ohio department of transportation (odot) transit asset ......oversight program (fta section 5329),...

VERSION 1.0 1 Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program Standard (TAMPS) Office of Transit 1980 West Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43223 August 31, 2018

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Page 1: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transit Asset ......Oversight Program (FTA Section 5329), the Bus and Bus Facilities Program (FTA Section 5339), the Ohio Elderly and Disabled


Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program Standard (TAMPS)

Office of Transit

1980 West Broad Street

Columbus, Ohio 43223

August 31, 2018

Page 2: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transit Asset ......Oversight Program (FTA Section 5329), the Bus and Bus Facilities Program (FTA Section 5339), the Ohio Elderly and Disabled


Version 1.0

Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Office of Transit – Mission Statement

To accomplish its mission, the Office provides financial and technical assistance to public transit systems, local governments, and human service agencies throughout the state for the planning, establishment, and operation of public transportation systems.

The Office of Transit is comprised of three sections to serve Ohio’s transit systems; Program Management, Compliance and Oversight, and Financial Management. The Program Management staff members handle primary responsibilities and activities for the Metropolitan Planning Program (FTA Section 5304), the Ohio Urban Transportation Grant Program (FTA Section 5307), the Enhanced Mobility for Seniors and Persons with Disabilities Program (FTA Section 5310), Rural Transit Grant Program (FTA Section 5311), the Rural Transportation Assistance Program (FTA Section 5311 (b)(3), the Rural Intercity Bus Program Section 5311 (f), the Rail Fixed Guideway State Safety Oversight Program (FTA Section 5329), the Bus and Bus Facilities Program (FTA Section 5339), the Ohio Elderly and Disabled Transit Fare Assistance Program, the Ohio Coordination Program, the Ohio Technical Assistance Program, and the State Planning Research Program funding for transit projects.

The Compliance and Oversight staff members handle primary responsibilities and activities for Technical Assistance Reviews; development of all office publications and reports; management of transit data including Transit Asset Management data and Agency Safety Plan data, performance targets, and measures, administration of the Ohio Technical Assistance Program; ODOT transit vehicle term contracts, procurement oversight, administration of the Rail State Safety Oversight Program and sub-recipient and ODOT compliance with federal and state regulations including reporting into the National Transit Database.

The Financial Management staff members handle all FTA and state grants management activities including financial tracking, management, budgeting, and financial controls.

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Version Tracking

ODOT Transit Asset Management Program Standard

Version Date Purpose for Change 1.0 8/31/2018 Original Document

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Table of Contents

Definitions .............................................................................................................................................................................................9

Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................................... 13

I. Introduction/Background................................................................................................................................................ 15

1.1 Transition to the New TAM Rule (Parts 625 and 630) ........................................................................... 16

1.2 Organization of this Program Standard .......................................................................................................... 18

II. Requirements of the New State Safety Oversight Program ............................................................................ 19

2.1 Performance Measures- .......................................................................................................................................... 23

2.2 Recordkeeping- ........................................................................................................................................................... 23

2.3 Transit Providers ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

III. ASSET INVENTORY......................................................................................................................................................... 27

3.1 Data Collection ............................................................................................................................................................. 27

3.2 Rolling Stock ................................................................................................................................................................. 27

3.3 Facilities .......................................................................................................................................................................... 27

3.4 Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................................. 29

IV. DECISION SUPPORT TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................... 29

4.1 Revenue Vehicles ........................................................................................................................................................ 29

4.2 Equipment and Non-Revenue Vehicles ........................................................................................................... 29

4.3 Facilities .......................................................................................................................................................................... 30

V. ASSET CONDITION ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................................ 30

5.1 Performance Targets and Measures ................................................................................................................. 31

5.2 Asset Condition Results ........................................................................................................................................... 33

VI. INVESTMENT PRIORITIZATION .............................................................................................................................. 35

6.1 Current Funding Level Trends ............................................................................................................................ 35

6.2 Prioritized List of Investments ............................................................................................................................ 35

6.3 Capital Investment Scenarios ............................................................................................................................... 36

VII. PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS AND UPDATES..................................................................................................... 40

VIII. NTD REPORTING ............................................................................................................................................................. 40

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Rural and Non-Countywide 5311 (General Public) Transit Provider Map .................................. 24 Figure 2: Vehicle TERM Ratings .............................................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 3: Revenue Vehicles Below a Three ....................................................................................................................... 33 Figure 4: Equipment Below a Three ..................................................................................................................................... 34

List of Tables Table 1: Rural and Small Urban 5311 (General Public) Transit Providers ...................................................... 24 Table 2: 5310 Open Door Transit Providers .................................................................................................................... 26 Table 3: Subrecipient Facilities ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Table 4: ODOT Tier II Subrecipient Useful Life Benchmarks (ULB) ..................................................................... 30 Table 5: Facility Condition Ratings ........................................................................................................................................ 34 Table 6: Funding Level Trends ................................................................................................................................................ 35 Table 7: Scenario 1 Vehicle Replacement Schedule ...................................................................................................... 37 Table 8: Scenario 1 Year by Year Funding ......................................................................................................................... 38 Table 9: Scenario 2 Vehicle Replacement Schedule ...................................................................................................... 39 Table 10: Scenario 2 Year by Year Funding ...................................................................................................................... 40

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Accountable Executive- means a single, identifiable person who has ultimate responsibility for carrying out the safety management system of a public transportation agency; responsibility for carrying out transit asset management practices; and control or direction over the human and capital resources needed to develop and maintain both the agency's public transportation agency safety plan, in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5329(d), and the agency's transit asset management plan in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5326. Asset category- means a grouping of asset classes, including a grouping of equipment, a grouping of rolling stock, a grouping of infrastructure, and a grouping of facilities. See Appendix A to this part. Asset class- means a subgroup of capital assets within an asset category. For example, buses, trolleys, and cutaway vans are all asset classes within the rolling stock asset category. See Appendix A to this part. Asset inventory- means a register of capital assets, and information about those assets. Capital asset- means a unit of rolling stock, a facility, a unit of equipment, or an element of infrastructure used for providing public transportation. Decision support tool- means an analytic process or methodology: (1) To help prioritize projects to improve and maintain the state of good repair of capital assets within a public transportation system, based on available condition data and objective criteria; or (2) To assess financial needs for asset investments over time. Direct recipient- means an entity that receives Federal financial assistance directly from the Federal Transit Administration. Equipment- means an article of nonexpendable, tangible property having a useful life of at least one year. Exclusive-use maintenance facility- means a maintenance facility that is not commercial and either owned by a transit provider or used for servicing their vehicles. Facility- means a building or structure that is used in providing public transportation. Full level of performance- means the objective standard established by FTA for determining whether a capital asset is in a state of good repair.

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Group TAM plan- means a single TAM plan that is developed by a sponsor on behalf of at least one tier II provider. Horizon period- means the fixed period of time within which a transit provider will evaluate the performance of its TAM plan. Implementation strategy- means a transit provider's approach to carrying out TAM practices, including establishing a schedule, accountabilities, tasks, dependencies, and roles and responsibilities. Infrastructure- means the underlying framework or structures that support a public transportation system. Investment prioritization- means a transit provider's ranking of capital projects or programs to achieve or maintain a state of good repair. An investment prioritization is based on financial resources from all sources that a transit provider reasonably anticipates will be available over the TAM plan horizon period. Key asset management activities- means a list of activities that a transit provider determines are critical to achieving its TAM goals. Life-cycle cost- means the cost of managing an asset over its whole life. Participant- means a tier II provider that participates in a group TAM plan. Performance Measure- means an expression based on a quantifiable indicator of performance or condition that is used to establish targets and to assess progress toward meeting the established targets (e.g., a measure for on-time performance is the percent of trains that arrive on time, and a corresponding quantifiable indicator of performance or condition is an arithmetic difference between scheduled and actual arrival time for each train). Performance target- means a quantifiable level of performance or condition, expressed as a value for the measure, to be achieved within a time period required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Public transportation system- means the entirety of a transit provider's operations, including the services provided through contractors. Public transportation agency- safety plan means a transit provider's documented comprehensive agency safety plan that is required by 49 U.S.C. 5329.

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Recipient- means an entity that receives Federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53, either directly from FTA or as a subrecipient. Rolling stock- means a revenue vehicle used in providing public transportation, including vehicles used for carrying passengers on fare-free services. Service vehicle- means a unit of equipment that is used primarily either to support maintenance and repair work for a public transportation system or for delivery of materials, equipment, or tools. Sponsor- means a State, a designated recipient, or a direct recipient that develops a group TAM for at least one tier II provider. State of good repair (SGR)- means the condition in which a capital asset is able to operate at a full level of performance. Subrecipient- means an entity that receives Federal transit grant funds indirectly through a State or a direct recipient. TERM scale- means the five (5) category rating system used in the Federal Transit Administration's Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) to describe the condition of an asset: 5.0 - Excellent, 4.0 - Good; 3.0 - Adequate, 2.0 - Marginal, and 1.0 - Poor. Tier I provider- means a recipient that owns, operates, or manages either (1) one hundred and one (101) or more vehicles in revenue service during peak regular service across all fixed route modes or in any one non-fixed route mode, or (2) rail transit. Tier II- provider means a recipient that owns, operates, or manages (1) one hundred (100) or fewer vehicles in revenue service during peak regular service across all non-rail fixed route modes or in any one non-fixed route mode, (2) a subrecipient under the 5311 Rural Area Formula Program, (3) or any American Indian tribe. Transit asset management (TAM)- means the strategic and systematic practice of procuring, operating, inspecting, maintaining, rehabilitating, and replacing transit capital assets to manage their performance, risks, and costs over their life cycles, for the purpose of providing safe, cost-effective, and reliable public transportation. Transit asset management (TAM) plan- means a plan that includes an inventory of capital assets, a condition assessment of inventoried assets, a decision support tool, and a prioritization of investments. Transit asset management (TAM) policy- means a transit provider's documented commitment to achieving and maintaining a state of good repair for all of its capital assets.

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The TAM policy defines the transit provider's TAM objectives and defines and assigns roles and responsibilities for meeting those objectives. Transit asset management (TAM) strategy- means the approach a transit provider takes to carry out its policy for TAM, including its objectives and performance targets. Transit asset management system- means a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining, and improving public transportation capital assets effectively, throughout the life cycles of those assets. Transit provider (provider)- means a recipient or subrecipient of Federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. chapter 53 that owns, operates, or manages capital assets used in providing public transportation. Useful life- means either the expected life cycle of a capital asset or the acceptable period of use in service determined by FTA. Useful life benchmark (ULB)- means the expected life cycle or the acceptable period of use in service for a capital asset, as determined by a transit provider, or the default benchmark provided by FTA.

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

ALARP - as low as reasonably practicable APTA - American Public Transportation Association AREMA - American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association ASP - agency safety plan CAP - corrective action plan CFR - Code of Federal Regulations CMP - configuration management plan CSO - chief safety officer EOP - emergency operations plan FAST - Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency FTA - Federal Transit Administration FTE - full time equivalent HMP - hazard management plan or program I&M - inspection and maintenance IFR - interim final rule IGA - intergovernmental agreement MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century N/A - not applicable NFPA - National Fire Protection Association NPRM - notice for proposed rulemaking NTD - National Transit Database NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board O&M - operations and maintenance OCS - overhead catenary or contact system ODOT - Ohio Department of Transportation ORC - Ohio Revised Code OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration OTAP – Ohio Technical Assistance Program PTASP - public transportation agency safety plan RFGPTS - rail fixed guideway public transportation system RFGS - rail fixed guideway system ROW - right of way RTA – regional transit authority RWP - right-of-way or roadway worker protection SA - safety assurance SEPP - security and emergency preparedness plan SGR - state of good repair SMS - safety management system SOP - standard operating procedure

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SRM - safety risk management SSCP - safety and security certification plan SSO - state safety oversight SSOA - state safety oversight agency SSOPS - state safety oversight program standard SSP - system security plan SSPP - system safety program plan TAM - transit asset management TAMPS – transit asset management program standard TASP - transit agency safety plan TMC - Traffic Management Center TOC - Tri-state Oversight Committee TSA - Transportation Security Administration TSO - Office of Safety and Oversight TTP - technical training plan U.S.C. - United States Code

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I. Introduction/Background This document serves as the Program Standard for the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transit Asset Management program. This ODOT program is required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and applies to transit agencies who receive federal funding for public transportation but are not direct recipients of FTA funding. The authorization for FTA’s and ODOT’s TAM programs was initially in 49 U.S.C. Section 5326 (Transit Asset Management). FTA published their transit asset management final rule, Transit Asset Management; National Transit Database; Final Rule, codified on July 26, 2016.

In 2012 as part of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), the FTA safety programs were changed with significantly higher expectations and responsibilities for safety oversight and safety performance for the FTA, states, and the transit agencies (for all modes) authorized as 49 U.S.C. Section 5329, shown in Appendix A. The new FTA safety programs are in the process of being developed to follow a transit-specific safety management system (SMS) that will be the basis of these changes to the transit safety programs.

Safety Management Systems: Getting Ready, https://www.transit.dot.gov/oversight-policy-areas/safety-management-systems-getting-ready

The MAP-21 version of FTA’s safety programs currently include the following activities and rulemakings:

Safety Certification Training Program – this program requires safety-related training for specific FTA, SSO, and RTA staff responsible for safety and oversight. Currently, this program is in regulation as an Interim Final Rule (IFR) and a notice for proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that is in process for a Final Rule as 49 CFR Part 672, went into effect July 19, 2018.

National Safety Plan – A proposed National Public Transportation Safety Plan was released by FTA in the Federal Register in February 2016, and introduces the use of the transit-specific SMS framework, safety performance management, and concepts of managing risks and assuring safety performance at transit agencies that are proactive and based on SMS. This plan has also introduced the FTA’s intended requirements for safety performance criteria that the transit agencies will be required to base their safety performance measures and targets on for improvements documented in their Agency Safety Plans.

Agency Safety Plan – the FTA intends to require the use of the transit-specific SMS framework through the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan, which has been released in NPRM in February 2016. As of the completion of this SSOPS, the Final Rule to be 49 CFR Part 673 was published on July 19, 2018. The rule is effective on that date.

Public Transportation Safety Program – the FTA has completed rulemaking that establishes their procedural rules for administration of the comprehensive safety program to improve safety at transit agencies and states, published as a Final Rule in August 2016 as 49 CFR Part 670. This includes their authority to take over audits and inspections for an SSOA, such as the Tri-state Oversight Committee (TOC) and their safety oversight of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

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Transit Asset Management – the FTA has completed rulemaking in July 2016 for their Transit Asset Management (TAM) processes that include state of good repair (SGR) and data collection, prioritization, and data delivery to the National Transit Database (NTD). The TAM final rule is 49 CFR Part 625 and changes made for TAM in the NTD requirements are in final rule as 49 CFR Part 630.

State Safety Oversight – the FTA has completed rulemaking in March 2016 for a new SSO regulation as 49 CFR Part 674 based on 49 U.S.C. Section 5329 instead of Section 5330. This new regulation for SSO went into effect on April 15, 2016 and states have three years to complete development and have approval from FTA through a certification process for their Part 674 compliant SSO program. After this three-year period, the current SSO regulation, 49 CFR Part 659, will be repealed along with its authorization, Section 5330.

This version of the ODOT Transit Asset Management Program Standard (TAMPS) is based mostly on 49 CFR Part 625 and 630 in anticipation of beginning reporting as early as October 2017. However, the requirement for agency reporting does not apply until October 1, 2018.

FTA’s authorization for the above safety program activities was further modified by new surface transportation legislation, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. Some clarifications and modifications were made by Congress based on experience from the multiple rulemakings and comments received from the transit industry. In addition, the FAST Act introduced a new activity for FTA to address development of appropriate and required minimum safety standards for the transit industry, for those areas where other Federal standards do not already apply. FTA has started this process by including it in the National Safety Plan and through a Transit Safety Standards Compendium available at https://www.transit.dot.gov/regulations-and-guidance/safety/transit-safety-standards.

1.1 Transition to the New TAM Rule (Parts 625 and 630) The new TAM rule was authorized in 49 U.S.C. 5326. This part applies to all recipients and subrecipients of Federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 that own, operate, or manage capital assets used for providing public transportation.

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The Transit Asset Management Plan (TAMP) developed by the ODOT Office of Transit outlines the methods by which the office maintains compliance with data collection, evaluation, and submission of transit asset data. Development of the Plan involves federal compliance, along with public and agency input, to develop a Plan that is efficient, effective, and sustainable for the transit industry in the state of Ohio, keeping in mind the administrative burden on the already strained transit agencies under its jurisdiction. The state plan, for those eligible, does not involve nonessential information as deemed by the ODOT Office of Transit to maintain its compliance.

Subpart A - General Provisions

§ 625.1 Purpose.

This part carries out the mandate of 49 U.S.C. 5326 for transit asset management. This part establishes a

National Transit Asset Management (TAM) System to monitor and manage public transportation capital assets to enhance safety, reduce maintenance costs, increase reliability, and improve performance.

§ 625.3 Applicability.

This part applies to all recipients and sub recipients of Federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 that own, operate, or manage capital assets used for providing public transportation.

§ 625.5 Definitions.

All terms defined in 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 are incorporated into this part by reference. See definitions

section in this TAMPS

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1.2 Organization of this Program Standard While not required by federal regulation, this Program Standard will serve to summarize all the requirements, processes, and procedures affiliated with the ODOT Transit Asset Management Program. The components of this Transit Asset Management Program Standard can include:

• Programmatic Rules • Responsibilities of State and Agency • Appendices • Procedures • Other documents as required

Subpart B - National Transit Asset Management System

§ 625.15 Elements of the National Transit Asset Management System.

The National TAM System includes the following elements:

(a) The definition of state of good repair, which includes objective standards for measuring the condition

of capital assets, in accordance with subpart D of this part;

(b) Performance measures for capital assets and a requirement that a provider and a group TAM plan

sponsor establish performance targets for improving the condition of capital assets, in accordance with

subpart D of this part;

(c) A requirement that a provider develop and carry out a TAM plan, in accordance with subpart C of this part,

(d) Reporting requirements in accordance with subpart E of this part; and

(e) Analytical processes and decision support tools developed or recommended by FTA.

§ 625.17 State of good repair principles.

(a) A capital asset is in a state of good repair if it is in a condition sufficient for the asset to operate at a full level of performance. In determining whether a capital asset is in a state of good repair, a provider must

consider the state of good repair standards under subpart D of this part.

(b) An individual capital asset may operate at a full level of performance regardless of whether or not other

capital assets within a public transportation system are in a state of good repair.

(c) A provider's Accountable Executive must balance transit asset management, safety, day-to-day

operations, and expansion needs in approving and carrying out a TAM plan and a public transportation agency safety plan.

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II. Requirements of the New State Safety Oversight Program

Subpart C - Transit Asset Management Plans

§ 625.25 Transit Asset Management Plan requirements.


(1) Each tier I provider must develop and carry out a TAM plan that includes each element under paragraph

(b) of this section.

(2) Each tier II provider must develop its own TAM plan or participate in a group TAM plan. A tier II

provider's TAM plan and a group TAM plan only must include elements under paragraphs (b)(1) through

(4) of this section.

(3) A provider's Accountable Executive is ultimately responsible for ensuring that a TAM plan is developed and carried out in accordance with this part.

(b)Transit asset management plan elements. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, a TAM

plan must include the following elements:

(1) An inventory of the number and type of capital assets. The inventory must include all capital assets that

a provider owns, except equipment with an acquisition value under $50,000 that is not a service vehicle.

An inventory also must include third-party owned or jointly procured exclusive-use maintenance facilities, passenger station facilities, administrative facilities, rolling stock, and guideway infrastructure used by a

provider in the provision of public transportation. The asset inventory must be organized at a level of detail

commensurate with the level of detail in the provider's program of capital projects;

(2) A condition assessment of those inventoried assets for which a provider has direct capital

responsibility. A condition assessment must generate information in a level of detail sufficient to monitor and predict the performance of the assets and to inform the investment prioritization;

(3) A description of analytical processes or decision-support tools that a provider uses to estimate capital

investment needs over time and develop its investment prioritization;

(4) A provider's project-based prioritization of investments, developed in accordance with § 625.33 of this


(5) A provider's TAM and SGR policy;

(6) A provider's TAM plan implementation strategy;

(7) A description of key TAM activities that a provider intends to engage in over the TAM plan horizon


(8) A summary or list of the resources, including personnel, that a provider needs to develop and carry out the TAM plan; and

(9) An outline of how a provider will monitor, update, and evaluate, as needed, its TAM plan and related

business practices, to ensure the continuous improvement of its TAM practices.

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§ 625.27 Group plans for transit asset management.

(a)Responsibilities of a group TAM plan sponsor.

(1) A sponsor must develop a group TAM plan for its tier II provider subrecipients, except those

subrecipients that are also direct recipients under the 49 U.S.C. 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grant

Program. The group TAM plan must include a list of those subrecipients that are participating in the plan.

(2) A sponsor must comply with the requirements of this part for a TAM plan when developing a group

TAM plan.

(3) A sponsor must coordinate the development of a group TAM plan with each participant's Accountable Executive.

(4) A sponsor must make the completed group TAM plan available to all participants in a format that is

easily accessible.

(b)Responsibilities of a group TAM plan participant.

(1) A tier II provider may participate in only one group TAM plan.

(2) A tier II provider must provide written notification to a sponsor if it chooses to opt-out of a group TAM

plan. A provider that opts-out of a group TAM plan must either develop its own TAM plan or participate in

another sponsor's group TAM plan.

(3) A participant must provide a sponsor with any information that is necessary and relevant to the development of a group TAM plan

§ 625.29 Transit asset management plan: horizon period, amendments, and updates.

(a)Horizon period. A TAM plan must cover a horizon period of at least four (4) years.

(b)Amendments. A provider may update its TAM plan at any time during the TAM plan horizon period. A provider should amend its TAM plan whenever there is a significant change to the asset inventory,

condition assessments, or investment prioritization that the provider did not reasonably anticipate during

the development of the TAM plan.

(c)Updates. A provider must update its entire TAM plan at least once every four (4) years. A provider's TAM plan update should coincide with the planning cycle for the relevant Transportation Improvement

Program or Statewide Transportation Improvement Program.

§ 625.31 Implementation deadline.

(a) A provider's initial TAM plan must be completed no later than two years after October 1, 2016.

(b) A provider may submit in writing to FTA a request to extend the implementation deadline. FTA must

receive an extension request before the implementation deadline and will consider all requests on a case-

by-case basis.

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The Ohio Department of Transportation is required by regulation to develop a Transit Asset Management Group Plan for the 5311 Rural Transit systems as well as the 5310 Specialized Transportation Systems that provide public transportation (as defined by Appendix C) and are not covered by a plan provided by an MPO/RTPO. With the development of this Group Plan the Ohio Department of Transportation will establish via BlackCat (the grants reporting tool currently being used by ODOT) its Projected Performance Targets for the optional coming year. This Group Plan (Appendix D) must be developed and certified by October 1, 2018 so that official NTD reporting can start with the April 2019 submission to NTD. With the implementation of this Plan, each Transit Agency that falls under its coverage will be required to name an Accountable Executive. The Accountable Executive is the person ultimately responsible for making sure this reporting to NTD/BlackCat is complete and accurate. The Accountable Executive will be required to submit certification each year that the information contained therein is accurate to the best of their knowledge. The Group Plan will use the data provided to establish an investment prioritization plan (described above) that is consistent with its plan goals and objectives throughout the horizon period of the Plan. In the case of the ODOT, it is the intent of the program to update the Plan and Program Standard every two years with the update of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

§ 625.33 Investment prioritization.

(a) A TAM plan must include an investment prioritization that identifies a provider's programs and projects to improve or manage over the TAM plan horizon period the state of good repair of capital assets for which

the provider has direct capital responsibility.

(b) A provider must rank projects to improve or manage the state of good repair of capital assets in order

of priority and anticipated project year.

(c) A provider's project rankings must be consistent with its TAM policy and strategies.

(d) When developing an investment prioritization, a provider must give due consideration to those state of

good repair projects to improve that pose an identified unacceptable safety risk when developing its investment prioritization.

(e) When developing an investment prioritization, a provider must take into consideration its estimation of funding levels from all available sources that it reasonably expects will be available in each fiscal year

during the TAM plan horizon period.

(f) When developing its investment prioritization, a provider must take into consideration requirements

under 49 CFR 37.161 and 37.163 concerning maintenance of accessible features and the requirements under 49 CFR 37.43 concerning alteration of transportation facilities.

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Subpart D - Performance Management

§ 625.41 Standards for measuring the condition of capital assets. A capital asset is in a state of good repair if it meets the following objective standards -

(a) The capital asset is able to perform its designed function;

(b) The use of the asset in its current condition does not pose an identified unacceptable safety risk; and

(c) The life-cycle investment needs of the asset have been met or recovered, including all scheduled

maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacements.

§ 625.43 SGR performance measures for capital assets.

(a)Equipment: (non-revenue) service vehicles. The performance measure for non-revenue, support-service

and maintenance vehicles equipment is the percentage of those vehicles that have either met or exceeded their ULB.

(b)Rolling stock. The performance measure for rolling stock is the percentage of revenue vehicles within a particular asset class that have either met or exceeded their ULB.

(c)Infrastructure: rail fixed-guideway, track, signals, and systems. The performance measure for rail fixed-

guideway, track, signals, and systems is the percentage of track segments with performance restrictions.

(d)Facilities. The performance measure for facilities is the percentage of facilities within an asset class,

rated below condition 3 on the TERM scale.

§ 625.45 Setting performance targets for capital assets.


(1) A provider must set one or more performance targets for each applicable performance measure.

(2) A provider must set a performance target based on realistic expectations, and both the most recent data

available and the financial resources from all sources that the provider reasonably expects will be available during the TAM plan horizon period.

(b)Timeline for target setting.

(1) Within three months after the effective date of this part, a provider must set performance targets for the following fiscal year for each asset class included in its TAM plan.

(2) At least once every fiscal year after initial targets are set, a provider must set performance targets for

the following fiscal year.

(c)Role of the accountable executive. A provider's Accountable Executive must approve each annual

performance target.

(d)Setting performance targets for group plan participants.

(1) A Sponsor must set one or more unified performance targets for each asset class reflected in the group

TAM plan in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) of this section.

(2) To the extent practicable, a Sponsor must coordinate its unified performance targets with each participant's Accountable Executive.

(e)Coordination with metropolitan, statewide and non-metropolitan planning processes. To the maximum

extent practicable, a provider and Sponsor must coordinate with States and Metropolitan Planning

Organizations in the selection of State and Metropolitan Planning Organization performance targets.

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2.1 Performance Measures- The Group Plan will show that the State of Good Repair performance measure is:

• Equipment- (non-revenue) service vehicles. The performance measure for non-revenue, support-service and maintenance vehicles equipment is the percentage of those vehicles that have either met or exceeded their ULB.

• Rolling Stock Revenue Vehicles- The performance measure for rolling stock is the percentage of revenue vehicles within a particular asset class that have either met or exceeded their ULB.

• Facilities- The performance measure for facilities is the percentage of facilities within an asset class, rated below condition 3 on the TERM scale (Appendix E).

2.2 Recordkeeping- Each Transit Agency that falls under a Group Plan is required to provide all necessary documentation to the Sponsor of the plan in order to maintain compliance with Federal Regulation. Each provider is also required to submit a brief narrative describing changes in the Agency from the previous year that may be relevant to the State of Good Repair.

The Plan Sponsor will submit one consolidated narrative and one annual report to the National Transit Database on behalf of all of the participants covered under the Plan.

Subpart E – Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for Transit

Asset Management

§ 625.53 Recordkeeping for transit asset management.

(a) At all times, each provider must maintain records and documents that support, and set forth in full, its

TAM plan.

(b) A provider must make its TAM plan, any supporting records or documents performance targets,

investment strategies, and the annual condition assessment report available to a State and Metropolitan

Planning Organization that provides funding to the provider to aid in the planning process.

§ 625.55 Annual reporting for transit asset management.

(a) Each provider must submit the following reports:

(1) An annual data report to FTA's National Transit Database that reflects the SGR performance targets for

the following year and condition information for the provider's public transportation system.

(2) An annual narrative report to the National Transit Database that provides a description of any change in the condition of the provider's transit system from the previous year and describes the progress made

during the year to meet the performance targets set in the previous reporting year.

(b) A Sponsor must submit one consolidated annual data report and one consolidated annual narrative

report, as described in paragraph (a)(1) and (2) of this section, to the National Transit Database on behalf

of its participants.

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2.3 Transit Providers The state of Ohio serves as the administrator and recipient of 5310 and 5311 funds for rural and small urban transit agencies and social service agencies that provide public transportation (open-door service). The agencies provide demand response, flex route, and fixed route service. All 35 rural transit providers are subrecipients of FTA Section 5311 funding, and are eligible to be Tier II agencies under the TAM rules; in addition, 62 5310 agencies provide “open-door” service and also eligible to be part of the TAM Group Plan as Tier II agencies. The agencies included in ODOT’s Group TAM plan are located in rural and small urban areas of the state and are not included in this map. The rural transit systems and their coverage areas are in Figure 1 and Tables 1 and 2.

Figure 1: Rural and Non-Countywide 5311 (General Public) Transit Provider Map

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Table 1: Rural and Small Urban 5311 (General Public) Transit Providers

Agency Name Service Hours Area Served

Ashland Public Transit6:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday—Friday

8:00 AM – 9:00 PM SaturdayAshland County

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Saturday Ashtabula County

Athens Public Transit7:00 AM – 10:00 PM Monday—Friday

8:45 AM – 5:45 PM SaturdayCity of Athens

Bowling Green Transit6:00 AM – 8:00 PM Monday—Friday

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM SaturdayCity of Bowling Green

Carroll County Transit 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Carroll County

Champaign Transit System 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM Monday—Friday Champaign County

Chillicothe Transit System6:00 AM – 10:00 PM Monday—Friday

10:00 AM – 6:00 PM SaturdayCity of Chillicothe

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural

Transit System (CARTS)

5:30 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM SaturdayColumbiana County

Fayette County Transportation Program 5:00 AM – 12:00 AM Monday—Saturday Fayette County

Geauga County Transit 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM Monday—Friday Geauga County

Greenville Transit System

6:00 AM – 7:00 PM Monday—Friday

8:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday

8:00 AM – 1:00 PM Sunday

City of Greenville

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS)7:15 AM – 9:45 PM Monday—Friday

7:15 AM – 4:45 PM SaturdayHancock County

Hocking, Athens, Perry Community Action

Partnership8:00 AM – 7:30 PM Monday—Friday Athens County

Harrison County Public Transit 5:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Friday Harrison County

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc.6:00 AM – 11:00 PM Monday—Saturday

7:00 AM – 4:00 PM SundayTuscarawas County

Huron County Transit 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Monday—Friday Huron County

Knox Area Transit6:00 AM – 7:00 PM Monday—Friday

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM SaturdayKnox County

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday

7:00 AM – 5:00 PM SaturdayFairfield County

Logan Public Transit System 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Friday

City of Logan; Green and Falls

Townships (Hocking County); Villages

of Rockbridge, Haydenville, Union

Furnace, and Carbon Hill;

Marion Area Transit (MAT) 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday City of Marion

Monroe County Public Transportation 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday—Friday Monroe County

Morgan County Public Transit 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Friday Morgan County

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) 6:00 AM – 11:00 PM Monday—Sunday Ottawa County

Perry County Transit (PCT)

6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday

6:00 AM – 9:00 PM Wednesday

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday

Perry County

Pickaway Area Rural Transit 6:00 AM – 1:20 AM Monday—Sunday Monroe County

Pike County/Community Action Transit System


7:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Friday

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM SaturdayPike County

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County

(TLC)7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Monday—Friday Logan County

Sandusky Transit System 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM Monday—SaturdayCity of Sandusky and Perkins

Township (Erie County)

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Scioto County

South East Area Transit (SEAT) 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—FridayGuernsey County and Muskigum


Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday—Friday Crawford and Seneca County

Shelby Public Transit 5:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday—Friday Shelby County

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines


7:00 AM – 4:45 PM Monday—Friday

8:00 AM – 12:00 PM Saturday

City of Marietta and Villages of

Belpre City, Macksburg, and


Wilmington Transit System6:30 AM – 7:30 PM Monday—Friday

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Saturday,SundayCity of Wilmington

WSOS Community Action Commission5:00 AM – 7:00 PM Monday—Friday

5:00 AM – 12:00 PM SaturdaySandusky County

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Table 2: 5310 Open Door Transit Providers

Agency Name Location Riders or Types of Rides Allowed Ability Works Sandusky Developmentally Disabled

Adams Brown Counties Economic Opportunities Georgetown Seniors Medicare and Medicaid Eligible

Adams County Senior Citizens Council West Union 60 and over; Disabled

Allen County Council on Aging Lima Seniors

Allen County RTA Lima ADA Eligible

Ashtabula County Council on Aging Ashtabula Seniors

Auglaize County Council on Aging St Marys 60 and over

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners

St Clairsville Developmentally disabled

Brown County Senior Citizens Council Georgetown Seniors

Canal Winchester Human Services Winchester 60 and over

Catholic Social Services Portsmouth, Zanesville Seniors

Community Action Committee of Pike County Waverly ADA Eligible

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Coshocton Residents who are affiliated with local social service agencies, senior citizens who have medical needs

Country Neighbor Program Orwell 60 and over

Delphos Senior Citizens Delphos Seniors

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy Lancaster Adults with disabilities

Fayette County Commission on Aging Washington Court House 60 and over

FRS Transportation/FRS Counseling Hillsboro Seniors, disabled, general population

Gallia County Council on Aging Gallipolis Seniors

Geneva Senior Center Geneva 60 and over

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center Cambridge 60 and over

Hands of Grace Faith in Action Delta Seniors

HAPCAP/Athens On Demand Transit Athens ADA eligible

Hardin County Council on Aging Kenton Seniors

Henry County Transportation Napoleon 60 and over

Highland County Community Action Hillsboro 60 and over

Horizons of Tuscarawas and Carroll Counties Dover ADA eligible

Jackson County Board on Aging Jackson Seniors

Jackson-Vinton Community Action Wellston Seniors, 60 and over, Disabled

Jeffco Workshop Steubenville Developmentally Disabled

Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland - Coshocton Senior Center Coshocton Seniors

Licking County Aging Program Newark Seniors

Logan Public Transit, Hocking County Logan ADA eligible

Lucy Idol Center Vermilion Adults with disabilities

Madison County Board of DD London Developmentally Disabled

Mercer County Council on Aging Celina 60 and over

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries Chesterland Developmentally disabled

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Mt Gilead Seniors

Morrow County Transportation Collaborative Cardington Seniors, disabled, general population

O'Neill Senior Center Marietta 60 and over

Our Lady of the Wayside Avon Developmentally disabled

Preble County Council on Aging Eaton 60 and over

Putnam County Council on Aging Ottawa 60 and over

RHDD Athens, Cambridge, Coshocton, Marietta,


Adults with disabilities

Seneca County Commission On Aging Tiffin 60 and over

Senior Enrichment Services Norwalk 60 and over

Serving Our Seniors Sandusky ADA eligible

Society for Equal Access New Philadelphia Those taking a medical appointment trip

The Mary Mcleod Bethune Center Mansfield ADA eligible

TRI STATE HEALTH Stubenville ADA eligible

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging Dover 60 and over

Union County Area Transportation Service (UCATS) Marysville Elderly and adults with disabilities referred by a social service agency

United Senior Services Springfield 60 and over

Van Wert County Council on Aging Van Wert Seniors

Vinton County Senior Citizens McArthur 60 and over

Deardoff Senior Citizens Center Franklin 60 and over

Wellington Senior Citizens Bus Association Wellington 60 and over

West Ohio Community Action Partnership Lima Medical, social services, and employment related services

Wilmington Transit System Wilmington ADA eligible

Children's Resource Center Bowling Green ADA eligible

Woodland Centers Gallipolis Behavioral and mental health clients

Wyandot County Council on Aging Upper Sandusky Senior citizens

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3.1 Data Collection The TAM final regulations require the transit provider to assess all assets for which they have direct capital responsibility, including those that are owned by someone else but for which they have at least partial direct capital responsibility. The four categories of assets to be included are rolling stock, equipment, facilities, and infrastructure. The TAM Plan is to have an inventory of all capital assets in each category that the transit provider owns, operates, or manages. It is up to ODOT to determine what should be included in the asset inventory, how the inventory should be organized, and the critical information that is needed to manage the items in the asset inventory over their lifecycle. For the ODOT Group TAM Plan there is no infrastructure to report.

3.2 Rolling Stock For the purposes of this Plan, rolling stock is considered to be revenue service vehicles used for the transport of passengers. As part of the data collection process, each transit provider submitted their rolling stock and service vehicles to ODOT via BlackCat. The following information was requested by ODOT:

Agency Name Asset Class

Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year

Manufacturer ODOT Funding

Lien Holder Funding Program

Current Mileage Replacement Cost

Vehicle Type


The total rolling stock vehicles by asset type is listed below. Asset types are prescribed by the FTA in the NTD reporting.

• Auto (AO): 20

• Bus (BU): 22

• Cutaway (CU): 510

• Minvans (MV):454

• Vans (VN): 117

3.3 Facilities Agencies are required to report the overall condition of all facilities for which they have direct or shared capital responsibility. A single facility is defined as one building. The TAM final rule established performance measures to be reported to the NTD Asset Inventory Module (AIM) at 49 CFR part 625, Subpart D - Performance Management. The TAM Facility Performance Measure Reporting Guidebook (Version 1.2 March 2018) outlines the calculation of the Facility Condition Assessment for reporting to the NTD. Facility condition assessments must be conducted by assessing the condition of and assigning a rating for facility assets using FTA's TERM scale shown in Section 5.1 below. The 2017 AIM Manual identifies all facility types that will be reported to the NTD. Each of these facility types and any other building where transit administrative, maintenance, or

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operations functions are conducted should be considered an independent facility even when it is adjacent to or on the same property as another building. Table 3 shows all of the subrecipient facilities in the state.

Table 3: Subrecipient Facilities

There are two overarching groups of facilities: 1) Administrative and Maintenance and 2) Passenger and Parking. Transit agencies submit condition assessments for each facility which will be aggregated to calculate the facility condition performance measure metric. Agencies must submit one performance measure metric and one target for administrative and maintenance facilities and one metric and target for passenger and parking facilities. Before performing an assessment, the agency must identify the type of facility it needs to perform a condition rating on as follows:

Administrative and Maintenance Facilities • Management and supporting activities for transit operations • Facilities for customer information or ticket sales • Facilities where routine or heavy maintenance and repairs are done

Passenger and Parking Facilities

• All passenger stations that are significant enclosed structures used for items such as ticketing, information, restrooms and concessions. Bus stop shelters are not considered to be passenger stations.

• Parking facilities including park & ride lots and parking garages that are immediately adjacent to passenger facilities.

There are a total of 26 transit facilities utilized for operations and administration of public transit services by the transit provides in the State (see Appendix C). Only facilities where the transit provider has direct capital responsibility need to go through a condition assessment and be included in the TAM Plan. ODOT decided to perform a condition assessment of at least 25% of the facilities per year for the next four years (i.e. the time period of this TAM Plan). This meant that eight facilities would be assessed in the first year of the TAM Plan (2018).

Subrecipient Address UseAthens Public Transit 397 West State Street, Athens, OH 45701 Administration/Maintenance/Operations Facility

Carroll County Transit 2205 Commerce Drive, Carrollton, OH 44615 Administration/Maintenance Facility

Champaign Transit System 308 Miami Street, Urbana, OH 43078 Vehicle Storage Facility

Chillicothe Transit System 575 East 7th Street, Chillicothe, OH 45601 Administration/Maintenance/Operations Facility

Columbiana County/ Community Action Rural Transit System 202 1/2 Jackson Street, Lisbon, OH 44432 Operations/Vehicle Storage/Maintenance Facility

Geauga County Transit 12555 Merritt Road, Chardon, OH 44024 Operations/Vehicle Storage/Maintenance Facility

Greenville Transit System 1425 Kitchen Aid Way, Greenville, OH 45331 Admin/Operations/Vehicle Storage Facility

Harrison County Public Transit 536 North Main Street, Cadiz, OH 43907 Administration/Maintenance/Vehicle Storage Facility

Knox Area Transit 25 Columbus Road, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Administration/Maintenance/Operations Facility

Lancaster - Fairfield Public Transit System 746 Lawrence Street, Lancaster, OH 43130 Administration/Maintenance Facility

Marion Area Transit 137 South State Street, Marion, OH 43302 Administration/Operations Facility

Morgan County Public Transit 37 South 5th Street, McConnelsville, OH 43756 Operations/Vehicle Storage Facility

Ottawa County Transportation Agency 275 North Toussaint South Road, Oak Harbor, OH 43449 Admin/Operations/Veh Storage/Maintenance Facility

Pike County/ Community Action Transit System 508 Howard Street, Waverly, OH 45690 Operations Facility

RTC Industries, Inc. 315 West Auburn Avenue, Bellefontaine, OH 43311 Operations/Vehicle Storage/Maintenance Facility

Sandusky Transit System 1230-40 North Depot Street, Sandusky, OH 44870 Admin/Operations/Veh Storage/Maintenance Facility

Scioto County/ Access Scioto County 601 8th Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662 Operations Facility

SEAT 375 Fairbanks Street, Zanesville, OH 43701 Administration/Maintenance Facility

SEAT 224 Main Street, Zanesville, OH 43701 Operations Facility

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation 3446 South Township Road 151, Tiffin, OH, 44883 Administration/Vehicle Storage Facility

Shelby Public Transit 413 South Vandemark Road, Sidney, OH 45365 Administration/Vehicle Storage Facility

Wilmington Transit System 260 Charles Street, Wilmington, OH 45177 Admin/Operations/Vehicle Storage/Maintenance Facility

WSOS Community Action Commission, Inc. 2317 Countryside Drive, Fremont, OH 43420 Operations Facility

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3.4 Equipment Equipment assets, including non-revenue service vehicles used for transportation purposes (e.g. supervisor vehicles) are included as equipment assets and need to be in the TAM Plan inventory and condition assessment. Equipment with an acquisition value between $10,000 and $50,000 may be considered part of an administrative or maintenance facility. If equipment is valued at $50,000 or more, or is a piece of equipment that is movable and can be taken to a different location, it needs to be inventoried separately. If the equipment is physically attached to the facility even if valued over $50,000, (e.g. a bus washer) it is considered as part of the facility and is included in the facility condition assessment.

Transit providers were asked to provide the same information on the non-revenue service vehicles as they had for rolling stock. There are 13 non-revenue service vehicles and two pieces of equipment that are part of the condition assessment for the TAM Plan.


4.1 Revenue Vehicles ODOT has determined that the decision support tool for the revenue vehicles is the FTA recommended useful life for each vehicle type. The recommended useful life for each vehicle type is listed below:

• Auto (AO): 8 years • Bus (BU): 14 years • Cutaway (CU): 10 years • Minivan (MV): 8 years • Van (VN): 8 years

For revenue vehicles, non-revenue vehicles, and equipment, it was assumed that the vehicle was put into service an exact number of years previous to the day the calculation was made. In order to determine an investment strategy, the percentage of years beyond useful life was used to get a condition rating using the TERM Scale. The TERM Scale for vehicles is based on the FTA’s Useful Life Benchmark. As the vehicle journeys through its useful life, its TERM rating declines as a greater percentage of its useful life is used up. The percentage of a vehicle’s useful life used up and the equivalent TERM rating is listed below:

1. 150% and above useful life used up

2. 100 to 149% percent

3. 99 to 50% percent

4. 49 to 26% percent

5. 25% percent and below

4.2 Equipment and Non-Revenue Vehicles ODOT has determined that the decision support tool for equipment and non-revenue vehicles is the state’s recommended useful life for each vehicle and equipment type. The recommended useful life is shorter than FTA’s standard:

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• Equipment (Mobile Vehicle Lifts): 14 years • Equipment (Generator): 10 years • Non-Revenue Vehicles (NRV): 10 years

4.3 Facilities ODOT chose to assess each facility by their individual aspects (secondary level assessments) and then those assessments were added up and averaged to determine the overall condition of the primary level asset. Instead of weighting every secondary level equally, ODOT weighted them by criticality of operation. Hence, the water supply, energy supply, and the heating/cooling generation and distribution systems secondary levels applied a weight of two (2), multiplying the rating of these secondary levels by two. The agency felt that these three secondary levels were the most important to the functioning of the transit operation (see Appendix C for the complete rating sheets).

V. ASSET CONDITION ASSESSMENT ODOT has adopted the following FTA Useful Life Benchmarks (ULBs):

Table 4: ODOT Tier II Subrecipient Useful Life Benchmarks (ULB)

Revenue Vehicles

ODOT Asset Classes ULB FTA NTD Asset Class Type ODOT ULB

AO 4 AO Automobile 8

AV 5 8

BSV 5 8

CV 5 8

B30-HD 14 14

B30-LD 14 14

B30-MD 14 14

B35-HD 14 14

B35-MD 14 14

B40-HD 14 14

B45-HD 14 14

B60-HD 14 14

LTN 5 10

LTV 6 10

LTV-FS 10 10

LTV-HC 10 10

LTV-N 10 10

LTV-S 10 10

MMV 5 8

MV-1 8 8

SMV 5 8

SV 8 SV Sport Utility Vehicle 8




Cutaway BusCU


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5.1 Performance Targets and Measures ODOT has set the following performance targets based on FTA default targets for revenue vehicles, equipment and facilities.

Revenue Vehicles

Type ULB Notes

Software 5

Generator 10

Vehicle Lift 14 ODOT Garage Equipment category

Non-Revenue Vehicle 10 ODOT Garage Equipment category

Type TERM Condition Notes

Passenger 3

Passenger Parking 3

Maintenance 3

Administrative 3

*Must be 3+ on the TERM Condition Scale

Asset Class Asset Class Performance Performance

(NTD) (ODOT) Target Measure


Heavy Duty Bus (B30-HD,

B35-HD, B40-HD, B45-HD,

B60-HD); Medium Duty Bus

(B30-MD, B35-MD); Light

Duty Bus (B30-LD)

21% older than 14 years 0%


HC, LTV-N, LTV-S2% older than 10 years 8%

Accessible Vans (AV);

(BSV); Converted Vans (CV);

Modified Mini Van (MMV);

(MV-1); Mini Vans (SMV)

Van 10% older than 8 years 23%

Automobile Automobile (AO) 30% older than 8 years 20%

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According to the chart above, ODOT is not meeting its performance target with Cutaway Buses or Vans (see Appendix B for a complete list of vehicles).

Equipment (Non-Revenue Vehicles)


ODOT assessed the facility and vehicle conditions by using the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) scale. The TERM scale is a five point numerical scale (1–5) with 5 being the highest rating and 1 being the lowest rating.

Rating Condition Description

5 Excellent No visible defects, new or near new condition, may still be under warranty if applicable

4 Good Good condition, but no longer new, may be slightly defective or deteriorated, but is overall functional

3 Adequate Moderately deteriorated or defective; but has not exceeded useful life

2 Marginal Defective or deteriorated in need of replacement; exceeded useful life

ODOT assessed 31 percent of the 26 facilities that ODOT has capital responsibility for. For the current TAM Plan, eight facilities were assessed (see Section 5.2 for a complete list of facilities assessed).

Asset Class Asset Class Performance Performance

(NTD) (ODOT) Target Measure

Non-Revenue Vehicle Service Vehicle 100% less than 10 years old 36%

Equipment Mobile Vehicle Lift 100% less than 14 years old 100%

Equipment Generator 100% less than 10 years old 100%

Asset Class Performance Performance

(NTD) Target Measure

Passenger Facilities 0% below a 3 0%

Maintenance Facilities 22% below a 3 16%

Administrative Facilities 38% below a 3 16%

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5.2 Asset Condition Results Figure 2: Vehicle TERM Ratings

As Figure 2 indicates, seventeen (17) percent of all vehicles in the Group TAM Plan are below a three (3). On the other end of the scale, 48 percent of all vehicles are in either good or excellent condition.

Figure 3 breaks the condition rating down by asset type. As shown, all buses in revenue service are at a three or above. The majority of the cutaway vehicles are also in good or excellent conditon. Forty two (42) percent of the full-sized van inventory are in marginal (2) or poor (1) condition.

Figure 3: Revenue Vehicles Below a Three





Excellent (5)

Good (4)

Adequate (3)

Marginal (2)

Poor (1)

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The condition of equipment is shown in Figure 4. There is no equipment listed below a three. Fifty-four percent of the non-revenue vehicles are in marginal or poor condition.

Figure 4: Equipment Below a Three


The condition rating for all of the facilities rated in FY2018 is listed in Table 5.

Table 5: Facility Condition Ratings

The TLC facility located in Bellefontaine, Ohio has the lowest condition rating of all that were assessed. The main office and vehicle storage facilities were flooded by three feet of water a year ago. In the case of the vehicle storage building, the flooding rendered much of the electricity, phones, and plumbing in poor condition. For the main office and garage, although the substructure, HVAC, and equipment primary levels rate as good (4) (bringing up the average facility rating to adequate (3)) the administrative part of the building is largely unusable, with poor plumbing and interior ratings.

Agency Facility Name Location Type Rating

Carroll County Transit Main Office and Garage Carrollton Administrative and Maintenance 4

CARTS Main Office and Garage Lisbon Administrative and Maintenance 3

Knox Area Transit Knox Area Transit Office Mt Vernon Administrative and Maintenance 3

Marion Area Transit Marion County Transit Center Marion Administrative 4

Marion Area Transit Marion County Transit Center Marion Passenger Facility 4

Shelby Public Transit Main Office Sidney Administrative and Maintenance 4

Transportation for Logan County (TLC) Main Office and Garage Bellefontaine Administrative and Maintenance 3

Transportation for Logan County (TLC) Vehicle Storage Bellefontaine Maintenance 2



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For all facilities, fire protection is the most likely primary level to be rated lowest; the site the facility is situated on most likely to be rated highest.


6.1 Current Funding Level Trends The funding source that will be relied most-heavily on for replacement of vehicles is the FTA 5339 program. ODOT also receives and distributes FTA 5310 and 5311 funds, but that program is competitive; rural agencies apply for either expansion or replacement vehicles but compete with nonprofits for those funds. Table 6 indicates the funding estimates for FY2019 through FY2023.

Table 6: Funding Level Trends


FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 TOTAL

5310 $650,000 $650,000 $650,000 $650,000 $2,600,000

5311 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $1,000,000

5339 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $3,500,000 $14,000,000

Both 5311 and 5339 funds will be used for the rural public transit providers; 5310 funds will be made available for the open door 5310 providers.

6.2 Prioritized List of Investments Capital funds are awarded on a discretionary basis. ODOT requires agencies to submit a capital and operating plan every two years; all capital requests must be consistent with the plan. Capital projects are prioritized in the following order with 1 being high priority and 5 being low priority:

1. Vehicle Replacement;

2. Capitalized Maintenance;

3. Facility Renovation;

4. Vehicle Fleet Expansion;

5. New Facility Construction

The TERM scale will be used to determine investment priority. For the highest priority capital investment (vehicles replacement), ODOT will be using discretionary capital funding after first determining which vehicles are in the poorest condition (1 on the TERM scale) and then proceed to those determined to be in marginal (2) condition in order to reach their Performance Targets. ODOT will then further prioritize which poor and/or marginal vehicles need to be replaced first by adding two significant digits to the TERM rating. This will allow the oldest vehicles to be replaced first. The Group TAM Plan will identify the estimated annual funding for vehicles over the next five years based on past capital programs and provide a schedule for replacement. Note that the TAM Performance Targets and Measures will be updated every two years to align with ODOT’s STIP update.

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6.3 Capital Investment Scenarios Scenario 1: Using full amount of 5339 Funds and partial amounts of 5310 and 5311 funds

ODOT STIP has programmed $4,400,000 in 5310, 5311, 5339 funds for vehicle replacement in FY2019; in this scenario it is assumed that this amount will remain flat over the next four years and that vehicle replacement costs will remain similar.

For FY2019, this would allow ODOT to replace 27 of their vehicles rated “poor” on the TERM scale (75% of all poorly rated vehicles) and 59 vehicles rated “marginal” (36% of these vehicles) and twelve vehicles that are “adequate”. See Table 7 for a summary of vehicles to be replaced.

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Table 7: Scenario 1 Vehicle Replacement Schedule

In FY2020, another 85 vehicles (21 rated poor, 17 rated marginal, and 48 rated adequate) could be replaced.

Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Manufacturer Vehicle Year Start Date

Replacement Cost


Months in




Useful Life


% of

Useful Life

Used TERM Rating

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1F8HE31H2RH858806 Ford Motor Corporation 1994 1/1/1994 $39,021.40 295 -16.6 307% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBHE31H2RHB58806 Ford Motor Corporation 1994 1/1/1994 $39,021.40 295 -16.6 307% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 Ford Motor Corporation 1998 8/12/1998 $39,021.40 240 -12.0 250% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 Ford Motor Corporation 1998 8/12/1998 $39,021.40 240 -12.0 250% 1

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc AO 1Y1SK5283YZ400852 Chevorlet 2000 8/13/2000 $39,021.40 216 -10.0 225% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 2B4G44392R691847 Dodge 2002 8/13/2002 $39,021.40 192 -8.0 200% 1

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. AO 1FAFP58U82G169242 Ford Motor Corporation 2002 8/13/2002 $39,021.40 192 -8.0 200% 1

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action VN 2HKRL18662H590644 Mobility Ventures 2002 11/12/2002 $39,021.40 189 -7.8 197% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 1D4GP2434B285775 Dodge 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc VN 2FMZA51473BA87686 Ford Windstar 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MV 2C8GP44313R321494 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. VN 1FTNE24W24HA49838 Ford Motor Corporation 2004 5/17/2004 $39,021.40 170 -6.2 177% 1

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MV 2FMZA50684BB10560 Ford Motor Corporation 2004 8/13/2004 $39,021.40 168 -6.0 175% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV 1FMRE11W74HB48814 Ford EcoNoline 2004 8/13/2004 $39,021.40 168 -6.0 175% 1

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. VN 1FTSS34L34HA96898 SUP 2004 9/1/2004 $39,021.40 167 -5.9 174% 1

FRS Transportation, Inc. VN 1GAHG35U841102425 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2004 10/30/2004 $39,021.40 165 -5.8 172% 1

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) CU 3GBKC34G91M112257 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2001 11/9/2001 $64,081.60 201 -6.8 168% 1

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging VN 1FT3334L75HB19939 Braun 2005 5/24/2005 $39,021.40 158 -5.2 165% 1

Van Wert County Council on Aging VN 1FTSS34L15HA88414 FORD 2005 5/20/2005 $39,021.40 158 -5.2 165% 1

Woodland Centers NRV 1GNDM19W2SB125552 Chevy 1995 8/13/1995 $15,775.96 276 -9.0 164% 1

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MV 2FMZA5169BA30668 Ford Motor Corporation 2006 2/13/2006 $39,021.40 150 -4.5 156% 1

Monroe County Public Transportation MV 1GBDV13W77D189598 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2007 3/27/2007 $39,021.40 136 -3.3 142% 2

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FD3E35L18DA05744 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 11/6/2007 $39,021.40 129 -2.8 134% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) NRV 1J4FF28S4YL243633 Chrysler 2000 4/20/2000 $15,775.96 219 -4.3 130% 2

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CU 1FTSS34L45HB49352 Ford Motor Corporation 2005 8/6/2005 $48,445.10 156 -3.0 130% 2

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) CU 1FDW35L66DA78831 Ford Motor Corporation 2006 4/6/2006 $64,081.60 148 -2.3 123% 2

Carroll County Transit MV 1D8HN44H58B184820 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 10/10/2008 $39,021.40 118 -1.8 123% 2

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1GJHG35K381201125 General Motors Corporation 2008 11/5/2008 $39,021.40 117 -1.8 122% 2

Monroe County Public Transportation MV 1D8HN44H28B184841 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 11/17/2008 $39,021.40 116 -1.7 121% 2

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MV 5N1BV28U49N100756 Mobility Ventures 2009 12/31/2008 $39,021.40 115 -1.6 120% 2

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) CU 1FDEE3FL2DDB Ford Motor Corporation 2006 9/1/2006 $48,445.10 143 -1.9 119% 2

Marion Area Transit (MAT) NRV 1FAFP53U22A236735 Ford Motor Corporation 2002 1/4/2002 $15,775.96 199 -2.6 118% 2

Harrison County Public Transit CU 1GCEK14X762136871 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2006 9/22/2006 $48,445.10 142 -1.8 118% 2

Athens Public Transit NRV M15GGE181221090518 Gilling Corp 2002 8/13/2002 $68,551.10 192 -2.0 114% 2

Athens Public Transit NRV M15GGE181021090520 Gilling Corp 2002 8/13/2002 $68,551.10 192 -2.0 114% 2

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FTDS34L79DA46027 Ford Motor Corporation 2009 6/19/2009 $39,021.40 109 -1.1 114% 2

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FTDS34L79DA46027 Ford Motor Corporation 2009 6/19/2009 $39,021.40 109 -1.1 114% 2

Marion Area Transit (MAT) CU 1FDXE45P67DA01777 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2007 3/31/2007 $64,081.60 136 -1.3 113% 2

Marion Area Transit (MAT) NRV 1FAFP53U23G27979 Ford Motor Corporation 2003 1/4/2003 $15,775.96 187 -1.6 111% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) CU 1FDXE45S27DB21127 Eldorado National 2007 11/1/2007 $64,081.60 129 -0.8 108% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) CU 1FDXE45S67DB21129 Eldorado National 2007 11/1/2007 $64,081.60 129 -0.8 108% 2

Fayette County Transportation Program CU 1FD3E35L28DA05770 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 1/9/2008 $64,081.60 127 -0.6 106% 2

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) CU 1FD3E35L68DA05769 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 12/20/2007 $64,081.60 127 -0.6 106% 2

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) CU 1FD3E35L48DA05768 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 1/10/2008 $64,081.60 127 -0.6 106% 2

Carroll County Transit MV 2D4RN4DEXAR155316 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 3/1/2010 $39,021.40 101 -0.4 105% 2

Carroll County Transit MV 2D4RN4DE7AR155323 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 3/1/2010 $39,021.40 101 -0.4 105% 2

Carroll County Transit MV 2D4RN4DE3AR155321 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 3/1/2010 $39,021.40 101 -0.4 105% 2

Fayette County Transportation Program MV 2D4RN4DE4AR164514 Dodge Division 2010 3/22/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

Fayette County Transportation Program MV 2D4RN4DE9AR164542 Dodge Division 2010 4/2/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MV 2D4RN4DEXAR120548 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp 2010 3/22/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MV 2D4RN4DE6AR165423 Chrysler 2010 3/29/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MV 2D4RN4DE2AR155262 Chrysler 2010 3/29/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MV 2D4RN4DE4AR155277 Chrysler 2010 3/29/2010 $39,021.40 100 -0.3 104% 2

Marion Area Transit (MAT) CU 1FDXE45PX7DA01796 Ford Motor Corporation 2007 3/20/2008 $64,081.60 124 -0.3 103% 2

Perry County Transit (PCT) CU 1FD4E45P98DA50914 Goshen Coach 2008 3/19/2008 $64,081.60 124 -0.3 103% 2

Perry County Transit (PCT) CU 1FD4E45P68DA50918 Goshen Coach 2008 4/4/2008 $64,081.60 124 -0.3 103% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE8AR167660 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 5/10/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DEXAR167644 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 5/10/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE2AR167623 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 5/10/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE6AR164532 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 5/10/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE4AR164545 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 5/5/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MV 2D4RN4DE4AR165419 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp 2010 4/21/2010 $39,021.40 99 -0.3 103% 2

Monroe County Public Transportation VN 1FTDS3ELOADA48124 Ford Motor Corporation 2010 6/14/2010 $39,021.40 97 -0.1 101% 2

Monroe County Public Transportation VN 1FTDS3EL7ADA48122 Ford Motor Corporation 2010 6/22/2010 $39,021.40 97 -0.1 101% 2

Monroe County Public Transportation VN 1FTDS3EL9ADA48123 Ford Motor Corporation 2010 6/15/2010 $39,021.40 97 -0.1 101% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE5AR435645 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 7/18/2010 $39,021.40 96 0.0 100% 2

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE7AR435646 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 7/19/2010 $39,021.40 96 0.0 100% 2

South East Area Transit (SEAT) CU 1FD4E45S58DB51386 Eldorado National 2008 10/3/2008 $64,081.60 118 0.2 98% 3

South East Area Transit (SEAT) CU 1FD4E45S68DB51445 Eldorado National 2008 10/3/2008 $64,081.60 118 0.2 98% 3

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MV 2D4RN4DE4AR296723 Dodge Division 2010 10/8/2010 $39,021.40 94 0.2 98% 3

Greenville Transit System CU 1FD3E35L98DB59635 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 10/29/2008 $64,081.60 117 0.3 98% 3

Greenville Transit System CU 1FD4E45S78DB51339 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 11/13/2008 $64,081.60 117 0.3 98% 3

Greenville Transit System CU 1FD4E45S38DB56585 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 11/13/2008 $64,081.60 117 0.3 98% 3

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE9AR435647 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 11/1/2010 $39,021.40 93 0.3 97% 3

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MV 2D4RN4DE6AR485549 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2010 11/11/2010 $39,021.40 93 0.3 97% 3

Marion Area Transit (MAT) CU 1FD4E45P18DA54570 Ford Motor Corporation 2008 12/19/2008 $64,081.60 115 0.4 96% 3

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The vehicle replacement schedule for next two years follows:

• 2021: 91 vehicles (30% rated as poor; 4% rated as marginal)

• 2022: 91 vehicles (30% rated as poor)

Table 8 summarizes how many of each asset category will be replaced by year.

Table 8: Scenario 1 Year by Year Funding

Funding Available $4,400,000 $4,400,000 $4,400,000 $4,400,000 $17,600,000

Asset Category FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 4-YEAR TOTAL

Revenue Vehicles $4,185,792 $4,349,486 $4,364,425 $4,322,728 $17,222,431

AO-Auto $78,043 $0 $0 $0 $78,043

BU-Bus $0 $0 $0 $360,453 $360,453

CU-Cutaway $1,901,390 $3,001,595 $2,470,236 $1,677,872 $9,051,093

MV-MiniVan $1,386,910 $1,191,805 $1,699,082 $2,011,253 $6,289,050

VN-Van $819,449 $156,086 $195,107 $273,150 $1,443,792

Equipment $200,206 $0 $0 $0 $200,206

NRV-Non-Revenue Vehicle $200,206 $0 $0 $0 $200,206

Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Passenger $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Parking $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Funding Used $4,385,998 $4,349,486 $4,364,425 $4,322,728 $17,422,637

Scenario 2: Replacement of all poor and marginal vehicles within 4 years

In this scenario, rather than allocating a set amount of grant funds to vehicle replacement, the funds instead will be allocated by need. Since there is a greater need for vehicle replacement among the 5310 open door agencies, a greater portion of that available funding source will be used for capital purchases than the 5311 funds.

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The funding will be sufficient to replace all poor vehicles each year (36 in FY2019). See Table 9 for a summary of vehicles to be replaced.

Table 9: Scenario 2 Vehicle Replacement Schedule

In FY2020, another 17 vehicles could be replaced. The vehicle replacement schedule for next two years follows (all vehicles to be replaced would be rated poor by that time):

• 2021: 29 vehicles

• 2022: 32 vehicles

Table 10 summarizes how many of each asset category will be replaced by year.

Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Manufacturer Vehicle Year Vehicle In Service DateReplacement Cost

(Estimated)Months in Service


ULB (Years)

% of Useful Life




Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBHE31H2RHB58806 Ford Motor Corporation 1994 1/1/1994 $39,021.40 295 -16.6 307% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 Ford Motor Corporation 1998 8/12/1998 $39,021.40 240 -12.0 250% 1

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc AO 1Y1SK5283YZ400852 Chevorlet 2000 8/13/2000 $39,021.40 216 -10.0 225% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 2B4G44392R691847 Dodge 2002 8/13/2002 $39,021.40 192 -8.0 200% 1

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. AO 1FAFP58U82G169242 Ford Motor Corporation 2002 8/13/2002 $39,021.40 192 -8.0 200% 1

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action VN 2HKRL18662H590644 Mobility Ventures 2002 11/12/2002 $39,021.40 189 -7.8 197% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 1D4GP2434B285775 Dodge 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc VN 2FMZA51473BA87686 Ford Windstar 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MV 2C8GP44313R321494 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2003 8/13/2003 $39,021.40 180 -7.0 188% 1

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. VN 1FTNE24W24HA49838 Ford Motor Corporation 2004 5/17/2004 $39,021.40 170 -6.2 177% 1

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MV 2FMZA50684BB10560 Ford Motor Corporation 2004 8/13/2004 $39,021.40 168 -6.0 175% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV 1FMRE11W74HB48814 Ford EcoNoline 2004 8/13/2004 $39,021.40 168 -6.0 175% 1

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. VN 1FTSS34L34HA96898 SUP 2004 9/1/2004 $39,021.40 167 -5.9 174% 1

Woodland Centers NRV 1GNDM19W2SB125552 Chevy 1995 8/13/1995 $15,775.96 276 -9.0 164% 1

FRS Transportation, Inc. VN 1GAHG35U841102425 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2004 10/30/2004 $39,021.40 165 -5.8 172% 1

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging VN 1FT3334L75HB19939 Braun 2005 5/24/2005 $39,021.40 158 -5.2 165% 1

Van Wert County Council on Aging VN 1FTSS34L15HA88414 FORD 2005 5/20/2005 $39,021.40 158 -5.2 165% 1

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc MV 1D4GP24R65B194028 Dodge 2005 8/13/2005 $39,021.40 156 -5.0 163% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 1D4GP24R55B335901 Dodge 2005 8/13/2005 $39,021.40 156 -5.0 163% 1

Highland County Community Action VN 1D4GP24R75B399339 Dodge 2005 8/13/2005 $39,021.40 156 -5.0 163% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc VN 1C4GP45R25B440614 Chrysler 2005 8/13/2005 $39,021.40 156 -5.0 163% 1

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MV 1D4GP24R15B143097 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2005 8/13/2005 $39,021.40 156 -5.0 163% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc CU 1FDXE45F12HA88030 Ford 2002 8/13/2002 $39,021.40 192 -6.0 160% 1

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MV 1D4GP24R06B637792 Dodge 2006 3/27/2006 $39,021.40 148 -4.3 154% 1

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MV 1D4GP24R66B637795 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2006 3/27/2006 $39,021.40 148 -4.3 154% 1

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. VN 1FTSS34L06DA21022 Ford Motor Corporation 2006 5/22/2006 $39,021.40 146 -4.2 152% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 1D4GP24R86B720015 Dodge 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MV 2D4GP44L96R746874 Dodge 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc VN 1D4GP25BX6B741711 Dodge 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MV 1D4GP24R26B616572 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

Wyandot County Council on Aging MV 1D46P24RX6B637797 DODGE 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

Wyandot County Council on Aging MV 1D4GP21E06B673287 DODGE 2006 8/13/2006 $39,021.40 144 -4.0 150% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1F8HE31H2RH858806 Ford Motor Corporation 1994 1/1/1994 $39,021.40 295 -16.6 307% 1

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. VN 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 Ford Motor Corporation 1998 8/12/1998 $39,021.40 240 -12.0 250% 1

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) CU 3GBKC34G91M112257 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC 2001 11/9/2001 $64,081.60 201 -6.8 168% 1

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MV 2FMZA5169BA30668 Ford Motor Corporation 2006 2/13/2006 $39,021.40 150 -4.5 156% 1

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Table 10: Scenario 2 Year by Year Funding

Funding Available $1,406,585 $663,364 $1,141,044 $1,259,217 $4,470,210

Asset Category FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 4-YEAR TOTAL

Revenue Vehicles $1,390,809 $663,364 $1,141,044 $1,243,441 $4,438,658

AO-Auto $78,043 $0 $0 $0 $78,043

BU-Bus $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

CU-Cutaway $103,103 $39,021 $165,509 $259,189 $566,822

MV-MiniVan $507,278 $468,257 $780,428 $390,214 $2,146,177

VN-Van $702,385 $156,086 $195,107 $594,038 $1,647,616

Equipment $15,776 $0 $0 $15,776 $31,552

NRV-Non-Revenue Vehicle $15,776 $0 $0 $15,776 $15,776

Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Facilities $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Administration $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Passenger $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Parking $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Funding Used $1,406,585 $663,364 $1,141,044 $1,259,217 $4,470,210

VII. PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS AND UPDATES ODOT will set annual SGR performance targets for each applicable asset class on an annual basis for the next fiscal year. These performance targets are to be set within three months of the effective date of October 1st of each year. SGR performance targets are based on realistic expectations derived from the most recent available data (ULB/condition/mileage), FTA performance measure criteria, and the financial resources from 5339 and 5310 funds that ODOT reasonably expects that will be available during the TAM Plan horizon period for capital planning purposes. The Accountable Executive for each transit agency is required to approve each annual performance target submission to FTA/NTD. For ODOT, that Accountable Executive will hold the position of Office of Transit Administrator.

VIII. NTD REPORTING As part of the TAM Plan guidance, ODOT is required to report on an annual basis to the FTA’s National Transit Database a Data Report and a Narrative Report which contains the following information:

• Inventory of assets • SGR performance targets for the next fiscal year • Condition inspection assessments and performance measures of capital assets

A narrative that provides a description of any change in the condition of the transit providers’ transit systems or operations from the previous year, and describes the progress made during the reporting year to meet the performance targets set in the previous reporting year. Annual TAM data reporting to NTD shall be completed by the last business day of April of each

calendar year.

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Appendices: Appendix A – Service Characteristics Survey Appendix B – Rolling Stock Inventories Appendix C – Facilities Condition Assessment Ratings Sheets Appendix D – ODOT’s Compliance with the TAM Final Rule Checklist

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Appendix A – Service Characteristics Survey

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Appendix B – Rolling Stock Inventories 5310 Open Door Agencies

Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Ability Works Inc. MMV 1FBNE31L78DB25751 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 149,179 VA

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FD3E35L98DA05751 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 244,438 CU

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FD3E35L78DA05750 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 256,310 CU

Ability Works Inc. MMV 3GNFK16R7TG135256 1996 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 77,099 VA

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FDEE35S89DA24938 2009 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 132,537 64,081.60$ CU

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FDEE35L39DA44085 2009 Goshen Coach Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 180,333 CU

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FDEE35L59DA44086 2009 Goshen Coach Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 152,133 CU

Ability Works Inc. Non Revenue/Service AO 1GNDM19W71B101441 2001 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 170,000 Other

Ability Works Inc. Trucks and other Rubber Tire Vehicles 1FVACWDC55HU55362 2005 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 339,370 Other

Ability Works Inc. Trucks and other Rubber Tire Vehicles 1GDJ6C1G68F413934 2008 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 88,950 Other

Ability Works Inc. LTV 1FBVU4XM9HKA68862 2017 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 35,242 CU

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc AO 1Y1SK5283YZ400852 2000 Chevorlet No No Non-ODOT Funded 197,252 AO

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc MMV 1D4GP24R65B194028 2005 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 324,525 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc MMV 2A8HR44H68R708215 2008 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 284,098 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc SV 2A8HR54P68R610170 2008 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 226,009 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc SV 2A8HR54P38R823951 2008 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 358,958 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc SV 2C4RDGBG7CR110696 2012 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 188,003 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc SV 2C4RBGBG1CR238058 2012 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 238,058 VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc MMV 2C7WDGBG8FR634272 2015 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 116,299 39,021.40$ VA

Adams Brown Counties EcoNomic Opportunities Inc MMV 2C7WDGBG8FR634286 2015 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 134,570 39,021.40$ VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE0AR412645 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 228,870 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR412632 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 200,639 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL4BDA22854 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 23,359 39,021.40$ VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG3CR180695 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 176,862 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG5CR180696 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 209,002 39,021.40$ VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG0GR325312 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 35,335 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG9GR325308 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 32,094 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG7GR325310 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 51,200 VA

Adams County Senior Citizens Council, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG0HR605507 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 2,000 VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTSS34L06DA21022 2006 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 146,438 VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13W17D190438 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 78,306 VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS34L69DA25590 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 95,955 39,021.40$ VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL6ADA10994 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 85,607 39,021.40$ VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL6DBA22855 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 62,934 39,021.40$ VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL8CDA67538 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 61,933 39,021.40$ VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FL1DDB12634 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 38,704 48,445.10$ CU

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FL5EDA75816 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 24,403 48,445.10$ CU

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. MV-1 57WMD2A69EM102302 2014 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 3,932 47,738.70$ VA

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FL0FDA32891 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 17,993 48,445.10$ CU

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FS1GDC49164 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 1,993 48,445.10$ CU

Allen County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR793110 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 1,315 39,021.40$ VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 155GGE271291091430 2009 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 303,594 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 155GGB271491176679 2009 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 258,698 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 155GGB271291176678 2009 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 278,724 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1F1E4FS3CDA32512 2012 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 85,694 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1F1E4FS7CDA32514 2012 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 88,858 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1F1E4FS5CDA32513 2012 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 100,366 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1F1E4FS1CDB21933 2012 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 64,607 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1F1E4FS2CDB21925 2012 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 61,133 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2711D1182478 2013 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 151,997 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2713D1182479 2013 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 139,590 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 5WEASSKNXEH487118 2013 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 33,781 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 5WEASSKN1EH487119 2013 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 31,004 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1GB6G5CL1C1180536 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No OTPPP 48,737 CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2717E1182079 2014 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 77,836 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGE2710E1092750 2014 Gillig Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 78,880 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 1FTBF2B60CEA13486 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 47,738.70$ VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 57WMD2C68GM100430 2016 Mobility Ventures No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 121 VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 57WMD2C6XGM100588 2016 Mobility Ventures No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 115 VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 57WMD2C6XGM100090 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 115 47,738.70$ VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 57WMD2C68GM100427 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 114 47,738.70$ VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) MV-1 1MF5K8B87DGB71161 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 47,738.70$ VA

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSXGDC53420 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 10,555 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS1GDC57808 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 12,243 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS3GDC53419 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 9,850 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS1GDC53421 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 6,741 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS8GDC57806 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 12,944 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSXGDC57807 2016 Champion Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 13,882 64,081.60$ CU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2719H1186204 2016 Gillig Corporation Yes No OTPPP 45,270 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGE2718G1093082 2016 Gillig Corporation Yes No CMAQ 13,025 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2717J3191489 2018 Gillig Corporation Yes No OTPPP 2,344 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) BU 15GGB2713J3191490 2018 Gillig Corporation Yes No OTPPP 2,172 BU

Allen County Regional Transit Authority (ACRTA) Steel Wheel Vehicle 1C9CS2DS5MW077587 2017 Gillig Corporation Yes No OTPPP Other

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Ashtabula County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDWE35L75HA88128 2005 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 68,593 CU

Ashtabula County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC75988 2018 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 42,866 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FL2BDA29906 2011 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 209,446 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FS9DDB21721 2013 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 127,273 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FS9EDB17685 2014 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 120,216 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging MMV 2CWDGBG4FR614262 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 82,146 39,021.40$ VA

Auglaize County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC02332 2017 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 73,000 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC64049 2017 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 18,480 64,081.60$ CU

Auglaize County Council on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG0HR808712 2018 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 1,414 39,021.40$ VA

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE45S19DA57063 2009 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 112,741 CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE45SX9DA57062 2009 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 123,066 CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE4FS6BDA19557 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 127,899 64,081.60$ CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE4FS3BDA16938 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 147,472 64,081.60$ CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE4FS4BDA19556 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 146,100 64,081.60$ CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE4FS7DDB21727 2013 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 91,925 64,081.60$ CU

Belmont County Board Of DD/Belmont County Commissioners LTV 1FDFE4FS9DDB21728 2013 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 62,890 64,081.60$ CU

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 2B4G44392R691847 2002 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 317,133 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 1D4GP2434B285775 2003 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 287,373 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 1D4GP24R55B335901 2005 Dodge No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 325,247 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MMV 1D4GP24R86B720015 2006 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 74,630 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 2D4GP44L96R746874 2006 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 134,812 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 1D4GP24R77B256698 2007 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 163,116 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MMV 2D4RN4DE1AR155303 2010 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 223,191 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR155302 2010 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 233,232 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 2D4RN3DG8BR752915 2011 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 199,310 VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council SMV 2C4RDGBG0CR419426 2012 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 114,498 39,021.40$ VA

Brown County Senior Citizens Council MMV 2C4RDGBG1CR180694 2012 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 103,239 39,021.40$ VA

Canal Winchester Human Services LTN 1FTSS34L97DB47669 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 59,694 CU

Canal Winchester Human Services LTV 1FDEE3FS1CDA78104 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 47,948 64,081.60$ CU

Canal Winchester Human Services MMV 2C7WDBG6ER319565 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 15,154 39,021.40$ VA

Canal Winchester Human Services MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR614245 2015 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,021.40$ VA

Canal Winchester Human Services LTV 1FDEE3FS6JDC08424 2018 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 842 64,081.60$ CU

Catholic Social Services MMV 1FTDS3ELXADA10979 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 176,837 VA

Catholic Social Services MMV KNDMG4C30A6326325 2010 Mobility Ventures No No Non-ODOT Funded 97,396 VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C4RDGBG2CR180705 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 173,721 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C4RDGBG4DR617511 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 134,784 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634387 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 75,137 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634373 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 86,782 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C7WDGBG3HR618368 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 36,985 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR562896 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 35,541 39,021.40$ VA

Catholic Social Services MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR793088 2017 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 10,165 39,021.40$ VA

Community Action Committee of Pike County SMV 1D8HN44H78B184835 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 106,525 VA

Community Action Committee of Pike County LTN 1FDEE3FL4CDA78137 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 64,522 48,445.10$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency CV 1FTSS34LX7DA56359 2007 Ford Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 185,457 VA

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FL8BDA29912 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 106,231 64,081.60$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FS7EDB17684 2014 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 87,245 64,081.60$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FS5EDB176833 2014 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 85,542 64,081.60$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency MMV 2C7WDGBG1GR202883 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 47,182 39,021.40$ VA

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FS6GDC17066 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 30,918 64,081.60$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FS9GDC16204 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 45,544 64,081.60$ CU

Coshocton County Coordinated Transportation Agency LTV 1FDEE3FS8GDC49162 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 36,820 64,081.60$ CU

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL7ADA10986 2010 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 251,197 VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL8BDA22856 2011 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 203,746 VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG4CR180706 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 206,890 VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG3CR419419 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 196,511 VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FLXDDA92965 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 166,108 64,081.60$ CU

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL6DDB00057 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 145,588 64,081.60$ CU

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR614214 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 106,559 39,021.40$ VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR710193 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 33,532 39,021.40$ VA

Country Neighbor Program, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS7HDC37683 2017 Ford Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 42,994 64,081.60$ CU

Delphos Senior Citizens, Inc. CV 1FTDS34L99DA25583 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 80,634 VA

Delphos Senior Citizens, Inc. CV 1FTDS3ELOBDA91444 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes New Freedom 5317 104,580 39,021.40$ VA

Delphos Senior Citizens, Inc. MV-1 57WMD2C63FM100043 2015 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 21,750 47,738.70$ VA

Delphos Senior Citizens, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG2GR202858 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 28,063 39,021.40$ VA

Delphos Senior Citizens, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR718562 2017 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 8,745 39,021.40$ VA

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. SMV 1D8HN44HX8B184828 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 236,424 VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FTDS3EL2ADA10975 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 184,979 CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBGXCR407199 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 232,977 VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL6BDA29911 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 151,189 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG4DR740659 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 231,548 39,021.40$ VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL1CDA92996 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 135,487 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL3CDA92997 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 143,886 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG8ER319566 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 93,995 39,021.40$ VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL6DDB00060 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 142,568 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL5EDA72088 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 98,766 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6FR634321 2015 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 67,010 39,021.40$ VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL9FDA32890 2015 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 80,685 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS3GDC49165 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 48,346 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR618326 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 20,802 39,021.40$ VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC46010 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 24,505 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS3HDC46011 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,687 64,081.60$ CU

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG0HR861999 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 22,192 VA

Fairfield Center for disAbilities & Cerebral Palsy, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR853471 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 7,725 39,021.40$ VA

Fayette County Commissioners dba Fayette County Commission on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FS6GDC49161 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 26,162 64,081.60$ CU

FRS Transportation, Inc. SV 1GAHG35U841102425 2004 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 219,236 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13177D171378 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 177,250 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13197D172628 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 178,779 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SV 1GAHG35U571227385 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 92,723 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 1D8HN44H88B184827 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 108,343 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13W58D206237 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 102,323 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 1GNDV23138D201907 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 113,054 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SV 1FBNE31L77DA75061 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 88,061 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2D8HN44H18R752188 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 50,431 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR420512 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 137,509 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR420519 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 139,220 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE6AR420555 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 210,054 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SV 1FBNE31L69DA46704 2009 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 50,025 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SV 1FBSS3BL0BDA08434 2011 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 51,495 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG3CR180700 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 198,317 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG8CR407198 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 155,311 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV KNDMG4C7XC6430360 2012 Toyota Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 59,624 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV KNDMG4C75B6366713 2011 Toyota Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 40,437 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2D4RN5DG8BR707307 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 41,413 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV KNDMG4C71C6450187 2012 Toyota Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 26,308 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG2DR617488 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 186,861 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG2DR617491 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 202,337 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG8ER220388 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 238,275 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBGXER220389 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 243,409 39,021.40$ VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2D4RN5DG8BR689035 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 36,974 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FL4EDA72079 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 158,712 48,445.10$ CU

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG7FR659495 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 25,741 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG9FR649552 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 26,182 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG4FR650642 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 12,224 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG1FR683579 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 12,571 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG4HR637537 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 12,306 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR378288 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 10,837 VA

FRS Transportation, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3GR388653 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 15,160 VA

Gallia County Council on Aging MMV 1GBDV13W88D210010 2008 CHEVY Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 15,002 VA

Gallia County Council on Aging CV 1FTDS3EL5DDB04319 2013 FORD Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 44,907 VA

Gallia County Council on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR614228 2015 DODGE Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 45,720 VA

Geneva Area Senior Corporation MMV 2C4RDGBG6CR18707 2012 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 99,101 VA

Geneva Area Senior Corporation LTN 1FDEE3FL4BDA29907 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 25,889 48,445.10$ CU

Geneva Area Senior Corporation MMV 2C7WDGBG2FR634347 2014 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,503 39,021.40$ VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. AO 1FAFP58U82G169242 2002 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 129,107 AO

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. SMV 2FMZA50684BB10560 2004 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 128,807 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13W97D189084 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No (Removed) Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 149,163 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MMV 1D8HN44H58B184834 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 133,414 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MMV 1D8HN44H38B184833 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 124,271 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13WX8D207478 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 144,019 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13WX8D207657 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 144,417 VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. LTV 1FTSS34L57DB47670 2007 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No (Removed) Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 95,833 CU

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. MV-1 57WM52A67EM102028MMV 2014 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 33,802 47,738.70$ VA

Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. LTV 1F1E4F59GDC54946 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,036 64,081.60$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2D4GP44LX6R616392 2006 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 94,304 VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG8DR617530 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 119,320 39,021.40$ VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL8CDA78139 2012 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 127,936 64,081.60$ CU

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 2C4RC1BG8DR556308 2013 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 63,808 VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3ER261222 2014 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 79,388 39,021.40$ VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL6DDA92963 2013 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 87,205 64,081.60$ CU

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG2GR202875 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 44,399 39,021.40$ VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG2GR202892 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 46,148 39,021.40$ VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS9GDC16199 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 54,106 64,081.60$ CU

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS1GDC16200 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 49,660 64,081.60$ CU

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. MV-1 57WMD2C61GM100236 2016 MV-1 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 25,043 47,738.70$ VA

Hardin County Council on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC37676 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,527 64,081.60$ CU

Henry County Transportation Network SMV 1GBDV13167D172439 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 267,706 VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 1GBDV13167D126383 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 101,983 VA

Henry County Transportation Network SMV 1GNDV233148D181862 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 337,672 VA

Henry County Transportation Network SMV 1GNDV23198D202432 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 342,745 VA

Henry County Transportation Network SMV 1GNDV33108D203748 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 211,875 VA

Henry County Transportation Network LTV 1FDXE45S66HA11941 2006 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 252,702 CU

Henry County Transportation Network LTV 1FDXE45556HB01106 2006 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 264,942 CU

Henry County Transportation Network LTV 1FTSS34L66DA21025 2006 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 145,806 CU

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C4RDGBG9CR180720 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 199,986 VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C4RDGBG0CR180718 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 246,523 VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C4RDGBG2CR180719 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 233,743 VA

Henry County Transportation Network LTV 1FDEE3FL2BDA37116 2011 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 137,587 CU

Henry County Transportation Network LTV 1FDEE3FS7CDA66426 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 83,161 64,081.60$ CU

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C7WDGBG2FR634333 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 154,695 39,021.40$ VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR599455 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 175,691 39,021.40$ VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C7WDGBG4GR202862 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 138,068 39,021.40$ VA

Henry County Transportation Network MMV 2C7WDGBG1HR718159 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 65,316 39,021.40$ VA

Highland County Community Action SV 1D4GP24R75B399339 2005 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 154,775 VA

Highland County Community Action MMV 2C4RDGBG8DR710158 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 63,947 39,021.40$ VA

Highland County Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBGXER261220 2014 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 53,486 39,021.40$ VA

Highland County Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBGOHR828698 2018 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 285 39,021.40$ VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action SV 2HKRL18662H590644 2002 Mobility Ventures No No Non-ODOT Funded 235,715 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C4RDGBG6CR180710 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 222,040 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C4RDGBG5CR398508 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 155,285 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C4DGBG6DR617493 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 156,059 39,021.40$ VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C3RDGBG8DR617494 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 150,161 39,021.40$ VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C4RDGBG5DR617520 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C4RDGBG9DR617519 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 116,702 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBG7ER380116 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 117,640 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBG6FR614313 2015 Braun Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 22,004 VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634423 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,021.40$ VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634406 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,021.40$ VA

Hocking. Athens. Perry Community Action MMV 2C7WDGBG0HR618327 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 34,263 39,021.40$ VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FBHE31H2RHB58806 1994 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 136,090 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 1998 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 243,515 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FD3E35L18DA05744 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 278,335 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1GJHG35K381201125 2008 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 226,375 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG6DR710157 2013 Braun Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 254,225 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG4DR710156 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 288,480 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTN 1FTSS34L45HB49352 2005 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 318,645 CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3ER3198748 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 220,510 VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS6FDA14404 2015 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 169,715 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR202873 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 163,060 39,021.40$ VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG4GR202876 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 134,460 39,021.40$ VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1F1E4FS6GDC50241 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 99,095 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1F1E4FS9GDC25852 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 66,715 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR562882 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 88,715 39,021.40$ VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. AV 1FDEE3FS1HDC77788 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 8,577 47,738.70$ VA

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS3HDC70891 2018 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes State-RPT-GRF 8,695 64,081.60$ CU

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FSS34LX4HA96901 2004 Ford Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 180,437 CU

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. SMV 1GDV23168D200315 2008 Chev./Uplander No No Non-ODOT Funded 161,882 VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. SMV 2A4RR5D18AR110406 2010 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 107,839 VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE5AR420529 2010 Dodge/Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 200,078 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DG1BR794932 2011 Dodge/Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 172,314 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS9CDA66427 2012 Ford/Goshen Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 64,185 64,081.60$ CU

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL9FDA32887 2015 Ford/Goshen Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 35,997 64,081.60$ CU

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG21GR146642 2016 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 73,395 VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGB2GR202861 2016 Dodge/Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 72,481 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. MV-1 57WMD2C66GM100541 2016 MV-1 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 27,610 47,738.70$ VA

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Jackson County Board on Aging, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG6HS47421 2017 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 16,083 VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 1D8HN44H98B184822 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 205,770 VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 1GBDV13W88D206717 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 136,540 VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR420557 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 157,248 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. AO 1FMCU9C78AKB88508 2010 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 111,248 AO

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR282529 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 218,408 VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE1AR420561 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 203,719 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE3AR420559 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 200,280 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. AO KMHDH4AE3BU105179 2011 Mobility Ventures No No Non-ODOT Funded 38,657 AO

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG2CR419427 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 132,513 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG5DR740671 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 107,239 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBGXER319567 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 135,760 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG1ER319568 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 127,483 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR634303 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 79,334 VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2C7WSGBG4FR634284 2015 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 91,552 39,021.40$ VA

Jackson-Vinton Community Action, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6GR202863 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 68,644 39,021.40$ VA

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FTDS3EL8ADA10981 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 96,363 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FTDS3ELXADA10982 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 105,248 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FTDS3EL3BDA22859 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 95,577 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. Non Revenue Auto NM0GE9G78E1140948 2014 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 44,323 Other

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS7GDC16203 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 74,026 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. Non Revenue Auto 1FMZK1CGXGKA73130 2016 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 16,962 Other

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC64053 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 11,290 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC64052 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 5,444 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FDFE4FS0HDC50706 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 10,129 64,081.60$ CU

Jeffco Workshop, Inc. LTV 1FDFE4FS2HDC50707 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 6,667 64,081.60$ CU

KNo-Ho-Co Ashland CAC SMV 2A8HR54P88R111337 2008 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded 91,141 VA

KNo-Ho-Co Ashland CAC MMV 2C7WDGBG5ER261223 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,021.40$ VA

Logan Public Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FS9CDA66430 2012 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 47,580 64,081.60$ CU

Lucy Idol Center CV WDZPE8CC4A5498843 2010 Mercedes No No Non-ODOT Funded 119,724 VA

Lucy Idol Center LTV 1FDEE3FS9BDA29733 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 150,206 64,081.60$ CU

Lucy Idol Center LTV 1FDEE3FL6DDB04853 2013 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 92,245 CU

Lucy Idol Center LTV 1FDEE3FS1DDB21714 2013 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 106,656 64,081.60$ CU

Lucy Idol Center LTV 1GB6G5BL9E1196987 2014 Chevy Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 83,914 64,081.60$ CU

Lucy Idol Center LTV 1GB3G3CL0F1262642 2016 Chevy Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 55,393 64,081.60$ CU

Madison County Board of DD MMV 1ftss34l67da56360 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 124,955 VA

Madison County Board of DD CV 1FTDS34L79DA25565 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 98,155 39,021.40$ VA

Madison County Board of DD CV 1FTDS34L59DA25564 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 118,869 VA

Madison County Board of DD LTV 1FDEE3FS9ADA17340 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 134,738 CU

Madison County Board of DD LTV 1F1E4FS2ADA38024 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 53,867 CU

Madison County Board of DD LTV 1F1E4FSXADA38014 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 51,040 CU

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center LTV 1FDEE3FS7ADA23248 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 69,878 64,081.60$ CU

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center LTV 1FDEE3FS8BDA32557 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 73,347 64,081.60$ CU

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center MMV 2C4RDGBGXDR617531 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 138,017 39,021.40$ VA

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center LTV 1FDEE3FL5CDA71360 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 28,113 64,081.60$ CU

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center LTV 1FDEE3FL2CDA78136 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 34,424 64,081.60$ CU

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center AO 12T1BURHE8FC402705 2015 Tokyu Car Company No No Non-ODOT Funded 86,886 AO

Mary McLeod-Bethune Intervention & Enrichment Center AO 12T1BURHE3FC402384 2015 Tokyu Car Company No No Non-ODOT Funded 82,902 AO

Mercer County Council on Aging Other 1FAFP533U57A170169 2007 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 85,405 Other

Mercer County Council on Aging MV-1 4GLDV13W27D200842 2007 Buick No No Non-ODOT Funded 90,600 VA

Mercer County Council on Aging MV-1 2C42DGBG0CR180721 2012 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 109,663 47,738.70$ VA

Mercer County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FL4CDA82608 2012 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 136,683 64,081.60$ CU

Mercer County Council on Aging LTV 1FDEE3FL7FDA32886 2015 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 86,887 64,081.60$ CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45S77DB11340 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 135,410 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45S67DB00300 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 160,002 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45S37DB00304 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 159,560 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45S17DB00304 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 133,452 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45S37DB00299 2007 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 137,873 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45SX7DB00297 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 172,000 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDXE45SX7DB00302 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 158,782 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FD3E35L98DB51602 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 101,003 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FD4E45S58DB59682 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 129,056 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FD4E45S38DB59695 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 114,774 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE35L99DA75311 2009 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 109,183 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL2ADA62712 2010 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 38,078 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FL3FDA17527 2015 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 28,133 CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS3GDC16201 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 18,061 64,081.60$ CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC02331 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 665 64,081.60$ CU

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 11FDEE3FS8HDC67095 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 5,800 64,081.60$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC66044 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 8,500 64,081.60$ CU

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 1GBDV13W78D211309 2008 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 249,126 VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) LTV 1FDWE35L36DB33154 2006 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 117,483 CU

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2D4RN4DEOAR155289 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 220,651 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) AO 1FMCU9DG4BKB04152 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No JARC 236,810 AO

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) AO 1FMCU9DG2BKB04151 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No JARC 234,409 AO

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2D4RN4DE3AR420528 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 246,955 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) AO 1FMCUXDG1CKA23836 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No JARC 191,906 AO

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) AO 1FMCU9DG1CKA23837 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No JARC 181,517 AO

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) AO 1FMCU9DG3CKA23838 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No JARC 191,963 AO

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) SMV 2D4RN3DG1BR752903 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 282,829 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) SMV 2D4RN3DGXBR752902 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 262,369 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) LTN 1FDEE3FL8ADA23249 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 111,296 48,445.10$ CU

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) LTV 1FDEE3FS3CDA67475 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 73,386 64,081.60$ CU

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) LTN 1FDEE3FL1DDA92966 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 37,496 48,445.10$ CU

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2C7WDGBG3ER319586 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 120,140 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2C7WDGBGXER319584 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 113,194 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MV-1 57WMD2C66FM100120 2015 American Honda Motor Company Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 38,589 47,738.70$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) SV 3C4PDCAB6GT167559 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 82,960 VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR562865 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 29,615 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) MMV 2C7WDGBXHR562879 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 35,470 39,021.40$ VA

Morrow County Commissioners (MCTC) LTN 1FDEE3FSXGDC49163 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 13,673 48,445.10$ CU

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. AO 5HPDH4AE9BH033614 2011 Hyundi No No Non-ODOT Funded 107,228 AO

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG2CR180722 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 77,096 VA

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS5CDA67476 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 14,024 64,081.60$ CU

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. AO 2G1WB5E3XE1132904 2014 Chevy No No Non-ODOT Funded 78,746 AO

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. Equipment I5TYRIIU55PA46356 2012 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 133,383 Other

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. AO HGCR2F37FA213497 2015 Honda No No Non-ODOT Funded 52,839 AO

Morrow County Services for Older Citizens Inc. Equipment 1GCHTBENoJ1113582 2018 Chevy No No Non-ODOT Funded 3,867 Other

O'Neill Senior Center MMV 2D4RN4DE3AR155304 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 124,090 39,021.40$ VA

O'Neill Senior Center MMV 2C4RDGBG9CR180703 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 99,920 39,021.40$ VA

O'Neill Senior Center LTV 1FDEE3FL8DDA92964 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 100,768 64,081.60$ CU

O'Neill Senior Center MMV 2C7WDGB4GR202893 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 34,952 39,021.40$ VA

O'Neill Senior Center LTV 1FDEE3FL5FDA32885 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 83,909 64,081.60$ CU

O'Neill Senior Center BU 1FDEE3FS5HDC37682 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 16,665 BU

Our Lady of the Wayside LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC64195 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 4,900 64,081.60$ CU

Our Lady of the Wayside LTV 1FDEE3FS9HDC62004 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 7,000 64,081.60$ CU

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTSS34L34HA96898 2004 SUP Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 185,693 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 1D4GP24R06B637792 2006 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 249,246 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 1D4GP24E97B251581 2007 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 228,866 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS34L69DA25587 2009 Braun Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 157,349 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL2ADA10992 2010 Ford Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 143,247 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL4ADA10993 2010 Ford Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 137,300 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL1ADA10997 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 125,417 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 2D4RN3DGXBR749157 2011 Dodge Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 162,271 VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 2D4RN3DG8BR749156 2011 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 160,870 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG0DR740674 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 125,804 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. SMV 2C4RDGBG9DR740673 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 130,347 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FL2CDA87192 2012 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 88,805 48,445.10$ CU

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6ER319582 2014 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 92,819 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGB4FR614231 2015 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 78,147 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG7GR202886 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 48,677 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR687126 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 31,937 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR687118 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 26,926 39,021.40$ VA

Preble County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG0HR828703 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 3,641 39,021.40$ VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTNE24W24HA49838 2004 Ford Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 174,539 VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. AO 2G1WT58K269173658 2006 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 177,096 AO

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. CV 1FTDS3EL7BDA22864 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 119,245 39,021.40$ VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG6CR254577 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 95,891 VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. AO 2MEFM75V17X634200 2007 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 155,802 AO

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. AO 1GNFLCEK7DZ124837 2013 General Motors Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 65,203 AO

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG4ER319564 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 75,944 39,021.40$ VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. MMV 57WMD1A6XEM100598 2014 Goshen Coach No No Non-ODOT Funded 45,963 VA

Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FS0HDC60934 2017 Starcraft Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 6,418 48,445.10$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2FMZA51473BA87686 2003 Ford Windstar No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 1FMRE11W74HB48814 2004 Ford EcoNoline No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 1C4GP45R25B440614 2005 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDXE45F12HA88030 2002 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 1D4GP25BX6B741711 2006 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 2D8HN44H68R770945 2008 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDXE45S76DA96319 2006 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1GBJG31U971251059 2007 Chevy No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FD4E45S78DA05491 2008 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 1FBSS3BL3ADA77326 2010 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 2D4RN4DE9AR497632 2010 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS5ADA23247 2010 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FL8BDB14720 2011 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS4DDB21710 2013 Goshen Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 118,100 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS8DDB21709 2013 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 132,612 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FL0DDA05915 2013 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 2C4RC1BG3ER184538 2014 Chrysler No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGCG8ER155342 2014 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGCG5ER161079 2014 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 5TDZK3DC4ES507303 2014 Toyota Motor Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS6EDB17692 2014 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 159,094 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 2C4RDGBG6FR737104 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGBG1FR687454 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGBG2FR749007 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGB4FR688517 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGBG7FR623256 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MMV 2C4RDGBG8GR143695 2016 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc MV-1 2C4RDGCG0GR347051 2016 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS4GDC18801 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 53,506 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS6GDC18802 2016 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 61,669 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDFE4FS3GDC46308 2016 Diamond No No Non-ODOT Funded CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS7HDC52670 2017 Goshen Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 16,939 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS9HDC52671 2017 Goshen Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,608 64,081.60$ CU

Residential Home for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc LTV 1FDEE3FS5HDC47886 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 35,038 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca County Commission on Aging, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR155309 2010 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 133,036 39,021.40$ VA

Seneca County Commission on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG7ER261224 2014 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 31,786 39,021.40$ VA

Seneca County Commission on Aging, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR562880 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 17,598 39,021.40$ VA

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services MMV 2D4RN4DE0AR155308 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 105,887 39,021.40$ VA

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services MMV 2D4RN4DE7AR155306 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 159,040 39,021.40$ VA

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services LTN 1FDEE3FL6DDA89027 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 134,355 48,445.10$ CU

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services LTN 1FDEE3FL4DDA89026 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 115,486 48,445.10$ CU

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services LTN 1FDEE3FL0GDC32106 2016 Goshen Coach No No Non-ODOT Funded 23,874 CU

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services LTV 1FDEE3FL2GDC41146 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 56,389 64,081.60$ CU

Service for Aging Inc.dba Senior Enrichment Services LTV 1FDEE3FL4GDC41147 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 55,338 64,081.60$ CU

Serving Our Seniors LTV 1FDEE3FL0EDA72080 2014 CHA Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 126,989 64,081.60$ CU

Serving Our Seniors LTV 1FDEE3FS7HDC57416 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 28,933 64,081.60$ CU

Serving Our Seniors LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC57411 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 26,637 64,081.60$ CU

Serving Our Seniors LTV 1FDEE3FS3HDC57414 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 29,468 64,081.60$ CU

Serving Our Seniors LTV 1FDEE3FS2HDC70896 2017 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 62,232 64,081.60$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Society for Equal Access MMV 1GBDV13W98D198935 2008 CHEVY Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 223,907 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 1GBDV13107D171982 2007 CHEVY No No Non-ODOT Funded 225,850 VA

Society for Equal Access LTV 1GAHG39U751145939 2005 CHEVY No No Non-ODOT Funded 166,417 CU

Society for Equal Access MMV 1GBDV13W98D205611 2008 CHEVY Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 250,377 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 1GBDV13W48D206665 2008 CHEVY Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 240,350 VA

Society for Equal Access CV 1FTNE24LX8DB35059 2008 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 167,425 VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 1GNDV23148D207523 2008 CHEVY No No Non-ODOT Funded 95,111 VA

Society for Equal Access CV 1FTDS34LX9DA25589 2009 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 153,225 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2D4RN4DE5AR293913 2010 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 260,899 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2D4RN4DEOAR323786 2010 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 271,773 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access CV 1FTDS3EL9BDA28865 2011 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 133,437 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2D4FN3DG4BR788620 2011 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 257,327 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2D4RN3DG8BR788622 2011 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 259,117 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2D4RN3DG6BR788621 2011 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 210,117 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG5CR180715 2012 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 172,907 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG1CR180713 2012 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 176,937 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access CV 1FTDS3EL9CDA67547 2012 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 96,333 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG3CR180714 2012 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 174,300 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access CV 1FTDS3EL9DDBO2OO7 2013 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 106,437 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG0DR617540 2013 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 138,450 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C7WDGBG9ER319575 2014 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 120,417 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C7WDGBG2ER319577 2014 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 121,550 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C7WDGBG4GR313718 2016 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 72,750 39,021.40$ VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG5GR125140 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 68,130 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG0GR386921 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 30,207 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBGXGR366255 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 30,375 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C4RDGBG2GR386919 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 29,400 VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2C4RDGCG3GR224604 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 50,700 VA

Society for Equal Access SMV 2C4RDGCG9GR352619 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 51,000 VA

Society for Equal Access MMV 2C7WDGBG0HR808709 2017 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 1,125 39,021.40$ VA

The Licking County Aging Program MMV 2D8HN44H08R101490 2008 No No Non-ODOT Funded 194,324 VA

The Licking County Aging Program LTV 1GBJG316191164681 2009 No No Non-ODOT Funded 89,339 CU

The Licking County Aging Program MV-1 523MF1A62CM100052 2012 No No Non-ODOT Funded 133,295 VA

The Licking County Aging Program MMV 2C4RDGBG7DR617521 2013 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 116,133 39,021.40$ VA

The Licking County Aging Program LTV 1FTDS3EL1DDB02020 2013 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 54,133 64,081.60$ CU

The Licking County Aging Program LTV 1FDEE3FL6DDA89156 2013 No No Non-ODOT Funded 80,038 CU

The Licking County Aging Program MMV 2C4RDGBGXER162259 2014 No No Non-ODOT Funded 102,906 VA

The Licking County Aging Program LTV 1FDEE3FL1FDA36741 2015 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 38,809 64,081.60$ CU

The Licking County Aging Program MMV 2C7WDGBG7HR687130 2017 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 22,044 39,021.40$ VA

TRI STATE HEALTH MV-1 57WMD1A60EM100142 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 1,709 47,738.70$ VA

TRI STATE HEALTH LTN 1FDEE3FL1EDA72086 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 2,034 48,445.10$ CU

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging CV 1FT3334L75HB19939 2005 Braun Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 151,794 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging SMV 1D4GP24R66B637795 2006 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 170,660 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging CV 1FTDS3EL8ADA10978 2010 Ford Motor Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 139,703 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR455030 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 84,396 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging CV 1FTDS3EL0BDA22866 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 74,880 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR455044 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 82,949 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C4RDGBG1CR180727 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 87,660 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C4RDGBG3CR180728 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 83,709 VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging CV 1FTDS3EL0CDA67548 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 46,728 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C4RDGBG9DR617522 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,661 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C4RDGBG0DR617523 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 39,250 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG9ER261225 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 23,735 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG0ER261226 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,875 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG2ER261227 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 30,527 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG4ER261228 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 31,825 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WSGBG2FR634395 2015 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 35,011 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG5GR202885 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 28,190 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG5GR202854 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 24,639 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR562877 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 6,452 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR562863 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 7,295 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR562885 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 7,346 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG1HR718565 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 71 39,021.40$ VA

Tuscarawas County Committee on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG1HR718582 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 69 39,021.40$ VA

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Union County Commissioners MMV 2D4N4DE8AR420527 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 180,274 VA

Union County Commissioners MMV 2D4N4DE8AR420525 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 223,121 39,021.40$ VA

Union County Commissioners MMV 2D4RN4DE1AR420527 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 170,930 VA

Union County Commissioners SMV 2CARDGCG5CR195472 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 167,230 VA

Union County Commissioners SMV 2C4RDGCG5CR195472 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 161,523 VA

Union County Commissioners SMV 2C4RDGCG7CR195473 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 161,736 VA

Union County Commissioners LTV 1FDEE3FS4BDA29736 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 143,950 64,081.60$ CU

Union County Commissioners LTV 1FDEE3FS1ADA12956 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 151,651 CU

Union County Commissioners SMV 2C4RDGBG9DR583016 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes New Freedom 5317 169,167 39,021.40$ VA

Union County Commissioners SMV 2C4RDGBG7DR583015 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes New Freedom 5317 155,722 39,021.40$ VA

Union County Commissioners SMV 2C4RDGBG5DR83014 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes New Freedom 5317 138,611 39,021.40$ VA

Union County Commissioners LTV 1FDEE3FL6EDA56451 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes New Freedom 5317 33,614 64,081.60$ CU

United Senior Services LTV 1D4G24R25B165612 2005 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 66,368 CU

United Senior Services LTV 1D4GP24R56B511332 2006 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 132,136 CU

United Senior Services LTV 1GBDV13W780210287 2008 Chevy No No Non-ODOT Funded 132,395 CU

United Senior Services LTV 2D4RN4DE5AR185355 2010 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 102,127 CU

United Senior Services BU 1FTSS34L67DB47676 2007 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 94,140 BU

United Senior Services BU 1FTSS34579DA30023 2009 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 98,890 BU

United Senior Services BU 1FTD3EL1ADB0075 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 50,963 BU

United Senior Services BU 1FTDS3ELXADB00794 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 55,815 BU

United Senior Services LTV 2C4RDGBG7DR780962 2013 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 81,111 CU

United Senior Services LTV 2C4RDGBG8DR731799 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 109,209 64,081.60$ CU

United Senior Services LTV 2C4RDGBG4FR508405 2015 Dodge No No Non-ODOT Funded 59,731 CU

United Senior Services LTV 2C7WDGXGR202848 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 29,578 64,081.60$ CU

United Senior Services LTV 2C7WDGBGXR202851 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 34,875 64,081.60$ CU

Van Wert County Council on Aging AV 1FTSS34L15HA88414 2005 FORD No No Non-ODOT Funded 133,706 VA

Van Wert County Council on Aging AV 1FTDS34L09DA25584 2009 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 111,610 47,738.70$ VA

Van Wert County Council on Aging SV 2DSHN54159R602741 2009 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 59,705 VA

Van Wert County Council on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR202887 2016 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 28,968 39,021.40$ VA

Vinton County Senior Citizens, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR420543 2010 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 72,165 39,021.40$ VA

Vinton County Senior Citizens, Inc. MMV 2D4RN4DE8AR420542 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 90,321 39,021.40$ VA

Walter & Audrey Deardoff Trust DBA Deardoff Senior Citizens Center SV 1FTSS34L07DB47673 2007 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded VA

Walter & Audrey Deardoff Trust DBA Deardoff Senior Citizens Center LTN 1FDEE3FL0FDA36746 2014 Coach Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 56,074 48,445.10$ CU

Walter & Audrey Deardoff Trust DBA Deardoff Senior Citizens Center MV-1 57WMD2C6XGM100249 2016 Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 2,407 47,738.70$ VA

Wellington Senior Citizens Bus Associations LTV 1FDEE3FJDC06520 2018 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 474 64,081.60$ CU

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 2C8GP44313R321494 2003 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 115,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 1D4GP24R15B143097 2005 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 72,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 1D4GP24R26B616572 2006 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 61,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 2A4GP54L67R294476 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 218,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 2D4RN5D11AR444331 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 293,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 2D4RN3DG3BR701404 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Non-ODOT Funded 283,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership AO 1G1ZB5EOXCF209148 2012 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 69,000 AO

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C4RDGBG9CR180723 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 176,000 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C4RDGBG4CR265240 2012 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 68,652 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership SMV 2C4RC1BG2DR604255 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No Non-ODOT Funded 62,000 VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C7WDGBG6ER319744 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 287,000 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202881 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 12,000 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202878 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 24,000 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202895 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 19,000 39,021.40$ VA

West Ohio Community Action Partnership MMV 2C7WDGGIHR618385 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 30,115 39,021.40$ VA

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202847 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 72,375 39,021.40$ VA

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202864 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 71,847 39,021.40$ VA

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR202874 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 70,737 39,021.40$ VA

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR202888 2016 Braun Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 76,474 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center CV 1FTDS3EL0ADA10974 2010 Ford Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 98,538 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center MMV 2C4RDGBG9VT180726 2012 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 108,712 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center MMV 2C4RDGBG3DR740684 2013 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 94,558 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center CV 1FTDS3EL0EDB13382 2014 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 26,079 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634356 2015 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 53,728 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center MMV 2C7WDGBG7GR202869 2016 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 53,717 39,021.40$ VA

Wood Co. Children's Services Assoc. dba Children's Resource Center MMV 2C7WDGBB5HR793091 2017 Dodge Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 14,328 39,021.40$ VA

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5311 Rural Transit Agencies

Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Woodland Centers Non Revenue Auto 1GNDM19W2SB125552 1995 Chevy No No Non-ODOT Funded 208,211 Other

Woodland Centers SMV 1D4GP24E07B251582 2007 Dodge caravan Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 268,931 VA

Woodland Centers CV 1FTDS3EL4BDA22868 2010 Ford Bus Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 228,991 VA

Woodland Centers MMV 2D4RN4DE9AR420520 2010 Dodge MMV Yes No Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 187,876 VA

Woodland Centers CV 1FTDS3EL2DDB02012 2013 Ford Bus Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 135,734 39,021.40$ VA

Woodland Centers SMV 2C4RDGBG3DR740670 2013 Dodge caravan Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 160,924 39,021.40$ VA

Woodland Centers MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR599438 2015 Dodge mmv Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 96,190 39,021.40$ VA

Woodland Centers MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR614317 2015 Dodge mmv Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 95,020 39,021.40$ VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging SMV 1D46P24RX6B637797 2006 DODGE Yes No Non-ODOT Funded 157,730 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 1D4GP21E06B673287 2006 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 127,487 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 1GBDU13W98D211022 2008 CHEVROLET No No Non-ODOT Funded 197,556 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging CV 1FTDS34L29DA25585 2009 FORD No No Non-ODOT Funded 244,506 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging AO 3FADP4EJOCM137534 2012 FORD No No Non-ODOT Funded 56,660 AO

Wyandot County Council on Aging CV 1FTDS3EL1DDB02034 2013 FORD Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 129,872 39,021.40$ VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging AO NMOKS9BN7CT089923 2013 Ford No No Non-ODOT Funded 81,104 AO

Wyandot County Council on Aging CV 1FTN52EW1DDA35671 2013 FORD No No Non-ODOT Funded 108,607 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBG8FR606245 2015 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 92,638 39,021.40$ VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 2C7WDGBGXFR606229 2015 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 75,662 39,021.40$ VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 2C7DGBG3GR202884 2015 DODGE Yes Yes Specialized Transportation Program - 5310 55,410 39,021.40$ VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging MMV 2C4RDGBGXGR385792 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 10,324 VA

Wyandot County Council on Aging SMV 2C4RDGBG4GR396724 2016 DODGE No No Non-ODOT Funded 6,327 VA

Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Ashland Public Transit MMV 2D4RN4DG5BR769984 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 89,280 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL8ADB01853 2010 Ford Motor Corporation No No Local 122,097 -$ CU

Ashland Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG8ER140928 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5337 87,637 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG9ER380070 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 59,336 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG8FR634238 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5337 54,907 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG8FR634241 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5337 33,368 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit MMV 57WMD2C6XGM100011 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5339 34,307 39,021.40$ VN

Ashland Public Transit AV 1FTYR2CM7HKA57136 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 232,494 47,738.70$ VN

Ashland Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS9HDC67087 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 14,037 64,081.60$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL2DDB 2006 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 92,938 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTV 1FDFE45949DA41970 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 150,195 64,081.60$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTV 1FDFE4FP8ADA40095 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 135,038 64,081.60$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTV 1FDFE4FP3ADA40098 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 136,680 64,081.60$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTV 1FDFE45P69DA41971 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 147,782 64,081.60$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FLXDDB12633 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 147,502 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FLO809742 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 129,230 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL7DDB12783 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 126,957 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FLDD809756 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 129,242 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL0DGC19016 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 45,932 48,445.10$ CU

Ashtabula County Transportation (ACTS) MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR372465 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 16,231 39,021.40$ VN

Athens Public Transit B30-HD M15GGE181221090518 2002 Gilling Corp No No 646,103 -$ AO

Athens Public Transit B30-HD M15GGE181021090520 2002 Gilling Corp No No 561,490 -$ AO

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS7BDA09927 2011 Goshen Coach No No 5311 213,347 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS2DDA20661 2013 Goshen Coach No No 5311 185,589 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS4FDA10653 2014 Goshen Coach No No 5311 157,768 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS5GDC25850 2016 Ford Motor Corporation No No 5339 97,418 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS7GDC25851 2016 Champion Bus No No 5339 100,188 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS8GDC54937 2016 Champion Bus No No 5339 87,820 -$ CU

Athens Public Transit AV 1FTYR2XM6HKA84547 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 7,795 47,738.70$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG0CR225785 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 121,281 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 1FTDS3EL2CDA86361 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 78,045 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG1ER162303 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 99,123 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXER162302 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5337 87,772 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG7GR262327 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 37,484 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR262295 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 37,140 39,021.40$ VN

Bowling Green Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR718581 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 12,515 39,021.40$ VN

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Carroll County Transit MMV 1D8HN44H58B184820 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 220,622 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR155316 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 264,442 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE7AR155323 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 266,421 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE3AR155321 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 266,587 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL6BDA43484 2011 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 174,655 64,081.60$ CU

Carroll County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL4CDA87193 2012 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 157,439 64,081.60$ CU

Carroll County Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG0ER319593 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 115,187 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG2ER319594 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 129,028 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL3FDA32884 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 58,111 64,081.60$ CU

Carroll County Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG4GR262334 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 69,186 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2C7WDGBXHR743027 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339(b) 27,205 39,021.40$ VN

Carroll County Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR743058 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339(b) 20,698 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System AV 1FTDS3EL0CDA86360 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 68,425 47,738.70$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG1DR617532 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 85,957 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG1ER220393 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 88,435 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBGXER220392 2014 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 89,800 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR634379 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 61,591 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR634382 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 63,210 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR202865 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 38,037 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FS8GDC46407 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 21,559 48,445.10$ CU

Champaign Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FSXGDC46408 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 22,116 48,445.10$ CU

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG7HR710194 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes 5311 5,453 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR687128 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes 5339 5,124 39,021.40$ VN

Champaign Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR687131 2017 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes Yes 5339 5,830 39,021.40$ VN

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FP4ADA20994 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 217,439 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDF4F56BDDA86840 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 229,569 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDF4F56BDDA86841 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 195,630 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS4DDA36651 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 212,474 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1GB6G6B1XD1170130 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5311 135,197 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1GB6G6BLSD1171045 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5311 112,322 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS7FDA23056 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 93,740 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS9FDA23057 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 85,266 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS8GDC18956 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 73,920 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FSXGDC18957 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 74,597 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS7HDC16553 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 36,668 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS9HDC16554 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 30,712 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS6HDC19153 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 37,993 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS9HDC78732 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 6,210 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS9HDC78729 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 6,067 64,081.60$ CU

Chillicothe Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS8HDC78723 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 6,372 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL7ADA46389 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 643,535 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL9BDA17039 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 288,801 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FS8BDA29741 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 219,996 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) SMV 2C4RDGBG4DR756506 2013 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 195,591 39,021.40$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV FDEE3FS4DDB31914 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 192,809 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FS6DDB31915 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 172,482 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FS6EDA47773 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 174,794 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FS8EDA47774 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 193,984 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FSXEDA47775 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 150,452 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTV 1FDEE3FS1EDA47776 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 214,245 64,081.60$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBG5FR614223 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5339b 110,445 39,021.40$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL4FDA11929 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 134,675 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL9FDS11926 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 133,775 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL0FDA11927 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 151,704 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL2FDA11928 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 123,565 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBGXFR634290 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5316 92,347 39,021.40$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBGXFR634306 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5316 102,001 39,021.40$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBGXFR634323 2015 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5339 88,125 39,021.40$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL7EDA65188 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 152,664 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBG7GR202855 2016 BRAUN/DODGE No No JARC 73,772 -$ VN

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL3GDC16269 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 93,282 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL9GDC19015 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 130,236 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL2GDC19017 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 77,924 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) LTN 1FDEE3FL4GDC19018 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 89,966 48,445.10$ CU

Columbiana County/Community Action Rural Transit System (CARTS) MMV 2C7WDGBG7GR372455 2016 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5316 74,285 39,021.40$ VN

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FD3E35L28DA05770 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 231,958 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR164514 2010 Dodge Division Yes Yes 5311 230,804 39,021.40$ VN

Fayette County Transportation Program MMV 2D4RN4DE9AR164542 2010 Dodge Division Yes Yes 5311 241,991 39,021.40$ VN

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE35L49DA77676 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 2,009 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1fDEE3FL4ADA34913 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 224,109 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE3FL6ADA23251 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 208,810 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program CV 1FTDS3EL6EDA67167 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5337 157,547 39,021.40$ VN

Fayette County Transportation Program CV 1FTDS3EL8EDA67168 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5337 184,554 39,021.40$ VN

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE3FS7HDC67086 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 107,011 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC60795 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 360 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDFE4FS1HDC67143 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 390 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE3FS4HDC67093 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 7,087 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC67096 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 7,324 64,081.60$ CU

Fayette County Transportation Program LTV 1FDFE4FSXHDC67142 2018 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 22,143 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5bl5e1119923 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 140,836 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5blxe1120002 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 124,988 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5bl9e1121061 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 108,877 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5bl6e1120661 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 126,788 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5blxe1120968 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 109,745 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1gb6g5bl8e1121522 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 109,172 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS9EDB17301 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 102,208 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS1EDB17311 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 84,748 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1fdee3fs8gdc03024 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 54,045 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1fdee3fs3gdc05229 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 44,034 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit MMV 2c7wdgbg4gr262317 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 16,654 39,021.40$ VN

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS5GDC58207 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 33,110 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS7GDC58208 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 29,530 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS4HDC51363 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 31,429 64,081.60$ CU

Geauga County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS6HDC51364 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 22,418 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FD3E35L98DB59635 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 112,472 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FD4E45S78DB51339 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 122,594 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FD4E45S38DB56585 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 107,727 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1F1E4FS7BDB05251 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 94,293 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FL2DDB28843 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 60,803 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FL4DDB28844 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 47,672 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FS0EDB17302 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 58,940 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FS2EDB17303 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 57,392 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1F1E4FS1HDC01174 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 23,238 64,081.60$ CU

Greenville Transit System LTV 1F1E4FS5HDC01176 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 18,555 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) SMV 2FMZA5169BA30668 2006 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 113,513 39,021.40$ VN

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MMV 5N1BV28U49N100756 2009 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes 146,494 39,021.40$ VN

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR296723 2010 Dodge Division Yes Yes 111,485 39,021.40$ VN

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL5ADA55625 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 164,953 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) MMV 2C4RDGBCR220291 2012 Dodge Division Yes Yes 87,828 39,021.40$ VN

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL1BA83570 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 152,586 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL3BDA83571 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 156,850 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL8EDA23547 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 102,547 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL6EDA23456 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 119,130 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FLXEDA23548 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 96,733 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL1EDA23549 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 119,165 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL3EDA72090 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 103,045 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL5EDA72091 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 100,670 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FLOGDC30839 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 64,109 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FLOGDC30840 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 59,590 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FS0GDC57210 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 51,925 64,081.60$ CU

Hancock Area Transportation Services (HATS) LTV 1FDEE3FS2GDC57211 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 45,955 64,081.60$ CU

Harrison County Public Transit LTN 1GCEK14X762136871 2006 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5311 42,244 48,445.10$ CU

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2D4RN3DG6BR752914 2011 dodge Division Yes No 5311 152,332 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL8CDA93000 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 140,979 48,445.10$ CU

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG1ER162298 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 146,017 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG5ER227633 2014 dodge Division Yes No 5311 148,851 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG7ER227634 2014 dodge Division Yes No 5311 130,283 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL9EDA72725 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 6311 82,738 48,445.10$ CU

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGB6FR634349 2015 dodge Division Yes No 5311 104,424 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGB6FR634352 2015 dodge Division Yes No 5311 95,501 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR372448 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 64,065 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2CWDGBG9GR378287 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 63,272 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR372451 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 54,859 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG0HR718556 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 14,455 39,021.40$ VN

Harrison County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG7HR718571 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 13,654 39,021.40$ VN

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1F8HE31H2RH858806 1994 Ford Motor Corporation No No Local 137,450 -$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FBSS31L3WHA92250 1998 Ford Motor Corporation No No Local 246,190 -$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FD3E35L18DA05744 2008 Ford Motor Corporation No No Local 278,375 -$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTN 1FTSS34L45HB49352 2005 Ford Motor Corporation No No Local 319,970 -$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1GJHG35K381201125 2008 General Motors Corporation No No Local 230,390 -$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FTDS34L79DA46027 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5317 375,385 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. CV 1FTDS34L79DA46027 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5317 375,385 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FS3ADA23246 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5310 305,845 48,445.10$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG6CR180710 2012 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 268,937 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTN 1FDEE3FS0BDA29734 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5310 150,650 48,445.10$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDG8G9DR617519 2013 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 278,690 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG6DR710157 2013 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5316 252,810 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDG8G5DR617520 2013 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 261,160 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C4RDGBG4DR710156 2013 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5316 293,365 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3ER319748 2014 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5316 223,575 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634423 2015 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 140,640 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG3FR634406 2015 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 176,200 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS6FDA14404 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5316 175,195 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG4GR202876 2016 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 141,805 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR202873 2016 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5316 170,650 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDFE4FS9GDC25852 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5310 69,275 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDFE4FS6GDC50241 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5316 104,080 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR562882 2017 Dodge Division-Chrysler Corportation Yes Yes 5310 94,115 39,021.40$ VN

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC77788 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5310 13,290 64,081.60$ CU

Horizons of Tuscarawas & Carroll Counties, Inc. LTV 1FDEE3FS3HDC70891 2018 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 11,715 64,081.60$ CU

Huron County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL0BDA17043 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 210,039 64,081.60$ CU

Huron County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL9BDA17042 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 190,171 64,081.60$ CU

Huron County Transit LTN 1FTDS3EL6CDB01704 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 95,966 48,445.10$ CU

Huron County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL1DDA59529 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 126,790 64,081.60$ CU

Huron County Transit LTV 1FDEE3FL1FDA19597 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 82,417 64,081.60$ CU

Huron County Transit MMV 57WMD2C66GM100118 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5339 35,777 39,021.40$ VN

Huron County Transit MMV 57WMD2C64GM100117 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5339 36,516 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit MMV 1FTDS3EL6BDA22869 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 212,481 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL7ADA38017 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 231,551 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL7ADA38020 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 197,209 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit MMV 1FTDS3EL4CDA26906 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 217,122 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit MMV 1FTDS3EL6CDA26907 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 218,805 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG3CR298648 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 176,211 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit MMV 523MF1A66CM100796 2012 dodge Division Yes No 5311 118,849 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FS8CDA13413 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 203,660 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit MMV 1FTDS3ELXDDB18118 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 195,971 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL7EDA29503 2014 Champion Bus Yes No 5311 178,759 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL6FDA19594 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 74,232 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL8FDA19595 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 99,769 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 2C7WDGBG8FR614247 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 114,838 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FL8DC11424 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 93,169 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FLXGDC11425 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 114,838 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR372479 2016 Dodge Division Yes No 5339 46,250 39,021.40$ VN

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDFE4FS0HDC05331 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 62,777 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FS6HDC31941 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 25,856 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FS8HDC31942 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 26,378 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FSXHDC31943 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 21,071 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FS1HDC31944 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 23,055 48,445.10$ CU

Knox Area Transit LTN 1FDEE3FS3HDC31945 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339b 25,454 48,445.10$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE35L59DA81039 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 263,362 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE35L19DA81040 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 213,404 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL3ADA62704 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 211,204 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FSXBDA29739 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 211,740 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG3DR617502 2013 Dodge Division Yes Yes 5311 136,644 39,021.40$ VN

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FLXCDA13535 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 227,233 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL1CDA13536 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 208,853 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL8CDA13534 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 172,236 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS0EDA47780 2014 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5337 129,206 48,445.10$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS2EDA47781 2014 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5337 145,175 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS4EDA47782 2014 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5337 129,799 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS6EDA47783 2014 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5337 124,347 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS6FDA10654 2015 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 99,786 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS8FDA10655 2015 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 99,954 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FSXFDA10656 2015 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 92,902 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS2GDC10707 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 88,205 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS4GDC10708 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 78,252 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDF34FS6GDC10709 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 96,498 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1FDFE4FS9GDC22451 2016 Mobility Ventures Yes Yes 5339 75,508 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1fdfe4fs4gdc51355 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 70,367 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1fdfe4fs8gdc51360 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 49,380 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1fdfe4fs2gdc51354 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 51,861 64,081.60$ CU

Lancaster-Fairfield Public Transit System LTV 1fdfe4fs4gdc51372 2016 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 62,204 64,081.60$ CU

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG7CR398509 2012 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5311 92,313 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG4ER380087 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5311 65,477 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FS9CDA66430 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5310 47,580 64,081.60$ CU

Logan Public Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL1EDA78616 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 28,931 48,445.10$ CU

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG6FR614215 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5311 44,417 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG6FR614229 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5311 42,587 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR372450 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339 17,636 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR562873 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339 13,277 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 1FDEE3FSXHDC77806 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 347 39,021.40$ VN

Logan Public Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG6HR802252 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 9,779 39,021.40$ VN

Marion Area Transit (MAT) Sedan 1FAFP53U22A236735 2002 Ford Motor Corporation No No 45,854 -$ AO

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDXE45P67DA01777 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No 147,234 -$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) Sedan 1FAFP53U23G27979 2003 Ford Motor Corporation No No 43,089 -$ AO

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDXE45PX7DA01796 2007 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 131,285 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FD4E45P18DA54570 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 112,609 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FD4E45P38DA54571 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 144,578 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE45P59DA64450 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 101,828 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS1BDA19837 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 148,015 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS5BDA19839 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 187,928 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS1DBA19840 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 136,777 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS3BDA19838 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No ARRA 143,253 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS5DDA93040 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 86,497 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS5GDC10961 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 53,631 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS4GDC12376 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 47,515 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS6GDC12377 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 46,914 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS1HDC15446 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 14,805 64,081.60$ CU

Marion Area Transit (MAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS2HCD13785 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 533b 28,718 64,081.60$ CU

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 1GBDV13W77D189598 2007 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes Yes 5339b 86,747 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 1D8HN44H28B184841 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 164,817 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation CV 1FTDS3ELOADA48124 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 77,605 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation CV 1FTDS3EL7ADA48122 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 101,989 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation CV 1FTDS3EL9ADA48123 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 71,225 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation CV 1FTDS3EL1BDA13478 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 47,909 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 2D4RN4DE5AR498440 2010 Dodge Division Yes No 5311 141,273 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 2C4RDGBG2CR398417 2012 dodge Division Yes No 5311 130,605 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 2C4RDGBG6DR780970 2013 dodge Division Yes No 5311 115,313 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation MMV 2C7WDGBG7FR541971 2015 dodge Division Yes No 5311 74,695 39,021.40$ VN

Monroe County Public Transportation LTV 1FDFE4FS9GDC22448 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 81,400 64,081.60$ CU

Monroe County Public Transportation LTV 1FDFE4FS1HDC16547 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 38,654 64,081.60$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE5AR498485 2010 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 261,266 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS3ADA42279 2010 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 191,669 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 2D4RN4DE3AR155335 2010 Goshen Coach No No 5311 142,081 -$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE35L69DA44095 2009 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 164,321 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG4CR298643 2012 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 185,624 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FSXBDB12300 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 191,016 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS1BDB12301 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 213,610 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C4RDGBG3DR750647 2013 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 197,818 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS1DDA15375 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 142,081 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG9ER319589 2014 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 152,686 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG7ER319591 2014 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 155,916 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FSXEDA94630 2014 Goshen Coach No No 5311 101,576 -$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG4FR634348 2015 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5339 109,486 -$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FSXGDC03025 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 142,081 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS3GDC02993 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339b 81,252 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR562868 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 47,279 39,021.40$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR562871 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339b 52,229 39,021.40$ VN

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FSXHDC13789 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 42,989 64,081.60$ CU

Morgan County Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS8HDC13788 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5311 43,494 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 3GBKC34G91M112257 2001 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No LOCAL 68,544 -$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS0CDA62843 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 227,650 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS9CDA62842 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 212,992 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDEE3FL6CDA87194 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 195,553 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDEE3FS5CDA78106 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 201,377 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDEE3FS3CDA78105 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 188,176 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) BU 1GBG5V1999F413236 2009 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No ARRA 247,458 120,151.00$ BU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) BU 1GBG5V1949F413189 2009 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No AARA 164,250 120,151.00$ BU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) BU 1GBG5V1999F413169 2009 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No AARA 229,648 120,151.00$ BU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1fdfe4fl2cda21817 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 168,768 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1fdfe4fs3dda85499 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 154,298 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS9DDB21731 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 134,864 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSODDB21729 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 134,876 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS7DDB21730 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 159,456 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS4EDB10136 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 160,500 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS6EDB10137 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 176,815 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSXEDB10139 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 89,689 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS6EDB10140 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 96,387 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS8EDB10138 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 131,475 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS6FDA34890 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 139,022 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS8FDA34843 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 106,715 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS5FDA34900 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 115,653 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS0FDA34898 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 100,522 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS2FDA34899 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 108,814 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS9FDA34897 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 126,384 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS3GDC51279 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 63,368 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSXGDC51280 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 80,438 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS7GDC50281 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 54,870 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS5GDC53454 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 70,387 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS7GDC53455 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 62,663 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) BU 1BAKGCBA5GF318726 2016 Bluebird Corporation Yes No 5311 125,706 120,151.00$ BU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS5HDC51379 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 11,025 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS3HDC51378 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 28,292 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS1HDC51377 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 23,097 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FSHDC51381 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 23,204 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) LTV 1FDFE4FS5HDC51380 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339 19,891 64,081.60$ CU

Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) BU 1BAKJCBA6JF339187 2018 Bluebird Corporation Yes No 5339 40,982 120,151.00$ BU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FD4E45P98DA50914 2008 Goshen Coach No No 5311 208,888 -$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FD4E45P68DA50918 2008 Goshen Coach No No 5311 223,193 -$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDFE45PX9DA37843 2009 Goshen Coach No No 5311 297,742 -$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C4RDGBG7DR673815 2013 Dodge Yes No 5311 238,530 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C4RDGBG7DR673814 2013 dodge Yes No 5311 291,030 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1FDEE3FL3CDA13537 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No SEAT Transfer 232,614 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C4RDGBG1ER214670 2014 dodge Yes No 5311 205,772 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C4RDGBG3ER214671 2014 dodge Yes No 5311 197,883 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2D4RN4DE8AR155265 2010 BRAUN/DODGE No No 5311 226,455 -$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FL9DDA85408 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 174,205 64,081.60$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C7WDGBGXFR541978 2015 dodge Yes No 5311 130,705 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C7WDGBGOFR541973 2015 dodge Yes No 5311 141,520 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1FDEE3FlXFDA19596 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 107,594 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2c7wdgbg7fr641522 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 106,807 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2c7wdgb5fr641521 2015 dodge Yes No 5311 112,744 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C7WDGBG1GR176544 2016 dodge Yes No 5311 92,662 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C7WDGBG5GR313713 2016 dodge Yes No 5311 93,467 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) MMV 2C7WDGBG5GR313694 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 110,620 39,021.40$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1fdee3fl9gdc19046 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 87,081 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1fdee3fl7gdc19045 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 80,383 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1FDEE3FS8GDC46424 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 73,679 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTN 1FDEE3FSXGDC3505 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 65,698 48,445.10$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FSOHDC17792 2016 Eldorado National Yes No Dayton RTA 264,713 64,081.60$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) AV 1FTYR2CM9HKB54452 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 16,400 47,738.70$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) AV 1FTYR2CM0HKB54453 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 16,793 47,738.70$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) AV 1FTYR2CM2HKB54454 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 18,787 47,738.70$ VN

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC62000 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 17,281 64,081.60$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FS0HDC61999 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 15,279 64,081.60$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FS1HDC60988 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 3,617 64,081.60$ CU

Perry County Transit (PCT) LTV 1FDEE3FS0HDC78608 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 6,641 64,081.60$ CU

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE8AR167660 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 138,384 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR167644 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 121,291 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR167623 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 143,317 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE6AR164532 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 132,768 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR164545 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 114,395 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE5AR435645 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 138,822 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE7AR435646 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 138,822 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE9AR435647 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No Ohio Coordinatio Program 141,296 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 2D4RN4DE6AR485549 2010 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation Yes No 5311 124,159 39,021.40$ VN

Pickaway Area Rural Transit MMV 57WMD2C67GM100533 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 45,460 39,021.40$ VN

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1D8HN44H78B184835 2008 Dodge Division - Chrysler Corporation No No Local 123,494 -$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1FDEE35LO9DA17409 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 164,132 64,081.60$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1FDEE35L89DA77681 2009 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 127,091 64,081.60$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1FDEE3FLXADA46385 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 123,494 64,081.60$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1FDEE3FL8DDA59530 2013 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5311 65,895 64,081.60$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 57WMD2A67EM101651 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 38,972 64,081.60$ CU

Pike County/Community Action Transit System (CATS) LTV 1FDFE4FS1GDC51359 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 stat grf 14,516 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FDW35L66DA78831 2006 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 212,956 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FD3E35L68DA05769 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 172,699 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FD3E35L48DA05768 2008 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 173,886 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2D4RN4DEXAR120548 2010 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp Yes No ARRA 251,933 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR165419 2010 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp Yes No ARRA 245,065 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FDEE3FS1ADB02348 2010 Goshen Coach Yes No 5317 151,697 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) VN 1GSW7PFA5D1169485 2013 General Motors Corporation No No 249,739 -$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) VN 1GJW7PFA4D1168215 2013 General Motors Corporation No No 253,828 -$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) VN 1GAZGZFA9E1208217 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC No No 111,346 -$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FDEE3FS6DDB36628 2013 Goshen Coach Yes No 5317 147,263 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2C7WDGBG5FR541970 2015 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp Yes No 5317 129,189 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) VN 1GAWGEFF1G1229377 2016 General Motors Corporation No No 72,893 -$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FDEE3FS4FDA35039 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 93,578 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2C7WDGBG6GR372477 2016 Dodge Division/Chrysler Corp Yes No 5311 59,915 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTV 1FDEE3FS9HDC14423 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 53399(b) 41,936 64,081.60$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2C7WDGBG5HR718147 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 28,976 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) MMV 2C7WDGBGXHR718564 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b) 28,976 39,021.40$ VN

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTN 1FTYR2CMXHKB54461 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 16,182 48,445.10$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTN 1FTYR2CM8HKB54457 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 26,861 48,445.10$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTN 1FTYR2CM1HKB54459 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 17,164 48,445.10$ CU

RTC Industries/ Transportation for Logan County (TLC) LTN 1FTYR2CM8HKB54460 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 16,801 48,445.10$ CU

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS7ADA65736 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 162,853 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS9ADA65737 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 186,057 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS0ADA65738 2010 Goshen Coach Yes No 5339 150,520 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS1ADA65747 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 308,957 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS2ADA65739 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 241,601 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FSXADA65732 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 161,716 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL0EDA72080 2014 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5339 125,400 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FSXFDA00726 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 85,790 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS3FDA00728 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 99,863 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS3FDA00731 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 94,781 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System LTN 1FDFE4FS9FDA03083 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 97,040 48,445.10$ CU

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CMXHKA57132 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 94,781 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM0HKA36953 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 29,344 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM2HKA36954 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 30,034 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM4HKA36955 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 29,167 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM3HKA57134 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 29,277 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM1HKA57133 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 27,970 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM6HKA36956 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 27,939 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System AV 1FTYR2CM5HKA57135 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339b 27,121 47,738.70$ VN

Sandusky Transit System LTV 1FDEE3FS9HDC03146 2017 Champion Bus Yes Yes 5339b 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FS2CDA87104 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 91,886 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) MMV 57WML1A65EM101368 2014 Mobility Ventures No No Local 22,775 -$ VN

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FS1DDA85555 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 126,504 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FL4DDA92962 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 66,874 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1F1E4FS5EDA83660 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 73,192 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FS3EDA94629 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 90,232 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FLXFDA32882 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 70,327 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FL1FDA32883 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 50,327 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FSXGDC58221 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 44,978 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1FDEE3FS1GD58222 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 28,669 64,081.60$ CU

Scioto County/Access Scioto County (ASC) LTV 1F1E4FS0HDC32142 2017 Ford Motor Corporation Yes Yes 5339(b) 16,551 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 1FTD53EL1BDA86060 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 106,572 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C4RDGB6CR398484 2012 dodge Division Yes No 5311 106,865 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C4RDGBG5DR617503 2013 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 135,216 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C4RDGBG2ER246303 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 48,505 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C4RDGCG0ER162141 2014 dodge Division No No 87,096 -$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FS6DDA62840 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 172,560 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FS8DDA62841 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 102,138 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FSXDDA62842 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 101,991 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEEFL700A85407 2013 Alspom Yes No 5311 104,512 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C7WDGBG9FR536769 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 99,962 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C7WDGBG2FR541960 2015 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5307 79,088 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 57WMD1A65EM100816 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 45,984 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FL3FDA19598 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5337 90,399 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FL2GDC27179 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 59,881 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR372457 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 51,470 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FS9GDC57206 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 37,254 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) MMV 2C7WDGBG1GR372466 2016 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 53,140 39,021.40$ VN

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FS4GDC57212 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 22,950 64,081.60$ CU

Seneca-Crawford Area Transportation (SCAT) LTV 1FDEE3FS9GDC56864 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 39,328 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDEE3FS5ADA48987 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 162,782 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS6BDA14858 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 161,437 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS0BDA16881 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 156,677 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FSXBDB04711 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 157,017 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit MMV 523MF1A60CM101488 2012 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5311 126,121 39,021.40$ VN

Shelby Public Transit MMV 57WMD2A68EM101593 2014 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5311 81,987 39,021.40$ VN

Shelby Public Transit MMV 57WMD2C64FM100262 2015 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5311 80,978 39,021.40$ VN

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS3GDC10926 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 60,241 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit LTV 1FDFE4FS4HDC13786 2016 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 33,285 64,081.60$ CU

Shelby Public Transit MMV 2C7WDGBG9HR718555 2017 BRAUN/DODGE Yes Yes 5339(b) 18,199 39,021.40$ VN

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Agency Name Asset Class Vehicle VIN Vehicle Year Manufacturer Funded By ODOT? Is ODOT Lien Holder? Funding Program Current Mileage Replacement Cost Vehicle Type

South East Area Transit (SEAT) Sedan 1J4FF28S4YL243633 2000 Chrysler No No 5311 154,819 -$ AO

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDXE45S27DB21127 2007 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 162,107 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDXE45S67DB21129 2007 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 195,116 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MMV 2D4RN4DE6AR165423 2010 Chrysler Yes No ARRA 147,532 39,021.40$ VN

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MMV 2D4RN4DE2AR155262 2010 Chrysler Yes No ARRA 154,460 39,021.40$ VN

South East Area Transit (SEAT) MMV 2D4RN4DE4AR155277 2010 Chrysler Yes No ARRA 65,512 39,021.40$ VN

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FD4E45S58DB51386 2008 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 196,567 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FD4E45S68DB51445 2008 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 201,355 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS0ADA48874 2010 Eldorado National Yes No ARRA 197,028 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS2ADA48875 2010 Eldorado National Yes No ARRA 229,566 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS4ADA48876 2010 Eldorado National Yes No ARRA 224,939 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS8ADA55507 2010 Eldorado National Yes No ARRA 200,586 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE45SX9DA92359 2009 Eldorado National Yes No ARRA 194,378 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) CV 1FTDS3EL1EDA48848 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5311 68,541 39,021.40$ VN

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS3DDA59565 2013 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 127,584 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) Truck 1FD8W3DT3BEC95698 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 19,101 68,551.10$ AO

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS1EDA41079 2014 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 136,970 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS8EDA83619 2014 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 138,641 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS7EDB10857 2014 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 112,761 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS2GDC10965 2016 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 76,516 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS0GDC41129 2016 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 67,617 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS9GDC53456 2016 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 69,309 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDEE3FL2GDC12374 2016 Eldorado National Yes No 5311 45,593 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) Truck 2GNFLFE39G6194074 2016 Gmc Yes No 5311 13,437 68,551.10$ AO

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS8HDC37802 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 29,117 64,081.60$ CU

South East Area Transit (SEAT) LTV 1FDFE4FS1HDC37804 2017 Eldorado National Yes Yes 5339b 29,808 64,081.60$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDEE35P89DA21291 2009 Ford Motor Corporation No No 5307 99,630 -$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDFE4FP0A39653 2010 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5308 99,630 64,081.60$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDFE4FS8BDA45559 2011 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5308 110,862 64,081.60$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDFE4FS7CDA19181 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5308 105,521 64,081.60$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDEE3FL7CDA92999 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5307 148,514 64,081.60$ CU

Washington County/Community Action Bus Lines (CABL) LTV 1FDEE3FL5EDA72723 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5307 58,536 64,081.60$ CU

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2D4RN3DGXBR753371 2011 dodge Division Yes No 5311 240,145 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG7CR231745 2012 dodge Division Yes No 5311 162,205 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG5DR746292 2013 dodge Division Yes No 5311 188,348 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C4RDGBG9DR746294 2013 dodge Division Yes No 5311 182,988 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FLXCDA94519 2012 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 172,443 48,445.10$ CU

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG1ER254821 2014 dodge Division Yes No 5311 127,799 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBXER254820 2014 dodge Division Yes No 5311 121,173 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL7DDB3620 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 131,575 48,445.10$ CU

Wilmington Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL7DDB36419 2013 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 133,689 48,445.10$ CU

Wilmington Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL3EDA72087 2014 Chevrolet Motor Division - GMC Yes No 5311 128,493 48,445.10$ CU

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR171325 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 56,122 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBGXGR171326 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 73,986 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR195519 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 72,592 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG9GR202940 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5311 51,817 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System LTN 1FDEE3FL3FDA36742 2015 Ford Motor Corporation Yes No 5311 107,071 48,445.10$ CU

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202847 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5010 75,399 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG8GR202864 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5310 75,084 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR202874 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5310 73,749 39,021.40$ VN

Wilmington Transit System MMV 2C7WDGBG0GR202888 2016 dodge Division Yes No 5310 79,522 39,021.40$ VN

WSOS Community Action Commission MMV 2C7WDGBG2ER319563 2014 BRAUN/DODGE Yes No 5337 76,552 39,021.40$ VN

WSOS Community Action Commission MMV 57WMD1A69EM100205 2014 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 44,278 39,021.40$ VN

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FL7EDA72089 2014 Advanced Bus Industries Yes No 5311 141,045 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FS1FDA10649 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 105,841 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FS1FDA10650 2015 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 114,952 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission MMV 57WMD2A65EM102300 2014 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5311 29,633 39,021.40$ VN

WSOS Community Action Commission MMV 57WMD2C64FM100052 2015 Mobility Ventures Yes No 5311 20,258 39,021.40$ VN

WSOS Community Action Commission LTN 1FDEE3FL7GDC32104 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 76,475 48,445.10$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTN 1FDEE3FL9GDC32105 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 82,737 48,445.10$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTN 57WMD2C68GM100329 2016 Goshen Coach Yes No 5311 11,574 48,445.10$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FS8HDC10220 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339(b) 49,350 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FSXHDC10221 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5339 45,863 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTN 1FDEE3FS5HDC26441 2017 Goshen Coach Yes Yes 5311 42,233 48,445.10$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTV 1FDEE3FS4HDC70883 2017 Starcraft Yes Yes 5339(b) 1,251 64,081.60$ CU

WSOS Community Action Commission LTN 1FDEE3FS8JDC01538 2018 Starcraft Yes Yes 5339(b) 1,094 48,445.10$ CU

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Appendix C - Facilities Condition Rating Sheets

NAME Carroll County Transit

ADDRESS 2205 Commerce Drive Carrollton OH




FUNCTION Administrative

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement N/A

Superstructure/structural frame 5

Roof 4

Exterior 5

Shell appurtenances 5

Partitions 4

Stairs N/A

Finishes 4

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 4

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 3 sewage smell in bathroom

Rain Water Drainage 2 water leakage on the back wall

Energy Supply 4

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 4

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 5

Chimneys and vents 4 birds in vents

Sprinklers 2

Standpipes 2

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 5

Electrical Service and Distribution 5

Lighting and branch wiring 4

Communications and security 4

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment 4 4.00 1 4.00

Roadways/driveways 4

Parking lots 4

Pedestrian areas N/A

Site development 5

Landscaping and irrigation 5

Site utiltities 4

3.99 1.08 3.61


A. Substructure 4.00 1 4.00

B. Shell 4.75 1 4.75

C. Interiors 4.00 1 4.00

D. Conveyance N/A 1 N/A

E. Plumbing 3.25 1.25 4.06

F. HVAC 4.25 1.5 6.38

Overall Facility Rating

G. Fire Protection 3.00 1 3.00

H. Electrical 4.25 1 4.25

J. Site 4.40 1 4.40


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NAME Community Action Rural Transit System

ADDRESS 7880 Lincole Place Lisbon, OH




FUNCTION Administrative and Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 3

Basement N/A

Superstructure/structural frame 4

Roof 4

Exterior 4

Shell appurtenances 3

Partitions 4

Stairs N/A

Finishes 4

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 4

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 4

Rain Water Drainage 2 Flooding has occurred in the past year

Energy Supply 4

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 3

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 4

Chimneys and vents 4

Sprinklers 2 None present

Standpipes 2 None present

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 4

Electrical Service and Distribution 4

Lighting and branch wiring 4

Communications and security 4

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment 3 3.00 1 3.00

Roadways/driveways 2 Poor signage

Parking lots 3

Pedestrian areas 3

Site development 4

Landscaping and irrigation 3

Site utiltities 3

3.41 1.08 3.43


A. Substructure 3.00 1 3.00

B. Shell 3.75 1 3.75

C. Interiors 4.00 1 4.00

D. Conveyance N/A N/A N/A

E. Plumbing 3.50 1.25 4.38

F. HVAC 3.75 1.5 5.63

Overall Facility Rating

G. Fire Protection 2.67 1 2.67

H. Electrical 4.00 1 4.00

J. Site 3.00 1 3.00


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NAME Knox Area Transit Office

ADDRESS 25 Columbus Rd Mt Vernon, OH




FUNCTION Administration and Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 3

Basement N/A No basement

Superstructure/structural frame 3

Roof 3

Exterior 3

Shell appurtenances 3

Partitions 4

Stairs 4

Finishes 4

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 3

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 4

Rain Water Drainage 3

Energy Supply 4

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 3

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 3

Chimneys and vents 3

Sprinklers 2 No sprinklers

Standpipes 2 No standpipes

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 4 Fire alarm is present; firewall between garage and office

Electrical Service and Distribution 4

Lighting and branch wiring 3

Communications and security 4

Other electrical systems 3

I. Equipment Equipment 2 2.00 1 2.00

Roadways/driveways 2

Parking lots 2

Pedestrian areas 2

Site development 4

Landscaping and irrigation 4

Site utiltities 1 Lighting outside needs immediate replacement

3.05 1.08 3.07








J. Site

A. Substructure

B. Shell

C. Interiors

D. Conveyance


E. Plumbing


G. Fire Protection

H. Electrical












Overall Facility Rating











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NAME Marion County Transit Center

ADDRESS 137 S State St Marion, OH




FUNCTION Administration and Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement 4

Superstructure/structural frame 4

Roof 4

Exterior 5

Shell appurtenances 5

Partitions 4

Stairs 4

Finishes 3

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 4

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 2

Rain Water Drainage 4

Energy Supply 2

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 2

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 3

Chimneys and vents 4

Sprinklers 2 No sprinklers

Standpipes 2 No standpipes

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 4

Electrical Service and Distribution 3

Lighting and branch wiring 4

Communications and security 5

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment N/A N/A N/A N/A

Roadways/driveways 4

Parking lots 4

Pedestrian areas 5

Site development 5

Landscaping and irrigation 5

Site utiltities N/A

3.71 1.09 3.65


A. Substructure 4.00

B. Shell 4.50

C. Interiors 3.67

D. Conveyance N/A

E. Plumbing 3.50

F. HVAC 2.75


Overall Facility Rating

1 4.00

1 4.50

1 3.67


G. Fire Protection 2.67

H. Electrical 4.00

J. Site 4.60

1 4.00

1 4.60

1.25 4.38

1.5 4.13

1 2.67

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NAME Marion County Transit Center

ADDRESS 137 S State St Marion, OH




FUNCTION Passenger Facility

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement 4

Superstructure/structural frame 4

Roof 3

Exterior 5

Shell appurtenances 5

Partitions 4

Stairs 4

Finishes 5

Passenger Areas 4 Outside sheltered platforms and benches under a canopy were rated

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 5

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 2

Rain Water Drainage 4

Energy Supply 5

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 5

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 5

Chimneys and vents 4

Sprinklers 2 No sprinklers

Standpipes 2 No standpipes

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 4

Electrical Service and Distribution 3

Lighting and branch wiring 4

Communications and security 5

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment N/A N/A N/A N/A

Roadways/driveways 5

Parking lots 5

Pedestrian areas 5

Site development 5

Landscaping and irrigation 5

Site utiltities N/A

4.08 1.11 4.11


A. Substructure 4.00

B. Shell 4.25

C. Interiors 4.25

D. Conveyance N/A

E. Plumbing 3.75

F. HVAC 4.75


Overall Facility Rating

1 4.00

1 4.25

1 4.25


G. Fire Protection 2.67

H. Electrical 4.00

J. Site 5.00

1 4.00

1 5.00

1.25 4.69

1.5 7.13

1 2.67

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VERSION 1.0 67

NAME Shelby Public Transit

ADDRESS 413 S Vandemark Rd Sidney, OH




FUNCTION Administrative and Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement N/A

Superstructure/structural frame 4

Roof 4

Exterior 3 Bee infestation on several windows; peeling paint/rust on some doors

Shell appurtenances 4

Partitions 4

Stairs N/A

Finishes 4

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 4

Water Supply 4

Sanitary Waste 4

Rain Water Drainage 4

Energy Supply 4

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 4

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 3 No temperature control for hot/cold

Chimneys and vents 4

Sprinklers 4

Standpipes 4

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 5 Next door to fire station!

Electrical Service and Distribution 4

Lighting and branch wiring 4

Communications and security 5 Redone 2 months ago

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment 4 4.00 1 0.00

Roadways/driveways 3 Roadways and driveways show divots and puddling

Parking lots 4

Pedestrian areas 4

Site development 4

Landscaping and irrigation 4

Site utiltities 4

3.99 1.08 3.98


A. Substructure 4.00 1 4.00

B. Shell 3.75 1 3.75

C. Interiors 4.00 1 4.00

D. Conveyance N/A N/A N/A

E. Plumbing 4.00 1.25 5.00

F. HVAC 3.75 1.5 5.63

Overall Facility Rating

G. Fire Protection 4.33 1 4.33

H. Electrical 4.25 1 4.25

J. Site 3.83 1 3.83


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NAME Transportation for Logan County (TLC)

ADDRESS 315 W. Auburn Ave. Bellefontaine, Ohio




FUNCTION Administrative and Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement N/A

Superstructure/structural frame 3 Holes in wall

Roof 3 Holes in gutters

Exterior 3 Flashing is ripping

Shell appurtenances 3

Partitions 1 flooded out

Stairs N/A

Finishes 1

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 1 No water pressure for hot water;

Water Supply 1 Hot water doesn't run

Sanitary Waste 2 some toilets non functional

Rain Water Drainage 1 Massive flood a year ago

Energy Supply 4

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 4

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 4

Chimneys and vents 4

Sprinklers 4

Standpipes 3 Some rusting and wear on standpipes

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 4

Electrical Service and Distribution 1 Exposed wiring everywhere; motion sensor lights sluggish

Lighting and branch wiring 1 Exposed wiring everywhere

Communications and security 2 Phones not on

Other electrical systems 4

I. Equipment Equipment 4 4.00 1 4.00

Roadways/driveways 4

Parking lots 4

Pedestrian areas 4

Site development 4

Landscaping and irrigation 1

Site utiltities 2 Water getting in to some lights on building

2.90 1.08 2.91


A. Substructure 4.00 1 4.00

B. Shell 3.00 1 3.00

C. Interiors 1.00 1 1.00

D. Conveyance N/A N/A N/A

E. Plumbing 1.25 1.25 1.56

F. HVAC 4.00 1.5 6.00

Overall Facility Rating

G. Fire Protection 3.67 1 3.67

H. Electrical 2.00 1 2.00

J. Site 3.17 1 3.17


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VERSION 1.0 69

NAME Transportation for Logan County (TLC) Outbuilding

ADDRESS 315 W. Auburn Ave. Bellefontaine, Ohio




FUNCTION Maintenance

PRIMARY LEVEL SECONDARY ASSESSMENT Rating Primary Level Rating Weight Weighted Rating Note

Foundation 4

Basement N/A

Superstructure/structural frame 4

Roof 3

Exterior 4

Shell appurtenances 4

Partitions 1 Falling apart

Stairs N/A

Finishes 1

Elevators N/A

Escalators N/A

Lifts N/A

Fixtures 1 All of this broken and non functional

Water Supply 1

Sanitary Waste 1

Rain Water Drainage 1

Energy Supply 1 Not working

Heating/cooling generation and distribution systems 1

Testing, balancing, controls, instrumentation 1

Chimneys and vents 1

Sprinklers 1 No fire protection

Standpipes 1

Hydrants and other fire protection specialties 1

Electrical Service and Distribution 1 Power not on because of unknown flood damage

Lighting and branch wiring 1

Communications and security N/A

Other electrical systems N/A

I. Equipment Equipment N/A N/A N/A N/A

Roadways/driveways 4

Parking lots 4

Pedestrian areas 4

Site development 4

Landscaping and irrigation 1

Site utiltities 2

1.99 1.09 1.90


A. Substructure 4.00 1 4.00

B. Shell 3.75 1 3.75

C. Interiors 1.00 1 1.00

D. Conveyance N/A N/A N/A

E. Plumbing 1.00 1.25 1.25

F. HVAC 1.00 1.5 1.50

Overall Facility Rating

G. Fire Protection 1.00 1 1.00

H. Electrical 1.00 1 1.00

J. Site 3.17 1 3.17


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Appendix D – ODOT’s Compliance with the TAM Final Rule Checklist The following checklist is for recipients and subrecipients of Federal financial assistance that own, operate, or manage capital assets in the provision of public transportation. To determine which of these provisions apply to your agency, use the Am I a Tier I or Tier II agency? Group Plan Sponsor, and Group Plan Participant checklists from the FTA. For questions about applicability and requirements of the TAM rule not addressed in this checklist, please see the TAM FAQs from the FTA.

Tier I and Tier II recipients and Group Plan Sponsors Complete? Page #

1. Do I have a TAM plan that covers a four year period? 35

2. Was the TAM plan updated within the last four years? 3

3. Do I have a TAM plan that includes all of the required elements? (Tier I providers and group plan sponsors, see applicable sections.)

a. An asset inventory for all assets used in the provision of public transportation, including those owned by third parties?


b. A condition assessment of all assets in my asset inventory for which I have direct capital responsibility?


c. An investment prioritization that: 62-69

• Ranks projects to improve or manage the state of good repair over the horizon period,

• Includes all capital assets for which I have direct capital responsibility, and

• Is at the asset class level

d. Did I document the analytical processes and decision support tools used in developing my TAM plan?


4. Do I have documentation that I calculated performance for:

Equipment (non-revenue service vehicles, support-service and maintenance vehicles equipment): the percentage of those vehicles that have either met or exceeded their ULB for all assets for which I have direct capital responsibility.


Rolling Stock: the percentage of revenue vehicles by vehicle type that have either met or exceeded their ULB for all assets for which I have direct capital responsibility.


Infrastructure (rail fixed-guideway, track, signals, and systems): the percentage of track segments with performance restrictions for all assets for which I have direct capital responsibility.


Facilities: the percentage of facilities within an asset group rated below condition 3 on the TERM scale for all assets for which I have direct capital responsibility


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5. Do I have documentation that I set performance targets annually to project the following fiscal year for:

• Equipment 31-32

• Rolling Stock 31-32

• Infrastructure N/A

• Facilities 31-32

6. Did I make my TAM plan, any supporting records or documents, performance targets, investment strategies, and the annual condition assessment report available to the State and/or MPO that provides my funding?


Group Plan Sponsors

The below questions relate to all assets in a group plan inventory which include all participants’ assets.

7. Did I create a group plan for participants that meets the associated requirements?

a. Does the group plan include a list of participants? 25-26

b. Have I ensured that each participant is included in only one group plan?


c. Have I received and maintained documentation of opt-outs?

d. Have I received all necessary and relevant information from participants?

e. Have I coordinated the TAM plan development process with all participants’ Accountable Executives?


f. Have I made the plan available in an easily accessible format to participants?

g. Do I have documentation that I set unified performance targets annually to project the following fiscal year that covers all assets in the group plan inventory?


h. Did I make my sponsored Group TAM documents available to the State and/or MPO that provides funding to any of my group plan participants?

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End of Document