od ppts mayur


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Introduction to OD

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What is Organisation?

Group of PeopleOrganise for particular purposeCo-operate with all for achieving desire goalsMade up of varied functionsEach person co-operate with others and achieve desired goalsTypes of organistaionProblems faced by organisation

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Overview of OD

What is Organisation Development?No action without research and no reasearch without action.Role of OD consultantInvolve client in processHave domain knowledge of Organisation BehaviourMaintain relation with client

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Distinguishing features of OD

It works on “Helping Model” conceptPurchase of ExpertiseDoctor Patient ModelProcess ConsultationProcess Coersion

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Generations of OD

First generation ODSecond generation ODThird generation OD

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First Generation OD

Deals with adaptive and incremental change in organisationDeals with micro aspects of organisationIt strove to improve organisation’s function

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Major Steps in First Generation OD

Emergence of action researchApplication of sensitivity/laboratory/T-group trainingInvention of survey feedbackEvolution of Tavistock’s sociotechnical and socioeconomical


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Second generation OD

it deals with macro aspects of organisations to help them respond effectively to the external needs in terms of competitiors, technology, stakeholders etc. It pays explicit attention to the organisation`s env and org`s alignment with it. this generation took the cognizance of the impact of leadership on organsational change (Bartunek, Austin, and Seo 2008)

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take organisation as unit of analysislook for large scale changes in organisation for e.g.

Organisation transformation TQM (Total Quality Movement) Visioning Future Search Getting the “ Whole System “ in room

Second generation OD

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Organization Transformation: Multi-dimentional , Multi level, discontinuous and radical in nature

TQM: It involves employee involvement Demand Network Decision making power to lower level in organization Reduce barriers between people Continuous Improvement Visioning: Provides alignment and gaining commitment to achieve common goal Personal vision of employee must be linked with

organisational vision (Senge 1990)

Second generation OD

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Future Search conference: By Marvin Weisbord (1989) It is 2-3 day conference where inputs are taken from participants to prepare database, later jointly action plan is prepared

Getting the “Whole System “ in the room: By Marvin Weisbord (1987)

Second generation OD

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Participative in natureLearning OrganizationAppreciative inquiryIt utilizes past experience in improving the OE

Third Generation OD

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Third generation ODLearning organization:

An organization which continuously expanding its capacity to learn Learning can be done at individual or Group/Team or organization

levelAppreciative Inquiry: It is sequence of 5 processes ( Watkins and Mohr 2001) a) Choose the positive as focus of inquiry

b) Inquire into stories of life giving forces c) Locate themes that appear in stories and select

topics for future enquiry d) Find an innovative way to create that future

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Implementation Motors Associated with OD

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Defining organization development

Classic definition by Backhard (1969)An effort 1) Planned,2) Organization-wide, and3) Managed from the top, to4) Increase organizational effectiveness and health through 5) Planned interventions in the organization’s process, using

behavioral science knowledge.

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Definition by French and Bell (2001)A long-term effort, led and supported by top management, to

improve an organization’s visioning, empowerment, learning, and problem solving process, through an ongoing, collaborative management of organization culture- with special emphasis on the culture of intact work teams and other team configurations- using the consultant-facilitator role and the theory and technology of applied behavioral science, including action research.

Defining organization development

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Applies behavior science to achieve planned changeCulture, strategy, structure, processesIncreased organizational effectiveness and individual

development (Vaill-1989)

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OD Process vs OD Content

OD Process OD ContentHow it is being done What is being doneSequence of activities undertaken by OD consultant while intervening in the client system

Vision, mission, strategy, meeting agenda, target setting, team building activities..

Organizational content Interventional contentProbe into Org. culture, org.’s mission, team’s strategy, individual/group performance

Collection of information,effective execution of team building exercises, selection of right change leaders, training of organizational members

Help in identifying / conceptualizing the problem and its root cause

Help to address the problem

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Phases of Organization Development





Planning change



Client , consultant

and situation

Expectations , roles &

responsibility and agreement

Fact finding – data gathering

and data analyzing

Engage , deepen understanding and presenting Environment – non defensive and nonreactive

• Alternatives, consequences and implications• Actions – desired change

• Critical phase• Rectify the problem• Individual development & organizational effectiveness

Gaps ,measure & determine the effect of the actions

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Key Characteristics of OD

Applied behavior scienceSystems contextHumanistic field

- Pareek(1996) introduced framework of OCTAPACE to define the values associated with ODParticipatory approach to build client’s capabilityNormative – reeducative strategy (French,Bell and Zawacki 2000)

1) The power coercive approach2) The Empirical- rational approach

Cyclical approach to sustainable changeHelping and collaborative relationship with clientOrganizational effectiveness

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Typology of OD interventions

According to the size and complexity of client group1. Individuals2. Dyads or triads3. A self managed team4. An intact work team, including the formal leader5. Intergroup configurations (two or more interfacing group)6. All of the managers of the organization7. Everybody in the total organization

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Typology of OD interventions

According to the type of casual mechanism underlying the intervention

1. Feedback2. Awareness of changing norms3. Interaction and communication4. Confrontation5. Education

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Typology of OD interventions

According to the nature or type of intervention1. Discrepancy intervention2. Theory intervention3. Procedural intervention4. Relationship intervention5. Experimentation intervention6. Dilemma intervention7. Perspective intervention8. Organization structure intervention9. Cultural intervention

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Future Challenges

Greiner and Cummings (2004) identified six red flags which threaten OD’s relevance in future.

1) Strategic planning2) Mergers and acquisitions3) Top management decision making4) Globalization5) Corporate Governance6) Personal integrity

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Beer and Nohria’s argument (2000): “Theory E (based on economic values)” & “Theory O (based on organizational capabilities)”

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Two Archetype of Change

Dimension of change

Theory E Theory O Theory E and O combined

Goals Maximize shareholder value

Develop Organizational capabilities

Explicitly embrace the paradox between economic value and oraganization capability

Leadership Manage change from top-down

Encourage participation from bottom-up

Set direction from top & engage the people below

Focus Emphasize structure and system

Build up corporate culture: Employee's behavior and attitude

Focus simultaneously on the hard (process & structure) and the soft (corporate culture)

Process Plan and establish program

Experiment and evolve Plan for spontaneity

Reward System Motivate through financial incentives

Motivate thorugh commitment (Use pay as fair exchange)

Use incentives to reinforce change but not drive it

Use of consultants Consultants analyze problems shape solutions

Consultants support management in shaping their own solutions

Consultants are expert resouces who empower people

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deKler’s (2007) argument:Adverse effect of emotional trauma (due to downsizing, restructuring,

mergers and acquisitions, etc.)Acknowledge existence of emotional traumaProvide a safe climate for employees

Tom Peter’s concept of “Liberation management”:Forecasting of Ad hoc teams“Multifunctional projectization and horizontal system”Reconceptualizing the role of people in organization

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OD has progressed from micro to macro aspects but, it is yet to transgress from continuous to discontinuous change.

Discontinuous change mandates alteration in the organizational structure, culture and processes to realign the strategy to suit the environment – participative change.

Kotter & Schlesinger’s approach:Manipulation & co-optionImplicit and explicit coercion

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Burke’s agenda for OD consultants:A sense of urgency to address the modern organizational consulting issues

by defying the conventional models and challenging the long established foundation of the field.

New times requires new paradigms to encounter organizational problems.

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Consulting issue Agenda for OD consultantsReengineering Focus on specific change targets that are critical to the success of reengineering effort.

Example: Roles and responsibilities, organizational structure, measurements and incentives, etc. They have also been identified as levers of reengineering.

Downsizing Confront the rationale behind the decision-ensure that the organization is not cloning what is being done by others. Emphasize dignity and fairness in treatment meted out to employees.

Community Work to bind people together; initiate meetings; promote interaction and relationship among employees at all levels. Do not restrict your role to only facilitating meetings/interactions.

Employer-employee social contract

Seek clarity regarding task expectation and goals. Provide help in providing regular feedback to employees. Promote reward system based on merit. These actions will foster employer-employee relationship. It is important because company loyaly does not receive adequate attention.

Employability Foster employability by helping employees to understand their strengths, their personal and professional goals, and work life balance desired by them. Revisit the career development literature and link it with OD practices.

Trust Espouse and practice openness to build trust. Coach and provide feedback to executives regarding congruence between their words and actions as the precursor to building trust.

Cultural clash With the surge in globalization and M&As, it is imperative to integrate and manage cultural differences. Place emphasis on the interrelationship of cultures to avoid any potential conflict. Increase knowledge of cross-cultural dynamics and hone skills in negotiation, mediation, conflict management, and conflict resolution.

Corporate power Reflect on the values espoused by global corporations which are becoming more powerful than state and nations. Assess the implications for OD in the face of stockholder wealth creation and financial goals as the dominant values. Review and rethink about the OD values that are being confronted.

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It has become a wild goose chase due to the fast pace of change in the organization, technology and environment.

The development of self-reflective, self-analytic, and self corrective capability in the organization comes to their rescue.

The participative and collaborative approach of OD empowers organizational members in managing the formidable task of implementing change with regard to the dynamic environment in which they operate.

In a nut shell, OD is a journey of self renewal which propels the organization on the path of enhanced organization performance and effectiveness.

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8 steps for successful organizational transportation

• Examining market and competitive realities• Identifying and discussing crises, potential crises, or

major opportunities Establishing a

sense of urgency• Assembling a group with enough power to lead the

change effort• Encouraging the group to work together as a team

Forming a powerful guiding

coalition• Creating a vision to help direct the change• Developing strategies for achieving that visionCreating a vision

• Using every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies

• Teaching new behaviors by the example of the guiding coalitionCommunicating

the vision

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8 steps for successful organizational transportation

• Getting rid of obstacles to change• Changing systems or structures that seriously undermine the

vision• Encouraging risk taking and nontraditional ideas, activities, and


Empowering others to act on the vision

• Planning for visible performance improvements• Creating those improvements• Recognizing and rewarding employees involved in the


Planning for and creating short-term wins

• Using increasing credibility to change systems, structures, and policies that don’t fit the vision

• Hiring, promoting, and developing employees who can implement the vision• Reinvigorating the process with new projects, themes, and change agents.

Consolidating improvements and

producing still more change

• Articulating the connections between the new behaviors and corporate success

• Developing the means to ensure leadership development and succession

Institutionalizing new approaches

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The Six-Box Model


business are we in?

STRUCTURE: How do we

divide up the work?

REWARDS: Do all needed

tasks have incentives?


S: Have we adequate

coordinating technologies?


manage conflict among people?

With technologies? LEADERSHIP:

Dose someone keep the boxes in balance?


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5 leadership practices & 10 behavioral commitments

Exhibited by successful, empowering leaders

• Search for opportunities• Experiment and take risk

Challenging the process

• Envision the future• Enlist others

Inspiring a shared vision

• Foster collaboration• Strengthen others

Enabling others to act

• Set the example• Plan small wins

Modeling the way

• Recognize individual contributions• Celebrate accomplishments

Encouraging the heart