ok fellows program

2008 - C. G. O’Kelly Library, Winston-Salem State University

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May L. Rodney, Winston Salem State, OK Scholar's Institute


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2008 -

C. G. O’Kelly Library, Winston-Salem State University

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Mae L. Rodney

• Winston-Salem State


• Director of Library

Services 1983

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O’K Scholars

• Title III grant for 2008-2012

– Stipend for 40 faculty members to participate


– Consultants to offer instruction services

• Faculty

• Librarians

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Mission statement

• O’Kelly Fellow Institute will provide faculty

members relevant information about

combining effective teaching strategies,

library resources and services to

accomplish the goal of producing

information literate graduates

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• At least one-third of the full-time faculty will participate in the institute by 2012

• All instructional disciplines will be represented in the institute

• Sufficient disciplines will be represented to ensure that students will have information literacy learning experiences across the curriculum which will help the university produce information literate graduates

• Document the impact of the experience on the library, faculty and students

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Components of the program

• Overview of the Institute things faculty should do and know: fill out

papers, assessment forms; O’K Fellows Libguides, develop library assignment

• Redesigning library assignments experience (consultant)

• Modifying class assignments: one on one session

• Reviewing collections, resources and services looking at the collection with the assignment in mind - online catalog, electronic resources, Libguides

• Building librarian and faculty collaboration librarians

work with faculty to select the best databases and offer suggestions to improve assignments that lead to students using library resources

• Developing assignment strategies librarians continue to

offer suggestions about what works, having stages, chunks in the assignments

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Additional segments

• Attacking plagiarism - lively discussion

• Reviewing information literacy sessions (new

perspective on instruction as it relates to new assignment)

• Introducing media production services - new

types of assignments using media and research

• Reflections from previous participants - experience working with librarians, quality of assignments, revisions are part of the process and

students reactions

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Additional learning experiences

• Readings about information literacy

• Web site on Plagiarism ( strategies for combating,Turnitin.com)

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• Introduction to


• Readings about

librarian and faculty


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• New full-time faculty members

• Full time faculty members all disciplines

• Full time faculty who teach research and


• Faculty members involved in the SACS

QEP – writing across the curriculum effort • 25% of QEP cohort have graduated from the institute

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Recruitment/marketing strategies

• Send invitations to faculty members

• Ask department chair persons to recommend potential participants

• Request library liaisons to recommend participants

• Make presentations to academic council

• Identify faculty members who teach writing/ research courses – invitations

• Recommendations by past participants

• Post information on LCD panels & library website

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Presenting Certificate and Medallion

–English Composition Coordinator

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O’K Fellows’ promo

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Admission to the Program

• Faculty members are invited to participate

– New faculty members

– Faculty members who teach research/writing


– English Composition Coordinator

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Requirements of the Program

• Must attend a two day workshop

• Select an information literacy skill students should develop (locate, evaluate and use information)

• Modify a library assignment to include:

– Consultation with a librarian

– Library instruction session (s)

– Students have interventions with a librarian

– Students use electronic resources

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The Workshop

• Opportunity to understand information

literacy (readings)

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The Workshop

• Participate in active

learning experiences

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• Discuss library


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• Become better

acquainted with

resources and


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Consultation With Librarian


• Faculty members can receive suggestions

from librarians regarding what aspect of

the assignment will work

• What requirements should be modified

because of resources or the number of

persons within a class

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Comments from Faculty

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Library Instruction Sessions

• Using electronic resources

• Writing term papers

• Avoiding plagiarism

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After the instruction session

• Librarians begin

working with the

students • Make an appointment

• Keep the appointment

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Intervention (Student)

• Librarians assist students with

– Understanding the


– Selecting the best

database to use

– Refining search strategies

– Choosing the best


– Occasionally reviewing

topic outlines

– Using style guides

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Student comments

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Impact of the program on library


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2006-07 2007-08 2008-09


Library Instruction

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2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Faculty Consultation and Contacts

Faculty Consultations and Contacts

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2007-08 2008-09

Student Consultations and Contact

Student Consultations and Contacts

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11,773 11,496








2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Reference Desks

Reference Desks

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2006-07 2007-08 2008-09

Electronic Database Searches

Database Searches

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Outcomes -direct

• Faculty members acquire a better appreciation

of library services and resources

• Students will be information literate

• Library resources and services are utilized to

complete assignments

• Students correctly use citation style guides in

their written assignments in progress

• Plagiarism is reduced in written assignments in progress

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Number of participants

• Who continue to utilize the O’K Fellows

experience is over 60 percent.

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• Faculty member who have not

participated in the program are requesting

library instruction sessions

• More respect for individuals’

responsibilities in instruction

• Hire a Coordinator for the Institute

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Indirect outcome

• Master Teacher Librarian certification


• Workshop for Writing Center Tutors

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Other outcomes

• Some faculty members saw a decline in


• Some faculty members offered sufficient library

experiences and interventions within their

classes that students’ writing did improve

• The Writing Center plays an integral role in the

writing experience

• Faculty members learned more about library and

campus services available to help students

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Other outcomes

• Master librarian/teacher program

– Presentation skills

– Electronic resources

– Active learning presentation

• Apprentice reference librarian

• Seeking ways to incorporate the requirements in all English composition classes

• Developing assessment tool for students

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Other outcomes

• Students feel they are now ready for

graduate school

• Students become aware of services

librarians provide

• Students and faculty members know

librarians’ names

• Faculty are saying to librarians let’s write

an article

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Master teacher librarian

• Quality researcher (look and look so more)

• Knowledgeable researcher (databases)

• Excellent communicator

• Skills to organize and present information

• Know the exact information needed for the


• Customer friendly

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Librarians comments

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Impact on written assignments

• Faculty members are modifying their


• Clearer directions and specific

expectations are being provided

• Faculty are beginning to understand

students’ writing issues and assignments

are being made to counter those problems

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Student comments

• Students are reporting to faculty members

they are now ready for graduate school

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Communication between


• Let’s Stay in Touch

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Relation to QEP


• Develop writing skills

• Writing assignments

in all courses

• O’K Scholars

• faculty develop quality

writing assignments

• Identify steps and

achievement levels

• Include bench marks

– Seeking assistance

– Type of information


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Points Learned

• Keep institute class size small (human touch students and


– Number of faculty members requesting library

instruction and the number of sessions


– The time required to consult with faculty


– The interventions required by students

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Points Learned

• Keep librarians’ knowledge and

techniques fresh

– Electronic resources

– Teaching and presentation skills

– Research skills

• Communication among the team is


• Expect librarians to be friendly

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O’K Scholars is our future!

• We must create a place for the library

within students’ learning process

• Our competition is winning! my space,


• Faculty members need assistance!

• Students need assistance!

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Learning and Teaching is Hard


• Repetition

• Repetition is imperative

• Start quality library assignments early in

the curriculum

• Students must consistently be required to

use library resources in all disciplines

• No one can allow Wikipedia into their

written assignments

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Research opportunities

• Compare students performance

– Students who followed the guidelines

– Individuals who did not

– Students who did not receive instruction and


– Impact of student perceptions of libraries and

the actual use of library services

– Librarian faculty collaboration and students’

response to library assignments

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• Finding a time to offer the institute

• Finding a way to pay the faculty.

• Dealing with the large number of classes being requested in September & October

• Rising need for larger and more instructional sites

• Getting faculty and students to schedule consultations throughout semester vs last minute

• Reaching groups that really need the experience

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Bibliography - Readings

exemplary programs." Raspa, Dick and Dane Ward. The Collaborative

imperative: librarians and faculty working together in the information

universe. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2000.

39-60, 64-71.

Collaborations." Resource Sharing & Information Networks 17.1/2 (Mar.

2004): 5-17.

Walter, Scott, et al. "Case Studies in Collaboration: Lessons from five

Dewey, Barbara I. "The Embedded Librarian: Strategic Campus

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• Will faculty members stop coming if we do

not provide the stipend?

• How many classes are offered during the

busiest period of the semester?

• How many persons are on the instruction
