october 2017 -...

Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Page 5-6 Mother Beth Lilly Page 7 Music Notes from LeighAnn Page 8-13 Director of Christian Formation News & Newcomer Ministry Page 14 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 15 DOK & Men of St. Peters Page 16 Alexander Community Concert Page 17 Mission-Outreach: Backpack Ministry Page 18 CROP Walk Page 19 12 th Night Page 20 AGAPE Groups / St. Francis’ Blessing / LN Covekeepers Page 21 8 Track Parade Concert Page 22/23 Widen the Walls Page 24 October Special Servant Schedule Page 25 October & Upcoming Events Page 26 October Calendar Page 27 Anniversaries, Birthdays Page 28 Staff and Vestry OCTOBER 2017 The Episcopal Church of Saint Peter by-the-Lake 8433 Fairfield Forest Rd. Denver, NC 28037 704-483-3460 www.saintpeterbythelake.net

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Page 2-3 From the Rector Page 4 Way of the Heart by Deacon Judy Page 5-6 Mother Beth Lilly Page 7 Music Notes from LeighAnn Page 8-13 Director of Christian Formation News & Newcomer Ministry Page 14 Worship Times/Mission & Vision Page 15 DOK & Men of St. Peters Page 16 Alexander Community Concert Page 17 Mission-Outreach: Backpack Ministry Page 18 CROP Walk Page 19 12th Night Page 20 AGAPE Groups / St. Francis’ Blessing

/ LN Covekeepers Page 21 8 Track Parade Concert Page 22/23 Widen the Walls Page 24 October Special Servant Schedule Page 25 October & Upcoming Events Page 26 October Calendar Page 27 Anniversaries, Birthdays Page 28 Staff and Vestry


2017 The Episcopal Church

of Saint Peter by-the-Lake

8433 Fairfield Forest Rd.

Denver, NC 28037



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Many of you know that in the first years of the

21st century, the Episcopal Church entered into

what is called a ‘Concordat of Agreement’, with

both the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,

and the Moravian Church. It’s kind of an

intercommunion agreement. Because of it, the

clergy of these three denominations are

interchangeable, as are the memberships of

parishioners. The agreement helps our denominations to work closer together

in outreach and mission as well.

Fast-Forward now to 2017. These same kind of discussions are beginning

between the Episcopal Church and the United Methodist Church. Those

discussions and negotiations are still on-going at this time, but I believe

eventually they will bear the same kind of fruit. Here at St. Peter by-the-Lake,

we have for the last several years been holding up this kind of ministry. Every

Good Friday we have been sharing our liturgy with our sister and brother

Methodists at Fairfield and Bethel United Methodist Churches. Our clergy

have preached in one another’s churches, and we have shared the Eucharistic

table. All three of our local churches have benefited from this sharing.

We will be continuing this ‘sharing’, on Sunday October 8th. On this day,

one of my good friends, The Rev. Jan Heermans, will be with us to preach at

both services, and share the Eucharistic table with me, and all of us. I’ve

known Jan for almost 20 years. He is the retired pastor from Salem United

Methodist Church here in Denver. I’m sure he will share with us an exciting

message, and I look forward to hearing him preach. His presence with us is a

witness of our shared understanding of the Gospel, and also of our shared

roots that go back to the 18th century. I hope we will have a great turnout to

welcome Jan on October 8th.




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October is also the month that almost all Episcopal Churches across the

country begin their annual stewardship campaigns. It’s no different here at St.

Peter by-the-Lake. On the heels of our very successful ‘Widen the Walls’

campaign to expand our physical campus, we prayerfully enter the annual

stewardship campaign to raise the monetary funds, and the ministry volunteer

hours, necessary to both pay the bills and continue our various ministries in

East Lincoln and beyond. The leadership of the parish, the vestry, clergy, and

members of the stewardship team, are being asked to publically make their

pledges first. We cannot ask everyone in the parish to do that which we are not

willing to do ourselves. In your pledge packet you will find a letter from our

Senior Warden, a ‘time and talents’ brochure for ministry opportunities, a

pledge card, and an envelope for easy return back to the church. I ask that

everyone please prayerfully consider your gifts back to St. Peter’s and to the

work of spreading the Gospel. Then please turn in that pledge that represents

your own ‘time, talent, and treasure’. As always, we need everyone to give and

minister together to continue the growth and vitality of St. Peter by-the-Lake,

and I want to personally thank everyone in advance of those prayers…and all

the gifts to be received. Thanks, and God Bless.


Father Ron

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Thank you for remembering the residents of Lakewood Care Center as you travel. The

lotions and other toiletries from motels which you bring to the church library are the

residents' only source of these items. Men and women have been requesting shoes,

especially men's 11 1/2 wide, and women's size 10. When you clean out home closets

and drawers, thank you for remembering the Lakewood Care Center residents!


"Abram went from there and moved to the hill country on the east of Bethel, and pitched

his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east; and there he built an altar to the Lord

and invoked the name of the Lord." Genesis 12:8.

Worship is giving God the best that He has given you. Be careful what you do with the

best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to Him as a love

gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to Him in a deliberate

act of worship, so that He may make it a blessing to others through you.

Bethel is the symbol of communion with God; Ai is the symbol of the world. Abram

pitched his tent between the two. The measure of the worth of our public activity for God

is the private profound communion we have with Him. We have to pitch our tents where

we shall always have quiet times with God, however noisy our times with the world may

be. Worship, waiting and work were always together in the life of our Lord; so may it

also be in our lives.

(Adapted from My Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers)

The Way of the Heart

By Deacon Judy Cole

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A Heart of Gratitude

Before I write another word, I must express my deep gratitude to this church family. On behalf of Tom and Thomas, thank you with all our hearts! We feel such love and gratitude for your care for us in our losing my sweet Mom Barbara Cobb and Tom's dear Dad Tom Lilly. Although they both died the end of July (the very same week) we have only recently had Mr Lilly's funeral on September 16th and we will be burying my parents' ashes together on October 2nd. Tom's parents' ashes will be buried together as well at a later date this fall. (Convenience of cremation.)

These past few months have been extremely challenging for both of us, and we have greatly appreciated your expressions of support and caring. Your prayers, cards, emails, calls, hugs....all of that Friendship and Love in Christ has upheld us like a soft cloud. You folks are a blessing to know and to love.

Obviously, everyone's life must come to an end. We are grateful that our two parents lived good lives well into their 80's. In a strange way, although it was a double-whammy to have both parents so sick with cancer, at least Tom and I were both going through the same thing and could be a mutual support for one another in a special way. Yes, for sure, it has been exhausting and overwhelming. Thomas' heart and soul were definitely hit the hardest, losing two beloved grandparents in one week. That was way too much! Not to worry, though. All is well for the three of us now! The duties that go along with closing out of two estates, and packing up the homes of both our sets of parents do continue, though, and are tiring.

In all of our digging through closets and drawers, Tom and I (and our siblings) have made a sweet discovery that I also want to share with you. It is something you already know, but may wish to remind yourself again. Our memories are found in the oddest little items that we uncover. Laughter is found as a story comes back to mind from one photo that had gotten buried in a drawer. A kid's game, or an old magic trick ---the squirting nickel---is found and the trick still works this many years later. A diary from the early 50's is almost thrown away because it looks empty....yet it actually contains a precious week and a half's

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worth of writing by a young bride (my Mom, and rated G ) about her wedding and her honeymoon trip up to the midwest, as she writes something each day about her new husband and how much she loves him, and loves being married to him. Baby pictures, photo albums, letters and cards with notes they saved ... things they saved from their children (us) that meant the world to them. Storybooks which were our favorites that were read to us at bedtime. And then odds and ends that are objects which we can remember from our homes --and even our grandparents' homes--from back when we were very young (which makes them extremely antique now!). These are the items that seem to mean more than most things because they help us to remember the love, the laughter, the family we belonged to.

Such treasures we have discovered in the tedious task of cleaning and tossing. Such blessings to heal the loss in our hearts.

I found one of my Dad's hymnals from the Presbyterian Church. He was an organist and choir director, and a college music professor. I flipped through it for inspiration for my NET article and this particular hymn written in 1915 expresses that feeling of how fast life can go by, yet we praise God for His Grace at every stage, all our days. As I am standing in the midst of boxes full of what is left that represents my two parents entire lives, i read the words of this hymn and give thanks with all my heart that they loved God, and that they imparted that faith to their four children. No greater gift could have ever been given to me.

In God's Love and Grace,

Mother Beth+

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Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.

Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise.

Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of Thy love.

Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice, and let me sing always, only, for my King.

Take my lips, and let them be filled with messages from Thee.

Take my silver and my gold; not a mite would I withhold.

Take my intellect, and use every power as Thou shalt choose.

Take my will, and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine.

Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love, my Lord, I pour at Thy feet its treasure store.

Take myself, and I will be ever, only, all for Thee.

“Take My Life and Let It Be” was written in 1874 by Frances Havergal in

Worcestershire, England. It was not put into print until 1878. It is sung to the tune

“Hollingside” written by John Dykes or “Hendon” written by Cesar Malan.

Frances was the daughter of a church rector and attended schools in England and

Germany. She was a gifted student and became proficient in both Hebrew and Greek.

She studied scripture in the original languages. She had begun reading and memorizing

MUSIC NOTES By: LeighAnn Johnston

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scripture at the age of 4. At 7, she wrote her first poems. She was also a talented singer

and classical pianist who sometimes performed with the Philharmonic. With all her

education, however, Frances Havergal never wrote a line of poetry without praying over

it. She called herself a “consecration poet”.

While visiting a home of friends and witnessing to them, Frances wrote the poem we

know as “Take My Life and Let It Be”. All 10 people in the home rededicated their lives

to Christ, and she was so excited and inspired that she couldn’t sleep. She is quoted as

saying,”the couplets just seemed to form themselves…one after another until they

finished with ‘ever only, all for Thee!’

Later as she reflected on the second stanza: ‘Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite

would I withhold’, she was suddenly convicted of her failure to do that. She quit

singing in secular venues and devoted herself to Christian music. She had a large

collection of exquisite jewelry, most of which came by gift or inheritance. She

immediately packed the jewels, and sent them to her church missionary society. She

also included a check to cover the monetary value of the jewels she had chosen to

keep, and wrote to friends of her joy in giving the gifts.

Frances Havergal was in poor health most of her life and died at the age of 42. She set

an example for all of us to follow both by her poetry and by her actions.

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It’s October – what if I didn’t register for

Sunday School???? Can I still come? Of

course you can! Registrations are only to help

give us an idea of the amounts of

supplies/space we may need for all ages. So,

whether you turned in a registration or not –

come and join us!

The Pumpkin Gospel – A fall devotional for all ages!

I love fall and pumpkins and stories – so I thought I would share an

activity that pulls all three things together. Now, at first glance you

might think this is just for kids. But I bet if you take the time to enjoy this

activity as an adult devotional, you will get a lot out of it also!

Supplies Needed:


Carving Tools


Story: Once there was a Gardener who planted seeds in His garden (cut open the top of the

pumpkin and examine the pumpkin seeds). Each day the Gardener cared for the

seeds. He watered them, pulled weeds from around them, and sheltered them from the

heat of the sun. The seeds grew into seedlings, which developed into plants, until one

day, they produced fruit – pumpkins! The pleased Gardener looked out at His garden and

said, “It is good!”

One day, the Gardener went out into his field and picked a special pumpkin. It was a bit

dirty from laying in the garden, so he brought it inside and gently wiped it off (wipe off

exterior of pumpkin). Now the pumpkin looked clean on the outside, but what about the


The Gardener took a knife and cut open the top of the pumpkin (pretend to cut open the

top again and take it off). And what did He find? A bunch of slimy, yucky goo! (show

the goop – maybe even touch it). The Gardener wanted His special pumpkin to be

beautiful, so He carefully scraped out all of the goo inside until the pumpkin was as clean

inside as it was on the outside! (Remove goo and throw away.)


Formation News

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But the Gardener still wasn’t satisfied with the pumpkin. He decided it needed a

face! So, He carefully cut out two eyes, a nose, and a big smiling mouth (Carve a happy

face into your pumpkin). Now the Gardener’s special pumpkin looked clean AND happy.

But the Gardener still wasn’t satisfied with the pumpkin. So, He put a light inside of it

(insert candle and light it). The pumpkin glowed so beautifully! The Gardener’s special

project was complete.

When friends and neighbors saw the Gardener’s special pumpkin, they marveled at how

He took something ordinary from His garden, cleaned it inside and out, put His light

inside, and made it something extraordinary!

Explanation of the Pumpkin Gospel: We are like pumpkins and God is the Gardener. God creates us and cares for us. He

“chooses” us from all of the other pumpkins, but inside we all have the yucky goo –

sin. (Read Rom. 3:23 and Rom. 6:23)

Just like the Gardener cleaned out his pumpkin’s goo, God wants to clean out all our sin,

too. So, He sent his Son Jesus to die for our sins, to take the punishment we

deserved. (Read Rom. 5:8, John 3:16, and 1 John 1:9)

Just like the Gardener gave the pumpkin a new face, God makes us a new creation! (Read

2 Cor. 5:17)

Just like the Gardener put His light into the pumpkin to make it shine, so God gives us

His light to shine through us! (Read 2 Cor. 4:6 and Mt. 5:16)

So, when we let God clean out our sin, by believing that Jesus died to pay the punishment

that we deserve, He turns us into new creations that can shine for Him! And when others

see our light, then they might want to learn how to have a light of their own, too!

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Sundays, 5:00-7:00 p.m.

Opportunities for youth in grades 6-12 to join other youth and friends to

experience God’s love, grow in their faith and relationship with Christ, and to

have lots of good old fashion fun!

October 08: Corn Maize Field Trip

October 15: Crop Walk – Plan to meet and carpool from the church by 1:30 p.m.

October 29: Bonfire/Jeopardy

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Upcoming Adult Formation Opportunities

Supper and the Word Fall Session: Tuesdays, October24 th-November 14th Location: Fotino’s Hall; 6:30-8:00 p.m.

This class is open to the first 16 individuals who sign up. Fr. Ron & Karen provide a

simple supper, followed by a Bible Study. It is hoped that those who attend may be fed both

physically and spiritually. The fall 2017 class will be a study of the Book of Ruth, using both a study

guide and movie dramatization of events from Ruth. Winter

Session Topic TBD

Exploring The Themes of Advent (Oct 29 – Dec 17) We will also examine the Advent themes to see what they really mean in

your life: Hope, Wait, Accept, Be, Inner Light, Forgive, Repent, Anticipate.

Location: TBD

Adult Confirmation & Newcomers Series (Oct 29th-Dec 10th) Sunday Mornings in the Rector’s Study at St. Peter by-the-Lake from

9:30 – 10:10am. This class is open to ANY and ALL adults, and can serve as preparation for

Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church when the bishop visits. It’s very

appropriate for all new members or those who are new in attending St. Peter’s. It can also serve as a

great refresher course for even the most experienced Episcopalian! We will be studying our worship

and customs in the Church, along with the Book of Common Prayer, Sacraments, the authority of

Scripture, the structure and polity of the Church and the Mission of the Church. Location: Father

Ron’s Study

The Journey (Oct 29-Dec 17) It’s a story you know by heart, but The Journey combines

historical information and archaeology with Adam

Hamilton’s thoughtful, conversational teaching style to

give you a new perspective on the story of Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Cantemus Christmas Choir For the past couple of years, our Cantemus Choir has been a wonderful

addition to our Lessons & Carols holiday service. We would like to

continue that tradition this year for our December 17th service. This is a

wonderful opportunity for our 5-16 year old members to enjoy vesting,

processing and singing with the adult choir - allowing them to practice for

when they will fill the seats in our choir section on Sunday mornings one


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If your child/teen would like to be part of this year's performance during Lessons &

Carols, please add their names to the list in Fotinos Hall by October 15th, so that I can

make sure we have enough choir robes and forward you a copy of the song for you to

allow your child/teen to start listening to now.

If they would like to participate, they MUST ATTEND practice on the following dates: Monday, November 27, from 5:45-6:20 pm

Monday, December 4, from 5:45-6:20 pm

Monday, December 11, from 5:45-6:20 pm

We will begin practice at 5:45 pm, so please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes early each

practice to get lined up/in places.

I look forward to continuing this holiday tradition with our younger choristers again

this year!

A Moravian Christmas

Advent Festival 2017

Advent Festival Date:

December 3rd

From 4:00-7:00 p.m.

Help bring this year’s Advent Festival to life! This year, we will step back to a time

when this time of year was more simple. Help us create a traditional 18th Century dinner,

period decorations and costumes (for all who wish to join in dressing up), crafts, and fun

that will conclude with a sampling of traditional carols to close out our evening. Please

check the sign-up sheet in Fotinos Hall, where you will find a list of places that you can

serve/help. Some happen before December 3rd, and some after – so there is something

for everyone! Please sign your name beside what you can help with by October 29th.

We will have a short planning meeting on Monday, October 30th at 5:45 p.m. for all

volunteers. See Kina Cartee for questions/more information. Thanks for all your help!

Upcoming Events: October 2nd – 12th Night Practice Begins

Sign-ups for the Christmas Eve Pageant in Fotinos Hall beginning mid-October

October 30th – Advent Team Meeting 5:45-6:30 p.m. in Furr Hall

December 3rd– Advent Festival: The Feast of the Nativity

Kina Cartee Director of Christian Formation

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Newcomer Ministry

Please take a moment to say thank you to our Greeter Team who helps keep

us aware of who our visitors are by passing out our Red Visitor Folders each

week. Many of you may wonder, “How do I know if someone is new?

What if they have been coming for a while or to a different service and I just

haven’t met them?” That’s an easy answer – just say hello! Even if they

have been coming for a while, if you don’t know them they are new to you.

If they are visiting and do not already have a Red Folder, you can help by finding one

for them on the table outside my office door.

We had a wonderful time at our Fall Newcomer Dinner in September. Thank you to our

Dinner Team for helping pull everything together and clean up. We have had several

new faces that have joined our St. Peter’s family in the last few months. Please take a

moment to welcome the following when you see them:

Brenda Roberts

The Feneque Family

Tatum Robinson & Family

Will Christman

Mark & Tricia Wagner

Brian & Janeen Anderson

Clayton & Lea Nash and Hadley

If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please let me know. We are always

looking for friendly smiles to help us welcome newcomers.

Kina Cartee

Director of Newcomer Ministry

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8:30AM Holy Eucharist or

Morning Prayer with

Holy Eucharist

9:30AM Christian Formation for

all ages

10:30AM Holy Eucharist:

traditional service with

full choir Nursery available at both services.


Please be sure to schedule all reservations of the church facilities through the Parish Administrator so your events can be placed on the Church’s main calendar. Thank you!

Check out our website!

Our web address is: www.saintpeterbythelake.net

Vision of St. Peter by-the-Lake

In response to our Lord Jesus Christ’s

missional imperative to baptize and

teach all nations….and to love God and

our neighbors as ourselves: We the

clergy, vestry, and people of the

Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-

Lake commit ourselves to:

*Walk in the Way (Spiritual growth

through worship, formation,

repentance & prayer)

*Widen the Walls (Proclaiming the

Good News by Word & Example)

*Wake up the World (Striving for

Justice & Peace. Respecting the dignity

of every person)

Mission of St. Peter by-the-


In response to our parish vision: The

mission of The Episcopal Church of St.

Peter by-the-Lake is to:

*Be Disciples: Engage the World*

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Daughters of the King

The Holy Order of the Daughters

of the King is open to any woman

of the church who has a desire to

serve through Prayer and


We gather quarterly at the

church for Bible Studies,

Meditations, or Guest Speakers,

and smaller groups meet monthly

at the church or Daughters homes, for bible study.

If you are interested in becoming a

Daughter of the King, please feel

free to talk to any of the Daughters.

For His Sake,

Nancy Brandt


Group contact: If you would

like to receive emails

regarding activities of the

men in the Church (and

currently are not receiving

them), send your email

address to

[email protected] (and

we will add you to this

year's list. Anyone without

email can call David

Pittinaro (704) 530-1858,

and we will set up a calling


Men of St. Peter by-the-Lake

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Alexander Community Concert Series Eighth Season 2017-2018

The Alexander Community Concert Series, sponsored by The Episcopal Church

of St. Peter By-the-Lake, begins its eighth season this fall with another exciting

line-up of concerts! We continue our service to the community -- providing

diverse musical experiences that engage, entertain, and inspire -- with four new

concerts, featuring the following outstanding musicians:

Eight Track Parade – Southern rock, funk, and pop – energy for everyone

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Andrea Mumm, Harpist, with Melinda Whittington, Vocalist – The elegant

ambiance of angelic strings

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Southern Raised – Bluegrass, Celtic, and Christian country as you’ve never

heard before

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ziad Jazz Quartet and Friends –

“ Musica instrumental Brasileira,” Brazilian jazz that will make you jump!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

All concerts begin at 3 PM

A reception to meet and greet the musicians will follow each performance.


Season adult subscriptions available at discount through October 1

For more information, contact Ben Benoit at 704-489-6249

Or The Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-Lake

[email protected]

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Backpacks for Kids Ministry – Helping Feed Local Kids One Backpack at a Time

The Mission-Outreach Team currently helps feed local, hungry school children on weekends and school breaks. The children served in this program qualify for free or reduced lunch and the food-filled backpacks are discreetly distributed through the school guidance counselor.

We currently have 4 children (Kindergarten-5th Grade) at St. James Elementary School whose families may be food insecure, meaning that their finances may force them to choose between food and other expenses. We have partnered with St. James Elementary School as well as Pursuit Church to help alleviate some of this hunger crisis. The program typically provides the following each weekend (although if it is a long weekend due to a school holiday, those days are covered also):

2 breakfasts 2 lunches 3 dinners 5 snacks

We are looking at providing food for the Food Pantry at East Lincoln High School at some time in the future. Details of this are still being worked out.

How Can You Help?

YOU MAY WANT TO CONSIDER PROVIDING A PARTICULAR FOOD ITEM FOR A MONTH, LIKE FRUITS, SNACKS, ENTREES. Please email Carole Rowell at [email protected] or call her at 704-516-2312 with any questions or to participate. Backpack Team: Marianne Boles, Priscilla Foley, Carmen Hatley, Jean Hatley, Mary LaBranche, Carole Rowell PLUS 12 families (Jarvis, Lunney, Paasch/Jacobs, Chris & Jessica Ireland, Anzalone, Duggan, Grace, Stewart, Driggers, Sliwoski, D’Amato, Reid) who provide the monthly food AND Ronnie Rudd, whose company donates multiple food items.

A monthly highlight of organizations we support with our Time, Talent and Treasure.

FOCUS ON MISSION - OUTREACH TEAM And do not neglect doing good and sharing; for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

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2017 EAST LINCOLN AREA CROP WALK The CROP Hunger walk brings our whole community together to assist hungry

brothers and sisters at home and around the world. It a walk with a purpose!

Congregations from many different traditions in some 2000 communities across

the country join in 1,600 Hunger Walks each year. The East Lincoln community

has supported CROP Walks for over 20 years.

The money raised from the CROP Walk supports Church World Service work

around the world in emergency response, as well as longer-term solutions like

enhancing food security, providing sustainable safe water supplies and literacy training. In

addition, 25 percent of the money goes to ELCM for local hunger fighting efforts.

By walking together, talking together, laughing together, participants learn more about

each other and more about their world …. Join in ! (Last year we had 22 walkers and

collected over $1900)





Contact Bud or Jeanne Hawkins (704) 483-

1684 or (704) 663-9004 cell

….. Let us love,

Not in words or speech,

But in truth and action …..

1 John 3:18

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There is still room for two more Lord/Lady, Fairy Folk, Disgruntled Servers

and Castle Guards. Please see Kina if you are interested in any of these

parts! October 2 ALL CAST

October 9

October 16

October 23

October 30 ALL CAST

November 6

November 13

November 27

December 4 ALL CAST

December 11 ALL CAST

December 18 ALL CAST



January 6th: SHOWTIME! Cast dinner 5:30-6:30. Cast fully dressed by 6:45 p.m.

Show starts at 7:00 p.m.

Twelfth Night Festival

January 6th, 2018

Practice Schedule (Reserved seating will open December 01, 2017)

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AGAPE GROUPS Love to eat? Enjoy having friends over for a casual

meal? What are you waiting for…sign up NOW for an AGAPE Group!

“AGAPE”….Greek word for love or love feast. In early times, Christians gathered in each other’s homes to share fellowship and a simple meal. At SPBTL, we follow this tradition by organizing into small groups of 6 to 8 people (couples and singles) to share a casual meal. Groups meet every month or so, rotating homes so that each person or couple hosts one meal for their group over approximately a four month period.

Our fall 2017 sign-up sheet is in Fotinos Hall (By the mailboxes). Groups will begin meeting in October. Assignments to a group are random, so this is a great way to meet newcomers and get to know fellow members better. A good time is ALWAYS on the menu! Questions? Call or email Pat Racz 704-748-3327 or [email protected]


NEWS FROM THE LAKE NORMAN COVEKEEPERS 7 pm, Thursday, October 26, 2017

Guest Speaker: Amanda Kain, Catawba County The Lake Norman Covekeepers will meet at 7:00 p.m. on October 26th. Our guest speaker will be

Amanda Kain, Executive Director of the “Keep Catawba County Beautiful” affiliate of “Keep

American Beautiful.” Amanda was instrumental in bringing this organization to Catawba

County and also serves as the county Waste Reduction Coordinator/Educator. She will discuss

how the KCCB program has positively impacted the environment through beautification, litter

prevention, greening practices, etc. and will describe the county’s award-winning recycling

program. Don’t miss this informative presentation on how to be a constructive and effective

influence on the environment. East Lincoln Fire Department, 406 South Pilot Knob Road,

Stanley. For more information, contact Ben Benoit (704-489-6249).

St. Francis Day BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS October 29th 3PM

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Alexander Community Concert Series

Eight Track Parade Sunday, October 1, at 3:00 p.m.

Eight Track Parade, a profoundly polished cover band on the

southern rock scene, offers that golden combination of musical

chops and great songwriting: refined piano-heavy ‘70s-fueled rock

and solid vocal harmonies producing bright melodies that glide

with feel-good momentum. Influenced by the ‘70s rock and funk

era, their work draws both musically and lyrically from R&B and

soul. Hear funk medleys sandwiched between soft ballads, pop

songs, and blazing rock – something for everyone! October 1, 3

PM at The Episcopal Church of St. Peter by-the-Lake. Reception

to meet the musicians, with refreshments, follows the concert.

Adults $15, seniors and students $10, children under 12 free. For

advance tickets or reservations, phone 704-489-6249 or e-mail

[email protected].

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CAPITAL CAMPAIGN SUMMARY It began in April and ended in August. In those five short months you have

pledged over ONE MILLION dollars to our Widen the Walls campaign. If you

want to be exact, the pledges at this writing are $1,039,605 which is 88% of our

$1,175,000 goal. A few more pledges are coming in and it’s never too late to

contribute if you are moved by the Holy Spirit and a vision for our future.

It’s not just pledges that we are receiving. Actual contributions have already

been made and we expect to receive $635,000 by the end of the year. Clearly

We have been blessed!

We are grateful!

We are excited!

Your commitment and a small amount of financing will let us move forward.

We have discerned together. We thought it feasible to move ahead. Our capital

campaign proved we are willing and able to proceed. We will now continue to

finalize the building and design plans and move into actual construction. We’ll

share an outline of what that looks like next week.

We’d like to share some thoughts from our Capital Campaign Co-Chair, Leo

Soorus: Thank you to all the generous members of our parish who have partnered

financially in support of the Widen the Walls campaign. We have been blessed by your

generosity. We have pledges for over $1,040,000. We look forward to up to $40,000

more in pledges to come.

Because of the generosity and belief in the ministries and mission of our church by the

entire congregation, we believe we can move forward with our expansion. We can build a

larger and more accessible narthex. We can build more Christian Formation space. We

can upgrade existing facilities and add an elevator. We can serve more as we live out our

vision and our mission. Thank you.

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There are many details to a building expansion … many details. Without making

any final commitments, a Building and Design Team, led by Tom Grace, has

been working on preliminary plans, anticipating the day when we would be able

to move ahead. For more than a year they’ve worked with our architect,

Campbell Design of Denver, and Hickory Construction of Hickory, searching for

quality and cost effective solutions to our expansion. Much has been

accomplished. Here’s a general outline of what lies ahead of us in the next couple months.

September Structural plans are done; we’ll complete electrical and plumbing plans.

This will finalize all plans.

October Submit all plans to Hickory Construction to determine a contract cost

November Secure approval from the Diocese of Western North Carolina for

construction. (This is required by Diocesan Canons.)

Secure Lincoln County approval and permits for construction

Determine final cost

November/December Secure financing to cover the time gap between pledge

receipts and construction costs.

Early 2018 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION!!!!!! We expect actual building to be a ten month process. About five months after we break

ground we will remove the front wall of the nave and lower level. At that time we will

relocate our worship to Furr Hall. A group under Father Ron’s guidance is preparing

for how to handle worship, Christian formation, and community activities without the

use of the upper and lower levels of the main building. At this time we expect that our

Easter and Christmas services will be in either the existing or the expanded nave.

This is our general strategy as we proceed to expand God’s presence here, and we’ll

keep you updated as we move along. We are abundantly aware that none of this could

happen without your generosity and God’s blessing.

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October 1st

Service & Giving Sunday

Ministry Fair

Alexander Community Concert Series Eight Track Parade 3pm

October 15th CROP Walk

October 20th -22nd

Parish Retreat at Valle Crucis

October 29 th

St. Francis’ Day Blessing of the Animals

Upcoming Events:

November 5th

All Saints Day Services

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October Calendar 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 17th Sunday after


8:30 HE

9:30 AC

9:30 CF

10:30 HE

3PM ACCS Eight Track Parade

2 10-11:30am

Memoir 101


6:30pm 12th


Practice 7pm AA


6:30 PM



4 12:15 Centering

Prayer 6pm HB

7pm AC

7pm EFM


Troop 02544

5 1 – 5PM


Bridge Group (Furr)


ELBA (Furr)

6 5:45-

7:15PM GS Troop



8 18th Sunday after


8:30 HE 9:30 AC

10:30 HE

EYC – off Campus


DOK Gathering

9 10-11:30am

Memoir 101 (Fotinos)

6:30pm 12th




10 10 AM DOK bible Study

6:30 PM



11 12:15 Centering Prayer 6pm HB

7pm AC

7pm EFM

12 Office

Closed (Staff Retreat)

1 – 5PM



Group (Furr)




Men @


15 Nineteenth Sunday

after Pentecost

8:30 HE 9:30 AC

9:30 CF

10:30 HE


16 6:30pm 12th


Practice 7:00 PM

AA (Fotinos)

17 6:30 PM



18 12:15 Centering Prayer 6pm HB

7pm AC 7pm EFM

7 pm GS

Troop 02544

19 1 – 5PM


Bridge Group (Furr)









GS Troop





22 Twentieth

Sunday after



8:30 HE

9:30 AC 10:30 HE

23 6:30pm 12th



7:00 PM

AA (Fotinos)


6:30 PM



25 12:15 Centering

Prayer 6pm HB

7pm AC

7pm EFM

26 1 – 5PM



Group (Furr)

27 6:30pm



WCA (Furr)


28 WCA Fall

Social (Furr) 5 – 9PM

2921st Sunday

after Pentecost

8:30 HE 9:30 AC

9:30 CF

10:30 HE

3pm St. Francis

Blessing of Animals

5-7pm EYC

30 6:30pm 12th

Night Practice

7:00 PM




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8 – Pat and Jack McCabe

10 – Billie and Jeff Clanton

11 – David and Michelle Moss

13 – Scott Mical and Tom Taylor

14 – Denyse and Ken Naylor

15 – Dave and Courtenay Smith


Happy Anniversary

Happy Birthday

22 – John and Holly Ireland

25 – Matthew and Jessica Gustis

25 – Michael and Lauren Ridlehoover

27 – Ron and Karen Horne

28 – Robert Villegas and Donna Brown

1 – Jane Roddy

1 – Gra Wagner

1 – Tyler McPeak

3 – Andy Parton

7 – Clyde Driggers

7 – Abbey Rudisill

8 – Ashley Wagner

8– Grant Wagner

8 – Morgan McPeak

9 – Father Ron Taylor

10 – Jean Hatley

10 – Noah Hocking

12 – Karen Simpson

13– Gary Johnston

13 – Victoria Gaver

15– Susan Yonish

15 – Chinyere Eziri

17 – Celia Deese

17– Arlene Halasz

19 – Matt Ortner

19 – Bob Rowell

20 – Mike Reahard

20 – Madison Ireland

21 – Craig Willis

22 – Mother Beth Lilly

23– Lori Pressley

26 – Finn Clancy

26 - Inez Soorus

28 – Thomas Matousek

28 – Matthew Weed

29 – Linda Best

30 – Jeff Clanton

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The Rev. Dr. Ronald B. Taylor, Rector 704-483-4634 (home), 704-618-7213 (cell)

[email protected]

The Rev. Judith Cole, Deacon 704-483-4321 (home), 704-534-1496 (cell)

[email protected]

The Rev. Beth Lilly, Assisting Priest (Retired) 828-464-5742 (Home), 828-461-1555 (Cell)

[email protected]

Leigh Ann Johnston, Organist/Director of Music

Kina Cartee, Director of Christian Formation & Newcomers Ministry

[email protected]

Kate D’Amato, Parish Administrator [email protected]

Janice McGuire, Accounting

[email protected]

Gary Johnston, Treasurer [email protected]

Madison Widener, Nursery Staff

Grimelda Alderman, Nursery Staff

Daniel Malyevac, Senior Warden

Bill Reid, Junior Warden Lisa Anzalone

Ross Bulla Matt Gustis

Stephanie Heil Connie Mathis Cathy Melesh

Leo Soorus Clerk of the Vestry: Daphne Wagner