office of medical cannabis 2017 mn medical cannabis ......anxiety and depression, affecting their...

OFFICE OF MEDICAL CANNABIS 2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written comments received through October 13, 2017, by medical condition Medical Condition Begins on Anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 Corticobasal Degeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14 Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome . . . . . . . . p. 14 Liver Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16 Nausea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Obstructive Sleep Apnea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Parkinson’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19 Peripheral Neuropathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 20 p. 22 Anxiety Please support the conditions medical marijuana is legal for to anxiety. The current treatment methods of SSRIs and Benzodiazepines is dangerous and not what I and many other people would prefer to use to treat their conditions. Expanding medical marijuana to include liver disease, anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea, endocannabinoid deficiency, and dementia is essential so that patients can receive a full range of treatment options. I strongly hope this is passed. Thanks for your time. I want to add my voice to letting you know that I fully support lessening the restrictions on the use of this drug. My Father died of Liver Disease. He had such severe anxiety in the last few months of his life that he could hardly sleep. The sleep aids knocked him out. Yet, he was not in such pain to require Morphine. It was an awful time for me, I felt panicked due to his anxiety and my inability to help. Medical marijuana would have eased this condition while promoting an increased appetite and most importantly allowing him to relax. Please, please release the restriction so others don't have to suffer. Thank-you.

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Page 1: OFFICE OF MEDICAL CANNABIS 2017 MN Medical Cannabis ......anxiety and depression, affecting their personal and professional lives. Cannabis helps with Anxiety. It's proven in my perspective


2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written comments received through October 13, 2017,

by medical condition

Medical Condition Begins on Anxiety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5 Corticobasal Degeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14 Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome . . . . . . . . p. 14 Liver Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 16 Nausea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Obstructive Sleep Apnea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 17 Parkinson’s Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 19 Peripheral Neuropathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

p. 20 p. 22

Anxiety Please support the conditions medical marijuana is legal for to anxiety. The current treatment methods of SSRIs and Benzodiazepines is dangerous and not what I and many other people would prefer to use to treat their conditions.

Expanding medical marijuana to include liver disease, anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea, endocannabinoid deficiency, and dementia is essential so that patients can receive a full range of treatment options. I strongly hope this is passed. Thanks for your time.

I want to add my voice to letting you know that I fully support lessening the restrictions on the use of this drug. My Father died of Liver Disease. He had such severe anxiety in the last few months of his life that he could hardly sleep. The sleep aids knocked him out. Yet, he was not in such pain to require Morphine. It was an awful time for me, I felt panicked due to his anxiety and my inability to help. Medical marijuana would have eased this condition while promoting an increased appetite and most importantly allowing him to relax. Please, please release the restriction so others don't have to suffer. Thank-you.

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2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written Comments 10/13/17


I'm writing to affirm that cannabis can control and inhibit the condition known as Anxiety. I'm 67 years old, recently retired from a Human Services job working with American Indians in MN. Part of my job responsibilities included Chemical Dependency Treatment Program licensing. For eight years I made annual visits to Indian treatment programs to verify and license their program for another year. I had access to these programs and to their personnel. Most importantly I had access to the issues, the mechanisms, the stories of Indian clients in treatment. Being a part of the Indian community, at a local and regional level, I know of too many people being adversely affected by Anxiety. For example, why are graduation rates for American Indian students so low? Why are the Indian inmate rates in MN prisons at double figures, yet the Indian population in MN is .10%? Why are the health disparities so high for Indians across MN and this country? Diabetes is epidemic, with amputees in Indian communities making a wheelchair a norm? Why is the mortality and death rate astounding? Anxiety is a vital component relating to Indian alcohol and drug abuse. It keeps many Indian people, more than expected, from maintaining employment. Anxiety keeps those Indian people as reclusive, suffering, often untreated for anxiety and depression, affecting their personal and professional lives. Cannabis helps with Anxiety. It's proven in my perspective.

I think their would be great benefits to those with anxiety,depression or bipolar disorders. I'm a disabled veteran who would really like something I can trust and doesn't have negative side effects.

I have a 6 year old son who struggles with Autism/ADHD/Anxiety. I myself struggle with Fibromyalgia and Anxiety. It’s been a struggle finding medicine that will he can take. With his autism he is very picky on what he eats and drinks. So when we try medicine it has to be able to be crushed into his milk and Pediasure. I too, struggle with medicine. I struggle with the side effects from my medicine. I took Yazmin for PCOS for quite awhile, which in turn caused liver lesions. I am limited to the medicine I can take as to not be in more pain from liver issues.

When I think about the possibilities of medicine to help my 6 year old, cannabis has been one of the top choices I wish were available. To help his ticks, his stemming, to help calm him enough to be able to learn while at school, to slow his mind to retain the information and to be able to communicate with others about what he is thinking/feeling. As these are many things he currently struggles with. He is only able to take Clonidine, for his ADHD. He’s unable to take any other meds, again, because they need to be crushed, but also because

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2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written Comments 10/13/17


of the “come down”. His behaviors had become completely uncontrollable: severe anger issues, self hitting/biting, crying spells, severe anxiety. Due to these side effects and what I have gone through with side effects, my liver issues, I struggle with giving him different meds. After doing research, the side effects of cannabis are MUCH less than prescription pills. The research shows the possible benefits for cannabis and the negative side effects are MUCH more minimal than the prescription meds.

I also feel the same way regarding anxiety disorders. What I struggle with. The meds that get prescribed to me have great effects to my liver, meaning I have to be on more meds for pain. Again, after doing research of cannabis for anxiety, the research continues to show there are so many possible benefits and much less negative side effects.

The point and request for cannabis to be available for those with autism or anxiety is not for the purpose to become “high”. The purpose is to help those who struggle so desperately to get through life, to be able connect with others, to learn, to become independent, to do more in life than just exist. So many of the medications used for autism, ADHD, and anxiety turn people into zombies and give them so many horrible side effects. Please, allow this chance for people to be able to do more in life, for themselves. To become productive members of our society.

Thank you

I believe cannabis would be helpful for people that have PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, for people that need a better nights sleep and to increasing appetite.

I am writing in response to one of the petitions to add a new medical condition to the program. I have some strong feelings about 'anxiety" being added as I am a person with an anxiety problem.

Since a series of events occurred in my life in previous years, along with the challenges of the times we live in, I have not been able to rel� nor function normally. I see a counselor and a psychiatrist and I am also on 2 drugs for the anxiety. I would like to not take these medications nor have to spend excessive finances and time on the amount of doctor visits I do have now.

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2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written Comments 10/13/17


I believe from my own research, and by observing others who are receiving medical cannabis for excessive pain, that medical cannabis would definitely bring me the calming affect needed for me to cope with the anxiety. The CBD property of cannabis is definitely a solution to my medical challenge along with the so many others in our state who suffer from anxiety also.

I am asking that you would seriously consider adding "anxiety" as a medical condition covered in the program. Thank you.

As a chronic anxiety patient and former Minnesota resident, I can tell you beyond a doubt... cannabis works for anxiety, among many other things. My husband and I have seen our health improve drastically since starting what we call "responsible cannabis therapy". We are 10 prescriptions, and 180 pounds lighter between the two of us. I speak of our transformation openly on our website: Please take the time to read it... we all have something to learn, allow me to share with you what we've learned.

Through our experience, my husband has beat Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and chronic social anxiety, as well as, a 10-year dependence on legal opioid medications.

I, on the other hand, no longer need anxiety medications, depression medications, or even my thyroid medication (I was diagnosed with Hashimotos at 17.) I am healthy, happy, and feel 15 years younger now than I did just two years ago. Please contact me... I'd love to share our story.

I am in favor of the new possible conditions added in December. I have battled severe anxiety and panic attacks since I was 16 years old. I've been on many many medications for it that often have terrible side effects and can become addicting and none have helped. I'm not a pot-smoker but I would like to try to see if it may help more so than years of medications (which did not help me much). I want to be able to try it and stay law abiding. Please give serious thought to your decision, I trust you and I hope you can hear Minnesotans voice on the topic. Thank you for your time.

As a person with anxiety that can be consuming at times, I am an advocate of medical marijuana! Many doctors try to put me on multiple long term medications that have many side affects and can be addictive! Please expand the medical conditions!!!

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2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written Comments 10/13/17


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) I'm an Autistic adult. Cannabis has been very helpful for me as well as also for many others on the Autistic Spectrum! I know this, as I am an Autistic self-advocate and part of the online Autistic community and basically I live my whole life online and chat with many Autistics every day. Results for myself in particular, keeping in mind we're all different [I know a few Autistics who don't like Cannabis, but many who do!] : - Firstly, it reduces my sensory processing disorder (SPD, a condition commonly [or always?] found with Autistics. This means loud or grating sounds/lights don't as easily make my brain stop from fully working. - Furthermore, I'm more often able to hear somebody correctly the first time, in un-quiet surroundings instead of the "what? what?" in the merely mildly-loud grocery store / job, etc. These two things alone, is huge!!! But please, read on: - Also, it increases my communication abilities in general, somewhat closer to neurotypical (not quite, but it helps!) Heck, even when I'm having an Autistic meltdown I've noticed cannabis allowed me to retain my ability of speech, during it. And, it does this enough that I'm actually able to tell someone verbally that I'm melting down... Without cannabis, I can usually NOT do that, at least not in the same capacity. Normally every word I try to mutter during an Autistic meltdown only makes the meltdown feel much worse inside and last longer! But not on cannabis. Or not even nearly as much. In summary, cannabis makes Autistic sensory overload / meltdown less overwhelming and all-encompassing. - Depending on strain, it can reduce my anxiety disorder, which is also a common co-condition. Considering some strains can exacerbate anxiety, it of course would surely be helpful to have the ability to choose which strain of cannabis works best for me. - If I may elaborate on another aspect of cannabis' positive effect on my communication problems being someone on the Autism spectrum: When I am playing guitar, the notes come to me easier on cannabis because the notes are easier to arrange into a coherent flow, when my brain is processing those communicative formulas more efficiently, due to cannabis. And I think if I wasn't Autistic I'd be a professional musician already. With

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cannabis, maybe I can? I believe I even have an easier time writing eloquently when on cannabis. My brain suddenly has additional stability and order which it otherwise doesn't. I only recently started consuming cannabis again, and it's entirely impossible for me to reliably find, because I don't usually have a source to obtain it; I'm a homebody and don't socialize often in person with anyone at all... My social functioning deficits, without cannabis, are rather severe. And honestly it rather sucked to go literal years without being able to find any after finally seeing just how much fuller my life can be on it! And so it's very much a catch--22 (that if I already had cannabis I could much more easily go and make friends and connections (or much more easily visit a medical cannabis shop, for that matter!) So please choose compassion... If something works this amazingly, we should investigate it fully--- You don't turn your back on it because of "little research"; You legalize it so we -can- do more research. PLEASE support medical cannabis for Autistics! I have a 6 year old son who struggles with Autism/ADHD/Anxiety. I myself struggle with Fibromyalgia and Anxiety. It’s been a struggle finding medicine that will he can take. With his autism he is very picky on what he eats and drinks. So when we try medicine it has to be able to be crushed into his milk and Pediasure. I too, struggle with medicine. I struggle with the side effects from my medicine. I took Yazmin for PCOS for quite awhile, which in turn caused liver lesions. I am limited to the medicine I can take as to not be in more pain from liver issues.

When I think about the possibilities of medicine to help my 6 year old, cannabis has been one of the top choices I wish were available. To help his ticks, his stemming, to help calm him enough to be able to learn while at school, to slow his mind to retain the information and to be able to communicate with others about what he is thinking/feeling. As these are many things he currently struggles with. He is only able to take Clonidine, for his ADHD. He’s unable to take any other meds, again, because they need to be crushed, but also because of the “come down”. His behaviors had become completely uncontrollable: severe anger issues, self hitting/biting, crying spells, severe anxiety. Due to these side effects and what I have gone through with side effects, my liver issues, I struggle with giving him different meds. After doing research, the side effects of cannabis are MUCH less than prescription pills. The research shows the possible benefits for cannabis and the negative side effects are MUCH more minimal than the prescription meds.

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2017 MN Medical Cannabis Program Petition Process Written Comments 10/13/17


I also feel the same way regarding anxiety disorders. What I struggle with. The meds that get prescribed to me have great effects to my liver, meaning I have to be on more meds for pain. Again, after doing research of cannabis for anxiety, the research continues to show there are so many possible benefits and much less negative side effects.

The point and request for cannabis to be available for those with autism or anxiety is not for the purpose to become “high”. The purpose is to help those who struggle so desperately to get through life, to be able connect with others, to learn, to become independent, to do more in life than just exist. So many of the medications used for autism, ADHD, and anxiety turn people into zombies and give them so many horrible side effects. Please, allow this chance for people to be able to do more in life, for themselves. To become productive members of our society.

Thank you

[I am a] mother to a special needs disabled child-Autism with sensory integrative dysfunction, symptoms of ADHD, and epilepsy. I am a native of Oregon. Oregon had a really great computer prescriber program for individuals needing therapy--unfortunately to the teaching clinic/hospitals dismay that program was closed and defunded. My son's condition is a result of epigenomics. The neat thing about the prescriber program was that it would allow a prescriber to enter complex data, it would allow a prescriber to customize the type of CBD/THC ratio needed for the individual and what would be the best fit for the person. I believe that we need this in Minnesota. I also believe we need to map out and use biometrics to analyze how effective therapy is based on metabolomic data of the individuals system as we are more than our germline. We need to understand the complex interplay of this plant across the biome that comprises who we are and how we function. For example something is awry with my son's serotonergic system and it is possible that CBD could help him. Also, CBD could help to protect him from the damage of the EMF/RF/ELF fields that alter calcium channel signalling and VDR receptor site function Cannabis might help to lower neuroinflammation. His Excitatory Inhibitory mechanism seems to be downregulated and he is currently on a ketogenic diet which seems to be helping with neuroinflammation and helping this E/I dysfunction. I believe we should evaluate the various biochemical baseline metabolites before and after CBD use and have a system in place to

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measure the impact on symptoms of syndromes, disabled and disease states. Viome is an excellent technology that could be of use here and Genova laboratories might be able to create something specific for metabolite analysis. Neurotransmitter metabolites and mRNA analysis might be a way to evaluate whether the disease state might be reversed. Also, I believe we should really look at other ideas as to what might make cannabis work better---what else could we give as a biome acceptable adjuvant that would assist it to work better for different conditions? Also, I believe we need to figure out a way to yield a CBD product that has a higher quantity of CBD per dose. This seems to be an issue in the epilepsy community with effectiveness according to son's neurologist in Minnesota---- which is why I have never used it as of yet.

I am curious as to how it would effect the serotenergic system and whether it would increase sensory seeking behavior or balance the sensory seeking behavior. I have reached out to research team at Realm of Caring in Colorado.

Thank you for your time--I hope you will consider my ideas,

I am sorry I was not able to attend today in person. Please add Medical Cannabis as a Qualifying Condition.

I have a 20 year old son with severe autism and many other medical conditions.

Among those are severe self injurious behavior and property destruction - when he is in pain, he cannot communicate effectively and takes it out on walls, windows, others and himself. This behavior started about age 8, where he would put his hand through windows in order to get stitches, because he knew he would get heavy duty pain killers as they were stitching him up. He also hurt others - his parents, his brother and other caregivers. He bit me on the arm puncturing down to the bone once. He scratched my husband's face and arms leaving permanent scars.

Since age 12, he rarely hurts others but still hurts himself. His communication skills are impaired and this is how he lets other caretakers know that he is in pain. Unfortunately, his knees, legs, ankles and elbows take the brunt of this. He has had to have surgery to repair a broken bursa sack from striking his elbow so hard. He has also had stitches many times in his arms and wrists from putting his hands through windows.

I know he can qualify under the seizure disorder label (and we are pursuing this), but he did not develop seizures until last year. Having the ability to access Medical Cannabis for his aggression and self injurious behaviors could have forestalled us from placing him in a group home 7 years ago, and allowed him to benefit more from school.

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There are MANY out there in Minnesota just like my son.

Thank you for your consideration

As a parent to children with autism, I am begging you to please add this condition to the list for medical marijuana. My son does not need it. My daughter who is 12 has severe anxiety ,OCD, and autism. She will not go anywhere in public without humming loudly to drown out the noise. She is afraid of many sounds outdoors or fear the train whistle will blow. She takes out all that built up anxiety on me aggressively. Medications have not helped in calming her down. We have tried many medications for 7 years now. Please pass this!

Thank you

I am urging the commissioner to expand the medical conditions that qualify for medical marijuana. I have worked with families who have severely autistic children and I have friends who's child suffers needlessly and is forced to trade one problem for another by being on medications that often don't help much. I believe you have heard the testimony from many families who know the life changing effects. Please help these children and families by increasing the medical conditions that would qualify.

I am a retired New York City police captain. My opinions on the legalization of marijuana and, even more so, the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes are not new. My opinions on this subject were the same even when I was a New York City police officer. Although I enforced the laws because it was my job to do so, I did NOT agree with them. Today, my opinion is even more adamant because I have two members of my family, one of whom lives in Minnesota, who have benefited almost beyond measure due to the direct use of medical marijuana. My niece suffered from a chronic back problem due to two serious accidents for over 15 years, at times actually requiring a cane. It also impeded her ability to make a living. She no longer uses a cane and is able to function with little, if any, pain. Today she is gainfully employed. My cousin, who resides in Minnesota, has an autistic child who was violent not only towards family members, but even more so to himself. There exist pictures of him where he literally looks like he was beaten up with a baseball bat, eyes swollen shut, numerous cuts and bruises - ALL SELF COMMITTED! His parents literally had to insure that this child wore a hockey helmet every day to

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prevent injury. It didn't always work. Today, there are no scars at all, no injuries, no hockey helmet, a pleasant disposition and hope for the future. Please ask yourself and the committee which will ultimately decide this issue this very basic question: What is the worst case scenario should medical marijuana be utilized for whatever ailment requires it as per an attending physician? What possible negative situation(s) can develop? I will take the liberty and suggest - there is NO RISK.

Please approve medical marijuana for autism. My 18 year old son at the age of 8 went through a very violent period that lasted until he was about 14. The medications we used to calm him down made, like resperiadal, sluggish, over-weight, and out of it. It took us about 3 years to get him off these drugs. If Charlie goes through another angry, violent period I really want to be able to try marijuana. From the little I've read it seems that there are no side-effects and has helped other kids with behavior issues. Thanks

This is a letter written by my friend. Please read and consider. Thanks~

I am writing to ask you to consider making autism a medical condition for which medical marijuana can be used to treat in Minnesota.

My 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with severe autism before she was 2 years old. As she has gotten older, she has gotten nearly uncontrollable. We have tried medication after medication after medication with little to no results. In fact, many of the medications we tried have had negative or reverse effects. She has become ultra-hyper, psychotic, destructive, violent, and foolish. For any medication that does seem to work, the results usually don’t last more than a few weeks before her body overrides them. She has been (and currently is) on a total of 4 medications at the same time. Four man-made chemicals in her without results!

It is hard to take her out in public – to school events or church or shopping or other family activities. She has no concept of danger or awareness.

Our home life is chaos. She is non-stop loud, stomping, yelling, hyperventilating, throwing things, flicking lights on/off, giggling foolishly. We can hardly hold conversations in her presence. She cannot be left unattended for fear of danger to herself or property. Her brain is always going full tilt and we need something to calm it. We have no rest until she finally sleeps at night. It is hard to be a happy family this way. It is hard to do a good job at work when you are worn out all the time.

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I have read story after story of parents who have experienced life changing results through the use of cannabis oil. Parents who went through the same things we are going through. But we cannot even try to see if medical marijuana will help our girl. To see if it will give her, and us, a better life.

I am begging you to make autism a condition for the use of medical marijuana in Minnesota. Give our girl a chance at a better life.

Hello, as the parent of a 5 year old son with severe autism I strongly urge you to add autism as a qualifying condition for the medical marijuana program. My son is non verbal, low functioning, and has a severe global developmental delay. Currently we can only legally use hemp derived non THC containing CBD oil, which has significantly increased his cognitive ability. However, CBD does not address his inflammation, gastrointestinal pain, lack of appetite, attention, focus, or violent aggressive tantrums. Many children like my son who live in legal states have had life changing results with medical marijuana for these exact symptoms. I am only asking for my son to have the same opportunity to thrive and live a joyful life as these other children have. He deserves every opportunity to succeed in life. We as parents deserve the option to give our son relief from the daily prison he lives in. Please choose to give people with autism hope. God bless you!

I am a retired Public Health employee but first and foremost I am a grandmother or two autistic boys ages 7 and 3. The oldest child is moderate to severe. The youngest not as severe. I would ask you to seriously consider medical marijuana for Autism. I feel this will help autistic children. Thank you for listening.

I am writing to ask that you please consider expanding the use of medical marijuana to cover Autism. I have a very good friend. His 14 year old daugher suffers from autism severly. No medications have helped her and she is getting more and more out of control. This family needs this treatment badly. They are some of the best people I know and the deserve for their family to have peace and live healthy lives. I am asking you Mr Comissioner, please, please expand medical marijuana to cover Autism.

I support medical cannabis for Autism.

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yas need to add the plant because the stuff yas have now isnt working. also autosm and a few others should be on there already. periperial neurapathy should be on there. im gurtung and yall dont seem to care Another supporter of cannabis for autism!!

Add autism As qualifying condition

My daughter has autism and she just turned 13. This would help her so much , PTSD, autism, aniexty, sleep. This could change her world and a lot of other people with autism. She would be able to do the things she wants because it will help with calming. She wants school full days. I just started myself 2 months and the change in myself is unreal. I can do things I haven't been able to do in years. Please lets help these beautiful people get out of their heads.... Momma Bear of her amazing autistic daughter!

Please support Medical Marjuana for Autism.

I support medical marijuana for autism!

Hoping you're fighting for the parents of autism children in Minnesota, they need your help.

I personally know the [Patient’s] family and have worked with [Patient] for years. I can't put to words enough how much of an improvement medical marijuana has made to his life. [Patient] has relief he's never known in his 11 years of life so far. The conditions up for debate are not just conditions, they are people, they could have some relief from their struggles. Please approve these conditions up for debate in MN. Thank you.

Please have the courage and the compassion to do the right thing for these patients with autism and parkinsons. Cannabis is medicine, beyond a shadow of a doubt. The hearing today proved it yet again. Minnesota is a leader in good cannabis legislation, please let it continue with these qualifying conditions.

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Please approve medical marijuana fir autism. I have a 10 yr old son 5 different medications with horrible side effects like increased agression, weight gain, appetite suppression, stunted growth, liver damage. It would make a hugedifference in his life to get off most of those medications to treat his mental health issues.

Please add autism and Parkinson to the list of treatable diseases with med. marijuana. I would also ask that you consider neuropathy and crps. I suffer from both of these debilitating diseases as well as many other people and the states where its legal for people to take med. marijuana individuals have see significant pain relief. This also offers patients an out from all the opiods and their horrible side effects. Med. marijuana is a much more natural approach than all the drugs that are currently prescribed for pain.

I, as the grandmother of an extremely out of control severely autistic pubescent boy of 10 was at the hearing yesterday with his mom. I was emotionally touched by the moms and a dad who verbalized perfectly their experiences with accounts of before and after medical cannabis for their kids. This has given my daughter and I a lot of hope for her family who has suffered so much for many years. I must say I've been praying for a miracle after working hard last year to have autism added to the list and being so disappointed when it wasn't. I now believe that this is a new day and positive things are going to happen. My plea is that you, as the Commissioner, and you who will have the final say would seriously examine the accounts you have heard but, also, search your heart in order to bring forward the best possible outcomes for these suffering kids and their families. Thanking you in advance for your understanding, compassion and wise consideration in this critical matter.

I support medical marijuana for Autism! I have seen great changes in my grandson who takes it for Tourettes, he also has severe Autism, many wonderful changes in behavior. Please add autism as an eligible marijuana treatment.

Clearly medical marijuana has helped the patients with autism and parkingson. I support expanding its use.

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Corticobasal Degeneration No written comments received.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome

Expanding medical marijuana to include liver disease, anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea, endocannabinoid deficiency, and dementia is essential so that patients can receive a full range of treatment options. I strongly hope this is passed. Thanks for your time.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome One needs some knowledge of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to understand the petition. ECS or Endogenous Cannabinoid System. “Endogenous”, from within your own body. ECS is the largest neuro receptor system in your body. Your body produces cannabinoids used in the ECS . Phytocannabinoids - Plant substances that stimulate the ECS receptors, like THC or CBD which are the most well-known. These have a special unique key to fit the body's ECS receptors.

The ECS is only recently discovered and it is a medical breakthrough that explains why cannabis works to heal or prevent so many diseases.

The mission of the ECS is to provide homeostasis or balance between all of your body systems.If any body system is out of balance the ECS mobilizes all body systems to act together to bring the body back into balance. The ECS acts like a biochemical- electro- neural supercomputer.

The ECS receptors' heaviest concentrations are found in the brain and neurological system and in body organs but receptors are located throughout the body, down to the cellular level. ECS is unique in your body in that it provides feedback between all of your body systems and it is the only element in your body where signals go 2 ways, forwards and backwards, to enable feedback.With this feedback the ECS directs body systems to move toward balance or:

Not too hot and not too cold, not too fast or not too slow, not remembering too much nor remembering too little, not having too sensitive an immune

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system that attacks itself nor too insensitive an immune system that lets in foreign attackers,etc.

What causes ECS deficiency?

• Aging, so just like a senior might need glasses or a hearing aid or supplemental vitamins and minerals, ones’ ECS ages over time like all of your body systems.

• lack of exercise • unhealthy eating • too little sleep • stress • not getting the good fats in your diet that are necessary to produce

endocannabinoids • genetics The modern urban environment is a daily assault on your ECS. as it is overwhelmed with noise,stress, pesticides, fertilizers, sedentary lifestyle, viruses, bacteria,microwaves, etc.

Cannabis is a wellness supplement to your ECS and the ECS is not unique to humans as all vertebrates have an ECS. Your pets, like dogs and cats, have an active ECS. It is what keeps their body systems in balance. That is why pet owners in Colorado, for example, buy millions of dollars of cannabis treats for their pets. It's not to get their pets high, it's to get their pets WELL via the ECS.

I saw an Incredible video of a “senior dog” in Colorado that perfectly demonstrates the ECS. “Spot” was limping around the house, hobbling, and it looked very painful, worse than my plantar fasciitis getting out of bed hobble :) Spot gets a cannabis treat and the video starts again in an hour. Spot is now running around outside, running and actually jumping up into the air. And the look on Spots’ face with a close-up is priceless! The owner indicated Spot had not run in years nor walked normally in that time. But then it hits me, Colorado dogs with arthritis can receive cannabis therapy but Minnesota seniors cannot.Change is needed. Minnesota had a chance to approve arthritis last year but the Health Department rejected the petition.The US has 53 million people with arthritis, how do you quantify the missed medical opportunity to improve the quality of life for a million(??) Minnesota citizens with arthritis? Wellness use of cannabis should not be a ”privilege” that we have to beg the Health Department/ State Legislature for permission. Rather, cannabis use is a “basic human right/ medical right” to have access to a safe and natural medicine for our own body. Especially when it is a medicine with a 6000+ year history of medical use that has never killed one person. Up until the 1930’s, every pharmaceutical company in the world sold cannabis products, as they were safe and effective. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937

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effectively outlawed cannabis, and it was passed over the objections of the AMA (American Medical Assoc) Supplementing our ECS is like taking a vitamin or mineral or probiotic or wearing glasses or hearing aid. Please see the merit in allowing cannabis use as a supplement to our ECS. I truly hope you Google ECS to learn more about it. The ECS is the key to understanding how and why cannabis really works on dozens and dozens of diseases, a seemingly impossible result. Thank you panel members for your attention to this request. I am always available for any questions or discussion on this issue. There are thousands of articles, papers, and studies on cannabis. Here is a fairly basic article on the ECS. Many of the articles/studies are dozens of pages of very scientific info, so here's a shorter version, in plain English :)

Liver Disease Expanding medical marijuana to include liver disease, anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea, endocannabinoid deficiency, and dementia is essential so that patients can receive a full range of treatment options. I strongly hope this is passed. Thanks for your time.

I want to add my voice to letting you know that I fully support lessening the restrictions on the use of this drug. My Father died of Liver Disease. He had such severe anxiety in the last few months of his life that he could hardly sleep. The sleep aids knocked him out. Yet, he was not in such pain to require Morphine. It was an awful time for me, I felt panicked due to his anxiety and my inability to help. Medical marijuana would have eased this condition while promoting an increased appetite and most importantly allowing him to relax. Please, please release the restriction so others don't have to suffer. Thank-you.

US National Library of Medicine --- Daily use of cannabis reduces risk of Liver steatosis.

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Study that ties in the Endocannabinoid system and liver disease!!

Nausea I will attest to the excellent way that cannabis ,works to quell Nausea. It is one of the finest appetite boosters while making a sick stomach feel much better,so after antibiotics if your gut is wiped out and you do not feel like eating,because you feel so awful .This set up cycle of getting weaker and sicker,prescribe a puff or two of cannabis after antibiotics that are hard on your stomach and food and nutrients will be welcomed and healing happens quicker because of increased appetite and quelled nausea. And with cannabis minimum to no side effect proven it is a welcome medicine that should be widely prescribed in plant form is best not extracts keep it simple when possible. Cannabis has been is use since 22 BC Dogon of Mali have the first known writings on the plant as a medicine from travelers from the stars. C Everett Koop the surgeon general called it," the most therapeutic naturally occurring substance known to mankind" So lets get wise and make this substance widely available for a multitude of uses. Thank you for asking.

They should add nausea and abdominal (stomach) pain to the chronic condition. I suffer with it daily because my stomach does not expand and when I drink or eat I can sick and have pain. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis and now functional dyspepsia. It is a hard condition to live with and even harder to work when you are constantly sick. I have used all different kinds of medications to help and they do not work all the time or they stop working all together. Medical cannabis has helped so many live normal lives when prescription drugs have terrible side effects.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Expanding medical marijuana to include liver disease, anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea, endocannabinoid deficiency, and dementia is essential so that patients can receive a full range of treatment options. I strongly hope this is passed. Thanks for your time.

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I have been taking cannabis for the past year and have never noticed any help in the condition of sleep apnea that I have used a mask for for 20 years.

First, let me express my sincere appreciation for having personnel to review petitions and a process guideline to consider additions to the Minnesota State list of patient diagnoses that may benefit from medical cannabis therapy. I want to give my strongest support to the petition for adding Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to the disorders list discussed at the September 26th public meeting. Most importantly, a new report was presented demonstrating moderate evidence that medical cannabis improved short-term sleep outcomes in individuals with sleep disturbance due to OSA. [1] Secondly, I wanted to bring to the attention of the review committee, another condition that needs an update. The American Academy of Ophthalmology, the world's largest association of eye physicians and surgeons - with more than 32,000 members worldwide - published a reminder in June 2014 that it does not recommend marijuana or other cannabis products for the treatment of glaucoma. This opinion was based on an analysis by the National Eye Institute and the Institute of Medicine. Basically, the Academy finds no scientific evidence that marijuana is an effective long-term treatment for glaucoma, particularly when compared to the wide variety of prescription medication and surgical treatments available.[2] Ophthalmologists also caution that marijuana has side effects which could further endanger the user's eye health. The removal of glaucoma from the list may be appropriate and prudent action given the expert sentiment expressed on the topic [1, 2]. To conclude my public comment, OSA represents a significant public health concern, and patients with this condition have been shown to benefit from medical cannabis therapy. Please give the petition to add OSA your full consideration. As doctors we are committed to caring for patients with evidence-based therapies. Medical cannabis for OSA satisfies this goal but the opposite conclusion is arrived at for glaucoma. Moreover, Minnesotans will benefit from treating OSA today and doing so may prevent the development of other serious medical conditions in the future. [1] https:1/


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Parkinsons Disease (PD) I would like to petition the state to include the verbiage to expand the Parkinson's diagnosis to include parkinsonian like disorders including conditions like para supra nuclear palsy or PSP. It is similar to Parkinson's and CBD in that it is an incurable, terminal, neurological degenerative disorder. Expanding this verbiage to include these disorders would directly impact families like mine who are caring for parents, like my mom, with this disease. We deserve all the possible solutions to help ease their suffering and improve their quality of life.

Thank you

I would like to petition the state to include the verbiage to expand the Parkinson's diagnosis to include parkinsonian like disorders including conditions like para supra nuclear palsy or PSP. It is similar to Parkinson's and CBD in that it is an incurable, terminal, neurological degenerative disorder. Expanding this verbiage to include these disorders would directly impact families like mine who are caring for parents, like my mom, with this disease. We deserve all the possible solutions to help ease their suffering and improve their quality of life.

I've had Parkinson's for over 10 years, would love to see medical marijuana as a prescription my insurance would cover. THANK YOU

I am starting to develop symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. The symptoms include significant stiffness and pain. The low doses of levodopa I am taking addresses the stiffness but not the pain. Medical marijuana would provide help in this area.

Please have the courage and the compassion to do the right thing for these patients with autism and parkinsons. Cannabis is medicine, beyond a shadow of a doubt. The hearing today proved it yet again. Minnesota is a leader in good cannabis legislation, please let it continue with these qualifying conditions.

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Please add autism and Parkinson to the list of treatable diseases with med. marijuana. I would also ask that you consider neuropathy and crps. I suffer from both of these debilitating diseases as well as many other people and the states where its legal for people to take med. marijuana individuals have see significant pain relief. This also offers patients an out from all the opiods and their horrible side effects. Med. marijuana is a much more natural approach than all the drugs that are currently prescribed for pain.

Parkinson's Disease and Restless Legs syndrome should be allowed on the medical conditions list. If you had either of these diseases you would know why it would provide thousands of people/patients with relief and increase quality of life. Thank You.

Clearly medical marijuana has helped the patients with autism and parkingson. I support expanding its use.

Peripheral Neuropathy

I use medical marijuana for pain and other conditions, Peripheral Neuropathy is one I suffer from it's a very painfull and sometimes debilitating condition. People with Peripheral Neuropathy can bennefit from medical marijuana in reducing the amount of pain they suffer from and would make their lives more enjoyable and make getting around and traveling easier by reducing pain. It has helped me in my day to day activities around the house making it easier to get around the house to do the things I need to do. there are days the pain is so bad I'm confined to a wheel chair because I can't walk from the pain, since I have been on medical marijuana there are less days I'm confined to my wheel chair and able to move about the house easier. The other thing no one has considered is that they use antideppresents and othe forms of antideppresents to control this desease. I and many other people like me can not use antidepresents our systems just can't tollorate the medication leaving us very few options if any for pain control. Asprin, Tylanol and other over the counter pain releavers do not work or in my condition they can also damage my kidney and liver and the doctors do not recomend sing them. The other thing we have to worry about is using opioid pain killers which are highly addictive and can lead to other problems attributed to pain killer addiction. Please add this condition to the list it will help alot of people improve their lives.


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Please add Peripheral Neuropathy to the list of medical condition for use of cannabis. I have it, along with Fibromyalgia, and would like to use cannabis as a legal means of fighting pain.

I have neuropathy of the nerves. I have such pain in my arms and legs I can't walk or use hands very well. I take my medication 20 minutes I'm out like a light. I'm so tired all the time but I'm scared to take stimulants. The less my day lasts the better.

In another city of course. I use medical marijuana. I can move my arms and legs better without so much pain. I can sit still and feel happier.

It's $300 to see a medical marijuana doctor he decides how I should run my life. Rich people don't have a problem getting medical marijuana only they can afford it. My insurance won't cover it, If I say anything I lose my benefits and die homeless and in pain.

This might help, don’t know if I will make the meeting, I have Neuropathy, they oil we get know doe’s not help me, need more strains to be available, need an Indica or Hybreed

Marijuana Strains Good For Neuropathy

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United Patients Group is the leading source for Medical Marijuana and Medical Cannabis Information. Learn How Cannabis Effectively Treats Neuropathic Pain!

yas need to add the plant because the stuff yas have now isnt working. also autosm and a few others should be on there already. periperial neurapathy should be on there. im gurtung and yall dont seem to care

Please add autism and Parkinson to the list of treatable diseases with med. marijuana. I would also ask that you consider neuropathy and crps. I suffer from both of these debilitating diseases as well as many other people and the states where its legal for people to take med. marijuana individuals have see significant pain relief. This also offers patients an out from all the opiods and their horrible side effects. Med. marijuana is a much more natural approach than all the drugs that are currently prescribed for pain.

General Comments

Please allow marijuana to be used for any condition in which it can be useful to the user

Please add these conditions to allow for more equitable access to the many patients who benefit from the supplements! It is unconscionable to restrict those patients to current meds proven not to provide the relief they required to manage their conditions. I urge you to approve for the common good of all your constituents!

I am 81 years old and have had Ulcerated Colitis off and on since I was 23 - I've had every drug , pill and enema out there and the condition continues year

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after year. Flare up after flare up. In August of this year, I was approved by the State of Minnesota for Medical Cannabis - I went to the Leafline labs in St. Cloud, MN on 9/5/17 and after consultation there was given a prescription for Cobalt Oral suspension to take 1.0 ML twice a day and Tangerine Oral Sus. at bedtime 2.0 ML.

Within days after taking the above, my Colitis flareup disappeared and has not returned as yet - (9/18/17) It sounds too good to be true and I am holding my breathe that this break will continue. Bottom Line - MM Medical Cannabis is truly a Miracle Drug and I hope it will continue to be offered to people who need it and that the old wives tales of how bad it is will stop. People need to know that it is not the old cigarette but mostly pills or oils that you put in a dropper and squirt into your mouth - there is NO getting high - nothing like that - there is no difference at all.

Please consider adding all new health conditions for the use of marijuana to alleviate symptoms. Alcohol is legal and regulated and does considerable more damage to the body than marijuana. Eventually is will be legalized, so lets get the ball rolling for the people in pain to get some relief. Thank you

I have been using medical cannabis since the program started. I personally have had all great experiences with cannabis. Before cannabis I was taking muscle relaxers up to 3 times a day which was making me very tired and sick physically just to deal with my muscle spasms. With cannabis I am able to take the oil in pill form during the day and feel great without feeling tired or in too much pain, I vaporize cannabis when I feel a big spasm coming on and it only takes about 1- 2 minutes to feel the spasm lighten up and it will usually stop completely. I have not tripped or fallen over my own feet in so long it is amazing! I truly believe adding the proposed conditions will have huge benefits for everyone. With the anti inflammatory power of the CBD's and the pain stopping power of THC you can't go wrong. I believe cannabis is NOT addictive, I personally am addicted to cigarettes and I can tell you that is a true addiction. Cannabis helps cancer it doesn't cause it. Best of all, cannabis doesn't hurt your kidneys like aspirin and ibuprofen. The only problem I see is the registered patients who are on probation or parole that have been violated or threatened violation for positive TCH on UA's while on the cannabis program. These are real people with real family's and very real medical conditions. If everyone is treated equal then remember you have people with a qualifying condition who are in prison and jail for one reason... because they are taking their medication as prescribed. If they are violated they will be forced back to taking opiates and Tylenol while sitting in jail instead of working on being a better person like going to work, spending time with their family's and forcing the state into taking care of their medical

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conditions the way they want to, without cannabis. They are not doctors. I hope to see all of this worked out as well as adding the new conditions so everyone can get the meds they desperately need. Thank you for reading this in its entirety.

I am a physician trained in internal medicine and currently in training to specialize in oncology and hematology. I have cared for hundreds of patients who have asked for medical marijuana, but have been unable to help them given our state's prohibitive laws. There are many conditions that can benefit from cannabis however the studies to help physicians prescribe this class of medications are lacking because of laws making this difficult. Please loosen the laws preventing medical use of cannabis and allow physicians and scientists to utilize this class of chemicals for the good of humanity.

Wherever this might provide a benefit, it should be allowed. It helps so many different disorders, and people should have a chance to get some relief. Expand. Expand. Expand.

Hello I have cystic fibrosis and major other medical conditions I believe that cystic fibrosis should be added to your list for to reason one intensive game two to help increase with more appetite issues that we currently have I'm also on paint for over 18 years for a spinal cord injury as well I would love to get to use this I think that it would help me out Major League please consider this I would even be willing to talk to people in regards to this major issue you may reach me at at 1 XXX-XXX-XXXX I also think that it should now be covered by medical assistance programs here in the state of Minnesota or Medicare because just because you approve the program doesn't mean that that we're going to be able to get it without the funds I'm very interested but on low income please help me and others fighting cystic fibrosis please don't leave us behind once again thanks

This plant gets a bad rapport because of what our culture has turned it into. It's a medicine and we need to lift our backwards thoughts on it. It gives people that struggle hope. I have now met parents that will illegally get this plant from other states because they know the benefits it has. We live in a time where you must become a criminal to treat your child with something the has proven benefits. I hope you can see this and help us forward to a new understanding. Thank you

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Additional conditions NEED to be made eligible for medical marijuana treatment. There is NO reason for this not to pass except unsavory reasons. The public majority is in favor so as a public servant it really is your obligation to listen to us. Thank you.

Even though I can not utilize the benefit of marijuana.. I believe that it should be given to all cases it helps.. I suffer from chronic pain and anxiety..i have used it some but my job will not allow it so I'm stuck with narcotics which I feel are far more detrimental.

I believe all these conditions should be available for the medical cannabis program. I speak from my own experience with Cannabis. Now I am 9 year's clean but when I used Cannabis in the pass it would help me with my depression anxiety add adhd and migraine Head aches now I take multiple pills to battle those conditions up 7 different pills and to go with those are a number of side effects for each pill. If it were legal I would definitely go back to Cannabis I believe it was a lot more healthy for me.