october 2018october 2018 pathfinder editor, 1600 park st. sault ste. marie, mi 49783 or e-mail to...

INSIDE Page 2 About, Home-bound members, office notes Page 3 Important dates and upcoming events Page 4 Council Minutes and Treasurer notes The Pathfinder is the monthly newsletter of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America community at : Faith Lutheran Church, 1600 Park Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 49783 (906) 632-7246 The deadline for the Pathfinder is the 15th of each month. Please send articles, comments, news items c/o Pathfinder Editor, 1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 or e-mail to [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Breanne Kinnunen Church Office Administrator/Editor: Sean Uhrig Congregation Council: Jack Armstrong, Dennis Brindley, Dan Kinnear, Sandy Lawson, At Freighterview: 605 W. Portage Ave. SSM, MI 49783 Ruth Ronquist- (906)253-2331 Walter Pell- (906) 635-6002 At McKinley Manor: 2023 W 4th Ave. SSM, MI 49783 Diane Borrousch- (906) 632 7250 At Home: Beverly Tankersley- 2621 Lake Blvd. SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-3888 Alice Isaacson- Avery Center, Apt. 302 SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-9758 Copper Garrett- 5036 W. Five Mile Rd. SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-8727 Linda Doran- 590 Three 1/2 Mile Rd. SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-6483 John Nobliski– 1316 Park street SSM, MI 49783 (906)635-5613 Gladys Baxter- (need more information) Faith Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Synod website: nglsynod.org; Denomination website: elca.org Linda & Jim Sumner 58 years 10/22/60 Dixie & Al Picotte 41 years 10/15/77 Lilly & Ken Randall 38 years 10/18/80 Keith & Nancy Neve 31 years 10/24/87 Oct. Oct. 7 14 14 21 21 28 28 ASSISTING ASSISTING MINISTERS MINISTERS Keith Nortch Lori Strickland Keith Nortch Ben Deatrick LECTORS LECTORS Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer CHOIR CHOIR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR R.A. Brindley R.A. Brindley R.A. Brindley R.A. Brindley ORGANIST ORGANIST Dave Erfourth Lisa Justin Dave Erfourth Lisa Justin ALTAR ALTAR WORKERS WORKERS Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma USHERS USHERS Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers OFFERING OFFERING COUNTERS COUNTERS Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch NURSERY NURSERY Flickingers Flickingers Flickingers Flickingers Special Dates October 8, 2018, Columbus Day October 28 , 2018 Reformation Sunday October 31, 2018 Reformation Day Halloween Message from the Pastor Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope and pray this finds you well. + My life has changed dramatically since the last time I wrote you. Magdalene Irene has arrived! What a gift from God our daughter is! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughtfulness in these last several months, and for your understanding now as I pastor as a new mom. It comes with new challenges and joys for sure. We’re still in the season of Pentecost as a church. The season of green and growth, but fall is here in the UP, and so are colder temperatures and a little bit darker and cloudier days. October also brings cider and pumpkins and orchard fresh apples. What are your favorite fall memories and activities? Did you say Reformation Sunday? I don’t think I would have if asked. But I’m looking at my calendar and it’s catching my eye as a big church day this month. We’ll be having cider and doughnuts after worship on Reformation Sunday (Oct 28). It’s a day when we remember Martin Luther, sinner and saint, who made a huge impact on the course of church history and our lives today. It's a day we remember our need to change and reform as a church. I also think of this verse from Romans 3, “…For there is no distinction, 23since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; 24they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith.” It’s kind of a wordy verse, but what it means to me is that I can just be me and be loved. I can be me; sinner and saint. It means to me that we all fall short and that there’s love for all. We don’t have to be afraid of going to hell, or try to earn our way into heaven or to earn God’s love, or anyone else’s. Christ’s love for you and I just is. The part that I glanced over at first, that hit me later on, is that it’s all because of Jesus Christ. To him alone be the glory and the reason we can live at ease and share ourselves joyfully and not out of fear or guilt. So even though Reformation Sunday isn’t something that I think of enjoying every fall. I think this verse alone is worth remembering and celebrating. We’re free, forgiven, loved and freed to love one another. We all need that: to love and to be loved. Jesus makes it possible. God bless you all, Peace in Christ, The Pathfinder Faith Lutheran Church* YEAR OF MARK AND JOHN October 2018 PENTECOST Phone 632-7246 [email protected] *a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on the web: http://www.faithlutheransaultstemarie.org Office hours for Faith Lutheran Church: Monday through Friday 9AM—1PM Pastors Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs Mornings or by appoint- ment Come worship with us! Worship times For summer Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Sunday—10:30 a.m. Wednesdays—6:00 p.m. 2 The Pathfinder 3 The Pathfinder ALL COMMITTEES NEED TO HAVE THEIR 2019 BUDGET REQUESTS IN TO FINANCE COMMIT- TEE (WAYNE OLSEN) BY OCTOBER 9th If you know someone who doesn’t want the digital version of the Pathfinder and hasn't been re- ceiving the hard copy, just let the office know and we’ll get that tak- en care of right away. We need volunteers to read the scripture lessons on Sundays. See Sean in the office for more details if you’re interested. We are also in need of more people willing to be assisting ministers on Sundays. Please see Sean in the office if you are interested. We are looking for volunteers to preform Usher duties on Sundays. Please contact Ken Lake or Sean in the office if you are interested or would like more information. 1 The Pathfinder Faith Lutheran Church 1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie , MI 49783 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 9am Yoga 1pm Monday Quilters 5:15pm Yoga 2 3 9am Yoga 10:30am WELCA 1pm Hand Quilters 6pm Worship 4 5 9am Yoga 6 7 9:30am Sunday school 10:30am Worship 8 9am Yoga 1pm Monday Quilters 5:15pm Yoga Columbus Day 9 10 9am Yoga 1pm Hand Quilters 6pm Worship 11 12 9am Yoga 13 Scandinavian Salad Buffet and Bazaar 11:30am-1:30pm 14 9:30am Sunday school 10:30am Worship Fellowship meeting after worship 15 9am Yoga 1pm Monday Quilters 5:15pm Yoga 7pm Garden Club 16 7pm Council Meeting 5-9pm Keeping the Piece Quilters 17 9am Yoga 1pm Hand Quilters 6pm Worship 18 7:00pm Safety Committee meeting 19 9am Yoga 20 21 9:30am Sunday school 10:30am Worship Worship & Music meeting after worship 22 9am Yoga 1pm Monday Quilters 5:15pm Yoga 23 24 9am Yoga 1pm Hand Quilters 6pm Worship 25 26 9am Yoga 27 28 9:30am Sunday school 10:30am Reformation Sunday Cider and Donuts after worship 29 9am Yoga 1pm Monday Quilters 5:15pm Yoga 30 31 9am Yoga 1pm Hand Quilters 6pm Worship Reformation Day Halloween 11th Louise Armstrong 11th Gail Knight 11th Teresa Makela 14th Darlene Sawyer 15th Autumn Stene 18th David Bush 19th Darlene Reno 20th Laura Bailey 21st Cynthia Suppa 22nd Stephanie Brunner 23rd Richard Camp 24th Anthony Bricco 24th Amber Uplinger 27th Lori Strickland 28th Linda Stoetzer-Carrick 28th Scott Kagarise 28th Randy Matheson 30th Bernard Beaulieu 30th Sean Keller 31th Carly Suriano 4th Thomas Brewster 5th Lisa Roese 6th Sandra Lawson 6th Laurie Montgomery 6th Nancy Neve 7th Kate Matheson 9th John Armstrong 10th Heather Haapala 10th Alice Isaacson 10th Alleyah Sanderson Our homebound and nursing home mem- bers are often so isolated that your phone call, visit, even a card can mean the dif- ference between lonely existence and con- tinued life in our faith community. What can you do? Please reach out to those who have been such a vital part of our congregation and give back. 4 The Pathfinder *** WARNING *** With the licensing of our kitchen just around the corner we will need to make sure that all the kitchen guidelines are adhered to. Label any food put in the refrigerators with a use bydate of 7 days. If it cannot be established when the food was prepared, it will be tossed. Clean up after yourself, if you get crumbs on the table, please be considerate and clean them up. A little bit goes a long way. HAPPY HALLOWEEN Scandinavian Salad Buffet and Bazaar October 13th, 11:30am—1:30pm Crafts and collectibles Scandinavian baked goods Faith Lutheran Church 1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI Choir will begin Wednesday October 3rd after worship. Get your singing voice ready! Faith Lutheran Church Council Endowment Special Meeting July 17, 2018 The budget meeting was called to order by President Jack Armstrong at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Jack Armstrong, Keith Nortch, Sandy Lawson, Wayne Olsen, Dennis Brindley, and Vicki Luoma Members absent: Cathy Tibbett, Dan Kinnear and Pastor Bre Kinnunen on mater- nity leave Guests: Louise Armstrong Endowment Fund A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to apply $1297.31 from the Endowment Fund to the organ fund receivable in the general fund. Seconded by Keith Nortch. Mo- tion carried. The Endowment earnings of $4263.09 for 2018 have been distributed as follows: 1. $800 for youth Houston trip $750 for youth Fortune Lake 2. $650 for Seminarians 3. $1297.31 for Organ Fund 4. $350 for Mission There is $231. 54 left of the Endowment earnings disbursement for 2018. The $6000 housing allowance hasn’t been drawn out yet. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Luoma, Secretary Faith Lutheran Church Council Meeting July 17, 2018 The meeting was called to order by President Jack Armstrong at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Jack Armstrong, Keith Nortch, Sandy Lawson, Wayne Olsen, Dennis Brindley, and Vicki Luoma Members absent: Cathy Tibbett, Dan Kinnear, and Pastor Bre Kinnunen (on ma- ternity leave) Guest: Louise Armstrong Devotions: Jack led us in devotions. Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to accept the minutes from June 26, 2018. Seconded by Wayne Olsen. Motion carried. New Business Church Safety Committee Issues CPR training for volunteers Weather radio Defibrillator training First Aid Kit Valet parking in the winter Organ Fund $13,597.22 is owed on the organ. Old Business Kitchen Update A cover needs to be installed by Alberts. Kitchen Manager Update Sean Uhrig has been hired as the Kitchen Manager. Pastor’s Report It’s a girl. Magdalene Irene Kinnunen Born on July 16, 2018 Time: 12:14 am Weight: 7lbs. 9 oz. Length: 18 1/2 in. Proud parents are Breanne and Thomas Kinnunen Education A Vacation Bible School meeting was held with Central Methodist Church. Vaca- tion Bible School is planned for June 2019 Endowment See minutes of the Council Budget Special meeting of July 17, 2018, 6:30 p.m. Fellowship On August 21, there will be a meeting to plan the potluck for Sept. 9. Rally Sunday and Back Pack Sunday will be September 9 followed by a potluck. Finance A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to go with the Norris bid of $24,000 or under to repair the driveway in front of the church. Seconded by Dennis Brindley. Motion carried. A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to cut a check to make up a shortage of $200 to Matt Lamb. Seconded by Sandy Lawson. Motion carried. Membership - No report Memorial A list is being made by Joy Lake to water and take care of the Memorial Garden for the summer. Outreach The worship and picnic at Sherman Park were a big success. They are working on the brochure. Property The pillars and shed will be done this summer. Staff Support We will meet with Sean on the Kitchen Manager position. Stewardship - No report WELCA - No report Worship and Music Hymns have been picked through September. Campus Ministry There will be a meeting in August. Come to the Table - No report A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to accept all committee reports. Seconded by Keith Nortch. Motion carried. Facility Requests Keeping the Piece Quilt Guild A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to approve Diane McDonald’s verbal request for use of the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on August 21. Seconded by Keith Nortch. Motion carried. Church Women United Jack will call Margaret Stiling Future Meetings There will be no August meeting. A Special Budget Meeting will be held on September 11 at 7:00 p.m. The monthly Council meeting will be on September 18 at 7:00 p.m. The count teams for August are Cathy Tibbett and Keith Nortch. The September count teams are Cathy Tibbett and Dennis Brindley. The motion to adjourn was made by Wayne Olsen. Seconded by Dennis Brindley. Motion carried. The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Luoma, Secretary September 30, 2018 Year to Date Projected Cash Receipts $ 87,296.65 September 30, 2018 Year to Date Actual Cash Receipts $ 80,269.33 Cash Receipts under Budget Projections $ (7,027.32) September 30, 2018 Year to Date Projected Expenses $ 98,914.53 September 30, 2018 Year to Date Actual Expenses $ 99,403.68 Actual Expenses Over Projected Expenses $ (488.85) Total Receipts & Expenses Exceed the Y.T.D. Budget for 2018 $ (7,516.17) October 2018 October 2018

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Page 1: October 2018October 2018 Pathfinder Editor, 1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 or e-mail to faithlc1966@att.net Pastor: Rev. Breanne Kinnunen Church Office Administrator/Editor:


Page 2 About, Home-bound members, office notes

Page 3 Important dates and

upcoming events

Page 4 Council Minutes and Treasurer notes

The Pathfinder is the monthly newsletter of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America community at :

Faith Lutheran Church, 1600 Park Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan 49783 (906) 632-7246

The deadline for the Pathfinder is the 15th of each month.

Please send articles, comments, news items c/o Pathfinder Editor, 1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783 or e-mail to [email protected]

Pastor: Rev. Breanne Kinnunen Church Office Administrator/Editor: Sean Uhrig

Congregation Council: Jack Armstrong, Dennis Brindley, Dan Kinnear, Sandy Lawson,

At Freighterview: 605 W. Portage Ave.

SSM, MI 49783

Ruth Ronquist- (906)253-2331

Walter Pell- (906) 635-6002

At McKinley Manor: 2023 W 4th Ave. SSM, MI 49783

Diane Borrousch- (906) 632 7250

At Home:

Beverly Tankersley- 2621 Lake Blvd.

SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-3888

Alice Isaacson- Avery Center, Apt. 302

SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-9758

Copper Garrett- 5036 W. Five Mile Rd.

SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-8727

Linda Doran- 590 Three 1/2 Mile Rd.

SSM, MI 49783 (906)632-6483

John Nobliski– 1316 Park street

SSM, MI 49783 (906)635-5613

Gladys Baxter- (need more information)

Faith Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Northern Great Lakes Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Synod website: nglsynod.org; Denomination website: elca.org

Linda & Jim Sumner

58 years 10/22/60

Dixie & Al Picotte

41 years 10/15/77

Lilly & Ken Randall

38 years 10/18/80

Keith & Nancy Neve

31 years 10/24/87








Keith Nortch

Lori Strickland

Keith Nortch

Ben Deatrick








R.A. Brindley

R.A. Brindley

R.A. Brindley

R.A. Brindley


Dave Erfourth

Lisa Justin

Dave Erfourth

Lisa Justin



Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma

Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma

Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma

Marianne Kinnear Vicki Luoma








Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch

Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch

Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch

Jack Armstrong Keith Nortch






Special Dates

October 8, 2018, Columbus Day

October 28 , 2018 Reformation Sunday

October 31, 2018 Reformation Day Halloween

Message from the Pastor

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I hope and pray this finds you well. + My life has changed dramatically since the last time I wrote you. Magdalene Irene has arrived! What a gift from God our daughter is! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughtfulness in these last several months, and for your understanding now as I pastor as a new mom. It comes with new challenges and joys for sure. We’re still in the season of Pentecost as a church. The season of green and growth, but fall is here in the UP, and so are colder temperatures and a little bit darker and cloudier days. October also brings cider and pumpkins and orchard fresh apples. What are your favorite fall memories and activities? Did you say Reformation Sunday? I don’t think I would have if asked. But I’m looking at my calendar and it’s catching my eye as a big church day this month. We’ll be having cider and doughnuts after worship on Reformation Sunday (Oct 28). It’s a day when we remember Martin Luther, sinner and saint, who made a huge impact on the course of church history and our lives today. It's a day we remember our need to change and reform as a church. I also think of this verse from Romans 3, “…For there is no distinction, 23since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; 24they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith.” It’s kind of a wordy verse, but what it means to me is that I can just be me and be loved. I can be me; sinner and saint. It means to me that we all fall short and that there’s love for all. We don’t have to be afraid of going to hell, or try to earn our way into heaven or to earn God’s love, or anyone else’s. Christ’s love for you and I just is. The part that I glanced over at first, that hit me later on, is that it’s all because of Jesus Christ. To him alone be the glory and the reason we can live at ease and share ourselves joyfully and not out of fear or guilt. So even though Reformation Sunday isn’t something that I think of enjoying every fall. I think this verse alone is worth remembering and celebrating. We’re free, forgiven, loved and freed to love one another. We all need that: to love and to be loved. Jesus makes it possible. God bless you all, Peace in Christ,

The Pathfinder

Faith Lutheran Church*


October 2018


Phone 632-7246 [email protected]

*a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

on the web: http://www.faithlutheransaultstemarie.org

Office hours for Faith Lutheran Church: Monday through Friday


Pastors Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs

Mornings or by appoint-ment

Come worship with us! Worship times

For summer

Sunday school—9:30 a.m. Sunday—10:30 a.m.

Wednesdays—6:00 p.m.

2 The Pathfinder

3 The Pathfinder

• ALL COMMITTEES NEED TO HAVE THEIR 2019 BUDGET REQUESTS IN TO FINANCE COMMIT-TEE (WAYNE OLSEN) BY OCTOBER 9th • If you know someone who doesn’t want the digital version of the Pathfinder and hasn't been re-ceiving the hard copy, just let the office know and we’ll get that tak-en care of right away.

We need volunteers to read the scripture lessons on Sundays. See Sean in the office for more details if you’re interested.

We are also in need of more people willing to be assisting ministers on Sundays. Please see Sean in the office if you are interested.

We are looking for volunteers to preform Usher duties on Sundays. Please contact Ken Lake or Sean in the office if you are interested or would like more information.

1 The Pathfinder

Faith Lutheran Church

1600 Park St.

Sault Ste. Marie , MI 49783

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


9am Yoga

1pm Monday


5:15pm Yoga

2 3

9am Yoga

10:30am WELCA

1pm Hand Quilters

6pm Worship



9am Yoga



9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Worship


9am Yoga

1pm Monday


5:15pm Yoga

Columbus Day



9am Yoga

1pm Hand Quilters

6pm Worship



9am Yoga


Scandinavian Salad

Buffet and Bazaar



9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Worship

Fellowship meeting

after worship


9am Yoga

1pm Monday


5:15pm Yoga

7pm Garden Club


7pm Council


5-9pm Keeping

the Piece Quilters


9am Yoga

1pm Hand Quilters

6pm Worship







9am Yoga



9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Worship

Worship & Music

meeting after worship


9am Yoga

1pm Monday


5:15pm Yoga



9am Yoga

1pm Hand Quilters

6pm Worship



9am Yoga



9:30am Sunday school

10:30am Reformation


Cider and Donuts

after worship


9am Yoga

1pm Monday


5:15pm Yoga



9am Yoga

1pm Hand Quilters

6pm Worship

Reformation Day


11th Louise Armstrong 11th Gail Knight 11th Teresa Makela 14th Darlene Sawyer 15th Autumn Stene 18th David Bush 19th Darlene Reno 20th Laura Bailey 21st Cynthia Suppa 22nd Stephanie Brunner 23rd Richard Camp 24th Anthony Bricco 24th Amber Uplinger

27th Lori Strickland 28th Linda Stoetzer-Carrick 28th Scott Kagarise 28th Randy Matheson 30th Bernard Beaulieu 30th Sean Keller 31th Carly Suriano

4th Thomas Brewster 5th Lisa Roese 6th Sandra Lawson 6th Laurie Montgomery 6th Nancy Neve 7th Kate Matheson 9th John Armstrong 10th Heather Haapala 10th Alice Isaacson 10th Alleyah Sanderson

Our homebound and nursing home mem-bers are often so isolated that your phone call, visit, even a card can mean the dif-

ference between lonely existence and con-tinued life in our faith community. What

can you do? Please reach out to those who have been such a vital part of our

congregation and give back.

4 The Pathfinder

***WARNING*** With the licensing of our kitchen just around the corner we will need to make sure that all the kitchen guidelines are adhered to. Label any food put in the refrigerators with a “use by” date of 7 days. If it cannot be established when the food was prepared, it will be tossed. Clean up after yourself, if you get crumbs on the table, please be considerate and clean them up. A little bit goes a long way.



Scandinavian Salad Buffet and Bazaar October 13th, 11:30am—1:30pm

Crafts and collectibles Scandinavian baked goods Faith Lutheran Church

1600 Park St. Sault Ste. Marie, MI

Choir will begin

Wednesday October

3rd after worship.

Get your singing

voice ready!

Faith Lutheran Church

Council Endowment Special Meeting

July 17, 2018

The budget meeting was called to order by President Jack Armstrong at 6:30 p.m.

Members present: Jack Armstrong, Keith Nortch, Sandy Lawson, Wayne Olsen,

Dennis Brindley, and Vicki Luoma

Members absent: Cathy Tibbett, Dan Kinnear and Pastor Bre Kinnunen on mater-

nity leave

Guests: Louise Armstrong

Endowment Fund

A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to apply $1297.31 from the Endowment Fund

to the organ fund receivable in the general fund. Seconded by Keith Nortch. Mo-

tion carried.

The Endowment earnings of $4263.09 for 2018 have been distributed as follows:

1. $800 for youth Houston trip

$750 for youth Fortune Lake

2. $650 for Seminarians

3. $1297.31 for Organ Fund 4. $350 for Mission

There is $231. 54 left of the Endowment earnings disbursement for 2018.

The $6000 housing allowance hasn’t been drawn out yet.

Respectfully submitted,

Vicki Luoma, Secretary

Faith Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

July 17, 2018

The meeting was called to order by President Jack Armstrong at 7:30 p.m.

Members present: Jack Armstrong, Keith Nortch, Sandy Lawson, Wayne Olsen,

Dennis Brindley, and Vicki Luoma

Members absent: Cathy Tibbett, Dan Kinnear, and Pastor Bre Kinnunen (on ma-

ternity leave)

Guest: Louise Armstrong

Devotions: Jack led us in devotions.

Previous Minutes: A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to accept the minutes

from June 26, 2018. Seconded by Wayne Olsen. Motion carried.

New Business Church Safety Committee Issues

CPR training for volunteers

Weather radio

Defibrillator training

First Aid Kit Valet parking in the winter

Organ Fund

$13,597.22 is owed on the organ.

Old Business Kitchen Update

A cover needs to be installed by Alberts.

Kitchen Manager Update

Sean Uhrig has been hired as the Kitchen Manager.

Pastor’s Report

It’s a girl.

Magdalene Irene Kinnunen

Born on July 16, 2018 Time: 12:14 am

Weight: 7lbs. 9 oz.

Length: 18 1/2 in.

Proud parents are Breanne and Thomas Kinnunen


A Vacation Bible School meeting was held with Central Methodist Church. Vaca-

tion Bible School is planned for June 2019


See minutes of the Council Budget Special meeting of July 17, 2018, 6:30 p.m.


On August 21, there will be a meeting to plan the potluck for Sept. 9. Rally Sunday

and Back Pack Sunday will be September 9 followed by a potluck.

Finance A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to go with the Norris bid of $24,000 or under

to repair the driveway in front of the church. Seconded by Dennis Brindley. Motion


A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to cut a check to make up a shortage of $200

to Matt Lamb. Seconded by Sandy Lawson. Motion carried.

Membership - No report


A list is being made by Joy Lake to water and take care of the Memorial Garden for

the summer.


The worship and picnic at Sherman Park were a big success. They are working on

the brochure.


The pillars and shed will be done this summer.

Staff Support

We will meet with Sean on the Kitchen Manager position.

Stewardship - No report

WELCA - No report

Worship and Music Hymns have been picked through September.

Campus Ministry

There will be a meeting in August.

Come to the Table - No report

A motion was made by Wayne Olsen to accept all committee reports. Seconded by

Keith Nortch. Motion carried.

Facility Requests Keeping the Piece Quilt Guild

A motion was made by Sandy Lawson to approve Diane McDonald’s verbal request

for use of the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on August 21. Seconded by Keith

Nortch. Motion carried.

Church Women United Jack will call Margaret Stiling

Future Meetings

There will be no August meeting.

A Special Budget Meeting will be held on September 11 at 7:00 p.m. The monthly Council meeting will be on September 18 at 7:00 p.m.

The count teams for August are Cathy Tibbett and Keith Nortch. The September

count teams are Cathy Tibbett and Dennis Brindley.

The motion to adjourn was made by Wayne Olsen. Seconded by Dennis Brindley. Motion carried.

The meeting was closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Vicki Luoma, Secretary

September 30, 2018 Year to Date Projected Cash Receipts $ 87,296.65

September 30, 2018 Year to Date Actual Cash Receipts $ 80,269.33

Cash Receipts under Budget Projections $ (7,027.32)

September 30, 2018 Year to Date Projected Expenses $ 98,914.53

September 30, 2018 Year to Date Actual Expenses $ 99,403.68

Actual Expenses Over Projected Expenses $ (488.85)

Total Receipts & Expenses Exceed the Y.T.D. Budget for 2018 $ (7,516.17)

October 2018October 2018