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Performance Monitoring Report: Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates October 21, 2014

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Performance Monitoring Report:

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and


October 21, 2014

Performance Monitoring Report:

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas,

and Certificates

October 21, 2014

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Discussion and Analysis The statutory purpose of credit programming is central to the mission of Fox Valley Technical College encompassing Associate Degrees, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates. Through this programming, FVTC serves its District by providing employers with an educated workforce that works to address the health, safety, and business needs of local residents. Historically FVTC has reported on core benchmarks such as FTEs, enrollments, graduate numbers, job placement, and tuition cost, which remain very important bellwether measurements of our mission. However, the changing dynamics of the workplace, along with new state funding parameters, have created reforms resulting in a new statewide performance-based model. This model shifts emphasis from the traditional data review to more of a focus on meeting workplace benchmarks and aligning state funding to performance, based on benchmark results. To meet this new requirement, FVTC is taking appropriate actions to align College strategic measurements and reports, including changes you will see in this report. This new model is based on nine performance criteria of which each WTCS college can choose seven. The indicators highlighted in this report include Job Placement, High Demand Fields and Industry Validated Curriculum. In the first indicator of Job Placement, FVTC is ranked first among the WTCS colleges in this funding category during the three-year analysis timeframe. This result is certainly a testament to the effectiveness of our occupational training programs and talented instructional staff. As the outlook on the economy continues to brighten, increasing numbers of our graduates are finding employment. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of FVTC graduates from 2012-13 were employed six months after graduation. Other FVTC performance-based rankings related to this purpose and included in this report are second in High Demand Fields, and first in Industry-Validated Curriculum. The following updated report provides information on these categories and their alignment with the FVTC Strategic Plan of 2013-16. As FVTC prepares to enact this new model, we continue to hold student success as vital to our core mission to assist students in reaching their goals and securing jobs that are essential to our economy. As part of our continuing commitment to student and program success, the College also takes fiscal responsibility very seriously amid fluctuating economic cycles, shifting enrollment levels, increasing technological advances, and global competitive pressures. With these considerations in mind, along with meeting the new benchmarks, FVTC maintains relevancy through investing in facilities, capital equipment, and instructional resources necessary to meet changing workplace needs. Christopher J. Matheny, Ph.D. Vice President Instructional Services/Chief Academic Officer

Report: Associate Degree

Programs, Technical Diplomas,

and Certificates

October 19, 2010

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Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, Certificates Purpose Defined

To deliver associate degree, technical diploma, and certificate level programs which provide the skills and knowledge necessary to address occupational competencies from initial job-entry to advanced certification.

Performance Scorecard – Staff Rating


What we do (Products and Services)

For whom (Constituents)

At what cost (Financial)

FVTC Scorecard Legend

Symbol Description

Full Green Arrow: Results are meeting or exceeding

expectations and no action is required.

Partially Green Arrow: Results are progressing, but not

at the expected levels. No action on the plan/efforts is

required; however, there will be an increase in the

monitoring of the plan.

Yellow Arrow: Results are indicating caution with the

existing plan/efforts and there is a need to review the

existing plan.

Partially Red Arrow: Results are below the expected

levels and the existing plan is not working, but efforts are

under way to take corrective actions and revise the plan.

Full Red Arrow: Results are well below the expected

levels and actions need to be taken immediately.

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What We Do

Fox Valley Technical College programming is developed and conducted within Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) guidelines and in collaboration with district business and industry needs to effectively meet skill and employment demands. In servicing the needs of the five-county district, the College’s primary educational program offerings include Associate in Applied Science degree programs, Technical Diploma programs, and Certificates defined as:

Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree programs – An AAS degree assists individuals in preparing for, or advancing in, a particular occupation or field. AAS degree completion typically requires 60-70 credits in the program and consists of technical studies, general studies, and electives. Students pursuing a degree full time will take approximately two years to complete. Time to completion varies widely for part-time students.

Technical Diploma (TD) programs – Technical diplomas are based on local needs of business and industry and are designed to help individuals prepare for a targeted occupation – typically at the entry level. Technical diploma credit requirements vary widely, involving anywhere from 3 to 70 credits; therefore, time to completion varies widely depending on the program.

Certificates – A certificate involves a focused set of courses for skills needed in the workplace. Completed certificates can serve as enhancements to an individual’s resume, as targeted training beyond the attainment of a degree or diploma, i.e., AAS, BS, MS. Credit courses from certificates may also be applied to a related technical diploma or associate degree program, encouraging people to continue their education in these programs. Some certificates may serve as entry points to attract people into programs (i.e., exploring careers series.)

Types of Associate Degrees, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates FVTC currently offers 65 associate degree programs, 50 technical diploma programs, and about 200 certificates. Among the new degree offerings are technical diplomas that are “embedded” into an associate degree that can provide a credential for completion of a smaller segment of the associate degree. Examples of this credentialing model are the Law Enforcement and Aeronautics –Professional Pilot technical diplomas. Appendix A has a complete listing of all 2014-15 programs (associate degree and technical diploma) and certificates.

Nearly 200 certificates are offered of which 7 are new and 38 are targeted to a specialized audience or purpose. Ten certificates are part of a career pathway continuum that can build to a technical diploma or associate degree. Every year certificates undergo continuous review to align with market needs. The top five certificate enrollments for 2013-14 were:

Enrollments Certificates 144 General Studies Transfer (UW-Oshkosh) 128 Automation: Industrial Equipment Machine Operator/Maintenance Helper 115 Advanced Manual Machining 90 General Education 81 Basic Machine Tool

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For Whom

Associate Degree and Technical Diploma Enrollment Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) are a common measure of student enrollment for FVTC. In relation to the waning effects of the Great Recession, associate degree and technical diploma enrollments are declining. Calculating a full time equivalent (FTE) from enrollments is defined as 30 credits per student in an academic year. Figure 1 displays FTE data for a three-year period, in which the College served

6,156 program-declared FTEs in 2013-14 compared to 6,449 in 2012-13. This decline is similar for most WTCS colleges as high enrollments of previous years stabilize with the strengthening of the economy. The total FTEs include non-program course takers, basic skills and other enrollments.

Source: FVTC Report SASR00000165.

Program Enrollments Aligned With High Demand Fields Students are attracted to FVTC for a number of reasons including cost, academic reputation, location, personalized attention, and program offerings that match their career interests. Faculty and staff continue to work to meet these student needs and to bring not only exciting opportunities but facilities and resources to match.

Program enrollments are an important college measure, as well as an important factor in the pathway to a credential for the performance-based model for degrees awarded in high demand fields. There is greater emphasis on affecting the skills gap to meet employer needs and for individuals to have the skills necessary for workplace demands. Specific occupations have been identified by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) as being high demand fields based upon occupational projections through 2020. Tables A and B outline the College’s top ten enrolled programs in both associate degree and technical diploma programs, and their alignment with the DWD high demand fields. College Annual Objective for Enrollments College enrollments and degrees in high demand fields are important to FVTC and employers in need of skilled workers. To meet these high visibility indicators, the College had established an annual objective for 2013-14 to achieve the goal of 7,530 FTEs primarily through the targeted divisional growth goals of the enrollment management plan.

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Table A. Top Associate Degree Program Declared Enrollments


2012-13 2013-14


101023 Business Management 1202 1064

101043 Marketing 284 234

101011 Accounting 334 283


103071 Early Childhood Education 306 289

Food Preparation*

103161 Culinary Arts 423 363

Health Care*

105431 Nursing - Associate Degree 832 811

105141 Occupational Therapy Assistant 334 262

Public Safety

105041 Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 620 571

105032 Fire Protection Technician 284 240


101521 IT - Software Developer 263 221 *High Demand Fields Source: FVTC Data Warehouse

Table B. Top Technical Diploma Program Declared Enrollments


2012-13 2013-14 Fabrication*

314571 Welding/Metal Fabrication 191 172 Health Care*

305431 Nursing Assistant 1086 939

311602 Medical Office Assistant 261 235

315091 Medical Assistant 291 180

315302 Medical Coding Specialist 90 142

315081 Dental Assistant 154 125

315431 Nursing, Practical 193 121 Machinists*

324201 Machine Tool Technician 168 172

Public Safety

305041 Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement Academy 100 111


304581 Truck Driving 279 249

314121 Diesel Equipment Mechanic 121 111 *High Demand Fields Source: FVTC Data Warehouse

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WTCS Benchmarking of High-Demand Degrees Looking at the top five comparable WTCS colleges, Figure 2 shows FVTC as ranking second in the WTCS for degrees awarded in high demand fields in the three year timeframe. Madison College ranks first among all sixteen WTCS colleges. Figure 2: Top Five WTCS Rankings for Degrees Awarded in High Demand Fields

Student Demographics An individual’s multi-decade career lifecycle brings students to FVTC from various stages in their employment and non-employment history. A number of factors are affecting the need for continuous learning such as workplace competition among new hires, and employees seeking to retain or advance in their positions. Entry into the workforce, downsizing, dislocation, rapid advancement, industry innovation, and increasing technology are all reasons students find themselves approaching our College doors and online portals for new or improved skills. The unique and challenging needs of this diverse set of skill levels and demographics can be overwhelming. However, FVTC thrives on this challenge to meet each student at the intersection of their educational needs and their future potential. Average Age There is an assumption that the average age of our occupational program students has increased as a result of the Great Recession and increased numbers of dislocated workers. To the contrary, the average age of students in occupational programs, and in fact all categories, has declined in recent years. The average age of associate degree and technical diploma students in recent years is around 27 years of age. Certificate students tend to be a bit older, averaging about 31 years old, suggesting an interest in short term credentials which enhance career skills particularly for working adults.

Student Status Part-time students (those taking less than 12 credit hours per semester) make up the majority of FVTC students (Figure 4). In the Fall of 2013, there were 4,735 degree-declared part-time students; a decrease of 357 over the same timeframe in the prior year. Full-time degree seeking enrollments (Fall, 2013) decreased by 110 to 3,006 students compared to the previous year. A total of 7,741 full and part-time degree-declared students were enrolled in Fall 2013.

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Source: FVTC Data Warehouse

Advisory Committee Effectiveness Occupational program advisory committees are a requirement of the WTCS and are organized to provide advice and counsel to instructional leaders and faculty regarding specific associate degree and technical diploma programs offered by the College. The primary purpose of a program advisory committee is to help the College ensure that the program is relevant to the community, addresses current industry standards, meets workforce needs, and has appropriate resources to support high quality student outcomes.

To accomplish this purpose, program advisory committees focus on the specific functions of program outcome review, curriculum updates, industry trends, and a public information role. The committee makes recommendations for program improvements, expansions, or changes. A seven point effectiveness rating was implemented in 2013-14 for each program based on items such as number of active business members, meeting attendance, and industry-trend analysis. The average strategic direction rating for Measure 4.1 of employer advisory committee

effectiveness is 5.32 on the seven-point scale for 2013-14. Strategic Measure 4.2 represents targeted conversations, to involving industry and college representatives, to discussing current challenges and future trends related to workforce skills in focused industries such as manufacturing, health care and transportation.

SD Robust Partnerships

Measures 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Actual Target Target

Measure 4.1: Employer advisory committee effectiveness average rating

5.32 of 7 5.0+ of 7 5.0+ of 7

Measure 4.2: Number of industry sector dialogues 6 5 5

FVTC Program Accreditation and Licensure Requirements Some FVTC programs prepare students to complete examinations that are required in order to work in their field of study. Appendix B outlines the programs in the Service, Health and Public Safety divisions that have accreditation, and those programs in the Transportation and Service divisions requiring certification.

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The Health programs typically have a competency exam at the end of the program of study allowing students to become registered or certified in order to work in Wisconsin. FVTC students have performed well or are showing improvement in the health areas. For example, the Dental Hygienist program exceeds the 2012 national pass rate of 82% with a college pass rate in 2014 of 100%. The Practical Nursing program also exceeds the national pass rate of 84% with a 100% rate in 2014. All programs with accreditation, certification, and licensure requirements are compliant with the established passing scores. FVTC faculty and staff monitor this compliance very closely and take appropriate measures to meet or exceed the minimum requirements. In addition, some FVTC educational offerings follow a program curriculum that provides certification or prepare graduates for pursuing other state and local licensures and certifications. Technical Skill Attainment In 2013-14, FVTC continued to implement the three-phase process of designing a Technical Skill Attainment (TSA) assessment for each of its 100+ associate degrees, technical diplomas and apprenticeship programs and to receive the appropriate approval from the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS). Program teams have worked with their local teams or statewide teams of similar programs to design an assessment that is comprehensive in gauging student mastery of intended program outcomes, as well as Employability Essentials (soft skills). To date, 78 programs are approved at the Phase 1 level with another 7 in the Phase 1 process, 57 programs are approved at the Phase 2 level with another 8 in process or pending approval, and 58 are at Phase 3 level and reporting TSA data on student performance to the WTCS. FVTC is on pace to meet the targets for Measure 1.2 in 2014-15 and 2015-16, which are incorporated into industry-validated curriculum calculations discussed next.

SD Learning Agility

Measures 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Actual Target Target

Measure 1.2: Number of programs reporting Technical Skill Attainment (TSA) data to the WTCS (PBF*)

58 75 100

*Linked to WTCS Performance-Based Funding (PBF) measure

Industry-Validated Curriculum “Industry-validated curriculum means a curriculum that is developed with business or industry input and that is based on competencies and assessments that reflect the skills and knowledge necessary for a specific job or jobs within a specific type of business or industry” (WTCS definition). In assessing industry validated curriculum, FVTC compiles information from various sources such as advisory committee input, program accreditation and licensure requirements, and program technical skill attainment. This means that curriculum was

Figure 5: 2013 Top Five Rankings--Number of

Programs with Industry Validated Curriculum

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developed with business or industry input for the competencies necessary for specific skills within the workplace. Performance-based funding calculations for this category are determined by the number of each college’s active degree/diploma programs (weighted 75%) plus the number of programs completing technical skill attainment (weighted 25%). FVTC ranks second among the WTCS colleges in 2012-13 (Figure 5) with 127 programs (weighted 75%), and ranked first in TSAs (weighted 25%) with 58 programs reporting data on student performance. The two scores are then averaged for statewide ranking, which places FVTC in first place in the category for industry-validated curriculum.

Graduation The new statewide performance-based model places emphasis on graduation and job placement. In 2013-14, FVTC had 1,038 associate degree graduates and 1,457 technical diploma graduates (Figure 6) for a total of 2,495 graduates. The three programs with the most graduates were; Nursing Assistant (669), Truck Driving (163), and Business Management (104); indicative of great marketplace demand by both students and employers in these areas.

Benchmarking with other WTCS colleges in 2013, FVTC ranked second with 1,944 degrees in high demand fields, and Madison ranked first with 2,255 degrees awarded in high demand fields. Figure 7 below provides information on the top five rankings within WTCS colleges. Persistence and Graduation Students who do not persist in coursework through to graduation represent the loss of key skills needed in the workplace. Many students face personal and academic barriers to continuing in college. FVTC is committed to finding new ways to help more students complete all the classes needed to graduate. Student success, as measured by successful course completion, student persistence and graduation, is an integral indicator of FVTC’s strategic directions. The Strategic Direction table below highlights the results of our student success efforts in 2013-14 and the targets for future years for Measures 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 and 3.7

Figure 7: 2013 Top Five Rankings for Number of Degrees Awarded in High Demand Fields

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Student success is a major issue at the state and national levels. More than ever, a college education provides graduates with opportunities which are not as available to those who do not have a higher education credential. As employers move to more advanced technologies, FVTC provides well-trained individuals for occupations to meet the demands of a global marketplace.

The College provides many support and wrap around services to help students succeed which translates into course completion, student persistence and graduation. FVTC is very proud of the new Student Success Center to offer even greater support to our student base now and in the years ahead. Job Placement

The 2013-14 report of previous year graduates (2012-13) six months after graduation shows that 89% of FVTC graduates were employed, and 79% of placements were in jobs related to their programs of study. For peer benchmark colleges, job placement rates that are related to graduates’ field of study range from a high of 86% at Chippewa to a low of 58% at Nicolet. The statewide average for placement in jobs related to program

of study is 74% up from 73% in the previous year (Figure 8). These results suggest that the FVTC Strategic Direction Measure 3.6 related to improving graduate placement is showing progress with continued improvement efforts focused on this critical outcome. Additionally, this information is used for the job placement category in the new performance-based

model (Figure 8). Compared with other WTCS colleges, FVTC received the highest percentage of funding, ranking first in a three-year calculation of job placement related to program of study.

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Graduate Wages Job placement of graduates is experiencing an upswing as employers recover from the losses during the economic downturn. Even with the difficult economy, 38 programs of the college’s 115 programs with graduates responding to the survey had 100% employment with another 13 at 90% employment or higher. The average annual salary was reported at $33,808 which is a 2.4% increase reported by 2012 graduates from the previous year. In the five year follow-up study (the Class of 2008), 34% of the 1,011 graduates responding to the survey had completed an additional degree by 2012. After five years, 60% of those employed reported working in the FVTC district. In 2008, six months after graduation, these graduates reported an average annual salary of $33,848. In the five-year follow-up, they reported an average annual salary of $44,680. This is a 32% increase as compared to a 6.71% increase in the consumer price index during the same time period. In addition, over 84% reported that their FVTC technical education was important in launching their career and for career advancement.

Graduate Satisfaction Ultimately, the fulfillment of this statutory purpose is measured by the satisfaction of our graduates with their education and employers with their performance in the workplace. Individuals and employers recognize the power of a credential through:

increased earning potential

better benefits

improved recession protection

higher job satisfaction

increased efficiency and performance

fewer social costs

The 2014 graduate survey shows 97% graduate satisfaction with their FVTC education.

Graduate Comments “I loved going to FVTC. It

was close to home with a

wonderful education

program that is much more

cost affordable than other

schools. The smaller classes

allow for more personal time

with instructors.”

“I really enjoyed my time at

FVTC and felt I gained the

knowledge needed to go out

into the world and use it!

Thank you FVTC for


“I think the technical college

is a great way of starting a


“My experience was positive

from the moment I set foot

on campus.”

“I had a great experience at the Tech and it has helped prepare me for the workforce.”

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Employer Satisfaction FVTC has a strong employer network across the district for hiring graduates with an emphasis in health care, transportation and manufacturing positions, which is in alignment with high demand fields. Each year, FVTC conducts a survey with graduate employers and a summary of responses is provided below. The full results of 220 employers in the 2013 Employer Satisfaction Survey regarding 2012-13 graduates are reported in Appendix C.

Employer responses are a valuable component in the process of obtaining feedback on programs offered by FVTC. To gather input, the employer satisfaction research is based on a four-point scale related to meeting expectations with 4 being “exceeds” expectations (Figure 9). Employers rated all areas above the “meets expectations” rating (3). Employers posted a mean rating of 3.27 regarding the importance of the local technical college to overall business success. Employers’ satisfaction with graduates’ technical education posted a 3.44 mean rating. The results of Employability Essentials demonstrate the continued employer focus on “soft skills” and the strong performance of our graduates in most areas. Each of the skills listed below under this category experienced an increased mean rating in the 2014 report as compared to the 2013 report.

WTCS Peer Benchmarks As a comparison with other Wisconsin technical colleges’ ratings for employer satisfaction with graduates’ education, FVTC ranks fourth with a mean of 3.44 and Madison ranks highest with a mean of 3.52. Comparing to an overall sixteen college benchmark mean of 3.42, FVTC’s mean of 3.44 ranks above the sixteen college average.

Figure 10: Employer Response to Satisfaction with Graduates’ Technical Education

Figure 9: Employers’ Satisfaction with Graduates’ Entry Level Skills (4 = Exceeds, 3 = Meets, 2 = Nearly Meets, and 1 = Does Not Meet).

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Opportunities for Improvement The opportunities for improvement related to this statutory purpose are prominently reflected in the College’s 2013-16 Strategic Plan particularly in four Strategic Directions along with the Areas of Focus that relate to occupational programming (see below). The plan was revised for 2014-15 to reflect the WTCS Performance-Based Funding (PBF) measures that determine a portion of FVTC state funding level for next year. FVTC competes with the other WTCS colleges for a portion of the funding allotted to each PBF measure. In addition, the need to focus college-wide energy on increasing enrollment is one of the twelve 2014-15 College Annual Objectives. Work continues in targeted recruitment and retention through the Student Enrollment Plan. Appendix D outlines FVTC Strategic Plan measures beginning with the baseline year of 2012-13, actual results for 2013-14, and measureable improvement targets for each of the next three years. The Strategic Plan is monitored at mid-year and annually for performance and matched to the College’s continuous environmental scan efforts to assure alignment with emerging trends. Learning Agility – Offer multiple access and delivery avenues to build and refine knowledge and skills Areas of Focus

Expand flexible delivery options for students

Advance the assessment of technical skill attainment into more programs

Innovation Leader – Focus our entrepreneurial spirit on new designs for education linked to emerging opportunities Areas of Focus

Strategic investment proposals

New initiative requests

Benchmark best practices with other colleges

Explore new programs and certificate offerings Student Success – Improve learning outcomes through the redesign of organizational practices Areas of Focus

Strengthen course completion rates

Support student persistence to complete credentials

Improve graduation rates

Assist basic skills students in completing post-secondary courses

Strengthen graduate employment rates in related fields

Graduate more students in high demand fields Robust Partnerships – Energize regional economic potential through strong and dynamic partner connections Areas of Focus

Connect with today’s workplace through active advisory committees

Target dialogues with key industry sectors

Design more program pathways for K-12 students

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At What Cost

Cost to the Student Figure 11 shows the five-year annual trend in student tuition as set by the WTCS Board. Tuition does not include any materials or additional fees. An analysis of these annual increases shows that tuition increases have ranged from 2.99% to 5.52% over a five-year period.

Source: WTCS

Peer Benchmarks Operational cost per FTE is defined as all operating fund expenditures (General, Contract Training, & Grant funds) except Criminal Justice federal grant expenditures, which have been excluded to ensure comparability across the system. FTEs generated in the Criminal Justice grants have also been excluded in the cost calculations. The College consistently maintains a cost per FTE that aligns closely with the statewide average (Figures 12 and 13). Comparisons with other WTCS colleges are provided for peer benchmarks. However, critical analysis is difficult due to multiple variations by district. These district variations can include the cost of living, demographics, local faculty contracts, types of programs, number of program offerings, staffing patterns, level of contracting activity, and other differences from college to college. One potential explanation for the lower Associate Degree cost per FTE attributed to NWTC and CVTC is the greater emphasis that these two colleges have placed on offering general education courses as part of their transfer efforts (Figure 12). General education courses are more economical to offer, thus bringing down the overall cost per FTE. Technical diploma cost per FTE (Figure 13) is typically higher than associate degree cost per FTE due to intensive laboratory class time resulting in more contact hours for faculty with students, and the supplies and minor equipment needed for a higher level of hands-on experience in technical diplomas.


116.90122.20 125.85








2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Figure 11: Tuition Program Fee Per Credit

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Source: WTCS Statewide Operational Cost as reported on VE-CA-5 Cost Allocation Schedule.

Source: WTCS Statewide Operational Cost as reported on VE-CA-5 Cost Allocation Schedule.

Data Note: 2012-13 is the most recent year available for the benchmark colleges. For 2012-13, FVTC cost per FTE increased 0.8% for associate degree and 2.3% for technical diploma areas. When total enrollments decline, as they did in 2013-14, the operational cost per FTE increases.

$- $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000

Chippewa Valley





16-college average

Figure 12: Associate Degree Operational Cost per FTE2012-13 2011-12 2010-2011

$- $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000

Chippewa Valley





16-college average

Figure 13: Tech Diploma Operational Cost per FTE2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011

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Appendix A – FVTC Associate Degree, Technical Diploma and Certificate Offerings for 2014-15

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Agriculture, Horticulture & Natural Resources

AGRICULTURE Agribusiness Agronomy Technician (TD)

Agribusiness Dairy Technician (TD)

Agribusiness Management Technician (TD)

Agribusiness/Science Technology (AAS)

Agriculture Equipment Service Technician (TD)

Agriculture Power Equipment (AAS)

Crop Application Specialist (C)

Exploring Agriculture, Horticulture & Natural Resources Careers (C)

Farm Business & Production Management (TD)

Farm Operation (TD)

Precision Agriculture Technician (TD)New

Precision Farming (C)

HORTICULTURE Golf Course Turf & Equipment Technician (C)

Greenhouse Grower/Plant Propagation Technician (C)

Horticulture Technician (TD)

Horticulture/Landscape Specialist (TD)

Landscape Construction Technician (C)

Landscape Maintenance Technician (C)

Landscape Series, Home Owners (C)

Natural Food Production Technician (C)

Outdoor Power Equipment Technician (TD)

Power Sports Technology (C)

LABORATORY SCIENCE Laboratory Science - Environmental (C)

Laboratory Science - Food (C)

Laboratory Science - Introduction (C)

Laboratory Science - Paper & Packaging (C)

Laboratory Science Assistant (TD)

Laboratory Science Technician (AAS)

NATURAL RESOURCES Natural Resources Technician (AAS)

Urban Forestry Technician (C)


AVIATION Aeronautics-Pilot Training (AAS)

Aeronautics-Professional Pilot (TD)

Aircraft Electronics (AAS)

Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics (TD)

Business, Management & Finance

BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT Administrative Professional (AAS)

Broadcast Captioning (AAS)

Business Fundamentals 1 (C)

Business Fundamentals 2 (C)

Business Management (AAS)

Court Reporting (AAS)

Entrepreneurs Starting an Online Business (C)

Entrepreneurs' Start-up Venture (C)

Entrepreneurship, Business Owners' (C)

Event Planning (C)

Exploring Business, Management & Finance Careers (C)

Human Resources (AAS)

Management Development (AAS)

Medical Administrative Professional (AAS)New

Medical Office Assistant (TD)

Meeting & Event Management (AAS)

Microsoft Office Suite (C)

Office Assistant (TD)

Office Skills, Basic (C)New

Organizational Leadership, Advanced (C)

Organizational Leadership, Basic (C)

Paralegal (AAS)

COMMUNICATIONS Communications, Professional (AAS)

Digital Media (C)

Technical Illustrator (C)

Writing for the Web (C)

Writing, Grant/Proposal (C)

FINANCE Accounting (AAS)

Accounting Assistant (TD)

Banking & Financial Services (AAS)

Financial Fraud Detection, Fundamentals of (C)

Peachtree (C)

QuickBooks (C)


CONSTRUCTION Building Information Modeling (BIM) (C)

Construction Management Technology (AAS)

Construction Project Coordinator (C)New

Construction Project Supervision (C)

Construction, Residential Building (TD)

Electrical Code, National (C)

Electrician Apprentice (ABC) (A)

Electricity (TD)

Electronic Systems Technician Apprentice (A)

Operating Engineer Apprentice (A)

Photovoltaic Installation Technician (C)

Plumbing Apprentice (A)

Sheet Metal Construction (A)

Steamfitting Apprentice (A)

Steamfitting Service Apprentice (A)

Culinary & Hospitality


Food Service Production (TD)

Food Service Sales Professional (C)

Hotel & Restaurant Management (AAS)

Engineering & Electronic Related Technologies

AUTOMATION Automated Manufacturing Systems Technology (AAS)

Automation & Maintenance, Advanced (C)

ControlLogix PLCs (C)

Electro-Mechanical Technology (AAS)

Industrial Equipment Fundamentals (C)

Instrumentation & Process Control (C)

Motors & Variable Speed Drives (C)

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) (C)

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Appendix A – FVTC Associate Degree, Technical Diploma and Certificate Offerings for 2014-15

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL Emergency Preparedness Specialist (C)

Energy & Environmental Engineering Technology (AAS)

Energy & Environmental Management (C)

Energy Management & Control for Buildings (C)

Environmental Compliance Specialist (C)

Environmental Health & Safety (C)

Safety Engineering Technology (AAS)

Wind Energy Technology (AAS)

ENGINEERING & ELECTRONICS Broadband Cable Installer (C)

Computer Rendering & Animation (C)

Electrical Engineering Technology (AAS)

Electronic Engineering Technology (AAS)New

Electronics Principles (C)

Electronics, Biomedical (C)

Electronics, Practical Fundamental (C)

Intelligent Interface Design & SCADA (C)

Telecommunications Field Service (C)

Telecommunications, Advanced (C)


Digital Manufacturing (C)

Mechanical CAD Drafting (TD)

Mechanical Design Technology (AAS)

Health Science

HEALTH SCIENCE Dental Assistant (TD)

Dental Hygienist (AAS)

Exploring Health Careers (C)

Gerontology (C)

Health Information Technology (AAS)

Medical Assistant (TD)

Medical Coding Specialist (TD)

Nursing - Associate Degree (AAS)

Nursing Assistant (TD)

Nursing Pathway, LPN to ADN (AAS)

Nursing, Licensed Practical Nurse Refresher (C)

Nursing, Practical (TD)

Nursing, Registered Nurse Refresher (C)

Occupational Therapy Assistant (AAS)

Personal Care Worker (C)

Pharmacy Technician (TD)

Therapeutic Massage (C)

Human Services

ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUG ABUSE Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Associate (AAS)

AODA Specialty Education (C)

Substance Abuse Counselor Education (C)

Substance Abuse Counselor in Training (C)

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Child Care Administrator (C)

Early Childhood Education (AAS)

Family Child Care (C)

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (C)

Information Technology

NETWORK/COMPUTER SUPPORT Computer Support Specialist (AAS)

Desktop Support (C)

Exploring IT Careers (C)

Help Desk Support Specialist (TD)

Network Administration (C)

Network Infrastructure (C)

Network Specialist (AAS)

Network Systems Administration (AAS)

Security (C)


Mobile Applications Development (C)

PC Programming (C)

Software Developer (AAS)

Web Design (C)

Web Development (C)

Web Development & Design Specialist (AAS)


INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE Industrial Electrician Apprentice (A)

Industrial Maintenance (C)

Industrial Maintenance Basic (C)New

Industrial Maintenance Mechanic (TD)New

Maintenance Mechanic/Millwright Apprentice (A)

Maintenance Technician Apprentice (A)

Pipe Fabricator Apprentice (A)

Pipefitting Apprentice (A)

Technical Studies-Journeyworker (AAS)

MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Exploring Manufacturing Careers (C)

Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering (C)

Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering Technician (AAS)

Lean/Six Sigma (C)

Lean/Six Sigma Practitioner (AAS)New

Quality Assurance (C)

Quality Assurance Technician (AAS)New

Supply Chain Management (AAS)


Machinist Apprentice (A)

Tool & Die Apprentice (A)

Welding Technician, Industrial (AAS)

Welding, Production (TD)

Welding/Metal Fabrication (TD)

WOOD MANUFACTURING Wood Manufacturing Technology (TD)

Marketing, Sales & Service

INTERIOR DESIGN Commercial Design (C)

Interior Design (AAS)

Interior Design - Commercial Design (AAS)

Interior Design - Kitchen & Bath Design (AAS)

Kitchen & Bath Design (C)

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Appendix A – FVTC Associate Degree, Technical Diploma and Certificate Offerings for 2014-15

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

MARKETING Exploring Marketing & Sales Careers (C)

Marketing (AAS)

Web Marketing (C)

SALES & SERVICE Call Center Sales & Customer Service (C)

Cosmetology Apprentice (A)

Selling Techniques, Advanced (C)

Selling Techniques, Introductory (C)

Printing Technologies

PRINTING TECHNOLOGIES Corrugated Press Operation (C)New

Flexographic Press Operation, Narrow Web (C)New

Flexographic Press Operation, Wide Web (C)New

Package & Label Printing (TD)

Package & Label Printing Technician (AAS)

Printing (TD)

Printing & Publishing (AAS)

Public Safety

EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) Emergency Medical Technician (TD)

Emergency Medical Technician - Advanced (C)

Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic (TD)

Paramedic Technician (AAS)

FIRE PROTECTION Fire Investigator (C)

Fire Protection Technician (AAS)


Child Protection Investigator (C)

Corrections (C)

Crime Prevention (C)

Criminal Investigator (C)

Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement (AAS)

Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 520 Academy (TD)

Cyber Crime Investigation (C)

Evidence Technician (C)

Evidence Technician - Advanced (C)

Exploring Public Safety Careers (C)

Forensic Science (AAS)

Homeland Security & Asset Protection Management (AAS)

Law Enforcement (TD)

Loss Prevention Specialist (C)

Private Investigation Specialist (C)

Public Safety Executive Development Institute (C)

Security (C)

Security Management (C)

WILDLAND FIRE Wildland Fire Advanced Equipment Training (C)

Wildland Fire Crew (TD)

Wildland Firefighter (AAS)


AUTOMOTIVE Auto Collision Repair & Refinishing Technician (TD)

Automotive GM Technician (C)

Automotive Maintenance Technician (TD)

Automotive Service Management (C)

Automotive Technician (TD)

Automotive Technician - Imports (TD)

Automotive Technology (AAS)

Automotive Technology - Imports (AAS)

Automotive Technology GM ASEP (AAS)

Exploring Automotive Careers (C)

Vehicle Refinishing & Repair Technology (AAS)

DIESEL Diesel Advanced Technician (C)

Diesel Construction Equipment Service Technician (FABTECH) (TD)

Diesel Engine Service Technician (FABTECH) (TD)

Diesel Equipment Mechanic (TD)

Diesel Equipment Technology (AAS)

Diesel Power Generation & Marine Service Tech (FABTECH) (TD)

Electrical Power Generator Service Technician (C)

Transport Trailer Service Technician (C)New

TRUCK DRIVING CDL Straight Truck (C)

Truck Driving (TD)

Truck Driving Refresher (C)New

General, Global & Individualized Studies

GENERAL STUDIES General Education (C)

General Studies Transfer (UW-Green Bay) (C)

General Studies Transfer (UW-Oshkosh) (C)

GLOBAL STUDIES English Bilingual Business (C)

English Language Competency - Advanced (C)

English Language Competency - Intermediate (C)

English Language Teaching (C)

Global Business Professional (C)

Spanish (C)

Spanish - English Medical Interpretation (C)

Spanish Health Care (C)

INDIVIDUALIZED STUDIES Individualized Technical Studies (AAS)

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Appendix B – Program Accreditation, Licensure and Certification

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Program Accreditations

Program Accrediting Organization Date of

Next Site Visit National Pass Rate

FVTC Pass Rate

Culinary Arts American Culinary Federation (ACF)

Fall, 2015 N/A N/A

Dental Assistant American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA)

Fall, 2017 85.2% N/A

Dental Hygienist American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA)

Fall, 2013 82% (2012)

100% (2014)

Early Childhood Education

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

TBD - Candidacy Stage


Fire Protection Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE)

NA—no site visits, but we submit

registration forms course outcomes, and grades for all

FESHE-aligned courses


Health Information Technology

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM)

TBD – Candidacy Stage

75% 2012


Interior Design National Kitchen & Bath Association (NKBA)

11/15/13 Candidacy Stage


Medical Assistant Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and American Medical Technologists (AMT)

Fall, 2014 Spring 2014

78% (2013)

68% (2013)

Nursing, ADN Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN formerly NLNAC)

Fall, 2019 85% 96% (Q1 & Q2


Nursing, Practical Licensed Practical Nurse Wisconsin Department of Health/Board of Nursing

N/A 84% 100% (Q1 & Q2


Occupational Therapy

National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)

2018 – 19 85% (2013)

90% (2013)

Paramedic Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP)

Initial accreditation awarded 07/31/14 Next site visit 2018-



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Appendix B – Program Accreditation, Licensure and Certification

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Program Certifications

Program Certification Organization Date of Next


Licensure Pass Score (if


FVTC Status

Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic

U.S. D.O.T.; Federal Aviation Administration, Regulation - Part 147 Certified

12/2014 70% 82%


Aeronautics -Pilot Training AAS -Professional Pilot TD

U.S. D.O.T.; Federal Aviation Administration, Regulation - Part 141 Certified

7/2016 80% Newly

certified, no data

Automotive Tech – GM - ASEP

Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP) – General Motors, NATEF Certification

08/2018 N/A NATEF


Automotive Import NATEF Certification National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation

05/2019 N/A NATEF Certified

Automotive Comprehensive

NATEF Certification 11/2015 NA NATEF Certified

Auto Collision NATEF Certification 10/2017 NA NATEF Certified

Diesel Technology NATEF Certification 12/2017 NA NATEF Certified

Outdoor Power Equipment Technician

Engine and Equipment Training Council (EETC)

No site visits required, 8/2014 is our next Accreditation. Accreditation is based on Instructor Certification.

70% min score on Instructor certification exam. Recertification is based on industry sponsored educational seminars.

Applied for recertification

Truck Driving Professional Truck Driver Institute (PTDI) Certification

05/2017 NA PTDI Certified

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Appendix B – Program Accreditation, Licensure and Certification

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Other Licensing and Certifications

Occupational Program Area Agency/Organizations License/Certification

Alcohol and other Drug Abuse (AODA)

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Certified AODA Counselor

Criminal Justice AAS / Law Enforcement Academy / Corrections Academy

Wisconsin Department of Justice State-certified law enforcement officer or jailer

Emergency Medical Services Programs

Wisconsin Department of Health Services

National Registry Exam

Fire Protection Service State of Wisconsin certification Multiple levels

Nursing Assistant Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Certified Nursing Assistant

Therapeutic Massage Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services

Licensed Massage Therapist

Wildland Firefighter AAS and TD

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) USFS classes and physical fitness test

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Appendix C – 2014 Employer Comparison with Prior Year

Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Employer Survey Comparison Results

2013 (graduates from

2011-12) 66 respondents

2014 (graduates from

2012-13) 220 respondents


Mean rating based on: 4 = Exceeds 3 = Meets 2 = Nearly Meets 1 = Does Not Meet Expectations

1. Mastery of knowledge in the field 3.10 3.02 -.08

2. Ability to perform technical skills of the profession 3.20 3.11 -.09

3. Ability to communicate effectively with co-workers and/or customers

3.18 3.17 -.01

4. Relevancy of graduates’ skill and/or knowledge base in relationship to real world applications within the industry

3.05 3.04 -.01

5. Mastery of science, technology, engineering or math skills needed in the field

3.09 3.09 .00

6. Overall preparedness for employment at your company

3.13 3.10 -.03

7. Adapt to Change – Anticipate changes and positively react to them.

3.09 3.10 .01

8. Think Critically and Creatively – Apply independent and rigorous reasoning that leads to informed decisions, innovation and personal empowerment.

3.02 3.02 .00

9. Work Collaboratively – Work collaboratively with others to complete tasks, solve problems, resolve conflicts, provide information, and offer support.

3.23 3.25 .02

10. Communicate Effectively and Respectfully – Apply appropriate writing, speaking, and listening skills across various settings to engage diverse audiences.

3.15 3.27 .12

11. Act Responsibly – Apply ethical standards in both personal and professional behavior.

3.38 3.36 -.02

Mean rating based on: 4 = Very Satisfied 3 = Satisfied 2 = Unsatisfied 1 = Very Unsatisfied

12. How satisfied are you with the graduates’ technical college education?

3.40 3.44 .04

Mean rating based on: 3 = Yes 2 = Maybe 1 = No

13. Would you recommend graduates of this program to another employer?

2.86 out of 3 2.82 out of 3 -.04

14. Would you hire a technical college graduate again?

2.95 out of 3 2.91 out of 3 -.04

Mean rating based on: 4 = Very Important 3 = Important 2 = Somewhat Important 1 = Not Important

15. How important is your local technical college(s) to the overall success of your business?

3.30 3.27 -.03

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Associate Degree Programs, Technical Diplomas, and Certificates Performance Monitoring Report

Appendix D - FVTC 2013-16 Strategic Plan Measures related to Occupational Programs


2012-13 Baseline

2013-14 Actual

2014-15 Target

2015-16 Target

SD Learning Agility – Offer multiple access and delivery avenues to build and refine knowledge and skills.

Measure 1.1: % of course offerings in multiple delivery formats/locations

70% 68% 70-75% 70-75%

Measure 1.2: Number of programs reporting Technical Skill Attainment (TSA) data to the WTCS [PBF]*

39 58 75 100

Measure 1.3 Number of credits earned by high school students in all types of dual enrollment programs [PBF]

5,945 6,540 7,193 7,913

SD Innovation Leader – Focus our entrepreneurial spirit on new designs for education linked to emerging opportunities.

Measure 2.4: Investigate at least 2 new programs and 3 new certificates per division

NA NA 16 programs 24 certificates

16 programs 24 certificates

SD Student Success – Improve learning outcomes through the redesign of organizational practices.

Measure 3.1: % of successful course completion 82% 82% 83% 84%

Measure 3.2: % of students persisting from Fall to Spring term 77% 78% 79% 80%

Measure 3.3: % of program students graduating in 3 years. 43% 38% 39% 40%

Measure 3.4: % of program students graduating in 5 years. 51% 51% 52% 53%

Measure 3.5: Number of adult basic education students who successfully complete a post-secondary course [PBF]

128 130 150 170

Measure 3.6: % of graduates employed in a related field within 6 months [PBF]

76% 79% >76% >76%

Measure 3.7: Number of program graduates in high demand fields [PBF]

1,944 1,852 1,800 – 1,900 1,800 – 1,900

SD Robust Partnerships – Energize regional economic potential through strong and dynamic partner connections.

Measure 4.1: Employer advisory committee effectiveness average rating

4.33 of 7 5.32 of 7 5.0+ of 7 5.0+ of 7

Measure 4.2: Number of industry sector dialogues 5 6 5 5

Measure 4.3: Number of K-12 student career and technical education pathways

NA 15 19 23

*PBF = Performance-Based Funding measure related to the WTCS funding criteria

Meet/Exceed Target Between Baseline and Target Below Baseline