odd semester english test grade xi suhanto kastaredja

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  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    He quickly left the boat and returned to the palace. He reported that the prince must have been a phantom, not a human. The queen was so surprised and then she refused his proposal.The enraged prince ordered his troops to raid Muara Kaman. The battle was won by the hugetroops of China, and they got close to the palace. Queen Aji Bidara Putih chewed a leaf of betelvine and sang a mantra (spell) while holding it. When she threw it to the Chinese troops, it turnedto giant centipedes. The Chinese troops started to retreat but three centipedes chased them andsank the junks.

    The site of the sunk ship is now known as Danau Lipan, Lake of Centipede, with Chinesetreasures hidden on the lake's bed.

    3. Which theme is appropriate for the text above?A. The envoys left the palaceB. Prince of Chine propose the QueenC. Queen Aji Bidara Putih accepted the proposal of Prince of ChinaD. Queen Aji Bidara Putih refused the proposal of Prince of ChinaE. Prince of Chine visited the palace of Queen Aji Bidara Putih

    4. Which theme is appropriate for the story?A. Honesty and sincerityB. Patience and struggleC. Magic Power and victoryD. Poverty and patienceE. Self confidence and luck

    5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?A. The officer failed to find out information on the prince.B. The officer refused the queens order.C. The officer and the queen attacked the Chinese junk.D. The officer gathered information on the prince secretlyE. The officer interviewed the crew of the junk

    6. The envoy brought kinds of thingA. two B. three C. four D. five E. six

    7. The queen A. answered directly B. answered happily C. refused to answer directlyD. answer quietly E. refused to answered quietly

    8. The officer A. The officer failed to find out information on the prince.B. The officer refused the queens order.C. The officer and the queen attacked the Chinese junk.D. The officer gathered information on the prince secretlyE. The officer interviewed the crew of the junk

    9. Who heard that the prince was having his dinner?A. The queen B. The officer C. The envoyC. Everyone E. The Prince

    10. At the end of the story, we know that A. the prince died B. the queen died C. The queen wonD. The prince won E. the envoy won

    Text 3(Number 21 23)

    Visiting a brother

    I went to Kamal, one of the towns in Madura, with my sister, Ayu, by motorcycle two days ago.We visited our older brother, Rendy, who studies at Trunojoyo University.

    We left home at 5 A.M. We arrived at Tanjung Perak harbour at quarter to six. Before Itook the ferry I met my old friend, Andy. He said that he went to Bangkalan to visit his uncle. Ittook us about 25 minutes from Surabaya to Kamal by ferry.



  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Andy said good -bye to my sister and me at Kamal terminal. He continued his travel fromKamal to Bangkalan by public transport. As Andy left me I remembered that I didnt to say togood-bye to my parents when I left the house.. I told to my sister about, she got very angry withour forgetfulness. She, then, looked very sad and said, I think it a great mistake. I responded toher. Yes, you are right but it is just a matter of being forgetful. We can apologize to them whenwe meet them tonight. She nodded and answered, Thats the first thing we have to dotonight.

    My sister and I rode on motorcycle to Rendys boarding house and arrived there 8 A.M.He was washing his clothes when we arrived. He was very surprised to see us. As a matter of factI did not contact him before we came to visit him. He, however, was very happy with our visit.

    At 11 A.M Rendy took me to the nearest caf. He told us that there was not any specialfood there. The food that people in Kamal have is not quite different from that we have inSurabaya. From the caf, we went to Rendys close friend, Bayu. He took me to his fatherszallaca garden. It is a big one. Bayu said that the areas of zallaca garden is about three hectares.He picked some for me and they really taste very sweet.

    We left Bayus house at 3 P.M., carrying two plastic bags of zallaca. When we arrivedhome at we looked for our parents and apologized to them for not asking permission beforegoing to Kamal. They told us that they forgave us and felt happy because we were safe arrivinghome.

    11. The appropriate topic of the strory is . A. Three hectares of Salak garden C. A trip to KamalB. University of Trunojoyo D. My brother E. Taking ferry

    12. Which one of the following statements is NOT CORRECT ? A. The writer and his sister went to Kamal to visit Andy.B. The writers brother lived in Kamal.C. Bayus father has a big zallaca gardenD. Rendy, the writers brother, studies at Trunajoyo University.E. The writer and his sister were happy to visit their brother

    13. Who got very angry?A. Andy B. Rendy C. Ayu, D. Bayu D. Ayus parents

    14. Mention the mistake that that the writer made!A. Meeting Andy B. Taking ferry C. Coming to Rendys boarding houseD. Leaving parents without asking for permissionE. Bringing some fruit home

    15. Rendy was very because his bother and sister visited himA. disappointed B. glad C. sad D. forgetful e. angry

    16. Where did Ayu and the writer go during their visit in Kamal? They went to the house of A. Rendys friend B. Ayus friend C. the writers friend

    D. Bayus friend E. Ayus and Rendys friend17. The underlined word pick means fruit with the fingers

    A. buying B. peeling C. taking D. selling E.. giving18. How long did Ayu stay in Kamal?

    A. For one day B. For two days C. For one week D. For two weeks D. For one month

    19. The are of the garden is . A. more than four hectares B. less than two hectares C. more than four hectaresD. less than four hectares B. more than five heactares

    20. Which statement is correct according to the text?A. Bayu thought that he made a big mistakeB. Bayu apologized to his brother and sister C. Bayu took Ayu to Kamal and BangkalanD. Ayu refused to apologize to her parentsE. Ayu apologized to her parents


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Text 4 (21- 28))

    Nearly all of Indonesia's 220 million citizens lack access to proper sanitationAccording to the director general for Housing, Building and Planning, Budi Yuwono,

    76.15 percent of the total population already had access to basic sanitation, such as toilets. Theother 2.21 percent had access to proper sanitation with sewage and wastewater treatment.

    Compared to other Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia ranks sixth in terms of sanitationservices. There are only 69 percent of the urban population and 46 percent of the rural populationwho received adequate services. Yuwono showed these data in a discussion organized byUSAID's Environmental Services Program (ESP).

    He quoted 2005 data from the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas) thatranked Indonesia below Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Myanmar, and aboveonly Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in sanitation infrastructure

    21. The third paragraph mainly discusses the level of the in Indonesia.A. population welfareB. result of discussionC. service comparisonD. sanitation serviceE. urban population

    22. From the report above, we can conclude that the condition of sanitation in Indonesia is.

    A. worse than VietnamB. the same as that in CambodiaC. better than that in LaosD. the same as that in SingaporeE. worse than that in Thailand

    23. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT ? A. Budi Yuwono is the director of Housing, Building and Planning.B. The total population in Indonesia is 220 million.C. 56.15 percent of the total population already had access to basic sanitation.D. 2.21 percent had access to proper sanitation with sewage and wastewater

    treatment.E. 69 percent of the urban population and 46 percent of the rural population who

    received adequate services.24. What is compared in the last paragraph?

    A. Sanitation serviceB. Sanitation infrastructureC. National DevelopmentD. Wastewater treatmentE. Discussion by Environmental Services Program

    25. The synonym of the underlined word adequate in paragraph 3 is .A. satisfactoryB. keenC. poor D. heavyE. terrible

    26. The word of board means the official body.A. administration B. collection C. registrationD. supply E. business

    27. Source of the information was taken years ago.A. two B. three C. four D. five E. six

    28. The antonym of proper is ..A. incorrect D. constant C. weak D. strong E. important


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Text 5(Number 29 33)

    Turtle Island of the World

    Arcing away from the northwest corner of Lombok , are three idyllic atolls,

    where the sand is still powdery white, the water a clear sparkling turquoise,and the sunsets over Balis Agung in the west simply spectacular.Home to the largest Irish bar on the smallest island in the world,

    an authentic Japanese sushi restaurant, a turtle hatchery , ominous sounding dive sites like Shark Point and miles and miles of white sandy beaches, Lombok's Trawangan , or Gili T for short, makes a surprisingly ideal getaway destination for everyone.

    Getting there is easy and whichever way you choose, and you can enjoy seeing some of Baliand Lomboks breathtaking scenery. This tourist resort is equipped with various means of transport from shuttle bus and ferry , traditional boats , flights with airport transfers, and the newMAHI-MAHI daily direct fast boat service.

    There are also Accomodation choices starting from backpacker and budget hotels , a largeselection of mid range hotels , through to resort hotels and luxury villas

    29. The appropriate purpose for the above text is .A. promotion for Balis AgungB. promotion for three idyllic atollsC. promotion for Japanese restaurantD. promotion for the largest Irish bar E. promotion for Shark Point

    30. From the text above, we can conclude that . A. from three idyllic atolls we can enjoy the spectacular sunsets over Mount Agung

    in BaliB. to stay in three idyllic atolls. We have limited choices of accommodationC. to go to tbe three idyllic atolls, we really face a transport problemD. to go to the three idyllic atolls, we just have any food problemE. to go to the three idyllic atolls , we miss a turtle hatchery

    31. In paragraph three, the writer mentions types of transport. A. Three B. four C. five D. six E. seven

    32. Which accommodation do you have more choices?A. Resort hotelsB. Luxury villasC. Mid range hotelsD. Backpacker hotelsun.E. Budget hotels

    33. The apposite meaning of the underlined word spectacular in paragraph one is . A. interesting B. fantastic C. amazingD. monotonous E. wonderful

    Text 6(Number 34 40)

    English is a West Germanic language originating in England, and the first language for most people in Australia, Canada, the Commonwealth Caribbean , Ireland , New Zealand , the UnitedKingdom and the United States of America (also commonly known as the Anglosphere ). It isused extensively as a second language and as an official language throughout the world,especially in Commonwealth countries such as India , Sri Lanka , Pakistan and South Africa , andin many international organizations.


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Modern English is sometimes described as the global lingua franca . English is the dominantinternational language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio anddiplomacy. The influence of the British Empire is the primary reason for the initial spread of thelanguage far beyond the British Isles. Following World War II, the growing economic andcultural influence of the United States has significantly accelerated the spread of the language.On an average school day approximately one billion people are learning English in one form or another.

    A working knowledge of English is required in certain fields, professions, and occupations.As a result over a billion people speak English at least at a basic level (see English languagelearning and teaching ). English is one of six official languages of the United Nations .

    34. Which title is appropriate for the text?A. International organizationB. Learning EnglishC. English LanguageD. Modern EnglishE. International Language

    35. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?A. The origin and the function of English languageB. English as an official languageC. English in other countriesD. International organizationsE. Commonwealth countries

    36. How many functions of English does the writer mention in sentence 1 paragraph 2?A. ThreeB. Four C. FiveD. SixE. Seven

    37. The underlined word require in sentence 1 paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to .A. need for fulfillmentB. need for consumptionC. need for managementD. leave for a dutyE. leave for a responsibility

    38. The word of approximately means . A. during B. about C. still D. exactly R. currently

    39. What has the USA done with English? The USA has it significantly.A. extended B. lengthened C. reached D. planted E. used

    40. The word require is similar in meaning toA. need for fulfillmentB. need for consumptionC. need for managementD. leave for a dutyE. leave for a responsibility

    II. Read the instruction in each number

    41. Continue the text of narrative in Rama and Shinta story with your two sentences Rahwana was very bad person. He planed to take Shinta from Rama. He changed himself to be a beautiful dear. .

    a. .

    b. .


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    42.Continue the text of report with your two sentencesSMA is our school. It is located on Tengglis Mejoyo. Surabaya. Our school has 21classes. There are about 700 students and 70 teachers

    a. .

    b. .

    43. Complete the dialogue with your two sentences .Luki: Did you take English test yesterday?Iwan: Yes I didLuki : Could you do it very well?Iwan : a.

    Luki: b.

    44. Change direct sentences into indirect one by completing what Agus said Joyo said : I know that learning English takes a lot practiceRina responded, You are right. So I am happy to perform speaking presentation inEnglish class

    Mother: Sorry, Agus. I dont know what Joyo and Rina talked aboutAgus said to his mother that: .a. Joyo .

    b. Rina

    45. Write a dialogue between Anwar and Lisa with the following situation:Anwar asked about the debate contest that Lisa had joined at Airlangga University. AndLisa expressed her satisfaction because her school got the first prize. Anwar congratulated her.

    Good luck


  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Text 8(Number 41 45)

    Technique of Teaching

    the Silent Way is one of the effective language teaching techniques

    It is a pedagogical approach to language teaching based on the premise that the teacher should be as silent as possible in the classroom (about 90% of the time). The learners, then, areencouraged to produce as much language as possible. They have much time both to be exposedto the language and to perform practice.

    The learning hypothesis behind the Silent Way is that learning is facilitated if the learnersdiscover or create rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. Also, students learnmore effectively through problem solving involving the target language. It views languagelearning as a creative, problem-solving and discovering activity in which the learner is a

    principal actor rather than a bench-bound listener.Basically, in learning teachers prepare their students to have a problem solving skill. And

    the Silent Way can be described as a problem-solving approach to language learning, and issummed up nicely in Benjamin Franklins words:Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember, Involve me and I learn.

    I conclude that the Silent Way is an appropriate language teaching technique.

    46. What is the main idea of paragraph two?A. In the Silent Way, teachers are not allowed to speak at all.B. Teachers find it important to make themselves silent.C. In the Silent Way, students practice speaking then writingD. In learning language students should repeat and remember what to be learned.E. In the Silent Way, teachers let their students have more language exposure and


    47. From the text it can be concluded that the writer the Silent Way as alanguage teaching technique.

    A. shows the weakness of B. feels pessimistic withC. feels optimistic withD. disagrees withE. refuses

    48. Which statement is not true according to the text? A. Teacher should keep silent for about 90% of the teaching periodB. Teacher should let his students to discover and create what to be learnedC. Teacher lets his students write the hypothesis behind the Silent WayD. Students have much time to be exposed and practice what to be learnedE. Students keep on discovering and creating for about 90% of the learning hour

    49. Why does the writer use Benjamin Franklins words?A. To make the readers remember the messageB. To have the readers apply the Silent WayC. To make language teachers read the textD. To support his argumentE. To make the students very creative

    50. The synonym of the underlined word approach in the last paragraph is . A. come near B. run fastC. enter calmlyD. move silentlyE. stay alone

    Text 9(Number 46 50)

    It seems that the Indonesian government have applied the inappropriate policy because they don'tmake capital and production means available to the poor.

  • 8/9/2019 Odd Semester English Test Grade Xi Suhanto Kastaredja


    Based on the data from the Central Statistics Agency, the national poverty (47) stood at16.68 percent, or 37.17 million people. Considering the data, the Indonesian government,therefore, applied the policy of (48) the poor with the cash. Some people support the efforts of he government to provide the poor with cash. This will help them survive on a daily basis

    because they have a limited opportunity to make living.Some others, however, (49) with this measure. They give the reasons that it doesn't

    touch the real issues of poverty. This just leads them to be lazier a nd lazier. They think that theIndonesian government should provide assets, capital and the means of (50) to the poor

    because these were essential to enable self-sufficiency, Cash, cheap rice and free schooling, onthe other hand, only addressed symptoms of poverty.

    It has also been said that the Indonesian government should provide businessmanagement training to poor people because without it borrowing money would be harder for them to manage it properly

    It will be wise for the government to listen to all suggestion concerning the policy of overcoming the problem of poverty.

    51. What does the underlined word they in paragraph 1 refer to?

    A. The Indonesian governmentB. The Central Statistic AgencyC. 37.17 million peopleD. Some othersE. Policy

    52. A. accountB. number

    C. phaseD. gapE. rate

    53. A. showingB. providingC. controllingD. creatingE. moving

    54. A. disagreeB. voteC. pushD. encourageE. disobey

    55. A. calculationB. welfareC. productionD. managementE. motivation

    Good luck