oil olive production

The company we visited is located in a small town in the south of Sicily. In this area there are many olive trees and there is a great production of olive oil. The Italian team is going to show you all the steps to produce olive oil, that is one of the main productions of our land and it is well known all over the world for its superb taste.

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Oil olive production

The company we visited is located in a small town in the south of Sicily. In this area there are many olive trees and there is a great production of olive oil.

The Italian team is going to show you all the steps to produce olive oil, that is one of the main productions of our land and it is well known all over the world for its superb taste.

Page 2: Oil olive production


Olives are harvested in the autumn and winter. Green olives are picked at the end of September to about the middle of November. Blond olives are picked from the middle of October to the end of November and Black olives are collected from the middle of November to the end of January or early February. Most olives today are harvested by shaking the boughs or the whole tree. Another method involves standing on a ladder and "milking" the olives into a sack tied around the harvester's waist. Another method uses an electric tool, the “oliviera”, that has large tongs that spin around quickly, removing the fruit from the tree.

Page 3: Oil olive production

Olive oil

Olive oil is a fruit oil obtained from the olive (Olea europaea; family Oleaceae), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin. It is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and soaps and as a fuel for traditional oil lamps.

Olive oil is used throughout the world, but especially in the Mediterranean.Over 750 million olive trees are cultivated worldwide, 95% of which are in the Mediterranean region.

Page 4: Oil olive production

Different kinds of olives

La Biancolilla

L’Ogliarola Messinese

La Cerasuola

La Nocellara del Belice

La Moresca

La Nocellara Etnea

La Tonda Iblea

La Santagatese Sicily produces differend kinds of olives more than any other Mediterranean country

Page 5: Oil olive production

From the fruit to the bottle

100 kg of olives make 20 kg of oil

Page 6: Oil olive production

Olive oil production

Company in Sicily

Page 7: Oil olive production

First step of the production

The oil production starts here, in this machine called “tramolina di carico”, where the olives are put inside. They go through the machine and into a wagon.

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Second step

This is the wagon that carries the olives to another special machine in order to clean them from their leaves.

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Third step

Here the olives are washed with jets of warm water and sent to a machine called “tranciatore a martello” where a hammer crashes the stones of the olives.

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Fourth step

Through steel pipes the olives are sent in the “coclea”, where a turning spiral smashes them creating a paste.

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Fifth step

This machine is called “Decanter” or separator with orizontal axis. It separates the oil in two parts: the oil that still contains water from olive residues.

This is a separator with vertical axis that separates the good oil from the water it contains.

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These are steel containers that perserve the oil produced by the company.

These containers are used to perserve the olives

Page 13: Oil olive production

This is an old oil millstone, used in the past to crash olives.

Page 14: Oil olive production

The UE produces the 80% of olive oil in the world.Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal are the major producers in Europe, but there are also Tunisia, Turkey, Syria and Morocco.The olive oil is very precious in the countries that have an old tradition in planting olives.In the UE the major consumers of olive oil are Italy (40%), Spain (30%), and Greece (14%), France (5%), England (2%) and Germany (2%)

The market of olive oil in the world

Page 15: Oil olive production







M ajo r co n su m ers o f o live o il inth e w o rld

U.S .A .



Page 16: Oil olive production











Sp ain

G reece

F ran ce

Un itedKin g d o m

G erm an y

Consumers of Olive oil in Europe

Page 17: Oil olive production










P roduction o f o liv e o il in Italy

C enter


N ord

Page 18: Oil olive production

Position (average 2003 -2006)

Region(Quintal in

2006)(Quintal in


(Quintal in 2004)

(Quintal in 2003)

1°(tot. 9.559.216) Puglia 1.914.535 2.458.396 2.678.201 2.508.084

2°(tot. 9.209.827) Calabria 2.080.943 2.136.968 2.998.362 1.993.554

3°(tot. 2.091.148) Sicily 488.027 537.142 495.958 570.0214°(tot. 1.498.725) Campania 338.591 391.355 415.425 353.354

5°(tot. 1.014.846) Lazio 248.514 219.193 353.295 193.844

6°(tot. 913.891) Abruzzo 204.717 235.437 230.676 243.061

7°(tot. 718.740) Toscana 171.205 161.749 275.858 109.928

8°(tot. 428.823) Umbria 138.602 87.660 168.403 34.158

9°(tot. 344.680) Sardegna 86.422 89.667 81.618 86.973

10°(tot. 258.892) Basilicata 65.289 73.320 60.069 60.214

11°(tot. 220.626) Molise 57.200 57.200 57.200 49.026

12°(tot. 176.550) Liguria 44.748 40.624 55.273 35.905

13°(tot. 156.691) Marche 38.253 32.985 47.040 38.413

14°(tot. 53.106) Veneto 13.353 15.244 12.525 11.984

15°(tot. 33.960) Emilia-Romagna 9.979 10.178 6.868 6.935

16°(tot. 25.232) Lombardia 7.228 6.804 6.324 6.935

17°(tot. 7.694) Trentino-Alto Adige

2.140 2.578 1.431 1.545

18°(tot. 3.421) Friuli V. G. 938 835 1.008 640

19°(tot. 217) Piemonte 77 74 57 9

Production in Italy

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Differen t kin d s o f o livesp ro d u ced in S icily

L a B ian co lilla

No cellara d elBelice

Og liaro laM essin ese

Cesaru o la

No cellaraE tn ea

M o resca

T o n d a Ib lea

San tag atese

M in u ta

Page 20: Oil olive production


Feed the plant every year and cut lightly every two years, before olives start growing

Do the necessary chemical treatments to obtain good olives After treatments, wait for the right length of time before

picking them up Pick up the olives when they reach the 50% of maturity, that is

when half of them becomes violet in colour Avoid olive damage while picking them up Don’t pick olives from the ground Use wooden boxes to transport them Press olives within 48 hours since their harvesting Press olives with a small amount of water at low temperature Save oil in steel containers in a cool place

Page 21: Oil olive production

…And… after all this talking we thought maybe you wanted to taste our special oil…so…

Enjoy yourself!!!