of anacogm lumber co. - chronicling america€¦ · teresting history, beside lace and embroidery...

Of c a *6stea& -WW"**:;;: v/ i v \u2666* ** ~ts&r^§>?r^ pop. i©s« EAST SOUND The women of the Madrona dub are planning an interesting^ after- noon for Thursday, April 17. It will be an exhibition of curios and antique articles loaned for the oc- casion by the many friends of the club. Among other things a shawl given by Queen Victoria to one of her ladies in waiting; a plate used by Lafayette, while in this country, and many other things with an in- teresting history, beside lace and embroidery done by our great grandmothers. There ill alto be an art gallery with many unique features. Refreshments will be Eerved and an admission charge of 25 cents will be made, proceeds to be used for the piano fund. Every- body cordially invited. Miss Jean Crow of Rosario, was the over-Sunday guest of Miss Tem- pi i n. Mrs. C. 0. Rapelje and Miss Elizabeth Mann were "ai home" to about thirty of their friends in the Madrona club house Saturday after- noon. Progessive hearts was the game played, prizes being won by Mrs Joseph W. Crow and Mrs. Carl Land The decorations were of yel- ow daffodils and Oregon grape. The hn-tpsses were hssissted by Mrs. W. H. Uunton, Mr?. Guy R. Allen. Miss Mi . irei Gibon and Miss Ruby Lan- gell. U'ißb Tempiin was the hostess of a prettily appointed dinner Sunday, her guests being Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Allen, Mrs. George E. Gandy and Miss Jean Crow. Groat interest is being shown by tin school chiiden in the field meet to he held here Friday, April 11, on Langell's beach. Mrs. Blanche I. Baker left for Seattle on a short business trip Monday flarry Temalin spent several days in Beilingbam on business the early pail of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Viereck and 1 Miss Nelson were visitors in Bell- ingham and Friday Harbor a few : days the past week. Mrs. McLoughlin and children of Anacortes were tne week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viereck. News came this week of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of Bellingham, also a 1 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert I Viereck of Friday Harbor, both for- i mer residents of Doe Bay. The funeral of M. L. Adams, who died in SeattK took place Tuesday norning from the Methodi&t church. Mr. Adams wa= one ot the oldrst settlers on the island and was followed to the grave by a large nutiiber of old friends. The pall- bearers were Messrs. A. J. Hill, E. LanjfHJ. R. Cockerell, P. Reddick, E. vv. Harrsioti and J. L. Cramer. Mit>s Rub Langell entertained a number of friends very charmingly Thursday evening with a chafing dish supper. H. S. Wintermute of Seattle spent the week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunton. Wesley Langell made the ascent of lit Constitution Sunday and re- ports that the heavy snow of the winter has broken the pavillion roof down. Mrs. Peyton Reddick has return- ed from an extended visit to Cali- fornia. While there she vistied sev- eral points of interest. John Cramer is to have a well- earned vacation and Dave Nicol, Jr. will Jill his place during his absence. Don't be surprised if you have an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts frequenl- ly with Chamberlain's Liniment and it will soon disappear. Sold by Friday Harbor Drug Co. O KCAS George Myer is at home again af- ter spending the winter months in Sound cities. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have as their guest this week, their son uf Seat- tle. Several of the young people of Orcas enjoyed the dance and enter- tainment given by the Dolphin school. Miss Pearl Paxton was the guest of her sister the past week. A program will be given in the little hall Saturday evening by the Orcas entertainers. Jack Clark and Wiley Sanders spent the week-end at Waldron. Miss Bessie Clift has been the guest of Mrs. Powers this week. Mr. and Mrs*. Chas Martin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ho- gan. C. Boede and wife were guests of Mrs. T. T. Paxton of Friday Har- bor Sunday. Mrs. Heck Curry and little son of Victoria, B. C, and Mr. Eldrige of BellinghW. are guests of Mrs. M. C. Curry. Capt. Curry left for Kamloops. B. C., Tuesday. benefited her sell creatly by her le- cent move. Improved Early Rose potatoes 75 cents per sack at Jack Devers'. DOE BAY Mrs. F. Maudsley's host of Iriends are glad to hear she has Mrs. Henry Legbandt and Mrs. Weldon are the guests of friends in Bellingham this week. Mrs. Holman Drain returned Wednesday from a few days visit in Bellingham. Mrs. A. Viereck and Mrs. W. Stanlake were visiting in Olga Wed- nesday, Philip Rogers left on the Islander Saturday for Bellingham. Why He Was Late "What made you so late?" "I met Smithson." "Well, that is no reason wh/ you should be an hour late for supper." "I know, but askei him how he was feeiing and he insisted on tell ing me about his stomach trouble." "Did you tell him to take Cham- berlain's Tablets?" "Sure, that is what he needs." Sold by Friday Harbor Drug Com- pany. WEST SOUND All anonymous communications addressed to the Islander will be consigned to the waste basket. For rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Iry it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by Friday Harbor Drug Co. DECATUK Received too late for last issue. M. L. Toohey was a caller at De- catur Monday. J. H. Leather wood came up from Seattle for a brief visit the first of the week. Miss Alma Howell is home from the Bellingham Normal for her va- cation. Bennie Cayou is back on the isl- and this week after spending a few days on the Fearless. Cyrus Britt, eldest son of Mrs. W. Viereck, arrived here Saturday to visit his mother and grand par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Britt. Will Reed and M. L. Toohey made a hurried trip to Anacortes Satur- day morning. Caot. and Mrs. , Gurne.v and James Bailey were the guests of Mrs. Stuart and daughter Sunday. Mrs. L. Howell and daughter Miss Mary transacted business in Bellingham the last of the week. J. M. Reed delivered the launch "Andy L." to Mr. Hastin at Friday Harbor Monday and remained over for a few days to introduce the ves- sel to her new master. Mrs. Hadley returned to her home in Seattle Friday after spend- ins several days here with her daughter. Capt. Jones left for Anacortes with the Marion Monday morning, and will be employed with the George & Barker Company of Point Roberts this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Britt and grandson Cyrus Britt were callers at the south side Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Reed and family went to Olga Monday to visit relatives for a few days. It is reported that Adolph Karju- la has been very ill with an attack of the Lagrippe, along with asthma, for the past week. Mrs. Jones and family visited her mother and sisters at Willow- dale farm, Tuesday evening. Capt. Bert Bowler arrived here with the Bermuda Monday and will go to Alaska on the Halcyon when she is launched. Most of the victims of Lagippe have recovered from it now, with the exception of Mrs. Walter Tan* sey, who has had a most severe case of same. WALDRON ISLAND William Reed was pleasantly sur- prised with a bcruniptuous dinner, given at the shipyard boarding house Monday evening, the occasion being his birthday. Those present were: C. M. Johnson. D. F. Otto, Tom Jones, Ben Cayou, 0. N. Ole- son, Frank Bryberg. Wm. Peacock. Will Reed, Mrs. Mary Reed and daughters. Margaret and Jessie, Louise Krider. Edwfn Parker, Mrs. Zella Stuart and daughters Lucile and Janie. Mr. Reed received any useful presents and a post card shower. Thos. Jones of Blakeley island is spending a few days at the Red home. Alphonso Meyer visited his cousin Authur Norman at Islandaie Sun- day evening. Bennie Cayou was a guest at the Jones home Wednesday evening. Chas. Bower was a calle* at De- catur Sunday. Edmund Vanßogaert of West Sound visited here Sunday. Frank Fryberg, who for some time was employed at the shipyard, returned to Anacortes Friday. The launches Hal.'yon and Ber- muda were launched here last week and left for Anacortes Friday. Mrs. Sara Moore of Olga is spend- ing the week with her daughter Mrs. J. M. Reed and family. Fred Otto and Otto Amundsen transacted business in Anacortes the first of the week. J. M. Reed and Mrs. Jones made a brief business call at Orcas on Monday. Walter Tansey and 0. Olson were callers at Anacortes Tuesday. Caot. Jones is home for a few days with his taniily. Mrs. Mary Reed and daughter Jessie, and William Reed went to Anacortes Monday. Miss Mary Howell and Edwin H. Moy of Bellingham were united in marriage at hiah noon Wednesday. Only immediate members of the family were present. Their many friends extend them best wishes for evf ry happiness in their new life. Miss Ahna Howell came home from the BelJingham normal Tues- day to attend the wedding of her sister Mary. "My little son had a very severe cold. I was recommended to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle was finished he was as well as ever," writes Mrs. H. Silks, 29 Dowling Street. Syd- ney. Australia. This remedy is for sale dv Fr day Harbor Drug Co. John Lapore and Hardy Clark were county seat visitors Monday. Mrs. L. Graignic is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chevalier of Spieden island for a week. Miss Mamie Rahorst lett Satur- day to resume her studies at the normal in Bellingham, after a week's visit with home folks. John Lapore is confined to his bed with Pleurisy of the lungs. Quite a crowd from Waldron at- tended the dance at Mitchell bay and all reported a good time. Frank Graignic is getting ready to go fishing for the summer. Z. Doty was visiting his daughter Mrs. Jack Allen, last week. All are slowly recovering from Lagripne. Bruce Haynes is going to leave Wednesday to work on tne fish traps at S lmon banks. Mr. Byers is busy putting in his crops. Mrs. TannahilPs granddaughter of Bellingham was visting her for a weeK. There will be a dance at the hall Saturday night, April 12, everyone come and have a good time. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rahorat gave a birthday party last week in honor of their son Willies 23 birthday. Those present were: Misses Joseph- ine Tucker, Gertrude Woods, Anne Gilshenan, Elizabeth Graaignic, Ag- nes apd Alma Fernett, Mamie, Phe- be and Emma Rahorst, Mrs. B. Haynes, Mrs. Baatz, Messrs. and Mesdames Gillespie. Doucett, J. Severson, Frank Gray: Dewey Gil- shenan, Hardy Clark. John Lapore, Frank Graignic, Fred Norby, Her- man Oleson, Ernest Baatz and Wil- lie Rahorst. The evening was spent in playing cards, games and music. At midnight a dainty lunch was served. Miss Elizabeth Graignic. Miss Anna Gilshenan Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray, Frank Graignic, Hardy Glaik and Oewey Gilshenan spent Sunday at the Chevalier home on Speiden island. You will look a good while before you find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief —it cures. Try it when you have a cough or colds, and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by Friday Harbor Drug Co. All the news, all the time. Look for it in the Islander. Prize - Winning Rhode Island Reds BOTH COMBS Stock, Eggs and Day-old Chicks at reasonable prices. Write for mating list. A. R. GRAVES, Orcas, Wash. ANACOgm LUMBER & BOX CO. Is prepared to offer its customers in San Juan County prompt deliveries of AH Grades ~~ SPRUCE AND FIR LUMBER ROUGH OR SURFACED | INTERIOR FINISH, MOULDINGS, LATH, SHINGLES j i Everything that goes into a house at prices that will make it to your advantage ito buy here. Our Extensive Facilities, Large Stock; Modern Machinery and Best Mainland Timber, Enable Us To Give You FIRST CLASS SERVICE LET US FIGURE ON YOUR SPECIFICATIONS ANACORTES LUMBER & BOX CO. Anacortes, - - - - Washington. Pacific Stump Pulfer Built for Xortliwest Stumps A simple, powerful and inexpensive ma- chine, which can be operated by one man and one horse. Write for iree BULLETIN No. 14. It tells how to clear stump land at a lower cost per acre than has ever been possible heretofore. PACIFIC MANUFACTURING CO. Ilia "Western Aye., Seattle, Wash. SEEDS The Best Seeds of the Best Kinds for your use. Postpaid, by Mail, or Parcel Post, to your home. Send address today, for our 1913 Catalog and price list, FREE. A. G. TILLINGHAST The Pioneer Seedsman Puget Sound Seed Gardens LaConner, Skagit Co. Washington DR. W. H. AXTELL I EXCHANGE BLOCK I BELLINGHAM I Practice limited to Surgery and DiseaH of the Rectum and Bowel. \u25a0 BOTH PHOMSB DR. CO. REED Physician and Surgeon Bank Building - Friday Harbi I j IL. J. Irwin, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public Conveyancing Phone 32 FRIDAY HARBOR, WASHINGTON IYICTOR J. C APRON, M. J PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I Electrical Treatment for Diseases of Skm^ Mucous Membranes. \u25a0 X-Kay Examinations I from 7:30 to 9:30 p. in. H Office: Bank Building, Friday Harbor, *^ Here Is A Genuine Bargain! McCaire Magazine one year V- ALL FOR .'\u25a0\u25a0 \ ,-- -./*./.- ; ; : ONLY - San Juan Islander— one year * _ A Any 15-Cent McCall Pattern Jbl.OU McCalPs Magazine uJ*Z*Ft*l\u00a3g!r Don't Miss This Extraordinary Offer :/. In the matter of dress McCall's is indispensable to cv- 'We take pleasure in offering to our friends this . r*eP" -\u25a0••'\u25a0 cry woman. There areover 50 of the newest designs of ; T tional opportunity, "i W * : ' celebrated McCall Patterns .in each issue. >;,:.^ \, \u25a0 .., " By special advertising arrangement with the pub sb- Every month L 1,100,000 copies of McOall's, brimful of ers of McCall's we are able to offer you this '.well-known pj| latest fashions, fancy work, interesting short stories, and ?. popular Home and Fashiou Journal together with our scores of labor and money-saving . . , ; ' own paper for the regular price of ideas for women, are welcome vis- \\-n.rn? r Ait naiTi |VT A(P a j-.i\ii\.u\-,\ the Islander alone. itors to 1,100,000 wide-awake Am- iMl^v&MjLlU^IMbwS^XHml 1\u00a3 . ' . ffar .- -.. \u25a0.•\u25a0*••\u25a0-. .-,::\u25a0:':.\u25a0; ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 _. ' . . •;\u25a0;> The above :extraordinary °*c. encan homes. . M^Btk v \u25a0 ,ns , \ /gMHr ' may be: accepted by all persons McCall's is a large artistic, hand- , .^F^^ who subscribe, renew or extend ' Bomely illustrated 100 page month- ; ; < I /^VV< / ; -^ «, « ':l^ r-" - v - i . .^^nnbhca-' : ,", •ly periodical that is adding to wo- ' ! . \ ?. . /* V?\ 6 r time ahead °" 6 * P The men's happiness and efficiency cv- i \ \u25a0\u25a0* J,M.^j]j cation for the time mentioned. B : crywhere. . 'fe:- //^wP^ •• only/requisite is that you pay in The publishers of McCall's are \u25a0•;\u25a0.\u00a3 'I if Iffy "\ \\ ' ,' advance. - , planning to spend thousands of ; . -. :/I %L/, W^k. ''. _ - , . ' *-,nrhie dollars extra in 1913 in order to * JLI|& \>& l ' Remember, if you accept on W keep McCall's head and shoulders r Ml 1 Hlr* \\\ , McCall bargain—the best we above all similar i publications. ' --i: *'; 'r>'*\Pllw«wS ever made—you may select free o Every issue will be full of delight-; - ;/f j^Jj^ ©" fe .. charge any one of the celebrated ! ful surprises. . \u0084 - M^fWK I ' **• McCall Patterns from your** ; : -Ifyou wish to save money, keep /I •Milti) L/CTl\ W V ' '< - ' «%«_» „' i. ' instyle; and be happy, subscribe tyf^\u00a5J*\ W*^ ( , copy of McCain by sending^ for MoCall's without fail. Price Tnff^J^^^> card request to The McCall u> only 50c a year, including any 15c. tLF^-<^^^^p^ pany. . ; . V wo^n U|l.W ttem fr6e* POSitiVely l\y ):;•' *' *, CaUatthi y oaro^ worth '-\u25a0" , , ' ' . V derby mail. Sobscribe i today. , *\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 . '1 derby mail. SnbKribe today. SAN JUAN ISLANDER, FRIDAY \u25a0 HARBOR; WASH-

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  • Of c a *6stea& -WW"**:;;:v/ i v \u2666* ** ~ts&r^§>?r^ pop. i©s«EAST SOUND

    The women of the Madrona dub

    are planning an interesting^ after-noon for Thursday, April 17. It

    will be an exhibition of curios andantique articles loaned for the oc-

    casion by the many friends of the

    club. Among other things a shawlgiven by Queen Victoria to one of

    her ladies in waiting; a plate usedby Lafayette, while in this country,and many other things with an in-teresting history, beside lace andembroidery done by our greatgrandmothers. There ill alto bean art gallery with many uniquefeatures. Refreshments will beEerved and an admission charge of25 cents will be made, proceeds tobe used for the piano fund. Every-body cordially invited.

    Miss Jean Crow of Rosario, wasthe over-Sunday guest of Miss Tem-pi i n.

    Mrs. C. 0. Rapelje and MissElizabeth Mann were "ai home" toabout thirty of their friends in theMadrona club house Saturday after-noon. Progessive hearts was thegame played, prizes being won by

    Mrs Joseph W. Crow and Mrs. CarlLand The decorations were of yel-ow daffodils and Oregon grape. Thehn-tpsses were hssissted by Mrs. W.H. Uunton, Mr?. Guy R. Allen. MissMi . irei Gibon and Miss Ruby Lan-gell.

    U'ißb Tempiin was the hostess of aprettily appointed dinner Sunday,her guests being Mr. and Mrs. GuyR. Allen, Mrs. George E. Gandyand Miss Jean Crow.

    Groat interest is being shown bytin school chiiden in the field meetto he held here Friday, April 11, onLangell's beach.

    Mrs. Blanche I. Baker left forSeattle on a short business tripMonday

    flarry Temalin spent several daysin Beilingbam on business the earlypail of the week.

    Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Viereck and1Miss Nelson were visitors in Bell-ingham and Friday Harbor a few

    : days the past week.Mrs. McLoughlin and children of

    Anacortes were tne week-end guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Albert Viereck.

    News came this week of the birthof a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Martin of Bellingham, also a1 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert

    I Viereck ofFriday Harbor, both for-

    i mer residents of Doe Bay.

    The funeral of M. L. Adams, whodied in SeattK took place Tuesdaynorning from the Methodi&tchurch. Mr. Adams wa= one ot theoldrst settlers on the island and wasfollowed to the grave by a largenutiiber of old friends. The pall-bearers were Messrs. A. J. Hill, E.LanjfHJ. R. Cockerell, P. Reddick,E. vv. Harrsioti and J. L. Cramer.

    Mit>s Rub • Langell entertained anumber of friends very charminglyThursday evening with a chafingdish supper.

    H. S. Wintermute of Seattlespent the week-end as the guest ofMr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunton.

    Wesley Langell made the ascentof litConstitution Sunday and re-ports that the heavy snow of thewinter has broken the pavillion roofdown.

    Mrs. Peyton Reddick has return-ed from an extended visit to Cali-fornia. While there she vistied sev-eral points of interest.

    John Cramer is to have a well-earned vacation and Dave Nicol, Jr.will Jill his place during his absence.

    Don't be surprised if you have anattack of rheumatism this spring.Just rub the affected parts frequenl-ly with Chamberlain's Linimentand it will soon disappear. Sold byFriday Harbor Drug Co.

    O KCAS

    George Myer is at home again af-ter spending the winter months inSound cities.

    Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have as theirguest this week, their son uf Seat-tle.

    Several of the young people ofOrcas enjoyed the dance and enter-tainment given by the Dolphinschool.

    Miss Pearl Paxton was the guestof her sister the past week.

    A program will be given in thelittle hall Saturday evening by theOrcas entertainers.

    Jack Clark and Wiley Sandersspent the week-end at Waldron.

    Miss Bessie Clift has been theguest of Mrs. Powers this week.

    Mr. and Mrs*. Chas Martin wereSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ho-gan.

    C. Boede and wife were guests ofMrs. T. T. Paxton of Friday Har-bor Sunday.

    Mrs. Heck Curry and little son ofVictoria, B. C, and Mr. Eldrige ofBellinghW. are guests of Mrs. M.C. Curry.

    Capt. Curry left for Kamloops.B. C., Tuesday.

    benefited her sell creatly by her le-cent move.

    Improved Early Rose potatoes 75cents per sack at Jack Devers'.


    Mrs. F. Maudsley's host ofIriends are glad to hear she has

    Mrs. Henry Legbandt and Mrs.Weldon are the guests of friends inBellingham this week.

    Mrs. Holman Drain returnedWednesday from a few days visit inBellingham.

    Mrs. A. Viereck and Mrs. W.Stanlake were visiting in Olga Wed-nesday,

    Philip Rogers left on the IslanderSaturday for Bellingham.

    Why He Was Late"What made you so late?""Imet Smithson.""Well, that is no reason wh/ you

    should be an hour late for supper.""Iknow, but askei him how he

    was feeiing and he insisted on telling me about his stomach trouble."

    "Did you tell him to take Cham-berlain's Tablets?"

    "Sure, that is what he needs."Sold by Friday Harbor Drug Com-



    All anonymous communicationsaddressed to the Islander will beconsigned to the waste basket.

    For rheumatism you will findnothing better than Chamberlain'sLiniment. Iry it and see howquickly it gives relief. For sale byFriday Harbor Drug Co.


    Received too late for last issue.M. L. Toohey was a caller at De-

    catur Monday.

    J. H. Leather wood came up fromSeattle for a brief visit the first ofthe week.

    Miss Alma Howell is home fromthe Bellingham Normal for her va-cation.

    Bennie Cayou is back on the isl-and this week after spending a fewdays on the Fearless.

    Cyrus Britt, eldest son of Mrs.W. Viereck, arrived here Saturdayto visit his mother and grand par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Britt.

    Will Reed and M. L. Toohey madea hurried trip to Anacortes Satur-day morning.

    Caot. and Mrs. , Gurne.v andJames Bailey were the guests ofMrs. Stuart and daughter Sunday.

    Mrs. L. Howell and daughterMiss Mary transacted business inBellingham the last of the week.

    J. M. Reed delivered the launch"Andy L." to Mr. Hastin at FridayHarbor Monday and remained overfor a few days to introduce the ves-sel to her new master.

    Mrs. Hadley returned to herhome in Seattle Friday after spend-ins several days here with herdaughter.

    Capt. Jones left for Anacorteswith the Marion Monday morning,and will be employed with theGeorge & Barker Company of PointRoberts this summer.

    Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Britt andgrandson Cyrus Britt were callersat the south side Sunday.

    Mrs. J. M. Reed and family wentto Olga Monday to visit relativesfor a few days.

    It is reported that Adolph Karju-la has been very illwith an attackof the Lagrippe, along with asthma,for the past week.

    Mrs. Jones and family visitedher mother and sisters at Willow-dale farm, Tuesday evening.

    Capt. Bert Bowler arrived herewith the Bermuda Monday and willgo to Alaska on the Halcyon whenshe is launched.

    Most of the victims of Lagippehave recovered from it now, withthe exception of Mrs. Walter Tan*sey, who has had a most severe caseof same.


    William Reed was pleasantly sur-prised with a bcruniptuous dinner,given at the shipyard boardinghouse Monday evening, the occasionbeing his birthday. Those presentwere: C. M. Johnson. D. F. Otto,Tom Jones, Ben Cayou, 0. N. Ole-son, Frank Bryberg. Wm. Peacock.Will Reed, Mrs. Mary Reed anddaughters. Margaret and Jessie,Louise Krider. Edwfn Parker, Mrs.Zella Stuart and daughters Lucileand Janie. Mr. Reed receivedany useful presents and a post cardshower.

    Thos. Jones of Blakeley island isspending a few days at the Redhome.

    Alphonso Meyer visited his cousinAuthur Norman at Islandaie Sun-day evening.

    Bennie Cayou was a guest at theJones home Wednesday evening.

    Chas. Bower was a calle* at De-catur Sunday.

    Edmund Vanßogaert of WestSound visited here Sunday.

    Frank Fryberg, who for sometime was employed at the shipyard,returned to Anacortes Friday.

    The launches Hal.'yon and Ber-muda were launched here last weekand left for Anacortes Friday.

    Mrs. Sara Moore of Olga is spend-ing the week with her daughterMrs. J. M. Reed and family.

    Fred Otto and Otto Amundsentransacted business in Anacortes thefirst of the week.

    J. M. Reed and Mrs. Jones madea brief business call at Orcas onMonday.

    Walter Tansey and 0. Olson werecallers at Anacortes Tuesday.

    Caot. Jones is home for a fewdays with his taniily.

    Mrs. Mary Reed and daughterJessie, and William Reed went toAnacortes Monday.

    Miss Mary Howell and Edwin H.Moy of Bellingham were united inmarriage at hiah noon Wednesday.

    Only immediate members of thefamily were present. Their many

    friends extend them best wishes forevfry happiness in their new life.

    Miss Ahna Howell came homefrom the BelJingham normal Tues-day to attend the wedding of hersister Mary.

    "My little son had a very severecold. I was recommended to tryChamberlain's Cough Remedy, andbefore a small bottle was finishedhe was as well as ever," writes Mrs.H. Silks, 29 Dowling Street. Syd-ney. Australia. This remedy is forsale dv Fr day Harbor Drug Co.

    John Lapore and Hardy Clarkwere county seat visitors Monday.

    Mrs. L. Graignic is visiting Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Chevalier of Spiedenisland for a week.

    Miss Mamie Rahorst lett Satur-day to resume her studies at thenormal in Bellingham, after aweek's visit with home folks.

    John Lapore is confined to hisbed with Pleurisy of the lungs.

    Quite a crowd from Waldron at-tended the dance at Mitchell bayand all reported a good time.

    Frank Graignic is getting readyto go fishing for the summer.

    Z. Doty was visiting his daughterMrs. Jack Allen, last week.

    All are slowly recovering fromLagripne.

    Bruce Haynes is going to leaveWednesday to work on tne fish trapsat S lmon banks.

    Mr. Byers is busy putting in hiscrops.

    Mrs. TannahilPs granddaughterof Bellingham was visting her for aweeK.

    There will be a dance at the hallSaturday night, April 12, everyonecome and have a good time.

    Mr. and Mrs. E. Rahorat gave abirthday party last week in honorof their son Willies 23 birthday.Those present were: Misses Joseph-ine Tucker, Gertrude Woods, AnneGilshenan, Elizabeth Graaignic, Ag-nes apd Alma Fernett, Mamie, Phe-be and Emma Rahorst, Mrs. B.Haynes, Mrs. Baatz, Messrs. andMesdames Gillespie. Doucett, J.Severson, Frank Gray: Dewey Gil-shenan, Hardy Clark. John Lapore,Frank Graignic, Fred Norby, Her-man Oleson, Ernest Baatz and Wil-lie Rahorst. The evening was spentin playing cards, games and music.At midnight a dainty lunch wasserved.

    Miss Elizabeth Graignic. MissAnna Gilshenan Mr. and Mrs. FrankGray, Frank Graignic, Hardy Glaikand Oewey Gilshenan spent Sundayat the Chevalier home on Speidenisland.

    You will look a good while beforeyou find a better medicine forcoughs and colds than Chamber-lain's Cough Remedy. It not onlygives relief —it cures. Try it whenyou have a cough or colds, and youare certain to be pleased with theprompt cure which it will effect.For sale by Friday Harbor DrugCo.

    All the news, all the time. Lookfor it in the Islander.

    Prize - WinningRhode Island RedsBOTH COMBS

    Stock, Eggs and Day-old Chicks atreasonable prices. Write for matinglist. A. R. GRAVES, Orcas, Wash.

    ANACOgm LUMBER & BOX CO.Is prepared to offer its customers in

    San Juan County prompt deliveries of

    AH Grades ~~




    Everything that goes into a house at prices that will make it toyour advantage ito buy here.

    Our Extensive Facilities, Large Stock; Modern Machineryand Best Mainland Timber, Enable Us To Give You



    ANACORTES LUMBER & BOX CO.Anacortes, - - - - Washington.

    Pacific Stump PulferBuilt for Xortliwest Stumps

    A simple, powerful and inexpensive ma-chine, which can be operated by one manand one horse.

    Write for iree BULLETIN No. 14. It tellshow to clear stump land at a lower cost peracre than has ever been possible heretofore.

    PACIFIC MANUFACTURING CO.Ilia "Western Aye., Seattle, Wash.

    SEEDSThe Best Seeds of the Best Kindsfor your use. Postpaid, by Mail, orParcel Post, to your home. Sendaddress today, for our 1913 Catalogand price list, FREE.

    A. G. TILLINGHASTThe Pioneer Seedsman

    Puget Sound Seed GardensLaConner, Skagit Co. Washington


    BELLINGHAM IPractice limited to Surgery and DiseaHofthe Rectum and Bowel. \u25a0


    DR. CO. REEDPhysician and Surgeon

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