)

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Education and Care Services National Law

Education and Care Services National Regulations

National Quality Standard

Early Years Learning Framework & Framework for School Age Care (or other approved learning framework)

Guide to the National Quality Standard

Guide to the National Law and National Regulations


Guide to Developing a Quality Improvement Plan


Guide to the National Quality Framework


Source Documents


National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating Instrument

Guide to Assessment and Rating for Services

Guide to Assessment and Rating for Regulatory Authorities

Support Documents


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