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E.rlrad frum •. 1)Il/I,.:; oj j,'".·l/l Superintendent," <IS ,1"lille,1 by

I Ill' n'''/I'd 'f 8,."",,1 TJ'lI"/,·,·s jur 1.'(.-,:--::

.. To mlkc an Annual Report, awl submit the same to the

TIoard, at such time as the n":lnl Ill:ly nppoint, in each ),":lr,

recording the position of the Schools, III regard to statistics,

cost, system of teaching, examinations, awl such other matters as

may be usefully discussed and recorded."


WARD OF SAINT LA VlRENCE. ! ,\W'lJll:.\LJJ ~IILI.Ii:,\X. E,(!.


. fIIJl\' (iI:I·;E:\U:ES 1':'1 1.\, .fA!:I)!\'E, I: 'I,

Y/ ARD OF SAINT ANDREW. \\,ILLLUI ,\I:\I,;T1:II:-;I:. E"I 11~()BE1:'!' ,\!:\IS1'I:II';I:, 1':"1'

WARD OF S/'..IN'; GEORG!:;. Ro\, . .II Ill'; :lk:lII'I:l:li'lI, : .J. ,\II,\:lr~:, I';".'. :11.11.


I. On Finance, Assessment, and Salarie~,. ~I,'"l'; "I·::'JNI:\I:. DI';ATIP, ,v. .\ 1::11:-;'1'1:11:';1:, .\111.1.11 ;,\ \'.

II. On School M:1~lagement :lI",s)'" r;,\ .'\'1'1-:1:, IiI: 1·:I·:\'J.Io:I·>~. 1'11,\'1':'\\'1 li:Tl!, nIWII!ZF;,

:-; I' I': \' I':: III. On Sites and Buildings.

i'1"_,,)',,, .J:\HPJ\,J·:. W!:IfHIT.I:, .\1:\1:''1'1: 1 1\'1:, .\II,\~I:-;, :{,B.-Thc ('hairrll'lfl of the Boarl1 i-; (,Y~'ffifio ft Ul".uhl'l' qf nIl :-;i:lndill'! Committ('Ps.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD FOR 1865, U. A. 1:.\J~eEI:, E,,",(~,, /,',1'(1101'//. H8\'. L\ "IES PUTITEH, j,u,.,ti SII]i,ri,II'II,!' III,


E,lract from Ihe "Duties of Local Supel'intendent ". 1I1"IllJ"·r.< ::LIllI 01ficel's of the 1;mm.l. .............. . ('lllltE'IlI;.;. _ ..•• , .•.•.. ".

Introdllt"io\'y U('marl\:-; . . . . . .. . . I. ~11l1l11l:11'Y of :--;(·]\Ou]..;, ;--';('IIO)ul 1):1,' ,..:., Tea"helS, :\uml>l'l' and Attendan('e

If. III. IV, \'.


and ('(1St of PUI,it" S\lhjl·(·t . ..; of 11l . ..;trllctiIJtl

SI'hl)()l Buoks ill lIS!] ...

St'il!f' d LilJl'ari('s .. LI·(·tllles ..•.......

Examinations. . . . . . 1. Th~ ('I'lIll,ined Examination, HepIJrt of Examiners, &c, 2. U:sual ~IIIllIlH:,r Examination ..... ::. IT :O-lIa! \\' llltc'!" Examination

\'IJ. Spt'('ial ~Iatll'L"; worthy of J~l'{'()nl ., . ' .... __ 1. 1'1It'('IJ:l:"C' of Lqh on Elizabeth and S;I \ 1'1' Stl'€'('t:; 'J UII!' Attf~lLrlal)t'(' at Sal,llath :-::I'liod Pi'), :\ic .":tlwtiIJIIE'd

:-L UI.'jH)rtof \'j:-)i!ation of ('IJllllllillc'l' Oil :--;('hllo! )LL!la,~('IIl('!lt ,I. Itl'j)()rt or ~\lr. Brookl", ... SC'[PI't C'l)lllmittee .. . ............... . ;1. 1..,11(';t\ ~lqH'rilltl'!ldf'ljt'.", :-\jJl'j'ial Ht'I)I)rt Ii. Local ~11J11'rillt('!ldl'lIt\; l~I'p'lrt Oil sl'illJ{d Lihraril_'s 7. H"!lIlrt Oli ('rllwr\I'd :--:'1;[11' of Junior Pi\i..,il)l1s .... K ,\dol,tifllt fit' (';utll'bell .... ; :--:'('11111>1 (;I·II~T;l)dly and ,Atla" :1. Vr. \\'i(')\~I!lI'.'" ('llllIIl.lllllieutioIl. f('~jl('ctill.~ the ~UL'(TSS of ('{'r~aill

;-';('h,dar~, originally from City ~c1J()qls (~oneludin6 Itl'lllark", ..... .

ArPExlllx 1. Table ~\. H"'-:l)f'f'tiu:.!' Tp:t('hers . .. ,..... .. ..

B. \"mnhcr of Pupil." 0\1 the :-I1'YI'lal ;-';1'hl)ol l~,' . ..!i, ... tf'I." (' .. \llalysis of Atklldallt'f' at the ~f'yel'nl ~I'h!)(jls .... D. Aver"ave He,!.!'i-..h"rcd ~I(llIlhl)' .:\tt!'lIil:tlll'I'

E. AVl'r:l..'~t' ill()1I1ldy .:\tt€lldalll'ein the rC'''';jwl'tiu! Divi~il)lIs F. Xumhc'r Id'I)lljlli.... illstl'llckd in various suJ,jt'els ...... . (;. ;-';('ho()] Lil',ali,',,-Yolumes contained and \"'ulumes i."'~Ul}d II. Comparatire Statt'llH'llt of City Sch(J(d:-), under spel'itic headings

ApPEKI>lX II . .. \. Exa.millation PaJ!I'r~ at ComlJineu Examination .. B. Li:-.t of Pupils , ... 110 l'I~l'('in~u ~cholarships, l'rizl:~. and Certifi.

l':ltt}"" as results of the ClIllll.iued Examination .. C. Sllltlluary (.1' (\'rtifieutes of Honour, distributed after the Summer

EX:\lIli'!latillll ............. . ........... . D. ~lI111mar)' of Certincates of Honour, dislrilJUI' d after the Winter

Examinatioll ....................................... . E. Standard for the Attainments of Pupils in the several Divisions. F. List ~f. Books prescribed for the use of Pupils in the several

DIvIsIons. . . . . .. . . .. . ............................... . ApPENDIX III.

Sect'l'tan"", Al):-.trad Statement of Cost of Schoub .. , .......... . ApPENVlY 1\', .

~(·lT .. tar)''o Statement of Value of School Buildings .... ApT'EX!>]X \~.

Scnclar),', Annual Financial Statement. '" '"

:I 4, ,;

II 17 17 1~ I.~

19 19 40 41 4~

n t~

42 52

90 ~1

!q % % ~Ii

:17 IOJ 106 106









or THE




GE"TLE~IE:-<,-I h~1Ve the honour to submit to you the followin~ Report on the Public :-,chouls of this city, for the year 18GG.

In all probability, our School population, like our general poplllation, has not much illl?l'ea~ed dnring thc yeal'. Our af'grpgatp ~('li()"l attendance klS ,:lightly p:'\('(>('tl("j that of 1804, and our aver;Jg:c registered Illonthly attendance has somewhat increa3ec1 : but onr aH'J';::~(' daily attendance, especially during the last four months of the year, 11;JS been diminished by an uun"nal prevalence, first of summer complaint, alHl afterwards of measles, more particularly among the younger pupils. The extreme prccaution which is taken ill Oll\' schools against til<' spread of any infectious sickness, often operates to our disaclvautage in the matter of attendance, as no member of a family ill which such sickness is known to exist is allowed to come to school,


while lIlallY parents are perhaps Ileedlessly unwilliug to senll their healthy children, lest they should suffer from intercoUl'sl' with fJthel's.

It is perhaps lH'Ge::;sary tim!, no-: in fonner reports, I should again reltlark on the uufail'lleC'o-: of those persons who, in dealing with OUI' sdlOol statistics, lay undue stress on the I'ompal'i::;on of our aggregate regic:tcn'd number of pupils with the nUllllJ('r in lbily average attellllanee. The aggregate nultlber includcs [01' tbe year 1865, 300 pupils, whose nallles han~ Leen e11tere(l 011 more than one ,.; .. huul in the conrse of tbe year. It also inclndes many whl) ldt the city after but a few days atteililant'e at c:C'11()()1, :;r\'('ral who have (lied, and others who entered when the yeaI' was nearly ended. The average registered monthly attendance and the average daily attelHlau('e Illay be properly and usefully compared; and if, [01' the year 1865, that comparison is not so favourable as for the year 1864, the probable (':luse of the disadvantage may be fonnd in the wide spread sickness referred to above.

In the month of February, the Standing Committee on Sites and Buildings, under authority of the Board, completed the purchase of the four lots on Elizabeth and Sayer Streets, on which it was proposed to erect a school building, which, it was hoped, would effectually relieve the pressure tbat is still felt in the Louisa Street School. The impossibility of providing desk accommodation for the children in the Centre Street School, the more forward pupils from which must therefore be either allo"\\ed to wander on the streets, or transferred to other schools, the nearest of which, that at Louisa Street, is already overcrowded, renders the


pro\' ic;iull ur lurtliel' C;dll" Ii al,\,oilllll:" latiull ill llil' lIurtL-\\,e:,;l portiou of Saiut Johu':; Wanl a Ill:~ttl'l' uf' no small illlPOI'­tUIICl',

The High ;-;1'''"111 qIH'sli(J1I klS ]H'l'1I a,"';:lill :1[1<! I':ll'll<'stl" di::il'U:i,"I'll i u the CIlIII>l' 01 the Yl':ll', ~;,. 1':11' lie the i" I" 1'1,";(" of lH'Ys are l'''ll1'1'i'lll'Ll, it SI'I'IllS [I) have LecH :-'l'[ at rcst llY the I'e<:eutly cHadcd Gralllma[' ~t:llllill 1.:: II', which, as explaincli by the Chief Sl1perilltellilent of EIlllcatiou iu his circulal' a(lllt'C''';'';I~II tl) ~Lt,\'oi',"; of \ ~it ies, proyitil's that the Grammar ~dlUlll shall becol1l(', \\Il;lt it UU!~hll" lJl', it" High SdllJol for thl' ('ity-au intel'lllclliate sehoul between tLe CumllJoll ~I_'llililb allil the Fllil'l'l'cil:, ,- -Pi'l'l'lll'ill;':; pupils to matriculate inlo II\(' l'ui\'l'l'city I.'ilill.'r in Arts IIi' Law, Ill' in

tile departmelltof Civil EngillL'el'illg', ]lrovillillccfur illlcntiillg SlllTl'YUI'S their I'n'lilllillary ellnea!il>ll, :tnll illlparting the higher bralldJ('s uf':tn English allli (~ulllUtel'('ial Elilll':ltion to tlwsc Ylluths \,;ho..;(' l':iI'('ll(:; do w.t wish thl'1I1 to SIlllly li l'l'l'k Ill' Latin," X 0 Public High SdlOOI I"lth'a I iUli li)1'

girls yet exists in this cil~', the al'iion (ah'lI by tLI' Board of School Tlu:-:kcs in that direcli<>ll, as rccllJ'Lll'll in my Report for l8G±, having heen di:-:lq'l'J"'\'I'd hy the City (JounL:il, and not enforced 11y the HuarLl,

A caJ'l'flliYisitatioll of the seycral City Scll""ls was ll1~Hle 1)\' the Committee on School lllall~l,c;'ellleIlt, ,yhieh l)I',!'!"~lll on 'l;llesday, April 4th, and cmleli Otl .Jfnllda.\', April lOth, the results of Wllidl \\'ere on ~ia,Y :~rd sllumitted by the COlllmittee to the Board ill a tbll'l'-!olLl report, the first part of which was entitlell "general"; the second," detailed";

and the third, " special".


On July 19th, the Committee of the Whole reported as follows: :. That the Standing Committee on Scbool Manage­ment are entitled to tbe best thanks of this Board for their report, No.5, and for the careful visitation recently made by tbe Committee to the several city schools; and that said report be laid on the table: " 'rhich was carried.

A copy of the" general" report of the committee will be found in this report, under the heading "Special mattei's worthy of record."

On June 28tb, }Ir. Brooke, a member of the Board, gave notice that he would move for the appointment of a select Committee of five members to report to the Board:

1. Whether the attendance at tbe Common Scbools of this city has kept pace witb tbe population since their establishment in 1844?

2. Whether the character of the attendance has or has not deteriorated?

3, What is the cost per child to the city uncleI' the present arrangement, (the same to be stated according to the res­pective existing divisions of Primary, Interlllediate and Senior)?

4. Whether, in view of the present depressed state of the finances of tbe city, some change cannot be made in the administration 01 the scbools, by which considerable saving may be effected consistent with efficiency?


On July 19th, ~r r. Brooke, seconded by ~lr. Milligan, moved thatDr. Adams, ~,Ir. Baxter. ~rr.William Armstrong, Hon. Mr. =\[c~r ul'l"ich. ~1I}(1 tlw mowr. be the said Committee.

On November Litb, the neport (I[ tbe Committee was submitted, read amI received, and considered in Committee of the Wbole. Tbe Committee of the Wbole rose and re­ported the following resolution: --" That the thanks of the Board be givcn to tbe Select Committee for the important report now presented: that this committee rise, report progress, and ask Ican~ to sit ~lgain ; and that the Local Superintendent be requested to cOlllmunicate officially to the Board his views on the several matters contained in the said report:" which ,va.s adopted on division.

On December Bth, the Local ~uperintendent submitted and read his report, as re(lnired, and the same having been referred to the Comlllittee of the 'Whole, on its sitting again, by adjournment from the last meeting, the acti'Jn of the

Committee uf the '''hole, fmally appl'Oved hy tbe Board, without a di ri;-;ioll. was embodied in the following resolution:

1. " That, in vicw of all the evidence now before this Board, it is not, in the opinion of tbe Board, necessary or expedient to adopt the changes ;-;lIggested in the Report of the Select Committee."

2 .. 1 That, in the opinion of tbis Board, it is of very great importance that means be early adopted for the education of the many untaught cbildren who al'e now wandering about the streets of our city; and tbat it be an instruction


to the Oommittee on SehooDhuagement to ascertain what means are practicable, in ol'ller to accomplish that object."

A copy of the Ueport of the Special Oommittee, also a copy of the Report of the Local SllperintcULlent on the mattei'S therein eoutainec1, will be found under the heading, " Special matters worthy of reconl "

The military llrill of the senior pupil:" of the several schou!:;;, for one holll' in e~l<'h week, was resumed during: the first week i:l ;\by, and continued until the end of i\()Y('lllber. Jl~ eired,"" as heretofore, lwye l)eell uniformly benelll'ial.

The Rev.:\k DOlllly IllS fI,ry:lin ycry kindly furnished l'e li.cdllll,~ i II.~[ ruction, lluriug one hont· on eYl~ry Friday afternoon, to tlJO:"c pllpil~ Ilf the Park ~chool whose parents fin' membC']'s of the ('!1I1reh of E!I:flaml: amI a silililar ,!:!'(HI!I

,,'or].;: has 1)(,('11 pel'fol'mCll 11.'-' the 1:(,1', :\rl'. BalLlwin, at the Vidoria ~tl'eet School, on e\'Cry '\'edilC':-:rby aftCl'lI(llIll.

To .J(',,~,' K('(<"III1111 , E:,,{. thc'l~dlools fire again il1l1ebted for ~f;;) (,1I1,ir'~ of the K<'\\' Te,~[ament, (in valtj(~ !3~3.85,)

which are used in ~"'hn,d l.y thme of the "c'niol' pupils who 1'("t'iH' thelll, whill' they remain uncler our eare : flnd al'e taken with them, as tokens of' 1lil'. Kekhulll's kiu(lIlCS:-;, when they lea \'e school.

The :-;tate of the seyer::tl :";(·hool Libraries has long oc­ea~ioneL1 me no liltle allxiet.L On .Tllllet7th, I suhmitted to the Board ;t special l'CJII)J·t concerning them, a copy of which i:-; inserted in this report, uuder til .. headiug " ~peci~ 1 matters worthy nf record."



The following summary ,,110\rS the number of Schools, of days during \rLi<:L the S,·ltoob were 0jlen, of' 'readier::;,

and of Pupils ill attl'll:law:c ; tllgctlil'r with the entire cust of the schools for the Far, allil the crJst per pupil.

The number oj" School" was nine, (0,) namely, the Pal::tce­street, lJ l'l .rg<:-:,trcl'l, Park, Yiduria-street, Louisa-street, Ceutre-stred . .fohn-street, Phmbe-street, amI (}ivillS'­street 8..110,,1 ; each of which has a ';C'l'arate ~ral(~ :111(1 Female Dcpartmen t.

~. N"CilIllEI"t OF S('IIUOL D.\ y~.

During the six months, curling .J une ::;Otll During the :-;ix months, CUlling I jc,'C'nd,er

3bt, ill whidl the SlImlllcr holillays \\'L'l'I' il1dlld,'(1


~. ~ DlTm[t OF '1'1-:.\( 'lIEr:S.

] :21



There have ])('C'1l employe(l h.Y the noan] during the year:

Head }fa:-;(('rs Male Assi~l;lllt He~ll] Mistrr;:;,,('s

8 1


Senior Female Assistants -Junior Female Assistants -


1:2 11


X.E.-Tell Felllale Teachers hay\.' alo'o bC('n oc:casionally employed. on ac:count of the sickness of allY of the regular Teachcrs.

For particulars, see Appendix I. (Table A.)


The ngC're,~ate number of pupils entered on the Registers of the several Schoob, during the year, was,

MaIl'S 2098 Females


Increase, as compared with 1864,-176.

X.B.-For particulars, see Appendix I. (Table B.)

Of these there attended as j,)1I0Y,,;, viz. :

Le~s than 20 clays, From :20 to 50

" GO to 100 " " 100 to 150 .,

" 150 to '200 " .' 200 to 225 "


N .B.-For analysis, see Appendix I. (Table C.)



784 10fJ8 l±53 1051

864 476



The followillC!: is the' l111lllh'I' of pllpils who were trans­ferrell to an." :)\,lll)\,l 11'0111 :!!1,\' "III"1' of the Cit," Schools. during the ,Hal' 186;), awl Wltl)';!' nanlcs appeal' 011 thp. l'l'giskr 01' IIIO!'\, than 0l1l~ ~dlOol

'fALl':":' lc E)I.\LEj TOTAL.

Palace Street 3 S 11

(; eoq_~'t' 'J') (j :28

The Park :21 11 3:2

\' ictoria ~tr('C't ., ;)

_oj 4 ::'7 LO\li~a 40 38 78 Ceutre 1:2 1;") '.!.7

John '.!.(j 8 34

Phcelw ID 9 'lQ _..J

Givins' .)0 _u 1:'. 35

'j'"tal,.:, 1~9 111 300

TIl(' a\'el'a;2'(~ registered lJWillLly attendance was,




Increase, as compared with 1864,-I:2U'"L



N ,B.-For particulars, see Appendix 1. (Table D,)

:\Tall's, FClllalcs,



13H-rO, 1l~5l,-

X.H.-For particubrc;, :'C'L' Appendix 1. (Tables D. aud E.)

:\[alcs, Female,;,

:\Tal(':" FI'lllaks,



fIlCI'I':\';l" as 1'(Hilparcd with 1804,-59.

The aHT:I~'e half-clay ah~C'llC'L'~ were,

M:i1l's, Fl'lIIalcC',


hWI'I'~SC', as compal'c1l with 1864,-8.


1 O:2;j ,7,""



81lj "lJ

77 ·~-:U


The a\'('I';Ig'e late attel1llaJl<'es wC'n'.

Males, Females,


IncrcasC', as cnmp:l\'ed with 1,%1,-15.

1 G()jn



Tltr slllalk:-:t atten(lan,'c. Oil allY OIl(' day, in the sevcr::ll SellOlI]:', llurillg the year lSlj.'), wao;,


P;t1acl'-O"'[rcC'l, .Tuly 12th, :';Ij 31) ;jG (je()l'~'e 1 oJ·)

-~ 11;-, .,q-


The Park," GS S4 15:.l Yictoria-street, 10:i 1:.l4 ~~7 Louisa IH I" .,

.).) '].7i Centre 30 '].;') G;j

John-street, Jan. 4th. S" .J ;ji HO Phmhe " .J uly 1 ~th. .')0 I :il .).)0

_ ....... J

G iyillS' .Jan. 5th, - ., 31 :-;~ ;).) '- j

i18 7:-~() 11G4 Slllallest attC'!lIlancc in 1%4, iiI) i;-,D 1;,)~()

In sC'ven of the Sehn .. l,.: the ~lIlalle~t atten(lanee was on the l:2th of .July ; in 0118, on .Jannary 4th, the day on which the 8"1I01ib were re-npellerl, after the 'Yintel' holi­days; awl in one, on January rdh.

The largest atiellllallcc at the :-:C'\'('ral 8dwl)I:s in the ycal' 1805, \ras.

l\L\ T.ES. FI::\J.\LE~. TOTAL.

Palace-strect, April l~th, 11G 0') . ~ '].1)7

C curp:e " May ] st. :2:20 ),'-:! 4 ]:~

The Park, March ~!)th, Victoria-street, ":ILly l:jth. Louisa J\1ay 1:)(h. Centre John Phrebe Givins'



:\1ay SI'Ll, April :jrd, .June 12th, SPpt. 13th.

Largest attendallce ill I.') 64,

183 319 270 87

143 197

9 ., .J



136 319 193 411 269 548 1 ():j 19~

11:1 :!..5:j 21:j 413

79 172

13.')5 2920

13G7 2831

The largest attendance at the senral ~chu(ll" ranged froll1 ~Iareh 29th to September 13th, and uccurred in one instance ill jIarch ; in two illstallces in April; in four in .May ill one in June, and in one in Septembel'.


Regarding the tu(,d cust of the SdlUUb for the ye~lI'

as S2G,-!48.80, then the cust per pupil, calculated as per a,:.;gregatc number of pupils registere(l,

was, As }Jer average registered monthly attendance,

was As per average daily attendance, was

811 11 75

Should we, however, deduct from the gross estimate, the annual interest on ~ite;;:, buildings, and furniture, namely, $5,356.80, then the difference, 8:21,002.00, will represent the net cost of the Schools for the year 1865, which will be only $9.:37 per pupil, in average daily attendance.

N.B.-See also Appendix I. (Table II.)



Sub.iects of illstl"Uction, and number of Pupils engaged at some time during the year in the study of each:

In Reading, naUlely.

Fil',;t National Reader ;-:('("on<1

Third Fourth Fifth

In Arithmetic, English Grammar, General Geography, Canadian Geography, History,


-W riting. (not including writing on slates,)

Book-keeping, Mensuration, Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy. Vocal Music, Linear Drawing, Needlework, (Girls)

For particulars, see Appendix I. (Table F.)


1688 1566 1253

760 505


4547 2379 .')330 1678 2240 3202

-') ;J_

86 170 179

72 ] 789 136


The books used have been the National Readers;


bulliyuu's :-'pelIiug BUI)!,: Super,clede'] ; balli!:",t"[",,, ElelllCII­tal'y )u'itilllll'tie ; L~llllic'", Ellglish UnUl1l1lar ; ;-;lllli\'an's IntrUllnction to G eugrnphy ; Cam jJ1Jell's .:::'dIOOI G cOg'raphy aUlI Atlas; E,l\\al'f!",' :-'llllllllal'Y of E1I.~lish IIi':(lJrj' ; The National 13()ok-keepill,~'; The K:ltiOltal :'iemmratioll; COlell~1J 's "\IgdJl'a; ami ya riull::) editiolls uf Eudill'S Elclllents,

All tlte 8,.111",[S are alllply l'I'''\'i''l'l1 \Iith Bb,.].;:l".ard~

aud jlaps,


Tlw llllTnlwr of volumes in thc 81'I!IIoI Librarics, at this date, is-

Male DcpartIl1cnts Fel1lal(~ Departml'uts


1345 6G8

~111 ;j

The 1l111ll1Jcr of Ylllumes taken out during tile yl':ll', was,

Male Dcpartmcnts Female Dcpartments


FOI' particlllars, see Appemlix I. (Table U,)


3177 1193

·li]7 (J

The Annual Lecture, required hy ]a \Y, VI'a:; ,lelivered by the Local SuperintcUllent, in each of the !'Oix large Sehool­houscs and in the Palaec-strect School-house, during the laUer part of October and the earlier part of November.


The snbjeet was "Our City ~cb'l()l.~; with remarks on certain recently published mi:-;·:-tatclllC'llts c0llcel'l1infr


them." The attendanee was I)ettel' than usual an(1 the LectUl'e was favourably l·ccein(l. '

The three usual Examinations \1'I'n' held in the "'lIll""'O of thc year, namely, thc CUlllhincd EX;tlllilJatil!ll "f pupib scleetetl from cal'll J)i\'i~.ioll of Cell'h I )"partillent of the scn'red Schoob, awl the ~ullllllera!lll Willter ExallJinations of all the Schools.


This Examination took place, by "[,,leI' of the' giltI'd (on the recol11mclHlation of the Committee on Sl'lll)ol jfallag-e­ment,) at thc Victoria-sll'cet ~"]\Ool-h()u~e, Oll :\Iowhy, the 17th of July. The examiners were tI!I' Ul'\'. 'VIII. Ul't',~'~',

M.A., and the Rev. A. 'Viekson, LL.D., IIe~\(1 ':\faster of the Toronto Grammar SellOnJ. J\ s on Ii Irlller :-;illlilar occasions, the pupils examined were tliree ilHlivitlllals from each division of each Jepartlllellt, male amI female, of the several schools, selected by their rc:-'pectivo teachers for their general proficiency combined with uniformly goou conuuct, and approved by the LUl'al Superintellllent. They were classed, for the purpose of examinatioll, aceol'llillg to the Divisions to which they bl·longed in their several schools, as First (or .Junior,) Secoml (or Intermediate,) and Third (or Senior.) There was all exception to this arrangement, in the caRe of the Female Departments of the Park and John-street Schools, each of which consists of


but two Divisions, (Senior and Junior,) the pupils of the Senior Divisions of which were, therefore, examined a::: against each other in Third (or S'~llinr) Divi:"inl1 \mrk.

There was another ('xcpption, in the case of the Palace­street and Givins'·"treet Schools, which abo have only two Divisions eal'h (Senior and .Junior) ill cith .. r Depart­ment, but the pnl'il~ 1)1' the ~~l'nil)l' Diyj..;jl)lI . .., Ill' tlH'::;C Sehools wcre not ollly examiner1 as a;.!'ain:-:t each other, but al:,o as against th,' ~eniol' pup:l:, of the lal'.!.!'PI' Schools,

The Examination II'a:..; 1'~lI·tly oral, amI in part was con­ducted by means of printcd (juestions, "()l'il':': of Ivhich will be found ill ,Append:x II, C\,)

For list of pupils arran;.;e,] in ol',:er of merit, who, on the recommendation of the EXalllilll'I'~, received ~dl()hr·

shi ps, Prizes, or CertiJie::tlt·,;, "ee Appendix II. (B.)

As recommended by the Ctlli1mittee on School :.ran~ge­ment, it was ordered h.i- the 1:,J:u'd, that a Public :'Iee(ing for the distribution of Sl'b(Jlar~hjps, Pl'izl's, and (:(,I'tificates of Honour, recommended by the Examiner!', lJe IlI'ld in the St. Lawrence Hall, on the evellill~ of [·'riday . .Tnly :2Sth, the arrangements for IYhieh should be similar to those of former years, The )b~'()r of the City, was, as usnal, invite(1 to preside aml to distribute the honours to the successful candidates. His \\'ul'::<li i p however, being un­avoidably absent from the City, his plaee \\'~s occupied by the Chairman of the Board of Tl'u~tces, the Hon, John MeMurrich.


The (\,mmon Council of tbe Cit" ha,ilw malle a O'rant . ~ ~

for the ye~\1' in :lid of the County Grammar SdIOOI, the Mayor, on behalf of the Commo!! COllllcil, \\"a:-; pleased to a('('(']1t, as lil'lll'li"ial'ies of the ('it.'" H'\','n of tbp Senior pupils of the City i:'dl()l>l.~, who \yc::.' 1'("~()lllllH'n<le,1 by the Exumilll'l's f"l':-;lWh "p",'ial ,li:-;tinetiull, anll \\"'1'" nominated accordingly by the Jj'lard of 81'1100] Tl'Il~tl'('S.

The f()ll()\\'in:~' is a en!'y or (li" 1'''I1Ol't of the m"I,tin,!r. as furnishell hy the G/I)I;t i)('\\'~pl)l:'l' ':[,"::ltul',L,\', .Tuly :2ath, whi('h incllldl':'; thi' Tt"l)l)rt of the Examilll'l':< at the Comhinl'll Examinati()ll. A copy i":lj IH'll,led,,!' thl.' P."port of Dr. "'i,L""ll, U,'!'I"l' of the GI'UlIlllJal' ~,'lllil)l. on the conduct all,] ]lI'O;_I:1'l''':-; of the b"y" umlet' hi", ('h:H~e \Vho had previonsly heen rl'('il'iellt:-; of City ~\:hJlal'ships.


A Public \Jecting: fIJI' the 1111'pn,;(' <If readin~ tht' Rrport of the Examiners, and for Ihl' ,li~tl'ilJutioll of ~('hob.rships and other Prizl's. to the "L'Hm] pupils entitll'll to receive them, took place last evening' ill the St. LlIVl'ence Hall. Upon the platform \H're the li()ll. ~Ir. ~IdIurrich, Rev. Dr. Ryerson, Rev. Dr. Fuller, Hev. DI'. Willis, Hey. Dr.



Wickson, Rev. :\fr. Porter, Re,. :\fr. Frazer, from England, and Messrs. C. W. Cooper, G. A. Barber, C. R. Brooke, W. and R. Armstrong, J. Greenlees, and A. Jardine.

Hon. 1\1 r. :\TcM URRTCII, "ac; chosen to preside. In taking the position, he remarked that he very much regretted the absence of the :\Ia~'(ll' from the ('ity, whose duty and plea­sure it wouIrI otherwise han ueen to preside upon the occasion. For his own part. he was hapJlY to be able to congratulate thf' citizens of Toronto upon the nohle Com­mon Schools ,yhich they 1)()~~l'''~(·'1. (.\pplause.) They had reason to be proud of them, an,1 t1wnkful for them. Those who were best acquainted with their operation knew how to appreciate the great and noLle work which they were performing for the peoplP. [lml/or the ~'()nth attending them. The common schoob in Toronto numbered nine in all. Three of them wel'e Yl'ry large, handsome buildings, well ventilated, and the comfort and cunni"llce of the pupils in every way pro\ ic1ed for. In the \\' anI of St. John they had been obliged to resort to the use of an additional building to relieye the oyer-crowded state of Louisa-street School, and he believed that if they had another school house in that populous quarter of the city, double the number would be in attendance that there was at present. The number of children attendin~ the common schools of Toronto was in the aggl'egat p , 5,;j;jO. The monthly register of attendance showed 3,l ~l, and the aycragc daily attend­ance was 2.400. That did not ~I'('lll a large number com­pared with the population of the city, but it must be re­membered, he Solid. that a large number of children were attending the Roman Catholic Separate Schools, besides


the numerous private s,'llonl., that "xi,I"11 in almost every pOI,tion of the city, The Intal (,l-t of the ,:,'h'll,],; for the I'a-t year h~l!l 1)\'('11 ,:::2 li,l S'i', 'I'll" 1:ll.:t Ji?l' I,ni,i\' taking the ~l!.!'!.!TI'g:ltc llnm1,:>!" haI11,('('n ';l,~'n ; l.i1,i:l,!.!' the :t,I'!'a!;'e monthly :tt(":IIl:t:IC':', :~S,:-;~, ::11:1 t:I:,ill~ the a\"l'I'~l:.:e daily ntte::lbill I' ~310,01. TlI" an'l':l,:':'I'I:I"l!:L!,\' :tttl'll<lalll'c was the correct hasi" to t::kl'. whi"1i ,:':':lY2 ::'S:~!l as the ,,".:t of (,c1UC:1till~' ea';1 ",,'1[,>1:1,' i'l)j' l\Ye']n' IlllilJth", Dedueting:, 1]111\'1.'\"1'1', [:1(':'1 'i ,rill 11'::ll jill] t<l\Lll'<1,., i he i II 1"I'I,~t allil "illkin!2; fund fo!' the CI):-,t IIi' thr' lJlj'ldill:2:-', :111<1 tIll' ~;:;,I,I(IO !'eceiHd from GUH'mlm'nt, allll tlt~'y had n i, 7:20 If'll a" the total co.:[ of the ,1cal"s ellw':ilil'u to til;: cit,)' En'l',\' l'ffl)rt was ueiug: mal]" hy tIl<' lh:ll'11 01' Ti'II'[I'I'S ro!' !'I'<!IlI'ill:C: the expell~e:.; :'till flll'tlll'!', if tlwt ("llll:] I, " <I"lll' withuut inter­fering with tIll' ('ilic'i"Il ",Y of' the ~,'h,'I)b. Ill' should, for biIllSl'1I', like to ~:' .. ' an illll'I'OH'll]('llt ill lilli,' dircction, and that was in l'"bti,,:] t,) l'du('atill'.!: 1],,' I"lo!' llrglceted oncs who ive:'e ,!:til,.., IIIltlHlnl"lll thl' :-;tI'CI'Ie; ill,;tC;)<1 "f in the Sc1lu<>l-n<>l1L II" \r:l~ IIIIt :-;111'<.: tllat if tltl'y ('11111,] ha\'e the power granti'11 th"1ll oj' "!>I11p,'llillg tlLlt <:Ia:':-i "i' chil,lri'll to attellli :iI'1I I '''1. it \\'(lUl,] :lll:-;Wl'l' til Clll~,I"'(' that power, lWl'an:-il' be thongllt it IjJi,~ltt Lll'in' :Ill ("rlal llllillucr out of the ~ch""b. He tllllll,'.!:ht it wUIII:! he adl'i,.;able to have a combination of the frce and rak-iJill "y:;tl'lll,---a ratc-bill for thn,;c who 1'I'l'/l'ITI':! l':l,yillg it IIlI' the ,ake of ha,ing superior :-;1'11001:-:, allll fl'\'C' "dlll'>!" fO!' the I""H' 1':t!!,'.!I.:d ones, He \va" hilll""It' as llllH.:h a:-: ;)11,1'\",,1,\' "1'1''''c:] to the com­mon ,,1'1111111 :-;ystem bel''' 1'\' it 1'1'1':1111(' thl' hll\' of the land, but as the people ]lrell'lTc,1 it, hl' hal1 mad(' n]l his mind to take hold of it, and tl'," to make' it as u';C'/lll as p":'sible. He did not approve of any agitation for a rate-bill in

opposition to the present frec school system, but thought they might be coml,incll togrthel' to much advantage in Tor'onto, Some YC,II'S a:2;') it W~l" th'lll.!'ht hy leadil1~ eLlucationalmen of Toronto, that it 'il'oulll be a:h-allta~cous to have the gram­mar andcommon ~ch()l)l" more 11";)1'11- related to each other. The gram mal' ,,,,hool, h .. s~li'], was one of the foul' ;2:l'1ll1mar schools fil';.;t c"tabli"llI'.], alld whidl were, for a long period, the only ,)Ill';'; in the Pl'llyince It rccei,-ed its support, at present, from fnnr diffl'l'l'nt sonl'ces--f1'om the Government, from the Cnnnty (")I1Ili'il, from thc City CIIl'l'oration, and from schonl fees. ~With a vir\\' of!.!'iYing the Corporation a greater illtere;.;t in the in;.;(itution, the plan of giving scholarships ill it as premiums to the common school scholars, had becn adopted. At first, foul'tef'n seholarshi p;:; were gmnt­ed, each for one yCUI', but Sul):;p(jllently, inlS60, the number was reduced to Sl'H'n each yea I', and the time covered hy the scholarship l'xtcndecl to two ,Yl'al's. These handsome prizes harl stil'l'ed up both pupils amI tcachers, as was evident from the great 1)I'()g'l'l'~"; makin~ in the school3 from year to year. Thl' Hed, 'I' of the school had given a very complimpntary accoullt of the lllanner in which those pupils behaved themseln-s in that :-;d1001, an.] in some in­stances, where it was thOll,dlt to J'l' desel'ved, the time had been extended un'r the t "-0 years. In conclnding, he asked the Sl'Cl'et~lI'~- of the Board, jlr. Rlrber, to read to the meeting, first the report of the Rector with regard to the conduct of the buys sent Ia~t year. and then the report of the Examiners of the Oity Schools. (A.pplause.)

Mr. Barber, before proceeding with the reports, re­marked, that he had sent ont invitations to 125 prominent

citizens, clergymen, ~Ill,l utll('l'~, slllit:itin;: their attendance upon the plntfOI'1t1, awl 1::,1 to l'l'gn.'t (Illt other ')flicial duties, or ab~elll:e from tUl,rJl, harl [Ire\~:':ll"ll so mallY of them frolll attelll!ill~, H" tlll'1l reall 1~1'\', Dr, 'iYiekson's report in i'l'i'en'lll'I' to tIll' city ])uys l,r' tllc G ralll III a I' ~dJO:'I, ,,~bicb "'/lI'];:l' of tbeir cunduct, illi!ll~tl)', :11111 proC!'i'l'ss in flattering terms, He lll':(t \'l';I,!the l'l'jllll't of the examiners as fullows :--


EXA~II~ ,\. TlO~ OF T01:0.\'"1'O ('()\DIO~


Tbe examiners heg to rr pfll't , that thr,\' ha,r cxamined 13~ pupils ~,'II'I'li'd fl'()m tilt' dill'l'!,I'llt st:liu()b. The result of Ilt:~ examination tlll'.\' llil\\, submit.

Frolll this Ili';i~i'lll iift:,',J'dl1l' pupils 1J\"'~L'Jlte,l tIH'llIsel\'rs for exalllinati'J!L Of thl'se, t\\'\'I\'\' e~lIllL' fl'Ull1 Pabee and Giviwi',~t!'l'et :-il:hl,,>is, ill Wlti<:ll llli','e a;'(' only (wo divisiutls, tau~ht ]1,\' (\\") te;',I'dCl'';, T:l"';,' wliere :'.alllilled against each ()llll'l', 'i'ul' 1'''l:ii:o 1I',):d j"Ii [I','-'(ITI', excelled in arithmetic, '1':,1,';(, fl'lll>1 lhviilS"Sd'l'l't ill I'cauing anu spelling. ~('ithel' (lid well ill ,C:·c'I),~";;i,JI,\'. The "XalJlillL'l'''; recollllllelllled prize::5 aUll t:~l'l1i;L\ll~''; or hUllOlll' to IJ~ given

to the following :--

PmzEs--l. Jalluet HClll:"','ClIl, Gi\'in,.;',~tl'c'd, 2 Skauc Low, 1\1i:l, e Street; .-Ulll 'I\'i'ight, \~ivills'-stred ; "\.rthur

Boyd, G i\'ins'-:-itl'eet.


CERTIFICATES--S. Inez :McLaughlin, Palace-street Emma Lane, Palace-street.

The remaining lorty-two pupils came in equal numbers from George, P,ll'k, Yil'turia, Louisa, Centre, John and Phrebe-strei.'ls, amI were examineel (lr,llly, like the pre­ceding, in readilJg', sprllin,C:', arithmetic, amI geugraphy,

The rearling generally was very fair; that in George, LOl1i~:t aTILI Yietori~l, tlie h",t. The :"pellillg "as very gomi ; that ill ('entre, PhrelJ(' and Geul'!.!'('-:-;tl'(,I't", the be:ot. Arithmetie \\'<\:-; ::'lcarct:iy tiu guud; Yidoria anLl Centre streets, the best GeograpiJ'y bUlmillLlling ; George-street, the best.

In thi~ department the examiners recommended that prizes and certif,,'ates of llUliour he given to the following ;--

Pmzes-l. Henrietta LflTallie, George-stre·t, 2, John To\\'n~on, G('tlrg'e-:;treet ; ~\Iatilcla ~rI'Le~ll1, Gc'nI'Qc-;;;trcet. 3, Emma Fal'l'aglH'r, Geur!.!l~ street; J(lIl'1 \rhitrsicle, Yiduria-~tl'l'l't. .t. Th()IlJa,~ (; reer, l)al'k SellUol: III len Paton, Yictori:(-stl'eet. 5, Henry 1:;ri;,:.;I, Pari, School; John Salter, Centre-street; Cathal'iile Robin~()ll, Phrebe­street.

CETlTTFIC\TEs--li,William Ben8on, Geor,:!'e-street; .James Thomson, Loui"a-:;tl'l'd ; ~\Ln~',ir('t It.:.~", Cl'il:,c-street. 7, Sal'ah :2, Lun', Yid'd'i,-:-;treet ; \Yi;liJIl1 Loudon, Centl'e­street; ,Tohn Cl1clhie, PhwlJe-~tl'cl:t.



Of this division, ;;1) pupil,.; wcre cxamined as competitors in reading, sjlc'lliwl', writill", arithmetil' OTalllmar O'eoO'ra-.... ,-. , l':'I '0 ~

phyanll history,

The reading was ,U:P1H'I':tlly very ,~"" ,,1, Lou i,.;a and PhCBbe­streets, the lJl'~t. :-:jlelling \\'a,~ ~"'Il"rall." ,u:oocl, Gcorge­street and thl' Park, the lJl'~t. The writill,~' was vcry good, tbe Pal'k, Yil'loria, Ll)ui~~t all,l G,.'OI',~,,.-,.;tl'('ds, the best.

In arithllH,ti,', tlH'I'I' \\'l're gl'l'at Yal il'li"::i, the Park and Yil'l()ria, the )",,,t, 'flip ~I'alllllla" \\':1."; IJut middling, Gl'()I'U:,' anLl Yi('wria, thc 1)(,:-;1. (; l'''.:!:1 :ll'hy was vcry good, the Park, Yid"I'i:! alll1 (;l'ul'~','-:-;tl'('d, lit" 1)('::)[. History good, thc Park, \'idoria aml Louisa the best.

The examiners rccommenilell that prizes and certificates of honour be givcn tl) the following :-

PmzEs--l, IIcll\'y Dal'i:-;, Park-strect. ~,'William

MOllro, Yidoria-,otl'l'ct. ;;, FrC',ll'l'id: \\T"",l, Park ;-,:,'II<lO)I,

4, John II, lJay, Ul'''.I',c;,'-:-;tred, ;j, .lo,..;ep11 Dawson, Victoria-street. 0, TlIlJllI:l:; },l. Sillith, UC')J),!'I'·sll'eet. 7, Georgina \\' II I::)!) I' , \'idoria,

CEI1TIli'IC,\TI:S--S, W. p, Elliott, LOlli,<I-stn·ct. 9, Lyman Miller, i; l'UI',~"-~tl'eet, allil .\, F, ~Iidllll'l"Il, Louisa-street. 10. Rowland Cartl"" Loui,,;c(-sln'ct. 11, Bcs~ie Cline, Georgl'-~lret'l, and Jelllima HolJl'I'I:-UII, Yidoria School.

Of the second L1i\'i~i()il, :-;i:~ pupils from the Park and John-street were cOlllpetitors,·


They generally did well ill all the branches except ari thmetic, grammar, definitions and d,'rivations. The Park excelled in writing, spdling and hi::;tol'Y ; John street in reading and geography.

The examiners recommended prizes and certificates to the following :--

PRIZEs.-l, Sarah Hawthorn, the Park School. C) ~,

Elizalwth Ryrie, Park ~l'llo"l.

CERTIFICHE.-3, Georgina ~\I()rris. John-street.

It was arran.~C'cl tklt si" pupils from this division of the Palacc-strcet Sch()()'1 ,;houlll Le ('"amim'll :q:rainst an equal lluml}el' frullI G il'ill,.;'-,.trel'l. The latter pllpils were found to 1)(, flllly e'lllal to 1111' ~I'llior pupils (mill the (llhl'r "cliool". The PalacC'-slred pupils Wl'rl' therefore left to be examined by 'hl'llIselns. Th,'y did \Yl'll in readill~, writing and spellillg, Lut lIot so well in the other lmllwhes.

The examiners recommended prizes to be given to the following :-

PI:rzEs.-l, John Treloar, Palace-street. 2, W. 8. Gill, Palace street.


The subjects of examination in this division were reading, writing, spelling', delini;ions and deri\'ations, arithmetic, gra III mar, gl'ugrai'ily, history, mensUI'atioll, l<lgebra, and geometry. The senior pupils of (3 iyillS'-street School, in


wbich there are only two diYi~i()IF, were sent to be examined as ag-ain~t tho,,, of the PaLl1'I'-~tl'l'('t ~l'bool similarly "iill:!!l'.!, Iillt haYillg', notwithstanding ~1I~'l")'(,ll di~al1vallt~l~'(";, acquitted tlll'llI:;l'ln's not Ie,,; cl'editably than allY other SdlOOI, al'c cla:-~cd will! the I'c:,t.

The reading; in most of the sl'llool, was Hn' fail'--that in Ueorg;e, \-il'tl)l'ia, and LIJ]li,a, the ll(,:';!. J'I'"llil' Spink, of GCOI'g'('-:,tl'cet, 11':1:' the best 1'1'II,Jer. The wl'iting was very ,~'lIlIl--that in Yictol'ia awl 1'1111'1 11', tIl(' Ill':-;!. The best SpeCillll'II'; Wl'I'C those of J~lIll<''; ~Iattl!I'W, U i\'ill~'­strcet ; Janll':3 ;,', JI ll'shall, (Jl,,)J'~'I'-~tl'l'd; amI Jailles TIII,,,I'I''';, Plllch(;-.;tl'cl't. ;"";lwllin!2; \\"~l, l'i'iil;[l'k:l]lly g'IlIlIl­Givill::;'-stl'C'l'l amI the Pal'k, thi' ])(',;t. ,Yilh rl'\\' (':\cl'joi illll';, the :l1l';\\"('I'S in (ldilliriolJ::; alld dl'l'iLlli'JIl:; \\'1'1'1' Ilut VCI')' gil II " , III al'ithlll"tic thel'l' 11'1'1'1' g'I'I':!l Y:ll'il'lil'.;--LlIlIi"a and Geol'ge-, t!'l'd.;, the hI's!. U 1':lllllllClI' :;I'ill' I'a ll:,' IllJt nl'y goocl--(Jeor:,:,,'-:,ll'eet and \-ictlll'ia, thc I)l'''!. (;I''',:':I'<Ij>hy 1"<1" fair-Giyius·-,.;tl'l'('t, Gl'III',~'r, alill LOlli;;a, the l,c,,,t.

History \\"a::; vl'ry lair-LOlli::;.!, GivillS', alll.ltlll' 1'al'k, the best.

In the departments of mensuration, al:.::C'lJra, and !-!'C'Ollle­try, tbe girls wcre not e:\I'l'I,tt-d to f.nSI\'l'r. Some of them however, wrote gl)l)ll papcr.:; 1111 Aj,~I'I)I'll. The J::t;ll'I'S of the boys in mensuration were not glll)ll ~Ially in I~I:,:,'bl'a,

were excrllcnt--Georg-e-stl'cet atlll Ui\'ill,'-strl'l'l, th8 Iwst. James 'Wardlaw, of Gl'IJI':,;c-c;trl'l'l, <1n(l J~lliles F. jjitchell, of the Park, did all the qlle~tiolls. In ~'l'OIIll'lI'.\", also, lllallY dill \Try \\'ell-Givill';-~;~I'l'~,t [,1ll1 tbe Pal'k, the I)('st. Jallles F, :IIitchell, of t~e i)~,I:;:, ai](ll;Tilliam II. Dean, and John (T. Keeler, both 01 Givins'-street, dill all the



It was remarked in last year's report, that on the whole the answerillJ.!.' of the girl", in the departments in which they were examined, ,,,:1,, dl'cidedly superior to that of the boys. This year, the lJn~-" atHl J.!.irl~ haye aIlSWl'l'l'11 about equally well. William H. Dean, of Givins'-street. obtained the greatest number of lll<ll'k,; of all the pupils.

In this Division the Examiners recommend that Scho1ar-' ships, Prizes, and l'l'J'tilicates of honour, be offered to the folluwing :--

Sl'IIOL.U::'PII'S.-(UI).Ys.)--I, 'Yilliam H. Dean, Givins'­street. ~, John G. Keekr, Gi\·ill,,'-stt'ed. 3, David Elde]", Gl'(lr:!I·-~treet. 4, Jawl';; F . .\Iarshall, Gl'()I'g:e­street. G, J<llllCS T. :IIitdll,11. the Park. 6, James ;\Iatthew, Givins'-street. 7, James IYanllaw, Gl'()j'ge-~trl'l't.

CERTIFIC.\TES OF IInXOUR. (Bnys.)-S, Frederick ~Ianly, Victoria-street. 9,.J ohn H. Curran. the Park. 10, William Lovell, Lonisa-street.

KOTI:.--Tll(· Examiners have learned that James)Iatthew would prefer a prize to a scholarship. Should he continue in this purposc, the Examiners rccl)lllmellll that a prize be givcll to him, and that a :-;l:huLtr~llip, illstl'<lll of a prize, be offered to Frederick ~Iauley, whose answering was very crellitaLle.

PRIZEs-I, .\faria Jones, PhO'be-street. ~,.J ennie Spink, Gcnr,~e-str('et. ::l, Christina Kenne:;, Louisa-street. 4, Margaret Matthew,Givills'-street. 5, Ellell HaJ"llPY, Louisa­street. 6, Henrietta W illiarns. "il:lul'i,,-::;tl'C'et. 7, Susanna E. Foster, Louisa-street.


CERTIFIC.I.TE3.-8, }hl'~' Maugham, Victoria-street. 9, Augusta ROlllly, Geor~'e-stl'l'et.

The Examiners havc to ob;;;el've, in conclusion, that there seems to be ::t general illljll"O\'emeut in the aL:;\rl'l'il1~ of the pupil", copl'cially on the pad or tllC 1)0.1':-;' ,~

.As on }ll'cyious ocea,ilJl1s, tll('.\' del'inc! y~iluable assist~1nce from ttlC Rev. J~lllll':; Portcr, the Local ;-;uper­intendent.

WILLLur nTIEGn, .L\L l Examincrs. ATITIIGH \rkK:-)UX, LL.D., j

Toronto, July 19, 1 S(j,J.

Thc report wa,~ received with ~11'JlLt lb,', anti the di,tri­bution of the ,,:II()lar,..;lIill.', prizcs, HllllllUuour card" \ras thcn prucecdetl with, the pupils bl'ing- called upon the platforlll in g'1'OllJl", accl)rLliu,c; to the !'l'\I'anl til hc ;.!'iven. In presenting thelll the chairman adllrcs,ed tu thc rCl'ipiellts appl'()pl'i~l tl' rClllal'b, calculate,l tu urge thcm au t') still grcater attainments andlwllom:,; in their stUlli,'" aud tbl'Ough life. It was a most jJleasin~ :;i,~!tt to a Llisillkl'c:;tclll)clioldcl', and one highly gmtifying to the ra1'l'ub and frienlls of the girls and boys, to see thcm COWl' fon,anI to the platform, one by one, as theil' names ,,'ere l'allefl, in full view of the whole a;;:;enilJly, to !'ec'ci\'e their prizes, and march olr \ritl! them to thl'ir seals amid tile ajllilalI."~ ul tIll' amlic'llce. 'l'he bou\\:-: di~tributell II'cre all t:<lt np in most halldsome style, and many of their recipiellts exhilJited the value they


attached to them ])y takillg them at once to their friends in the audience for examination. On the girls side of the hall, one of the most nlllul)Ie prizes \rac carric(! off hya young lad.,' of African (l"~I'ellt ; allll 011 the utber side, a little buy from the Protestant Orphan',; Home, occupied an honourahle place amollg tbe pl'izl' takrl':-:. The intel'esting ('l'remoll,)' conelUllell, thc chairman iutrodllCl'C!

HEY. DR. WILU":, Principal of Knox's College, who expl'l''':-i(~d himself as Ii;tYill~ been SI) mnch gratifled and interesled wilh tIll' l'rl){'eedillg:-; that Ill' hal! alIlli>,.;t fi)rgottell his Pll"lll)c;l' of remaillill,',!: Oil]." tluee-Cjllarters of an hoUl', in order to \)(' l'l'l'>Pllt lIt allot]".'r Illl",titJ!,!, alll! was there still. It \V 1\ " one of the most j,jl'll::<a!Jt evenings, to him, that he eYer spent in the city. Three 1)1' 10m cla:;:-;es of jll'uple, at h'a:;t, ILid l)el'lI made happy I)," the pmceedillgs of the evellillg. Thl'!'e were, ill the iirst place, the young people, ,,,hl)se' happilll':-;" no one cdllltl dOlll)t. ~l'collllly,

their parents and friends; thinlly their tl'achel':-:, and fourth­ly, all others conneeted with the COlllmon :,chool sy:-:tem of educatioll in an ofiieial manner in the eity, such as the Chairman, the Superintendent of Education, the Local SUpel'illtelll!C'lIt, thl~ ~t:ilUol Trustees, &c. He had himself attended ~lJmC' of the examinations, am! had 1)C'l'tl gratified with the attention paid to orthngrapl,,\'. ~\\'lJen he first came to Oanada, he W~,~ vcry l11ueh ,,[rud;: with the lVant of proper education in ort~lOgmjJhy. It ''1';\:3 a gl'CI:t bless­ing to be able to re'lvl ClJd"" Word, l'.llLl he tl'Usted the children woulll not fail to read that book orten, and seek to turn the inforrnaLion >,lley had aCtluit'l.:'ll tu g"I)Ul! purpose, in endeavouring to lec~ \' 2 t~e '.\'urld better them thC'}' found it. It had been charged that llluny pupils of the common

schools had turned nut badly, but he thought that in every case that would lie found the exception, and not the rule. (Applause)

REV. Dn. nYI':!:.·',):\", \ya~ next ('[ll'e(l upon, and said he was sorry that ~II lllallY who would have taken pleasure in being pre:'ient, ha(l l),'pn prevented from attending. The chairman remarked that 11l'~ill(·~ the COlllmon schools there were numernns priYatl' :-;;'lllllll~, to wilieh he would add, tha t there \Va:,; the (; r~1ll1 ill:: I' ~dlOOI ant] \;11' C 1']1er Canada College, and tl)(, ~,hl,'l ;-:"itor)l, ali or \\:li,'h took part in educatillg the ~'ontlt" III TUIIJlltO, He ('alled attention to the f.tc!, that it was CIi!lllH'll'llt for the people of en'r)' locality to ddt'l'lIlillr.' 1'1)1' th"IlI.~I·ln·s \\hdher they would have the ('Ull11l10n ~I:hllrll :-;y~kll1, ur, a;'ll.'l' <ll]opting it, whether they \1'11111(1 haH' ~l r:lk-lrill ~I'11'rI)1. There was one town in !\Ill:llla that has never adoptell the cOlllmon school system, awl it 1111\'>' ,1('~il','rl tl) a(lopt it, hut through some pl'lJyisi'lll of its Ad of Inl:llrp"l'atioll, it could not do so without a spl'ei:d ad. "\ Illj():;t eH'l'ytltilig in reference to euucation wa~ iu the hanels of the people, no application to the Governlllellt beillC\ ll('('l""~lry. As to prizes, he took pleasure in :-;~1yill!2: that durill!,!: the pa::it two mouths, upwal'us of twenty tll\\'n~llips hall ::il'lll :;lllllS of from 86 to $20 to him fot' pl'izl.'s, to uc di::;tl'il.mtl.'ll at competition examinations of the dlildreu Ii: the whole towIlship, and he was happy to ~el' that the c:IIlH' priIleiple was lJ1'ill!,!: a(lopted in some cOlll1ties Ill' cUII:,!Tatlllatel] the ('it~· of Toronto that they had talopted the plan, and found it work ~o well, of appealing to the ];)H' of apJlrobation of the ehildren-a principle lying dec'jJ withiu the human constitution, and acted upon in all the colleges, in military life, and in all


well regulated families. It was to he remembered, that tht'~(, prizes were ;2iYen f"o:' general progress in all the branchc,.; of ellueation, and not fOI' what ,,,as called mere book reading. En>!'.'" competitor had to be diligent, punctual, and of;:';')'l(l ,\!'''~1C'!'al dl'lraetel'. It was abl) worthy of remal'l;:, that thl',.;e prillciples applied l"IlIall,\" to all da""es of p"/lple, high or low, rich or pOOl'. It "'as the sallle feel­ing that lell the soldier" of Ellglawl to sI'ale the heights of Alma, that ,,·a,.; appealed to in the granting of those prizes. TIlC mOl'e this feeling was appealed to, :l\\"akened and prl)perl," c1ireetell, the more ,,,ould ~ocil'ty ue elevated to what it ought til I,l'. It ha(l helped materially in raising tilt: ::;tallllani of' general education in Canada, under the f'fJml11011 school ".\"~!I'Ill. Canada "'as much in ach'ance of the mothl'r connlry in her school s~·:;lem. .A II that could be done in Ell,dand was through delll)minational channels. He ,,,as thinkillg that if l'nry corporation in EtI~;blld, were to coutriye to afford enc('nrn~"('IIlellt to the educational illtel'l''';(s of EIl,cdalld, such an illljll'oH'ment in educating the IIl'\"";""; eonld "I)Iin he made as had been made in Canada. "'ithin the past few mouths he had sent out not l('s8 than 18.( 1)0 \'olullles, tl) be distributed as prizes throughout the country schools of Canada. He hopel1 that they would all tr~' to adopt the principle of not dejlPndillg on mere book leaming, bnt ellucating the "'hole mind, and leading the pu pils to thillk. In conclll,.;ioll, he would say that they hall on tbe platform a gL'ntleman, tbe Rev. jIr. Fraser, who was deputed by the English Govemment to yj"jt Canada in the interest of improving midllle-l'la,.;s education in England, from whom, if he would be kind enouO'h to O'ratily

'" to • them, he was sure the audieBce would like to hear. (Applause.)


REV . .\In. Fg\SEP. said that at the 1lJ'C!'('nt solicitation of his friend, Rev. Ih. n~'el' (Ill, he h~ld C'otN'nted to make a few remarks. Hl' harl bet'll "ellt to America by a com­mission appointed I,." the (ll]('('ll, til inqnire into and, if possible, improVE' the sy"tl'1Il of ,,('hool,~ for the education of the S()Il~ and tlan!.!ht"I';; of the middle-classes III' Ellg·land. Tho~e "chlilib were at 1'1'I'''''llt ill :l H'I'~' 1l1l,"ati"I~ll'tory '?ondition. Some of them were' c; I'amlll:1I' ~"lll)lIb foun(led two hundreel years a!.!II, ill which \'('1'," littlr illl]ll'O\'ement upon 0111 methl)(l~ k1il takrn 1'1:1('r. ~\lI()thCI' ela."s of schools ,vas supl'0rt eel hy jllill t ;;11l1'k :1~"m'i:t t ions, allil a til i I'll wrre denomillatrd Printl' Y"lltlll'l' "d](I(Ii:;, He had been but a week in (':In:l(b, Illlt had '1'!;lIt th('I' mOlltlls in the Cnited :-:tates, in diffcrC'llt ]1:'1'1,::, ('.'\~llllillill,c~' the workin~ of their scholll ~.";;tC'm~, 1[e fOUIl(l hi" \'i~il lll'll' rather inopportunc', on :ll'C()llllt fir tlli' \':II':lIi'IlI.", ftllil wa;; afmirl he wou],l only Iwye :l mlilith til '111'1111 ill tltp Prllviuce. It wa;; his illli'lltioll III II(' 1II'('~(,lIt :11 tll!' Provillcial Teach­ers' ,\s"(lI'iation. Wlli,.]II·lIllll:I(,Il('I'~ ill thi~ ,'il.\'~ltl)l'tly, awl to visit as many of the s(·h'li'!." thr(lu'..dl tIl(' ('lllllltl',":1S jll)""il']r. He thought the (·.'\I'('II~(' of ('.] 111':1 t in!.!' !lIP Y()lltll III Turonto very light, after klyill.!.!' ('1111](' 11'1I1Il Xl'w York, where it wa" S~I) 1'('1' ~"]wlar. KIlIJ\\,ill,!.!· ~lIllll'tl:ill,!.!' (t!' the ('n~t of other Ill'~cril'liIJlI:-: 0[ ~(·lilll)b. Ill.' (:oul(l ~:l.\' that, tu hilll, the eXIlC'1l3e of the C')lllIlWll "1']11)1)] ",jll<':llil)ll ~t'l'llI,,(l very light. Again, in lI1ea,~1lI'iIl2: the l':\)I('ll~('lIf<lilfl'I'ent,'y~t(,IllS, one must r('III1'llIl)(,l' tlJI' ()]'llllaxilll, tll:!! thcl'e i" a O'Ul't of economy ",hid\ i,~ l'l'nll.\'-wie::' nl1l1 p"II:ld.f'"lli~]I, which looks aftcl' dJ('('~('-pal'il!,~" ~l11l1 l"iI;iI()-jJl'''lilJ'.C''~, anc! takes 110 noticl' of gTl':tl 0('(';111" of '\':I"t(' ill lIthl'I' parte: of the establishluent. And, ill looking at what their SdlOOls cost,


thcy should considcr also what they savell in policemen, gaols, penitentinric:', poor-houses, &c. (Hear, heal',) He believed the efficient masters ot Loui~a-street and Victoria­street schooL.;, ,yhich he ha(l visited yestcrday, wcrc worth nearly a hundred policemen. Another o])jcetion to the l\meri('~1ll amI Call~ldian s~'c;tem, which he had heard before coming here wa~, that it ,rae; a godll'~s e;ye;trm, by,yhich it "'~IS meant tbat the teaching of religion ,,'as excluded from those ~('hools, He lllust :-ay that \](', for one, as a clergyman 01 the Chureh of England, did J'('!!Tet that in the Gllitvll :;;lal('~ aml here, it ,Y:1S not pu,,~il)le to illtl'oduce ~()IllI'lhill;2: more of direct 1'c1i:..::ious ll'achilliY-he did not mean :-;ectariall or l',"f'll doctrinal teHehing, lmt something to ]ll'iug children more uuder :-piritual iufiuences, and to make them realize their relations to God theil' Father, Christ their Hl'ill'emer, and the Holy Spirit their Sanctifier. But the blame for the exclusion of religious teachilliY must not be thrown on the school e;ystelll-it was the Christian cOllimunities whieh could not 8gl'l'e amon,C( themseh'es, that must bear the burden and the blame of that. (Hear, heal',) It had strutk him ~1S a remarkable thi II,!:!', in looking oycr the report of the Local Snl'l'l'intendent for 18G4, that even the pl'uYisions of the law which allowed a \"Cry cOIl!"icleralJII' proportion of religious iu:;truction to lJe gi,en in tl]pir Sd10015, were rarely complied with, And he was t(JIll as a fad, that, though evcl'y school in this city was open to the teachillg of Illillisters of religion fol' one h~ur of the week, and that one of the school hours, if they chose to COllle and occupy it, there were onl,\' two ministers of religion in this eity who used the oppol'tllnity thus plaeell within their reach. He concluded, therefore, that it was

not for dr'I'~EymC'n, tn \;:I(,m tIl!' ,1001'.-' (,f (hr ,.dw(,ls 'IIere

open but who rlilllJ<lt (,111,,1' ~!l('m, (n (UI'Il 10llIll1 and sa,

the ".':o:tf>1il ',\',18.'_0<11"·,, :;,:1 ;l'n!I;:~·inll". !.Al'l'bIlH',) Jr;" FI':I-"'I' 1\'('1:( 11,1 i" 1'l'Ll::I';" tbt {'I'Cll iii:' n:"I'e eulti\'atiou of the iutC'lkd \r::~ 1';[1'1':1:':,1·11' III l'I,li.,l·i<l1l 1',,11[11' tkll1 other­

\\'i~l', ullil thal i" \'1·li,'c.:iull" <1il:e1"'I::'I'" did IlI,t all!)w mUl'h reli;2:ioll,": h·:wllill'2.' (" he ;.,'in·1l i:1 tllC' ("11I1i10ll ,·"]1(111], the cultivatilllJ \\'ltil'lt tLI' inll'll:'d .III' tllP I'llil,J 1'('('(,[1;,·,1 ill the (by ~cl1""] 111:1 11" it more i',~ fill' >1'1:ii:ill,'2.· \1' lll,· ilJ...:tl'lIi'1iollCi

Oi' tIl" ~::1~)1.:1th :-!c11",,1 (,'all::''', flJllI th,· i:lilli,Il':ttiun" nf the pnlpit. 1 ie jll'l'Cl'Clj,',1 [I, 1':;;Ji,(,~:: IIi . ..: Ili;,'1 "[Iiniull of the excell,'ill'" ,,(" [hi' ('llll:I,lil:l (',llll'c:ti'>illll .··.\·:-tl'lll :IS a \\'h"le, some l::ll'ls "i' \\II;C:I Iii' ~lj{,ji:":llt ll!i~Lt l'l' 1:'!II.,k-nl·,l \\ itll Ull\'lltJl:'.ci' (II l]l,.-lllll!;:;·l' I,,'ltlJ(r.l', all'[ (;l)lJi'lwlclI \\'ith ,:'lIlIll~

('ulo,'!:,;li,' n'I:!:I!'];" lIil [111' l'IJIIl'.'','· llu,l alJilil:,' 1\':1;"]1 11:td j,i>('ll di:-:j,i:t,\'l'll lJY tlie l'lli,'{ ~":111,erilltCl1dellt iu lJl'iu,c;itlg it [.) ih l'n'c"IIt ~Lltu of C(lillpldl'lil·,i<. II,· ]'("'IIIIi'.] hi::; ~l'llt

amill lUll< 1 dle('I'",

r:L\', 1)1:. FI·I.Ll::; lH,jl:;2: [lcxt c:dle,<1 III'IIIl, atldl'l.';-:,';I'I] the

meetlll,':' iJril'il,l'. j k :'.lid h:' :Ia,] 1.'1,[,'1'1'11 tlw II:lll during that plJrlioll III tIll' (;l::til'lll<lll'i) :'PI!",I\. ill which hc :-::li<1 the :""h()ul "",'il'm liad lllJt liS I'd Hi(T"('I:'.] ill rl':ll'hill'c: the -. • c

10\\'1''':[ e];I:'" "i' lit,' "lItll!dlillil,\'. ~:I)::I',':' ,',11'" :I'cll, \yjH'1l

yj,iting lb(} l'e'llc(,III;,o'Il;"llI'llii UI'l('l'lll:illll',", Ill' (DI', F.) \\':Ii)

"trnck l',l' (Ill) faet, uf w]li..]1 Ill' Wi''; tk·I·'· iui'c' l'll](,t1, tllat, (Jut of ~I:'; iilL::Ill':; <It ilwJ ili,;til:I:;"I\. 7~ I'l',d',':-:,,'d tn be 1>l'lIt(':-<l:lnI8, althll:I::11 lli' kll,'\\' ill(' l'''111ltr)" Irl'll cnou'!]1 to

know that the m::,iJi'ily IIi' til:' I·LI::;; [roll! \\'hiel! "j'i'l'tlill'J':-; of

tllat kil1l1 ,~'I':II'I':tlly ":liil", \'."1'(' llut l'l'uil':'I:!IlI" uut Homan (':Iiil,,jj,,·. Ill' fclt, t111','i!C<>!'l', that (111'1'<: must lye a

D '


deficienc,Ysomcwhere in oUl'system, in so far as it did not reach the lowest dass of the cummunity, and he quite agl'l'l',l Irilh the reIlI;!rks of the chairman on that point. The Rev. Dr. In'nt on to addre~" ~Ullle Irunls of encourage­ment tl) the childrell, ~1!1l\\ illg: that the highest ]I1J~iliollS in the land were open to i11l1uC'try, ability and merit, anrlmight be WOll by tIle poorest buys now lJefore him, and was warm­ly applaUlleLI a:-i he reSllll1~rl his seat. .

The ClIAllm.\X said he had received no other names of sp(',lkc'r~, Lut if all,I' other gelltleman wished to achlress the medillS', he I"'>Hld llOW have an opportunity.

HEI'. Die. HYEI:,~I)" :L1':lil"11 himself Ilf' thi..; opportunity to a!llllle to a point I"hidl he hall previollsly flIIlitted. He U1'gl'll thl' illl]JOrtance of hal'illg', in a cil.I· like Toronto, a Hi:'!!1 ~dl"ol, in \Vhidl the comillon ~chl,()l ('(lucation mi,~ht be carried to its highest pcrfeetion. He thonght, for that I'lll'JlII;-;l', IlIII' I)f thl' ,runl :-'l'h')IlI" migltt Ill' C'eleded, to Irhieh pupil" might lie drafted from the other scholll", mId carried to a I1lIli'h higher stage of advancemeIi~ than coulll be atlaillcil in the ordinary common schools.

lIfte. C. W. COOPER, ]Jal'l'i"ter, next availed hilll~: if of the chairman's imitation. He ;;poke of the pleasllre it had given hilll to I"l'itness the interesting jll'oceeditl,C!'s of the evcning, and :<aiLl he had listenell with ('~pC'eial interest to the remark.; of the nc\', gentleman, from England. lIe particularized some points in that f!,'c'ntleman's speech, which "'ere \'Cry !'llggestive of matter for reflection, par­ticularly his observations on religious teaching:, which, he thought, supplied an effective answer to the position which


had been taken 11.\" ('1'C'1(,~:~~tiC':11 llclIlie-i Ill! the system of Separate Scholll".

MIt. R. AIO[:"'I'I:(I);,;, Iii!,' or t!jI' ~,ilc)(,1 Tl'lI"t(,(,,~. also spoke brief1::. He cbilllell fo\' ti!!' 1;11;11.1, t1wt tlw\ hZld attended well to the l'dl!r'aliIlILi\ illt"I"':i.- "I the l'I'IIlIII:lIIity and that they had hpt dowll the (':;;I'II~('~ ~I~ Illudl ;1~ possible.

Thl' ]H'nrllidion wa,,; thl'll pl'lIl!lllllII'cd. 11\" Hev. Dr. Fuller, amI the mrrtill:"; cC'l'al':tled .

.Tilly 10, 1;-;(;0,

To the Tl'/ls! as (:/ t ht' l'/rf,/ic Sclu)'/" oj I ftc C'il!J fll Toronto:

GEXTLE)[Ex,--I ]1('g'll'aH'. ill :;I'I'III'<]:lIliT witl! 1';·taIJlisl!l'll usage, to present tIll' follu\\i:I:";I'l';"ll'lui' thll~l: 1111.\·~jurlllerl.r pupils in the jlnbli); ~<:ltrIUl."', who dllrill,!' thr' 1':/::1 year :('­tendetl·thisillstitutillll. or thll~" (,I who,:1 C'lldar,-;bip-i were awarded ~ll the l'xaillinatioll ill 1 SG:] awl ill lSGJ, the whole numlJC'r, with ilw excC'jlli'>:l or t\ro, yiz: .1 "I III Browll and James Boomer, \\"l'I'(' jil'l";I'lit dllrillg: tb" ~I'~::ir)ll, allll in addition to thcel', AlfrcIII::ILI'1' and ,Yo C't:lllter, ;-,dlldars of previous y(,:ll'~, "'llU \\'('1'(' kindly perlllittl',1 11,\' the trustees of this :cr'IIII,,1 t" t'<llltinne their ~tll']i(',; \"ith the same I'ri\'ill'C:I~ flS bei'<lI'(~ the expiration of thvil' term.


I am happy to be able to refer to these boys in terms of commendation. 8en'r:tl of thelll maintained the foremost rank in their :-;('\'(:1'<11 cLtsses during: the y<C'ar, and highly distinguished them"eh'es at the examination, by carrying off a goodly share of the prizes and honour~.

Their condllcthas for the most part been ycrysatisfactory.

I have the honot" to rcmain.

YonI' most ulJCllienL

c\RTHGIl ,n(,KSO~, LL.D.

2. TIlE n3FAL SU~L\rEr: ExxmX.\Tfox.

The usual Summer Puhlic Examina!ion of all the City Sdlolils. wa~ hel11 on Thursda.,', the ~7th of .Tnl.". as ordered b." the Boarel. The attend:llll~e of visitors was :'Illull in the mornill~, l)ll t hU'g'! in the afternoon. At the cluse of the Examinations, the Local Trustees distributed to li:~t1e

pupils l~~, awl to female pupils l~ _, total 2,1.1 Cel'li:l,;ates of Honour, fot" r(',~lllal'ity and l'llllC"tuality (If attendance, combined with uniformly good ('onr111ct, throl1).'llOut the Session, which lJC'i!':11l on "'edne~(lay; January 4th, and ended on the day of the Examination.

A SUlllll1:lI'." of the Certificates llistributed in the several schools will he found in Appendix II. (C.)



The Winter Puhlie Examinatiu!I of the Givins'-street School, a,; o]"(lerell lly the Board, t",,];: pLI<:c on Thur"day, Dec. ~l ~t, and that of all the utiler City Schools on Frilla.!, Dcc.22tH!. There 'Hre distribute)1 in the :-:e\'era1 Schools ·HiO Ccrtilil·ate.~ of IIollullr, nalllely, ~1·1 in the male department,;, ,atlll ~4G in tIl" female tll'jJartment:=:, fur regularity allll l'llllduality ..r attenc1alJl'l~ cllmbined with ullilorlllly gUU)] cOlllluc:t. thl'llu:..:hlJllt the ;-:':I'~~ion,

which be.~·;tI1 on JIollllay, ~l'ptellll;"r 4th, awl ellllell on the clay oj the Examinatiull. The attellllall<:(' of parents allll Yi~ittlr,; wa.-, a:-; usual, small in tbe furcnoun, but much more numerUllS ill the aftern)II)lI.

"\. :-;ummary of the Cl'rtili"ates tli"tributed in the ~enral ~chlJlJb 'rill be fU~lllll in Appendi\: If. (D.)

It ,rill 1)(' remembered that the Term whidt precedes the 'Yilltl'!" E\:;llltillation is of but four months'lluration, while that whi"h precedes the SUlllmer E";lluinatioll lasts 101' seven Illontbs, including the ,·"ldest and wannest :-:<:11001 months ill the Far. It is e\'iLlent, therefore, that the test of regularity alHI punctuality of attendance is lllllCh morc scnre in the longer term than in the shorter; and hence ari~e,.; the fact that the ('ertilkaiL',.; of Honour distributed after the Examinations, are much more nume­rous in the winter than in the summer.



On February l;"jtb, :'lr .. Jardine, "ecGnded by Mr. Greelllee.~, mond as follows: "Hrsl)lverl, That tbe Stand­ing Committee on ;:-:ites and Builtli]]~,; he authorized by the Board to complete the arrangements, for the purchase for school purposes, of the four lots on Elizabeth and Sayer­streets, "ard of St. John, on the tefms offered to this Board last year," whieh l'esolntion, Ilaying passed the Board, has been duly earriell into effect.



On ~rarch 1st, pUl'mant to notice, ~II·. Jardine, seconded by MI'. Greenlees, montI, and it was resolnll by the Board, "That the ehildren attrndill,~ the :'l'veral Public Schools of this Ci ty he a llowecl one d~ly in each year to attend ;-;a l)bath Sehool Pic .x ic parties, in cl)nnection with the Churches to which they respectively belong, without being counted absent on that day."



REPORT No. t;.

To the Chairman and Members if the B()ard of School Trustees.

The Standing Committee on School )Ianagement, having recently completed a second Inspection of the several


Schools nnder the control of the Board, beg to r('port as follows, viz :-

First, General Report.

The Puhlic Sdwols of tlii, f'ity WC'["C' establi,lwll in 1.')11 ; amI han~ cl)lJsequently been in "jl,'ratiun n years. During this periollllo official g'e!Jeral ill"l,,'<:lioll h:ls been malIc ]I.\' the Y~lrillils Boal'lI~1 unlil h."1 y!'ar. This has douht1c~,.; hall a ,Il'p["c~"illg ('[i"Tt UI">!I TI':I:'!t,~I',', lllany of whom ha\'(~ laboured til the \'('r}, l)(,,,t 1>1' ti)(,ir al)ilit,\', and with a cI>U'-"iClltiollS zl:al which rl<::-;I'J'\"(:,' tl:c COIllI1lClllh­tioll of the Buanl allll of the publit', ill wllil~l: :'I'n'i,'!' .-I'IllC hayC' spcnt the l)c:;t portion Ill' their 11\'1':-'. Till' ~,'llilills

ba\'e imlcc(l been yisited at \':II'Inu,.; tililes Ly inlli\'i,ll1al Illt'mlJCl':'; of lhe Bual'tl, wlw have, rill' the 1ll1I"t lnrt, walked throu;h the depurlll1l'lIh, without coming into din'd per­sonal ('I;lliad \Iith the' sysklii. TIH',I' 11:tH' thus olJtainclI, it is true, SOllle ::,li,~;ht :Ij'pl'l't'i:ltiun II: til(' gt'lll'ral ('xI'I,lIcnce of the sy,;klll ado;llcd, bnt have not had the opportunity of adually lJI:tstcrillg its detail", EI'['orh hcwe abo heen madc, at lliffe'rent times, til C'l'l'ate a ::;pirit of clllulation, alltl to ronse both '1't':II'Iiel's and Pupil" to redoubl('11 ('X(,I'­

tions, lJ)' the establishment of l'uIlllJillt',1 Exallliuatillll~, in which certain ~dlUOls arc br()ll.~llt iuto ('olllpal'i~lI11 with others of the same grade-by the ~Talltillg of ('('rtifieates of Honour awl Prizes to i'1lI'1'1'~~f'1l1 i'~tlltlillat(':"-lly the fOUllllilli-( of Grammar SdlOOI ~t'ho1::tr"hip:3 for the boy;;;, aUlI the pl'C'::'cn ta t illn of these distinctiolls at a public meetill£!:. Still, your Committee deemed that all had not been done that \yet;; possible to be accomplished; and, therefore, in May, last year, as a preliminary step, they


determined to make a comhined \'i~il:ttinll of the Schools, with the view of ~N'crtaillill[; for thelll~dn':s the actual condition oe their trust. The ]'c:'lllt Ill' their ooscrYations was duly n'ported to the Boai'll at tl\(' time, and snlJsequent action taken thereupon.

That Yisitation was so beneficial tn the ~..]lOols, anel ,,'as so interestitJC', ~,~ well ~1" instrl1cti\'e, (n tlI1)"I' \',II!' tuok part in it, (hat y011l' Committee llcemcll it :l'h'i<lhle to renew their clfllrts in tlw sallle L1ircction. The li:'st Yi.;i­tation occupiell t1m':' entire 'LlF' and was cO!lfiued (I) the Senior Di,'i,;ions: but 1:1(' Yi<t~<tion j:!::'t el;udwlell has occupil'll Lhe (,tJtire il:ty~ : it hit'; t'llllJr:lc'c,l eyl'!',\' di\·i,..;ion in each Sdll)U!, allil It:t,.; lJl'ell CI)JlI.lue\c:1 with morl' cl:'!illite objects ill view, as \V,' II ~lS \yi t h greater C:\!'C amI preparation.

There a\'c' ;l1t llgl'lhl'r ~) Schools uncleI' this Boarc}; :md the COlllmittee found, ill act:::d attendance, ;2,'103 pupils (an average of 300 t,) cach Luilllill,~'), who ar~ ..I:l-;",ilicd into thrce divisions-Primar,\', Intl'rmediatc, and ~kllior.

The Priulary Divisions number ...• (;,):2 Intermcdiatc" " ...• .J:2J Senior ..•• 38:2


;-) 71 3~:2



1 :2Fj(j


They are taught by 40 Teachers, \'iz., l-± Primary, 10 IntermClliate, ~nd 16 Senior,


The Primary Divisions a\'erage to each Teacher •. 90 Intermediate do. do. do. 56 Senior llo. do. do. 55


Each of these Di\'isic,ns i~ again suh-eli,ided into c1a~se~, accol'C\ing to attainmellt, viz:

The Primary, generally into ", 11 01' 7 f'!a~s('s, Illtc'rmeiliate ., :2 or 3 ~I'll il II' " .,

01' " OJ

It will IJe ul,"l'l'H'd that th(' Primal'Y amI Interillediate Vivj"iollscoll1l'l'i,e about thl'ee-J'ulli'th" ~f tlie whole l111llllJel' of l'llpib : awl the l'1'ii('il'w'\' ur the ;-:"lli'J!' Di\'i~il)ll" \'('1\'

,!.!T('utly dq;r'llib Uj:Ull the 'tl'aiHillg ,!.!in'u ill tlle III \1 e'}, Divi~ioll", Hell"" yOllI' Cumlllittc'l' d('I'llJl'd it aihisalJle on tbis occasioH to direct their "I)( ... i~t! atteHtion tl) the Primary alld Intel'lllediate Divi.,i"lI,' ; ful' iJ' tIl!' j'ol111l1ation be not ,yell and :'l'I'lll'l']Y laiLl, thl' :-;IlIII'I',.:tl'lldlll'l.' ('allllot be ,'Illl,..,talltial. Education lilay Ill' either IIlI"'li:lllii':d Ill' intellectual: the IJl':;( education has a pl'l!pl'r amount of buill: it should be iHkllcelllal fl'olll tIll' \'1.'1',\' 1))'.~iHnillg,

thell c'l'l'ry "Il'l' the pupil takes will lIot uHI." bel'lIlIle ea"icr to him, IJIlt will lJe a 1'II1I:;t:ltlt ""111"',' of delight. But no important IC:::SOll :-:houlcl I)e ullaCClIllllKltliecl with such an alllonnt of lllechallil'al LIl'ill as will ellahle ('\'('1)'

pnllii ill ('ach class tn master tlllll'lIlI,~IJ!y L'VI'I)' jlart of the ,",ulljl'd, ill cHry \yay iu ,yhil'h it l'all be viewed, whethel' it be ill the iir:,:t Book of Heading, Ill' thl' highest I'l'ol'"C'ilillll ill Geometry. ?-:o other I'rlm':ltion than this is suitable for teaching' en masse " aud that teacher is always the most :"'I""c:",;ful ,yho 1)f1.~""S~('S the !!t'catl'st POW~I' oJ' patient and ulll'cmitting drill. fn the "llIrly of "Jatllema.ti"s this accllt'~wy of drill i:::, from the HI',\' lIature of th(' subject, absolutely Jj('I'e""a 1'.1' ; and wll!' should not the same principle be apl'li;od in teaching the First, Second,


or Third Books of Reading? Unfortullately, howpver, it is seldom put into rigid practice in teaching the purely English branches. The teacher, thoroup;hly understand­ing:' the subject himself, is apt to becolllr wearied with the CUIl~t;lllt drill rrquire(l, and too apt to think that h.I' keep­ing his pupils back till everyone ill the clas~ has mastered the les~ull in all its details, parents will complain of the slo\\" pl"Ogre:<s made; hut he should remember that so long as he has an intelligent Suprrintenclent, and a Board of Trustee~, capable of appr('('iating his efforts, he will be entire'l.y amI fully sustained. Good teaching consists, not in the al1lount of \\'ol'k gone oyer, but in the accuracy with which C'nr.\' thillg: is ae(jnired ; and an examination is to be valued not hy the llllmber of l('~"ons gone through, but by the aceumcy, readinl'~s and universality of the replies. Tl]('~e prineiples were ~leaclily kept in view by the Com­mittee ill the ill~]le('tion just now completed: their object 1yaS, not ~() mueh to :"('1' the Sehools at their eyery day 1york, as to ineite the Teaehers of the lower Diyisions l'~reciall'y, to put these principles more extensin:,ly into praetice-to shew them what the CUlllmitke will expect in future, and to m:~ure them that their efforts in this direction will be propcrly estimated, and rewarded by promotion.

To accomplish this object yonI' Committee issued a programme, ten days before the illspcctifJIl, in order to allow time to theTeaehers of the First antI Second Divisions to create a model for their OWll future imitation, and as a test of their individual ability. Of COUI'~e the Committee are 1ycll aware that the classes examined in tIlE' lower Divisions, having been prepared with more than usual


car'e, exhiLited a condition far in aill'allCe of the usual trainin~ ~i\"(,1L ; but the Comnlittec t"'l:it that the Teachers will at least aim to introduee the :i;llll'.~ intellectual :;\':item as far as possible in every cla~", ]willg confielent thc~' will find the time-honoureel pl'IJHr] •. "th~ more In.;te the less speed," absolutely alltl IInin'r,..:~tlh· true in allmattel':i of education. .

Thefollowing is the Pro~T~1 ilIllle i,,~ue'11Iy the Committee:

1. rTIUIAI1Y A"U I.'>TEmIEJll.\TE ]']YL'IO',;,';,

Lesson bt, 8l'('t iun ~nll, ni'the ~"I'I)lHl11ilnk of He;:tllillg', and Le";,,oll -lth, of the Third Book of It,,:!,] i II.~. t" 1.1' tI'l ';, kd as a Reading: Hllll Spcllill.'.; EX('I'I'i"I', \\':th (h(~ Iill'allill~ "I' the word;.;, amI the "ell,," "I the suJ,jl,,·t; IIii' ,.;:t II II' 1":-;.""n,; to be 1I~1',1 in l'~li'lt c)".it')ol, in tlte "III'I'l''':l'''iJllill~ <:1<1":0(''';, :in

that COIl1P<1l'i';"ll limy be ill:ititutcd, TIll' EX:tmillation to be conrhwtt'd ].,)' the l"'~lI'hl'r, in PI'I'.":I'III'I· ot tlli' {'olllllJittee, as a test of the ,,-\':ite III , the aClluin'lIlcllt." Ill' tll(' p!lpil,.;. and the ability oJ' the Teachcl', Till' Examillatillll." in ,\I'itlllnl'­tic, Grammar, all(l Ul'O:.c;I"q,]IY, will, 101' tIl(' salllc I'C;[;-II II"; ,

be conducted hy the TeadJel',

II. SEXIOR IIn'I:=:IO,,:-',

A short Exercise in Dictation (not PI'I,\,j:lu;;ly ;.;eleded), to be used [IS a test of ~l'l'lIill.~ aIlll"tr-h:t!lll \r ritill~ ; as a Heading Lc . .;"otl, and a Grammatical awl '\Ilal.rtical Excrl'ise, with the mcanin~s aud !'C1t)t", uf words; l~cncral

and Matlwlllatieal Gl'ography ; History, fl'llil till' time of Christ to the l'rpscnt time; Arithmetic, in Fraetiolls, and Proportion, simple and compoullll; Algebra, as far as


8iml'h' Eljllatio[;s ; amI the First Book of Euclid's Geome­try, The Examiuation of this division to lw condncted by the (~')jllillittee, Thc '1';:,1I'.l1e['..; to have in readiness, for Exhibition, tllf' writing books, amI any efforts of map­pill;'; or dl'a\Vil1C!; the p1lJ,ils may hase mark,

The Primary amI Intcl'lllelliate Divisions Il'ere, according to the ~Ib()\'(~ programl1lc, examined by the Teacher, in pn'Sl'l1l'e or the ('uillmittee, 1':\I'Cpt iu olle instance, where the 'l'('~lI'hcr was sufrl'rill;'; frolll in(li:-;position; au (I the CUlilmittee h:1,",-' to l";l'rcs~ their entil'c amI unqllalilied ~~lti,;Llctiou Il'ith IT!-,'<ll'd to the manuel' in Il'hil'h thc Exer­ciC'cs IYC'I't' CI,IlIluctcd, e:;t't'l't iu tlYO i]]~tant'l''', 'rhieh will be nuticl'II in a special report. Allowances must 1)(-, made for a vel'y natural timillityon the part uf some ul the 'yollll~('l' Teachers at l'l'iug requil'ell to examine lJefi)J'e the Coltlmittee : awl, in ~Ollll' instances, on <lct'ount 0; the lel'eut appointment of the Teaeher, The Examinations wen' ('Olldudecl with calml1es.~ anll :-l'lr-p()~sl',;sion, l'~jle­

ciall," )'," th,l';c TC~1I'hers Irho llaxe for some time lJC'cn in the employment of the BoaI'Ll. The Ijlll,,;tiol)s '\'('\'(~ of an illteli('Ctllal dlaradc!', in :;Ullle iUCitaucI''; they were rapidly put, ami the replic~ m'rt', ver,I' gl'nerally, prompt and correct.

In the ~"llior Divi~ion, the Dictation Ira,; fairly done in eH!'y l'~I.~I', and in i'iome was yery excellent-the spelling ami pllllctnation beill~ genemlly corn'r't, the writing good, and the matte!' neatly arranged, In Grammar, the pupils e\"Cry where displayed a vpry commendable ability in analysitJg ,,1111 parsing, The Geography was fair generally; in some cases good, In History, the period was much too


extensiYe for a drtailed examination; a few !!'cllcral ques­tions, however, were put and answerl',l promptl", The Arithmetic was m'll tlone enr," \\'h<'l'e, amI ill ~Ol;le ('a~t'S with more than usual rapitlity and eOlTectIH-,":':. The Geometry in the 1)().ni'departlllent \\,;\S h'lT satisract(jn~

indeed: propositions were imliscrimilJately ~ell'dcrl fl'Ol~) the First Book of Euclirl, and slllljectell to the ":CHrest

. tests, authorities bl'iuc; requirell amI gin'll fur l'\'C'r~' step in demonstl'atioll. The "'riting was in g·C'Ill'r;.tl cleanly, and, iu one or tl\'O ill~tallcl''', snperiul'. In om' illSLl1lce the COlllmittel' noticed some mounted Ill:! 1''', the work of girls; aml iii allother iOistance, an illllstratillll or lllapl'ill,cr on shtes by;, br,!fe cla~s. These relllark" apply tu all the Senior DivisilJns except two, rut' which ~l'e Spl'cial Report.

Your Committee found the ~l'h()ol IIOIlSl'S i!l !::'nnrl repair, and the furniture well krpt. Till' appearance of the pupils ",a", in all ('a~es, respectable; so ntul'h !'o. that during the \,hole five tbys only olle b, '.\' was ()1J:'('rvctl who had a solital'y rag', which was pl'Obal>lyan ;tl'l'ident. The Committee o1!::il'r\'(,(l the (:rowLlell statl' Id' ":('llIe ot the galleries uud intermediate t1iyi"iulI". a Sill,~:,' female Teacher having to instruct from 80 to 1::11 childrctl--fal' too many for efficiency, unless some more l'l'dl'l'l ()r~'atli­zation could be ul)tainecl-fot' whell tIl(' :1,'2;(' and aequire. ments of these chiltlren al'e cUllc;i(l('l'l,d, it will lJ1' readily seen how utterly impossible it is for a C'ill,~lt' 1\'a,cuel' to keep the gi'eater number in the gallery cmploycd. while she instructs each class separately, amI \\h:lt a large pro­portion of the school hours the great bulk are ('xpede(l to remain quiet without any adequate occnpation [or their


mimk The attelltillll ,)f II!,' Committee on Sites and BllildiuC", ic; re~l)('ctl1111y iU\'ited to the ,lesimbility of lo,n·rin,!.!' the ~P,lt" ill some of the gallpriec;, ~f) that the ehildren ,rhen ullcllll'lllyell nw," l)e ahh· (0 rest their feet, which ~\'oul(hdc1l1luch (II theirclIIIl!'IIrt as well a~ tllthe order of (he' diYi~ioll, 'I'll(' JI"'c:illility of f'mploying a corps of girls from the senior diyision, a i'hort time each day as mOil i tors, to the lower classl's of these L1 i \'i,;iuns, will shortly' occupy (h~ attention of the Cummittee.

The C"}lllllitle p ul,-;er\Cll (hat 1::llIi'ideralJle importance hall lll'('n a!t:w111',1 by f'IIIlli' of the t('~\I'hi'rs of the 1nter­me,1ii:te rlivi:-;iollS t" pro1iciew',Y ]'.\' their pnpils in Roman Notati()n. In the npinillll of the Uomlflittee this is correct onl,\' to a \,(,1',\' limitell extent. They would suggest to these teacill'I'S that th"it' pnpils are HOt} oung Romans of thc SCTUlHl or thirll 1:1'lltUt',\', lmt Atl,C!'11) ~~:l:';llll:', living in an iutcu:iI'I,\' pral'lic:tl age: amI that if some portion of the time consumed in teaching minute 11etails of qU(':,lilltl:1ble impor­tance, 1\,('I'e occuuiell in the mOl'e ordinary branchl's, their divisions \VoulL1 11e still more efficient,

The CUlllmittee were some\\'lt:tt surprised to notice so very felv ,'o1011I'('11 !:hildren attellllin,C!; the schoub, ~\l11ong

the Ivhole :2/()S pupils in attendance, the COlllmittee observed only al)out a dozcn coloured chil(Jrell ; these were however remal'kell fOl' their aptilude, and in some instances were found to be foremost in their class.

"\s regards the third, 01' sellior, divi"ions the Committee wonld sugge~t the propriety of directing attention to the superior practical importance of teaching more minutely


the history of the last t\Yo centuries. Ancient Histol'Y is chiefly 118eful as a lJa"is, and the moet prominent points only should lJC dwelt upon, while the lii~t()l'y of the la.~t

two centllriec;, e~ p('t:i~llly EII~I i~IJ II istory, is in tenvoycn with that of the entire wuritl, atHI intimatcly connectcd with events tlail," cl'()\\'Llillf,!: upon II.~; aUlI tilt' ('tlllllllittee reCOllll1lelHI that the historic periud, fur e~lt~h terlll, lJ(' nry much limited.

The Committee nl)~('rved that a \'Cry g('llcl'~ll uniformity of methOll pl'eYails throughout the f' .. IJtlt,j,;: thi" tltey eOll~ith'r to 1Jl' tl\Villg. ill a great IIll'a"urc, to the iudefati,:cablc laboul''' ot our eXt'l,llellt :-'lljJcrilltclltlcnt, ltl'\', Jfr. 1'''l'kl',

who is himself, ~IS he "huulLl be, a lllUllcl uf ('Ul'l'l't'tllt'~S amI punctuality in all his C'ngagements.

In conclllllillg' this portion of their report, the Committee trust that tli(""l~ gl'llt'l'al illspediulJs "'ill C'llt:()lll':I,:C'I~ the teachers, and incite the pupils, tu redoublell exertiolls : anLl that the lively illterecit now felt by the C()lIlll1ittee, 'rill be extended to the Board, and through them to the public at large, until the value of our Sdwuls shall be fully ret,'t 19nizecl.

(Signed,) ,JUlI~ BAXTEH,

Chairman of CUI/Ul/iUd.

TORONTO, 2nd May, 1865,



RCjiort of' :-:elect COlllmittcI', appoint I'll 18th .July 1805.

The Select COIl1ll1itl('l' appointed ],~' the Bo::ud to e<1l1sic1er,

]. 'IYhethet' the attendaue(' at the COllllllOU Schools of this ('it,\', has kept pal'e \yith the population, silll'l' their establi:-:hmellt in 18 c14 :

:2, ,Yhether the charadeI' of' the attrl1lhnce has 01' has nut ill'leriol'al/'d ;

:\, ,Yhat is the l'O:,t pel' chil(l to the l'it,", under tllP prl'~"llt arraugell1rnt, (the same to 1,(' ~tDtell accorilin,!.!: to the rrspective l'xi:-:liug divisions of Prilliary, Intermediate amI Senior ;)

,1. ,Yhether in view of the present 11l'jll'/'~,~~,1 slate of the iin:tll<'l'.'; of the city. :':ol11e chall,!.!·(~ cannot he III a\l I' in the ac1milli~tration of the schools, IJY 1vhich consic1craLlc :-::tvillg may li/, l'ffcded, consistent with c/licicncy;

Beg I('ave 1'1'~l'eclfully to report as follows:

That the SI:llll1,]:-: were establishell in 1844, :1l1l1 were eontllle((,ll on the rate-bill :-;ystem during the first four yeat'S, viz" 1841, ;j, 6 and 7' ; 1848 and \1, \\'ere broken Yl'al':', the s('hools being frce, but as tl103' were open only six mouths of each year, they are not taken into account in this Report. From 1850 the schools have been comlucteu on the free principle.


That the attendance in proportion to the population under the rate~bill system (throwing out of the calculation the Roman Catholics who ,,'ere known to attend the Schools) was as 1 in every 20~ of the populatioll; !luring the first five years of the free system, a l)out 1 ill every 25, anll . , since that time the average has heen about 1 in every 22 ; a slight improvement ill numhers since U';:;(j, In comparing the attendance \vith the population, some allowance must be made for the fact that the Roman Catholil; part of the popUlation has increased somewhat more I'api,lly than the Protestant, yet the difference this woulll make in the calculation is comparatively slight.

In this conurdinn the Committee wOlll(! ('xjlrC'ss some surprise th~lt, :wc<lnling to the retllms srnt ill to the Education oilier, tlw atkJl(l:u!('I' at thc Roman Catholic Separate Schools shoull! appear til ktH' heen so IlIlich br~I'I' in proportioll to the jlojlulatioll than it has hrC'n at the City Schools; they havill~ apparently ill(,l'l~ascd since lS:j;'j nearly 110 percellt; while lIll' ('ity ~dlUllJ:..: bare illl'l'I'~lS('d only about ,IG pCI' cent. The COllllllittl'l' dillllo( n.lltil·ipate such a result, IJllt thi:-; 1)('1'11111(,'; of some importalll'r, ill:IS­much as the suhllivisioll of the Le~islati\'(~ grallt is in pro­portion to the relativc attelH!ance.

That, under the rate-bill in1SJ1, 5, G and 7, the Com­mittee has reason to believe thn.t there was a greater pro­portion of larger and more advallecd pupils in attendance at the schools, than there has been under the free system; probably not more than three-tenths being pupils cor­responding to onr present first division, alld that there appears to have been a gradual change in the chal'acter of



the attendance, hy the incrc;1s(' of the Primary divisions, which now numbel' abont oue-half of all in attendance, The attendance of g'irls has also nry much increased under the free system, the proportion ]:,'lWl'ell the ~;C'X('S being now nearly equal.

That, umlel' the rate-bill system, yonr Committee has rea~()ll to helin'\' the attl'll(blll'C' ",a:-; more l'e,~n1ar th:m it has been uncleI' the free Sy~l(·111. TIll' irl'l'gularit,\' unrlc'l' the latter system has bccn lIot le~s than t\Ycnty ]lcr cent daily: tlii" is l'l'()],a])I.\' ()\yillg to the fad that the attcnclance lJ(1\V ('on~i~ts in a g'l'(';il('r dcgree of smaller children and g-irls, "'ho are more frcqnently preHntcd from attending 1Iy the wcather allll other (';ll1"(',,,, than \\'C'I'C the Iarg'('r ],oy:-;, aIHl partly pel'llap" hC(';lII"l' what is not paid fLl!' in a (lil'el'! way is Hot so highly ;[ pprl'ciatcll,

That, in consi(lcl'in[:' thc ('o"t per pupil a('Conlin!!' to the I'l'SI H'l't in' ('xisting' divisions, the ('ollllllittee found 110 clifii­(,lIlty in ('lllllin:,,' to;1 ('(IIll'lIlSion S() lal' as the :)('tl~al teaellin!.!; is ('()I1('(·rnccl. hilt ;1" tb.l:>rc s(illrl'l1lains a lJaIallcc or C'xpendi­(urC' amolllltillg' to:31 :2';",()O (0 hc (jisll'iblltccl pl'oportionatc'ly unl' thl' (liffercnt divi,i"11S, the Committee f(Jund it ah: )~t imp()~:-;il"l' to agree Uj,flll wh:1! shoulll be a true 11;I:,is for tlte distribution. Tile l'()~t of the actnal teaching in each diyi~ioll b~t ~'l'ar was, per child: Pl'ima)'~', S:2,SU ; Inter­n1l'tiiate, S(;,08 : ~('lliol', 811.81" To each 0; these must hI' atltl\·(l a prlljlortion of the current expenditure; when (hi" is (1011 C' , an appl'oximation to the total ('ost per cbild \\"onltl pl'obahly hI', tar the Primal'~', S.j"jO : Tntpl'mediate, $ll,7,n : :-'C'lIi()l', S~~.


That it appears to yoUI' ('''lllll1ittee that :my proposal for im}ll'ovPlllent should, in view of the above facts, contemplate-

1st. SUllll' increase of tC'a('hin~' power in the Primary Di"isiolls, if possibl!:' without adtlitional expen­diture.

~ncl. SOllle eITort to increase the attemlance in the Scni'Jr Divisiou:i, and extcml their efficicncy, and so illdircdly diminish Ihe proportionate ellst per pupil.

With 1'l'C::cll'll t" the first point. the attention of the Board \vas (':tlle(l tu tlIe incl'casillg requil'cments of the J lllliur Divisions I.,)' the Committce Oil S,'b,,"] I,Llll~\ifl'llll'nt, in their It"port "I' the Lt,:t \'isitatilln, in the' following wonls : "The ClIlllmittee ()11~!'I'\'!'!l the 1'l'00\'dl'd state of SIIIlIC of the galll'l'i!'''', a ,;iil,,!'k '1\,[1<']:('1' IHtvillg to t!':l<'h from SII to 130 chihll'en-far 11111 many fol' l'tlil'iclli'::, Illll,',-,s some more pel'fcct ol'ganizatiun clIll!!l \11' obtaincll: for when the a,~c and acqnil'l'lll"Ilt.~ Ill' tl}l'~e thilLlt'en al'e cIJll"idel'cd, it will lJ1' l'('adiIY:-;('('11 II"IV ntterly illll,o:,,,il)le it is fOI' a siuglc '1\,:\,'lll'l' to kccp the ifl'eakl' 11111111JCI' in thc gallery employell while she illstl'llds c:\dl !'l:!,,.; ~l'l,al'ately, and what a Jar!..!'l' I'ropol,tion of thc ,,.;dl,,ol hams the great bulk of these pl1jJils are expccted to I'cmain quict without any adequate oCLupation for their mimls,"

In the present statc of' thc ('ity fll1ances alhlitional outlay should, if l'o:-;:-;ibk, 1)e avoitlctl ; hut cUlll~ relief must be affol'lletl to thesc divisions ill ;;tlll\(~ \yay. With rcgard to


the seconll point, (viz" some effort to increase the attend­ance in the Senior Divisions), it occurs to the Committee that something Illay be accomplished hy a somewhat dif~ ferent combination, If, for example, the Senior Di,isions could be assemblell in some building by themsel,es, or as neal'ly so as circumstances will permit it appears to your Committee that manyallvantages would arise from such an arrangement. A much better cla~sification woukl become possible; it would become en",\' to introlluce still higher branches of education, which \Voultl gin' a charactpr to such a school as would tenll in a great d('gTee to on'r­

cOllie :-;1)1110 f)r tlw pre.indiees whieh llf)\\' (t'ightly or wroll,!.!'I,r) exic:t against the ~I'hf)ols as they al'e now ill(li~('l'ill1inat('ly

a:-;:-;C'lIlblell; the attelH];llll'e \\,f)ulll naturally be largely illl'!'('a"l'd, and the COllllllon SI'hf)ob would draw a corl'('s­pOllllillgly iar,ger Pl'f)pot,tion of the (:f)\'erument ,!!l'ant. It i:-; ai:;.) knowll to YOIll' ('Ullllllitt,,(, that sOllle f)l' the pn'~('nt T('achel's ;\l'f' I';IP;lhlo of teaehing the CI:i",~ics; and it O('ellt'S to the ('olliluitttee that theit: senil'p:-; may he utilizcll ill this din'dion withont any illl'!'(,;I~(, of cxpclltli­tUl'e, alltl thus provision be 111:1Ile for a llighcr education within the "dltluls themselvcs.

In consideration of the foregoillg facts, the Comm: tiel' woulll pl'upu:-;e-

1. That the Senior Pupils of the Louisa-street, Victoria­street and George-strect Schools bo massell in the Y i-:tol'ia-street School-house, to form the nucleus of a Central High Sehool.


2. That provision be made in the theu vacant rooms in the LouiC::l-strcC't auu George-street School-houses for the Junior aud Intermcdiate Divisions, now assembling in Yidmia-:-;tl'cl't.

3. That Utll1itiollal1)t'alu'lt(ls of higher education be pl'O­

villell in thi" ('c'ntral High ~dlool ; and to enaLle the Boal'll to ;)('('0111 plish tIl is and still effect sune rl'll111:tiou from the puLlic taxation,

~. That a small weekly fl'P of l~i ('Pllt:; 11('1' pupil be ell.l :'.~('d on the pupils attcnding thi:-; CL'lltral High f'ch,"d.

G. That the pro(lnet of this fcc ill the (\'lIlral High ~diool 1)(' applied, 1st. To 11I'oyille tltt' ;vhlitioual It ig-het' hraltl'll(':; ;d' )f'('~aill ; :-ll](l ~1lI1. To jlrovi(le a few additiollal Teadll'rc: for tlte: Primary Divi:;iolls,

G. Thai, in ')f'(Ic-!' to ,~i\'e still furtllel' rl'liefto tlte Primary Divi:-;ioll:;, thl' lJoys atHI girls of thl'"l' di\'i",ioll-: I,,: ullitCll, so that 0111' 'i'(';whet' l1Iay be limitell to the tcachi IJ~~ of the First Book, anll ::lnothet' to the k:1<'lting uf' the ~(','olJtl nO'lk, whic:h arrangemcnt would, in the opinion of you\' Committee, ellahle the '1'(';1('111'1'" to a(lopt the simultaneolls Systl'lII more, ('xtl'llsinly, tu the iuc:\'easecl benefit of the Sdw'lls.

In conclusion, your Committee would remark, that other improvements suggest themselves; but they do not deem


it advisable to propose too many changes at once. Subse­quent experience will develope the direction of future steps.

All which is respectfully submitted to the careful con­sideration of the Board.

(Signed) CRAS. R. BROOKE, Chairman oj Special Committ ...

Toronto, Nov. 15th, 1865.

---... ~+------



To the Chairman and JlJclIlI){:rs of the Board of Trustees 0/ the Public Schools of the Clly of Toronto.


GENTLE~IEN,-At the last meeting of the Board, held on the 15th of X ovember, it was resolved-" That the Local Superintendent be requested to communicate officially to the Board his views on the several matters contained in the Report of the :-:-:elect Committee, appointed on July 19th, 1865, now submitted to the Boal'd."

In discharging the duty thus devolved upon me, I have to notice,

I. The Chronological summary with which the Report begins,

II. The 1'1'1I1;1l'1-.:" it contains on atteuLluw'e at the Common Sell( 11)[,.;, am1 at the Roman Catholic Separate Schools of the city,

III. The (,,;tilil;d~ it supplies of the ('11,.;t pl'l' pupil in attf'll­,bnl'e at til<' (\)IIl!IlIl11 SI:1t ill) I.,.;,

IV, The sll!.!,!.!",;;tinll:i it ,dr"I''; a,.; tl) l'1'I'Ltin f'''~(,llti;ll.,.; in any IJI'ojH),;erl illlpl'UH'lllellts,

Y. The 1';1l'ticulal' mea,Ul'C';-i it pl'0l'()~f':-:,

r. The C;ll'on"I"~'i(,;t1 8L1mm~I',\' \\'itll whi,'h thc Report bcginc;, This JWIY he \'l'l'i 1il'rlll.\' refPJ'f'll"P tn thl' Histol'i­(';11 Rl'l'o['t, I'lIiJlisllcd i,,\' the n'I;II'I] ill P';,i~), I lind in it ollly I,IIC illa\'\·UI';II'.'.', 1)[' rathe[' ollli.-:,inll, It d,",,; lIot ~tate that thc S,'1I'II'1,.; \\'l'j'(' supported, as thE'~' \\"('1"1" II,)' a rate­bill in 1 S,-, 0 ; lmt ;;;:.\':-:, ., fl'omlS,jO th" :-,eiJoob han' bcen COn(lllctl'II on the In'{' prilll'iple." TIIiI (~Id is, that the,)' have 1)(,1'11 so eIJlUl!II'kd from 18,il, indl1sinl,

II, Thc rell1arks the Rep')rt 1'()ldains on attCJHlallce at the Oommon Sdllllt!:-:. amI at the RIJmall ('atholic :-:"parate Schools of this {'ity. 1st. Th" H"jlllrt statl's, "That the attendance in proportion to thl' pnplllation nnlJr'J' the rate­bill systcm (throwing ont of the (';d,'ui:llion the Homan OatholiC's, who were known to attcllll the S"hll"b) was as 1 in eyel'Y ~ul." This. I fillll, Ira:; the actual proportion fOI' 1850, the last rate-uill Far, During the first he years of the free s,\',;tl'l11, namely, from 1 SuI to 18":'5 inclusive, I find that it varicll from 1 in :2:2j to 1 in :2S1, the last year of thl' ti\'e being 1 in:27; and the average of the five years being 1 in 26!. Since then, however, it has


slowly but grarlually descended from 1 in 24 in 1856, to 1 in 19 ~ in 1864, under the free school system, which is a larger proportion than that assigned in the Report to any rate-hill year; the most favourable of which, as there given, is 1 in 20~, in 1850. The avemge for these nine years is correctly stated at 1 in 22 ; but I submit that the above statement more justly shows the actual improvement in the proportion of attendance to population uuder the free school system. Perhaps the fairest estimate of the improvement in proportionate attendance that can be made is hy comparing that attendance for 185:3, in Jby of which year the first three of the :-;ix large school houses were opened, and that of 185J (in ,,·hich the other three were beillg built) with that of the suuselluent .rears, to 186J inclusive. It then appears that there has lll'f'll a gradual improH'ment from 1 in 2b~ in 1",;;:; and Is.51, to 1 in

19A in 1801, under the free school system.

2. The Heport expresses surprise "that, according to the returns sent in to the Ellucation Olliee, the attcnuanee at the Roman Catholic Srparate Schools should appear to have been so much larger in proportion to popUlation than

it has hc'en in the City Schools: they having apparently increased since 1855 nearly 110 per cent., while the City Schools have increased onl)' about J5 per cent.·' In Illy inquiries into this matter I have been allowed free al:t'ess to documents in the Education Ollice, and have been politely favoured with all desired information by the Yery Rev. Mr. Jamot, the Local Superintendent of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools of this city.

I find from data derived from the Education Office that


the increased attendance at the Homan Catholic SC'lIoo]s from 1855 inclusive, has not been" nearly 11 n per cenL,'; as stated in the Repol't, but about ()1 per c('nt; and that the incl'eased attendance at the COlllmon ~('h,,()l.s for the same period has not been II only abllut 45 pCI' cenL," but has been 57 ~ per cent.'" The difference that remains between these rates of ilj('t'('a~e may be pal,tly ~[('C'nllntcd for by the statemcnt in the Hepor!, "Th~,t the Ullman Catholic part of the population has inct'ca.s('II ~otllC'wltat mOl'e rapidly than the Protestant;" but it ."CCltIS tl, mc that it is much more to 1)(' attl'ibn/,''] til the e,,,,],·:.;iaHif'al charadeI' of the Roman ('aliJIIli,' ~,·Jl"'.]';, and to the' f', ... It,­siastieal ap,'f'lwicO', slll'el'ior awl snho]'(lillat", 1rhich at'e constantly amI unitcdly at wllj'k with ~', \'iew to theil' a,IValll'f'tllCnt. Sll<:h a.~('l1cics arc l10t awl pel'iJaps call1lllt be eXl'I'tell Oil behalf of our ('it)' ~dl'lllls, which, l)('ill.~ COllllllon to thc members of' C"l lIlal'Y dlllt'l'il<':', are t1w charge III' IWIll' ill particular, allli j'"",.ive lmt lilt]" "I that fostering religious ('al'l~ \\'hich, \\'1'1'1' it,; cal'lil'C't, cXi.'IlC'in', and harmonious cxcl'cise I'".'i . .;ible 011 the part of dltm,lIcs and ilHlivillllals, might rcdify thai klLlIWI' Ill' ';"]wu! atten­dance which prolmblJ' nil C'ull:-;titutc, l'vept eOtllllUl.-:'lry legislation, wOlllll be able to adjust.

* Since this Report was rend at the DO:l)',1, I h.'tv(> 1(':ll'B!'ll tllftt tIle 1'l'tnl'11 which was made to ~lr.lh·ooke :It the Education OtfiCl' ditfl'n'" frnm rll:lt ","bich I r"I'!·in.,J at the same ldIict', i:llth, I belien', were 1-(iVl'D in 1 [;lith. hl't It,\' olilh,rt'ut Pt'I':-;{)IJ."'. That which wn~ ):!iVt'll to me ",:1" IlJ:l,l'kl'd ... tltt 011(' ,h:lI1d(.'} to :\11'. Brllll!u·;S now pronounced authentic. l\I'!'ordlIl!! Ilf It titt, IUCI'l'a'-e 01 altl·n!allcc at the Roman Catbolic Schools, for the peri(ld ."t:lh'd, hn~ lH'l'1l "Hearly 111) per cent." Even this inert'a"" may be l'q~:lr.lt'd as :llIq,]y cxrlailJ{'~1 hy tli,' c:t1~~es .1. ...... i!!lIl'd,in my Report. Hllt,:1'.1 the return !!iv('n t,) .\11' Br.",l\I',t"r tbe Cit,"" :--:1'~lIJd~ ill l''''·~I.) (namely. lij7U) exactly cflrrc"I)(lwl" with the return (It the .nvl.'rag:1' I.b~I1y ntt.('~d:lllce given in our own Schoul Hepol ts ("4'1.' T:thle H~, th~reforc It shoul(~, In ~1~1 tall'n('s~, be compureu with our own·return uf tl~e avcra:.:::' daily nttet,ldallce tnr 1 tJ I. If this be done, it will uppeul' that the actunllllcr\..':I:-'1.' III our own :--dl(1I11 atkudauce for the specified period has been not 45h but nearly 53 per cent. J. P.


I find that the divisors used In the Roman Catholic :--:('I'~lrate ~cho(ll retul'll:;, as furnished by the Etlllcatiou OJ'li,,!, ro!' the plll'pll,.;e of ascel'taining: the a\'el'a~(' attend­;\Il!'(: ;ll tho:;e ~I'hon]s, are the same as ;ll'e furni:;]\('II to the COlllmon Sdloill., ; and \\"hile I know that g'l'l'at pains are takell to I'un',\' Ollt our ~I'lll)()] n·.~nlations 1111 the :.;nh.iect of f'1'l I 1111] attl'nclalll'l" I am eOllvincell that the means of moral sl\a~ion bl'nll~ht to bear 1)11 "llclt attenuance by Roman Catholic <:ll'l'i"'ymen, and their as:--istallh and suhordinates, an' incOIlII)[trably more influential than any which we can Cll1l111lanU,

3. TIJI' Heport states tlmt, "under the rate-bill system in lS-i.f, ;-,. li, and 7, the Commitke has rea~on to believe that there wa" a gn'a(er l'rojlortic'll of bl"g'l'l' and more mlYanl'ed I'lll'il-; in attenuClnce at the :-;i:1IIJob than thC're ]I~I" bl'ell Ulldl'1' tbi' free "y"tcl11: 1'1·1)11~l.bl.\' not 1I111re than tltl'l'l'-tl'lIths being pupils cOl'l'espolliling" to our jlresent First nivi~ioll; amI that there appear,.; to han' been a gl'adn;l] change in the chal'adel' of the attendance 11y the incl'ea:-;c' of the Priltlary Divisillns, ,,·hidl llll\\' 11ll1l11Jer about one-half of all ill attendance, The attemlance of girls has al~o very much increased under the free :.;y::;(elll, the proportion Letween the sexec; 1Jein~' now nearly c'IIual."

It \rill be U11~I'I'yell that no d''':lllnentary evidence is l'eferrl'cl to as warranting some of the statements contained in thi" paragraph, Such statements, therefore, can only 1,(, regarded ac; unsustained opinions, It is further evident that such opinions, founded 011 a I'nml'arison of two COI1-ditions of things ~C'rl:1ratell 1Jyan iuterYaI of from eighteen to twenty-one years, should be viewed with very great

caution. That a g["('atel" Pl"Ol)(,)"tioll til' br!,!'C'l" Jlupils tLan now atteml the "d]l)ol,; attelll1cll t:ll'm t\1"('lIt~' .Y"<lr~ :I~<), appears very :)I"obahle, whcll \n' !"i.',·,,]l,,!:! that elementary education wa" h~'Il" 1I11'all" :'" ~'C'IIl')":tl thl'll a" II{)\\". :\Ltll\:

, . ' probably, werc then l'as"ill~' Oil! of child!!'",,1 into youth in a "tatl' 01 !aml'nta1)II' i,:.!:lIill":II1'T, :ln,l :IS either (111'\' or their parents began ttl 1)(, a~h:ll11ed til' ,"I\I'll i!'!'~j()ranC'(', tlll'Y went to ochool tu acquire Still!" nl":I.'c''':~l",\' l'udillH:'lIh ~f knowledge,

A few of these might makc rapill imj1!'OYClllcllt :tt ,,'b)(d ; but that the!'e was allY cunc'i.]c l'ablc i 'r,,! "I\,ti(lll "r l'lll,i]e; in th"c'l'd:lye; \I"ho ,,'e!'c mo!'e ~tlh':lll('I'd 111:ltl tll\' ~"lIilll'

pupils ill 0111' sdlOols an' at pn'H'IlI, is, to ~a}' the lea:it. exccC'dingly unlikcl,\'. :dallY ()r 'illl' I"Tl'llt ~"lli'l!' I'lll'ib, though COllll':I!':lIivel,\' Colilall allil y()IlII,~', han' ]'<lc""l'1.1 through OUl' tir,,;! and Sl"'()llII iiltl) Oil!' hi,!,!'lll'st di\'i",i()I1". with eal':t"itil's gradnally "nlar~"11 all.] abiliti".; illl'!'eas­iugl), tntincd, until thl',\' han, I'cl'l'ind, :1" tlll',\' ha\'e "l':-;l'rvel1, the cOl11mcllllation of aid!' a 1111 di"illil'l'l'",tl.'ll examinl'!';';, 011 thci!' l'tllIll'ctill:.!: j(11' (hi' hi~llI""t hllllOll!'S which the Board of Tl'llCitel','; 1.'{)l:ld CIIIlC"l'

We' :11'1' not, howcy!'!', aitll!,!l'llwl' ,yithout documcntary evidence (In the :-;ul"kd now HnLlel' '" 11J.~id,' 1':1 tiou, J n the Repo!'t of the' Past Hi~tllr,\' :lllll !'II':'('llt Gondition lie the City ~I'hll()b written In' till' ~('I'I'('I:llT III' thl' Board, revised In' a 'Collll1littee and adoptell ])y tile 13<>:11'<1, under date May: 18;ja, I HUll the following (on pa~l' I:';) :

"In the school til1le;; of L-.: 11, tlle :cellolll buildings, if they indeed merited the term at all, Wl're smalL incom-


modious, h~lIlly ventilated, and ill adapted for the purposes of social or moral advancement through the agency of popular education: chilllren uf both sexes assembled in olle school room, and mingled together in one common play-yard, in f::cyrral cases as many as a hundred young persons were huc1(llcc1 together in a space not fit to accom­nlOllate, far less kneh, two-third:,:, or it mig-ht be said one­half, of the Ilum bel' : the pn pils attending the schools, from the chillI learning its A, fl, (), up to those far advanced, \\'('1'1' all tanght, IJI'.\'8 allll gids, by olle male Teacher, so that thel'e could he little if an." system Ot' classification; and mnch that was aU('mptell cnuld not fail to be done othrrwisr than in a hlllTll',l and superficial manner, It is true that the Teachers of tit at day worke(l, or mtlte!' slaved, amiust these coutelllling (lillil'ulties with an earnestness of 1',:1'»1):-;1' amI all indus! r,i' of al'tion whil'h merits all prai:-;e, and that thc'." were alJle uIlller such circulllstancps to im­part so lllw·h Imo\\'!t'll:-;I~ to the pupils, as tlIl'Y confes:-;Pllly eli(l, is a Illatter as much to he wondered at as it deserves to II(' a(lmired. But, at the ,,:1I11e tinH', it would be simply al)sul'll to compal'l' the City ScIlUuIs of 18H, or even 1852, with those of 1,,-;,')8."

Ag'aill (page 74): "Nor cloes the comparison, or rather contrast, elld with the :-;dlOOI builllings and applial1ees ; fot, while, in the olden time, boys amI :-;il'is were taught tn:-;dher b.\' a male teacher, now they have distinct and separate drpartments, and the girls are in eharge of female teachers: then there exi"ted no opportunity of classifica­tion, ,dlile now, the pupils being arI'allgC'tl and divided according to a recogn ized standard of proficiency, are advanced from one division to another accordinO' to



progress, and each division has its OWl! appropriate teacher."

Whatever then m~~o have been the ~'2'(> or size of some of the pupil:-; in the :-wli()()js from ISH til 1847, or \\'h~t_ ever the attainments ill partinllar hran..]lPs of knowlCllge of a ft'w pupil..; in the c;eH'l'al ~('ll"f)I:s, it is so pl'f)llalll(, as to be almost certain, that th(' ~cIlO()1s could then contain no considerable nnmbers or cla~ses of pupib \"ho cuul(l be compared other\l'i:';l' than \'cl'y tli~advalll;I,'2'('(lll~l.\" \rith the classes in OUl' present ~(,llior cliYi~iolls, ho,n'H'r ~1Il;t11 01'

young the memlJC'rs uf those (:]a:-;;;(,,, lIlay aplII'al'.

It is ohviouc;, [00, that ~c; the hCIl('lits of cclncation are diffuselloyer ;111.'° ('Illlllllllllily, tIll')' will lie ill('re;l:-;illgly partakcll by pnpib of a tell(lel' n,'2(', awl Ill\l;-; IIII' .. ,'2T;l<lllal change in the ..]lal'ad('I''' 01' OUI' !'(,holll atklld;lllI'e \"hi('h is spokcn of ill the report, is really an ()(,(';I~il/Il 1'01' intelligent \'('.1011:111,'2. NUI'shonl!l it II!' o\"('I'looked that many pan'llts al'(' lll'eC';-;:-;itatell and glad to ;I\o ail thelll:'('],,"'; oj' till' ('al'll­ings of their ehililrell, as (';11'1.\' as theyal'c qnalilic(l I,ll' any kind of elllpluYlllcnt in which onlill;II'Y ~,'h'llIl attaill­ments arc available amI relllllllcrati\'e. Youth arc ('arlil'r fitted now for seyerallllcHlt,,; "I adin: life than tIlI'." were twenty years ago, and more mr,tl!Olls 01 making a liyiug arc open to them DOW thall "c'n' ('\'I'll drcalllt oj' thell. That "the uttelllbllee of girl~ h;t~ al;-;o wry lllndl in­creased uuder the frce "'y:-;tem, the 1'1'<lportioll betwccu the sexes being now nearly eCJual," is illdecll a hi!:ih eulogium on that, as it would j)l' on ally sy;-;ll'll1, :lllll affor']" iucluhit­able proof that civilization anLl christianity have really ad­

vanced in our land.


Yet it is I'l'Ohahle that the spread of education over the youllg":r and the fel1l~tle portion of our population during the last t"'l':lt,\' yl'~!rS is 11'C:s to he attributed to any mere IJCl'uuiar,\" system of :.;chool snpport than to the growing dcmailil for illtclli~ent juycnile lahonr, which is incidental to a rapiLlly allYallcillp: condition of society, and which, it Ill:I." lie remarkl'd, i,.; happily cuincident with a great ex­tensioll of tlwJ s(;hool and ulliH'rsity culture "'ithout \\"hich, whaten'r the i:dullc: of illlliYiduab, they now, ll':":" fre­qnentl,\' thall 'l';l" fOl'llll'rl,\" the l'a:::l', aspire to the lahours allll hOllollrs of a pruk:::::;iullal C:l reel',

·L The rC'l,nrt nr:-.:t :-;tates " tll:!t nnder the rate-hill sys­tem, Y"lll' l'Ollllllittl'C' bas reason to belieH: the attellllance 'V;I"; llltlre l'<';::lllar tb:lll it has heC'n Hu,ll'r the free system."

It e:-;iimates tL[' ilTf'gnlarity under tbe latin at not less than twenty pel' ccuL daily, allLI 8a,\'S that" this is proha­bly o\\'iu~ tf) the fact tli:lt tbe attcntbuce now consists in a gl'<';lter llc!:!Tee of ~maller children UlHl girls, who are more frC'(Fleutly prc'HlltNl from attending by the \"eather and other "an:-<c~, than ',l're the lar,C!,"c'r 1)o."s j allLI partly he­call~(' ,,,hat i~ not paid for in a direct \Yay is not Sf! highly appreciatel;." Oil the 'llll':-<tion of the ('omparatiYe regu­larit~" of ail('wbucc uJlder the rate-oill and free school SptClll;;, no eviL1ence is fUl'lli:.:hed in the rl'pOl't ; nor can I Jilltl allY documentary evidence on the suhject. There is no l'eeol'll of thl' aYer:l~e l'l'gisiL'rcd attendance under the rate hill ~~Aem, 'rhich euded with LS;jll. In 1851, the first free school ye[lr, howeyc[, the a HTage daily attend­aIlC!' \\'as lU7 lllore than in U;·jU; having been 1366, as compal't'll with an aYf'l'age l'('gi;;tl're(1 attcl1llance of 1843.


According to the pl'Oportiotl thus fnrni~h("l, when the free school :<y~t('lll ,,,as 1I01-el alld popular, as cOlllp!lred with the an'I':I,!.C(' regi~tl'I'I'll attc!lIblll'l' Dr lSG,J, which was 31~1, the now lll11ch rlepl'el'iatr-rl 11'1'(; :-,,'lwI)1 "y~t('lll ~hnlllll ha\-e ,~i\'L'1l an an'l'!l~e daily attel!,bnce of 2:~L;, The actual aY(,I':l,~'I' daily attendance 1'01' U:iljJ was ~JOO,

It is tI'llI' that, notwithstanding Il1Il<'h ;\i)lleaI'II""t I':]'I)I'[ to prcyent it, the ilTc,~llla!'ity of atll'ndalll'c' ill l,SG.! \1':1:-: lIllt k~" than :..'() per ('('Ill. lhily ; lJnt it i:; al:-'I) tllli' tliat in IS:51 it was nl'!!!':,\' :,:,-, pCI' ('1'IlL 'fll11:-' all illl/l!'{)\(,IIII'lIt fir lIeal'ly G PC1' I'('llt. li:I,"; i:illlll('~ti('Il:t1"y tab'll 1>1:11'1' Ulld"I' the f!'l'l' ~('h'lId "y,..;i!'111. Tlw e:>ci,-tiu:.:: ilT!'~IILt!'ity, as the Local :-'lIpe!'iIIII'lItlellt's rC'I'{)I'l jl)l' ] ::lCd ::11':1l'l,'- ;-;1111\1':';, (~!'I' ,I'!]:':': 1:..') i:-: cljnally rliyi!ll'll 1Il't\\l'l'll IID,'s !l1I11 ,~il'l...;,

:tllll i~, in my {)I;illinll, much Jllld'l' tlie c.ffc-c[ Dr Vtl'l'lItal ill­tlul!-!!'lIl'(' or indill'c'I'I'IIl'I' th:lll Ilj all,\- ollieI' I'all":", or CI)III',-,', :-,il'kll!'''", want flf' suitable 1':lIthill~', \\'1':11111'1', rli..;­(alll:l', or otliel' 1':\11";.,':-:, will illl:\'it:tlJI,\' al]'l'd ",'ll{).'] atll'lIll­am'I', .ill~t a" l'll"in(',,~ attelilbIlI'e aIlll clilll'l'h :lttellllalll'e arc silllilarly affcdl'lJ ; bllt tbc "I<lLI'IIJI'ut IT''III'd.',] lin thic: s111ljed ill (be Hi,,[lll'il'al TIl'PIIl't all,(,~I.]y n'kl'n'.] III, (~"I'

page 7G) i" u" appropriate !lOW a..; it was ill 1 ~'J0 :-" It ic: frallkly aumittC'll that the jJl'()l'lll'!iull (II' aj,";l'lilL'('S allll ir­rC'Q:l1lar attl'llrl~llIl'l' i;-; II11H:h ,~TC'<ttcr tban it Oli.:.eitl til be : bl;i the fault l'l·,~ts IlOt with the Doanl, Illlt UP()ll IIII' "']111111:-;, not upon the free Jll'iw:iple, but alt()~I'IIIC'r with 1'<tI'C!lts, ancl with them alo!le,"

lIf. I han next t() notice the ("qimal(' whidl thl' rcport supl'lil'" ()f the I:USt 111'1' pupil ill attcllt1~\IWL' :It the (.'.'1111111I1i



To this subject I h:we given very particular and pro­trudc'II attcntion, and my conclusions, frcljuently and vari­

ously te~ted, differ frolll those of the committee.

I find that the ncar('~t approximation which I can make to the actual cost fot· tcaching, during the year 1864, was jill" junior jlupils, (,~lI'h,. • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • $:2 71 Illtcl'lllccliatc," . • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • . • 5 04

" , ................. .. Other expenses, pCI' pupil, were,

J llniors, (·adl, ••.•.•.••••••.••...••••• Intermediates, .•.•...•..••..••.•••.••• Sellior:", ..••...••••••.••.•••.•••

Tilc tlltal (,list k·ill'2;, .Julliorc:, .....•.•.•.•. .••.•..•.••••••.••••• Intl·l'lll(·diales, .•..•.•.•...•...••.••.••••... Belli()}';":, •• , .......................................... .

11 0l

$3 50 5 68 8 46

$6 :21 11 6:2 :20 :n

beill:';- II ('('uts more fo~ each junior pnpil, 1:2 ccnts more for (·a..J1 illlel'IllClliutc, an(l :31 63 less for l'al'lI senior, than

the estimate of the cOlllwittec.

I jJC'g to ol)serve, howeYl'l', in this connection, that the method of estilllating the cost per jlupil of the chiluren in school attenllawL', II)' their position in junior, intermediate, 01' seuior diyi:-;illllS, l':'i'l't:ially so far a" thc cost of teaching is coneel'llecl, ~('l'ms to me cxceedingly unfair and decep­tin', It is a bet that the teacher of the senior division, whetbet' it be a thinl or a second division, in either de­partmellt of e~ll'h ~chool, ~u:-;tains au important and appre­ciuLle relation to the entire departmeut of which that teacher is the recoguized head. This remark will more


especially apply to tllC' head maf'ter of each school. He holds a rC':"[1I1I1:-;ible relation tu tlte wllOle school, amI his influence Ji)r ,!.!;uu(1 01' for C'yil can casil,l' be traced throngh­ont it. He has to arlmit pupil,.;, CilllIlIlUl1icate with parents amI ~'iIaldial}s, keep the ~('ltool l'e('u]'(],,",, and oyel';':c(' the ~('lF't'al :"dlOOl disciplinl' amI the PI'OJlloli()n IIf plll)ib frolll a lowc]' t" a higlH'l' di\"i~i"n ill IIi" own dcpal'tmcllt ; and, ill additioll to thi", til L.ke ('ha]'~(' uf ;,:('ll,,(d I'equisil p ",make the fl'gul::tr and all uthC']' ]'cquil'ed rctul'll, 10 till' L()('al Sllpel'il1tcllll('l1t,:l1ll1 c;>;cI'(,i"e' a watchful carc (J\'er thC':i('hool lJllilllill~ and j>]'('mi:o;e:", Hi" ~lptlli~S "I' inaptl:('"'' in t!w;.:r· amI kindred Illal1(']'," will 1;,: ,'(lI,1l all(1 c,er apl)arellt to tllO';C ,,,ho UllilclAalH1 the III , amI the aiJ"cnce or :t 1"c:-:POI1-"i1,je head lIla;':!I'I' I'l'IIlIl any III' OUl' hl'~('r schools would, at 1111('1', I ])clieH', p!:tCI' that "chool und('r a :iL'rioll" di"ai.!­"allta~(', Thll:', fairly regardl'II, the pecuniary "aIm' uf a hcael teachcr tn the snj)(Jl'llinate diyi:.:iull', as ",cll as to that ",hidl suell 1i'~I.I'ller per';(,llally in,trlld:.:, allll, I1Wl'!' obyionsl.", the "alue of a head 111:1Sli'[' to the wholl' "dl,,!)I, is \'C']',I' ('I}IISid('I'cllJle; a !'I'lJlark \rhich will lJe hettl'r unde]'stoorl, if it be appliell, as it .in"tJ,Y may, (I) the h('~\(1

llla~tel' of' a grammar "ellOol, the pl'ineipalilf a (",]!ei-'l', Ill'

the ]l1'('~id('llt of a unin·r;:;ity.

On the fail'llPoo:-; of ealculatillg th,' I'n~t, per pupil, on the jm:-;is of d:tily aYl'ra~'f' atlenclalll'e, I lif'!! til '1uotc the fol­lowing from tllc II Hi:otori('al Ue]lol't," \ri"th whil'h I en­tirdy agree,

It ~ays (page 7G), I' This \'Cry strict and narrow "ielr of the question of eX]lcll~l', is ('(']'tainly not the fair light in which it should bc "iewell, inasmuch ac; ill cyery public


institution, :llId in every private business establishment, a reasonable )leI' ccntage i:-; always allowed for absence occa­sioned by sit.:klle~s, wcather, 01' other unavoidable causes,"

J\ ,!.!'a ill , it 0':1,":-;' .. The machiner,'- of the SdlOOls is allll \Viii hc g'Oillg' on c;teallily whether eve!'y pupil be present or lIot, anl1 the 1'(,:-;( of maintaining the schools cannot well l,e 11illlilli~h(·(1 ac('ol'lling' to n, slilling: sc':t1f', dependent upon indifI'en'nt Ill' lw~l('ctful ahsentecs," J\nc1 again: "Thl' a \'l' rage ]'('~iste l'l'd at telllhu!l'c (calculated by mon ths) ought to form the klSi:-; 011 ,,,hi('h the cost of edneation, pel' chillI, ~1j()llh1 in fairncss be calculated, because, although it is trnc' that a proportion of not Ics:-; than say ~O out of every 100 were, Oll an aycra~'(', absent l'very day, yet it Ly no means follows that tIll' ~allle childn'lI '\'l're ab:o:cnt on all these oee:l~iuns; Oil the eontrary, this 1'('[' cputage of absence was llistrihuted over the whole number, and sometimes one and sometimes another was a h:-;Pllt, ae('ord­ing to circulllstall('cs; Sf) that CYel'y onC' of the absentees did more or less receive instrnction, and, in some degree, participated in the benefits conferred by the schools; and it i:-;, consequently, no more than right tlIat tlJi.y should be included in the average cost." That average cost for 1804. of 3,121 pupils, (the average I'egistcred monthly attendance,) was $8 39 ; as compared with $10 91 per pupil, on the basis of average daily attendance.

IV. TlIe next portion of the rel)ort consists of sllO'O'es-~~

tions which it offers, as to certain essentials in any pro-posed amendments.


These ~lI~'gl'~li()llS are two. 'With rdC'relll't' to the fonner, viz.: ~IIl1lt' illt:rcasl~ of (1~:\I'hin~ 1")ln'r ill tilt' pri­mary 11iyi~illll:-;, if po~sil)ll', without additional t'''pencli­ture," there seems little roolll for :lll~' tlill'I'I'I'llI'l' of opin­ion. Bnt while, in ccrtain I':ISI'~, a(lllitional il'acltillg :t.',..;i:-­tance has lllllg been 1II',gl'lJtl~' 1Il'l'llr", antI It:l~ IIrkll been asked fl)!' IJY the Local SUl"'l'illtelltlent, he ll;]~ 1Il'HI' 8111'-1)I)SI·,l that it can be ul)laincll, ()I' that thl' a"llitiullal a('­commlltbtillll that ;voultl 1w l'l'ljuired fur it...; 1',\I'ITi-I' call 11(' jII'II','Url'll, without all11itillllal I'''::I'1l11itllrl'. TI,at ex­penditure, iUlleell, HC'e"" lillt lit, lll'aY,I', :I, tIll' :1<'1'1111111111-

dation uj' .innior ;llId illterlllC'(liate tlil'i~inll~ dill'S nllt ['('­quire (II lit' uf a "I'I'Y c()"tly "e~{']'iption, nor are the "ala­li,'~ or suitab]': 1i';Il·her" "x(:C'~,..;iH'I'y high.

The latter sl1'..!,'..!'I'~li()1l relates to "some efflll't to increase the attellllancl' in the :-;clliO!' Lli l'i~il)lI:) amI eX(L'1lI1 till'ir I'llkicllI'Y, aUII "II ill,liredl.l· 11illlillish the prllpllrtionate ('Il"t pel' pupil." I Llo llClt regar,l that pml")r! IlIliatl' ('n:,t as unduly large, e"'peeially in yil'\\' Clf the lllodil.I'illg I'Ull­sideratiClHs whil'l! I 11:l\'C ~tthalll'I'11 ;tllllYl'. The avenl:.o:l~

attencblll'l.' ill OUI' sellilll' di\'i~illll";, last .Hal', ",as 4G pupils; anll ",hell thc 1']'1I,'..!T:tlllllll.' of studies fu!' these diyi:-;iolls i,.; takell into al'I'lIl1llt, that lIumber ~h(c'ulll not he g!'eatly incl'easeLl. In nil~tllll one TlC~1<.:hel' is allO\red fo!' every fifty-six pupils on the l'egi,~tl'l', ",hieh allowance evidently contemplates a small!'!' a\('rage attendance than our own. All average attencbnee of abont GO in :lny of our senior c1il'i,;iolls woultl, T think, 11l' as LH~'1' as should be desircd or pel'lnitte(l. The sll~'g-e"tiull of the ('IJlIIlllittee, reO'ardiuO' the asscmulinO' of our senior di\'i~ions, or of

o 0 v


Rcnral of them, in n"building by themselves, I cannot but consider as :-;illgnl::trly unfitteu to promote their improve­ment. • \ t present those divisions, speaking generally, are very ,yell clas:-;ified : the standard for their attainment requires nJ eleniion, flS it is in fad reached by only n, portion of the pupils \rho attend them; lllany being com­pelled to lean for active life before they han made such n,dvancemellt. The intrOlluction of c]a"sics, especially, into onr schools, for reasons to be pl'esently submitted, ,,'oulll be, in 111.\' judgmellt, a vcry grave mistake; and the sup­posed higher education to be thns aimed at would prove n, delusion, n,nd would end in disappointment.

V. I han now to remark on the particubr measures II'hich the Report proposes.

I. "That the senior pupils of Louisa-street, Victoria­street and George-street Schools, be massed in the Victoria-street Sehool hOllSl" to form the nucleus of n, Central High 8I'hoo1." To this proposal I respectfully submit the following objections:

1. Each of these schools is now identified lI'ith its im­mediate neighbourhood, n,nd, as at present organized, fn,idy supplies its actual lI'ants.

2. The kind of High School proposed would not be really n, High School at n,Il, as n, High School proper, should consist, n0t of the anrage pupils of our present senior divisions, but of such of their number as havinO' , b

successfully passed a proper test examination, were there-fore promoted to the Hip:h School, as well as of any other

candidates who ('oul(l p~\~;; :1 "imilar rX:1mination, The indiscriminate lila";" of ;;npcriol' ('IIIIIII1I111 ~,'llOol pupils would be but inferior materials fur a IIUl :-:,'lloIJI tlwt would be worthy uf th .. II~ll1!C', '

3, The Ile\\' (; r:1mm~u' ~,'h,,()l .\d ]II'ovillr',,; [Ill' all nccrs,;;[\ry High ~dlll"l culture ill 11::' cilil';'; of l'l'l"'r C';[II~ll1a, IlllH:h ml)rc ~ati;;rad)l'il." :111l1 ('I1'I'dnall,\' thall tile proposal of the Commitli'l', It prll\'illes th,lt. 1J1l (hi' hI of .lannt1],,)" Il('xt, thi,.; city :,11:lll, fill' all (~I':lllllnar :-:1·h,llIl pUq)lIS('~, i)(' a I"mllt,\', awl it:; IllUlll"ip:ll ClIllllCil slwll be inY('~I('rl with all the; Grammar :-;,·l!1J1l1 1"1\\('1';; IIII\\' 1111";­H':'sl'd h,\' l'IIIIIIl,\' "lIlll'cil", .\s d('C'I'riill'l] ]I.Y 1111' ('lli('[ :-:UI'l']'illtl'lltlellll)f Erlucation, in Iii" ,·ireu]ar dater] :\OL

l~, alhlr\'.··.-,·d to llIayl)l'~ uf I,ilil'''; ill Cpl"'!, ('antub, "The ol'.i('d IIf tIll' .\.-[ al1l]l1~ 1111' reeclltly 1'1·\'i-,-,d progralllllle of ;;111I1il" i~, to Illakl~ tlli' (; r;\IlIIll:t1' ~,·hll'll \\'h:ll it IIw,lIl to be, a High ~-!:'1111111 1'111' tIll' .. ity, all i:iI('I'IIIP,jiate ,-,,11111)1 hetwcclJ the ('111111111111 :-'1,11,"1]':-: alld tilt' l 'lljn'r.-jt,\·: ]11'1'­parilli!' pupils to Jll:ltl'iculalt:' illt'l tlw ]'l1il"'I'-it,I', "jthel' ill art:; 01' law, or in till' d"i'~utl1\('lll ,>I ('ivil 1'11,~illl','rill:C',

pl'oyidill,~ 1'111' iu1ellllell ~lll·I·('.\'o)l'.- tlll'ir ]ll'l,lilllill:lry I·dlll:a­tiOll, allll illlpartillC!' the higher hr:lIl1'li,'.:-: Ii!' all EII,C!li~11 fIlIIl COlllll1elTial Cdlll':ltil)lI til t:II)~" Y"lltll:; whl)"" IUI'l'lIt" do not wish thelll tl) stllLl,\' Ul'cek III' Latill," :\1) 111"'I',-~ity

now remaius [0[' :tlly other I'llll!ic High :-',·hll,,] ill this ('it.", mueh II'~." f<lt' 0111' II/' ~o \'l'I',I' ,).nt1Jtflll a nature as that which the ClIlllmittee has prOI'OSCl],

3, The ~('('I)jlll measure lll'II!I;I""] hr the ('Il111ll1ittee mas Le rl'~:t['(ll'il as 1l1'C1',-~:lrily d,'pC1H]Cllt 011 the lir~L It j":<, "That 1'1'l)yj:.;iUll be lllalle ill the thell vacant rooms


in tbe Louisa-street and r; eOl'ge-street school houses for the .Tunior and Intermediate Divisions now assembling in Yictoria-street. The adoption of this measure wonld, 1 con:;;ider, involve grcl,t inl'onvenience to many parents and children who are at l't'c:,cnt accommollatccl at the Yictoria­street School; 1I0t' can I imaginc a o;ingle compensating acl\"allbgc tl) be obtained Ly them 01' added to onr existing school aLT:lllgements Ii ,I" :,neh a change. Both of tbese Il1ca;';nn's, if carried ont, would invl)lve a certain but needless eXJlcnditure; at the same tillle they wonld un­/{lle"tiolJaIJly degrade the LouiC'<1-street allll G l'l)rgc-street SdlOlds fl'olll the high 1'1l"ition which thr.\' have long occu­pied, while :-:l'l'mill,gl.I", though not really, elevating the Yietot'ia-street 21'11001 at their ('xpense.

~1. The third measure is the pl'Oyi"inn of aclllitional j,l'~II]l"llC:-: I)j' higher ellt\l'atioll in t1w pl'lI.iectecl High :-\,.\1001. ,Vh;l! [ han' sniJllIittell in l'IJllnection ,,"ith the first pl'opn,'al, may 1)(' rdelTcII t" \Vitll rc"pl'd to tbis. Bettcl' allil mUl'l' sllitalJll' prlJI"ision of the kiml here con­tcmplated klS recl"lltly LC(,1l mwk I))" the law of the lawl. But fill' thi:-: LId I migllt have thought it lll'Cc:-:sary to remark on the illl'xll1'diclll·.\- of lJrdcnding tn provide da:-;:-;ical tL-al"hillg, especially in Commoll Schoob, in competitilJlI with the' n',C!'l\1arl~" organizell amI properly oflieerl'll Grammar 8chouic; uf the' city. If the Cummon S"h"ob cl)1I111 be wisely used <1:-; a basis for allY other kind of ,:chllo!. it wonld be for one of a specially cummer­cial character; but it :;CCIll:" that the new (iram;llar School programme provides for imparting a hi;,dler commercial as well a:-: classical and ;,;cientific education.

4. The fourth propo"rd mrasure is the charging of a weekly fee of l~~ ('('Ills per pupil 011 the pnpils attending the Central Sdwul ; amI

G. The fifth is, that tIlt, product of this fee in the ('t'lltl'al School be applied, hi, to pl'Uville I:I!rtain ~ltlllitinllal hi"'her branches; and, ~lHI, to pl'uvide a few atltlitional ll':u:llers for the primary divisions. 'Without I'I,feITIWt' to the lolal prohal)lc returns of e:ndl a dl~ll';.::e, wer(' it Jeviell on ~tlllll'

three hnn(ll'ell pupils ill 0111' parlieular ~t']lt)(ll, it lilay well be ql1l'e:litllled whether ite: im]>osilion w(Juld lltlt illllllelliately ocea:,inll the ]Pavin~ Oul' s .. htlt,] or :-;i·ltOlib 11.Y the ehihlren of man." who eonJLlllot hear that :-;('t'lllill~ly :-;lic-:ht addition to their inevital)]e expenclillll'e. ProlJaltl,v mall." a chiltl who conlll earn fl'om a (Iolbl' ttl a clollar awl ;t half 1'1'1' w('ek. is slill kept ![[ ,,,'hnoll)t't':II\.~t· of his tll' ];er 1':ll't':I[,,' sense of Iht, y:ilne .,f parly I'dll('~ltitlii. ,\'lill, \\"'1'1.' thtl,t' parents reqnirerl to pa~' the small SllIll in IIIII',~liull, \H)Illtl be at Ollt'" re1110Y('11 from "ehtl"!. and. ill ~lInlP ,'\a,\' (Jj' IIlhC' 1', aetiycly C'mployrd. J fear that \H' :-]Itlilltl ~t)llll Itl~I' in numher:" am1 in ('Ilneatiollal 1'(,~ldl:i, 111111'1' thall \\'1' :-;hollltl 12':1111 in dollar,.; anll t'I'111:-;. Perh~ll'~ t!JI' :1\'I'r:I,~'I' :1111'11<1:1111'1', in proporlion til tho n\1mll"r~ !I\1 tilt' rl':~i~II'r~, Illi,~ht hI' slightly illlproYC'd : Illlt what ic: tllI'lIrl·lil·:tli." proh:ll)le ill that l'l',,]II'd, llli,~'IJt nut prl)\'C' III JII' thl' :l1'l11:11 t'''llel'IIlil'lIte. I learn from rl't'I'lIl l'II1'1T:ii'111I111'1I1'C with .J n. Bilyk, E:i'j., principal of the ('eutml ;:: "!i 11111 ill Lnlllluu, C, 'Y .. "that no schonl fecs :1l'I' t'!iar: .. !,,(,tl fl)r allllli~,illll til the EII;di:-;h ('(Illr,,;c in the ('t'lltral 01' Wart1 ;-;1']lIl1lb" of th:lt city: that, .. for :1.tlllli""inll tn tl\l' Frendl I·]a",:,,,:,, the JlllJlib are dlarC-:t,tl 7,-, ('(,llb, pCI' quarler ;., and tbat "for


admission to tbe Urammar ::':clwnl department, a small fee of $1.50 pet' qnal'tC'I', is chal'gC'fl." A. ::\Jaccallum, Esq., principal of the ('('ntral Sr'hnn1 in Hamilton, also informs mE', that eaeh of the pupils in the primary :;chnf)ls of tbat city pa,Y'; 1:;~ cents per month, all hooks and stationery being JlI'oviclcc1 h)' the Board of Tt'nstee3. The pupils at­tending the Central ~r'hoob ]la," :;,-, cent" each, permonth, evel'y thing it! thl~ ~hape of books and c;tatiflllc'r)' being provided for them, In the cJac;,;ieal ,lepartment, the fees are ~3.00, pel' term, cYl'rything CXCl'pt eb-sical books being fnl'llishecl, At l1t-st thr> fees were only l:2i eenls, per month, fflr all the .~Tarll'~, and thi" arrangement of tbe Bnard W:18 intemh'rl to pa,'" for the b')l)ks and stationery w-;f·d, ('l,l~..;il'al l)()flks anel all beill.~ proyi,lecl free of expense to all the pupils. Some four .narc; ;l'C,'() the present plan was intrnrl:ler·d, anel (ell far as JI r. ~raccallum has been able to ,jur]'.EI') has gil'r'n till' ;2Tf':t!C:;t sati"faction. The Board 1'l'C'r,i\'('c; !ellrlr'l','; fur ('1'('1'.1' thing', the l)()l)ks, &c., are fur­ni,;]lf'd at the lowe,;t p()s..;ihll' rate,,,;, E~lCh pupil is held re..;pnnsil,]c Ji)r hi . ..; or her l)nok, anrl, if any book i,; misused ur IfI"t, till' pupil ha~ to prl)cnt'C all()thet' in it:-; ~ll'ill1. The latest pnhlishl'rJ I ('port I)! thl' Hamilton Scltnols, fot'1863, sh,)\\'~ that. in that yl'~ll', $1,;)~;-'.D:2 \\'il-; rcc-c-ived for r,-,(>~, and S!,I1;;,;; 1, W;iS paid rot, tcxt books awl stationery. The respective amounts fur b:;:t ),c'ar. Jf I', .\LII·r·:dlum" states, \\,crl' nearl:' the ~a1l1l'. It is but fait, to aeMl\Ir. jIaccallul1l's opiuion, that "the p:lymcnt of a small monthly fce in advance secures morc regular ;lll,J punctual attendance."

As rC'.~'ards the l'/'lwi,;ion, ])y meallS of (eec;, of additional higher hranchcs of education; I beg (,) submit that the New Grammar ::11'11(1)1 Act altogether superscdcs the necessity


for the making IIf such provision by the Board of Common School Trustees.

In the ah'ln' qllotcd eil'cllhr of the Chief~uperintelH1cnt of E,lucation, adtll"l'~SI'd to the ~byllr~ of cities, it i~ ~ai'],

"~rany (If your l'itizl'IlS haye Ill'Yer ~I'nt tlli'ir dlildren tt) the ('lIl11llll)!1 ~eho()l", though their property 11:1" been la;,,~,.ly

taxcd to ]>l'oyillc for the aeeolllillollatioll amI support of those Seh'It)],;. It is lmt just, thereforc, to Slll:!t l'itizl'Il". apart ft'Olll othcr higher and lllt)l'C' public 1'l)lIsid"ratit)lIs, that a portion of yllur futllrc "chool a~:-;l'S;-;IIII'lIts "houltl gl) til pro­yide 1'111' tIll' accoll1ll1Ollation anll :-;Il[lport III' Yllur public Grammar ~,'IIOOI." It is, I r(,~pl'l'lfll!ly submit, in the I'it,\' Grammar :-:I'IIIJ"1. and 1),Y ~lli'h mc:lll.~ a~ the I",c::tll.\' COll­stitutell anthoritil's of that :-'1'1111111 shall lle\'i:;l' allll a'hpt. that the hig~ll'r brauehes 1)[ iU:itruetion al'l' to lw SIlll.!;1it aftcr nnll attained, Additional n"I'lllIllillll!:ition nnd n(ldi­tionnl ((>,ieltl'ls are unqlll,~tionably required 1,,1' ~Illlll' Ill' 111Il'

primary divisions; not· can thcl'e ]'l' allY tIllll',' II'JIII>lll':II,j,~

awl u,;eful undertaking than that of prolllotill.c:; :iI)ullII allLi thorough primary ('ducation,

6, The last mcasure ]Iroposec1b~' the Committl'l' i" that the 1J1J~'S and girls of the primary lli\"i~i"JIS be ullited, "I that one tcaehcl' may be limitcil to the ((>,lI'hill~ "I' thl' first book, and another to tIl(' teachillg IIf tilt' Sl'I'IIIIII 1,,,,,k, This measurc is ]Il'Op'IsC'll in IIrtl,'r to gin' relicf tl) the diyi"illllS. and to ellabll' the tcachers ('I ad"l't the "illlultallc-11\1" systelll more c.\ieII.,iycIy. Sildl a ,]l'~i;':1I1'd Illin~dillg of th~ ~l'.\('s in our primary :-;I'!J"ul" woulll, in Illy yil'w, be e,\':l'l',]:n;.:ly inexpedicnt. lYe han hall to submit to it, in eertain l'a~l''', as a temporary Ilcl'I',,:-;it,L ]Jllt h:lye al\\,:l~'s ('I)llsi,h'l'c'] it desirable to discontiuue it as early as ]Io~~il)le,


To adopt it, at present, would be to take a step backward rather tlwn forwarrl. It wonld shock parental common f;cnse alll! instinctive [(,('ling,,",. would multiply the difficulties of tpachel':", am! woulel, I IJelieve, seriously injure the school,:. The limitation, too, of one teacher to the illstrnctioll of the pupils in only one book, if apparently a desirable illustration of the principle of the di\"i~i()n of labolll', woulLI, in my vie\Y, in the continuecl cwer-cl'owcled ~tate of sl'veral of UUI' cli\"i~i()lls, alTonl l'elief tu neither teacher nor pupil. The ~imult~lIl('IHl'; "y~tem of teac:hing is admirable when conilJiu('c] witli olher metlil)l]';, hut, when disproportionately adoptec1, i" exceedin:.Jy d,'C'c'ptiH. Its results require tl) be "ften inclivi,hwlly t(',;(cocl and often corrected. It is, at pre,.;ent, I "Ilhmit, proportionately u~I'11 iu ollr primary and othe!' division:.;, Its much freer I1SC', eSjlec;ially within the narr(l\\" limits ~Upjl()SC'I], would be monotonous and wcari­SUllle' ill the' cxtreme, amI probably w()uld produce Hry IjlH'"ti,mablc r(,;;llll~. The limitation whdl our primary c]ivi"ion,; mo:.;t need is a limitation of their Bum bel's, the eCjllivah'nt of which lllay he supplied in the increase of the nnlllhel' 01 Illl'ir te;(l'li('r:-:, Au iutelligent, e'arne'st te'acher willlinclll(l difficlllty iUl'ulllluc:till;! a proper nnmber, say, from ,;ixty tn Jle'rhaps ~l'\'l'llty pupils, from the alphahC't, thl'on~li the iil'"t alH1 ';l'i'I)W] hooks, in a reasonable time. But ",he'll ei,~'hty, ninety, ~t hllmlreel, or c\"('n a hnndred and thirty pupils arl~ U'1)\\"j\tocl on any unfortullate te'acher, then, whatenl' ".\"stem, nl' effol't aftel' system, that teacher may acll)!,!. hel' work lWI.'()ll1es a complicatec] drudgery, and there can Ill' III. I"'a"'mable lil)l'" that she can do justice' to either hel'"df 01' hl'l' pupil;;. ( )\'1'1' cI'owcling is incomparably the gl'eate'sl pl'l'Sl'nt evil in many of our primary diyisiollS.


Of this I have frefjuently complained, and relief from it I han repeatedly s()u;,::lit.

I han thu,;, to the best of my judgment am! :lllility, C'1l1l1-pliN! with the (!iredioll uf the gll:\I'd, :IS e.s:pl'l'~"C'll in its resolution of the 15th of l\UyellliJel'. If I mi.c:llt wnture to offer a f'n~ge~ti(,n on a mattl'r not ,'ompri~l',l ill the Report of the COlllmitte'e, it ","oull! be that, a.~ tIle High ;-;eliool refjniremellts of tLI' city arc WI\"', :1" ar~u",llJy the Chic'f Superintendent of Ec111C':ltioll. amply provilbl for hy the ~('w Chnmmar ::-:dliiol Law, to hr' alllllilli"tel'ec1 h.\' the City CO\1lwil, thr"n~h the Trustees \\'llom it ma,\' appoiut, there is still OIlC' Y;\I':\1I1 fie III of ('!lul·:ttioll,tl e!l'lIrt whi"]I, if it "l''-'III glllill to this glial'll, it llIay v\,I':,' ll~d'lllly occllpy.

I 1'('1'1'1' to the ullC'ultivated hUl](ll''-'.].~ 01' dlillll'cn ill olll' "il,\­whom parelltal ]]('gl"et, partly ]le'l'hap~ parelltal )l1lH'rt.\',

and their own ('lllIS('qUC'llt halJil~, illlJisp"";,, fol' atlel1ilaJli'p at our ('ily C(j\l1lll011 SI:hlllll". .\ fl'\r of this I'b.''.,; ntt<'IH! occasionally, hut tIll',\' will 11111 IOllg· "nlimil til wb>l('~I)Ill('

1'l'"II':lillt at :,clj()lil. which i,.; lIot coullrll1l'.] i,.\' l,an'ntnl in­Ihli'll('(' :It hOllll'. Fill' III('-e I"hildl'l'll "ome ~l"'('iall'dlli'a­tioliaIIH'O\'i,.;ioll ~l'l'll1"; to be,\'1'1 1'I'lllIirl'(l,-llpplemenklll,.\' such private' or 1,1i1llic hl'lll'H)lent 1':11'1' n~ "'ill pro,-id", ill part atle:lst, the (.lIlIl alll! dothin<f which [II'\' inili"'p('llc:t1>1y !H'('\'""ary ill ord(']' tn their nttelll1:lIl1:c at ~I'hr)()l. ,Yilll()llt such 1'1'o\'i.",iol1, e\'l'n COllljlllbll],,I' nttenlbnee, if reqnij"('(l by law, mi.!!ht he ill O'0111e ill"t,lIWI''', a ~Til'\\'l1" h:ll',Lbip.

All which i:o rl'sjlC'dflllly c-ltillllittCll,

(~i~lIl\l.) .JA.\rr·:~ PtlIrn:n,

Torollto, 1 )PI', 0tb, 180;"),



To the CltlliIJII·II/ ((wl MCllllJ(r.\ of till' Board (if Trustees of

the Public Schools of the City oj Toronto.


(; ENTLK\lEX,-It has ()1~1'1l1'l"1'11 to me that the condition of 11l1' Libl'aries of the ~l'Y2ral City Schoob requires grayc COII:'idcration, in ,m1l'I' t,: their heing reno\'ated, centralized or allo\\"('11 tu sink illtl) "ulllp:ll'ative dic'llse, as the Boaru in its \\"ic;L1olll lll;\Y d,'cm fit.

It \I ill be ill the recollection of :-;cycral member,; of the n":lrc1 tltat "ix (G) uf tlle hir:,!l'l' libral'ies were formed in t1H' .Hal' 1,'-:·-. T. when IGa-l volumes were distributed alllOIIC: thc six prillcipal ".-Iloul,;, for the use of the ""lliol' pupil,,; uf )Iotll 11ep:1l'tllH·llh. In 1.'';::'8, 1 :213 more volumes \\"l'l"l' purchaH',1, awl "l'i'<lratc liuraries were appropriated to tlll' fl'm:ile (1cpal'tments of the same :-;I·hools. The total 1ll111111l'r of YUlllllll' . .; thus hecame ~S:J7. The value of tll!'~(> 1.. IC 1];:-;. iITc.';JlI'din~ of thl'il' extra COHrs. and of thc C:1:'I''; ill ",hi::11 tIll'.\" were Lleposited, was Sl,GOO ; viz" 8suO lllrlli~he(1 l.y the Bllal'll, and $800 alll1ed 1.y the Pre., iW'I', tllr"11~'11 the DI'p<ll'tll1cnt of Educatioll. In the Far 1SGO, ac111itinnal, tlll'llgh smaller libral'ies Wl're pro­"idl'e1 r"l' thl' \N~ cd' 1j(.lh departmellts (II the Palace and (; i,ills'-stl·l'(·t ~('h"t,]c', cOlllpri~ing 304 Yolumes, at the co~t of 81:2:2, (.1' "'hieh $Cl were paid ]'y the Board, and ~Gl, by the PrOyillt'C, Tlms the total eu"t of the books in alltl!t' school librarics hns been $1,72:2, namely, SSG 1 to the Huard, and $Slil to the Province.


In April, 18Gl, on the motion of Mr, Brent. then a mcmber of the Boai'll, I obtaillerl from elH:h Heacl JLt~(Pr ami Head JI istre:"s of the six Iar,~c' schoob a I'ctUl'Il of the numbcr of books at that tilll<' ill tIll' library unlier the ('arc of each, as comparcd ",ith (II(' nri~iIlal number of ,,'hi('h each library \\'a~ COIlIJ")~('<l, In Jul~' "I' the ~llIne ycal', I I'r()('IIl'cll from ('ach I-lent! :\LI"t(", alld IIc;lil '\Ii~trl'''s of th()s(' :-;('hool.~, awl 1'1'11111 the Ifl'ad }!a~tl'r,.; (If

the Palacl' allli (; ivill<-stl'l'et S('bOIl!:', "('''I",(,ti\'('I,\', a cUp," 01 the (';Ltnl(),~'lIc' 01' the hllllk" whic'h \\'('1'1' tbell ill each or thc ;;('vcral fUllI'tcell lilJraries, "\1111, 1'\"("'Y :'111'­l'l'ssin' year, a "latcllIcllt Ill' tIll' 1I1111d"'r IIi' \'1I!IIII1I''; in each library, aIHI (If tlH' mllld,,'r takell out l1urill,~ tll(' ,\'e:(I', has IJecn rctl\l'ne(l to lll(' by ('Ilch I'rillci)'liI 'l\'lli'bel', to be rCJlortel1 to the Elillcation Vepartllll'lIt, :1111il'cl'lIr']I',1 in my Annual Heport to this J:oar,] ,

All this tilllf', howcycr, tllt' work oj dimillution alld .11'('11,\'

has I)('('n g'oill,'.!; on, and I han' then'l'ol'l' tlllllI~llt it 11('"",.;"

sar)" in cOllnectiun with a "I""'inl persllilid ill:,)",(,tioll ,,(, all the libral'ics, /" rcqncst from eaeh I'rilll'i pal '1\'ac!H'l' ~nch facts as enahle me til make a. l'<1rtil'l1lal' 1'0)")l't "f tll(' prcsent conditio/l of the ,.;en'rld lilll'al'i('~, uIIder [be Jullo\\'­ing heailill,C!'.'';, yiz,: "( )ri,,-,:illal ;\,), of' YOIUllll'~ ill lillrary," "1\0, at prescnt in lihrary," "i\o, ,.;till sl'n'il'L'~lblc," and " No, seldom, if cvcr, 11";('11."

The :1CCllIllp:111,Ying Talill'" cO\ltaill all tIJI'~e particulars, and SIll'\\' tIJat of 1.s~;; YUIUJlII''''' still ::'l'niccal))e, thl're arc 561 whicIJ are seldom iJ CI'er !'l'ad,


Of the ;~Ol yoJ:.:, ~l'lectell ill 1860 fot' the Palace-street and Giyill;-:'-;.;trcet lilll'aries, 1I0ne are 011 this list, but all Ilaye l,el'll al'l'Pptahle to the pupils. I prC'sume that the C'xplanation III this f:wt i;.; t" 1e 101111(1 in the faeility with which so ~lIIall a IIUmUel' of 1)l)ok;-: coulll be selecte(l iI'om thc stllck of thl' Ellucatil l il Department, in comparison ,\,ith tlil' difficulty ofseleding in ISS/-8, tlll' lar,~e nnmLer of' :2sJ7 book;.; (!'Om the :'HllIe 01' allY other ordinary :-;tOI,I;:, without includillg' a III 011.',:' them many \'dlrks whidl ~lI'P

1ll1,"n'i('(':I~,I,' to l'hil,lI'en, beillg of a historical, 8cicutiJic, JlhiltJ~llphica I, or ethical character,

Tht' 1I1,,,t pllpular 1)001;:-; haYl~ I'cen, of cout':'e, the 1I111st illjllred hy W(,:II' aud teal', ; while, of the laJ'::!' llUJlJl,er t1wt han tli,";,II'Jll':II'l'll, sOllie have literally fallen to piece;-:, while- lllall,\' IWH' l'I'en il'n't'uYerably taken II." pupils and pHJ"'llh who han' IllOY",j from tll(' ('ity, In "Ill' 01' two in~tall('e:" the I""" of I.JOok-eas(' k(,,":' iiI' loek..; nl<ly al".'IlUut jl)l' til(' :-'lIh:'e'jlll'nt IlIe:' of iuade<jll:llely jll'lItl'ctecl book"

But for the earefnl manner in \i'hich the hooks wcre IIJ'i,~iilally ,")\"'I'eLl by the female T('al'ile!'s, thcy eodllllot 11:1\'(' Lecn nea!'ly :<1) s('l'\'il'('ahle a", they han' jI!'lIn',l ; the boaI'd" ill whil'h lhl'.\' \\'('re bound when 1'1ll'chasec1 having Leen, for tbe III 0" , l':lrt, H'l'y slii!ht; "0 that the hooks, generally speakillg', ,,,ere qUitl' unlit 1'1)1' the sel'Yice which they were destined to undergo,

In IInler tn makc the l)f'st possible u",e of those which rcmaiu, I would respectfully SI1i!'gcst that they be brought together to ~tlme central place; that all which are yet serviceaLle be e1assilied and catalogued anew, by SOlUe


Teacher or other person to be ;1) '1'''; II I,'. i and paid hy the Board a,.; Librarian; and that aftpl' the ~IIIIlIl!"1' llOli<l:\\'o', 1)on1\:" be issued to :-:I\I'h sellior male awl fClllaL, pllpib. '(Ill alternate ~atul'da,Y", as lIIay I'l"'I'i\'" ti,'kl't:.; fl'om their respective Ilpa,l :\hstf'l':l "I' lIf'ad :\Ii:-:(I'I''''I'', \yhi<:h shall entitle thC'1ll til ~\lI'!t a priyilt.'g",

Should it he the pl('a~III'" or thp !;";,I'd tn a,l.l III 11\1' Lilmll'y ill any futllre yeaI', i( \mllld Iii' 1I11l1'h .,;"j"I' til maintain UIII' lihrary ill a usdlll ""llIlilillll (1i:11I III ;II'I'llIll­pli:;;h thp YI'ry ,Iifliellit ta~k "I' kl'el'il",!' flllll'!eell liJ.rari,':-: al,uH' the len' I of ('nllte 111pt.

:\l11~t of the pupils ill our :-:"11,,,,1, a((I'lId ~IIIIII' ~1I11.b,\'

~"h<J"L from the lilH'''l'y "I' \Vhidl till',\' dr;m ('lIkl'l;,illill,!.; as well ;,,; rdii!'ioll,'i houks ; [tIlll I 1"'>I""'(il1lly C'1!illllit (I':I( all alll"I1,~ thC'1tl \\11". aitC'r atk\ldill,~ (II (h"il' 1IIIIIle du(i,". aIHI prC'parillg' thl'il' 1i,,"11' 1",:':'1111:-', hax,' lei,'I'I'<.' allll illl'li, nation le)r fnrther J'(';,dill,~'. wOllld ,~Iadly :I\';,il (1"'III.-"I\'\':-; of the priYilege,.; of the :-:dIOU\ Library, ill (he 1,11'111 \\'i1ich is now :-:ug'ge"kd,

RC'spectfully submitted.

Toronto, J an nary 7, lSliG,



TIl(' Park Yid'il'i:t-,-( red

Loui":L ,101111 Ph'l·l,(, t ;iyill,,'

rRE:-;EXT No,

Pah'p-stl'Cct Georg',· The P:ll'k

Yictol'ia-street -LOl1i~a ,.


Plw'h" I,iyius

, ,:



1.52 ?i'S ~i'~

~gJ <)--~II

:271 2:j,t F)~

\'( I!,:-;, I\,


130 20;) ~o5

180 25·t 99

196 14!



F,s 102 :2i'n 101 171i




] 77 GG

lIS l;30

64 75



102 506 430 ,~.J6

5.J7 4~2

410 J52



130 3S2 :2i'0 298 404 163 271 IH




Male. Female. Total.

Palace-street l:}iJ 130 George 15D 150 309 The Park - l;j;j ~9 184 Victoria-street lCG 109 2ifi Louisa ').-) .....

-;,/ 150 337 John " ,')1 G3 147 Phrebc ,. ISG (J 'J 248 )~

Givins' " 11:-; 143

1260 fjlj3 1S:Z3

1\'0. OF YO LI',I 1·:S SELDO)!, IF EVER, READ.

~lalc. Female. Totol.

Palace-strcet Geor).!:l· -.)

,~ 5G 128 The Park

,-,) IG GO 'J.,)

Victoria-:-;treet SO Go IJO

Louisa GO 30 ~lI )

Juhn " I~ 1~ .')4

Phwbe " .... ) j~ IS 90

Giviu3' "

3i9 ] 8~ 5(jl

N' o. of volumes still serv iccable - l~GU G J):J 18:2:3

No. " seldom reall - 3i~) IS2 GG1

Adapted for further lise 881 3S1 l~C:2





DIY lSW':;So

To tlte Clwinwl,! alld MunZh rs if the Board of Trustees of the PIJllie SchlJols of the Cit!! (!l Toronto.


G EX'l'LDlEX,- I lll'g to submit tLe following Report CIIllel'\"llillg thl' JUllior Di,oi"iuus uf the ('it." ::'c!toul,." with l'~jI",oi~t1 rdcIT 11l'l' to the approachilJg SUlllIller weather.

I haye frl''Illellll.y heen :l~k('d ] I.\" :::1'110111 authorities what nUllll'l'il:al j'I'II]II'i'tilJn the three ll~llaj tli,oi~iilllS of a well or!,!';;lliZI'd city Ill' town common ~dlUUj should bear to each othl'l"o .Jly reply has uniforlllly heen, that the senior divi~illlJ~ SllOUlll (,IIIllPloi~(' all()ut IIlty pupils, in ayerage attl'lJltllH'C ; the intcl'lllecliak diyi"iollS, alJout 60 ; and the juuiul", allilut 70. Durillg the lIlonth of "\pril last, the :tnrage attcllllanee ill tIll' fourteen distiuct junior divisions of our loily 3cli<)()b was DO pupils; in eight of y,hieh sehools OWI'!' werl' frolll 00 up til 1~1. In all lhc:-;c divisions the attl'lJilalilT i,; il\(,j'(':I'illg, during the present month; and ,yill prolJalll.v 10()lItilllle to iIIlT<:'a:'l', ulltil the heat of the \\'I'atlll'r :-;hall gradually recllll'C it. In all these divisions, tl)lI, the ehildrcn a1l(1 their T('~l('ltl'r:'i C'lltrl'r not a little, ~.:,;

the summer advances, and a fail· amount of sehool work call searl'l,ly be performed under such Cirl'Ulll"tances.

Almo:-,t the only alleviation of this state of thino's which '" we klYC hall for ~evel·al sueee~"ive years has been a


second recess of ten minutes for the pupils of our junior divisions, both /()l'enooll all11 afternoon' a measure de-, cideclly benelleial to Slli'l! pupils, IJllt,-"!"I'atly disturbing to the business of those ~l'llilll" ,Ii\'i~illll:-;, tlll"llll,,-"'b who:-;e rooms the jUllilll"ii have to pa~s alill 1"c-paoS on their \\':1)'

to and from the play groulllls,

In the John Stt'cet school, indeed, all IlI'ca:-;ional Te~lI'her has been employed fot' two or three of the ';[Ullmer' months; and that measure has afforded 1'lIu:;illeral)k relief. I am fully convilll'cd that the most effedllal practicable method of llealil1!,!" with the gc'ueral clifliclllty of overcl"Owdiu,C; in junior di\'i:-;iotH is that wbi,.lI has 1)1'1'11 adopted ill the City of Vl'Il'oit, allll ill SClIIle otlll'l' ('itil'';, lIallll,I,\', "TIle half-day :",\'"telll, I),\' mcall:; of which frolll 011 to IjU ~,.]lldal'::;

are taught ill the furl' l':lrt Id' the da,\', allll the "allie lIulllLer of different ~cholal's of the :;alll(' gyade in the alli'1' part of the same Ib,\', l)y the ~al11I' Te:II'11l' I',';," "1:,\' this s,\'stelll," repot'ts the President of the DC'lI'lIit ell,ll'llilf Edlll'atiull, ., from 100 to 1:20 schlllar,; will n'tTi\'(: illstl'lldilill till' three houl's ('al,1t day. allll have IOnllicil'llt rl",lll to he at easc'; wllile, u11ller th(' fOl'lllt'l' plau, from 7;') to 1111)

sl']lOlar,;" (OUl' !lumbers are ~till hi,~ller) " ,,"ere erowd"d into one room for six honrs; amI thl' (:),:lllll'ed, 1'lIlll1m',} eon.lition of the ';t']lIdar", alltlthe rigid di~ciJllille Ilt'CI'~~al'y to be enforced l)y the Teaehel', tn maintain 1l1'1]('r, ncithel' tentl to illl'l'l'a~c the Illn- of the seholal' II)\' ~dll)ul, liDr stimulate him to study and PI''';':!"l'S'; ; nul' ,]" th('y tetlll to eultivate amI improre the telllpel' of the Teat'her, nllll the love fm hel' work alill the ';I'hllbr I think nIl the Teach .. 1';';, in whose schoo]~ it h:l:i 1Il'l'l1 allnpteLl. l'UlIl'UI'


in the opinion that they cuu advance 100 pupils, or even UO, by the three hours rule, as rapilllyas 75 pupils by the six hour::) rulr."

On this suhjret the Speei:Jl Report of the Detroit Com­mittee 011 S .. houl,;, and that of the Sehoul Superintendent for that city, are wdl \\"urthy of full consideration.

,\learmliile, I h,1Yl' to r('qnest that th8 usual appointment of a temporary 'j't.:a .. bel" for the ,J abu-street Sehool, and of allY other t(,1111)()rar~' TI':lCher:-; iYllOlll the Board may lll'l'lll lIeL'c'ssary. may be made fur the ensuing summer.

i1L'''pectfnlly submitted.

J "U[I-:;:;; PORTER, Lllcul Superintendent.

Toronto, ~hy 17, 186G,

Snhseqnent to the submi,-"ioll of the above Report, the Standing' CommittL'(' on SdlOOI )Ianagl'ment, in their Rl'port Xu, G, rl'ported a" fulll)\\':-;: "Having had under co\!:-;itleration thl' dimenlty "I' kl'l'ping a YI'ry large nUlll­IJI'r uf ."()nll.~ ":Iiltlr,·tt l'ntpll.y,'d ,ltlt'itlg the long afternoons of lwt SUtllmer day:", ,,"I)nt' Commil tel' :1I'e of opiuion that the attelJl LInce of "nl'h rn i,',!,lt t IJe ath-a nl :I;l'('on,;]y dispensed with, SCHill' time bef(,l'(' the /'I',~:l1bl' hour (four o\-Ioek) of t:ll)~illg ~dlUol; arl(l thl~", "Ilil,' relil'Ying the very little ones from the wearinl'~,~ of cl)ufiIlC'll1ent in a hl'uted and c:'II\\'Lleu ~<:hlJul !UlIlll, ellable tlJe TL':lchcl' to elevote more tiilW and alli'uti'I\1 to the other auLl alh'~I!~cf'd pupils,


Your Committee, thereforC', rel'ommend that the Local Super'intendc'llt shoulrl be authol'i!'<'c1, in his discretion with regard to number" amI th .. 1,";11 of the \\('atj}f'r, t~ relie"e such of the ,ua)]cI'Y pllpils ;1S :11',' li"t furtlll'!, than the first nratlill~ Biluk froll1 ~lItC'n{lall"I' aftcr thrl'l' "·I,j'wk. p. m., until rdhrrwi,,' ordercd." This l'I'I'llililll('udation wa" adupti,t! 1).'" the Board Ull .llllle Gth, :l1l(1 :lfr'iI'dt't! IJ()

little relipf to the childrcn ill t1w lOIn'!' I'];':":-cs of tbe junior eli y isions,

8, ADOPTIO.:\ OF C}~~rl'J:I'~L~~'~ (~.EOGIL\pnY

AXD AT~~\".

The Committee on S,·ho,,1 ~LIIJ;IU"II1('llt at tbe ~;llllr date (June Gtb) l'C'portC'd "Tbat the ('''lIllcil of Public Instruc­tion for Canada 'I\'C'st, h:n'ing withdrawlI it" s:lnctil)ll to the use of ~lllI'''I,''', fit' any other ,\ IIIt'rit'all UC'ogTaph,\', in the Common ~dlOols of tbis l'!'O\'itl"", allll a~ a yiulation of this ]'('g:lllation will su1),il'ct the 0',·111)1)[ ot' O'cjlt)l)b con­cel'lled, to the loss of its Iq.2;i"j:li in~ apportiolllllcnt from the school !-!T<I II t, yuur COlllmittee l'l,,'UIlIIIH'1I11 that. after the ensuing :,;ummer Y:ll'ation, 'l':tllljJuell';; :-'<:11001 Geo­gnl phy a lid .\ tins,' prepared for tbe Il~C of :-:t"ilUub in the Briti::;h Pl'oyilll'C'';, be n'(")g:llizpd a,s the text-book ill this bl'allch of ::;[11111' in our !'cho"J:-;." This recommendation was adopted hy'the Board, and bas been duly cal'l'ied out.





TOROXTO GRAml.\lc SI'HOOL, Oct. 19, 18G5.

To tlte Chairman II lUI Members of the Board of Schoo!

TI/ls/as 0/ the City of Torontn.

GEXTLE)[EX,-It affords me much pleaslll'e to inf"rm

you that at the rccellt ~ratriculation Examinations in the Unil'crc;ity of Toroutu, two of thc former pupils of the Cit" Sl'hIlO\S, to "'hom Sclw\arships \yere uwurdeu by yo~, acquitteel themselves with great creuit. I refer to

Daniel Ryrie and ~\,jfl'cd Baker.

The former having pursued a ~ati~factor.v course in this school for three ycar:" c<1l"l'ied off, in 1863, the highest Scholarship in Upper C:1lJucla C(ll\('g'e, from which institu­tion he has ,inst proceeded til the' University, and has gained the rare distinction of being placed first in the first class in evcry subject of esamination, becoming entitled thereby to several Scholar~hips.

Alfred Baker, the junior in educational standing by one yrur, has pa"cll an esamination, which though less bril­liant than that of his too formidable competitor, was yet highly satisfactory: his standing is that of first class in mathematics, and second class in classics, history, and English, and he has obtained a Scholarship for general proficiency in all the subjects of examination.


It is gl'atiryillg: to OlJ~l'I'Y(', how, 1,\, IlII'U!lS or tlle \',ll'i()us educational illstituti()\I~ 01' thi.' I'ity, hlcilitil', a\'(~ pl'l'~I'IJtl'fl to dl'Sl'ITill),.!: h()."~, of' all ('l:i~SI''', rIll' alhallt:inC!; from the lowl'st f't,l~,'l''' to hi,~'IJ('~t distillcti());,; in Il';lrlJill,~', B,' the c;.;(abli"hmellt awl lllailJtcll:(lll'l' 0;' th!.' ',".,-lc'IllS oj: rrl'e ~chuI,js and ,;dll,jlll'"liil''' WI', ill on\' f<tYl!l't'll da,\', "";:1',,,,1.'1 fed the force 0: thr maxim of l!!d,,1' tillll'S: "lIal/lJ 1;lcl/e fJllfTgllllt quorum L'/'r{/lfih/ls {JUs/rlt /,'IS ({Ii,!.:li'{rl riO)}!!,"

I remaiu, gelltl"lllen, Your Illl'st "!)I"!i"llt,

I eallllot ('I,),;c' tlii.; It''lJOrt without l'xl'!'l"si1i:~ thl' gTa­

tjlicatiull I havco [('It on oh"c'l'Yi\I,~' til:l! tIll' l'l1' .. !'t:" 01' tlil~ Bllal'll of ~,.]lol)l Tl'u:-;t!.'I's <Ill,} (If' tl\l' :\fUllil'ijl:t! ('()\lllI'iiur this coity for the Pl'l)llll)tio\l (If hi,cdll'!' amI /'\'('1' eLl\l('atioll, in the CO,I:"e (If s\ll'll d":'I'l'viw,' \'quth" as 1'llIlIl' Illldl'\' their

.~ ,

illlllledi:lk !lotil'!.', :lrL' not unrloukl''] 1)y the ('bicr ;-:Uj'I'I'­

iutelllll'ut of Elllll,:tlion,

In his l\.I11I1Wl Report to His EXl'l'!iellC'Y the (;()Verllot' (;rneral for 1864, hc relllarks: "Tlll' ;,Illllil'i)/:t\ CuulIcil all(1 Board of Sl,ltl)l,l Trn~II'I'." .. ,1' (hi' ('ity of '\'I)!'I III til ha"!' set a nobl!! example of ('III'IlUra,!,!,'inf"' diligence alllilll.C!' the Teachl'l's and pupils (If theil' H'lilllll~, by not 0111,\' pl'(l('lll'ill.~ amI giving prizl'';, but founc1ill~' ~1'\'l'1I jl'('(> ~dllJlar~hil'~,

c'ach tenablc for tlrll Yl':II'S in the (; raml1l:tl' ~d)clu1.

Thei:le prizes anel ~,'Ij()hl','hil's arc ('lIl1lpeted fUI' 11~' a papl'l' and oral I'xamination, 1)l'rorc l'x:lllliners nppointed by the Board of TI'I1~~I'rs, "\t these examiu:ttilillo; the pupils of the various City CowlUon Sdwo\s clllllpck, and


the prizes and scholarships (signed by the Mayor with the corporate seal of the city) are distributed at an annual meeting hell] in the city hall. In this manner meritorious and promising pnpils of the Common Schools earn a free grammar ~('hool eclncation through the liberality of the municipality, aliI] thus make their way to the University, where the education is almost free."

Nor can I forbear to quote the language of Mr. Justice Hagarty, in his recent charge to the grand jury at the fall As:-,izcs for the County of the City of Toronto, ,vith respect to the uninstructed and vagrant children who arc seen in every part of our city. "It is to be earnestly hoped that some attempt may be made to work downward to reach the grade of children apparently below the influence of our present systcm : to gather them in their rags and squalor, (if necessary) apart from those of their own age, who shrink from their contact." I cannot but anticipate that the recent resolution of the Board, which bears on this particular subject, will lead to some good result in this very important direction.

Respectfully submitted.

Office of Local Superintendent of Public Schools.

Toronto, January, 1866.

J.A~IES PORTER, Local Superintendent.

Submitted to the Board, January 17,1866, and referred to the Committee on School Management. Reported on by said Committee on February 7th, and ordered by the Board to be printed for the information of the rate-payers.



!) -!

l'EHTIFl'".\I£ HELD.

~4'nOOLS. X.IlIE OF TEACIIEIl. ProvinciaL Co.]]""rd.

1 'n.·",··

Ula~.· ('la:-..~I' ft.;:." Clal's Cb~s I 1. 'c. ~" L c. -1----I .:: I ::1., ~ ~ 1 .\.. 1.,,-

...... ~Iar(in (; ill ...... ' }Ir,. Hell(jerson ........ . ~Ii:-;:-; Buddy .......... .

George ~lr4'd ..... . I: :1' 2:i 1 A :! A ::~)~)

.! ~ A 121'

Uidmrd L;·wi:-; ...... . ~Ii:-;.-) s. I:. (~Ilinn ........ . jli.-;:-; ~n:-;an 1 r.llllilton .... .

::Jli:-;;-; :\. L. AI'IIl-;tr'"lng

The Park ..... . '1: ~ 1 :c: ~;: l ;;;~ 1 A

. ... ' :!.\ ;jlj(j

\~1i~s Catharinp ~(~arlett .. . i:J1i;-;:-; ~\ IIH:iia Renuing ... .

.·,rllliaru .\lld(,l'bOIl ...... .

'~Ii .• o.; .\. Hichanl:-; ....... . )h-;:-; .J .. \ nnstrong ..... . . 1 l'

'l\lic-:s:JI. lJuik .......... . '}Ii" ~r. .\. Anker ...... .

Yietoria ~tr('('t .... \\'tllialJl :--:.,'l'ttllll ......... . 1 (: ~li~-; G. H"Ulid ........ . III

John :>(rc'd

i~I i·, E. Kenm',)y ......... : ,.j :HfI ,:11 i;s ('. I: I'a (l . .- ••.••••.•. ' : : : : I ~ ~\ 4 t:: !:'Ii., .\.}i. (J'Flahc·rty . 1 D •.... 1Ii':: i~Ii-;-; :JI. UI)l,in:-;oll ......... 1 ill .. .. D:;O

Louisa :-;lrcC't " ... .. .. 1l1'IIIT l:rIJ\\'(\O ...... __ ....... I .... ~. I A :1:l)l)(·~·t )Ic('ansland....... ' I I .\ i:'Ii's J. ". M"rri,on....... ···1 :: r·· 1 J:


}Ii .. , ~L .\. K.·nnedy ... ... . ... T ... 1]] }Ii<s Ac'(l"s Hall ......... ". c Blll::'!I'"

1:'li<s :\Llrcarc·j Green!ees. " 1.\, .... 15'~J .. " Celltre St",'et .......... \Ii.,< S. }!.·I:rid" ......... "'1' I B

i~!iss P. S. ~Icl ;"" : 1 C I. . .. ~I:]~ .... 'i);urmall }Icli-11lIy 1 A

1)11.-;. I'atter:-;on .. . 1 ~\ ... 1 :.!~l:i .. .

Ph,,'),e :-;(rc',-(

'I:'Ii." Kelluch ............. ,1 C , ... '11llG .. . :'Iis, E. J. Ll"y.j .. . ..... 1.... I .... 1 C

.. '" 'I"alll"c! ('urm' .......... i .... 1. 1'3'~); 1 A }Iiss ('. ~L" Churchill ... : .. ' 1 B I. u .. :Jlis~ l{(_'lllTca Thompson ... : .... :.! ~\ G.:I~ :'Iiss),1. 1. l;arrlen ........ I •••• c A IO:U .... 1 ... .

:'Ii" Uh,·i" H. Dunn ..... 11 B I •••• 1:,7~1 ~li:-;~ J l'.-;.-:je RI ~.~.'·('rs.. . .... 111 n ~,' .. .. il G~4

Givins' Street...... ~ I \1 \11 t ... "amul' . ('. \, l'l' . . .. •.. I 1

~Iiss:.LJ. Keown .... : : . r : : : : :: :::: Total. ....... 0 ••• : •••• 1 .... ( ... .

th~l!;r~,\L I ApPUIXDIEXT.

nCr.J(;I01·~ DJ:\u.,JJ\ \'J JII:\"".


------------------ ---------------~O\".



May July

April Jan. Feb. .Ian. .fall. llec.

I, I I.~.-, I

1. 1 ";:, 1 :-., ,~,,~)

I, 1 ,,:::' I"':,,,,: i

1. I ,,: I 1, 1-':1;:: 1, 1 'I.i,-,

1 "',-,7 1 ".,-, 7 I ... ·-,7 I

21, 1 :-':1;.-,1 I, I

I, I, I, I, 1, 1,

I 1-:,1; 1"'::,:, ; }.-"'::, ~! 1

I"; f' 1-':1;.-,

1"':11 ISG~ 1:--:/il 1 :~:):~


:::!o 200 7110 11111 :!.-,o :!.-,o :!(JO :!((II 7011 :::!o :!,-,O :lIIO :!ao 7110 ·100 :!.-, 0

Chlll'(·h of EIJ:..'·1.-tlld Trailll'II h\' ('11. Ed. ~'H·il·t\·. III·Ltlld. 1:;'1 di ...,t . 'J'l'aiIH,J at .\ul'lIlal :";\('11'1., Edillilurgh. ('li:I!"!'11 nf EII:!l:llld (·(Hl'..! 1,,:!:tti()llal "TrailJl'd at Trai~lill.:..'· S('h'l, LiY(TI,()(d, ~je(h"d,-1.

1 '11",ilytl'j ial1" _\j,·th,;di-1. . ('llul"ch Id" EIJ'!lalid .'II·tlto,li . ...:t. ) r I'! III HI i ~ t. -'11·thl di . ...,t. .\Il'tliqdi,L l'I,· . ...,I,\'tl'l"l:1n. ('{'II'.' I:c':.!·atilillai. I

('1111)"("11 (d" ElI:!l:tllll "hul"h I,f Ell:..! lal!!] Traincd ill Traillill,'! :-":('ll1l1)l, London. \T"'\III<1i...:t. I

:!:JII \T,·\II"lli-r. :!OO I ::11 It i~t. :!oo I'r(,~L\"ll·ri·ln. , 7110 ('I,lI,l:h (II' EII:..!·lalld tJf!O )11'\ h'llli"t" 400 ('I""Th "I EIl:~IaIl,] ~:,o ),fl·tlilldi .... t.

.July 1, l:--:ij} ~,-d) I'll :-;l'rteIIHtl.

lIc'e. I, l~i:.~ :lOll 1']l',~1.~j,oll:111. N()\,. 1, 1,"-i',,, ~.-,o (·I'IJ-,I"I'..:':t!lIH1:t1.

July 1, l,..;(~~ :!,-,i) ~klll'H11't. April 1, l.' ... (~:: 7110 \[1'\ II{)di ..... t. Feh. 1, l~C::1 :~20 1']I·,II\!I'li:(II"

July I, 1,':1 ~:,O 1:''1"i:t. Jan. 1, 11..·'i:! ~no 1)1(,~L\ tl'ri:111.

1 '~'-'Ol 700 ('lllll'c"L uf Ell,~lal!'l 18'-,., ·100 1:''1''i-'. -

Oct. 1 1"'-,1) "-,0 1'IIIII(hllrr:II..:LllId

July 1: l!-':(;I! ~j() 1)II~ll\tlll!11 Jan. 1,1"i,1 :lOll ('IHll,-lIt,t Ell..:lantl Jan. 1,1":(;:' :!OO I'I( .... L\\, I III

!\T()\,. I 1 ~:II) .-,-,0 ('hlll( II uj 111..:111!'1

'11...!'-':!I~I('lllITlhui Ell..,l'lwl

................ ",'-'


:':1" "II I



lYllm/'N of Pupils entered on 11>" R,':!;siPl"S of the sacral Schools, during the !J'fll' 1"165.


:K.\:\lE OF SCHllnL. I Males. I Females. Total.

Palace Street. . .. ... . .... Gpor!!e The Park Victoria. St['('I't Louisa Centre John PhcelJe Gi\"ill~'

" " "

Total in all the Schools.




2 (~~I 172 381 41t 360 774 :-;:!:-; ~,"4 607 .J:!,"'; :i4- ~l 777 ;)? ? ;,+1 1114 190 221 411 ::II:~ 2.-.n f),)~

: : ~ , :1 ~: ~I.)

I 7,"s

1 (i,-) DO 316 -------- ----

:! ~ I ~ f ,,,\ :272:-\ I

,-) i26


j nal!Jsis of the Attendance at the Sf ('('1"" Schools.

(\'11tl'e " John " Phcebe " Givins' "

TABLE D. Ace}"u.'lf' I?, ://,"{I'I"I ,l Jlulltld!! A ttl /l111f/NY, tli/ll ... 1 /'I'}'ave of ...1 ('('r(lge 2Uontltly

... 1ffl'lltlUI/I'I'.

I~E(;J:--TEREn. II .:\YUUGE. l:..:Gj, I

': )lal,·,. - 1'~c'lll:ll.:~ lTo~~ll Mal"i. : Females.' Total.

Januar~=- -1-';;;-14G-;~ J:;~I~-~ February..... . I ;::,; I H-! ::[.,(j 1::: I I 101;' 2402 :l\Ia~ch . . .. 17iO 1.-,1)1 :::.;71 I:;7~j II:.!~ 2.,17 April.... [."'UI lGOI ::IIi~ l14j I l""') 21:;7 ~Iay ...... 1:--:1;:) 17:.!O :j:J,I.::: I,D L I I :!.-d~ ::1;1;7 June. 17:1:) 1ljj-.: ::tL3 l:;7~ 1:.!'20 :!.-)~I~) July. 1:1111: 11;:, "4"1 Sel'l(,ll1l<l'r I::H 11.-" 2.'iO[ Uctoher .. -" .. 1 :!c.', IO:JO :!::75 KUYl'mlll?r. ]'2:1:: i JOt:1 i '2::06 IJt'C('lllll(-r ____________ 1:!74_1~~1~

147,-)7 i I :!:{;...:J I ~7140 --__ --__ 1 ___ -

l::il/G, : ll:!·'t,i ~lfjl_l~f

T.\DLE E. .. :1 l"('I'II,Ift" J/'IIIII,I// j It I IUlullc(' ill, 1111' /'1")III·t//"/ nll'/::;lol)IIS (~/ Ilu' S 'I'{ rul Ct"I!J

j'II/,{fC ~""';, II/ill!:,; 1I1fH/1 (//, ]"/0101' JIlI/I"I))', .",'(CIIJlrI ur 1I1ttl'll/cd/all', alld 'i/ll"nior ''','I.'IIt"(jF, bot/I, ..Ilul, fllld i'>JJUfh:"

_._--- -"--.-----~~-----

~~ J:!j fiji ,-)\.;, !-:I III 1·1:) tit) .Ill llij ,-dl l --! ~ II :I~ 1 :,J :--; ~ j Ijti! (jO :.!I.-I - .1 71; ,I,



I' Fl::3L\.LES.

NA)IE OF SCHOOL. II ~ 'j 1 I~. -3~~-T-o-t-a-I.D --.-1-.-2-.--3-.-'I-'-O-t:l~L: ~ ~

Palace Street .......... " .. " ... " .. .

The l':trk .......•.................. Yi\'tl,ri:t Street Louisa Centre John ]'IIII'Lt' GivlW·;'

, (il ))j

41; Gfi 84


.. ·1 I;, 1



10;) 1 ~)2 ]Iil)


0:!1.1 ;~'i;)1 ;Jl-;-I 1 :!I',1

1 ercllce: .) ID" es more, ." +',4 + 4 =]]') Iflf 11' 1 )I~'_-' 1-1--. thall ill ]01;+ ............... J 1 I I


2G 411 "' 1,2 r,~ 411 "HI 139 331 Ij;} (j:J, 1:!,':\ ~n! DI; i


~'I ;,e 107 :l,j0 ~J:! (j,j: ;)1 ~1~;1 471 ,~ ... '... ,S I 139 ;1~ ,-<~: " S~;, 196

40 ~:I 4,'< 14611::1 1 21, :~ I ... 55 129 ~----- -"-

·-1'i·-, :;~llj 1 ~II lOGS ,')402 D 1 ~l ;J-!U :!U~l' lOGS I ~:!87 --:--1--1--- ,-­~H +jlji~121 =0 \: 115

II ,hLLS FE)[ALES. 11]'j IID.1 2.1 3 ITot.1I.ILJ 1 2- ~I~I~~

----- - -1- --1- 1-


l'ahee Street ................... :1 48 1:((1 ... 1 103 2;:1--:[-.-.. 1--:-' 182 Uelll':":'~ " •••••. 'n...... ..... :---1 r)li C-1- i :!Ol Ii>..; 4- 1 4')' 1:')7 358 The l'!Il'k" .... b ............ " .. " ... \' Ii' :,1' ,'1' lli"' Ii"', ';~I 5"-1,1


le7 ~96 \'ictoria Street ......... .... .. . .s.)1 ~(f;j GO: 5(1 ] 61 1 :-j(j 1

1,"lli", ...... "b ........ " 11 ~j (j"1 ~14 ":"1' G.·.!.l 0'1, ~,:,~ 41?)',~)1 (>1111'1.' ,711 I 4.') l~i ~o: 53 9;; I: ~~~4 t';,l~be ::::::::::::::::J i l! f;;, H lliS ,;~ G~ ~U 11,4 I, :~:3~ Givin8' .................. :;-11 -t0i "'i 7-1 I 'Iq .,.,' 5;) I 1"7

r"til, " .................... ~I 4:}, :1cli~'1 "-)~" ±':~I 2;; lieS \C'-I~7 March,l:)ljl .................... ;lI4 :;' . .1 11 :)14 1 l~Sl I '~I~ ;':4'-;; :,!(Il 1121 ~.tU~

I '

Di~·er('nc('s; thetotalsbeing\ ' ~I-I:--I- -1--1-lllfavouroflsl;"J ......... j ';~I+J, +lc, =98 1-·j ,,+u4' 0 =7 '1105

.~ __ -'- I.: I, i 1


Palace StrC'et ................... .

'1'1,,' I'"l'k .•...•................. Yil't"ria ~trLd Louisa. Centre John PlIl1.,11l' GivilJ",'

T"hb Al'1'i1. It-I;1 , ...... .

Viff.'r('IlCI -:; the f"tal .. being 1 in favour of },"d;.) """'" J'

NA)IE OF ~t'I1()OL



.,' ·11 ,·,11 1::1 ~ II II '-II: 41 1

1'1 41 .!tll ···1 'I

7W-, J:":II ::17, 1-11.-, ijll .)Ij,~,!:: 11,' 1 ~I.I~


-----, ~I.'LE.

I -. ---.-

!) 11 :;. I Tntnl : 1 ---------i -i- -I--

Palace Street •.... , .............. II Cd): .-,~I .. " IO~1 ('" ~ I -,I /iL, ~1J')

rl:;~~r~::rk ..... ~::· .. :: .. :.::.·· .... :::::·i 7.-,1 :J" tIl }j2

Yidoria Street 1111;1 ~,l,i "1'.1' :.!I Ii L!Jui:-a. •..... ...... ..... 1 ::01' I· (;0 ~!;~I

~~~~rc .:::::::.::~:::::.:~ ;:~,I -t.~) 1:: I'IJO~hc .•..•.••. ........ ~!J -t)-.,i 47 1:--'1;

Givili~' ................. ·I:I~:_·_)(II __ ~

Totnls .................... 1 71~ 8!1, :;111 1411 1 " " I'H "'-1 ""'I 1'''11) MnO', lSb4 ..................... I ' 1 OJ'." -" -'

IJill<'l"'I""'~; n11 the tO~llls 1.[1--: ~ '+1 ~ = 1~1 1

bdug in layout' of 101)'J ... J I,'

--_ ..

,<"",1 :--",1 .~, I [,4 111.:> :-;'1, ')'} i" ]t\;j

:;1 /ji 148

rt~IJI .! 11 :;01 1 :.!:~:! ~1,j7 I; ! ',I i ;~,,,,,,~, :.! 1 1 I :.! I ,j :..: ,-,(17

-~I+~I; ~.11i =~ 1170



:~ ~ I I', • .. 1

~.-) 1~4 7·-, 4; 41; lli~ :!f:S j:-i ~-, J')')

-" :21;.) ~; .-,rl 1,..,1) ;:;-':Ij

71, :11 :.! 17 ;) I (j .'<+ :-- ~ I , 117 .,1, 1'.+ III , q.'.'

:-- ~: .-,:--" I: },-.;:--; ;jj4 ~: ..., ".J 71 114

--- -- -- ---lil,.-, 1111 1(.10 1 :!.)fj ~1;I;j

L I,: ;;71 } '.1.-. I ~II'J ,4!1!1 -- -- -- ---

+,:11 ;,1 47 IG8

- -------.~-



A,'a"ge ;'1'0. (If Pllpils III ctfch lJil'lslon of each School.

II ~IALE5. I FE'IALES. I'~-" II "II: OF SCIIOOL. I ::; 2 ---------1: ~ 1. -=- 3 i Total. I D. 1. ~ ~ 3. ,Total.! ~ ~

, I! Palace Street ..................... 'lIS ", C':I',I 105 I ~7 :ill, George .. ,I) 5:) 18,:; 1 80 471 4·) The Park ..... ::.:::::::.:::::: .. :: .. ! II:. 3{j ~(.j 1·-d tif; ;3~f Yid"l'i" ::>[n'ct ................ , luI 4',1 41: 1~'7 :-:-;() 40 4:-)

182 367

Lqui:-;,'l. .••.•.••......... 11 1:;·-) 77 fj II :!tjlj

(\'utl'e ......... ........ ~j:.! ~I:.! John .................. 41 3G, ,j':, I I"') I

1~~ 7:'! Sl 0'")1 47 S,-) 5fl

4 ~,




81 102 193

511 173

PIHl,he ................. i ~Jti 45' .,1:;1


1:-->4, Givins' ......... ......... .t(I! :..:7 .. ' tji, __ ____ ~ 14:!

T /' I -=-1"1'-;;::::-' ~I-I:::;-j I' 'I OAI 18S 10 ')0 ~.-.""

43 ~.) u_

Odt S ..... .....• .•..••.• I _ '}("> _ _ ,-,.) '1/, J-t' 0;-' __ _'-''-'oJ

June, ]~(j-t ....................... ~I 351 :.!t-\,: 1:!t'l7 GG3: 3f.j~1 ~ 1:216 ~503

Diffennces; all the tub!:; 1. being in f,lvour of Ib!j:j " J C~:+;I -::1 ="'~ '-~~ +~2 +4 =4 96



ACI'myc "\~). of Pupils in each D'l'ision of each School.

NA'IE OF SCHOOL. I~~I-'LE" 'D. 1.1 2. I 3. i Total -----1--'-1-

1'"],,,'" ;':treet ............. , ..... 'II ~ -, 54.. "'I Geolf.(l' "' ..................... 1 t'j ~! D~I ]'.)1

Zr~~et~:.:il::·l~~;.~·;t·· ':.::'::' :::::::::! ~~I 40 ;~:~ ~~~~ Lou\sa, .................. ' 1~:-:. 'j,j ;j:; :,!.-dj

Centre ...... ...... ..... l::\~I; b~1 J"lill ......... ......... 411 ::~ 4] l1G i Ph<e"e ...... ............ ,:; 411 4 I 1':4 Gi\ius' •..... ...• ...... 40 "" Ij-';

Total .................... II" ;-,' .'1::; 1:;1,,; July, Ibl:! ....................... 1 54UI .'.", .'Ij' 11:;:;

---1--- ---- --Differences; the totals beinO'}

in favour of l,:-,I)J ......... 0 1-1.-, +:~:~ -5 =173

FEMALES. Ii] j ----- I _ 0


I = E-4 ::!. 3. Tutnl.[l:3

')] ~;---, is il-: H 41 lti~ 'i 353

71 4U "I 114 II ~64 '" 40 4.' 107 I 330

]~l 65 41) :!;~~ ,1488

,II ... 1 bll 'II ] 69 511 4:3 "I 93 209 ~ I 541 4, ISG, 350 ,II, ~,I.. 7J! 141

~ 34ul 1771117,) 1,~4~1 liU~ .):~-! 177 1118 i,:'!~Gl

-;il~~'~: =57 Iii 230 , I ,

] (J 1


:'11.\ L1:."':.


PalnceS{l't'et .................... ;:~I ,",I S,''';

Goorge ~I~+I ,-,II "1 ~!lfj

The Parle........... .............. "I 41 II I';~ ',',:','1' Victoria ~trl'l't .. .... . ......... ~I~ I .-,j) .j.: 1 ~IO -1..... .J" 1,',li

Loui~a .................. , 1~11 0:": , :':71 l:!l! Ij'" :':~-t (" -, II ' -I ~, I " .. _",1 L')

J~;:~re ................ !, -I 4 III i" 1 .j~) ~~I Ph "'],c :::::. :::::: ::::::', ,;~ ), :;:J ii,~ I ~~I -I'; .-,:.' 1711

Givins' ................. ;:::' o~:,~'-;; 1 c~':i .o~:: ~ ~ ScptemLer, 1,""1;1 .............. 1 (i.jll, :JsJ ~~I.-,~ ];l:':~' ' (i~;:1 :;;7 l'.I.J ]1~1.-)

Totals .................... I (It I OJ. "i-'" 1,,1, 1.1 - 0" 1~1~] l·'ll

'I I , I

Differences; ],e;n'~ 18 llIales) I --'--i--I---'i--I-~ -- -~-, inf'l\'()ul'nflt'li.',; :lllf141,' U/ +11-~O =18

'1_41 -t -::==-41!

fl'1l1:tlt'':i ill LU'ont, of l."';! J I I I I' I! I

III ''1'1 li:EI:.

~JA[.J·:S FE.'.[ \1.1.".

-- - -- -:. ~ I ~ ~

" ' 0 ' 1' t 1 LJ 1 ., " 'I' t 1

Palace Street -:::~~ - ~-'I ~.-I~,~I ~;'~ ~~ ";~I' -1';4 (h"lr~e .............. ...... ·I.'~ ].O";fj II ..\.tl }:lli ~;l:": TILl' Park .......................... I .,·1 1.-,] ·11· .-,'.1 1(10 :!.->1 VictoriaStnct ................. ~I·:I ..f7· 1'-):; ..... ) Louisa ................. 1::1 1 71; ·l~iI 1;-.1 Centre ...... ...... ...... ,;:;1 ! ••. 1 7,') ]:~8 John ............ ...... 4'.1 ·I~, ..\.11 ];n il ..\.1·,.Jj ~I:; ~.!l Ph([~be .............. I 7fl ::~, ·11 FdJ·1 711 ,,\,1 47 ]:JS :;11 . ...;

Givins' ............... 1 ~ ~' __ :~ i~,~ _._ .. ~II~ Tohl~ .................... D·-) 1 :;7:; :!Iili l:!."'-) 1.-,::1; :;7 1 " 17:-- l()r.1I1 ,~;:71;

October, ].~(jl ..... , .............. 1 1'01; • ..:..1 ;~~I :..:.~I~ll;:tl IiI:! :~j.: I."') 117(.) ,~:;ll 1--1----- ---------

Differences' hl'in~ fdj mnlPS} 1 1 I, I I

~ndr;lJfl'I;Ialt'.":.tntal,l:}lj 1-171-1:-i-::lj-=-"llil-71, +:;1: -7=-~(:: l;~(j In favour of 1.'"'1111. .......... I I I' , , II




A veI"age "Yo. of P"l';/s III f"d, Di,.isioll of each School.


Pai.ce Street .............. .

~;:~'I~;~rk ~~ .. ::~:::::: ~::::~!~ Yietoria. Street L"lli"n, Centre JHhn


:\1.\1.1-::-1. FE:\IALES.

51 S~, ~1 ;J_ r'" d·) 194 7;)

;} ~ I .11 1:-):; rdj

148 347 2r) 1 315 4il 111 231 300 132

230G 24G8




N \'IE OF :-;1 liu()L.

LJ 1 I


-------- ---- '--

Pabre ~tr('et ................... i (;l'nl"!!i' .• " ................ 1

The Park ....................... . V!\'t"n:l :-;t1'4'('t L<lui:-,~~

:..:.:.' 71 (ii,

] :.: ~ I


_ i~ITota1.

! 90 rl'", [d 1!11 ·I~ 4" 1.-,1;

471 !~i 1 :1:--1 j.; u, :':"1 1,1


D.l. 2. 1 3. ' Tot,,1 ------'--

~;) ·r; ~·jl G' fjj 411 11~ Gr. 41 100 54 411 4" -, 136

100 m f,l)1 219 (\'lltl'C .............. "' fj I (~J D:l 54 .luhn ................. ~.I 41' 1:;4 51 50 101 P\.u.'lL~ ......... ........ .~:-:I 4~ 41 H'; 4' :j.; 41 l~H Givins' ................. ~I~I-·-·:~I~~--~

Totals ...............•• I fjII ~"7 :.!7 1" 1:.!7l J:--;1 8;).) 1i7 1013 Decemher, ]c-(j! ................ ~I .~~.! ~l l...:it-i .j17 3.,17 ]7-1 1038

Differ~nc('s; thetl'tl1<;helIl¥\i 'II; 1_ 11-.. -,,--,--,,-­.1l1llflVourofl ol <! ..... j 'i +J-1t'I- __ ~~,:-,~b, X~J= -25

J {,~ 339 256 ~n4

4i8 118

2~87 ~31G


- - ------ - - - --- ----- ------- --------~-



'S0!pU1S .101]10 i 100

I I : I :

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TABLE G.-School Libraries.


NA1IF. OF Rl'llom"

X. fl.-TIll' l'al:U"(' . ...:.!r'·'·' rln!l t; ivins' :'tr,·,.f :O:chool T.ibrarh·~, thotll!h kept in tIl" J!onmR o("cupiPII hr thE:' :'Ila'p ()I'rartlllent~ "I' tllt':,e :0:1'11<,01:<, :\"1' ;HT'·'.~iJ.!t' to tilE' (,jJ1"I', I'ul>il~ of both the l\lale :11111 F, m 110- lJ'·p:lrtllll'llt~. The l'eutre :--tn'o;t :-clIOJul. cOllsJA!llg' of only ,Jllull.r PUI'i1~, rel}uircs no Library.

T .... \..BLE ] L- ("J/ilJ'If/'lft/CC S/lft,'mrJlt (1/ the C/I.'/ ~\'dlf)fJ!:-;, Illld,'j' ,',pf'cUi,: //I'u'//I/:""1 li'om l,'-Ifi J to I ~fi;), lHJth ;1I,.z/{~;'·I'.


l:--.ll 1S.-)01) ] ~~.-, 1 fliOG J~ lfi '.!,(l,-,i·):,

IS~, 21,SI ],1S ~::.-,o:)

]S1!) ~41 ~,;


:~lIi I ;;:

:1·-III()n 4111101)

..J.lt)(lll 4 '.!,.-,II 0



·1 i.-dIll .j:,IIIIO ·I·-,I)()O

4~; ~::

4'-,1)011 4'1--)(11) ,17,-,1)(1


" I I ~ -. l'~".· =: ~ ~jl ~ ~'~E:) ""_ =~-;: T"h'(,,,,',,f . _ ~:o.',~

,!~ i. 11'~~ 1 \I,,,~~t:~:;:' the la~ }HI ~I--;;- ~Il) Illo~ths t1~ii ~--;;;:;-r;;:;-J]tlS I 1~ !I~ I~ I!Ul 7 nn 1~1~ 1.-, HI 1~ :!Oll f) lin 1~!;·-) l~ ~I"/)~ )~"/) fj 00 14:)1 13 110!i ~1}7 5 ;jO I ;_;~.-, 1·) 10:.! Ij ~Il j ;J OS ] ~:f~1 ].j !Il 1:.! 1 ~!'.I,"'" I G ;in 1:;f;!j IG , ...... -. 1:2 ~ltH; ! :).-. ~o ~I) 1::14tj IIi ~! I:.! :.!.-•. -,s r,40 740 l-tl)~ :!Ii 70 I:.! :~~];'.) I ()I) ~I 00 lJ·-,!1 ~l 1;'.1 I ~ 41 iii ~ :,0 11 40 1;)"/0 :31 51) 1~ r.~ls]o 00 13 no 1747 ')0. {,·-,]2 ,-,Iii:; 1000 I:; ):-;1) ] Kli.: ;JIj r)'.!, l~ I;U.")-,I:] 0 no ] 3 00 1 fl,";' 7 3G 55 ] 2 (i.~.(.l~1 fI 60 l:.! 50 :21.-,1', 38 {,Ii I:} Ij:j():~ ~I:!O 11 73 '.!,'.!,liO :~~ ;j~1 1:2 G;jl1 910 11 52 :21'''0 :~s ;."/ 12 641U!1 IG 11 7.) ~IS:) :~s 57 l~ 6"Gl S 94 11 48 ~:-> 7 ;j~ liO 1:2 (J-,l:oa x 54 11:!1 ~~IIO :)~ 1;1 1~ ,,:,41; 8 39 10 91 ~~·jl 40 ,," 12 6Gl~ 8 11 11 75


A. E.TO}lIil}(f/ion P{lPf!)'S ((f t1/1' ['1I1II

'j;/lf',! H."((J/1/i/rtf/, 11, .J/andrry,

.1"'.'1 17th, 1,,(; .•.

In the first or junior, and in thr> :-('('II)ld or intel'lllC'diatp I )j, .. j~i'll1. the ('xnmi.

nation was entirely oral; with the ('S("'pti()ll td' on(' palll.'I", l!ft 1111'1 y. that on Arithmetic, in the second or i!ltermediate J); \ i:-i'I)1-

In the third or senior J)i,,-i~i'Hl, 1]1" examination wn", cnmluc·tcd altl),:;pthr'r in writing; reading, of course, excepted.

A RI T I-I:\f E T I (~.

2sn DIYI::)IOS.


1. What is meant II)' the tl'rnl~ "NClI:.ti"II," " . .:\1':11,ir '2';otati()Il," and "l~'lma!L Kotnti"tl T' .... _ ..... ". _ ...

2. Write twn millinn"i three hun(lre(} al1tI .-;ixt.\.r()lIl" th'lll~a:ld lhrl'r'

hundred and tW€uty-three, llnth ill l~r!lnan and .\l':llli~' ('hal'actr'rs ! D

~. If :!IGj:!~H) be dirirled by :14:) and (l'loti(>lll JI1ullipli(·d hy ~I;~I~. wbat

is the product? ........ '. .. . . 1 II

4. How is multiplication proyed j,)' ('a~till,:,,:: Illd 1]JI' ~)·s?

r" IV rite the tables of land and cloth measure ...


6. Multiply 1;7 lbs. -! oz. 5drs. 1 SCI'. 11 grs. 1,y !I':" ........... I:,

7. Divide 7149 bush. 1 (It. 1 pt. 1,y 417... . .................... j;.,

R, A farmer owned 21 i acres of land '1lld ,li"1'08e<1 of it as follows: he gave 1 a. 1r. 17 per. for a school site, sold 17 a. ~:: per., .",,\'e 21 a. 1 r. to his wife, and divided the remainder equally among his three sons: how much did each son recei\'e? ............ 20



"'" It I C[' H l\T E 'l' Ie. ;}rrD DlnSIO~.


1. It"llu('(' ~,~ (If 1:1 of __ !J~ IIf:1J (If all ;[('1'(' tt) t!J(~ fl'(1ction of ~ 1 fi.', :-; ,

of :t "'l"al'e Y:II·l1.: ............................................. 1::;

2. ""Iat i, tIll' y"lll!' of CI ~ ':.~; X r,n~ ('''7.' X I;:. -) ........... I.') - " j; .~ -I- J :

,). ''']'at is nw:tnt 1,.\' a "1'IlI'\: H"l'('kllll" an,l :1 ":I[ix,·,l ('i .. "Il-

latill~ D"cilllal /" E"l'l'<'" the fullo\\ing ,llTilllals in

\'lll.~;tl fl':ld,ioll:" ;-

4. I )(·rlll(' t 1 Ii' tl'I'Ill."; " TIatio," " ( \nn lit HInd I t:lt io, "" f4.irnplf' I I n )_ JH,di(Ill," Hwl "(ulttIHHUltl ]ll'l,purtillll" .................... 10

D. If 8 ltlC'H can l"t';ql ~!I ;\('l'n~ in 4: day.-.; Ilf i~~ Lours (·aell, how Ina)l,!" :[4'i"C:''; ",ill 14 11II'I11'('np in :i} .by-... uf ~j~ hOlll'SI'at'il :!(I

G. Extl';wt tll(' Sllllal'C rOllt Ilf ~)I''''I(J7, [Hlll the cube rout of

1 !).j;i 1 :,!.) •••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••• _ •••• ·.0 •• 00 0 00 • ~()



I )"rirc and define the followin::; words:-rallies.

1. SnmnnmllUld.................. . . . . .. . . . . ... ..... . ... .. . ... 5 ') TIl~il\i41 ......•.•••.••.••..........•.•••••••.•••• o ••••••••• _ J d. ~1I1Ii\l~at4> .....•••• _ o· • . • • •••••••••• • • • • •• ••••• •• 5 t. ~('l·.l'Ifll()li.-.; ......•.... ft ••••••••••••••••••• ·._ ••••••••••••• ;;

rl. j. tIl t!liC!ht .•••............. " •...• ,. ••.•. •••. •• .. • .. . . 5 I;. P.rea<l .•. o· • _ •••••••.•••• " •• ' • • • •• " •••••••••• _ • • • • • • • • 5 7. '\T I·llll.'.!; ••••••..••••••••.•••••••••••••• 0 • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ;)

R .\ lIllie. . . • • • . . • • •• . •. • . • • • • •• • .. • • • •. • • • • • •• • • •. . . •• .... • ••. ;j

~l. IIusballu ...................... '. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . •. . . . .. . . . .. 5 10. 11. I ~.

;\toUt:. 5 E~llatiat;~:.·.· __ :: .. :::::.·.-.· ... · __ :.·~ ____ ~.·.·~~~~~:.-::~~~~ .... ~~:~ .. : __ . 10 (·hil:t!ry. ................................................. 10 l'"ych'Jlp~y ................ 0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10

~~~i~~~h~~e.·: : : : :: : : : : : :: : : : : : : :.- :: : : :.- .-: :: : : :'. :.: : :'.:: : .: ~~ 100


ENGLISH n It.\ :\L\L\lt.

, V"lues. 1. ~l('ntl()11 the different kinus uf Prlll!<'IIII~, gi\'ill:...!' l_'::-..:tllll'](·:-:......... ;j

2. What is an Ad,,·,),.: .... , 5 3. The Y('l'l, a:.:,TI'('''; with itS,~1111.i"( t illllumlJCl'; mention tlw.'xl'I'ptiuIIS 10 4. Define the :\lllllillali\(' ah';ldnk, and tIll' .:\'Jlllinatirl· (If add]"!'''''';. 10 [" Under what condit;,ll\s only ~holll11 the ~llll!lllH'li\-c' )'lu(Jll1H' us~d'l 10

6. How many kinds (d' :---:llh,)] dillaj(' SI'1I1('[[('I'.-; ;~n' thl'n'? .-.:.jll·l,il)· them and give examples ............... . 10

7. l)i:-:ti[J~ui,h l)l'tw("'n-Thi.-; is my frit:nd's j;/Il('!I, alll1lhis is it

fancynf1l1yfricnd·s...... . ............ 10 H. He eats to licf!. \Vlut i:; h '[',-, thl'" flllwtiq1l or t!w i!l~ilJilirl' '? I

heard !tim "j/o,,"-, I':ll:-:'.' tlw !a ... t \\"(Ild 10

~ . ..\llaiy:iI' the fulluwill'..!· I':L~"':\'.!·f', and ilar...:c' t\lf" \\"1)!"I1~ in Italics:-C."/Jf{d (I/fllll.". :-:)';[I"L.ll·") of a fa1Iill~· ~t:ll", 11,.\\ d[lIi'" Ill" li!IIl." "t"gus . ..:altlt·]" \\1' an.'; Wilat call til!' :-:tatl' 111'\"II]ILlll~ /w '! Li:·I' '!-Dt'ath ':-.\11 (1l11 a g"l"I'atl'l" .JI', . ...,krr! ,nlll! t1\(11[-,111 hatillllJt i'llrll:l,i\I'd. l.'a~·lll.'a·ld, l'yl' !Cl'lI;

I'I'I!"!-I·l ,·,\i ... (I·l:(·I' frum a poi lit ),1'..:1111 j

i';lrt Id'what l:oiJ':-; ('Ii'mity hath 11f"1·ll: ,,'II,d"imm'il IJI,jllll'!""> tu niHIl'

But IInI, the till' la ... t) till' ()Jlly (1))1' 20 10. \Vrite down the alJu\'I! pa-5..:a.-,·(', arr<Lu·-,ill:; tll(~ \\"'11.1") <t." in pru::!c'. 10



1. Define the various ]n':1lldw-; of (:c·().'.!r:lJdlY,····

2. Explain thl' term olJhte splH'l'()ill, a::; a.pplied til till' form Ill' the carth. 3. \Yhut proofs can YOIl give of the cartll'r; ·'l ll !l'l"il"ity ?

4. "'That are till' hllulldaril"' I d' (':tll:l1h '? ..

5. Name the Islands and Lakes or s. America.. ' ........ .

rll/rll..'~, 10 10 10



6. :Mention the prillcipal Hi\·,,!".....: of Fr:uu·I'. and 1111' towns situatcuupon any of them .. ........... ..... .. ............ 10

7. Give the ~(!Ileral ,1i\·i.-;jcllI": (If X. and of:--:' .. \IIU'!il·a ' ........•. ,.. 10 s. Mention the principal Gulf" ('al"" ancll:i""" (,fItai)'..... 10 9. Dehne accul'atdy the geographical !'II .... itilllt I'j' Florence, )Iar.'ailJI,:',

Conlova, ~lal:l~;1) J,i\·I"'jIl1fll. J;li..,tl,l, l:il'mingham, (,llica.~(),

Brockville, Detruit, Ott",,,,, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 20





1. Mention the eras into which ~10(1nn History has been divided.

2. Give the dates of the following cycnts :-The Plunder of Home hy Alaric. TIl<' ('''"'lllC',t of England by William. The Si:!ning of ).r"!lla Charta I,y John. TJ\I' Invention of Printing. _ ............... .

Values. 15


3. ,rho was the first forci:~n('r who lY,j !Tl('(1 at Rome? . . . • .. . . . . . . .. .. 5

4. I: i \0 a brief account of the reign of Julian .... _ . _ .... _ . _ .. __ .. ___ . 10

[" State the cirCllmstancl's which gay€ rise to the ('ity of Venice ........ 10

6. State whot you know ,,[ the 1'81".;01101 character of George 1. .. ___ . . .. 10

7- For what Ilwn~\In';-; is flit' l'Pi:.;:n of \YilJiam lY. remarkable?.... 10

S. ,:iri' a l)rid'sketch of ('\"I'11t:-; durin: the first two years of Lord Elgin's administration in Canada ..................................... 10

9. Mention the various improvemellts introduced during 1851.. . 10


;\[ E:,,\ S TT H.\ T I () ~ _


Values. 1. What len~th of" pic'e 01' timher will make one ,nli.1 foot, heing 2 feet 9

inches deep and 1 i'ClI)t 7 inches hroad?....... . .......... .. 15

2. What is the capacit)" of a ri~ht cylinder whose height and the circumfer-euce of its hase are each ~II r,od? .......... _ ... ___ .. __ .. 15

3. The :-3pin~ of a church, of a cunical form, llH'a."llrf'S ~7. f)q~!:2 feet round its hase; what is its solidity, its pcqlcndicular h"ic·ht being 100 feet? ___ 20

4. What is the content of a h(',a~onal frustum whose height is 6 feet and the side of the greater end 1.' inches and of the less 1 ~ inches? . ____ . 2:;

~. What will the slati11~ of a house cost at £1 ;;s. G,1. l' Sf[Uare, the length heing 4:; feet 10 inches, aud the breadth 27 feet 5 inches on the flat; the ca,es projecting 1 G inches on each side, true pitch? ____ ... ____ 25




r"lues. 1. Divide (/' + "II + ~ ()C-~ D' + i 1",-:; c' by rI.-O + :) c... 111

2. Resoh'(' into elementary [act",." :t' + I; .1; + .J, .c' + ~I:c + :211,:d

- S.J; + l.i, .J;' + .~:r + i, ami .r' -10 or + ~I ••. 20

3. Find the ,,<lIne of x from thl' ~'Inatioll ,'0 (:l ,r + i)

(:2 ,,' - i I = 1 ;} - ~ .. , (:1 ,r + +) ... ..... .. .............. .

4. A b""k,,·lI,'r "~,Ill ]11 ]"",]" at a c,'rL,in l'ri,"', aUl] aft0rll":nd" 1.i

nlOre at thl' saIne ratt', anu at tllt' lath'!' tim!' l't,t'pi\"!·d ::.Js. lllore


than at the former. "O]",t w"" th,· prie" of tl,,, l'''"k J. ... :2.:;

5. How 111l1ch tl'a at t .... , I,ll. 11l11:·,t lit· rnix+"l with :,1) lb:-;, at. G ..... , t It;lt

the mixtnre lllay J,e suI,] at. .j.". I),!. I :2.;


G E 0 :'II E 'l' BY.


]. Draw a ~trni~ht line, perpendi('ular to a strai.~_dlt line of uulimitt'd length, from a given point without it .. _ . 10

2. Prove that if from the €nd8 Iff the :-jilll! ofa triall;.r/(' liwn' 1)/' drawil two

strai,~ht lines to a iJoint within th(· triangle, tIwsl' ~hal! he I\.'~s than the other tW!1 sides til' thE.' trian,.;I!', l,ut shall contain a .~n'aft'r all'.~ll'. .. . 20

~. Prove that if any side of a. t riall'.':: II' b4' IiI·IHIIH·I·d, IIp' C:-.tl'lillr all~l(> is e(Iuai to the tWII illtl'rill], alld OppOSilf' all '..;1 !':', awl tllal tlH~ thle'!' inte·

rior aJl.;lf~." of every triall'~I,' an~ t1!! ·thc']' equal tq 1\\'11 ri!hl :lll'.!'ll':-; :!O

4. Pro'Ve that in any right-ulll[led trian.~·lp tht> ~ !Ilan' whil'h is flL'~l'1 illl'd upon the side sulltl'll{lin~ the rigllt angIE.' i ... ('(plal to the squan's df· . ..:('J'il,l·d upon the sides whit'h ('ontaill the I l.~ lit all.~ IE' . ~.~,

.'. Prnn.' that in obtuse angled tria!l.~ IE-s, if a III'l'Jl('lldil.·ul:tr 11(' drawn from

any of tllf' aeute angles to the opposite sid., jlrf1dllf't·dl the sljuare of the sid(~ !"u!JIf'!ldill.~ the obtuse an:!I,' is grt'ater than tIll' :-;IJuurcs of the sides contailJing the ullI11. ... t' alJ.~I'·, hy twice the n·ctall.s:.le ('('I!l;lilil d hy

the sid" upon which, when produced, the perpendicular falls, and the straight line illtt']'('I'!ltC'd, without the triangle lJl,twl.·c'll the perpendieular

and the obtuse angle ..... . .. . . . . . . . . :.!.j




Lists of Pupils l'ecmnmendcd uy Ih,' F:.mJlli,,,'fs to rereit'e Honours, as the

result of/he ('UlllfH'l/t,d E.l"lllllillllliun, July 17th, I~Gt}; arrrangul in

the ol'der of merit.

I.-Third (Senior) Division.

1. 2. 3. 4.

. ~ . 7.

(non) scrrOLARSnIPS.

William H'tlnry Dean .. - -............... . John (;"'11"";<-' J\f'I_'k'l'..

])a\,id Elder ... " .... " J ames Fleming ~lar...:,hall James T. Mit,.]1<'ll ..... .TallH' . .; ,ranllaw ......... . Frederick ~Ianley .......... ' . - - - _ ..... .

Gi\'ins' (11).

Street School. do.

(;p(fr,~C ~1rl'et School. (I". do.

The Park do. do . do.

8. A Prize, instead of a ~,·l",l:trshii' Xu. G, to which he was entitled, hut which he could not C'ollYcnil'lltly n·(·I--,i\c.

JaJll!':-: ~htth,,\\' ........ - .. (; ivins' Street School.

K 1:.-1\0. ro, having to leave the City, afterwards received a Prize instead of a Scholarship.

9. 10.

('r1~TIFl('ATES OF HONorR .

.fulill Henry C'UrJ'[lIl.

William Luvell. . _ .. " ... " ....... -The Park School. Louisa Stn'''( do.

N.IL-X". 9, being next ill order of Merit, afterwards received a Scholarship in place of Xu. G.


1. ~Iaria Jones .. __ . " .... ........ . .. Phacbe Street School. 2. Jennie Spink ..... _ ... 0" •••.•••••••••••• Ueor,~e do. do. ~. Christina Kenney. . . _ .. . . . . .. . . . . .. Louisa do. do. +. ;-larcalct "Iatlilcw .......... ' ........... Gh-ins' do. do. 5. Ellen IIarney .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Louisa Street School.

6. Henrietta Williams ................... " Vidoria do. do. 7. ~lhalill" E. Foster .. , ................... Louisa do. do.






~ran7 :'f:lll~·lt:llll .•••••.... " ••.........

.\II/(1;t" Roudy ........................ .


Sarah Hawthorne ...... . Elizaheth l:rri,'

John Trc·j,l:1r ..••.•. o. William Sluart Gill


HL-Second (Intcrmcuiate) Diyision.

1. 2.



Henry Harris ...................... . "oill,lllll ~[IlIHO .• 0 0 •••••••••••••••

John Hampden I lay .............. . 5 •• T(I.~(·ph Ihw:..;nll.' .. _ ... .

G. Thumas ~L Smith ...... 0 ••••••••••

7. Gcorgina Winsor ... " ........ .


8. William Henry Elliot ................... . \ Hyman ~Iiller ...................... " .

~. { Alexander T. l\lirl,lld,," .......... ···· .. ·

10. Rowland (1ar1cl' ..... " ......... ' ....... .

\~i,·t()ri;l, Stl'f'ct School.

c: eur~e do. do.

The Park School. do. do.

J ullil Sireet School.

Palace Street School. do. do. do.

The Park School. Y id()1 j,L ~tr('d Sehool. The Park do. (;('nr~'e Stn'et do.

\" lctoria do. do. (;('111'':(' do. do. \" ictoria 4111. do.

Louisa Stn'd School. (;('(lr:":I' dn. do. L'illi...;a dl). dl),

dl), do. do· C; ('I >1':.!'P do. do. Vid()ria dll. do.


TV.-First (Junior) Divisiou.


Henrietta. Lava.llee .................. . George Street School.

~ John T()\\'n';llll .. . ........................... .

2. { ~Iatild:l ~I('L"all " ........................ .. do. do. do. do. do. do.

3. ) Emma. Farra,~her ................................... .. I Juhn \\"hiteside . .. . .............. . ..

do. do. do. Yictol'ia Street do.

.1. 1 Thomas II reer ........................ . Helen Patton ... .

The Park do. Yictoria ~treet do.

f Henry Bri6ht. ... " ..... ' ........... .. :). lJI dIll ~alkr ..................... ' ... ..

Catharine Robinson .......... .

The Park do. Centre Street do. Ph",be do.


f William Benson.................. . .... ' r:eor~e

6. t ~1\~]I~~~r~th~~~~I.l: ~ ~ : :: ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ .. : : : ~ ~." : ~ ~ ~~~~~: Street School. do. do. do. do.

J ~a:a.h E. L,I\e ....... _....... ................ \'ictoria I. l WilhaJ.n Luuden................ .. Centre

Juhn Cudlnc ........... ' ............. Phu:bc

Street School. do. do. do. do.

l'"zuce and Givins' Street Schools.


1. Jannet IIenderson .................... . Givins' Street School.


:--:'kanl' 1..11\\ ....................... _ .......... ..

2. .\nn \1'" ·l,t .......................... . . \\ thur ]:11:11 ............ ..

Palace do. do. Givins' do . do.

do. duo do. 3. ) InC'z ~rd,:Ili; .. ddin ........................... ..

! Emma Lane .....•................... Palace Street School.

do. do. do.


( '.

Sllm~nal'!1 of (~'I'/"Ii!'i/:' ,\ (~/ /IU/IJIII' jlJl' I.', :/If!'/n"',1J liud ]Junctllality

(~l .--It/I'II/I/(IU''·, th'" grllllll,f to lJI/)JJ~ ill Ill': ;)"n'J'ull>il~lic JS'clwo!s,

at tlte Summer }:,',nf/JI//II{//(J/I.

X.DII:: OF SC'1I1101.. I , '/'Lic·'. i Femaleo Total.

Plllace Street Geor~e ............................. , ................. . The Park ..................................................... . "ict(!l'i~L Street .............................................. , .. LOl!isa Centre John Ph",Le Givil1~'

1'ulal ................................. .



1 - 1 ')'J

l!j 1

~ I ;;j


;, ---

I· .. •

I" ] ;~,

~l ~ .. I.' ~4 ;j ~~

V" -., I-

I I" :; ~ I

11 11 r) II)

---1'/" ~ II

~'U'l}l1nary (~/ (,'f/'ti);('ull,,, (~/ IJuJlollr '/;;1" //','/ldul'/I.'IUlld F'uJl('/ualily 0.1

... lt1o/(!tlJl/"{·, (h'., !lrallli d tu /'lIjlll .... //1 th" .... ,,1'1/·111 /'1/11//" ,,,,,,,'tfIUU/'''1 at

the lI r

/ntf'J' J ... ',1'(fmlllflt,"fJll.

Ii ~Iale9. Ii Ft'1ll:11e.s. Total. 11 ___ _

Palnce Street ............................................... . :.!1 :.!() 41

~~~r~:rk :: .... ::: ::::::::::::::: :::. ::::: :.: :::::: ... ::: :::::: :::: i Victoria Street ................................................. I

;;.-) ""

-., ,-IS ~IJ

~!) ~I [II;

CLeon"ti,Se; " ......... ......................................... \

.................................... ·············1 John ••..•••••••.•..••.........•...................... 1

~~lV~~S~ :.:.::::: ::::::::. ::::::: ...... :::: .... : ::::::::: :::: .... I

51 fj(j 117 3 .,

~~ j ." GO 1.; ... ) :~H _., 1:! l.j ~i'

Tutal .................................................. .. ~I I


E. SI'lIu1"n1 }". the Alla/JllIle'Ii.< 0/ 17,., I'IIJI']' ,II the N"J,r"I/l'e Dll'/.<;',IIS of

tlte ('I'I,') 1'/1/)1/" /,)',1111"/.;. llurt'J/;j: J'lj;'((J/('I' to th,· II'I/J/.~/;'" of l~upi1s

front If [1<11'/,' to (/ ll/:/hcr /)"/'1.\/'111, alld tf) tlu: j)/ n'I){lical CUJJll)/lIcrl

J~'.0f)lli/llltiun 0/ , ..... ',.(cc/lll }'IIJ.I/I,-;,

1.-l\EAlJl:\G .\:\[) SI'ELLI:\G

Diyj",j'lll I.-1st and :!lltl j\Tational nl'au,·r. '2'-;-:'(-"I\!I·j to :!IHI amI :~rJ ~ationalltl·ad('r.

" :1.-4th awl .~Jth Xatil,a:tl U(,:t 1lL'i'. Sl1l1i\'UIl'S ~l,clling D!)I)\.;: slIl'C'l'::ieuc'41.

K.B.-Pupils in :~nl Di\ i . ..,ilill to lJe exercised ill Spelling, Ly Illeans of Dictation.


Diyi.",i'lll l.-Purils in :!l\Ill~l'alh:,r to write on Slah::-:, til the extl_'llt of combining

thrc',' kttl_'r:-: without 1':q1ital...:.

" "

'2.-.\ plain tt'xt llalJll, illdllilill~ cal,itab ami iigures. :~.-~~ .:;uuJ CI_'llllJII:rci.tJ hand.

Ill. -Al\lT II :>IETlC.

Divi::,iun 1.-);" otatinn and X l!1lll'r:ttion, to nine places of figures. Simple

... \dditiUl1 amI Sul)iractinn. Til" )Iultil'lication Tahle. Simple

:'IlilLi,d;, aLi,otl a3 far a:s hy l~; anu ~illlpl,' Di\-isioll (Lollg

lJivi . ..,j')ll ('xc·l·l,tl.J).

'2.-Sall:-'.~tl·I·;-; Elementary -,-~ritlllnetic, to page :-.0 inclusive. The rClllainder of San:o:,ler's Elelllcntary Arithmetic.


Division '2.-Lennir:·~ Grflmmar, to the enu of Etymology; (page;J2 inclusive). TIll' par:;:ill.'.!' of :-:iml,k SI·lltl'IlC('~.

::.-L',·lllli, . -; Gralllmar, to the end of Syntax: pa6"c 164 inclusive).

The 1,arsill~' of :-:iwpl!' anll C'Jll1\'!ltlll!1 sentences. Analysis of

S('llklll'C"~J tu lJe commnnicated hy 'l'c'aclters, a..:cording to ~[,'r,·11.

Y.-I; [I 1(; R.\l'lll.

fJi"i,i,"\ 1.-(;('11('1",,1 n,·Gnitioll'. illustrated 1" the ~rar of the World.

" c.-I n addition to the forec"incr, an acquaintance with the Maps of ELlr"l'I', ~\~;a .. Africa, and .\lllcric':1. to the extent of the coun·

tries th,·), ('ontain, their capitals, anc1 their principal rin'rK,

lah." allr] mountains; aI,u. Johnston's ~!:tl' of the British Xorth Amcricflll Pr()\ jIll'!' . ..;, their chief t'ilit'SJ and their prin. cipal ri\'!'r~, lal,,_,:-:, and mountainR.


Division 3.-General Definitions and Outlines, according to Camphell's Geography and ,\tlas: aL", Uutli~cs of the Geogmphy of British North Amcrica, illustrated by Johnston's Map.


Division 2.-Edwards' S"mmarv of E,,:clish IIi·tnr,v, to l,a~c 40, (the Houses of York and Lancaster) inclusive.

" 3.-Ancient and ;,[",Ie\'l\ History, in alt"l'llate year" according to the 5th Xational TII'all~\r. Ell\\anl.,' Summary ()fEIl~·li.sh History,

from pa"e .n inclll,i,,' to the ellrI. CI,.tliIH'., of the History of l:ritish Xorth America, to IJC communicated hy Teach"", according to Boyd.

Division .1.-Text Book; J'\:lti"nal Tn'ali,,,. The whole (,I' S,.r:tions 1st and 2nd. ~('ction :~rd, (Cuuie Sl,ctiull~,) (lltlitkd. Sr>c,tion 4th to Prohlr:Jn I::, inclusi\'c. AL:.I, Cnl!l1 l,a~;(~ 14:1 tl) page 164, on "Artificer's \Vulk."


Division 3.-Colenso·s AI::, 1'1'0, to Simple E'luation" inclusive.


Division 3.-1st and 2nd Book of Euclid.

N.R-The Study of Suhjects I'll., YIlL, awl IX., is opti""al, I,,,t credit will be gin'Il at the Combilll..,d EX::l.lllinatiull 1'(11' proli(,j!'IH'Y in tlll'lll, \\ l:ich will be taken into account in the award of Grammar t'chu()! ~dl\..J!ar::,hi[J~.


Iustead of the last named three "']'j"l'j" "", ill a(I,liliun to them, I;"ok.keeping may be taken hy any Sl'llior Pupil, at. tlw wish of IIi::; parent (II' ~~;uardian. The Natiuual Duuk-kcq,iw; to be w:;eu for this pLLqIU~I?

VucalllIusic and Drawing arc n'.~aru('(1 rather as School He creations than a5

School Work to be required.

J ",c~\IES POTITETI, Local Supcrin'oldt'Jlt.

Sanctioned by "Board of School Trn<\<'c,," as revised and amended, October

11, 1861, and June 6, 1865. I


F. Ro~l .. , Jor., rrqllil'dfor the use of Pupils in the l'e''1'~,.tive Divisions of the

PIl~lic Schools of tI,e Cit!! of Turon to.

Sef;' ~('hool R9gulation!l, No. fi, page 5, and No. 20, pa.ge 11.


1st National Reader. 2nd National Reader. A Slate.


1""1,"·1 to 2nd National Reader. 3rd National Reader. A Slate . .'\. Copy Book. Sangster's Elementary Arithmetic. Lennie's English Grammar. Edwards' Summary of English History.


4th National Reailer. 5th National Reader. Sullivan's Spelling.book Superseded. A Slate. A Copy Book. Sangster's Elementary Arithmetic. Lennie's English Grammar. Campbell's Geography and Atlas. Edwards' Summary of English History.


National Treatise on Mensuration. Cnlenso's Algebra. Euclid's Elemeuts.


The National Book·keeping .

. JA:\IES PORTER, Local Superintendent.

Sanctioned by Board of School Trustees, October 11, ISGl, and Jnne 6, 1865.


.\ I'PI';~lJIX III. S(t't(tar.','s A~slracl ,)'!O(llIlIlIf /~( ti,e l~'slill/at(d ('u:,! (if A[aintaining tht!

GlIy I:),/,,,,,{s, fur the year [>'C5.

1. Annual Illten'",!, nt GIl('I' cc'ut.. on JI(:rlllatll'tlt Im'l':-tlllC'lIt of say S·<I.:2~O, for tIlt, ~l Sl'ltuO\ ~jk,..,. l:uildill..:c-i and ~('h()ul Fllrnitufr, &c •...............

2. Annual estimate U3 the avcra6 e eXI'(,IlSE' uf dilaj,idatiuw:lJ repairs to Buildin~s ,\:c... .. .... . . ...... "" .. _ .. ' . _ ...

3. Salaries of ~tll,erintenJi'lJt, S('(']'daJ'Y, allf1·w Teachers; pay-ments to .\\IIlit,,)":, and EX~lI11iIJl'rS; ~Uld allo\\'ances to 10 Care-

takers (10 ,('hools and 1 ufEee). . ......... .

4-. Hi·lli..; and Taxes ................... _ ... _ ...... ' ..... . D. El~cti(l!l expenses ... .

G. ('CI:.1. "'OIHl, and cutting woud (winter l.'''GI-GS).

j. Insurances on B School Buildings, Furniture, &( .... )..: Printill"': and Adrertic-:ill~: ~Ial':-:: Prize Book~; P~'IIS, IlIk alld

~tati(lllE'ry fur the Sciluul.",; alill Statiunery i(.II' the BuanI and the Ilml'~_'~ .. _

~I. l\liscellulleuns e:-qwllse'::i "


$:;,356 80

1,150 00

IG.5~'O 00 3-10 00'

80 00

1,1(0 00

332 00

,,:'0 00

G~U 00

Slr'n/lfry's 1,",'11111111(111 ofthc ,still/oto/ ralae vf (ftc .,",'r,llolit Premises, ....... ·itcs

and lJllarllll!:!s, &{I/)lIgill,~' tl! tllc }JuII!",/ I~( Tru:,ttl." (~( the City of

TII(I!I/(U, tlu' :11 sl 1)( ,'I 111111 r, l.,·q;,~" namel!J :-

Ward "f Saint i 1'[,.. Park Sehonl. Du\"id t (;l·or.'!e St. du.

Ward of Saint La\\T(·nce-Palu('fl ~trf'('t ;-';('111)111.

'Yard of Saint .Tal!l('-5-Yictoria ~tl(,(·t Sell(lId

$,-":, ~.-,n 00 I ~'. c:(1) 00 \

(Louisa Str,·c-( :-;,.[1''',]. .. ~1.OflO ~II ~ Ward of Saillt J Addition to same ..... "".... 1,>1 ,,0

John 'l Adultional 1'l'lIr,.,[ I'ite, Eliza-beth and I'''Y''r ~tleets. _ ... _. I.~'O fill)

W",.,l of Saint) Phoebe Str"l"l School. . .. . .. 1.-.,1100 00 i Patrid: l t;lviIlS' Stred do. . ..... _ ::,:J:d) 00 ~

Waru of I'"illt C"orge-John Stn'et School ..... .

:!-i! 7,:100 00

5:B50 00 1:',000 00


1G.250 00

Total. "" ........ - $'1,111 00

The same being (·xelusive of inside fittings-up, Furniture and School Appa­ratus, &c.


Toronto, January, 1866. B. S. T,



Annual Sill/fmC!!! nf HI" c:j't, {(II,! E rj'('llllitIlT(' for Common School Pur­jllIses, Cit,ll f:( ~f1"r /(11' tlte J~UlT cndt'ng December 31st, l,~/j;j.

j)/(l,li . .,j,(,1 uy the IJI!,flll (lr S111O(}1 TrllsIIlS}I/" soid City, llsrequired by SlaUlle.

Balance o,er from 1°1; 1, us per last pul,lishcd Statement .... _ . ___ _ LC'.~isbtir{' ... \pprupl'i.ttiun fur 1,-.:(;:') .......•••.•.. _ ........••..•• Municipal Ail::il'.->SlllC'Ht) a..; pel' Sdll)ld I·~~timaks, C!f l:)I;,j.

$2,277 71 3,-153 00

23,000 00

Total Income, I.-G':;. ___ . ____ . _ ... . ___ ~~", 730 71

EXPE:;DI'fl-HE Fon ISG5.

1. Salaries for the yc'ar. lIanwly :-

~1 n"~lilar Tl'al'llcl', ~Iule Departlllent. ~Il Female j )'·l,arllllcllt. .•. ()~'(_':l~i"llal 'l'l':.lcllcr . .; .................... _ •• _

~~, :l.'G 4':;

5,494 51 141 00

L Ical SUIH, ... Tillt,.:llIklJt, (l :('\" . .la . .,. Porter) .................... .. t"~l'lct"r} \u the Buard Olr. U. A. l!arher) _ .•.•.. _ ••... Can--ta).;:I_'l'.", ,'·)CitUIII....;, U;li1y . ...:, awll:I~'ll·d Bourn ................ ..

Two Esawiuers, ~lU j two Auditurs, ~:.!o ................ ..

'J Rents anel Ta.\.I''';, viz :-

The \11'0 Ulliees alld !lourd Room, ;;:IGO; and taxl'.-; Oil the :,;[mC', ~::t; :

('1.'I)fll' :-:'lrel'l Auxiliary ::)t'!JIHd;

Jullll _. _ ... , __ .. _ .. Ward of :-;1.

3. InstalmclIts on Seho01 Site.,; with Interest on the same, and all School ~I(q·t.~a,~t·:", viz:­

First Instalment, $:2.-d~; and 11JtI.'n·;)/, $102 -to

$1% 00

1,(0 00

$14,020 99 1,200 00

GOO 00 705 50

GO 00

$16,5~G 49

ou Principal, new t'il" Wan] t't. John •.... Cllll\"l.'yalH. il1:.!: chargl's for the above .......... _ .... . John Street ;';ehool jlort""c'c __ . _. _ ..••... _ ..

Louisa Street " $-'0; and COlllmission

$358 40 37 50

180 00

on renewal of same [or a further period $:30 llO 00 685 90

Carrirt/ jOr1card $17,608 39


];(II/!.!..!"I,l forward . ..... __ ..•. _ ......... $17,GOS 39 4. Insurances on Sl'hl)ol J~uildingR and Furniture. ,iz:

British America COlllllallY ..•..... _... 81:1~:;0

llllI,erial (London) C,,'y . . • .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . • ~7 05

Royal (1" 'nrlun and Liverpool), ("'-y. \r",t"m Co'y Cana·h

6. Fuel for the Schuols ami Olliec" viz:-Coal, 1 "C:, . . . .. . . ................. . ,ruod, l,"!;.~) ....... .

~a\\"ing \V u (1(1 , l;-:(~,) .. _ .•.••.•..

G. Printing, Atherti.,ill.~. Prize BII()k", ilIa!l';, and Sta­

tionery fur the SdlllllL, 11lt~ Board and (JUicE's, VIZ :-

Guardian Office. Prilltinc; S, hool Rcport

II. ]~,)\\'sl'll) :--:'t:1tiOlll'l'Y. Printin,:":', &c Ih'partl1lcnt Pul)[ic Instruction .. _ .......... .

U/"/II) '\I}YE'l'tisin.8' aill1 Printing.

LI(uitr, ~\d\('lti'lil!";: .... Buntin Uru:5. 1'('11": for Sclll)lar~ .••...........

Bibles, $~I :;~; Litho.:;rn},llill.:! :3:!O 00 ....... .

Ell.';I:l\ ill.-;' Lal,('l.~, $::! ;:;0: )Iountillg L'_·.~.";IJIlS, $G 55 ; ~Ii,~cC'lhn~0u.,,;, ~·l ij .....

j. Repairs to Schnnl r.l1i1din,~·.";, &1' .. yiz.:-

A. Gn'c1l1('p,,:, Contract for general repairs Insnrantp, (':If}ll'nkl"s lti..,l~, 1 month, dittl). ...

(;undry &; Lall.~ II.'Y, Architpcts' (~'Hilmissioll, dittu

A (;I'C·('I,k",,-.;) sUlldry mi:-wellall('(JIh repairs .... Boxall J~r():-;., StU\(', :--;ton'lliIJe:-;, &c .......••. _

C. l~('('d, ~:! ":.:--U; H. B~ll, ~:--:.!JO; Glazing ....

N. Piper, Pails, Drinking' Cnp~, &1.: • .....• , •• , W. Fairc\'J1h, Paiutin::..:', PalalY ~trc'd Scllf),)l ..

W. D. Carlyl,') ~\ltl'ratiollS Palacl' Strcl't Scilu()l

and sunury llli,..;c(·llalll·IIII"; rq,airs ........ .

J. Morphy, Stu\'(' allJ I'il"", Palace "trec! Schoul Clock, Ph(l,l)(' Street Schoul, ~l; .. -,U; l~qlair;j tl)

Clocks, $,',.:!.-I; Thermometers, ~::.OO ...•

Repairs to PUlllpS, $,,).1.,); n"l,air~ to Fences,

Gak~. Locksj

&l'., ~";'''.j.J; llardwarc, ~~I.~j7 Sundry miscellaneous small repairs, anu School

Requisites .............. , .... ..

G~ 50 43 7C,

$·1~" ;:)~

Gl~ .,. _J

17:--; 08

$,-,7 ,,1 2UO );;

G" ., 1" ' .. ;);j ",)

40 flO

121 ~) 7 ~~J :1:!

1·1 ,-.:0

87 :,~ 70

7~ ~.~I

1" ., 10 ;:Ii ~ i 7 H n . .. 70 ~O ~lj

II fiO

·1~ .'-i2

7 UV

U ,j

2J :.,7

2R 81

3~,) 60

1136 33

Carried jimrn rd. •. . . ..•.. , ..... ' ..• $20,878 nl


Broughtjiml'ard .•••.•••••..••••...... $20,878 91

~ ~!i;c€llaneous, viz:­Election School Trlbtec; .. FU\'I1iturc, $13 9Gj Lectures ~J.! 70 ........• Gas account, UuarJ Room, &1' .. ......... ,. I'o;;ta,~~" Drawer anJ Stamps . _ ............ . Cah-hire and ~llJl(lri(':-; .•••••.••••• , •.• • _ ••••

Sundry small rCfJuisites .....•...••.•• , ...... .

$90 50 28 66 19 60 23 64 6~ 70

9 95 241 05

Total C;"'"'r:Li Expenditure, loGS ........•..•..•.. $21,119 96 9. School Dehentures, Sinking Fund, and Interest, 1865...... ..• 5,251 50

Total Expenditure ............•....... ' $26,371 -!6

Dal.ance to Creuit School Fuud, 1st Jan., 1866.

C. A. BARDER, SE(·I:ET.-\!:\", n.S.T.