od was reconciling the world t to himself in christ, not ...€¦ · friend! monday have you ever...

Cover iStockphoto Copyrighted material; permission required to reproduce. 3-1062 God forgave us for our sins through Jesus’ death on the cross. He does not count our sins against us anymore. MONDAY Read today’s memory verse; then draw a large cross. Around it write the sins for which you need forgiveness. If you’ve already received God’s forgiveness for your sins, you can still make a list of the ones that keep “popping up” in your every- day life. TUESDAY “Not counting people’s sins.” Remember those sins from yesterday? Think of different ways to show that God forgives people for their sins. (For example, tear away from yesterday’s cross the list of sins you wrote, and throw away those sins; keep the cross.) WEDNESDAY Look up “reconcile” in the dictionary. Write out the definition in your own words. How does this help you understand the memory verse better? THURSDAY Remember how to create a paper chain? Make one and wear it today until you can say this week’s memory verse by heart. Rip the chain off your neck as you say the verse aloud. FRIDAY Read Hebrews 12:2. If you were standing at the foot of the cross on the day Jesus was crucified, how might you use this verse to convince Jesus’ followers that they were witnessing a day of victory over sin? How could you use it to convince friends today? SATURDAY Read Revelation 5:13, which says every creature will praise God. Write out your own prayer of praise now. Begin by thanking God for forgiving your sins. God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. 2 Corinthians 5:19a 8

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God forgave us for our sins through Jesus’ death on the cross. He does not count our sins against us anymore.

MONDAY Read today’s memory verse; then draw a large cross. Around it write the sins for which you need forgiveness. If you’ve already received God’s forgiveness for your sins, you can still make a list of the ones that keep “popping up” in your every- day life.

TUESDAY “Not counting people’s sins.” Remember those sins from yesterday? Think of different ways to show that God forgives people for their sins. (For example, tear away from yesterday’s cross the list of sins you wrote, and throw away those sins; keep the cross.)

WEDNESDAY Look up “reconcile” in the dictionary. Write out the definition in your own words. How does this help you understand the memory verse better?

THURSDAY Remember how to create a paper chain? Make one and wear it today until you can say this week’s memory verse by heart. Rip the chain off your neck as you say the verse aloud.

FRIDAY Read Hebrews 12:2. If you were standing at the foot of the cross on the day Jesus was crucified, how might you use this verse to convince Jesus’ followers that they were witnessing a day of victory over sin? How could you use it to convince friends today?

SATURDAY Read Revelation 5:13, which says every creature will praise God. Write out your own prayer of praise now. Begin by thanking God for forgiving your sins.

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting

people’s sins against them. 2 Corinthians 5:19a


The women who saw Jesus’ empty tomb ran back to town to tell others the good news. They told the truth, yet no one believed them!

MONDAY Read Luke 24:1-8. Draw a picture of what you think the “two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning” looked like. Would they have convinced you right away?

TUESDAY Read Luke 18:31-34. Jesus’ own disciples did not understand the truth when they heard Jesus tell it. Why do you think they did not understand?

WEDNESDAY Read Luke 24:1-12. Pretend you are one of the women who saw the empty tomb. What would your reaction be?


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Luke 24:

5b -


To Tell the Truth


THURSDAY Have you ever felt totally confused? Write down thoughts that might

have gone through Peter’s head after he saw the empty tomb.

FRIDAY Not only does Jesus tell the truth: He is the Truth (John 14:6). How can you try to be the truth—like Jesus?

SATURDAY Do you know someone who does not believe the truth about Jesus? Or is confused about it? Ask God to help that person accept the truth. And be prepared for God to use you to help your friend!

MONDAY Have you ever witnessed children who had a hard time saying good-bye to their parents? What words might help those children to feel secure? How does today’s memory verse help you feel secure?

TUESDAY In Acts 1:11, “two men” told the disciples not to just stand and gawk when Jesus was taken up into heaven. Have you been “standing still” as a Christian? If so, how can you get moving?

WEDNESDAY In Acts 1:8 Jesus tells the disciples what He expects them to do until His return. How can you follow His instructions too?

THURSDAY When you are home alone, do you prepare for the return of your parents? How?

FRIDAY If you are a Christian, you are Jesus’ disciple. He gives you power through the Holy Spirit. What are you doing to prepare for His return?

SATURDAY Our heavenly Father sent the Holy Spirit to help us until Jesus’ return. Write a song or prayer about the Holy Spirit at work among us.







His disciplesthat He

wouldreturn.We can

count onHim to be

true to HisWord.

This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.

Acts 1:11b

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Some people are all smiles when the sun shines, but depressed when it’s cloudy. Since feelings can be as changeable as the weather, they shouldn’t be the only barometer in our relationship with God.


Something More Than

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Then . . .stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you. 2 Thessalonians 2:15


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Middle SchoolThe RockNo. 1062

MONDAY Draw a picture of how you feel about your relationship with God. Title your drawing.

TUESDAY Read John 15:8. Fruit doesn’t pop up overnight. It takes time to grow. Write down at least one way you’ve grown in your faith in the last year. Thank God for helping you grow in Him.

WEDNESDAY Read Romans 8:38-39. Wow! Nothing can change God’s love for you. Rewrite this verse, plugging in the emotions you feel. For example, “For I am convinced that neither loneliness nor depression nor happiness . . .”

THURSDAY Read Galatians 5:22-23. The fruit God produces in you has more to do with who you are than with what you feel or do. List the fruit of the Spirit. Circle the ones you need help with, and then ask God to give you a bumper crop of those qualities.

FRIDAY Read 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Think of a creative way to write or illustrate this verse.

SATURDAY Look at the picture you drew on Monday. Either make changes to this picture or draw a new one to describe how you feel about your walk with God. Give the drawing a new title. Thank God for helping you live for Him.

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.”John 8:31


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8 Lesson 2


If you’re ever frustrated when people don’t respond to Christ right away, you’re in good company. Jesus Himself had people reject Him and His message. He understands how you feel and can help you to keep telling others about Him.

MONDAY All week long pray for one person you know who needs Christ. Write that person’s name here ______________, and his or her relationship to you (friend, uncle, grandparent) _____________.

TUESDAY Read John 8:31. It’s not always easy to act like a disciple. Write down one area of your life where you need to shape up.

WEDNESDAY Keep praying for the person whose name you wrote down Monday. How might this person react if you told him or her about the Lord? Draw the expression on that person’s face as he or she listens to you.

THURSDAY Read John 8:31. Imagine you’re with Jesus as He’s saying this. Are you prepared to shape up to His standards? Describe your feelings.

FRIDAY Read the first part of John 15:20. What does the expression “A servant is not greater than his master” mean? Ask God to help you be like Christ as you tell others about Him.

SATURDAY Congratulations for praying for someone all week. End the week by thanking God for working in this person’s life.

8 Lesson 3

Communion is serious stuff, but it’s also a joyful time as we remember all that Jesus has done for us through His death and resurrection. That’s something worth celebrating.

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes. 1 Corinthians 11:26

MONDAY Read 1 Corinthians 11:26. Describe how your church celebrates Communion (if you need some help, talk to your parents, Sunday school teacher, or youth group leader). What do you like best about Communion?

TUESDAY List as many events as you can about Jesus’ death without looking in your Bible. Skim Matthew 26—27 to see how many you remembered.

WEDNESDAY Read Matthew 26:28-30 and 1 Corinthians 11:26. Choose a couple of the events you listed yesterday and think about what Jesus suffered. Thank Him for being willing to suffer and die for you.

THURSDAY Read 1 Corinthians 11:26 again. Jesus used the cup and bread as symbols of His body and blood. Draw your own symbols to help you remember the importance of Jesus’ death.

FRIDAY Finish this sentence: Jesus’ death makes me feel _________________ because ____________________.

SATURDAY Be prepared to celebrate Communion. The night before you participate in Communion, read a Scripture passage such as Isaiah 53:1-6;1 Corinthians 11:23-28; or 1 Peter 2:21-24, sing a song about Jesus’ death, and then thank God for Jesus’ death on the cross.


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remember this…YOUmust

Thomas got to sit on Jesus’ right hand, drinking out of a porcelain cup.Cup #1: Porcelain, used by Thomas, wearing an Orange Paisley robe. Cup #2: Wooden, used by Peter, wearing a robe with Green Stripes. Cup #3: Pewter, used by John, wearing a Blue Dotted robe. Cup #4: Clay, used by James, wearing Gold Triangles.

Answer Key for page 7:

THURSDAY Is your calendar getting filled up? Read Isaiah 41:10. Choose one of the promises God makes in this verse and write it on today’s date.

FRIDAY Read Isaiah 41:10 again. Write a note on the calendar to help you remember that God is always with you and will help you through the lonely times.

SATURDAY Read Matthew 1:23 and Matthew 28:20b. Jesus has been and always will be “God with us.” Write this phrase on today’s date. Thank Jesus for always being with you, especially in the lonely times.

MONDAY You’ll need a calendar for this week’s activities. Whenever you feel lonely this week, draw a blue dot on that date on your calendar. For every blue dot you draw, also write down the first part of Matthew 28:20b: “Surely I am with you always.”

TUESDAY Finish this sentence: I feel lonely when ______________. Read Matthew 28:20b again. On today’s date, write down one way Jesus’ promise encourages you when you’re lonely.

WEDNESDAY Read Psalm 139:1-6 as a prayer to God. On today’s date, write “Psalm 139:5-6,” and draw a symbol to show how you feel about God’s presence.


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8 Lesson 4Copyrighted material; permission required to reproduce. 3-1062


urely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b


8 Lesson 5

MONDAY Read John 20:24-29. Jesus says, “Stop doubting and believe.” Do you have doubts? If you do, write

them down.

TUESDAY Have an adult or friend help you find answers for

your doubts in the Bible.

WEDNESDAY Read Mark 11:22-24. Write a prayer about your doubts.

THURSDAY If our faith were perfect, we wouldn’t need reassurance from God’s Word. Set aside time each day to read the Bible, if you don’t already. Start with the Book of John.

FRIDAY Reread Mark 11:24. When you pray, reach out to God. Imagine handing your doubts to Him.

SATURDAY Reread the memory verse; make a list of things you believe about God. Tell Him about that list.

Now faith is confidence in what

we hope for and assurance about

what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

esus never gives up on us! Even when Thomas doubted, Jesus gave him another chance to believe.


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Without a Doubt

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Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised or

uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free,

but Christ is all, and is in all. Colossians 3:11


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8 Lesson 6



God’s salvation

is available to everyone.

MONDAY Read Matthew 28:19-20. Jesus left no one out when He gave this Great Commission. Make a list of

your friends or family who need to hear about Christ. Ask God to open your eyes to opportunities to talk to them.

TUESDAY Bible translators put the Bible into the languages of people all over the world. Choose

one verse that explains the Gospel and put it into words that you think a person from yesterday’s list would


WEDNESDAY How would you best explain the Gospel to the person you chose yesterday, if you were to write him or her a whole letter in addition

to yesterday’s Bible verse? List what it is about Jesus that that person most needs to hear.

THURSDAY Think of another person on your list who needs to hear about Jesus. Would you take a different approach

with this person? Why? FRIDAY Spend time today asking

God to help you see everyone you meet as someone who needs Him.

SATURDAY “He’s got the whole world in His hands.” Write

another verse or two for that song about God’s concern for the world.

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Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

God gave His own Son to die for our sins. We should gladly give to Him from the gifts He showers on us every day.

8 Lesson 7

It won’t hurt a Bit


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MONDAY Do you have a bank for saving your offering? If not, create one from a small box, plastic bottle, or jar. Label it, “God loves a cheerful giver” or another creative title.

TUESDAY Does it hurt to give sometimes? For example, did you ever save your allowance for something you really wanted, only to find out that someone else had a serious financial need? What did you do? Or what could you do?

WEDNESDAY Write a prayer about those times when giving hurts. Why is it so hard to give God something in return for all He’s given us?

THURSDAY Read 2 Corinthians 9:12-15. Identify God’s “indescribable gift,” and then find a way to show God your appreciation today.

FRIDAY Do you give gifts to people because you want gifts in return? Or because you care about those people? Ask God to help you become more caring than you already are.

SATURDAY Ask your pastor or Sunday school teacher if you could see a copy of your church’s budget. Plan how much you can give each week this year.

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8 Lesson 8


YOU CAN start preparing

now for the next time you’re

faced with some hard decisions

about whom to obey.

We must obey

God rather

than human


Acts 5:29b

THURSDAY Read Mark 8:36. Then picture some of the “rich and famous” of today. Many times their wealth and fame came from choosing to obey people rather than God. List two or three negative consequences that came with those choices.

FRIDAY Of course, not all wealth and fame come from the wrong sources! Often they come from God, if they are kept in the right perspective. Read Matthew 6:33 to find out what this perspective should be.

SATURDAY Review your list from Monday and write out short responses for the last two areas you prayed about. Then thank God for His grace that sees you through those tough times.

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MONDAY Choosing to obey God is one thing. Putting it into practice is another! Make a list of three different areas that have been problems for you in the past (for example, the pressure to cheat or lie). Then pray and ask God to strengthen your resolve to obey Him the next time one of these problems arises.

TUESDAY Choose one of the areas you prayed about yesterday and write out what you know your response should be if the problem arises. (I’m sorry, Jay, but I’ve decided that I won’t . . . )

WEDNESDAY Ask a trusted adult (parent, teacher, youth minister) to describe a time he or she chose to obey God rather than people. Can that person now see the wisdom of a decision that might not have made sense at the time?


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8 Lesson 9

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4:16

A healthy body is a whole body spiritually as well as physically. Are you taking care of your part of the Body of Christ?

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MONDAY Think of your favorite sport and try to imagine a game played without a key player. Football without the quarterback. Baseball without a catcher. Basketball without the center. Now imagine your youth group without you. How would your absence affect it?

TUESDAY Maybe it’s hard to think of yourself as that important, but God does. Ask God to show you at least two specific ways you contribute to the group you fellowship with. Write them down and put them in your Bible.

WEDNESDAY Ask God to show you at least one person who is involved in your church behind the scenes and make a special effort to tell that person thank you. Make a call or write a short letter, but take the time to tell someone else he or she is important.

THURSDAY Limit yourself in some way you are not accustomed to. Tie one arm behind your back for half an hour or wear earplugs all evening. List all the ways everyday activities were made more difficult. You may need to explain to your family what you are doing.

FRIDAY Review your list from Thursday. Then make another list that details some of the problems your pastor might have if people refused to help run your church.

SATURDAY Look again at Tuesday’s assignment—the ways you contribute to your youth group. Ask God to show you how to expand on the gifts He’s given you—at your next meeting. For example, if you love to sing, offer to teach the group a new song.

THURSDAY There is one final motive check we can run on our requests. Look up 1 John 5:14. What is it? What promise do you find in verse 15?

FRIDAY Reread the verses from Tuesday through Thursday. What do these verses have to say about our motives for asking God for things? For example, do you want a new 21-speed to make your friends jealous, or to get to the after-school activity God provided? See the difference? Rewrite your list from Monday keeping these verses in mind.

SATURDAY Write a poem or make a collage, combining the ideas presented in this week’s memory verse and the other verses you studied this week.

8 Lesson 10


Make a


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You do not have, because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives. James 4:2b-3a.

We’ve all been tempted to bargain with God at one time or another. Other times we resign ourselves to the idea that if there is something we want very badly, it must not be God’s will. How can we tell if our motives are right?






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MONDAY Psalm 20:4 says, “May he give you the desire of your heart.” List two or three “desires” you’d like to ask God for.

TUESDAY John 14:14 gives us the most important guide when asking God for anything. What is it? Look at your list from yesterday. Is there anything on that list that you could not ask in Jesus’ name?

WEDNESDAY Read Luke 6:38. Write down two or three examples of times you’ve given to others. God is just as generous with us. He gives us everything we need. Thank Him for His generosity to you.