official izm orientation guide

Official IZM Orientation Guide TZM Mission Statement- the Zeitgeist movement is not political movement or activism against the government. This movement simply an activist arm for the Venus Project towards a brand new Economy and Civil Society. Our goal is to inform you, help educate, and state our solutions and pathways of how you can take action now without contacting any elected official. We are beyond Poverty, Politics, and War. We offer solutions to solve society‘s issues.

Upload: ahenry3

Post on 03-Sep-2014




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  • Official IZM Orientation Guide
    TZM Mission Statement- the Zeitgeist movement is not political movement or activism against the government. This movement simply an activist arm for the Venus Project towards a brand new Economy and Civil Society. Our goal is to inform you, help educate, and state our solutions and pathways of how you can take action now without contacting any elected official. We are beyond Poverty, Politics, and War. We offer solutions to solve societys issues.
  • Membership Terms
    This is a Volunteer/ Activist Organization Coordinators are not your mean second boss. Coordinators simply layout and announce what needs to be done and request for your help. Coordinators expect each and everyone one of you to be active within the Chapter. There are two ways of doing this
  • Communication
    • Express any concerns, questions, suggestions
    • If you are unable to communicate within the Chapter over 20 day period inform us ahead of time