officicll publication of ]je unltecl states (bess'federation...

Vol. IV Number 10 OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation Friday, January 20, 1950 PL AN RADIO CHESS ' BATTLE U.S.A. Challenges Yugoslavia Team Plan Double-Rou,!d Radio Match On Februu l'y lIth lhe Uni ted States will face Yugos l avia In a lell- man double rOllnd team match via R CA SIIOI 'l-wave md io. The conlcst will last for (ou\, ( lays, wlr,h th' Amedean leam assemhli ng In Ncw York and the Yugos lav gl'OlI" In Belgrade, E ach player will meet his oppo ne nt twice, once Wl lh the While p ieces and once with thc HI:l elt , as was done in the USA VIS , USS ll Hadio Match of 194G. Final seloction of .the tea ms has not yet been made. but r, he U. S. team will probably i nclu de sl\ch stalwarts as SSlIHny Reshevsky (fol1l' times U, S. Chlllll]lioll), Rellben Fine, Herman Steillc r (curr en t U, S. Chamlllon),lsanc Knshd:m, Al Horowitz, Alexnnde\' Kevlts, Arthur \V. Dake, AIlJert S. Pinkus, Al'llold Denker (former U. S. Chnmplon) und Hobert .Byrne. Le adi ng c3 nlli (intes for Ihe Yu go· slav team includc Svelo?ar GligOI'- iC, Boris Kostic, J\Ulan Vidmar and P etal' Tr\fullovich. 'fhe Yugoslav team has enjoyed se\'eral recent !lucccsses ag nln st picked teams frOIll Hungary rl.1l(\ Hollaml, while rile United States won the 'Wol'ld Team Ch(ll,qlion.ship upon tOllr suc- ces:< h'e ocea.siuti!'> lJe(ore the war (I ud melllber!'> or thesc triulllplmnt te:um, wi ll he in the lineup tor t he Yu,!,';tII; lav lIIat, 'h. Th e lIIalch h; :<11onsored by the lil1 i1ed Slares C' hc!:Is and CII!"ss lI(.wlew juinll), 011 rhis si(lo !lUll ],y tho Yu!\:ollhl\' clllJlI1I Vecl <,rlltlon Ilhl'uud. GA-RVER TAKES OKLAHOMA TITLE Ihl ll Oan't' I", I!).if) Tulsn Ch(IIlIIl- lo u, won Ihe Ok l(lhOl1lll S tate III II G-rOlilid S WIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly wit h t il (l sco ro of 41,6 -11,: . drawing wlllt Neal In the 41h \'olilld. A. G. Miliel' plaCed secOlld a lHI E. II . Gill th ird Oil SoU pointa wit h equal scores or 4-1 each. Ti ed wil h 3%- lI h each, !Jut 1"lItell In the fol- lowing ortler all S,13 point;\! were A. S. Nea l, R. F. l(elly, and C. Sievers. Gal'ver boeame the second playcr to win the State tlUe, llI'cvlollsly he ll! fo l' 3 years by Dr. Dllla who did not defend hi s rltl(l this yeaI'. 25 1)1fJ.yel"s liompetod ill the event. Dr. tel· S\'e ndsen (Norman), CHESS LH'E boolH'l:wiewer, was elcctml jll"ooident of the Oklahoma State Cb6lls Ass'n. L"loyd Lee. E. H. Gill, nnd B. C. Cannel' were elected v!c e, prefjidellts; auti F. E. Condo n was reelected seel"!tary-trO.1sul·er. SMI T.H QUEEN CAPTURES CIT,Y TITLE in a field of 22 playe rs lS-year o ld Stanl ey F, Smit h took to p llOn - OJ'S In -t he 1949 Championsh ip Tournament held .1t the Queen City Chess Club of Buffalo. With a score ot 9-1. Smith. already c luh c hampion, easily ulltdlstaneod a ll OPPoHltlon in the 10-ro und Swiss Wh ich was directed by Norman C. \Vllder, Jr., a vlce-preHhlent of !. he N(>w York State: CheBS Ass' n. See:olld plDee wellt to Hoy 1'. Black. S r. who scored 71h-2%. T ied f{)l' third Illace with 6%':Ph sc:ores wel'c J(lfIl6g Uarrott. Zygmu nt Stoll- In sk i, Vernon Gallic. 'nnd GOI'dOIl Davenport. whose SoB points rank- ed t hem in that O1·n er. H ig hlights o( th e 10 week com- I)elltlon wero Smith's S IJtl'a lght vleLo l'les in tho flrst S I·OIIi Uls. h is crushing 20 move victory ove l' Black, Bo yel "s lI1)8et win ove l' Smith in the 9th round , and Black's a ma zing I'ocoym'y in th e last four rounds in whic h he scored 3 w illS and 1 draw. SAN DIEGO HOST TO KO LTANOWS KI Ceorge Kol t.antlwskl. bl in dfold wi?al'd, exhibi ted s kill to the plnye,·s of San Diego County, Co.JI- lornla, by blitzing two local in a blilldfold cxh ibition hefol"o givillg a 32-boa l"(l simullaneous cx- hil ,ilion. In the simullaneous 0:<111- bition at the San Di ego Che!:la Club in the Salld(o rd Ho te l l(oll auowski \\'on 28 galiles. d rew th r ee an d lost ene. 'l'he sole victor w as 1'1'0(. Geo. !:lu! IllI.l;O:: of Hili!'! !io' hol)l. III'u\\' 1I wellt til t!. It . lIate!:! of tho La MOlin Cluh, .1. P. . S90t t o! . JilnCin\l:IIS, ) U1II JlI51gll D. C. "Je llldns of life San Diego Ches9 Cluh . The exhibition dl'ew a large au di ence, altl1ollt:h it was ill corn· I' clitlo n II"I1.h a hi/,; 11l\l"Iule In N01· tll Parle Tilo San Diego Co u nty Chess Conn cil is s ponSOI'ill g 11. cOlln ty·w lde to uruament for 1950. Regls tl'lttlons sholl id be Illude at the SlInMonl in Sau Diego not lale r 111all .Janua ry 21, 1950. BRASK SWAM PED W IT H SOL UTIO NS The mailman at Attleboro, MaSS., no longe]' [\]lprovell of ch ess after dellvcrlng" the deluge or lIlaII to Svelt Bl·ask. whlell l'epl'e!:lenLt Hl tho wide-sproad acceptlLnee of h ili "Cliullengc to Clles ll 111 the Decembe r 20 issue of CHl!: SS J.H'E, i'.'1 any pkl yers, vlewiu g the dun· cu lt ending by Saehod jakl n, mad e a ga l lant attelll i lt with 1. I(t·87 eh wh i ch look s IJI'omislng. hut still is uot the answer. OVOI' fI (t y fouud th e fir st fou r Illoves, but fl ou nd ered 0 11 th e 5th, o rrerl ng 6. R·R3 which fr ees the Black KnIg h t. Cor rect sol ution to the pos ilion is: L P-Kt7 cll, j{tx P (a) ; 2. Kt·B7 ell, K-I {tl; 3. B-B5 , p ons (Q); 1. Kt·IlG ch. K'Rl; 5, n·Q6! alld draws, fo r Black call ne ither I'c lease his King nor captlll'O ally or the White pi eces ! (a) If 1. , K-Kt1; 2. Kt,Kt 4, p,nS(Q): 3. Kt·BG ch , J{. B2: 4. P-KtS(Q) and male. The winn ers were on ba siS of .J ames Cook, FUI·t Wo rth, Tex. (Dec. 27, 6 pill .); lUch· a rd l-ia1'l'ell, Fort Worth, Tex . (Dec. 27, 5:30 pm); .Tack O'Keefe, De- troit, Mlcll. (Dec. 28, 7 pill); Wnl- ter Shlpmnn, New York, N. Y. (Dee. 28, 7;30 pm); and navld LCVlHII, Chic(lgo, Ill. (Doc. Ii pm) . And as a mor(l\ lesson on persiste nce, It shou ld ho mentioued l hllt vlI,(li s ubmi ttea t wo WI'OI1& so lu- tions. yet (oulld and sent the tl1ll"(l alld corl' eet sol ution just olle-hnlf hO\ll' nhead o( the si xth contesta n t, Olhcl' corroct so lutions, sulp !lnitled too late for a ward s, came (t ro m: A. DiCamillo (Philadelphia), Edmund Nash (W ash ingtou), A. Su- 1'(15;1;0" No. 2' _ G, Kasparyan vs. M. USSR , 1936 POlilioll Nt>. 26 (F rom "Basic Che ss End i ngs , No. 198, By Reuben Fine, 1941 ) Fini sh It "( he Clever Way! IConducted by Edmund Nash m, 1l lor th r. corumn 10 Edmund Nosh, 1530 21th pr .ce, $. E,. I FOUND l>articll ia l' pleasure In solving Pos ition 1\'0, 25, White w illS mn tel'lal imlllolliate ly 01' mates i n 7. 1n Ihe g.lInc, Black got mated, but who or us wou ld a ll ow a of materia l in a shnil ar I los itlon? POllltion No. j /i ilJ tllk6n from what l to iJe tll(j mO§t ul:ef l1l l:o ll octlOI1 or cmlh, !;,s ill th e 1':lI gllsll l11lL glltlg: e. l'aliH thi s n ex- CClltlon to lho l'UI Il thnt '(\ tlr:!w is Ihe rell\lll when II Blsho:. n nt sl-] f'!' 9nl l P(I"'I'. " elllg >:\1' 'ltr! (, r('lIt Col'11'O(t _md gll'es th c tollowinl\' wilmillg continuation;· 1. p·nG. 13-04; 2. K-B3! K-Q4; :1. P-1l 7, B·K5 eh: 4. K·J(3 wins. Howovcl'. Iinrold 13urdg-e or Washington. I), C., that Black c an draw by making a. beUel' seco nd move thall 2. , l\'Qn Ca n you find the co n ec\.. move t hat lead s to n s]leedy drilw? Pl e ase turn to page four for sol ution s. Norderer Wins Tennessee Open Tit/e, Sullivan Second, Crittenden Third Lawrence Nordel'e r-, Oak Ridge scien ti st and f01"mer University ot Chicago 11Inyel' , cllpture d the ann ual Tenn e8see Open Champlon llhi p w ith Ii score of 4%-Jf.: in the round Swiss held at OAk JU d ge . In tho hotly EVANS IS FOURTH AT HASTINGS MEET Larry Eva ns, you th(ul Marshall Chess Cluh Champ iOIl. had an lm- lIr(1ssive debut in international chess by plaCing four th In the his- t!Ql"ie: Hastings Chr is t mas TOUI'na- men t in England. First plaec went to Laszio Szabo of Hll ngary, second pla ce to Nicho- las Rossollmo of F'rail ce, while former Worhl Clla111I)lon .MAX E uwe third. In placing four th, started orr with 3 wins 'lIld 3 draws i n the 6 rounds, lIe- fore he lost Ills fj)'st game in the 7th to Szabo. lie was !:lUll ilhend of Dr. Euwe In POillts, witll wholll he had drawn In the 2l1d round, bu t lost to Rossollmo 1\1 the (i1wi round wllile Euwo was winning [rom \Vi n· e er . HASTING TOURNAMENT I'.Y-"oo 1l,,,,,,,,liltlQ l<:uIVe Hvan. ¥l,J]er H OT"e Il.nla KoeHix W/iiwr 11''''01 L.. D. , , " , , . , , , , , , , , . , , 1 [, RUBSOVA, RUDENK L.EAD IN WOMAN'S Sel'ell m unds or the ,\Voman's Wo r ld ChallIplons hlp TOUl'llfUnellt see the le ad pass to two Russ ian players, O. Huhsova a nd L. Ruden- ko at 6-2 each . Chaude dc S ilans (Fra nc e) follow!! with 4%-1 %. U. S. WOlllU II'S Co·Champl on Mr s. Grell- ser, who was tied for the l ea d in early rounds has 4-2, tied with Ble- lov!l. WOMAN'S CHAMPIONSHIP contested event sec ond place wellt to J. G. SuHivlm, ,I I'" Wltll 4-J, 19-yeal'- u"" .. "" .................. .[,.2 . ... 3.2 01 (1 UnlverSUy or junior, who won lh n 1918 T enllessee Op cn, J\Lt<!, '".n .................. [,·2 r,.flll"rO' ............. _",, 8. ' Sevin Round. ll1ll 1948 SOllthe1"1l AHsociuUun Opon and th e 1949 GeOl'gla Opon in the ..... :.:.: .... '::.:.:'.'.' .... .. l, slW l'l spall of his chess 1)laying w reer . Thinl pl:lce with 3%-1 % scor e "' . [(""I ............... .11'0111. to Kit Crirtendell. Jr.·year·old Nol"tll Co.rOliml veternn who won ······· .. ":'ii%: tile 1949 Ope1l a nd the -1 94.''_N:..:'C'·'C":..:CC'C'·" C' C'n C ':..:0C'C"C"C· ____ -'-" "' C"c'"c' C·C·· .. ·C·· :···C .. ·:·· .. :'·: ' _C .. C'.=':"..: .. ·= .. ·=·· .. c···c·· .. C .. ·:..; , ·o 'rled ror foul'lll ]llacl! wi th 3-2 - eflch wcre .Jack Murphy or AlCOa, Telln., lIewly elected P resi dent of the Tennessee Chesa Associati on; Dab Coveyou or Oak Ri d ge, n f OI'- Tenn essee Open Wi nner and also fm'lIIe l' Univ el'sity of Chicage I llayer; Louis Mill er of Chatta- noo gn, nowly "'\ected secI'atary- lI'eas llrer or the Teunessee Chess Association; W. A. Scott of At- lanta, Ga.., yo uth fu l !Jut pro mi nent Negl'o editor; nnd 8nld Wad e. Georgia Tech lIonlor wb o el ectrifi ed the gal\aries witll llis sensational play, rac l (New Hnven), Tti clllLrd KIl- joth (Milwaukee). Isldol 'e Rothma n (BI'onx), D!·. J. We illgart (Des Moines), Pr Of. (Hoch esL- or), E. PI'unel" (San J oe F_,nchel' ( Yale). [silac Ash (Phila- delphia,) , S. Walletlck ( Brooklyn), J. Soudakofr (Ne\\' York). n. Chau- venet (Ba\tlmol 'C), und O. S hllplro (Wnshlngton ). DI LLO N T.:\.KES WYOM ING TITLE III the Wyomin g" State Champl on- shill held at Cas pel" v ictory went to Dillon of Cns pel ', with Ra l ph Hawkin s t aking !'>e<lOnd 'P lace. Scli uyle r D. Fen' ls wa.s el oct- ed fil-st llres ill c llt of the newly organized 'vy"omlng Ch ess Ms'n . Poschel Wins Mi d-West Intercollegiate Bra un Places Second, Murphy Third The Mld-Weatern I ntercollegiate Cha mpionship was held In Chl- ellgo coneul'rently with the U. S. Co llegiate Championsh il) In the East. and dl'Ow IItteen entrants tro m seven mid-wes tern colleges . It was held at th e Illinois Insti t ute o[ Toeh nology with Geor ge Vall Dyke 'l'elll'S o( lhe Unl\,el'slty o( C hl Oflgo actiug as dl recto l' Bnd U_ S, Opon Ch allluion Alhel·t Sa ndl'in ad j udh:atin g ad journed games. Paul Poschel, l'ep resc ntil1g Rooseve lt College, cu rrent Ill Inois S t ate Ch3m l)I011, won lhe nye· rou nd SWiSH event with 4%-%, drawing his fo ur th rou nd gamo willI lImun. Seco nd WIIS J. Braun ot minols In stitute or T echnology with 4-1 and an S oB score of 12 pts. Braun dr ew wlt,h Pos' c hel an d Hcndorson. Third place went to W. p. Mu rphy of De Paul with 4-1 Ilnd an S·B Sool·{). or 9th l)ts, Murphy lost his tl1lrd-rOUl1d game to Braun. H. C. Hend erson ot Nort hwestern Uni versity (lolllpletod the pl 'be-lis t In fou rth place with 3 1 h- 1 ¥.: score , l osing to 'and dr awing wi th BraulI. The event was jointly sponsore d I.ry the lllln alR In stitute or Tech- nol ogy, Nort]lwestcrn Uni versi ty, and tI,e Universi ty of Chicago, and Wll9 he ld under the aus pices ot the lI11nol !l S tato CheHR Asso clnton. The tOlU'II/1me nt repl" oscnt s th o growing chess activ ity in mld·west- em collegiate ci rcles, and there Is :111 ac t ive coll eg iate lellgue In Chi- cago with Six tea ms, 1l0W In Its tb lrd year of l)lay, ill a dd i Uo n to tho ract that a numbel' ot co llege cl ubs are al so l'el)resc ntetJ by te8 ms In one 01" both ot the Chi- cago Chess Leagues . T he Collegiate League c on sists of teAllIs (ro m Illi· noi s In stituto ot T echn o lOgy, U nl- vera lty or Illin Ois (Navy Plel' Ex, tenBlon), DePaul University, Roose' v elt Col1ego, Nort hwestern Unlver· sity, and Univ ersity of Chicago. HY DE PA RK PLANS RESHEVSKY SI MU L Fo n ner U. S. Cbamp ion Reshev· sky Is sc hellul ed for Il sl multau- eous ex h l!JiUon lit the Hyde Park . YMCA Cbess Club o( Chicago in the latter part at Fe !JI'UIlI'Y, !Hinols players who would like to t ake a boa l'd aga in s t the Grandmllster are Invit ed to contact A. I(allfman, Dorch estcr, 3-0273, to arrange tor a r6l>ervatlon.

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Page 1: OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation!~hhl III II G-rOlilid SWIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly

Vol. IV Number 10 OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation Friday,

January 20, 1950

PLAN RADIO CHESS ' BATTLE U.S.A. Challenges Yugoslavia Team Plan Double-Rou,!d Radio Match

On Februu l'y lIth lhe United States w ill face Yugoslavia In a lell­man double rOllnd team match via R CA SIIOI'l-wave mdio. The conlcst will last for (ou\, (lays, wlr,h th' Amedean leam assemhling In Ncw York a nd the Yugoslav gl'OlI" In Belgrade, E ach player will meet his opponent twice, once Wl lh the While p ieces and once with thc HI:lelt , as was done in the USA VIS , USSll Hadio Match of 194G.

Final seloction o f .the teams has not yet been made. but r,he U. S. team will probably inclu de sl\ch stalwarts as SSlIHny Reshevsky (fol1l' times U, S. Chlllll]lioll), Rellben Fine, Herman Steillcr (curren t U, S. Chamlllon),lsanc Knshd:m, Al Horowitz, Alexnnde\' Kevlts, Arthur \V. Dake, AIlJert S. Pinkus, Al'llold Denker (former U. S. Chnmplon) und Hobert .Byrne.

Leadin g c3 nlli (intes for Ihe Yugo· slav team includc Svelo?ar GligOI'­iC, Boris Kostic, J\Ulan Vidmar and P etal' Tr\fullovich. 'fhe Yugoslav team has enjoyed se\'eral recen t !lucccsses agnln st picked teams frOIll Hungary rl.1l(\ Hollaml, while rile United States won the 'Wol'ld Team Ch(ll,qlion.ship upon tOllr suc­ces:< h'e ocea.siuti!'> lJe(ore the war (I ud melllber!'> or thesc triulllplmnt te:um, will he in the lineup tor the Yu,!,';tII;lav lIIat, 'h.

Th e lIIalch h; :<11onsored by the lil1 i1ed Slares C'hc!:Is I;'cdcr~tion and CII!"ss lI(.wlew juinll), 011 rhis si(lo

!lUll ],y tho Yu!\:ollhl\' clllJlI1I Vecl <,rlltlon Ilhl'uud.


Ihlll Oan' t'I", I!).if) Tulsn Ch(IIlIIl­lou, won Ihe Ok l(lhOl1lll S tate Chnlll l llOlI!~h hl III II G-rOlilid S WIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly wit h til (l scoro of 41,6 -11,: . drawing wlllt Neal In the 41h \'olilld.

A. G. Miliel' plaCed secOlld a lHI E. II . Gill th ird Oil SoU pointa with equal scores or 4-1 each. T ied wilh 3%-lIh each, !Jut 1"lItell In the fol­lowing ortler all S,13 point;\! were A. S. Neal, R. F. l(elly, and C. l~.

Sievers. Gal'ver boeame the second playcr

to win the State tlUe, llI'cvlollsly h ell! fo l' 3 years by Dr. Dllla Roz~a who did not defend his rltl(l this yeaI'. 25 1)1fJ.yel"s liompetod ill the event.

Dr. tel· S\'endsen (Norman), CHESS LH'E boolH'l:wiewer, was elcctml jll"ooident of the Oklahoma State Cb6lls Ass'n. L"loyd Lee. E. H. Gill, nnd B. C. Cannel' were elected v!ce,prefj idellts; auti F. E. Condon was reelected seel"!tary-trO.1sul·er.



in a f ield of 22 players lS-year old Stanley F , Smith took top llOn­OJ'S In -the 1949 l<~a l1 Championsh ip Tournament held .1t the Queen City Chess Club o f Buffalo. With a score ot 9-1. Smith. already cluh champion, easily ulltdlstaneod a ll OPPoHltlon in the 10-round Swiss Which was directed by Norman C. \Vllder, Jr., a vlce-preHhlent of !.he N(>w York State: CheBS Ass'n.

See:olld plDee wellt to Hoy 1'. Black. S r. who scored 71h-2%. T ied f{)l' third Illace with 6%':Ph sc:ores wel'c J(lfIl6g Uarrott. Zygmu nt Stoll­Insk i, Vernon Gallic. 'nnd GOI'dOIl Davenport. whose SoB points rank­ed t hem in that O1·ner.

H ighlights o( the 10 week com­I)elltlon wero Smith's S IJtl'a lght vleLol'les in t h o flrst S I·OIIiUls. h is crushing 20 move victory ovel' Black, Boyel"s lI1)8et win ovel' Smith in the 9th round, a nd Black's a ma zing I'ocoym'y in the las t four rounds in which he scored 3 w illS and 1 draw.


Ceorge Kol t.antlwskl. bl indfold wi?al'd, exhibi ted hi~ s kill to the plnye,·s of San Diego County, Co.JI­lornla, by blitzing two local expel"t~ in a blilldfold cxh ibition hefol"o givillg a 32-boal"(l simullaneous cx­hil ,ilion. In the s imullaneous 0:<111-bition a t the San Diego Che!:la Club in the Salld(ord Hotel l(ol lauowski \\'on 2 8 galiles. d rew th ree and lost ene. 'l'he sole victor was 1'1'0(. Geo. ~. !:lu!IllI.l;O:: of G ro!iS!!~ Q !g Hili!'! !io' hol) l. III'u\\' 1I wellt til t!. It . lIate!:! of tho La MOlin Chel'l~ Cluh, .1. P.

. S90tt o!. JilnCin\l:IIS, )U1II JlI51gll D. C. "Jellldns of life San Diego Ches9

Cluh. The exhibition dl'ew a large audience, altl1ollt:h it was ill corn· I'clitlo n II"I1.h a hi/,; 11l\l"Iule In N01·tll Parle

Tilo San Diego Cou nty Chess Conncil is s ponSOI'illg 11. cOlln ty·w lde touruament for 1950. Regls t l'lttlons sholl id be Illude at t he SlInMonl ~(otel in Sau Diego not laler 111all .Janua r y 21, 1950.


The mailman at Attleboro, MaSS., no longe]' [\]lprovell of chess after dellvcrlng" the deluge or lIlaII to Svelt Bl·ask. whlell l'epl'e!:lenLtHl tho wide-sproad acceptlLnee of h ili "Cliullengc to Clles ll I'I:J,yer~" 111 the December 20 issue of CHl!: SS J.H'E,

i'.'1 any pklyers, vlewiu g the dun· cu lt ending by Saehod jakln, made a ga llant attelll ilt with 1. I(t·87 eh which looks IJI'omis lng. hut still is uo t the answer. OVOI' fI (ty fouud the first fou r Illoves, but fl oundered 0 11 the 5th, o rre rlng 6. R·R3 which frees the Black KnIgh t.

Cor rect sol ution to t he posilion is: L P-Kt7 cll, j{tx P (a) ; 2. Kt·B7 ell, K-I{tl; 3. B-B5, p on s (Q); 1. Kt·IlG ch. K'Rl; 5, n·Q6! alld draws, fo r Black call neither I'c lease h is King nor captlll'O ally or the White pi eces ! (a) If 1. , K-Kt1; 2. Kt,Kt4, p,nS(Q): 3. Kt·BG ch , J{.

B2: 4. P-KtS(Q) and male. The w in ners were on basiS of

Jlo~tlllarks; .James Cook , FUI·t W orth, Tex. (Dec. 27, 6 pill.); lUch· a rd l-ia1'l'ell , Fort Worth, Tex. (Dec. 27, 5:30 pm); .Tack O'Keefe, De­troit, Mlcll. (Dec. 28, 7 pill); Wnl­ter Shlpmnn, New York, N. Y. (Dee. 28, 7;30 pm); and navld LCVlHII, Chic(lgo, Ill. (Doc. 2~ , Ii pm) . And as a mor(l\ lesson on persistence, It shou ld ho mentioued l hllt I~c­vlI,(li s ubmi ttea t wo WI'OI1& solu­tions. yet (oulld and sent the tl1ll"(l alld corl'eet solution jus t olle-hnlf hO\ll' nhead o ( t he si xth contesta n t,

Olhcl' corroct solutions, su lp !lnitled too late for a ward s, came (t rom : A. DiCamillo (Philadelphia), Edmund Nash (W ash ingtou), A. Su-

1'(15;1;0" No. 2'_ G, Kasparyan vs. M.

USSR , 1936

POlilioll Nt>. 26 ( F rom "Basic Ches s End ings, No.

198, By Reuben Fine, 1941 )

Finish It "(he Clever Way! IConducted by Edmund Nash

Wao~!na~~~d m,1l D~""ri,1but l"n. l or th r. corumn 10 Edmund Nosh, 1530 21t h p r.ce, $. E,.

I FOUND l>articll ia l' pleasure In solving Position 1\'0, 25, White w illS mn tel'lal imlllolliately 01' mates i n 7. 1n Ihe g.lInc, Black got mated,

bu t who or us wou ld a llow a of material in a shnilar Ilositlon? POllltion No. j /i ilJ tllk6n from what l r'(l~1Il to iJe tll(j mO§t ul:ef l1l

l:oll octlOI1 or cmlh, !;,s ill th e 1':lI gllsll l11lLglltlg:e. ]~Illl) l'aliH this n I'~"O ex­CClltlon to lho l'UI Il thnt '(\ tlr:!w is Ihe rell\lll when II Blsho:. n ll]lO~ea n ntsl-] f'!' 9nll P(I"'I'. !h ~ 'lh:hcu~ "elllg >:\1' 'ltr! (, r('lIt Col'11'O(t ~q:,t :. :':: :l. , _m d gll'es thc tollowinl\' wilmillg continuation;· 1. p·nG. 13-04; 2. K-B3! K-Q4; :1. P-1l7, B·K5 eh: 4. K·J(3 wins. Howovcl'. Ii nrold 13urdg-e or Washington. I), C., delllonstr~tes that Blac k can draw by making a. beUel' second move thall 2. , l\'Qn Ca n you find the con ec\.. move that leads to n s]leedy drilw?

Ple ase turn t o page four for sol utions.

Norderer Wins Tennessee Open Tit/e,

Sullivan Second, Crittenden Third Lawrence Nordel'e r-, Oak Ridge scienti st and f01"mer University ot

Chicago 11Inyel', cllptured the annu al Tenne8see Open Champlon llhip with Ii score of 4%-Jf.: in the 5·round Swiss held at OAk JUdge. In tho hotly


Larry Eva ns, you th(ul Marshall Chess Cluh ChampiOIl. had an lm­lIr(1ssive debut in international chess by plaCing fou r th In t he his­t!Q l"ie: Hastings Chris tmas TOUI'na­men t in England.

First plaec went to Laszio Szabo of Hllngary, second place to Nicho­las Rossollmo of F'railce, while former Worhl Clla111I)lon .MAX E uwe pl~ced third. In placing fourth,

.~';valJ~ started orr with 3 wins 'lIld 3 draws i n the rl1"~t 6 rounds, lIe­fore h e lost Ills fj)'st game i n the 7th to Szabo. l ie was !:lUll ilhend of Dr. Euwe In POillts, witll wholll he had drawn In the 2l1d round, but lost to Rossollmo 1\1 the (i1wi round wllile Euwo was winning [rom \Vin· e er.


I'.Y-"oo 1l,,,,,,,,liltl Q l<:uIVe Hvan. ¥l,J]er H OT"e Il.nla KoeHix W/iiwr 11''''01

L.. D. , , " , , . , , , , , , , , . , , 1 [, ~


Sel'ell m unds or the ,\Voman's Wor ld ChallIplons hlp TOUl'llfUnellt see the lead pass to two R ussian players, O. Huhsova a nd L. Ruden­ko at 6-2 each. Chaude dc S ilans (Fra nce) follow!! with 4%-1 %. U. S. WOlllU II'S Co·Cha mp lon Mr s. Grell­ser, who was tied for the lead in early rounds has 4-2, tied with Ble­lov!l.


contested event second place well t to J. G. SuHivlm, ,I I'" Wltll 4-J, 19-yeal'- u"" .. "" .................. .[,.2 Tr~"'nc'. . ... 3.2 01(1 UnlverSUy or Tellne~6ee junior, who won lhn 1918 T enllessee Opcn, J\Lt<!, '".n .................. [,·2 r,.flll"rO' ............. _",,8. '

Sevin Round.

ll1ll 1948 SOllthe1"1l AHsociuUun Opon and the 1949 GeOl'gla Opon in the ~.;,, ~.~,,~~,""" ..... :.:.: .... '::.:.:'.'.' .... ~.,.'.'.·,' .. l, ~',~~V' ,,::: ,, ::::::·~t:~; slW l'l spall of his chess 1)laying w reer. Thinl pl:lce with 3%-1 % score "' . ~ [(""I ............... 2~ .• ~ 11'0111. to Kit Crirtendell. Jr.·year·old Nol"tll Co.rOliml veternn who won ~~.~~,;:~~~~ ······· .. 3il·~~ g~~~~!l1;~:;··:" ":'ii%: tile 1949 Ten ne~~ee Ope1l a nd the -194.''_N:..:'C'·'C":..:CC'C'·"C'C'nC':..:0C'C"C"C· ____ -'-""'C"c'"c' C·C·· C· .. ·C·· :···C .. ·:·· .. :'·:' _C .. C'.=':"..: .. ·= .. ·=·· .. c···c·· .. C .. ·:..;, ·o

'rled ror foul'lll ]llacl! wi t h 3-2 -eflch wcre .Jack Murphy or AlCOa, Telln., lIewly elected P resident of the Tennessee Chesa Association; Dab Coveyou or Oak Ridge, n fOI'­IIH~ l' Tennessee Open Winner and a lso fm'lIIe l' Unive l'sity of Chicage Illayer; Louis Miller of Chatta­noogn, nowly "'\ected secI'atary­lI'easllre r or the Teunessee Chess Association; W. A. Scott o f At­lanta, Ga.., youth fu l !Jut prominent Negl'o editor; nnd 8nld Wade. Georgia Tech lIonlor wbo electrified the gal\aries witll llis sensational play,

racl (New Hnven), TticlllLrd KIl­joth (Milwaukee). Isl dol'e Rothman (BI'onx), D!·. J. Weillgart (Des Moines), PrOf. ~h':rchand (Hoch esL­or), E. PI'unel" (San 1~l'nl1c1sco), J oe F_,nchel' (Yale). [silac Ash (Phila­delphia,) , S. Walletlck (Brooklyn), J. Soudakofr (Ne\\' York). n. Chau­venet (Ba\tlmol'C), und O. Shllplro (Wnshlngton ).


III the Wyomin g" State Champlon­shill h e ld at Caspel" v ictory went to l~rallk Dillon of Cnspe l', with Ral ph Hawkin s taking !'>e<lOnd 'P lace. Scli uyler D. Fen'ls wa.s eloct­ed fil-st llresillcllt of the newly organized 'vy"omlng Ch ess Ms'n.

Poschel Wins Mid-West Intercollegiate Braun Places Second, Murphy Third

The Mld-Weatern Intercollegiate Cha mpionship was he ld In Chl­ellgo coneul'rently with the U. S. Collegiate Championshil) In the East. and dl'Ow IItteen entrants trom seven mid-weste r n colleges. It was held at th e Illinois Insti t ute o[ Toeh nology with George Vall Dyke 'l'elll'S o( lhe Unl\,el'sl ty o( ChlOflgo actiug as dl rectol' Bnd U_ S, Opon Ch allluion Alhel·t Sandl'in ad judh:ating ad journed games.

Paul Poschel, l'ep rescntil1g Roosevelt College, curre nt Ill Inois S tate Ch3m l)I011, won lhe nye· ro und SWiSH event with 4%-%, drawing his four th rou nd gamo willI lImun. Second WIIS J. Braun ot minols Institute or T echnology with 4-1 and an SoB score of 12 pts. Braun drew wlt,h Pos' chel an d Hcndorson. Third place went to W. p. Murphy of De Paul with 4-1 Ilnd an S·B Sool·{). or 9th l)ts, Murphy lost his tl1lrd-rOUl1d game to Braun. H. C. Henderson ot Northwestern University (lolllpletod the pl 'be-list In fou rth place with 3 1h-1¥.: score, losing to Poseh~l 'and drawing with BraulI.

The even t was jointly sponsored I.ry the llllnalR In stitute or Tech­nology, Nort]lwestcrn Universi ty, and tI,e Universi ty of Chicago, and Wll9 he ld under the a uspices ot the lI11nol!l Stato CheHR Asso clnton.

The tOlU'II/1ment repl"oscnts tho growing chess activ ity in mld·west­em collegiate c ircles, and there Is :111 ac t ive collegiate lellgue In Chi­cago with Six teams, 1l0W In Its tb lrd year of l)lay, ill a dd iUon to tho ract that a numbel' ot the~e

college clubs are also l'el)rescntetJ by te8ms In one 01" both ot the Chi­cago Chess Lea gues. T he Collegiate League consists of teAllIs (rom Illi· nois In stituto ot T echno lOgy, U nl-

veralty or Illin Ois (Navy Plel' Ex, tenBlon), DePaul University, Roose' velt Col1ego, Northwestern Unlver· s ity, and University of Chicago.


Fon ner U. S. Cbampion Reshev· s ky Is schelluled for Il s lmultau­eous exh l!JiUon lit the Hyde Park

. YMCA Cbess Club o( Chicago in the latter part at Fe!JI'UIlI'Y, !Hinols p layers who would like to take a boa l'd agains t the Grandmllster are Invited to contact A. I(allfman, Dorchestcr, 3-0273, to arrange tor a r6l>ervatlon.

Page 2: OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation!~hhl III II G-rOlilid SWIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly

Published twice " month on the 5ch and 20ch by

TH~ UN~Tm STAT~S CH~SS F~D~RATION Entered ". oeoond "I". matter SeptMDber .ti, I1i46. at the _t Gmc.. at Dulruque. )0....,. .

-.ler cbe act of lIarch II. 18'79.

Subscriptian-H.OO p~r yeo<; Single copies )Oe <" ch

Add"$, all .uh<eript ians <0:- H i Bluff Stree t OR 12369 Slrathmoor Avenue Edward I. Tr~nd , Suu/"ry Dubu'luc, 10.... Dct roit 27. Michigan

Make all checl! payable to: T HE UNITED STATU CHESS FWElATfON

Address all comm un ications Edicarial on editorial matte rs to:- Office:

123 Nanh Humphr~ AVPDUe ;)ak Pari<, IIIinoi,

Editor ""d BUJi"eH M""lIg~T


OT. A. Buschke Gullherme Groesser Fred Reinfeld

CoTJIribuli"8 Editors Gene Collett

Erich W . Marchand William Rajam

Vincen t L. Eaton Edmund Nash

Dr. Kester Svendsen

Address all comm unications to the Un ite d States Che8s Federat ion (except those regardi ng CHESS LIFE ) to USCF Secretary Edward 1. Treend, 12869 Strathmoor Avenue, Detroit 27, Michigan.

Vol. IV, Numher 10 F'l'id.ay. Jan uary 20, 1950

One fiunj,.ed Year" Afjo By DR. BRUNO BASSI

Ch~H Hi/toridn, UNdid, SweJen

EARLY in 1850 the prel iminaries for a grand encounter betweeu C. H. STANLEY, Choos E d itor of TIl e XCII' York Albion. WJlO had dis ­

. tinguislled himself in the celebrated cOll t e;: t a g-ainst Rousseau at New Orleans in 1845. and J. H. TURNEJl or Louis l'llle . Kentucky, were definitely settle<.! . T he term;; agreed 011 werc, that t. he match should take p lace at \Vashiugton a nd comillence on the 11th o( Februal'y, the winner ot the fil'st e leven gallles to bo the conquerOl· and entitled to t lte stakes o f $500 (In each s ide. T o avo id the t e dium so oHen complaiued of in what are called the close game, it was s tipulated til a t both ll lay· e r s 011 the first move should opell by advancing P ·K4.

'rhe belligerell t s met at Washington on February 9th and tlte Illay began o n the 11th. By the evening a f the 14th the battle. cons isting of 1'7 games, was at a n elld~ Final score: Stauley 11, Tu rn er 5, drawn 1. Tbe London Chess P layer's Chl'onicle. yoL Xl, 1850, p. 97, commented: " Wltb the characteristic impetuosity of Our tr.ausatlantic fri e uds. the cOlltest has been brought to a close in fewer days t hall a match of such hlll)(H·tnnce hc ro would huve occu[llod w(loks."

I)uring his ::Haylng In AmOf·lcn. the celcb m tod H ungarian 1111IyOI· J . lAwt'n thul htHI Ih t' 0111101'1II 111ty of rrosll lug 1I1'JIill with Ilcal'ly :Ill rOllro· 101lt/llh'0 cht!IJII II\nycrll of the S tutes. In 1860 he won scvoml IlIfitc hes nt Now Yorlt against J . II . 'l' ul'ncr, In whom he fOUnd a generous trlcnd . TU rtle.' Inv ited Lowenthal to aCCOm llnny 111m to his resid e nce lIeur Le): ' ington, Kentucky. H e re some further eOll tests took place a nd Lowen· thai scored also three ma tches against Dudley. At that tillie only Paul

. MOI'phy could probably wlthf3tn nd him. LowcnUlal, aged [ol'ty , a nd M Ol'·

ph y, age d nearly thirteen, Illet twice in New OI'leans on the 22nd aud 25th of ~hIY. ] 850 (ol her sources, e. g. Lowonthal III tile Book ot lhe New York Tou rnament 1857. JI. 394, statc May 27th). and contestod two games in the presence or Rousseau , Emest !\iol'jlhy and II large n um· be r ot local ama teu]'s. the I'egult I1elug a win and a tl mw fol' the young American. MorI1hy, wl'ote Lowcnthal some time aft~rwards. "a]l\leared to me to )Iossesl:l choss gonlus of It vel'y higll ordol'. He sl1O\\'ed g l'ellt quickn ess ot P6l'ccptiou nnd evi nced hl'i1liant s t ra tegic )Iowcr&. When I passed New York on my way Lo the great intel'llaLO,,,ml tou rnament in Loudol}, I mentioned hi m to M.-. Stanley a nd predicted (or hi m a 01'11· ila llt future." (Book <If the N. Y. 'I'ourn. 1857. p. 39Hi )

The hilttory or chess in tel'col\1'se lJe tween ,\ma rl ea and glll'ope doea not hegln, a s it Is gOll erally be lieved. with the exploits alld t l'lU·Il\llhs of i\Iorphy in the O!d World 185S. Alt'eady tn 1850 we find J ames Thonlllsou . of New York. llaylng a ylslt to t he (amOlll:l Care de la Hcgence h I Paris (Deull:lche Schac hze llllng. 1850, II. 364 ) and t il tlle samc year J . 'V. Schulten. a wCllUhy nHl l'cllnnt ot New York, who wall considered a s kill(ul player, g iving cvcn C. H. Stanley a s trOll ); figh t ovcr lhe hoard, played in Paris wilh l\:ieserltzky and became an honorary memllcr or the celebrated Cerc le des Echecs (CPC, vul. XI, 1850, p. 239. 271·2, 33G; DSz. 1850, 11. 45).

KING'S BISHOP OPENING Washington, February 11, 1850

While: ·C. t. P·K( 2. B·B( J. KI·Q8J (. KI,BJ 5. P-Q) 6. B·K3

H, STANLE Y P_K( 1. Kt·K2

KI·KB) I. B,KIJ B·B4 9. Kt,KI1 P-Q) 10. 0 ·0

P·KR) n. Q.K2 B_Kt) 12. QR-Q l

B·K} P·B)

QKI·Q2 0.0 R_"


m.,·k: J. H . TURNER U. Kt·R4 KI -Bl 19. KI~B PoKI )4 , Kt (R4)·BS 211. Q·BJ ch Q.Q

~~: ~~~2 11. Q·B2 II. KbKtP

KI.KU 21. R.Q th K·Ktl B.QB 22. BoP R·KI K·R2 D. R·Kl ch K·BI R·R) fl . RoR ch KoR

KI·Kt5 25. SloKt Retion,


While: P. MORPHY 1. P·K4 P.QB4

~: ~t~tJ ~:~ 4. PaP P. P 5. P·Q4 e .. ( t 5 4- B·K2 e.KI 1. B_e Kt·KB ) 8. 0 ·0 B·Kt 9. 8.K) P aP 10. QBoP 0·0 11. Kt·B} Kt·Sl 12. B~Kt Ba8

New Orlean 5, May 25th, 1850

13. Kt.P s_p 14.' R· Ktl B.Q5 ell 1S, K·Rl R·KIl 16. P·B) B·B4 n. P.BS Q-R5

~~: ~:~~J ~i~J: 20. p,» KR-QI 21. B.K4 Q.P(KI1)

~: ~~~\h ~j~ U. B· K4 R· I(R)

25. Q.B5 26. R·KI2 21. Kt·B6 25. R·Kt'2 29. B_Q 10. (lxKR )1. R.R n. R·BS 3). S·QS 3'. R·B6 JS. R-B6 }6. R·e1

ll1ack: J. LOWENTHAL QoP 31. K,Kt2 P .B)

R·Kl 3&. K·Sl Kt·S4 R·K} }9. S ·K' K·KU

Q~R eh 40 . SaKI K_B KR~Kt 'I. p ·KR4 K·K t3

KI~K't~ :~: ~:~b ~::: P.K!) 44. A.B6 P·BS ch KI.R) ,5. KxP B·B1 K·K t2 ~. K·I(, B·B4 P·R4 41. A.BSe~ K~P

K,KtJ 45. R,S P,R 4~. K·QS . nd wl"l .

..A.n G xperim elll In Chejj P,'OI1toliOIl By JOHN LAPIN

T HE Rus h Willard Chess Club or- Bay City carried out a n erperlment in chess promotion d'urlng the recent County Fair, In which a con­

Unuous s imultancous chess exhlbltlnn was given by Dan Converse ot the above club, In a tent ndJaccnt to the midway. Ches s sets, literature, trophies, a wall demons tration board and .other ps rapherna lla. were alsO dis played In a manner similar to that reported by Rueben Buskager ot

Battle Creek (CHESS LH'E. October 20, 1948). The results wer e not satlsfllctOry.

I"ifteeu playdrs were taught the moyes and of these none has troubled himself . to a ppear at the club. }>'ive players s ucceeded in wiuning at least one galile from .the attendant, and thus winlling a tree c lub membersh ip. A tota l of lliirty Ilersons played. A month later, onl~' one of these has appeared to play at the club.

Summary of Experimental R esul ts: Game's IJlayed by Converse .......... 204 Games played by Lapill .. 20-Games played by Wl1lard _. . ........... ...... 5 Gallles played by Nitschke ........................ _ ... 36


t Gamcs lost by Converse.... 13 Games lost by ' \Villard, ..... 3

I ~ 'rotal n u mber of players .. _ 30 New ,Playel'l! taught.. 15 Players winniug against club members .. 5 P layers who attended regula; meeting after

I exhibit 1 :~~:. was a twelvf year old boy, who has since dropped regular attend·

; Co nctusion : 'I1he experiment did not serve to promote chess activity

in ,this commun ity. The exhibit type of project is wasted eflorL

Recommendatio n: 1) No turther work along thIs line is re­commended either her~ or in other communities. 2) Continue to work fo r a sympathetic lpres s and a broad-minded attitude regardlug chess i n the schools.

W e pTint Mr. wpi,,'1 , t/><lTt "lid cO>lc/usion; "ublltim , lor it il ,.,ell /0 ""Iiu th..t ,hul promo/ioll is "ot II story 01 continull/ IUCCUS. 1/ h"l its l "iluTts III ,.,ell III its "icto,iu. Bllt we mult ;"dic"te th..t Mr. Lspin is too Jogmdtic in his cone/urion th;llt sucb txhibils "r~ lfl'tlSl~d ~lIo,t m,d hil rrcamm~nddtim' thllt they be nol dUtmpled ds~wh~rt. Mr. lAp;" rtporl. d fd;r" ,e, it il lrue; bUI Ibi; i. lin isolaud cau of failure dl dgdi"sl d numbe, 01 wculf/ul "~"Iure •. IVe u lu the TCdder to th~ I.ucesslul proiuts ilt Bdule Cr t it, ,,/ South Fdl/lburg, "t COTPUS Christi dn d III San Allionio (,,1/ 0/ which hllYe b ~n' T~ported in CHESS LIFE) 10 indiCdU that JUch PlOjUts "Te "ot dl"'''11 barren of Ttsults, but on Ihe contT"ry ha"e usually been prc4uctj,,~.-Thc Editor.

Acldre ... 11 co munl callon. t o thl. colum n 10 Vince nt L. E~lon, 3901 Conn""llcut A"e., N.W., W • • hlnulo , D. C.

(BtI"ledl~ we I,~blijh copy ;nl~nd~d for j"nu"T)I Jlh is>t<e, Irom d dllp/ic"te /«miflKd b1 M,. E,;)QII. Origir/d! (opy Will lott in tM H ()1id1fY mailr, parrihi'! in I'"

pldtlalln li,t dl Iht II & Q S tdlion, Chjcdgo 'Whtrt te.1 Jlld,:s 01 mllil "'tTt aCJt'Dyed­/idifo,)

T l·rE fo'OUR prOblems lit!loW- are selecUili"'1or thell' hgJl t settings. Lo countCl'balnnce the rather heavy poslllons tha t formed youI' Chr ist·

milS fare. They have plellty of meal in them, h(lwevor . No. 131i. one o f the best "miniatul'es" (Vl'o li lems wltl'l seven 'Pieces or less) that have ever been composed III two moves, has set mates anel· the Black Pawn's lIIo\'es tlul l are cOlll ple tely changcs by lhe key. No. 136 . .a "M credlth" a prohlem with twelve pieces o r les8) has a key that Ls not easy to vlsunllze. In No. 137 roUl' Blac k Illoves arc bcautirully colD Vlemen l.ed by While'. rour replies. And in No. 13$, a ramaus classic by Sam Loyd, White il nd UJack pieces dual with olle another over hair Ute boan!.

Solutions to previous ly published proble ms on page four,

P,ob/~", No. 135

P'obJ~m No. 1 J7


P'(lbltDl No JJ6

J , Scheel

Probllrn No. 138 By Sam Loyd

Wllltt m.tOl In t~ ,.. mo ...

Alekhine~ GallI! Clte:H Career

Additional Daca By A . Buschke

(Conti"urd jTo", -,he Jdn lldry 5th i1JU~ of CHESS LIFE)

T HE T\VO iustances we refer to arc the games 21 (Alekhlne­

K imzowitch, AII-Russiau Masters' Tournament, SL ,PetersJrurg 1914) and 41 (Aleithine--LeYitsk i, 8th match galll e, 1913 .

\Ve ha\'e a lways foulld it quite fasc inat ing to compare notes by the same anuotator to the same game in d ifferent publications, and par· ticular ly when tho author of the notes is one or the partners, and a t that one of the outstand ing mastCI'S and annotolOI'S of his d ay, like Alekhine. No doubt, just such writers will find it difficul t to jus t repeat their old notes in the sec· ond publicatioll, a ud as theil' in· s ight and unders tand ing for tho In­tricacies of the game sharpens, will no t be satiSfied with lheir old on. notation s, so they will certainly re­

. vise thell! . ad just them to recent discovel'ies in the openings, poin t out shortcuts fo und ( by others or ily themsclYes) in the meantime, ctc.

1··o1'tllnatcly. just in goIng t h rough Aleklline's games, it is often yery rewarding to compare h is "old" no tes ~ith the lIew ones IlUblished in his OWIl collections of "Best Games"; in his eary gamos, be was one o[ t he most ind ustrious con· trilmtors of aUliotations to such newspapers as "Novoe Vremia" (Ncw Times), a nd m OllY of the ga mes (his own and other players') annotaled by Alekh ine werc reo peated iu "Shakhmatnyi Vestnik," a semi·monthly chess magazl!le w'hich was published in )loscow from 1913-1916.

Compared with the rather exten· sive notes in "Dest Games 1MS· 1923," Atekhlne's 110tes to the fo l· lowing game In "No\'oe Vl'emill" of Jan. 10, 1914 (repl'l lI tCld In "S11akh· malny! Vestnlk" 1914, no. 8 ot F eb. 1, 1914) are unus ually shol·t . As fal· as t ile notes In "Best Games 1908-1923" are concerned, we may refer our I'eaders to Game 21 (p. 56) In that collect ion; -& lnce. occasionally, lhey eveu (litrel' from the notes publlshed In the German edition. We will a lso refer to more Import· an t tliscl'ellancies In tbe following ]Jnhllcalion of the game whero a ll

-'noles, unlel:is Otherwise s tated , are those published In "Novoe Vl"emla" alld ·'ShakhlJl. Vestnlk."

- RUY LOPEZ Played in rou nd 10 of the All·

RU5sian Masters' Tournament at St. Pe!ersburg on January 6 (old style, Le., Jan. 19 new Style) 1914.

A • denotes ... hert "B~Jt Gtlmcl' hal " nott to tI al/lli'l mol".

Whik A. A. ALEKHI NE 1. P· K4 P·K4 2. Kt·KB) KI.Q9} J. 6·KtS P'QR)

m ack A. I. NIEMZOVITCH 4. 8 ·A4 Kt·B) So 0·0 K\xP '

If ...... tb~ ( :.., .... ""'1 1:<.1111"" of "H~l 0''''' ....

~!~~~, ·!~'1 .. i~IY ,."I~,.lol~"'(III:;III!.~f'te tl~i..~~ ' '' ..... 1 ~ ""I"""I ,,.r l;o lk~, ,,' lIte lI "y IAll""" ",~t 1" . h ... <1 u( Ih~ ""l:liflo "il <>CcUT. I_ ",Id J_ 1" ",uter.pl_y." Ihoi (j.Tnl~" ed . .. I ~ iln:l· 11. • • " no ... ~ln_1 ,,·ithn,,1 <!X''el'lion. ~. _ ... IJ · K~ ;,. III.r .... 1 hOM"...J of the lut "",""'." ~: :j~} P'$~J! rOo ~;r?Q2· Kt~a~~ 5. PIIP 8 ·K) It. 8·82 B·KtS' n ,e O~''I) .. n .. d. i. Ilfr" 001 ''11'11 .. ail ....... nf \\ · hU~· . fl'ln It, Ihc lfoItolJ"ha'f y.rbtk", u II", I:(lIjIli. h ' ·<.'<'IK ... ; 11.., 1101" r ",I. <>Illy "'llh tI~ "",,,1$ "noll. " o'""",khlll r h~"1 (:" "'i ,ul fuer Wd ... ·· "'hidl n"'~" . "."d Whit~ will m""t \lroh.bly ..-Ill ." 12, R·KI ()..O I). Kt·Kt} Kt·KS"

~~~~' I;<> ):~;!~ IJ,:::~~;;(;~':~~i:n (I':~T::"~JO~~ t, ... ".I'. u"I~ : the G .. rm" 1 MI ... y. be .... ·~"" ...... w, 1913') _ Sl,"KIII . Vcatnik lnl~ No.

;!,~ ;0\ W~'i~~r.~ll~r '~~,/I'fl~ lc31.t ~I:;!! i . a u ,j,,,,,, ... tioll 1,ut. JudJl'h.JI' !rom thi. ):'''11'', It " ' iIl hanlly h"yc . IIY fllh"~."­Tr~' '''l'. uOI C: Ih ~ J""o .... kl.IAI.ker IIIIme w.o. ,ccordin!!' to "Shakm. Ve.\"lk" 11)13 No. 2. 1,lav(,<1 on II ..... :<JCI. IIIl!. 14. B·84" P·B4 IS. PxP ' .P.

Kbp (Bl)

~'~\ff~r I~I~' ~~;,:. I:;.I \~:~~.,:" \\'001<1 lallow, 14- Q·Ql Kt·KS" "Thi. ",,""" 10..,. ;a 11~wn, hut .1.., if 111. " __ . !I-ll~. Wlo1te ... ·'mld r::et the ... ,,,iOO· lhly bell .... lI~mc h)' l'l~yi"1:: 11. IU.R4:1" (The 0 ........ .. .... t. ....,.,m'"end.. h..tea>!: 11. UI·KIII. n . KI~ ; I ~ . Q·K! ".tllh ~d .. "I~ .. "e."\ :~ ~t!'KS ~i~~~ 1'. BxKt B·RS'

"or WU_. neilh ... h" I1li. ,lOr In the 'oil,.... :~:Kt:-:::'~' Hal' b .-Ible, oil IlCU>Ull t of

20. B·Ktl 80S 21 . RPxB 8.B4" !I~~ hnlh the (lenOlan _nd F."",lIih c<UUo" • "I "n..,t Oam",," pol,,! to Ihe dlmenl t .... or

( P!ease turn to page 3, col, 2)

Page 3: OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation!~hhl III II G-rOlilid SWIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly

C~e.. :Jor :J~e :AreJ Bu.ine.j man By Fred Reinfcld

All rlgh b rourvod by PlIm, n P~bll .h l n g Corporation , Int.rn.llon.l Copy right, H4S. No pa rt of th l. artiC!~ may b, "producod In any 'arm without written p"mluion from tho publl .h .....

Sacrificing The Queen F OR MOST pIUYCIOS,. a Queen lSucl"ifice has hTe;;lstil) le glamor. This

'altituue Is easy to understand. It Is well-known that w hen an in­ex pe r ie nced player hus to choose between IOS8 of the Qneen 01' ch eck-mate, he sel ects t he faUIl}' alternative. '

Since the Queen is illc!;,IUPul'ably th e .strongest piece 011 the hoard, om' rOSllcct for the Queen sacrifice Is roally a tribute to the Cl'eative genius of combination, which Hetl has so well descl'lbed 'ns the tfiumph of mind over mutter. EVe}) when a \)laycL' obtains marc than a dequate OOlTII10nsation for t1lP. Quee n, we sUll ca nnot l'estrain om' feeling of a we.

GRUE NFELD DEFE NS E Amsterd a m, 1940

White llInck H. KMOCH L . PRINS

t ~:3~4 ~~K~~~ 3 Kt-QBl P-Q4 "' K\ B3 B-Kt2 5. Q.Kt3 PxP

B lack wants to be rid of the I)[·CS· sure; but the t ext i8 likely to re­sult in a strong Pawn center for White.

6. Q.BP 1. P·K. S. P·K5l

0·0 P-Kt3 B·K)

H e does not WIsh to retreat lhe Knight. and he l'eckons on some s uc h move [1..'1 9. Q·Q3. when he can piny 9. . .. Kt-Q4. /

',Q ,,' BxD: 11. P xH(Q)ch

anti WhlLo hnl! Ihe I1 UltQrlul Itll \'n nl-tlJlC or Hllok Il1Id two ploe(>8 nl,;"ul1l8t Queen and Pa wn,

11. SxB I<t·93 Black hil S Qucen and Pawn for

three m ino r Illeces.-.....a I'ough male r· lal ellull'n lont. But Whlte's llioces are more acth'e.

12. B·l<l KI·Kt5 I). 0·0 1<1·87 U. QR.QI K\~e 15. Pxl<l ...... .

The Knigh t maneuver, ha s open-e d UII Ihe King's l3isho p me for While; yet Black's anxie ty to c lear ef tbo Inactive l\: l1 lght against one of Whit~'s powerful Bishops is un­derstu lldable enough.

15. _.... P-OB4 16. Kt· I< KI5! P·K3?

16. .. .. , Q-Kl I~ not much bel-ter: 17: PltP. PxP; 18. B-Kts. Q·Rl ; 19. n-Q7 etc.

11. R~P c~! Resi gn; F or IC J7. . K-R3 (or 17.

RxR; 18 Ktx Pch wlnninK the Queen :tlld remaining wlUI u de· cislve materis l a d vantuge); 18. Rx Pch! , KxKt; 19. P-R4 ch . };:'KU;;

_ 20. U· l<:l ch, K·T{Ui: 21. K t-K 'llIIal~! Or 20. . ... , 1\-B4; 21. R-Blcll lead­illg to tho same I·esult.

( On e of many bril liant ga m es In­c luded in RELAX W I'TH CHESS by Fred Rei nfe ld, published by the P Itma n PUblish ing Corporation.)

More Subscribers Mean More Pages In Each Issue. Get Your Frie nd s to Subscri be to CH ESS LIFE too!

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bllmca 3.50 Chess by Yourse lf .............. 2.00 N lmzovlch the Hype rmode rn 2.00 Botvi nnik the Invinci ble .... 2.00 Keres' Best Games 3.00 Chllilenge to Chesaplayers .. 2.00 Tarrasch's Best Games . 5,00 Practica l E ndgame P lay .... 2.00 Ch ess Mastery ............ 2.00 How to Play Better Chess 2.50 Rel ax With Ch ess ............. 2.50

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ALEKHINE'S CAREER (Continued from page 2 , col. 5.)

"liUle I'TOblmn" «:"""'8" !<I,) .... bld, Ihig ''''We ...,.,m. '0 ."..,.Ie ror White "a~ IiI"8\. sight" Jx.cauoe, "if" II'hh ~ "oW 1,layc'tl. "for In.tan,,,,'' ~J. Q. K~. the qu ee" ,,"ould he ro!"COO h' rel 'e~t 10 Q3 l><'''~''''e the AP 1.lhreaten"l. I" uthor wonl_ . ]" buth t1Iitiu". ur "n .... t Gam,,,, .. ' Alckl1i"c tTI c;! to make helic'·e 1h.ot he for""",,.. Ihe .. , d if!ic" II I." "li d " ""id".1 th~m rio:llI."W"y hy pl"ylT' ~ 22. Q·Q·I-a ,,10"" to which he c,'cn ,ne],!. Bn cxct~m"tio" point. The on "i""] p ...,,, , jot '".'Im·io " rem i"" ,,,,, I "Sh,kh' ll Mnyi V ..... h'ik .. gho,," , how~' .... I h~l ""t e.'en Alckhl"e "'''". <lWr 1he b". ,,\. 'I"He ao de"er a. he w."I. tl.e n,,"d~ ... "I

~I~\Y <;:'~;:"":h~':: !1~ii~~"1 11:':\ ':li'!'~ i";' ';'~'. tinu.-: (T.-~n'\.·B " Old U. 0·K2 B·Kt5 23. 0·0) B·B4

'1'"", . 1010'·" ""I .. : So ,.,.~" ,11c"' hi"~ h"d t .. UP >hown by "icmlOwltrh lh,,\ ~. 9- 1\~ ""$ " 01 oueh ~ h ..... KI 'M'·.·. "rl.,,· ,,1\ ; h~ .lid n,,' ",,11,. ""1),.,, 11 O,·.,r II>" 1",0,<1. (The:;., h'" "to"C'l' arc "", itt.~] I'om "H~SI C""'e"') 24 . Q-Q41' .... _ ;; :;:~!~"~~'~'~',~~'~~;;~,;l'l~:I>f ,I,I,'.~ .. . I;{~ i~ ~';; ". I ;I:;":";~ ~_.,. I\I ·B.-,: """1>1,.1 wiL h :~. lHil:!."· 24. ........ . I<R.Ql" 26. Kt_Q2' KlxKBf'* 25. QR·Ol Q-QB2 " ,I <.,pri/i"" ,,( ~~'I~'l"li"" wl,i"[, i, " ,",,,,,.1 ],." 'h~ I''''k 01 " """"<' .w 1. .... 1~'",",I'le ",,'_ 11""ali",,: e.;:-., 211. _ .... _. 1\1.<1-(1: !!7. B., H. KI·I\:,; pl. II ·Kfi,·h. I\·ltl; :!!l. 11., 1' wi,], lI,u 11,,·""t 30 BxR." 21. BxB KI,R 211. RxKI QxKIP 29. B·K~ ck K·RI 30. BxP QR.BI

31. KI-K4 :12. P_OJ<I) )3. 0·B2'

":\:1. Ihl!. l!xQ; :l-I. t· ,O. 1'1~. ,,\.0 won "R,i· " .. .. ((I," "';w ,.,]. (I,' ~1(:l1) ......... Q_It~; :,~( :U). 11· liil l " ,,,I 1· ·1I1).!. "I. '.) 13. ....... Q_R4 38. PxP R-KtS oh H. Q.I'I) OxQ' 39. K·!l2 P-QR~ J5. i>x Q P·.K\3 40. P·B5 R·BS %. R·Q2 R.I<O 41. P.B6 K·1<12 11. P.Q B4 p,p 42. B·B41' ....... . , " "l'''h' i,,~ )\1,,0'/, .">/ hi, 1.,1 I""" .. . l.-.e"",, ' "r ... r ·It . ........ . IHllt: ~:!. II ·H, i; (.i, '! Em>: :n.,] (h·T. , .• 1. "",.i.I,·r ""I.Y 1I·Qr.1. In oon "",11"" ,,1110 II €IT ",,,J Iir,Q;J .1<'(·ld, •• q .. lri:. Iy" 42, ... _. Rd 44. R·m ch K-Rl n. R,R RxP 4S. K·KO __ ;:~tI1j(J;; .. 1'1:.e Ji.TK : r:~ ·.!·" Jr,. _., 1].Jl7t; -III. 45. ........ R·BS' . 41>. Kt·B2! ___ _ "(',,·m ... ~ ,~ ... ' ",,'li"ll" I .... II~"~: II. ".If .. m. _ ....... II .... II ~" II"·,, 47. KI ·Klld. I\ .KU ; Ill. II (,.'d •.. Of" Ii. .... _ . 1\·/11; ·IS. 1I.(,I. .... h. 1'·1\11; ·1'. U·QG ~",I ,,,,,I .· i" I'", l"lI_i.'Il" "~'\"." ." ........ K· l( t.' 41. RxP 47. R-OS ch I<-B3 " ]in,,,, 1"'~h",i'ljl I .. " ,~I .• w'," 1I" •. ll' Q,\!J i"I.·T<·"i"ot "'''''' •.••

In a furthcr arliclc we wl\l show that neither the TCllller Incident nor the omission of the actually ·Il layed two moves in the nnul PlI ll­li cll llon In "ilest Games" Of the ubnve gAme are l'I i n~l1lal' occur­c nCll9 o f Alekhi ne's "ell ilMlal" pra(:­tlces. It is s trallge to nntl;! Ihat a m:lII of his tHlents had to "doctor" his gllmes In onl"r to make th em 1IP11(!ll r more ingenious Ula n they renlly arc . The obvious t11i1re~ rd

fo )" Ihe nllllOncnts· efforts to re­lI~R I him h~ I'llriJ!; Ing.

Ir Alekhinll's pnrl\culllrly gooll "chess memory" Wa.!\ not so wcll knowlI. o ne wonl d be t(! lllpto(1 to excuso his action s by I'e rcning to the possibility that lIe lost Il is 1I 0Ie.~ 1\11(1 tlcl"hullS even his Russian chess hoob (wh ich. howevel·. we helleve Is 1I0t t r ue) and that he cllcfl .h e games f l"olll lUe mOI·Y. thu 1:l of N!II1'se I·etaining rather the ver­s loll <'It a Il'ume as It s hould have heen Jllayed thllil us it "" 119 {\ctua l­Iy played. Two other c:q lla llatiOlM:! seem to he Ilosslbll'.: Alekhlne the artist wss not sn-tldied w ith the way he had played a game over lhe bOArd. foulld a n a rtis tically more satis fActory coutinuaUou a mI s ub­stltntetl t his for the actually Illayed vel·slon. just as a novelis t 0 1' com· Ilosel· cll1\l1ges il ls work until he ha ll found what he think s Is the pel'fect solution. 01' : his vnnlty was so overpowering that. withou t due oous ld eraUOIi to the oppon· ents· reeHnS's. Atek hlne eubsUtuted the "better version" ror the aClua l· Iy played one. possibly even w ithou t consc iously wonting to chea t his opponents out or the respect due them. In a ny case. 110 sllould be a n Inte resting object for a PRY­chlatdst. For lhe "case h istory" we s hall let fo llow other example of' Alekhlne'oS "s ubstitutions."

By Kesler Svendsen

DEU T SC H E SCHACHME ISTERSCHAFT 1949 . . By Kurt Richter, w ith annotations by Teschner , Schmid, Rellstab, and others. Dre it inden_ Ve rlag. G.m.b,H. 103 pp. Price not give n; probably a dOllar or less.

K U'tT RICHTER, one of EUI'oPc's mos t pl'olilic and most engaging chess writers. presents here the book or lhe German champion­

s h ip contested by 36 Il layel'!; lu May 1949. In the first scctlon he oITers a. rOtm(!·by-roulI(\ score with commcntary and the lllost interesting game fl 'om each of the twelve Swiss rounds. Theil come the first and second bri1!laucy prize games and the Max Lango pdze gam e . In the other sectio ns a ppear nearly a hundred games and positions undcr such special lwadlngs as short games. blllnd Cl's, the bishop pair; the blockad e, knight Ilgalnst bishop, and 80 on. E ,·cry gl~me and posltlon 19 aunotated; there al'e 96 dlngr.ams . The g am es are indeXed by opcning-s alld by 1llayers. with cross I·e fe rellces. The scoretablc (s how ing opponents by number, as in Cli ESS LIFE tables) I'evea ls that the winnel·, Bogoljuboft (l0 'h-1 'h) did not lIIeet three mon from the Il I'St ten, includtng both Unzicker and Puul Schm idt. R ichtBl' Inade an even score, as did Ahues and Saemtscb ,

The, book is "ecommClIded to the general chessplayel". not only be· cau ss the German of chess nnnotntlOns Is easy but also because the lIl cthod or presenting the mRlel·lo.1 makes tho most of it . Richter an­aJyzed the whole tournament to get his diYisiolls and examples, not mOI'ely the outstandin g games. Ths whole puhlication could serve as a model fO!' a selecl.ive toul'llament hook. The games a.ppended below. without the notes. loo k the Max Lange P rize; it is a piqua nt example ot the e paule t mato.

Wllhem Rautenberg (ESlen l_ F"rled,lch Nurnbcru (AulISbcrll ), 1_ ... .. 5: 2. SO SGl>: J. Lc4 Sr6:",. d4 ed4:: 5.0·0 l.<:S: 6. e5 dS: 7. e16: dc",:: 8. Teich K18 : ,. 1951 1116: : 10. LMch I< g8: 11. Scll LI~: 12. Se4 U8: H. Od2 SolS: 14. S,,",: Le4:: T5. T",: DdS: 16. h el Tel : l7. LIS: TIS:: 18. Te5: ! le5: 19. OilS malo.

Fort Worth (T ex <ls ) Chess Club adopt,ed It new constitution to C01 1-fornl with tile US('F' NCep. L . Ross I\.Ia ttlle\\'s was el"'Cf.ed IlI"cs\rlent. Nine l'i('n-llI'<,s ldents wcr e: George D. 1 ~ lk i l1s (Youth Chess). Paul E. W"ll t ~on ( P uhlicaU""ll) . E. D. 0[111\11' hell (i\'1e lllborshill). Col. D. F. Wall.:­er ('l'O\1l·lH\meul.s) , C. A. &."1.lllpsell (t ~Jrw.nces ) . R. A. l'tentoll ( Puhlic­ity) •. Tames g, Cook (Hilling a]l(\ In structIon). Rlch;lnl Hanell (Col­leg-late Ch e~s) . anti C. B. Cook (Chess for Veterans). l.'SCF Vic:e' PreHitl cu t Fral1k R. Gral'e ll wng oll!ctctl SO(:r(l{or, ·lr('(ISIll"cr, und l~thllo \Vat~on nssistant sorl·etary.

On lieh ;tI( or L t. K !II. \\I oore . l'cUrlng lll'e ll!tlen t- a nll o.t Il ls re· qu es l a gavcl. made o f lIlaho~l1Y from Haiti , was llt'esentcd to Frank fl . GI·a\'o.s !II l'ecoglli lion ot his m/my sel'viccs to chess tn Texas. 'rile Fort Worth I CIII1) has as a cluh adopted NeeI'. flO t hat ali memhers of the club alltomatically become member s of the USCF.

Texas Chcs~ League may be or ­ganized 10 consi st of Houston. Dal­las. Sail A nton!o. COI' Im3 Chris ti. Aus tin, W-aco and l"orth '''orth all the result of tho proposal of Rob­e l·t Brieger of Houslon whlcll re· cei ved e nthusias tic suPPOrt from the F ort Worth Chess Club at t hei r allnual meeting. Salt Lake CIty YMCA Chess Club ( Utah ) held clection of oflicers w ith Lhe uII ll.\l lmOIlS reelcctlon of Hel"­·llHlIl A. Dittmann as president. Sam T eitelbaum hccame vice-prcsldent, Fa.l'rcll I~. Clark secretary, and Kenn eth i\TeKee II·erumrer. Ditt-1111\111] Is tllo art\.stlc crafts man whoso t rophlcs lu ral'C WOOds were II feature or Ihn 19~ 6 U. S. Cham-1)lon sllill '] 'Ol1l'11amell1. The Salt L," Club III al RO for tu na.te ill hav' Ing one of the I'are neWSllaller chess colul11l1s In the Deseret Ne ws­"Let's Play CheslJ." edited hy Har­old Lunds trom.

.I Hyde Pa r k Y MCA (Chicago) Ch ess Club plans a busy Spring season. beginning willi the vlsll o f Hesllev­s ky ill Februal" y fOI' a simultaneous exiJibitio]I.· fol!o\\' etl at a I.tter date by othel' visi ting nms te l·s. proba bly including "'cavel" Adams, Newell Ball\{5, and 1948 lllinois State Champion .Toe Shaffer. Hyde P oark. which stag-ed thc only Chicago ap­pcan1.uco of fonuer World Cham· Ilioll Max Euwe, Is ths mOllt active Of Illid·westel'll cl uhs in planning exhibitions fO!' visiting chcss Itla!;Wl·S.

P iccadi lly Chesl Club (Willernie, Minn.) completed Its arduous an· nual victory tournam eu t with the cOI'eled. num ber OlIO s pot going to HelU'y Mu ska w ith J 6 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses. Clem Simmer, who led most of the way. finis hed soc· ond by half a point ; and U. S. S mith wns third. 0110 point behind lhe vlelol', losing the fewest games . of alt hut granting fi ve draw9. S mith Is editor au d pu blisher of the "Win, Lose or D raw" montbly bul­letin of the Piccadilly Chess Club .

North City Chess Club (Phi.lade!­phla) e lect~d August Gourllles­presideut. Lewis I.ipman vlce-presi· dellt, \\T. A. \"alton t r easurer. A rt Nickel s ecl'1; tn ry. Charles Uadgett team cH ptal u. uu ll J oseph Cottor, chairman ur Bum pe r Board. Cotter. llarneS! und Urls tol \\'Cl'e elected <1 1· r e<.:tors. III tlle 72-hoard s imu ltan­eous exhibition or Reshe\'&ky a t GermHIl Lown. J o...'1e llh Cotler was the first of thee plnYeJ' to score lI' in s against lhe

indianapo lis YMCA Chess Club tourna ment e nded in a victory tor Alon l,O Ii:. BllIge r , tool-l'oom fore· nmn or the B eltch Gl'ove shops, wllO nosed out Is adore Greenhul by n haIr· llOiut to win. l;' lnal scorcs of the lead ~ I'1I In the 12·m:tlI double- . .·ound evcn t we re : Alom:o Dillgel' 16'h·5%; Isadore Grecuhul 16-6; Al­fred Gruen 15·7; Robert W, Moran 14·8, aud Norbert Leopold! 13-9.


m,ess ~ife Page 3

Fridmy, Jd"Udry 20, 1951J

W!.al'. :J~e B~jt move?

By Guilherme GroeSSeT

, Selld solU tion to Posi tion No. 39

to tile Editor, CHESS LIFE, by F eln'uary 5, 1950.

Tile pressu re of the Holfdays (a good excuse ill any case) prevented lhls colu.mnlst from announcing the rosults of the filial quarter and the year"-botll endeu .with the solution to Position No. 35. Final quarteJ' hetweelJ Sven Brask, Edmund Nash solvin g'S e nded In a th"ee-way tie alld Wm. B. \Vi lsoll with pel'Cect scores each, and the award thel'e­fore will go to the last Olle or these to miss out UPOII ,a solutiou i o the comtng year. F01: the year's award, SVOll Brask and Edmund Nash tied (the only ,solvers to submit answers to a ll 24 ,POSitions) with 22 points out of 24, but as Mr. Brask failed to submit to Position No. 36 as tie. bl'eaker, the aw a rd for the year gOeS to Mr. Nash.

We discover that we fnlle d a ll wcll to announc~ the tact that I~dw. J. Kor punly wus victol" In the t hi rd quarter by virtue or soh1ng the lie-breaking con tluuatlons, whereall Mr. Fauchcr railed to s ubmit.

For the new series, beginning with POsition No. 26, It has hoen decided to make It a stra ight lad­del· contBst, wllh prizes going to t he high ma n tor each quar ter ( scoring willS only). Pl'ize winllers w ill t heu haVe t he! r points canceled and begin over again at the bottom of the ladder.

F"ourth O~.rl .. Flna •• l .,den '"'. S"en I\",.k .. ___ ........ . __ .. _ IHI

I':,r.",,,,'[ NDJJt _._ .•.. H ............ _H6--0 II",. lJ. \\'illon .......... " __ ._6-0 .!......,,It n". _. __ " .... " .... ~".Jj·l J_ K 1:",,,. 1,,,,1( _._. " ....... __ ..&-0 J "" • .""doe. ___ ..... _H_~ Wm. J. Coolltte _."~ ..... __ (.~ "Aldie Gatt lt _ .. _ .... -4-! I'~I .. · .. 1. 1\<lI1,""lr ~."" .. ___ --'.l '\'11",,· Bohlen __ .. _ .... __ --'~

Solutions to P osit ion No.

..... 2e -2 " ., 17i-21 201'!~ 2tli ·U :IS ·0 ,I ·!

10·! 20 ·3 ..

37. 1"h;6 w"" Ih~ brigl't IIn i.k or • ::a" 'D In

t ho! IC(J.\ Correo;l""ce n. .... OIY"'I'I,de ~;.i~\~ .. IJ~;,~,,\~~~' n~d ~l'.' 'i{oIJ:::':l"~~ 1::~hV~~ W""I h.d i~. m,,~k hn~ jll", 1,1".1"1><1 __ • I··t/S. \\'1" 11' ~ .... "1l",,,~1 : I. 1\ .. KII'. 11_ 1\ 1\'5~; 2. II'C»' 1\1·1\1: 3. Q-IJ2. KxKI; I. 1\MiJ;. K'U)~; ii. 1).d\l(Q!). Q,. n ; o. n~ l\ , d •. K-KII ; 1. O·O~: Q·IU (",h~ ~ d..,1); 8. Kl.·1\1 ,,10'''.

C<H"Tff1. ""1 .. 11<,,,. . .... :..::I<"" ... Ie<I::red ~ ..... ; .... ~I fro"" Arlhur IlQldcn ( "h il~,lcll,hia), \\"M. J. C""tu"" (110"'81'<1). Jue ~" 'lC"hcr (!> •. ". lIuwn), I;'~I; .. Gattlt ("" .... ll<i/llltn" I, II,. J , )1~ l nlct ( l·n,fI"", I) • • :'h"""d N .. h (W .. hin~to,,). W",. n, Wl["u" (,\ ",he11lt. iJo-t):l. JOII('l,h lIu .. ( I."n~~stcr). J. Y.. Co .... dock (])C"'C"C"'C'C. _ ____ _

Boost Am~rican Ch~JS!

Athens (Ga.) Chess Club jou r neyed to Atlanta to defeat the Atlanta Chess Clu b 41f.l-214 at the Luckie sf YMCA. l~ell ! urc o ( t h c match was the first i)oard contest bot ween two formcr (: cOI'gia State Cham­pions. MlIloli J:u'l1agln .Jr . of Ath. ens and Cruwronl Da,-I(] of Atlanta. wi th the ,·Ictory going to Davis in a 31 Illove Sicilian. Ou hoal'd two Prot. H . D. Morris of the Univer· slly of Georgia. winJler of the 1949 Athens Cily Champloushlp. s cored dou l;le victories agains t T.. D. Mar­t in, mune r-UI) In the 1949 Ceorgla S tate Cha mpion ship.


Boston City Cl ub Championship wenl to former Lithuanian Chamll' Ion P ovlla B 'l'an t wals ha wi th the perlc~8ci)]'o of 7-0. Harlow D. Daly fin ished second with 5-2. wil ile Merkls and Schncider s hare d third with 3%-31)~ each. The Class B Cha mplonsh \J) was won by Hop­wood with a 6·0 score.

1.1' . l',...,hcl (II", .. ) __ .... ______ H~_ .. __ Wll II'H WI \)'2 wr, .~_ t 11.00 ~. J. lI",ul1 ( I.I .T.) .... _ .... ~ ____ .. _H __ Wm 11'6 .WS 1)1 I)t t ·1 I'-IXI :;. \\'. I'. llUlU'II Y ( lie l'~u l ) _____ ... _ .. _.~1\7 1\'12 L! 11'6 11'10 t -1 11.00 I. II. I '. 1I~"d~.-.on (N. V,l .... "". ___ WI8 WU 1,\ \1'7 1)2 3~·1l 8.00 ~. K. :-;:cdv",\ (I.I.T.) ...... ".·· _____ •... " ....... ~ __ 1.\4 W11 \\'9 \\' 10 1. 1 11 ·2 6.00 6. J . 1I, L~ " l(e (u., '·. ul) .... ___ .... "" ... ".~~_W8 1.~ W I ~ I.J Bye 11 .! UiO

~: g: k I~~,"::I':; l::::') J).~.~ '~.'2-=:::::::::::::::::~.::..I!t I~~e ,lrl1f \~~~ I~ig ~~~i~ t.~~ ~. II . It lMI (U. I.J ~·3: 10. J. Dr..~nh, (11.<00..) 1.11; 1I S. 0%1",,, (lie 1'.,,1) 2·3 ' I!. 1(. J1i",~\a" (Xav;". UJ Ib-S}: 13. n . SI>«k (De l'a"l) 1~1 ; H. It. •. "" .... (S.U.) 1.4; 1"-J . Ihjol"et (U.I.) 1.'_. _ _ ____________ _

Page 4: OfficiCll Publication of ]je Unltecl States (bess'federation!~hhl III II G-rOlilid SWIHII at Oklllhoma (;lly

Page 4

NIMZOINDIAN DEFENSE World Champ ion s hip T ourn ey

Mo"acow , 1948

Nt1l~1 bam TM iVorld eMJ1 C&.m~ iomh., by IMk. SouJdkoll ."J SyJnr'J GooJ",,, .. , (ol>7.i,hl J949 by eMIl Press,

by ~.",jJJio ...

White 1Ilu~k


do~bl(" (Ho'" 10 P'Q<uJ IIS"ill,1 "

"""'It in 0,,(, ("1'1 Euson.)

~ ;:3~~ Kt;.~~ !: ~.\(~8) BlJl u".,·h",,1( ~,,<J lh ... h~.oIoy I"'\'~ ,;(I"t, ... I~,1 .hl. " 1"''''''11' "" ""''''-''''' ' "",-, .. iuu., hI );'~"'~ 1\0. • \or ,I';. 10<""")', ~A.), U""I~,,'.ky , .... u~! . I> ..... J "uil" I'"",lIl) ",~I,~. __ ,_, " .'J I. (" 11"", ~11, .... u,,,er ,,, II", I.S!;H·Ut;,.. "'~td" 1I"""" ... ,

:~'~II~I"~ '~\::~"'~':::,Sl"f~~-':" \,,-··i·~lc,.o-~[Il"I~ Ihinl alt..'ru.lIw, • ,Il'l,l~)' "I '1 .. ",,,,1 "~I1~r· al"l" I' jll vi ..... ,,/ Ihe Uu .. I~"" <. ... , .. <:U)' fu, """""",1 a,,,,ly.l •. f;'Viiil~~he ~x~j';;;~Il" of H fur K~ al Ih" ,_. ,,' " o.l ... "IoIO\l I', , 'bu 11'1"'" "ow t.ok~ .. ,~" d'e cha."etet' uI ~h0 :!oi.,,,,I..,h V ... I~II"n " , which Ihe U ioo CI,on""W-~ .~ ~be r"'Y"11o ",,,..~, Th,.).y tllel~ I .... r~ KI·K~ I" .,·"Id Ih~ h" .. k· lug u~ th~ I' .lruCI .. ,·c,

~ &~ .. =-... 1,~~,~KJ.g ~'~I' (bette' 11'." G, 1>11, I·"KI). II"KI~h ( II·K2t; 1. I"(!')'; 1, 1 ~ 1I, wi.l, "" c~.y ~c.~1,~""em I.,. \\h,le. •. P~B KI·B)'. KI·K2

l'l :~ cho: KI', ~;~",".y l 'UI1""'" i. IU ~I':I> I· . .KI .l.t K! Il r. I"'*'<! fu. U", "tl~~k .,~ "US ~'uJ 1I~ 0) ' IW.

~;, 1" "._Son~~~,U ~A.e~lI mal",",. lOIn, White loa""""'I' ..... -.J hl"''''11 loy .. ,1 .. " lll'''~ I ..

:~' :::tll:~';/:I't. ~~ .. f."'j';'.'t ~\.l;:htft: Q'J. l~ I·.IH, 1"\1.1":1; U. 1.1.1\1, U.ItS, H. 1Jl'~ I' , QI'"I' , Iii. 1'.1,'.";, KI · IIl, lII:oodc ... on.

~t;.~.t'\O' .. ,";;:-ckn, WI,it" .... 11.1 "iU-n'I'1 I" , •• kt I..., "I I,i, t .. · .. IJ •• ",1 I,,,, ~te. ... ol>lIlIy ' oo .. ,,,Ierl •• ,, a IIC"""" K1itloI .... l"...c. Ulad< 11"111 dlnd ~I,' ,,\\I,o,1I0h .... Ihe «rj,·,,,, ie • .-< ... ~ .. _ I.. \I hHc·. I:",,_tlo.e

~~.I<l'l \ffll~I··I!)38. IklWI""lk dcv~lol><>tl h'" QU •• K •. 2 R"~ K.'N (Ulack) OI)I;u,eoJ "" e'"<I' ~~.""c,

~ ';~~t ''''l'r~.\·,~ <1, '1" ''';''0 Id"A whloh Hc.,;h~voky 1:""el"",I)' c .... >dtt. 1<) 0op~bl.""". Tho- o~Jc'Ct I. I,. "jllP White', "~(Kok d~." III I ... l ... d", ,.,ilh " '.lntdY ],·K III. h,d'''·''.!.111)" Ih~ ",,, ,'u aljjO ~"",'I. a 1)OII>Ihlo 10. lI·Ktr.,

lQ.: B;;'~~'Ii<''''''IC'' ""i·ii,s .... lJ«<l"cnt, 10 tI,,,­World (..113",,,1<.>,,,,"1 ,,. 1.llle"thal 1, la)'thg II'hll~ npl"n :!Ioi<\or' ,0 . 10<1 " 'HI, 10. 0·0. 1'·1.13; 11 . 1'·K5.

l~i,;;i'it~" IlY orlt'h~;O~'I' lh~ " 1". re Il~ f.o", "I,id' .10 .. Klil r" .. I,1 Jol" Ihu "lI.,·k ,'" tlo~ ','111' . I",""""". It I. "I I~""n",,"'l h"lk)'I"'.·'· I". 1I1.,,~ 10, I~' ~',Io. I" "'''1"",,1 ." 1' .1' wlLh 1.11'.1' "ho 11I.,·k IJKtI' I. ''' .... ~IIII I ., II~ I).t.e,;' ,""II lu I~'''nlt 1I]I~ and K.·1I1

ll'.I~8' 1 ... lnl:" K'I~:UI.~I ~l l~t~t _ The Ih ...... l of Ild'lH (01" 1",1, Whlta 10 vatU"

~~~ ~,,"r~ K! r~~~[. QU. Q-K2. 0 .0 2 h, I....,.... .. tiot. I .... hi' "eU II,.,..e. willi . n e~ .1 ... "" Uf>o 1', P.8 4 P·B" 'r"" I.rr 10 IUIICk 1,.,'''_' :s .. 1 "nlr doH Ihl, 1ItO". f~.11 White'. In~1 I' Da· ".u.<:1I1, toul il df~ ... ii .... lr loth .... 1 Iii .. IWo) WI,iI" u...

l'Tccll.h()lt. 1I"0;tM II<! I~ , __ • Q. R/i at

ij::';';, t\:~·:~iI. ~~.~,I~i. I :;X~;j.1f:,I~I, I:i.~; :10. 1t,,1'1 _",I \\'hh~ n"'~t • .In: !Il. __ , Kxll (1./." 11': ! 1. <l 1C .1\IJ I, ".·er .... lwl"'I"s::); 21,

Q.!lt ~~~ __ , K.Ii!: 22:. II.KIJl "II, K·Q2i 23. Q·II::.cI~I.U •. ~.:: .. 2~;.~~I:t '2i.le'Q~ll l ' d" 1\.lrJ ( 11 ·11 : 23. lH III ,,,.,,,) : ~a. JI .1l eI" II ·Kl: ~l . (,1·" 17 ",,'t~. 15. QR.K ........

]';,'~! 1'~ 8 d~~:'C:'I'~u ,,~.:::t' ::,J'O~'~~~::\JI~~~~" '·]:'~i~: KII·K .

Th .. k, ' ' '' ''''" c",.,.I, .. thu !In'c,,L "f 16. I··IIG, 1'·1\13: 17. I' xK !', 'j ~ I ': l~. !, . I·, l'xl': l ~. Ktx!'1 Ilx",; 20. \J . KI~"h, Kt ,Kt 2; 21, U.(,lll 1t·~ I : 2'l, 'I·KI3 (:!'~, t,l· It I1. JI · 1!4 ),

~~~Hkl~i' , 1 '~~;(3ill"~. ~~i~~J;.: i:~lll~X~~h~: lI3 ,,·In ..

~~ j-';; Ihe Q P;~~, the '""\lo,, .. r the Kill' ; """"MI~.l1r, to ,1'.n~~ _ .,UUt for U", Kl (16. I'.IP, Kt.-KU),

:~;~~;~ II olUllruitto Iml.l cn><:nL h ll .fInlet:r, n"HI''',ik <:Jlli~it. In o,,~ ..... h'lC ",cllillU .. n.

-:t. i;in' I""'I.n?·~~2reono~ !.he Q frolll the fiI~ .ilot:o! Il 10 It;. Iht eln,.n '" '-1''''' ' "'ilt. the QI'. III. ~ t,l.It5 .. 11.111 vr~'nt".., _ il e,,,,1>1eoI Whillt tG cl1MI1'ttl! hll Wu~lt:d

. I~j.:·:ul~· ri~; ; "ir 1!:QJ·:f .... ~~dil.1l I'd";:!oJ. p · J\Ul n . P·KS _

~=tl:~5 1~~ .. I,~:sI~ ... :'x<f.; I I;~. nk~~I.?~~:.~ 20. Q.Ji ~. n. _ R·B U. KR·K _ ,'h .. J_ I ... ~ .. " h" I~ tur I. 111. QI ' xl' , QI'J R\'. k.dl,,1I' 10 Ih~ "'mo.! P<IOillull ".,.h'<'(1 It jll I.h~ I:I-m~. 1B, __ OPt P For ~"n.ldc"'tlon I, IS. _ ..... llI'l l': 19. Bx QI', Klx l'l: 211. rxl' (.:t. IIlKII, I.b ll b n" IIdp). RI( I ) .' I': 2, Qx1'. K!t ,N: \!?:, QxQch, HxQ. "Uc.I"1{ lIl ock 1I""" ler ... 1"" I"1f pr",· 1"'C! ' 11,"" LI"~ , . ,1.,1,,,, ",·'u. lI v u"'Io ,,t"kel' , 19. QPxKP ' Kt·KKI2 20, KI· 1!i ........ TI,~ 1\1 I. "",,,h'lt til \'tl u .1,1 .. I th u tlBI'. 20. ........ KR·Q

~I",,;~~ \;';I:I! c',~" ~r(",,~~, 1~;i" UI?I,,, I~'I~" ~"f~~~;; "f hi; fllll·-~,·t I" M.d. ,) Ihe,', WRi. 21. 8 ·1(82 _ .. _ .. 1'" ,,,,,k,· "><II,, .1 I(~ I"r the K •• • ath,..,. lJoon piny I, lOIn ,,'11",,(, It " '11\ .,1,1 to (I, .. 1«'". ,'",I <>tI"r".lon. a .... ~.. KI·R. 22. B. KU IIdUC'I""llr. "" d"u~t. 22. _ Q. K II'I.h lho- <kf",~.., C<)t' If)II,IJoted. Uf'OIhr""kr reo ",,,,,,,,, ,Ii..- action "".'n.t lhe QIIl·. i:: ~t~) ~i~j 25. P.Kt P ·R4

.', .. Ih" "M""CIII, lor~'e"tI'..: <:oubttrpllr ... ·11b I ' · "I ~ . N . B·K2 K·82 27. K.B 2 o-K" • ''''''i''l: 11 ... u~I""lIIf 1>1 flU« .... rolllkl~nt th.1 Ito. fnd~, .... I .......

i:' ~&.. In 1n~,~;Q hi' ~ ~~O)I'" r..,:-ii

Journamenl cfl/e c-JulJ ",

Erich W . MtWch-J 192 Seville Dri ve

Rochesl er 17. N. Y.

~. It ·ll1. I\t·Q7. foll " .. «1 1.oy Kt ·KS oh, 29, __ K·K2 ) 1, R·Q2 R·B2 :JCI. K·K2 KI ·R4


80TVINNIK I"'nl""lk'. ~~"'" han",; loI:'el her loy a .In·c.<I, 1,,,~ 1>y il",tr Ihe " ......... "re 0 .. Ihe ,1",,1.01,.,] I' I~ i»."IfI~le"t t .. brinll' ~bo" t • ~"ei.l"n. : 0 win Jl\lIek "til •••• ploit 11,,, "ll ... ler elulb'y "f hi, pl~ ~y "",,, tin.: ~ddltion,1 Ih."" •• ,)II (he K •• l<1o. ".lcul.l..:l 10 Ihrow WI,II,,', ,j,·r,·,.;cr; »If 1.>.lal>< .....

'~;I: · ~I~~:i~",.,1 .;:.;-,~;'t.e •• tmke, t>T'lli....oJ hy ""'''V "',11.~"'. ,.,;IT" Ileol,~y t ile very ~nl,y II~ ,:",,"1 .... on Ihe N· With mor~ ta'e,

!"' .. :~"''::,~fI1:~1 n:~~~i"s.!~~~~~~~~(2).~ (K l!~: :t:I. I··!ilt, &1'xP ; 84. IId'eh); 1'1. Ult)'Q (f""""l). KI · KtJ; (R·KIt: R I ' ·KU , '01~ ....... 1 I.y '··KI5. k>oI<i"", .up the _ill ... ,. wllh I· .KII "..:~III 3 1 ..... ,1.o,lIly! Or lIS. __ , K.II~: !U. 1: ( II)·NKI, r,; ·Ktl": :t •. R·KR. 1{·lIl: :IIi. I ' K(~. I .. Ibl~ "3ri3tion While n"'k .... """ I .. 1'1~y H·KR u ...., ..... IIbd ,""_ !i·KI~I: :<1. 1' ·1\11 (301. R·II!. KI.q;'l 1 ... 1 .....

;~Ii •. ~·,!!:~~to: ~. :;'~~i.:R~~C:~~K~~~; :wo I: ~ I ', Kid': n. U·I!1<,h, K ·II : :IS. IIx ll, 1:":11; !19. 11 , 11, "td,P dt; ~O. U-Q:I!); ~ 11 · !l0, 1( , 11 (""I Kt · IIS do; 36. RxK l . Rdl: :17. 1I . lnd,. K·I\: 311. Il ( T,).KR ... i '''): :!Il. I: 'n"11 ,I ... ", •.

~~:~I~:";fi:~'I' ~:.~?i~~~:t~r~ 1 ~1. 3~~~~ . ~~ lI!.

~;:~~,;',." I. "o"'j'j';nc ' OT :\3. P ·'KI~ •• Iho ')H!' I. Ih ... ·."fll"'l.

~!: l';-:Kll I" ... . ~~;~ft.' I .: ~li-, . Rrig;?Q , Hxli:'''i'i 1,,",,·.,1 ~ l . I :(~) .Q. m "d ', wn, I. '''' '''' a1.o· 'I ""~: :\.I , ...... _, K·1l2; a;;_ !l.R H, K ·I\l~ (1101 \,t.litO: 1It1. Ilx \' !. \:,,11: .7. n · n7ch. K· HI : :1tI 1!(l).I<U!, Kt-llSd" 3!J. 1\ _lIa ,,,~I ,I";' ... ); 3I'l. 1I ( 1I )·KI (thr""I~"i"j< I'· K I ~ , hili "o~ at "'''-''' 3\). [,·RU T, 111'''1' : 31. KI>!: , Ih ll ), K·1I3 ; 31, R·KR. II·Kl2: 36. 1\·R2. K. 11 .. 11 ( KI -I(tn f : SO. II(1Hm !); :lIl. 11 ( 1\ . KI!!. ltdl (.w,1 1I ·Klt, ~O. I· . K !~ II. 1\"n: II . 1·" HI' f l,. wi th ... Wol,·,,1 '"''''I",,, .. !I,,,, 10' Iho ~x,·b~"~e): .ro. 11.1'. II ~ Kt ~h: ·11 . 1,,1t (41 . K . n~t, U.Q7 rhl: ~2. K. n. I(I~I' "'.I~J. Kld'~" : ~t. K·1\2. 1I · I J1~1,: 43, K.K. ltd': R 1I·ln (<>I" ~1. R.U11 .. I,. K."2; 4.· •• R, llIIrh. K .K!!; 46. II.K r, n. II4\, de.). It ·KU!d,11 wi ....

It White ~hOOteI (It' 101. lI$lh In .lu.~rtl t1", II file ~~ . n u,"""e of ~II."", I,,, ....... t n_rl""I .... ' 38. I1 ( R).RI, Kt·J\18 : 3!1. 11· I\R, KI_RlI .. h: 010. 11" 1\1, R"I1: R RCR )·O, 1I~1I ; ~? RiR. I1xR: .... 1. K~ II. ,'· RS: 41. K·)(1, Ihl'l: ~~, Kbn. P.R/! ; 46, 1(,Il'!. I' · Rl! )4. _ P. RS If :u. _. KI·KUI; :a:>. R·B!. )5.K.1( _ "''''-Inlt ' ''r II""'" ]l<'TTn;I~ IIxp . 15. __ KI· K"}Ii. KI·0 5 ch __ A tk:ooj ...... l e ",,,,,,n.p. 11 1111. !l ·)(I2. " .lin "'Ino, )6.____ P xKt )S. IbKt PxP )1. B ~P KtxR ~lm"I""I .. )9. BxR RxB '1. R.B)

~i'I~K~I,,", ~;~!UI ~~~I~~2Pb)'. 1\ -';;';; I ... ,I,,,w.

IT hl. p. m. Ihd anh obl!on • • eDrinlod " Worl d Ch ... ChlmpT o " "hl p-I~S " by J . ek SQ"d.kolf .nd Syd nn GMdmnn. u llI . bl. f,nm 110 0 Che .. Pro". Box ID. Mor". H . tn~h Shllan, New Yor k 5), 1'1, Y. P. ICD 1).00.)

QUEEN'S GAMBIT Ii, Effect l YMCA Chess Clu b Champions hip

P eoria. 1949 Nolts by ). V . R(inh.J .1

Whit., RI.~k J . V. RE IN HART H. G. CRAMER 1. P·084 P·KB' 5. P·0 4 p .Q4 2. KI.Q8) Kt .KB) S, P~P P~P

!: ~:g~ ::~ 1. P·Kl 0.0' \' ''''r rI"'r .1 Whil e !.':In l,t;lJ' KKI .)I,. ('lillie Q .1d,> ... d ' ''ad;: ... iU. II", " .. ide ," ..

t'i,!i~! Ihe SI~~19, ~.K~~~I; 19. B"TIt "h'" .... 1 ... In. , .. ~ IIh,ck Q • ,. _ P·B} 11, K·Kt!! 10. KI·84 0·R4 ch?

A/tu II . K. /(Z!! CRAMER

HE INHAR r I~ ~lo II , '· ·J\H. 1I.~ 1 ·"hl: 12. I'~ n, IbR and II . II.!}>!. Od'd,; no • .." Klxq: 13. K. )l1 .,~ h' Illack', f ...... II) ,he Whil e 'K ,.k..., - " .. I~ . !!;. ~ I~,""" B .. 1!! .n12..I~:,~~~iR~{) Jj! \\"hh .. '~ IIlh mo .....


2S. BoB 26. QxQ 21 . PaP 2L RxP 29. BaR :JCI. B·K" ll. R-oBI 32. RxP ) ) , K-ol }4, R-65 "h ,So R.K8S


R,' KI_Q ,,' R,R R,'

KI·8 ' R_RP P·KR l · A·85 ' _R>


u. s. Ope n Cha mpions hip Omaha, 1949

N otts by E,ich W . M tfrchtfnJ While

A, B ISGUIER R. BERG 1. P· IU P-oB'., KbP KI.B) z. KI· KB) KI'OB} 5. KI.QB) P·K) ) . p.Q4 PaP &. P· KKIl ~o bo.-Uer Ihon tI'e 1161 ... 1 H~. In foct II,. ..... I. lOntethlnl: \lQlcally 1Il""k:a1 In oI~""lol'h'lf lhe KII al KI ! "'hen thtt'e t. .1· Il" .. t,· .... .,. <H'I. lI .... ., Il t. refreoohlnt: 10 (I(OtC. on lite 1~! .... t notk. '- _ 8 ·Kt5 , . 0-0 ), 8 · K12 P-04 10, QKb Kt I. PaP Kb P 11. 8 ·10 PtYtiopment .. r"" da ...... ul_ 11(1"'" 11. _, IJ.Q'! " Ind\elltd. 12.. P' Q8 l B·K2

0-0 P"KI KI·K' u .... l .

~~~e.~I!...,i;UI'r,. ~Q I::i K~W· ... ....,.. ll, P·KIl B·KKt5 15. P·KR) Q·Bl 1(, p.B) B.Q2.}6, P·K B4! __ _ WIIlIo til". ........ I, r. IWIl aU.eked I', om8 . nd QDS) hy • ""'rp eounltr·.tt.elc. Sill l h.t, II now In .......... Kt·K18, Ihe QI' II"~II". 16, _. __

'" AI m 16. , Q"P

Rill. n ·BI Kt ·nl: 20.


K"i:"Q6 K· KI2 BaR eh

, B.8' Kt·K'


RM R\ B.KI) Kt·Q2 K·81 B.8 .

B.Kt 5 P.KR)

) , KI·K6 eh }4. Kt.Q( ch 35. KI·BS )6. KbB 31. K·Bl )tl. K·K4 )9, K.Q5


KbR Kt.Q6

K·B2 K.B)


Kt.KIl Kt .Q2

Rll llln i

New York Stat e Champions hi p Roehe s te r, 1949

Now by EJ ... ,J IAJ.a While lII~d

EO, LASKE R A. 81SG UIER 1, P·K' P·K( I.. P·B} p .Q)

t :~K~~} K~~~ ~O. ::::u KI~:: t g:g. KJ::~ n: ~iR!Q2 i:g~ s. R·Kl P·QKU n. Kt.Bl BP,P ,. 8·KI3 0-0 I', PIP KR,BI I ... ,11<'<1 ."d .Id I .. 111 .. ,,,1 .... , "1)0 )'(Iu k""'" I " :l t It w .. 1 ... ·1", ,III .... !,....,.! t hl. dp· f""M' I" " !J' .o,,"~ wl\h K"'.l\u~1 I ......... In II,, · l &2l IIIum.tntnn·· lie " ~,,11,,,l: "or eou"", ! ~' I{)" II. Thot I, ,.,I,y I •• " II!.ylh,e it ulIl".! you for Illf. !..,~hol~lI'k.1 ~rr""t." , .. , hi (III "'I" . II~ 1.1 ... 1'.yd,01Q1.1!c"1 dl .. d· ',,, I"fI"')' "n,,1. I .,,~ke. e .. "II""",I wlt.h Hi. II 1\2, ""d on .,,~ l y&I " 1( Ihe , ... I.tioll wi t h AI,·k ld,," "lt or ! I,~ I{"'''''. Wr rotl "I",IOII t.~" 1 jt.Q:I, which I ", III 1,I.y, J( I '·~. Whlto " 11 tt l. "I~,·." l ~. B·O) Kt·B) 17. P·KKt4 U. B·K) Q·K t2 I " ,,,.w "I Ih" IA~l 11,,, , UI"ok win H"'I "~" 11",,,,1,1), ""1I'iI1(0 '""H' e of Whl l,,·. 10""," h.t' ~I .... "I"\II~ In tt", "II<''' QI! file. W"H~ .hollj·1 "I:I,f n. It 111 "",I p.ol .... hly foN'f(O Ihr .<J. .."blC\! uf IIII' I(KII' o1t~,'I1' ... b('"a,"e tI,l. .'h·",~" 1"'l'lIl" Ihe ute of tl~. II "" Ihf K· "' In~ ""~ ""I In Ihr !,III 1110. 17. I\I ·KI3 ... M nl .... sr>~.1 ,n<nl'. "he I' "" IIK1I I~ll'l' .~n·~. aoo m w{'l~m~ Ino:rl for mad<. 11. __ Kt ·Kl 2.2. 0.02 Kt.Rl 11.. Kt.KU P .Kt) 2).6·B2 P.KtS It, K·R2 8 ·83 R OR·OBI B-QI 20, P.05 II t·K'~ ts. Q.K2 21. 8 ·Ktl p ·ORe 1 In 0 ...... 10 brl" ... th~ )(Kt 10 QIU vb Qt. 1101 II "'<!II III IIIY~ II(!f1I IIlIlr~ I:OnIliottMt 1<, ... ,nlhll'" .. lIh an .tt-dt r>n .to. K.,..ln~. !S. Kl ·RIL, tG follow 11010 up .. lIh 1'·114 ..... ~ Ih~or.- bt>al. If !.I!i. __ • 1'·11,,: then ~. "1.KIl, Ih Kt: 1'1. ,'JKt .. ""ld h .... given

Whit~ g<>otI piay I;,k .... ilb » .KI3. 25, _ Kt·B4 H. B"KI __ "~i. Ih'U l.Ilaclr I .. · .. Ii_ ..... ...,.,.,.,t .... l .. u", ... ""k_ 01 Kl.Il, .,."oed by th" -.1 ... ,_ of II", KUI'. UUl _ 101'1: ... he cenler .....-1,. I"""'" tho! White KIA lind ~1I""'II:1o. .,'''",In­play. 2£, __ R.B 21. B-o) Q.JU 2L Kt-02 p.~ 29. Kt ( 3).Bl B·KKt •

)0. Kt{l )·10 KI·8 2 )I. RIR QxR 32. KI,B}

.IIr .... I ~ion to.. I>«!onl~ dlflleu", ... T II"",

...... Kdllnr ohorl.. I ... "nl",1 to I:\lOnJ Q' ~;~Ia!,';;" ':::':'f,I~ "t·KIHt;. But .... Ith ~t n. __ 8 ·8S ell n. K. Kt2 . R·OBI U ~..., ll'QKI~ ! "'-"'''''' ..... ch ' I",n~r. White "~"n<.>t "".y wcll u "homg(\ n... b<:<:.nlie .n."r 3-1. U",l.I , KlxU' lIi a"k thr"a lc'" P 'M. !(!lIn· '''!!' 'C<:e>!I! to QH6 wiU. tl,~ KI. A"~ If :,:;,;. )(IA'l~ , B'~<;k """It I I're"cllt White I..,m '''p' Iklrli.lO: hi. li t ,,'111. I'·KUI II,. I>.KIOI. wh~T<" "p<.>n I!·Q ln wo"I<1 """" I>e d""blvt. }4. KI·B4 8-oKIH ;?·~~K~~Ji I61 "·"PK;:"'I"")~~o.IR.QKII ! 36. PKP R·Rl No .. · It Is White who groTn • ..anlrol nl Ihe OU iii ". )} . .. "_.~ . B_KI)9. R·KI2t 3l. BK8 Kt ·Kl .0. R· B2 To 1>",,',,"1 8 ·KI.".-1JG.

K\·Bl R·R.

41. B'03 Q.R2 .2. R.BS _ .... _ I Ih""ghl douhll nll' on Ihe lJ file wou ld to., eno",.,;h In "~lal ,, " wlnnl .. ", ~'I._"tJll\'e. )j"t I I/I)uld I,~." _".",1 co" • ..,1 "f "'''.h n .nd R filc .. ·ith 4!. 0 · 11 11 ..Ht~r Q.KIl; ~S.

:~.8~~_ .. n .KI4 ; ~~K I~·QR~ • . w~~~S "lronQ; l.~~il O. Q·82 R·RI 45. Kt ·Kl P·KR" Th" " '""ken",1 I' . In lront "I Wh1I~'1 K j11.c lII ack hi. """nter·cha.lCr. 46. PxP __ SU·()"I:t'T ,,'U l)robto1.oly .... hlch ,,· ... ild h",.,· ""11,,,1 off 1.11"".'. Q ""~ R frnn, Ih~ K'",,,g ~,'" Ih,ulet>ed K I. Q~ lind II .D·\. 46.. __ , KbRP 50. g.B8 Q- KI4 ch n. R.BJ Q· R2 51 . ·K14 0 .9) 4&. RxR O,R St. ·8) B.o1 49. Q-BS Q.Ql 5). Kt-Q) Q- K2 Ubd, r."lIIly ",oklo 110" III 0... u While'. 1\ io uI..-,d to 311 _I. of . Uac:t. ... Sol. B·B4 O·R2 n. O·BI O.R) 55. 0 ' K2 D-B6 62, 0 ·10 KI.B) 56. K·B3 Q.RI '). K·81 B'QS 51. K·KI2 O·KU M. O· Kl 8 ·8' 51. K·R2 KI·B) '5. 0 .K3 Kt·R'

~ ~:~f KQ :~~:f: ~:::~~ 8:~~ :0<>1. m ... _, KI·IW ch. I"""', .... III 011. K· II!! (118. K·1\3 1. I\I.KII). TI", mO" ~ .. f Iht I" ' l "' .... ," ktnh,,, . •• 'he KI' i. ~Ih,·k.d .nd IIIJ. Q. K3. Q",Q;- OO. P xQ ... ""Id l'r<)ba~ly (lrnd,,<'<l ." ""'~,, ,hJ~ ",,,I;'l;:', n ut 11"101/.0 I,"" ~ '.!'4"e' t

:'11 '~;~;~~I~'''1>u(~,I?'rn,::'T~I''~O\'i,~,n~' ~.\~~:;;~ cn,lim::. 68. KI·BS!!

~ Q;KI! KI .B~:~ n': :~~t)I Or .... n

li en! llIu~k (lff~'~" 1 • d .... ·• .In.... III. K ~ .. ''''"t _"II..."clo White'. 1'. 0" u,~ Q.",lnlf ... ,j WI,lte, on Ih" <.>!h~r hAn, l , tt'ft'l I~". III ..'I n .... ,11' p.J\';, If !h" lll.~k I, ~_ O,'e' 1<0 u,~ 1( ," '1"11", While ~"~I'It.d Il ,. <h .. w. I .... r."'" II", i ' '' m",II''I~ 72. " ·11,1, R.K~ : 7a. 1' ,11., ,I", .. ",,' " i" II, '''.'not ''l Of I'd': 7~ . KI ,I', K 'Q~: 7,'\. 11 t· 111 3 cl,. K' I)II; 7t) . . 1(~ I '. ll ·l1R (711 , ........ . I' ·UR: 77, 111·1I(,eh. K.lm: 7~ , 1(1 .• IU I1: 77. l' , ~r" II' \I ! ; 78, P.I,IfJ. K.1l7: 711. IIHm, 1' . I\( n : FI' . "(,I', IhKI : ~1. 1' ·1(6 ,I'A"', AI"" 7~. ·1'· 1(·111 .. K.R.: 13. " .11$, II ·K8: 74, K · 1t ~, P ,RI : 1f,. p~p: 711. KI·Q,I ch. ,I,~,,', Or: 72 . 1'·113. K · Kt,~ : 7:1. I·. nr.. 1' . 1': 74. HI.I·, K.113: 1[,. K. fl l, p.Ql ; 76. Kt·KIS, n .KI3; 11. 11 . K2 'Ir~ ....

I • • ,

VlUEEN 'S GAMBIT DECLINED New York S tate Champions hip.

Roc hu t e r, 1949

No/ts by EJ.,nJ L.s.c. W~ite

EO, LASKER 1, P·Q84 KI.KB) 2.. p.Q4 P. K)


) . P-QIU

A pod ".lJ' (If .voldh~ bo<>k .... iollnN.

!::;;..:~~e l~t.h'ttII~:'~I1· h~~~I~ :::;II~ QIU .'MI I"tll lhe "~""101"1tA' l~m(lO I. nl· "~I",,,I by QI'~ I ', r-QKlI , .nd R.Rn.

:: P.K) 0':::8: t =;~ ~~~ 5. KI.QB) B·K2 10, P·QKU B.K2 6 . KI.8) 0 ·0 11, B.KI2 P·QR41 1. Q·B2 P.P Tid, 8'~lnl ~cc... to 0 111 .ml I"'~ I T<"

~"" "~ ... ,,,~,,t, of II," Whll.. pl"'-..... ,,"Idl~ m "ck c'I~"1lII up wllh I "~ '1~.c1ol''''" '' L ot )" . lor<:e<t.

~~~ I~~ K:;ol. 01'~,~·B~I'" ,n~I(~,~;,?R~r Ih: -oil "", I ~o"' fol. !h~ ''C"''l'"(Tu" of 1)11" hy 1I1"<'k'. Kt, it ,1T",1"1.,,~. II' hHQ'~ Inn"M'"" '''' li 4 ."d eli",I"" I ,",, Ih,' QIi! Irom Dtt",·k. I,,~ I')''''. nn Ih,! K.wh,<:. 1' he,~f"re I~. Q.. K:t: 011",,/,1 1I.1V~ I"-~.,, J.i'1~~" 1>r~I~.~,,~.·. I'." l k"" .. ly n. Ihl .• "",;,,Id Ital'(! c".hI<11 Ih~ It I" O"<:0I'Y Q \II with !hl1'llt •. n . .... _ P.QK IJ 15. Q·K2 te. OR.SI B·KI2 \ ' ....... I"'hll' .111 .... '" I: •. NI.KI51 , I h_l~nl"<: NlxK I'. TI,.. "'1,1,. 11.\11 .. ,.,1,1 h~.'1! ..... ~ • I' ","'"'~ K . ... tl'l .",1 I:~ . __ , JI·I .II~ \nO M' 1"""' t.I~ I""""", .. 01 19. IIxt.:! "MI n. Q'" 'n~I". If I;;. __ , 1\· lIl. II", ud .. ,1jp' In. KI.dt, "xKI 1\",,1<\ h.~" left White with All ",""lot.l,. "'Ilerlo, I_ II lAn, IS. _ KI·B. 11. KI.KtS U , B.R2 B·K5 1t, 0 -0 n . KbKt BaQKI III, P'OR. Itb"" h-... ffIIQU..,,1 Iht """ltI"n. 2.}, 8 .KIll _

B. )l1} 0·K2


Whlt~ il Il)'lnll' to m.k~ " ........ Ihln/: .... 1 01 IM"I,lno:." 1I·)j1 .... )l 1I ·QJ look ..... 'nd~r.


J. B, Gu Dr . M, H":b,,gtr A. Y. H.... Ed ... . J , KO'lll nty J . Ll llih I, Alvloe Dr. J. PI . tz J. R. gl n F.-o R.l nleld 0 1, Bet. Rou . ". E. Sant.ole . , J, SaudH off

W ay,," W. gn ••


Kt·B2? A/u r 28 . ....... , KI.8Z

;--.,",, __ 50UDAKOFF

T.... l.oe<J. TM. bl»nd(1- 1_ u.., ud .. ,""c .... 1 Ihe KA ...... Aft.,.. !9 .......... Rxlt; :30. Kdl, Q-KJ u... pnoe .. ould l)rob:tblr have bee" (I ...... n. 29. KI·K1 eh :JCI. RxR )1. KR.Ql

P·KS Kt·82 ,,' KbR »- 8]' n. .K2

}4. .Q)

O"Kt Kt·Ql B·KI5 K_RI

R-QBI A.p'

35.. B·R} "- Q·KO 37. II _B lI. RxR eh 19. Q. p R.,lgn.

S Olut io ns: Al ate t.h 6 SubUe Wa y

"v, 1 ~3 (JJar.J'~II); I. 1J.l!2 . ,\ c!~V<" "le,,,1 ", ' ''' I ,jn . HOl d ~"","·~h<,<:k~.

No. 121 (Chen~y J: AUi!~,,'. i" lcnllon wo.

~;'.~i:~:;. if~>~~';~~Ji ~t~t:~"j~' /l:.~~~: 1: ~:~'c';', ~;~7i. 1:~'k'fs. I, a €(!CUud ""1,,110",,

1'0. 1~ ( 1101",11" a,,~ Ow" .. ): I. 1I.K.;" "0.12(1 (NI"nldj"r): 1. II.KI1. I" ''''l''ni,,~

2, K·R7 ~'l'! ~, !HH{i lIlals, If 1, no'""~ 1"i;lI, ~, 1'· 111 d, ",,01 :1. 1\ , 111) "'~Ic, JI I. ,, __ .. , p . 1\ 1: ~. n·\!3"h an,l 3. 11'\11) "'Rle. 111. __ ._., 1"lIl i 2. It· KI~ch a,,,1 3. l\.Kr.l"AI~.

Nn 001 .... ,. fon",1 'h" 001"01"'. 1"!c,,Uon I" 1'0. Itl. Thr ".'<>Ilk" '" tbl~ I ...... ~I~"', ~nd c~"n"'l """'lion. I .. tll6 "Ih~. Ihrce. "'''rlI fu~ "'h'ed ~y Itc'·. ll. lI"mlr (,'hldlty, 1', '\. 11 011 .. ·"" I 'Nn Korl. Kt.'IIIdb t.y •• nt! T. /'n ,~lbcrll'. \\,111I. m J . C"uturo .nd Dr, Jooeph . :mum ... ,,' h' lhe ··~oot" 10 toO. 12l ~ nd

j"~::,c\\.~,,:!~ ';~~1~1 1 ::i..!:i ~:.~~ ::: l :!i.

N ... 1:7 (K.eroo-,.): I. Kl·K5. The l!Lao-k ""'II' .. ~1I"' • .,.1 "",,. ,_ d.""Ur In " .' ... . fIi"lot" )\8U ..... .

Nu. I!!I ( 1 ... "tll"'l'5l : 1 Xt-)lU, re.olllTln,;­Inl~t«'_ .flet'" " ...... ~ III ILo" n1o.c1r I' .......

lio. I S (~Ion): Int...>tkd .... I , 11.1./3 .",1 If _ . "'r r ... ·n ~ Oo~; 1. II· K:!.. KI:', K~, 113, o. KII u ........ llns;-Iy. II I . __ • II. RI!; 1. 1l-Q1I3. II 1. _, 1I .!,),t.:! .. t. I·· ... KW. If I . ___ • II.Qll8; 1. 1··..,117, If I. _. !I·U; !. j ··K1. If I, _"-' 1\.KIIS; S. 1'.KR7. II I. __ • It ,KKI$; 2. ,· . I{ I!!, 1'1",,.., 10 a .illl l,le "C<JO!;" 1>y I . " .Kt G. (O"r ~ll()logI""!)

.\0. Uti ( 1t" .... I): 1. K'·1!G, I'.I\.(;: Z. KI ·II11

::::1 ~. I[i!~ll~"~,:~; ~~ r I:' l-:·-.~.:",~·i~~j;; ~,t.~~ m ."" ft. lil·n. ' '' ''!~. ,,,~,: ,~.t- ,,~i,~n~;:~l' I~· "~/';:.r~lol~~';~ II~;~! !l~~ "N"~" 10 )0,- " , 12\1. Ih · ... O. Murr"y Uhhll c\', Il •. ,1 "" '1,1, 1';"'''"" "",1 KO"""\I, !'U.Y lom;<l (he .,,(hor'. k~y 10 No. 1:aI 11 ",1 Ih~ CI"'C'" , .,1111101" I" ,I", ",I,,·. llo. t.,. T. '.nnd l",'lI' ~"b , ,,ill,,,! :h~ """"k" tl) No, 1211 ","I <l'>I'. ,.,.,', ",I "II",,~ III 127, 1213 ",,,I lllO.

Solut ions: ~' i D I 8h It 'rhe Clever Way

r ".llIon :On. !oj: I . kxlt! . lIx k ; ~. Q·DI ~h . K.K.,: '" Q}l II "h!. h!.1; 4. IH·Klieh, k.ll"ti U. KI ' lJhh, K.K;;: II, )I .Ir.'l allOl 7. I··IIS ...... le.

1''''''llon N ... '!6: I. 1',116. 1J·&4; 2. K.BS, II.QtlI; I. 1'·k 7, 1\ ·00: 4. I'.II!(Q), B.Q4 <'I, ,.-

If It's

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