of ohio

Of Ohio Speaking on behalf of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs

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Of Ohio. Speaking on behalf of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. For more information contact: 6555 Busch Blvd. Suite 112, Columbus, OH 43229 (419-946-9431) Email: [email protected] www.familyvoicesohio.org. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Of OhioSpeaking on behalf of Children and

Youth with Special Health Care Needs

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For more information contact:

6555 Busch Blvd. Suite 112, Columbus, OH 43229


Email: [email protected]


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A national grassroots advocacy network of families and friends founded in 1992

Advocating on behalf of CYSHCN for: Family-centered, community-based,

comprehensive, coordinated, culturally competent care

Families as decision makers Essential partnerships between families and



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1935 – MCHB authorized as Title V of Social Security Act

1981 – History of family advocacy through the 1980’s Katie Beckett Waiver in 1981; MCHB promotes F/P


1992 – National Family Voices foundedVision of MCHB (Title V) and health care reform drives

formation of national family organization to connect family leaders

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1993 – Family Voices of Ohio Kathleen Bachmann, Family Consultant for BCMH

1996 – Family Voices receives funding for initial 8 F2FHIC

Funding for family groups at the state level to prepare families to become effective partners and leaders in programs and policies;

Gradual expansion of F2FHIC to all states by various funding streams

2009 – FV of Ohio received federal grant for a F2FHIC

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OUR Purpose

To provide information and support regarding health care issues to Ohio families

To raise awareness of the health care industry regarding the health care requirements of children

To assist families in navigating the health service system

To raise awareness in the community of the unique needs of children

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A Trusted Resource on Health Care

Through our national network we provide families tools to:

Make informed decisions

Advocate for improved public and private policies

Build partnerships among professionals and families

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Children/youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN)

Have or are at risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition. They usually require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally. (1994/1995)

Broad range of chronic conditions such as cerebral palsy, developmental delay, ADHD, depression, autism, asthma

CYSHCN account for 40% or more of medical expenditures for children overall.

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Creates and/or shares opportunities for parents and professionals to work together to ensure CYSHCN are active participants in their communities

This is accomplished through our statewide Family to Family Health Information Network


of Ohio

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Family to Family Health Information Network

“Helping families navigate the health care system”

This project is funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services – Health Resources and Services Administration – Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Division of Child,

Adolescent and Family Health (H84MC12903).

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Health InformationSpecialists assist Financing needed servicesfamilies in: Accessing a medical home

Accessing community services

Partner/decision making with professionals


Transitioning to adult services

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The top 10 areas of 1-1 assistance and trainings:

1. Family Support2. Communicating with child’s providers3. Education/schools/IEP4. Screening for Early Intervention & IEP 5. Public Health Care Funding (Medicaid, BCMH, etc..)

6. Recreation7. Transition: Finding adult health care providers8. Disability awareness9. Providing information to increase skills/knowledge

10. Community services (Housing, etc…)

of Ohio

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Impact on the Family

CSHCN whose conditions cause financial problems for the family

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Impact on the Family

CSHCN whose conditions may cause family to cut back or stop working

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The success of Family Voices of Ohio is based on the fact that staff and board members are all parents of

children and adults who have special health care needs

Contact Us:Northwest Ohio: Cindy Bregel – 419-423-4536

[email protected]

Northeast Ohio: Jennifer Wolford Greathouse – 330-762-9755 ext. 226 [email protected]

Southwest Ohio: Kamesha Anderson – 513-693-0208 [email protected]

Central Ohio: Kelly Morris – 937-738-7171 [email protected]

Southeastern Ohio: Jessica Hawk – 740-851-0901 [email protected]

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For more information contact:

6555 Busch Blvd. Suite 112, Columbus, OH 43229


Email: [email protected]


Carol Keltner - Project Director


Patty Dovell – Project Coordinator
