office of disability presentation fall 2011

Students with Students with Disabilities Disabilities Ron Venable MA, Director ODA 06/26/22 1

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Page 1: Office of Disability Presentation Fall 2011

Tips for Advising Tips for Advising Students with Students with DisabilitiesDisabilities

Ron Venable MA, Director ODA

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ODA OverviewODA OverviewWe exist to prevent discrimination based on

disability.The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

as Amended is anti-discrimination law. It provides our definition of disability which is: ◦ A physical or psychological condition creating a

substantial impediment to major life activities◦ Being regarded as having a disability◦ Or a history of having a disability◦ Student disability determination at UNT is

executed by committee

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When a Student is Referred When a Student is Referred to the ODAto the ODA

They are given an information appointment for screening◦ referred to campus resources◦ instructed on what types of documentation needed

They provide the documentation◦ it is reviewed by the committee for disability

determination If eligible, the student will meet with a counselor

for the recommended accommodations. The student must take the accommodation letter

to instructors to finalize the process.

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A Word About A Word About AccommodationsAccommodations If instructors feel they cannot provide the

accommodations as recommended, alternatives may be worked out with the student.◦ but accommodations should not be denied

without consulting the ODAOur office tries very hard to not make

recommendations that conflict with the essential elements of a class.

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SubstitutionsSubstitutions Almost exclusively involve math and

foreign language classes Classes are NEVER waived, but

substitute courses may be allowed◦ Only suggested WHEN:

significant history of difficulty in a specific subject area

documented learning disability. Some students may have a learning

disability but may only qualify for accommodations, not substitutions.

The academic dept. makes the final decision if a sub is allowable and what class to take.

Try not to get the student’s hopes up; refer to our office for all substitution questions.

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Advising TipsAdvising TipsStudent’s may have visible and

invisible disabilitiesWhen students disclose a

disability◦ask them if they know about the

ODA◦ask them if they would like advising

suggestions that you have found helpful for other students with disabilities.

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CautionCautionNo two disabilities are alike.These are recommendations not

hard and fast rules.Feel free to ask the student to

have a look at his or her accommodation letter.

If you still have questions on how to best advise a student, do not hesitate to call us.

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General Tips: Class SchedulesGeneral Tips: Class Schedules

Students receiving the accommodation of extra time for in class work/tests/exams/quizzes should remember to space out their classes.

Students should know their limitations, but sometimes they may forget. ◦ Just like you would do for any other student,

caution them when you see them taking overloads or particularly difficult classes.

If the student takes meds, avoid problematic times of the day.

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Physical AccessPhysical AccessEncourage students to check out buildings

before they enroll in the course.◦ Or at least before the first day of classes.

For study abroad and classes with field trips, tell the student it is essential to coordinate these accommodations early with instructors and the ODA.

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Learning Disabilities and Learning Disabilities and ADD/ADHDADD/ADHDKnow the instructors who are

◦ good at breaking things down◦ have experience with accommodating,◦ more patient/understanding◦ keep regular office hours◦ provide regular feedback◦ “go the extra mile”

Smaller classes are usually betterAvoid 2 hour and longer class sessionsTry to become familiar with faculty and their


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Blindness and DeafnessBlindness and DeafnessRemind students that if they

have interpreters, or need materials in Braille to go see the ODA asap.

It is helpful for students who are blind to take classes that are in close proximity if possible.

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The Student is Your Best The Student is Your Best ResourceResourceSometimes students just don’t think about

these things, but when we ask, they usually get the idea.

What type of class or class schedule causes you the most difficulty?

Please describe what you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses?

Use the information to advise accordingly. Communication is key.

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Ten CommandmentsTen Commandments Speak directly rather than through a companion or sign language

interpreter who may be present. Offer to shake hands when introduced. People with limited hand

use or an artificial limb can usually shake hands and offering the left hand is an acceptable greeting.

Always identify yourself and others who may be with you when meeting someone with a visual disability. When conversing in a group, remember to identify the person to whom you are speaking. When dining with a friend who has a visual disability, ask if you can describe what is on his or her plate.

If you offer assistance, wait until the offer is accepted. Then listen or ask for instructions.

Treat adults as adults. Address people with disabilities by their first names only when extending that same familiarity to all others. Never patronize people in wheelchairs by patting them on the head or shoulder.

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Do not lean against or hang on someone’s wheelchair. Bear in mind that people with disabilities treat their chairs as extensions of their bodies. And so do people with guide dogs and help dogs. Never distract a work animal from their job without the owner’s permission.

Listen attentively when talking with people who have difficulty speaking and wait for them to finish. If necessary, ask short questions that require short answers, or a nod of the head. Never pretend to understand; instead repeat what you have understood and allow the person to respond.

Place yourself at eye level when speaking with someone in a wheelchair or on crutches.

Tap a person who has a hearing disability on the shoulder or wave your hand to get his or her attention. Look directly at the person and speak clearly, slowly, and expressively to establish if the person can read your lips. If so, try to face the light source and keep hands, cigarettes and food away from your mouth when speaking. If a person is wearing a hearing aid, don’t assume that they have the ability to discriminate your speaking voice. Never shout to a person. Just speak in a normal tone of voice.

Relax. Don’t be embarrassed if you happen to use common expressions such as “See you later” or “Did you hear about this?” that seems to relate to a person’s disability.

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