office of the commissioner of income-tax,...

Govt. of India· Ministry of Finance. Department of Revenue Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan Annexe, City Centre, Durgapur-713216 Tete-FAX: 0343-2549561 F. No. Pro CITlDgp.lTender/Canteenl2015-20161 Date: 03.11.2015 TENDER NOTICE v The Income Tax Department, Durgapur invites sealed offers from interested persons/concerns willing to provide canteen services at Aayakar Bhawan Annexe, Aayakar Bithi, City Centre, Durgapur- 713216. Tender fonn is available in the office of the undersigned on any working day between I PM to 4 PM and also be downloaded from The tender fonn for Qualifying Bid in the profonna prescribed in ArUlexure-I and II. The tender fonn in all respects should reach the officer of the undersigned on or before 4:00 PM of 20.11.2015. The tender will be opened on 27th November, 2015 at 4:30 PM. The details of tender documents is/are available from Room No. 306, Aayakar Bhawan Annexe, City Centre, Durgapur-16. The tender documents should enclosed a demand draft of R s. 10000/- in favour of AO& DDO, Income Tax Office, Durgapur as earnest money. For the successful bidder, the draft will be converted as security deposit and for the others, the draft will be returned without any interest. The Income Tax Department, Durgapur reserves the right to cancel orland postpone the tender or reject any bid without assigning any reason whatsoever. i) Mondal) ITO (Hqrs.), Durgapur For Pro Commissioner ofIncome Tax-Durgapur Swapan Kr. MO'1d,,: Inc:ome Tax Officer1HQrs.) For C.I.T. Durgapur

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Page 1: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan

Govt. of India· Ministry of Finance. Department of Revenue

Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan Annexe, City Centre, Durgapur-713216

Tete-FAX: 0343-2549561

F. No. Pro CITlDgp.lTender/Canteenl2015-20161 Date: 03.11.2015



The Income Tax Department, Durgapur invites sealed offers from interested persons/concerns

willing to provide canteen services at Aayakar Bhawan Annexe, Aayakar Bithi, City Centre, Durgapur-

713216. Tender fonn is available in the office of the undersigned on any working day between I PM to

4 PM and also be downloaded from The tender fonn for Qualifying Bid in

the profonna prescribed in ArUlexure-I and II. The tender fonn in all respects should reach the officer of

the undersigned on or before 4:00 PM of 20.11.2015. The tender will be opened on 27th November,

2015 at 4:30 PM.

The details of tender documents is/are available from Room No. 306, Aayakar Bhawan Annexe,

City Centre, Durgapur-16.

The tender documents should enclosed a demand draft of Rs. 10000/- in favour of AO& DDO,

Income Tax Office, Durgapur as earnest money. For the successful bidder, the draft will be converted as

security deposit and for the others, the draft will be returned without any interest.

The Income Tax Department, Durgapur reserves the right to cancel orland postpone the tender or

reject any bid without assigning any reason whatsoever.

i) (Swap~. Mondal) ITO (Hqrs.), Durgapur

For Pro Commissioner ofIncome Tax-Durgapur

Swapan Kr. MO'1d,,: Inc:ome Tax Officer1HQrs.)

For C.I.T. Durgapur

Page 2: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan



1. That the allotment of the canteen in favour of the licensee is purely temporary and the same shall be treated as a bare license, which can be revoked at any time without assigning any reason, and in

the event of revocation of license on account of breach of any of the terms and constitutions of the license, the licensee shall be bound to vacate the premises/canteen withi n one week of the notice of revocations of the license.

2. That the licensee will be required to pay the license fee of Rs. 10001- per month in advance before the first day of each English calendar month of succeeding month.

3. That the lessor can revise the license fee from time to time on expiry of the licensee period.

4. Water, furniture, water purifier as well as space for the canteen shall be provided by the Department. Cost of consumption of electricity will be borne by the vendor. Cost towards

cooking gas, fuel , foods provided etc. shall be borne by the contractor. The proposed space for kitchen activit ies i.e. cooking, wash ing, storage, etc. may be inspected by prospective bidders

before quoting the rates.

5. The contractor have to sale food items at rates prescribed by the authorized person/team nominated by the Pr. Commissioner ofIncome-tax, Durgapur.

6. That the licensee sha ll not sublet/assign or otherwise part with or transfer the possession of use of premi se or part thereof for any other purpose including residence/stay ofworkers/employees.

7. That the licensee shall maintain proper hygiene cleanliness and shall keep the premises neat and clean. A very hi gh standard of hygiene must be maintained in all respect. Quick and day to day disposal of waste material and refuge shall be maintained . Failure to mainta in a high standard of

hygiene will make the contractor liable to pay fine which may extend to Rs.500 per occurrence.

8. That the licensee shall abide by the municipal by laws relating to sale offood articles/drinks, etc. and would obtain all necessary license from the competent authority.

9. That the licensee shall keep a complaint/suggestion book at a conspicuous place in the canteen premises in which the complaints may be recorded and which shall be open to inspection by person duly authorized by the Commissioner of Income Tax, Durgapur.

10. That the licensee shall purchase the crockery, kitchen utensils, etc. at hi s own cost. The cut lery and crockery as a lso cooking utensils will be kept clean by cleaning wi th standard washing powder.

(contd.. .Pg.2)

Page 3: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan


(Pg. 2)

11. The contractor shall devote his full attention to the work of purchase, preparation of food, beverages and shall discharge his obligations under this agreement most diligently and honestly to the full satisfaction of the Department.

12. The caterer would be required to provide snacks and lunch at canteen counter on all

working days from 9.30 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. If needed the caterer will open the canteen during holidays and meeting days also. During the Last quarter ofthe Fin. Yr. canteen will remain open on weekends and till late evening hours on request from ITO, Headquarters, Durgapur.

13. The sale of snack, sweets, lunch will be on cash payment basis. Income Tax Department will

not be liable to pay any amount in any circumstances whatsoever it may be.

14. Rate should be all-inclusive and shall be subject to any change/revision only after the approval of Pro Commissioner ofIncome tax, Durgapur.

15. The caterer will also be required to keep a first aid kit to be able to attend to any such

eventual ity.

16. While serving foods at canteen, departmental officers/staff have to be given preferences over others.

17. In case of any new interpretation/clause/something alike arises, the decision of Pr.

Commissioner ofIncome Tax, Durgapur will be final and binding on all the affected parties.


I. Cooking offood is permitted in the kitchen only.

2. The contractor shall abide by the rules and regulations of the local authorities, sales tax authorities, income tax authorities, etc. besides the provisions under various labour laws and Act of the State and Central Governments in force from time to time.

3. The agreement shall be in force for a period of two years from the date to be specified by

the Department and it may be extended for such further period and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties hereto.

4. All disputes and differences arising out of or in any way concerning the contract shall be settled after holding necessary discussions between the parties. However, in the event of any dispute/difference remaining unsolved, the decision of Pr. Commissioner of Income Tax,

Durgapur shall be final and binding on both parties. (contd ....... Pg.3)

Page 4: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan

(Pg. 3)

5. The contractor undertakes that he shall comply with all conditions laid down under all applicable statutes, licences and permissions and undertakes to keep all licences and permissions valid and subsisting during the period of contract failing which thi s service agreement shall be

liable to be terminated without notice or compensation or any payment whatsoever at the sole discretion of the Department.

6. The contractor agrees and undertakes to bear all the taxes, rates, charges, levies claims whatsoever as may be imposed by the State/Central Government or any local body or authority in respect of his contractual obligation. The contractor agrees to furnish proof of such payments and compliance of the obligation including registration certificates, clearance certificate, etc. , that may be required by the Department from time to time.

7. The contractor shall carry out all the instructions which may be gIven by the Department concerning any aspect of maintenance and catering services.

8. The contractor shall not engage any subcontractor for rendering the services mentioned in

this contract.

9. The Department shall be the sole authority to decide on the quality of service rendered by

the contractor. In case the performance of the contractor is found unsatisfactory, the Department shall have the right to terminate the agreement without giving any notice and without any

compensation to the contractor.

10. All questions relating to the performance of the obligations under this agreement and to the quality of ingredients used in preparing the food and beverages and all the disputes and differences which may arise either during or after the agreement period or other matter arising out of or relating to thi s agreement or payments to be made in pursuance thereof shall be decided by the Department. The contractor hereby agrees to be bound by the decision of the Department.

II. Nothing contained in this agreement is intended to be nor shall be construed to be a grant, demand or assignment in the premises or any part thereof by the Department to the contractor or his employees. The contractor and his employees shall vacate the same on the

termination of the agreement period either by flux of time or otherwise.

12. The contractor shall indemnify the Department against any claims, damages, loss or penalties including the costs thereof in case of liability arising out of any accident/incident involving manpower deployed by him.

(contd ....... Pg.4)

Page 5: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan


13. The contractor shall be solely responsible and liable for all payments due to his employees including salaries, wages, overtime wages, if any, statutory payments, contributions to Provident Fund and Employees State Insurance, bonus, gratuity if payable, provision of uniforms and all other payments of whatsoever nature.

14. The contractor shall be responsible for fulfilling the requirements of all statutory provisions off the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Gratuity Act, the Employees' Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948, the Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, and all other applicable laws at his own cost and risk in respect of all the persons employed by him. The contractor shall maintain the records required to be maintained under the statutory enactments and an authorized representative of the Department shall be entitled to inspect the records at any time. In general, the contractor shall be responsible for strict compliance of all statutory provisions of the relevant labour laws applicable from time to time. If, due to any reason whatsoever, the Department is made liable to pay any liabilities payable by the contractor under any of the applicable laws, the Department shall recover the same from the contractor.

15. If the contractor is unable to serve effectively as a result ofstrike or go-slow by his staff, it shall be open to the Department to terminate the contract forthwith besides claiming damages.

16. The contractor undertakes to have a control over the maintenance of all the items including

gas cylinders and in case of any loss or damage to Department due to improper

operation/maintenance of the equipment, the contractor is solely responsible.

17. The contractor has to bear day to day expenses towards disinfectants, room refresher sprays, etc. The contractor should not alter change of design of canteen. If it is altogether necessary, the proposal for such to be put up before Ld. Pro CIT -Durgapur.

18. Security deposit will be returned on completion of the lease period without any interest. In case any outstanding recovery is due, the same may be adjusted with the security deposit.

19. The lease will be initially for two years, however, on mutual agreement the same may be continued for two years more.

20. All pages of the tender documents to be signed by competent person and properly stamped.

Page 6: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan

I i


! I i I I I




1. Name of the person/concern/Company along with complete registered address· (·Along with necessary evidence)

2. Legal Status·

3. Statutory Details· ----------------Registration no PAN

EPF Registration No

ESI Registration No

Service Tax, VAT/CST Registration No

Name and Address of bankers along with Current Account Details

4. Details of experiences·

Name of the client Address of the client Duration of service provided

S. Year of commencement of Business: • Nature of Business (·copies of audited balance sheets for last three Financial Years to be enclosed)

6. Details of the cheque enclosed as earnest money/security depcsit etc

7. Completely filled up and signed by competent signatory authority

8. Additional information, if any(with evidence)

c· all copies to be enclosed)


I hereby certify that the information furnished above is full and correct to the best of my knowledge, I understand that in case any deviation is found in the above statement at any stage. the person/concern shall be blacklisted and shall not have any dealing with the Department in future.

[Signature of Authorised Signatory with date]

Page 7: Office of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, of the Commissioner of Income-Tax, Durgapur 3" Floor, Aayakar Bhawan






3. 4.















(Tenderer have to fix rate either at maximum or below)

Items Amount (in Rs.)

(Max. rate allowed)

Veg thali «Roti(2 no) + Rice(J plate) + Dal + Sabji + Bhujia + Salad)


!Non-veg thaI i) (Roti(2 no) + Rice(l

plate) + Dal + Sabji + Bhujia + Salad + 45


Extra Rice / per plate 5

Extra Roti(tawa) 3 Egg Curry 1 pc 15

Eggs to order (boiled, fried, 15

poached and omlets)

Toast/bread butter, jam 15

Chicken Kasalplate 35

Mutton Kasalplate 60

Lentils like DAL, Sambar, 20

Chole, Dhal Makhani etc

Veg. item made from paneer /mushrooml

koftal palak paneer/ paneer butter masalal 20

gobi/baby corn masala etc

Plum cake/pastry/milk cake etc. Actual

Indian Sweet. ................................ Actual

Tea I cup 5

Coffee 8

An)' other thing like to add

(If required extra page may be added)

Amount as bids by


NB: Any additional food item may be prepared and served with prior permission/discussion of rates, etc.

with the authorised person nominated by the Pr. Commissioner of Income-tax, Durgapur.