odi6 u1 sbk

2 A:09 Lis en and say. 3 Play he memory game. A: I wen camping and in my en here was a sleeping bag. B: I wen camping and in my en here was a sleeping bag and a …. sleeping bag en flashligh compass b 2 1 a 3 4 e OK. Le ’s pitch the tent and make a campfire. Hi, I’m Hannah. Welcome to this summer’s adventure camp. OK. I can see your sleeping bags, but who has the tent, poles, and pegs? I have the tent, Felipe has the poles, and Maria has the pegs. I have a big flashlight and four compasses. This is the week’s schedule. There’s lots to do! Great! poles c pegs d 1 A:08 Lis en and read. Wha hings do hey have? 12 1 Adventure camp Presen a ion Camping equipmen

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Unit Sample for review


Page 1: ODI6 U1 SBK

2 A:09 Lis en and say.

3 Play he memory game.

A: I wen camping and in my en here was a sleeping bag. B: I wen camping and in my en here was a sleeping bag and a ….

sleeping bag







3 4


OK. Le ’s pitch the tent and make a campfire.

Hi, I’m Hannah. Welcome to this summer’s adventure camp.

OK. I can see your sleeping bags, but who has the tent, poles, and pegs?

I have the tent, Felipe has the poles, and Maria has the pegs.

I have a big flashlight and four compasses.

This is the week’s schedule. There’s lots to do!




1 A:08 Lis en and read. Wha hings do hey have?


1 Adventure camp

Presen a ion Camping equipmen

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Page 2: ODI6 U1 SBK

4 A:10 Read. Then circle T = True or F = False.

1 Tom can swim and surf. T / F

2 Flo is good a swimming. T / F

3 Flo loves alking o her friends. T / F

4 Maria is Mexican. T / F

5 Felipe has only wo bro hers. T / F

My name’s Tom. I’m

fourteen and I’m American.

I love playing basketball

and soccer. I can cook and

swim, but I can’t surf. I have

one sister, Flo. She’s twelve

and she’s very funny.

My name’s Maria and I’m thirteen. I’m from Mexico. I like dancing, but I’m not very good at singing! I have two sisters. They’re eight and ten and I love playing with them!

I’m Flo and I’m twelve. I’m from the United States. I’m good at swimming. I love talking to my friends. I have one brother. He’s fourteen and he’s very good at sports. He’s very clever, too.

I’m Felipe. I’m from Spain. I’m thirteen. I love playing video games and I like science and math. I have three brothers and they love video games, too. We always have competitions!


Flo is good a swimming.

I like hiking, bu I don’ like sailing.

I love fishing and camping.

5 Ask and answer.

1 Where are Tom and Flo from? 2 Wha does Tom love doing? 3 How old are Maria’s sis ers? 4 Wha subjec s does Felipe like?

6 Imagine you are Tom, Maria, Flo, or Felipe. Ask and answer.

1 How old are you? 2 Where are you from? 3 Wha do you like doing? 4 Wha are you good a ? 5 Do you have any bro hers or sis ers?






Adventure camp

Presen a ion / Prac ice Talking abou wha one is good a , likes, and loves doing

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7 A:12 Lis en and say.

cover our heads

lay ou he bedake down he en

ligh a fire read a compass

8 A:13-14 Lis en o he song and wri e.

Scouts from all around the world, from Spain to Mexico.We’re traveling together, from the mountains to the sea.We’re walking for miles and learning every day.

We’re reading a and fi nding our way.


Oh, we are adventure campers, here is our song.With adventure and new friends, you can’t go wrong!

At the end of the day we’re back to camp again.

We’re pitching our , they keep out the rain.

We’re putting in the and laying out our .

We’re sleeping in that cover our heads!


All this adventure is making us fi t and strong. We’re cooking our food, which doesn’t take too long.We’re eating our dinner, and then we’re so tired.

We’re sleeping in tents all around the !


a bc d


keep ou he rain

pu in he pegspi ch he en

9 Look a Ac ivi y 8 and check (✓) he ac ivi ies in he song.

1 reading a compass

2 wearing sunglasses

3 pi ching en s 4 pu ing in he pegs 5 running a race

6 aking down he en

Look a Ac ivi y 8 and check (✓) he ac ivi ies in he song.

reading a compass

wearing sunglasses

pi ching en s pu ing in he pegs

running a race

aking down he en


he song.

Presen a ion Camping ac ivi ies

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Page 4: ODI6 U1 SBK

11 Imagine wha hey can/can’ do and ma ch. Then say.

can can’





10 A:16 Lis en and s ick. Then wri e and say.I’m pi ching he en .

We’re pu ing in he pegs.

I can pi ch a en , bu I can’ read a compass.
























He’s pi ching he en .

a b

c d


g h


15Presen a ion / Prac ice Presen con inuous ense and abili iesPresen con inuous

Felipe can cook fish, bu he can’ kayak.

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Page 5: ODI6 U1 SBK

12 A:17 Read. Where was Flo yes erday?

Dear Mom,

How are you? It’s our second day at adventure camp and we’re having a great time. We have some new friends, too—they’re from Spain and Mexico. They’re teaching me Spanish, but I’m not very good at it!

Our first night was great. There was a big dinner to welcome everyone and there were songs by the campfire. After the campfire we went to bed. At night our tent was cold, but it was warm in the sleeping bag.

Today, we’re walking to a wildlife park that’s next to the camp.

Here’s a photo of me with my new friends and a photo of last night’s campfire.

Love to you and Dad,


13 Read and circle. Then wri e he correc sen ence.

1 Flo’s new friends are from Spain and ( I aly / Mexico ).

2 Flo is learning ( I alian / Spanish ).

3 There was a big ( lunch / dinner ) on heir firs day.

4 I ( was / wasn’ ) cold in he sleeping bag.

5 Today, hey’re ( walking / running ) o a wildlife park.

14 Ask and answer.

1 Do you like camping? 2 Where do you go camping? 3 Wha ac ivi ies do you do here?

16 Skills

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15 A:18 Read. Wha is Bear’s job?

1 What do you like doing? I like playing the guitar, running, doing yoga, and playing with my children.

2 Do you like living in the jungle? I love jungles but they’re difficult to live in. There are often a lot of snakes and insects.

Sometimes I sleep up a tree and when it rains, it’s horrible.

3 Where is your favorite place? An island in Indonesia. I love visiting islands and this one was really beautiful.

4 What do you do before an adventure? I always learn a lot about where I want to go—I learn about the plants and animals.

I train six days a week and I run and do yoga, too.

5 Are you scared of anything? Yes, I’m scared of high buildings and mountains. I can go to the top of high buildings but I don’t like it.

16 Circle T = True or F = False.

1 Bear likes running and doing yoga. T / F

2 There are of en snakes and insec s in he jungle. T / F

3 Bear’s favori e place is in he Uni ed Kingdom. T / F

4 Bear doesn’ like high buildings and moun ains. T / F

17 Look a Ac ivi y 15. Ask and answer ques ions 1, 3, and 5 wi h a friend.

T H I N K !Look a hese lis s. Wha doesn’ belong?For he jungle: insec repellen , sunblock, scarfFor he sea: sunblock, snow boo s, fresh wa er For camping: flashligh , in-line ska es, ma ches

Bear Grylls

Bear Grylls is a mountaineer and adventurer. He went up Mount Everest when he was just twenty-three years old! Bear usually lives in the United Kingdom, but sometimes he lives in the desert, the mountains, or the jungle. He is also Chief Scout of Scouts UK.



Imagine you’re going to

the jungle. Write a list of

ten things you should take

and why.

Cross-curricular Social science: Being a moun aineer and an adven urer

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Page 7: ODI6 U1 SBK

Er ... Marta! I like traveling, too.

But I don’t like talking to this man.

18 A:19 Lis en and read.

Hi, Marta. Hi, Champ.


Hello my dears! I like your pet!

Come and try my time machine! Only one dollar.

I love traveling.

Wow. This is cool. We can go to the


Wow! Look! It’s strange. I know this place ….

What was that? The time machine!

It isn’t here! And where’s Champ?


3 4


Bye, Mom! We’re going to the amusement park.

19 Why does Chris say he knows he place? Discuss your answers.

It’s fantastic! Look at the cars!

18 Consolida ion

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20 Circle T = True or F = False.

1 Mar a and Chris ravel o he fu ure. T / F

2 Zero Zendell doesn’ like pe chimpanzees. T / F

3 Zero Zendell has a ime machine. T / F

4 Chris likes alking o Zero Zendell. T / F

5 Zero Zendell is aller han he children. T / F

6 Mar a’s dad akes Champ. T / F

21 Role-play he s ory.

22 Number o ma ch he ins ruc ions o he headings.

Safe y firs . Think abou safe y when you go camping.

Food and wa er

Making a fire

Things you need

Pi ching he en

Choosing he righ spo

Always choose a fla , high

spo o se up camp—no

near a river or moun ain slope.


Clean he ground and pi ch he en . The door should face he rising sun.


The fire shouldn’ be oo

close o he en s or under

ree branches.


Take a lo of drinking wa er, dry foods (pas a, noodles, rice, cookies, nu s, and raisins), and canned foods (soups and vege ables).

4Take insec

repellen , sunblock,

a firs aid ki , a

flashligh , ma ches,

ba eries, and a

gas s ove.


Tell your family why camping safety is important.


19Comprehension / Values Camping safe y

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I s ar s raining before you finish pi ching he en .Miss a urn.

I ’s dark bu you have a flashligh and new ba eries. Take ano her urn.

I ’s sunny.Move 1 space.

You’re good a pi ching he en .Move 2 spaces.

You ge wood for he fire bu i ’s we ! Miss a urn.

You find new wood for he fire and cook dinner.

Move 2 spaces.

You didn’ bring a sleeping bag. Throw a 6 o con inue.











You didn’ bring he pegs. Throw a 3 o con inue.





23 Play he game.

I’m good a ….

I like …, bu I don’ like….

I love ….

I can …, bu I can’ ….I’m good a swimming.

20 Review

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I can say wha I’m good a and wha I like/don’ like doing.

I can say wha I’m doing now.

24 A:20 Lis en and wri e ✓ or ✗.

likes loves is good a

1 Sally a b c

2 Pe e a b c

3 Brad a b c

4 Jo a b c

25 Unscramble and wri e ques ions. Then look a Ac ivi y 24 and wri e he answers.

1 Sally / doing / love / does / wha

2 Pe e / a / is / compass / a / reading / good

3 Brad / wha / doing / like / doesn’

4 Jo / wha / a / good / is

Now go to Future Island.

is good a

a b c

a b c

a b c

a b c


21Review & Assessmen

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